HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-04-23, Page 4�7 o UR -0 23 THK �H 081-T 11 R 916 'A PRIL re.sented the ridllij, Dr. Rankin, was, ed. -.by- the - Inv�stlgatioai hich .Were other room, end-lborajalli; audf,f qund aid friends. Among -those from a o0s 4, tfid liost Wul pdfl tbed by thi� 0ordt 16h her' d' * A' 1 ta' "wh Attetidba- 0,6` V ar and --.0 y,an Ca. nce 0 niem�erjijn the'Hbuse of Co 4 e 86t oa'loot -and, Mons an wer very largely con- -der,wz Aminediate!y called,,and, While. Mr'. amw Lanpey,-- of iag-sra rb for a .thno V T W T F S if Me, eketoro (of.Nor�h Per-th. hay'w�an Auetpd the Opposition ia. Gill A ared ta. rail *1 gwy 4
d., 31arta an& Ediabeth Lan U to� 0 own Interests they *111 the- nd danle',6h XoA44..,.4he, tv of, Wdndaor;: WhIlam Lan _eley.4 was soc4a
the mistake.. they made - In- 1911, her* 78th yefar, and, Was ia-member Qf erybie; Mr.,An& and Pe i3 urch,�_ js� survived, Mrs. Wright MY. anX,Urs.. AjbOrt Alk- and will Again select Dr. rRankin.' The, :-Now License COftmisslo ners, the, AligWiwn Ch 6 8, av 4 5 9 10, a good man -and be will alwayo be The 1ndmea � of the new- Provinqlal Llq- -by -two slatem. Jor Te* d%#J-L Feet f, enhead, Mr. azid;-*s.,A1ex. Alkenhea&,. found on the,�rlghtidb. ty lei
11 12 13 14 '22 t6. 17 uor License Commissioners under �the U)r4,,, J. 13., and AfessrAc, D. -A. TA q 20 IT 22 24 ,iled License law as and, IA. 1. Alkenhead Of Londbn a�ndk �idrGllj
UM94 pa. ed #t'the re- r th a6, 27 Zutich Mr.. Lovis Al rCushion Sole sho6 is the.shoe fo . e. man or woman who has tend 29 1 30 Thorel to &�Coutrast cent �sewdon �of tbe,Leglsl%tu6,: Dr. Uavile, deiiUst, a kehea4 of O.e#oit.. Ou Albei
Iwere fth Tuafdik and Friday nib m the first moment your feet go intal hese shoes you *ill -sup
Hensalli each Wednesday and Thiinday In Zurich, er feet.* Fro _P1
-At th& same'.0me that,the Dominion announced n. Saturday, They -,are as njkh elais work.., Phone Mai s, HiasAll 945i.tt A. Government Is re�udlating pollUcillad- crodito experience the greatest possible 'comfort. The shoes are made of the follows J. D. Plavelle, -,merchant Lind- Noteo.-Kf. [Flenky w rss shaped hat. the footrests inad-tasy, natural 6ar b#Xents who have offen'dedtagainot can -11 obapil flao re- I Notesi-Mi H. K, Ehber, who- bar,- softest of-leathe 0 NIEW ADVERTISEMENTS ons, - of public - Integrity, Laurter say, Chairman W. S. Dingman, Pub- turned to.0hepstone, ont., -after- a visit een news- organist of the Evangedcal Church, ition; The best point, however is the construcCion of the sole. In our papere defend Oon. rrank Oliver aw Usher Stratford,-, Vice -Ch' bere:-'The Sunday SebooA services of for the past -en Sears-, has xesigned. C airman - Fred- ushion solehoes, your feet rest po6 a. -soft insol, of fine felt covered the Lutheran Churej boon 9.a.m. Mr.. Bliber is not. b.nly a good musician 'told:
Ick Dane, Commercial Agent,for Can. last Sunday d mon't Suits -Stewart Bros-& ga&nst a very grave charge touching his er CalutublN Ua,36ras_A, personal honor -charges made on the 72i s hour will tie continued but an active and seftu church and ith kid, under which -is a layer of cork, 6overed -.by a good, oak tanne sear
ada'at Glas of Toronto; John- WnY ?*M ranee -9 strength of vvdence In departmental gow. during. the a met, rn�nthi.. - Mr,' J- Siuiday Schow worker and,although he outer sole. Thi's ensures foot comfort' under all- weather conditions UP& Suits Grelz Clothing Co. -I Preeter ha -TAdIes App -ret J. MoTavlah-8 records, as -90 A. Aye&rst, Government Liquor Law over ifty tons of well a _u. Information, Wk- a has reaIgned from the -of bit- We have rn.eii and women's cushion sok shoes in all siZe's and several se - onions Poltion %-tv G. willis-4 en- There le a con- Enforcement Official, -Toronto; George t Spring� ganist his-6ther church -activities will' #604on Rate Shoe, from -ZurtcA by a co.-mmisskon. based the be continued. -A. young- daughter was- s. We mention a few of our leadin mew
----I Mr. Conrad Vo land b od Style line Cushion
aak o4or Mee trast to UAnk about. Tli S a's ure .90
Mind Your Teeth -5 nAth, Mining Recorder, Halleybury., o,tWenty-fIve tit -5 The above Is from he Toronto Mail. born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zw1pker, SO heavy soles fors a RcKes from the -Canada Co. le shoes,. fine kid uppers,, roomir toes, light or 450 Ur I
The Chairman and'Vice-dhairman are which as 'bad, ' aged- fori, 1i number in Edhianton,- -the- fith ion sole shoes, fine kid- uppers, the Dr. randon hel h A
61A Wsated-:�Alrv. R. A. KeIntesh-6 on inst. adany pair. Mon!Nr cushi $,We loost-,Sxpoaftor 01fice-8 ualifted froin -hire w(Ul be pleasedjo, extend congra- Special for $5. oo a pair. Men's. cushion sole, shoesy Kangaroo' 'kid up- Yes, there Is acontrast to think about, both go-od men nd -are well -Of Years. -Word has "nirecelved- a
