HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-05-21, Page 4:T ff AY 'Ist of att iir. ioun g was givezi -a xry hear- -Cross Society was held In the town an SAISOI�Gul--4 ry. awndew emn.ol umarings, ch 0, as -the 000ted *thing that would�'4n- ty IntUtIon to rerra4l, -ai6ther 'Year In hall FrId4y, evening. A, good program f 1401t by. 41 Gerrren"submarIn' 'or -ebarse-of the, k- He -i%c6epted #d1b was !gIve. Xw 0. Cameron, K.C., of the Mult of which two, or mon.4 -Amorle T W T F S� lizens n*t their de,%th; and finally, 'the aahtj of nedtrat Aips, dven at -the: 'je be- 9 Coiiimittee. 249- Gderielk, gave at address on, "The the t6rpedoing and iiiiktag, . of the cw-z the W*r and CaaX, X"n Patriotlsm."-The Of falling Of their o1bject,, or cap- ertbn Roe was elected delegate to the. 04 .. ... ... ...... steamship Lualtanta, constitute a serl tuve ex- aundal district meidtinc which will be. debris at the Pryne 31111,alte Is being or 4MtrucU0. bftf ld&n Uy 3 4 6 7, 8 of ievents wbich-the 'Governire'At of -the pect�, itherefor#, that Me Imperial bZ- ClintQ111011 MAY 18th and�!Sth, clea"d ixp an&. plan6 are bein 2 UWt" fkates liw "'observed With. gio I w- Iran ment��Iwlll disavow the acts . -Goderich Township uncil Is set. ed for the rebuilding of Ithe w T 9 10 tt,- 12� 13 5 00 Ill big Inc emeern, distress a -ad amazement. of which the G'vi 2 t 22 OvIernMe4t ofthe- United th-1 ff an e=r091e.,,ki -highway finprove- wIll. be- myiel�oms -news for the'peo L6 x7 ig xq� 20 ple of Recalling the humane and '1?nlight- Statez,,*Zo-trpl4Il1, that lbey will make went tb%t-could,be followed with ro-- town and vicinity. The diew mill will apara ar as reparatioi'ts pos- -tit by a, number -of other to*nah want 23- 24 25 26 27 A 2.9 eed Uttitude hitherto reed y -the r tion, 06 1 are WI of 04" y a much felt Ance the den mat or. injuries which in the cown ty, ki the use tiuction of the old one by fire. -George or stayi t home you -will want et to be, well Imperial, German Govermet 1. sible) Of jolur fe 30' 31 thout co ng 7 - tero' Of nal right, and -tteasure, ana"that they-*ffi. take ini e-, the IrAernatio par- :G6 away split Iog��drag. '4,rtw--� iroads on. which- , A. 'powe -of as I I I 11, Toronto, who oat dialtely steps to- prevent the recurrenee, the &ag " b" ))een L used 'are 'very o- -on ht Lusitan1a) Was a former well- to Vouiarly with regar4 -to the f reedorr tbe.Holiday WVveth sort of shoes you will Nvant sed on NEW ADVERTISEMENTS f Ithe seas; b ot -avIng learned to recog- of 'a'nytbtrig a - smoother an4 In better con- known. -business main of Brussels, for shoes th I 0 obviously'subversiVe of tle�a? at look well, fell well, wear welland yet.9 withal, are n him Ithe GerrrAn views and. fhe Ger- pincipl" Of warfarefor'which the d1tion Wan they -have been jor iram a 11 r of r, es wear We un be yea a priced. For ladi have the seasons latest styles noffo. I Ily- t pro �3 jran Inf Luence in, the, field of. interna- Imperial German 'Gv6rnment have In 4"ra at twa, seAooh.of the year. SWIAI "Aal-0 (T othing 00.-I tionat obligation as always engged upo- th epa� button or lace fords, colon.a w)ssly iknd so firnly, con- -Wssrs. Thorras Chambers, William St SO d 6x i Is,_ pumprs and strap slippers i White GOO& m0sh-S ki on ithe side ­(4 justleeand hurrainity., te.nded. Yearly and, ThwrAs and George Maw. -sto,4 far ate 4t 0. Willi" desirable leathers at patet cd1tj gun metal alf and Vim : id, 0 erg tb� Wenlrs wear we have the wes b a Governmet and People of the hiney all prosperous farli, of ne t ideag in1shOes and Oxford and having understood the Instructions Th wh6 fir, Ow3nS to the larg'e number kof people ftts t1r(M.-5 utto of '.he Irr-perlai German Government to United States look -to the Imperial Ger� townshp of Stephen, baveinveisted b who wtare d in all the 'ular leathers -e ilk Iteduded Fat- - - 1 unable to obtidn seat for laic patent calt,.- gun Mptal calf, vic POP k;Bar;W iffn fttlrt of Rtvi -i T wn of ffeaforth�fi 'Its naval commanders to. be upoa the Iran '100vernMent -f Or Just,' Prompt Pord auto car$. The car will iBOM 1.* the b1gMInstrel Show'In Seaforth, 9p 'tan -calf. The few lines -descethed here aref4fit-,up to th same fane of humane, action preserlb- enlightened his. vital trtter a Mr1mon on he farnis as hey now e frnin c show wM be re- Ladies patent co n ack cloth tops, tip or plain to ed by�jhe -,Inavai cod" of other natt With the great*r confidenV ecaase, the Ver in the -%Ovms� and, villages wid, the peated to-nl Friday, May Met, 2k It butto boots, bl es, shmt� ght air. Got the. Governir.en!-t of the United States United t4tesand (Jer ar ibouad driving 'horse amycovered buggy will all over, the- hall, vamps,, tor $3.50 A P ' Lightnir g R d rownlea-fi -Ladies vici kid laced b s,. black cloth -h0MP"0,S,.00q11$l;ore-8 was gothe by special tieo of be a back numbdr Ake o Lad" s patent cbIt c p IWIhot At wAth to belleve-it cannot o* to' r, not only ln TJ air. 19 le_ U Notes. -Two weeks ago your corras� plain toes, spool �heiels for $3, 50 A P for r bring'itsolf to bellave-that these acts, f ri-endmbip, . but a h1b by the explicit stIP- of loxemr- and- the lumber, wagon a a Aftertheffdf.. -lame+ 0mvea-4 so- absolutely contrary to the rules, ulg�i am$ of treaty- of 028, between Po*-ident sent 'notes 'under the headin - pumps with gray cloth tops and spool heels for -$3. 