HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-07-30, Page 5Shoe-- Store eleswhere for shOas. istled brig- and we've ve Never Been .Found and ail come here to istantly tieing- to this :ci 1 value we are oN'ere ietaI calf leather, black d harvest shoes a.00 oes at 2 .00. if ;a measure. why so [ wish o aR of Miss Mar Ed s is that she may soone ge for the ',better - Mrs, ne, from. Centrad:, is, visit - Lome g her .§san,tr 'John Staniey, also her sister, r Bell and other friends. D. Ilay are rusticating at :xompany with their frienda. s. Farmer, of Toronto. Ail he home of Mr. and Mrs. ey. of Stanley, the past = a good time was spent ,by Tarvey's hospitable home.- aeat and barley harvest is Me report the wheat crop others not so favorable. crop is of the beat. -Mfr. head, dering- the week, easure, trip to Sarnia. Exeter. „ et. -Ira Candy of Aylmer, Magistrate Sanders here riling charged with violate tor, Vehicle Act. On the [y 12th Candy Was driving the townline between rise Bidduipin and: finding he t of his way went to ,turn doing so backed into a y Mr. James Walker of the id. South. smashing the 1 -Ie never stopped his car on Inc way, leaving the the buggy stranded, which jOlati011 of the Ant. In the la had lost the number of by this means , he was trourrlit to justice. Cane rtinity to the eharge, where, - es 'fined $50 and -bosts, a - e53.83.. beeides paying Mr., damages to the buggy.. Rates. -The figures have a from the Hydro -Electric Ussion of the rates for the meter power line to be built The rates are somewhat the local' officers expeeted. > follows; Emeter, 200 h.g_ aorse power; Grantor., 10i1 Creighton Corners, 50 h.g., :ton and Woodham. 50 h.p., liton. 75 hep.. 152.12; Cenr . 147.37. The hydro engin,- res- that the east of power 'mers oetween St. Thoma, will be about $100 per year es..power. 24-hour service. tzt h. but at once. 1..t la lave the iir.e completed and r 1 in Exeter by De- li.' will be necessary for !ties dEsiring power to ,...p,,:icatian to the Hydro- trnis...dan at once. • Exeterbowling tourna- e held on the fine green dr.esda.y. ..-kugust lith and .-Miss Vesper. teacher, ranee ciass in our school, n pass out of a olasq of wrote. -On Friday of fast letter Bawel.m mat with an, Leh v.-11:1 by her up for he accidently fell down the and dislocated her ankle.- . F. W. Rodgson. who have her. for some time, have. Chicago. where they will atre.-Mrs. Joseph 13awclen. 111 at here home ,Ilere.- Danning Company are rats- ous objection to the habit have formed by stealing he field's of the company. 'r.hat a number of citizens inued the growth of them -..n.dirg on them for their Ipply.-Miss May Dow has I to ti.-•.acti in the primary, s'ahooz in place of Miss Who resigned. - Mr. and Mac - have returned sto Winnipeg after spending with relatives here. -Mr • M4nning. of Vancouver, tc. of3,1r. and .Mrs. R. ad Mrs. William Penhale Hk on an extended trip West. They will go as far Mr. and Mrs. Pearce. Mr. Perry. of Mexico. N.Y., sts of Mr. and, 'qrs. R. G, week. Goods Store napkins, with the gum) Seaforth' Oen na nts 'cents to 65 cents. ams Iges stili left SEAFORTH - trITLY 3(, Blyth ,. ,. .. (Frith The A 13.61=1) 11: Notes.-11,1ro. 00es0i, of Ripley ,is . spending a sfew desi, 'with her deaghe ter, ars. Archie Bei. -Mr. John S, Me. McKinnon, -of Toror.0, visited hie sis- ter, iMrs. (Dr.) Miitte, the letter part of the week. -1r. 'Walter Taylor of St. Theimas, is SPelidinC & couple of week with bis Uncle and re,t.trit, Mr, and Mrs„ T. Gostrian.