The Huron Expositor, 1915-06-11, Page 4P A' I 177-71 1, 1�7 N 4L.E I-1, 1 -y -UR 4 ON EXPOSITOR_ RE NE Just 00W UW L thi iy know what to -do Va nra 1wt Gu4lph, under the apipices' ,thersmm at trjw1on -work In the Calls. Alex. Mellando and 3ftw. Robe rt Scott, J. and --Mr. - o�bt. tUvy ae ircely know *how to of It -he West Huron. Farmers' Ibetitute , at -,was very ge,% red Grieve of McKill TWEAU. _7 -1 Wept ival*cjolly, sh6 ft4 Harpu are Wiften, R tUrn'to,&V6V1."t , vnd still their stub- will Itake place,on Saturday, June 12th,� erous,. Never very rugged shii auffe they, op, p, brdther of the HITim, FO'O -a T s! 4 1; T W T F S borbn 11 � . I I �p 3weaped ess wilIndt peirrit, them to,,cry -by' C.P.R. AtiDedial.train wlll,*Ioavo frorr dd$.trss1ng-We&kaeso duridg tb the-'6iarta of iranr quit -very un. Goderiall - at 1 o'clock &= t ars of sl�ci .4d aut In ie� pyzrve#y But W sorratbin-9, istopping at Ia§ ye her life, especial! Now fok your'white f0dorear There's no doubt but that more women 5 seen and unthought- of transpires td.. an Atations-'to Incluelve, an acuto attack of paeu � 61' 1 1 3 4 mo a, ab6ut -11 �vear-wfiite shoes this S' as, n than' ever. v.n As a matter of fact no 6. 7 8 12 be1p,hbem.j1h( y wIP foreeifto'tbrow and ortlying WX �.e'aro. IWV ttrow virblob, pbe never 1w, 9 To %do, thOr i ag from stations. West, of entirely reedvered. Up oiwl�� d take the i6onae- Those leavii, woman sh6uld be without white -shoes, they'rie always so D �kr North. #uron veo. To a .13 T4 15 16 q x8 19 quences, lbefore -1c hS. Every day las Dly; 0, incluslvd-j.- tray, If thoy desire, re- -Mr. �Wlllialh prenrloo of the -ft h eootl-at�roew. we. -vari re showing,,the finest. iety .6f good,- white 92 2 2f 25 26. bringing, that re V toneession Of, usbol zatberiv$jon Tuejadiay of -Kafth 20 It _469 d end closer. Irain '0%er faday,- lune 14th. me passe:44w the vrear that, ever' graced a sb ue � store in Seaforth.. - Oxfords, coljocnials Wis, H,,roll purs conserv.0 Musgrove The iGerrr gr still ut�g their -The "oviring members of the Go& - 8 1 29 30 .... .... grest- beywid on %ondgy., MAY SWI Heo 7 Tumps., button boots) for women, misses -and children. Matiy Of our Skit, o Ich Wulst and an, KP.i delivered wa eara, ii r6onthe and 28, 1 V, �v oWty, -iba Moder.ite prices always prevail at Aub= rQ and during the past, r rial Agricultural Oa- 'y BOOM r9tisingaddrmses on 4�� week ba, e�, cee led In -sinking sorrc provb3�clal and Do. s y1ri can not be found elsewhere. ve azitered their oarrea In t-bor 400. W Pgnilce had lbeen In Very 'twe"MA 4: =Anloa problems. The nweting For insance, we have: ladies white canvas pumps four, ; Avie- m4s, one + or -h frelgfttrs. How- StaA*nt Field �0 'M. Cagivetition f or pDor Ahehhh for several. -,veara 1but hi store. 'With - rc foi G�rgarij thi* ltd. NEW ADVK1tT1SEMZNTS -the Bri ridt - Colborne, Towpab zetioa of th 0, 'and an ever MWw I t ffe ni tish coast aftj tp-John rcndftion'w1w about the paw.jeuntil, a- e.r1d1r is irm_be Adric_ta, -,were ITW ri ly Interferred'with S.:014rk, Hugh.,11111, Oletcher Fisiber, bout ttwb well- gerr"ented, Itlec- cov�red heels for 1.28. Ladies white canvas two strap Pumps witli min weekis jqWies ago, when lie was tak- - f or $x. zs. Ladies - white c nvas 'lonj icent S owing- ItIdn of off leora 'for *�e year, for 4p t =Vpred- fi.eels cO al Stewart Uros.-3 A- --,' and Oe Pgrit ve succeeded In cap-, John a.. Xejn_jZh'dn, C. - C. McNeil and doft withian, a ttack of heart trouv provineud - Doir X Plf ig Olothing Oo.�-1 -pliabo.s, with covered buckle and cove re dies white sit liag. several Gertran 3, fk. MoKardy. GoderIch Township - ble Mod i9ndually, *wdng the and ctrre 0101 ion ass6clat d heels, -for $i.So. La Nowe 1, 1 h - 8 turingl �104 In a,measure evens bw Salkeld; Harry L. S M` 4a was feature at the convention. he 6�vas colonial pu mps, finest American makes for Uoo and $,2tSo Seato,th Itaft4­1 alkeldl Oeorge On Y: pubmarlileis, h -The deceAsed jIVW -011sweil Drug Stwe---4, plan fto leave The laomJnation Of' UP Andr*Wp J. McCquOiky, J. SowerIbY, I tiftm..'Inehr 86arboroug1j, OiLt,, -b whAn dj 0* U#i& white nubuck-pumps for $2.5-0. Udi s whiti canvas bu SportIng Goc4e e results from le Bat-y's khoto�Felrs stumo-4 ut dat the Comkn tton - -. ftie Wl of v w are nIL V -IckrAA pla TIG.1 hurckife The cropi -16a: I OW until Itfter the !Aaam Dreumaking-Miss Artnstrong-;-5 N 4T ww"t, Ito A ve du 4be wwn- boots cuban -heels. for. *2.;0. Growing girls white canvas bu as If (thetUnited -States choism" !by the SOCA is Awd Parliatreat was t- r6r szle-& J. 13OX-8 It inow Jdol ii, '011-11Y of McGillivray,. In What i6wnsfilp _Vroppective- wasim of Oate the Resolutions t boots,, low heels for pumps, with ankle, A Good 1ime0oming-8 approved by, the treeftig. $2,25. Misses� white- canvas were llkely-'§ Y be d1ravp Info the dift- ea the greater part of For Salte---ft Office-& iakep place at har*&t - tirre, he mr��% of appreciation to Isir -Robert Borden $1.'20. - Misses white canvas pumps, finest Arneric ife 1but ab culty. -uh -the Gerrrafts eat some ibba 'Bl&r -the Lon4o ;t fo r Armera--R. Hanierspa-,61 jo n Road I out tnine y ears ago he trove a =ld Prewaet� Hearot we . et lastic an Make 1h of Exeter, met with an to thus F11118 StAUORC Y­Thou)p.xon!.v Book Store -3 tri b aft ((pli somettibg. they are sioulth -�coli�nt ­v�tb hW fjur, to itthe 7tb conews fo Misses white �c4nVgs butt6n.boots tDr $1.5,5. Childreres- Gard ot Than a -J. M, 014na-5 JILY 0A L- tone, -aod uimnirepusly C r d. vhte! ot Th last note fron: th, e res h, an (Ken4aj of laot week. He Ito-& bltch�- -0f MOOrne, wheri) be ftas- sloe Id 'te 4nvas pun P' for-75;�cents and $i., Children's white canvas but - Bowman $Mks ir of lso6cts For S.410-joh DA�oy -8 on a ni Gerzran Govmn�n�e An reply to,one re- ad �ia. bmae to -a stoneboat who che ed,..VrjDWnjj hirr f to s s6l be a moot wor- Of - ftbe provincial -and $n5o. White- shoe dressing jo cents a oltxwflon In tKe Do- t an ceived f roirt e ijnIted S.Utes wag f Irral 64 boots for $x..25. bottle 6 Blanco -w HouseforRan -Expositew Office -8 0 an came. frightened and ran a- WY ItWdOnt M4 during his stay herF Minion. Atkr Arnugec d6n Whst?-5 ta t Officem fbr tMe Dotninlon As- hite dressing to cents. pueb err Ing and deceitful char- -,wjay. Xr. down.The haA cotrina.-iiied the respect and eateem acter that, It rritaked the United *States., bproe -raA Of IS11 who formed'ible :acquaintance. 00clation were elected as Pilows: Han- Zoaae-_D. J i. Me Mry--8 Mr. Blair r Mary -WIllazz Cimpbeld of- TbAA 9= brd 8*4 f forth frow PresiJen t put 4t aWAY aud"Afte recurning to He wks a lstaunbh Colneervative,md *a preAddent, Golderleb; president. T. W. Scott, of w eirptbry demand that'the the thoiWe ffie coJlaps�d an edlealald vs;iued arember of St. Patirlckvis Wilson. 11 P d jr_ Church, FA*t WuwanWb'; Brat vIceLpresid r"girerrents of - he United Stateg be Ivad to be summoned. He *as around Saln%bury. 330sides his adrrowing wife 06 4 otce La eded.,to. Secretary Bryan agan Ishortly afterwards: awid will Pae tjo As s 9 LObldiart of' East Iwawanoeli - see WIN und vk p '11/4ead gbout'so - usual in. fe '., days. dAughtera. - I uel, OL I t k y six isotns� and two le urvived b e residwA J. %&ljo T. beU6vkl,g Ith I w Box P" tto: war betw en G -=Any and the Unit,�' _hird vide-prealdezil,, Dr' 4-�W&,Asday of last. 'week Henry iWas A*radromig, of Qdrrie; mcj�' ed f row tbe ed R*teq, r TAW", of Blftb,'Vasse I -away a� the -0 P r__ of Go&zich; Arealuter, -FRIDAY, Juae Atb,'1915.t ericim Gove Ir but neverthelefts Canada Petei 161ften . . . . I- 89AFORTH, ced agie-- -of 85,'yeara.'He bad diuf- Sp -_ ' i advan ZA --ur —A Cold Dudley the Preadder t $s tronly� backed I by fered jfrWn pea's for the pro- "Veta-i strokesoUparalyals. wave atruck ;W1nn1p4- and: vincial apsiociation --arvr! Pr Dk =P#QK-Z# 11 -,0P]?O8jVX-0OK=h01AL 'HOTEL 4the ot1wr me r rr Of Igo C"inet ant e- �'dietrlct 1W.Sunday.'!The temperatiie Mv. Tiarran predeceazed b1m. Tb child"; 1dekr4h&-;­1 been forwarded. to of It. C. R-odiri APlatn Statement A" are:—Mrs. D.