HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-07-16, Page 3AMY 19„1916
1191 UAW 9 9,P31.119MP PREIUDINT. it D. /41799199. 9101-PRFS11711914
C A. BOGERT, General nager. °
Trudt Funds Should Be Delimited
Savings Account in The Dominion lank. Suall funds are
fely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates.
When payments are made, particulars 4 each transaction may
be noted on the cheque lasted. which In *rip becomes a receipt
sr voucher when cariCelled by the batik.
• .
JULY 16 1315
T s s*1s of COM
eans ough soap to
3,11 15 fethigh 4tn
long. Th.nk of it
to Oornpletety sure
City of Teranto.
I I I I I I • I • pum MI I PI I I IN • I I MI I I I MN I I I I; II I F
, oei
is much critielem ,rnorlertr
nal methods: that require too
-ork of -*School children. allow -
toe litthe time for play and
aufficient out-of-door exer-
hen the study of music or ans
eacerpliehment, with the necet-
saistice, ise added the strain ia
d. Under thsse conditions the
'scorees impoeerished arid falls
1.•eli the nerves. The child he-
a.etleee, and twitching of the
, follow. Sometimes thi. chill
in walkiag ;and drops what-
h1d P1lor, listiessneas and
y are symptoms that aarly
eat th.e blood and nerverer are
rreet the demanda made hp -
h and that St. Vitus dance has
its hold upon the child: .•
condition there is no tonic
al Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
uild up the 'blood. strengthen
es and safely help to meet the-
,; of the egroving child. Out-ofa
trclse, nourishing food, plenty'
:with these tonic pills will cure
• MOSt Severe cases of, St. iVit-
t. We offer the following proof r
age of ten years," says Mrs*
of -Hertford. ".N,S.. `Irly on
vas as healthy and rugged as
d coald he. Then he •bekan to
that his eyes hurt lehn, and
in (the head, and began to fall
Ills stilt:Ilea at school. Then L
a twitching of the muscles of
and, arms, and later his whole
red to be hi consta,nt motion.
Lly physiciaa was called in and
ed the tie:rattle a severe attack
'dais dance. Be was Janda-11sta
-treatment for some three
but did not -seem to improves
, taken him from .whool, and
eful that nothing should excite
notwithstanding he grew •
ad the least start would bring
its of hyateria„ This went 'Oa
months until Dr. Williams'
were brought to my eaten-
;- we decided to give him thia
Attnr using a few _boxes there
Yticeable, improvement, and by
he had taken nine or ten
I had recorered his 'former
iith. There has beet DO siga
irn of the trouble, and I can
say how thankful we feerfor
'tete restoration of cur sons -
i who find. their growing boys
becone, ing ,nervous should lose
in giving them Dr. Williams'
s. You may ward oU an at -
t. Vitus dance, or if the troa-
reached that itage the Pills -
it a cure. Sold by all medi-
ors or by rnail at 5a cents a
la boxes far$2.5a from The
s' Medicine Co'.. Brockville,
Tclegda c and
and for Service
:NSALL, Ont.
.ihe time of service
ns at his own stable
SE BarnManager
g route throLighout
proceed west to Glancesnoont thence south
ht. Tuesday -North by
miles thence north to
Chiselhurst, thence
saathts, for noon, thence -
miles north, then 11
:rsday-South to Kippen,
es for n000n. then south
.Ed Douglas,' Blake, for
n east to Johnston's Hot --
o George Grahaan's for
-the following Monday
Wurgat Exputitor
For Sportemen.-July Rod- and Gun
covers a considerablerange in Its or -
door Stork...4.40r thicat*onth Salt Wa era ,
Fishing near Vietodat The Hunt lof.,:ty/s.e.en Tha
'Anglais; whJohIpurport' - to. be thal ,:n3,1re even
narrative -of arirketth -Canadian iabtt- sc�ring. -
ant; The -hthe -Yak" ins -
head •The -
'The Greatest of l3ig (lathe
ing an account of the catclflgof
record tone, off Port Medway, N. S.;
and One Day's Flatting tn Timagarnir
a,re some of the articles appearing in
Ms issue and In addition there Ls
Nil account of therionstnion of. Canada
Trap Shooting Tournament and other
Trap Notes as well as the special de-
partments devoted to guns and am-
munition and fishing matters. This
Made in -Canada sportsman's magazine
Is of interest to all Canadian eports-Onr Scifoio),e406116wing are the re-
vviticia thrOffered soziewhat With some
et the games. ;Ther e was a large crowd
'present and a good list of 'sports was.
