HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-05-21, Page 30
'n� tnose aving in %nu wimnera parL ox SIJLSJL%.P W%1%RJL 1W TV JL I%rw I%r %V416 #JL JL J6
Y fund.,_ The �Tbe, townebip
. . . . . . . . me
the Itownsh& grader na.
I Clothes- La.w should be put in a Savings Account as an a rge
%VJLJL%O JL 11 %00 TV W %.7 so
man who has a cash surplus Ia a bank Is protected against bad -bwa used on some of our road,�! re-. *
Its Friends Last -d as'a, mult. the auto driver * closed all day
seasons and hard times. an
.9 Fur
r wugt & alow or else land'tip against
the fetce. ;9en's and Boy nishings
r v
Auother Planee Passes Away.—On an -luomen 9 Dress
d Accessories
u7nday ot la,,A week another of
town 'r
-s Ap ploneerer passed away at, her
holre here on' the loth concead In
Knox Torente, fho 1*robn of Mrs. Matthew H4
hereby expre4s t`O '-'dm Our most cordial wood, in her 88th year. The deceased 4
_N Pletcher by -,the -0 ltb
congratulations on *,bliz, receiving the iMlen's Stylish Su*"'
lady was a native of Yarltshlre, )@ng- 3,
honor so worthily bestowed. Not only 4
land, virh-e�re she grew to w anhood' 0
do we regard �the' dUtinctibn as ik f ltr a�'nd,,Waa married. She canie o0umt to thicl
ting mognition.by his Alma Uatir of' countty with her- hwband vvh�en she.
wide schotaribigo, fine execullve, gift-. was' abotit twenty-three years of age, I
_&rship and pro-emin6nt
ad ma, P,5rs`Q-'1,%1' They trot Aettled In Chlnguacausy,' it
New Bwks %%P- following now worth, but " also prop6rly '-z- eeM it 0 Will like the nevv, su a�� we are sho'wing
Peel L*County, where tbey remained a.
books At th*- $OR- Pro -"A oe Prefty�-.
tery Its If. In thu�3. qmveyines md pla I CUt
am an honor con So rl traLcf_*
have. been- receiye, in L paft Vff 'their first year in, Canada� fo men tl,.%Ley. are CLT, I Ulveiy �w
forth public Llbrary. and e c- They then came up -to, Hallett, settl-
4 ae ant4- met -1
ftt-urday, UI%y� 25ad: Pie 44, On record 0* &'IICOr480t C=gr&tul-'- -Ing on the �3� Line, just north- of
tior.,—A G_ Mexico, Townsendi gone to Dr. vl%atclaer as�dthe congrega- 011nt;=, oh,what is now known th SO --- suits nonesuy ma
1rI From- weli
Usdriess, I Har Before doni of Thok-nee'Road and Xifkt Jarres Stevens farm, which - wa�%= "o kee t - .L- + i
i if gelalz B Mon tqn, we I- P be;r shape and
U �_ffl the :Gringo CaTre, Atherton -, lAttle rejoice with ftem In his fruitful rn).n- home tweniy yearg, then IMOVLAK to
Vlae ilidge, Erfi;ktue: A LWle Straw, yeaxa-land pray_�that both he land Xra.' h4s &&wthlaued to be the fa-rrily home
Steven -son, Girl of the Wtry in that charge for the past
lu Corf:rade, A loit lat on the 10th concession, which
a pee(rance.
