HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-04-02, Page 8Better Shoes fo
Everybody likes our Men's Shoes
---the men who wear them and the
people who see them. They're
shoes of quality, they're shoes of
style and their shoes of unusual
Such good leathers as Gun Metal
- calf; Velour Calf, Patent Colt and
Kid go into our shoes.
$3.50, $eroo oesso to $5
The smart, flat receding toe and
low heel in English style, that is
such a great favorite just now.. Gun
metal calf and patent colt lace style,
and patent colt, black cloth tops in
button style.
$5.00 a pair
Bargain Table
.Eginondville.-The members of the
Young Meta's Club of the Egmondville
Preebyterian -Church - will hold their
closing meeting on Tuesday evening,
April 6th, at 8 o'clock, when a debate
and a splendid program will be given.
Mr. Thomas McMillan will ocqdpy the
Chair. ,All are invited.
Died in the West -A correspondent
in Hanley, Saskatchewan, sends us the
fellovring: After three weeks' illness,
Susan Abigail% the beloved wife of
Thomas Argue Dean, of Hanley, Sask.,
passed away oneMarch 4th, at the age
of 45 years. She leaves a bereaved hus-
band end six children, four boys and
two girls, to whom eb.e earl been e,
loving and faithful wife and mother,
She was a daughter of the late W. S.
Mundell, formerly of Tuckersmith.The
brothers and sisters who survive her
are William Mundell of Ontario, John
of Alberta and James of Saskatchewan,
Mies, William Sproat, Mrs. George
Storey ant. M. Peter elteDougall of
t Manitoba., and Mrs. Biram Golding of
- i t
New Fire Fightinielppdances.-Chief
Bell of the Fire Department has receiv-
ed) the new hand searchlight and smoke
helmet recently ordered by the eciuncil
from the Grefter Fire Equipmera Com-
pany, of Da.ytort. Ohio. The searchlight
is a very powerful one, having a Pene-
trating 'capacity of 200 feet througn
the densest smoke, at the same time
being very compact and easy to handle
as It weighs only about nine pounds,
while the helmet ensures the safety
from smoke in any kind of a fire.
Heretofore the lack pt these appliances
has been a very serious 'handicap in
case !of fire as the location and fight -
brawn. The vestry, chter-room • and
large prayererdine to the rear furnish-,
a welcome and much needed addition
, -
Tee three services, morning, afternoon
and evening,' Constituted a grandday.
of worship, the people thronging the
church with joyful steps. Revs Dr.
Shearer, superintendent of =Home Mis-
sions, was the special preacher. The
$Olemn dedication service (In the morn-
ing !was conducted by the minister,
Rev., D. ,IC. Grant: The afternoon ser-
vice was specially arranged forthe
young of the church, and was `ed by
Professor Elliott, superintendent of
Sunday School, with 'many special' and
interesting features. The c,oet of church
enlargement i In the vicinity of $2800,
not -counting voluntary labor, which
tepresents a very considerable sum in
addition. On Monday evening the la-
dies Of I .the congregation gave a supper in aid of ,the building, fund, from
which a handsome 'sum was realized.
Alter the -supper the anntiel congrega-
tional meeting was held. It was a hap. -
psi gathering, pervaded by the spirit
Of gratitude .to the Giver of all good,
and after a speedy and methodical
dispatch .of business, St. Andrew's
church closed an eventful chapter in ite
The 'War aeoetage Stamp, -Th -e Post -
office department has sent out the fol-
lowing official circular: A special tax
f slush. After this we will. soon have
of' one eent has been imposed on each
beautiful, balmy spring. - On- Easter
letter and postcard mailed in Canada, Sunday there will be special services
for delivery in Canada, the United
1 in St. Thomas Church as follows: At
States or Mexico, and on each letter
Communion; 11 a.m.,
mailed in Canada for ; delivery
; 8"ta.ra
Morning"Praydlie and aoly'Communion;
In the United Kingdom and British
230 p.m, Children's Service; 7 p.me
Possessions generally, and wherever the . Evening Song. -Rev. 3. W. Bodgins, pf
two cent rate applies, to become ef-
Stratford, was in town calling on old
fective on and from the 15thl of epril,
friends on Friday aast. He camel am eo
1015, This iSpecial eTax is to be pre -
attend the funeral of the late elm
paid by the senders by means of a' I IsaadMiller.-Messrs. Turnbull and Mc -
Stamp" forsaleby ,Pattmasters I Intcish ,of this town, have this week
other postage stamp vendore.
