HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-08-06, Page 3meseeeseeereetwaigemeggineemsegget
i. OF SOAP .
ales of Comfort
ettongli soap th
feet high and
Tifnk of
completely sur-.
e of 71`c
erd "untfermity" ap-
ful fee:luta:Awl for
y find it needful
Idea 'least they tre
Ilnloniste, on their
▪ y interest in mile
the Basle of Union
,r.congrzegations now in ox-
,4gl1t te retain unchangea
'tattoos in the management
to whieli they have he-
"oniformity 14 of no cone
!is the bounden duty of
tan to prees towards the
-fellowshipwith this broth-,
it. and therefore., to ene
ft rill of every hindrance
-ship. Can it be doubted
e ational barriers are a.
-,:vidently they make, not
and harmony - which
4 say they desire. but for
trigement. Ilesunderetancl-
erise when interests are
...tdee many of -us 'do not
,Ilow-Christians and our
_largely _dee to dertorninae
felleevehip is moat de -
•:,o is effectiveness in Chris=
The Chureh thould re-
evel d that. even In
earasa at war -with
nineteen full centuries
evil wields stupendous
just, as a cauntry at war
Tamize its resources ae
realizes that the conflict
o the Chunch j tndeav-
as tvetl. as Canada,
- efforts, eeenuse ele?, be-
Otead the Immensity of
jdttas:c.Li pr ;en of
'eaduct mcneter which the
ices, many or her internal
ank into, utter insignific-
Intimated Freebyterian
Jnion _took forward hope -
vote soon to be taken
rch. The vote taken some
is not eoneidered decieive.
thzre the voted 37 per
. membership, while 17 per
et the other rids. For the
sis there voted 27 percent.
ailenists-remind as in their
else say that the Opp041.-
arg.:? and :strong" bet in
telightful modesty they do,
eha.t it lacked only a lite
eeat. One they howevar,
thie ye ee the lint= votn
a heavier': The Anti-unien.-
L' le pre:nit:ails every Pree-
minietere wha favor Union
.'•ty. This le geed news and
.f.ent -if true. lor enie t9
:aqt of 70 voted for Union
,uestioe wae. ,submitted to
. And the rews may *ell
the AS its mbiy- of this year
the re.-ised 13esis by the
e of 368 to 74. Serie, ma3r
ler aperoval beaus e It al --
hat the quentaa was to
te the ehuren,
voted against, aperovai
year dld net seem ta
.0 time to ,send it to the
172t,t' may, tleerefern
,Index of the eentirritnt
aniets mention th... hook-
r•Cht.:cli Unien An Op -
a Duty." Frieads .of
rby invited 1:3 nd for
a then:
Ti' Unina cane
eat d by Pr: eicleat,:.
e rray Priacipels Garditor
acin Prof. Kilpatri:k and
eekay Dr. Clark cf Cal -
r. MaeCregor ef Landon.
tim boeleiet thenwill
bY De. lqurd Mac-
anan. These are names
-..ight with every intete
eterian. Lot v ry voter
viewe erith aa open mind
.st desire to' advanee the
.3 28th., 1915.
t of time over
Jellies and
if you use
,PATH Sugar
r preserving,
0, A. BOGERT, General fvia'nager.
rrhi. Bahl,: Offers arniers
acomplete and satisfactory hankie; Sersice.
Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, andasdvances made
on etich ooteso reasonable rates.
The Savtngs Department is a. safe and,convententdepository
tor your money. Interest at current :Os is paid len deposits of
one dollar and upwarde.
One dollar opens an account bkthe.Savines Departinent.
