HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-04-30, Page 5• 3t, 1915 ty demands for low cut • such a contingency, ;-ortment of Oxfords, d children. Our lour designs. The leathers manship and the fitting tge- and every shoe is aibred bows and sell - patent colt colonial NY and 3.5o, Growing n, sizes 2 to 5 for 2.50 1.75 and z.00. Ladies d 3.5o. Misses patent to 2 for r.5o and or 85 cents, r-oo and 'or 1.00, 1425 and 1.40 tttention. KATEROIAL ROTEL C. MIAS,. who were both hefr Inane through illness Sre now going around a- Ortwein, merchant, himself to an automobile. Lrlin has also treated.hima ame way. -Mr. E. qs ol- Thoaa Welsh, contract.., w town hall, are this week . little work they had to cold weather set in last • it. in fine cemeatstepa that are a credit to any the cement work leav- e by Mr. k.Roland Cudrnore se., in this connection we dr. W. K. Harburn, our rder to grade the front end to give it a neat ap- • very generously offer-. -a. couple or nice flower T aide of ,the step, which r much to the appearance hall. -Quite a number of vs attended Divine service iliater brethren at their .bbatle evening last and on Ling May 6t1I, the Rev. ale S. 1)oherty having been idresa the Odd -fellows of invited brethren in St. a. -Miss Lily Yungblut, of I formerly of Hensall, has ; the past week or so with !re. J. W. Bonthron„ to purchase or rent are a premium in Hensall, on eeir scarcity, and we are Lrn in this connection 'that Welsh, our enterprising 1aa With ids accustomed ranged to, ercet three fine the East end of the vil- ?. London, Road. and Is at - .g arrangements and 'get - 1 on the spot. -Mr. _if: Be ipent - a number of weelca ter. Mrs. 3. Sutherland, L -We are pleased to re - A. MePhersort is im- y and we trukt socta to id again. -We believe that Moore Bros., Hardware id machlaists, Intend ex - business., and that Mr. • owns the block, intends an extensioa to the build- -Sharp ha -e started another t. Mr. T. efurdock's block rn Street, opposite the Railway Yards, making Lop for Hensall.-We he- re Some twenty autorno- sail at the peesent time, riot look Ile .hard tirnes, Of the needful..-afra A. Toronto is aisitieg her tad errs. ToNgelands.-Xr- m has. very much improv - ranee of hiselne dwelling street, and has now one t brick dwellings 'in the Hensali news see U must turn your axance and comfort. ring Overcoat will ngs and overcoat- cleous dressers who tthes you can de7 atisfaction in wear, o suit the young ;Its to- stay young. .we offer in serges, id Son • vect. 1 Readers Thirds biers pads ngblanks, science etc. etc. !ways on hand ,erns • SEAFORTH gi APRIL ,30, 19151 Mitchell Notea'a-The trustee board of the 'Methodist -Church has debided to 'hold decoration day set Woodham Gene. tery this sprhot -The Knox congrega- tion' has pardhased the Salvation Army building, just north of the church; ,for 4600. 'The building will be re -sold and moved off the let, and, the ground will be added to the -church lawn. -Several young Men were racing on Main street mn Saturday *vening on bicycles, and one 'of the bicycles ridden by ,a young fellow named Mikel Struck John Fer- guson, who was crossing the road near Barley's iirig store, and knocked him down. lie was picked, up in an !Uncon- scious ,condition aad carried into Dr. Smith's office, and on examination it was found that the victim had log several teeth, that his lip and nose had been split open, and that he received a number of bad bruises. The young anon who ran him down 'escaped with only ft black eye,' ' 4'44.44 grg I $6.26; light 'bolls, $4.50 to $5. aoge ••••-. 'Receipts, 150 ; market active, _heavy, .47.90 to .$8; mixed and yorxeis, .0; tics, $115 to $1.90: Shes11.4-Relebts, 12,000; market 1,5 cents lower; top lambs, $9.65 to $9.75; yearling's, $7.76 to $8.25; wethers, $7.6,0 to $7.76; ewe's, k.110 - to $T ; cull sheep, $4 .to $5.50. Calves. -Receipts, 2,600; market, 60c to 76c lower; tops, $8.50 to $9; fair to good, $7.75 to ,C: .25 ; cull ,and -common, $0 *to $4.50; grassers, $4 to $5.25. Montreal, April 27. -Butchers cattle, choice, $8„ to $8.25; do., medium, 46,60 to $7.50; do., common, $57 to a5.50; canners, 13.50 to $4; betcher?' cattle, choice cows, $6.50 to $6,75; do., medi- um, 1$5.50 to $6; do., cbull, ,$5.75 to $7; milker% choice, each, $70 to 475; do., common and medium, each, ,$640 to $65; springers, $50 to .55. Sheep - Ewes, $6 to $6.25; ,bucks -and culls, $5.50 to $6.75. lambs, $9 50 to , *9.75; bogs; $9.50 to $9.60; calves, *2.50 to 112. , , Union - Stock Yards, Toronto, Aemil 27. -There was a fair pericentage of good to choice cattle on sale. ,Trade was active, as there were (several ,buy- ers from, outside