The Huron Expositor, 1915-05-14, Page 7!AY 41 1914 wao in his $6th year, being Wicklow, Ireland, and mGvht porente to a fartr near Tai- nt later to Cared= Townehire -men he entered tfusiness in 7. lawenty-three yeere ago he §arnia and took a pedtion with la Agrieultural Society, and n. purchased the plant, found -- 'elm Geodison Threiher Weave seen Reeve a sarniajiAti, rep.. that town la the *Latribton 100=11 continuously for four - ate EL James, Mitchell, has euro he 100 -acre farnt belonging to ite Harria dec-eased, of Pul1en- $5,000. mos have :ofre ower ceases ;- ar we urge you to ar that you owe it We want to tell climbing triumphs. rou about its speed ortls. We want to up for you every tures. ;.:n.1 you have a new sur- , us a comidete new sleer- g kT HOLD AND- LAST of braking surface toevery .=.rei„,dit. That's more than 'rtr gives to -day. Maxwell gqtly dependabieenclosed iu dust and dirt, awl have it; devices, Maxwell 'brakes handle. The slightest oot and your car comes to !mom* ers Xs in every part of this Ont. The main offices This in itself means ...c1 by Maxwell owners e will he 71-2 in=ease Canaaiga will not ii•eas.s. tint price of the anon car ha Canada, gt • _ t - • - - .4 • 0 . _Wet:trio er Starter tiP V Extra 915 - Was Troubled With Navas Prastratha. Many people although they blow Of nervous prostration do not know what the symptoms are. The prhecipal ones' are, a feeling of fright when in crowded_ ;gams, a dread of being alone, fear of ;being in a 'confined place, a horror of sixiety, a dread of things falling from above, fright at travelling on railroad trains, and disturbed and restless, un- refreshing sleep, often trotibled with *suns. George tLee, Victoria Harbor, mites: "lam writing to tell you experience 1 have lied With. Mil- burtes Heart and Nerve Pills,. I was so nervous I could not do any own work, did not want to see any one, or would I go any place. My nerves were bad for three years, and my heart was so bad it made me tremble all over. I took three boxes of your`pillseand I never was better than I am now. I weigh 20 pounds more than I ever did."_, Milburnts Heart and Nerve Pills are Seic per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at au! dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of i price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. LEGAL. R. a HAYS Barrieter, Solicitor,' Conveyancer and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Doha - %ion Bank. Office in re,ar of the Dom- inion Bank, Seaforth; Money to._ loan. J. IL BEST. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Office up -stairs over Walker's furniture store, Main gavel:, fieaforth. _ t ' v: HOLMESTED. Barrister, Solieltot, Conveyancer and. /Farms for sale. Office, In. Scott's bknk, &Lela street, Seaforth.. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND t PROUDFOOT, Votary Public. Solicitor for the Cana- dian•Bank of Commerce. Money to loan. Barrieters, Sceleitore, Notaries Public, etc. Money to len& In Seaforth on Mor - day a oach week. Office in Kidd block, VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. Honor 'graduate ef Ontario Vetetin- any College. All diseases of Domestic Ai/I:male treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Vetertnal Dentistry a specialty, Office and resi- dence on Goderich street, one door east of Dr. Belittle office, Seatorth. F. RBURN, V. S. Honor grasattate of Ontario Westin. • aty College, and honorary member at the Medical iessociatioe of .the Ontario Veterinary College, Treats diseases of all Domeetic Aramaic; by the most mod- ern principleDentistry and Milk Fev- er a specialty. Office opposite Dick's flotel, Min. street, Seefortit- All or- ders left at the hotel will receive , prompt Satention. Night °ells 'received at the tiffice. MEDICAL C. J. W. KA_RN, M.D.0,1S1, e25 Richmond street, London, Ont.!. ' Specialist : Surgery and Gelato-Uri/1- ary disease e of men and -women. DR. 'GEORGE. EILERANN. Osteopathic Physician Of Goderich, Specialist in women's and children's diseases, rheumatism, acute, chronic saia nervous &seeders, eye, ear, nose end throat. Consultation free. Office at Coramerciaa Hotel,Seaforth, Tueeda,y. end Fridaye, 8 a.m. till 1 pien.i DR. F. J. BURROWS. Office and residence—Goderich street, east of the Methodist cburch, Seaforth. Phone No. 