The chargea against the Political adher. t' fill tbhj Mr, Peter TtandAil, -soa of Hear Rai�- ithe a
ersj high.t Woen's cushi sole shoes,. b4tton. or 43de tar Taxes --Town of SeMorth-5 rUnsitio 0creditably and In y tuxatioiM.-The one-quarter of an acre o. Anste,
-front, 1, -of lind Offered for salle by the mpson's Book Stare -8 ents of ite Dominion Government were pervIng at the
o%w dad, Who has jx*n p oe, for $5.o on bluchee lace styles, turn soles,- for $3.5o a pair. Women's cushin sdle the PUNIC int0l We go not kn Pxmu
anythin � about the others. no -that be WAS .'sovrely- woundodl ind t I --of t was OaWiWfars Is -George Chapman -9 of substantiated and proven by Iscores 9 doubt og he liklte Carl ]Tlnkbeiner� would not likely, go,la active pervice a- suAes and.rubber'heiilsi, for $ pair. Women's -Cuh 15hoa Store -8 they also are- good.men. They are bought, by Mathew Ginter or, shoesvirith turn .3-75 a
Forkinpion's shoes wftnessm in 'the 'open before a Parlta- all ffaan,,—Dr. Stoskopf, now drdves Uton Band has been re-brkan- cushiowsolle -.shoes, uppm6r.4*f Justl
The,Crec Tories and 'both the Chairma, and his new pord cat. d
Duck fte-johif Scott--& overn- *Ice (10W Mud
ft Wi-J - ines. Sproati--b good, finestAid with welted soles, f 406an m�ntary Committee, where the G -The Women's Tit- te-for the coming se ' S _Chaj Ias n. The" $4.5o apair.' Women's cushion Sole L OXford shoes) with turn Man are PartizanA of For 8xli or Rent�-Waterworkx--S m&t had Special coun *the Pur- otitute, met at th.6 home of Xro. Dr. bas1nIt much good musicaltallent
Iftivertor liale--Dr. Bartow" spl to represent lyst -0111. Horw�yer; If they perform Campbeil on Wednesday, of ast week. uner the foilowl soles and rubber h il or phone
,�els, for'$3. oo a pair. Ma ordirs provj�ptly It and here representatives of both their duty Impartially the public will Severai interesting papers wer am excelleAt . Of filled* 4 e read Aouid proiper Preoldelit; ' Gtar'Ajet, political parties fiad lull Power and not.- And Much �Vault ton that score.,*To and there was Ek 00d musicai program. Chat thl victors belong,tbe R Siveltzer; vice-prebident, Erneiit Mieih-� scope to bring out he truib. The . The annuai bu#Gess,- mee'tizag will be 9- The Charman is to,,recelve. Inger-'aftretary,, Ad. Wuorth-- itreiLs a Salary held 1h -the town Nill on May - 11th.Ai- against the Hbn.,Prank 'Oliver In the of $6,600 - a year and 'the V11ce-Chair- ure j)Oadeo, Herb Vllbek�.� The members of �thi--14utheran Church first ph-sce, were based, upon the-Tepor and-e*dh Of the other heid -thelr monthly social t the home meethia Which have ibeencofiduoted. it hew 'Guelithe man Itf,000: 0om- and Mlit r�Tb� revIviii ffBA]BtR79Ei, FRIDAY, April tS, 1915. of a Political bireling who as paid missloners are being Uber- of W potor,,yiev. W. 0. NUer on Tr, the, EvAntefical church fof some week3i for. ally_ paid auldi th to t ey should rform dal, 6f last, week. All partook of' fru V�_ pe
t the iate,'of ($50, 4 day providing their, duties wll.� Thw palarlee or the A SUP-- have-- ciobed, -As, the irst Its se =-& per which -had b�04_prepared by the era, be reports 1 satisfactory hose who Corn w, . menibers were Accepted into missioners will thus cost Pe COUA- tostA � side, The War Situation. 9 -the Rbdki-,who had com- th emOl ased on, -eyl- try $24,600 with(
Them to not- as pvt anything thereL r supper pressiveand* heipful to,& large awn- oyed him and were a; yea�. n.addition to tia e- church The - servlce . was. very Im- W=A -L Peted- for new members. Afte will be a secretary afid, 6t or Sal dence taken In -Secret by this 'hireling an Intbresting progr lett"
UbAal ta report from.the war arena, r4 was rendlDred, arled, officials, which with besides a debbAe. Th . e subjeft was ber. 4' pe6Pie.—Aii Adult, Bible. Class of and without any of the parties Inter- 16,116. Ing officers bao n- with w -,bee 9PP104, Tj.ff� COMMM014 I'ther i 00 �Ujot r i the 4We St� Ifi the flgtkl*.Up q4qther $24,000 makIng.$48 soived th NOTAL ted beling representek And in the sec- i4t, Education is more Aesirabi came
East the winter Is bre�klng up: and the' e4 000 a Yegt-'-that the 'peoplel'of iDntario t an W 11 . - - . 1 e orgiinlowd 4a tonnoctioxy With -the nvan- i h. The negative side ort gedcal' Surifty. 116hool: Teacher, ondplaeon garble(T public dobuments, Will Paj for de ha' ge,'That py will by feW points mat- _John and *eather 'have considerably Erb, of he. thew Quenthii;-Fresidenti Joe, galfft;- t -Y'. -the. new VM.'j1f.sent1=r*t-js In fav- tbere. acquMutid f in t
