HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-05-21, Page 5A 24th? 1 want your feet to be well dres. rf shoes you will want to wear, 1 and yet,, withal, are not 'high seasons latest styles in shoes, nips and strap slippers in such metal calf and vici kid. OrFor hoes and Oxfords, button 'or t g -un metal calf, viciAkid :aro are rght up to the fminute. loth tops, tip or plain toes, short d laced boots, black cloth tops, Ladies- patent colt coloniai eels for $3.50 a pair. Men's art vamps, for $4.53 a ,pair, to and short vamps, for $4,00 black cloth tops, English last,, 'ffTE COMMERCIAL ROTEL alters wRI be provided for both Con- ktions, and at the dose of the busi- is proceedings the ladles and gen.. Ten will be invited to partake of, '1•••hrrents provided by their Blue - a hostesses. The people of BluevaIe y be depended upon to slo, all in their ver to wake this an enjoyable ocea- n to their violtor-s. 14161MMEZIEMIlliliW 71:Hen8a1ia ZVIST red E.`earrs--A -choice lot. of t4ele,,tei white p.n. ork hand. A,Isa two cs.rs kil dried corn. taor who in *uses. D. Urquhart,: 4Tensatt 24734, lefs.-Miss J. Yuill, of New York le. is here at present visiting at horres-The Sacrament of the Lord's Ske:r was dispensed in• Carmel Church .Sabbath reorning iast, and the pre- 7.a.tory service on the Friday even-, preceding, was conducted by the v. Mr. :McFarlane, of Bayfield. - ancillor Robert D. Bell of the town - of Tuekersmith, who underwent very critital operation on Thursday e rnoontof last week, still continues ry ill, and it is the wish of his y relatives and friends that he may experience a change for the bet- . -Mr. Ben Hoggarth, Medieal Wa- lt of London College, we regret to no still oontinues in a very criti- state, and on Wednesday afternoon father and iister, Miss Annie, e sent for to iorn xtrz. Roggarth, a has been there 110,W for the past tple of weeks in attendance, bat we Let that with the best medical skill the College and youth on his side, rray soon recover.-Miqs Margaret chanara, who was here on a visit at parental hoire, returned to 'her :re in Fargo, North Dakota, last ek.-Mrs, :McCully and daughters a.r- ed here from the Old Country, this ek and are at present stopping with Jr relatives, the Messrs. and Miss lig,- before moving into their _awn re acressethe street. -Mrs. Rurnball, Goderich, has 'been spending the past `k or two with her sister, Mrs. G. Id, of tthls village. -Miss Maud Por - was in London thee week. - The ;srs. ,Moore Brothers are this week dreg .their machinery repairs, and Alinery, into their new premises rl,y 'opposite the rallytay atation.- organ recital Wider the auspices of LadiesAid Society o• f CarrreI 'reit will be held. on Thursday even - of next week, May 27th, ao be giv- by Professor H. Frank Weaver, of pion, assisted .by Mrs. Frank Saun- a soprano of Goderich, and Miss Eve ttrson, soprano of Wingharre As the es have made the admission fee v small and the talent is so good 'e will no doubt be a large atten- &.e.-Monday, May .24th will be eele- ;ed by a tournarrent under he aus- of the Hensel) Gun Club, and re will also be bowling tournaments hat the day will be observed here in aporting. lines and as the Gun Club -offering- liberal prizea, there- will Ly be quite a large attendwice. - R. Horsley has moved into Petty's r. bleak irrrnediately west of th.e offica-Mr. Frank liffare.hall has hasad Mrs. F. Ryskrran's dwelling • ock street, and intends (3horlly ng into F. W. Srnallacombe large force of hands busily put- , lo °aloes, it only in Heneall and It. but in a number of outlying a aril will this yeartha.ve a much area of land un -der 01110115 than. a -ter