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. - DRS. SCOTT & 3. G. Scott, .gradueite of Victoria, and College Of Physicians and Surgeone. Ann Arbor, and member of the Ontario Coroner fnr the County of eittron. C. MacKay, heaoe graduate of Trinity University, and geld medallist of Trin- ity Medical College; member of the Col - 1 lege of Physicians and Sergeoas, Ontario. • .,- THE Elt-RON EXPOSITOR HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize' the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To reatorethat strength and staining that is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Smulstore be- cause its, strength -sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distribute energythroughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural,.permed/tilt way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's AmulSion to -day. At any drug store. Scott& eowne, Toronto, Out. 111111 latith The:Canadians in the • Hospitals . A large number df wounded Canadian .16.1•0.1amme.10.•••.• soldiens have been received at the Duch - A I itg•fte. - ° ' 4,11 annul- iiitte th-is man:, thought Besnsgloafnde,onsninaceaghtthellosgprietaati, ,Cblaistetnled ell . Flanders in which the Canadians took -rye been liguring," said the mayor, so prominent a part and. suffered so that was one thing be ,didn't have to eeverely. Moet of the 'patients are men contend with, No, sir, tbere wasn't from the ranks and give evidence of any .brig,at young men hunting ' up old . being badly knocked about in the xecetet fighting. Several of the men are ia a Nitpoleoe'l and knocking him in the nlonthly. magazines. They aidI go striouscondition. The hospital_ was :t 1 own tol Sardinia it 'wli cleared last .week and bad Ample and pump utor aceemodation for this, the largest batch the neignbors that he started bu iness of wounded men from . the .froat eines " bt'''''"svtla - money and that 1C -1s fa " the. war Iconimen4ed, • The men were tter dritnk inore than was _good for mostly from the .Western and Ontarle, n'ile. Thet- didn't ru Dill I ustrated a rti- battaloins. Those -who•were able to an - :eve teem the diamonds be wore and mare visitors testified to the desttuc- eloving piertires of bien eating soup." tivenees of the Garman machiae gun -No. 1 gliess not." replied Magee ab- fire, but did not think much of the demi telly. • - Germans' ability'to fight in close;guar- *.1 reckon there was a lot In his rece ters. In fact .,the Germans eome of The witatet meant for the newspapers," , Canada encountered in close -quar- tets showed an unwillingness totight. eititineed Cargnn reflectively. ..And '. "They didn't give us 'a chance to it ditliet get there. Nap was inelryshoot them," said Croon, a young priv- He tied it 011 the reformers thereate of the .14th battalion. "Things were Phey couldn't squash him 'with the at their worst on Saturday morning," Crania added. The Germans juet-pump- po WO!' 0 r • tilt press."' ed shrapnel into the Canadians. Crane Mr. 'Magee; In•oke away from the wes woundea in the leg 'by a machine. mayor's I-eine:heti history .and hurried gun, The bullet has since been extracted. DR. II HUGH ROIIS. Gradaate of University of Toronto Padulty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Phy,sicians and Surgeons of On- tario; pass graduate mimes ia Chicago Clincal School of Chicago; Royal Oph- thalmic- Hospital, London, Englan.d, University College Hospital, London England. Office---BaCk of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria street, Seaforth. le Miss Norton_ • Private Alburt, an Edmonton mete "You' prifillist41 yesterd'ay;' be re- whe ' is suffering from ebrapnel wounds minded [tI to .how me the pictures iti the leg and a' gunshot wound. in the et the Heuer:tee - wrist, underwent a painful ordeal after ...so I did." she replied. rieing quick- being wounded.' On Friday. Exposed _ to a cohstaut fire he crawie.d three ty. -To think you have :Tent all this tittle in ettidente len and not paid Miles on las bands and knees along