1 XoAue for 8n,, Westoott-.8 church and- pleasure conveyance. 9 o a. pair. of McKillop, and continues to c1p iso� patentolt laced b toe. an s and the spirit of Modern the 'Ihigh I&P-P-4firs-T V Its 4 the prwticea oots�, United St;dels and the KIn-gdbm of am -3 Releh Gertrude Doyle; second ;6irl WauW-1, For nearly thirty: years our 'heading Men's gun waretae, jeouid have countenance pr.us I it daughter of Jud6 ;an& Mrs.' Bernard �metal calf laced boots.,'high toe a -ad short vanaps, _91A IA. for *rf tha great Government. was dleadbury., but Isince rural mail e- Loudis Doyle, of GaderIch, Ontario, aild a pair* Men's patent It butt -on b ts black clo tops, English co 00 Expressions of regret Xr'. H4riy Campbell lfor-As,, manager carre 0stablidbed, Lea4bury has ceased - It feel,&It to be its duty, therefore, des reparation In cas of thedSdt0fft1r,',8 o0ft Of Ithe Canadlin Bank of C(nr to exist, This raccounts for -our ew for $5.bo a' pair. 'to address the Imperial German Gov- neutral ships'sunk. by mlstakk, while merce' departure. -Mrs. Kistner was confined SiLult 'Ste. Marie, (intarla, were -quietly ernment concerninx them with the at - they cray satlay International obuga- mo�rrk at- the rectory of. the Immacul- to,',her bed for several days with 4 mast frankness and, -in the earnest hope tions, If mo(. qwa jyf life results, ca.-f.,Iot a;te I Conoption Church In. geattle. giss oevere -att4ek of luirba�go-. We are ken In - exoe pleaoad to, "y that isbe is recovering.,: Tai practice � the na.turai that it Is not m1sta, cting JustRy or excus'e a &RAFORTH, FRIDAY, -May 216t, 1916. Doyle- Wad Wfi: japeniiing the. post ,vdn-: act -ton on 'the 'Part Of t& imperial Ger- Zd necomary of feet of wh1ch Is to up- ter. In Xr. Richard Bbbinuoh, a former rest- nian Government which. will correct the. Ject netiasi natio a.,J -no d neutral per- 'is BOUM4 $A, a. dent of the Naftherzi section of Xc- Mr, W.43�- Power. unfortunate Impressions which. bate: sons and- Immeasurable risks Killop, Was visit relative$ - 'and -The annual �meatlnglaif he* Mehese- The War Situatto� were all been cisated and vindicate once more -nment will tung Canoe Club -0 was belA In oderich, ple&06d to UgUn m The rrrper*i aermax, Gover friends here liwi w6k,-19illo We are 8%d tor be able to. sa thwt the iposition of that Government 'with -not ex'Pect the Government of the Ualt- .-The boy on Tuesdiy evening -of m0t. week: whwi W regard Ito the a",, -ed freedomw of the preom 'of r. PeUr the -war jiltuaion. jo much more eneour-. ed Sta�tex itco -,omift any. word or any ac-, the follow' Ing''of f -tears were -bbosen Gardiner Is.'again Auff4FOA ldts4 W . Riebertson 1, vice Sea#. tlownecklaar!/ to the -performance to Its t on the- vdiu-Ads Vrefting little butebes of. I I Ing 4. Pre& if . ELEPRON igsL. ',Wafton; sec. OPMITIZ 4003mROUL 4ADT-1 ment of the United States 9acred duty of maintaining the retary. r7r as ee n. It Th6 Govern year . 4CU bay wb"Ahe.,fa era do-ndt require T aging during Itbe p hag -wen for a Ione e. The furlous- has been- appMeed mperI&I L that the of ithe United States and Its citizens; taileiii, - thr for thelr-own Ince the whole- 1,,� an; treasurer, Wi T. I "r; use. -S 0asid6red them 4xive of fthe German%, assisted by their -German Government c murderof Innocent$ off the Irish f g their free exer orrmQdore,:J.'A. Lawrence- vice COM. e'be extroardla- coast the othei day, we can bardly tr salves Jtobe obliged, by A 0olsonouff 'gases has, counted therr, p- else ar.d enjoyment. (Siged) :Bryan.*, ii�plAin, Rk- ust builderi taneegi of the ent war trodc�b, lornest-Coib-ornp; 0 are F. Datars, Sr., S. J)oltz, A rxAkers will be Provided for �40tb- ary cireums pres rselves to siwy anyhing about the Dat a1w, F. H�ws, Sr. and L. X-raf t Tor Tones pateman, addlflirial member* of Ou thing except the loi5a of some tbous- and the measures adopted by thelr.�& VeAU009, VIA44t;the close of the wa 1but there 'is a day of reckoning executive, 0. L. Parsora and -11. �M Thomas Johnston Is having -a batbroom ness prmsedings, the lales n -nd the slaughter verearles In. seekin 9 to , cuT Germany The corring. The cruel and savage enemy and% of their rren a or 64 To Bread To ��L i nd off from ail commerce, to adopt methods' Sturdy-,�. audit oothern 'a placed In blo- bandmre �zwldence here flerfen 'Wal -be InvIted to will 'not fly fla�p and give balf boll- nd Parake,� of tas. irony of their.. opponen�. The The Parmer'i Advocate" has lbeen jobn MrWoh. is having It conncted 'With' An tefteshirents provided of retadation which go, much beyond, encouraging breeileis to' breed more bY their B11 daya wben that day, comes. -A number Anti-sceptle lank. Mr. Allie haTe aince not only 6aptured GI A,'Sills, of vale- -opla 'af .411 old resident of Goderich die tiostesses. hePe the -mdinary rrethodis of. warfare at wares - itbA; "ar and drawing attention trict; "Med aW of our peol)ple Intend. taking a trip 'On Seaforth, has the contract. Mr. Sills war zone to the fact that stalljons will not be tdo, all in nearly all th-a ground bilt have sea, in thk- proclarration of it was be de o eded upm the Vain on Victoria day and others its apeciallst at this kind cff.work 0 power to trak,6 this a-n.ej Mr. S. J. Y lung, Li Goden &Te, preparing ertath g -.