year. Mr. James Johnston ko putting in quite a large quan- which added to a great n -any onions -growers, will make Ilen- e greater onion centre than ever. John Gisan, lately of [is- • hae got comfortably settled in fine brick dwelling he recently hat -el from Jamts W. Bon - [leo Albertstrtet, and will n eke prcygrive resident of our R. Beek, of London. an& ty of this village, st a wetk ntly with her friends who eanol to meet her again. our -Teethi rush? if so, come y styles of goad rushes Your choice for •nts. OTH PASTES, LIQUID DEN - wash, we have rniolid-Magnesia, Igo SEA ORTII MAY 21-,-1915 MARKETS ••••••••••••m•••••••• • sEAroR.TH MARKETS I I Thursday, May 20th, 1915. reit a twee (standaro).(new). 1 40 to 1 40 'Oak bulhsgaviv) — BB to 55 pAea, per bushel .. 160 to 1 BO itariey, par 60 to 05 arse pet ten...... 26 00 to 26 00 aka% pit ton.....P. *V. ...NM • IF • • •... 28 00 to 28 00 MeV, per 100 ***** 75 to 00 Hotta No. a boas. . 26 to 26 Rags eat dello.. ....IP* er•Ii• to 20 easy ..-..-...........-.. eo to 15 00 Totatoet, pe'r bag ao to :m 13eane........ * . ...... • 0) to 2 75 0•9••••••••••••••10/i•Ii• ENS A LL MARKETS. ThUrsday, May 201thi 1915, Wheat es $1.45, Oats 57. Bariey 60. Shorts $30A 1: Toronto :Seed Market 4.-11' ?rims quoted to country merchants tor recleaned seeds, Canadian Govern- ment tested, per cwt. -Red clover. No. 1,120 to. all; do. No.,$$18 0 $100; do. No. $, 417; alsike, No. 1, $19,50 to $20.50; daseNo. , $17,60 to 118.50; da, No. 8, $11; tiniothy, No. 1 %MS ad SAMS. , rut% wrigtaxiDstiry Marketa. 11-74ra teronto, May 18. -Butter -There ts fairly goad market, with offerings Increasing. Choice dairy, 24 to 26e; In- ferior, al to Mc; creamery prints, aa to 34e; do. solids, 29 to 30e. Eggs -The -market is fairly active and easy, with sales at 21 to 22e per dozen, in case kits. Cheese -The n:arket is firm, be- ing quoted at 19 1-4c for Large, and et 19 1-2c for twins. Poultry Markets Toronto, May 18. -Dressed Chick- ens, Mc; Spring chickens, 50 to 80; ,fowl, 13 to 15c; turkeys, 20 to t219. London. May a8. -Old fowl lb., 16 to 17c; 'young chickens, lb., 17 to 19c; duckspar lib., 11 to 120; kese per lb., 13c; turkeys per 'lb., 20 to 21c. Bean Market 'I 11 Toronto May 18. -The market is quiet at $3.10 to $3.15 for prime, and $3.20 to $3.25 for hand-picked. Detroit, May 18. -Beans for Immediate shipment, $3.05; June, $3.10 per bushel, shipping points. Limas, 7 I -2c to 8c per pound. , Grain. Eto. Toronto, May 18. -Flour- Manitoba 'first patents quoted at $8.10, in jute bags; second patents, $7.60; sting bakers' $7.40. Ontario wheat flour, . 90 per cent. patents, quoted at -$6.05 *do 46.20, seaboard, and at $6.00 to $6.20, Toronto freight. Wheat -Manitoba No. 1 Northern quoted at $1.66 1-2; -No. 2 at $1.03 34, and No. 3 at $1.61. Ontario wheat (is nominal at 31.45 to $1.48 for No. a at outside points. Oats. -Ontario quoted at 60e, outside, and' at •63c, To- ronto. Western Canada, No. 2 , quoted at 168 34:..., tand No. 3 at 66 1-4c. c.1.1t, Bay !Nes; extra NO. 1 fed, "56c. Barley -The market is nominal Good malting grades, 73 to 75c, outside. Peas -Prices are (nominal at $1.60 to *1.65. Corn - No. 12 new American quoted at 79 1-2c, c.i.f., Bay ports. .and No. 3 at 79c, Bay ports. Brand and Shorts -Bran is quot- ed at 1.26 a ton; shorts, at $28, and middlings. 129. Onions -Canadian, 75 - pound bags $L46; Egyptian, crate $5.50 to 45.75. bags, 60 to 65e per bag, out of store, and 55e in car lots. New Brunswicks, car lots, 60 to 65e 'per bag. Baled Hay and Straw. - Straw is quoted at $7.59 to $8.59 a ton in car lots delivered an track here. Hay -No. 1 hay is quoted at $17.50; No. ; at 4.15.50, and No. 3 at $13 to $13.50. , , —...).