HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-05-28, Page 5MAY 1915
w them our complete line of
e tor all feet. Toes and lasts
e hardest kncL of -wear and .
died the question of shoeing
1 we believe that we know
quality of the shoes is taken
High shoes, Oxfords, pumps
hoes for the babies. A come
shoes always in stock. The
alues to be found anywhere.
ek kid with turn soles, sizes
. sic shoes in black or browie
)air, sizes 5 to 7 i -a for 1.25
ts with patent tip and exten-
to 10 1-2 for x . 25 a pair.
sizes 5 to 7 1-2 for r.20
lassie boots, buttoned or
, sizes 8 to To 1-2 for 2.00 a
rS Classic make, dull kid or
S.5 to 7 1-2 for i.5o, sizes 8
_ Patterson; General Sec., Miss Jes-
'cella/Ian ; Assistant Sec., ,Mis0
rood; Literature Sec, Mrs -4 Minhie
air; Stranger's See" Mks norm*
Trea.s., Miss Hattie Sutherland;
wpazget, Mese Anna Madge; Sada
ce Corrmittee, Mrs. Louise Simpte
.MLss Katie Scott, Miss Jessie
Ie. • a
efs.-Our villagers were shocked
ionday last to learn of the death
ondon, of Benjamin Oliver Hog -
eldest sea zf 31..r. ,and ;firs. W.
aggarth, who was only in his 20th
and was in London attending the
:al College,aid re.garding whom
:er particulars will be given in next
s' issue. The bereaved parents
the heart -felt sympathy of the
? community in their very Sad
verrent.-Miss Elizabeth Tuili, who
.7een in ill -health for a number of
hs, is in the hospital in London,
'Mr. Yuill, her father. is also at
nt lo London. -The demand for
:73 to rept in Hensall still con -
greater than the suppiy.-Miss
e McQueen has returned frorr vis-
relatis at Waterloo,. - The
le of lir. Jarres Bonthron, sr., will
t to learn that he has been and
11 very poorly and confined to the
! -The Council held a court of
i:011 CM Tuesday evening last. a -
William - Fee of this village has
:d himself to a fine "Studebaker"
with all the latest improvements
eulturents.-Mies Mary Johnston
tly returned from Woodstock,
she hasiheen visiting her sister,
Shortt and farrily.-eOur villagers
,..oi 'this week with very much, re -
the ',death of Dr, lacarthar of
on. The doctor was well and fav -
known in bur village as he was
here in past years visiting his
er, John Macarthqr. and a Aura -
f re1ative3 here, and an Tuesday
of our* villagers atteroted the
ai.-Our villagers welcome the re -
our street sprinkler which for
,ple of weeks was .out of corrmistO
accoont of undergoing repairs,
ye trust from this out it Will do
eervice as we now have an abun-
• of water handily available in our
f.. -el tank and there_ is -no excuse
fly more clouds of dust in our
es and adjacent residential !sec-
-Our Council are preparing to
1 a good cement driveway onboth
of the new town hall for making
venient for the getting out quick -
3 fire ergine and equipment. We
a they also intend cementing in
of the hall and connecting it with
idewalk but leaving -a cauple of
in the cement for flower -beds*
. is a capital idsa and will add
,t o the apPearance of the hall. -
14th of May was celEbrated here
shooting or gun tournament, in
, quite a large number of crack .
gen, took part and a, good ,shoW-
r shots was rra.de for the liberal
offered. The bowlers also had
la Day"ron our fine green, wh e
e number .drove over to Mitch 11,
1 he day ,was being celebrated on
scale. -Mrs. Manns, sr., is visit-.
'lathes in London. -Mr. George
and family were recently visited
number of relatives from
EL Mr, Robert Drysdale and. farn-
also visited this week by Tel -
or the satne city. -Mr. Thomas
and also! Mr. Roland Cudrrore
shing an in good shape the work
structing their fine new dwell -
t the east end of our village,
-ill fill in nicely just where
-ere nEeded,-Mr. John McAllister
-tantiy making improvements to
,c--! Property he bought F.torne time
aown for so many years as the
o Moir property comprising a
. of acres at thelourskirts of
'lage.-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
t.. -ere recently visited by an auto
r r(latives and friends from ne r
t.-Mre. Charles Troyer is vis
'1,ir eon in Courtland. -,-\1r. and
L. Cud:fore have been visited by
-5 of thEir family this week -
are preparing to erect a
tle building at the rcar of their
•en and have the material mitt
sh ? if so, come
styles of good
Irotir choice for
p and 15 cent's,
tx:sh, we have
olid -Magnesia
8t 1915;
4 Thumday, May 27
sOltannareu.(riew).... .„
eats, per hushel(newi • •••. .
