The Huron Expositor, 1915-05-14, Page 4MAY
iTA V. o 6 the-bid4l;ar 'Ifi, Oridsh wairs by the Germans Is' -thodig
the 3d, t, ch 4ip a on Pthel dr- irarried to Alex. avidon, a nearby
of their superiors no matter how re- still being tr�.&intaln�d, But %side from cuit noxt rrarrl6d * la#le$,� farmer. . A cowtable 7119d tc� Ibe icalled
.3.9 ind, dMrIL 'to.lher home the sa�he eveidng. A large
n a., -referred chair *ill e �,E
guthoritio.., Who to elwwbere, h jiiv$ n
M .7" W T P4181ve r suffor It -be. low ;pt t
-S h6jr. own '%e
there has. nottbeen much' George riastilt it 1h.0 had gathered wft nkrams.' rp . . . . .
"e "pondble fdr his wholesale rh�r_ doin. One-BrItIsh Yeswel. has
6f -g*%, and -dtheri Instruifenta, of ter -
40V Hadi, thigvessel been-Ioaded with durin,c-..-.t-4�a;YM.ekl.,jbtit thb'crew ware So
aforthy.& 601[kWe' pastor ture to. ebarivarl the'couple, The tele -
a4 54 been conveytig saveck.' X W" fre*ht, tarr�lng will iireadb.- Vei, will supplyl fphone WIre;s halj',been c.df so t"t Word
Britigh -or Canaian troom It would rlaft�, And bUnt. in bb. gotton, 1hrough
6f Ir or Mi. B&,r eafor
9 10 11 1y' 13 14 1 .9 tht could not -fer, help.
3 cal 1
baVZ bben an act of cold '0, -_ "t - with -jralls-
the feriee.4na seems he roads had tedh-otrewh
_., 1i - comints-
.6 -7 :r8 22 oeb
ig 20 T 8 ftr, rruidtim, a or;had It- le W)Aghs essmen _e
lowown destroy It In such a to , �t � o, krp�de'tb� pr;og�se: of tic
00;, $n. -�conit'dertole diatre" a's to hae. completed. the., Work . corn,
2- IL I Or as.- -t
16 2 ;�S' 29 vileaklykg'fashion wfthout- wamia t- old T1
0- �Vh6thei Oile,,�wih,�JVnPL or sit still. The'
9- for- 10* famd" -the,roll has !,be Inr (to 04 rescue. Before the officer
uman freig 96w and C na has retul%e -0 tbQ -t4,* n the Ibis 'il
ht' but even then there difficulty between�,J&p bl:
0 .opuld arrive somone- bad � give .&I-
d t &rk.' The 11 We i1ave this week a col: m-plt t6 sto elebrated
-be some� re"onable excuse for bebu settled Chinese �46vo ac �cuntii the fohowinj stadities .- Trto4i.. !A -,and the crbwd, had d1hpoilsed. This F1eet Foot
ek of iti� 'the c
le These slJoes, a- mti
athletW ihoes.- d Ittedly the best of their
bar- awsartent, $980;100'i, -'husiheas - ii.-Libe third6utrage that hm occured
rw action Qr if they har reeded too tb I&P, demarift and
:4aken tbe pabadhgbra ana'crew'& -once
In ve
ry spd,,rt and recreition . and co��i no
more- Pre— rrent, L $90,160 -in dstrict during the year. The kind kp Canada, are ade for a
vemal and then sank it with its en tire valls. cargo, - the % , 1 .503 - tax"le, real
OSILty IS left fi.� Ito Propert, $813j440o COUP16 Who were marrIed are among more an the prdinary kind. - As I f�,gture of "Fle"t Fooe' sl Ots
cause for A good draal of e url t a, "t�r, didi pected In that omc- is the� honeycomb sole, the dee'p c U
_W G0CdJt_!,_t81VMt Dr re Would be little ih
01, lee Or'lC01101aint. But from their Ie attitude of the United 8 _J011n. LUAD doeii&-, th6 r-rbst K01y res r fflGns cover thementire surface of
? su
&teS and
I n h-ugaurn - J. 1130, avi'Ift'-s hidbig place and w1tout 'a rridnents' the action she will talc In view of the 4 on PrIA4 night In 13russeli. He ke the sole, thus assuring a firm sdIld.-fooitiold, so essential in all gaine
I nd "a thousand people o tired, to big usual h _' - a-, Dr. X. ff. Macklin left s
R. SCOM-8 waxnIng to ee eA died -Ex-Mayor `ktV8 V R-Allro- 0,A h,)- Sto4e- 8 sinkIng of the. Luftinia, on which sophe
bout 42 Afock. H��rt cin Saurday to join a ty (yf, cana- such as tennii, bowling.,; lac.rOsso, bag4etball and other sportA. Wo
More to their death without a word two thun&,ad or is givo par star
ptd 'e. -VM1Ve8-1Tn01nP30W4d f 00k St*re--S more, American' pas- dian Aysiclaw6l whose ffer of service mention a few of the any "Fleet Fooe 'shoes.