rik9 otf. Fhe ;aces far. the scholar
were iniettitineeoid, 'keenly cb4itested
The baseball game resulted in a- bad
heating fciir the hays of Winclielsea
otIkkol at the haids of the Bissetschoi
-nine. The • otitliall- match, ,hovectiter, h-„-
atai ana',ElimAtje was
tatted, e.liottaer side
tie Of. anikitritiOnT the
,tttreof the afternoon
Thr .was a very
.terUwg and friendly rivalry, ten
halatese-confronting the judge to ttia,ss
on their'rrerits for the prize of the
heat baby. Mrs. Robert Taylor had the
matter in hand and finally decid.ed
that the -baby', of Mrs. t Percy Coxwas
entitled to the hilnorst After_ the sports
atraWberale add, bileW: AO anabund-
ant of delacaclei was provided
by the la.dieS, ' .1
men as welt as to those AMerican,s• who
care t& Canada for their fishing or
camping eiperiences. W. J. Taylor,
Limited, publish this magazine at Wood -
tock, Oht, • „
'Whiskey Galore. -The Clinton ,News
'Record of last week has the follow -
Lag : The air eit Zurich, was made "frag-
rant," 'Or dtherwise, on Friday last by
a flow of case goods ;Whiskey, brought
abaft in this way: Included in a ship-
ment of goods delivered to, a merchant
of that village was a barrel which he
found lobe filled with bottled, hehiskcy.
lAs he hadn't ordered' any liquid re-
freshments Of that nature, as the most
direct way of dealing with the staff
he notified Inspector Torrance; who at
once begin an investigation. Aftar in-
terviewing the merchant, the draymaa
and the steel:on agent at 'Hensail,
decided that the hard stuff was in -
'tended foe one of the hotel keepers at
Zurich, and he accordingly laid an In-
formatiaa before P. M. ,Andrews, whe
adrrinistersd bath a fine" and a warn-
ing. That particular h. le, now knows
that booze brought in labelled pickles
„or "P. 'Z." renders the purchaser liable
to a. fiae.
Inspector Torrance made Short work
of the whiskey. Bottle after bottle he
broke arid poured out the contents' until
the air was perfumed and (mite a num-
ber of Ctizene who had sniffed it were
attractsd. Perhaps several thought itt
a waste or goad stuff and one oll
chap tried to' paeket a battle but the
Insptctor cauetht on and it had to go
the way of cies rest. If never betore,
and It may be not for along while
again,' at any rate on Friday whislcey
flowed like water in Zurich. •
LIFEBUOY SOAP is delightfully re-
freshing for Bath or Toilet. For wash-
ing underclothing it is unequalled.
Cleanses and purifies.
School Report. -The following is the
, „report for School Secticrn Number 1,
Tuckersrrith, for the month of June
Senior Fourth, Robert Bachanaa, 78,
Ritchie Traquair 10; Japior Fourth,
Ruth „Caldwell 80, Sadie Clark . 79,
Lenwood. Purdy 72; Junkrr Third, Net.:
tie Pepper 82, John Pepper 119, Graced
Pepper 78, alabel Purdy 77, Ernest Pep-
per 15, Robbie Moussa 70, Susie Dal-
rYmele 6T, Stanley Mitchell 66. Senior
Secord, Fred Fairbairn 68, Geo. Van -
stone 67. Junior, Second, Mary Clark
/X Robbie Keyes 72, Beatrice Madge
/2; Senior First, Mae Fairbairn 75, L.