rpugh.' geound, realizing every teenage to its own..particular cock of that movement rnade him a target for the lite walk." " 'stip led lieu to a portrait hinging be- • enemy. ,The Germans.shelled the entire position, eparing neither wounded hor side the desk. dead. Alburtai hand was saved by a , -Behold: stli. Neel.. -the admiral on wrist watch which diverted the but,: a sunny day inelpiy. Note the starchy let. He was wounded on ta''riday after- genteleur of 141. even with the ther- noon but was not picked up by the atretcher-bearers until Saturday even- mometer up in the (quiets_ That's one of the elline.s the reeking chair fleet . A illamilton man, Herbert Walker of 1(101 C" kii him. Can you imagine the the second brigade ammunition column.' flurry at the tillpt'otteh of all that.eU- counted himself lucky to escape with periority'f l'Ileolloi-e Roosevelt\ Wil- a shrapnel wound in the back. He 'wee Hain I'avershatu and Riehard Harding with the party in charge of a wagon Davis ell arriving together Ouldn't conveying ammunition, in front of 01 (4 the ndminti for a-ininute." which two men were killed and live Mr. Magee gazed at the picture of a were 'wounded. Lance -Corporal 'Woodruff, of the sec- pomaons litle man whose fierce mutt- ond battalion, gave the following' in- tnehe seemed anxious to make up for eident : "On Friday morning In the the Inca of hair on his hefuL - figatingaaround Ypres a Germaa sole "A linld hetet at a summer resort, dier left the trench immediately tad- * v he co mented, "it seems incredible." 112g us and walked towards that in at , tOle they' think. he lost his hair righting- for the nag!" she laughed. els is possible to see the room where the admiral plays his famous game?" - tittep softly," . she answered. "In here. There stands the very table." They went into the small card room at the right Of the entrance to the.of- flee, and Mr. Magee quietly closed the door behind thena. _The time had come. He felt his heart sink. "Well?" said' the girl, with an eager- ness she could net:conceal. , Mr. Magee groped for words and • found—his old friends of the moun- tain_ 9 love you," be erlea desperately. "Yotemust believe I want to help yon. It looks rather the otber way now, 111 admit. I want you to hare that ITIOn- ey. I don't know :who you are nor what this all means. but I want you to have it, I went upstairs determined to give it to yon"— "Really." The word was at least 50 degrees below the temperature of the •cardroom.• . "Yes, really. I won't ask you to be 'neve. but I'm telling the truth. I went AUCTIONEERS. • THOMAS BROWN. Licensed auctioneer for the counties • of Huron and Perth. Corte„spondence ar- rangements for sale dates can be made by ealliag ep Phone 97, Seaforth, or The Expositor cake. Charges moder- ate and satisfactian gua,ranteed. ?or their gallant conduot. Canada bas indeed reason to bs Prouti..of her sone, and their devoted bravery has done more than anything else could have done to Weld together the Brhish Em - Ore," , A private message Just re-..,,E:vd, a gentleman in. Ottawa glees th.e lowing extrent from a letter 'written by a British (Alicer on the ..24th,April "In last fight Canadians fought •like very *devils, We lay' next them about - six weeks ago land they made cur men look like pigmies,. They are great, big. hardlooking ruatiana and have proved mere than a match for the Germans. For three days and three nights they stuck to almost untenable positions and closed the gap Germans made betiveen them and the French H : - • A ,IPatriotio Address It is qUite. evident that the people of Wherdpeg, the borne constituency at Hon, Robert Rofgers, do not desire a - kalchi election. One evening lestaweek the Winnipeg Theatre, one of the larg- est meeting places in the city, was crowded by people Who went to protest against the holding of an election dur- ing the existence of the war. The reso- lutions, e copy of which has been tor - warded to Sir Robert Borden, were both moved and feeconded, by Conserve- tivee. The characte'r of the addresses de- livered and exemplifying the sincerity and earnestness of the people, may be judged from that of the iinever .of the resold:lens