SEAFORTH BRANCH :"-A. E. COL 014 Vanagei.
ttran Examsttr
Distill= stimulants
Good Advioe.--An exchange saye;
`'Let a young men at twenty years ,of
.age at twenty 'dollar -a At interest, in-
•ntead tfkeXPelliAtne it for tobacco-, then
the haeghining of the- next year re.
peat it, and. inamele Also the prieleiple,
and interest of the TireCeding Yeaaa
end :thus continuo to do from 'ear to
'year, untilhe shall 4ave reached the
-ifkga of seventy; the amount he ,woutd
realize eirguld., exceed thirty _thousand
)doilartS. How many of Our young men
yriti try it." There are few young men
'Oink liave their health and steady em-
pxyement who could not lay by twenty
edoilars a month if they would. and .be
none*the worse, bat much the betthr
for it and in this way, provide for 0.a great intere.$ in ;good horses .and
competency in cd age. Even it they • cattle and was-lknawn throughoat the
was called •awa,
at fate age of 8
He hadt !been
biYat twoakears
last zUhristrnas•
kept 'about, dr
weeks prim toa
was the e4co4
said ileespaet
Argy leshir
ty Ontario.
lobated 1 Gre
curing fine far
'Oancession, (vitt
ly. Shay years
the Greet Beyond,
ears an4'10
ailing health' ,tor a-
, noticeably so since
utf with geed, pluck ;he
g to Bruaseis two
»is demise. Deceased
a of the 'late Arch,
of the, Isle of
nd, wad Was born
shile Lanark Coun-
am° Westward_ and
afenship in 1853, sea
eroperty o -n the ,14th
e:he lived eontinuous-
-Argot he was ,united in
marriage witI' i1as Sarati'Lamekt,
so of this toW4ehip, exid they made
for themselves Aliconifortable home by
patience,tindost 'yt and thrift. Mrs. S10 -
Nell passedt
ago. Nine childr
The ica.ese icyf
canc,er Of the st
r reward two yeare
were born to them.
McNeirs death -wee.
'ache He always took
tb-U ,eountryside fa
only held by ten diallers a montia,
would heve a nice. snug sum coming ported. wa
*them in old age. Try if bo -yo , • the Cranbrook
held efficial post
se m t
. The Ido b...e n
the stallions he im-
a faithful. member or
Presbyterian church,
an for years and.was
om his pew when
Co-operative More Failure
MoTa,virle, part 2, hanoris; IA.. T. kl.
Mitchell, part 1; J. E. Nei1een„part-11
A. F. Netheroott, part 12; .E. 0' -
Brien 'part 11 ; W. iN. Orr, part -1, awith-
out biology.; R. E. Parker, part .1; E.,
F. Payne, part- . ; N. M. Perry, part ‘2,
without 'biology , •s,
. L. Sae, part 2'; M.
Ie*Iti'dleY, 'Part , V, 11. Riehl, part 4,
H. S. Soehner, part 1, honors; j. I.
Stewart, part 1; W. II. SWallSOn, part
2; ,J. J. Wacker, part 1, hcstors. .
Socks Acknowledged .
When, the *Women's Patriotic Society
of Canton, send aeva,y supplies they
generally put in the stocking, the -name
of keitters. One lady whita is now ai
her 73rd, year aeid who ihas len.lt over
16 'pairs of socks during the past w.nt-
ter, received. twa short letters from
the front, one trom Sergt. Snell, a
Huilett boy, seal of Xi. James Snail,
who is serving with the artillery ite
Pranee. )11r. Snell E'ays f -
Friday, Juiy 15th, 1915.
