The Huron Expositor, 1915-06-18, Page 47� I7 JUNE 18, lal-5 WIN
tb, e visor% Tuesday evening. Wr nt* rttb �bop e to revo and of, -tfie Londofi Conference. -nva T11e re. bth _01pi'are daT rA Unite as ti Y Oro Nva JtJNE Is the d States, 4.pi not a mittee he,autornobile Indiii9try., Mr. t 4cow -r-glas Mae Davis, Oughter, of� pldl$, n6arlits. was served Mad 011JOP- t le- with tba dry. They I Lundli T, Ne w. nglixe, CFn_ ie ton,., u - ht afford t3i p xeorgeDavla of.01t id W exr able time deri�ent &'rather ;,'arious o " tiou at al S M. W F S k4ow they cannot a pledon,, Is T 'g.onst th� 4 1ha - &Y �6rtul PeTa .46: any �,ikh& eu* r ihev than W1"_ at rel a gallon. otr�et o& 3 d ' ould, Includ Lqotes,�What might bave proved a a n . 4tions 6nmd tTf or' . ; ' t, I'& aek, The opera. to dev&o ego, som( pAr Wash., last we opa�d'61 d66b :1JJN &e t last
of their policy Of vageri �bcessfw and &-- engine. It w1u burn any- khO -of oil
4 F a. i'Y . ing two Canto i Colni -s' fend so powerf�l a natimi- t e patient was' ding as weU as e the i t-2 f Ttx engine *.III, liot hhve avarbaretor, 8 veiy%xirloue - accident oceured at �United 40tteg.-Ibill wondpis now mo e be -e1Xp6C`t4., is 'had been offered, "ke,4 It he Aoiwrt Ime, wbea Grant$ ade_ nsom - , � 1), t L boy, Wag
—M r. It" rchased oftle I 4 - '0 _-, L . . ., the Se" buony -mos as well as the Most r iS i6 r7 i.8 19 t1an .ever what t a tbat ib Na talf -a ml dollars o' "the engin ond younges The neiW Qoonials are easily. the it -popular 20 -41 22 OIL 24 26 Searetary Bryan resiknL doe - t A ug, goods and 96fierai Seas0n'for worried's wea. M 41* IL 'Ir I L V6�dWicb., - -bat to had, not ellgaged,_In roflin tbi tongue br4Xe bea*utifullow iutshoes ofthesummer ore notion. idoe ti, f roln g -.r. F, - MX- Ste*&tt replied t to'S192 near- mant a er tdrri�' As A- ilet th t L 14rd the rumor. He to als,o Interested and tbe roller passe ov ade than we are showiag this seaso -iu 27 29 -30 he declined I :4 not Lidter-. and a am r attractive footwear was never m n 'as , Lye. nee cut andCojonial. flEvery lady that �§ees tA Zva�� afte�. Mr. Lliter still p put In xeveral the, new won!WS-Pum'ps belligerent - or
;inaes the Pord Carlo wbicb. his IfeaA was badly the� now - - - - - - - - .-lie"A. it andw. t(st. 9- Photo- he -expecto w1u tiedessbul. Mr. . . . . . . -nt in -Detroit. W�e. are vo - models is delighted with them and generally buys a pair. Choice ate fathered witUbut Wq graphing buslnes4 In connectl n prove - 8 doctor bad tt axed' td re
NEWL Stewart Is now. titeltes' ary ple Mefi and Logt, -of iku- late that be" to ImProyl y leathers, suedess and nubuck canvas, a Variet3rof ADVERTISICIdENTS haq Issued SeTpral BID, .'N,o nS -as speedll satins, vetvet�, white resignation to�iexplaln lie, OsIti V,. Orangemen, True and eyl de ittly, g Britons of the district,' lutenA to miller, have purchased the Interests of so t Su,�X. Wes in toes and b*els. Not a thing wanting that could im prove tese can be, eiTected. Mrs. Win. A�rw
wutwwear sale-Stewrt Bros— Bryan a n of i very You,' ]F�ryne,Brothero In their milling prop., little 'daug 13tr6ng con pppo'- ed to- hold'theIr walk In W-Ingbam, this year on p-trong and )iter'spen shoes. Moderate '' ies, alwys� note these. Ladies paten colt puMps, Tke Qualjty Store pr reig � I Lin in any form Hd Ve da Mrs. Avoleby �of Varna.
viction of ext month, and a goo - arty In Brussels, and, ha, . pready ivaii war an d dif a v '�Jja oetti- thi� �12tfi boxbow, sjeparate st Growin ggwls, New wanlau- T P� y arb-; Pro$ am of isporto 'will, be ut on 1or taken possaikon, The new proprietairs imon. carlile raps, cuban heels for 2.25 and 2.,5o. N4 G. Willis -4 ' Itpy Consitt, anti "Mr.
ttention 00m%&49-J� I Ink of al11ntkrnatIb4a1 tee i- outside *111 go. right on, with the ereiilm of b-sve returned,frwi the family reunion patent colt pumps, low heels, ankle StraPS1017 2.50. Ladies patent colt ftrd Of Tba-nk*-X.-, F.� 00ult*-5' L , U , traflon. He thlubs, tub d ffi6d be, Vie 'benefit bif visitors fron hompsiples Aqok.Sbore-3 get.L - mIlf, as planned apd have -tak- in Miebt .-MW WOkn" Colonial pumps, dark b6ckles, military heels . far" 9 patent, Summer, Nee& -T Kincar- the new San 0_6 tween fb4.UnItod%atafi a, -0 lod Brussels, Teeswater, r 2-75, Ladie Catholla Plent and other an over the machinery ordered 'bY 1i&S )�gturned bo" after & ver� ir. dine, L Bly &4 Y9XeS, will e . *.— qolt pumps, �bandsorpe oval buckles, spool he6ls'for 3a oo,and 3.5o. Lidles leeldtace fOr fifif"- can be 13etter settled by at gmp d Messrs. Pryne and wilt Uve th6 now sat visit wltb friendo &t'.WA1t0ft lraond-S reprwiented. -party at gills- piltentcolt Colonial pumps, gray cloth tops, spool heels for 3-00- Ladirs F*r.gale--L G. Van E9 reason then by iplomatic negqlatlon. jr .
