HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-06-04, Page 61.— 71 -4 !CrNE . . . .. ..... IiS RUROITS 01-AATRk. 12041.. �Th*�Que�wtcrmdlan fW414 wh0e umt 10g;, In*. Way oupowt son of ronular &allio Xngland isi We pertl of anwe cat I�A the the YWIU _dAW - , I nd' Am W - , ore qr The following, well known stall1oha Of iLt bb'own st "Lr 49' X"d� 1W Ot ilmmt In will stand for the Improvement Of stock VWW6tN -of "The Queoft!". 44W tw� 4 a qxbe opftt,L N� IhLs season as follows: Bee -forth, Terms toAnsure, #10; by,_msd --'Oft '.1e -)g, tD 64 4nd approve4i &-j pour r1ck gpi�y "'Un *ood tweeten the the r OU wwte -am 'WttW&-*4tk�"ndfii6- tbouund$ OW Rnro6entj NO. "02, iwo.-to -ffcbt..fqr -the -Moth�r. -,Jill marriaga t GUINEA! GOLb (18020) -do Is LEDOR0 60100 A;T.R. Ia. kw Noft, Proprtotav day—Will leave h stab* 444 Uh to �Jpro -'MIU Road to Ed. Papple and tor Znounced her. ithw I W -fie" Wes Tuckeramith, arid, go south -Own, Tide a Jim- Mon ok " t Und", in to the John 81*rim Anads, very ar _jjWfll I",* "stable, Bmw for noon; then acrom M6 Huron ir Vtop, b Wdletiq -Rat, - R -A4 -thd wet to' Wm DWO for tU !,at 17, Part- -r4latij, Stanl�y, ani go b *taAk4 by,Q�nidlan y dmt&s and urs" ad Wty �Qf 'WAt., Taesday-To, the.Zrahim Nouie, Bu4efteld and the tondon CanadAan 'Idwy. Wi is- veiry tniser@Ule to those Who taft eRU Al u �rn. lco:de *44 -g place owne b Clinton, for noon, remininc until the Road to Ifteter,, at Xe*ell1is.­1(vtA for 1) 0a, i1tho s4or with, .1 Betchb6tough Park *Ne -To his the alghf. Tuesday -By way '2nd Ift. Viet ollowing morning. Wednesday n W Arthur Mirk by. own stable for nognL where he will re- Ocincessick of Stanley, to Zut at tA!31'-.bW "lop -event tobk place LL offerid a o0Agk'. to the�� V "Eleven ye 10h tim (Oneofilie L WindM', dinid;L Wri, 1% lot I e e th �, Gr4�at traln until the follow4ng 1donda mornr JobtlistbMs Ofttet 4oi y --of 4-eroaaldw., and v a g. �reAt)i- Y, relli!f "er o5p X611s 6*16-get quick --*el V, idf �18t. &�H bum s _W as vaosed, thorm- gwi t& until the' w roable. fit at once glik way of he 'GoiW#fi Line to �*Ia o forvvsTd wn aU& Ift$. KM -to the C&U&&96 44 stable, where � hd vill rth�ala, itleo, who accepted'. e' t1i, x913. Iffs a thftn&An tow following Monday Troraing. ere, Pdltf JIUK_ ivg W, W. . -_I& - 4 14 - CUMBERLAND GEM pir., May 8 �9 V6 oroclat., not"I �X? would icWe instuL with hikuse. 11%us it bomit abofit tUt th mon- It"i poor chance Of livi In -sl& h� r two te;78 (1 14 perfect attle colon.. -just- K lifeviheir he i d ot*dthatX0FQ a �W a Th't X=er, i X ­W Se- ynard and oklive 'hat. *as4ronW b A0 dinner t RIO VIRA 0 iitrdfj -was &Ar -w 46turer Of LIS- friend of M 'John J. U Gavin, Proprietor. sald I n of VMuld get. s -beyond %orncliffe� -for -not an e"10y'ni Inspee and. Approved. The Pure Bred plydesdale $t&%1H9n four rrfies "Z�4W �only 'aro Ithe;j*toya ? 4eo -'Ka- Can' 1w, , a th4U4*n0Rtb04K the conditio I wu in aVe die mr4w for a et �re Dist S= from the EnroWlent NO. 11180. had, ftioubje Impojrtedv�-1494 fill'ithi6 vatAftts com brought. bin'by Coitdbatid, I 1h -eame home I saw your Will stand fa tervice during the prei- dlin 1by hirth, 'out at -the. present '4eai6 oc- ent season #4. John J. JftQ&TWs 2 for I�Af torl Milbumls -1 �Iftklhg. : �, - held t1sement in e paper, smd comm 12, Conw Dowdnloft. Thin - a. more by Accident sued e lea jarAipi 'to, =e the I p to the Stables, Lead�ury, Lot Inspect d and Approved. years. 