'failure of the M. iskolca Co-atiee ea Pe Every good caute
store should tend to' tsettle the question wcin. his friend'Y stipport. politics
t In' Libera,1 and he was
nd a helping ha.nd
ose n need. 1 -lo we a
els Lodge of 'United
whether storekeepers charge excessive. -
prieas for their wares. The Co -were-
ever ready to
tiv- store was the result of A strena- a neighbor or
eams 'canvass by a male. Who brolly be- merdber of Br
Workmeo. The funeral took ,pleee
sieved coeoperation te_W the panacea
of ail ills tha.t buyeV suffer, and Ii,s day afternoon, ;Interment being imade
in the faudly Efot in Cranbreak cemee
closIng aeoigarnent is natural. The
tery. tService wile conducted -by deceasr reasan far a co-operative store is
. 4-2tIzta ef prinee or a share, In rro- ed's imstiCii. Rept. J. le MeCulloch, aze-
fits. orhts stare did inot attempt to, ue. aisted, by Revs- Mr. .Wilson, and the
,iderseil, but was te divide the profits
amsng shareheiclere: Any merchant
could leave ted them that with the
small amouat of the neccesaeily
-Small hosinese and the iheavy expense
account there 'bawd never ,he profits to
ldivide. If stoeekeepers thought they
• were paying toe much for butter and
eggs and lamb -and veal and. hay ana
iciats, ,and were to' start a little mixed.
farm to grew their own. 'the result
-woutd be as disastrous.-Bracebridge
- '
1 "ROUGH ON RATS" -clears out Rats,
*Mice, etc. Don't" die in the house. 15e.
and 25e. at Drag and Country storee.
• Hullett.
`• A Summer Wedding. -At the home of
&Ir. John Sun.dercock of :the 8th con:
ceselon, on Wednesday of last week,
the marriage-taok place of his daugh-
ter, 1.1a WIneels, to „Mr.
eymou, of London, formerly of
Londeeboro. ancl a son or gr. Albert
Waymauthe The ceremony was per -
ford, by, Rev. C. C. Kahle, the wed-
dinemarch 'being played Mize Irene
Carter. The bridal couple stood under
an ere, of evergnext. =The bride, .who
-was given 'Away by her father, wore a
:pretty wedding gown of white mull
and shadow lace. After congratulations
ail sat down to; a siimptuoas wedding
luncheon and Mr. and avirs., Maymouth
left from Lendesbero on the afternoon
train ler their future ihome in London.
The bride's going 'away hostarne, was
a sand colored suit with which she
wore a w.hite silk waist. The many
friends aE 'both families unite in wish -
pig the newly wedded pair leng life
end prosperity.
pallbearers wer
ler, -W. Carnet,'
and James 'A4
large attend
p to a'hun
In the procesi
peefple who lecti,
pioneer Ways
: L. Muss, Zie.g-
, Wm. Knight, Nell
.5recNair. There was a
at the futheral, weft
d rigs being counted
. Very few of the
d in Grey township in
left 'bitt the, memory
of their integriitte hospitality land readi-
neas 'to 'help q4 another continues to
be a fra,grar4 remembrance.
The ifp
The foliovri
of all 'the .0
I Deceived a 'Stir of socks which you
knit And, 'take great pieasure in thank-
ing you for them, ehey sure are 10YR •
. The bays are all so' glad to get
r.oaks that are hand knit. We are hav-
ing it pretfy rough out here, but the
Canadians have been some good
work whieh I know We ladies at home
will be glad tei hese for I think they
are aavvay.s doing their @art, if they
eara do tanything in the trenclic,s they
Millie 40 it at ;home. Hoping you, will
ilve long after the Werldais Once more
at peace. Wishing yott *every sweetie,
• I reimainsex.yogut. se
ringee.re frienel,
( ,
Fallowing ie the other note received
Ly this patriotic July. It' wale written,
by (Wellandell, from thee0anad1an Re-
mount Depa,rtrnent, He says : 1 received,
a 'Pair eff lovely stockings to -day, and
enclosed was your 'note And a bar of
sap. I wish' to thank Istriavery much'
for sending the stockingt over Of
eouree it aa'ae• only luck that they cane
to this regiment and luckier still that
I tot them. ` , • t •
Wed, -there is not moth .news over
here, more than paper ,talk, whIeh of
coarse you. will see . yourself in the
Canadian papers. Hope you are well
and having good weather. -Thanking
you' again for yo tr !kindness to the -
poor saidte.re, • ,
School Exanas-
Lilist contains filenames
, idates in Huron and
Perth, .who Ilea* passed' ion 04e, or more
parts of the II.
for esitrance net
:cation at tint..H
and. Queen's tin
x.a,mination pa
each nettle. IL%
-wha passed
marks tof t
mailed to th' .p.4-ac1pals and inspectors
Tercel Doinge.-Miss Catherine Still-
tdon, of Toronto, is at present visiting
at the parental home. Mr. and Mr.
