The Huron Expositor, 1915-06-18, Page 5JUNE 180.915
sop tar as weli as thee most
3a for worned's wear. More
e are showiag this season a
very lady that sees the new
r buys a pair. Choice patent
nubuck canvas, a variety of
ing that could improve these
Ladies paten colt pumps,
. 23 and 2.50. Growing girls
for 2.30. Ladies patent colt
aiS for 2.75. Ladies patent
eels for 3.00 and 3.50. Ladies
;, spool heels for 3.00. Ladirs
al heels for 1.75 a pair.
ictal buckles, covered heels,
nos, with black or white, ros-
00 a pair. Mail or phone
Lain St. Methodist Church, Exeter,
noted service in Carmel Chnrch
Le.bba,th morning last 111 the inter -
of temperance in which depart-.
t he is now an inspector under
Canada Temperance Act, and gave
ry interesting account of the work
which he is engage& In the even -f
during the absence of the pastor
Mr. Hicks of the Methodist Church,
*inducted the ;service, giving a fine
oerse.-Dr. J. W. Peek, a recent
ivate of McGill Medical College a
treal, and who has been praetts-
.for a couple of -years in connection
L hospital work, has purchased Mr.
leraphill's floe brick dwelling, two
pus ez;essensod a oesse snoop
,4 up an office and rooms and has
ady entered upon his practice and
no doubt, command a fair share
Yatronage.-On Wednesday last Mr.
Liam Wesley Coleman of the town-
, of Hay. was happily united In
siege to Miss Jennie A. Jackson
he same township. The young coo-
svere very quietly- married at the
n:ee, Heneall. by Rev, E. F. Ma,. .
the groomsman being Mr. Cam -
and the bridesmaid. Miss Georgina
keon, sister of the bride. The bride
very handsonsly attired and look-
harneieg. The ceremony over tile
cou-el.. left for an asefornobile trip
.eaden aed other points, followed by
• geed wishes of a_host of friends.
.t Wednesday of last week Mr. W.
L'arreont of the Township of Stan -
a presperous and much rbspected
;r.g farmer was united in marriage
,Miee Jeeeie A. McArthur, second
tngeit daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
)ert McArthur of GlEn. Mavis farm,
eship ef Hay. The young coaple
re qeietiy married and unattended
thene...ns: at Exete`r, by the Rev.
. Sharp. „Alter the ceremony the hap-
, young couple took the train for
don and other points, after which
y will. settle on the groom's fine
m. We unite with their many rel -
Fes and friends in wishing them
g and continued happiness. - On
dayevc•-ning last on their return
in their wL.dding ten. Mr, and Mrs.
Wiggin e were -serenaded by odr cit-
- s brass band. -As every current
at or neariy so in our budget this
Sie is either on the line of love or
iage, your correspondent 1 beers-
: to. wender if there is anything
ang or la..hind the times in the
thelor lifia-Mrs. Wiggins of Mor -
h was hara durlag the past week
iting her son and friends. -Rev. Mr,
aJi, lately of Myth, will _preach in
latereese of Knox College in Car -
Church on Sabbath, June 20th. -
s. R. Benthron returned recentl,y
Sri Barrie, where she spent some five
Oes with her claughters.-Mr. Thoa.
pphiil ha a sold his fine dv.-eiling.
doors east of the postoffice to Dr.
k, a recent graduate of McGill
and we are pleased to Iearn that
[. Hemphill intends either purchasing
[hellOing in the near future. -Mrs.
fro ata the Iciest, is visiting her
tiler, Mrs. Alex. Ingram, Sr., and 4
ais @Suds
'hen ycu must turn your
'al appearance and comfort.
or Spring Overcoat will
ng suitings and overcoat-
ost fastideous dressers who
c -,s" -clothes you can de-
erfect satisfaction in wear,
ilored to suit the young
who wants to stay young.