—.. Live Stook Markets. Union Stoek, Yards, Toronto, Mav 18. -The long -looked -for happened this morning when with the cattle ,,offering numbering almost five thousand head, the quotations which 'have ruled during' the past three weeks came -under the buyer's knife. At no .time, and more especially after the heavt buying of past weeks, can Toronto market stand such a run without a break resulting. Buyers recognized their opportunity and hekl aloof until tile drovers gave way, and before noon prices for all grades of cattle had been reduced from 25 to ea tents. At lunch hour half of the offering* remained unsold, and buy- ers secured another cut, and. Yhen the market closed the decline on Thursday's figures was round. 40 cents. A number of 'drovers rather than submit to the sacrifice preferred to keep their stock over-nightbut it is doubtful whether Ibis will pay them, as it is unlikely that to -morrow's market with the feel - in' as 'le is at present will show any improvement. With even a moral run the possibility is that there ntay be a further weakening. The quality to -day was no•:: up to last week's. Still there were a number of acceptable loads. The highest return for a large bunch was $8.25, but: there were a few sn:all lots and singles which eold at values be- tween 68.03 and $8.15, with odd choice cattle occasionally making" to ,$8.40 and $8.50, the latter an tsolated deai.Heavy cattle ware zUfficult to dispose of, the request bzing for medium -weights. Good butchers' sold, from $7.40 to $7,75, and mediums between: $6.85 and $7,25, with ,common quality slow tat $6.25 to $6.75. Pew good :butcher bulls made to $7.50, the bulk of the best going between $7.00 ar.d. $7.25. Prices for other gra.des werp down in compariSo(a. Hogs were alight -offering. but Thursdayae quotations with basis.s 9.10 fed. and watered. :held gotid. The. quotatains were :-Butchers' cattle. Choice, 68.10 'to $8.35; do. good, $7.40 (to $7.90; do. medium, $6. 85 to $7.25; (do. ccrnmon, $6.25 to 1,$6.15 ; but- chers' bulls. choice, $6.60 to $7.50; do. good bulls, '' 6 to $625; do. rough bulls, $5 (to 65.16; (butchers' cows, choice, $6.50 (to ;7,36; da. good, 6 to 6635; do. eredium, 65.25 to $5.75; do C011- 6 4.15 co $5,25; feeders, good, $6.50. to 67.50; It.,-ockers, 700 to 1,000 paunds., $6.25 to s'7.50; canners and cutters, $4 (to $5; milkers, cheice, each, $60 to $100; do.. commoa and medium, each, $35 to $45.; sprInger-s, :150 to $75; 'light ewes, ($7 to .6.8; do., heavy, :$5 to $6.30; do. ibuck3, $3,50 to $4.59; yearling lambs, S5 to $10; hogs, fed and water- ed, $9.15 to $9.30; do., off cars, *940 to $9.50; 'lo., La b., $7.80, Mcrntri-..al, May 18. -The strong feel- inwhich 0:e -eloped in the market for giL ehte cat ea day week has been ;Alb-- sus ned, end prices to -day scored an- other a ivance of 25 per cwt. The de- n -and was good from packers and but- ,chers for supplies. 0 -wing to the limited number cf goad to choice steers Oil the rrarket packers were forced to tele- graph to Toronto, to -buy several car- loads af these grades, In order to fill the requirements. Sales of carloads of choice s.:e.f..,rs were trade at $7.75 to $7.85, and good steers at $8.25 to $9.85s Pickel lots of :cb-olce Isola. at a9, and, ,in soxre eases as ugh as 19.26 was asked, There was a good demand for butchers' COWS, and ,sales of choice loads were wide #t 47,154. (ArAttg to Ule PiZrA 1110- IllEFEEITTRON EXPOSITOR tr,g lartbs fat In to $a,25 sand we sheep Cat $7.25 to $7.50 pet cwt., while in (the market, and prices have declined 25 to 50c 'per cwt, with sales( , of year- 'air; PreParedDt571 fuTdellii°u3tiaahme" Na 6,ceseteiarforxhte .hBeason. e vere a y ens forward'a weaker wing has developed ce! Ice! supplies of abeep and kilts corning toring tair.be sold at ..from 44 to *8 each, 1474x4 The tone a the 'Ir.s,rket for hop con - tiler advance of 25c per cwt. The de - mend from packers was good, sales of telebted tots were made at $9,75 0 $10, tettws at ($7.75 &o$8,/an stags at a4.65 to $5 per cwt., weighed off cars. Matitoba selected hogs sold at $9.50. 