HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-07-02, Page 5JULY 2,1 5 hing but Low Shoes These are the days for to get them—the best y es and shapes. You tat, or white canvas; ut ; you can have rub the best manufacturers etter, wear better, look n't started to wear Oz here for them soon. Patent Colt, Gun Mstal towns and cities for $5 1 Calf or Tan Calf; on the $3-50 and $4 a pair. bber soles and solid rubber Postage prepaid. COMMEROIAL HOTEL frs., Walter •1. Fee And daughter Fovea into our village, settling dwelling oa the ,London roa,i they purchased from Mr. Simon ['hey will make gocxl residents, I. sympathy is felt for Mr.. and I'. Dingwall In the ,tdeath this xf their infant child -Mr Rich - 'right, of Toledo, .Ohlo, ,and a • resident of this village, was his week spending a few days eiatives and friends, ;mho were 1 to meet 'him again. -Mr. Geo. photographer, intends shortly go- t to. Grand Bend pr ithe stun- onths, together with Mrs. Trott, in business with pleasure. - V. IL Sraythe, who bas been ag a:number of months, together ier -Infant child, with her par - 4r. and Mrs. Thomas Hemphill, ed this week totter home- ,in 0.--Str. and 'Mrs. A. G.S3nil- Seafortb. were hi the villagethis alling on a number of their rela- Ind friends, and we learn that 1111e shortly intends taking it to the, Ooast and other pohlts. Lary Hobkirk of Seaforth was her farmer home here recent se Hobkirk lately passed very .sfur_school examinations. - The ercial Hotel property was sold Tuesday afternoon last to Mr. sa Bender, the present tenant. rice for the fine Hotel and _land ;ted therewith' and the furnitur,. Latta belonging to the said acyta. 8.750. Mr. Bender may congratu- imself upon having ane of the id IIwrZt up-to-klate Hotels ta be outeid?. of any targe place and to doubt, continue to give good nodation to the travelling publie. union service held trethe Metho- hurch on Sabbath evening last. casion being the farewell mamma lievR. Hicks, was very largely ed as there was no service o count in Carmel Chureh an ongreeation together with the attered the service in the °ring church. Rev Mr. Flicks roost encellent and practinal Ber- nd eves listened to with much it and pleasure. Rev. Mr. Smith -I Church also spoke emphaall- fact of the high esteem. In the Rev. Mr. Hicks was held 1e regret telt that her was leav- the end of his three-year .t larg-er charge in Windsor, wh ro been hoeiored by a Second ca...11 he same congrega.tloin.-Mrs. '11. lloy and Mks Han' Drake re - • last week from a pleasant visit :trica_m olties.-Mr. T. Neelaads, of -The Hensall Observer and as always taken a very live in - in the Welfare of 'mix villaget ho has encouraged and advocate good enterprises and improve - of whom it may be said &hat he tstant in endeavor both in se4.- Ed out of season, is himself now commendable enterprise In the irrproving his dwelling by the >n of a very large and finely acteJ ,,Colonial verandah. --Mr. W. s fluids has also been making hit- • nts nd Its added to the ap- ;cc of his property by neatly his fences and so forth, and Ifreci Taylor is taving his fino rvy brick dwellingon the cor- ! Albert and i street, nicely ted. e this season of n er Cordial? all n of Cordial iison Preparations 20c bottles in 25c boxes $.1 a bottle Tablets the ) 150 for 50c on SEAfORTH 71, JULY 21-1915 4111111•111111111111101111111111111111k 0 THE- HURON EXPOSITOR • -Bish-op DoVling 'has appointed Bev. Prank McCarty, Of lerikora, who was recently ordained to the priest -abed at, edcm to be asstattaat at St. ,IllarYs* Catholic Cathedral, Hamilton'. -Capt. Glen Gordon. the fir# 'Streit - ford officer td mea death At fttiteTy-fent, Was killed June 15th, in theaessene ac- tion in whieh Capttielamere was weiunded. A private cable was'. received Lby Caplan Gordon'a father, ex -Mayor Wn Gordon. Idf Stratford, to this ef- Yeet. The dead Officer was a barVer, Sind, left as lieute+nsint, loiter being pro - reeked. In letters from cernirades his bravery.his been mentioned on, several bccasTons. * ; t' ' t -Twei residents of 'Toronto 'bocinnit- led suicide Sunday night. James Smith, h peddler. aged 64, hanged hirrieltwith Vey wire in the stable at the rear at kils home. while *Adam Foreman, 25 year old, inhaled illuminating gas. 111111111NOMOINIMIIIIII MARKETS sEATOR.Tif MARKETS Thursday, July 1st, 1915. Fain *beat (Standard) -(new)."