-pia, per Weld • Cc vor low 0. • •
Sitriaart Per Wahl:IL., .6.1••• or. ••Wit•••
16011•61 per ton.„.- •
Flour, per 1001bs.......- ...
BetterNo. 1. i0040,,kr.6*. easo
*US ,Yett sloarm.. am mg**. m 6 Wpm.
Ray ..... GO- •••••••
ratstoesr- per tee
_tirades. , ay.
ta t
55j 66
60 to 1 60
60 e 06
00 tO 20 00
00 to 2$3 00
'lb te 4 00
24to 26
th W
00 to 15 OD
"ir 00 tl 276
, 16.5. 1/4
. 60,
"t $80,
Poultry Mark ts f. •
!Toronto, May 26. -Live- kens, 120
(14; fow1, 112c to 14c; tda ks, 4.0c to
12c; turkeys, 15c to 160; r -
chickens, 17c to 20c; fowl, Ac to lfic ;
!ducts, r16c to 18c; turkeys, 20c . o 28c.
" Toronto. FloraF Mar et
Pollowing are quotations t local ex-
° ihanges:—Reavy draughts, young 'and
'wand, 1,400 pounds and up, $185 to
040; light draughts, young:and [sound,
'.n40 'to $190; urlyerS, .$19 4115;
,ifarm chunks, $125 to $160; serviceably
'blocks, $60 to e120; 4000 work-
, ors, $80 and ap.
ar si ' r
1 \
Dairy Market ,
1 Toronto, May 26.-Butter1-The rrar-
ket is ,fairly itetive for blotter, with
Faeces steady. Choice dalryi 24 to 26c;
inferior, 21 to 280; creaarbry, I Prints,
- no #330; do., solids, 28 to1290.,,IEgge-
The iirarket continue,s actiele and btea-
Vfy, liviith sales at" 21 to 280 pert dOzcn,
in ease lots. Cheese -New,' large, 20e e
do etwIns, 20 1-4c, old, large, ;Ice de;
,twins, (21 1-4c. Troney -eII kwheat, 7
1-4c a pound, en tins; 7c to 7I3 -4c in
barrels; trained clover honey, q.2 1-2e;
14c in 8-1113 ;tins; Coirb honey1 No. 1
$3*eper krozan; Noe 2, e$2.40 per (then.
" —.....e.....-.--
-• Grain, Etc.
Toronto, May 26.--Ilantbo1ba Wheat -
No. (1 Northern, $1.63 1-2; No. 9North-
ern, 41.69 1-2; ,No. 3 Norther4ir.$1.58
-1-2, trite*. lakeports. Manitoba Oats—
No. 2 C.W., a 1.-2c; No.- 8 C.1W, $5P ;
•extra No. 1 feed, 6c; No. 1 feed, ,64
1-4e, track, lake ports. American Corn—
No. 2 yellow, 79c, track, Toronto. Can-
. radian Corn—No. t2 yellow, 79cI track,
'Toronto. Ootario Oats -No. 2 W;hite, 60
to 61c;c.No. 3 white, 59 to g0c, outside.
Ontario, Wheat -No. a winter, per car
lot, 11,45 to *1.46, outside. .Peas—No.