-Mrs. itielly, who was; call- ed O101ne weeks ageeaewing to the death Of her father; thyl lite John *own, will return . to ArlOanses this Friday. -Owing to Goder*h Fail Fair dates being- the same all thcree seiected oy Myth AgricalturaPISeclety, tbe latter tave decided to , old their falione week later, the d tes ;being Tuesday and Wednesday, Otober 5th and 6th, instead orf Septerri r 28th arid 29th. - The tire aiarm wa, ebeinded about 9,30 Monday morning, , hen it was discov- ered that the. staVie on Queen street, belonging to Xr. ,74Wra. eatr, was on Itire. Irlie brigade ",'1,vras qoickly ,On. filo Seem and soon 44 couple Of stileatna id Water were pli*ying ein the flames. The lower port101i. of the building, 'Wh4ch was frame, w& not badly !dam- age -4. xr. Barr had taken a !Macre tau -the stable with` thle intention of to an oat i Xiox. had net been used pot worldsig1weil. the house and filled return to the table 915' THE 'ROW igN.P(.)IT(*)P. realteng ,Serine The lintern, oome time }Ile returned it 'with oil. 0,n, he /discovered that ie had left' his rnejtatiring ru.le atIthe house and ,While gating it, the lantern must have ex- ploded( iti ' MARKETS SEARORTH MARKETS TherOlity, Jifiy 29th, 1116. Wbeac (Standardlew) 1 00 to 9 100 oats, par bushel(uaw) 60 to 50 peas, per bushel eta.- ' 00 to 0 00 Raney, per bushel.. o,•.•.. 60 te 66 Bran per ton...... ...• • -- 57 00 027 99 shorts, per ton-- -eteeme••••••••• 30 00 be 30 00 4 00 _.•- ot , Floor. rr I00 the _ 3 26 t Rtettet o. 1, - 20 to 221 isuecrierks cattle, Choice, 48.60 to *8.75; Ewa eereneen.. 19 to 20 1 db.. otedivirn, 47 to *7.50; do., common. $9.80 itto $10.05; fair to good, 48 to 49i50; Vain'. coarse, $8:25. to $8,60; olicarae to prime handy; steers, $8.40 to $8./5; /84r to god growere, $7.25 to $7.50; light coManob. Sraem; $6. to $6.60; eearlinge, 4ire. fed, $0.25 to$9.75; pehne ,tat heifers, $7.15 to $8.25; good butcher heifers, 47.69 to $8; light dxy fed 48.50 to $8,15; light grassa heifers, tiik Ito .46; best heavy fat cowls; $6,15 to 47.85; Igfaxl butcher cows, $5.59 to *61 nutters, $4.26 to $4,75; canners, Si to ; fancy •buils, $7 to $7,25; beet butch- er bulis, 10.25 to $6.60; light bulls-, $6 to -4550. tfloati - Market 10 cenbe to we hiefrar; heavy. $7.59 to $7,75; tnotliorre 48,10 to $8.20; mixed; $8.16 to 48.20; Yorkers, $8-.26 to *B.35; $6.86 it+ $8.50. Sheep -Market 25c night ex; ',top lante, $0.50 t6 *9.75; yearling, ko #7,50; wethees, $6.60 to *6.75; wive% ,$4.50 to $6. Calves-Kerket 15e higher, kips, $11.60 to $124 fair to good. 0(10 ter $11.; grassere,0$4 to 46. . Montreal, July 21. -The feafure of the trade was the weaker feeling in the imarket for cattle, and prices gener- ally were 25e per cwt. 1o1wer than a week tago, vVhieh WAS attributed to the fact that there was'ne demand lar ex - plat iaccount. There was a better de- mand Iran 'mai dealers and packer,s than last week for supplies. Choice steers eold at 48.50, and picked small licks lof the same brought 48.60 to $8.75; while ,lbads of good ,steers ;sold at $8 td 48.10 per cwt. An active trade was .done a. bulls at 45 to $5.35, and cows at 144.86 to $.46e per cwt. Good, te clicaoe cders deo met with. a - better sale at prices ranging from $6.15 to 47.50 per cwt. Lamb S Isolated a decline of 06 to 40e per cwt. At this ereduction there was an active demand from butchers and packers. Sales kf round lots Of ewe .sheep were made at $5.15 to (46 per cwt. Calves stronger'(and prices have advanced $1.50 to $5, per head. sigs weaker as rorapared vvith. a :week ago, shovieng a xieciine of 26 to 'gm Per cwt. SOWS brought $7 to 47.50, WO stags $4.60 to ,$4.75 per bundredweight weighed off cars. ;ley ..... .• Potatoes, per bag ` •• e• ••••• seAt • 12 00 to lo 00 $5.75to 86,50; do choice cows, p.25 23°60ttO1 2 73°6 bor ;$(7.50; do., "medium, $6.25, to $6.75; .do., bulls, *5.50 to 17 50; canners, $4.50 to $5.35; milkers, chesice, each, $80 to $85; ido., common and medium, each, $70 ltd $75; spi:inger60 to $65; Sheep, ewes, $5.75 td $6; bucks and culls, $5.25 to 45$0; iambs., $8.75 to $0.60; hogs, off cars, $2 :to V.50; calves, V to $15. Beate lvlarket • Detroi.t, July 21.-Bean4- Immediate and iprompt shipment., $2.70; August, $2.80 asked ; Tei.rna,s, 7 1-2e. to 8C leer lb. PoOtry Markets Toronto July A -Live -Old fowl, lb., 12 to ; spring brciflerel, 17 to 20c ; old 'turkeys, 16to 20e; ducklings, la to 150. Dressed -Id foiv0b., 15 to 18c; turkeys, 23 to 250; ducklings„ 17 to 18e. Da.ir* Market 9. Toronto, July 27,-Butte1r-The mar- ket is fairly steady for ibutter„witb dairy somewhat! starce. Choice dairy, 22 to 1.23c; interior, 19 to 2e; creamery prints, 27 to 294; da, soade, ,26 to 128c. Eggs - The Market 141 quiet; with straight stock igelling at 21 to 22c per doz., in case iotS, and seleets, 23 to 24e. Cheese -The rred, ket is dull; quotations, 15 1,2c for largt, and 15 3-4efot twins. Old, 21 1-2. to 22c, - i? •- •train, Eto.. . , Toronto. Ju1yp.21.