range we offer in serges,
..Ad Son
Drug Store
is Racquets and
Foot bails, hard
Is, Croquet sets,
Gloves, Catching
ar colors and rang-ipg in
Notes. -Miss Elizabeth Mathevrs, who
has been suffering from tonsilitis, is
recovering, we are -glad to hear. -Mr,
Frank Jordan had a bee on Wednesa
gay movingehts house: Mr. Jordan hie
tends putting up a new brick residence,
-Wedding .bells are ssounding loud ,on
,the fourtb.-Many from Filbbert e/t-
tended the marriage of' Mies Mare
Nigh of Tuckersmith, on Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie Reach, who has been visit
ing her cousin, Mrs. Joseph: Atiiinson
the past month, has returned home.-
DP.niel O'Connor spent a few day,
In Stratford recently. ! ;
1:705aaaaa tataadaramnew)... a.. 1 10- to .1 ic
O, pet buebel(ncer) 48 , 8;
PAM, per bushel 1 50 tei 1150
earleyaper bushel.. 65 to • 106
Maul per ton, .
Rutter No. 1, loose.
Nags aer
Thurteday, June 17th, 1915. ,
buyers stated that they were pay.,
0.50 for lots weighed ort cars,
ne buyer, who deals _ largely in
, Paid. *170 for his lot. One drov-
d at issuto, weigted off cars, and
4714disposed of a bunch oT 80eat
eked, 0• under th0 circuenstances it iii
u&to arrive at the real quotations.
quotations were : Butcher cattle,
, 48.10 to $8.45; do, god,*7.50
7.60;..db,, medium, 07.15 to $7.40e,
0,, ea/1MM, $6,03. to $7.10; botch:ens'
but*, choice, $6.75: to $7$0; do., good,
bulls, 46.25 tin 46.50; de., roughl WIWI,
545 to $6;. butchers' cows, &bake,
6. , to $7.26 ;`, do, good, Pt 4, ,to Ite.„50;
a medium, 4P.25 to $6.;' 0.O., eonunon,
6, to $5,75; feeders, gooa, $8.50 to
7425; 0:Jockere, 701 to 1,000• lbs., $6.25
7 75 ; canners and cutters, $4, to $50;
rs, &tam, each', -460 to $95; do.,
Mon and inedisin, each, $35, to $1,.;
0 ingere, *5P Of 1$9P'; Lie* ee`Ae0,:$6. 3
07.60 ; de., heavy, $4 0 $4R.0; db.,
b ks, *8.50 , to $4.50; yearling lamba,
$4160 $7.50; Spring lambs, cwt., 4111 4,..o
$12.50; calves, $4.50 tO $6.0; =hogs, fed
and 'watered, $0.85.ndo., off ears, $9.60
toi .$9e90.
'llontreal, June 15. -At tb,e Montreal
Steck yards west -end Market receipts I
a. live stock for the *eelv.ending June i
12, were l',800 dettle, 950 ehesep and
iainbs, 2,80tt Ift,s, and 1,200 calves. true
offeringt Olds morning amOunted to 650
c tut,•800 &feel) and iambs, 1,/00 'Eon,
a d 000 calves. 1. feature ot the live
eteck trade Ms week was ithe weaker
arket for butrifens" cow e and bulb,
aid parlois ter all grade,s ruled lower
on account of el* *fact ebbe is applies of
a ,coining forward td Late aiztve been
titer in 'excess of the requirements,
nd sales of full loads of ;choice cows
ere (made at 47 to $7.25, land buils at
7.50sitici $7.75 per cwt. 'On. 'the other
1 .
and, the market fdr steers was
irm at the advance in prices noted a
eek ago, owing to tibe iFixfasal offerings
or which there Mita a good' demand,
rom butchers and packer:'s, and 'Oates
$f full loads of choice steers were made
t 18.15: tot 48485, .but even et these
lpHOW eliere WA not sufficient ;stock
of itille, ciao on blere market'to fill pack-
ers' wants, and they thlad ,to buy a
number ot roads in the Toronto market.
The trade on the Whole WM more ac-
• tive, and a_ clearance was ma„de early.