Ife HoastarL; i�,tuovgkz of Red -?Jap, Fletcher mAl be spared' to continde ever Ance.-Kra. Heml-wood. has teen drev nu 0 X
Alrarelly of Clothes Ltne Al- their splendid service in this portion a� waa e the -1,-h
w1bon, - avy I bli-le,
in, f&iljp ne time, the
_g hbalth for4sor
Billies Mot1her, Skrine. �of the Mastees vineyard and for the weakness of age having Wgun to tell
.—Kitchener, DA -010' , church at large for ir y predorlinat- color cut with long'or mediu M
Non Fiction Irrr. any hapP' years upon her, and'since November'last she Ing s
laeph Bulloro; Sfr-# John -to corAe. Seasion records were examined -1 � '�% c G
prI&I'Germamy, Von has been confined to bed. About tslx on coats, trousers maiae
Ist ,- wo or three ,utt
hChisholm - wbat I Found Out; and'ottested. Mr. Larkin was- appointed weeks agb. ishe contracted paeumonla iape L
lly and witn fse 'We never h
of Vanco�ver, Joh-aso-11; Whirl- to o(ovey, tile greatings of !the FArzsby- froTn, which she was unable 10 ra out 1-1 1% ad a bet
pool of 19urope, ColquhoUn. JUVenile.— tery� to the, Presbyterial W.M.S. at It's the end caire on Sunday. In religion With pr tne cuf
first :.rou =7,uot is S�tride, 1jurbottle; Guns of annual rreeting at. Seaforth in Septem- - . s, an -Anglican, beMg a mem�er t
Finftig 1-1 sbe wa r -Jot Of,. suits before. You Will be
EurDpe� Altsheler; The Li4cky Seventh, ber. Mr. Smith announced the comiple- of st, Paul's Church, Clinton, which ter or 1prettiei
j3atween ti-te Lhtea in Fraice, t1a,1 of the proceedings. in connectlorl u"d-,.to, attend -in her you
Barbour; sbe tir fancy and
dled just twelve sure t6'see ex�a
Amms; Betweey, the LineS. fn� Belgium, with the -sale of dhurch 'Prope471iy at days. Mr: ijlessigwoed ctly what suit yo
*i years ago thil =Ontb. The surviving
Red ]Erouse childrenla Vacation, Chiselhurst. I&esirs. Reid, Argo ai d Dr.
t1n DICT"It"o -observe Pierro(,, Dag of Belgiurr, EYer; Fletcher With their elders were appoint- rr -he family are - your ocket book too,
Douglas; embers of t Mrs. Robt.
MrA. Robt. Dean,. 0117 t
Detective Barney, O'lligg1w; P01lY&'-T-"1a ed a c0MTn1tt0e tO furth" the Interests Craig, Macklin, Sask,; f Price 0�7 ta 16,?1_7
e Long Distance Grows up, porter; Boy Scouts of Black of, �the pged and infirm, wnjnLsters� and Colborne; -Mrs, W. H, X-edd, Tro.w- F
-wpl and arpbans� funds,' within the bridge; JJrs, David - Hoggarth and; MrS.
EaglL. Patrol, Quirk CruLse of. the w1do I I - Dufterm" "shirts,nat-
Cormorant, Verril;'Gray Whale Flag- bounds The congregation, Of Knox j. fW. -Colunson, Rullett; ThQrras -Res- SHIR WG&R, Crescenc &
L7VTe ynwars,6-f and lot
ling; jackal Patrol, 31rkins; church, Goderich,_w-" given leave to Man.; John aid
selwdod, - Dauphin -fas+ colors +
ship, Dar 1,d and known to be
. I r for the Iratal- the gtb C' eealon, and George, se
A when I was,& 1303 in Belgium, Jonck- borrow� $5,000 to priwide Xay..08 of one iona adver-W.