points, which cawsed strong mark -et, all offeriogs being bought up by the noon hour. Prices were from 1.5e to 20e per cwt. higher than last Thursday and -fully,30c to 40c higher than on elondaff, a week ago. Cows were selling at higher prices than .aha,n at any time this season, There, Were several bUyers looking for stock- .ers --and feeders, the'demand being rgreater than the supply, which caused places to be very firm. Milkers and springers sold ali steady prices and writhe= veal calves were 25c per evet 'lower. Butchers' Cattle. --Choice heavy steers, $7.75 to $8.15; choice 'butchers' steels and heifers, rt.se to $7.75; good, te choice steers and heifers at $7.25 to $7.50; good Steers and. heifers at $6.90 to $7.15; medium steers and !heif- ers at $6.25 ;to $6.90; ‘commeniat s$46.25 td $6.50; choice enWS, $6.50 to .$6.76; good cows at $6.25 to $11.501 medium cows at $6.60 to $6,75; common cows at $5 to $6.50; canners and cutters ,at $3.75 to $4.75; bulls at $5.50 to 46,75. Stockers and Feeders.-Feedera 800 to 900 lbs., sold at $6.25. to $7; feeder, 600 'to 800 'lbs., sold at 0.25 .to $6..60; stockers, 500 to 600. lbs., at 15.50 to '45.76. Milkers and. Springers. -s Choice fresh cows and forward 'springers Sold at $50 to $86 each, and medium to good 4ait '00 to $65;;common at $40 'to $50. Veal Calves. -Choice veal calves, $9 to *10; good, $8 to $8.6; 'Medium,, t7 to $7.50; commen calvei, 0, to ,$5.25,; bons, $2.50 to '$3: Sheep and Lambs. - Sheep, ewes, sold at $7 to _,$8; heavy, sheep and rams', $4.50 to $6; yearling lambs, $7.50 to $10; spring lambs at $5, to $10 each. illogs.-Selects zold at $8.- 75, weighed off cars. ' Brussels Notes. -The tennis club has organized, for the season, although some of the old boys are absent this year. -Mems )bers o 'Western. Star Lodge, Oddrei- lows, attended service on Simday even- ing in the Methodist Church, (13russelk, Rev. Mr. Wren, the ,pastor, guse an eloquent and aPpropriate diseourie. A special program of music was rendered by the choir. - Numerous' offerseare made by the fartners of the locality ex- pressing willingriesS to assist in gravel ees if Messrs. Pryne rebuild their ffdll of cement. -There have been more deaths in thia locality during the ,pt month 'than there were for the eleven . months preceding. -There were three operations for" appendicitis in this cams mutiny last week, and the patients ,aro- nnaking favorable progress. - A $100 fine saa spaid ty one of leer hotelmen for violating the law. Inspector Oliver .Johnston, of Clinton, was in charge of the case. A couple of other fines 4of $20 and costs were imposed for cases of being drunk in a. no -license terri- tory at Ethel. • i MARKETS SEAFORTH MARKETS Thursday, April 29th, 1915. e'allV neat (Standaret).(new)....--. 1 40 to 1 40 • Oats, per busheltnew) ...... 55 to 65 P.as, per bushel .. s. 1 60 to 1 50 Rgkrley, per bushel.. - ..... 60 to 65 Bran per ton 26 GO to 26 00 28 00 to 28.00 8 75 to 400 24 to 26 19 to 20 iy 18 00 to 15 00 Potatoes, per bag 30 to 30 2 60 to 2 76 digifte, per ton. Plow, per 100 lbs.. -..-......... Batter elf°. 1. 100de• oaao Aug „sea sineen.• Beane.. Poultry Markets London, April 27. -Dressed -. Spring chickens, pair $1.0� to *1.50;' ducks, per pair, $1.25 to $2.00; chickens. per lb., 17 ;to 19c; turkeys, per lb., 22 to 25c; geese, per lb., .14 to 16c. ; Toronto, April 27. -Dressed chick- ens, 17c to 200; fowl, 14c to 16c; ducks, 16e to 18c; TurkeYs, 20c to 123c. Live. - Chickens, 11c to -,13c; fowl, 10c to 11c; ducks, lOcto 12e; turkeys, 13c to 15c; Toronto Seed Market Prices quoted to country merchante tor recleaaed seeds, Canadian Govern- ment teeted, per cwt. -Red clover, 1, $20 to a21; do. No. 0, .$1.8 to $A50; do. No.- 3, *17; aisike, No. 1, $19-4.50 to $20.50; dos -No. , $17,50 to $18.50; do., No. 3, $16; timothy, No. 1 $10.75 to $11.25; do., No. 2, $9425 to • 0.50; do., No. 3, $8.50.. Dairy Markets Montreal, April 27. -Cheese - Finest westerns, 16 1-2 to 16 3,-4c; finest east - erns, .15 3-4 to, 16 1-4p. Butter -Choicest creamery. 33 to 33 1-2c; seconds, 32 to 32 1-2c. Eggs -Fresh, 22 to 23c; selected, 25c; No. 2 stock, 21c. London, April 27.-Butter-R0lls lb., 31 to 32e; fancy ita 35c; erocklb.,30 to 31, Eggs -Per doz., 22e; per basket, doz., 10 to 21c. kloney-Stra1neda10 lbs, $1.40 to $1.50. s • Toronto, April 27. -Butter -The, mar- ket is quiet, with prices generally un- changed. Good grades wanted. Choice dairy, 27 to 28c;1inferior, g to 23c; creamery paints, 36, to -86; do. solids, :31 1-2c. Eggp. - Receipts' ere la:rge, and prices are unchanged at 20 to '21 cents -per dozen, in case lets. Honey- Buckwheat,7 1-2c a pound, in tine; 7c • 3-4c in barrels I strained clover honey, 12 1-20 a pound in 60 -lb. tins ;, 13c in 19 -lb. tins; 14c in 6-11)., tins; pomb honey, No 1. $3 per dozen ; No. 2. $2.40 .per dozen. .Cheese -The marketis quiet, with new quoted at 18 a -2c for large, and at 18 3-4c for twins. Grain, Eta. Tormsto, April 21.