6iim TU Uft vim -private into ation furzt4hed'by par- rftd*e value for the mney thus ex- Bronson Ane, Was- badly bruised when Vice;-pkesiderA, Dantei Oei W leral oar�lcd rie h inilitary operations' pended we�,Very -much. doubt. 90wever, hls� .4ors�*. -frIghf4aecj-' y itreicher; Sec- or of the, rexpenditure was coiadti�" t*, Ren d, Inte --red *ft The. -
the line
0 , d ubtful reputi, 'a lo'Ll' Of�L retary- 'a. E'.:Ys Surer, Chaff. rushed througb� t1gs of the m it' 0 'and ted for last lot Qa4 are Impassable, the �ountry Is wiii b People vo orse him -un- L caiveh, ran away and dragged CotnmItttes-Membersh1p,,..H. Notes.-Hro. R. BarjM.0 has sold. 8 Wd.-Mr. Jau" ftn= supply the cash John Boeszl0r, J.X.iSdhro#& -her one hundred am fm= the 1;th' p; the L. ondori
00 --We .Psrsume *-here , on rwgr 1wre XeWgt_ not otherwise substantiated. Ver y there' elect!16n.�' A Itl-ls'�thOpeople 'who kmust der i�ie Wh66is. -The horse tl�en freed M"y flooded an
Wtin is while the
is a contraof to think ab6ldt. is tself. and ran. lthiroQh. the vjIlage but. er Ig. XOtz, 0- eahcesolon f the ,in ft
&Uvam AM isol ramollen,that the CrGssn townewp r vcGi,_. iy. aacj to _ D_ jjeK V n lea&*= JUA.- te bir of, theni Is In many laces -Im-pos. k y 0 Mr. P. lenfte a non. i9on %t0,k`c0m;V,4 2, � J. Kuhn, E4
Fran jn Itratitkto e. FUk-; There is no 4 oubt bi well for th dh withbut doing an Variock, On. . M,Bftver,)Z U�*Onthe-61d eitire eolt
ONver. has bi faults and falljngs like beiner, J,, F. Smith;,66dal and -Von able. ]But i� -the -face of even these the rWt of., er, that-4the' �O�A,lo be done. W01-, tpw.=b1p farmer for howley. -1 - ft -e BIM of n, A PrbWi4 1WIp. Wr- h th, qomm1ssI6nat,-" gii come, Con. ub OUS difflicultleaL -Mr. fe, Sfirst prize nliumiantty bUt e speak -of and. doilara' LP. stowtUt hldh he, Y!*celved- 4220'.' rhis ewt - il,_
tbere.bas been , a g L ood� �Ieal What We knorW )When We Say that no eGroy thousaiO dilits a' -11alst; Devotional 0nd U15- -ponfined to his bewewlth rra Sh Ua fall, thevnly 'he VMS Jof Uh
:or fifty iock H.
6 0 uscular ov.s
of -skirnUshing, but no severe engage- department of .0overnment in Canada Deith of Another. Plotieer.-LThe fol- slonar , G. K,4 JUown, pro*A, A. rheumatumi-Mr. SISke has' C Sole h o
ever bad a mor hitherto been ddii e fidthfully, an y purchased ajoft. 2& weigbect over -;,IN poumT% in, the rCarpathian-rl e PaInstaking, careful tle or 10WIng'Which we t#ike from the Courier- Steiniiiher, Jacob �phw'arz. and. Aerm- nee of Mi. hoNvan.-m-The hec- and Is ta very . prondong ments. ountaia re-. local men !RtL jif A4 lwetlpi the reside _ntnMI 1(r
or - honest. admilaistrator than the, Del. Democrat of La6gd6A,,', North Dakota, oestretcher. rl�taryl$ _�report Sion fighgag is still being continued pjX_tmej t, of,the Int.er, the cou -tr Of- jMj r street day SmIllie b or yl- Stb, (*11f read, with melan- as at Present , 0 1411 brother had In [Ron. of April schow show& the, Avb iinT= twel,#e days ajd� wbkh� jgdfi - Isir Ah More or while jkrank rise at .0j* less'-4everlty, and bliver and that undee h1A ad '061Y Interest by, many' old ftienft 'Of for. the 4uarte las,
m1nistration neither friend or foe re- Of thftbei cen't.' over the : saine, brother. Mr.— --and, Germ d in j, r to to 305, an increase -as gdod it not better tb Us ej&r
the Aus_Wanu ans, fee:m to be ntbro thli' &stilct - 'An n per t*ived favors or advent t Udders -We havat� thellaid stand, ab::,pply oi Andrew Bq1L- suo of� the prices at Beattie Biro&,- Sewonhe M Exeter Oddfel- Lonann� m^ax -IT
-9 UP aistrong opposition, the 2VAI Bali -ind -the ages which the ack of cysj#je Igh as
two Udd- ',all regular len work. period jast 'yvar.-TheWE UL LUe JAW anU the e- weeKs, resullea -Ul- -xn 8 --ams -s anort 43
1(ussiam are, reportek to be 6ontinually part 2671-i e death, of Archl- mabohip and material, saIt oh#T.. W. Iffelliv. itows celebrate iffie anniersary of the, --tim SO it& e late John Kawldn& did not entitle be at Winthrop, on T bald Sillers, Sr., at I& "home �a the vil- Kippea. Order by attending divine worship ta uesday but - slowly gaiining ground. But mat- them to. -In f -act the principal taulL Apoll 27th, with 9, calves for im] lalie of'Calvin'earl I ThIs a'ahnat as f0ur, years. old lw '10ad at goad at �on#ay morn- Notes.-.4feserrul John Alex. 'Moir jdajn'stre6t Methodbt church &
Jay of, Worgi Chapman. pounc and w" sola for Mi I . 241714 Ing, at the, adja6ced camer..IWre from the _.West-lak Week day, Aprb. .25t.h, whft a Rig, %4= ag iounqt have teen I -political friend; a g - �Wetghed 1 much. quietr (51ver's . yearEL On SUR folla
I Our Creamery. -The -Winthrop Cream- and R months. _. 3 - �4' S. W. -$M.I- Mr. Andrew Love, vus bad wfth him. was -that he Bometim" ir -ht vith ear.