les we arry in
76f caution and these 'PeoPle-unaffead. sngers, were
for travelling t ad ma. y of as ithe cause of deatil, He, was' 40 years black lc
s uppers, pe
co"tillre for Sale-&Xposdor offlos--s Ing non-corrbiantg and th most Of whom were drowned. -when the vessel of. age and besides- his, wife leaves a In English military -blospitals has.been Men's* Fled Foot oxfords anv _r pair -i-oo. Men's
Vel, -8
therr helpless wAxnen ad children, to farril Of three small cl�ildren. Accepted. He�glves up an excellent uppers per pai that
4B. Musttrd�fi was torpadoed by a Gerinin -submarine. Pr" Fleet Foot laced boots,, black -canvas r z. x By`- Fleet
-Awualt ectoi
-rred takert 4n 'the r lesi' lists of the rt_ tice In , Goderieb, Besides serving m any
I Vflorse- the Go de-Vere-te, cold blooded Call- While the Inhuman. act has created -.a
Foot oxfords., black. canvas uppers pel-, pair, go cents. Boy's Fleet
rprftl-jalried 11-attle-8 ous act of hurran brutes. It *as bad prafounid sensation ti the UnItedStates cent 'great. YI)rea-.bxttle ther Y&ra Ili the Cou�dl, - Dr. . M-ackiln has years;
AV601 -Jame Beattie -8
enough to slaughter and rraltreat In the nam of Lieutenant ]Foot lacediboots, -black or tan canvas uppers per pair - x. oo. -A. 31. (Jamlilw11-8 and is beffig vigurusly d Ralph Latta PA been chairman of the Board-of�Tride� Men's
enounce4 b
offensive rnm, woomen nd chilitie.1 in thig pmas Of th Wounded. Lieutenant Latta enlisted 00 high school- boardAnfA on Fleet Foot oxfords, white canvas uppers, white rubber soles� per pair he h4
T ad"ar wanted -6, t country, t Is ni- fheboard
a I Jt
Belgl= and France, It Was W ospital trustees. e cm este
------ Cow for 841e4ohn 80aln-S. With Ithe fft-3f --contlhgenln: Vane uver Of 'h t
o suppols boots, wiib6 canv.-Is uppers, white rub- y11 Aswith fttud for orse tb 611 by aiy one that the' Incidwi 0 1-4P. Men's Fleet Foot laced
of the riding with Wm. Pro
Our Wall Papttre AilstmY Property of undefendd towns will lead to the Am BrIt4lb Columbia, He W a son, adfpcyt, in -the re- ber.. soles, per pair i._5o. Xen'i; Fleet F oot laced boots, white canMAS -Jamer- Or veq- 8 ericans entering the
L, bhrWK_W, -G, WHI's -4 le by drop- war On the "gide. of 'the 'Aules� The of Tuckersmith, near rurAl
And killing innoffensive peo'p- late_� John Latta ccnt provincial electimi. r. Macklin
&aw Tayi r-11. HO- -6 sky and it was worse and- rr now owneX ad m6upled by Mr. Slavin. f4le oun- pumps. White lor of
I farm
Ping explosive borrbs ot,. them from the probabilities ari that the' Chigelhurat "&_was -b= on the was accompanied �oy Dr. ftit!h; of ]�jay_ -uppers. red rubb-r soles, per alir: 2..50. Ladies,, see the n6w tanbb
ore cow- thorities will express to t Qgrman-s Id, well known throughout the C canvas uppers, white' juber soles, box- --per pi r
he bows, ai
ardly still to Poison unsuapeoting op- their detestation of n ty' 1)r Smith h" Practjsed In Baylield- 1-5 M
such, unworthy,, and -Alex. a d lie Lamont, sons of
for ee;i;ii yeare. &id
onous gases Illagal f�nd unprecedented pro edings ugh and Mrs. Lamont, 10th concession Ingtor
by Pouring pole repreeented the
vllloxe tn the 0ounty oCquncil at dif. A6
apaq ften� but the last iniquity is the �and will demand^(Uot only an apology of Grey, "wrt arnong the successful
any but wil 6ff1da1.4 I
';�ost dloalle femt times. A.f)arty of
al of all. What will the. 4rorr Germ I also, demand StUdeAts at Queen's College. KInggtQn,,
next bef-And Vhat 1540 -be gained by hat such'a Isyte -fare-well to 'the doctmo at,the ts- Xunda
ra of warfare .'wljl be In. graduating Ifi -Aft# The 6034, left said'
10 XID strategical: end, no tWar a4vant- at orice. abandoned, at least, in a tion. 'Represent the CoaAcij -
o, Ur 90de thoY were, thiough for the ativeff of Toddf
-ants . are 'West, Where wIll-Iteach at Dr SNAFORTH, FRIDAY, Miy l4th, 191-5. age, slirPlY the 9ratifying'molf Inhuman as neutrals and non -combat and t M of Tr4,de yMre present,, -QUID
!Tr -p* lust by destroyin ty and kill- concerned and that if the GerMa.,I fill, mer,, Sask. as well aq a1ars� nawwr ofthe friends
and Leslie at Trossacb-, In
hic trwft enlve human hel n- is it - the to Cor6k - W#h - thft demand * and give the barnei Province. of -the 'Goderich and Bayf leld phy-ekw
-The. Board of Tra e of Godeirich. w.Itb
and Prusslaln auth6rfties think aatlsfaetory� gda;rante4 of g(o�d Taltb,.
Roblin Resighn
qerxran a former, �esl
they can win fb their r on, Nedneaday evanlAg of. last
t be removed iJAnt Of Clinton,.,R d away at her week
Roblin Government 1n,_,ManIt6b8- rriias, sufaly the� re -terribly ints- friDrr'the Ainerican Capital and -that. bon* 4ri Det V.- banquet for 'Mr. James !�jr a prese ative* mus
-a roft
'ZT�esds light, t
Y n las
bm reached the end of its tether and take ..To do so would be entirely con- &!,I Inte n. reourse Comm 06 oc"sio4,being,his- ve
_betw 'a the nations, muit cease.. te
ee A I
'from office on Wedes&y =4 W Wise 'from the. mQietarygbip of the; Board
tra-Ty to, the ell understood 'laws of re. , f0rtY-fIrst blrthday�. The TELIEPHONA 11 WiTE
resigned IMP CO"XRO- ALOTEL.
Dqwzer was,A aughter Mr.