which we copy- as follows ,frorn The Winnipeg' Free Press: R. W. Craig rose to move the re- solution, and made , one of the most _telling and brilliant addresses of the entire evening. "I have been a Con- iservative," said he, "but I say to -night tient I am better than that; 1 arn a Canadian, We are all of us, eot L'ib- erals or Coneervatives btxt Canadians. The only justification for a general el.. ection at this :present time istnecessity, lend if there was necessity for the eke - tion Ms meeting „would not have been called, . "Now, what Would justify ,an elec- 'tionr' the queried. "A policy that pne party favored. the wan. 'and the ,otaer. opposed it. There is no division a •the. Canadian people in this regard, and therefore there it no necesaity to ea - peal to the electorate. If there ever was a 'time- when Canada should be united, it is. now. An, election is not Justified by conditions -As they are 'to- day We know that Germans and Ates - 'trims have been brought into Canada In vast =There during the past ten years ; at a danger it Is to our corn- rron Canadian nationallem to' seek to divide them nowt The argument Is 'all one-sided to -night, The parades of the tmenniloyed wbich We have lately jtvit- nessed in this city constituted a, chal- lenge to the Canadian government, and I say that both the .goveraunen.t and the °position could do no batter than de- vote themselves to that problem and not n:eddle with political strife. 'What other justification for an e- • lection is there than that of political adventage, and I say that the man .whoadvocates an electicm at -this, time a traitor to his country- (Pteltnged. applause,) We are all 'of us unanimous about the war, and therefore_ an elec- tion Would decide nothing. Then why are we called upon to vige, if our vates • Coli - time balding his hand la the Air. In will achieve .no end? Surely tile Con - broken English he shouted to us to i . servatiee leaders are big enough :aid strretidere Walking towards us until ieragnanitnous enough ,to .forget. any continued to shout ' render! •until our boys were quiteleck.Sur- :1 snipers' in the Liberal party and Work quite near, he cont towarditthe continued enanirnity of V10 lett We invited !him to ?join us, but es Canadian people. he did not seem inclined (ito eaccept the "I have a dear partner ' in busirieSi Invitation, we shouted to bim to 'go who is lying over there somewhere, back. 113 turrted around and .we gave perhaps dead," went on Mr. Craig. him an opportunity of returning safely "Where is he lyinga There are ;2,500 d to his comrades then the firing .begaree tbers like him. /Would it :nmore ot be e Private Sanderson, of 'the 90th Win- nipeg, said ; "I was in the trenche,s when the poisonous gas relied over ,u.s. •• It, N. LUKER, Licensed aucticereer for the County of Huron. - Sales attended ito in ail parts of the County. Seven years' ex- perience in ktanitoba and Saskatchewan Terms reasonable, Phoae -No. 204, R. 1-3., Exeter. 'Centralia P. 0. Re R. No. 1. Orders left at The Huron, Ex- positor Office, Seaforth, promptly At- tended, to., JOHN ARNOLD, Licensed auctioneer *tor the counties of Heron and Perth. Arrangements for sale (bites can be made by callingap Phone 2 on 28 Dublin, or 41 Seaforth, or the Expositor Office. Charges mod- erate and satisfection gaaranteed. to the place where I had fatuously hid the money ---under a brick of my fire- place. It was gone." "How terribly unfortunate.* "Yes, 'isn't it?" Mr. Magee rejoiced that she took so calm a view Of it "They searched the room, of course, and they found the money. They're on top now, but I'm going"— He stopped, for he had seen her face. She—taking a calm view of it? No, indeed. Billy Magee saw that she was furiously, wildly angry. He remem- bered always having written it down that beautiful women were even more beautiful in anger. How, be wonder- ed, had he fallen into that error?' "Please do not bore me," she said through her teeth. "with any further recital of what you 'are going' td do. You seem to have a fatal facility in that line. Your record of accomplish- ment is pathetically weak. And—oh, what a fool I've been! I believed. Even after last