---• 1 00 to Sill1 00 0s.ts1 pet busheXnew) ;55� 4 P4 la, per bushel a., — 1 60 to 1 50 6 55 bo- 66 tin per — 26 00 60 26- 00 abort; per ton— 28 00 to' 28 00 825 to 400 Butter No. 1. loose. .......... 20 bo 22 NUS DIN 401011111. • • War AM lief On Mk Of 19 to 20 say a •... 6.* ..01.61.0 re 1.2. 00 to 15 00 rotatoe7,1;a7g 80 to 8 5 Beans 0 . * 2 60 to, 2 / "".......111111nowsie..1•••• Bean - 1181. arket" I Detreit, 411.31e 29.- ails -Immediate and prompt' shipment, $2.95; f ely, 43 Toronto,- June . 29.--Beans-The mar- ket is quiet a.t43.10to$3.15 for primes, and 48.20 tO V 3.24 rser bushel ifor hand - per bushel, shipping points. 1 a Poultry Markets 1.1 ' London, June 29. -Dressed -Chickens, per lb., 18 tO 1.8a; turk4e, per O., tel 22c. ! ! I t ! 't TOronto; June 29. -Dressed -Poul, lb., AA to 18c; spring chickens, each, 50 td $1.00; do. 'pdund, 95 to 0c;§ducks,., 'young, lb., 25 to 30c e do. each, 76e to *1.00; turkeys, lb., 23 to 28c; geese. Ib. 19- to 20e. 13 to 16e; ducks, lb., 14 to 16c; geese, lb., tia 1Tc. Dairy Markets. London, June 29. -Butter -Dalry, lb., 29c; crocks, lb., 26 to 7c;2rolls, ib.,' 27 to I28c. Eggs -Per doz., 22c; hisket, Ala., 21 to 22c. Honey, stkained 10 lbs., 41.40 to 11.50: • • I • Montreal, Jun..4 29. -Cheese Finest westerns, le 3-4 to 17e; finest ettetethet tot 19 1-4c. Butter -Choicest ciearn-, ery, 28 3-I to Mb; aeconds, 21 1-4 to 27 3z4c: Eggs -Selected, 25c; No. I stock, 2.z 1-2c ; No. 2 stock, 19 1-2 to 20c: Toronto, June 29.---:Cheese-The mar- ket Is firma with new quoted at 17 to; I17 3.-te fir large, and 17 ' 1e2c (for! twhis. Old cheese, 21e. Batter - Ttlet market cosi Wines :quiet, with values steai y. Cliodee grades in good, 'demand. Choice dairy, 21 to 23e; inferior, A.18 kto! 0c; creamery. prints, 27 to 29e; . Om; Solids, 26 to 28c. Eggs -The market is steady, straight new -laid being quote ed. at 21 Ito 22e per dozen, in case lotsi. selects, 23 to 24c. Hey. -Buckwheat, 1-4c a pound, in tins; lc to 7 8'-4c ixi barrels; Strained clover honey, 121-20; 14c in 5 -lib ;tins; comb -honey, No. la (per dozen; No. 2, Nf2,40 per dozen'. 3 Grain, Eto. rforonte, June 29. -e -Corn -N0. 2' pg..: low, 78c, on track Toronto. 0:ntar10 pate -No. 2 white, 55 tci 56c; No. 8, .'white„ 54 to 55c, according to freights butstde. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 Whiter, 'per car lot, $1.11 to $1.13, tleCtirdirig to freight outside.Peas.-No. 2 nominat, 'per car 1ci.ts,11.50 to $1.60, according to freights outside. Barley -Good maid barley, 70 to 73c; feed barley, 65e, a cording to freights outside.' PotatoesL- Ontarlos, 55 to 600 per bag, out Of Store, and 45 to 500in car lots. New BreLriOtvieks, car late, 55 to 00c per bag. Millfeed--Carlots, per ton. delivered. Montreal freigths, Bran $26;shor,ts, *28; raddlings, $29; good feed Min', bag, *1.85. Wool - Washed corribr, hi fleece, coarse, 34c to 36c per lb.; wash- ed medium, 36c to 31e; coarse, 33c to 35c; fine, 33e to 38c; 'washed fleece, fine 37c to 38e; waSh- 'ed rejects, 270 to 29c; unwashed torrb- ing fleece, coarse, 25c to 26c; unwakh- ed medium, 26c to 27c; i rn- washed fine fleece, 27c to 28c. 13a1ed Hay and Straw.-Dearle1e3 are pe.ying as follows fokecarlot &liveries on track here :-Straw is tfuotede at 67 to $8 a in in car lots .delivered bn track here. Hay, baled, No. 1, ton, vie.po to $18; go. 2 at G14.00 to *1610; 114. to $11.50; 20 3heepi$5.00 to $7.00; 20 c lves $8,00 to 010.00. W. J, Neely (Matthews Blackwell) bought 150 but her cattle, choice $8.25 t� $8.50; DIROU111 $8,00 to$8.15; common $7.25 to *1!90; good cows $6.75 to $7.25; Wen $6.25 to $6.50; bulls $8.60 to SI. 1 common 55.50 to $7,00. Corbett Hall & Coughlan Co. sold 23 loads of cattle, best $8.00' to $8,75; medium $7. out° 57.90; good cows $7.25 to $7.40' medlom $0.75 to $7.00; common $15 to 10,50; canners $5,90. Bought and shipped an order for France, 800 steers ancliows. • . Buffalo, June 29th. -Cattle -Choice to Kline shipping steers $9.40 to $9,65, air to good. $8.75 to $9.25, plain and coarse $8 to 8.50, choice handy steers $8.50 to $9, fair to good $8 to $8.25, light common $8.75 to $7, yearlings $8.50 to $9.50, prime fat heifers $745 to $8.00, best handy buteher's heifers $7.50 to rim, common to good $6..50 to $7.25, best fat cows .75 to $7.25, good butchering cow 86 to $6.50,med. lum to good $5.50 to $6, cutters $4.50 to $5 .25, canners $4 to $4.25,best heavy bullsi$8.75 to $7.26,goodr.butcheri1;g bullM,50 to $7,1igbt bulls $5.50 to:$8. Hogs -Market lOckto 15c lower. Heavy $8 to, $8.10, mixed And yorkere:$8.15 to $8-.25, pigs $8.25 to $8.35. Sheep. - Mirket alchigher. Top lambs $1.1 to $11.25, yearlings $8 to $9, wethers 8.50 to 17.25, ewes $5.25 to $8, cull sheep $3 to $4. Oalves-Market strong. Tops 519.50 to $11, fair to good $9:50 to $10, grassers $4 to $8. Montres,l,june 29. -Owing to the in- creased supply of cattle offered, and the poorer rgiality of the grass fed stock, an easier feeling &valved in the market on Monday and prices de- clined 10c to 25c per cwt., but even at this reduction buyers stated that they were practicalq clearer than a week to. *hen the difference in the quality , AS taken into consideration. The demand was good„ for all grades and especially so from packers,and a more active trade was done. There were a few loads of fitall-fed choice steers ; on the market,.which met witn a ready tale at .85, and small lots of picked brought $9, but the toy price realiz- ed for Nil loads of choice grass fed cattle was 8.15 per cwt. The supply of cows and bulls were larger than us - nal which met with a good sale. The Market for small ineats was steady. The.offeringS were mach larger than they have been ef late, for which there was an active demand and a brisk .trade was done in sheep and lambs. ,Sales of round lots of ewe sheep were made at $6 to $6.50, and in a few odd 'eases as high as $6.75 was realized per :cwt. Lambs sold freely at $5.50 to $6 each. The trade in calve was also ac- tive, and sales of good to choice stock were made at 6c to 8e a pound live weight. Butchers' cattle, choice, $8.76 to $9, do medium $7.50 to $8.50, do. common $6 to $7, canners $4 50 to $5, butcher's cattle, choice cows. $7.25 to $7.50, do. medium Selo $7, do. bulls $5.50 to $7.75, milkers choice, each $75 to $80, do. common and medium each $65 to $70, springers, $55 to PO, sheep, ewes $6 to $6.50, bucks and culls $5.50 to $5.75, lambs each $5.50 to $6, hogs off oars $9,76, calves $1.50 to $10. Lima Stook Markets. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Ont., June 29th. - For the grater part of last week the top figure reported for choice gears was $8.65, with a few extra quality reaching $8.75 at the week end. At to -day's market, how- ever, &number of sales reported at $8.90, and a few fancy yearlings- sold Up to $9.00. Although the demand ( was especially strong in the choice butcher class, the buying was good all through the list, with the excePtion of :stockers whichremained dull. Choice cows were sold all the way up to $7.75. with good quality ranging up to $7.25. Bulls were steady with the, best selling from $7.00 to $7.50. 1 The market for sheep and lambs took a turn for the better, although the high- er prices were for the choicer grades -only. The run of lambs did not ava erage high in quality, and the better stock sold from $11.00 to $11.75. Light ewes sold from $6.00 to $6.50, and year - Ings from $6 to $8, according to quality. Heavies were about steady ' et $4 to $5. The run of, hogs was un- usually small and there was practical- ly no market. Buyers quoted from .10 to $9.40 off cars. Following are - some of the representative transac- tions: Rice & Whaley sold 15 loads, ood butchers $8.00 to $8.56, expo, aney baby • steers $8.90. IdeDonald ' Sc Halligan sold 20 loads cattle, good butchers, $8. to 58.50; one load heavy steers, fancy $8.90. Harris Abattoir bought 2$0 cattle, steers and heifers $7.60t0 $8.50; cows $6.75 'to $7.55; bulls $6,00 to $7.25. , Swift Canadian Company bought 300 cattle. 