-The land will, no doubt, make a gOOCJ job sion,t, t taken posse frorr which, they -have warned neu- sslon of rrueb new territory so eaeAly obtkined'frorr, Great Britain o ent ueste rich, on Wednesday of last week In the heir yisltors, a ... trai hips'to keep'away. This Govern bat qua�rterl rreeting.9f and (hae driven the Gemrans back E nd urope unUl some time after he the board at has already taken ace person of Rm Ellen West. The,de. of Mery a -410n to L - w4tr -is lover, Tbio does n rrean that 'Of 1walton Metbadti;t, Church was well. -riles, capturing their: trenches and Tor, Oral T ceaised wav born In, the township of I attended and4be financea were f urtcl I form Ahe Imperial. German Government trares Aould �bo bred -to "cull' . horses. *ChInacoushle, county qf Nel, 70,years %.M�,Brueefteld Z%MW at 8 .00 OR obtaining posseaslaa of Tay of their that It cannot adrrit th adoption of Thr re.stAll enough god.stallions In air on Roe Reed Beans -A choice i0t; of sel t te-i whi ago and came o Huron county with OwIng to the -large numberkof people Ie4 to atrongly ortified positions. In fact it' sueb,urasures or such a warni-119 Of the '"serdbs" Aloull not be atront was elected delegaie lo the d1strict nsoahand. AlsO tWO C&M � 114 4194 her oarents tbirty-iseven years ago. i mow stated tht the Germans bavt danger to operate a In any degree an' ft rreeting at Clinton; (and J. J. Irvine, who were unable to obtaln eats for s-mindorwhoie JnStoc1kG..;,V. Urq Farirers brfieddng mares to raise ,#raft par he pa It, enty- ve years she had the big'XInstrel Show, In Seaforth, on abbreviation Of the rights of Arr.ericgn horses shoilid select greil with plenty wh has been RecoidIng Steward for' Mrs. 0, er, decided to vaduate French territory irade her hd�ne 7fth er daught Thursday- night the show WJ11 be re. B�def-s. be 1a0t 00 lyears,,--wasre-appointed. -30" J. Yuill, Of N Y shlp--�raAters- or of American -citizens of size am,'A substance. Use the horse S. J-. Young, jtvi�nty­tw�p years at Dun- pound a -ad withdraw their arrries back to bound on lawful errands as paisengers wb4ch peated to -night, Friday, )day 21#t,,;�p6e 0. Ity, is bere t Present visiting shows masculinity and with It iannn and two years at Godeileb. all� ver the ban. her om.-TheSacrament 01! the Lol strongly prepared fortifications irk Bel- On irrerdb&n't hpof belligerent is big n Araf ty in ebarace'r with -The rem-sins,were Interred In the Dun - ties; -and Ahat it rr ust thold the Im- Sufficient weight fdr a stallion of his &H Rketer 91 The Soldler'Bay.--On the ee4inc qf Supper 'was dispensed In Carmel.'.. ur. It norw looks as If the spring kiy Sth, In Walker's Hall, A very nice -On Sabbilth =4179iie last, And the perial erman Government to' a strIct breed and the -quaity of feather, and . I - has -ThUr8da nin Jast week NOtea--M�isrs. Milo and, IM bf Wes -Slfi-ell drive prwrleeA. by the Allies com- accountability for any- infriagerreat of bone doalred. The atallion should be -ireeting as held, the ccasion being a Paratary -,serv;;1ce - 6n the P-riday e d ndit will be continued: Samuel Dunn, a well-knovm reldent of have disolved partnership an Mr. VVI until tbcie rlglitg. 4ntentional or uninten- wide in ithe breaot, and full in the chest entation -to the soldler toys le&v- Ing PrecedIng, was onductvd -us Cranrook locality died at the age of Snell now has 'his office th the. store bass fro tionsi. 'It doeo not underotand tht im- wl, th a the Grman -invaders are driven g06.4. rrlddle to indicate feed- for the front froir� Brucefteld knd R­dv. Wx. rMcFarlane fro paria. Germ 68. iy6arzs. No prise was ixot unex- south of 'the Commercial Hdtel.-Mr. fleK -n �Rp 1, sr. Government to question. Ing auaUttes. N6ver use -a iarow- V cinity, v1z., -Prlir4tes 11%tewftrt X=K, COU110111ar O1Wt . Be French and Belgium Aoll and Intb their '��d as lie, lfsd�'been very Ill for he S. Wambold son and two daughters hthose jrIghts. -It. asisum - heated, gaunt-bodled, I g -legged, etbitt and Harry -Sirilth of the, ship 'Of Tuckerswitt' w o unda er -es, on the con r on otored fi e from Goshen, Ind., afid n country. previous three weeks from inteinal M tr,&,ry, that the Imperial German Gov- peaked-rumped orse ecause he may 8rd Maittalton in training t Voqdan, a ver crItical opera6n 1.rh rQ on Thurs T&Ot In the EaA the situation, Is 117-uch e cancer. Dece*sed was bprn,Jn County AP811t -a day with his brother. They rr.rre7lt Accept$ as of eburse the rule have Sbad bone,, neither use a low- 11 qf whom were prwnt, also Gunner afternoon of la-st week, atilt contin I Vol days. blir. Wam- Armagh, Irelittid, 4ud ca -me td Canada rf de. the trip in. two trore f ayorable. The fierce German drive that -the fl��s bf non-combatants, whe- &Iwn, ithick, squatty horse with coarse Lyle Hill- 16th Battery, Guelph. Quite WS Ill, and -it is -the -ow-Igh of it * -1 -when 20 years'ffif ae. Blanshard town- bold was looking,at some farms bere has: been checke4 by the Russians, who. tber they bo of neutral citizenship or 'legs. Pick - out a well-balanced horse a large �;u;i�Ur of the v�ell Jshers :of MaDY lftlRtives'and friends that be wbeal T ship, Perth Codnty, was 16 home up Wth a view o purcha'sing.