HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-05-28, Page 7"at fist (not whalf) to have.
Lnd _64v d J_.:.:,h. Jonah 1:
Who rrad€r the First Man.—
hottt wo.Ytaru. Could he not
condi man (Jesus Christ)
•'an)= A _ -c _ r -Fr .nkly and
04r mutual b: nt. i it. 1=a. 7 :
i:..rY James Brine.
Ho _ Av... Chicago. M.
915. P'r_ ::' S,` ,ey 736.
and Children
For = Over Years
e Blood Is Absolutely
Necessary To Health
ese 'Wonderful Tablets,.
Made of Fruit Juices, Are The
Best Of Al Tonics To
Purify And Enrich
The Blood.
. Pure, rich blood cats flow € my in a
clean body. Now, a clean body is one
in which the waste_niatter is regularly
and , naturally eliminated from the
system. The blood cannot be pare
when the skin action is weak, when
the stomach does not digest the food
properly, when the bowels do not move
regularly, when the :kidneys are
strained or overworked.
Pure blood is the result of perfect
health and harmony of stomach, liver,
bowels, kidneys and skin.
"i reit-a-tives", by their wonderful
action au all these organs, keeps the
whole system as clean as Nature id
tended our bodies to be clean.
"Fruit-a-tives " tones up, invigo-
rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and
gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in
truth, the stream of life.
"I reit-a-tives" is sold by ail' ales
It 50e a box, 6 for $2.5o trial size epee
or sent postpaid on receipt of price be r
Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa.
Rads Would T smble So Shp Could Not
Mold Paper to 1M.
When the nerves become_shaky the
whole sypten seems to become unstrung
and a g$neral feeling of collapse occiltsa
as the 'heart works in sympathy -with the
Mrs. Wm. Weaver, Shallow Lake, € nt.,
motes: "I doctored for a year, for any
heart and nerves, with three different
doctors, but they riid not seam to know
what was the scatter with me. My
nerves got so bad at last that I could
not hold aape# in myhands to read,
e way red
they tem . 1 gave- up
octorinig I cquld notget better.
A. lady la few doors from me ad-
vised me tO a box of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve ' s, so to please her I did,
and 1 am thankful .: y for doing so,
for 1 am strowr, and ' °ins my own work
without help.;`
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
so cents per box 3 boxes far ;11,.26• at
all druggists or healers, or mailed direct.
on receipt of price by The T. Milburn
Co,, Limited. Toronto, Ont.
l.7e Si1��P7 iO� Q !Il
To Get a Foothold on Your System.:
Check the Forst Sign of a Cold
By Using •
A cold, if
neglected,will sooner or later '
develop into some sort of lung trouble,
so we would advise you that on the first
Sign gn of a cold or coughyou get rid of it
immediately. For this purpose we know
of nothing better than Dr Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. This preparation
has been on the market for the past
twenty five years,''and and those who have
used it have nothing but words of praise
for its efficacy.
Mrs. H. N. Gill, Truro, 14.S.,S., writes:
"Last January, 1913, 1 developed an
awful cold, and it hung on to me for ao
long I was afraid it would turn into
consumption. I would go to bed nights,
and could not get any sleep at all for the
tehoking :feeling in my throat and lungs,
and sometimes X' would cough till I
would turn black in the face. A friend
mune to see me, and told me of_ your
remedy, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine p.
I got: a bottle of it, and aster I h • -en
it I could see a great change for • e • etter?
so I got another, and when I had takkeri
the two bottles my cough gone,
and I have never lead an a of it ute
and that is now a year ago."
4Dr. Wood's Norway Pune PrrtiP is IMO
in a yellow wrap .:, • ,,,
ctrade mark; ..:, E piieea
It is manufactured onlY h
Milburn. Co., I,9:mited, Toronto, On
Copyright, MD, be the Sobbs-iideeill
T don't' know, I don't know,
she whispered. "I'm not angry any
ruorp. I'm juet at sea. I don't know
whtlt to think -what to do. aanzatry.
any ,longer ? I think I'll go away -and_
give 11p." . .
"You m.ustn.'t do that," urged Magee.
The came back into the firelight.
"Mi s Thornhill has just informed me
thatl she knows who °has the package!'
i"IIdeed," Said the girl calmly, but
lierti ace had flushed.
"i jdidn't let her tell me, of course,"
"hy not?" Oh, bow maddening
we en could be: - • ,
"'t1, by not?" Magee's tone was hurt.