'I 16st 'a g flesh th thin t deal of sinug session 18, M�Kfliop. $too vvkw - _ yft finkham's Ve broke it an su erL ntiy-z ari-,an Will travel the same route, JhW ""On J110 a ir ed 6nsta For- U Mv OM peAlwy He lat. get 6 V&tlefttq�, Up t&l bL the C t constantlyfor tWo I have ta en f Ith -ho-spi et or e= ent C(M-' found tile copple 0 1JG as during the season of k1914, gtanding ob ltbe. anadt don.; ,W I)WeAsei z DOI DAVIS U131 -416 vt been so pleased irith d fdt: the firat- few� g4titlis It, ftl* 'Of kkenz!6 -Of e, it t -times sai at his own stable . Saturday and Mon. 0=, *n a-tivee'atfld' i�w 71 Am 'lt$ 1 P . _' 65810 day. Terms $13 to Iasure.; and resul ave, the"! _L -Jr a I rip lug Iffoln liv gierierally isucewful t both7m� husbi" nd- myself daim t Inspeeteo and Approved. Was filled w1th irtan' wounded tllil�n! 4QA il Lxid , --- P�l 0 , b&t in_ it the mogns of sadn , lif -James Dale' Proprietor & Maft:ager.: has since housed rriany :brlttsix 9 ray: Will E vemon at his OW.1 It I - _�W 2478x8 4, fic. I an! iuret ��a' ti6 NW f jle�j' xvos- higfi V =04 i0f tecourluend it to, suffering 'This stable in Sea; Terms* to Imup a t -veal' avef li'd t1i By tj SM.ft Nicky'-W&Ing the women.31-Mrs. OMMA BRIMLEY 2FA pi�ed = e gri� mi 114h Soo aW dSt 4,by*,w lizi ied dirii le f0ail *Iss W. udmore, SeAforth a great wbite -&yum, 1get I 1�11'o*iug? the- giej ��,r sand. -taking, J &.1 reire will 2* T_ UP- oihwPAv.,WinW1*g,1ffaettob&," ad The Pure. Bred Imported Clyde iv4w ;iccbrai o— W., Harvey, n, Proprietors. J he �rot of English �scener, Fruit -c -i t1jeto dire'etions; -Cam 'Stallion it it -or' erd i7o *e" "4 ar�Dt�nd. and any erson. with Dyspi� -got th6i lbeel wltb4tndulaftnis! 1&nd1s all w Why will women tike chawAt orrag ------ - e M U Ilk H. SWAN 'd- MR. PUPLETON. CUMBERLAND SCOTT in Ue diotace �wtde stretaes�,osea, bendfit outaBiddy" re* U 44 �t h*0gour" ef -the joy of livin ed and AnDroved. re sold bJ* all-44ftl 'in 11�; ing rr. ust w*rn a -wondrous place, Of peace ers - 'telp 'On'Oe-Ifte- Enrolled, Fr4t-&-tives"s - * , .. 9 ' acm4y, 'n LV4fi& **orn Trn who Enrolment No. 2892. and lbeauty itothe wak. (*n at 5oc. a b Or trial size *11 79 ye&l % W*=' ox 6 for $2 -�-hexe. L. *1reet from tbi� -Battlefield. 509 zeta will stand at -h own sUble on the, come 25c. or et ­ ' 'a - Inspected and -pproved. Very� -reduced" 0 0 a trbb'ery , _e A 9 e poor'. prices - J it postpaid.on receipt df price le ha&- Store -An. am a elao%ej� "between th1d A� Fal Of 4 o'.1th. ;h lmowej - art Pair -Line, JfayV!.Lt alf a mile S by Fr 1600'"hix own. stable, ait-&-tives Limited, Ottawk,, resilized,-ft' **-7earfo- th y _y"rs. wao jc6QII-. b14j' 4 jt� HitIs Green, dji I the season. Mares woi:n&d irriem "ving,-the trenche and mod; Bw% film 13ink ttbxee '4�ree be --the lot 4, concession 3, Hibberti and go to fju stired at reasonable _"I* -Tlie A ledtor of CuStomif sUice- A wAdQw- ft#ydars a di,�t"6e actually-arrIvin from John Carpenter% Dub-lin, for noon; , 9 at Beaebbororugh. Park of -orab Ay Ad O'Wer a, Was and f -Agughters Terms 01 sre, $26. (uinXwftey are dbtairied. in bl* Ital s on, e I rates thence to Patr Ic carno, St. f6dders: td meet, is su dard zew taw rROYER, Prop yletor. �Columban, for night. Tuesday Zdvthey crot" the -,Cb14m%e1 Ln iti 'mariagernamt, iand.ara anxiotle that _d _y -for. f e* atm, "d in oohw qu ar a ittwpluO' W.Sither @ad Qeoro Had_ fs Qu the muniber. of Ibs beds ishould be IA- allARTLY (SA21) hence iouth and eas ;i�ok�t, if thb prioa there 104MAr t phipo iat Dover, nd 'tbVn aire orgoo Pind long e Huron Road to Boundary line, for, �he DUNUUR11 t to John. Mar- 'titan -foo-ding dbep le ere ir ftial, Of NdtArY women has Wh h4V r G. W. We ti Proprietor. 