nPS7 unn-ecn-SM, Frog, Burgess latioii of a new organ. The af ternoob. w and 3(atilda, at home. 'Pie #
heere; Grawif ather mwtwe es
)d wearers, all siz
session was occupied with acontereribe the family rest. 71- a n d
funeral took place from com o table f itters
Dzrmy Ivleadownlouse, Burgas. &at of Author- dence on the �lath poncej*lon on T
ff-'U to $1.bo
i expense. onithe subject:—"The am- Pride
riane Intro-
n Mr. McFa day afterr�oon, the rernains being in-
ity -in Aelteo able
Th4a Late Mrs. weir.—The following ducing'the discussion with a very ternd in BurnA7 eexnetery,
I mess houses bave which, wa take fro= The palumet News will be held
ne:gt treat -Ing
ent oi Paper* The
tias reference to a one-tirre resid ait Segf-oieth on Septerr�er 14th, 191k
briefly reo Goderiol,
ic and persistent seaforth, and to which we' . 4 . -_ 6 1 . spe-Zially bought for tLe holiday
last week: Mrs. M&r9&r6t Her Sa n &
Xerred to vvwn An old Friend.—Mr. Us. CamP- Nir.ety-second -An� I er ry.—A New straw, felt or stiff hats. There !are Be
of captain Wil- Aerestl g amd happy event took piace Neckwear dia onat club steipes
.Renwick, Weir, wife of mcmilop, near WaRon, ir 141 ATQ trade, ni�w
Meph,one trave.U- pvay this morning bell, florreerly
liarr Weir, passed ao Io, �wrltes to ait tbd hoire of Mrs. WAlliam Grefer,', HAIL X W many entirely new 1 deas this �eason
but (,,u* of London, Ontal gns and the new large spot patterns.
at the calLImat public hospital, after us from that'�placai as - follows:' I Want 'Trafalgar st�eet, Goderich, an Monday see th� new fancy desli 25c to 50c
of almost -twq �ears The friends in of iast �'wftk, ..wher. -'that lady Cele- that we are anxious that every should .......... **
d. anywhere frorn an illness j- 'naaly old reary of styles. Every hat has a Price*4*..* iiitiiled
late grg. weir was a ploileer W;ihertt Yfu ust *'a -let my X -second annive becoming look to # that
xy and a Member Haron snd espedally in McKillop, kaow brated the ninety was born I at in leather or e a,;tic, pi�Lin,, fancy or
,of the copper count t I- am still In the land of -the living her 'birth. Mrs. Vareen
known faMilles. She *.tba' enjoyan on selecting a suitable hat is comparatively easy. I Belts buc black, brown or grey
of OUS Of ..the best I am, working'at the Westborought W14shirne, England kles, in tan, I
-was a devout Christian waman of many re I have been M93, 10th, 1828, within a few rrhes of .25c to $1.00
Mqclarey foundry Whe
pf inc�ple mi your Jovble characteristic -5, eympauthetle and steadily engaged for over thirty years. Sadsbury Plain, on which the soldiers oe, to $2.00 Pr
t Pri 5
chaxjta1b,1,B. The news of her &ML50 Oc- Thu egtabiLsbmw-1t Was kept goln�g well of -tlp. first Canadian contingent were
C&SIOns much sorrow and regret a- during the winter considering the dull recently encamped. She came to Caiiada Z
1 Try to figilre
rrong bar numerous friends. The latte This c&npany have made a nurn- with har paren'ta. In 1881 and -in 1834
t-1 stoveg tto, be used for 'war kpur- settled in Goderleb, where she has since You- Seen -
Mrs, Weir was born near Seaforth, OU a*
tance Telephone b%a tf April. ist. 1845, she was H e J
864. She CUM- to es.They axe constructed tOarr reAded, - On
on September 19th, -1 - pos - an draw then- n okin was yr e o te Wm,, Green by x �ov
the copper country as a Young woman' of tb,,,rg�a c - a d co 9 arri d -t tbe I&
locating In 'gancock jq October, 1872, can be done on them while- they are be- Rev. Alexander McKenzie, the first
t in the sprLag presbyterian,
and comiag to 01lume Ing drawa alorX the road- The Itove mL -Aster of Goderich. Mr. 4t thIPP New yies
s married 's Quite an exten_,ive a on January 8rd, 1W
of t - She W& ffair. and each. Green passed away
he following year Jr. I
0 captaAn We �s fro 1906. There camSt0,ble_,zs the union 11
44Mn?' oil October 1fith, 1874, t m $1,200 to $1,500. They 6're "$ /
7-r hIlsband, five song a -ad Or"- cOs (yrk for t�btq factory -during children,. seven of whoYn till llv-� *
Besides hi supplied W alsts
hey ara Wil-
;Survive.- T, There have been 3-00 -Ing. Ti,,ey aTe, Alfred W., Wm- Wit,. in
three daught�r�s the dull �vell. -of 4..