-Corri-INo. 2 yellow, norrinal, trac:k lakoronto. Ontario Oats - No. 2 white, so; No. 3 White, 59c, lac - cording to fr ights outside. Ontario Wheat -No 12, 4 inter, per car lot, $1.14 to 1$1.17, a.ccor 1inge to freights outside. Peas -No. 2 nottilnal, per car lots, robin- inal, according -to freights outside. Bar- ley -Good Tr alOng barley, nominal; ted barley, 65:..e , according to freights outside. Ma.nitaba Flour -First patents, in Jute -bags., 17e second patent, 1 in • jute bags, 16.5); Strong bakers', in jute bags, a6.30, *onto; in cotton begs, 10c extra,. Ontario Flour -Winter, ,90 per Cent. patents, $4.80„ seaboard.; or Toronto freights in ')ags. Millfeed - Car lots, dell*red Montreal freights - Bran, $27; shOrts, $29; middlings, $30; good feed four, per bag, $1,90. 13a1ed Hay aead Straw. -Dealers are paying as fc4ws for carlot deliveries on track here :-Straw is quoted at $7 a ton in car lots, delivered on track here. Hay -N. 1 hay le quoted at i$1.9 'to $20; No. at $17 to f818.. It 4.' • LivelStoek Markets. i Union Stock Yards, _Toronto, Jiily 27. -There was more snap ,to the bUsi- ness jthis we4k after the quieter sps7 simss at th,e latter end of ja,st weak, and a inceler#te offering in 'butcher ca..t.a was freely picked, up, but at favorable vales. What helped, tovettrd activity was ; the presence a v. teir eprinkling et, golod to cheioeiniitcheils andk. toads sold all the way from 17150 tot/8.40, the weights varying from 1,000 to 11250 pounds, 'wlaile odd. choice heavy steers brought $8.60 in p aSee • For -rnee dium quality:, cattle the demand was only tmoderate, but where common neat- ened was concerned the offering rie, r _quire4:1 a lot kof solicitation, this class continuing in disfavor. Fat cows and good butcher bulls which alone have maintained Steady values Rif weeks past, were aystrong demand and where good quality; was presen.t there was ,a suggestion of a slightly firmer tone. The best of; the cows made -to 17.85, while a fewibulls sold. as high as 17.60-, but fit was 4 quality which brought these tprieeseFor one baby beeve Frank liunnis-ett paid $9.25. There weiS not much husiMies done hi milkers and spring;ers„and what demand tilfere was required thii best to satisfy, the few head, whichwent out posting from $75 to 1$95 each. It was almost an off -day for stocker t and feeders, but values' underwent i.i.io change. 'Me only altera- tion In quotations for ,small 'meats Nas shown m 4 more active alarktilc:r e 'yearlings, * moderate offs offing e , g from j$6,5e,'to 18. Rough calves were again well 'represented and were hard i to dispoee Of at values between $4 and 64.50. gog,a, held steady at $9. weighed, oft cars. a few small lots of &elects making .$9,45. Following are ,a few rep- resentativesales : R. Carter (for Pu.cld'y Bros.) bou 'ht 50 %elect hogs, 177 lbse. $9.15 wag cd off cars. McCurdy and McCurdy 'ought 100 butcher cattle, 1,950 to 1,00 pounds, $8 to 18.25. Mate thew;:-BlackW ell bought 150 cattle, choice butchers, $8 to $8.35; mediuM butchers, :$7.65 to $7.90; cows, $6 4o 16.50. Jc:s Wilson (for H. P. jCerine,dY) sold five loads; butchers„$7 ta $7.90; cows, ;$4.1.5 to $6.80. Frank flunnesett bought 1 0Mtra choice baby beeve, $9.25. , Gunns L all. •bou,glit 150 cattle ; butchers, j VI:I§ to ;08.35; cows, $6.10 to 1.25;‘, :bulls, $7 :to $7.50. J. B.'Slileldiss and Son so1d4Butchers-22, . 1,040 pounds, $7.80; 23,1 910 pounds, $7.50. Cows -2, 1,125 pot.14s, 86.50; 2, 800 pounds, 44.50; 2 1,140 peunds, *6.85; 4, 1,070 pounds, $.6.85; 1e; 800 pounds, 14.26. Bel1s-2, 1,420 pounds, $6.25. Fee4ers-24, 810 pounds $1.35. Stockers -2, 770 pounds, '. -$5.25. Lainlas-$7.60 to $10.15. Sheep,' - $4,50 tto $7. Calves -$5 to ,\$10. Buffale': July 27.