The Huron Expositor, 1915-07-09, Page 8• .„ hy Should You Pay More - ForYour Shoes? 11 you have not the ,necessary cash on hand, ,it.is up to you to pay the credit price — the Big Price—for your shoes: If on die other hand, you. have the money, or can get it, why shouldn't you -pay ,the cash price—the small price— for your footwear. e • The next time 'you need shoes buy them at a cash store and pay less. We are closed Wednesday afternoon. Spec- ial hsw prices Wednesday mornings. She Cash Shoe Store Quality gbotwear Opposite ExpOsitor Office • SEAFORTH t3 OIVT4.R10 Telephone Us k for an appointment, we wilt be glad to make portraits of your children, your self, the entire fam- it or any gathering Ot friends. Fell's Studio Seaforth 1 REMEMBER !+4°RoN 4; Also Furrier The Only Horn. in Seaforth :4 • W+4.44444+++++++++++++•+++ Stratford, Onthrio Ontario's most successful business training school. Teachers are coro.- petent, courses are thorough and graduates succeed. We had more applications this month than we had students graduate during the past six months. The three applications re- ceived most recently for Lady Steno- grapher at $780, Bookkeeeper at $1000 and Commercial Teacher at $1400 per annum. Business men want our grad- uates. Get our free catalogue at once - D. A. McLachlan, Principal. Janies V atson Successor to W. N. Watson Seeeral Fire, Life and. Accident Insur- ance Agent. Real Estate and •Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effected at the lowest rates. Dealer m New Raymond, White and New Home &awhile Machines and National Cream Separators. Ale full supply of sewing maehine needles, attachments, el' and re- pairs always in stock. . DAL Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses BEAFORTII - ONT Going Alva This Summer • If so, you'll likely bewant' mg a new trunk or club bag. We have just received a fine new stock of Trunks, Suit Cases aner Club Bags. Be- • fore buying- elsewhere drop in and have a look at our dis: play, anyway. • The quality of these goods, is of the very best, and the price range will suit any purse- F.ee Our South Window H. R, SCOTT The Home of Good Shoes PHONE 31 SEAFORTH '1.-suesLo m2%1 despatch front 6111, will ha re of our citiwns, itive of Seaforf ene. of our Ing' inesinese shoe merchan Toronto. Yeste Harvey, Was Pendicitis ami petal ,here ande Mrs. Willis, w a visitetel her left Inte4dialte the news. of 4 earreIth: Toren been for sorn organist in t;ei was me of W' teerred reside illie.-The feliowing Ingham, datek'ItArne, ..being'a h regret bettreent eand for- Many yeara qactive and -eat rprles ill in Sae, ' ap- s taken to ithe hose derwe[nt an operatioa. ft- some time4go for ente In:Fort .upon the. receipt 6f hasband'a illacce anet , Mr. Willis, Sr., has ler and h and ly es- :: Mr, W. H.. dasigerously day his younges n very ill wi eers choir lea Anglican chiut arres most hi An Ice ;Roe u .1-A,,; long dry s ell waa hroken,on Th i Stisey of last weei, Do- i , million Day, It a fierce rale?, il and wind storm. i rri /Amen occurrd about four o'clock ..he afternoon. The rain fell in %torre ii and there Was ,, a heavy dc,wnfa f hail. After the eterna the ground w '[' white with thail-stones but fortuneet I none of them were very large, fa, d the: wind wesrabt se- vere, so ther was not much if any harm done b tho downfall. Viestorm seerred to a streak, felloeving pretty i close he Huron road. Only a few (drops rain and nofehell fell south of th iiiii road and ere was no rain at heap be Gnat nee. The rain where i f.ell did (good se vice in laying the 4 s and Stimulating vege- tation. ince then there have peen sev- eral refresh , :she -Were, whi la al- though too ( to help' the hay crop, will aid tie etaots and other,sprine• crops which sl'ee,, on the wh!ale. look!. trig well an ' lie' a :good yield. , Death of • is. Muldrew. Many 'friends war rieved- to learn of the death olf M R. 3. Muldrew, which 1 ' Occ.Sred at oI family residence, Gress - jell, Sask. 1,,a,. Muldrew had, ;been ,ail- ing for the past year