2, 4nhn1nal, iper !car lots, '$1.60 to $1115,
.outside. Barley -Good in:a ting barley,
73 Ito roc; feet barley, 65 to 70c,;outs1de.
Manitena Flour -First patents, in lute
bags, • ,T 3.i0; second patents, in jute
bags, $7,60; stron.g bakers' 41 inte bags,
*1.40,Toronto; in cotton bags, 10c
more. Ontario Plour-Wij1ter, 90 per
cent. 'patents, 46 to $6.10, seaboard, er
Toronto freights in bags. allilfeed -
Car lots, per ton, bran, $26; shorts,
per ton, *28; middlings, er ton, $29;
good feed flour, per bag, s‘3.05, deliver-
ed 'Montreal freights. Bears -he mar-
ket 71.8 quiet at $3.10 to $2.15, for prime,
and 4$3.10 Ito $3.25 for hand-picked. po-
tatoes-,Ontarlos, 50c per bag, out of
store; 45c In car lots ; New Brtmswicks,
60c Per bag, out of store; 66c in car
late. Baled Hay and Straw -Local 'mer-
chants are now baying on track. To-
ronto, at the following prices :-Baled
hay, No. 1 ton, '*17 to *17.60; , do. No, t2
ton, ' $15 to *16; ao. No. 2, ton, $13
to r$14; ibald s'craw, ton, $7 ;to $8.
Live Stock Markets.
ti,verpool, May .26. -There was a fur
tber sharp advance in prices at Birken-
head during the past week. Good qual-
ity Irish steers and heifers : are now
rraking twenty-two cents per pound,
with choice 'qualities at twenty-three
cents. Chilled. Itteef has else advanced.,
-both North and South- Arrerican sell-
ing at sixteen and a half tents per
pound' for the ',sides.
Buffalcf,.' May 26. -Quality considered,
the rrarket was ah-yut ten cents lower
than last week. Choice to prfire steers,
$8.75 'to 49; fair ;tot good, f98.25,, to Mei
'50; plain land coarse, $7.60 to $7.85;
.6 choice to prime handy steers, $8to
q-2.50 ; fail- to t good, $7.50 to V1.75;
light common, • $6.50 to 51; ;yearlings,
58.60 4to $8,75; prime fat heifers, g1.50
to *8; good butcher heifer-, $7.50 to
47.75; light butcher heifer.% $6.50 to
$7. Hog,s-Slow ; hea.vy and. nixed, 47.-
09 to $8; • yorkers, $7.75 to,.$8 ; pigs-,
47.60 to 47.75; roughs, $6.59 to $6.75;
stags, I§ 5 to $5.50. Sheep and Lambs -
Slow ; sheep s-teady; larr.bs, $6 to $10.75 ;
„yearlings,' i 5.50 Ito *9.25; weithers, $8.-
10 to *8.75; ewe's, $3 to $8; Shei.r5
rci,xed, 41 Ito 48.25. 1 , ,.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May --
26. -The offering in cattle! numbered
2,500 and there ,was plenty a scope for
„the buyers. After the experience of last
week, it was expected that the run
would. be light, but the drevere.Again
took the Tisk. As events turgewdlout
they iscored, far after a ebow StaiVstrade
picked up and before noon w M the
market closed for the day .the e. were
comparatively few left -overs. Tii. re was
just a .s11Spiel011 tha,t quotatioons Were
a trifle 'firmer than at the closelof last
week, but quality tight have been ras-
ponsible for this. Three ektra , choice
steers, which averaged 1,500 -pbunds,
topped •the market at 58.80, but the
highest price paid for a load was $8.-
45, though ono or two choice 'butchers
trade to $8.50. Several leads cashed
in fat 4-8.35, and there waS farri,trade
done between $7.75 and $8.25. A111 class-
es were in more or `lesserdemand after
the lighter runs of tte/Iarter inarketS
of last week. Mediuir cattle were stea-
dy (from" *6.85 to $7.25 and valUes for
commons varied from $6'.25 eel $6.75.
Butcher bulls ,and fat coWs were ,also
• In request ithctugh there Were very few
of either class to ma,ke over $7. Canners
ire not over Plentiful jOst how and
,the 'packers have to fall backon comb,
mon cattle to fill export: order. Only
a trifling trade was- done in Milkers
and springers, but prices Were unchang-
ed. Stockers iand.feeders also were slow
bot the trade is likely to irrprove later
in the week: Quotations for ,spriog
Iambs tumbled down anything from $1
to -$2, and. far this a Poorer quality
W,as not solely to blame!. Thebulk of
the yearlings sold from j $7 to $9; but
sheep were weaker at from $5, to $7.