-Cattlii`e- Pr - grades and best butehas, _10c to, 1 higher; Common and grassy grades steady; 6410„ce to prime ishipping stepto, W. T. BOX & CO, EMBALMERS AND.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS H.C. BOX & iiV.S. GORMLEY Holders of Government Diploma and License CHARGES MODERATE Night Oalls Phone 107 unnimmEMIMINIIIIME Day Calls Phenie 50 Births BELL -In Blyth, on July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, a son (stillborn) CARNOCHANT--In Tuckersmith, on Jelly 6th, to Mr and Mrs. 8, A. ,Carnochan, a daughter. WEBSTER-In Tuckersmith: on July 28:d, to Mr. and Mm. Leine 8. Webster, twin girls, (Lulu Foster and Freda Lawrence) H OLLOW&Y-In Hamilton, on July 1.5th, to Mr. and Aire. Arthur J. Holloway, a son (Henry Baird) - COWARD -In Ushorne on July 16th, to . Mr. and Mrs. George Coward jr, a deughter. OKE -In Usborne, on July 16, to Mr. and Mrs, Dative- Oke, a daughter. FRASER-I s Exeter, on JuIg 1.6th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, a daughter. WALPER- In Exeter, on July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs John ev. Walper, a daughter. MOORE-In Clinton, on July.16th, to M. and Mrs. Robert L. Moore, a son. WEBSTER-In Mullett. on July 18th. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster, a daughter. Deaths -MARSHAAL-In Turnberry, on July 17th, John Marshall.sr. , aged b2 years and 11 months. - GRENREBACH-In Dashwood, on July 19th, infant • twin son of Rev. J, H. and Mrs. Grenzenebach, aged 8 weeks. SCHIXNT-In Stephen,. on July 19th, Mrs. Mitchell Sohlunt, aged 68 yesrs 8 months and 19 days. - - ••••••••$•••••••••••••••• • • * • S A T. Holmes • • • 1 Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich et., opp Dr. Stott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or -T:iayrene. • • - • ••••••••••••••••••0***•••• • SALE REGISTER., „ 1 In Eginondville, July 814, auction sale of houees boa effects. Mc. c. 8. Andrews, Proprietrees;M:' Brown, Auctioneer. 2494x IMPORTANT Nirrions xgrANTED-Well improved 100 aore farm. Apply VT to Look Box 146, Benue. 2038-5. NOTICE TO DEBTORS -MI moments due Smillie Bros., altio amounts due W, R, ehrellie must be eettled either by cash or note, on or before August 7. All accounts not then settled will be _placed in court forocollectlem without reepect to perplexes. W, R. SMILLIE seitorth. 2485X2 • V1ARM FOR RENT -About 90 acres 'good fertile le leke front land, 12 teems in pasture, 70 aores in oropsel [Possessfen can be had alt once with or with -- opt crops together with all farm tresehinery, stook safe. For ftillinformation write; Laheiarm, EXPOS- ITOR OFFICE. 2480-2 riesEACHERS WANTED --For S.S. No. 4 (noeth) 1 and 8 8. No. 4, (south) Stanley, hording mice &nal second cease certifloates. Inapplying please state quelifications, salary and experience. Duties to commence September 1st, COLIN CAMPBELL, R.R. No. 8, Bayfield, Ontario. 2482-4 • Tin ESIDENCE FOR SALE - Abornfortable frame It residence near the High School. Good eeilar hard and soft water, a first class stable and half an sore of ground. House heated by furnaee. Oheao or quiolc sale. Terms, easy. Apply :GEORGE TURNBULL, Seaforth. 24644f > 1 Farm for Sale emoweeemedena* OOTTAGE FOR SALE --The comfortable cottage' on George st., Seeforth, belonging to .the est. ate of the late Mrs. Isaac Miller. The house con- tains parlor, diningreom, kitchen and four bed- rooms. /here are two tots and a pod stsble. It ie within one block of, Main at. _ There is a good cellar and hard eked soft water within the house. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE seetorte. 2474-tf VARY FOR SALE, -1.0e6, 00nOeSSIOn. 9, Tucker. 