-Mr. Lee ag If 11 8 Of one "Of' the nationg -at, -war with size, substsLnee and quality n he d is In the hospital In London Lbe "is had g are ionce n7ore resuming the off ensIve ltl�*n -one, -athered, when W. Thos. 3'aoil -experience 9 change for the ta'ttwenty d lope of me I and It would wern, the Germans cann6t lawfully Or rightfully- bi ut in Wit]l IWLt, 'flinty bode, 'a goo -b Irawr took the chair, Rev, Han Woodje ter. -Mr. Ben Ilegarth, -Medical ought A 100-oe'rie farrr. lot 1p, coh- where he underwent a secondoperatio.i. quote., bad spent their forces in ther East as eopardy by1becapture or destructloh pastern and the big, wide feet and heL iVe- 'the add*w and Mm Alice Swan det -of Londan College, We. re et ronto, cession 18, upan which I d tiu- -11r. Charles er, of the Molsons gr tn the West,, although severe fight- of an vnarwd -merchantma--n, and -live- ar. -VoOf heads to stand the strain IDY behalf of Tuckeramith Council, pre- k&r. 0= InL very t ously. About thirity-eight- year$ go t%e Bmkstaff has been transferred tothe 1q'9 -is atill In progress tn boh arenas. ognizes also, as -all other nations do, of carrydng ithe,great weight, Choose a ented each With a pretty and service- Cal Oltoft, i M -d oh W, T &:itehener may I ubject of thb notice wa(s ma 6. to head *off ice in Ma.-Itreal.-M�r. a:nd 068. eduesdk ter. bI wrist watch. 341no Alke Itatten- last 19` father and its announced In the House of the obligation to take the usual Pre- obort-4backed, otrongly coupled horse mHUs argaret -A. Bell, f Bla ard, 43ahn MacMabon have returnel G 'Lerft few ftys ago that both the cautlor. of visit and search to &seer- with a level wide croup - and thick ouri haaded each and osba arieQ her twoL.,sons su"r ve. Voronto to apend4 the sumhipr on.their an nvelinle cohtahn- were. sent -for :to jo n 31ro. British nd .'French Governments had tair. whether a suspected Trerebantman thighs. Look to ftbe ir uscUnK=see hat ur fng fifteen dollars and oa bebalk of 'Who, haabeen 4here now cessf ut annilverroary rvicea- farm -I bor the -Very sue .0 Hay.-Urg. Jobn sne)l, i�hot has decided U% tn justice to their own 111119'er - nt mationali ty or he -has a I f ull. fore -arm dnia'o #W 1010111 R041Crose, MAW Gertle Grain- Poupla of 'Weeks in. Is In fact Of' b e were!heid an of last W k, in -.spent the winter with her son a attendance, b-ut irer, ithey should at once perfect ar- ,Is In fact carrying cantrabx;id of war quarte And last ust --t with 0 at Gran- �er gave each Ir of mice horre- tr tha well-mtkiscled hind r. ch, haw., Alta., bas -returned 1home.-T I I - t a the 'North 9treet Methaduist iur . -he. best he knitted socks. Short, Patriatit. address- f the College 4nd outIV ranements for the use of. poUanous under a neutral flg. but Indt leaA see how he goes. Insist �?' Ui Godericb, he special preacher r the Exeter coui�cll has pureba4ed a car of gages Stich. as those wb1ch:have been were 44ven by aevj'14. Xoods, Alex- be tray soon recaver, -id- 01 - - - Upon -a that goes Straght ybeI-.gRev.!,J. L. Brown,,]�A., sup- ail contahifig five thousand gallons., it tridd) ad il 10 -ans, so that The Goverr.irent of the U' d. ltru�- xt the alk and tr6t, ustard Thomas Fraser and 'B. R. Buchanan, w w a A9 by �'tbe Ge=. nited -Stax an ape bo � ash the latter are likel oon to I eriu6endent 'ot.xri 99ins, iinteapersed , ivith Patriotic the parental --.hmr' A W. aiions for New On- W,l be zvoed on some of the streets for ere on Z get a taste therefore, deslr�s to call the attention that Tekches'out -well and plit Itaila, who deiiv�red two stirring,ser- laying the dust, -The- front walle of returned to 'm y the young people horre, 14 Fargo, North Dakota- to 41 of thedr awn rizediclue. of 'the, Irrperlal German Government down isquarely and, does not 0 Ind i urdc b rr -tidn of t4e se - the %wIngu3 of the e, andf 'pine. tb,%t' goes cla-3#`,at the'L ona,,Tbe, musical Paz school arebeing torn McCully and daughtere TheTa Is Uttle news rorr, the Dar-. witb.,the utrrost ea n taeas to the fact, ;s Hill could not Attead the r es. vices Nvaep of, w..order reflectit;g out and hey vbl be extended, -During per .,Unelles. B4t Kitchener asaured Par- that the objection to their present me��. '66kii'41-th lhafnap y w.6vb-h16nt well Wee*.9, his, d0nation wAs f aiwarded to Aved vi P greht predft,.IowritU, chotr.and the or- 1 the hqt weather a few _ere from the Old Countr Iota. a few dais agoL weeks agg,.the Mu.0phand In a lettir'weelved week 2�hd are �at Y) that opera- bod f attack ag�irgst the rade of known (to hbrAerrcni. In s)wrt, select the- pre0lent spe- farme of 9te ve v tia s Ithere were rogressing very fav- their zilemles lies 1h the practical im, horse which, Is Mavy enough, bas,quial-- -,ganbt.,,4 mr. George 9. King. The Pben, lost eleven horses frar him, he wished to expru's his -their relatives Tho. a��,!n t.01 ary, etions were high. that succumbed to-Ahe'lleat. Al,tge L to -the Messrs. a d orably. ou�cemeat. has beenL vers colle ther all for poselbility tty enough and dms iiat-cover,too much hearty lhanke� their kind re- Craig, before rroldng Into their ton Vh Of emPloy4ng submarines in Ly qatIsfa*tory.