and -deeth earre after a bras e nd most patient strug- gle. Her Ole 0, took a turn for the worse a fewr''idays previous tO her death' and It ':tvas not until hen that she gave u , hpe. Oil Sundae irornine- she wlhed .tospeak to her lovcd onee to leave heT, otid-bye rressa es, whice she did SO, bravely until . it earre to her husband' 'rid darling children. She broke downgust f r a lrorn2nt, then smiled, (an Videnc of her hope and trust in th evenly Inheritance), and , from then dn; he grew grad ally weak- er until tho end came at four o'cleck p.m., on T y. She was a daughter of Mrs. A. ott; Sr., of Wolseley, ant cable to Wolseley with her parents from Oarl9 In 1903 ..she , anted Mr. Muldrew. ' t nineteen months ago they movcd ,to Grenfell, where they have since reelded. TWO Male d,augh- tiers, aged e let and three,lyears, end E'. d , husbana,,i'D left- to mo n the loss of a loving neither and wife. Mrs. Mul- drew was a'idevoted mem er of the Presbyterian Church, taking pert in the several departments of' t e church's woek. She owes a a quietiand. kindly diepeisition ared highly esteemed' by all Who knew her. Though the lives el sueh quie 1 /.1assuming p3ople as Mess aluldrew eg attract little attention from the eheral public, yet their bless - and .caruf t be over-estimated. The ed influe e .for good iswide-spread deepest sy pOthy of their many friends goee out t t e bereaved -husband and children, t t se aged n -.ether and broth- ers and 0 eters, who rneurn her 4e- rrise. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon; service at the ;Presbyterian Chureh by Rev. Mr. Rusfel, if Lumse den, and, peyhMr. Adares„ of Wolseley, and intententt was Made at the ,Wolae- ley Ce m e t6 rye -Com. ' /. I 1 ••-•-tas----,...--...f......• ' Carr ere' Smith. -- _Miss Mary Lee Smith, ida. ghtier of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, M. Smith 1; of4 149 HollYwood avenue, East Ora ge,: was marrled last even- ing to Wllilap John Cameron of To- ronto, Ou.ada. The cereMony was per- formed In St.lAgnes Etat:impel Church, East Ora ge, by therector, Rev: Dwight W, craha:v. The bride was given in rex eage by her father and was attendedilky Miss trginla Gilles - by ot South Crange. as In:aid ef ,honor and by A4 ss •orothy V lrna Cerren of East Orange and Miss Alma Schwab of Orange as bridesmaids. The best man was Jahn; D.Tuchman of East Orange .and the :sheep were ,.liarace A. Smith, :brother o the brlde, a d Walter Teb- betts o East [Orange. A reception fol- lowed th ceremony f or metier rrs of the tarril es and a few fr1end-3. The church andluse were decorated with' 1)a1n2s, ,sIreil et ferns and white blos- soms. Fr nk enwick, organist of the church, p eyed the weddirg music: Mr. and Mrs.; Carron will: spend a month in Canad _ bY; way of Niagara Falls and varle s Massachusetts resorts and will :make the,* home in Raleigh, N. C. The ab ve ie ta,ken from an Ameri- can .paper. • The brldeg. &one Mr. Cam- eron, is a old Buren boy, a native of Cranbroo in the trrenthip of Grey. He Is a•gradeateeof the Seaforth Crdleg'1- ate Insti lute .,end of Toronto Univer- sity. At ' resent he resides in Raleigh, North •Carolina, holding the position of Deputy insurance Cornmfssloner and Actuary 1 f dee State. The groomsman on the h Ippy occasion, Mr. J. B. Buch- anan, Is also] a former Huronite. Mr. Cameron has many old friends among our :made s who will unite with The Expositor in Wishing irnself and his .bride, a long happy and prosperous mar- ried lire. e e Rose Day. -Many of the young radiee of town had i. busy tree on pominlan Day selling preses in aid of the local branch of the( Red' Cross ,Association. They were ireeesistable; in their efforts and were susOessful beyond their ex- pectation.Eaely in the day they bad disposed if a`.4 their roses when :the turned t eirhattention to flags and were eflle nye-cube-33S I. They netted the haride rnereum at '241:for the Red Crass. Iri thlsieonnect cfre we may state net as the war prOgr;esses the needs • of -this worthy orgardiation