night. I believed." "I know," be said helplessly, "you're terribly disappointed, aud I don't blame you. But you will find out that you've done me an injustice. I'm going"— "One thing," said she, smiling a smile that cOuld have cut glass, "you are going to do. I know that you won't fail this time, because I shail personally see you through with it. You're going to stop making a fool of. "Tell me," pleaded Billy Magee, "tel) me who you, are—what this is all about. Cas'eyou see Ian working in the dark? You must"— She threw open the card room door. • "An English officer," she rem -irked loudly, stepping out into the other room, "taught the admiral the game— at least, so he said. It added so much romance to it in the eyes oy the, reek- ing chair fleet. beret you see2-India— the hot sun—the Kipling local color—a t B. fa. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer for the counties of. fluron and Perth. Being a practiosa termer and thoroughly Understanding the value of fan:restock and implements pteeee we in a better position to re - Agee good Prima. Charges moderate. iliathdactien guaranteed or no pay. .A.I1 Emden ioft In Exeter will be promptly SOMA tat • . • • . silent. tanned. handsome man e erunt- ly playing solitaire on the porch of the barracks? Has the barracks a porch?" - Roused. humiliated. baffled, Mr. Ma- iee felt his cheeks but -a. . eseaseogeogosegoeseseateseneeeeteeeeetteaete Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S_TICIR I fitting for the, Catiedian goveenrnent to try to find out where all itt dead are lying instead of projecting party It was at a time when the German e etrife at this thriet"1 say that our boys were commencing an attack. Inour at the front are fully tjustified If they rear was a house previously used as take the ballot -boxes pent .them for headquarters. It was impossible to make their votes and rim, those boxes with for it. The effect of the gas is that bullets. (Some one In the audience— you get it into your onouth,--but it re- 'Riddle the fellows who sent therm') 1 fuses to go down further. The Jsen,sa,- would say, fill tbe boxes with the uni- t retained consclote enees, but was of Me living., and zend them back to forms of the cad and :the execrations tion is horrible, 1 saw men collapsing. MIRACULOUS CURE OF ASTHMA Suffered Terribly for 15 Tears Until He Tried "Frult4-tives" whice we were located, the sarne D. A. WHITE, Encl. 2X. W.11.1a4ACI4 TORONTO, Dec. eeno. 19113. "Having been a. great sufferer from Asthma for a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to sit up at night for weeks at a time) I began the use of a"Fruit-a-tives". .These wonderful tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and through the continued use of same I am no longer distressed with that terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to iTruit-a-tives" which are worth their weight in gold to anyone suffering as I did. I would heartily recommend them to all sufferers 'from Asthma which 1 believe is caused or aggravated. by Indigestion". D. A. WHITE For Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any trouble caused by exceesivenervoneness due to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion or 'Constipation, take 'FrMl-a-tives" • eoc, a box, it fort -2.5o, trial slaf, 25e. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tivea Igiraited, Ottawa. 11111111111111111111111111111111811111.1111=1111.11.11111111.1 WEAR _ Pdpular Stallions • The following well known stallioaa will stand for the improvement of istock this season as -follon-s; GUINEA GOLD -(13020) G 1W Nott, Pfoprietor, Monday—Wilt leave own stable, West End, Tuckersmith, and go -south to the Mill Road to B& Papple and Sons for noon; then across the Huron Rottd and west to Wm. Male's for the night Tuesde,y--To the Graham House, Clinton, for noon, remaining until the following morning. Wednesday—To his otve „stable for noon, where he will in- tre'le. until the following 'Monday morn- ing., DITNITURE GARTLY (9221) G. W. nett, Proprietor. Wednesday—Will leave his own stable at noon and go by way. of London and Huron roads to Gilbert Mair'e for night Thursday—By Hohneeville