'Butchers' cattle, choice, $8.75. to $9; do., medium, $7.50 to 28.50; dal corn- meal, 45.75 to $6,50; canners, $4.50 to 6; butchers' cattle, choice cows, $7.75 to 45.00; do. medium, $6.75 to $7 ; do., bulls, $6,50 to $8.25,envilltere, cboice, each, $75 to ,$80 ; do., corrhlon and, me- dium, each, 465 to $70; apringers, $56 Ito $00; 'sheep, ewes, $7.25 •to $7,,50; buelts and culla, 46,75 to,$7; lambs, $9 to 19.25 ; hogs, erticaZEr, $9.76 to $10; calves, tan to 110. 'Buffalo, Kay 18. -Cattle Receipts, 8,500; tairly active; prime steers, .*8.50 to 48.80; shipping, $7.15 to $8 .85 S cher, 66.60 $6.60 to *8.60; heifers-, $6,25 Lo *8.26; 'cows, $8.75, Ito $7.25; (bulls, 104.50 to 47.85. Wals-Iteceaste, 1,800; active; $4,60 to a9.50. aleass-Recelpts, 18,500; active; heavy, $8.15 to $8.25; mixed, 68,25; yorkere, a8.15 to $8:26; PIM $7.90 to '$8; roughs, $6.75 to 46.85,; -stags, 45 to 46.75. Sheep and, lambs - Receipts, 9,000; active; eslieep steady; hirbs, 46 to $10.75; yearlings, 0.50 to $9,25; wethers, $8 to $8.50; ewes, ',Olt° 27.75; eep, mixed, '$7.76 to *8. Unties eltracig, an pricos, scored fur- mmoimm•a•••••aassemeromemli. W. T. BOX & CO. I EMBALMERS AND . . FUNERAT4'D1REC1'ORS H.C. BOX .& W.S.11ORMLEY Holders of Government:Diploma, and License CHARGES MODEILATE Night 08,11s Phone 107 Day Cais Phone 0 Births . STEWART-In- Seaforth, on May. 14th, to Ur. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, a daughter. COLEMAN -In Hibbert, on May 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, a son,. Marriages. , JESCHKE—GRIGG—At the Methodist parsonage, Brussels. on May 12th, Mr. tired .lesahke, of Craubrook, to tdissidabel Grigg, of Sulgrave. Deaths LUNN—Irl Brussels, on May 7th. Jona Lunn, in hie 40th year. STEWART—At Newbridge, on May 9th, James Stewart er„ formerIyof Turnberry. COE In Goderich,.on May 8th, Ethel Argur, relict of the late Thomas Coe. of Peterborough. STOVE—In Orderich, on May 11th. Mary Mathis - son, belovi.d wife of Henry H. Stowe. SALLOwS—In Colbore township. on May 13th, Thomas Sallow, in his 14th year. - WEST -In Goderich, on May 12th, Ellen West, aged 79 Yeses. ECMLIN -In Asbfield, oa. May 8th, Rebecca 'Ma?ey, reliot ot the late John Echlin, RIOHARDSON-In Asbfield, on klay 8th, Myrtle Grace, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson. BLACK -In Goderich, on May 8th. George 0. Black, in his 75th year. McGUIRE -In Goder lob, on May 7th, Oathasine McTavish, widow of the late Murdoch McGuire, aged 52 years. COY -In Goderich town -hip, on May 1211. Mary Pialoords wife of R.A. Cox, aged 55 years and 10 niontbs. MIMMIML - • e••••••••••••••0••••••••• S. 11., Holmes Funeral Director and. Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., c pp Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 ••••••••••••••••••11•••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICES MICR SALE -In Egmpodville, house and two lots, 11 corner location, on Main road, electric lighted, chicken house. and stable, mall and large fruits. Great snap for som.one. Apply at Expositor Office. 2472.1 •.