"Ilec ltlse 1 couldn't use her informa-
tion in platting the money for -you '
"Y-" $ ti re still 'going to' get ' the
111011 for me?"
Theffheli btlell on ber lips, her hair,
ber e..—es. and -Mr. Menne knew that his
selfish baebelorhood was at an end.
He sttroped to her,
**Give me; please,' he said, "the ben-
efit of the doubt." It was a poor
speed' compared to what was in his
heart, but Billy Magee was rapidly
earn! g that most of the pretty
pees es went with puppets who could
iot fe I.
The Exquisite Mr. Hayden.
«AND and Marx clone In Prom' a
brisk walk on the veranda.
'rho • maa-or of lteuton, ; who
had been doi,eg near the desk,
Miss' Norton rose and ascended the
s irs. i Still the protesting Magee was
a her peels. At the head of the stairs
s, a tinned.
"You shall have your final chance,"
s e said. "The mayor, Max and Bland
are alohe in the othee. 1 don't approve
o eavesdropping at Baldpate in the
s miner. It has spoiled a lot'of per -
f ctly adorable engagements. But in
inter ! it's different, Whether you
r ally want to help me or not, I'm sure
I don't, kr ow,' but if you do the con -
v rsatign :below now might prove of
i tereal"
"I'm sure it would," Magee agreed.
l"Well, I have a scheme. Listen,
B Idpat'e inn is located in a temper-
a ce county.. That doesn't mean that
p ople don't drink here. It simply
m ans ; that there's a lot of mystery
a d ro nee connected With the drink -
in . So etimes those who follow the
goof c ance in the card room late at
ni:_bt griiw thirsty. • Now, It happens
th j t there is a trapdoor In the floor of
,th- card room, up which drinks ai'e
fr:quen4y passed from the cellar.
Is' exciting? th'aL exciting? A .hotel clerk who
b a ame uman once in my presence
tol me 11 about it. df you went into
th cella and hunted about you 4night
fin a tea door and climb up into the
car a' roe ." -
e n bully 'idea," agreed Mr. Magee.
"I'i hurrydown there this •minute.
I'm mor grateful than you can guess
for this chance. And this time—but
you 11 seer'
agee hurried to the cellar and with
the aid of a box of matches found a
Iadder leading to ,ft door cut in 'the
floo abo e. He cliinbed through dust
ani cob ebs, unfastened -the catch
an push d cautiously .upward. In an-.
ath r mi ute he was standing in the
c 1 iittl card room. Softly' he open-
ed 'e c rd'room door about half: an
in and et his ear to it
. T • e th ee men Were . grouped- very
clo e at and, and be heard Mr. Bland
spe king n low tones:
a 'm to king to you boys as a friend.
Th shovi is over. There ain=t no use
han ng around for the concert: there
wo t't be hone. Go home and get some:
cle: et co11 rs and a square meal:"
e1 you think I'm going to be shook
off °•y an fairy story like that," said
the mayo of Reuton, "you're a child
with all child's touching faith."
"::11 ri ht," replied Mr. Bland. "I
thogl ht I d pass you the ftp, that's all.
It int : othingl to me what you do.
But it's : r Il over, - and you've lost out.
I'm sorry you' have, but 1 take Hay-
den = ord rs." '
-ash ayden!" snarled the mayor,
"It as s idea to hake a three act
plti out of this thing. He's responsi-
ble or'then silly trip to Bftidpate. This
and ence we've been actin; Por—he let
us i e for them."
"I - know," said Bland. - "But you
can deny that Baldpate inn looked
like the deal spot at first -secluded,
-� () - and
a b
you know; en t,
off � he li t ,
1 ha.
es," veered _the mayor, "as se-
ed as.a Sunday school the Sunday -
re Christmas." .
ell, ho.could have -guessed it?"
t on ir. Bland. "As !tiny, i don't
what you do. 1 just+ passed ti uu
tip. . I've got that nice little park -
of the long green. I've gut it
e yo '11 never find it."
ow d you get hold of it?". lie
ed BI>�<. Lou ..,M,,�.
(CQntinued Next Week.)
Liberal -pub Federation of Onto, ri
A record of steady growth in num-
bers, and -ever-increasing-irrportance in
the scope of its work, narks the de-
velorpmeli of the Liberal Club Federa-
tion of 'Ontario which celebrated its
,see nd. 'b :thday ,In ,Toronto, on Friday,
Ma 21att with: its annual businets
rre ting the afternoon acid. , in the
evening annual dinner with Sir
WI fred aturier, Ifr. N. W. Powell,
Sir Lorne tlouin and Bron. George P.