added nine new boeses to their aiready
erever possible, stamps on which the
extensive livery outfit. They were sc-
word 'War Tax" have been printed
Come and see our line
so you may get your
pick of the best Of
them. We have them
at all prices and they
are well worth what
you pay for them and
. •
will delight you when
Ihere, left on Monday i orthe Peace ;Rav-
er Country to 'engage in railway iner-
tnei evork.-Mr. and ilfrs.'et. Hi. .learchi-
bald, of Dunnville' are here spending
the ..holidays Withtheir parents, Mr.
Iand Mrs. James Archibald -1r Eugh
*Diana& is, we are pleasekto learn,
slowly Improving -A tog supposed to
be affected with rabies was shot in
Ifibpurhey byMr. rt. Scott on Tues-
day. The dog belonged to Seaforth, and
the Mayor has issued a proclamation
oedering all dogs in this town to .he
tied or shut up. -We are sorry to learn
that Mies Winnie eficIntosh, daughter
of thir. and =afre. Finley McIntosh, is
again laid. up with an attack of ap-
pendicitin-eir. Gilbert 'McMichael of
Hullett has returned from his trip to
hung. , the, Wt. -Mr. and Mrs. W.
Thomps'on's Bookstore
Window shades and picture frames
made to order.
Tuesday there was quite a fall of snow
but •Pld Sol _finally asserted his su-
premacy land we are having lots of
should be used for prepayment of the
Special Tax, but should ordinary post -
Women's Fine Shoes at i;So a pair jug of a. blaze had, practically to be
_ age stamps be Used for this purpose,
regular price 3.50 to 4.00 carried on from the outside of a build-
flu when a fire had gained will be accepted. This War Stamp
ling, especia
The Cash Shoe Store
Quality gootwear
Opposite Expositor Office
Many Colleges 'close Va-
cation at' midsummer. Our
College does not.
Yong' and Charles sts., Toronto, is
strictte first class. None better in
Canada, Enter now so as to get a
Fashion in the early fall. Catalogue
Jaraes atsons
or: additional Stamp should be affixed
h dwa before being discovered, th r right hand portion of the
Nde in never having= allowed a fire rto address' side of the envelope or post
get beyond the building. in which . it card, clase to .the regular postage SO
started, sneaks for 'itself. We have the -teed it ,rnay be readily cancelled at the
best volunteer fire brigade in Ontario 0 me tam as the poetage. In the eVerit
and the toWa fdthera and. the Chief $.21 failure ,on else part of the ',sender
•through over -eight or begligenee to pre -
Death pf willi4m atenougau. ..,... sur... card above sp2cified; euch a letter or post
,• .;. - , • -
, Suceessor to W. N. Watson
General Fare Life and Accident insur-
ance Aierit. Real Estate and
'Loan Agent. Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates.
Dealer in New Raymond; White and
New Home Sewrng Machines and
National Cream Seperaton,
ea. full supply of sewing peaehine
needles, atta,chnents, coil and le
pairs always in stock.
Jeweler , and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
:some ea y • to e up"pa
d the remarkable record of the b
evidently intend to keep it there.
pity the war tax ore each (letter pr pos
ediately to the
'prise ancl siacere regret was.felt here nearest Brands DeaeLetter Office. /e.
,learning pie death on tlrat day in „sea cif _mat.ter sleould preisa,id.
card will ae -sent irnm
among all classes on Monday last ,ort ,,nmential .that postage ori . Ear citcs-
London. of Mr. William McDougall, only ey matins .of ordinary postage. stanipe.
-soh of Mrand'-Mrs. tedeDougall The "War Tat Stamp will not be aceept-
of Egmondville. Mr, McDougellhadbeen eelili 'any case or :the prepayrneht- of
aesufferef for some time from trouble regular postage. ei •
le the headeltecently it seemed eo
Our shipment of wall paper is
now complete so we extend
an invitaticn to the public to
come new and inspect the pap-
ers. AN e think we can satisfy
you in style, color and price.