••••••••••••••II mee ESIDENCE FOB. SALE - A comfortable frame „Lir residence near the High School. Good cellar hard and soft water, a first class stable and half an acre ct ground. Morse heated by furnace. Cheap for quick sale. Tsrms easy. sApply ;GEORGE TURNBULL, Seaforth. 246444 .•momal• 000 blacksmith stand for sale or to rent. with or without tools, no opposition, no blacksmith within eight miles, good cash business averaging trom 66 to 88 a day, shop, house an acre of land with orchard and etable, immediate pessession owner re- tiring oti account of ill health.. D. S. STTHERLAND Seaforth, R R. No. 2. 2474 4 COTTAGE FOR 8 ALE -The comfortable cottage, on George et., Serfor h, belonging to the- est- ate of the. late Mrs. Isaac Miller. The house con- taios parlor, dining room, kitchen and four bed rooms. There are two lots and a good stable. It is within one block of Main at. There is a good cellar and hard and soft water within the house. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 24744f FIRMS FOR SALE. FARA Foa SALL—Lot 5. Concession 9, Tucker. smith, containing 100 acres, about seven acres ander-hush.. The farm is well fenced and drained sod in a goo i state of cultivation. There are on the premises a good -Iran* house, bank barn, pig house, aen house, drive house and two good wells. For mans and partioulars apply on the premises or ad. tress MRS. JOHN MoOLOY, Egmonsiville P.O. -- 2356-tf MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL 1 — The COMB of the Cerporation of rhe Prnin by ot Nuron will meet in the council chamber, in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday the first day or June next-, at the hour of $ o'clook. All accounts requiring set - Wawa must be pieced with the olerie3Lefore this date. W. LANE, Clerk Dated at aodrrioh, May 17th, 1915. 2475-2 VARM FOR SALE—For sale 100 acres of choice L laud in the Township of Hibbert, bring*Los 28, Conaession 9. On the premises are a brink house, drive s,hed, hank barn with stabling, hen bouse and pig pen undetneath. The farm is well fenced and underdrained, and there are 10 acres :of hardwood hush. Rural Mail and Telephone Connection. For 1 riTher particulars apply to,ADELINESILLERY WU. Ont. 242241 FFOR SALE -Lot 10, Concession 6, L.R.S., FTuckerinnith. The tarm contains 100 acree, all clearsd and in a good state of cultivation. Three never failing wells, windmill at barn. Good bank barn 50x88, pig house, hen hanse and drive shed. A good frame house with furnace. An acre and a halt of extra good orchard. This °hoists farm is within 3 miles of Searcith, on the Kippen road. HENRY FOP.SYTH, Egmondville. 2462-tf .•••••• ButterlWrappers Farmer0 or Dairymen requiring But- ter Wtappers OS Provided for by the new agricultural regulations, can have the same on the shortest notice at TAB ,EXPOSITOB OFFICE, Seaforth. t Prices : ; in lots of 1,06101 $2.60 in iota let 500 11.76 •••••••••••• mas•••••••••••.• Town of Seaforth Court of Revision • Notice is hereby given thet,the 1st nceeting of the Court of Revision for bearing appeals and complaint; against the Assessment Roll of the town of Seafurth for 1915, will be held in theCounail Chamber, tow a hall, &Worth, on Monday, the 7th _day of June, 1915, at 8 o'olock p.m. •JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk Town of Seaforth Dated at Seaforth, this 17th day of May, 1915. 2475-2 Ontario's: ,hest: practical training school. We have thorough course and experienced iiastructors in each of our ,three departments, Coaamer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates succeed and you should get our large, free catalogue. Write for it at once. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction cf the Winthrop Drain in the township of MoKillop will be received by the undersigned up till the 29th day of May, -1915 at 2 o'clock p. m., or by post, or at meeting of Council at Saaforth. Tenders to be aocompanied by cheque for 5% of csntract price. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, ete. oan he seen at clerk's office, Lot 24, Coneession 7, McKillop M. MURDIE, Otestir May 12, 1915 2474.2 A good fresh calved stow for sale. Apply to John Spain, Seaforth 2474x1 Timber for Sale We have a Quantity of square timb- er, 6x6, 8 x8, 10x10 in lengths up to 30 feet. This timber is suitable for barns and other frame building work and will be sold at about half price of new Tinaber. Robt. Bell Eng. & Thresher Seaforth Co. t475-6 The undersigned wishesto announce that he has installed a new mach- ine of late design and is now busy manufacturing tile. He is prepar- ed to fill all order large or small Special attention given to large tile. We still have some tile seaaoned over from last year. Drain your land and reap big profits and buy your tile from Wm. M. Sproed R. R. No. 4, Seaforth Phone 9 on 136 Deparment of ,Physics OA.C. Guelph, Oct. 14, 1914 Mr. G. Brownleee jr. Seaforth, Ont. Dear Sir, - I air In receipt of yours of October 9th„. and, I am sending you a copy of Bulletin 220 on Lightning Rods. I presume you havn't got it or you would kr...crW which is the • proper way to rod an iron -roofed building. You will see by the bulletin, page 34, that Harold Currie's iron -roofed barn was ground -- ed from the peak, in one place only, and that his barn was burned after being dtruck by lightning. I have an- other report this summer of an iron - roofed barn grounded from the peak at both ends, and it was burned. I have no reports of metal -roofed_ ;mild- ings grounded from the eaves being burned. Hence ground at eaves. Trust- ing (this will give you the informs, - tion acquired. I am, Yours very truly, • al. DAY. 1 f OOD FARM FOR SALE -For Sale Lot 25 and ILX part of Lot 24, Concession 14, McKillop, con. mining 180 acres. There are on the premises a modern brick house with hard and soft water. There Is also a good hain 130x126, with stone foun. dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 30230 on atone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all in good repair. There ts also a good bearing or • and two never failing wells. Tile farm is well underdrained and well 1 enoed and in a high state df cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. Is is weRaituated on the North gravel road 1 mile sou of Walton 0. P. E. station, aim telephone and runt roan delivery. This is a choice farm and wM be ✓ oid on reationable terms. For further particulars aullar on the:presnisekorAddrees. W. JeDLOSSON fawn. •245841 3 e.,...•••••••••••••••• GRAND TRUNK RsVs'irEANZ Reduced Fares - Account Victoria Day MAY 24th SINGLE FARE -Good going and re- turning May 24th only. ° FARE AND ON E.THIRD-Good go- ing May 22nd. 23rd and 24th. Return May 25th, 19.15. -Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada mist of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Tickets and full particulars on appli- cation to ticket agents. W. Somerville .. Tcwn Agent W. Plant...... —.Depot Aeeeet C. E. HORNING, D. P, A., • Union Station, Toronto, Ont, 14, • • 2475-1 'Weft CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SM EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL. D., D.C.L.,Prealdent ALEXANDER LAIRD, General manager JOHN AMA, Asal General Masada 11••••MOMMOMMIN CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAyINGS BANK ACCOUNTS InterestElk the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards.• Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of tilern or by the survivor. 521 Seaforth Branch. W.-0. T. MORSON - Manager +++++++++++.4+.+.+.+44w++•44 i : 2 i I Z e ii 0 Ft N . . : . * .. . . 1. -1:ADIE6 Tillkiii 41" 4. + + + 4. Also Furrier + + I 4 + The On! y Horn in Seaforth a + .t. + * 44444+++++444++++++44+++ REMEMBER Court of Revision •••••••....1•••••nmpe. Township of Hibbert •••••••••• Tae first sitting of the Court of Revision for the hearing of appeals against the Assessment Roll of the township of Bibbed for the year 1915 mill 1* held in the trranehip hall, Stalin, ro Monday, the 31st day_of Mar, A. D. 1915, at 10 o'clock in the fOrenoon. All persons having business at the said Court will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JAMES JORDON, Clerk, Dublin May 9fh, 1015. 2473.3 Many Colleges close for Va– cation at midsummer. Our College does not. L IOTT /P777t Yonge and Charles sts., Toronto, is strictly fist class. None better in Canada. Enter now so as to get a position in the early. fall. Catalogue free. • CREAM WANTED ••••••• ••••=1,111•• We have -our Creamery now in fall operation, and we want your p ttron- age. We are prepared to par you the highest prices for your cream; pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of creara carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply can free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop us a card for praticuiars The Seaforth Creamery Seaforth Ont. ++++++4144-2444+leafdaleieteletelea 44 44 J. J. Holland 1:* St. Columban 24.42+++++++144.+2. .44 4. 44 4. +4. 4. 4. 44 4, 44 44 TAKE IT EASY Beginning M onda May loth, ,the store St. Colurnban will clo e On Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings 4t six o'clock for the sur mer months. Tuesda Thursday and Saturday evenings will remain open as usual: Shorthorn Bull for Sale • For sale "Lord Scott" eleven months old, red, sired by Scottish Hero 55043-90066, vol 51E., imported by Mr. Davis of Woodstocki Dam. Lady Smith 3rd, 911V5, red ctved erts, Hippen, Ont., dam of Lady S ith Lady Smith 2nd, 60262; Lad Smith, Lady Mary, Rosebud 3rd, Rose Bud, Red Rose. Lady Lorne, Galley Flower, Theresa, Straviberry, Red Rose, Lady Jane (imp) No. 281. Sire of -Indy Smith-, Red Prince 63981-77608; Royal Don 17105-647i7; Captain 24848; Dub-: lin 6846-55588; Captain Merlin 2923; Pride of Seabain 2274; Earl of Good- ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke Bourbon 517; Baron Solway amli ).23; Cobden (imp) 52; Young Brittop 1176; Sir Walter 2632; Son of Jerry 4097; Young -Star 5319; Roseberi y 567; Son Iof Comet 155. It will be seen ifrom the above that this young bull h the very choicest blood in his veins. For further particulars apply to JOHN CHAMBERS, °roma ty Phone 6 on 147, Seaforth Central N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept eor service on the above premises during the present season. 73 tf South -end April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Ischininb- • Upholstering Shop Mr. L. W. Snowden hap bought, the McMaster property, south of the Seaforth Creamery and will open What wilt he known as the south - end Upholstering Shop. Also wall paper and decorating a specialty. Fiist class work and a big cut in prices. Call and get my prices on all your work. Respectfully Yours . • .L W. SNOWVEN Seaforth 247541 There's No Place Like Horne Why not add to its attractiveness by giving its decorations an individuality that reflects yourself? We have an unrsually attractive' line of Foreign and domestic wall papet s to choose flora .and will aegis d to put our expert knowledge at your service to help vou selece decorations that aro out of the