9y I W­B6a6ftb-f6u0 kiwil, taken'aw alon The IffenrofAty of the C4nadiana-w1b hio been a pineli, in' - �,Qr _8%0=d"the beg& Hit uipoh fir#tot, arribulances beloging creh0ekL phy's, lot 23, c6a-cessloril, th0=%=b of women n charming 1gnos,..tqF main ut Wk leave his ow 01 TtDrQat0i- Ch �u - ou Vul" d noon; ',thence 'to -his ow g e- fof IT , � N 'ta farmeii a% Wed the wide,. bree;y have equpped iffilis 1ospital nd as& b rost'On Ot'bl ri�es:d n stable - it ia very f Ine, whilat a s�ftlaj ebeentrou n(I totmtrj --where istands this fine old Whed .4 e 0 and w 14 =60M d (VA way. i _o now lexpeflended X Huron London. and night. Wednesday -will proceed t m-� 'of I idnteflnig- live .In W 0 bert J"Irlg ifor Alght McKenziels, lot 20, concesslont Lo- h ise �h; bas been- cleverly trans� tri1bu1te w -mot be rna& to Sir &rthu'r ter 1- 21; t. :formed 'from a typical English coun� and ffAk Xarkhk;r,-, who piavendt only a�geo;f, fitraw w fel Thursi c bi*,,sv1l1e 'and ft f tw gly Y%w t t 0,!,t uker4#9u, t. ties, ete, . . . . . . ation Aviis, _en, "Ulp their be'Mutif e tor the' the Ul , hCi _Mob, 1; LO_- but to an Ideal bo�plt I r the gan, for, noon, -then to Wi J1 in. lod W ther lourth Mattlan ;Ionces (a to Win. Durs lot try "at dn he, dther f ra re well upia he d t & teringhaiWa, 0,., coacession, noon n by,�my%of Bethel San yen - or boa. anadlan 'hospital plemente.d, b� 'the lgood 'dbrm� i4ftly- e& itliat SL C 4ir of 64, 19-PleC14 A-dv-U6 i sow (for nlAt. Thursday The Id ue, 4the wbunded, but wholake &y, Varms for TWIS ould 4>0 very 'real interest In Ita - rcsn4gNpent, The 6irly: Corner to Wiln* aakels, fluiiin road, Ratz'-%,,, lot 15* concession 3, Fullarton ara4ntairied.-In jtfigland:er occured Tueadayof 1148 be T� liel Ned- as OR' Ind 17 91VIng the -thi, himy.Akely, for noon; thence to luated., with, Canadian Freem 'Lady, tiftlrkhaii.%, especAal Jaot week in Llstq he id*e IQ for night. Frida By Way Of L the Oth 20wari, t Ly", 44, concesol .9 w conoesslon to Por ter's Hill, the by way� 01 *a6 N ulckly piiift rruit --.0CQrr* aki 9 v 4 p0a&JnLts n, g, 'act' e Rrlday--.qc D for Aight" t a W4y that hi caW4ink- the of -tb_e seventh tona R a-* *n� re(rardiar fruit coi iditlorts p- to being -t. b PROUDT O'Jdh KtV� &n.9 colete 1wrid miTt - n r i�sii l6t..26,coa- paxltlas'6f do6bors-and tdnidlPle.! The. la'd, IiW st tke az W, 4. noOnL; a -over -em Cxnadlan -al.t eq1t1i of 14 t ed -tralne -'belng rp the hosVIt full d hurles tsts fat'nigb t.. aii theacei epOr I pijj rn as lei%& er gin 44v*able.' ]Veabbe$'� � jratu -jot Ion Otaff 'it.. The'-botAtal Open :,.on Octob- Cow th'4 Ud-, A pa0t Bar rally flu Ural -6?a. corh -bee �edl�h thd street.' kson!s., 2nd 6on '16h 6L b%s- Th -ro*-P WAa James Ja C Fill1irton, for Might. -gat 8�7_To 13th, With bkk9 THE 13BOT 99PIQWB_ b"n in. hdro and elacei then' 0 -to Collison House stables, Hit for - 290 ren b44$*1_ throqglitit t" 1*..' Stanley, for noon � then wn Mite had ed '1&rojmd :%�iikl Bank !Oj, iThe ek�iaW'i 11MLE". safely,. vulie appiles a !)ear's were th his own Canad4n nui%es are 'him to'; BarrlssterE stable- wbere, be- will "wiln until -the noon; 'thence to to r=, a- t _zwo PD r * etc. Mono kerm lury, -ph i untA r IretentLy t I night and until onday -morni all volm-t d' ver' e0ftbit intid bloft" Althou. the'Jk'rd=*- -The rqpe 0 r the tollowing. WednIsday noon. ve ahua, th Orked u der -the m p -of se. y. call no to Wure a foal, r 491fou y �'J nown R19D N.IcKINNHY. 1 k Canadian nftie, Wits Thduutdo -of irotbm say Baby's -done. betig dzagged aloirg, his (Ineck. Ue Was '4 9 rRobert Barchill. 4the "#troet In fhf No. , A.T.R. tit aF begt tr - 0 - -.V*Ids areLthe n MacMahen -wbo th" Only- 1�it Beach win only, -medlelfte weather, w a t. t pmatacal. '51ning Y a eam bdonerig t ch Piioprletor & %anager. 1� order. -to take �urother­du- t1jej V6 tbeir., litt-li 0al?s. A- li 't to ZirAee re MqA4A b Mr. 5 We �e thorot*h e V riaor-a -s abroad. tie, Howard HodgkL-w, tie 41&=0400 tO1 the tree f AAts- More *_Coty, of.Rumeldale, wbich in- St. OW'- -.was and exped 4hAmtoj; in -.eac-b -en a keen - tberlhto, Out.) who sayid: 'IF a; axlety'lis felt,ref is rries, ffik Stan d Lad) 4arkham, b�A.Ltak user p "b6tWeCftT0f0ijto and. attached to a ligh dar Pred Tratting'Stalli6n n a n �Fiom t wagon and wais fled of'our three� i4�)&rtykents,,� er- Hono 91r. or a�poot or. add and'Troegrpi- It Our #,Fdlalr tr 4)e kalfi, in MIL MEDIUM