• A 'm'ore active trade was done in Sheep
and lambs owing to supplies . coming
forward commencing to steadily in-
crease, for Whichi there is a good 'de-
mand, and' in .consequence the market
ruled steady, with .ales of round lots
of old sheep and yearling lambs rnixed
at $6 ito $0.50 per cwt. arid Spring lambs
brought $0 eadh. The demand or calves
was good at steady pribeS. In sympathy
'with the easier feeling in the Toronto
rnarket far hogs at the latter end of
Last week, and the reduction in prices
of lac - per., cwt. • a weaker feeling de-
veloped in the local market to -day, and
prices declined 10 to g0c per -cwt, The
demand from :packers was good -for
setected lots, and sales were made a's.
*9.70 tot $10, sews at $8.20 .to $8,50, and
stags' at f$4.85 to $5 per cwt, weighed
off cars. Butchers' cattle, choloe, n$8,75
to $9; do., medium, $7.50 to ;$8.25;
do., °minion, $6.25 to $7,25; canners,
$4.50 tie $5; betcherS' cattle, choice
cows, $7- to $7.25; do„ rned,iur, .$6 to
$6.75; do., bails, 46 to. t$7.50 ; milkers,
choic.e, each, $75. to $80; do.. common
and medium, each, 465 to $70; .spring -
'ars. '4'55 to $60; sheep, t ewes„ 06 to
*6.50; bucks and culls, $5.50 to $5.75;
lambs, each, $5.59 to 46; 'hogs, off cars,
$9.70 tc0=410 ; calves, $1.50 to .410. ,
"schwas, per bei:
Beans-. . . ..... . .
26 09 to 2600
28 00 bo 28100
75 to 4
20o 122
18 to :le
12 00 to 15E00
30 to 80
2 60 to 2 76
Poultry Markets
Toronto, Ju- e 15.-Poultry-Chleke ,
yearlings, dreesed, 36 to 20e; aping
thickens, 45 to WO; fowl, 13 to 1 c. -
Vendor', 'Xiine II -Poultry -OK fowl,
toe; young chickens, lb., 110c ; tur-
keys. per lb., 1.4c; &eke, per
Bean Market' l'
Toronto, June 15'. ----The market is q
at $3.10. to '$'3.1,5 for prhre, and e
to $3.25 for haud-plelted, --
Dena, June 1g. -Dean, 'mined a
.shipment, $8.05-; July, $3.10 per bus'
• shipping points; Limas, 71-2c to
per Pound. t ' ,
Dairy Markets.
Toronto, juni 15.-Bu.tter-The o f r -
Lill% tot butter are fairly • large,
- eirIcee ean ; grio'd demand; for c
grades. Mike dairy, k2 1. 'to o 23c;
or, 18 to 20o; crearneTy .,prints, (. I8
20e; do., solids, 26 to 28c. Eggs
ma,rket is steady, Straight newelal
ing quoted at 21 to 122c per doze
case lots, and selects 23 to 24c. 0
-The market is easier, being q
at 18 3-4 to 19c for large, and a
to ist 1-4e, twirls. Honey--Buckw e
1-4c aepoiand, In tins; 7c tp. 7 3-4
• barrels; strained clover honey, 12 1
14c in 5-/b tins; carob honey,
$3 tper ;dozen; No. 23..42.40 per
Montreal. June 15. -The market
- butter is firm, with a .fair arnoLt
business doing in ear lots of f
creamery,at 27.1-2c. Eggs--Fairle
tive .arid firm. Butter -Choicest Or
ery,... 27 1-2c to 28c; secends; 26 1-
27a. Eggs -Fresh, 21c to 22c, s
23c to 24c; No. 2 stock, 19 to
London. June 15. -Butter -Da
27 to 28c; rolls, lib., 25 te, 26c;
lie, pt to 26o; store lots,'ib., 22
Eggs -Crate, doz., 20e; baske
21c. .
be -
j. o
c st.6
C. tal
Grain. Eta.
Toronto, June 15. -Manitoba
No. 1 Northern. $1.26 1-2 to 8 .27;
2 Northern, 1.24 1-2 to $1.25; No.
Northern, $1.21 1-2 to 41.22, n tra
lake parts. Manitoba, Oats- No C.