and . the Maitland concession to Wm. Durst & Sons for noon; then by may of Bethel Corner to Wilmot 'hake's, Huronroad, for night. Friday—By way of the 6th eonee-ssion to Porter's Hill, then by way of the seventh concession., to Reuben Grigg's for night. Saturday—By way of Steep's ConnerandBayfield Road to Jarres Jackson's, and concession of Stanley, for noon; then to his own stable, where he will remain until :the following Wednesday noon. RED MeKINNEY No. 42946, AMR, . Inspected and Approved. James Berry, Proprietor & Manager Monday—Will leave his 'own stable, Egmondville, at noon, and go byway • of the Huron Road, to Clinton, Q.t. g' Graham's Ilotel for night. Tuesday -7 'South by way of London Road tte Walker's Brucefield, for noon ; then south to T. J. Berry's stables, Bewail, for night. Wed.nesday — To Exeter, at the Commercial Hotel for noon; then to Centralia, at 'Mof- fatt's Hotel for night. -Thursday—East to 'William Brock's, liaborne, for noon; then to Kirkton, at Taylor's Hotel, for 'night, Friday --West to Jas. BaIlan- tyne's, Theborne boundary, for noon; then north to Dublin at Weber's 113 - tel, for night. Seturday—By way of the Huron Itoad to his own stable for noon, where lie will remain until ;the follovving Monday noon. FOR EVERY AND EVECREATI SST:* BY AU. gle-M-1111"ornigurjwita---- Mt 1 13YUrn mitutzit The Cause of Dyspepsia. The Symptoms and The Cure. CHLORODYNE. (14062) 13547 Inspected and Approved. 3, Livingstone, Pociprietor .& Manager Monday—Will leave -iris own stable, at Staffs, and go west to ' David Bill's for noon; thenee south to the Cromarty line, thence east to his own stable for the night. Tuesday—Will leave his " own stable at 8:30 andpro- ceed south to Janies Ballantynets, en the Usborne and Hibbert boundary, for 1. night. Wedoesday—South to Wine eheisia, to John DelbrIdge's; for noon; thence south to Wm: Broclea fornight, remaining until. 3.80 Thursday 'after- noon. Thursday Afternoon—To Kirk - ton, at Taylor's Trotel, for the olght 1 Friday—North to the T.hames Road, at Thomas MeCurdey's for noon, • thence north to the Cromarty line to John Hamilton's for night. SatiirdaY—West to Cromarty, :then porta. ttoetStaffe, to his own stable, for noon, remaining until the following Monday roar -nine. LAMBERTON HERO Imported n463 (15545) - Inspected. arid Approve& R. T. Luker and. eonsoltroprietors. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Lot 9, .Con. I, Usborne,- 11-2 miles south of Bxeler, at nine o'clock, and - gob,y way of the Loudon road southl mile, then east 1 1-4t miles, then norta THE CAUSE. to W. Frayne's, 2nd bonceesion of Us - Too ripid eating, eating too much, and borne, for noon; then north to the tact often, improperly chewing the food, Thames Road, then east 1 1-4 mike, eating ;t0,0 much stimulating food, and then mirth to Sam Cudmare's fornight. indulging in improper diet generally. Tuesdaye-West 14-4 ti-iles, then south 5;j wr THE SYMPTOMS. 11-4 wiles, then '` west 21-2 miles to wounded in the right arm arid ehoul- ence ey came. Variable appetite rising and souring of to e-aereel Gounpe second concession or Hay, then north der. My chum dressed_ it in the trench, titre enough to isettle all party differ - food, .heartburnt Wittch in the stomach,. for noon; thentnorth a feeling of weight in the stomach he , to Zurich road, then west to A. Luk - where we remained several hours. Ey- s ence.8. We ebould anow no Liberal end t no Conservative party while the war _ _ . ) er s for the night. Wednesday—West feet a 'feeling that 'your stomach has gone cntually some of us reached the housc• e to the Parr line then north to Hills- *10 7 I Popular Stallions 1 - HURON'S HIAWATHA- 129.7 Bred by and tb,e property of 'janiee Carlin, will stand for the imgovement of stc411 ale own stable, HurmaRead, aleXillon two nines and a half east of Seaforth. Terms to insure, Oa -Inspect- ed and approve& CUMBERLAND GEM - 13978 (16986) Inspected. Approvzd. Jobn McGavhi, Proprietor. Will stand for service during the Inee. ent season at John 3. MeGavin's Stables, Leadbury, Lot -22, Con- ceesion. 