temit �'dn'ttbe i*k of 'the uspits vbv BBbi own- e tchell, tiAlf" Shor th 'A T- but it' rip 7� became frUbtenedL at the flapping of tftq Wt t- the very only -think Kbemi We beat medicine I� the H walt e t2L a on 0 19111fieldO, Whicl*blosom Auates owceed aud: When 4ft Jr _that e. an our large. free &talogue. Write and -Approved-., atrd -were. miht by li te fr1os al-� ae n &d to le&yo 'it 'world for Ifftlie ones.,, once a mother fimt awnin and brokg :In" In turn- 14'DV -,ed to and 6, 'Ing, the tongue Was broken - on *V was 6sug&sUd -that she abould becorne bais 'ditied Ithe Tablets pbe will use no. tbough the mewar fieldis' plante I d �71Zt off a;pd it: at ce. D. A. MdLAORLAN !�_.,O: Obarlesw6rdi,-ProprIetor othbr Tredle-Ine beca s e t' AuDdrinte"adent. She now boidp -this uise It lamely epicaped. t t lady eets the opying,, t!oitb the ta*� nearly tranbed Into he plate PrinciPal, p etirre 0i Pol-d own stable, tion, 1haviag 'un:Ur er all. the cat- of wrlthYg, -injury to strawberries, In Schiftidr' Talbletalare ffibsolately aWInAOW of Dr, $c(0 -4 'iftit-b' -aito -to the_V ffneVer fail (to -frogr �4.41 Vb dLilleria Hot�slp Wal,� -all the simle the Nlagara is saj4, to jr and "to sekeeping �arra . gerrent Utdsh store. On turning, he ornpirativel _away 'There is" ea his -fty A Woman's. r 7.40 Hotel ward allmieh� df. littld cities. They Are sOld t and started,up the-Muroh.Road-but On go. A;�_ en o Centrtl trio, mu ron. no .011 light 'Bul* frut -and are'prorr_ ra diiploura"? IM Vftr doctor$ 11a. at Mdr- *M'18L�41' lift Tuesday T 0' Q?ebg woiZked loon the unit'isystem, which Adlch)e dalera or by mail ot 25- ISI. Ing up, the hill Are 46m r Wh by Ir IV, alt.11:6ugh me one of the horses fell 'BID eL_ -s, -pain ftij have bin iL hQ&Vy. fin-GI&I Iftid? W "ur and atayiat John so an e'xt!ell nt plan. �Eaeh cenks- 0.- box f roin. -The r Wil bedn. -rgicelved... the wl r k-IIU;g of, Its leff-s was badly cu. heavy pbridwArburden?, -I Uow *ba itio -by liums of and one Of �heqa Xne -The death of W. Sollatz, a few -a absolute comtrol o*er Wbftiw islater bas/ Medicine Co. Brockvide, eur t to bAlf lot 6C nd fil' her 0-ftt-' raspberrJes. The pres me T _Wl . - : of the ten -to King E der ber St. -od 'how U f6t" n us" Aftis -'ibhe d.' .'ward, baving _�Ojne or two 'Ours af te V r receiving a�,Stroke of ap- curr, se erail cotinties the -Medlefil tl!=illar is noted In st,X �,Yonr bur. 'and St. plexy- _J�a stop tho day ward Ub�il stablejul Wroxeter for the Jdbn Voluntar1y Ald,me4*.eiis at Milverton, came as a -shock �ziot �mA l a x ty, f be, �4twan "nigh TO rderly. A Nursing Boar a tot ft- A "do' ne% V2 nies, orne- t. W ednesday- J. -J. i4Whallla J,61n,,o d-11aabeen, to the People of the v1l1*g. Mr. Hol- ou *ad ]pub If -u f"Ailme. then north to in at Weber's Ili- Hbtel, Belmore, fori noon; ..then: to formed 'Upon 'Which sit all th�1'104*_ n4c, latz n acting In the ap- Dmejstl �T Alt YM`­,xved­db# t4 wift-.1or a ow r acity - of -in t Grand Cexitral DI"81 S� turdty-By hotel, Teteawater, Ifor the keons �n4 physicWas of 0e staff DAPARTM-ENT. L who has 'bee -W OF AGRI- 0 df 'Vendontalf FR !�Ofter he Hdtel, 'witile -gobig down cellar, sud- -n awar perlatedont r Niud*36 sivp Perbs or. 0 -ohe bo�C I _*hW be bappy bere 'be wl R remain until the Itt 9 1 '-(! (� ; or A - opeeb To e � - , � t; , ternoon Thursday Afternoon One tof the Slatera who is elected' "-h fid the Hiirowltoad to hiw.6*zfst&b1e for Affrh't, 'f�ffialnlng ill the folloitt Markharn tais lad-ty 'su' n f.