- -'Cart6r,, Westfield WOO Awb d0grees *At' _3ftp. jwres Burgess, Brussels; Henr .j -Gerybany. The result will be awpited there. *�W'*Atend Grand lodgi,,at wad gre getting- ak as Koh. Goc� P. GraharrijleaAer�'Df.tlia uc ce-preWdent, W 'Um;ez witliz htntere4t.The resuitne rid -t. Arm. *m "eled6e vi, d John, Sea- by drdst. .well as e" and mhow&s, Blyth an D*rkAqa Liberail Duty, In the Proyince be gL 4eclara tion - 'of war between - the.. I *mtferd.—A Vvbwx1pU(m',wxs taken Up be expmted pad thdir '11: relitlyeo 10ft, last "g the :t*entY-10ur1h �Ptrong, Of 'QOrIte;�,' *e4r(OrY, W. iook Place. Friday —SundilLy es. GrIaer, of W1,%aam; ftesourer, J. W. .#be men in KbVn 4o* tweek for the sad trlen4s late pleased ftat t4ey et. by to J a . 001tliso _44-d LWAO AS 611911o'kho recog. two countri4m All the Urilteid.. i-Itat Rev, Mr. parr, anniversary cd the -death of the aA4 'v4o' conducte& late Sir Germany shall. be , Jdhh A.A&cdar�ald repr��jjtative� Tpbacco Yuod, fortM- boyi ai Ne front.. caved even AM well as tbey- -as it rized DepUty leader of �the Liberal par- derrhrdis in 460t16r.10f_TAnity Church v4wre.deceao-t -of p, U1 -the amount Of COntf ort, w4s, ceitaWly a ,very- narrow etc warl!�. It U wmderf "ded lbby tp.e, r letst id civilized. e:d. belclivfed. Con�r�xtive Assoclatioir wir lor4 re- i led jeI19*p,gA ftvn.- a sootI4. Mm. JG. F. ftott, of itiville, lo ty Jr, 0aldada, jn a apeeeW Wt a Llberal mp" fare.'Sbould I �Ne 1'ernim 1&tiiel Caftraqui Cerretery In King - Mrs I emven'tion In itbe,,Couno of Durham fuise oto 4k&ee to ddVjib ithl6n;the UA'_ 'h - bier B. �DlckMcin, of -L&ng-! hippen I lifs Ci*e a4d db�� will be rnue Iting At(ft, and placed -a ivreath of flo*era Pf the -great Canadian 'the undenigaed .;Lppreclate Rollwa� lose d. don Vakdta' an did Huron boy NO lfhiiisa *--ewi , * Red States could out her off as *1 ' , fdft, - tice—We. _Mm i rkg upbh thb groe hays agreed to c and Mr. WA A very. plain, defln, - unworth'y_ -of the c '10p AnA z-k�w -of *kr. Samuel Dickson, ourztamontwo�ipfghte6ftho week� WQnJry and re Wave 06n awarded the OTOE atlon_a_ Cudwo Tft end -ex nt, wfticb� should FAday, o6ininjenelfift on _#1c1t staterre Of 196946�th, bais. been appointei by June 2t Irr thsi d 4ti a�n Instead of Ilgh -fire ob Detwel1q, In 6 of eaUr^ flized inatims —A $100,000 vrhL-V s!tarite I at 2 forward. YAc . r aa& otherwIse '1jr.. W11sadn of the United StIates, 11"Walee. S%jp tthe puWc Ahould could give the K.Hes aid aod cort, * t presil, oclock Sunda,,v =iiirn�g wiped out the e- ;dwelllng the t.. - - 24711-3 pro 9 Itb, Dr. - Beau L -Dakota land 04- ddtne.—A very pretty- wed - the Worth In rr,,*1th iwar, isuppllei,_ RezAsIter,.W j un g twe recently Ift's. J&Meg. alow very c4arly to every unprOudic- by 1 urn-Ish Tranft=A lfq.tel ant tbrde other build- NdtieO.—The contgre4jution of St. Ail. dL,* WOO 9 �oe Dlckenwm, North Dakota, whie"ll Celebrated on June IA at Is In. a �M*W, in Tia�&,Uan re -Joe 4- 11 ed jr1nd on -*tdW *Ide the blarne lie$ if wbich obe pbisttllo�, qto ,do to an Lack of water Arewla chureb Antend. holding a lawn. !the #jfte of Mr. j0jW .p Troyer.�—)Oa 1deU,jWoodhw MWbeU, ojr a�diirIed one of (the trost Lucerative 'almost unlimited 6xtint. - This -would is cw� the jspreaipf XX—JAX 0 eld-ftdwt vWdnefrlends In, Lon a1V %bere U jad"j)n #hb CoUntryL the i1bliti- prepoure w" a factor in 0 the &Wm grounds. an Thum- otber placeo.—Mis. E. 14eroe lapent, -a blic In the StMe., 1, r. Dick the *fjamep. The,blaze orje_ Tuckerorift, M[hen�, bj% elde4 dgugh- not only seriously cripple the tGern: ans PU iiate'd in tm evenkfg, June 2#h,—Mr.%. Wil isd 41V ter, Olive ftene, 'was'=- ited'-fa marri- Cal Calm, tt�ere jaWould be, under the and -,aid Ith LLLLLL vat it VMuld, cause 1h hpa been a leading lawyer and a age t,& Mr' e big Four Clcvthi-.ig Store, prevamably Cuo*ri*e of Exeter b vijiting with be couple bt -tbb Week jw1th-,Mr_q..j, dinent- -political worker In Nor th Da- I Jarvis spe,-jany iffistressing ponditions which D. boon On A eric'.n burfluilo. Whatever PrO= Horton)eldOst Pon of Sutherland.��Mra. X - G. , Malloy and Price, fr*.i defective wjrjj�g. 'dau.0teris,14cre.—Mr. and. Mrs.' MIcDL&n,4 r. sm Henry Horton' of the the f -hp isituatioun is ex- kdta, for tweoty years and h$s .614 Hur- . 'I M nd Mra. -pow - exJot, bjr. Grabarc. satl% Y ongratulations I AM, 0 sWer, Ulm Xazel Drake, left here thiss tor Ter result —D age to -the jaxtent of $76,00 ald, on Saturday lat%t, attended,a.ebina sarre�, tow-nebip. The cefemony was per d, the Gerw.an.)re._oi:j­jrk,-ji0 will extend c 1%'Itrlp - to IMf alo azid or clsedingly Ort leal Was catioel by fire wbiab pearly wiped wedding at Mr. John Cann,p, In R week !,or ifone njent PAn eanpuit Panada-where she ply" *ill be a w�th­xcuchanxlety. on. i1h$s%good fortu!de. on of Ru formed by Rev. R. Hicks In the ipreo- L�ght jtoL be. �OfteL tran, by a brief, Xtank Is ..speadin$ ence- of 0j)Out Sey,, 555 Axerlean citlep.—Mr. #md, Mrs 0 out the business secti seell, oat., eter.—Mrig. John Dayjr� W. Z, it, I" e at nty guests. While by tthe worl —A quiet Wadding took plac ov Suha%,y .1adt. The town liall, pub4c an prijqyabf� holift rt nds Hdrgarth were in London on .004 NIP y WitLh f e In went,. van. bring a unIted thi� wedding ararcli waa being played lastmdth t1eir little to 420.1 Mlaies Ger 0=, Bruce, *)lei& Patriotic ota� o�.clock'*i the wxYrning of WedneiSil&Y, librilry- and* realatry office were amang Exi6tei 4nd'Aribor4e. Mrs. Dayrran on vlallyi an4'piana.-by L daughter Do�rtnlon In.Une, wlthf the June 2nd, at the jarrais Streetparean be underwent,on wer2don on �hlp, toiiw' pne anaa- can atone tIfe buildings deptroyed,, In addition to XM000 the go d Id la w, delse irother co�nk 10 r �,e ;do. X4 Ixeter, when 'Rev. OcAllister un- Horton, staters of. r .-Notes age, -h a of bercantti�e eptablishments a holiday.— Mtcbell- and Grace sus V)rA and Mrs. Joe 083;3 fof ttbe Political atm0sphere -the ac- Mrs. Donald Sinclair ito *n mene bw &Vck (Mr. Albert M Kdralck, aild the. Hviebielaga, Bank 1 . the -bride jand groorr� 0e bridi waa or Torchto, have been -vlalflng Mro. j ng OtIl, the dne�Ra ited In we prem- ses. Ror-*urin, Man., Is visiting af X LJohe of his Government have created Corr -ther and the of Auburn, will be"closed each' sonl%bf Mr. and Mrs. William Kernick, gIvem gw*y by 'her I& .1t I I- —Williazi Azidrew, electilean at the li-ame pf Mro. A. McGregor ant w1jh OvAe"s parents Mr and, Mrs. -Wrc. Maim -,,wben all gibuld haye been harmony 114aces young couple "dk their placep'under Wednesday Isfitgrr oon at 2 p.m.,. anti. of (T_Tilborne,� to. Miss Venett-4 V., daugh- - power house of the Canada Carbide, other friends. Mrs. sinclair wa At and co-operaon. One- man can make ton of Exeter. Th, C(*r a beautifully Wevorated arch, -belnrot- h, ter xYf'Mrs.'S. 'Johns V=y at , Xerdtt6n, wea- Instan erly Mim Tea;nle -Young -and. Zuv�lch U itb dates Inciuded. tly Is for September .171 =s i",orh a u�-dted .0ahada where none teaded by NLas]�4a& Mitchell, sister of TOMAN @ ceremony ever the young couple 161t. killed Umday.. aftemoon. whe &me gIrlhood days w1thIn a Mile tatbe e t the lbride, pad �Mr. jqorrj�% Bell Deatli of Jag. Lazon-L-42VY. Jas LIS'- ior*,tbe Turvey,Dralri whe c tbe.paxlty and sil W4� for ithe Stite. —The Cmtr act train on -a _..9hort trip ery.coug- on the rrbrnlaig has b t1ot to Joe grOW. aontr&t of in 411wrls, lias b Green- antawet,with a bigh voltage tun- of our villige end wilL be rerrember�d 4n �t pe ulatio,-14 over rriont brother of Mr. Peter 1j&Aiont,,;0r one, �ron CS4 ia* ltb�4. cdrcuiation I 'k, -and iithe to Toronto, af ter which ithey 0111 re Prim 0014ferai ballots. On in can i1dop the wAy W e of Wdug 'or �$1,278.50 reAt Used In the electric f urances, The, by wany of the people In 014 com,. an- excellent Wrinex was partaken of.,, tw vill.age, "A , il"M ot :91& ki 1the',9rdDrrV fine farm on the in : nity. Mro. Sinclair- we *41 PriKing d3ureau. night a work iiis now proceeded,wl sensible body of 'the w.". was held 'wu nit West ISO af %Y 'in I.Midon 'M )ffonday 49 Ad ter wb1cli Oe brI441 party trotored pWid-&M —On June 9[th Myrtle Hunkin TbarcRs Road.' until -the powerlwao turned off. He. y6ars Ago and tbls� is Aij-, �tarrdag out voterg%, Us -to, TbAt man �&r first v;s1t -to E.xete;r, Wbere �the last Wak Ja blis 02md ytat, a oung douple took fter- -a ac�, 1A rr ge W —The f6llowlaig JiAves 4 wJte amA five'children. back �ere and she sees crany changes ftl�pss. Dee had 11yea, untted Aji w a Mr. 