Calves held about steady. Hogs a nor-
mal run. firmed 10 cents ; the general
Holders of Government:Diploma-
and lAcense
Mo0011.MIC/K-AtII thuesville, on May 12th, to Rev'
R. J. and Mrs. McCormick, a daughter.
MURRAY-1n Ethel, on May 18th, to Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Murray, a daughter. -
SHANNON -In MoSillop, on blay,12th, to Mr, and
Mn. William Shannon, a on.
DRUMMOND-At Wingharn, May 160, to ter. and
Errold Drummond, daughter.
MoDERMITT-In Howlett, on May Ilth, to Mr. and
Mr MoDerthitt. aeon.
CART/LNG-At Centralia, on Idayi 16th, to Ilr, and
• Etirs. I, Thoinas Carling, et Brighton, a pont
FREE --In Seaforth on May 24th, to Mr. and Mu.
Wesley Free, a daughter.
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 107 *Phone50
STEWAR'I-COLEHAN-At Herm% on "Ilay lith,
" Miss
May Jane, daughtar of Mr. Sarah J. Cole.
man, to James Milton stemet. seatete.
BRAY -SILL --in Brantford, It:iv. B. D. Munn
ton. at the personnel on 4th, M. W. P.
Bray, to Mrs. Elm% Rill, With 1 &emote
• Deaths
MICBEINER.4n Seaforth, oifMay 25th, John Le,on
. arti, eldest sot of Mr. and Mre. Charles Fink-
beiner, aged 7 years 5 months and 16 days.
DIFISLEY-In Chicago, on day /4tba Mr. Wmi
soo of the late Edwke Dinsley, of
BIGGINst -- In Goderien. township, May 17tb,
Thomas Murray, :on of Mr., and }Ira. Wilfrid
Biggins, aged 2Kears.
DENNISON -1n Me Mop township, on May lbth,
Williana Dennison, aged 70 years and 9 months*
HESSELWO0D-In Hui -lett, on May 900 Mary A.
, Rutledge, widow of Matthevr Hasselwood, aged
87` years and 9 months. •
MOE ACEEN-aIn Lonon, on May 16th, Thrikaai G.
MoCraoken, aged 62 years.
koARTKE--In. Hartney, Manitoba, on April 30th,
John MeArter, formerly of Morris, In his 48rd
QUIGRENGESSER-In Logan, on May 8th,,Freder.
kik Ferdinand Qaerengeaser, age Otyaars, 11
months and /8 days. •
BRADWIN-1n Wingham, on May 14th, Joseph E.
Bradwin, aged 72 years, 2 months and, 28 days.
BIGGINS--In Goderiob, township,. -on May 17th.
Thomas blurray, en of Mr. and Mrs. _Wilfrid
Biggins aged 2 years and TO months. °
BELCHERLIn Goderich, on May 15th, Minnie For.
- den, beloved vtife of Sidney Beioher, aged 27
- years. .
ROBERTSON -In Goderich, on May 24th, Alexand.
er Robertson, in hita751.1% year.
KETOREN-In fitanloyaon May 19thlJohn Ketches
In his 85th year.
2 S. T. Holmes
4 Licensed Embalmer
I Undertaking parlors in Oddfel
lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Masi-
do dence Goderich st., opp
IDr. Scott's.
Funeral Director and
, Flowers furnished on
; short notice.
iPhone Night or Day
V04049440 40•41.94194041.0,99.9.409
OR SALE -In Egmnodville, limes and two lots,
_El corner location, on Main road, eleotric lighted,
chicken house and atable, small and large fruits.
Great snap for someone. Apply at Expositor office.
"no EMDENCE FOR SALE - A comfortable frame
rfu residence near the High &Moot. Good cellar
hard and soft water, a first class stable and half an
acre cf ground. House heated by furnace. °heap
for quick sale. Tdrms easy. LApply :GEORGE
TURNBULL, Seaforth. 2.46141
OOD blacksmith stand for sale or to rent. with
k...T or without tools, no opposition, uo blacksmith
within eight milea, good cash, business averaging
from es to 38 a day, shop, house an acre of land with
orchard and stable, imm ediataa possession owner re-
tiring on account of ill h ealth. D. S. STTHEIMAND
Seaforth, R R. No. 2. 2474,4
nOTTAGE FOR SALE -The comfortable cottage,
1,._) on George at., Seaforth, belonging to the est-
ate of the late Mrs. Isaac Miller. The house con-
tains parlor, dining room, kitchen and four bed.