�n llo� w r d1hoirs. "u -4i 16 A g enly collapsed and,feli to the. flo' 'is or night. th by he Sisfers the I Aers left at Elfthangc Hotel, Winghanz mse Yea.., T4 He never re0alned cotisclousniags and yotr wM be ound1m ft- OR* tcost of rIn Monday on. "Pifiday-To Belgrave Hotel, for 'Board decidas e neoeissar,. pawed 'away 'about four o'clock Tues- P06*620 Only), �Tew F- In, ormatto concerning DON'T UIDE TH non, very EM A VEIL - lelterq -told aoun- CHLOE ODYNE. &T 01M the aid d --agiculturail oridiflom' Iri� this. Prowlncp, day rrorning. Mr. Hollatz was a native then to hii,ow stable In 131yth, wherZ of Itbe worldAg of 'In a-,bullet-th preliared by RE90Y THEM WT VH THE: he will rerailn until the followingbioh. the 'wlh�Ay e thing rMs along with de- of.. Germany an'eame to Logali about Inspected nd Approved. flfty-,hin y#arig ago, going to lyfilver- Oday rrorning. lightful ease, wrlability rpigning. 111 ��t!6 t eM Agrcult re, au OTMNE PRESCRI: ITIO-N �LLJ.vingstone, Pro?rIetor'& Manager . F. N056d upon, Jin Alfre d Young, Manager reme (on Ull isidas. forhmtm furni3l.vad by a tan About ton Yea lAter. was All Ronday-Will leave his' Own atablu The Can lf&ge . -istaft of coirrespo.-i dents under adlaa Sisters -are charjr g -A tPretty wedding waa celeb ted ra a David imay T da�a or M&f 15tij: t �Sta:f fa, a -ad go west to L women andAve nothing but praise for 21th, in the Brodhaen Luh - ORD MANSFIEI�D.' for noon; thence, south to he Fail Wheat. -This important grain This prescription for thry, removal of WITI HEART James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. h all, e tmspal and f or its rranagemaxtt, eran iCh-urch. k7ble Rev. Mr. Weig�L-1,4j Cr2s&rty line, theance east.to 'his own Paying Ith4t many of -the Voluntary All -croP, w1lith.1ta largely hicrased acreage, treckles was written by I a -prom. inent of f1clated when M S a a 3, lier, Iflonday-Wtil, leaJe P Ia L ur IR Ti Specialist his own stable g1ver. promise of- an' unusually good PYISICIEn &rid Is usua cessful stable for 'the night. Tuesday -Will nbers. - are really excellent InL. their Only IARU!ghter of Mr. pLn(I Mrs. Ferdin- Beechwood, and go' to ]�,at. Woods', yield, f9hotild f avorakle in'rdroving freckles 1 9 a clear, n and. stab, leae�i hi e it .8.30 anapro- Wbrk'and'c�a be trutsted with reSPO&L weather ensue. Mililer, W -a-9 united In the bely ow Logar., fof non; thence 1 -to his�.own R VAnitiered. well, -and ceed � south to . ; wai beautAful 'compLaxion that Ja� s Ballarityriels, on sible dtjes. whilat even., the youngqtt vlde-ntl�' not. i stable for the night. Tueisday boh4s of matrimony to Air. George To When the heart does not do its WO& the taborne and Ribbert boundary, for" Much injured [byAhe -,heaving" during druggists under' g-uaraate, to refund MVZk, Isoo of -Mr. JOhn-,MQgk, of Log -an. and �rofft inexperienced of �ihern are DO. j John, MuIrray's, concession 11 -really elpful ud wel, n Igh t�' Wednesday- South to Win- thelvery opet 'weah-er of-Marebl-Aprii. the (wohey [if it -tailp. t Properly and theerves become unstrung disciplined. helsi to John, Delbridgels, for noo.1; lop, for jioon; ithence west to A.-RossT, ring W ury 'tray be regarded le inder a vell The 1brAde was Oeaseqlr in, a very raAd- tile Whole SySteML Me I-, Don't hide, your freck d Many alteratlo�ns have been rrade In becio s weak an ine hour; concession 10, Mckillop, to�r b Mne a 1001re lamd bec0bAng gown. She wqs led -run down, and �� buildine'up beforc the bouse for the convenience -of the aC to 08 alter anA given way by her I sout� to Wrn. Biock's for night, aa pr�actically inil. Hardly any f alvvVheat get A ouncia of nd remoy' thence it -night, al-Alng . until 3.3 Thursday after- 0 hi own istabI6 tor you can feel fitgain, u nt ry jner�v mm be,6n'Plowed tip, and ve ut them. -EveA the M 1) whe re be will rem nurseo, olne roorr ha�lng been -turned f 1rst few 'applications father. T6 you z cou lewere attended ain u til Wednes. - wonderful provement, by '.Miss Anni zMbgk, Iffliburn's will tle'hm beft re -drilled to spr eart and Nerve Pills �ioon mrsday A&rnoon-To Kirk- iko ian ladfflrable operating theatre.. Lljt;ry fro1rinsects Ing gralno. MhOuld, Show a IT� j day poon, Wednesday N n -To web- sister of the do this for you. also hais been slight, s0brie, 16f -the lighter frftkles vanUihifig The "window w4s very muc enlarged, 0mly Ithe for the night er�s Hotel, Dublin, for 'n ght.