11arr Weir. Jr tDf the C. & Y1. OLIP74 moulde:rs at work &11 winter but the and L_bbal j. R. Parnham), , ......
Co 0 bun- Detroit; March, of Grenell, lowa; 11an-
Of fice, Wal,ar ar"I Jarrea- In the usual corrPlen-leat Is EL'00ut tw
offica of th- �Northern-pqcjfic railroad war lins; a terr1ble.tIAngand r
drad. (Tfids ab (Mrs.j. �.Dayson), of Del Mar, Cal -
le W&sb., John, a timekeeper ithink thatso Many iforrda; Nellie (Mrs. W. G111), of Castle -
at seatt Wb_ it n*kes me oad. to
I.I.; MInij-ig CD=painy Dakota, and Ainnie.(Mrs. J.
for 1the I of our bright young L;anadJ&n boy, r, tbn, .North 3 of Goderich. Some twe-,'tY- + waist is an invitation E
ert in the 01 of t11C_ Buick AutoWi-I getting rrowed dowa, bat they the I* -1 a P. lBrown) * Each Oew
Idaey G. are, no doubt, �zo-rce - eg a Goderich, *
bile comps -.1y in Flint, Mrs. S ndble cause. TheTe five Yelatives who r Id In and # 4
N lan,, %Jag Mary,. a teach- t down to abountiful isupper
Ia.-rgarzt) VIV
ggs school -an goo as throughout see and admire Ly
r1es Bri
Ki people arreng the Germans but to com 0
er In the Cha d those who cmtj�ol the de6tint of. that the day many mesSaies of
far and
the Univer-
1,1iss Gladis, a student in country -Trust U&vz a. queer idea Of, -Civ- congratulation arrived from
16higan. Three biothers, - Wal- Lty when they ne4t.. one pleasing feature was the # Waists more charming
sity of 9
of flizatibn �. and Christia--l' s in the * iWere never
ter, James and Rcpbert Renwick order and counsel such daotardly rreans U_rning OU Of the electric light ense *
C lumat and ane sister, Mrs, George foT the deArucUon of men and proper- bouse for the first time, the exp more attractively trimmed and
a ont., also survive. Ly a's they, errploy. We have a large of 'th-a lmtallatlon having been borne Hosi"ery S
of Armow�
Fraser, Ur;�,. weir was a, charter mern- sol(Mrs m London drilling and by the children Of Mrs. Gentles, an n here to 4F
'The late . � ba3y Of varied than tLe collectio
umet Cqngregational among thpm Mny from I old Huron. elder daughter, now deceased. Mr. R. *
i)er of the C&I active work- pleasure of a call R. Sallows, who, Is a nephew, took a #
ftharch and contirued a -i
of the aged lady In tb6 ar
It Been, W chool WV
her healtih we have had the It. Cunningham photograph greet y4 for S
iri i-ts, interests while
from soms Of them,
er re he went Mrs. Green, despite her ages
called on us the night--befo
permitted, We, were all of, all her fadul- T; $1.25
y �to, say good -by is in full' P085e-ssiOn
hirn go, tie Is isuch' tiet t1ve as an -y. p6ople Special iot .............