rooms. There are two lots and a good stable. It is
within one block of Main at. There is a good cellar
and hard and soft water within ths house. Apply
at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 2474.tf
quotation for lots weighed off cars be-
ing 49.75. H. 'M. Levinoff (for Montreal
Abattoirs) bought five loads Welters,
$7.90 to $8.30. Joe Wilson (for Hp. TOWMSHIP OF TUCKERSMITit
FAR- figi1C).1113341IW112:QZ8,II13:108iiirse91,reTnu:kg;
ender bush. The farm is well fenaoed and drained
and in a good state of oultivation. There are on the
premises a good, frame house, bank 'h_arn, pig house,
Lien house, drive house and two good wells. For
terms and particulars apply on the premises or ad -
trees MRS, JOHN MoOLOY, Egmondville P.O.
WARM FOR SALE -For sale 100 sores of choice
I: laud hi the Township of Ribbed, heingfLod
Concession D. On the premises are a brick' house,
drive shed, hank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen undarrleath. The farm is well fenced and
nriderdrained, land there are 10 acres :of hardwood
bush. Rural Mail and Telephone Connection.
For arther particulars apply to ADELINE SILLWRY
5sialbs, Ont. ' 2422aff
-UNARM FOR SALEIsot 10, Concession 6, L.R.8„,
Tuckeramith. The farm contains 100 acres, all
cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Three
never failing wells, windmill at barn. Good bunk
barn 50x88, pig house, hen house and drive shed.
A good frame house with furnace. An acre and. a
half of e tra good orohard. This cholas farm is
within 8 lies of Seaforth, on the Kippen road.
HENRY ORSYTH, Egmondville, 2462-tf
taining I
There is
dation an
DO stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all
In good repair. There is also a good bearing or-
chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well
miderdrained and well towed and in a high state of
euttiseeiee with so acres of hardwood bush. It is
well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south
of Walton C. P. It. station, also telephone and rural
mail delivery. This is a choice farm and will be
sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars
apply on the:premisesSor.address. W. J.IDICKSON
Walton. 2458 -ti
FARM FOR SALE-Forlale Lot 25 and
of Lot 24, 'Concession 14, MoKillop, con -
0 acres. There are on the premises a
etc house with hard and soft water.
Iso a good barn 60x126, with stone foun-
ambling underneath, driving shed 30x4)
Ice" Ice!
Dissolution Of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hith.
orb) seestsotat between the undersigned under
the Firm name of Scott Bros, has this day been
dissolved by mutual seesent, Pardee having
etaime against the said firm should hand them to F.
Rohneatedi,Barrieter, Seaforth, for adjustment, On
or before JUne let, 1915.
NITItness : V. 1101iiiested(
Dated at Seaiortb, Ont., this 20th day of April,'
Timber for Sale
• We have a, quantity of square timb-
er, OA- 8x8, 16x10 in lengths up to
30 feet. This timber is suitable for
barn* aid other frame building- work
andwillhe sold at about half price of
new Timber.
Roy Nelson, is prepared to furnish customers
with ice during the sesson. Delivered daily. Phone
No. 6, Seaforth. 2474x4
Robt. Bell Eng. &, Thresher
Town of Seaforth
AVE, notice that:
i. The 0oun3-11 of the Corporation of the town of
Seaforth, intends to construct as a !oast improve.
went a cement sidewalk oh the emit side of Malta '
st., from Birch et., south, in fiont of Lots :146, 147,
148 and 149, Gouinlook Survay and intends lo
specially assess a part of the cost upon the land
abutting direosly on the work.
2, The estimated oost of the work hi 8100.00, of
which $40.00 le to pe 'paid by the Corporation. The
estimated special rate per foot frontage is 2.7 cents:
The speolal assessment Is to be paid in fifteen an.
nual installments.
8. A petition against the work will not avail
to prevent its construotion.
Dated this 27th day of May, 1015. 2470-3
Many Colleges close for Va-
cation at midsummer. Our
College does no.