Teacher Wanted -3 To Dodd" annC mill in runniu. 10le bourse of. Itemember fte - 4*9d0n �The ai meeting df _the eb, eu lemember the LaWn 000141-8 He evidently h5ws not. yet ghuil, ed he the next two or three. m6nths. Both tbg $#W, of June as It Will black velvet p-tvmps,. box bows, �Cuban heels for 1.75 a pair,. iffou" wanted-4xpodkor Offte-41 Geir�an Character. Withima-ity iations bd*rs. of ltj�e ftingbank Telephone w` firm re MArrie., -green M I- Able- cii�fieWt iiliift Of tbs lAdie k"velvt Cqlonial plimps, gun metal buckles, covered heels, wn,,s liall, members of. the up d. 'be one Of
X. Cr%* 1-8 wgany, Will be held In 33ro qpbcl & Stsubury-5 -Mr. Drysalo_ "licy Would, -vo '.doubt Wednesday, June 33rd sore. Pryne have been . in bufakiesg! ebtrnan of 'Luinle, blac htirm For Salo-Gladinsu a 2. -k or white, with ros. bei 1?brd*lch,. 04 s and'boe' 0t Mr. jbnwa Worlanani.- for 2. oo and '50a pair' Ladies satin pumps, blac YlLostion-H R. scott-S. tl le best. But -with Gern tan ill sucb 'Bruask t 8 year ly-auh shoe store -8 at one Wciock purpcoe IS for w Id vialtine n-*ans at ardying- -at 4 oe ent -an a Rev. Xr. -IUCU his xi- ette and turn soles andovered heels fa3.00, a pair. Mail or one T110 --W. Sprott-fi, a receiving ?the rqwt '&t ibe auditors worked up Xcelient trade. They rdwh Iq -to ake Woul -elec expen sum in improvements Re . few Sw -WIth.-thein. - 0 *t — ' - orders promptly filled.
14 be, Wt. idays. tn
ded a Ja&
lAwn 80OW-4 npahy, the riglkt nd- -officers of the. tor �e water prower is ot a"i!y"sur- Wge-abcompauted by W.O. a:.nd. they have ho ioth guld- and 0 jarrott and rd (yf Direeton and any Ing principle except that he just- don Of a B" a Passled, Ca�nceldng the necewity �or C. A. ZrroM nlotora& to ParltW, on Ifles *the means. UndeZL co fotber business that -'May be bro,� ght P0,41t the follow- Ak fto L . . fiteam Wite Months the year. it ot Saturday evenM9 anA 01 before the' meeting. r f6ar is the �4 brin What Messrs. Pryne, ItAoud do- Ing day wiga friandif. in- tuat-vicklity. Wy wqapon Threphibrinn in- the �`distrkt our- the, Pruisslan lords- to their se 0 AN Ing- Is not. kno7n. In the meantline the run;llng VingMinl-met In convention member of 7 the Am will tak� a It the ditflcuilty� betwelenj them d thp Sat� rpoge df,organization on UsW=e., for the pu aceable United States -is, settle - IbIr Ir4 �A. Happy Evett.-On -FaID.&Y, Junle 18th, 1916. k._�Tru following df- ipthe lome f Xr_ ar# e-4 tirday of last wee Satilrday af ter- means it will be tea of t Cons elected: President, T. `W f1cers were noon queces that will Induce the Germans t'� Palmor, Of Wroxatir; vlce�presldent, J. Zinich jars. jdm Tha Pmdo Vann, of the ines mksettlement. One wou, d h nk � that yung- WW ift scene tK er i perit ace ad D. Baker, St. Hekris; secretary, D. C. and Mrs. Henry -a y y tappy gather- Mr Bry Beli� -OPPOWN (3 litUatioll. a thxn of n oelzed Wroxeter; ex6ciltive, John' asion being the LEPHOTFA 11 OXN=01AL HOTEL The War I
a Poo, Ing TE ob-sar#ati6a"would ere Be blut farA faW1Y arie".visiting In New f frieudo the oce rhire ig: as ylat,,little. or no Change Weir$ sav -of *Ir wedding. A situation as Eave resid(nit V,11- RIP*Y; D- Haent George T,hiel and 20th sliniver' a to. WAr a the t &-4 Gemmil, Wingh�6m. last week bout three o'clock, the Sue
-0 "note in Is gatio, son and the members Cabinet. -two obildren ere Ill London sts bega, 'ett Point Farm'. 'alftd the sttet-310011 Wa-4 -eAjoyed by the of Main St. Meth4d1st 01parch, 'r, op�nlng of' the . 9 spent In Bayfleld which will be -point. Ila t1a French-Belglan regloii, BrJt* it u �;aa, tmlt 'MMr.L r, VAii a :as other �`The visiting relatives. Jacob Weido has arrive I hbtel, near Goderich,'hAis.beelt, 6 Lear. and -old In1tv, M 'ed service In Ca-rinel, Church Summer. pumbased a Studebaker tourin 'and mcfal 'amusements -young and old (d thit vicinity. -MY. onduc tIghting of a d1sultory character still aspirations. A Prest . tial ek ation is rom the _16th to the 23rd :ming in the not far that ce. Mr. postponed f Mrs. Wendel - Smith df , the acqtiatntanceOWPO We're renewed aaa Albert Workman,:. ist;udent of lKnox. on Sabbath morning ;iast in the Inbera,. Iled to Memr.