59 to 60e; No. 3 C.17ir„ .57 3 4
• 3-4c; 'extra No. 1 feed, 57,3-4 t
on track lake starts. Corn -No.
77c on track. Toronto. Ontarie
No. 2'white, 55 to 56c; No.
• 54 to 55c. according to freights
Ontario Wheat -No. * winter,
Lot, *1.17 to $1.19, according t
ontside. Peas -No. 2 nominal,
lots, $1.50 to 41.60, according to,
outside.. Rye -No. 2 nominal,
cording to freights, outside. S
Flour - First patents, in „a
$7.20; second patents, in 3
$6.70; strong bakers', in ju
$6.50. Toronto; in cotton bas
tra. Ontario Flour -Winter, 9
patents, $,5.13, seaboard. o
freights in bags.-Millfeecl-C
livered Montreal freights. B
ton, e25; shorts, per tan, $ 7
middlings. per ton, $28 to ,4
feed flour. per bag, $1.80. ID
Ontarias, 55 to 60c per bag
etore, and 45 to 60c in car I
Brenswicks, car _tots, 55 to 6 c
Baled Hay and Straw. -
paying as follows for earl&
on. track here :-Straw is
$7 to, $8 a ton In car lo
on track here. Hay, baled,
416 to $11.50; do. No. 12,
to 58
8 3,4c,
et ,car
rei hte
er Icar
rel htS
.10, ac-
e biLgs,
10c ex -
per ent.
foto de-
an. per
to 28;
fat s -
out .of
ts. New
per hag.
lens ,‘.are
latest at
o. 1, ton,
oro ii3iij1 to
Live Stook Maeketis.
airly an -
.25; ship -
44.50 to, $10. Bogs --Active; heavy, ix -
S o '3
to 47; bulls, $5 to $7. ls-w,
$7,/ tb
ws. .50
ed, yorkers and pigs, 48.05;1 rou hs,
$6.56 'to 6.65;$stags, $5 to .$5175. S cep
and Lambs -Active and stead ; la bs,
° $7 to $12.50; Iearrings, 5 t $101.50;
wethers, .46.50 to $6.85; cw- 8, $ tO
$5.75‘; sheep, mixed, $6 to $6.25
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June
15.-Tne bad bu.siness of last eek ad
the effect of curtailing the in mber of
butener cattle Vila morning, the ag-
, gregate amounting to only 1500. In-
cluded in tnis offering were a surpris-
ing number, of toads of good q di
If the demand for these -w s not ex-
actly brisk tnere was an lmp ove ant
in fne buying tone of last.ivek, and
a fair clearance was affected, hough a
number of loads were held..ov One or
two buyers were inclined to p
that the market for butcher was 10c
higher, but this was hardly tthe case,
business being steady to nie naps
trifle firmer compared witn las leek's
quotations. One icta.d of mediu -weight
cattle sold for $8.45, and iota t loads
which averaged 1,120, 880 and 906 tbs.,
cashed in at $8.40. Several er loa.ds
sold at values between $8 d$8.80,
and where there was an ad aiice on,
top prices of rapt week impro e 0 -sa-
lty svas responsible for the rence.
Buffalo. June 15.-Catt1e-
tive; prime steers, $8.75to $
ping, 48.25 to 48.65; butCherS
he1fers,-46.50 to, $8; c
• Dr. J. W. PECK
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Mc-
Gill Ueiversity, Montreal; eember oi
College of Phystians and Surgeons of
Ontario; Licentiate of Iviedical Council
of Cana*.; Post -Graduate member of
Resident Medical Staff of General Hos-
pital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office two
doors east of Post Office, Pbonc 66,
Hensall, Ontario..
Theron as little or no distinc lo
this morning between heavy a:nd han-
dy -weight 'cattle. Other grades held to
prices of previous markets, with the
demand 'under normaL The best of the
fat sow -e- sold to $7.25, but a Le* extra
.choice bulls sold from $7.85 to 47.70,
the latter being an exceptiorials sale.