Yonge and Charles sts., Toronto, is
strictly first class. None better in
Canada. Enter now so. as to get a
position in the early fall: Catalogue
++++++++++++++++++:0+++441 •
IWestern University
+ . , ' London
i: liorward Movement
+ .
ik. Greatly enlarged faimlties in
Arts and Medicine/ Vastly
+ improved equipment—library
4. laboratories etc. Seven new
+ scholarships. Record enrol: -
+ ment. Inquiries solicited.
t E.E. Braithwaite, Ph. D. $
4, 471.12 PRESIDENT .3:.
The undersigned wishes to announce
that he has installed a new mach-
ine of late design and is now busy
manufactuang tile, tee is prepar-
ed to fill all order large or small
-Special attention given to large
We still have some tile seasoned
over from last year. Drain your
land and reap bigprofits and buy
your tile from •
Wm. M. Sproa3
R. R. No. 4, Seaforth
Phone 9 on 136
Deparment of Physics O.A.C.
Guelph, Oct. 14, 1914
Mr. G. Brownleee jr.
Seaforth, Ont.
Dear Sir,-
: I am In receiPt of yours of October
9th, and I am sending you a- copy
of Bulletin 220 con Lightning* Rods. I
presunia you hayn't got it or you would
know which is -the proper way to rod
an lion -roofed building. You will see
by the bulletin, page 34, that Harold
Currle's Iron -roofed. barn was. ground-
ed from the Peak, in one place only,
and that his barn was burned after
being egtruck by lightning. I have an-
other report this summer of -an iron -
roofed barn grounded- from the peak
at ?kith ends, and it was burned. I
have: no reports of rretal-roofed ?build-
ings grounded from. the eaves being
• burned. Hence go -and at eaves. Trust-
ing this will give you the informa-
tion required.
•I am, •
Yours very truly,
.:WM. H. DAY.
Town of Seaforth
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given that the 1st meeting of the
Gond of Revielon for hearing appeals and complaints
against the Assessment Roll of the town of Seaforth
for 1916, will be held in theCounoil Chamber, town
hall, Seaforth, on Monday, the Ith :day of June,
1915, at 8 o'clock p.m.
Town of Seaforth
Dated at Seaforth, this 17th day of May, 1916.
Tenders, !
Kennedy) sold tsix loads; butches
and heifers, .$7.80 to $8.30; `Lcowe. 8-26.
to ($7; bolls, $6.25 to $f/.. C. Zeeman.
and !Sons sold one load butcherS, 1,200
lbs., L$8.10; !one load butchers, 00. lbr.,
47.80; one load mixed pow, 1000 lbs.,
$5.75 to $7. H. lilunntsett bought 130
buthher cattle, 900 to 1,200 lha:, $8 • to
$8.10. Fred ROVIptreie liglight 2iXilk"
ers,1471.* to495. ;
0- •
Tenders for the construction of the
Tyndall Drain, will be received by the
undersigned up to June 12th, 1916.
Plans and profiles may be seen at the
Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted, but each
tender must be accompanied by a de-
posit of $50 as a guarantee.
2478-3 D.F. McGREGOR, Clerk
Attractive Trips
Georgia Bay
French River
Maganetawan River
There's No Place
Like Home
Why. not ridd to its attractiveness by
giving, its decorations an individuality
that reflects' yourself ,
oWf ve•lio:evi:nanainuandesovu%Ilayti:ttwraacutie:apliers
to choose from -and will be gled to pub
our expert knowledge at your service
to help van select decorations that are
out of the corm:non place. Be sure
and see our samples before placing
your. order elsewhere All kinds of
painting, glazing, tinting, etc., deme
on short est notice. Our twenty seveYt
years of practical experience guaran-
tees satiseactory. results.
Jan. HQ'
Master Painter 84 DeCorator
John street - • Seaforth
wax -massimmommiammilmmilL‘ .2=101161Mal
Lake of Bays
Algonquin Park
Kawartha Lakes
Timaga,mi, etc.
The Popular Trip of
the Season
Steamer Greyhounl
Goderich to
and Detroit
return $1.50
Going to Detroit, Tuesday June 15
Return from Detroit Thursday,
June 17th
Groderich Band, Moonlight
8 p.m.
White Star Line
Detroit, Mich.