God -and mani Sch' ans, while the we a; 'posiflozi.�klie' h
-that such it knOW but
t1W leader of the opposition, Mr. T. C. course and-I&s. Donald R�D ! ald'� of Clint
Uet.,% e
I - I I . - ..- - - __r � - - I a:r_ -
wb d, bQ more etfeativo, than a de i
Norris 'bas bae'n called upon to form furnish gratification at least t hq bar" '1� Id ALt Black
clara- She to surVived by bee husband and'
be gratified tion of ox. X69 aurant "and- excellent �'Weeka, h�w iveoveried and is these dePravid enough to wo-childrm The remains were bKougfit stone t nowvIalf, :OTA -Dd&eU7W*_-&nd
s been-Pii- by isuch Practise8, can have' no last -
a Go Tfiine-At. Mr. Roblin ha Wing]
d. w provided� Mr. �X Calb- in Windew.--T-Ae first white.. SL*. -.ITLM
to Clinton- for Injerm Ex*tet 'ind '211ilch... The
Ing They show us, however, ent. 'eron preisided- a'4(1 W&th
trier of,%anitoba for iffteen years. Th 6 wo. a lar;ge, 'of the oe#Abn were
A-Voolish Complaint -The Kirkby-Bruawls lawadit'over. t here from dbaft was crawcted -to- W Aithma -count.,
wha the world will haVe to suffer"If atbendance'-', Speeches, were .- given Grand Beiri(I'last week by Xr. Gratton
new Qor-=rrent will -take office witt- t in this loody: It 'M easy 'to underat"I the attitude a laridn dis-pute, 1186 -by Placity, and the durchcu6*r
.-Gerrrany, should wir., LVA that _-rruniel- rrany Of those Preftnt expressing ap- .-Dr. G. V. Opulation tw punbased ih-Z ut a -general eleetion. conteaL of those who .,,Qhrtnk from & political Pailtyi the t1dy,40M**#!f $$64,52.(f rr to the pkasure iibid -
qp- legal predation of 3(r. -M
itchellis long and bandsom ne* resildence Jwt cornpleted itffih e
lob with $100'a- faithful service and wishing him ou'Viln
The Roblin Governwent -got a bad It Is . true that the German auth.orl, ParrAvg Can%dI.&n toldlers' are eXPetms and ';A- plea- streeUby W�Jdan,,Vdlar,-, for ,J �jj, , ties published notices in the New York faciric eath In the treneh?s and. the, y' en
shakine tip at the last general elec- Wim4ed the Plaintiff b' the egpiirt will -sure In bls',new position, Mr. VItchell $j2JOQj�3f, th e t�
tloa, but *hen -the House xret they atill -they, .1
papers war wake $854 the to*n, v arf Com'; � Oie tblm" year -We belleve tUa -Veimrs I
ning naa-cofiitq�tants against country Is -saddened by the I Mi havel-to'plank in e some oteresting, rein- 01& daugater of Mr. '"d M=. Sylves. gone. anA
ong roll his, ieply JMv
'bave ented
tl�s- But If 'the Governhivat es which' InIscnces of oCcurances -in, connection ter Cann drafik, re5w,
taking- Pdsftg&� on th- Loslitania, aA of ftguax KIrkbYtZ' legal, expens Corrliany
had. a de 301" coal oil bmat she the
-pendable majority of fear or they Intended. to destrby' �er - If they way Uve: to Paid- by' !Brussels, - afr-ounted. with cement khop formerli occu- w -ben
mot appeal to the people Is It fair the history of
-the 6f--�
to $211.1rind.the le� . Ve:kpense. the Goderich,13oard a cup -Wnile Playing around pled by- the Ist,6 Mr. w., 0. Mifive and would bave been able to con- cuid and they are now trying to shel. or decent for I Liberal newspapers to
Trade. Mr. Mitchell has": a�cacePted- r*-' -Was very- ill for a time r Av
the, She
t1hue In power for.the Legislative ttro ter hemseives from the wrath -of the. engageAn constant mirepresentation town to #877 -38 -PW cOrces b position under -.the Domin lbh4i, ana #re fit-ftng it up ton 06vern- but as recoverod.-ra-M, Ill
40,_1 of M uke Is -fbr. a, PubIjc.,gSragV.,
-civilized- wo' -L. 13: Ta�
An `pfk paring, tq, for
but 'for the disclocaurea of wrong d rld behind this no tatoters 9 One Pei 'Manage -of the- Striger trent wbich will occupy n �hls t1ine but 'Which tt U, :erept �a'new Inousecn AZ. -wel ada
ID- tici�. The notice- was anAns-md to the wi Id expeet that against he d no bd 46X 4n the',J)m1A$ of this
ou. -these news Sewing 44achiT14 - sto*�b_ 'in Goderich, met oes t Iritind rebiovin fiom. dode-' 'draw str6et._Xr.-I)ug%Id Lovej PEI o6ie they prA ;ended t with- a pain. of . L? on-� PrIsIdt"firm, the- me* venture
Jug in copmeerton with the new country' and 00 papers ful accl&`nt Thvrgday f- rich. don," has. purcho Via
there would e ah outcey Pa va- ihe midenc -on no dyubt prove,
Faliament6ulldin s now in co, Xam. i -What special Iright have they,tJftVrre-ntath&t against a general elec- 1eknoon u- standing'on 'a - -The Brussels' Methodist Sabath' William street, i�eqently e very succeftful so wen
urge of'
ition, to the waters of tho open sea that �)don. Does not the GovernmeaVin chis dr&Y when the horses, started off School, a prosperous IhW- Mr. it.- 4 -[;td *b-* as s great z0nvehlence.. and meeting it
Sy , I I remlne of the lau cor4trutti6n roaft by, the Oppos they theuid dictate-- to, son' 'it -on, wjw. has felt w
-comba�antsa tremendous time deserve
last Support; tbr0*In9 him & t�e, ground and, break' f uflion 2nd -to bas doing , 9`09d. lwork been -.111 In-& bGOPItal in-London,forthe Mr. I Ales
ou-te they �should e- elbow. ior, sev. P gT
aes*lon.At Ole request -,afthe OP-:-; and neutrals by what r Path nd considetation T Ing w r4ht, 'below th r the guldance of the- pas &st'-flvb weeks. U-8 returned%bome.,- of
podItIdA, and contrary t f
fN� or to the wish of itrAveL. Were.they . a;ble by open, manly Mr. Tape, being a he& D. D. Wren. ad --the veteran, superin- 7ne`,dj` ReYMI�- 1i The
th-0 Go*rnment aeasi Tha above. Is from the Toronto News Vy man, was bad. stridt meeting rof the eth6dist-
a id iagal� means to control the ly btuts6d rbsiding at If,&
Ae LIeuten , T. tehdet, ri,.Ut 1,
ant -Govern- nWbst it says is net far out of le bo4. HIt w MY. W. H. Ke'
the way. Ill' be r. The reports dherches, of Exeter ly- thp tit P a0w ahUfter-