1: smith, contalniag 100acres, about tteven acres under -bush. The fared is well aim& and dined and in a good state of cultivation. There are On the premises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, hen houde, drive house fend two good wells. For forma and particulars imply on the:premiees or ad- dress MRS. JOHNaMoOLQY, Egmondville 2856-tt -UNARM FOR SALE ---Lot 10, Concession 6, L.R.S., E Tuakersmieh. The farm contains 100 aores, all cleared and in a good 'state of cultIvation. Three never failing wells, windmill at barn. Good bank barn 60x88, pig house, hen house and drive shed. A good frame house with furnace. Arracre and a half of extra goo -i orohard. This choice farms is within 3 miles of Seaforth, on the Kippen road. HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville, 24624f • - GOOD FARM FOR_SALF.,-For Sale Lot 25 and part of Lot '24, Concession 14, lifeKillon, e,on• taining 180 acres. There are on the premises -a modern brick house with hard and soft water. There is also a good barn 60x126, with stone foun- dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 130x40 on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all in good repair. There is also a goo 1 bearing or- chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well underdrained and well ienoed and in a high state of cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of Walton C. P. R. station, also telephone and rural mail delivery. This is a choice farm and will be sold on reasonable terms. Ear fuither partioalars apply on the premisespretddress. W. JeDIOICSON Walton. 24584 Ofte•Semesimeneemis House for Sale 11•••=1.......1•1•• e - 1 The residence on Goderioli -Street tWeet, owned, (by Mr. D. J. McCallum, and at -present occupied by Mr. John Dodds, will be sold cheap. Terms of payment reason -able. Far particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Ineurance Agent, 2484-tf 1 Seaforth. The James Ross farm on the London Road, part ot 13,00ncession 1, Stanley township, 92 acres will e sold at auction on September 8rel. 1916, For particulars apply to the bANADA ,TRUST CO., London, or W. BRYDONE, Solicitor, Clinton. Dated this 29th day of June, 1915. 2481.eow-6 Cernent Work Tenders wanted for flooring four bridges in town- ship of Tuckersinith. For specifications and loan' tion of bridges, apply to the Reeve. Tenders opened August 4th at 6 o'clock. 2182 2 H. ORICH, Reeve of Tackeremith Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists leesil,••••••1••••41. Voters' Lists, 1916, Munioipality of thetownship of Tuokersmith, ;oounty of Huron. Notice is hereby given, that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies requirea by said see - tions to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing bythe last revised Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality at elections for members of the Legislative Asserablyand at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at my office in Tucker - smith on the 27th day of July, 1015 and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call - upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk of Tuokeramith Dated this 28th day of July,- 1915. 2485-2 Choice Far* fOr Sale in Tuckfrsiaith Administrator's Sale Of Valuable Farm Lands in the Township of Hay The administrator to the estate of Amelia May Taylor, deceased, with the approbation of F. W. Harcourt, Eeci , K.C., Official Guardian, will offer for sale by puelic auction, at the Commercial hotel in the villaee of Hensail, in the County of Huron', by Thomas Brown esq., auctioneer, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on Saturday, the 14th nay of August, 1915, the following lands and premises in one parcel, namely: The north half of Lot Num- ber twenty three (23), in the seventh (7th) Oonces- sion, of the said township of Hay, containing by admeasurement fifty (50) acres of land be the same more or less. The land is heavy clay loam and about 40 acres are cleared ana the .balance is wooded with valuable cedar and 20 acres are sowed with oats. there is erected on the lands a comfortable one and a half story orick dwelling 22x32, witlt a brim kitch- en attach, d 16x18. There is a good w 11 and good or- chard of about 1 acre on the pierol es. The lands are situated about 3e miles frem Monsen and about 14 miles from Seaforth ard are are readily access - able thereto by good roads and hoth these towns offer a good market for the sale of produce. The property will be offered for sale siteject to a reserve bid and the purchaser at the time of sale will be re- quired to sign an -agreement for the completion of his purchase. Further partieulars of sale will be mrvie:known at theitime of eaie & may be had in the meantime from Messrs Gladman &Stanbury, Ba est- ers, etc., Exeter, from F. W. Harcourt, -Esq.. K, 0., Offi3ial Guardian, Toronto or from the undersigned R. 8. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont.; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, Seatorth. .Dated this 27th day of July, 1916 2485.3 Lot 11, Concession 7, Huron Road Survey, Tuck- ersmith, 100 scree : 80 acres cleared, tO acres hard- wood bush chiefly maple, There is a comfortable house with gaod eater ; two large frame barns,each with stone foundation and in good repair, good pig- pen ahdbenhouse, two good wells, new windmill and iron pump. Soil first-class clay loam in geed dater of cultivation. Parra all well unaerdrained oxcept bush. Full possession may be had November let, 1915, and purehateer ehall be at liberty to do fall ploughing after harvest. Terms -The property will be sold subject to a mortgage for $5,001, bearing in- ternist at 5 per cent. 10 per cent. of purchase money to be paid on day of sale and the balance within 80 days thereafter. For .further particulars apply to John Stewart or David n. Stewarkle. R. No. 4, Sea - berth ; F. Holmested, Barrister lica„ Beaforth, or to PROUDIVOT. KILLORAN & PlIOUDFCHA, Sea - 1 orth, Ontario, Solicitors tor John btewsrt. 248142 There's No Place Like Home Why not add to its attractiveness by givin its decorations an individuality that reflects yourself? We have an unesnally attractive line of Foreign and, domestic wall papers to choose from and•will be glad to put our expert knowledge at your service to help vou eelect decorations that are out cif the common . place. Be Sure and see our samples before placing your order elsewhere. All kinds of -painting, glazing, tinting etce, done on short est notice. Our twenty sever. years of practical experience guaran- tees satisfactory results. John Hooper Master Painter & Decorator John street Seaforth NA:DIAN:BANK F COMMERCE 110•4111..01.1••••111/11•11•011111110 SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0.1.L.D., D.C.!, President ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN AIRD, Aieet Geasis' Mamma CAPITAL, Si5,000,000 RESEW FUND, 113,500,000 FARMERS BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking busineis, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. 821 • • Seaforth Branch. W. 0, T. MORISON - Manager 'Special Values in Single Harness The greatest bargain we ever offered - . dozen set single harness made of number x Upion Oak, our own make. Trimmed with goldine or solid nickel. - PRICE *20 to *22 Gall cure Binder whips Trunks p KooL.•••••••1 • • In order to be comfortable during the sum- t, mer weather you should be "togged', right. We are showing a complete line of hot weather wearables for men. - Two piece summer suits in blue serge, fancy worsteds and light weight tweeds, in all the new colourings. • Fine NegligeeSurnrner Shirts with soft or ; lounge collars - new style Straw Hats- light ; weight Sox - Summer Underwear - Wash ; • and Fancy Neckwear, etc., etc. : 1 • • Let us show you the goods that : I Will add to your summer comfort. : 4. 44++++++41+++•÷44++++++.44 .+++++++,+++.++++++++.46+++'; • t, , 4i : ' The . 13*Hardware Store I W. D. Bright and Son I li Big I s . • 1+ smem......................................, . ÷ . * 5 p eci a1l + .,.. Building Supplies White Pine Lumber. Hemlock Lumber Cypress Lumber Spruce Lumber Georgia Pine Lumber Red Cedar Shingies Cedar'. Fence Posts rIBRE BOARD BEAVER BOARD Dressed Lumber Plain and Dressed for all Purposes Windows of all kinds and sizes Doors made.in newest Igas Fine Interior Woodwork for It*tural Finish Our Specialty N. CIA/FY O. SONS Planing mill and Lumber Yard Seaforth Sweat Pads Axle Grease Valises Call and see for yourself ssmosssississ _ 14.13r ode rick Residence for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his