The local demand for stockers and
feeders was still off, and very little
business was clone for shipment to dis-
tant points, bet what little itresaotion,g
were put through showed values were
keepink steady. Milkers were in fair
request, and; sold all the way from
$50 to $85, there being no )first-eLaos
animais in the pens. Calvea were in
. Strong: demand, and for the; best veal-
ers the market firmed, a few top qual-
ity making to 1$10.50: Springlambs and
tight sheep' were steady, !but heavy
sheep were tower and in little demand.
The hog market -vcrds pretty! much of a,
riddle. The offering with, Saturday's
arrivals was normal. Two of the prin-
IW. T. BOX at CO.
Holders of Government:Diplcima
• and License
Night Calls
Phone 107
Day Calls
Phone 50
LA0K1E-In Wroxeter, on June 5th, to Mr. and
Mrs. William Leckie, a son.
MURRAY-Jn Morris township, on June let, to Mr.
and Mrs. William Murray, a son.
DAVIS-In Goderioh, on June 8sh, to Mr, and Mrs.
'R. M. Davis, a daughter.
HOLMES-ain Clinton, on June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. R. Hohnes, a daughter.
LUKER-In Tuckeramlth, on Jude Eith, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Luker, a daughter.
KRAUSKOPF-In M Millop, on June lath. to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Itrauskopf, a daughter.
SCLATER-In Seaforth, on June llth, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Sclater, a daughter.
• SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L„, President
iii4EXANDER. LAIRD, General manager RAIN AIRD, Ass't General MAUSASSIf
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE RIND, $13,500,000
interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $i and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts inay be opened in the names of two or more persons with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 821
Seaforth Branch.
rilEACHER WAETED--Qoaliiied teacher for S. S.
J N. 2, licKillop. Applications will be reoeived
up to July 10th, 1914. Duties to commence Sep-
teraber 1s. Applicant to state salary. R. T.
DODDS, Secy., R.R. No. 1„` Seatorth. 2479x 2
A T.TENTION COMRADE} --If there are any
XL members living -that serval in No. 8 Company
Mid Bittalion, during 1868-1878, the undersigned
woukl like:to communicate with them on import-
ant matters in oonnection with our servioes at the
above time. 3. P. SPARIXNG, 1628, 15th street,
Meridian, Miss., U. S. A. 2476x1
13 ESIDENOE FOR SALE - A comfortable frame
Ita residence near the High School. Good cellar
hard and soft water, a first class etable and half an
acre of ground. House heated by furnace. Chea
for q,uick sale. Terms easy. Apply GEORGE
TURNBULL, Seaforth. 2464-tf
OOTTAGE FOR SALE -The comfortable cottage,
on George at, Seaforthibelonging to the est-
ate of the late Mrs. Isaac Miller. The house con-
tains parlor, diningroom, kibahen and four bed-
rooms. These are two lots and a good stable. It is
within one block of Main st. There is a good cellar
and hard and soft water within the house. Apply
at THE EXPOSITOR OFFIOE Seaforth.d 24744!
A TIOTION SALE -At the reeidenoe of the under-
signed, Goderich st., opposite the Presbyterian
church, the following will be .sold by auction, on
Tune lath, at 2 O'clock p.m. Furniture -Hall rack,,
bed room Buttes, two wood heaters and pipes, some
dishes, pictures, toilet sets,glassware, carpet balls
and, some carpet, bed clothing and a few other ar-
ticles. Ternis-Cash. Mrs. JOHANAH aloQUAID,
Seaforth. 2477-2
GLENN-DIOKSOM-InBrucefield, on -June Rev
A. Barker, of Seaforth, Annie Maud, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mason,.
formerly of Seater le so Mr. A. B. Glenn, of
Brucefield •
LEONARD -ARMSTRONG -In St. Stephen's ohm oh
Gorrie, on June and, by the neva W. Roberts,
• •
Mies Jennie Armstrong, to Mr. Milton Leonard,
•both 'of Howiek.
..FREULIN-DMLON--In Sombre, on yune 5th, by
•Rev. Mr. White, Mary Elizabeth Dillon, to Albert
Edward Freralin, of Clinton.