Thomas Stinson's of the Front -Road,
.-Mr. George Sherritt of Grand Bend,
ybrha has been visiting friereis in thia
ylcietty for a few days, returned home
in Wednesday lat.-Mr. Ralph Steph-
o_nsoat of the Parr Line, who has been
ybiting friends in Manitoba. has re-
turned home. -Mr. John McKenzie, son
Of 'Mr. R. McKenzie of this place, -who
left here a year or more ago to set-
tle in the Peace River District, Alberta,
Arid 'Wha while there became a member
Of the Northwest mounted police. has
*e'‘understand, enlisted for service
'at the front. John a's a clever young
Sean who deiights in adventure
ap.d, he is likely to get it. If he is
tipared to retorn from the war .l•le will
have had some wonderfea-expertencez.
a -Te garden party recently held here
!under the auspices of the Presbyterian
Pongregatian, was a gratifying ,suc-
teas, in every respect. There was a.
large attendance, people being present
from -considera.ble distances. The ladlee
Of tIs1 . eohgrcgation had made most
generous Preparations for the enter-
taining of their guests ,and although
tha attendance was larger than was
expected there was an abundance of
Lha 'Very best for all and baskets full
to spare. The music was furriished by
the Clinton Kitty band. The proceecia
erne/tinted to 1;1299.
1. The Departed. -Sarah Ann Savage.
beloved wife of William G. Armstrong.,
Passed away July 13th, in her 37th
year. Deceased had not ,enjoyed good
4 health for a number of years and a-
bout a month before her death 'heart
tallur,• aet in an developed into droet-
EtY which was: tb,e ultimate cause of
bar death. Mrs. Armstrong was born
On 4th line of -Grey township, 'being
• a daughter of the late John Savage
di was married to her now bereft
?partner 14 years ago. Those who are
left to matirn her death are .her hase
band and a son, and four *brothels.
1?4rs. Armstrong had oeen a faithful,
=ember lot the Anglican Church' for a
liuMber of years. The ,be-autifulwreath
that were planed on the casket isth;ow-
the high esteem in which, the dee
Darted. was held..a.fuch Symatathk exa
Dreed for those who are 'eft to
tdourn. the lees of a klnd -mother, 'a
*eying wife and a good neighbor.
••-,At ten. o'clock Friday last, July
laud: Lachlin McNeil, an old and ,welf
*Plan resIde.nt of the 14t11 coaceSSiOnj
r .School examination
the Faculties of Edu-
niversity of Taranto,
versity, Kingsten. The
ased is indicated After
certiflea.tes of those
the ;statements of
os4: who failed WIII
In idue neere,
The appea4 eittarniners have already
re -read the Icapiers af each candidate
whose markt- *road in former years
have justified, tan appeal. Where ,su.ch
candidate- has iietill failed his state -
meet of ma. ki -,Itill be tstamped As re-
read ,and av lerther appeals will be
allowed. In all other cases of failure
appeals will net be eefesed it mada
before Septe lear ist and accempaeued
by the tee -of ,!$2. In view of -Ali tha
precautions ta
unlikele that; su
Sussessful ca
,attend the le
Fatuity 00E434e/then must ;make aft-.
plication I tif 'Thai' ;11041 of the faculty at
the Lauver
may be ob
cation and
mation. T-
en% on Pot
Must be '
quired to
before Oe
A :Arch'
part 2; li
Bell, par
part 2,
n, however, it is most,
appeals would succeed.
idates Who desire to
thg session of eithei
.Every • Mather knoWS hoW fatal the
teat summer .thanthe are to eenall child-
ren. 'Cholera. infantum, diarrhoea, ,dys•-
entry.ahd _stomach troubles Are rife at
this time and often a- precious little
life is loat after Only a few hours'
ilineas. The -mather who keeps Baby's
Own- Tablets in the house feels safe..