'Robert are Jay -lelegatep Is 1�rezrler Bor4en. A 0atrlotie declara- the evezifing train for London, Poit lingering ewed 1W Methodist Con— —,The isitables of Joseph Russell, MY. az d few she knows. tHer ihusband *as Stanle uw-aiai of uft the-horre of the- from (this County to, the y jajl�jj ot�bej points,. On itheir 'r aa to rran y U-3, Andeazi* 010d frm� bft that 0*re is to -be Mo -e- W�_­Wn r- y e rnd Um. Thowas ference which wa's In Isess War4fte political eleotliiiji Mist year wift bride'Is qarealZo 1011 at St- P.,. alt 40 JW-ake Street,- Toronto, were a delegate td theGeneral Asserrblyj at tura on Friday evening, a recepelon .to Ontario Om.t one year ago. The ar� lace, at 1the howe of ILq iaudbed groomns funeral took p ist�y ;all unseen. par rae. ym Me week: Goderi0b, J. R-N&I- guitted'by fire early $unday rrornin Kingston, and she acco Usliq activltl�sat 'Hunk1n, 0490 Of Jarres .9. rrpanied -him vMa 1held'jd-.--tM'horr,.e of the, -1js, 'Glieli Jenkins. Alternates, ben fire,broke out there were 15 hor- e4st.—The rrerchiants. of III un- —The .1rerel ad.to of Dungannon ave We wPien uld -actively. 'h W our v 910 pareTda,. when I& large nwrlber of Aheir TrOther, - Wftks, JAAM Esler In V-arna,- - 0 1-00 -aa) -purpose'.closlag -their on lan Agreed -nights Young Tyn 1; M In the building, but 14 of the=. Istores -4 rAf- young triends. iiad'relatives assenbled interrrent�, beinir made In the 134he lited lb prOaxec ada, and the Ito c16A 1 the r istores three 1W. �1- Vellyar, L. Ad ch 1week du. -I -vg he lsurrknpr monthis. GlInt0n, R. b. 'Manning, H. W11tw. 'were gbften out safely. A $600 stallion, ter Jute n- p1rals cause. Is Pjrremrl�4fr I - big -0- ea 2lat Ist peven io�clock on Mo to vuh theirl joy and bappinew In 'their cerretery. Varna, -Th(W. nd Frifty evening,%. Our. i -r.oqgb, b the zriwn eno to -he pat- The clolsed. igh,�, will be Xondays, K;611rA%vjJ1e, -0. X. Pdttel however, was burned to deatV, The.'day a r a �F,� - -rew relations.- A very noticeaW fea Hay 'CouncIL—The council rret ad a 140 I 1xidays. RdW.-,son; Brticefleld, R. Watson; Bay-, -interior ofAbebuilding, ' thi I c otateman, as th days wl t's on- antis are �takfng_ a Istep In the rfght ture -of both happy eveintf, w , e riotte mtouigh to rcake I tj Wedneis Court of Revisibra at- the 1915 Ass s 43 Ver Xf fewolt wegrivat,all;go: our couve. Aruj. —Mr. Jacot X.. rrra,.i is Iliaving -a ffeld,' IN. -Wallis; LondeMboro, -Wrr- tent, were entirely destroyed. direction ais all Work and no recreation the ment 4L valuable and, useful predents to Roill an Saturday afternoon. the grls-t- Vodden; A. uth Essex, a Tfurn- zrakets life monoton d ubiirn, W. J. Parks; Sea-, —A+ Harrow, in So, )the people rruat �udge iaic-4 to Us reis- cq:ment founistion built under otm -an- u P-1 4ant bride. The young � couple are -now get. appeaA of CharW"Greb agaInst, his as. gaithered in a barn were —MeOsrs. Aikenheiid an4 arill -,at Dashwood When.. completed f,6rthj WM -Morrison; Bly-th Hbi- ber of rren tz., 'A number erro, 4, ting 19WLed- the groorr-.s 0 leoki wmbl A P W, I t rr er c e4A on fine farm S;isiieit was not sukalned. 4 lons� will be rruch improved a- iney; a3enitilller, Arthur� Fisher'; Nile,' severely oturtned- L 0 made In Ithe 409 11= �efft 'CrIe Sir Wiltred Laurier In a ispeech In. con�dit Ober d;.d)tln, when the builong are launching out da the bean t] on the ondon, Road, near Bruceffeld. f CfflM8t9j.,. W4ere. round Ithve rri 1. Sh gannon, S. F. Tre- *&9. istrujok (by. lightning In the darre Ing thia. fall O*ve recelvei$ theif Briefis.—The rroh& of June Issurely Ajar ­nunzber of changes were m4de 20- T-dranto x6ctnfly rrade an equally ex- , —During " electrical storn: last Mon- leaxem; 'Walton.'E. Roe. Istorm.. on WA&Y, la6t and, _,R Irorsepower enzine and 0eir new jaiean t "Marriageel w er b rr�onth,.,of ."RDs6!1'anA e property had pbanged hz�A. -the saime dayl Itbe Vidoria school In Goderich, Township, sqver- threp(her will be'alomg,shortlyx�ssrs, pheit i5tatericent to very anuch The Oeirl-annaal county meeting of 'North Easthope as before Itbiff is In print a4d WW, le isIrce the assessor was on his roumis.- 4" effect. But, daVilte- th Is Was i3truck, aid dar�aged.conslderably;e tbe Loyal Orange ',Lbdge, for South al v6Vfs belozgLng to J. A. Neeb, pro- Aikenhead p9d.. DeItz will ke, a at idire of wrlti-.6- Prer iwe The roll, -as revjsed� wAs*hen idopte4i,4 Is rier 'Bar- learn 1hat there 141*14 ps; he in ts A,-rouple ofjoulses an"t tlown,.Nere Huron id an,311ond4y last the prIetorof 1be,Avondale cMese factory, sti(mg teasn- In the t-breabih.9 lirge — are ne less than four of our young The cou-nell met In fhe af ternoon in den haa vdt ispaken. Ithe wo j7 rd neceissary also-�otrucl� but we e only slightly -darr- L. (0., 1,. raoirls, Clinton. The county were atrucW by lightning and killed. Large Quautitleis of baled. "bay 1i; * be- panple jin '",%,no= d–A .7 -.F IV ��Uuy Ull. A j L �11L wic(O.. wur, visu -is umv Caurch in we evenin t;Lking f= -Division 1, Fraoic ploasseau-, No. 24 -The arern1bers\,_d the Colborne Tele wNch ed fr&r. all ipurts of Canada. With t '10 IWO. 0 - into -Power for janother ifive years. '. Let heli Lucjnan iiily -12th, for he beoarringmord Ilkeacity wltb0t enum- his subject "Temperance" in connection John WY, Sr.', NG� 3 -JazrAs Sopba. At- Prerrier Barden make ther slin Nan- ptlont Systerr-1 Irytelt I holding their an� f orrnatIon olf this new f orce.,the number ber of cars passing through, da!il --. There with ]the drinkitig, usages and -tile cn- s varAW 'Pie a good prograrr ha, already 'been ar- ter pa;rsl -9 a number, of =ounte t1he I by 4 If d rual Plan C. ranged. of I * for what ls� -novir counell, �&,djourned un -til Saturd Y nouncerrent isuggected ray M. r -Wi pe at Boxar 11br oil July Ist an! ralsed efor active pervice trust is;tIll be money in the ountry forcerrent bf.the lawr ts are b Ang made to have a -After Ia Tronth of 111neIsss. a Cahada wIll total upwards of. 150,000. and W-'Graharr- and which he ishould arrang6rery nd,�uffer- judging 1mr, the nuimber of a, be- known a* :t1le Canatta Temperance Act, 3rd at two o'clock, ss and -A ItDrnado which swept the south - have irrade loag era'Ithis aad polftical full -daY i:�,g 1fr(nr ja rr includtng sparts Gpeeche pneumonja, Earl Valmore Pot- Ipz Purchased. -Mr. Sarruel c more, zmd,as the Iteverand gentlerc :The Herald ft -The concert gjveri an Js ap� y Xancour win Jle out in 'a week, the rrusic trom a good band. ter, elde.st son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pot-- east part of Downie itowhship,. Perth 'of Seafortb the hay ld-ns; 6f Hur- pointe -A to look after the Interests of In the town liall on. Friday ivening- -ter -'e t -ter, of Wingharr� passed away On MOR- h) during a severe country will becorre settled end tj -Mr. Rlahard. A�Yrrlson, Who n M W249 here this week callinji on old *411'zb jdox�bt ibe able to ur-der the auspdces -of the local brahCh County, on June 7t -he party but all whi with iso iseve run- cauged the frien,dis.-The boys of rall lan�alies give an -Interesting �ddrers that ."Act" Me W111 be none -for t ie an -accident In a -end was not u -n- raJn and electrical storm IseVe both Trorn-' of the Worrim's institute, was a sdc- day faf ternoon. The Ver i= be for the State. 'r since 1he wa8 ng 'and ve - j. B. cess. The jh1ail-.was well fXed, a�.jd tbs taken Ili death of David Diflabough, aged eighty, in tt -away-, iln Clinto at week, hass so f ar expected, as eve Is locality who in w bri their I e ning.