1.110 to - 1,200 lbs, $8.00 to $8.50; cows $7 to to $7.40; bulls $8 to $7,25; W. L. Johnston (Gmins Limited) .bought hogs $9.10 off cars. D. .A . McDon- ald, sold 100 hogs $9.10 to $9.40 off cars 24 spring lambs 11 1-4 to 11 ,I3 -4c; cents G sheep $4,50 to $cl.00; 20 .calves $6.75 to $10.12i. H. M. Levenoff, Montreal bought 150 cattle, two loads cows, 1,150 lbs, $0.90; five loads Steers 1,050 to 1,250 lbs. $8.20 to 88.50. Gunns Limited bought 175 cattle,' steers and heifers $7.90 to $8.50; cows $7.15 to $7.50; bulls, $7.00 to $7 40; 25 lambs W. T. BOX CO. P EMBALMERS AND . FUNERAL IHREG.CORS H.C. BOX & W.S. GORMLEY Holders of Government:Diploma and License CHARGES MODERATE Night Calls Phone 107 mesemeamsmonIMMIM IN01111011MIIIIMIMMIIMI"11111111.111.1.11=8 Day Calls Phone 50 Births IMPORTANT NOTICES Notice to Creditors AXTANTED—An Ineustrioute man who can earn V V $100 per month and expensee Mir rOdUCta to farmer. Must have some mesas for starting expenses and furnish contraot signed by two respontdble Men. Address W. T. Rawleigh Toronto, Ont., giving age, occupation and rotstences 2481x1 lnas IC4DICNON FOR fi)ta -- A comfortable frame ,-rasidenee near the High Sohool. Good Oellar hard and soft vtater, it first class stable and half an sore of ground. Home heated by turner:se. Cheap for oadok sale. Terms easy. Apply ;GEORGE TURNBULL, Seaforth. 246444 COTTAGE FOR SALE—The comfortable cottage, on George mt., Seaforth, belonging to the est- ate of the late Mrs. lease Miller. The house em- battle parlor, dining room, .kitchen and four bed. TOM& There are two lots and a good stable. It is within one block of Main it. There is a good cellar and bard and soft waWr Within the house. Apply ab TIM EXPOSITOR OFFICTE Seaforth. 2474.41 LURE FOR SALZ—For sale 100 acres of Choice I: laud in the Townshipof Hibbert, being:Lou 28, Coniession D. On the premises are a Mick house, drive shed, bank barn with stabling, hen house and pig pen underneath. The farm is well fenced and underdrained and there are 10 acres ;of hardwood bush.1314 ell and Telephone Connection. For f liner pe mare apply to ADELINE SILLERY 0)affie, Ont. 2422-51 VARM FOR SALE.—Lot 6, Conoeesion 9; Tooker - 1' smith, containing 100 acres, about seven acres er bush.The farm le well fenoed and drained n a good state ot cultivation. There are on the premises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house, teen home, drive house ferid two good well. For berms and pertAculars apply on the:premises or ad - dna. MRS. JOIENtijiloOLOY, Egmondville P.O. 1111166-4 "TWO! FOR SALE—Lot 10, Cionoeselon 6, L.R.S. , .11 ruoeseimite. The farm oontains 100 aims, all cleared and in a good state of oultivatt ,on.PeThiu. neves failing wells, windmill at barn. Good- bank bath 50188, pig house, he* house and drive shed. A podiums house with fuenitoe. An sore and a haff of extra good conshascil. Tide oholaa farm is within 8 miles of fisaforlik, on the Kippart HENRY FORSYTH, legmondvUle. $ 24611t1 CUB,SON—In Goderich, on June 195h, to Mr. and , 'Mrs. James Corson, a daughter. HOWELL—In Goderich, on June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin W. HoWell, a daughter. BROADFOOT—In Vancouver, B.O., on June 265h, to Mr. and Mrs. James L. Broadfotit, a daughter MERHLEY—In Whigham, on June 218550 Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Merkley, a son. , Marriage& SOOTT—SMITH—In Seaforth, on June 2951i, by Rev, F. H. Larkin, Mr. Harry Reth Scott, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Scott, to Miss Agnes Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. 15. Smltb. - • LAMONT—BURGESS—At the home of the bride's parent" on June 23rd, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A. Mr. Hugh Lamont, Orey, to Mies Mary N., eld- est daughter of Mr, and Mrs James Burgess, f Brussels. . FOTHERGILL—RUTLEDGE — In Wingharn, on June 23rd, by Rev. J. W. Hibbert, Mr. Al- bert E. Fothergill, of East Wawanoeh, to Miss Catharine A, Routiedge, of Wingbam. GILLESPIE—PEDDLE—At Whitechurelt, on June 165h, by Rev. I. Ure Stewart, Mr. John G. Gil- lespie, to Miss Eunice N. Peddle, daughter of - Mr. Samuel Peddle, botkof Hest Witwanosh, .) rtOOD FARE FOREALE—For Sale Lot 25- and la part of Lot 24, Ckmoesition 14, Moltillop. con- taining 150 aoreat Them are on the premises a modern brick house with hard and soft Witter. There is also a good barn 60x126, with stone foun- dation and stabling underneath, driving shed [Wee° on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all in good repair. There vs also a good bearinz or- chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well underdrained and well lerioad and in a high state of cultivation with 10 notes of hardwood busk. It la Well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of Walton C. P. R. station, also telephone and rural mail delivery. This is a ottani farm )uid will be sold on reaeoneble terms. For further particulars apply on the pretnisekorAddress. W. .J.IDICKSON Walton. 