G ham opting `ifs - \ `
Federation'e officers and ir:t
of ,fia melt �' young '$i eTi a'I`atd the
movement, quite separate from any of
the official Organization of the Liberal
party, repreesenthe young mart's place
and influence In `the Xdberai party and
Oen. arI,, of tte
Jrt,y ago the P'ederat{on'
mowed bj fa union of;the twenty , -I
two Lube .l , .
1-.wiao7iih1. u t 8
,C b� l - in the
Province, 'Today the 'Club membership
has -
r3,se ttn tsixt
nr three
dividual membership running into the
't loon/ dis. a i
$ Theo of °WA in the;
PedereAlon will -give an idea of the
wide spread extent of the movement :
Arrellasburg, Aurora. Barrie, Belle-
ville lie
rein B.iaelcwater, d He �
Brantford, Gralnipton, BrBan a
ln ton,. Burl-
ington, Caledonia„ Cardinal, Cayuga;
Clifford, • Clinton, Co'bourg, Forest,
Gleor+etown, Eageraviitet Harrilton:
(two),Hermiston, Iroquokr, 3arvls, Kete
ieby, King City, Khegsttm,`King-sml1Li:
Kan aunt Landsdowne
London b"Ia1-
lorytown, ;Matheson, Maynard, Midland,
Milton, Mitchell, eforrisburg, Mt. For-
est, New arket, Ne* Sarum, North
11a Cskville
Orilla, ,rima . a
: C�ik wfh, 1'#wari
Sound, Paris, Parry Sound, Pelham
,Centre, . , Penetanguishene, ,Sault Ste.
Marieo f 11
►St trf vi e, St, Cathe?rines, Spela-
cerville, Tlllsonburg, Toronto (three),
Tweed, Uxbiridge, Woodstock, Yariroutk,
Centre, sad Winchester.
nly a Blindfolded man would. buy an- outomobile
today without looking the Mlaxwell over..
There's noexcusetoday far any yuan who i, "jollied" into buying a car Wore he looks
over the-' 1915 Maxwell.
We give you the two vi.egi thing: in this Maxwell Car ands Shen .the . 7 new, feature
1915 Maxwell the most talked-abo t car oiler ro to .
that have made the �
Here are the two vital th g3 that any cane
Man wants when he buys an automobile
In the first place
—a handsome, real automobi2o that
he can be proud to ride in.
In the second place
—, a powerful, fast, economical auto-
mobile that will9ake him any-
where °and : bring .ng r back.
We give you these two vital things, and
then just about every other. detail „ of re-
finement, comfort and endurance • that you
' can think of.
Take ' power and hill.clirbing ability, for
example ween you buy a 1915 Maxwell
you buy an. exact duplicate of tip stock
Maxwell cars in which ss i �I{ Bill" :Turner'
.. "Billy"
1! -. +-"� World's,,
and Carlson .broke two oa ld s Re-
cords in two of the toughest roughest moon-
tain hill-clurbs ever adc—t,. Hilton
ar d r to Wilson. -
=l Take speed and erzacca o., for v
a �:
when you buyazwe, y e a by a car wade
by the came s- me chief engi-
neer--from the S ..f:�. Maxwell
heat-treated, testza :s~ `, , ' , t was wed in the
'Maxwell Racers" in .ciihich Barney Oldfield
and 'Billy" Carlson both broke' the '300 -
mile . mon-stop race records in Corona and
San Diego.
Read This L&vt o/' Expensive Fe tures. The 1915 Maxwell irks
Attractive Streamline Body
Pre streamline body; graceful crown fenders,
ith� all rivets concealed. All the grate, style
and `snap" that you will iind in any of the highest
prig cars. .
High-Tension Magneto
T arly all the high priced cars have high tension
Iag etos. A high tension magneto gives positive
i ni fon. The Simms magneto, with which the Max -
ell is equipped, is recognized as on) of the best
m getos made.
Left Side Drive—Central Control
Left side steer with gear sblfting levers in center
of driving compartment—center control—has been
accepted by leading makers of expensive automo-
biles as the safest and most comfortable for the
driver; that is why the Maxwell has it, The Max-
well' is so easy to drive and control that a child
can handle it.