-Mr. ind M M� recovered ps 'to be �able to be rerroved hb,condition waa regarded as a a retired fartrer, destroyed the houses b I horses -h to be, e eriouig. ere sho #�r the S", 0 .1 were I)a Clandeboye,'jast, week proceeAls, aweanted to iaearly $75, The t er. The War Situ'ation. frorr ithe Graham RoLiae to the homi ne of,J��n,Rellly and,Jarres and,for the*p"t -two weeks It was a and, lbar andtat -who attending the 'funeral of a relative of Song, !W-011 n r let the 0141 Viag boyis of their cieat.gr eve f av- C. c - by the ladies of the It The war isitmiti of bis sister,�Idlss I lary 2TVIorrison, Huil-w rra�bter of _'hovefing between 'life and Corbett, and ripped up the. orchiLrU o7f were regular customers ot M IThos Mr. Simpson's �The Messrs. Moort Fag tittitz on o -till continues elor's. Uv-_ *28 -s, who are -makin g ja tree that had been In the village. Wo have the fourth gen- pe I rrIachine 00P In What- has- been eries, & drearr, of his nVzy i9weetheaArb orable ito the Allie, death. Deceased w" not quite sevtn- both farmera. Dlllabou9-h,,v;,as- kilied py Mell, W,)hen be first started lbusiness Brathem tow j6;� a splendidly equip. was *;ell re.�-dered. 'The .13acb -Mrs. (Dr.) Kndchtel of Wlnndpb9, teen yea��s -of age, and by'all who knew a branch frair, �.prooted -As jhe w oh PrOgre,a-% 01 )al� sides, although their w;as il-n Brues,4s h zt' week on a visit hilm 'he :Nas regarded ag a quiet and on h1s way to eretJ of Vois corrinc alonj to, the k:lowii in ithec past aS the Yorkffblr,� on 'the eve of rrarriage 1by- the bacly- Pt 'Jher rrother arre old stand As a rewrilf proud brick 4)aLkiii bouse.-"Uncle Torr?� elor Wao also kiteresting. The young advance, ts (being still at Is b6t ie, Mris. D. B. Moore bring in his covvis_. yery stubbornly airda1ble young Man... He,' had been for ;He was almost In. She carre EaIs t to ),ttend a X-Issionary isov.,e ititne an employee the Luck. stantly killed, his bod r-nd 4 cmtested 1by the GerrrAjas, despite their y being fo of, jand that very f9w b ess tren Playe-1 -to a falrl:p good and ladlea vb6 aA&t4ed as sweethearts dlji -4 ss At M oatrE al -and -irade a visit isow* bbtrs later. CongTe ow Tz!ble Con can Waist of. -Mi. A. And rscp -b -reverses and heavy losses. When they of appreclatIVO Audie-nee In the town.ball 'tbeir parts ver t _y well, tThe _-lex naw.ber at A. KnechtWs, er [brother-in-law, j -In ithe list -of those who have,pass- -Heavy losses have been sustained Stamley, near here, has par. asei -a- on. Saturday vening I"t -by - a traveii on the ogrameWas piano Instramen- t . i along the line of the. - Transcontinental on ho th Pr U . 1-1 wa. yery fire twelve-ir. ths old S r orn -On Saturday mornin taL by W1w MkAile Merner, whirb: waa T are forced it.o V&f,,&tC a PGOWO-l' thd.Y at Otta' I =DZI, 1h ed !the examinatiow in the Faculties of g ! invariably itry (by the tr;Wt deteTMIned ---'Jn Ithe r ay eceldent on the Lon-_ Educa;tIon -at Toronto, for certificates Ra.11way Aurlzng the paAvt (week by for- bull Thomae G� Shiffirg- as Mr. 'jand Mrff. -.WjJljajirj Gle n of t�he calf frolci Mr. 'n very ably rezidere4. The big number Thla� *W -1 kni forceful. offeagve. attack to, win dail, fEurun d,Brace, [Ar. Henry EIL-. -public or high pehool teachers, are the eist Vree. The Ores ragedt. for a dis- law. X Is Te I Iri color and: an �xception_ TOW.'Ashily of Ui*orne. w re driving into of the Wow then followed. 117 them.' ber M P.P., C dito i, had his hip bruLa- f-ollowlinse frorr Goderich vicinity: 'Bliss ta,,.ice of fully iseventy,milles aiong the ally welL brei animal, and, wd hope h6s Rensa their fte, *69 1 fback again In -d although repuls-ed Tse Quite a�sPlrltei a, Ohort play eoo.tlod, - "JuIrbo i1m.21 the e, itro- ribs �ractiied,- laad wat- c erlrr.. railway between Cochrane 'and KRPUS;� new Owner will have gool Isu cess with becarre friAten'ed at. an �auto Orin Ipal character lbelng.a cotrical dgr-� � On- Yera B. Durnin receives an Int BWed tAire after idr-ne'thqy still keepr'up the siderabiy, iscrxtched and bruised. HE. second-clwss certificate; Mr. A. F. King kashig. At the latter place, �Alere sev- hhr� c 0*1411ing by the roadside and beginning 1 �sarr e ahftarn alstaince. ThIs, of caare. offnie the isaAe'evenlng an�d villt. ain lAterim first-class certificate* de key whio jranival to set things prefty bn _4 talnel- fireforatirre serlousl threat- now I - ! �, re- 1h eral hundred PrIsoners..of -war are to"run, Mr, Glenn, wbo As qulte� Well `mildde dli�-It would' be a course, 1rakes dt dl�ztructive workboh be 0,11 right gall PhOrtly. Ja.Ires McClintvij and Miss Jean B. Tom. y dIffir Rxeter adva,.wed In years, lost control of It, cdft krbger W X&k the, -star 'to. berraelves ond the Allies. Despite -At the ex 1na.loi.n;s In connection tifl- ened tthe carrip. The prisoners were, per- Interirn'lligh j ho I' for 'it PC 9 -assistants' -0-' Ad -At_ f1pst dashed into butcher's --ith the Royal AcaleT�y of Music, Eng- ving ispeciallst'-s arderly pmd po trouble ensued. they Noteo.-Dr. Roulston has Purchased fonrer In this playza$ all took thelr -catep, Was Torr. recei cart 1%tanding in front of,,the- p.etty their de,%perate realztailce, however, a aw Overland car.-Xiss- L III parts hi a satisfact-gry rranner, andIt land, ith� fallow -Ing' pupI16 frorr Exeter standing*in rruderns and history. 11b. tbernselves joining in the fire* fightf an T�6ile block, eikuang �hat. dwrs� -to ng. they iare t9radually, although d1strict *e The P has taken a position As c rk in tbI6 dash a- showed 1hat we,bSV4B �talent In our Vil- re e ame "fui: Allss Anna. X. iarre,,s Benvan Long has' pa -the rovinetal Goveirnirent farm bull& r perhap, zsed cross the street th, owIng the delivery lage whihne'edidtbe jjfrajA Ito under - first, year exarr 010,wlY, but isurely; being dxivc gan and Miss' Ingis at Ground Hog River.were de postoffice, Miss Jewell ba ng resign-. bft oti to; Mr. -a back Alllsop.,Mlss 'Arlyra Igor inations In dentistry jkt D. B. McLean's lawn and take M)re �Hfttcult work In this line. �g *from French-gind 1�elgian -Verna; WhtlT,�, I of, Tharres Roal, strayed. Many of them. were recently ed.-3Aw Minnie Wynn'16 s�rlously Ifl. iWilIt is now the -Ontario Dental College. iP-arroW1Y trIming Mrs. McLean, who The drhl by tea =tall boyo and the . i - - r quite evIdeAt MIss Aamie EibTd, Elrcvi!le an -I. officers elect remodeled. Special trains were un -W. Cunningbarr, of Alta., how_�Iver, that the f orces -The f (YAowing. are Lthe wais istan-Jing near by -at the tirre, MIngs by the ZurIcU QU - ette 7 tov.1'ag, of Itbe -,Alllea ire "too Missiftella S theo t, Exeter. frorn Cochrane carrying sedtionmen and was Ithe guest of his slate s. Yager�, xine -art were al rr uch f or t. Relen's (branch of the Wq- 611SCIOUS of her daj�p�, T.he 'h' -There of Ithe S r, Ors'! so well reeelvedL Alto�gether t -he en tbeir and 6kt the day when they mug.t paas d way at her. home, President, _ Mrs. A. Others i.0 fight the fire. At Jackson- last week and is visiting ot er relatives tben ran a �.�t jistande further, IWs program, W _e v rcen's Ingtitute : gs, an Int�eresti.ng buis E boro, the headquartera.ef the Ontario in tbio piart.-Mrs. George ussell and w e and evacuate b(Ytb ­Freiah.and Beiglurr .2nd Une -of M rris I on Saturday, AjaY Anderson; vice-president, Miss M. h b- it daobed against ert a te ephoxke I pnt . aining, one, and tbooe who bad n, Joh �C emore, death tleing Rutheriprd'; 1--ec -treas., rs. Rt zation Company,' marly. �bild, wdi& haA be n vielti, K_ her par- .]�oj surely alf"hough 22nd, jMns. K C010.11 cottages e in froAt of M�s. McKay,,4- :j*el.j_ I clyarge.91 traL at very rapt w r ente, W. and -9, Sandbrs, irg Inear Dr� Malloy% office, wh ng ity ap- ere Ibiirmed, but itbe inew large'rijil 0 tak, proachtqg., ]Lay plic due jto ty p -uw Deceased om en Mr.. thoise �Ceisq that they Wwa _,hoO�pnp onia. Miller; dtrectoro, Xrs.* B. Naylor, Mrs. Th part dese rve 'Credit or way It WaS r iheir (the hal in xecant wouths has been due en- was lithe ftnly a eacape-3. The fires are still orroulder- have Ireturned to orre In Big an, b George d.Webb, Mrs. George Roberts, in g, but f I Mr4. QIenK wdt5e, both throw h out Presented. After the cojacert, thaje tak- t1rely ito the u- kin, Turr �,r wegsk rrarri corrmittee, ibritss Margaret Wej�b, Mrs. ryilltAhter of Henry God Valley, Alta. -Ur. Wlliiam.