Dalrymple 70, Garnet Dalrymple 68; „Sr,
Primer, Dora Pepper 80; Junior Primer,
Foster Pepper 76, 'Pearl M.ousso 74,
Willie Caldwell 72, Anna Caldwell 70,
Mary Fairbairn 69„Stanley Bean £5,
DIckle Taylor 64. -Jessie Buchanan,
8choo1 Report. -The Icdlowing is the
repart of the school In Section N. 7,
McKillop, for June. It is based on gest-
erai 'proficiency and names .are In or-
der of "'merit : Senior Third. - Pearl
'Thamer 76 per cent., Hugh Rim 73,
Charlie Boyd 71, Charlie MeGavin 70,
Susie (Holmes 64, Joe Holmes 61. Junior
Third.-labal Campbell 75, Belle Them-
er 74, John Jeffry 74„William Barwick
.72, Louis Storey 58, Harry Rinn 55,
Joe Campbell 61, Jessie McCullough 50,
Junior Secand.-Janet Clark 73, Mar-
jorie Reid. 71, Anna Stewart 70, Gordcm.
McGavin 70, Melissa Holmes 68. Gertie
Tharner 65, Edith riolmes 63, Wilbert
1-101mes 55. Radar Part Two.-Tomrny
Constable 79, Lindsay Stewart 74, Mar-
guerite Balfour 70. Junior Primer. -
Mildred Dennison 75. Jame e Campbell
,70, Cyril McCullough 65, Alexander
Clark 60, Effie Baltour 60, Gordon
Holmes 61. Enrolled -35. Average: - 30
pupils. -K. E. Brown, Teacher,
Usborne. -
The Coueell.-The Cauncil held a
apecial matting in the school house In
Section No. 7. on June 19t11., for the
purpose of considering the Brock street
drain report. On account of art insuf-
ficiently signed petition the report was
dropped. A regular n:eeting of the
counal wee held in the township hall
on idly 3rd, The petition of Wm. Brack
and others for drainage work to lir-.
prove the Brock Creek was approvel
end the Clerk instructed to forward a
eery to J. Roger. engineer of Mitchell,
witia instruetions to prepare a report
-estimates. etc.. for the drainage ef tne
described arta. A number of ac.counzz•
were passed and orders is,sued in pay
Trent. Courr,-.1.1 adjourned to meet Aug-
ust 7th, at one o'clock.
Dominion Day Picnic. -- The annual
Sunday school pionb in connectipn witn
the Annietreary services of Elin-.ville
church, was held in the .orchard of
Mr. Stila.s Janis on Dorriniant Day. The
weather was fine with the: exception
of a ;slight sprinkle in the evening,
suits of thee' Jane promotion examina-
tions in • Bee-phis/God Separate °School.
Those whose; names a,re marked with
an asterlok he obtained honors. There
twas no Eritr, rice class : 'Jkinior Fourth
to &sitar Poirth. Paso 400. -Joe Dan -
tzar 580, Praink Maloney,389: •Senior
Third to jurfor Fourth.' Pass .375. r -
George Malorge e48., Rose FIanagal,
616*, Wale .*,loney 588*, Gerald Rol.
lard 572*. 31.alpor Third to Senior Third.
Pass 375.-Le3 Flanagan .498, Reta
Rourke 494, Fergus • Horan 462, Eva
Kelly 4,52, 1,90 iacknell 399. Second to
Junior Th1rd.ass .325.-Tessie Flan-
agan 518*, Lerals O'Rourke, 516*, Philip
.Flanagan 488, Harold Maloney 461,
Fergus Kelly "408, Sae Kelly 404. Part
Two to Seconet Pass 225. -Charlie Ma -
lens 393*'Mark O'R.ourke '372*, Andrew
Dintzer 365*, Grace .Moylan '362*, Wit-
fred O'Rour1c353*, Harvey Mintzer
346*, Tommie ipurns 321, Marguerite
Barns 300..Primer to Part Two. --Names
arranged alphabetically - ,Heien. Dan-
tz:r, Katie Flanagan, Lizzie Hicicnefr,
Marguerith Patrick
Maloney, Nellie O'Rourke, Joe Shea. -
Agnes POpe, Teacher,
School Report.-Vne following is the
repart oti the promotion examinations
at late School in Section No. 4, Hibbert.