The tocasional thee of the Tablets pre-
vents !stomach and bowel troubles, or
if truchle -cornee suddenly -as it gen-
erally- does --the Tablets, will ibring the
baby ,sately through. They tare sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at .,25 cents'
a box (from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
ty ``';,concerned. from -.whom
auettel, the terms of a.payli-
ell Other aleces-ea.ry infor --
se ion of the faculty dp-
r IIst, when all candidates
resent. Applicants are re:
e a least 19 years of ego
-bb'er lst.
aln,i1part 2; E. C. E Beacom,
. part 1; 3.
1, hOnarse J. J. Campbell,
itira4 Latin; E. M. Clark,
part '1.;tL uelcshank, part 1., hone
tars ; s. :part I.; R. E. %,Devaer;
part ;2; `.F. FIngland, part .1; -J. S.
Glovenlael, tart 2; J. M. Garvey, ,pa,r1
la; M. A. Gillthitach, part r; P. -Griffin,
fsart2; N, G.arrii*t, @art 12; E. Sa-Gray,
part 2 Si Ge t, part 33.• X. Howe.
utton, part 2; P. W.
. H,ess, -part 1; L.
2; Ea 'James, part .2 ;
rt 2; W. Y. Johnston,
. E. Kannedy, part 2,
D. 3. McOlinchey,
Gregor , out 2; E. R.
i; H. tlilicielleten; part 2,
history ;- G. G. Mac-
. H. MaclCay, part 2;
art 1; I. C.Mailough,
liaison, part 2; P. I.
E. D. Reid, part, 1; AS.
part 1;
Hoag, pa
C. Harve
. 0.
t 2;
5, -Pall
T. 'E. Jo ns,
part, 1 d 2;
without roiobog
part 1;
Manning, (part
without ode
Ewan, part 1;
S. J. Meeker
part 2.s N. NI
Patter, •
C,E. s
2; C. E.
withou t
1; L. /..3.
art 1;
art .1; A. 'L. Stewart, part 1;
ewart, . part .2; P. M. Taylor,
D. Me''. eder,son, part 2; R. af.
'l; A. G. Rintaul, part 1,
aigebr ; F. R. Perfect, part
Tali, I rt 2; M. Roes, tpart 1,
terat' e; R. B. Walker, part
Wasmann, tparit 1. --
Pioneer Preserving
(By Peter TyfeArthur.)
Who knows anything about pioneer
Metric -kis of pres2rving fruit? Our
grandmothers Put away their winter
rill -platy of _fruits loag :before the modern
kinds ef e gar were invented and, in
theeerresent State of the world it might
be a good idea to revive some of their
old receipts. This morning I wa.s lis-
tening in a sleepy way to a conversa-
tion in which a number of women were
discussing their troubles in putting up
tlee usual supply of fruits. Owing to
the high cost of eugar ma,ny of them
had decided to curtail their preserving
operatione and; an air of gidern ,prevali-
ecl, 'until one of the littleosarty rhalte-
ea; to remark:
"I remember getting fresh respberry
pies in the winter time- and :We pion -
ter heuseivite who made them. told me
tnat she had eireserved her berries
merely by pouring belling water over
them in a crock until it overflowed.
Then she let it stand in a cool cellar
and her berries kept freell all through
the 'winter."
ta is remark had, me, wide awake th
an instant, for everything pertaining
to the pioneers is DS the snost ab -sorb-
ing interest to me. It also aroused the
ladies, 'but for a different reason. They
wanted td know how to preserve rasp-
berries in the cheapest way pos.,,sible.