(, lair receiv- ae of their poisonous el to her ollow1ug Abe beavy rain of ani the (buggy bgdly wrecked, Dr.. Mc- Ing Par I gases, the use of !,,t�,tllu�bw, ten' years a,gD and C Sunday plot. there As no irrmedlaie ed a bad� kick In, the chest t *rereentertaiaed at the home which �hey --till lark, KIss bl. Murray, Miss 14. Woods, rom a horse Dlarrrl i wa;% quickly on the scene to - Of MIM J. Pr6eter, where the ladles of continue when condit danger. Ptmiy s6ttlers at Frederick- a(few days ago, but(p ia� bones were gether . with 9, nuirber 0 our villag- the : I o ions are f &��orable, leave 0 be r loss i daughter, 8 &Ass, A. McKenzie and Mrs. Jaires F -i - 0 ou]� f for st, Durlrg !the ipat5� two weeks the Frencil Year� dd and recqver.-Ur. �j I told ho aunt; lauditora, Mrs. D. To A. eis jmd Mr� Glenn was quickly can- st �ia.s abso �been quite. hdme wid Drlft*god and7ortber places br6ken he will soon P1 ftvte Servad refreshments. th 111- G j� NVteS.-The, puMc scale d �rreasure A e ji� bidding Moore JnteAds opening er -ard British ihave driven ''st c :j Jolat all their � � s. A f a oc busl veyed toDr. I&DIartrid'a office, where Ints -Mr. Ag -Porter, -of Goderleb, the To" their frGm omv-.ctton or A breach organi6t, Miss Mau, neez In the pector, ra-Y Kyf their most strong�yj of -the Ilquortj act since the Can- &jr - ­ " - - - i building oce Te�� b Sandy th held and. pevere,injuries tohis,leg e iat. VIS N iWer Ited our vifla-ge last week. -Sir. E. -A.inuirber of I friends of ded to and mrs. Glenn was -aken 01st a Iva'% tageous i)odnts, And despite ada Tempera f orce I -Mr. Henry Gallagher of -the 1st con- Leadbury Bawden. Ir L e t went into te L ei, an auto,-_ 1hsA A Doiss,riberty has purchas tz they Wss Venetta, Johnstozi j+esented her into Mr�.- McKay's house where -1 - . 7-1, 'their 'rO,%,t determired effor In Euron Co Was registerel at cesssion of Howick, passed over the riv, `Death� of McCulla.-On the 30th with a kit she &I- - 5ft . 'P. Bu-nderibap knoved to Or. A, 0, PIMA ttave indt been ableto chen, - shower lot week. foot"Pt Goiderich, on . rida b0s, t, agaLnst Jahn 'un Wednesday, May l9th.. Deceaz d SO Quickly- recelved xredical aid aAd Elighoffer's old ztaad. - &U. clam jregain.A Be . d- er e of May, there died Agnei% Grieve, be' %W. wtr. DearIng suffered a stroke of was fmind �o be quite painfully Injjr- Schrekentierg, the ground they have jos.t. They are 'Be df ord, -pro riet ot had a paralytic stroke in blarch, 1913, -Pe of Mr., Francis of Detiolt, -vL,,Jt_ea 'her Were fined $75'and fron: which he �sufflciently recavere:17 to lov6d:. wilf McCulla, apoiley-Y, unconscious, ed fighti-19 an :t�hill and d1sheartening ford Eotel, ais Leadbury. and was found il . Old the cheat aad suffering from SIR -ter here, %ft -is. (Rev. battle; coists for bavi g. q,; on his She� had'not enjoyed robust in wbieh coindition. Gh.e perrained for the p-liock, but we are Vle , ) �W. =er aud A - _r . Wrcls6s. be around again. For ithe last four ased to saY on lber :%ray &eve [be health-Ifor'a number of yeara, bat Urre was In 'the -wreck 0A They en rrore auccessf�l In :-A frace ir et ill b held on the AcIt severafday�g. She is 78 �earz Of age, they le rro--ths he had gradually ;Frown weak- were'[both able to be c0lVeY6I the London Huran an,& Bruce, but was Z 90 ess At= uptil Itwo years a 41d her weaka - ttle hope iis held out -for her to �thelr OW, -1 1101ne the the Eatst, Ow�ng to their superior ar� fhie half-rrile tra k at az4d �U 1� isame evAErnInk Brussels, On er, and In spite of all that loying handis oeca6lon 'deep concern. All ithat skill recovery. -Mr. H. R. Bright ghd farr- zerilously jnjared. The A Lot, tillery and ttheir facilities, for trans� Wednesday J e Sro, when $600 will and wedical aid could do he passed n portatio-n �,%il4 Ae fact that Lhe R11,S- be Gbiu�lg up I pu ses gor three races-, ily aiave gme to Toroutd, where they and loving attention could do, was Into the Great Beyond, Deceased was done, pmt in Ispite-of %all, gradaally She will Ireside permemently, �s Dr. Bright 610-15 are b0coming ishort of shells anft vte.: �A 2.30 ace trot; a 2.10 pace 6, born 'da the t0owily of Durbarr, In 185 other war TrunitiorLs, they ha:ve -suc- grew weaker, and at an-Obarly hour on Is engaged in work attbe Univerolty - or 1trot; and., 2:1 'p�.ce or trot. Trot- coming to Morris Township with 'his Sabbath irrorning passed away.- he ceeded dn vaking iis Z c6n4s In Mr. George Winilisor, wh;' i�;; Weil' The JDI 13, mucjj- progre_ct.-, teris will be allowed five -e parenVs In 186M Dm. *McCulla wss a daughter of A for where he lived until aftier �ate zto It there Pa. the Allies have done in the all nraces. Mil best,three in five. St. Joseph'a Hospital, ln� London, 6r -it , WX the �Jaith of 11ils father. In March, 1887, ji. e late Jobn Grieve oad'w" bom in alGouXile :of wieeks, W preiiresaftm favor- �st. But ptill. the Ausstaas are do- P. Bcoltt is c2l Irrran of committee ani or d e W"� 4 WE be Trarried MII:ss Olive Sdt�hern, Of -V McKillop, on th 3rd of Septerriber, 1844. ably pi rC4 no hig wanders cowidlEring the difficul 'nee Alf. i d an lVieration: y t be �n 1her twenty -fifth year - she married essary.-�fts. John has re urn J ins It ker wich, lxnd aettled -an the farm where nell, 1, t e Mes with which they have . to'canteall _Zs:eessor horr�s KWer,- of RNforris, they lived wben he paaysed: away.- 11c Mr. F�raricl% 'McCulla. After living a 1froitithe werst, wUre .�he speat sev- For ng o S. `G od end !they �are holdlag the German and haa prepared, large ar P=e ap of the pu was ia good hu-�.band anda lovtng fath- Auatrla:a -bordes �n good check and it cipall-ty, sh ag t1i w y ro bn the 1ourth cG ce�ssjon, eral, �rontbs -A %*oial e4rvice for men other e various lots schow ever ready to do an' Ile iedo er ything for the the va ur Is beginning Ite look, aa if they would houses, Kill:, the splendid, farin "'an i -S. at Wilson s DrUP Store etc. t ir eban t ,a lo t of 'US pleasure tand comfort of his children. t Lead— w�W beild last Sunduy� eveong in Trivett Ut 0 soon [be jible 'to turn 'the kales In. their dratting and wrledng but he rraci-e a ,, P(,Iltl,, Y ;1�s Purchased, &-ad then for Kgrrorrial. Churcb�- *healthere was a he was a staundh Conser- Dre j -,ban th favor. Irty-seven years- she livel the 4 good jdb of dt ian4 It will be worth a va;tjve. go6d congregation. Ur GIff ord Hog- -NOW oek* r" N7. aPPY the life 'of her ihorce, church -garth, rggoj of s. The Italian,% are, rfaktag good pro- greac deal In 'i I 111t tin S. rth hais db- in Is +1 0 1 ennis Racni 410 I g townshIP -Mris. Rikert Lockhart, whose death and id�strldt. of: a quiet, unassairring, tained hIs,!degtee of B.Sf.A. �at the On - c a d 6a're;ss against itheir Austrian foi�s. They work by Cowiell. t,ihais �een frarrel, an wa-, xepDrted last week, was born In have Mat Vet VAth a slagle reverse yet gla,,sa put ove.. It In d the outfit hung affi&cted' .)genulne, Christian !spirit, taria Agricultural College. He is newbaHsBaseb her fluenc Newtonville, Durbarr County, andthere- ods, Foot ba Is,- hdrd �em 4 and are iseriGwly lt�e Tovn e�always told for 90 erribarrassinS -the On ithe wall (If lIah�p flail. -!sh� was also -married. in a few' y'e the be;st Irazaglng a fitrra -near Tb)7onto. - igr Gerrran, iuthorities.- They are good -A quiet % th-, life, and ithe sorrow of tbe -Em*. Windpor has gone. -to tihe_.Wesj,- and s6ft.. ru balls eddifig,took place at th e she moved o West Wawanosh, -wh' Croquet flightera and thave plenty of -the best ho=.e of 'Mr. Rdbe�t Lockridge, Lower e;R. eavea ds lesse'need' as 0ey look back where (Eb will cod sets 2�t -school Of In (its pldheer,'days. There �.._sh6 bore thie upon a life well -and 1nobly kived, and struot-lob In one U railway co'n- -Lawn Bowl& Boxing G win Tue$lay, June 2nd,when toll and burdens Incident to country" I oves, Catching la (the Dar Wbu1se fragrant rremorle�s will obt de %tr uctidn c=W for tbei urnmer mootli danelles, the Allies -are. his da4ghter, Lo s. +4e, becarre the wife life. [till thefamily 'movel to Wingliam Her funeral took place on. Tueis.day: -The leleCUOR Of Of fl�el;s of 11lieter ismashing -their way through and it is of .9'r. Williair Lawr%mce ;Hudson, of 'some iten -years ago. She leaves b r Gloves, etc. etC. expected Constantinople wi* be in their Stratford. -The cer4rrony wW per n 0 er e june list, to the Place of Interment, Lodge,,,Wo. 67, Tmdeqe4"de i, rd , *t�� formed jlusbanJ, -five dauzhtem and Of th"ift ln'a f ew days,. Fighting ot the by Itbe R son, the Wtlan.