V. Colle gain D iTet Inat., when there will be a big day at esto o1f w rant for th conduct the 0 temperance In wbich depart, he yan has been j�n a I litivea pM events ofotber days ge, will -ervices of
continues. T GosUnIne are its, L About 0 O'Clock. 3 pu r re fr1aftdo "InL Alpena, Mich. -The Lad nxat ftverat ptdas *u the line daily and Pr�sidency- for L several ears and he the po, la sort. The program for the,gumto umbe-r- St. Andrewls Church the n- -two Sun- meat he Is now An Inspector under fbat position thb Jday will Include a baseball toarna- !heir advaace is s- istubborny resist- may be bn aspirant for, 'Aid a thlb Lutheran Church will boI4 In about ninety sat down.- -to s ver days while the pasibor Is enjoying his 'the Canada Temperance Act, and
ant . JnL tbe-afternobXi wrAd A-dande In i I 1 din dia 9 . .. ithe LAO again. Th�s. move wox.111 n) doubt, M by the 'SteW- ` a 0ocia parsonate- tuawn. on _Numptuo�w repast on the lawn. Thn vacatan.--Mr- Jbhn Cochrane, Sr., tbdg a very . Interesting work' h never fat ed by the German w -the evening, with music Mr )1i wb.kb he is n L strengthen ffilln P In large �nf the with a, cer Churoday evening ext, June 24tb;- tableo were besaifully decorated -and week, visitd with bis . mother re; WIthL JUXUrIeS to 1fig during the a . e of the pastor xtr*e back and lry tor -I gak lost P.0- aft, r�jwtra. Well 'gorgeot. sly spread John Cochrane 4 bentraliA, an'd also elemen in the United S a tes. ! Wis maY Mr. 1'� L Visiting. In"Detrolt. to I hur* oltions, but *Iavodt unh%rsallY fall.It in 4.bme measwe 'his. 'pecullav -PrIate L. W. L Molning, $011- of Mr.. The baseball Club have , reorganized. iwhichfall did, justice.. Al -ter supper 'a L vlofted'alt-the hbbw of Urs.' Johwl3lak. Rev. Mr. HIL cks vt the explain a 4a L- L- hejd. � Xr. L John -1, Ike 6anducted +&ne ser L iftIng a 11116
is tated, however, that the Germans conduct.- Politico mie i ti -ange, bedel-, NAd..'Mrs.. Walter Manning� f 'Clinton, Mr. G. R. Hos,wa appointed manager . programme, was Pass- -Rev. and Xrs. MsKibbon, of Londo, .who was in tra!nIng. itWinnipeg, with - were this week visiting -it tbe home discourse. -Dr. J. Peck, a recent._ on men (O, sc me. very and -Mr. William Brown, captafi.- mard acted agebairman, WhICH-Positi are assembling v"t reinforcementsi Or JoWs and make Iled from Mon- of Mr, and Mrs. Henry -1vison.-Mr, Battallidn, sa raduate of dial C' e I'd ttle W
ef d
;d Ir trange things in, 'oe Vnite I Statez the �Bth Dn well bos been dug it the fire 3*11 be rAlleA ver:r ably. -Ha recalled many olleg both man and ammunition with,the 6vi- 0 lk Upliall was this week a 8 a "Is well as In Canada' ja ad iP sewhere. treal, - on' the. Steamer Norttiland a� depth of of Op. Important events hichliad hap- Fraj t. ontreal, and wboy been rRetis. H. Ray-Cante- UP fifty feet and bored 7b, (fierce May 28th for England, The Water,* d and atten funera, ye. ectlou dent 6*ect of mAing another mans are st -in th. among fOr Ger 11 ke�.ping up Company- aboU (twenty. feet deeper peneiil' e it�6nth of June Ing for a ,coaple jo In con -i
uh- de �!te warf are. ton of the McQ111 t)VeLraeas. cou Mr. Moore, who 'was kn W1tb,,b,ospjta1 work, purrha, M1 drive to plerce the rankg of the Allies their ar and e�Neral morf, Wn of Mr. DMA Mrs. David Cantelon, of L'as risen ' about. tweny feet. Work othem being the marriage which they ed r.
y a tew In this part. -Mr. Moore A - mphill's fino, dwelling, at some -vital point. It Is dqubtfqI, During the pa&t. wentL by the 0ame bo&t.' T.',P- ha 1been commenced- on a large cement celebrating. A number of the gen- b q pyi-v 9alW2-9od v engiged In Work In a gravel pit, e. t een sank by Clinton, -tank tienteri presen and reawever, i in &Is effort bey N11.1 be freightIg vessels thlad:. arrived at Plyra. th Isafely 'water which Is to 'b6 in t were called on. f or the - saM6 Cav?4 In a, n -d be was s M berman� submarine. b. t o 103S of life' Nor, ngratuJated tbee host m6ther- fitted up an idffice., and Too
case of ire.-Messirs. Herman Walter ,sp6eches and -all Co. A '04. A -A.- �Vf 1,aj sue .1 as tey were in the last. has �bee reported. this warf are, week. -tess on the e sion of their A,) Lrea-dy enterd qpon his practice 'William ruem,,,. u MeBain, who haj!�L just and I T ner of Ae 14th and hb4 Ca and W. H. old a lawn social on the church wil re not. baving'* —Aev. up doubt, command a fair 19hare 11ad tney notsurprised tEelrpoa�nt-' however -the G Ek anniversary 'and expressed. the ve:
erm a:5 been. elected. president of the, narnii- - conc�ssion' (acteA &s:jurors a the As grounds on Thrsday- evea:Lag, june ag patronage,_On�.Wednesday last,VY. 'he own way. I dn. t 0eir last itall Reir ritish do with the polonous gases In former Qlzea falt Goderich last week. -Mr. C. r;i,gfi esteem . that they (.1teld not aay ml-1ch about- t ir dcings.'But on Methodist Conferencei is a Fritx Is arra neighborhood. Mr. Cann, o -i behalf Olt 94tb. The band will �be in at- William Wesley Coleman. of the tow_ big drive they would not Uave accom at resident of -900 a mid for a time was, nging for the first-Fleid - has bee.