or I there might ba'. s& -me excuse for their laid �ip: e recent meeting show in the J.ameg�Stre ' district�held broultbt
et'ChUrch, b-re;Wr the Weft
ordered -the appointment of.a Royal pr6sented t t ,e
lairertfirent pretensions. But so iont While not.adre-Itting by ay means that that the -here fol- 1ftteXkeht_
fie. orne
W&4 Overt at slofis. Jenjle b COrnMisSion to InveAlgate these ebarg- is the r -4 001emn seno, butal receipts outside of* 0i Ho
Off Mis 19t1i Inst. -The f0110WIng offleess of t h
I own vesseis have o skulk In anyw-Libbral newspapers nst re been con- te blin ation on Mon. I Were 42911 and expenditure $134, Xlsslonary-'Soclety� o -f jArli to� RjI1w4_ $t Volren's
The Government evidently fearLag hi 'dare only t
Ad -.,they �j their gt an Sidrday" evening laat. Vhe�
4J antly engaged in rderepr3suntatin of mning by, caving the tidy balance of $106 Jn the
members- of, the -cititens, stred dji4r�h�wer
sclosurers to be made before'this sneaking metbods,,attadic ouiy unarmed y t 'ftlr dn- :funeqLl service 4rij con U led
Elghty-two.dollari were gly- a -heetinglon Thurs lgst� &rlDy of T it Ill bee .4t dF to the b ay of - the t; 3 rd, wh o;. treastry, 4. ct, b
Cowmission -have resigned and their. ard undefen4d vesseis, the Ministers, we,ritay say all that is
�s ru day the fj -Home Department ider.t, Mrs.- C. Heopet, fh-3t vice - 10, 11, Charli
requiied! to secur� 'for the 0 ' - I bas fbft the- 0
th' ' 4 fri�as in- and en to Mlssle'ns. The el�
80401tot Ifas applied to I the court.-, or em tQ iffect visited their famf es an . Mrs. Rev. Mr. Smith Of 09(rnfel-
§46A airs, The wbow overnment adle Roll W. Bis*#4, leAurch on , Monday 4f teirnoon . ana
arr;aaxdarftus-,forbtddln.g.,tihe o SrOund Clinton Over- Sundsky, y mon*erg - in' d the Cr
or�mlsslon �itu.aion`\157 put jj� a The plat- ce, Mr�. c, D
nut sh. .7 - t;e- T4�MA�Jns, Wei
'it _f ool r
ate autholti In their i note tj hion Ceme u1b
tQ Proceed VAth the Investigation on- the United St 611 by l e -the uPport, sympathy ari const era- f �second vl 1nt-eTTe4'In #lie Rio. -
d OM Ille twen. Y Ive. The- sch -was o ganIzed, 'Sr rding, secretary,
4 With adults &rAchlld- 1819
Mrs.� Wv *all
ry. Gerry, tre4qu Mrs. .0 1 av -0 -da
I ground of some legal t6abMeabl in on Which The News plea,3s is for rP,:W. To t stpAtnq.�,of. lfThe M -In Ithe'Passing., years��B kbns;. i es t mourn
to Garmany when they say: "The Unit- apl Leat the '16"
Of At
of and'
-of Prerder Borden to give Iorth a' Pdre�erl the tr,alipa no* bfYoft W1111ami served * Super. rile 0
legal 4e6hnicallt n of ti- �hedi onding secretary, Mix. 13 Mund hom kkiW holds itha if Ger many finds as ave
aughter, Amnlio, -af uns, at rrany stated � Y' in led teariul fwege' leaving" inten,&_nt for nineteen, y a erjntendefit� of Christ1ii d
_'A� this One trangactiO_4 the it 1irpomible to, sink VessOls carrying clal 4nnoqncenle�nt ''In r A. Mi
f that thore.. WIM be boy� the .6aches UP to his removil -Mr1s. n Stewardship,
'Provincial treasury him been milked -to Class It B., Johnston, dele who JS and bas living- with her
940 - to' con
A- d ftOIr!t_ w' Dr. Watsoh. of Brantford, . Th
..contraband. or eherry, prizc-s, nd a,! no. dissdidadw.': ch no' 9 m Venr -aunt �Mlss--J� MeArthuf the le�dtent of a.million dollars. 8�, n6u aall. Co'cng tibn ln,Lot�dqn, In May deicease#
11 this t
the same time put nm-combatan general election, this year o1Z. so long 11 has�. dlgj�qaed jqucceedid hirU ae preiddine"Calcej Mrs.. Th and Iavorably.-, kow
of �'"4000 -Worth Of3oWn ball arvey with Mrs. C. -Hooper
kd crewsr in a place of safety, ',as th6'war 'while'Mr. debetit-�ure's, As altef- an much �Tes.p6cted and her, M'
The e nO 'Jr -
n he XnoVed nativ#-An enthusiastic rneet�pg gyrrp bi is felt for �bls ureavid inb-; In it I
until iggo,.who
per c �Itbreft Whic
- aiaw� to Seaf0th, and, the Present Incumbent eld ion 3(cmday eienifig last- eek
then Wr -many must efter. for go the � Barden remains si-lelf and ms election, rig t i .- "I'll
Pate of the Pleitanix f`oT 1;4,70(� in, 11i6-'yeaisi
-of such vess
The tesmAhip Lusitaula, -of dcaittuctlon els and cargoes 4- h the: Cus- nister Is makln�jr At-tive prepaeations' c Id d- =10eted and'has continued In the' o btg"l Ahi�` by a %.b -1nd a 'means Of ter � gen,6,ra&�.Ielettton, ani The �010 ere. good,_ 9 cob'-' -since, although Dr. G. ze the baseball club for: this of. oni ware
ard Ifne, a British owned, essel, lef t marines, or eise t News did ns deiln the L. Ball, The ± . na;corrpdshI6k her objective which' will and jts�pattlzarr 611, xroney market. The owing were he. Of-fice-,,'s. kn
low York ft Saturday
7 . I coun�-. now 6P Toronto and F. R J;jIr the
a; run'lisf cue gues are iscrcarr- ell DYo- Of. elected: President, here Won e
Penrit -jr 4jetin W. 'J, Hew -an. -1st, law. Res- ed upe ago.- Robert I Ing and arg,.jing for� a, it -9 reicely
1183011-ition Pnd repor the Wussels� relieved hlin Of the 4 rin' -Vice president, � M-MA3 iBoyle, 2nd vice 3onthrofi bits le, is Henri "R 1.4 - f 4 of- p Ad Its full Vbf the ircRitect and etor., teideficY . or - three -Jears, the latter - W., S Cole, Isecrettry and dle- Sers crew, nurp� -y ls� placed Upon Germany to !an Irr",,�tWdlate 6 rhe- peop Mr, - T. d ponsibidt
keep within the iaw eyho�d th"* tll"uror, -coulier cMHensall Ume 4
baring Ili a-11 over two, thousan� people,* Gerrrany�s. warn- It reasonable," ,'On� e town baildin talKtag the post- qf --te
If i I po�e that the i�lb- com - Ach�r ofithe. Adult Leon "Treble, rra;na r.. Harold oute Nd. 2; and
in'9s, whether. in. officlai, corrmunica- pleted, D*10.!Class after t*o ye ge Bisset Ing ,%r
Etrs OcCuPancY 'corrmittee, -Harry Windsor and..Mr zo."dbubt, give coo ervi,,e.