%ank ceiretery, and was Oddfellowa, resiulted A lot of ne;w hammocW. in po G. Dyiroa(� ree- all jof *.boxr. were pres follows N.G., ular colors an -d 1-ancr' ent at the f Ing I f -1 0AM jr pregress both tor rob, In the pre4s- v. largely attenied. Be4des her.ibe- J. M. Sduttbcott - V wilison; Rec'- prices P *10A oot is&�nuoua idul is In 'of 1§t.epa� po G t, low of the �b" r eral. Xbrvnly AWer wt e eavelhuo))and, Mr. Fraawis frqm $2,50 to a -a a ace of a few fr endis, pt 8.30 in the 1�0� . '1�ajq also pr F4nSecy,, 1W, Wine, n. pea, anT I ad and the Allie re cn e. Mcculla, sft .50 ng 011 as aa ess E =aklng gragreris In 'both attacks. It is eVerdag. The the ifollowi chil-Iren are left to i np; Tre E. DI tWh$ii eApedially -.1evoted. to ber �Ie YOU49 couple will rrake clulte -evident tbat the Germans are their_- ho�ra MfS. A. MeGavin, Leajbury Howald and- T, Boyle were eleete& an Wei in, Sttatford. ishe Ww Intfirest I in pharitable 'an e Kris. G.R,Wllzon\ kaying xrore ttrau�ble on their han�,a -The Aftnu*l evears-ioa to the &fodpl phil&Irth Park RaplO, Minn.,-. atives to attend the district _4 work an I towarA the f *UIJajrI an,, pTice Al 'S. On gax-et at boXne; Mrs.,- irreprL-19"t Dr. XlApiaaa &nA* H. HoWald L Druggisf and Bookseller SEAFORTH to proauTe the de.91re ill4rir4ay. our 4 aged. waster, Walter Hodgins, of Lucah, oc- ajor General Hughes announcej Ing isbl�pped daily ifidin"our �jstat by V14,4"Aloy , W41W are taking t Jhejr Ives wl , u XY Ise a sban a ves 'r h da of the vUlageof Zurich, wRre grafiW T 9901! Conservative -friends- surely cannot be,* 'e -Mr. Gifford 1I th, 96n. of S. J. (g&r Hoigarth, Step. cj;,.pled-ctbe cliair, ax,d ?eter Cantelon, t! tjj�a Tuejs4ay aAgh t an appeal would be Immediately -to. MjAsrs. c adrr ore and Harvey. .1drs.. Ibut Itbe varticulam of which we are'not a �redkt ot 4400 to U., jiack wl". 130, gkdfl -Irs. y iself Ish as ito expect the sion at of the 3r( conceps of Chn'ton, a cted'aa sdcrOary. Deiegatex rqkLde Tecru1tjnearly_S5,- Charles GibboAs, of Brucelield, was at Orr e ot wr Ing aware of,_jEte7. -Mr. he treas- tha taxies are catUeeted, and t -3 L-1herals ito stand back -with theIr fin-' hen, wao succ?ssf W In xeceivIRg the de- frorn'Lucan, Gpder. ich, �eaforth, Win- 000 �rfbre Then- to'�go to the Bring line this We6k calling on -her old Ippen PoWell, iecently of Exeter, w1h conduct urer was aujb�rlzed to advance the A*. t Kers dA their rreLdhs while' they are fra-kIng' every preparation f or an ellr_ tjoin whith tFhp h a 411 14, (A. the Ontario Agrl- 1gree, of B. S. a, tural colleg*e. M r. Hogar-th. is now- cul: ricanami-ne' -a limewp, arm near Toront&. 1thr6p, Henss-all, Exeter, Crediton, )Bay- field and Goderich Township were pre- I. Wkl� Qk di-Im +11's ear will be IJn Fraince. ThIts, new force will be con: - posei of 27 ir&4wenls of Infantry s�nd six batteries of artillery to be recruit* frien .-A . g ds 11710n the lateot 0 list po ts in- sa of is r to OW auto re I j Day- 0-n ��A V_ T services, In Camel ChAlrell! on. Sabbath. noriling the IKE and'in the RethG� � -v mount. The, follo, ine were cotrintw1oners, for the Centre Roaa: .7 -.F IV ��Uuy Ull. A j L �11L wic(O.. wur, visu -is umv Caurch in we evenin t;Lking f= -Division 1, Fraoic ploasseau-, No. 24 -The arern1bers\,_d the Colborne Tele wNch ed fr&r. all ipurts of Canada. With t '10 IWO. 0 - into -Power for janother ifive years. '. Let heli Lucjnan iiily -12th, for he beoarringmord Ilkeacity wltb0t enum- his subject "Temperance" in connection John WY, Sr.', NG� 3 -JazrAs Sopba. At- Prerrier Barden make ther slin Nan- ptlont Systerr-1 Irytelt I holding their an� f orrnatIon olf this new f orce.,the number ber of cars passing through, da!il --. There with ]the drinkitig, usages and -tile cn- s varAW 'Pie a good prograrr ha, already 'been ar- ter pa;rsl -9 a number, of =ounte t1he I by 4 If d rual Plan C. ranged. of I * for what ls� -novir counell, �&,djourned un -til Saturd Y nouncerrent isuggected ray M. r -Wi pe at Boxar 11br oil July Ist an! ralsed efor active pervice trust is;tIll be money in the ountry forcerrent bf.the lawr ts are b Ang made to have a -After Ia Tronth of 111neIsss. a Cahada wIll total upwards of. 150,000. and W-'Graharr- and which he ishould arrang6rery nd,�uffer- judging 1mr, the nuimber of a, be- known a* :t1le Canatta Temperance Act, 3rd at two o'clock, ss and -A ItDrnado which swept the south - have irrade loag era'Ithis aad polftical full -daY i:�,g 1fr(nr ja rr includtng sparts Gpeeche pneumonja, Earl Valmore Pot- Ipz Purchased. -Mr. Sarruel c more, zmd,as the Iteverand gentlerc :The Herald ft -The concert gjveri an Js ap� y Xancour win Jle out in 'a week, the rrusic trom a good band. ter, elde.st son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pot-- east part of Downie itowhship,. Perth 'of Seafortb the hay ld-ns; 6f Hur- pointe -A to look after the Interests of In the town liall on. Friday ivening- -ter -'e t -ter, of Wingharr� passed away On MOR- h) during a severe country will becorre settled end tj -Mr. Rlahard. A�Yrrlson, Who n M W249 here this week callinji on old *411'zb jdox�bt ibe able to ur-der the auspdces -of the local brahCh County, on June 7t -he party but all whi with iso iseve run- cauged the frien,dis.-The boys of rall lan�alies give an -Interesting �ddrers that ."Act" Me W111 be none -for t ie an -accident In a -end was not u -n- raJn and electrical storm IseVe both Trorn-' of the Worrim's institute, was a sdc- day faf ternoon. The Ver i= be for the State. 'r since 1he wa8 ng 'and ve - j. B. cess. The jh1ail-.was well fXed, a�.jd tbs taken Ili death of David Diflabough, aged eighty, in tt -away-, iln Clinto at week, hass so f ar expected, as eve Is locality who in w bri their I e ning.-Mr. ind M M� recovered ps 'to be �able to be rerroved hb,condition waa regarded as a a retired fartrer, destroyed the houses b I horses -h to be, e eriouig. ere sho #�r the S", 0 .1 were I)a Clandeboye,'jast, week proceeAls, aweanted to iaearly $75, The t er. The War Situ'ation. frorr ithe Graham RoLiae to the homi ne of,J��n,Rellly and,Jarres and,for the*p"t -two weeks It was a and, lbar andtat -who attending the 'funeral of a relative of Song, !W-011 n r let the 0141 Viag boyis of their cieat.gr eve f av- C. c - by the ladies of the It The war isitmiti of bis sister,�Idlss I lary 2TVIorrison, Huil-w rra�bter of _'hovefing between 'life and Corbett, and ripped up the. orchiLrU o7f were regular customers ot M IThos Mr. Simpson's �The Messrs. Moort Fag tittitz on o -till continues elor's. Uv-_ *28 -s, who are -makin g ja tree that had been In the village. Wo have the fourth gen- pe I rrIachine 00P In What- has- been eries, & drearr, of his nVzy i9weetheaArb orable ito the Allie, death. Deceased w" not quite sevtn- both farmera. Dlllabou9-h,,v;,as- kilied py Mell, W,)hen be first started lbusiness Brathem tow j6;� a splendidly equip. was *;ell re.�-dered. 'The .13acb -Mrs. (Dr.) Kndchtel of Wlnndpb9, teen yea��s -of age, and by'all who knew a branch frair, �.prooted -As jhe w oh PrOgre,a-% 01 )al� sides, although their w;as il-n Brues,4s h zt' week on a visit hilm 'he :Nas regarded ag a quiet and on h1s way to eretJ of Vois corrinc alonj to, the k:lowii in ithec past aS the Yorkffblr,� on 'the eve of rrarriage 1by- the bacly- Pt 'Jher rrother arre old stand As a rewrilf proud brick 4)aLkiii bouse.-"Uncle Torr?