Uan for several'weeks. IM, has been a and lbroug -them . two - carloado Muxworthy w1il ell I ver a a_ftgree4, so,14 three-year-old! geld- 'g With the better weather conditlGaS Interpreted the rules .too* rigidly When. ery WUI open for,the Coming man of robust hea1thja11'*o-l1fe,.scarce- #Ie for razing On tithe. old hOMO mon.-Mr. John Broderick,is serlousAy after.
they- were applicants for favors for and. commence operations on -Monday� ly e of ca W. Iftbart, hostilities seem to be reviv.1 g In France w needing, the tdoct�rls care and farni oh- the hira--concession of 'Bay- Ill, bavIng. badl a; stroke.of;oVaralyrs. Ine$r. of their constituents ,which they believed next,- and Mr.- -Calder, the enterprist, whiler very Ill, 1is �*c&Verr -LtAhis time %hey bave ta4fi 4d from Croms4Y, for And 1E)elgLum.',,11Oth Pma6h- Fnd ]British are only 'Prolprietor, Solicits Lthe patronage was not entirely, dbso�lred of Vnfllneai their brother, -gT.. C am could be, grantedt-wit'hout,detrimen to -The fen" around VIctoria 0 the good -salez that ha-ve been ng ublielp
cAvisigns are making progresq, although' 'Mr. Park on Huron-afreet baseen't ' - 'f f Akin Made in t-tia viehdtV Within fte.V -6 public'had fta,he great ladvantage of all former .,�atrons,aad many new 4b,e last. The fune'ral-wag held from the Enest Jones, twho 1p jd4lng m sion aatL general adirance weep w th -of the, est h
Ich was. .away, and the -,appearance. of the Individual. o use he star- Ones;-- The plant is now In fh-st-class home, on Wednesffa� 'ift6 'he vicin Plac'- -feW,wftks iad they g* toL, for the spring,. lm% not $6t rnoon. Later- is much Improved. -Mr. ChaS.L work, north of -Toront 4m t Prove that t je�
Linder- rgood horses ineet WI -M read, s$rted. Wltb-ln the past,few ,daye the chamber reports of a political hireling running order,better tban ever be- 'ment was made in'j)% Calvin cemetery. --of Viesberton, ls this, - week visiting f eid has e' _y ftk at signed his.Position. w1t1iMr. good anfj pyofitable, and the unsupp6rted testimony of In- fOl*. 1;"t season, was a very, satis- Mr. Sillers was OTa,,. Ja Arjyle�h -vithhis ,i -uncle here, -Xr tWh bave, won an imp6rtantvictory, re, tuntk#nd and, J. A. Stewart' here, _' which lie as -gbovo prices. The horse# see Url of, -teredted individVals to blast he repu- factdrT one,.,desplte �he fact that on Scotland, on Ju�e' 5fli',1835. h"-ut Mr ad -5 heid for the-imst twelveyeaTs, anithe referred to wereaUtred; by that ng posseMlon Jones 1�ie
several German w. _tGeorge Tiyl6r. 0[r. lgoing to University ini T onto, where and bis brother, W. C. Linderffeid, have, man ond J�ry purely ac6oun old factory havIn)g beer, a lail of seventeen --ie -left hie home - ' tock fi6rse King. jThomarr, -t%e
tation Of a public I t of th6, n9ted an, Important. s or tb
-purp as� itted is burned dbwn andi.having,fo-be i6placed property Of rodtJon Which has been, stubbornly he'14L partizan. 6ses, ag w Adm I I - country and *ent to Canada, settling he wjUl no doubt, Imae bis lipark Purchased the hardware businesstof -Mr, B4r--Y f tbls by a new� olne, he creamery was �la�e. -9 h
a- crim for which hi law doeo'not Ad by, Ahe Germans for several 'mont OnlY n Grey, Township, * Can4&, where be' Xany in this y1cinity were surplvised Tbos. - bughton in Parkhtd. Mr. Fian- Guelp
seem to provide any run for five months. There. were 65 I I W th of Mrs cis Biatchfo a c &so .7The farmers h& this seftion, and have advanced about three. rrAles, punishment, utit as,,unted in marriage aeverkI years to lea= of tei-sadden dea rd ha. pur h d lif, Lin-. Brief's L t, is a penalty to which Vviary public m tofis of butter manufactured, ealizing _ -St I Y. . T ar . e 40 11,
ki the, lo t advance an laterto LOSS Isabelle Stewart. r -a Ithe Penfound, -of flie l' of an 0 denifeid residence here and gets posses- Gughin -and Ira, r4g ges made,, by bually 1eaga Iss subject at the handg of unscrupulous the snug sum of 82,000, wbAch -thO land Isi- In lg, any- -of the eantendingtorces this year. WaS Mr. Sillers,and family poved eAf-dwid, for Tnany 'years,was In. Mose Sion On Aeorge Pedlar a S#Lape for eu opponeh -ted- Iii - the neighborhood'.,, The to N6Ah Dako a,*-bettling neaf Ramil. toucli with the, KIp.peA ladle and4 was well-known resident of this iplace W'ed 11on--Mr-. beorge H. romek Lh distrib, Ittv.a- They bave als6 succe'eded lit h4ding s. I - . . 4 . . t an furious amount this* year'shquldL be lareelYin- tan, 'tin Pembina County. Eight *-years gready beloved.for her many excellent. &n. Wvdnesday tof lasit week at the quentity of material h the, groundL he positions against the rrost creased, liberality. counter-attacks - by the Germans. The The Domni as. The �apadty pf the cream- I -for .1 _son 0
an Patliainent ater they moved.to Cavalier County, qilalities and Christian ThP- home of 4 hits 'brothv, John Pedlar the, erection of a new dwelling wbkb. he ery Will permit doubling ithis amount. wher� they since resided. 11a &P.d husband alld family bave the BYM- 'On Main stree$,'South. thnks of as 0 death ereeting-L jLt. the rf 61th
losses were heavy on botb sides,- but The Dominion Parliament. w finally Mr. Cald r tur Re was 75 yeos TO
a out a good article, mark� the, cloie :�f g is the Br 4 official re port say-s-Ahey. praro uccessful a�d pathy of a large circle of iends Ift af age. Ple bad toZily been. sertioaly III West corner of tbe%vMage, where: What ed, Ift,
It heavier --on. the Germans, gued on, Thursday evening of last and gives to iffie 'patrons, all Xhat i's in great this Community. The fine eather 13 for were mud it, a;nd should, be libe�rally patronizdd. happy career. He Ww-� a man of about a weex bai3 been known,a-s -the Trggersa:X nd tha number ort Prisoners. reported week. The esdon just,closed was the capabilities, very '.j.Vublic spirited and to' band 9aX the faxmers are own o ould S dwelling ow stanits. - Mho Wessrs. bw.- � �jayed Imp fint ito bear out this -solid � 4ork.-:-Mrs. R. Reynol 'v It-. -Murdock have tre captured eem shortest aad, perhaps, the most streau- PAA In' the IS - :fin, theMselves to a tilte I
pr ated, tontention. The general Impressio chm 'that has been held for isevera' Howick development. Caialler County. Per-� ng'. wltih ber'niother. #ad other f dends which lso -be used: - in ar to, be -that M a Is istraply a pre haps no manAn-,,th6 county As better at datock.�_Rev. Barnby,, of
on theL - �years. The .principal business before &no'ther Pioneer Pases.-The ranks Mr Dr. Har3le, dentist, derinj
connection with their re
00 -each �raeslay an k1 FrIfty, ]a livef._Wt par Arbh1e,.$Ule;s, Sr., an Sunday evening last, con- Krot o S t as d LUcan, L On bhn W. - TodA lude tof future advances of the, old pioneers of this district were known than W #jnsall, each Weaaesday and Thun,d,y in garlo'h tate tha� Mr. Ithe British and FreneUto drive closing was itbel considering and pas his. fiiends were Ulzh class iidrk4 Phone No. 6, net 20A-bf ke v/be Mr. George Hislop, numbered y'htw ac ducted1 the services In the Methodit still continues VerY Poorly And Is con- the Germans from -French And Belgian ',%in g of th reports of tb.- Committees, of Moirlsb d has always een bles-' Church. Mr. Barnby spoke along the -A Splendid Cha to Get %Keat fined
ank, pas� - e [ice 'For away on April 5, quwlntances. H Owellin to, his Iroom.-MUS. in,,, D., Sut
9- sale onsaey terms at ladecided bargain. eatttwo which had be' e was nearly storey frame dwellinor; well with rel- era,b
Vi- 'alth, bad an line 'of� .higber education for young -spent aetaPle of i4" Y, jidil In tf act It la beco m1ag wore sed With vigorous land.