Narrew arb in order of merit: Form
Four teak:, to Form, Four Senior-
PaF.;13.-Margaret Doyle, Kate Connolly.
Carntel Morris, Jae Coyne. Form Three
Senior, to•Forrn Fad Junior-Pase.-
Mary Dgyle'Willie McMillan, Angus
Kennedy, Fr-ank Coynt. Form. Three
Junior, tolForra Three Seniore-Pass.--
Mary Coyne, Johnnie Williams, Agnes
O'Reilly.. Itecoreme.nded - Joe Burke.
Celia 'Morrie, Ed. Connolly, George
Coyne; Bert .Barry. Farm Two, to Form
Three Junlor-Pass.--Mary McMillan,
Geraldine sp'Connor, Michael Williams,
Joe Cayne,;Florence Coyne, Part Two,
to Form Two -Pass. - Sylvester Wil-
liams, lAlice O'Reilly, Jimmie Morrie.
RecomMerided - Margaret Williams,
Part One Senior, to Part Two -Honors.
-Anna Atkinson. Pas. -Michael Doyle.
Jimmie Kennedy. Part One Junior to
Part One Senior. -Dan Williams, Mar-
garet IteldeAnne, O'Reilly, May O'Rell-
ly, Joseph ,Islaetings, Thomas Coyne.
Angela Burke, and Francie Mortis equal.
-M, J. Curtin, Teacher.. a
John Cimphell.-Another of the wor-
thy ploneere of thia township lias been
removed', by the Great Reaper, Mr. John
Campbell; ot the 8th concession, was
called awayi an J'ane 30th. .Mr. Cansp-
wasibaen in the Township of Te-
cumseh, Simacie County, and moved to
gowick With his parents in the year
1862.. They :Settled on lOt 9, conces-
sion, 8, Whek he lived until the time
of Ms death, „Wednesday, June 30th,
1915. In „Iarollary, 1896, he was Married
to Mies Maggies.A. Douglas, of Howick,
daughter of -tile late James Douglas.
The deceased was a kind and ,effee-
tion_ate riasband and father, a goodanci
and obligtnghteighlicir, beloved and, rees
Ndted bpi old and, young, He was one
of the leadinlg farmers in the commun..-
ity and( tOok ,an active interest in the
welfare (Attie neighborhood. Ile was a
member. .Of the. Presbyteria.n. Church,
and 'a liftlong member of the Orange
Order, fir t joining L. 0. L. -No. /1250,
concessioni 8» Howick, and later plac-
ing Ms certificate wityi L. O. L. NCY.
642,_ Fordwich, where' he remained
member Until the time of his death.
leiveS to mauls his loss, a Isor-
towing Wife, one daughter and one.
son ;seven brothers and four -slaters.
The .brothers an.d sisters are: Mas.
II. Johnston, Samuel and Edward, of
Fordwich!aGearge, of Wallace Town-
ship; Mre. J. Blodgett, of Brandon,
Man.; Mr. 3, Akins, Shannenville; airs.
J. Wiggirte, Harris, Sask.; Thomas,
Jarree, William and Robert, of Minto,
Man. The funeral, in charge of the Or-
ange Order, Was held on Saturday af-
ternoon, Yulyi3rd, at hie late residence.
The services at the house and grave
were conducged by the Rev, Messrs.