very desirable residence, situated a mile west of Seaforth, on the Huron Road, The Eouse contains seven rooms, besides kitchen and pantries, bath- room and lumber room. There is a furnace in the afouse, and -also electric light throughout, and in the' out- buildings there are two cisternsand two wells. There are about two and a half acres of land with the house, fenced, and planted with fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs; there Is also a stable for two horses and A cow, ,and vehicles, harness and tool room and chicken house. In connection with the above, Mr. Holme_sted ityffers for .sale a mantel mirror, electric light. fixtures, carpets, cartains, floorcloth, Sideboard, extension table, bed room suits, etc. The property is very con- venient to schools and churches. Price, $3,000, For further particulars and photograph of house apply to E' HOLMSTED 2479-tf SEAFORTH, Ont. Opposite Commercial Hotel SEAFORTH Harness Trunks Valises Shorthorn Bull for Sale 1444.40.611.11im For sale "Lord Scott" eleven months old, red, sired by, Scottish Hero 55043-90066, vol 51E., inaported by Mr. Davis of Woodstock. Dam, Lady Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Chamb- ers, Kippen, Out., dam of Lady Smith Lady Smith 2nd, 60262; Lade; Smith, Lady Mary, Rosebud 3rd, Rose Bud, Red Rose, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower, Theresa, Strawberry, Red Rose, Lady Jane (imp) No. 281. Sire -of Lady Smith, Red Prince 63984-77608; Royal Don 17105-6474; Captain 24848; Dub- lin 648-55588; Captain Merlin 2V23; Pride of Seabitin 2274; Earl of Good- ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke Bourbon 517; Baron Solway (imp) 23; Cobden (imp) 52; Young Britton 1176; Sir Walter 2639; Son of Jerry 4097; Young Star 5319; Roseberiy 56:7; Son of Comet 155. It will be seen from tlae above that this young bull has the very choicest blood in his veins. For further particulars apply to JOHN CHAMBERS, Cromarty Phone 6 on 147, Seaforth Central .N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept or service on the above premises during the present season. 2473 tf SummerService to Highlavds of Ontario from Toronto 2.05 a.m. daily for Muskoka Lakes. daily except Sunday, for Lake of Bays Algonquin Park, Maganeta,wa,n River and Timagami Lake points. 10.15 a.m, daily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays and Mag. anetawan River points. 12.01 p.m daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays and Algoncidin Park. TIL Drain tile is a most necessary article 1a for successftil farm ng. It is almost as necessary to pl nt tile as to plant your seed. Good c y tile has proven durable for a life time. Stay with the elay and be satisfied. I have a full assortment of tile, quality A 1. Will be pleased to have you cell and. see our 'estocle anc1.1 get our prices be fore you buy elseWbere. Can quote you in the yard or deliver to your farin be it near or far, small quantity or large, Give us your order for tile now so we may have it when you are ready. Call and see us 'whether you buy or not, no trouble to Shcw goods. steamship Bxpress Leseves Toronto 11:15 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf 4:30 p. m. Each Monday, Wednesday and Sat- urday, connecting -with N. N, Co.'s palatial steamships for Sault Ste, Marie, Porte Axthur; 'Fort William, and Duluth and at Fort William with G.T.P. Railway for .Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Coaches Parlor -Library -Cafe and Parlor -Lib- rary -Buffet cars between Toronto and Sarpia, Wharf, Further particulars on application to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. m. M. Sproat R. R. No. 4, Seaforth Phone' fre on 136 W.Somerville.. - Town Agent W. Plant. .Depat Agent C. E. HORNING, D. A., Union Station, Toronto, Outs Aeet eae4.4, Lumber and Shingles We have in stock and are prepared to sell at the lowest prices No. -hem- lock lumber and the best grade x x x, xxxx and xxxxx red cedar shingles. Befc.Ire building or mak- ing repairs call and see our stock or drop us a card for prices. Ament