dent every day that the llied force I s en Investigating ,the so from a paralytic at oke.11 parently unlmited capacity for hard atudefits enterIng the ministry. j M. throughout wit planned und finji3iled ative�s and friends in Land6n this week., called mflit.%ry. scandals an& he fin- thel last,of ktheDrg1aal settl4re In this, h all the modern conveniences in- weeki
both In the East � and the West are work 'and vdtb it -all there was always Barntby as lost none of h1a old th ce -'kr' Jonathan Carter, who sectin, who took up the- land sixty me eluding a good furfiiL , eleatria.light lamps or Ux.
4shing up and passing of the bill enabl- tures In every room, property e wn in 14_ ,U
and surely tightening the net pply- of cheerfui- enthusiasm. Some -thirty yea Ionvenlentlyituated ypars ago and wh9se unflinching on- present a beautlKi Su rs agG he ice kno _all and throughout the i e ar' of Village. Apply quickly to G. J. suit I
g the soldiers at the front to vote ergy and strenuous exertons- In fac6or n od -Count of Hu. on b
around the Germans with the view to In ness and gloodi nature. R1g%t up to he W of the Methodist Church SunthrFa as .pistoi real escatig agent r4t)?Z*t Office. I L 2469-1 'now a a lea,
time 0 his Illness' Mi_ slile Ir ultimate destruction If they hang at' an election should' ni e held. This countless obstacles and -privations, were rs' Was a here and in coming 'back he finds m reSje�t in fornia any The Late Mr. Jackson.- we e W ek wt an spent tthe past out long enough. The sigiis are Aot conspIcuous figure In tour Ivillage, mak- changes and a good- many pld faces bill af ter It was ;passed was. amended successful in literally -hewing oat a rief notice Inklait weeks' Isue- Jnothae e y , friends In Ithe wanting either that the Germans are Ing the xouftds f business places 'inissingi-We,are -pleased to -note that for S
to feel this press -o- every, day. 114 �'rtj death of Mr. John
ure moff.- by the, S4nae. This 'delayed the pr home in. -the forest, and replacing "The Oyed a good chat and Mr. SZmuel Thompson, Sr., who' has village and 4SarrOUhdIa9 country, -.who ]Bush" with fieds of L Jackaon, of.,thi attle, rain. �orn in eaNcially So' With, some Of k were Pleased fo, ,meet -him a kftnly and It is -having a depressing rogation proceedings soin hours. The the old TOwnOIP of HaY. Tho deceasedwas a an absence of, som gain after setflel
effe�t an the ttreops as well -A& on the Sen een eurs.;-An wal Moreb Roxburghshre, In 1833, he been confined to his, room during the e -sixt ate amencld. the bill go as . to pro- was - a genuine Borderer. Af ter �att t1mers, wh"ohi he kfiwlas s6 young Mar4L be around again. Lnativ,-,. of Ireland, being born In th auctbn -sale, end- winter, Is now Ole to of horses And tattle, ve- corml
�CountY of Wicklow, ij thel- year 1831. h1cles and equipments, tb Wedple, They are not nearly- so cockey Although a very bf(i man hIs'mInd.,wa -f A
that Ufore-',any action be -taken Ing school at Yetholm, where one of U We hope. our old -end will [be able to as they were two, months ago. In all very alert and. hs"j,was very well,kin- In the, year.187,3, he a e Property of io _bT
married. to the. late George %Ve i them en JOYAt, W-a_s held. � on the er It the 'consent ipf Lord' kitehen- classmate was the lAe princip be ut and enjoy �the fe weather and present ife, who tgether' -�ilth- Vuesday gagemets the British h und al Ki1g, formed on- the current events of �the -Improve.-Miss Margaret C. 'McLean afternon brought true to his ancestryhe law of heredity I
ably assiated by- the Canadian day. His -death Issrtatly n�ourned- by 5 sons and 5 daughtem, lnourp� the last Air 1"n e the 'commander. of the trooM, ie made. hkn a abepherd and he follo, who-Ims not been enjoying her I' gooa,price.s., The usus loss of 4orm, who for their d3ravery and off I- a loving husband and kind fat 'wa$ quite largely wed many- almost life-16�g frien aesecured - and -, alaq-, -that Mm icrutinirs his calling an the,.slopes and glens of da, who g(ydd bealth is- now Improving nicely, -er h- attended.-cardS are ut g- -olegncy are being praised ton all sides. have, 7:learned to krkow-jilm well and I The deceased * Was possessed of a- the marriage of MISS aippodnted'to supervise'. the taking the, Chevioit Hills ad Tweedstde until Ov- w)&h will bL- good news to iier.many 4fargar �brlght, generous. and witty !dig Felarl .gets S-bqy ard- not winning this dii ed a'�d respected him -for his, good, position Ha^mffton, k -Without considerale losa. of the votes. These Lhe, came to Canada, when he to6k,;a friends. and was well and; favorably kno*,j. Of Mr, and, Mrs. P qualities. 130sidw.his- wife -Mr Sillefs the actutipeers. are to. loits 12 and 13, concessio' Re -Duncan Haiji.jiton ba select , i n- 0, fflowick, is survIV;ed had.been, 'quite -IllLfor 0 MonthS to Dr. Of UW4a Place,; 'The 3