WESTOOTT-FALINER-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.- John Rohner, of
Orediton, Mies Louisa A. to Mr. Edward West-
• cott, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Westeott, of
Usborne, on June Oth, by Rev. E. E. Becker.
Deaths -
LUITRELL-In Goderioh, onlune 8th, Alexander
Luttrell, in his 74th year. .
1110KS-In Goderieh township, on June 6th, Arm
H. Udy, beloved wife of the late William Hicks.
ARMSTRONG -1n Goderich, on June 10th, John H.
Armetrong in his 66th year,
DF.ARING-In Exeter, on June 2nd, Mrs. Jane
• Dearing, aged 78 years 8 months and 27 days.
BOX -1n Seaforth, on June 18th, Cyrillus J. Dixon,
wife of Mr. Ernest'', Box. aged 25 years.
• • S. T. Holmes' 1
:Funeral Director and
'I Licensed Embalmer
• Undertaking parlors in Oddfe 1
:• lows building opposite
Stewart Bros.
: Resi-
dence Goderich st., opp
4 Dr. Scott's.
• •
. Flowers furnished on
tshort notice.
I Phone Night or Day119.
VAltal FOR SALE. -Lot 6, Concession 9, Tucker, -
12 smith, containing 100 aoree, about seven sores
ander bush. The farm is well fenced and drained.
and in a good state of cultivation, There are on the
premises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house,
nen house, chive hawse and two good wells. For
Ulnas and particulars apply on the pretniaes or ad -
irons MRS. JOHN MoOLOY, Egmondville P,O.
VARM FUR SALE -For sale 100 acres of choice
laud in the Township of Hibbert, being Los 28,
Oonoession 9. On the premises are a brick house,
drive shed, bank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen undstneath. The farm is well fenced and
underdrained, and here are 10 acres ;of hardwood
bush. Rural Mail and Telephone Connection.
For 1 other particulars apply to .ADELINESrLLERY
'afft., Ont. 2422,t1
utAlcM FOR SALE -Lot 10, Concesiton 6, L.R,S.,
Tpokersmith. The (arm contains 100 acres, all
elearad and in a good state of cultivation. Three
never failing wells, windmill at, barn. Good bank
barn 5088, pig house, hen. house and drive shed,
A good frame house with furnace. An acre and a
half of extra good °tallith. This choice farni is
within 8 miles of Seaforth, on the Kippen road,
HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville. • 24624f
FFOR SALE -The undersigned havebeen
instructed to sell that splendid 50 acre farm
near Hensel', known as the south half of lot 18,
Concession 1, Hay township, On it ie a good brick
2 storey house with briek kitchen and frame wood-
shed. a berm 84x35 stone fonndatior, cement pig
pen 24x18, dri abed 86x20, a good winamill and
excellent well and apple orehard of over one acre.'
The land is ri3h and aioduetive web fenced and
drained with tile- Alt under cultivation except 7
acres in hard wood bush. This farm is on the Lon-
don road, only one half mile south of liensall, the
leading farmers' market of Huron County. Apply
not later than July lst, for terms eba, to MADMAN
& STA'NBURY, Henson and Exeter. 2479.1
Gpar'FARM FOR SA.LE-For Sale Lot 25 and
t Bf Lot 24, Concession 14, eostinee, con-
taining 180 acres, There are on the premises a
modern brick house with _bard and soft water.
There is also sagood barn 60x126, with stone foun-
dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 80x40
on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all
in good repair. There is also a good bearinv. or.
chard and two never failing wells, The farm is web
underdrained and well 1 aimed. and in a hi„rth state of
cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is
web situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south
of Walton 0. P. R. station, also telephone and rural
mail delivery. This is a choice farm and will be
sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars
apply on:theaoremiseslotaaddress. W. JPIOKSON
Walton, • 24584
Card of Thanks
Mr. F. McCune and family desire
to express their sinoere thanks to
their neighbors and many friends for
their kindness and services druing the
illness of Mrs. McCune, who passed
away at her home at Leadbury, on
Monday, May 80th. •2479tl.