-F1our- Manitoba first patents quoted at $8.10, in jute -bags; second patents, $7.60; strong eakers' $7.40. Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent patents, quoted at $6.30 to $6.35, seaboard, and at $6.35 to a6.50, Toronto freight. Wheat -Manitoba No. 1 Northern quoted at $1.70; No. 2 at $1.68 1-2, and. No. 3 at 4,1.66 1-2, On- tario wheat is nominal at $1.60 for No. 2 at outside, points. Oats -Ontario quoted at 60 to 62c, outside, and at 63 to 64c, Toronto. Western Canada, No. 2 quoted at �r, and No. 3 at 68c, c.i.f., Bay ports. arley-The market Le nom- imal. Good malting grades, 75c. outside. Peas. -The market is quiet, with No. 2 quoted at $1.75. outside. Beans. - The market is steady at 03,40 to $3.43 for prime, and $3.45 to $3.50 for hand- picked. Mlifeed-Car lots, per ton, bran, $26 to $27; shorts, *28 to $29; middlings $33 to $34; good feed flour. $38 to $39. Mona -Canadian, 75 -pound bags *1.40 Spanish crate $4.25, Potatoes,-Ontarlos 65c per hag, out saf .store ; 60c in car lots; New Brunswicks, 70c a bag in store -65c in car lots.,Baled Hay and Straw. - Dealers are paying as follows for car lot deliveries on track here :-Straw is quoted at $8 to $8.5e a ton In car lots Hay -No. 1 new hay es quoted at $17.- -50 to ,$18;, No.c2 at $15 to $16, and No. 3 at $12.50 ..to $13.50. Live Stook Markets. Buffalo, April 27. -Cattle - Receipts, 3,875; heavy grades, 25 to 35 cents low- er; light butcher grades. steady to strong; choice to prime shipping steers. e8 to $8.20; f,air to good, $7.50 ,to 7.66; plain, $7 .to '7,25;$choice :heavy butcher steers, $7.60 to $7.90; fair ,to good, $7,15 to t$7.40; best handy steers, *7.40 to $8.16; common to good, $6.65 to *7.25; yearlings, $7.50 to $8,40; prime fat heifers, $7 to $7.40; best handy butcher heifers, $6.60 to a7.25; common to good, a5.50 to .$&25; best fat cows, $6.26 to $6,16; good butcher- ing cows, $5.25 to $5.75; medium to good, $4.50 to $5.00; cutters, $4 to $4.35; canners, $3.36 to $3.76; best bulls S6.25 to $6,75; good butchering bulls, $5.60 to $6.75; sausage bulls, $5 to SALE REGISTER.' On Thursday, May Oth, at Sproat'a Tile Yard, lot 6, concession 4, H.R.S., Tin:kennel* horses, cattle and pies. W. M. Sproat, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auet ioneer. On Friday, May 7th, at 1 o'clock p.m„ on Lot 24 meession 1, is R.S. Tucker -on" farm stook and implements. W. R. Sulfide, Proprietor; Thomas Brewn, Auctioneer, W. T. BOX & CO. EMBALMERS AND. FUNERAL D1REC29RS HC.BOX & W.S. GORMLEY Holders of Govern in en t -Diploma and License CHARGES MODERATE . Night Calls Phone 107 Day Calls Phone 60 ,AINIMMIIMIN0111..11.00 , Births MeLAUGHLIN-In MoKillop, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, J. 4. McLaughlin'a daughter. LEYBURNE-In Tuoicerarnith, on April 14th, to `Mr. ard bits. S. S. Leyborne, a son. HALL -In Wroxeter, on April 10,h, to Mr. and Mrs, William Han, a son. HUDeON-In Zurich, on April 21st, to Mr, and Mrs: I Hudson, a son. • MARTINE-In Stephen on April 1.9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martine, a daughter. SNELL-In Exeter; on April 20tb, eto Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Snell, a son. CULBERT-In Centralia, on ApritlOth, to Mr. and ; Mrs. Richard Culbert. a daughter. ' BONEHRoN-In Asslnlhda Sask., on April 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bonehron, a dattghter, (Norma Rae) ilarrlastea. LILLE-OARNOCHAN-In the First Presbyterian church, Seaforth, on April 28th, In Rev. F. H. Larkin, Mr. deifies-Litheol ,Sturgeon - Valise to Edna Gertrude, youngest, daughter of the late VIljjani Carnochan. of Tuokereenieh. HENRY -LAKE -At Brussels on April 21st, ins Rev. D. Brown, M.A.. Mr:Art.1m -0„Henry, .ofEthel. to Miss Olive M., daughter 01 Me. and Mrs. John B. Lake, Greyeownehip • EDIGHOFFER-EILBER-At Zurich, on April 20th, by Rev. G. F. Brown, !Ms Dora E„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Filber, to Mr. A. G. Edighoffer, both of Znrith. ERB-GERBER-In Hay, on April 20te Miss Fannie daughter of Mr. and Mrs, V. Gerber, to Mr. Aaron Erb of the Bronson Hue. CAMPBELL-POLLEY-At' the residence of the bride. Goderich, on Atoll 21st, by Rev. James E. Ford. Mr. William F. Campbell. of Dtibgann ea, to Mies Mary F. Polley., of Goderich. KAY-SMALE-et Godermh. on April 12th, by Rev. George E. Ross, B,D., David Kay, of