Kkuy brave young� Canadians have I- 5- -by� siiiii �hl,ldreh. Ver ed Je�n, Rxeter - upon which he resided.continuously tin- ohn A. ok PlaCeL on We and many, �norebave been. -injured, ter and �three by,the lbA&r iA,the Op- ti., is: from a -eneral breakdowa, of a. once- to McHwen, WMeh -event _g no doubt njany of them, permanently amer A prett. y wedding a. He rought his love of Aprij. Wedding dnes Position.' These (40;npntm� Inkessita- I very trong ad.,wiry iconstituti UY -morning�-thp., ;sheeV,, over the, sea ,v*h b1m,,a;hd Was Brucefteld on, cou- Apr.0 � a on� t The Z,60rn whq�_, Removal an e prices'at" Bea ace t dii Bros., Bea yAe, Street, on Wed- f the late Mr, une Tite, PAnce6i Patricia regiment which ed a conference between ATie G16vernme. fortb. 0ok 01 at the home of Mr. and Afts. Pled. wit rheamatic nerve'-itmuble. The 'of mer and rep known for many years as a James Fra an KeEwgn,.,or�. -iftmg to: bigve been in the thick of th Sk.lIf Ul e resenUtives from the Seate. 2271-1. uneral service on WednescU Judge and -successful breeder of yl 1 14th, when their daugh y , after- near- liensall., is well ' and favorably Ijrje barn nesdA Apd
ay for ml%iy.1 weeks, have suffered the The Government decided to accept the Barn Burnl6d.-The noon was conductedlby.,the Rev.Rural kndWn b 1
- - sheep, and, was 'tfib' owner of - 0 fine Lin ore having bee d-ment 1� respect toL On ter, Margaret-jenfile, was, ited h' Dian: Doherty, assisted- 1by 1�ev. Mr., . ght
"oat. 'It Is said. 'that only about a amen the scrhilne tfe !arm or- -Mr. Dougald Fotherlag_- By Industry and -economy he marrlage, to Mr. WhIlam-Ily j�aisons Within half a thile %of WILS
-niagnificient regimer.-t of bu they. require -th-it cowi4eat Of ham r here; was Smith; Much ybmathy Is felt for �tjie Vaue�l
fbioth of 'the d n -Tuckeksmith, nea, the 1QUg In VUO Prospered. and at hie L decease was tht son .6f r. &,ad Mrs. Samue-t Parsom, bere e As now ever a, thousand who marched gut uncilibel-�stb av d amily.. prac
emony was. performed, his h
of 'of 160 acres of land. Ule Was a completely destroyed y fire on Wed- of town. Thp, cer many relatives -and Ottawa lasi. aareinow in it -he Lord Mtcherte' owner 41.4y, Mai-* many havina; been killed,, - mQTe,..hav,-, n. This Grit in pajjtics� H 8 wife The tock was all got outexcept acialf 'Adzt0r, e Buchana' the,
In thetpresence,of the'limmedl 9 e_L Laing. auks, r as to Ole assent requir' The'Late George :Buchan friqu4s at; Mr. Thm, ed befbril� the -votes can be Itaki 'PreVyterlan in* Teligion and A Staunch aleaday forenoon laseipbda ten o'clock. at &I josbLarck ,by* Rev. W. mains of th , late Gear pre ace ard a pig, -but -th6 est of the co son Of Mr. Alex. Budbilaahs of T!4ik- ;�erjo deceased
from:OWease -and 0, any ha edy -the Senate and -s n, regret tO leafn that he died e bee -n w94 ePt o the. -him amurnber of -Years -ago and he .9 parties. I . usly Ill a liftle , very, _e adves of the contiactIn C over Ibill was finally passed 4md is mow law. terits were mostly destroyed. We m. Tuesday morn- - r ndered "ftt for service from; Injuries eranAth, arrived here U week
eavag a family 'O -two ,,soxw and three havO ht -r, and Mrs. arsonamill reside on #ie Ing f and has been eonfj�nejj to -L' ron! Vancouv% his rooM.._,aK& of. vardous,%Ands, The ,deaths among he If :'.the KAng In 'Council, or In other not' learned the (origin , of the fire. Mr. fLWe farm the goo and'oe. funeial 04 Medical tr tell
overn daughters to.mOurn hs loss. In recentiy purchased although under go use eatment Canadian. troops up to this week, ex word the Dritiih G Mat, ref Fotheringham had some *nsurance, but tOdk Place fromi the homestead' the -on the 2nd concession of Usborne from Ing -taken In h WIngham * - t Illne4s.'The total casualties among ill jDfjLtIa1jjfM fro e ,maniner'provideff by A New'Stock Hi6k�se.-Mr. Robert Mur- Bowilng Club. - The Exeter Lawn v0rF ill but we arnelst&.-h6pe that,hjj, U BT
'to Pern* the(votes of the soldiers J)e his loss over �ari4 above will be heavy: Mr. F. Blatchford. same afternoon to the Hensan U1401 urm OR M- We regret to, ceeded 300 includingsGale seventy-five ,Startl- at date of L Cemetery, a large number attending. WrIting. jj it -he Canadlians texceed one thotnad. the bill, the bill,will be Inoperative and . ITUI)PBUIngs.-Word has been receiv- d40Ck, the ell,knowa st&l We made brdef mention f the death, I asetJ
lion owner DowAn Agsociation hold their annual hthert� good* health- n4 jcotj - b4t 4
the lsoldler�s will' 'not vote. 'But 'the pro- here of the deah jn Derolt, of Mrs. of tbls vie ty, has, disposed f his meeting iast week. Tho following of- ulars ad May stand- bft, in stit him The Ar b9ttles have- been somewhat jai, In latt weeks' Issuek -As partic
stead� -an during the, past week. Sev- are that there will . n goo as ,then un- ,he 'may a() caorrif
numezous ot be Wilson, a former well-known -rest- pritire horse, "Shithla Stamp, and has 14on. Pesidents, derstood from -the short On -recover. .Mr.- -Win. XhW_ .The y 'I ficerA were e4ected: not been received, and,'.ijt,W
to- -get sqn,t, -his death while ereany dbJVctions from that guarter. The dent of -this place. he was 53 years purchaped the Imported horse, "Earl J� J. Mrner, 19.P., WE Bilber, dock of Seaf0rth,.v1s1te&reIatIt. )eral en-gageinents hae taken place e�
rtwiqen the aeroplanes tof the Allies and Tnesasge anxiety of the Government old. The remains iw6re taken o Mount O'Cla that'he, bad received, 11 through is considerew Pleasant cemetery, London, for Irter. dhell S" from Mr. W. COlquh0un, Of 91t- Pres, J. A. Stewart; Nice., jR. kG. Sei- blasting rock thr - on Vedned�ty last. -We are pleased leldesi