Remember it is no trouble for
us to show goods.
Window Shades Curtain
Poles, 4- Picture Frames
made to yoUr order
Agent for
Brandram Henderson
Opposite the Expositor Office
We've a message of great
interest to you that we must
It's 2 his:
We want to relieve your -
anxiety about your new spring
The new models are in and
we've a shoe that will please
and gratify every foot that comes'
to us.
Women's shoes in hand-
some lace or button styles;
men's shoes in new lasts and
choice leathers and children's
shoes of exceptional workman-
ship and durability. Come in
and see these new spring shoes
cR. Scott
The Home of Good Shoes
mime an acute farm and be was iadiis-
e Dr: Forster of Stratford; oyeo ear,: nose and
ed no go to a hospital in London teens specialist, will ha at the Queen's 'Hotel; Sea
for expert treatment. Ile went to Lon- forth, on 3rd Wednekday • Or each month froth 1.1
don on Thursday of last ;week b'ut e
lected b kr. Turnbull "in Toronto and
are a particularly handsome land likely
;of animals and are all guaranteed
geod, reliable, drivers. Four of them p.re
jet (black in (calor and the others.bays
to that Messrs. Turnbull and McIntosh
new have three pairs of blacks. There
are (very few 'stables outside the large
cities that are so well equipped with hor-
ses and vehicles as this one and the
enterprising preprietere seem determin-
ed be keep it up- to 'the high Watef
mark. -Mrs. !Wen. Twaraley and- childe
Kay and little son left on =Tuesday for
their borne in Hallfaxadefie Joe Rob-
inson of the Dominion Beak has been
transferred ',to Welland. -Messrs. • D.
Reid, P. Dick and Alex Iduir 'have re-
turned from London, shaving completed
their military course tbere.-Sirs. iWzn.
Sleetb And Mies Ada, who had been
visiting in Lansing, (Michigan, wjtheir.
Hill •Sleeth, have returned home.
An Explanation. -Mr. Editor, - As
much comment ha e arisen over that
portion of my report dealing with law
enforcement, I wish ,to make it plain
that the report is for all of Huron
County. We had no intention of reflect-
ing on the work of any ,of our Inspect-
ors, but did 1,wish to call attention ,to
the system of law-enforcement. If our.
friends in the South Riding desire to
single out their ridnig we have no hes-
itation in saying that we think the
official books will show that ell of
convictions in the south were ,se --
cured through Mr. Torrance, the local
inspector. Mr Torrence has hadcon-
siderable experience, and has proven
' (be an excellent officer. I would like
• ,to take, the .op oreueity of thanking
our temperrinc people for the leave
of absence granted me .for a' 'trip ,to
;Alberta. I ,leave • for the West 'April
12th and will retirn the middle of eday.
The work of our department will be .in"
the hands of the County Executive.,
Ane correspondence intended for the .
Pield Secretary should be addressed to
A IT Cooper or 3, Aedrwin, cur pains-
taking and self-sacrificing . President
and Secretary, -E. -'G. POWELL-,
APRIL 20915
Oar desire, as always, is to do things better than they
were ever done before—to an,ticipate your needs—tu
recognize your pleasure and you, servieR ds our
master and be satisfied with, nothing short of your
complete satisfaction. How well wa succeed you
alone will 'be judge.
.111ai:t and phone orders lied the
same day we receive thenz.