Bruce Mines and Ida female, of Gocieriets. . Deaths KENNEDY -In Seaforth, on April 28th, Annie Rob- inson. wite of the late Angus Kennedy, in her Editl. year. MUSTARD-ln Tucke minket, on April 241h, Mar- garet Mustard, daughter of the late James Mus- tard, aged 74 years. HANNA -In MoKillop, on April 27th, Rachel Prioh- ard, wife of tbe late Moses Hanna, aged 76 years and 2 months. GILL -In Winghatn, on April 18th, Mary Jane Gill, in her 78 veer. SLATER -4n Blyth, on April llth, Robert Slater, in his 65th year. MILLER -In Morris, on April 18th, Margaret Moffat relict of the late John R. Miller, in her 81st year KING -In lower Wingharn, on April 20th, Mary J. King, daughter of the late T,uke King. WIEGAND-At Dashwood, on April 21s1, the wife of Mr. Justus Wiegand, aged 83 years. COOPER -In London, on April 15th, Margaret, wife of Rev. W. H. Cooper, formerly of Elimville, aged 48 years,' MOSES -In Morris, on April 19th, William Moses, aged 77 years and 4 months SHARPE-At Port Hope, on April 17th, Bertha May daughter of Junes Sharpe, aged 27 years. McGREGOR-Ta Seaforth, on April elith,Jatle Emily Murdie, relict of the late Donald McGregor, aged 72 ears. ••••••••4••••••0••••••••• • S. T. Holmes • • • • Funeral Director and. Licensed Embahner • • Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite • Stewart Bros. Iles'- , • deuce Goderich st., cpp • Dr. Scott's. • Flowers furnished on • • t, short notice. • Phone Night or Day 119. IMPORTANT NOTICES ; .11.11111•11•1,11•MOI STORE FOR RENT -The store in Soott'e blot*, Seaforth, long ocauhled by A. Wilson. Druggist and Stationer, is to rent. Apply SCOTT Seaforth, ' ke • 2470-4 _CiALVES AND: FERTILIZER) FOR $ALE-Fo'r Vitiate three calves three weeks old, also a quantity of Davies Commercial Fertilizer. Apply A. P. JOYNE geaforth, or phone is on 146. 24724 mnOR SALE -In Eginnodville, bowie and two lots, corder location on Main road, electrio lighted, chicken house andstable, small and large fruits. Great snap for someone. -Apply at Expositor ()Mee. 24794 RED POTATOES -A quantity of potatoes grown trom Experimental f arns send, Gold Coin variety for fate, 60 cents per bushel. - AROHIBALD Mo- GREGOR, Mill Road, Tuckerstnith, phone 14 on 137, Seaforth. s 2470-2 J'ORSE AND IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE.- A bevy gelding 6 yeam old, sound and good worker. Also a Massey -Harris 13-boi seeder good as new, a cultivator. harrows, wagone and other larm implements. Apply to JAMES SPROAT, Egmond- vine P. 0. 2471-tf aea -DESIDENCM FOR SALM - A comfortable frame Jai residence near the High School. Good cellar hard and softevater, a first class stable and half an acre of ground. 'Home heated by furnace. Cheap for quick sale. Tertns easy. ;Apply :GEORGE TURNBULL, Sealant). . e4e4etf FARMS FOR SALE. VARA FOR BALE.-LotO, Clonoeselon 9, Tuckers. 1. ' smith, containing 100 acres, about seven acres ender bush. The farm is well fenced and drained anden a good state of cultivation. There are on the prethises a good frame home, bank barn, Pig house, : tien home, drive house and two good wells. For terms and partioulers apply on the premises or ad. dregs MRS. JOHN hicOLOY, Egmondville P.O. ' malt WARM FOR SALE -Being Lot 7, (kincession 1, L Township of Mullett, containing 100 sores of ateiae land, on the premises are a large bank barn with stabling underneath, with cement floors throughout. New brick house with furnace in the, Mar. Well fenced and under draftier], will be sold reasonable as the owner wishes to g-ive up farming. For further information apply on the premises or address Seaforth P. 0., MELVIN J. CLARK. 241.63-tf WARM. FOR SA.LE,-For sale 100 acres of choice .1U laud in the Township of Hibbert, being Los 28, Coneession 9. On the premises are a brick house, drive shed, hank barn with stabling, hen house and pig pen undetneath. The farm is well fenced and underdrained, and there are 10 acres of hardwood bush. Rural Mail and Telephone Connection. For other particulare apply to ADELINE SILLERY ... eds., Ont. 9422-tf -LetA11.111 FOR SALE -Lot 10, Coneesaien 6, L.R.S., Tuckeremith. The farm contains 100 scree, all eleareal and in a good 'state of cultivation. Three never failing wells, windmill at barn. ,Good hank barn 5088, pig house, hen house and •drive ehed. A good frame house with furnace. An acre and a half of extra gool orchard. This choice farm is within 8 miles of Seaforthon the Kippen road, HENRY FORSYTH, legenondville. 