increases. eA good reanyehave not yet given the assistance either in money or work that they s,hoiald. do. There are many who do holt yet, 'seeni rto relize that this terrl le War is OUR war as well as the war Britain and that it le being wagedefer the'protection of ,OUR liberties, re liberties 'of the people of Canada a well as fa' the liberties of •the people of Britaln dr France. When, therefore,- so 'Many oI Canada' ; sons are giving their llves in .defence of Canada's 'freed*, surely those who re- main comfortably at home, should. con- tribute Liberally Of their rneans and labor to eroviele- for the care of the elck and wounded. soldlers. There es ,) nOt one whereat:not give or do some- thing ttor OAinhtliii.nobleevokk. Surely AtOare is 1130 la.4 in SeafeAll Or vicinity :Who dannot'afford to *VOW at least three brows,- of her time eatli Weekto heipt in the &id cause and ere [13 not a, man within th,be bound e a the }fiaeleity whke could not without much sacrifice give at least one dollar a width to aid these. who .are' giving Mires.% their lives for our protectitin and ,benetits The cladies of tire 113.ed Croes desire us to acktioveledge the ..felloWleg- contelbutions darling the past week .'i L adle a' *itl, Presbyterian Church $10; Loyal Orange Lodge garden par- ty, .982; A friend, 9-100 ; Riese Daye$2,41; pins, 750. We hope the contributions nett week will be mail mote numeroas. Tile Sloclety are holding 'e sale of cook-. lag and candy Saturday, July. 17th, * the store next . to the old postoffice; and will be there to xecelee suppliel ,at 2.80 o'clock. The sale will _commence I at 8e30. r The Bible Soniety.-The annual meet,. ing of the Seaforth Branch of ;the Uri - per, Canada Bible Society was held l'n the school room of , the Metlaodlit Chureh 011 Monday evening last. There was a fair attendance. The meeting was olPsned by the •paetor, Rev. Mr. McKinley. Mr. J. M. Wilson, the Presi- dent,. of tie society, preside& The a- gent, Rev. Mr. Cosens, •delivered ,a sheet but intereating , and laden -leg address respecting the ,good work be- ing done through t11/14 agency Of t Society by means of Circulating cop' of the 12rIpturesin various languages and by colportueeS. The lecture was il- lustrated by appropriate lime -light view.s. The reriertf3 of the refficers fpr the pest year were 'read and approv d. 'Mr. J. M. eiVilion was Ire -elected Pre 1 - dent, etr. William Hartry, Secrete y, ,and Dr. Varburn, Treasurer. Tie Branch has adapted a change in it a methods of raising funds this year. Instead of ernplaying collectors as formerly,envelopes have been distrib t- ed• at the several churchee in ,wh ch 'contelbotions can be placed and I he chveicipep to be returnedi onr tile col. lectlon plates next Sabbath and the Sabbath following. It is tee be hoped the response will be generous. Ti1S old end werthy eSorAety is doing a eplemdld work and is deserving of he • most liberal aid, The rhoney contrib, t- ed will be well and, wisely expended. Dr. Forster of Stratiore, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will he at the 'Queen's 'Hotel, Sea - forth, on 3rd Wednesday of each month troll 11 to 8, 2479 tf - Hay Field for Sale -Twelve acres in field, Mtn thy and clover, on Lot 3, Conceseion 5, Tuckers ith. Apply to John Sprout, Egmendville. 24Sx1 For Sale or to Rent -Residence on Victoria s reet Apply to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Sea orth • 247 -tt Dr, Heileman, Osteopathic Physician le a the Commercial Hotel every Tuesday and Friday Irlom 8 to 12.80. See Professional Card Page 7. „244ttf • For Sale -Several vood house& on easy terms 11. Edge, Seaforth. 229. For gale or Be nt-Red brick residence on 6toder loh st., east, with every modern convenience. I For Gale on reasonable terms. Apply at Royal Rotel', Seaforth. _ 2492-tf Dwelling honk and tact; lots on %lames st. ftir sale Apply James Watson, Seaforth. 