It has been of ficiAlly a nou,, �ced th Huron, , Sports (to be e4 on the fair grounds Mrs. 'Cann, and himself made. suitable -ted,ance, and A; d. -program _�shjp �of was- happily lihited In fgre -lomrnpric- Atationed on Londesboro circult; Rev. eply. Hb'waseeply touched with the' Prepared ",!d- supper -Will be iserved marriage to une -good- r Jackson - -
pUhed anything. The same 'dodge Will :--:IIcLx thl� submarine w on PrIda Miss Jennie. A. -Y evening, J 18th. A E. M. Thompson, elected ecretary from o'block. rj& de- A. ca'�l , not be allowed to work wice. Tne A!- edthe.Britigh have c ture( ly expressions' t_ -had It the salne tawnship. The young Gpr nan sub- Ople, were ver,* - quietly married t the F� e cap :iired and ein ve Ilnsall, by Rev. E. lnev Last L6nd . o . n Conference; is ^&,native f programme of sports has been ar,� many Kind tha . ...... COA__ lie$ are now prepared to imeet tbem -.oa, Ftroyed some f ov Azft e q son. of Mr. Geo. ThornP- ranged. -Miss Celia Hess has return- made and thanked the company for the mar 1 L ron, b g a their own ground In thie respect. Bu megebant. of "Goderichi and led ifroni a visit with her sister, many beauti I presents recei (I aild his A toeing the -son, lumber Brlefs.�_Te Hensall bowlers bave Smith, the groonts-nan being Mr. Cain- d two.. T deitrae in their a one -time -resident of the township of. G. Bissett' near Goderich which ihad taken them s. completely it, is prqbabie ',hey may have, some German5 to be -more'c�,refu. by isurprlse� The speeches were Inter- recently, erected a very tasty Club erail. iand the bridesmaid, Miss Georgina Conference secre- metho& a to Mckillop, where the spersed. with -he rear of of the b#de. iThe brl": her ard of a like nature up'their ad they' ae boma'"neing. Braceneld. musical seledElons, In hVuse at t their fine green', a also feet tbe strain In th,s dire I tio, tary was bord. Which Misses Mary A. Pybus, Blossom which - is certainly a credit to ft1ent wa 'very -haiidsomel.Y attired and look- sleeve w1lich they will play *at the. de- they -Between thirty and forty glrli� Nlyteo.�Tylr. Andrew Davidson bad a As to the bverhead w" u fare ) YhIch Henderson and Mr. Artrur Cole took and. it is one of' th� finest W a: have e d harming. The rere]M611Y ov�r 1he clalve moment. However, time will t6l.;, Gstly employees of thd- Pringle Glove ery successful barn raising -on Mhurs� the thl pursup. they arc; hot much M part,, the latter slaj�ig 'a number & aleen outside of large bappy Ou2ple left for an. ,a,�tc�mobJle trip In fA-e meantime the struggle -1s -de- -have made ;scv- Wqrks!, in Wing1harn) hii've Organized a day, wben about.fifty teighbo,81 ath- Wm d, of Cook Bros. of -this villag-e -,haire -so;)4 taLondn 11A Oth better progress. ftey Ising every pliming --oloz. Mr. Mclional a er PoL follo*edby sh basebah ckib and are.pract red together to put the timbers -in Tuckeramith, -added to tte 0 three fine new Stladebalser autoinoblllei5 the,good Wishes f ho t le laidedly la favor oE U-8 Allied ibrees 'eral. raids oa uilpratected. Englis program fr nds..
Tening..Mlss May Cantolon was elect- place. Mr, John DoIg as the contract with. Ills recitatl(yni3. Misies Iva Wlillams t -o, ar Kip- -on Wedneid&y of 'but f urther han th Ill 9 Messrs. Jameo W. McLean, ne towns, e. tkl n of e laot Week Mr. W. In this-* arena. During the; past week s 'M We Calvert Mr. dren. tand somp_' �ed -CapMIn and Kis and everything was sh f -the Of an and eldl and Perla Cann alio, ga�ve musical sel� e, .Jr. Weldo, ear, Zurich, and 16 R. Lameat the' Aille-5 have captured many ImpQrt- &*few WOM will - b eoretay4reourer. This club John D. Mutard is improving this place n a Proseous and mu6b rt.6pecea. unprotdcted'citlzens� and th destue- 'ons. The program wa oPe Oscar Heater of Grand Bend. 7- Rev. ley, ant positions from the Germans 'and t� they bav_a'. open for ciagage.ments ond after by levelling off,-tbe* ground in fromt7 ed with Kin g-- unite(i �A, arriage tion of private pro per young farmer was sted ail attempt, rt Ome� an Instrumenta by krs. Cain. Among Mr. mith has returned. from m ,`Mve resis s on the Vrk and the towfj league tea, And sowing grass sed. -AY1r..Edgr Ing th * to -jpiisl -Ach. Only last Week July 34"t te speaker� were Mr. Harry Fass he has been attend Aliss J�esMe A. MeArthar, ecoA.-_ accon hed m More ston, where e the latter to regain lost ground. not onalderable practising Pattison bag will �have to do*, c -purchased a Saxon auto 'who 'enjoyed 'thp velebr al - Aesemb y, r a 1 and Hawkesville, younge-st daaghter. "f Mr. Thiat the Canadians are doing their they instituttd a raid over 8ubu b a O dan,y if they purpose holding the champion-' from r., L. Beattie. ICE parts of *London ow drop. ed In -Lafge. quantit more because It. happened on his -76ii d Robert McArthuir of Gle. 'MavIs XiTm, full share in the struggle is evident where be was visiting his other, an omb. But their- effo t-� were, framu ship. Of - prssed bay 'aro-lbeing shipped from -Y st Townshio f ay. The yo=, g coa-ple am tnp b blrVrAiy,, ez�rs, Thomas Passmore+__ other places. -On Wednesda; of la daily casualty 16-ts; These.