and as Re
t.—Af ter a residence In very 4=ry to Gee a
For 'Ths Wer a aLlso bad the, ple"ut tblrt-y years younger. -9he lives! alone
Fast bl
�arter at a. cen- a MO rOOY."Wl tends to her garden, which is -ack plain knitcottotl h0se,
,*,eafor-th for over 0, qu of a vUitfr0vr,_j0qeph Cline and Harry, and., at fancy
,e ai ell 413 do- Compos d of crepes, voiles,
Brodive, Sr., left here essr's kept In 5PIendid shape, as W 12Y2 0-
tury, .1,1r. Charles gr Seaforfll and U
Sask. lie Smith frOrn all Sizes,
On Saturilay for Woodrow, Wn .31CLead-=d Oleave RcDonAld ing. her household duties. crepes
muslins, piques, embroidery crepes
orrpanied by b1s two daughterB, D-On7d W&Iton. QunnIngbam and ----------- op�
waa ace 0
Mrs. jamas Scoott and MrS.,gairnan and from near e time 8,go, with the -pes, 1 lawns all goad
cytt also ac. Dennison left e0w French I Crt Black ribbed cotton hose, an ex-,
Na -Cric-a and 11fiss SC eXpect they are Notes.—We axe glad to report good
on 18th Battalion -d 1
a son. Brodie. has a s ibe part oft Jerry Brydges, New Milliner cellents-hool hose
COT . rp&rAed 'them, Mr. D to be kindly y
Woodrow &V the frmt now' friend4o. progrew on d b
IN near _y a �brse aad serl Ill SIL -25
r daujhter living SoUran remenibered to all old Huron who was kicke styles,
a id a 1
11 was drilled at
t Mrs. &ott an -James Campbell. injured —A 'we
and as I I s
d eupplY of water
g to the West anyWwy and as M 'hapes for boy's
d Mrs ously
were goin the, Transe and a 00 Ald A in- SecW Su mer .,S Heavy black ribbed bose
V%d well advanced in years al- fot-md at 72 feelt. The . Ladies' style in 25c
iz�� 1�. .5 military
A be is MAW he ha�s COLICIcy CHILDRF operation Habitan silks, wear
d aneed the wolrX.—A successful
te though still rerrarkably active,
near as P09 something nev, in.out mil-
-a natural desire b forrred Lpon Miss Ellie Proc
ayes mg -11Y proirptely wag Per is raking favorable. Eacb week fine izes. 53
dt..' Z le Colicky children can be last week. She black'auo white all si bbed fine-
sible to his chil ter, omething different -Black cashmere h6se ri
trier -ds ben who Will join The Fjxpas� cured 1by DEWS own T%blete because rs Day service 0 inery depar,tment. S
progress.—The Mothe
-ad -hapPl- �,tiy on the StOM- burch Bab- 0 that the great fashion centres have pla�ded or quality of t g
w-13hing him health a t:bese Tablets pot direc, conducted In the MethodIst, C Crepe-d�-chene' 'in military. Yarn cruaranteed to
Uor 'IT. *Lag them of
. The folio bla;tb evening before last, by Itev. Mr. their stamp of approval upo tor, all i
ress in ME; new home ach and bowels and cleanse n. There is sizes.
anted colors- wear and keep tbletr col
i -re -Aot therewtu, have. been rrach en oyed. t'a
n -quently I all hr az 0 - I . - sting display of these new flare cu
lines In cona".etion purities. Concerning them Mr -4- jewItt, of Blyth, w intere
Itmmerville, � N. S., a very
-nded �iblication: jarr �L�v. Mr. Kilpatrick Pr'
War Tax- ha us for - pu - es C. Siater, own Tab- was at BlYth.— shapes here now, come in and ice...
dear fa- F Sunday evening Mrs. James Taylor and summer
and fare thee well writes: "I have used Bab., $3 to $5
;ay I have found ....................