*: The Sum of $400 Was there. -were sd�re twenty horses i"t�� mada that Britaia is to raise a ne- the 40struction -of commerce w -The VafirWs Ad tembrnce of b1m and allottheir good home aerow the ar&y of thri�e bandreii thousand, also Itho L '-fat to meet pay the' It u ground In going. asked ments L on -Mrs. Jane Smith, -who recently suffer - disregarding. 'those rules of fairness, Mate. % visbea. After singing th National A�n- of Goderich, bu been spending the IndebtedneW of the. church ed a slight stroke, ha re overed.�Mrs. mortgage pwal '�that 'the Allies c -th , ithe -meeting c -expects soon to have eir lased. The occaslozzi wex k or two reason, justice and burranity--�r leh ail es Wafters' Is seriously her sister, Mrs and, between the Sunday collections, Jair WAIth i enjoyed -and will e ong Todd, 6f an abundant sqpply of war rruaittens Huron Notes *as irpucl trOdgrn optnion regards as imperative, (thin which amounted to $350, and contrl- Mr. I. R. Carling lost two of his favor "11400-31108 aad, par- n rs are It Is 1 emembered by all. present. -ter WAS -in Practically 6MSslble for the. of- -OnL account of. the prevaience of buttons piorrtssgd, that amount will be 1W animals recently. First the faith. this week. - Tba, -ary favorably In all quar- ficers of a sUbmrine to visit k mer., di-phhria In and around, Credito.1 -the Messrs. Moore Broffie)Fa - 'we* mn"Jim" which W as realized. ful old qborse over re this ebantrran at sea and examline her pap- public school tn that vIllage b&% been Ir "At thig officialoard meeting of the thirty-two years aid and was owned in their machinery repaIrs, and it is Aso reported that In response era and cargo. It Is pracicall.tyrpos.- cio�46d for a week. the family nearly all his life, and -lext L -est We ForgeC­0' -their mew pr,, machtnery, -, into 134 t Church held on Tues� ne 'of the rrost o ithe protests frorr the United States sible tor them, tcy make a prl2(6 of ns-Methodis !Irorj� -We notice by the 'casualty listo in dbr wad sacred obllgatioq�g of the nearly JDpPO51te L the. rllwa-V statlon nurA her, the old dog The dog will. ',be t4 -n Govemment. the German authorities and if tb y c day evening of last week, the follow- annot put a prize crew. 0.1 Tuesdayl papers that Pkiv missedin the bouehold.v--Messrs. b An organ ate David Awa faintly is. to keep Jh remem- recital Under the auspliesot have agreed tosuppend, at feast tem- ard of her t Ing officers were elected: Lay dele- m uch ei be adilos' Aid, Society -o, f car Itbe I bo hey cannot sink her with- harl s W , of Crediton Is given a- -G. .7. (Watsbn and C, Z. XLcAvo_y of bance-thefriendawbo, ave passed L porarily, their submarine campaign e,_ out lea-ving her crew and%'all con board rrong tbe. missing at gates district meeting at Wingbam, this t6wn have 0assed ihQir final ex. the front. y md our eartilly 'sight. In Bluevale he Church wal ba llold- on. Thursda W. (H. Kerr (and- R. J,. Hoover w4th R. pecially against, the merchant and- of her, to the rrercy, of the sea In her -The ItovMship council f .-Siephen IM I0 trii­ ation before the Ontario College Women's Ingtittite has undertaken t e f arnin week, May 7th IeAsor H -broedee passangar VeSselff an the Atlantic, but -�rrall-tboats. These facts, it Is under-- Opening the ide road at Se Leatberdale as reserve. Stewards for tery and' Y Wo of Phiriracy at Toronto, both takkig ork of. beautifying the ceme- b this Is doubted by many, and tb eyear are: -,R. Leatherdale, F. H. Prank 'Weaver,, -*f their stood, the Impierial German Government ncessions eto, be nce an4 LondonL corner on Ithe i0th and 10th ca. onors. The young men ar Tr ak-Ing it, worltby of the revere *Sslated',by Mrs. prank Saun- aueb G11roy, H. L ' 11 ICOA ders, L. Jackson, J. T. Wood, I last lattrripit, does not give. much reason frankly admts. We are Informed that ad lhivft�g itt diralned, grade4 and P' ulated n --,their isue soprano of Goderleb, -,1d Mlg$ E Buye at fectlon with which he last resting luhe instamces In -which we have spok- 'EC, A. rkyne, A. J... Helm and W. grat cess. - for hopen this direction. It is igtated In iftpe for public travel.- D. Johns and her daulIter, Miss Lila. P ace 'of our loved ones 10� regarded PatterAon- lsofprano 'Of Asthe-'- -ar that an atterrpt was made to torpedo en. 9tre ',enough for even -that poor Kerr, tbe latter eing re ointed Re -After an -absence ot three onths, y therefore make this appeal ladies h thonchor Llne-Stearrer Transylvania, treasure of safidy was n cording. Steward;. Conregational v1s- 94v,& 0; rualcal aad towel shower at 4ve made the admission fee ot given, and alrcogt two, OJ' which were spent In the m qn, women and cbIldrea of, Blue- TerY small nd th Which left New Yrok for L Itor, Mmdames -Leatbbrdale, Plum, their IhOlre, On'MoTfday evening. There vlle 0 lVerP7001 the In /at leasit two, of ',the cases cited not Jobr� Hapkin's Ilospital, Baltbrore, Reiv. nd the )meihboring sections of there will na� e talent Is so- good grad 4t Hill atX a )AW wre Wrre *sL%t,y guests invited The ubt be a la Rands, -Baftey, Wboa and X,6ndjy ,fay rge,-kt,e sar iday �tbe Lusitanla, was sunk. This so irruch as a warning was received tor of.Wesley Churchi Marris jand Turnberry to help tbeyr dance.