24744f • House for Sale -For sale the square brick house and two lots on Gode Joh st. Seaforth, ocoupied by Mrs. J. 0. LaidLaw. Iror particulars apply an the ,• 2470-tf premises. Farmers -Massey -H rris cream separator ri have on them a simple aped indicator, an obild can turn a Massey-Harris,and keep it at right speed. We sell the best wood silo on the market. See our corn and bean cultivators at Massey-Harrie, ware rooms across from Turnbull & MoIntoeh's livery. R. 0, Henderson, agent.: 2478x4 For Sale-OneAtitchen range, one gasoline stove, one suite of Cherry nedroom furniture and Cue -half of many July bargains at Beattie's Fair, dozen dining room chairs. Apply at the Ekpositor Office.• 2481-2 Al2, quart granite preserving kettle for 2s52002,4. . , 8f 03 rTh e. • .Farmers -Purchase only Deering pure ' Manila twine. Will bind more sheaves than .any other twine, cheaper because it goes further, McLaughlin buggies, first ciass wagone with dust p000f axles, De Laval separatora, angle harness, Clay farm gates etc on hand. A. M. Campbell, Seaforth. 2482x1 House. for Rent.. -Good frame house sear 'Victoria park for rent at reasonable rate. Apply at ' Exposi- • tor Office, Seaforth. 2482x2 Saturday is the last day of the great public sale of the Ontario Clothing Co., at Seaforth Woollen Mille There will be tremendous reductions for thq balance • of the sale, in order to avoid the -expense 0, 2h4a8u1i1ng goods away. 2. • Our reliable eye speoialist will again visit Seaforth Dates July 20 and 21. See that you see him. Beattiea' Fair, Seaforth. 2482-1 New Teachers. -A list of the names af thoee who passed :their normal. school examinations was publiehed on Saturday, but as only the ,napes are given withdut any xegidentlal designa- tion, not even, ehe school at which: they attended, it is ImPossible to pick out of the llt thcce from this county 'who have been successful. ,We notide, how- ever,that the following have euceeed- ed and have been granted interimsec- ond class certificates: Evelyn L. Greig ard Marguerite Williams, , Seaterth; Itena McBeth, Stanley; Fern A. Pat- terson, Auburn, 'and Donald M. Shaw, formerly of Egmondville. sThere are, TO doubt, others but for the, reasons ,above stated we are not able to dis- tinguish them. The *umber of certifi- cates granted in the province .were: Perretment second-class, 11; interim _seem -claas, 881; limited , third-clasfe 78; kindergarten direetresa, 16; interim 'primary, 16 ; interim kindergarten prim- ary, 7. Total, • • • Local Briefs. -There were forty au- tomdbiles standing at the driving park at one time Friday afternoon. That represents a kit of money rand does not seers to indicate hard :tit/lea-The Brussels Poet /if laiet week eays :Thom- as and Mrs. Thomson and Misis Mar- garet =reed to Seaforth th1s week, where they expect to make their home. The .gond wishes of a large circle ef Mends go with them for the ,hest of success. They require no introduction to our Southern f neighbere." - Mr. Peter McDougall of Porters Hill spent the holiday in Egrnondville with his brother, Mr. Wm. McDougall. - Mrs. (Rev.) Cousins, of London. was visit- ing friends la ItOwn this week and was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Archibald Scott. -Mr. and Mrs. M. Walsh having purchased the Morrison reeidence on. East Goderich Street, have removed to town and now occupy their comfortable new home. Mr.' and Mrs. Walsh have lett their farm, in licKillep to their son ard now seek in retirement the ease and con -fort which' a life of industry and thrift So juetly entitle' them. The many friends of this worthy couple will unite in while/lig teem gloms yeare of• health to .enjay their new mode of Jarres McGee ,has purchased the neat residence ,On. Main Street of Consigney and will 'occupy it short- ly. -Miss Govenlock is here from Cal- gary and will spend the holidays with ter mother, Mrs. A. Govereock, at Win- throp and with other friends. -Me. W. C. McKay, Barrister, of Toronto, was visiting at the home of his mother, Gaderich Street, 'over Sunday. - Miss M.ary McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. (McLean, i here from fEd- Meet= and will spend the holiday? with 'ner geandparents ,and aunt, Mrs, W. T. Berass.