28t Deaths COLE—In Clinton, on June 16th, Mary Cole, young est daughter of the late Dr. Cole. MONK—In Tuckeremith, on June 24th, Jane Heti, day, beloved wife of the late RoberkMonk, aged 58 year -8, 6 months. CLOAKEY—In Wingbam, -WI June 21a5, John Cloak ey, aged 36 years, JAOKSON—In St. Thomas, On June llth, Rev, -6 Thomas Jackson, aged 82 years, MINEVISPIEMMOVEMMIP •••••••*••••••••••••••••• • S. T. Holmes • • Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Od.dfel lows building opposite Stewart 13ros. Resi- dence Goderich st., opp Dr. Scott's. Flowers fureished on short notice. Phone Night or Day j1119 Farm for Sale - The James Ross farm on the London Road, part ot be eloalile°a:°"daujetl'o'n' sot:nt'IpttrTehr nn :rd92, 19°1 . For pertioulare apply to the:CANADA TRVST oo., London, or W. BRYDONE, Solicitor, Clinton.' Dated thief 29th day of June, 1915. ,2481-dow-6 I • 1 Notice - Seaforth W. L. &. S. Commission Smidwalirs•••••••••• Until further notice, accounts for domestic light will be rendered bi- monthly, instead of monthly, by order 2481 2 J A. WILSON, Clerk •••••••••••••••••00 666666* .1•01••••=001.41.0.....11110.1 WANTED IMINOMP••••••11. Remaining in Town 'Owing to the auction sale advertised by Mrs. Consigney, a report has got into circulation that I am giving up business and also leaving town. This le absolutely incorrect as I have no intention ot Or • ing up the lucrative business I have built up in Sea - forth by efficient service and strict attention to business. My many customers and friends will find me at the old stand where they will always receive the good workmanship and service which has been awarded them in past year!. 2481-4 C. CONSIGNEY 11001.0501110•1311./0.100•011CatlIF -69,6:0WIESINVISO. Tenders Wanted 0•11111111111150i.01...... Tenders will be received by the Council of the township of Hulleti, up to Thursday,_ July 295h, at 2 p.m., for the deepening, widening and straighteih ing of the drain known as the McCall Extension Drain from a point on thiteastern limit of the wee half lot 9. Goneeesion 14 tothe outlet at Lotle Con- cession 10, Haab. Plana and specifications can be seen at the clerk% office. An accepted cheque of 5% will be required to be furnished by thesuccessful treader& The /owed or any tender not necessarily atompted. • 1181-4 .1A.mse CAMPBELL, Township Cleric ••••=mom=...• Choice Farm for Sale in Tuckersmith Lot 10, Concession 7, Huron :Road Survey, Tuck- eremith, 100 acres : 80 acres cleared, '20 acres hard wood bush chiefly maple. There is a comfortable house with gaod cellar ; two large frame bame,each with stone foundation and in good repair, good pig- pen ahd henhouee, two good wells, ,new windmill and Iron pump. Soil &et -class clay loam in g3od vstate of cultivation. - Farm all well unaerdrained incept bush. -Full possession may be had November 1st, 1915, and purthatier shall be atliberty to do fall ploughing after harvest. Terme—The property will be sold subject to a mortgage for $5,003, bearing In- ternet at b per cent, 10 per Milt. of purchase 'money to be paid on day of sale and the balance within SO days thereafter. For further particulars 'apply to John Stewed or David II. Stewart, R. R. No. 4, Sea - forth ; F. Ilolmeeted, Barrister dro., Seaforth, or to PROUDFOOT. HILLMAN PROUDFOOT, Elea. forth, Ontario, Solicitors for John tatewart. 2481-12 The undersigned is prepared to pay spot cashfor 25 or 30 tone of good timothy hay on the field. Phone 11 on 145, Clinton central. -, JOHN B. MUSTARD 2481 . 2 . Brucefield Fall Term Opens September 1 Notice to Creditors ais0:1046ersoll0.10 Pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, notice is, hereby given to all perform having . any claim against the estate of Sarah iloy, late of the town.