- (YJ -A band the otatioln'her6. Thomas Brown, t Charles were quietly married and unat strategical poirkit f o account. has been organized In Blyth P. !WbI lock -Cann, John Me- week a quiet 'wed -ling took piace -in tended �now figure aver nine tnausand killed,. vith- tile following officers: Rev. T. Sea-foith, W the. is*per.-Mlos -Bro Tne, people. as a who .71 not erl- W' Donald ?Jobn A. Mc -Donald, William Ahe Methodist . parsonage, 'when Miss atthe manse at nxeter, by the-aRt-o' 'President; -J. M. �IAmIiLoa, I,,-, I Dusty disturbed -and 'no publ property- H, Farr, mproving, Ole dppeafance of her Hy Ethel Clark yougest daughter Of Mr. Mr. Shr . At ter c In tre East the German drive has reumAy the 41)- Secretary, and D. McTaggart, Tre��s- property occupied by H. D. -ameron, Anderson, Wm. Wilkinson -e; ad British'i I and aumber of others. Guests were and Nm. Jmes Clark of thid village, py young couple jtook the tr4n for Here a- was destroyed. The YJ ,; eb g Commit been ed by the Ru tee, Reeve Dr- by having It, painted. -miss Alice lWaf-
agIp - was -happily united In marriage to Mr. London and other points, -site.-
gain f ortune sOems. to. favored however, bave started - to g1v a the- Ger-. urer. Man McTaggart, S-� present 'from -Stratford, KIppen, He ste of their owr medicine '&Iiln,e, Nell Taylor, Dr. is. visiting frienp L 0rono,,--.near Await Exeter. 31r� anil Mrs. -.Cana tAe Germans. Owing to lack of am uffl- Mans a ta oall,' John MaSon, 'a -prosperoui� farmer, of, they will sp-ttle on -t,he 1groo1W8 fine 9d'd Germa�n 11. Gidley, E. E. Robinson and ames Bowanvllle.�Mr. George Hifl, near
have bden residenta of this community Wwanosh Township, near 'Belgr.4ye- farm. We unite with their inany I -el., tion-, especially shellg and artillery the Their alf craft have lavad d�stro ed many �Tiernay Messrs, S. H, Gildley, E. Rob- and- gon� John,. from ithe West, e p performed by the wishbns hem
e' The ceremony, Was hent
Rurtslaas w r forcedl at many oInt9 torritory and ha7e. ractically- all their llv6s. Mrs. - CanWs aties and friends In
'Inson and James Tiernay were appoint- were calling on old friends here la'At - Joi to fall back before the heav-y artillery ings and other pioperty be-�. L -s NK. 'K. Pas- Rev. Mr. H -Ick, lot this village. Tlt�e g and continued happiness. - on public build mai&n ame being M Ing used for war purpo�es. Thus fgr to purchage instruments. The citizens ,n I ome on -A t months' week. Job -s he� more.,Shee lo a auj�hjer of Mr. Thos, bride was very handsomely gowned, Mnday �evenlng last on their return fire -of tne Gvrm�as w1XIc they were Oln the Qermaas seem to drop their bo-tbs �ave �subscrlbbd $200 to assist 'in the .-Vacation and Is' ace ipanied,'by Oils sni friends Wilt join from -their wedding trip, Mr. & MIW unable to, In t1its way thoy Passmore. Their m After the ceremony bd been perform anwife and cbIld, indizIcriminately e Eritish and originizatioil, lost mucli valuable ground which, t he y while t in wisIting 'them contintled, hapiness ed the wedding -party, Including Only P. - WIggIns vi,ere seranaded - b.* 6ar cit- lm -1-1. Waymou,th, one o tha, Marriage. -The hixne of 'Mr.- and� Mrs rad gained at a t rrible loss of men French avoid a.s mueb s p -sible the a -6d prosperity. the Immediate relativez of the contract- Izen's brass band�A_4 every� current d. �the ploneerAsettlers in Rullett township, OZ Themas W. . Dickson - "Pifle Grove, and munitions and wWch they will now destruction of pflvate proper �y an ght- Ing pirties, repair ' ed to the lbrid,48s event or nearly -go in ioar budget tbIs'- * ury Monday"of last week, passedblis ei zouth ucefield, was the scene of a a love liave to win over aga at.a similar inj -of private' and Inoffensive citi- of Br Kippen. home where SuMptuous repast wad wev)k is. either iYA the 1111 of r If not greater cost. Vils Is.- of course, zer's and devote their attent.on to mll� ieth birthday and is still hale and pretty wedding on Thursday, June �10, discouraging to ttie Russfims and equ- ubl�croperty, In this mod3 hearty..Mr. Wymouth came to Canada Wha . n ia-tthe fhour of Aalf- atertweivel Notice -We. the undersigned have agieedo clos served, and the happy couple after matilage, 'Your carzespondent 1p beglp-
Itary and p d hais resided upon the fard� Annie Maude our stores on two nights ol the week, UonJ iy and wards -took the l6vening train, tollow- Ing -to- wonder If there is a;gytbi!* -opponents and at wa,rfare al§D'the Gr(rnla s are evi- in '1861 'an their youngeot daughter, Friday, coinuiencintr on June 214, tram -thn dats ed by - the d wlse� jc�Utheir rel- wrong or behind - the timea. In the ally aeartening to their ont of it ap 4 a e -%vhlcb, -he stil.i. bccuptes on tbe'8th con- and Mr. George Alexander Bruce Giemis PYO all 'goes to prolcyng t-fte tvafiThe Rus-. dently getting�the forwar4. JAcob.Detweller, Robert Brownlew I gins No 'cessio' of Hallett for over -fifty years� ative,4 and many friends. A atraw,- bachelor life.—Mrs.. W, g- f Islans Lave now secured additional s being served with tbeir owil medicine son. of Air'. and Mrs. William E. Glenn, 2178-3 J berry teptivalvander the aus of the peth was bee uring tbp