Samples of pods mailed ow
Bavfield -
ren, of Stratford, spent Barthel- here, Breetes.-Tlee Bayfield Agricultural
having porno up to visit her mother, Satiety. %IWO fixed on October 5th and,
Mrs. ?eirn. Westcott. ease Velma East- 6th ,as the dates for Their snow ethis
erlorook, of Exeter, is also visiting at year. -The :English Church ,Bazaar will
the same place -Weare glad to learn be neld( on. the 8th of eapril.-The Pat -
from Mr. John Nolan, of the II,dureen _ i
enter -
Road, East, that hes horse is =not Society thinetef6dthemoviiivra zi trajmnieent
Pis we reported last ween. Be was ide Parson and daughter are here Trent,
Jured In the manner stated but he stidt Manse 'Jaw, and ,will spend . the re- '
lives and is -recovering and aerie *eolan . mairideir of the winter With rela.tivea•
hopes to get's, good many months' 'work and griende...mter. D. .Leech lot this.
out \of nim vet before ,he elinese------M-k• I week for Swift Current. 7- Men. have
J. r. Daley, the local. agent for Ford -4
I cernmenced, to work on thee"pier. This
. autos, 'reports . the sale of a fir . does mot seern to be a very' favorable
• .' aFa time of the year for that 'petit of thing.
her ,of the Seatorth Crearneey, ;la simitillar Het'ever, it will put some money in
Si ole re airing a specialty., We • will' iepalr.
6.8. `ti and a two passenger roadster to Mr. * _
hold on him to permit pf early hope for
°I), , circulation and give a few mere work.'
recovery. Be grew worse rapidly and "overliasaane enamel yetie bike Guaranteed4irst car leo me. (John lafcGaeln, Of McK
job o*' no ply. Daly's Clang% BeatcOlk n Is ,saidrthe fall wheat and clover
win a fine. specimen of manhood and Ladies -See the .1•Ielvenlifltiotiaorryealace
on Monday passed away.-Mr.aloDougail. ewe
E. Cunningham, Seaforth -An
programme of Easter music has been. far
artistic have stood theswinter fairly, well thus
and all are hoping foe good tenolaa*
few Waked more like reaching a ripe leeelgro:eitiharrwiF wit boots, patent
prepared by the choir of the First 'tree- -e-There is (mite a Ica of maple ,syrup.
old age than he. He had been an active -shoe store. W. G. Willis opposite Conunerdial larlp
outvireaiawaitifyoust thedeading
byterian Church, and will be rendered being madie in this vicinity this seasons
for many yean and was an erithusias- :euttasee81% eagle
1 r S le or itent-Two comfor. tabre dwell-
, first, but the trees are doing much
member of the Seaforth Fire Brigade Seaforth.
next lelunda,y at both ,etervices. There The Wee) did not run very. ffeely at
tic curler and bowler and was alwa•ee pleasantly situate,d, will be sold
ondville for sale or rent, )ow taxes
very poplar with his comrades . fie was Mis,. M. A. CharlesWortb, Egm9udvIlle. , 2467%2 . prior to the evening service. Everybouy
reasonable: Apply
Dalfs-gclitnaye will be an organ recital at. 6.40 lens,
better 'now.
8. ,good sent and his early and sudden New tires put on baby carriages, WelCome,-Rev. A. W. Barker will have
• - - 4°6-1 far his morning subject next 'Sunday,
, .
death is a severe bereavement to his Seaforth -
parents and friends. •The remains were Ail the latest patriotic and popular songs. at
brought home Tuesday and the funeral. Beattie Bros„ Seaforth. -2408-1,
(t). 3 or the ,Red Cross ..Society, in,teno.
and 50o bottles A 4 W E .11 ' 25°
sinobill, Druggist,
took place from tee family tome in For Rent -Comfortable frame house on -Mord° at. oe , _ ,
holding a sale of home-made cooking in , 2488.2,
Davis it 00. Formaldehyde, just a new Lo
Egmandville, on Wednesday afternooa near the planing millgoodcellar and bard. and; so/ b
Heti ail • . ' ' .
- • water and everything in good repair. .Apply Oil
Beattie's " '
vacant store on ' Saturday,. I 6 " - ". '
Ti.. Hardie dentist eaeli Tuesca, and Pride at
Out of respect to their =departed col- the premises or to, Mre. A. 9. Murray, dealareh.