ho Germilims. But the . British and lil as ' pretty with four dofi;' Sec., RAN.,Cre0ch; Xrea., N. D. ough an untime.4 eX_ to learn Ur
arg evdence that there wl- Hurdon; Chaptains, Rev. D. �W. Collins, dthn, at ItL that A-ndteW youni
French air cra% lIke their artillery Istr 11 be ,a.�i -Ment.-Mr. Jobn R.'Wler, ione tof Ithe white feet, of excelklonallyflne appear Ploslo b tappears th -and Wa
at his Ini, an election before there Is .another ses- Pioneer residents of was caused L from 3f0ir. aTO.-recOvering from ,t) seemtobe superior to those of the Ger- brrLg, died at her ance, and,breeckag and was the Second a larffe iIr rece t
Rev. S. 7,4 Sarp;.Auditoxe, 1�1-R. Carl� Illness. and,, are ab
cis Commit. of solid rock failing 0 je to. go, atDat n his head, w)wn mans and he tlatter h Sion of Parliament. home In that towl'Aip(orr Monday, last, Prize, -winner for tWo years, at the Ing, F. W., Giadman; Groun the little ave recen met th several disasters. er be 'Was entering ---The, Anniversary services'la con- The underwat Whn the report of the Public -Ac- Uks.. 3M,ler -bad rea6fi4id the good� age Highlavd SmIety Show In,Scotland, and tee, F. kW.- 'Giadan, R. q. jSeldon, J. tunnel to engage nection with Carmel Ch counts Coffimitf�e, which hadeen in- of .81 tYar�. , fler death was 'due ito an also held the` Dunifries premium for at US work. Very ;much sympathy is Conflicts seem to 'be falling off. There wart; bmbershIp Committee, the feft forL the b urch-, held last by presidlen th-Psecretary; �. Match re by
asili Of varl us Were conducted A. have, not been ',any vessels isunk y the vestigating 4he-. purch o' attack of Paralysis. The,deceas6dcame three - years before being imported A. Ste t e' avedarents andf mem- militar su marines In the British. wat- PPlles was under considera- to 'Morris with her husiland, the late Mr. Colquboun two;�yiears'aglo. He lias bers of th n,. Of the, Department of Social tion, Comr4ittee, M�essrsl. Taylor,j Wambold, e family as the deceased, wais' Service and E IPiemler Borden -.made a statement John R, Miller, wh - vangellsm and.,were thor- ome,dayis., The German aero- 0 died only a few -been Inspected and approved' -and Mr Sneil, Taman, Stewart, Creech; Tourn- prizing ou ers for --s
well-to-do, active and enter ha -91a, however, made several ex -in which he, admitted that irregularl- weeks ago, hen the -whol& co�uat yQung man, only of 9;UIY enJoyed by large ongregations,' ry urdock intends using him,onihe same* ament Committee, Messrs. Dickson, He was most biffhl� the, age of 29 years. The special music- b.T the exaeHeutchair curalons ever English towns and citiez. ties and Improprieties had bee� proven a- around here -was almost a wildernes7, route- as Shethen Stamp travelled last White, Grieve, Chrlstie, Beaman, &an irspected not dnly ad dropped bombs, IdIlIng.a few peo -s In the purchas- she live& o. 8 on rt & If as In this- is -added much to. t N n
gainst several Patic and r
,d profit
ectia4a, where he had lived of - the, occW mesteads and fertile, and successor to that good horse. bildboOct Previous to day evenj The meeting on mn- ee it c ve e I to e on and be Is,sure to prove a worthy bury, . Seidon, Scott, S-tewart, Clar-ke, from 0 144444 A -40AW, ing some property. Ing of sixpplies, 1 -but he, said tha, -e- co �on
ple, and destray t hi�o mfor'able ho
On the whole, the general sit Hurdon and Creech oing to ag P
uation ancoaver some was also Wel- attended and mprorieties were not',known. to the, 'fruitful -fields. She was., -a, lady. -who The Late Mrs. AiOrthead.-The ea- Our Hydro-Elct�ic Prospects. -At ears ago, but was nio GoVernment until., they were reve - d' was gre is a Much thought of In st Ulteesftng� The servIces througb- If las uot beenv materially changed by the ale itly:beloved y all who knew pie of th vjclnj�ty xeceived a sadshocir meeting of the, St. Maryls Water, Light -.VaU�oayer eVeta Of the past *eek. But there is n evidence before the Committee and her, being of a hospitable and kindly on. learrAng Qthe death of Xrs. ,Wil.j and Beat Comtnissio �/llt were emnently sucesaf ul. a held..9, few dayz p j..T nowL more, or ftss peace talk,'espedally that the Government would take im- nature and '-she took a Ldeep interest Liam Alkenhead, which sad event occur- 13nttei
mediate steps o punish ago, Mr. J. _H.,Castore of the Ontario fte
among the neatral rtations,and there 19 the guilty par- in the cOmMunitY.-A man who was,ar, ed at -her home near here on Friday, U CZ i-.:- ";
:-i o w 11Sdro Staff dUc sse4 with the Co;�_ '. a :44% f 4 -Mo I& .0 4 a would iustiry rested at I I
5-ylu On 01 1pulng Ap-ril U-th.- Althougn in Poorhealth for mission the proposal to *rect a hydro More br less foemented and encourag- � them in dolagso,and also that restitu- the robber who secured, -$50 from the some time the en&,came suddeniy.7 The k(nv ftm, St. Marys to Exeter, Cen- w LLy %j,, ornmaicteh tion would be equired. He furt d ed by 'the German-Austrian-Turk-ey her cen- office Of the Grand Trunk here. ecent- i te Mrs. Alkerthad was iborn in sured two of. Ifts is WlnZ- tralia, Crediton, Rannoch, Kirkton.and -uthorities. It 1. -no ecret that both land of Carlt uPporters, Mr. Gar- - IY, appeared before Magistrate krorton ham, her maiden name being Mathda Intennediate points. The total e timat- 0 k was married to ed cost of -this line from $,the St. Mary:: eaver usband 25 year -s sub -station was- placed at $77,000. Thl wile]