- Thurs- groom, " br1&_;Vnaid, amd: Mr. R ad6lph rkai,-lRorth to th Thames Road, a-',. bareat'rr:brition- being Made of entirely. * lUrs- Hugh Mo!jcr, Chester Basin. t-ber'walls were',whittened, and not.aAly Fischer, ison !of Mr. %lenr day�-To Joseph pfaglels- fo - npon; then the rese, ce . _v piacber, of N.S.. writes- 4,just a few lines to let Thoma4� bleCurdy's for noon; thence n of the wireworm, cut- Be r. -to ask the druggist for the L a,grelt sterilizer was put In, but also north to Joseph Atinsong' worr.rr, or 0-5 CrOOSS-m2n.1"The aid, of hon- You knOVr what Ifilb s the Crom ty,line John for n ght' �Frlday &-n .excellent stove HesQ&n fly. While, a few dadble-itrength 0thine; it is this that ure eart and and or fv4ars Fr6di lbeibk�_ for heatin, for -s f Or rLigb a 'we'3t tin Curt ri�s, 114 mlles� east 'boiling urposes. have to patchy fie14 In low-lying pla r. -Baskets of Nerye Pills have done for me, n To Mar t. Saturd y of Seaforth, for n n; thian� jo ces are to :sold on the uarantee. ra and ses wepre 'Carrlea by t tG cror�arty, 1103thew reported, fte oVWon is very generally he flower girls suffered greatly with heart trouble 00 'A-WIX-ray KWartr�ent,has lately been Miss v�elyn Wasisman, of to hts 6 for expressed that the Itchelll 'anti nervousness, and was all =n dwnL crop mever looked Office -At Pt Idn, w.-hich Is absolutely' up -to date. Perth ItemS proceed -to his own, e 4bl*, better 'At M�s`s -Vern VrOUnCls, of Logan. Thebride- used' lots f medicine but vecei�j no g. thb time of,'the year. Some, efiat f tht untu tM As n,enters-ward'after ward AII'd -Ait Phone No.: h�re be will r' Ytin' of the Stratto dPres- grot6ir.'s present to the bri w benefit unt I vised to try em aln untilthe follow-� *1th,1bec1§, rrk,, of wb Corrmporidets are Iclinecl to fear a =ee de as an as 1y your loh are empty that tery, Mr. John A. Tuer, of Fullar- elegP­nt genuine cameo necklace with pills, and did so, and before I had finished 1@APJL Ini Monday orning. Terrns,�a�niA.ciqndl growith.has bee� 'rather too- Of Hu. because the ioccu�pants-are strolling in rank. ton, was examinid 'ad llee.-'isqed to Pearl isettings; to the ara or Mania he Injury, to clov- bridesmaid a the first box, - I f it so' tduch better I tions earne as former e L the lbeautiful igroun4 or'' play�ag at Clover.-Nealy'all preach the Gospel a,,s a lFresbyterlan handisome camad brooch; to the grooms. got 5 boxes, And am now well -and s field has been enrolled, J 'ecured from drodth e "Ler last year n4eated Approved.. ted -an&. er 0 9. ;M . , .. ­ -eis kn the large recreation room,. the, iniste gikrr r. tron t etor & Manager. approved. Jam" Evans anager, .. &S 4 m8n Ia beautiful set or cuff lirnim with [ I or he iseasot before,. Crp WJ_1&­ can trff1Y Say they are the one Its otruck with the panorama of -The �&atlj Of I&r, Rdn Jennings, monogram; to tbe� m214 of onor a best medicine -them y ----!W111 leave -his own stable in rr for fort 1 hare, ever used. I -canot praise agPificlent views which Ole windows Y -one yearis a re -s-1 nt of Lls:- veirY fine careoc!neciclae. and each o tPQ hithly. I recoMmiend them to Brucefleld 4nd proceed west to the see- INDEX (3140) towel, and a frmer we - nown College 0i open before one. 