Young and_L$man, of Clifford. The re-
mains were interred in the family plat
Every hpumwife can put down a
good su • plY1; of Cuthbert Raspber-
ries. .T e 1*.ry best,- all Niagara
Peninsu a irown Black currants
are also no at their best, for can-
ning . Mont orencycherries coming
fast Have our grocer order at once
Just pile 8041e fresh Vineland Co-
operative Litd. red raspbel ries on
some corn Takes. add cream arid
you haVe aiSelf starting breakfast
Look fo4,, th quality stamp on the
crate. leland Co-operative Ltd.
Ask yot r
1 _
Redgrave cemetery. The large num-
ber of sympathetic friends and breth-
ren Who followed:the remains to theft
: -
teat resting place, . showed the high
esteem and respect in which our de-
parted friendwas held. The . friends
who arateaded the funeral froni. a dis-
*stance were his brothers: Williaart and
• Robert, o.1 altnto, Man, r his mister, Mr
3. 14Iodgett, of Brandon, Man.; tile
rieslhew, Mr. L.. Campbell, of lifinto,
Man..; Mrs. and Miss Preston, of Tot -
:Unhurt, Ont.; Edward and William
Campbell,- of 3'allyeroy; Mr. and Mrs.
George Baker, Pahneraton, and. Mr.,
Unties Catunie, Tara. • ,
i(By a *Special, COrrespondent.).
On DorriniOn Day 'the electrical rail-
way between Loriddn" and Port Stainely
was, formally opsned for business. Xrt
the construction. of '-the coaches :ste.-2.1
hasitaken the pkice of Waled; wherever
and the rdasibed, is as ,solid
.as modern acieneetclattid mike it. TWA
with 'heavy- engine' Oci coaches will
smoOtit xoto and comfort. Each
Coatifi Is a, veritable parlor, having large
windows, rich trimmings and plenty of
Although delay was occasioned by
re -adjustment Of. the e4hipment, the
new electrical road ,c4iika upward of
4,000 people to ili-s0C,Otanley during, the.
-I •
The Toinierotts railroads centering
broughtgreat loads of Visitors
to.lette-!cityilon Dominion 'Day. The. new,
electridaY railway' attracted many, while
Port 'Sra,n1w, Springhtink .and the Mil.
Italy catill were not i'ivertoviked.
Bowling .Tournaments harYit- been ar-
ranged by the LOndon Thietle-
ing Club for every Saturday afteratatin
at their grounds near the' O. P. R.
station. Visitors who 'present thein -
selves before 2.49 pane *411 be eligible
for cOmpe;titiodvtiittst prizes,
Paieed Their BUMS
rrn- A
Oose from
tOgriwiag is list a
this county whO have ressed, their
Norrnal Schaal exarctnations:
011Mon.-01ive Beatrice' Cole, Harold
R. Oantelon, MaY Lillian Elliott, Myr-
t e
Goderich.-MargaretAdarc.s, Sara H. 1,
Beacon, Ida Ge -Currie
Wirgharr.-Liaura M,l Currie, ori
Gilkinson; Hector A. ;Mutton, :Eleanor
W. Pattersaa.
Brussels. -Gertrude ',Deadrnan.Wm.
J. Hoover, Robert W. 'Hoover, nladys
MacQuarrie, Ju -neva 'Taylor, Ka -the. -
leen Wilton, Christina Yulll, Margaret
F. Yuill.t
Seaforth.-Evelyn Grieg, Vincent P.
Murphy, Marguerite Williams.
Auburn. -Fern A. -Patterson, Mar-
garet D. Patterson.
Cora j. Allan, Dungannon, Lillian E.
Stevens, Zurich; Francis Fitzgerald,
Dungannon; Flossie Brown, Londes-
boro; Mirenda Brown, Zurich; Pearl I,
Drennan, Kintail; Margaret Isabel El-
liott, Blyth; Lulu I. McDonald, Gran -
brook; Mary M. McGowan, Blyth; C.
May MacGregor, Kippen'i Robert G.