It is yotir assurance of
perfect satisfaction in old
or.new work. Insist on
getting Cana3a Cement.
A full stock on hand at
all times.
Hemlock sills cut to order
Shingles, xxx and xxxx
Spruce and pine dressed sid-
ings a.rid flooring
Metallic building materials
Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes.
Steam coal
Smithing Coal
Tile, all sizes, either in the
yard or delivered on the
Cedar posts all sizes
14" slabs, a bargain
Anyone in the market for any
of the above lines will do well
to get our prices..
J. B. Mustard
Phone lion 145
, I
Ontario's; hest: pradtical training
school. 4We have thorough coure
and experienced instructors in e ch
of our three departments,- Commr.
dal. Shorthand and Telegraphy. �ur
eeraettiateS succeed and You should get
our largo, free catelogue. Write tor
it at once. D. A. McLACHL N
We have in stock and ate
prepared to sell at
lowest prices No. hem-
locklumber and the best'
grade x x x, xxxx and
xxxXx red cedar shingles.
Before building or mak-
ing repairs call and see
our stock or drop i.h a -card
for prices.
Ament Bros,
Beginning M on da y,
+ May loth, the store at
+ St. Columban . will c1o3e
on Monday, Wednesday
And Friday evenings at
six o'clock for the sum-
mer , months. Tuesday,
+ Thursday and Saturday
evenings will remain
+ open as usual.
J. Holland
St. c0,14tIrribeant, 1.1
Shorthorn,Bull for, Sale
Forsalesale "Lord Scott" eleven
months old, red, sired by Scottish
Hero 55043--90066, vol 51E., imported
by Mr. Davis of 'Woodstock. Dam,
Lady Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved
April 3rd, 1907, bred by John, Chamb-
ers, Kippert, Ont., dam of Lady Smith
Lady e Smith 2nd, 60262; Lade; Smith,
Lady Marys Rosebud 3rd, lose Bud,
Red Ruse, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower,
Theresa, Strawberry, Red Rose, Lady
Jane (imp) No. 281. Sire of Lady
Smith, Red Prince 63981-77608; Royal
Don 17105-43471.7; Captain 24848; Dub-
lin 6848-55588; Captain Merlin 2923;
Pride of Seabaen 2274; Earl of Good-
ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke
Bourbon 517 -' Baron Solway (imp) 23;
Cobden (imp) 52; Young Britton 1176;
Sir Walter 2632; Son of Jerry 4097;
Young Star 5319; Roseberly 567; Sten
of Comet 1A5. It, will be seen from
the above that this young bullhas the •
very choicest blood in his veins. For
further particulars apply to
Popular Stallions
The folio wiing well known stallions
will stand for the improvement of stock
this season as follows:
Bred by and the property of James
Carlin, will stand. fbr the Improvement
ofestock at his own stable, Huron Road,.
McKillon two miles and a half east of
Seaforth. Terms to insure, $10. Inspect-
ed and approved. •
Round trip tourist ticket now on
sale from certain stations in . Ontario
at very low fares, with liberal stop-
Leaves Toronto 10:15 aen. daily ex-
cept Sunday, for Muskoka Wharf,
Huntsville, Algonquin Park and
North Bay. Connections are made at
Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes
and at Huntsville for points on Lake
of Bays. Parlor-Lihray-Buffet car to
Algonquin park; Parlor-Library'cafe
car and. first ciass coaches to North
Bay. Full particulars and tickets on
application to agents.
W. Somerville . Tewn Agent
W. Plant Depot Azent
C. E. HORNING, D. P, A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
13978 (16986)
Inspected. and Applroved. ,
'John J. MeGavin, Proprietor.
Will stand for service during the pres-
ent season at John- 3. McGavifres
Stables, Leadbury, Lot ' 22, Con-
cession 13, McKillop.
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIM Alert Genente Maims,
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FOND, $13 500 000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadb.n Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mait and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departinents of the Bank's
business. Money may,be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. t' S24
W. 0. T.
Seaforth Branch
FordTournig. Car
Prifce $_590
Your neighbor drives a Ford -why don't
you? We are selling more Fords in Canada
this year than ever before- becauee
diens demaod the best in motor cia service
at the lowest possible cost. The -Made in
Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury.