s of this sturdy set- of hens&ll, were married by Rev. A. hilss Agnes Cummings. plees past week pliez -of- amunlitiort and gums from DrI_ which Is not veiy P'il table to them.' The- Many friend the attal Death of Ladies' Aid Sciclety Pf.CArrnel Church visiting her abn sild frJenda._1;teV,. j&rj tala and France and Itn these they The new cD6lition Government In tier congratulate him upon n W. Barker, In the presence of abdut the deatlY of a ThLQ wee.k., we chronicle man ;of' so vezerabfe; an age ad trub't will be held on th church ground an Small, lately of Blyth, will 2 --re, h 14 -to be w c)rki-n 9 armon-7 t fifty guests. Th e - 'esteeimad resident of ack- .are commencing to turn t1le scale in England seems very m ch Wedne;sdaY afternoon -and e-viiing., Jane the Interests of 1Cnox College In Car- Iou..�Iy and I aying th to be gIv[ng qwd service., that bN good health. may continue for Away by 'kwn father, Joined W� bride. -son 'ispartig no mel j0huch on ba n i Oth—
eis Intend7 8ab th 3u a 2 thei favor, The old -at for- erismith, In the per of Miss Agnes
T h- British House of Commons tbig still many- years. groom In the parlor, Where the cere- c ammi*ngs, which place Sunday �3rd, and the ladi
tQne favors the brave seems to, be veri aie it the best- d most Mrs. Ri �ok ta, of L250,4 —The adleq of the Goderieli Red mony was performed in front -of a PaIns to m Banhron returned recen.1 tied In the case of- the Germans :as any we voted another mar va morning, Jane 1&th, at the homle of her successfril. of all 'their flestivkls. The from 13irrie,, w1ter vli open, o e t m
ve 000 0, . 'Making with evio sums a where Venoall Brass.Band h Tho
0 'held a linen shower at bank I �Iowem and ferns. She M
A Cress Societ 1�oke' victories they have recently gainedba p e sister, Mrs. Duncan McGregor', as been weeks with ber daugItters.—Mr. a been due more to luck than -skill or total of 'L362,000j000 alread allowed th . Oddfellowol Hall Thursday after- 6fiarming in a Sown' of 'Ivory llabltUi ome eight. Mon following Ust ot jood an e3Equ][sit6 bo' ohe bad been for � s ths for the oceaidn, and there wIll no Hemphill has �dla his fine welang. --r purp"e 'r ntro ucing the noon., The twas slik tand carried q;aet of re. Miss* doubt be a Very large attendance. 'doora the pootof otrength. for w9 dnated: A bandred aad isixteen _taw- roses. Miss Grace Horton su'pPI1 d wed- and had received all p6ssibie ca flee to Dr
-mlei A uIth fernarked But the little uccess the German"i alea.quire Pre CammIngs was a native of Tuckersmith
-te la
lst ra gradua f 'McGill Cl-,
iJ un 12th the els, 39,6 pillow slips, 518 towels, !�ad ding muisic oihe cbol6est quality, axid - te lJobn Cm- M - Charles McAllister was In To Peck, a recent and a daughter.of 'the ia ronto recently spending *week with lege, and we are plea -
have ihad In. tbe Eat Is about ltbe only that from Apr is :usual tgood
]VIr. Barker r �sed- 4tor learn that ag An
bright zp.ot they have had to*�Gmfort r_-xpenditure ha;� bee at f e raL of 'huge quantlties,.of bandker'chiefs, ba;nd inings She, *as born - 62 years ago, and iso Maud.—Dr. S. T. M . Hemphill Intends either purchasing her daugher, M r
thern -.since thy were' driven back from 0,660.000 daily. He --E-i t mate that be, ages,. mouth wku9h aAd gauze, etc.. The voice "M Perfect Day." The regietar had av,7ed all her life vltbia a few Bean has away for- a few days or bo2ding in the -near -future. Ideal s6biabil- — Fais several, months agoi while they total aaily ependit'Lil e d urrIl - g the*cur- children of the central ischool collect— being pigned, an hour of milee of the home of iher birth. She
and7 Darne Rumor has'At that he- win Speare fran. the West, Is visiting bar are having th�,lr trouble% In Other rency of the new cred *,%Y( uld be not- ad 032 copper$, which they'also band- Ity Wao spent around umptuou91Y.69rv- was a member of the EgmondvIde Pres- not return a bachelor but a ver*Y-hap- Inother, Mra. Ale:j Ingram, S Alid, quarters. They are being' sevqrelY press- levs than -Z3,000,000, or t ie. reason ed -In. Tea slid lunch wag served by jed.ltableo. The groom'o gift tohe bride byterlan Church -and 'In her yqinger py beiiedict.—Rev. W. Powell, rl sisters. w.a;T ek ended its ar�-i, the,"ladiets wbidN netted a sum of over was a gold land pekLri-beaded umbrel- cently jed in the Dardanelles and Italy is giv that, &9 the yeara wag an efitauillastic� worker in. aln' finan,I 1 -ob'[gations to ing tb,em much trohble In It Great Brit 0. The Re& Cross -mill. hold a jam la and to7 the -plalst a brooch set, inda s the St. schbol'ind other branghe
shower t'later on. with pearls and amethysts. Mr.-' and D ne e. gives them lotfs o trouble -to keep 'thp- the allies w'uld I r a of the cburcb.�Deceaaed was An Invalid clety 6f Urnoonn train, �The Women's MIssfonary So rs. Glenn left on tne aX Austrians'and Turk% up to the fight- for many years and was confined to gues are heartily Wesley Methodist. Church, Clinton, held among ahowers of floers.afid con- e ia-qt.Jf9ur Years-, nd a Ing line These catle, pare Huron 3 0: e a socjal:,evenlng. ow Tuesday- of last- letti, !for a trip up Ute. lakeo to SUPOH- war and bleeding at every tImea was a great, but pattept suffer- her bed tor tb of S rtn Ovircajts e.3
a big week when the -president, Mrs. Me- or a44.Dului . T. 'it her as S nK f th he bride travelled n and would Cladly lay down -their arms er. 10was- a pleastire to vis the celebration -on Domin .1 Da July Ist; Math, gave her report of the branch a bavy bidesuit with sand colored at ppy