men, women and children, ffom all 1 -tions or In ne reftuah.,tnum and that for a,,, few rr.1nr details. of office. This is W. -H.* � Br Ion 0
wspaper dvertlaerrents the Liberal leaders lie, down and Xpr's 32nd Friizi mascot,,Eiirold Boyle, of Oftara-
'Part$ of Canada and the United States.
are not accepted as altering the cas 'quitt Mrs. - -D
.r A., jkrIntendent and
IhO fiTT 76ok-plade kfRB�iv_ Year In office " su je; heie V-1sitin -was e t&n.r6IY Peirinit' , Con9.-xra1.Ive.cohcrIs .1 tb Johns' and'daugh1sr -XtIathIm., Mrs.
Oft the followng Friday she wia ter- In" the. wast. A rran who warm his, o Irkrch 6"k1bern and trample. the esduy,, of li&-st week PA0,01n.1; iseason -alwaya.had
field T�u In when s has Or, Friday -to Attind"th TrOygri. Of -Seaforth, -and- -form rly
e funeral of the of
".;.n the dust If Let the Governrrent play MarrleA late on R! - eh -
4 toble falthf ul, ban
mude 18t., pedbed and sunk, vith all -on board. by rlellghbOt that he Is about to Miss lerma ers �and e), (yf ofic
juAlf fqlr and they will ha -oodison, an old
-not to'Mr JJ 4ohn G
film do w by that warning _e
0u -
9hers- to aid h1m 1 this
a ijGer=an submarine. She. -bad enjoyed y V.e no, warrrer sup- Podi!4 South, to Dr.
bit cp=-xnl9sIo& of the act. Amerldans
part from quarte 'rich. TfiW ceremony was by tZi city who died' �iry is uddenly. he
r than �they Y�Ill performed vffla-ge.r-Mrs. James
a trost pleasant 'and successful voyage- an deceased's son,'W11I Is of adding
.1 SAarks Is
ot b6 deprived oftheir rights on rncelvol fro.m the Liberal papers and Rev- . Macfarlane, paster,of St.
Mrs. Johhg.-The funera of t �IjLt
t' LMtl-.l $'he re&�hOd the 4rlsh coast and the hgh. seas. I . I he' th 'th6l agPearahcg, Of- her -neat. dwen-
drew$ church B4 pfleld, Ind 1pipen c
by Germany warning -the Libera party during the war crisis. was -9 Annie Bl�sett bg OniQueeji Street
Mlo on riday, Was 'y putting a,
they will be in danger If w s
waz within a f8w hours of d -stina- their. that only :b ew tfina:te A �Dlg Sale. At the sale of, Mr. Robt. largely tteaded.showing the high
her e motal rwton Ithe main, part. 31r. �Robt.
-when the terrible fae overtook -they go on Ithe bgh ;,arid �jrs-*Youn av e BtIllard also intend;s imp
I e tak6n uo th - li. Srrillle
tion held o Friday last., there w" 'teem In wfilcb� the deceased was held' r&vIn
st the largRt
er dwellink- ion main street in the sarn
Huron Notes 4 in GQdekleh, and have the be 9 his neat
and the s -y' ath-
er.. The casualty occured about two Owd at a sale in this'part, mP Y felt for her parents
-for irany a, day, it was,e d
-John Youn , Of Howick, has pur- I A 8, large Ircle of friends
.9 aap�y M lor, vi nt from -and relatives. Th6 floral offerings w- Way- 1h fact ljrPZ',QVemerttg re going
oAclock in, the after -noon, just as the ere
The War Situatio
n. chased W&. Lackle'a farm Just est start to finish ithat the ibig crowd had. *0 numerou§ and -be4utif 1. ion In lfVeZy, q(farter of -our! vfilae.:�
passen. -bed their lunch. The *t-
gers -bad f inis of Wroxaer village. He WID-not.take t U 'Mr. J. V. M.111,c;on, has Pierce figbting has been In progress, allon, Aead frolr_ -kounds .,,but to buy Ir IAtd
ft- Pbt"�, ist.Pat- corre, not only to observe nineteenth annual da.1vention (yf �, h _ ,
possession unfit next spring. Was a rpem- aa well,' as. ,the e throug ist Lhe cottag lopposite -the the
ale hout Wa eter D
The weatll*r Nms bright ad thd sea Aurin he past week along all lines b0r- of the Hur ' dount- rIct of the WorleWs POstffie recent- sw
of -Mr. William Thompson, o Godericb, the ti�st cent 01, Y d6tachrre Missionary P
W. J 3 w
nt of buirper for good prices. real -
calm. The attack was m ade by the sub, ;y P
the war zones. nthe weotern zone the received word by telegra from Ot-.� Inent, en Society of the Methodist Church, wu 8d Mr- Jam
listing at Wing- 17,ed Qlse to - $4,000. thron
A.two-year-old hold at =mvIIIe Metbodigt R. De1ean wass �cali_
hano last Au"t. His -relatives are -in filly was knocked- d ed-rec
f br rr
good rraYe- at .9250, c their fur otbpr. er
litory Won fr; George Thompson, had been 091stered
tke- officers of'Ithe vessel had no know own at $229, a Over -three hundred r e7itly tO -Kingisville, to attend the
MArine without -the - leaat warning i)ad Allies areraPidly winning back the.te tawi last week that his son, Private Su,,jsx, EngIAnd.,Pb11coj wgg emplo�_ aws-from 69 up naires.' The district raja'
om them wounded. ed for the year Mr. Alexand ladgv� Ithat a subm 0 wo weeks ago - -Swruel Dunn, awe' a farmer na=ed.Br�Idges in-.,>1or_ to $152, y lings UP to, $59,_ ewes -with $2,000. Mrs. 'A. 6f,. Wilson we--- agal;-, ulatl. re-:
rin ag in the by the Germans through their use of I -known resi- Is Townsb1p, &n& ar Strill-le, ftow of seaerth
neighborhood until Z' few moments be- dent of Grey Towqbip, died on Friday r fOt' 4 short time wool off brought $22 and everything re-electd as organizer. clently of�-the Tawnshily of T
Poisonous gasses and at man wOrkct at One of the hotels in
points at the age'af S8 years. He bad been 'Winkr. was *sbld. Thorras Brown of Seafortk., has abld his farrr
-tne boat was struck when they I have added new tefritor sa'that the -time, h the ,.on the third 0
-a grgat sufferer for some &m. He served it one
West Ken't the v6teran agictionee .*V� by, the wattar that the fatal ishell I Ro r,�swung the barr- fdon to Mr. wililarr. Bucb
giment in lEnglarid, .-arid.- big time -as rr Renattal -Th3 norOury assizes -for -this ar and -did his-
�,.i was part well to br Mr. Alexande)r Budbanan--vt spvesse resery Ing Dr. Hardie. dentist., leoub T&Way and Fr1aay a bi� TbWA.-
Hensalf.'each Weanetdsy and Thursday in Zar,oh Albee.Wte
plowin'T its way to tneir 11 disreputable tactics indiilgle&-in d -at Coun- ist iqxplred
y OP -GoderIch on Tuesday before war began.