common place. Be sure an,d see our samples before placing your order elsewhere. All kinds of painting, glazing, tinting .etc., done on shortest notice. Our twenty sevee years of practical experience guaran- tees satisfactory results. - 'John Hooper Master Painter & Decorator John street Seaforth It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. Insist on getting Canala Cement. A full stock on hand at all times. Hemlock sills cut to order Shingles, xxx and xxxx Spruce and pine dressed sid- ings and flooring Metallic building materials Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal Smithing Goal ile, all sizes, either in he yard or delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sizes I4-'-' slabs, a bargain' Anyone in the, market for any of the above lines will do well to get our prices. J. B. Mustard Phone 11 on 145, BRIJCEFIELD • Hand- Mae 'Buggies • We have now ready a lar e stack of up to date Buggies, both steel and rubber Urea, Stanhope and Automobile Seats, Arched and Drop Ax14s. All Our Own Manufacture And our prices are right, as we have no middleman pay. Give as a Calf. %6F.DgVERE X SE,..41/URTLI At this time of year n any necessities are needed to com- plete the spling work. Look over the following list of which we have a complete stack. Sweat -pads Halters Collars Tie ropes Hames straps Lines Breast straps Collar tops Martingales Spread chains Plow pads Gall Cure Hoof Ointment Heel c ains Curry combs Brushes At the most reasonable brices aupmemeemi, M: Bro de rick Opposite Commercial Hord SEAFORTH Harness Trunks Valis Spring Overcoats t.3Sutis HE time is -at hand when ycu must turn your attention to. your personal -appearance and comfort. A made-to.measure Suit or Spring Overcoat will "help some." Our spring suitings and overcoat-. ings will appeal to the most fastideous dressers who appreciate "better clothes"—clothes you can de- pend upon to give you perfect satisfaction in -wear, fit and appearance, Tailored to suit the young man as well as the man who wants to stay yoUng. Come in and see the wide range we offer in serge.% tweeds and worsteds. V. Bright and Son 44 44 • asomi.testeremiemer Your neighbor drives a Ford -why don't you? We are selling more Fords in 04nada this year than ever before - became Cana- dians demaed the beet in motor tar service at the loweet posaMa cost. The **Made in Canada" Ford's a necessity -not a luxury. Runabout is $540 ;Town e tr price on ap- . plication. All Ford cate are -fuller equippe& including electric headlights. No care sold uneeetipped. Potal buyei.a will share in Dim nroflts if we sell 30100 cars between August a 1914 and August la 1915- -All Ford cars on .exbtbition at J. F Daly's G.irag; Main st., Seaforth,Ont. '441.4-4..÷44',444.4.4.4.÷÷÷ ++444-444÷44+ 4.4-1:44-44++444-4" 42*; MOVED !The Great Bargain I Store, Seaforthi 44 alisirmer a. amnia 4. of: BEATTIE BROS. 4110110111101•11111 + brated 10e, 15c, and 25e store, Seaforth 44 * inform their customers and the public that they have removed from the old stand in the Kidd block to their own t • - I premises across the street ++ 3: The 'Red Block + * + + + + ÷ .1. • , . * where they are now comfortably set- 1: + I tied and better prepared -than ever to I * - 4. 4 - give good goods and useful goods for 1 4. * 3! 4. little money. Remember a little money 4. + - + I buys a lot of goods in our store. •t I Call and see us in our new store. It will I 4. -a 4, I be our pleasure to show you what we I 4. , .v - •F have whether you buy or not. * I 4. • * 44 4. 44 44 4. .Beattie Bros. The Great Bargain House Seaforth a4.fe444.+++++++++++++.4-144.4e44, 4.ele4.++++++++++++++.1if 4. 44'