13, McKillop. • • The Pere Bred --ttlyde.sdale Steiner/ - WO GRANDE Imporeed-14940 (14 4 l2) 2 Enrolment No. 2180 Inspected and Appreved, , Will travel the same. route this seams as during the Season. of :1914, standing at his own is:table Saturday and Mon- day. Terms $1.8 to insure.; James Dale, Proprietor &Manager. 2412x8 We found the -upper part of the build- ing completely blown away. The oc- cepartts in the cellar had piled potatoes to protect them from shell fire. At 8 o'clock at night we left, idragging a,ses. 1 all wrong and that the food, you eat does not seem fo agree with you. green, then _east to 3. Coehranets for Mr. Craig was cheered to the echo, . and then thur -Congdon rose to nee- 1 noon then, vtest to Hillsgreen, then - 1 ond Ithe pa sing of the resolution. , THE CURE. - north to la Anderson's for night. ICILIttDOCK BLOOD S BITTER I Thursday—West to the Goshen Line, Mr. Con don said ha was in favor e -arae selves along without apealthig a word. of -the res lution for -the reason thie • then south to R. McBride's for 10.00112 At length a Red Cross sentry challeng- ha didaeeet :Want to see his friends make I Mrs, E. Williamson, Wheeler, tint, then south to Zurich, at Johnston's He- ed us, and we knew we had reached a mistake. He was a fersonal friend. I writes: "1 have been a sufferer for tel for night.Fridey—Sogth to la Tette- the dressing etatIon." of Premier Borden's, and he dia not 1 years from dyspepsia, and could scarcely n-nerts for noon, then south to the A telegram received from Sir John believe the premier would • -consent to eat anything. I tried Burdock Blood town line', then east to E. Permits 'French by Sir Robert Borden etas as anything he did not consider :was wise ' Bitters, and I am entirely cuted. I have for the night. Saturday — South and te not been troubled since I took it, and that east to W. 'Baden's, 6th concession of follows: or right. e sa a "I thank you heartily for your tele- gram, which I have communicated to to the Canadian troops. No words of The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale taiiienCUMBERLAND SCOTT Importe.d-13972 (161381) • Enrolment No. 2802. . Inspected and Approved. Monday—Will leave his own stable, lot 4, concession 3, Hibbert. and gots John Carpenter's, Dublin, for noon; thence to Patrick Carlin's, St Cohnnban, for night. Tuesday—Wast a- long the Huron Road.' to Boundary tine, thence south and east to 3Ohn Mur- phy's, lot 23, corienssion 2, Hibbert, for • noon; thence to his own stable for night Wednesday --Will nweed tOWra. McKenzie,s, lot 20, concession 3, Lo- gan, for noon; then to William Win- teringham's, lot 6, concession 2, Lo- gan, for night Thursday —• To .oxt Retee, lot 15, concession 2, Fullarto-n, for 'noon; thence toPeterSmith's,let IS, concession 2. Downie. for night. _ Friday—To John Heilnan's, lot Aram- cession- '5 Downie for noon- thence to Barley Robinson's,- lot 16. concwsion 4, Fullerton, for night. Saturday—Tit Collison Hoase ;stables, Mitchell, for noon; thence to his OWn e•toble ,for night and Until Monday morning. Terms to insure a- foal, 15, payable _January lst, 1916. Robert Burchill, 2473x8 - Proprietor &,,oinaker...., • The Standard Bred Trotting Stailion Blyth, and go to Millers Hotel, Wal- ton, for noon; 'then to Central Hotel, Brussels, for night. TaesclaY - Jamestown for noon, and stay at John M. taller's, south hat lot 16 aneF concession 1, Morris; then to King Ed- ward; Hotel alai:des, Viringetir, for the 'fluent. Wedneedeot—To 3. J. Itarythall'a Hotel, Hein/ore, for noon; then tow- e Vendomets 'hotel Teeswater, for the - night, ,retentinbig till .the fo. 'hewing afternoon. Thursday iektterzioiin To Egehangc Hotel, Winkharn, for night. Friday—To Belgrave Hotel for noon:. then to bis own stable in Blyth, where . be will remain until the following Mon- day morning. • IKE MEDIUM 51522 et.:T.11.,-1810 C11,11. Inspected and Approved'. „J O. Charlesworth, Propiletsr Monday—W111 leave his own stable, Alfred Young, Manager „ = LORD MANSFIELD. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager.„- Monday—Mill leave his own stable, 4 Beechwood, and go' to ''' Pat. Woods', Logar , for noon; thence to his oWo. -Stable ...1:f -or the night, Tuesday — To 3ohn Murray's, toncession- 11, VeK11- ' lop, tor noon; thence west a) A, Rose', concession 11c -McKillop, for one hour; _thence to his own stable for night, , where ' he will remain Until Vednes- day noon. Wednesday Noon—To Web- erle Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thur - 4 clay—qo Joseph Nage', for Acon; then to Joseph Athinson' for night. 7.ridal- - - —To Martin Curtin t; 11-2 rolleS east , a Seaforta, for noon; pen to Matthew 14wdahaYbo1411:eiei'lls'xviipMreoeilCireenlield"4161:mitht n_flt;iiiiwiltri; Eleitil'wie: ing Monday morning. Terms andOondi- I tiOnS same as fonner years. Lord Mane- field has been enrolled, inspected. and approved. James Evans, Manager. _ • INDEX (3140) (8140) Inspected and Approved. d Wirmi eg personalfreends is two years ago. I can now eat any- Stephen, for noon, then east, to als - Berry, Proprietor and Managere ram requesting thet there be .no elec- B.R.B. is manufactured only by The tbe following Monday rearning.—James mine can -express the a,dmirationq feel on , e severalp . k ' , own stable, where he win remain until of the premier's to send him ea. tele- thing I wish. . d he had •done 1 T. Milburn- Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Berigough, Manager. i 111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111M111111111011111111111111111111111M111111111111RMItilliM111111111111111111111111111;11111111h1111111111111111111111111111111111111111311111111i1111M1111111111111111111011Ri .0 1111 tr. Get 1915 Sugar in: origin packages— than yciti' are sure of the genuine t 1 1111 SUGA. The inherited preference for Sugar that exists in so many thousan s of Canadian 'homes to -day, is based on genuine satisfaction for three generations. Satisfaction first With "Ye Okle Sugar 41Dafe , made in Canada by John Redpath 60 years ago—then with Canada's first Granulated Sugar, made by the Redpath Refinery in 1880—now with 'the modern 2 lb. and 5 lb. Sealed Cartons of atifiit Extra Granulated "Canada's favorite sugar, at its best” CANAD#1..1GAR REFINING CO, 1.1141TE1), IvIONTRE,41.1 e allimultsposeillilliallillalliplaIMMINN111111111111110111114y111111111111111MIIIMIM11111211111MIlintil I:1 ; Monday—Will leave his own stable, - and proceed west to Varna endoorth , 1 to Ben Rathweirs, for noon; thence 1 by way of the Be-yfield concession to Wen. Currie's, for night. Tuesday—To G. 0. Sturdy', for noon; then west.' to the sixth concession and north tO James alcafillan's or night. Wednes- 1 Iday—North to the Huron Road and I g east toe Kr. Schwantes , for noon; then east to Holmesville and north toHarry i Sweet's for night. Thursday—By way 1. of the Huron Road to Clinton at the i 1 `Graham House for noon; then north i by way of the Base Line to Albert j Townsend's for night. Friday—East to -4 W. J. McBrien's „fourth concession et Hullett, for noon; then by way or ' 1 i Roxboro to Seaforth at the Dick House 1 1 for night. Saturday -To bis own 1 stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. . , PRINCE OF AIKTOli, . 1(1365) Inspected and Approved. , Wm. and Bruce Berry, Proprietors, Monday—W111 leave Domirdele Bey - t hold's stable, aalf mile north of Clin- ton, and go north and west to Bert ILoble's, for reeve; then by way of the Maitland concession, Colborne, to Jno. ' IC. Duret's for night. Tuesday—Byway of Benmiller to the Huron Road 'hild- - east to the 7th concession, Goderich , township, and. south to William Pat - ton's, for noon; then south and west to James Stirling's for night Wedaels day—East by wey VI Bayfield -line ;to Ben Rathwell's for noon; then south , by way Of Varna .and the Parr line to Charles Hagan's for night. Thursday —East to Brucefield at his Ossintstable tor noon; then by way of the Second _ concession of Tuckers/rah to the' 4t13 r- ' , concession at Wm. Broadfootee for the night. Friday—By way of the .fourtb - roncession to Thomas Coleman's for noon; thee east to Hannah's school- house, then north to the Huron read, and west. to Herbert Itowkrts for the night. Satenday—Tinst to 'MeDminfers corner and north to the second coma- 4 Moe of Hallett, thence west :to Doifl- int& Reynold's for =mew -here remain until the ,_10-110Wiett Mt attgpifeeti Dominick Reinoldat MAri - 1