Bros. Seaforth It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. Insist on getting Canada Cement full stock on hand at 411 times. Hemlock sills- cut to order Shingles, xxx and xxxx Spruce and pine dressed sid- ings and flooring Metallic building materials Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal Smithing Coal I Tile, all sizes, either in- the yard 9r delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sizes. ie slabs, a bargain Anyone in the market for an of the above lines will do weY to get our prices. • J. B. Mustard Phonell on 145 BRUCEFILLD _ IntrocLuctory Sale T. We are now settled in our new store opposite the Seaforth News office and north of the Greig ---Clothing .1t. Co. store. ° We shall be pleased to meet"our itf4ny' old t. customers and new ones and can give them a better t. service in our new store. Our stock is well assorted t. and second to none in the country and the prices are • right - Goods bought right can be sold at low prices. We have done 40, • .1. • some good buying before the general advance in prices, conse. ouently we are in a position to offer the public some good + • bargains. • • • 4 On July 30th and 31st we will sell t .1.; for. cash 2,400 pieces of celebrate6 Eng- _ lish Grey Ware and Keystone Granite 'I at the following unhearfl of prices: • At 32c Each At 20c Each + 3 doz. 12 qt. preserving 4; Kettles 3 doz.erttoilt. Preserving , • r dozen-8qt. Preserving Kettles :11; 2'. doz. 6 qt. Same! Pans t At 26c Each 2 doz. 1 2 qt. Water Pails + 2 doz. Io -qt. Water Pails • doz, 3 pint Tea Pots $ doz. 3 pint Coffee Pots 4 a doz. io qt. Bread Pans 2 doz. 5 qt Sauce Pans • • t's 4- + • ▪ ▪ We have a first class tinsmith shop,' Bring along your + repairs. Leave your orders early for eavetroughing, furnaces, bathroom otufits, pumps, tin work and ready 4*, 4. roofing. • At 10c Each 19 doz. Pudding Dishes 2 dozen Funnels 4 dozen Sauce pans 4 dozen Pie Plates 2 dozen io -qt Basins 2 dozen 12 qt Basins 4 doz. Preserving Kettles 2 dozen Chambers 2 dozen Bread Pans 4 dozen Sauce Pans 2 dozen Dippers 2 doz. Kitchen Strainsrs At 17c Each 2 dozen Strainers 3 dozen Frying Pans 2 doz. Cups and Saucers, 2 dozen Pudding Dishes - (English) 8 dozen Sauce Pans 4 dozen Pudding Dishes , At 5c Each 2 dozen Pot Covers 2 dozen Spoons A 11.,-EDGFA, Seaforth * • ++++++++.:++++++4444+++++• ++44++4444440+441444.14444.4i Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists -..... Voters' Lista, 1.915, Municipality of Hibbert, County of Perth. Notme is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned In Section 9, of the Ontario Voters' Lista A.et, the copies required by said Seotions to be so transmit- ted or delivered of,the List, made pursuant to Baia Act, of all Peril -one aPPerin by the hat revised As- eenent Roll, of the said Muniolpality at eleotione for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munic- ipal elections; and Abet the sad list was first posted I up at my office sit Dublin en the 19th day of July, 1915, and remains there for imps:Mon. And I here- by call upon sit foters.to take immediate ' premed - Inge to have any errors or oroisslops, eorreeted se- cerding to law. URFA JORDAN, Clerk of iiihbert Data - a 20tb daypi July, 1915 e484.2 Clerk's. Notice_ of First Posting of Voters List eme,1•• Voters' Lists, 1915, Mtualcipality at tile town of Seaforth, County of Huron. Notice hereby given, that 1 have transmitted Or dellverM to the pewit's mentioned in emblem_ 9 ce the Waldo Votere List Aot, the coplea reqaried by sad men Mons td. be so transmitted or delivered of the Bete made pursuant to said sot, of all pereesie by the last revitfed Assessment Boit of the laterality at elections for inembere'of the Assemblyand it Municipal Eleo.lonfesnd said Est was first Pasted up at rayoriffitse skasslarta on the Deb, day of July, 1915 and minims tbtr for inspection. And Thereby call upon a.1 voter" take immediate prooeediage to have any moo Off emissions corrected acoordinto mw. P JOHN' A WILSON, Clerk Of ileatortit feDated this 23.st day of July, 1911. MIK . ere