-, Dr. Rutledge, Pa towels -are to jb3 sept o Ja, ..-I Manifestly submarines' (Smith andi R-'- J.,. Hoover, S. Bailey, hospital Will e eele vessel :was off the. Irish coast when a not be u'sed d coiduct6d can, dtseive" "Cerrottry Day" on Monday, Clinton, was present, at ar In Franc. Thw taking part In the 'b"atd by A tournalrent under 'he us. orpedo was sbait at It from 4 sub- agairist arerchantmen, as the last few services on Sunday' of' J, 1. Gilin, S... �arter and Hv J. an t last week M ly 1201. The belp. of anyone who "Pices -of the Vengall Gun Club trarl trarl-ne but mised Its mark b' weeks have ning. There are 150 familleal In the con. MuMcal -were: Misses Blesett. and Sel- and y about shown, Without inevitable -11r, George C. Black, for rrAny w iuld IIk6 Ito Iimprave Individual plou there Will don, Master Gladman. Misse kuxwor- also, be bowlig tournamen tS -forty feet, whein t4e *g vess ny acred Principles of el escaped violation of rra gregation consisting of 300 members, figut years* DW[slon Court Baliff at Gode- 01 1asstst An the general work of beau-' so that thaday vd1I be observe -d bore in of -4 o�er laot y ear of 25 tby, Bissett, n, Mr.- Philips, Mis- and arrIved safely In 1pori. She.bad on Justice nd humalilty. n I - 1 be gladly 'wilcmred on the -6 tn Brant- bP-i 9 an Inbrease lCalti(YA11 Wil rich, passed a*aj at his ban, ses oncur, Hu oft, Follick, Mr. How- ines and. As the Gun Club -after an Illness �jLier allowing for removals and deaths. tiday af ternOn and It will "be an are offer1n, over - u *4ght hundked 1passengers. nly ford, last week, i a- ard, sses D! 9 liberal prizes, American citizens act WIthin. their in- bout ifour yearp. He wa a native --of friendly and 'social likely there fit vessels,' ba' . and -Margaret Glad- two� wrall ve been sunk I, -One of M,� octogenarian residents Iran to quite a large t .-Mv. and Ms. Joa McTavish of op3ortunity "for a British waters since the. sinking of the disputable rights in !taking their ships ater part of bf ;*,.hb township of. Ashfield, passed d be- an added pleas- t spent the ou A -ng which Shaul gre Shakespeare, are % Goderde-b ard to her reward -an Saturday last in the -vUlting at the for- 0481ey b" moved Into Pettes That LuqAtsnia and this *Ork was undbubt- and In triLvellimg wherever their legiti ur, at thisbeautiguliseason. of tbeear brick block immediately West Of the his life there. rrer's parents, Reeve Taylor, Mr. mc - le the dly dne by the submarines that were trale business calls them 1iot4.:-Xr. W. It upon the high -MT. --0. L.. Jackson, of Wini person of Rebecca Ma Tavish returned horre Haney Is addin peg, Monday, while 9 Post 'Of fice.-Mr. -Frank Marsbll as ergaged In the',sinking oftbe big pa- seas, and exercise tose rights in tate John Eeblin. Mrs. Echlin, had been a riew Iverand4h To his kouse nd Mr. 011rchased -Xrz. y. f' the manager o Mrs McTavish and children will re ans 5 �,Z gar vessel. should be the wel-Justif-le g Bank an linvaild for a -isamber of years. Her W J. Ua$Lerl bas had, a concrete walk: n 8rock `Srtreet, and Intends shor, sen. d confidence Goderic branch of. the Sterdn Italy as at lan;th. decided to take that Itheir lives will not husband predeceased her by about. ten mwi for a whil aim 'be ndangered It succession to Mr. Andrew Porter Pu: doWn, Mr. Robert Musgrove. doing moving Intof it. -Mr. V W. age a -rid no doubt before by adts dvne n clear violation Sroaaato woo 4:-4 the final pIu. year:5 and she had lived- with her thi work. -Knox Church fence is �1*. 71 M f -u- - who !resigned to tenter on his (new du being has a larg&'0M of 'hands busily pu, *ert ths reachesthe eye of the reader Italy verzally acknowledged Internaitio.1af ab- ties as Inspector of weights and rreas. daughter, Mrs. Robert Clark, in Toron- Zurich palmted Itbis 'week a -ad the groands at trg 11, -will The (engaged In. he turmoil in -con- 119ptions, and certainly I., the conf id- to. She had spealt about forty-two years -Rorse Purchases. -Much purchasing tbe school have been' W-qiO'.0 :aOt OnlY in Hnsall and b -field, levelled and vicivity, bui i" a`,nUrl-�ber Of OUtlylng Juixotion with -the � Allies. She has a Pence that their own Government will -kthel Methodst congregation have of her life In the torwinship of Ash &T.d dealing in horses has bee�i going ee led'and' a very neat Ornamental wjr:e pI aces, alld, W111 this yarthave a yruch coiring there f -rful nairy and an arn.y of about stain Ahern In 'the exercise of their and powL rolm the townsh of Bev- on azr sus decided o. erect a new church hed . 