k.rg 'and arr, *glad to t- lvtrs. (Rev.) Boyle took ehaxge Of the gee them. Pr
Ut tl(l Q-1"!Ite: What price _c0lIG and Young Pef
gaided, straight, their an excellent rnedlelne f Or ypie,,$ Ireeting in the PreabY-
May thy steps be e sold op e was,
t wU1 brixig YOut LOS'S of sleep." The -Tablets aT. terAan Charch. The t I hy
oer the laurneY' tha lall'at 25
P c die should not garrble.,,L�Tuesday
-Dtionall es who Wait- by mp _ine. dealers or by n we
Iblong The Dr. WillIaIns' rmers' Club met
the joyous on
th gla:d- cents a box rom �elgrave Fa
d wl ening lasit
Ing fille ubject
They wa 3 our c0Tr Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. in Ith-8 odilfellow's ball. The B
ness, ------------- ee Introduced by Andrew
Whlie we h Bay 6arrie and dizeuSS84
s of wisdom,
Miss your cbs the W and 9, pro- + I hingm
ere'—shall 1-fiss you rpuchl I iby the m D Uty
-.7 + ery word A � () (11 Fign
School Repor'L--The following is T.I*e *&s 9, fair attendance
and a ars shall rr -stitute for Dressy Women %
iss your toqch. I I
sk ble Women's Ill
As our flow P()rt of School in tlon� No. �4, Bay) f Ita t1me.—The
7: 1,k1&ny. Tremories h of April. Names are in nual meeting Thursday
ere will linger,
I lk oom, t6r the rronth hold their an in the ForeSr iieed +
d to bl 11 Mo0erately P
th� flowers you cDaxe erit: Senior Fourth.—Violet
Atrid - order of rr af %I ernoon of Lb4S week, F om e
nd w1ther, d,of Tuesday. Reports
As th��_y fade away I -lay, Laura Datars William Thompson.
ters' ball,, In-Atea,
e us too lbon - Bed, of f icer-%
ived and d1sclis s and Fownes
were rece
So C
�Iirect to Of frien& 1j, Seatort'K, Junior Fourtb.—M�rguerlte Reynolds,
10 vou, - Ia-av 4 Gloves Perr:n
Often th-ink 011ie petty. Jantor Third.—Frank Gr d, other Interesting W96tters * t
elected -an 6 1 di
thee golden store N vnlee. attpnded to.—The annual bugl,�Iesg rreet. * guaranteed glov_-s in tan
Friends W C rr art Datans,
I.. Wbill - U 0.1 U"
ho wish Myrtle BrGN L t
ds May prov ha , Alb ety
rev, rien and Albert BrOWT-Llee. Ing of the worren's MISsionary S091
while � our new f -Rob-2rt 'Graham white black or grey, 2button
u-rch, was held 0�.
z 7, sterling.' -or Sacand.—Pearl Thompson, Mary of Belgrave Methodist Ch May 6th. I F
Jani lay, ams, all sizes.
r whose 1�z like those of 5q)re. MardockStew- in -Itbd- church on Thurs, finish -ed se
There'%� no frie, I
ThqTr 1)5on, Hazal Smillie, -
the Secretary comfort4 ly Priee.. to $1,7
imid western beautY, rst clw".—Gil- psports were read by 5
that after
im ta 'When 8onya morn Urt.'Praston Graham. V-1 A good figuie can be A
great blue sky, 'tt Olive petty Part Two. and Treazu�rer which -,hawed'
bert Jarro _q re-
Gazing at th! e paid the su 11
led er 'd 1bv weari g in
Do not ba alarmed or worz Wilsor -Brofflniae, Stanley Graham. The the year's expenses an -helath fully attaine'd Collars and neck ffixi
e mD-,It.bly spelling . - (to, the Branch
Igh. op bad been sent
!Kaiser" 9 th
,1,e�t 6peller3 in a good corset vealing th6 secrets that fash
If you h�ar the —Laura ts were re
After the repor
'ivrlte and,tell Us matches were, Senior Foartb. Traaast�rer wink -off-l- Crompton Corsets ion demands, all the newest i
And -be sure 'YOU. really 'true, Datars. JUnior Fourth., — Margiuerlte ceived fand adbpted -the f0110
It -th2 storrY's -julf Ird.,—Myrtle Brown- s, were elected fur the new year: corsets in every sence 'of fichus -vestees ruffs and mil-
lber Reynold'S. JuTdor,Th
rrGsquito-as, grelat in J. Procter;. Vice- are dood
That r2 p on. Etta Mrs. W. z7 %�
pound or two. lee, Second.�_pearl Th6 a President. a. model ior ev�ry
Gf ten president, Mrs' Charles Procter; Sec- the word. rhere is itary effects.