* eldp of Morris in the County of Huron, wife of William G. Hoy, deceased who died on the 165h dey of June 1014, to send parlimilare of their claims and of any Beautities held by them duly verified by affidavit or declaration, to the undersigned eolith - or for the administrator addressed to him at Sea - forth p.O., on or before ths lab day of Auguet, 1015. After the said date the said adosinistrator will pro - (seed to distribute the assets ot, the estate among She parties entitled thereto, and after the said dis- tribution the said administrator will not be respon- sible for any part of the slid assets so distributed to any creditor of whose claim he shall not have re- ceived due notice as aforesaid. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for the administrator of tha said%estate, Seaforth. Dated this 2185 day of June, 1015. 2480.4 Notice to ,Creditors 10.0.411••••••••=••••*, Pursuant to the Statutax in that behalf, notice Is hereby given to all persons havlog any laim &getout the estate of William Dennison, late of the township of McKillop, in the County ot _Huron, farmer. dammed, who died on the 16th day of May, 1916. to send ihe particulars of their claimer and of any securities held by them duly verified by affidavit or declaration, to the undersigned solioitor for the executors addressed to him at Seaforth p.o., on or before the 1s5 day of August, 1916. After the said date the 'aid Executors wlil proceed to distri buts ths assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto and after the said distribution the said ex- ecutors will not be responsible for any Fart of the mid assets so distributed to any Creditor of whose claim he shall not have reoeived due notice as afore- said. F. Hofmann, Solicitor for the executors of tne said estate. Seaforth. Dated this 21st day of June, 1915; 24S0.4 44++++++++++++++++++++++4 WesternUniversity London +4. .Anothergreatadvance Income doubled now $75,000 4 Another large addition to Faculty and °equipment in Arts and Medicine. Greatly increasewd enrolment invie Write for particulars to B. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A. Ph.D President • 11:4446 ts In the estate of John Campbell, late of the town- ship of Tuckeremith, in the Clounty of Huron, farm- er, cieceaseth Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims against John Campbell, who died on the Kat day of May, 1915, at the township of Tucker - smith, are required on or before the 195h day- of July, 1915, to send by post or deliver to the under. eigned Solicitors for the Executrix of the said de- ceased, full particulars of their claims; and that at- . ter the said last mentioned date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the pereons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said executrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & PROUD • FOOT, Solicitors for Executrix, Seaforth, Ontario. Dated 295h of June. 1915. 2481-2 Toronto; does not ask for a better re- putation than it already possesses. We get positions tor many students each .year . Catalogue free. W. 3'. Elliott, Principal, 734 Yonge st,, Yonge and Charles streets. Notice to Creditors South End 'Upholstering Shop Mr. L. WoSnowden has bought the -*Master egoperty, south of thelSeaforilh littiamery, and. will Oen what valif be known as the South NO Upholstering Shop. 'Algo Nei Paper and Decorating speclUty. rireteclass work MA a big cut in prices. Call and 'get zne pricee on your work, ; Raspeelifully yours, L. W, solowniEN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 11 SYSTEM Dominion Day EXCURSION FARES SINGLE FARE -Good going and returning July lst only. FARE AND ONE-THIRD - Glood going June 30th and July lst. Return limit July 2nd; 1915. Return tickets will be sold between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur. Secure your ticket early at Grand Trunk ticket office. W. Somerville .. Tcwn Agent W. Plant . ...Depot Ag e.n t C. E. HOgNING, D. P. Union Station, Toronto, Ont, esidence for* Sale 1 Drain.tile is a most necessary ariicle for successful farming. It is almost as necessary to plant tile as to plant your seed. Good clay tile has proven durable for a life time. Stay with the clay and be satisfied. 