Germans, with their grim deteraila Is 1 e u your E tim i' at -art peace on ny term. But able 'bad and, co �O' ary of the meetir 9 at 'London.. There was asoa trimmed -with Belglan blue. The a . �trong confidence in tha Word
Mr. q47 W. Willis 5ecre cit our Lord, She Is survived by one H a and when. yc turn
committee of arrange,ments. short musical program, Mr. and Mrs. couple will reside on the groom's farm tion to Win - at any Cost and by any al MG of le means are using bbtli persuaWon and oovey, 11ad East rendering a duett, Misg It Mr., Bert 14, 2t� nton, 1 otta near Bracefield.And have the best wishe tention to your personal appearance and comfort.. village, the only surilving' one Ofi,,D new potatoes of tfiLs yea S' 'growth Cook, a vocal sellor ana Ru of ahost cit friends. I ! , - , force to keep th?%m u to the mark, iss by Wisc . CTit ade-to- -easure Suit or WI
family of six. The funeral to&k place �n M Spring Overcoat '11-1 Kaw Iag th6y can do thiss -no, me cari foT ui� on,.Ws table :ast eek, They k plano- so to. a;;ad Atiss R uby 'Wig and an Tuesday' to Egmondhle cemetery -0 ffi�Df goodsize ani I xde ent quality. Misses E, TyleBrien and -M. Moore '%dlp some." ur spring vercoat- piano suifings and o
kay la advance. But the exertion thus er -refteghm nts w Cromaxty. which w&a fargeli attended, testifying reqttred Is about 'as exhausting on -5rbe holmes"ville Mee a Factory s6l6ctions. Light e ere �_ ary Services. — Rev. R. M. to the eteem. In which the doceased ings.will appeal to the most fdsfideads dre'ssers- who their 'Atrength As -the fighting at the have made their �sec4knd sa e of cheesb teiwards served. - A fee W ten cent,:i Anivers Hamilton, B.A., olf.Toronte, willrach wav, held. The pallberers were threa appreciate. "better dothes"—do French, Ru4slans and British, Tha� for this season. The price allzed was wi's char&�ed, the- proceeds going. Into thes.,you can de. the J ubllee services In, conne cousslas, Mesgrs. William and Alexand- 1
thev have- stood the - train so 17 cents per pound. the Society's general fund. c tion with -on in "EastlWawanost, . —Private Groves, a. Son of J. F, the Preisbyteria.6 Charch here on June or Sproat and Samuel Harriston, and peid'upon:to give you perfect satisfacti weari mor three nephews, John Hulliston, John -ce, Tailored to suit the long i6 marvellous. That t ne y Mr.. Ed. Taylor of
s, town clerk, of Wingbam, is one 27th. The Aing oervice will be coil fit and appearan 9 d it very much Longer and Messrs. Ernesf Son 4-erson and Grove cannot tan tducted ao near as m- o, the list of the brave C&nadians-wl poss,sible hi McGregor and John Cummings, Amang
would seem proable. No othdr nation Charles Farsces of HaI104 are at services of those from a dist-ince who attended at man as well as the man Who wants to May y9ung. ange- conformity in. the world could have stood It so eirs-WhD h ve �ecenLly par-khased autq. W�rc wounded in the battle Ak L with the -s agm- On Monday the funeral were Mr. David Sproat, Bel- Come n and see the wide range we offer in slerges., long. -The'pity ig that so much effort cars,- Marck and 1.9 now recovering inicely in fifty year James Cummings, Egmend- —111s 11 Sotl ordwich, a Red Cross Hospital 4t 9qvingham. the Picnic at the mountain �grove_wlll grave, Mrs and self sacrifice should not have been ther I tweeds and worsteds. n open at 1.30 with racm 'followedby a vi -11c; Mrs. Dr. Cooper, Mr. ihd Mrs, has a geranium pill r�a of thesi Hall in Yorkshire, England. Private exp,_-nded In a better cauriL e L The Allies are making progrez,, al- leaves on which mei A, Isix by foar Ernest Copeland, andorther . WInghom programme of Ohorl addresses an& in u- John Beattie, Mr. John Cummings, all a d later a baseball !match between of Sea -forth. I0ough slowly, in the Dardanelles'. and a haLf idahes. It Is" gescribed as boy has written to a friend in that Ple 11 the Boundary and Cromarty. A- tug of Notes,.—Rev. Mr. PweL',- recently of town as follows: I leave"11arve Lo mor. they have o Ilgh, a beauty - I Exeter, wbo now holds the office of -t strenuo,usly for every iqch of 'row, May 29th, to rejoin my company, war between the married and,the.eingle D,# Ber 'I and —Word was te d I FordwIch, ; I 'I mo 'e' - Secretary of the ada Temperance oround they ghin. But mperloin� forec, last week o the d th I Mr. lex- this being Just one month from thr! men -Will, aWd be a;n bitereisting feature Can " An be Act of Huron County, wIll on Sun -day, of tfig day's oport,3. S(xpper Y -W n r er I resident of time I was. wounded
:;trength Will ultima, -r L.� a fi and tely wn the ande Am in perfect
Y -TAe Hensall band June 20tb,.'conduct,tbe servlces.ilr�tbe day and so soon a they have passes- that villagc, whoha eeni In VancoLiv-' health. Trusting in Providence.. I 93 oerved at the grove. Step e. _z: hheart, saddened only by the loss *of an excellent. progr Place r ill be In attendance.. In7the.evening Mathodist.'Church at the usual �hours