Three -Speed Sliding Gear . Transmission
All high priced ears have a. sli,
ding gear trans -
emission. It is costly to make, but it is the best:
If the motor has the power, sliding gears will
pull the ear out of any mud or sand. The Maxwell
bas a. three -speed selective sliding gear transmission
because Maxwell engineers do not consider any
other type to be worthy of the Maxwell car.
- Double -Shell _Radiator with Shook
Absorbing -Device =
'i'he Maxwell radiator is of handsome design,
gracefuIIy curved, and it is built to be trouble.
proof. It is the expensive double shell type and
bas ample cooling capacity. The radiator is
mounted to the frame by • means of a shock ab-
sorbing device, en °axle side, which relieves the
radiatofr of all twists and distortions of the frame,
caused by roughness of -the road. The shock ab-
sorbing device also minimizes the possibility of
radiator leaks.
The Roomy Full 5 -Passenger Body
Adjustable Front Seat
The 1915 Maxwell has a' full grown 5 -passenger
body. The front seat is adjustable, you can move
It three 'Inaba forward or backward. This makes
the car really comfortable for 'the driver. No
cramped legs for tall people or uncomfortable
reaching for short people. Most drivers' seats are
made to fit anyone—sofit no one.
Features And Many Others.
Low "Up -keep" Carburetor
The carburetor used on. the Maxwell was espec-
ially designed for it after long and severe tests
under every conceive* condition. Economy tours
conducted by hundred of dealers and owners in
different sections of the country have proved its
efficiency, its quick espouse to throttle and its
extremely lbw eonsu ption of gasoline. It has
been termed the "low tip -keel" carburetor.
Irreversible Steering Gear •
Tho• greatest mar;ln of safety has been pro-
vided en the steering' gear of its 1315 Maxwell.
The Maxtivcli irreversible steering mechanism is
of the expensive worm -and -gear type and . its su-
periority over every ether type lies in its many
adjustments. At no time is more than a fourth of
the Leering surface of the gear which operates
the worm in use, 'When needled, a now bearing
surface may be had by adjusting tbo gear a quarter
of a turfs. In wort, the elaswell steering gear
has four times the adjustment of any ct, c: kind.
Heavy Car Comfort -
What surprises most peopia is the sztcoa, 1.11:37
: ey
apt riding quafitioe of `ee Moxwei . The npriug
su peision the,1915 Maxwell is the same e�1
combination of long
semi -elliptical front sprin e
erin s
ar_3 the three-quarter elliptic rear c , i3 that
is need on mot heavy weight, high priced. oars.
The Maxwell offers you every essential of the Wee -
est Priced machines at_a, pith of their Best.
One Size of Tire--Anti-Skids on Rear
The Maxweii ear is Oise of the easiest, ears in thea
world on tires: Maxwell owners carry. but one%
spare tire and bat one size of spare tubes.- Econom-
ical 30 inch x 3i inch tires are used all arottnL
A fatuous snake of anti-skid tires aro supplied
on rear wheels.
A Dependable Electric 'Starter
For $'70 extra, you can have your Mexweli de-
livered etiuippod with the famous Signs-idaiff e eo-
:trie starter. This starter la e#licicnt, trouble proog
and easily operated.
And the MenwelI is oornpletely equipped from the
clear vision, ventnl:aing wIudshield at the, font
io the .r,are tiro carrier at the rear.
The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Ownern
Noother automobile isMorereliableservice than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. Scores of Maxwell dealers ha every part of this
backed by a
s ready togive expert advice -to make adjustments and to supply new parts at reasonable prices. Windsor, are alway y , : . ,� _ offices
Dealers' Service Organization isperfected and completed by the great Maxwell Service Station lindsor, Ont. Tine main off
This splendid Maxwellis and factories of the MaxwellMotor Company in Detroit, U. S. A., are vsthin comparatively short distance stance of many points in Canada. This in itself means
rapid delivery of replacement parts to Canadian Maxwell dealers and owners. Maxwell Service is one of the great.advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owner.
want it.delivered we 'I [ t
Order a Maxwell from us nc��, and youwhen
The .7 1-2 ce increase in Canadian ,�s Tate l 1net-2 ;d Increase in ice of
duty will not increase the price of the give you, your car -,Riot an excuse delivery a y Maxwell
will ear n Gene the pride Ei too
Maxwell ear in Canada. Y
B. il!eotric
wlismsOR starter'
.Q.r1.0,p. Cc!
1artge 4. -Auto_
1.0) iAg nt,
Phone ItSa