1 -have a full assortment of tile, quality A 1. Will be pleased to have you cell and see our stock and get our prices be fore you buy elsewhere. Can • quote you is the yard or deliver to your farm be it near or far, small quantity or large, Give us .your order for tile now so we may have it when you are ready. Call and.see us whether you buy or not, no trouble to show goods. Wm. M. Sproat • R. R. No. 4, Seaforth, Phone 9 on 136 Lumber and Shingles We have in stock and are prepared to sell at the lowest prices No i hem- lock lUnlber and the best gradexxx, xx xx and xxxxx red cedar shingles. Before building or mak- ing repairs call and see our stock or drop us a card for prices. Ament Bros, Eeaforth The undersigned offers for sale his very desirable residence, situated a mile wed of Seaforth, on the Huron Road. The libuse contains seven rooms, besides kitchen and pantries, bath- room and lumber room. There is a furnace in the lebuse, and ale° electric tight throughout, and in the out- buildings there are two cisterns and two wells. There are bout two. and a half acres of land With the house, fenced, and planted with fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs ;' there le lalso a stable for two horses and a 'cow, and velepie,s, harness and tool room and chicken house. In connection with the above, Mr. llolmested 16ffers for sale a •mantel mirror, electric light fixtures, carpets, cartains, floorcloth, „sideboard, extension, table, bed room suits, etc. The property is very cone venient to schoold churches. Price, 58,000. For further particulars and photograph of house apply to In the matter of theestate of John litelop, late of the township et Tuckersmith, in the county of Huron, fernier, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provis- ions of the Trustee Act, that all creditors and oth- ers having claims against the estate of the said John Hisiop, who died at the said township of Tooker - smith, on or about the 1350 day of April, A- D., 1915 are required on or before the 20th day of July, 1915, to send pest prepaid or deliver to the under- signed at Seaforth, Ontario, full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And Further take notice that after the said last mention- ed date the assets of tha estate of the said deceased will be distributed among the pa.ties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which noti3e shall then hays been given. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Gideon Hislop, Administrator of said Estate, Seatorth, Ontario. Dated this 265h day of June, 1916. 2481-3 CREAM WANTED 'We have 'our Cresanery now in full operation, and we want 'your patron- age. Wa are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your creani, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample' and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the sariee. We also supply can free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. ball in and `see us or drop us a card for particulars The Seaforth Creamery Seaforth Ont, 2479-tf F HOLMSTED SEAFORTH, Ont. •TAKE IT .EASY 4. Beginning. Monday, 4. May totn, tne store at + St. Columban will close IF on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at six o'clock for the sum- t mer months. Tuesday, 4'. Thursday and Saturday t 1: evenings will remain open as usual. +- J Holland I: 4. J. :I St. Colurnba.n 2472-2 Spring Work THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MR EDMUND WALKER, LLD., D.c,L President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JoHee AMA, Assa.Geneete Maosser CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE "FUND, $13,500,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES FOR THE SUMS OF $10, $20, $50 or $100 payable at their face value in the principal countries of the world, are sold for a srnan commission by all branches of the Bank. Easily negotiated anywhere and self -identifying, they are almost indispensable to the traveller. The holder is protected in the event of loss of the cheques, as a separate letter of identification is issued with them. Th,ere is no safer or more convenient method of carrying money when travelling-. S43 Seaforth Branch. W. O. T. MORSON nager At