of the war land U is hInted 'that Ger Scotia, the former who was in- laekofvjdence.-The town was thrown' her now bereaved h Austria. and Turkey are Tnore than sic of Nova n, and,�Mr, beit Foster on 16nday- and was ddscharged for Langley, wid there she' '6B Brand'
maU is no* convinced -that she cannot teretedin -the purchase of hospital sup- ito quite a state Of excitement Sunday ago, coming irect to the f arm one- estimate would include the cost of Peas make progress either in the West or In Pliesand the other who was Interested in morn -Ing on It becoming known that q-uarter of a mhe north j)f the vL)lag<,, poles, wire, transformers, FOr treating Oats aild wheat before s the purchase of horses. To his credit -a step-down East and that she toG Is 'On thO Previous evening two 6tore where She has resided v r anxIously e St C 0 8 Owing to pre- W looking for sorne exeuse,to call a halt. een broken into and bu vent smut. Eve'ty piound guaranteed full bal it -said he did not apare these wrong had b n e. Th t t on at Creighton's Cornera, 4,000-
rglarized. deceased Was of a quiet disposition. trength doers. Ile lso annoirneedthat hereaf- The places were the general store of but gre&hy respected and este Price: 50 cents per po
Whatever -the Germ*an authorItIels may volt line, and so on. The cost to far -
all military SuPPIles -will -be pur- E -d by merz supplied along he line would be s no ter - - eme un hInk at the Situation, there I . E. Jsard * Pons and' jithe book and- her ndghbors and friends, �knd her tak- .4100 per year [�-ar two horse power per r drection of a com- fancy Store of George Mason & So doubt but the soldlera and the eople chased unde the ns. Ing away was a ;Mjssion of one sad jbiow:not only to farmer. And where farmers edire to or three men, Ithe bel In the, case of ,Zs&rd);6 It Lgeems the rob- her 1mrabdiate famiiybut.,to those with ad of the d would gladJy welcome peace on almost Now on for Ho are heartily red and.slek. of war an businesz, men that'can be ound �a the 3bers had been fright6ndd, taking no take. five harse-poer lasts Season
country, and Who will be directly re- wh m she has been associated for ,so average twcv horse -power, that fve,aud Dyeing any thb9j although -they made a proper 6 in terms. It tneed not urprise any ponsible Ito the Government,afid many years. Besides her husbandhe is a half -cents would be charged for he person If developments of a startling will Se,arch. In Mas le eI
character be disclosed: before long-, purchase directly from ithe manufac- M=t was ransacked, a certain Amount four daughters, ail of -whom have the BU DIT
On'O the Who establish- urvived by a famby of four sons Nearly all colors in stock Of Diarnond dyes., o1a %nd excess power. The w4ole cost of. con- turers � or Producers of -the articleo and omesan structing the line w I 1jy R te,
h $60, In cash sinceire sympathy of the community, accomplished fact, be 4raised by the i's- 'u of goodis were taken, qVit 11 If it bee dyes and Turkish dyes. w;
nclor tender and all middlemen's con . ThU is thO f Ifth -robber that ha tak- The daughters are HAzaeth f Lon ent The Liberals of North Perth have 9.- MUSIons will be done (away with e Bue of 30,year flve per cent. debentures. en Place -here Jjj he last few ldays. don;! Jess4e, teaching schooinear. Clln�- Englae Also Dyola Araw-hat aye, ini, 25 cent bottlea buye e on -gain unanimously selected J)r. J. P,' Prime Minister's stab�ment is3.eme*d to .-The entrailce in bothll,places was made t , and Margaret and Lorna at home that the new line ould be built. and Rankin, of Stratford, as their candl- satisfy the House and the = Wete the ba er Caster made th' declaration date for the Dominion House. Dr. Ran- una em0lyt back,of the store. and the sons are Fred, attefidng the In op nimoualy passed. It is likely, there- -Mrs-� Mar G411 tdied a -eration ,by'jall. n order that the Idn xePresented the riding in the la3t fore, that graft and,sll wrong g t -her residence �Colle;gate at Clinton; John, Clarence- whole. questiozi can be brought to ae Abin In this town on Monday after an Illnss and WtUfred. The �reznains were Interr- of the Interested ratepayerB, PaTI19-UWnt but went down with many will be done awa ith in reference o of only a few day -q. The-precedIngW Y zttention vMers In. the, 'avalanche which over- all f uture purchase f r army purp ed- ed In Dairds cemetery on Mond7ay and the 9t; Xarys board -will make, wrxange 0 Ock the Liberals In 1911, While he rep- This much, 4 &ny,rate, has 0aw. nesday, she wais pre -90 dOwn- *&,e fdaoWpo. ;to their last resting- 8 0 parIng to jaOlding of public hx*t- Q -on been gain- town- w�hert lieri,'alste Wnts for the Alex VV r, 'Who In, An- piace, by '' . T T a 191%oe c0l,100uilge Of rel4tives ing in the districts th' t.w I b a 11 e _served Drugg4st and Bookseller 'The I