-Rev. Mr. Larkin and daughters, MisseS Beatrice and Marion, are slign41ng a cOuple of weeks holl- h Toronto. -In the absence of Mr. Larkin, Rev. H. WoOds of Bruce - 1 siToR 35 s tad of ‘, a short time only, you can secure 1.2 'Copies "of The Women4 Magazine at 10 cents $1.20 One Fashion Book } 1 New Ideit Pattern 15c $1.35 Instead of $1,35 our Special Offer to You 5, A Saving of $1.90 But you must act AT ONCE. This offer is made by special arrangement with the publish ers and holds good .Jor a short time only, •.- 'Thompson's. Bookstore Seaforth Window shades and picture frames made to order. field conducted; the •eervices in tne Presbyterian Churcn Sunday forenooe, delivering a powerfuldiscourse. In the evening the service3 were conducted hy Mr. Cosen3, agent for the Bible Society. 110 is a son of Rev. Mr. Dosens of (London, a. one-thne pastor of the Meth- pdist church here. He la evidently a.' Methodist Church. He is, evidently, 'a • young man of good* ability and. much promise and his discourse Sunday ev- er ing was interesting and 'helpful and rruch appreciated by the seiingregation. -Mr. and Mrs. ,James. Sutherland of Honolulu, were here last week /hate ing Mr. Sutherland's brother, Mr. Alex. Sutherland of John Street. It is forty years Attlee the _brothers met. Mr. Jas. Sutherland is 'chief manager of one of - the coastline steamers at Honolulu. He was intirate with' the late ef.eR. Counter and knows Miss Jessie Thomp- son quite well. - Miss Phemle Cowan oif tne Dundee Collegiate Institute, srert Stenday at her home here. She left on Tuesday for •Toronto, -where she will be engaged in the Educe -time Department for some weeks reeding examination papers. -Dominion Day passe ed over very quietly in town. <The races brought a large ,crowd of people bet they were mast of the time on tile driving park and after the rain most ot them quietly left for their homes. The rush of the day was to Bayfield, a great many going there Ito (spend the day on the lake shore while Others went to different paits by train. and many remained quietly At home. -Miss Della Bafiantyne of the Waterloo Pubilc School Staff is ,nome for -the 'holidays. -Mrs. Clark and, daughter, Annie, of Killarney, Man., are visiten.g with Mrs, Clark's be/ether, Mr. Wen. 'Rinn, in Hut - lett, and with other: relatives. They came d=own to attend the wedding of MiS3 Evelyn Clark end :will spend the summer here. -Mr. Wm. Wilson and ni:eces, Misses Gladys Cousens and Pearl Stewart, left on Tuesday to visit relatives near Goderich. - The many friends of Mrs. James Lawrence of McKillop, will be pleased -to jeern that she has almost completely recovered Iran., her recent severe illness and Is now able :to get out to town. -Mrs. • C. Holblen, of town andaMes. Baker, of Dashwood, are spending a few weeks • In Buffalo, the gueste of Mr. and Mrs. D. McCoerrack. Before their return they Intend 'to visit in Bridgeburg, Niagara Falls aed Other pointe. -Mr. James Mc- Lea,n, formerly of the Mill Road, Tuck- ersmith, but who: has been a resident Of Dooley, 'Montana, for the pest few • years, 'was here this/ week • visiting friends. -Miss Mary McPhail, of Kin - cardiae, is the euest of Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. J. H. Gibs -pee -Rev. Father Eckert, Of• Minneapolis, is spending a few boll - days with friends in this vicinity. - Mrs. C. S. Andrews is In Goderich, this week attending the summer school, as delegate from, the Seaforth Presbyteri- an Sunday School. -Mrs. Thomas Step- hefns 18 the guest of her elaaghter, Mrs. G. F. Rogers in Lotdon, this week. -Mrs. Alvin We/etc/At and, children a.re here from Halkirk, Alta., visiting with Mrs. Westcott's (deter, Mrs. George Cardnol and with other friends. -Miss Barbara Spro'at of Dettrat, is spending her holidays at ;the :home of her par- ents, Mr., and Mrs. John Sproat, Eg- mondville.