Timber for Sale
We have a quantity of squaretimb-
6x6, 8x8, 10x10 in lengths up to
30 feet. This timber is suitable for
barns and other:frame building work
and will be sold at about half price of
new Timber.
Robt. Bell Eng. & Thresher
Lumber andl
We have in stock and are
prepared to sell at the
lowest prices No. r hem-
lock lumber and the best
gradexxx xxxx and
"xxxxx red cedar shingles.
Before building or mak-
ing repairs call and see
our stock or drop us a card
for prices.
Arnent Bros,
Western University.
1: London •4%
*• Abotherereat advance t:
44• Income doubled
4" now $7 5 000
+ Another large addition to
4. Faculty. and equipment in
+ Arts and Medicine. +
.T. Greatiy increased enrolment 4.
+ - in view 4.
Write for particulars to +
-4. E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A: Ph.D 4.
+ President' -1.
• • 2471-12 .!4"
. • '
Drain tile is a most necessary article
for successful farming. It is almost
as necessary to plant tile as to plant
your seed. Good clay tile has proven
durable for a life time. Stay with
the clay and be satisfied. 1 have a
full assortment of -tile, quality AI
Will be pleased to have you cell ad
see our stock and get our prices le
fore you buy elsewhere. Cati lquote
you in the yard or deliver to your
farm be it near or far, small quantity
or large, Give us your order for tile
now so we may have it when you are
ready. Call and'see us twhether you
buy or not, no trouble to show goods.
Wm; M. Sproat
R. R. No. Seaforth,
• Phone 9 on 136
Beginning M on da y,
May loth, the store at t-1
St. Colurnban will close If
on Monday, Wednesday *.it
and Friday evenings at ++.
six o'clock for the sum- .41.,
mer months. Tuesday, t.
Thursday and Saturday
evenings • will remain
open as usual.
J. J. ffolland
St. •Columban *
•2473-2 • •
24/5-6 fa+++++4•444+++i*++÷÷,{4444+++
for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his
very desirable • residence, eituated a
• mile west of Meaforth, on the Huron
Road. The ;house contains seven rooms,
besides kitchee and pantries, bath-
room and lumber room. There is
furnace in the 0acetse, and aeso electric
tight throughout, and in the mit- there are two cisterns and
two wells. There are about tw6 and a
half acres of land with the house,
fenced, and planted with fruit and
ornamental trees and shrubs; there Is
also astable • for two horses arid e
cow, .and vehicles, harness and toot
_room and chicken houseeln. connection
with the above, Mr. Hoimested fi.ffers
• for sale a mantel mirror, electric light
fixtures, carpets, caftans, floorcloth,
eideboard, ettension table, bed room
suits, ete. The property is very cone
vardent to schools slid churches. Price,
$8,000. For further particulars and
photograph of house apply to
• 2479-tf . SEAPPRTH, Ont.
Attractive Trips
Muskoka. Lakes
Georgian Bay
French River
Maganeta,wan River
Lake of Bays
Algonquin Park
Kawartha Lakes
• Timagami, etc.
Hand- Mac e
• 'Buggies
We have now ready a large
stock of up to date Buggies,
both steel' and rubber •tired,
Stanhope and Automobile Seats,
Arched and Drop Axles.
All Our Own Manufacture
And our prices are right, as
we have no middleman to
• pay.
Give us a Cat[.
SEezil URI II.
Shorthorn Bull for Sale
For sale " Lord Scott " eleven
months old, red, sired. by Scottish
Hero 55043-90066, vol 51E., imported.