2462-tf e 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -Five and three- ". quarter miles fro n the village of Brussels, 7 from Blyth andiedrom Belgrave. There is a never failing eepply of water. Beak barn 40x72, frame house with concrete cellar, eural`mail and telephone It is well adapted for both stook and grain, one- ' half mile from school and 'three-quarters froin church. Apply to FRED ARMS Mosta Giibert, Alberta or on the ;dace to EDWIN ARMSTRONG, R. R. do. 4Brussels. 2455-tf 11_00D FARM FOR SALE -For Sale Lot 25 and kx part of Lot 24. Oonceseion 14, McKillop, eon. taining,380 acres. There are on ,.the premises a modern brick house with hard and soft water. There is also a good barn 60x126, with stone foun- dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 30x40 'on stone foundation, pig pen end Oen house, all in good replier. Deere is also a good bearing or- chard and two never failing wells. The fatm is well underdrained and well lenced and in ii high state of cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of 'Walton C. P. R. station, also telephone and rural mail delivery. Thie is a choice farm and will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply oreithe:premiseseern,ddresta W. JeD101iSON Walton. 2458-tt , AUCTION, SALES, * ' AUCTION SALE -The executers of the estate of of the late John Hawkins have instructed Th. rises Cameron to sell by puinie auction at his late residence on the London road, three miles sou h of the villege of Reused. on Friday. May 7th, at one o'clock sharp, a choice lot of horses, 005 8, young matte and fat 3atWe ready for shipping, and a full line of implements- Also some first class hay. Pos- itively no _reserve. Terins and pagtitulo.re made known on day of sale. lee posters. HAWKINS BROS., Executors, Dickson & Exeter, Solic- itors for Executors; Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer, 247e-2 A UOTIONeALE OF HORsE3, CATTLE & PIGS - W. M. Sproat has instructed Thomas Brown to eell by public auction at Spr3atig Tile Yadi, Lot 6 Concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, on Thursday, May fith, at 1 o'clock, sharp the fellowing: Horses - Strong work horse 0 years old, driving mare 9 years old, perfectly reliable ; carriage mare good single or double. Cattle -5 cowa with calves at foot, 7 springers, some almost due ; some olives and year - lingo. • Plgs-6 brood stem. to litter latter part of May and June. Terms -Six months' credit on ap- proved joint notes- A diecount of teXper oent. per annum off for oash. No reserve as the proprietor bas grase. W. M, SPKOAT, Proprietor THOS. BROWN', Auctioneer. 24721 A D1lINIST1tATOW8 SALE OF ' FARM, FARM .1-1 STOCK IMPLEMENTS AND FURNITURE - Mr . James Jones has received infatuation, feorn Mr. Samuel -Harris, administrator of the estate of the late Thomas P. Harris to sell by public auction, on Lot SO, Concession 8, townehip of Fullerton, on , Wednesday, May 6th, 19L5, the` following: The farm is said to contain 100 aores, more oiless, being composed of Lot 80, Coneeesion 8, township of Fut; larton. On the place are a brick house; frame barn, good water supply, 76 acres cleared, 26 acrea in good hardwood timber. Terms will be made known on day defile on above. Stook -three mares, 10 cows 2 bulls, 1 bull calf, 2 heifers 4 years old, 2 heifers three yeas old, 4 haters 2 years old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 1 deer one year old, 1 heifer calf, 20 hens, a quantity -of oats, hay, setae and eneilage. Imple- ments -Set of trucks, sleigh, light wagon, cutter, mower, horse make, set of scales, fanningmill, pulper cutting box, buggy, sulky, fence wire and reel, wire stretcher, seed drill, 2 plows, scuffle', gang plow, eat double harness, harrows, !alders, chains, pick, crow her, forks, spades, wheelbarrow, kettle, milk can, sews and a host of other articles usually found on a- farm. Furniture -2 stoves, 2 tables, bedsteadt bedding, set of drawers, cuplioadd, lounge, oh ire, book case 2 guns and other articles. Sale at 1 o'clock shatp. Tanis on 0hattels-810 and under, mole over that amount R months' credit on furnish- ing. approved joint notes; 0% per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve on any- thing as ail must be sold to wind up the egeitte, SAMUEL HARRIS, Administrator; James Jones, Auctioneer. , 21724 • A UCTION SALE OF THOROBRED AND HIGH IA GRADE FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, no. Mr. -Thomas Brown has been instructed by Mr. W. R. Smillie to sell by publio auction on Lot 24, Con- ceasion 1. L.R.S., Tuokersmith, 1 miles south of Bruoefleld, on Friday, May 7th, at 1. o'olook p. m., sharp. the following property: Horses - 1 draft mare 7 years old, draft mare le years old, draft mare 6 veers old in foal, draft gelding 3 years cid, draft filly 3 years Old in September, agrionh ural filly rising 2 