We all began to .question the women
who made the remark, but she could
niot cast any further dight on the ques-
tion. She was only a little girl when
she got the raspberry inte.s, and she
had tneglected to ask for full particu-
lars of this unusual end -economical
way lof preserving fruit. As a student
of ipioneer methods I was, only ,able to'
add Iconfusion to the discussion, for I
zeemed to re,member hearing about pi e -
serving fruit in this way by fleeting
a layer of melte-d, beeswax an top of
the water in the crack. But I was not
,sur, BAIA no one else .ha4 heard of
this Method, so, we made no progress.
' quite possible that the 111U-oda&
ion of cheap sugar did away with
many serviceable old-time methods of
doing up fied.t. If so it would be, .a
distinct pubUc service for anyone who
bag any ,of the old time recipes to
'make them pu'bile this year when econ-
omies are 'being urged on all ,of u,s on
amount of the war. tAnything that -will
reduce expense in the preparation or
preservation of food prod t- ehouid
be given the widest seesible pebileity.
This year we liave large qt entities of
almost all kinds of fruit and there
should, be a determined effort to save
'all of it, If the high 'cost .of the are
piaaved methods makes them prehibitive•
let os go -back to the cheaper methode
of'.dur forefathers.
If yob have any of those .pld recipes
telling how to preserve any kind or
fruit &OSA raspberries to ipeaches,•in a
way that avill be inexpensive and yet
palatable, kindly send it- to me and, I
shall ask my friends of the press te
give them the widest oessible publicity.
In this way we they enable eaeryone
to have a plentiful sapply of fruit in
this. year of. stress, And at the same
time make it possible to use all the
• fruit In the eonntry evithout wast..
Recieee for all kinde of fruits will be
PERTH. • ,
E.*M.-Aitehsotn, part )2; R. -J.
Ai, part 2; T. Armstong, part
G. E. Balfour, part 1, honors; J. A.
Barr, part 1; W. J. Beattie, part 1;
D. W. 11, past ,2; R. Clapp, part 1;
M. IA. Cltxn 'it 12: 3. S. .Cowing, part
2; T. J.
Man, p
1; F.
don, pa
F. M.
ai.BL 30
2: P.
D. Love
honors •;
le, p
t '1;
. Erne
t 1;
at B t.Aa Kerma part 1;
part A. J. Martin, part 1.
'W. Re iieCabe, part 1.; W. C.
,part 1; .A.. H. (Ding-
. E. Edgecombe, aart
y, part 1; I. Pore
. E. Hamilton, part 2;.•
part 2, without Latin:
a; LV. Kinkead, part
er, &Parti ; f,
are no
ayto thos
Opera ive, rA
fruit name
crate. The •
at tleir best from the Nia-
eninsuia. iee your grocer to
,Vineland Grower's Oo
fide, kind. Alrfull value
4. Buy there ty the
ple stamp proteets
Stewart Bros, 1 Mail & Phone Orders
ed 1 Stewart Bros I
. •
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applioations, as they eannot reach the dis
eased portion of the ear. There is °WY one way to
oure deafness, and that is by eonstitutibnal remedies.
Deafness is caused lay an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of he Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is inflamed yeti have a rumbling sound or Im.
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deaf.
ness is the result, and unless the inflattunation Om*
be taken out and this tube restored to itg norinat
condition, bearing will be destroybd forever. Nino
easwout of ten are mused by catarrh,' whioh. is
nothIng but an inflamed condition of the mucouS
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of
deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
l)y Hall's ifttarrh Cure. Send for ciroulfirs, free.•'
Address F. L OHE/fEY &-)O., Toledo, Vido.
Sold by Druggists, no.