1, Wrouth the water. The terrible crash Gerrrans,bave not gained them any ad- ast 00d Prices for Mr. Srrillie.
V�&s about '40, before Hon. Sir Willi - of age. Wcyts_-Mr. D. (Hay.; who. is no J3101 Glass work. PhowaXp. S. itenimil sidea ba -9
aAd tn.e explosion was the first in- vantage. They are,. however, continu -ellor of the E -L-MIA418 Gertrude w free Sold his wdling- bn _Oxford
xe eq e
tima-floh he occupats of the c h daught Doyle, Youngest- frorr business worri Street a present occupied -6
r. of Mr. sand jarjoev,p 6s i's OPending -lelal 4eed E.emn-A;1a bol" lot of, w1eqted ubito pft y 'boat had Ing ito use heie gasses when appotf- I t -Th nnual excursulL of the steam- 9.3,le, Lure daj%ji Imnsot0haTid ' AW
n.g. m ade on ell and has rented a cottage 0 OILrR kiln dried corn i 'to' r. 9011and- Little. while
nat an attack was %si, former rknown' r turrity offers, tbut with Much 1jess gerfu . in whole in fto� Dingwall 11as purchased Mr.
-,Go e
bout Gr1eyhound, from. derleb to � De- 'ddents, of Gode- at Bayfiao. ?,1j gro�ind ot D. Vr4uhsxt, Hensall,
summer there. As Mr Q.
P0111608 dwelling Ot Richmond
Sth, In DetrOft, on S "day, May%.2nd. She Hay' he* 'noit the BrI49.-Mr. C'Drnel us C60k has erect- Stmet, North
t4em. It Is siad by isme that the rich, died v-bry- suddenly at bee ne - Bay and farngy tend- Mr. John
struck twice by torped�oes and by OLIS 'results " the British and Preneb olt, -will leave goderleb on, June 16 hor spending fth
the t rn irp"being trade on June 17th. rotired. un
at only one,torpeao, was dU- I hk�e idoted rreans to eutralize t apparently In her' iisua;
tners th. Is, best, heL hopei. -Our enfeibrj�l�g busi-
-he -MY. "ROY PaltiterSon, -6on of County the fresh',breeze �,ed a very i*et' garage to 'the north ness
WMrgald.' But. e this as It rr ay the halth � -and a from �Lke Huron M7- -J- W. Ortwein, has also
of his,
Onidta, Were faal and -the'l�_ ense ves rious effects o he gasses. Engineer Pate6rscift Au�ur Passed awa � divelling -16id � f InIsbed 11 ull L-1
during the
lni� n, -has night ftom heart fail y Will have a good effect. -All. hands are Wen 'd;0ing amre purchasing I-., tbI6 -Way
Dupuis scholarship, of no, one ibel Sy. Th gardens are - being put- in 9 d haps.-The fxame for the new -of, gecur C e jeat rig b a
en or twenty effectivO Quen1s Univcii;s�ty In his firat. year Th� dec- mornifig. shape and the -ladies R-W�t the house 1Z L49 or ldr4 Mark, Drysdale uftl- sunk witnin fifte min -3y can lonly be used Pon Me N. P aware of her' death dre, _k.c1WeI1jng c,,a
And *-b until kthe In th
ute-S. TnO crew ba -d only time to launch I when ithe wind is favorable and blo -eased wai- borh the �c0r-ner:s of Oxford and, Nelson
w- rrining course. In Goderith c ad'tbe'work'of veneering it
reets, -R -nd by M 2, few boats'befocre tne vessel sunk and Ing (fro the, m tow4rd 1hIr1Y-_9even yeas- 4X0, a leaing, and the- Man of- kh house hi�s 1th f I;
s the enemy. It' K. Clay of the Iroperial Tea Detroit moved to to R. Beek, now
owing La th� whether or, 'hot., he -se Pressed brick. Is being Pushed -on and of London,- nd, L-Itend m&king,sonle
r equently only a ver small num- the wind happens; -to be bl -with ber'�parentg in 189t and any Ldinile" when com ises to, inake A f the IMProvements to It in the aear -f a -
r. -Mr. Prank mpleted It Prom
mais ronto, was in &P.Pear4UCe.- tcre.-The.Meissrs. &Joore Brat-bers,.who
0aved. Of tne two thousand and over on those who 'heir.. On same occa- MoIr, of Exeter, f6r'seliing* r interment., sister '116 h6- We regret to istate that Mr. Ben - 1i
M of the Pasenges and crew were Opposite directions the gasses recoil up- QoTrPany, of. London-, was fined $50 had since r"Ided! there. The re Sq4irip iyf -To- very 'neat and attractive
nd costa by Justicas," Sanders and were brought; to P
-use t Gaderich fo '
an .-Woia h RI ke , was also tall
ea, Jn the
0- haT -a c atrilidn .0 213 to
se. or,, his old-time friends. Mp. Soui.r"
-esent'time the tot -11 number of sur- in- 'this way and. have been asphyxiated ban,, of the death of business, have ;sold- ut their
pr RS een received in Wink- in c. r
parth, -student -at the Medtg
o �o, r as is known at tine along th GP-rn-Pans have been punished pounty without a lie _uttp An exte=lve -bard-
n bogrdlsc fa
vt�ozs is 764 492 'Mr. Jose0h Lawson of Stephen,has Snyder, Private Percy is a, Contractor In the bUilding and hard -ware businew.and goo&
lege at London Is still yery p' I Cal -
I Li S by their own f9as. who died :28c,
been awarded the contr ct for f Illing -Wu On' his birthday, of will to Mr.