this time of year many necessities are needed to com- plete the spiing work. Look over the following list of which we have a complete stock. Sweat pads Halters Collars Tie ropes Hames straps Lines Breast straps Collar tops Martingales, Spread chains Plow pads Gall Cure Hoof Ointment Heel chains Curry combs Brushes At the most reasonable prices ,Shorthorn Bull for Sale For sale Lord Seott " eleven months old, red, sired by Scottish Herd 55043-90066, vol 51E., imported by Mr. Davis of Woodstock. Darn, Lady Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Chamb- ers, jiippen, Oat., dam of Lady Smith Lady Smith 2nd1 6020; Lady Smith, Lady Mary, 4osebild 3rd, BOSe Bud, Red Rose, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower, Theresa, Strawberry,Red Rose, Lady Jane (imp) No. 281.Sire of Lady Smith, Red Prince 68984-77608; Royal. Don 17105-8471.7,‘. Captain 24448; Dub- lin 6848-55588; Captain Merlin 2923; Pride of Sea,bain 2274; Earl of Good- ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke Bourbon 517; Baron Solway (imp) 23; Cobden (imp) 52; Young Britton 1176; Sir Walter 2632; Son of Jerry 4097; Young Star 5319; Roseberzy 567; Son. of Comet 165. Ie will be seen from the above that this rung bull has the very choicest blood in his veins. For further particulars apply to JOHN CHAMBERS, Cromarty Phone 6 on 147, Seaforth Central N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept per service on the above premises during the present season. 2473 tf M. Broderick Opposite Commercial Hotel SEAFORTH Harness Trunks "How I shall miss you When you are grown." What the poet sang, every mdther's heart hos felt. Baby's photoeraph, taken/ now and then will preserve.the image and. memory of days for all time. When was your baby s ptetztre last taken. , Fell's Studio Seaforth V alises Yop Know Meees 41*? It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. Insist on getting Canada Cement. A full stock on hand at all times. WESTERN FAIR • LONDON Canada aginowwwwwwww' Sept. 1.06 -18th 1915 $3o,000.00 in Prizes And ATTILACTIONS Prizes increased this year by $3,000.00, Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night Ne* Steel Grandstand Bildwaylletter Than Ever Music. By the Best Available Bands SINGLE FARE OYER ALL RAILWAYS Nitest of Toron and Fare and One -Third from outside points. 0, Prize Lists, Entry forms and all information from the Secretary . A, X. HUNT, Secretary 2481-4 W. J. REID, President Hemlock sills. cut to order Shingles, xxx and xxxx Spruce and pine dressed sid- ings and flooring Metallic building materials Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal Smithing Coal Tile, all sizes, either in the yard or delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sizes, ie slabs, a bargain Anyone in the market for any of the above lines will do we to get our prices. J. B, ivigitard Phone 11n 145 BRUCEFIELD KEEP KHOOL..--. I • I Two piece worsteds and light weight tweeds, in all the summer suits in blue serge, fancy • new colourings. : * Fine Negligee Summer Shirts with soft or • lounge collars ----7 new style Straw Hats— light : • weight Sox .--"Summer Underwear — -Wash • • and Fancy Neckwear, etc., etc. • 1 I to 41•444******•••••••••••••• 40**** ** *4 04,..**4„.........., A In order to be comfortable during the sum- mer weather you . should be "togged" right. We are showing a complete line'of hot weather wearables for men. ** 4 Let us show yqu the goods that • will add to your summer comfort. W. a Bright and Son 41 - • ,s „, Zakvommum.... w 1111 — - be'eeeee rr misompommeimeammotteweem ttereelfA• `-"MADE IN CANADA* Ford7rowing Car bice $590 if Your neighbor drives a Ford -why don't you We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before- becauee Cana- dians demand the best in motor car serviee at the lowest possible cost The “Made in. Canada." Fords a necessity -not a, luxury. Runabout is sop ; Town car price on ap- plication. All Ford cars are -fully equipped., including electric headlights. No cans sold unequipped. Ford. buyers will share in our Profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1,1914 and August il, 1915. All Ford 'cars on exhibition at J. F. Daly's Garage, Main st., Seaforth, Ont. _