by Mr. Davis of Woodstock. Dam,
Lady 'Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved
April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Chamb-
ers, Kippen, Ont., am of Lady. Smith
Lady Smith 2nd, 0262; Lady Sinith,
Lady Mary, osebtid 3rd; leose Bud,
Red Rose, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower,
Theresa, Strawberry, Red Rose Lady
Jane (imp) No. 28t. Sire of Lady
Smith. Red,Prinee 63981-77608; Royal
Don 17105-61717; Captain 24848; Dub-
lin 6848-55588e Captain Merlin 2023;
Pride of Seabaan 2274; Earl of Good-
ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke
Bourbon 517; Baron Solway (nnp) 23;
Cobden (imp) 52; Young Britton 1176;
Sir Walter 2639; Son of Jerry 4097;
Young Star 5319; Roseberi y 567; Son
of Comet 1e5. It will be seen from
the above that this young bull has the
very choicest blood in his veins. - For
further partioulars..apply to
JOHN CHAMBERS, (e'roniarty
Phone 6 on 147, Seafoith Central
N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept
Tor service on the above premises
during the present season. 2473 tf
Round trip toueist ticket now• on
sale from certain stations in Ontario
at very low fares, with liberal stop.
avers. •
Leaves Toronto 10;15 arm. daily ex-
cept Sunday, for Muskoka Wharfs
Huntsville, • Algonquin Park and.
North Bay.- Connections are, made a.t
Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes
and at Huntsville for points on Lake
of Bays, Parlor-Libray-Buffet gar to
Algonquin park; Parlor-Librapy-cafe
• car and first class coaches to North
Bay. Full particulars and tickets on
application to agents.
W. Somerville• .. Town Agent
W. Plant . ...Depot Azent
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
• It is your assurance of
Perfect satisfaction in 'old
or new work. Insist on
getting Canada Cement.
X. full stock on hand at
all times. •
Hemlock sills cut to order
Shingles, xxx and xxxx
Spruce and pine dressed sid-
ings and flooring
M etallic. building materials
Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes.
Steam coal
Srnithing Coal
Tile, all sizes, •either in • the
yardordelivered on the
job. .
Cedar posts all sizes.,
slabs, a bargain
Anyone in the market for any
of the above- lines will do well
to get our prices,
J. B. Mustard
Phone 11011 145
"How shall
When you are grown,"
'What the poet sang; every mother' s hea'rt has
felt. Baby' s photograph taken now and then
will preserve the image and memory of baby
days for all time. 17P heit was your baby's
picture last taken.
Rell's Studio
.•••••gge..1.46ogg - I
Fords34744rToilring Car
Price $590
Your neighbor drives- a. Ford -why don't
you? We are selling more Forels in (S'enada
this yea,r than ever before- because Cana-
dians demand the best in motor ear service
at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in
Canada," Ford is a necessity -not a luxury.
Runabout is 8540 Town ear price on ap--
plication. All Ford_ cars full V equipped.
including electrie headlights-. No cars sold
unequipped. Ford. buyers will share in our
mate if we sell 30,000 cars between August
1, 1914 and August 11, 1915,
All Ford cars on 4xlithition at
J. F. Daly's Garage, Main st.,
Seaforth, Ont.
Many Colleges close kr Va-
cation at -midsummer. Our
College does not.
Yonge and Charles sts., Toronto, is
strictly first class. None better in
Canada. Enter now so as to get a
position in the early fall. Catalogue
Learn Dressmaking
At this time of year
. necessities are needed to c
plete the spring work. -
'-over t following list
whicly we have a cornple
The undersigned teacher of dress-: Seat pads
rraking, who teaches everything in '
to the moet elaborate :gowes,
that line freer the plainest shirt waist •,
big an up -to ecale, and will be ! Hames straps
Spread chat
skirts and • coats, will edve the ret
' i i Breast straps.
Tie ro
Collar to
las .$10 werse a a ce, _no u.
at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, plow ads
Hoof Ointment Heel chain
take thie -coarse can /rake arrange -
Gall Cu 15th. Any ladles- wishing to P
rreete fer class. Over 1,e00 have take Curry combs
This ctearse from Miss Armstrong Brush
during Item past year and all ertufd At the most reasonabie pr
cut, tit :and arake dress or coat
after taking this wonderful course,
Which; will be hatrodu.ced at half price
Seaforth on june 15th; Varna, June
22nd; Albion. Hotel, Bayfield, June
2415i ; Hensall, July 14th, and ICtippen,
Miss Armstrong
July lith.
Opposite Qonirnereia1i�t
Harness Trunks