-Miss Cassie Everett Is home frorr• Cainpbeliford, for a months' vaca- tion. -Mrs. John Murray ,and r son have arrived here from Pregton to spend game time with her mother, (Mrs, Ham- mett. Mr, Murray has ,geine to Regina, where he has a position with his brotn- er, Mr. Ernest W. Murray. C.E.-Mrs. W. W. Meredith was here from Was- laceburg for :the holiday. -Miss Emma, Lockart of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Miss Johnston, Goderich Ntree.t, East. -Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney andchild- reit of Stratford, were here this week visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Lt Clark. -Mr. Mc- Arthur of Blyth, spent lest week hero with his brother, Mr. Alex,. McArthur. -Messrs. William., • Leonard and deeres Sinillie, all sons . of Mr. ..V. B. Sm11lle, of town, who are engaged, in different parts teaching, are .spending their holidays at home. - Mrs. J. D. Ilinchley was in St. Thomas this •week visiting friends. -Mr. Bert MeMicheel, eldeet son of Me. and Mrs. William McMichael, and who resides in Cleveland, _is visiting his parents and other friends here. He came in his auto -Mr. and Mr. A. H. Alexander and miss Elsie, of Stratford, epent Sunday at the game of Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. -McLean.-Mr. and Mrs. g...11, Scott returned from their honeymoon trip on Tuesdag evening and are now comfortably knitted in ith'eir new home on Goderich Street. -Mr. Themes Elder has the feundation for his new brick residence on John. Street completed. - Mrs Wm. Scott 01 Brucefield, ia spind- les a few days !with Mr: and John Beattie in towse-W. L. Talbot, London, is calling\ on friends in town this week. -Rev. Mr. McIntosh of Lon - den,' w1 conduct the services ',the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath. At a meeting o/ the Seaforth Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society of. the Presbyterian Church *Id on Tues- day last, Mrs. McKay, the President tendered her resignatiote on account of her removal from town; The ladies of the Society presented -etre. licICay with an address -expressing their iap- preciation of ber valuable services as President and regretteng her resigna- tion and her sositempbtecl removal from Seaforth. The address was accompani- ed by a keepsake in the shape of a pretty gold brefoeb. Mrs. M. Y. McLean W84 elected President to fill the une expired term. -While Mr. ,Pere' Walk, of Tuckeremith, lwas driving hito eown trona the North Wednesday, his , lebtee 'became frightened at a -motor cyc:e, and Sung:ling into ethe ditch, 'it eollidedwith a telegraph pole with such force as to break neck. -Mr. Herman Berbolz. cif -AellitOn,-"ind forte- erlye Of Tirckerarnitif, -wa aIthig on old friends here 'this weela-Mr. Rus- sell Bristow is, ylaltilig iiiitle[‘relatives In Taranto this -Stead, K.C., owlet St few days in Man - 4.• 44 4. 4. 44 4- 4 - JULY (.1.4 1915 trra•••• • - .46,4t4i4eC4140.+* 4.4.1.**++++++44444:4 44.44.4444 IWe pity transportation charges' on phone & maikorders + Parcels Sent Post Haste by Parcel Post. villeolasit. week, the sliest of Mr. te, E. Barbee. Florence Laid- law has iv:turned to Boston to continue pr-Sargeent'S courae-of 'Physicial ,cul - tui' at the Harvard 'University, Cam- bri.dge. - Mr, Joseph .Thom3on, the youngest den of 'Mrs. Jai.= Thomeee, of Seaforth„ died, in Montreal, en Sun - lay kiegt. The retrains were brought here and were interred in the ,Mait- 'dandbank cemetery on Wednesday. The deceased WW1 44 - years of age. gle Inas reSided in Montreal for aeverti years and, was a victim: Of Pnehmonia.-Miss Marie Gaetzrreyer, of the Humboldt • Sepagate School staff, is spending her vacation :at her horns here. v.-- Mr. D. T. Pinkney, of Stratford, was In town on Wednesday. -Mr. W. Mulcahy ,113 visiting his mother and eieter • town.. --A successful dance was held in Case's hall on Tuesday evening lat. Ed. Ctidmore otf Ilalldrk, Alta., hi here visiting his •brothers end other - friends. Mr. Cuebrum has been in lads- iness in the West for eeverat yeare, and says that conditions look vefy promising there this year , -Misses Mar- guerete and Ethel Williams left this weekefor Duluth to: visit their sister, Mrs. :iohrt DomSy.-Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Scott, wife, have been visiting _friends here for a couple of months, leave on Friday for their home in Chicago. -- Mrs. Hales and, children ofToronto arc - visiting with her mother, Mrs. John Warwick. -Mr. E. K. disitte,nden Is spandlng his heludays in Brantford -and Toronto. -Mrs. Harry Beattie and two children of Winnipeg are here toepend • the summer. -Miss MeGuire, formerly of the: E. McFaul millinery depart - trent, was here from St. Thomas this week Miss McGuire leaves shortly to spend he summer in the West. -Mr. • and MI's. Alexander Thompson of Brant-. ford and Mr. Thomas Thompson of In- gersoll were here to attend the fun- • eral of the bete Joseph Thompson. - Miss Mary Gillespie, B.A., is in .Toron- ta this week reading exarrination papers. -Mr. and Mrs. Csas. Stewart were in Godericie over Sunday. -Mr. and Mre. Edgar Lawson, were here over Sunday, Miss Belle Forsyth, who has been visiting at their home en Auburn, accompanied !them, - Miss Gretta, 'Watson, of Regina. publicehool Staff; is homes- for the holidays. -The annual tournament of the . Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club was held en their green here on Wednesday and Thurs. dee, a full report of which will be given next week. - There were 440 tickete •sold at Seaforth for the 'an- nual Union Sunday School picnic to Gedetich on Thursday. -Miss Elizabeth Eckert, a gradusee of St. Joseph's con- vent, Toronto, is *home for vacation. The Seaforth Races. The annual teetting ereet of the Sea - forth Turf Club was held, on thefr .grounds here on i•TIVIzrsday and Friday last, and althbugh the weather was not all that could, be desired, there was a large field of entries, and the finish% were clesa and exciting. On Thursday, Dominion Day, there was a very large attendance and splendid ening: but unfortunately the heavy rain which blew up abou.t four o'clock pat an eneihtO the day's sport after two heats each in the 2.80 paee and 2.24 trot and one heat in the 2.104ipace had been run Off, and forced the crowd to take ehelter $1.11 the agricultural tuilling. The racing was .resumed on • Frihlay and although the weather was • threatening until noon there was an - Other large attendance, and deepite the heavy track the races were good and the time' last The following is the summary • ' 2.30 pace FIRST DAY •Walter Hal, J. Smith, Toronto 1 2 George Loc-ando, James McDowell, Toronto 2 1 Mabel M., E. Hannah, St. Marys 3 8 Sidney McGregor, F. Feather, Port Arthur 4 4 J. A. B., 3. Brownlee, London 6 6 Willow Hal, J. Smith, Toronto 6 6 Time -2:19}, 2,191 2:24 trot, pulse 000 ‘Woodpoints C. Daw, lemdon I 1 Patrina, George Stevene, Galt 2 2 Nancy McKay, Ira Mabee, Aylmer Ti,2mae 02p: 2a40102p: 2u5r ae . 00 3 3 Yedno by Bob Fitzsimons, J. Nesbitt, Toronto 1 greatest Heart, Goodison Stook Farm, Sarnia 2 Matte Chimes, F. Toor, Hagersville Bianohe B., J. Meade, Toronto 4 Time 2:151• SECOND DAY 2.20 pace-8rd heat Willow Hall George Locando Walter Hal Mabel B J. A. B. Sidney McGregor Time 2.24, 2,23, 2.241 2.24 Trot, 3rd hsat Woodpoini8 NPaatrileinYKaY al" Time 2:241 2.10 pace, 2nd heat Yedreante gst Heart Mattie Chimes Thne 2:22, 2:18} 2.17 pace Direct Wilkes Eel Jr. Oral& Togo Blanche B. PrIturcignEfampe111-2a:r4 Ti28f, 2:23*, 2:211, 2:25 • Brussels. Tennis. - The Brussele TenniaClab vethi their seco'ndeWeetexas Ontario' Ten- nis League match here on Monday, defeating Ilarrietorn in all of the five events. The 'notch was played- in Is drizzling rain, but the play was of very gored.' calibre notwithstanding, The scores :-Singles-Stuart Fox, Brume's, beet Scudamorece Harristen, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3. Vernon Ross, Brussels, beat Duke, Frarriston, 2-6, 0-1, 4-2. It. Leckie, Bruseels, beat Montgomery, elarriston, 6-4, 6-1. Doubless-Stuart Fox and J. Leckie, Brussels, beat Scudamore and. Montgomery, Itarristan, 