years, draft filly 1 year old and roadster mare 7 years old, relieble. Oattle-Registered Shorthorn cow freshened April 181, grand milker; Shorthorn cow with oalf at foot and supposed to . be in calf, Shorthorn registered dow with male calf at loot, registered Hereford eow due to calve hefore sale, young grade cow nfflking and supposed to be in calf, Ayrshire cow 6 years old freshened April 23rd, regis- teredShorthorn bull 16 monthe old, roan, 4 yearling heifers and steers, 6 calves of fflfferene ages, 2 of them eagible for registration, 1 good milking cow supposed to be in c-alf sheep, Pigs, etc -22 choice Leicester ewe none over 4 years old with lambs at foot, brood BOVI due to litter Mar 20th, 6 store pigs and a'OUD 100 Barred RO3k hens. Implements--Massey.Harris binder 7 foot out, just cut 30 acres, efassey-Harrie mower wide cut, Peter Hamilton 12 -hoe seed drill, Massey -Harris 3 horse cultivator nearly new, 3 horse ditto, bean harvester and cultivator, used 2 seasons, turnip seeder nearly new„ scuffier, keel roller nearly oew, 4 section harrows, 2 walking plows. Imperial gang elowe high vvagon, low wagon, democrat, wag- on box, serene seat, hayraok, cart, top buggy cutter set heavy sleighs, 2500 lb. scales, Chatham fanning mill with bagger attachment, Champion' cutting box Maple leaf grinder, Brahtford gasoline engine 3 1-2 h.p., d 3 winters, pulper, hay rake, 2 wheelbar- rows. good water treugh, quantity of baew000d and other lumber, some long elm joists 3x8. about 100 good ceder posts, some anchor posts, heavy harness with breeching and cellars, set plow harness 2 eets lighteharness, number of good open top collars pea harvester, apple barrel pre, quantity choice seed corn on ,ear Lougfellow variety, quantity pota- toes, good timothy hay ,t`beans, truck for tongue, large arivil, citable, forks, nee& yokes, spades, shovels draining scoops, whigletreel, doubletrees, table, churn, Aladdin hanging lamp, dining room haning lainp, a coal oil stove and a quantity of 3 inch tile and numerous other articles. The vrbole will posit- ively be sold without reserve as the proprietor hae eold hie farm. Tenms-All Hume of 910 and under meth; ever that amount 10 Months credit on furbish- ing apprpved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on dollar off for cash on credit amounts. W. R. MILLIE, Proprietor; Thomas %own. Auctioneer. 2472 2 ir*****************4)4146•41444) TUE HTIRON 'EXPOSIT'OP THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,LL.D., Proddent ALEXANDER LAIRD, Genera l Manager JOHN AIRD. Amet General Vewatgas' CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may bp-openbed at every branch 'iti)f The Canadian Bank of Comrnerce,to be operated by mail, and twill receive the samf.; careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business:: Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 824 Seaforth Branch. W. O. T. MORSON - Manager Girl Wanted Girl wanted to do gene ralhoChsavork; no `washing Arply stating wages requi red tb Mra. H. A. MoINTOSH, Cardale 2471-3 Manitoba Seaforth Collegiate Institute Art Exhibition . Tiwo hundred copies of old mesbaspleess will be ex. bibited at the Collegiate Institute, May 5, 6, 7, from 4 to 6 p.m., and on evenings of May 6 and 6, mud° and refreshments Admission lOnents. Puede .are to be used in purehaeing plotures for the Colleg- iate; like.tnoiie of the exhibit. Help us choose. Notice Notice is hereby given to the ratepayers and others within the township of MoRillop, in the County of Httion and Province -of Ontario. That ATI Inspector, is aPpointed to enforce thei.rovigions of Bylaw' No.'. 12o1 1911, of the said township ofiefoKillop. A By- tiwprohibht1nthee running at. large of dogs in the above mentioned township. By order of the Council. . s.:MITRDIE, clerk • May 27th, 1916.1 2472-1 , Mind Your Teeth The dentists of Seaforth, have agreed to close their respective offices during the summer month@ on Wednesday afternoons of each' week after one o'clock, commencing WW1 the first Wednesday in May, R.B. ROSS 2471-3, II. 3. HODGINS Tenderifor Ditching Sealed tenders will lev reeleved by either of the undedsigned until Wedneectly,1 May ith, at six o'clock p.m.. for digging, placipg, three inch tile and flitting drain. About five or Mx hffnelled rade, north of Dublin on the town line betteden, MoKillop and Logan. Plans and epeeilicatioris eten Ite-seen on the ground on the night of- lettiisg er on application to either of the undersiened to whoni tenders rnust be addressed. Tiles will be' furnished and laid down by the Municipality. The lowest or ',any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr WOODS, Reeve of Logan 3. M. GovenlockeReeve of MoKillop ,Winthrop p.o. . 