� elor Wao also kiteresting. The young advance, ts (being still at Is b6t ie, Mris. D. B. Moore bring in his covvis_. yery stubbornly airda1ble young Man... He,' had been for ;He was almost In. She carre EaIs t to ),ttend a X-Issionary isov.,e ititne an employee the Luck. stantly killed, his bod r-nd 4 cmtested 1by the GerrrAjas, despite their y being fo of, jand that very f9w b ess tren Playe-1 -to a falrl:p good and ladlea vb6 aA&t4ed as sweethearts dlji -4 ss At M oatrE al -and -irade a visit isow* bbtrs later. CongTe ow Tz!ble Con can Waist of. -Mi. A. And rscp -b -reverses and heavy losses. When they of appreclatIVO Audie-nee In the town.ball 'tbeir parts ver t _y well, tThe _-lex naw.ber at A. KnechtWs, er [brother-in-law, j -In ithe list -of those who have,pass- -Heavy losses have been sustained Stamley, near here, has par. asei -a- on. Saturday vening I"t -by - a traveii on the ogrameWas piano Instramen- t . i along the line of the. - Transcontinental on ho th Pr U . 1-1 wa. yery fire twelve-ir. ths old S r orn -On Saturday mornin taL by W1w MkAile Merner, whirb: waa T are forced it.o V&f,,&tC a PGOWO-l' thd.Y at Otta' I =DZI, 1h ed !the examinatiow in the Faculties of g ! invariably itry (by the tr;Wt deteTMIned ---'Jn Ithe r ay eceldent on the Lon-_ Educa;tIon -at Toronto, for certificates Ra.11way Aurlzng the paAvt (week by for- bull Thomae G� Shiffirg- as Mr. 'jand Mrff. -.WjJljajirj Gle n of t�he calf frolci Mr. 'n very ably rezidere4. The big number Thla� *W -1 kni forceful. offeagve. attack to, win dail, fEurun d,Brace, [Ar. Henry EIL-. -public or high pehool teachers, are the eist Vree. The Ores ragedt. for a dis- law. X Is Te I Iri color and: an �xception_ TOW.'Ashily of Ui*orne. w re driving into of the Wow then followed. 117 them.' ber M P.P., C dito i, had his hip bruLa- f-ollowlinse frorr Goderich vicinity: 'Bliss ta,,.ice of fully iseventy,milles aiong the ally welL brei animal, and, wd hope h6s Rensa their fte, *69 1 fback again In -d although repuls-ed Tse Quite a�sPlrltei a, Ohort play eoo.tlod, - "JuIrbo i1m.21 the e, itro- ribs �ractiied,- laad wat- c erlrr.. railway between Cochrane 'and KRPUS;� new Owner will have gool Isu cess with becarre friAten'ed at. an �auto Orin Ipal character lbelng.a cotrical dgr-� � On- Yera B. Durnin receives an Int BWed tAire after idr-ne'thqy still keepr'up the siderabiy, iscrxtched and bruised. HE. second-clwss certificate; Mr. A. F. King kashig. At the latter place, �Alere sev- hhr� c 0*1411ing by the roadside and beginning 1 �sarr e ahftarn alstaince. ThIs, of caare. offnie the isaAe'evenlng an�d villt. ain lAterim first-class certificate* de key whio jranival to set things prefty bn _4 talnel- fireforatirre serlousl threat- now I - ! �, re- 1h eral hundred PrIsoners..of -war are to"run, Mr, Glenn, wbo As qulte� Well `mildde dli�-It would' be a course, 1rakes dt dl�ztructive workboh be 0,11 right gall PhOrtly. Ja.Ires McClintvij and Miss Jean B. Tom. y dIffir Rxeter adva,.wed In years, lost control of It, cdft krbger W X&k the, -star 'to. berraelves ond the Allies. Despite -At the ex 1na.loi.n;s In connection tifl- ened tthe carrip. The prisoners were, per- Interirn'lligh j ho I' for 'it PC 9 -assistants' -0-' Ad -At_ f1pst dashed into butcher's --ith the Royal AcaleT�y of Music, Eng- ving ispeciallst'-s arderly pmd po trouble ensued. they Noteo.-Dr. Roulston has Purchased fonrer In this playza$ all took thelr -catep, Was Torr. recei cart 1%tanding in front of,,the- p.etty their de,%perate realztailce, however, a aw Overland car.-Xiss- L III parts hi a satisfact-gry rranner, andIt land, ith� fallow -Ing' pupI16 frorr Exeter standing*in rruderns and history. 11b. tbernselves joining in the fire* fightf an T�6ile block, eikuang �hat. dwrs� -to ng. they iare t9radually, although d1strict *e The P has taken a position As c rk in tbI6 dash a- showed 1hat we,bSV4B �talent In our Vil- re e ame "fui: Allss Anna. X. iarre,,s Benvan Long has' pa -the rovinetal Goveirnirent farm bull& r perhap, zsed cross the street th, owIng the delivery lage whihne'edidtbe jjfrajA Ito under - first, year exarr 010,wlY, but isurely; being dxivc gan and Miss' Ingis at Ground Hog River.were de postoffice, Miss Jewell ba ng resign-. bft oti to; Mr. -a back Alllsop.,Mlss 'Arlyra Igor inations In dentistry jkt D. B. McLean's lawn and take M)re �Hfttcult work In this line. �g *from French-gind 1�elgian -Verna; WhtlT,�, I of, Tharres Roal, strayed. Many of them. were recently ed.-3Aw Minnie Wynn'16 s�rlously Ifl. iWilIt is now the -Ontario Dental College. iP-arroW1Y trIming Mrs. McLean, who The drhl by tea =tall boyo and the . i - - r quite evIdeAt MIss Aamie EibTd, Elrcvi!le an -I. officers elect remodeled. Special trains were un -W. Cunningbarr, of Alta., how_�Iver, that the f orces -The f (YAowing. are Lthe wais istan-Jing near by -at the tirre, MIngs by the ZurIcU QU - ette 7 tov.1'ag, of Itbe -,Alllea ire "too Missiftella S theo t, Exeter. frorn Cochrane carrying sedtionmen and was Ithe guest of his slate s. Yager�, xine -art were al rr uch f or t. Relen's (branch of the Wq- 611SCIOUS of her daj�p�, T.he 'h' -There of Ithe S r, Ors'! so well reeelvedL Alto�gether t -he en tbeir and 6kt the day when they mug.t paas d way at her. home, President, _ Mrs. A. Others i.0 fight the fire. At Jackson- last week and is visiting ot er relatives tben ran a �.�t jistande further, IWs program, W _e v rcen's Ingtitute : gs, an Int�eresti.ng buis E boro, the headquartera.ef the Ontario in tbio piart.-Mrs. George ussell and w e and evacuate b(Ytb ­Freiah.and Beiglurr .2nd Une -of M rris I on Saturday, AjaY Anderson; vice-president, Miss M. h b- it daobed against ert a te ephoxke I pnt . aining, one, and tbooe who bad n, Joh �C emore, death tleing Rutheriprd'; 1--ec -treas., rs. Rt zation Company,' marly. �bild, wdi& haA be n vielti, K_ her par- .]�oj surely alf"hough 22nd, jMns. K C010.11 cottages e in froAt of M�s. McKay,,4- :j*el.j_ I clyarge.91 traL at very rapt w r ente, W. and -9, Sandbrs, irg Inear Dr� Malloy% office, wh ng ity ap- ere Ibiirmed, but itbe inew large'rijil 0 tak, proachtqg., ]Lay plic due jto ty p -uw Deceased om en Mr.. thoise �Ceisq that they Wwa _,hoO�pnp onia. Miller; dtrectoro, Xrs.* B. Naylor, Mrs. Th part dese rve 'Credit or way It WaS r iheir (the hal in xecant wouths has been due en- was lithe ftnly a eacape-3. The fires are still orroulder- have Ireturned to orre In Big an, b George d.Webb, Mrs. George Roberts, in g, but f I Mr4. QIenK wdt5e, both throw h out Presented. After the cojacert, thaje tak- t1rely ito the u- kin, Turr �,r wegsk rrarri corrmittee, ibritss Margaret Wej�b, Mrs. ryilltAhter of Henry God Valley, Alta. -Ur. Wlliiam.(, lair receiv- ae of their poisonous el to her ollow1ug Abe beavy rain of ani the (buggy bgdly wrecked, Dr.. Mc- Ing Par I gases, the use of !,,t�,tllu�bw, ten' years a,gD and C Sunday plot. there As no irrmedlaie ed a bad� kick In, the chest t *rereentertaiaed at the home which �hey --till lark, KIss bl. Murray, Miss 14. Woods, rom a horse Dlarrrl i wa;% quickly on the scene to - Of MIM J. Pr6eter, where the ladles of continue when condit danger. Ptmiy s6ttlers at Frederick- a(few days ago, but(p ia� bones were gether . with 9, nuirber 0 our villag- the : I o ions are f &��orable, leave 0 be r loss i daughter, 8 &Ass, A. McKenzie and Mrs. Jaires F -i - 0 ou]� f for st, Durlrg !the ipat5� two weeks the Frencil Year� dd and recqver.-Ur. �j I told ho aunt; lauditora, Mrs. D. To A. eis jmd Mr� Glenn was quickly can- st �ia.s abso �been quite. hdme wid Drlft*god and7ortber places br6ken he will soon P1 ftvte Servad refreshments. th 111- G j� NVteS.-The, puMc scale d �rreasure A e ji� bidding Moore JnteAds opening er -ard British ihave driven ''st c :j Jolat all their � � s. A f a oc busl veyed toDr. I&DIartrid'a office, where Ints -Mr. Ag -Porter, -of Goderleb, the To" their frGm omv-.ctton or A breach organi6t, Miss Mau, neez In the pector, ra-Y Kyf their most strong�yj of -the Ilquortj act since the Can- &jr - ­ " - - - i building oce Te�� b Sandy th held and. pevere,injuries tohis,leg e iat. VIS N iWer Ited our vifla-ge last week. -Sir. E. -A.inuirber of I friends of ded to and mrs. Glenn was -aken 01st a Iva'% tageous i)odnts, And despite ada Tempera f orce I -Mr. Henry Gallagher of -the 1st con- Leadbury Bawden. Ir L e t went into te L ei, an auto,-_ 1hsA A Doiss,riberty has purchas tz they Wss Venetta, Johnstozi j+esented her into Mr�.