I and 302. of tne crew and about one hun- -E'e L*1 it is feared i
the* Gbrman re- nds received In One of the the d4ty, but repo that he.will.h
s have 'been making rts everything -flat go ave tolnder- Willi' A- McLaren of thig village, who In tb� apprioaches to the brldg ust r�qrent thls� season. -N. quite..a erlous operation. We
e ngagleirents in Fr., frs� Peter Day 1D
man, a .1**o-gret to' learn a da of writing that a4d will no,dojbt Corr drad and -fifty fbodtes nave been recov- peatd tt 'Ypras, an north of Grand Band, by the Road 411& Sn�&r �Ilge` has ood i8xPelenae In the
eMptS to ca-pture
the 23rd was E good old lady of the 3rd o _e
Comnittee( of the county. fr yer of tJhjs age, atrid came s&-ith f Tu^-k+,r-. Councillor Mr. Rdbart D. Bell of he and a filrsbare-
bottom Of tne oce2 with the vess6l. been 1ong hel by the British a m England to. W has Just entered on her 80th Township I
eed, all tne rest having gone o the IrrPortant, straegical point which has and BrIdire ,In
nd -�Pifty-flve babies -We in gharn about Of bt1sisss. WO aTe pleX-sed to learn.
re Pbotograph- two year. Mrs. Dayman Is not enjoYJng th of Tackersmith
Tne 'submarine, which did the rpiscillef Preisch. It merrs now to, be entir 3
years agci -and f6ok a �posjfjon Is again very that thiey still inted
the, fli t
eers, he'� *
ely ed by R. R. Sallows, of Goderleb, on furniture f -t - - , & good"health, her many old friends- ill and we believe is at th6 mien here,, but will gage in 1-0 28
ac ory,, W -he wisb, tirre of
rever appe face of the defended by the tBrIish and Canadian Monday l6f )ast week, the occasion of _the call came en
ared on tne sur seriously iernaling as
'for volunt as one of but they hope she will soon be well. our writing, undergoing aLl the rrAchiter d repairing- lines 4Dt
Water and made its escape during tne f6rcag, who have succeeded In not only his annu�l baby day, when he presents Operation. -On Sabbath evenixg last the
coa-ruslon attedat upon the disaster. holding their Positions but have gain- to go. During, Mris. -Daymn has seen many changes business In WhIcb they have SL -e IS
9, ifine, photo to every' bab under 18 r Dean W. J. Doert r nee her early days Ili Tuckes 'ith,- orke(l up goo& trade, aird willtart
�e ground. The Fren- Ade a good'
I- Ta -0. greater n=ber of the passengers ed sr 6A, Ingha, he Rev. Rural ady
Chat anaher rr
k lost the
being on tneir Nvay to. aid in statbd' that.. er- in Ithe near future in -the Yorkshire
were wom -nd anildren, may of the pGrtton of the- line have been rerrark- -Nelson Reid, son of Jobn Reid, 11 W&nt wel if all bzst mare he -had and one for wh Mon to the Oddfellow$ of
Grghs. loft Wingharr e ndts. Whbin he' r. Isaac Jarrott last Wee IvPred a very able a;nd impressive
I he v� ould Ich hours which will be speciany
CY Turnborr f armer. suffered a b it tay In England
a:blv successful at rrany, Points. Th Hensall Packing
nusbands, brothers he had ref used a big price a year ago. c fitted Up for their. businss.
urging woundad have succeeded In not dhly repulsing a With his par_on c6irpanledby tb6,,IadW of the Rebekah
-no are In the hospitals wound in his fhand, while utsing ash for
d friends w a while 'before tins;
ttack5 arP corring ba t Canada.
the . irst aetermlned German The fruit bushes arF, making good
In Britain alA rance. Aboct two nu -1- �L , knife on 'a horse!s 'hoof. The Instru- -Th pr
but taw- rrade zubstantlal- progress and e Ilo In statist 1rises for a.bumper elld, providing
rrent slipped and several sitches were Ical Info
dred of the paesenf-er�
were Amert6kris, rrra- the weather rran does his part. -Mr.
hava dr�iven the Gerrrans' back required t' tion Is f rr led y 'the corrpleted a..,- Fred S
Ever o close the
province !A he Dorrinian was rrIles and have wo wound made. Gesssirrnt rra�lacombe, the -,Llensa11 01,10
n man
rure�-ented. there being ,-several fOm -Mr. R. A. Hodgins. of,.the well- Of Grey I for 1915 of. 'the i.towrsbip king, with his zang of men, are.
stratag!cal Positions which were strong Cleare Ialhd, 51,511 1-2.acres; d Pla-
-h Coun-pbla, Ham- ly ntrenched and had bee., long J1eI glas ja� d, 8,254 ares; Ing on Mr. T. Kyle's farm b6ra'a ton of
14as far wast as BrItL known rreereAntile firm of Hodgins Bros., n 80 SuOa ble 4rhele''
d ha baen appointed Secretary of the -woodland, 5.-
y 'buildings, ;862,900; bune-s-s is Ich Mr. Smalla- tand Toronto 'ji�rhaps. uffered bV the Germaas. 058 3 4 "ur ultiplir" onios, V1
Godrich Board of Trade t tal valu3 of 11ind, $1,927
to succ3ed value .600 corrbe has brought from Holand.2hiss
��IYO-st Nca-vil Only a sn-kall ProPortion In Lh3 Eastern spber, the Gormians 'Mr. James Ilitchell, who had actedAn a new enterprize for Mr
e first cabin passengers �vere
ha- ble'a more successful. The a !Wil
re has tax,_ $7,300; lnc(llr�8, $700; total, Smallacombe
and we hope he will be zaccessful-, in
saved. evere fighting there also and the that capgcity far, &bout thirty yaars. 798,500; murrber. of PerSUOns between gowing these onions Instea of bav- Ug Sto
d 12 Years, -811; between.5 and 16, Ing them shipped fro"
The Lcsltanla was a floating.-palac Germans have zueceedied at certain seized with a paralytic stroke on4lo
Mr. . W. NoU4 of Goderich, was 5 an
rrc m Holland. Njr.