2472-1 Alssign6e's Notice to. Citditors In the matter of the estate of Rieherd.G. Winter, of the toen of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Forniture dealer, Intolvent. • • Notice is hereby given that the said Richer -1 G. Winter, has made .an assignment, under . Revised Statuteaot Ontario. 1914, Chapter 134, to me, the undersigned, of all his estate, credits and effects for the general benefit of his oriclitote. A. meeting of the creditors of the sale Insolvent- will be held at my office, at Seaforth, Ontario, on Thursday, the sixth (6th) day of May, 1915, et the hour of two (2) o'clock, in the afternoon, -for the,puepose of the ap. pointrneqt nI inepectors and the giving of directions for the disposal of the eitate. AlIttroditors oie the said debtor are hereby required to Ale their claim with me, the undersigned, veriflecLby affidavit, on or before the date of the said meeting. And notice is further given, that, after the ktli'day of May, 1915 the Aseignee will *weed to distribute the assets of the mild debteeamonget the.paities entitled thereto having regard only to the Mame pf which notice shall thee have b en given' and the Aisignee will not be liable for the Mises.or atiiipart there° , so distributed, to any • person or 'newtons, of tjhose claimthe shall not then have hadmo ice. .. J. M, BEST, _Assiened; neriforth', Ont Dated at Seaforth, this 27th day cf April, L91,. 2472- - Popular Stallions aeon. The following well known stallions -will Stand for the 'improaernent of stoc this Beeman as 'follows: CUMBERLAND GEM Isotahnnd.3;oarl".39sienravVilc(111:98dR6)urriPnrige.tth"' epres- 7Allelinit season at Sohn loicGavin's Stables, Leadburye LOt 22, Cease cession 13, McKillop. pl.11•••••••• Seaforth Flax Mills Land Wanted The Canadian Flax Mills, Ltd., beg to announce to the farming community of Staforth and vicimey that they purpose oonintencing operations in their flax miff here, ea once, and are desirous of se- curing a good quantity of suitable land for growing flax; for the preaent season. Their representative Mr. Perron, will be in Seaforth on and after Frklay, 10th inst., for the purpose of securing flax land and will beat the office of Mr. James Watsen, where he will be &wised to meet all parties interetted. 8eaforth, April 13, 1915, 2470-11 Town of Seaforth Sale of Land for Taxes Notice is hereby given that the adjourned sale of land for taxes will be held in the Council chamber town hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, May 11th, 1915, at 3 o'olook p. m. That the Municipal Council of the town of Se.aforth, has directed roe that if the pride offered far any land is less than tne amount due for arrears of taxes, charges and costs, they intend_ to `purohase the same for the ambunt due. JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer Town of Seaforth " Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of April, 1915 2471-2 RED McKINNEY No. 92996, A.T.R. James Berry, Proprietor & Manager Monday -Will leave his own' stable, Egmondville, at noon, and go by way of the Huron .Road,...to Clinton, 4t' Ghham's Hotel for night. Tuesday- -South by way of London Road .tp Walker's Hotel, Brucefield, 'for noon; then south to T. S. Berry's stables, Hensall, for night. Wednesday - To Exeter, at the Commercial Hotel for noon; then to Centralia, at *Mof- fatt's Hotel for night. Thursday -East to William Brock's, Usborne, for noon; then to Kirkton, at Taylor's Hotel, for night. Friday -West to...Jas. Barran- tyne's, Usborne 'bouadary, for noon; then north tp Dublin at Weber's tel, for night. Saturday -By way of the Huron Road to his 'own stable for noon, where he will remain until the following Monday noon. •••••• ONE/MO OEMS and"- Alacle Buggies We have now ready a large ^- stock of up to date Buggies, both steel and. rubber tired, Stanhope and Automobile Seats, Arched- and' Drop Axles. All Our Own Manufacture And our prices are right, as we have no middleman to - pay - Give as a Call. q?.? BEDEVEREUX SE4 A randNew G...ro,.ge- For .