Take Saila family rills for constipate:lie
During these lastr two days prices will be Orced to the low water
mark. We have had a good spring aricl isummer trade leaving
many odd garments and broken lines. We are going to make a
wholesale slaughter of prices on all remaining summer goods -be
sure and be here -below are just _a tow of Ithe many bargains.
1600 to 1.25
en s Dress Shirts
t 59 cents
. Every shirr in this sale was considered
special value" at r.00 - or 1.25. For the next ten
days or while they last the price will be 59C. Here
is an opportunity to get a year supply; Hundreds
of different patterns' in black and white and leading
colors, sixes 14 to 17. Sale Price..
Men's Summer
Greatly Reduced
Balbriggan shirts and under-
wearin all sizes, fine double
Egyptian thread, regular 5oc
value. Sale Price....:,....39c
Mediutn weight men's merino
union underwear, all sizes,
• regular soc. -Sale Price 39c
Natural wool light weight
underwear, all sizes, regular
/5c value. Sale price...59e
• .
Men s traw Hats
Half Price
With plenty of stiaw hat weather to come, here is
an opportOity* to get one of this years styles for
half the regular price. Owing to the past cool
weather we have many of our very best hats left_ in
stock, the$7 must be cleared for
Hall Price
, Women's Dreses
No matter, whether you want a iress for
house, street or evening wear this iis your
chance, these are all good styles and very
best quality. Rea& these prices oveil*
1.25 house dress, sale price ...............98c,
2.50 to 7.00 fancy dressep, sale price.41.49
4..50 to .90o fancy dresses - " " 1 2.29
9.00 to 18.00 fancy dresses '' I 4.99
10,00 to 15•00 silk dresse§ ;;. ; ; 6.95
5.00 to 7.00 cloth*dresses t ; 4 C i 3.95
f$.5o to I2.00 cloth dresses " '" ... 6;69
White skirts and middys, sale price 25,.. off
Children's dresses I 4- i 1
Money Savers in the
Boy's Department
25c straw hats, sale pric, ••••• • • *.• ••••19c
5oc straw hatsI
• . 39c
sde overalls, ‘;'
..•1 • • • • . . • . ....39c
75c overalls t I
• • # b•• 'ea 1S, ....59c
- 25c boys underwear it ‘;
boys shirts
5oc • • • so. saga •••• ••11,,,••• a • • 19c
*al 0••• **Is Ili, ••••.; sib* •eAva 39c
Boys Wash Suits
25 per cent off
Made of duck, galetia, indian
head, cambrics in plain colors
stripes or spots in Oliver Twist,
Russian or blouse styles, all well
made and nicely .trimmed, all sizes
regular prices 90c to 2.00 -
Sale price 25 per cent off
12.00 to 18.00
Women's Suits
or 7.50
These are all good style suits
made offancy tweeds, serges
or Venetians in navy, brown
tan, grey or black, all cut in
very .attractive makes, well
lined throughout sizes, 4
years to size 40. Regular
price 12,00 to Mob -
Sale $7.50
In three shades, fawn, navy
or reseda, fine quality, loose
back, cut with belt, sizes Li.
years to size 44. Price.. 4.29
peeiai Reductions
on en's
making Clothes
.00 men's overalls sale
1.25 Peabody overalls "
50c work shirts
75C wori shirts
I.00 wo k shirts
• 1.25 .sm cks
14fromens Waists
59e to 1.25
These waists are of the very finest
materials ard are made up of odd
lines, slightly soiled travellers
samples all w'othdouble the price
we are asking, new styles.
Sale price.. and 51.25
allY011111111•1•10 WISSISS~S•Ma.,08.4.1411."8ffill'
$5.00 to $7.00
Women's Skirts
Tweeds, sages, voiles, panarnas,
plaids all good styles, nicely made
full range of sizes in alt the lead-
ing colors, regular:value $5 to $7.
Sale Price.......$3.49
During July and August this store will cipse Wednesday at 12:30
Butter, Wool StevQrt Butter, Woo
Eggs Wanted Eggs