NicKercher, Wroxeter; Cora G. Nichol-
son, Bayfield; Roy Statehouse, Bel -
grave; Edna M. Wallace; Fordwich
Wilbert G. Wallen, Lochia.sh; Miss
Clara E. Siphes, of tPlattsville, and a
formSr modelite at Clinton,,, received her
permanent second-class certificate.
At Shorncliffe
The following letter was receive"
from Captain W. Fingland by .his par-
ents, Mr. and We. John. FIngland, of
Hallett. Mr. Fingland repeesente the
Canadian Young Men's Chrietian Asso-
ciation at the trent, His letter is dated
june 5th: •
Am anxiously looking for ft letter;
as yet no mail has reached me. The
Army P. 0. is so glutted that mail
Is sometimes delayed two or tare:
days. - • ,
The country leaks _its best 'now, and
everything is magnificient. I wish taTu
could see the flowers, wild and tame,
and the fruit blossoms, and the green
grass, groves and trees. The "gnarled
c,a,k olden," the yew, sycantore, fhe
"Ivy green," etc. Then the blrds sing
so much, the skylark, cuckoo., nightin-
gale. I think Iican understand Words-
worth, Shelley, Gray, Keats, a whole
lot beitter now. .Last night d1 sat and
listened to a nightingale for quite a
while, run through its great variety of
flutes, then came In and. read Keats'
"Ode." There is Some ot the meet beau-
tiful scenery and "ideal walice a have
ever' seen. So many historic- spots, old
castles, churches, graveyards, battle-
We have an ideal camp ground here
a few miles frem Dover. On a clear
day we, can see the coast of France,
Calais and Boultigne, British aeroplanes
pass over our camp nearly every day,
an we can see warships in the, Chan-
nel any time.
I was over to' a hospital near here
to -day where there are about sixty
wounded soldiers, mostly Canadians.
Lord and Lady Markham have, turned
titeir big - home tato a hospital, and
there they are with lege shot off, eyes
oat, arms -gone or bound in splints and
bandages, It is an awful war and I
wish .014 it were over, or even the end
in sight. 'But here it has been going on
for alaost a year and we seem no
nearer victory than then. What is the
end tto 4ater ,
We have a very comfortable camp.
I have a room in the ,officersr quarters
along with a couple of lieutenants, esta
the eon of an English, church minister,
the other the son of 'Gooderharne thS
distillers of Toronto. They are 'both
fine fellows.
A week ago Sunday I took Aervice
In Folkestone, a city of about 40,000,
seven miles from here, for Dr. Pringle,
of Yukon fame. It was a Congregation-
al Church. After service I was taken
to the brime of one of the deacons, a
working man with his little cottage, It
was a reproduction of the fine simp'e
life. of Dickens. I was at a different
place for tea, a 'green grocer." They
were having a picnic the fallowing
Wednesd.ay and asked me to go. So I
went. There were the man and his
wife, two daughters, son, cousin, and
their respective beaux and girls. We
went to an old country estate about
three miles out of the city which; is
now 'vacant. It is a delightful epat, a
typical old English home, with about
thirty- acres af grohnd. The owner
wants to sell the property -$30,000. It
is situated at the head of a beautiful
Stewart Bros,
AkOt ••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••,*
Mali & Phone Orders Carefully Filled I Stewart Bros.
New Summer Thin
• At Very Easy Prices
F course you expect to find all the new ideas here first. We
surely have wonderful variety every department. All
new crisp and cool and the most interesting feature is our -
Reasonable Prices.
Here is the best bargain of
the season. A big table of
chililrens dresses ranging in
prIce from to 3.50
made of best gingham, per-
cale, muslin, duck embroid-
ery, all colors, sizes 5 to 16
;Tars, .c1r0new iP
style and substantially made
Women's Dresses ,
Big Reductions
Ginghams, chambray's, inclian head, mulls, crepes
piques, embroideries, in a big range of colors.