Jarrott, Te"heT.
gon; Treas-.
�s whoill 7.1-5s P)11, Charles Wilkin f figure, a model that �ili BELTS-wWiththe retUrningpopular-
-Many are the GRE ratary, Mrs. type 0
gs are held
All "a -%vlsh to y urer ;,,Irs. j. T. Bell, MeetIn ity of the wa.1st'comes the dernands
I Ctediton
vpLre into prop I
G� will gl 1 er fines.
L x your f U ould you
Golden wvkh6s '0 first Thursday Of every montb. m for belts. We have an excell-ent
yaars 7011- Yet shall Uve. Notes. — School IWPeetOT Tom, of the
,Inv of our T..ry and spend a profitable hod.r with' 50c to $3, 0
That m Goder1cb,., rfade an- inspection
this -Society. Showing frOM 25C Up -
-,Nirs. Charlas BrG In h,� rrembars Of
Echool, last
week.—Special services
of 111,1other's Day" were
resbytery cdrrmeratlan ST
,kri 01? otito, Ciry oF ToLwo,
C Ruron P The P- hurches last Sunday. The
meeting held in both c LWAS COUWT-
regular Ma ctions &.1d the ,V dop
or Huron, held its ClIjn.ton. Th4ere choirs rende.red fine sele p=k j. oheney makes oath tbat he is senior
Lt were quite ropri- tuer of the firm of F. J. Cheney & 00.,
on Tuesday, 11th inst-, serrrorA :delivered app jne" in the City of Toledo, County kud
JOhnston, Troderator, t"U,
were present Mr. pos, lisrper# ate. The -white flower in remembraftee 410rmid t�vdtbstsaid firm will pay the own of
ana every
Dr. Pletcher, Messrs. - of - the 'best frieU4 In, the world 0,N'j 11UNDRED DOLLARS for iw
ot be cured by the ime ef
I Woods, Turner, Larkin, XcFar s bladellne Ber- emoe of Critarrh that cann
and much In, evidence.—Mis FROK T. CHENEY Butter and.
and the Clerk, -.ministers, trld 1% weeited asitliltion- with Rdll,s Catarrh Cim-
lame efiomm and sabowibed In my pres-
Lrk�, Cuiiningham, Anderson. t B &eember, A. D. IP&L Butter and 7000
d__ f
Messrs. Sp. S'T 'yo
Urquhart. and r0q.,.;_-We learn -th t Thowaa
(i ist6th Wm*d
a A. W. GLIASON; 00
Higgins, Cutt, E Thomasaalci A 0
aarbers, William Yearley Nolary Publict Wan
Fraser,',cllers. BY sjtan&tg, vote -the Ch mhtly bought temagy, and acts ted "nix
apted the fol;. Geor. ge Ma:whinney have rec UA#g Mtsffh 'C%re le'taken In
4116GUY on e=, silo, mucous mmim" of tbA
pre-sbytery cordially ac IX99Y will dt 4W Eggs. ISK&FORx,ja
we, the mem- Ford cars. The horse and U Sez� monials. free.
lowing r� saltitlXl adon be iookp
d upm ao. a back number. 93**w.
Of Huron, a
-berz of the Prc _The dl fnr �,the Btr-eetis has arrivedi- j. cuuNsy ( uo., Props., Takdo
L&tkw 0oo
this, Our first r farrjug. of the 4 1 ��-Cree Our M for anatipatfoa. 4i I I I ta w -ft,
f1hi egalar me Lbse are waiting for a, gold b se.
4.L _own ftthers dM
fr:f V* the con `Pat it on the streete. Take A18=5164y,
4 ;queitt to
th y UpOA fayorAble 'thre%t4
of dootor ot divinit
Cloll e.�_ astLast
5_ rie2s