1p, ong our horaemen eceatly, The fence' Ptit up. A Auber of ladies and i I erly, 'The funeral took. place on Tues- following a, sorr arger rea,,Iof land undeionions one irrdllion 'and a half of well trained- Pights. e of. ha -r roperty there. The shed is the sales: Mr. ge T tb D . Itheir p iga;,bere,4 on Saturday even- any Id be able to rr ake tted, t`orm-r Y"r. Mr. James Jobw4ton soldlerz. They -shou day,1he Obsequies being conducted by Peti Lamont ba�s disposed of the school boy , and is S&H "so' Puttln'g in nult4- a large qu�&-n­ o ka 4 by 100 flBet, cement and his en- Ing' Ut Ing f ore long. newspapers of 'the VI-Ated States. I re- commenced on' it at once. Nearly the rn da sorre Impressim on the situation be- There was recent�y _publlWed In the rreitallic arched roof, and work will be Rev. M-essrs.,Wtilins, of Nile, and Con- ti B Olydeodale horse, King John, to P o the groun tit Y which added a great trany way, of Aubu The pallbearer were Williair. Kay, of Farquhar, for a wb� c or InOw 1111 excellent shape and sirller Gn10-ns-g1OWerS re thi Imperial Ge'rman f Messrs. Charles GirvIn, Robert McIl- andoorre figure. Thi mother of this the erve greatcredit . for 111 make Hen- gret Ito Inf&rlr ltrusiAe; des I ull arclount of �oe cost has been sub- all .,,a greater anion entre alln�*, John Duatow aad John Graharr. horse was lirpor7t the -amount of gbod ork that has been job.n than . e1r. Govertirront, a orkiial warning, pur- w ed by Mr. Thomas Uncle Sam on His Mettle lenn, lately ev portIng to come frdm the Imperial Ger- is survived by a farrily of eight Berry, I the n(A dr a --An pproachin.g event of .great borne, b -Of The ietter addressed by -PresidGnt -Mrs. Henry 11. Stowa, mother of She ed Clydes4le dealer, df as got comt Man Embassy at WashIngton, address- Hensall, otably settled In Wilson of the United States to the Im- Kr.. Harry $towe, forrreny. of Stowe's children. and afterwards Purchased by Interest to, Bluevale will be the Dis- the fine brick dwelling he ra 'ed' ft tb e People of the United The eaih. iook place, on Wednes tric' Convention of Worren7a cently, pertal German Government has been and now roprieLor of the New- - Mr. Lamont, who is noted m a dealer, Late -s,, bakery, and Farm-. Purchued. fron-1 MT nd istathig In effect that any citi day, 6tay 12th, 'at the farrily residence, in' fancy atdck.--V.x. - - James W. Bon.. ees, Intitutes Which Is to be held in throll trade Public. It is a firm, courteotis, zen gate Otreet livery, In Goderich, passed Charles Beaver, Albeit str�et &,nd WjIl of the United States who exercised his lot 22, conceasion 6, Goderich Town- 'Goshen Line, South, bw digposed of a e good, P would aro to Mr. Casper Wal- dato 'ha,% not yet been finally ecid6d. vill oar weil�ressoned, nd well balanced doca- right 'to travel upon the seas aVvay ton. Tuesday last. The fanera ship, of Mary Pickard, beloved wife of fine. -driving Yr. this villag& SoMe tirne in June.. The a 0grRIve resident of rrent. it w1il make'the Prussian Lords do so 9t took.piace'on Thursday from the real -I I Pf ft� his OTII If his journey should dence tof her .4on-ln-law, Mr. - -Geo Mr. R. (Y. 'Cox, a the age of 55 years per, The cron will'bOld heir sessio� jn R. Beek, of London, b�n open their eyes, and they wIll, prob- rgo of the saire lirle, for 185. Mr he f orrrieily of LbI.S - VII.1a witl k week take hirr wit1lin the zone of and e&gb.t mo-athis, after an Ulnw8 of Thomas KlumP Of Dashwo Forkstere Hall, while the, women wili 6, -go6x ably, ithink twica before they Indte waters Duniop, to Maland cemetery. od, has pur 1"e'r eently With her aMt within which the Imperial German n vy about two montha. The deceased was a chased 9, fine drlvet from Mr. E. BOS prolably wei5t in Knox c friezils wj�o their.repiy. The documnt has be3n very Was UQ -For the first tirrQ in years there hurch. Good were pleased to ubrrarine against the daiLghter of the late Jahn and rneet her again. cOm- were (ho cases entered for trial at the Eliza senberry for. $200 and Mr. Bossembury as a favera-bly commented on by the press rrarce of Great Britain and Prance- Pickard, of the,' Cut Line, Goderich has since purch ed nother countries excelit, Assizm which Were on the calender at one from of all the,Eurapean b notwIthstanding he respected ut ver Township, beingpthe econd daughter Mr. D. Alla for $200. These dr1ver3 perhar"t.,'that of,Gerrrany. The foilow- S Goderich, for Tuesday of last -week, earnest protes,t of his. Government, of a fairfly of ten, seven girls� and WPX,8 all -SIred by "Nn Prole,,? owned, Ir.g are orre and iffie Jxidge w" mcardtingly no-tif led of te most -,,triking and Governmerlt of th .9004. lent paragraph e United States. I three boys, all bat one of whor�a sur- by Mr. E. B0 11 a* k e Care, of Yo, r Tee thl 41 -sai senber 5 ol letter: It was ddn't refer to hIs f*, and ld.not'put Ili w appearance. It ry of Zurich, .,the purpose of vivo. Ema died, a year ago last Feb- Notes.-I&Irs- W. Clarke and daughter drawn f arth �4y the s1nkh1g of the calling Atba attenio wot3d eeetr; that the war Is affecting It' of the Imperial ruary, and the tn-other died about eight have Lusitania y a Gerjr.an submarine i1 litiga',tion a well a everyhing else. returned to, their homen Hamil Garrran Governme-qt at this years 'ago. Mr. - Ickard has been dead ton, after visiting 'here for a few week,$. do. time to th4 -The following from this County about olx iyears, Mr. C' Which sorre two hundred dfenceiess surprising irregularity 'of a-communi- American citizenswere iost. While mild. of the Sauble Line, have pass�e 'their final exxminations 11irarr ox, and one :son, -Mr Jx)bn Laporte y sury �,e. The deceased 'wAs is re�overing from an atackof &ppen- Ontario College of Pharmacy born in Pliclkrin Or tonship. Her f atWier dicitia.