o�j thia witer-way, which theyAlll er for a number of forWard at dutyla call wift a light V� have beforL e is prepared -. and at 2.80 be Will ppealt alo Ag the 1he, long., the beginnLng of the �onl` of §taniey, fo -n., ne of my best epmrades. Mr. J-. A, Stewart, Texidr; 1�11ss Cochrill, lines of tempera -nee. Mr. Powell, Is. a end of the war will have been reach left last A ot Iouqd, soi e arn �W : , r� eak Z will j' -N- , - ed, This will give the Allies and (-s- on a visit to hisZ d4u�hte , Mrs Cock- out to win. Sopr and Mm. Grantg&rrIsVIo11n- brilliant 4sp er and his ad-drels -od.—Mr. Donald Sinclair of Ross- rs. D Ar r
peclail �'Rus�4a. such an imaiz:nse ad- orline,. and his sistep, _rn - . —The County Coa t wais. hdId. In God- ist, of Lojiaoa, also .Mr. "Camero be,.gd
Geddes, Basa Soldist, of Mt vt�atagl- that Au,rla and rich last week commencing on ues- 'Ass mbly., 19 'visiting e ichell, will burn, Man., who was a�commlsslbner Turkey U strong. ar rting� aAo S G-� odg -y hold out th4t long, w -n- —Mr. Bert. Irvin. 11110 c - [day. There were- four cases on fth. retider niLtsical selectiona., Two former -to the General e th( Ill be coi k 9 been tea h crumly1cil up and Germany will Ing at Alma, has be a cri aged toteach. docket, on13 one f which pame Lipvfor pastrs, Rev. R.A. Cranston, pf Palm-? among friends of this vIcInity., Mr. rs that tbo people leave be left alaile itn n ed-. Thf, W
d will -not last long,a- the Consta .ce sXt4 'in Hallet, -his* tria.l. the others beifig postpon' erston, and Rev. R. Q. Mackay, of Siriclair wonde is at so,
case of Johnston v3, Jolmston was an �Alvinston,.are e:kpected. to deliver ad-. this beau.tifl country and good roads ill n's Druos St6ke gatnaiE the povrfal y duties� to cornmence �fter'ltlie holidays, c -d agatist her. The Dardanelles dresses I and th, present pastor, Rev. and go West.—Mrs. Wesley French left, Mr. Campb�ll, the resen teacher has action in which William Johnstol.1 'to be � the real key to the alLuation rc.�;Igned.- Blytb, sued T. G. Johnston, -of Dela, D. 'Ritable, will give a historical olletch bare tXs week fbr a -two months' visit Now 'in stOC-11kc TLennis' Racquets: and othe and.two isig.ters Ila the at the prf-st.�nt tim�%. The Leading me c and bushiess ware, for $560 as"commission' on the of the -congregation, The committees in witb her br r 7Fn 11ullett �nd charge 9.�e aparing rfo pa ase gods I I � Ws to make- Weot. 'Mrs. Fre,'4, ba t Valls, hdrd
2'. � d -vf Exeter'hav d to close ast Wa- The Unitt,d Statvs have transm' lsale.oft farms In ebl. Mppen friends B 'd 6a sate c -n L the enjoyable m well as a wish her a pleasant trip an.
their second lettar to the Ger %aces of busine:3 h - hour Of -haif waaash. T4e defeqce was that the de- an soft U. er roquet set% i.
c, a return.—Mrs.� Andrew Flall, Sr., bas re, n balls, C
rament. It is couched In the mil& �?'St twelve o'cloc o�, Thursday fter- Xendent bad merely said his own farms. memoable on Notea.—N6twithstanding the rainy turned bome' after ispending some time i n-9- %3w of te.rrns but Is firm on the one,poiiit'. -hoons during the bnth of Jul�.f%nd The Jury broght 'in a verdict +
0 Box" vix., that Germany must conduct 1.�'r A_gu-�;t. plaintiff fi�r $830 and judgment -was morning of� Tuesday, -there Was a large witIl her Ister, Mrs. John Cochrane, Lawn B Ve-S9 C 0,hing at isubmariae w3xfaire In accordance wittl —Th"e fohowfa' at6s for the fah entered accordingly. Applications, we turn4but the sewing social held at of Oehtralia, and also wltli. her sister- w re ilearly 70 ina*vy birs. James Blair. Many Irlenaa -n., So far s court slttI *gal an Wil G 1 er c d h an usages I the mghse that afternoon. I Gloves,etev
I are annoanc- made for nataralitation papers by Aa- g*1 S -1 0 Y Mr Wr will be isorry. to know cone e, eaforth; Max P4nzer,. of the ladiea. partolok' a ser ad on of o. n America �ubJects_ are erned and ed:�uv, t, ber st, With J ary, gust Giflir, -of S A 16t'of new hammocks in popular colors and ranging Jn 7 ce t e Common of ' cb, - a. in —The rain of
e It (Goderi, - and Kivel Lebei, of Blyth ,- the law, a in
itha ahe must at once give satisfac" orY- before the Ch ef J d five quilts were com that g)* Is critically ill. -very be past week -was much* eeded and guarantees and a,�isuranoes that shc Pleas; TuesdpQv o. e b r 23rd, with- Sut the neceisssary procedure has not plted. These . quilting SoCiall- ire prices from $2,50 to $6,50. I if accompanied by waxrn w -b will do so. Prr-sident Wilson makes IL out jury, before J stIce Britton. -yet been completed. popular with most of the ladies 1df jithe ea er 111 r Tery plain t tes will —Rev. J. W, rt', the popular —D, A, Stewart, ol Stewart Bras., of -congregation and also witb the child- beagreaboontothe croPs.—Miss Y-LaY t, or h9 has attending 1h not stand fo� any fooling or evasion pa,tor of Wingha 3,146t odist Church Mo.e�sworth, Grey Townsb1p, inventom ran who 9,1ways have a very pleAsant MeGreg , W been returA
6-1 this vital poir, i � Tht, general expecta- was re-elected ch,I mad. at the 'Wing- 'of the Stewart Sheaf Loader and v- outing on thoe occasions.—The Sons Normal Selfbal at Statford, as' iv.& Wihson tj - is that the German afthoritics hani Dis-triet for t e f �h year, and et6l other agricuitural Invpentlons, I,-. 6f Scotland entertained- several, auto 0 tone for ber holidays. , To4day, lbrUggi an st and Bookseller SEAFORT14 r9a will, m&ke uch cancessions. as will sat- al:,o elected ChbJ n f the financl- interested 'In an engine with a Detroit loads of their brethren fromSt. Marys, Friday Is 'the farmers' picnic,- day to