-$115' -r-An Item ot Interest to Automobile Owners We will build complete a neat well finished frame garage 12 feet wide, 16 feet lona- an 8 feet high, with two inch plank floor, lighted with three wnd ows and painted two coats for $115 Call at °lir office and examine plan. and let us explain this proposition. Red Cedar Shingles xxxxx and XXX Proved to be the most durable roof obtainable. Buy your shingles this season and save money. Prices may never be so low again, See our stock and let us quote you. Cluff & Sons Planing Mill and Lujnber Yard 2372-3 Sea*rth On, 1 There's No Place Like Home Why not add to its attractiveness by giving its decorations an individuality that reflects yourself *We have an unosually attractive line of Foreign and domestic =wall papers to choose from and will be glad to put our expert knowledge at ybur service to help you select decorations that are out of the common place. Be sure and see our samples before placing your order elsewhere. All kinds of panting, glazing, tinting etc., done . on short est notice. Our twenty seven years of prattical experience guaran- tees satisfactory results. John Hooper _Master Painter ik Decorator John street Seaforth CHLORODYNE. (14062) ,13547 J. Livingstone, Proprietor & Manager Monday -Will leave his own :stable, at State and go 'west to ' David Hill's for noon; thence south to the CroMarty .line, thence east to his own stable for :the night. Tuesday -Will leave his own stable at 3.30 and pro- ceed south to James Ballarityne's, on the Usborne and. Hibbert boundary, for night. Wednesday -South -to Win- cheisia, to John .Delbridge's, for noon; thence south to Wm. 13rock's for night, remaining until 3.30 Thursday after- noon: Thursday Afternoon -To' Kirk - ton, at Taylor's Hotel, for the night Friday -North to the Thames Road, al, Thomas McOurdey's for tioon; thence north to the Cron -tarty has to John Hamilton's for night, Saturday -West to Crornarty; /then north 4o filtaffa, to his own stable, for noon, remaining until the following Monday morning, er _ GRAND TPUNK RSYISLTWEAMY • Double Track All the Way TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL For Chicago ave Toronto 8i00 a. m., 4:40 p. and 11:45 p m., For Montreal Leave Toronto 9:00 a,. m.. 8:30 and 11:00 p.m., daily Smooth Roadbed Highest class of equipment Full particulars and berth reserva- tions at Grand Trunk ticket offices. W. Somerville....... Tcwn Agent W. Plant.. . Depot Annt C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Tomato, Ont. ID• .= h oro- red Imported Stallions „ The following Inip°Irted Clydesdale.. and .Percheron will stand for gerviee.-'` this season 1. T. J. Beri,y's &Wes, HENSALL, On KING THOMAS' Clydesdale {9254] (12525) , To insure, $17, $2 to be paid down at the time of service:' King Thomas' has already stood'iS seasonsat his own stabte ,CVM.BERL AND'S GLORY Clydesda'e [17846] (13788) $17 to insure JABOT Percheron [.31-j(84.r4) To insure, $to FRANK CASE, Barn Manager COLONEL GRAFEAM s i [9255j(12103) Colon'el.Grah am .s ill travel the following route throughout ' i the season ; .,, . .. ,- ., , Monday', May'r3rda-Wi11 leave his nkvit stable awl prre.eecl west', te -Comae. skin 2, Hay, thence south to Boger N4rtheott's for 1100frs thence 4south 3 miles, thence east II miles to John Blair's for aighe Tuesda y-Nortts by; ' a way of Exeter tlo Adam Case's, for noon, thence eas, )4 nliies thence north to Thomas Venner's for night,. Wednesday -Worth to Ohiselhurst, thende miles west, thence li miles north to William HoggArth'sfor nom), , tbegme . wdst'by way of Kippen road to eoncessfon 2 then 11 mnorth, miles nor,, thet, It-, ,miles west to Thomas Workman's for night. Thursday-south/4.-C Rip - then west to Ifilsgreen and north to Webster Turner's for /moon. then so noon, then east to his own stable, HensallF, ;t4nEntrsilBtEl;efooulloswirin, :la:aeon:4r_ i 4 to•Sanmel Wal er's for night. leriday-West to Ed Douglas,' Blake; for noon, then sot4h on Bronson line to Zurich road, then east to Sohnaton's H ' tel, Zurich for igbt. 8aturday-81.st to Parr line to 'George' Grabain's fp morning. - .. . s - 4 B-1 eimpliiilaM11118mMINIMINsm• ! We Recommend This Cod ! We know it's good. it's unusual richness in carbon makes it burn long, eveniy and completely. LEHIGH VALLEY I ANTHRACITE . I The Coal That Satisfies is aiwaSts uniform in quality, I very free from slate and other foreign matter. Although much more economical than ordinary coal, it costs you 1 Ino -more. Phone us your order for prompt delivery. J. B. Mustard Phone 11 on 145 1 a BRUCEriELD - V ford Touring Car 'Price $590 Your neighbor drives a Ford-wbycddrit you? We are selling more Fords in 'Cana* this year than ever before - because Can* diens demand the best in motor car service at the lowest posiwe cost. The -Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury. Runabout is $540; Town car price on 8p - plication. A11 Ford cars are fully equipped. including electrie headlights. --No ears sold -unequipped. Ford buyers wil share in out Profits ifiwe sell 30,000 cars between August 1,1914 and August 11, 1915. All Ford .cars on exhibition at j. F. Daly's Garage, Main St , Seaforth, Ont. *GPO Tillisammo011eastaraMPO •••••