- McKay's house where -1 - . 7-1, 'their 'rO,%,t determired effor In Euron Co Was registerel at cesssion of Howick, passed over the riv, `Death� of McCulla.-On the 30th with a kit she &I- - 5ft . 'P. Bu-nderibap knoved to Or. A, 0, PIMA ttave indt been ableto chen, - shower lot week. foot"Pt Goiderich, on . rida b0s, t, agaLnst Jahn 'un Wednesday, May l9th.. Deceaz d SO Quickly- recelved xredical aid aAd Elighoffer's old ztaad. - &U. clam jregain.A Be . d- er e of May, there died Agnei% Grieve, be' %W. wtr. DearIng suffered a stroke of was fmind �o be quite painfully Injjr- Schrekentierg, the ground they have jos.t. They are 'Be df ord, -pro riet ot had a paralytic stroke in blarch, 1913, -Pe of Mr., Francis of Detiolt, -vL,,Jt_ea 'her Were fined $75'and fron: which he �sufflciently recavere:17 to lov6d:. wilf McCulla, apoiley-Y, unconscious, ed fighti-19 an :t�hill and d1sheartening ford Eotel, ais Leadbury. and was found il . Old the cheat aad suffering from SIR -ter here, %ft -is. (Rev. battle; coists for bavi g. q,; on his She� had'not enjoyed robust in wbieh coindition. Gh.e perrained for the p-liock, but we are Vle , ) �W. =er aud A - _r . Wrcls6s. be around again. For ithe last four ased to saY on lber :%ray &eve [be health-Ifor'a number of yeara, bat Urre was In 'the -wreck 0A They en rrore auccessf�l In :-A frace ir et ill b held on the AcIt severafday�g. She is 78 �earz Of age, they le rro--ths he had gradually ;Frown weak- were'[both able to be c0lVeY6I the London Huran an,& Bruce, but was Z 90 ess At= uptil Itwo years a 41d her weaka - ttle hope iis held out -for her to �thelr OW, -1 1101ne the the Eatst, Ow�ng to their superior ar� fhie half-rrile tra k at az4d �U 1� isame evAErnInk Brussels, On er, and In spite of all that loying handis oeca6lon 'deep concern. All ithat skill recovery. -Mr. H. R. Bright ghd farr- zerilously jnjared. The A Lot, tillery and ttheir facilities, for trans� Wednesday J e Sro, when $600 will and wedical aid could do he passed n portatio-n �,%il4 Ae fact that Lhe R11,S- be Gbiu�lg up I pu ses gor three races-, ily aiave gme to Toroutd, where they and loving attention could do, was Into the Great Beyond, Deceased was done, pmt in Ispite-of %all, gradaally She will Ireside permemently, �s Dr. Bright 610-15 are b0coming ishort of shells anft vte.: �A 2.30 ace trot; a 2.10 pace 6, born 'da the t0owily of Durbarr, In 185 other war TrunitiorLs, they ha:ve -suc- grew weaker, and at an-Obarly hour on Is engaged in work attbe Univerolty - or 1trot; and., 2:1 'p�.ce or trot. Trot- coming to Morris Township with 'his Sabbath irrorning passed away.- he ceeded dn vaking iis Z c6n4s In Mr. George Winilisor, wh;' i�;; Weil' The JDI 13, mucjj- progre_ct.-, teris will be allowed five -e parenVs In 186M Dm. *McCulla wss a daughter of A for where he lived until aftier �ate zto It there Pa. the Allies have done in the all nraces. Mil best,three in five. St. Joseph'a Hospital, ln� London, 6r -it , WX the �Jaith of 11ils father. In March, 1887, ji. e late Jobn Grieve oad'w" bom in alGouXile :of wieeks, W preiiresaftm favor- �st. But ptill. the Ausstaas are do- P. Bcoltt is c2l Irrran of committee ani or d e W"� 4 WE be Trarried MII:ss Olive Sdt�hern, Of -V McKillop, on th 3rd of Septerriber, 1844. ably pi rC4 no hig wanders cowidlEring the difficul 'nee Alf. i d an lVieration: y t be �n 1her twenty -fifth year - she married essary.-�fts. John has re urn J ins It ker wich, lxnd aettled -an the farm where nell, 1, t e Mes with which they have . to'canteall _Zs:eessor horr�s KWer,- of RNforris, they lived wben he paaysed: away.- 11c Mr. F�raricl% 'McCulla. After living a 1froitithe werst, wUre .�he speat sev- For ng o S. `G od end !they �are holdlag the German and haa prepared, large ar P=e ap of the pu was ia good hu-�.band anda lovtng fath- Auatrla:a -bordes �n good check and it cipall-ty, sh ag t1i w y ro bn the 1ourth cG ce�ssjon, eral, �rontbs -A %*oial e4rvice for men other e various lots schow ever ready to do an' Ile iedo er ything for the the va ur Is beginning Ite look, aa if they would houses, Kill:, the splendid, farin "'an i -S. at Wilson s DrUP Store etc. t ir eban t ,a lo t of 'US pleasure tand comfort of his children. t Lead— w�W beild last Sunduy� eveong in Trivett Ut 0 soon [be jible 'to turn 'the kales In. their dratting and wrledng but he rraci-e a ,, P(,Iltl,, Y ;1�s Purchased, &-ad then for Kgrrorrial. Churcb�- *healthere was a he was a staundh Conser- Dre j -,ban th favor. Irty-seven years- she livel the 4 good jdb of dt ian4 It will be worth a va;tjve. go6d congregation. Ur GIff ord Hog- -NOW oek* r" N7. aPPY the life 'of her ihorce, church -garth, rggoj of s. The Italian,% are, rfaktag good pro- greac deal In 'i I 111t tin S. rth hais db- in Is +1 0 1 ennis Racni 410 I g townshIP -Mris. Rikert Lockhart, whose death and id�strldt. of: a quiet, unassairring, tained hIs,!degtee of B.Sf.A. �at the On - c a d 6a're;ss against itheir Austrian foi�s. They work by Cowiell. t,ihais �een frarrel, an wa-, xepDrted last week, was born In have Mat Vet VAth a slagle reverse yet gla,,sa put ove.. It In d the outfit hung affi&cted' .)genulne, Christian !spirit, taria Agricultural College. He is newbaHsBaseb her fluenc Newtonville, Durbarr County, andthere- ods, Foot ba Is,- hdrd �em 4 and are iseriGwly lt�e Tovn e�always told for 90 erribarrassinS -the On ithe wall (If lIah�p flail. -!sh� was also -married. in a few' y'e the be;st Irazaglng a fitrra -near Tb)7onto. - igr Gerrran, iuthorities.- They are good -A quiet % th-, life, and ithe sorrow of tbe -Em*. Windpor has gone. -to tihe_.Wesj,- and s6ft.. ru balls eddifig,took place at th e she moved o West Wawanosh, -wh' Croquet flightera and thave plenty of -the best ho=.e of 'Mr. Rdbe�t Lockridge, Lower e;R. eavea ds lesse'need' as 0ey look back where (Eb will cod sets 2�t -school Of In (its pldheer,'days. There �.._sh6 bore thie upon a life well -and 1nobly kived, and struot-lob In one U railway co'n- -Lawn Bowl& Boxing G win Tue$lay, June 2nd,when toll and burdens Incident to country" I oves, Catching la (the Dar Wbu1se fragrant rremorle�s will obt de %tr uctidn c=W for tbei urnmer mootli danelles, the Allies -are. his da4ghter, Lo s. +4e, becarre the wife life. [till thefamily 'movel to Wingliam Her funeral took place on. Tueis.day: -The leleCUOR Of Of fl�el;s of 11lieter ismashing -their way through and it is of .9'r. Williair Lawr%mce ;Hudson, of 'some iten -years ago. She leaves b r Gloves, etc. etC. expected Constantinople wi* be in their Stratford. -The cer4rrony wW per n 0 er e june list, to the Place of Interment, Lodge,,,Wo. 67, Tmdeqe4"de i, rd , *t�� formed jlusbanJ, -five dauzhtem and Of th"ift ln'a f ew days,. Fighting ot the by Itbe R son, the Wtlan.%ank ceiretery, and was Oddfellowa, resiulted A lot of ne;w hammocW. in po G. Dyiroa(� ree- all jof *.boxr. were pres follows N.G., ular colors an -d 1-ancr' ent at the f Ing I f -1 0AM jr pregress both tor rob, In the pre4s- v. largely attenied. Be4des her.ibe- J. M. Sduttbcott - V wilison; Rec'- prices P *10A oot is&�nuoua idul is In 'of 1§t.epa� po G t, low of the �b" r eral. Xbrvnly AWer wt e eavelhuo))and, Mr. Fraawis frqm $2,50 to a -a a ace of a few fr endis, pt 8.30 in the 1�0� . '1�ajq also pr F4nSecy,, 1W, Wine, n. pea, anT I ad and the Allie re cn e. Mcculla, sft .50 ng 011 as aa ess E =aklng gragreris In 'both attacks. It is eVerdag. The the ifollowi chil-Iren are left to i np; Tre E. DI tWh$ii eApedially -.1evoted. to ber �Ie YOU49 couple will rrake clulte -evident tbat the Germans are their_- ho�ra MfS. A. MeGavin, Leajbury Howald and- T, Boyle were eleete& an Wei in, Sttatford. ishe Ww Intfirest I in pharitable 'an e Kris. G.R,Wllzon\ kaying xrore ttrau�ble on their han�,a -The Aftnu*l evears-ioa to the &fodpl phil&Irth Park RaplO, Minn.,-. atives to attend the district _4 work an I towarA the f *UIJajrI an,, pTice Al 'S. On gax-et at boXne; Mrs.,- irreprL-19"t Dr. XlApiaaa &nA* H. HoWald L Druggisf and Bookseller SEAFORTH