'At one apot you, -get A any - of mar- the f lo*er Z, rl;s received an opal one suffering from heart trouble. Sia�lley, then. north nspeeted and 1&�p w0ndr(Aks stretch of country, at anoth- e residence The ring. kt igardner,"obeured at ti gJft,,s ttor the rIde from, frle.,,& Ann Arbor 'to ohn Butoliat's for non;,the north 'Child'ren C.ry MilburnS Heart and Nerve Pills are Coroner ft Wrr.' Devry, Proprietov-,,.dud. er iyou 'look up A.great hitil clotted. with of his (L-Km-ln-law, Mr. Joseph Bonnett, EL'Id. ACQUEL-intance;g were very nurrerous 50c per box, 3 -boxes �F; and west to wm. Glenn's for aight. trees'and covered With for S1_25, at all Monday -Will leave his"'"otw* wbilst- FOR FLETCHERtS In fLlOtowel�,ion Friday last. and ivafuabie. The ushere wer dealers, _BYL Way of 13annock'burn to -stable e Messrs. aded direct on eceipt of Tuesday or n and proceed west to Vi' froir Snther. point the eye wapders -Mr. an d lkrs 0 - W. Kell, T, of G uelph, Jolbn Q, Sift and Frank EIIIV&n and price by The. T. Co L.im d U rng aild ntbit�_ Varna, at the terrperance hotel for A S 7 0 R ite noon; then by way of the Bayfield to Bbn Rathwell's, fo'r.*.'n'o6�;.*Aien6c dut acrass Ithe sarooth waters. of t1* a-nnoun0P. the enragerreat of their only the gue.stsi numbered about 125. Torotao. ont. r0a, by way of the Dayfleld Chanel. No wander that the farne of lef;e of Ph� d to (the Gosher. )ine'kto Albert Me- W Beachborough Park thas m. Curriels, for night:- TqiA.day.--TO gone forth and CIfnebey's for the ntgl.4. Wednesday- G. 0. Sturdy's that Canadians who are wounded Insst, 13Y McClyrront's sida road tothe Parr for nooi!4; -then �.wesr -uth to Win. Fo "Poll to the ixth- c�nc6sslan. Aid Ah t 'Wng :sent ithere and (to o tother 1ne, then o !:toon, then to Wm. McKeazle's, secod _`Wednes� s, f or James Mc?vflllan�s !or nik.11t. 0 hapital 11 the -Kingdom. Happily the Graduaf red (tape f officialism has lbee concession of Stanle:y, far the ,I' day -North to -the HurorL Road and n slack- JWulty Ight. f IS eded, lei t of east to' Mr. Schwante's for -ii %nd, every endeavor is �oad, o6n; -then Thursday-Nortb to Lhe Bayfleld r rr ad6 to east to Holmesville and north iseind'all ur lWoundd.man. to any iyar- tarlo; P3 o his mvn s -to Harr� kWe f 0r noon; rerr&'nl"g Sweet's for nlgh.t. Th 'ticular place' where they w1sh to-lbe e Old ursday wa. y ur.til the f DIlawig Friday rrornLIg. Lof the Huron Road,to Clinton atAhe nursed. That is how -it -happens that Friday -Tia George McCartney's, Mill Gnm S�Sar to# Graham H at ithe ipre-sent xroinet every patient ouse for noon; - then nor Sugar Road, for noon;�, then to MacAdarrls th at Beachboroitgh is a Canadian. si& road, then � o�th to the secand ay of the Base Line to Y. w Albert Townsend's for night. Frlday�Ea' The need for expansion. has'been conve5slan, H.R,S! stto Bank, $a Tuckiersrrlth, thn pressing upon ll those we W. J."McBrIen's fourth Wncession of connected(with, calls ans'.- St to Ja, C&rndch,'�-a's for the night. Saturday Hulltt, for noon; then by way' of .'tbe OMPital- and plans have now bben St bridge, r4eet, Sol -WeSt b' tnun outh to, te ill Road, to his t, theDickH definitely accet�d tiar a bulldtng to be he......... ............ 'own st-%ble, where h� wIll remain until ur bis' own oil (,t fine, lawn b1chstretch' night. Saturday -To ptxt (up stabile, where he w.1111 remain until the t one _4de of the houise, and -in ... ........... following TAIonda� rr .or. ag. following Monday morning. It'llits way -thg nuwlber of be4s will be LAMBERTO HERo increased. ito 130. One could smmely mum Importk.-d PAIN09 OF AIKTON, repress a sigh -at seeln 11169 (155451 9 the smooth, Of Huron Inspected AD,, -to wake' w and irove d.' green turf 'being ut up now for Ithe builders, but it Is ood to k Inspected and'. Approved, on Ideal b7 'D&� .R. T. Luker and ns. Proprietors te accommodation In this able, Wm. n Uc rry, Prdj�rletors, hospital will lbe,ezilarg4d, ecause here The BXV. ST day -Will leave'L h s own st' d Dr "e B�; 1, !USb at 9, Con. ne, 11-2 Milez,: Monday -will leaV� =4 or e Dominick -Rey: th.Ar- 'have every factor that goes to South of Ezzt,�r, at �Inc' O'clock. aad nold's stable,_halr mile north ofClln- rrake rapid r The Redpath "Sugar ecovery from and -i-ijury, There are wide For Sixty Years Redpath ga ondonroad southl ton, and go 1�orth and west to Berf, Loafell of 1854 wa verandah$, I 4_11enlse mtheu east 11-4 milezz, then north Lobb's, for r oon; then by way ot the sl�aded fr the un,. were they can the first Cane sugar Sugar has consi-steently to W. Franc,-, 2nd conceFslon of Us- Maltiand concsslon, Colborne, m to Jno.