was cona of the largest, swiftest a'nd points th driving the Russians back and A- 574; batween 21 and 60, 661; total, Sn.allacombp, gives einployment to a I'
09t Clegant1v equipped vessels an the in capturing- saveral important and day of last week While sitting In the 2,660, an increae of near ot
Ad House Park, and IY gUvver the of rr which helps to, keep t
antic arad It was supposed to be
L although still prevloiAg year; rUn-v1b.r of births 35;
�a, L I)e monLX
Imos" unsnkabd7. No warnin. critically Ill, is shoing signs Of re- dat at horne.
rr=h covated Poaltions. But at othe en,
given by the German pirate.- , g was the usians have done con- covery. hs, 17; Tot4l 11urrber of canincs,
The first sidar�bly niore than hold their own.
i anj person
892' 17 oaeThere Watprglas
ar was whc -n L
knew of dang, -The death occured o Mdnday aL
th- gG- of 75, of George C. Black, Xor- year. Exeter 9 at 15' g
At -!the quarterly Russian Silvek- Polish, LargL- 25cbOx for
-I- His wifF, pedece ase borard h)zeting of
Mr. R. N, Rowe was Pri
years, but- -three sons, Wallace, George the -clerk and accepted by the Tolishall a splendW 'liquifl Polish for furniture,
"the premeditated Purpose Gf' destroy- struggI3 at the Dardnelles which is mad him a number 61 Towrzhip,. which has been held lat week 3aM-2s street church 2-0*4,
ter o the course oE the liner vith Of Hay dA i
'Th thn, latest reports are decided- -The following sLatfstles are -taken Board N66tili
a sumarina half been -�'kulktng i�nder �IS Kand'o
ves9el was struck by the explo 11 a L ver, are recuperat- are 1)077 nan-es �o,.,L the roll tilis S for preservin eggs, I 1b. fins
Tr 1-3 irer balliff and "a native of Goderich. from ho 1915 a aLsment roll
The e Is' little reported from the
Ang the ves-sel and kAP4*ng �jts inGfenslve still in Progress- where It is said- there ]rid Henry, -qurvive. Council. appointed to attend the district me
Total assessment, $2 p for il
laughter -Mr. A. Sorrers of Morris Tow 419m3; real -prop- Ing with S. Vi In
�Mctwants- The- whole ach _t --
buildings nt
I 42i
has sdId his hlase and lot In Brussels- Stwards and district visitor were
Aently been. premeduated and accurae- n balth sides. The Allies there have t 1�1 673,7
eme had, evi- Is ficrea fightirig and rnuch,s nship, erty asse Sanders as-alternativo. auto' obilies etc. one halt Pi bottles for 2.5e,
Ay -calealated, Indeed it is _iald sdc6aeded In ding all their troop r. James Nicholson, of Xlexillop, � VRILe of tax al property: aPpoint1d as foIIoT,$;- P. Prayne, re� do.
Ian 01 business P
-there Nvere three ar four of, th =Sment, H 13ALLS for'vo
$16 cording
eao sub- and bave gained considerable for -$600, and VA6 96til immediate iPios- 478; income steward; S, 'Martin J. jgay, ui furs, -blankets 6
marines hidden ander the water on the and sev efIsion, Mr': X10hol6dii having sold his of ac aSessmbnt,,_ $900; number E- ShaPtOn, W. P. D woolilensj carpets etc for sAe th4 MI IMPOrtant positions, despite r-�s In town -ship, 52,544; cleared H. per awn, P"Wood, C.
McKI110P, Intend goi16 _kIng b e pound.
xse of the vessel �SO that If she the most furious attacks of tbeTurks Br C. Keddy and R.� N. Rowe
b good Turtuna es�caped one another land, 43,185 acres; woodland', 2,825ac- district visitors, E. Jory, 1ing..Rev, Firshing tackle line books etc.
y and Germans. The Allied fleets also to reside. f r,,s; 'sw4mP, 6.819 acres;
uld got ber. There � is nothing brave sueri, -Ur. and Nrft, Williarf
;," 2,882- Xnas peron-3, 21 to 6o years,
, Palmer, o Poptilation, D. Kestle, W. H. Penhale, John Ped-
ito, be making progress, although Godrich,, received word on'
chivalrous about this kind of
war -
a nemssartly somewhat -ve Monday, lar, R. Delbridge, Thornas Sweet, J.".
hey ha 610; birthall 47; deaihs 26, d-gs, s28;
P.; It isthe a-t,of 0old Wooded[ that thelb only son, Willi -air, has been Prayne, R. Kerslake, Joj,
rAd dfstroyed and. zilenced man
y of the nurrb,�r Of sch6ol children between the .9. j. Sha, TO"
.:Unscrupulous c0warzfS, It is not the killed in 'battle in France. The Kerslake
'sto 'pton. .J
perpetrators of the horrible 0 young 4e.5 Of '� Years and 14 years, 497, C...Harvy,
defensive forts which gaarded the Dar- tran wa,$'We]J k around Goderich, Mr. A. Hooper Aas Purchased -first
rhTe darielles and are In. this way makL-ig amd TVIRVA
.,Who are to blama., They -We are afraid
V only the Prgrers, rruch sympathy,; there are soTne j)&d lot from Rev.
rrother, father and In the 0yorthf;n stibet, Ort wfdch he Intends to
-L-pon- tLhose inauthority The ubmarine war zo, part -of "'XIS 'cOftty. One day ilast erect pe r
is 'extended io hl� Young amiqn and boys Mr. Tellana;�n Victoria
41ble tools
ac established
-Motbeisl Day Will t IZO ti
e celebrated In Mrs. J, 34 -en wkek a - residence,; -Mr, Wro. MIners,.,,vn0 AleA TV
dersxmi WIngbam, -*jig
6een in av Londo
n, has
PItal for p6 few, Drilggis� and Bookseller
A 17 Tore
A hl