6-3, 6-#. Ter - nen Ross and, R. Leckie, eeruesels, beat Duke and, Washburn, Harristoze = , 1 2 2 2 1 I 3 4 3 4 3 4 65 5 2 -8 11 22 3- 1 6 2 4 2 2 4 8 3 1 I 1 ' 4 3 5 5 4 3 6 65 • McKillop. Our Reliable eye spedialist will again visit Bea - forth. Dates July 20 and 21. See that you see him. Bsattiet? Fair, Seaforth, 2482-1 _ The Voters' Lista-Mr, Murdie, Clerk o McKillop, whiehis always up to time with hti work, hes the voters' liet kfor this year Out. The nets *ere firet poet - ed in the clerk's office on the 6th of July and. any person desiring to have ary tames addeeestruck ,off or chang- ed should notify the clerk accordingly within thirty days, a July 5th. There are 737 names on the het. Pr these • 603 are entitled- to vote at both Muni.- cipal amd Parliamentary electiOns, are qualified to vote at Municipal elec- .tisins only, and 38 at Parilamentaryel- ectione only. There are 44 female vot- ers, divided as follows: Division NO. 1, 14; 2, 19; No. 3, 6; N. 4, 1. 44 4; its somosommommink Mactavis Store of Good, Valise ' Store closes Wed-- nesday afternoon during July and August. aNmegowesaisommar•sam• • Butter and Eggs taken same: as cash for merchandise It Will Pay t You to Buy Another Summer • Hat at the price I weofferthem 1:4 now. Newly I. trimmed hats on sale at exac try I half price. Dainty and Desirable for Ladie and Young LadicA are the • Spkndid Styles Shown in • our collection of new White Wash Skirts $ i Made of pique, both wide and I narrow -welt. The unusual ex - 4; cellence of the choice offered : * t will please the- women who •,.' • have before found it necessary' 41; 4; + 4. skirts to wear srts made special. • 4* + t +4. t The latest summer styles are here in t .14 abundance, and the very superior qual- t T ity of the fabrics are well worthy of I t + note, especially at the prices we are i 'I t quoting .... . .. . . ...... ......$1.75 to $3.50 ft .i. t 1 Dainty Summer Frocks :1E Isn't there a wealth ofmeaning in t that phrase? Rows and rows of sheer delicate finery suggest them- selves to every woman at the meri- t. lion of these words. But perhaps yon think they're too much bother to make yourself. That's where t• we're ready to help you. For here • we've assembled attractive frocks • f• or all your summer needs, They * are totally difft!rent from the t frocks we sold last season—except * in one item—they are the same splendid quality. For Best Wear Fluffy, beruffled styles that reminds us of the fashions of our grandmothers — fine, sheer lingerie fabrics that launder beautifiitly and look cool and tt fresh on warm summer days and nights—dainty little floral de. signs in springlike colors—these are the elements that go towards .making these frocks the most attractive, thoroughly fninine *4. shown in years. Delicate crepes and white voiles as $3 Si?? $51 $6. 50,' $8,50 to $15 . ota. • Cotton Tub Frocks Plenty of the sort that will stand more strenuous wear — neither sun nor soap can hurt them. Made of fine charnbrays, ginghams, etc.in all the bright hues of the 1915 style rainbow. Loose, blousy waist and pretty touches of trimming are the distinctive style features. Prices very according to quality from $1.00 to $5�o. Smart little dresses for srnall girls as carefuli made from as good fabrics as Jur ladies' frocks. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Special 25c to $2 , Sheer, Cool Summer Hosiery *-, , *• For ordinary wear, you'll find comfort and good service in :these . fine weight lisle hose—with double sole—high spliced heel,several I+ qualities for women, 25C to soc: a pair. For girls 12%C to 50c. Rich, beautiful, silk hose will lend a finishing touch to your ap- pearance—especially with oxfords are they attractive, and the at- + tractive and extraordinary quality and double women soles of these hose insure good wear. They come in pink, sky, grey, black and white, as low as 75c and up to $3 a pair. J. MACTAVISH • SEAFORTH The Store that Saves you Dollars 44+4+:4444•434444•4*1+•141-.4% 444.**:+44+++404+1*,..*.ki+J4. •