- sit &-id czrroke, play garnes, or sleep fborne, for 110011; �hen 'north to, refined in Canada. ed ity, in qual-'s th Durst's for nfkht. * Tuesday -By wai' at will; there are the groun. cU for them in puri pah Granul. arts Of P then noth to Sam Cud,, Tham�,,.�j Road, then- u,tit 1 1 - 4 rn I'c s, of l3enmiller to the Huro. Road And- to wdlk 1-_ and- above all, hey ob­ d in the ap �'Red an ra'_:s for night.' east to the 7thl conCLISSlon, Goderich ta-i 'here some of the best ated" of 1880 was o preciation �hen south towns4ip, and �south to Wl of the thousan.-l- v&w Terms P. 1-2 mlle8 to ton's, for noon;- then south andwest dairr.c There are tWo -reisldeiat doctors, use it. It is the thvn III&M Pat- xredi al, and nursing skill In the king- the first CanadiAn see ond co of 1-1a�, then norn anxilated suga'jr. product to James Stirling's for �lght. Wednek- br. (Stewart nd Dr. Wallace, Whilst to Savres Gould's for noo; then/north day -East by WAY of Bayfield line to the *vlAting c edpath Caftons,, of a thorougMy modem urgeon is Mr. Donald Ar - to Zttrlcb road, then we!it to, A. Luk- Ben Rathwell's for noQn; hen -south o 1,912 marked the ttndea t er's for the night. Wcd4eiday irour, M.D., R.C.S., and the visiting refinery, operated by -West by way or Varna andthe Parr line to i;�Y,5ician is 6ir Williair Oslr,'F.R.S., RA-flLULA to the Parr line, then north to H111 introduction toCana. EXTRA 6 TED men of skill and Charles Hagan' for' night. Thursday Dart., both wp green, then - east to J, dochrane's for -East to Brucerle _11�know'l Canadians. than Stores of this Id at his -ownatable The left un experience, whom one noun, then west to Htll§�green, then for noon; -then y way of the second On the eye and new and better way Of H -Tuckersmilth to the 4th north to D. Andersan's Thursday -West to the G 1or night. concession,,ot rr4nd of- the visitor is a striking one, of marketing sugar. gum is sugar peffecUm for indt only is the bowe charming, oshen Line, concession at Wm. )3roadfoot's f Phone 2 ery or the !bd1t the %:Aer look v or tus S then isouth to R. McBrid�,s for noon, night. Friday -By way picturesque Of the fourth in Itheir row linen then south to Zurich, at Johnston's Ho- r0neesslon to Thomas Coleman,$ for Psses. isoft white owing army tel for night. Friday'-Soath ta D. True- nobn; then east to Hannah's turn -down collara, and fl to orth to the Ear M On road, 4ble,,jtd.b� Pernell s school- crner's for goon, then ---Odth to thm house, then n c4Pes, WhIlSt theIr patients, ho are Get town line, then east of Wad, are,all dreosed Ofw wen wt)r&- Wh" I or and west to Herbert Fowler's for- the &like lan igrey �Asuxs with red pipings. the night. Saturday Si)afl� and night. SatiLrday-West to cD 246. an -A 5-1b. Scaled UMons ermldla by apeoW. permissio of Her east to W. Eadon's, Sth coa�ession ot corner'and north to the gecond conc- RX, 04A Bap. StApphea, for- noon,, th4n ea.�t to his MaJesty that ithe,hosTAtal' Jaurol slon; of -Hullett thence Is. know as weat to Dom. CANADAS th`aLQuee_.1'Z Cahad - UQ4A RERNM UMM MONTWW, QW% istitble, where be vrill reoaln until InIck Re hoon, whe Aan Military, re he y*1 ft4 the fwar'.0 24 ffte officials, who fre- valta the f rig Monday morning.-Jamu remin until th6 following YnoWs for 33angougb, Kanager. daf quel�'tly vWt'-t& bftftal, express thert MO -Ming, Dominick Reynolds, Manager. selvo*- rmely pleased 0eti evt with Ise_ t 0 9 f 'lur 6ke baip teg tit. sk --h 14 '1r 0"a