All sizes 14 years to 42 inch, bust si 49
Piques, ratines, embroidery crepes, fthila.rds, long
or short sleeves, high or low neck, all sizes, nice-
ly trimmed. Regular $450 to 49.00 dti
dresses, Reducgd
all new- iiyies
Saftiple eir"§"§e§, iiir6
Reduced Price...-.
Regular $9. oo to $ i 8, chi. s4
Large overall aprons in
light or dark colored -ging-
ham or prints, well made,
cut to
Made of good quality blue
and white check gingham,
straps over shoulder, one
pocket: frice..,...1..,..P5c
11 t °Wit' ttoigi
.. . .
1 `gplal 131a6k ribbed mock -
ingst fast COlOrsi all sizes
good wearers-. Price....15c
You will never know real
corset comfort until you have
worn a
It 'gives you a grace andeasei
in'addition to being absolute-
ly healthful the price is no
higher than the ordinacy kind
nce•ILOS*0•• • ••••510C to $3.50
Things for Vacation Time
for Women
Wash Skirts
Bathing Suits
Hand bags
Motor Coats
A big variety of the newest ideas in each
department, all reasonably priced
Fine Dress Shirts $1,00
A good dollar shirt is a hobby of ours. We always
strive to give the best dollar shirt to be had anywhere.
How well we have succeeded, you shall judge, negli-
gee, outing and sport shirts are here in all the wanted
colors in plain, stripes or dots, soft, startched or
French cuffs. Sizes 14 to 18: Come and see what we
show for price •.•••..• •••
tve. a
go y(0
More New Men's
Felt Hats
We are proud of our hat dOpart-
ment this season. Every hat
seems to be so atracti-ve in color
combination and graceful lines.
We have some new ones just in.
Price ........50c to $2.50
Dress Goods
and Silks Galore
In spit of the unprecedented scarcity of dress materials
caused by the war. We are able to show you a range
of materials the equal of which has never been shown
in Seaforth,before. We have an unusual showing o
Presleys Dress Goods
famous for their wide range of fashionable shades,
their fast colors and splendid wearing qualities. But
you must see them to realize their real beauty.
Wash Suits
The cutes ts, neat est, zleanest
little wash suit you have ever
seen. Made in the blouSs or
buiter styles in stripe , or
plain cloths, brown, tan, pink
navy, alice, grey reseda. Ali
nicely made withSbeltS, pock-:
ets, fancy buttons and braid.
PRICE.......90c to $2.00
The recent explosion at Pea -
body's factory has not interfer-
red with our keeping a supply
of -
these best of all overalls on hand
We have your size in Mack
blue or stripes. Every pair
guaranteed. Price. $1.4.25
nde wear
All the new makers
best makes in cotton
union or light wool in
a/atural shade and col-
ors, short or long sleeve
ankle or knee length,2
piece or combination.
No matter what under-
wear you want we have
it. Price.,..45c to $1
Flaxman Shirts -"
Flaxman work shirts are made of a woven cloth mix-
ture of cotton and linen, the colors are absylutely fast
The shirt is linen lined and is extra full in size. Sizes
Price.. .... 41•• :0 • • .... • 4,1 0041.4
valley; with a great number of trees, • During July and August this store will close Wednesday at 12:30
fruit, shade and arnamental, flower- 4•,__
bed ,d ta no end running wild and an •
old-fashioned thatched barn. It was an . -
Canada and 1 had a very enjayable an . tert.
ideal day for a picnic" and they, were S
the lavvn, took pictures and wandered • u er , Woolw
all like kids. We had our supper on
about. They seemed to take quite an 4pd
interest in enterteAning an officer front •
e in
I have six .days' leave 'com
Think 1 will spend, a couple of daying to me. •
i ; Eggs Wanted
Ls '000nnytin, and the rest in Scotland. Write is
- I Your loving eon, # •••••••••••••••••W4 -094 -4 -44.#4.**** -4H4******************************* ****************
....31.00 to $1.25
Butter, Wo -