-Misss Carrie Gallroan is visit - and courteatIs It strikes right at Che bassYat:Washingtoh, addresed to the at T Gut% and are mow fu'ri qualified *A I MUM from the Imperial German Em- before the a vitai polixts and Is In same parts biti�ig- eople of *the te to Gdder-1cli Township �about 13 UxAt d Statu through the druggists: L. G. J. Wa -n, Exeter; IY isa.-rca-kttc. It commences as follos: ing with Miss Lovett in CU Do you n ee a new tooth brush?'if so tso newspapers, blat only tor the pu.rpaqe thifty year�. ago, and Mm. Cox fiad ers Day" W&s c4lebrated In the R and select Out of the many styl:eS come van - "In view of recent acts of the Ger- J. W. Ford, DuVga,-mon; C. 11. MdAvoy,,' been a irember of Bethel -church since, gelical Ch cf padnting aut 'that Tia afaing �hat Exeteir; F. . Homuth, Wingham; pas- -horities in vloiation af Amerl- Man a Ut urch last Sundayl The an unlawful and In1jurran act willibe taking an activa.interest. I Of 9,0:)d can rights or, he h1gihse&-c;, an.aPpropriate sermoa to -whi-,h cui- George Pinder,' Mitchell, also passed. of the chcdr and o n the work tor Aelivered lmnorted,Tooth Brushes. conm ther departments of the rr doing and sink' ,Others in the moraing and the Ing ar n In- church work., which -.vc- have in stock. You itted, can Pssibly be acce0ted as -A hand orne new organ has bee excusd or Ile r Churcli c hoilce -for of ithe British stearrship, Lusltanla, o' Palliation for that act stalled. in -the'-new Xe1vI Sabbath Schoo took Part in the ser vlcea'in, the Oi as an abatement Of the responsibility' 25 cents, also lines at io and- 15 cents. the Ttft of May, which over for Its comaniz -s a gift Ita the -Public school in - Brussels. The organ wa eve- Ing. :jion. ongregaion by tht Ladies' Aid So- sP­8c`t0r, -7. E- T4m paid an off icliLl 0-4 t afte hundred. A�rrerlcan c1tizeas i c visit ly their lives, it is clear -e a -ad de- Long over' 'Ing: atety of the chuich, The organ was lJotezI. to the School here last week. -w wiz Ord has Fdward Sebool'and been Teceived here of thetdeath of Dr. TOOTH 1rbI8 that the Goveriiq:ent of the Un -acquahited as this G built Ito orer"and Installed by L . ifelville Church Sabbath Also best�-brands ot has been with the character of -the Irn- Lye & Sons, Young PeoPle's SOcIetY are Ovens, of Newbury, who w a specol.. prov, Stst" a4d the Imperial Govern- of Tororaito, at a cost of as TOOTH POWDIVRS Perial German Government and 1 ding funds for th purchase of a and LIQ mer -i shuid come �to a clear under- the higb pilnciple�q w th 1,.2 Ist -and ira&- frequent UID DEN visits here. - of equity by which scaading as to the gravd -The fift-y-eighth large Iten-t to be ued' on St. Ches-� Mr. 10. S. Amanus has reforsed to Ms TIFRICES. For a mouth wash, w situation they , ve, in the Past.. been actuated anniversarY of topher farm, Lae Scugog, wheremany e haVe 'Which has restuled. home In Ch=pagain, rfls.s aftrpend- Listerine, Boro-Thymol, Formolid-Magnesia. WAIlls Qhurch, Clinton, wals celebrated at Week the serVIC08 'Outings during thwourrmer. This j ir and guided, the Government of the 011 Sun"y Of la, Of TorOntgl PdDr chldren re given -9 'a few weeks at the howe Of TIrAted States The t cann(yt believe that the J. L. rber, B GIY60-Thymofin, -etc. r. David e*d4eted by Rv. DK Herridge, vers tbou itful and commndable move. nklng of the British passenger g '14 Ge rohson Line. -?Yl Gascbo. tsfhere fron-, IdaboxisitIng his dae of 'the annual excursion to parents, -Mr. a- nd &fra John Gascho, rman sub- rrited these aot�a of lawlessness did the occasion was a notable one In th� Guelph radel. fai�m along tWs -line ha Branon Liiie.-The evening ...... tearrshil) Falaba, by a Ge* corrmarders Of the vessels which com- Moderator of the Geheral Assembly, and -The rrarine on March 2&th, thrOU911 which so except under a rrdsapprehension of -history of the c6ngregation. The an- been fixed for Saturda June 19th Ltor- C- Thrasher, an Arrerlcan citiz(-.1, 'was y services in the Evangelical Chure drowned; the attack on April 28t the orders L ued, by the arrperildGer- niversary offering amoujited to over -lewworth h will h rran naval Authorities. it t Ed. I 26 C- he held bt T-30 Wqocck durin the Sum - g by a granted that, at i6xst, within the % Orl, the AmerIcan ve&sel Cushi akes 'it for r received a badly la i I erated and when a horse, German !Submarine; the torpedoing tical pop3lbiliti -At the meetbig �of the official BoarA was cllppin' which e Mer moliths, cominen&-ig with Sunday es of evf),ry case, the bom.; 9, tramped oa It.-ApatriotIc Has 16th. -There are five new housg�' of the MethdIst Church, ,WAItOn cir. Concert under the auspleeg es Ale-& Wei of the Red, urldBr cOnstructiOn L" the village. The I ASon 69gist and ookseller The