Runabout is $540; Town ear price on ap-
• plication; All Ford care are fully equipped!
Including electric headlights. No cars sold
unequipped.. Ford buyers will share incur
profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August
1,114 and August 11, 1915.
All Ford cars on exhibition at.
J. F Daly's Garage, Main st.,
• a••••••• -•••••••N•0*
G. \W. Nott, Pronrieton
Monday -Will leave his own stable,
West End, Tuckersmith, and go south
to the Mill Road to Ed. "'apple and
Sons for noon; then across the Huron
Road and west ;to Wm. Dale's for the
night. Tuesday -To the Graham House,
Clinton, for men, remaining , until the
following morning. Wednesday -To his
own stable for noon, where he Trill re-
main until the following Monday morn-
Phone 6 on 147, Seaforth Central
N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept
lor service on the above premises
during the present season. 2473 tf
and- Ikacie
73, uggie.s
• We have now ready a large
stock of up to date Buggies,
both steel and, rubber tired;
Stanhope and Automobile Seats,
Arched and Drop Axles.
-All Our Own Manufacture
And our prices are right, as
we have no middleman to
Give as a Call.
8E41 OR1 H.
• LEDORO, 60160 AIT.R.
Enrolment No. 2702
John Sparrow, Proprietor
.Mohday -Will leave his own stable,
Lot '17, Parr 'Line, Stanley, and go by
way of Brucefield, and the London
Road to Exeter, at Newell's Hotel for
the night. Tuesday -By way of the 2nd
concession of Stanley, to Zurich, at
Johnston's Hotel for noon; then by
vray of the Goshen Line to his Om
stable, where he will remain until the
following Monday morning.. .
At this time of year many
necessities are needed to com-
plete the spting work. Look
over the following list of
which we have a complete
Sweat pads
Hames straps
Breast straps Collar tops'
Martingales Spread chains'
Plow pads Gall Cure]
Hoof Ointment Heel chains
Curry combs Brushes
At the most reasonable prices
Tie ropes
T h orobred
The following imported Ciydpgdate r
Per0eron Stallions will stand for se vice
this season at
T. J. Berry's Stables, HENSALL, Ont.
Clydesdale [9254] (12525)
To insure, $17, $2 to be paid down at the time of service
Kixig Thomas has already stood 8 seasons at his own stable
Clydesda'e [17846] (15788)
$17 to insure
• ,Percheron• [3139] (4214)
To insure, $ io
• FRANK uksg, Barn Manager
[9255] (1219)
Colonel Graham will travel the following route throughou
the season ;
Monday, May 3rd -Will leave his own stable and proceed. west to Conces-
sion 2, Hay, thence south to Roger Nortbcott's for noon, thence south st
miles, thence east miles to John Blairs for niglit. Tuesday -North by
way of Exeter to Adam Case's, for noon. thence east 1 miles thence north to
Thomas Venner's for night, Wednesdav-North to Chiselhurst, thence I
miles west, thence 11 miles north to William Hoggaxth's, for noon, thene,e
we st by way of Kipper) road. to Concession 2 then 1 miles north, then 11
miles west to Thomas Workman's for night. Thursday -South to Eippen,
,then west to Hillsgreen and north to Webster Turner's for n000nethen south
to Samuel Walker's for night. Friday -West to Ed Douglas,' Blake, for
P7rardlititeh7:) easGetothr ejbelughtts'etitt;
noon. then south. on I3ronson lin'e tEoZtitrtioch
M. Broderick
opposite CoM/mereial Hotel
Harness Trunks Valise
noon, then east to his own stable, Hensall, until the fllowing Monday
tel Zurich, for night. a y
morning. FRED BENGOUGH, Manager,
MEETING OF THE Butter Wrappers
I2,teerww.grarretartaurri muertovisidtionsed f:Etreanterb- tleetye
the same on the shortest,. notice at
Farmers or Darin -ton requiring But-
The Council of the Corporation of the county of
Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the town
of Goderich, on Tuesday the first day of June next,
at the hour of 3 o'clock. All accounts requiring wt.,-
tiement must be iilacedwith the clerk before this
W. LANE, Clerk
Dated at Godrrich, May 17th, 1915. 24754
In lets tte 1
In lots of
ow! ••••••••414-
• .6