1 league, the members of the Fire 33ri-
ane ;thbia Cords A d arafonolas at. Beattie Btos.,
disease had already gained too firma Se-Caftb. 11 .2•46e.1 pa,ssenger tou'ring car to Mr. C -B
"The Easter Pilgrims," and in (the ev- • Hennaed
ening, "The Radiant Hope. -The. la- Keep ymbr Groh] free from smut. We have Park-
April 10th. The ladies Will be there at
gaue attended the funeral in a body For Sale -A number of fresh ranch ciWe, with calt 4." to receive articlea for sale and ii1171e8asolliuedeserelehs'ovisse.1!nYqando,iiii.roiumernsd$1.glinveeelenr.usieri:
and -Marched to the elaitlandbank Cern- on136.
at foot. Apply to W. M. Sproat, Egmondville, phone ,,313 "
2407-2 tzale commences at 3.80. -Miss Annie
etery. •Land for.Sele-In Seal ortb, the west part of ,l'ark GOVellIOCk held the closing exercises of der the aus
pices of the Independeet pr -
the eeniOr public school sight singing ,der of Oddfello.ws in the Town Hall on
lot e about four acres, all under grass, on,
The Display of Styles for Spring. .- North road. Adam Kli
For Sale -Ss rood houses OD eilSy terms. IL Savauge received the prize for the beet
ne, Seaford). 24" 1 c18:133, (on Tuesdia,y last. Master Roas Friday evening, of fleet week was ver
largely attended and"e aohmairestweleasaegt
- _
Last Friday and Saturday at the semi- ;
. work during the term. - Miss 'sake' evening enjoyed. Th
of Stewart Brothers and the E. ddeFaul 1 Dr. Heileman OsteoFathio Physician it, at the I 'Woods is seriously ill with an attack filled by brother Wm. McKay, tahse aphrley-
Bent District Deputy Grand -Master of
, annual stile show held in the stores : Eage. Seaford).
Company.; now oweed by J. MacTavIsh, Commercial Hoed every Tuesday and Friday ,rorn 8 of pneumonia. -Mr. Joheeeepuh'allo uaprt.whith-
and interesting. The interior of the shape which we are offering or sale, Prices. from couple of weeks but is now recovering
every effort was directed toward mak- .
ing. the visit of everybody both pleasant , d
to 12.Professional Card page 7, 2448-tf
a icycleslust ove hrlerfi and put into gond _
We . ave a number rof good second hand, Cleve. atheoeRveoryeal attack of
eumlatildsmg for Of
and literary program Was tarried out,
South Huron, and a splendid raa,gutis4oicuagrl
frispas°halT will ntot thwaatrranet suiriell
$20, J. F. Daly, Seaforth. 240d4 1 -The pall Engine eworks have now ail stores_ were decorated not only beautie , $1-2 te
preliminary arrangements ;or the a particularized account as it was so I
fully, but suitably for the occasion. The ;
windows which are always artistically , JewelleXs, Etc., 8eaforth.
Marriage 1.13enses issued by Savatuce and Stollery , ehe prelim
desirable and comfortable , it 2027Zie installing of the new machinery for long•anodf hvaried
ance which does credit to both stores ,, eemondville ' Presbyterian
brick cottage, thectAu0r0Oh.eTh containing
scene ,of it now on the
pieted. The machinery s orderedand
icite7e:IS thsoatInetevreersytinniginauntde so f mtheell fierone-
trimmed, presented a unique appear- the manufacture of army., .shellscorn- .
Irij these stores the opening displays ilihzvit rooms, in good repair, convenient It -cation!
Anplyton th. e premises or to Miss II. I. y ani as
but likewise took in Ladies' Ready to 3 • •
were by no means confined to millinery, AM, Main 8 reet Seaforth. -2402-11
all building on the cor- , swoon as it arrives and can be
ark will commence. t is expected thats i de sInvitation the Rebecca brae dtlu,enalso Lodgeoaf
Silks Dress Accessories end beautiful.
furnishing goods for tlie hoind New- 'moved as it is on cedar posts. Apply to A. w
Always used as an .egg shop, The
sold cheap. It.is in good repair and -will Ise easily Joynt, who was eleeted Reeve of Luck -
I ninTI aactwltwhe2ferprre alli;lrelllgoore
vishtem.eAutts the- rcelosseerovf_
inkling for Sale -That smsisterer:e.endtthehBey
Wear Apparel, Dr6ESS Goods, Trimmings; '' ner ci Huron road and Devereux's bl Loksinith sop : from sixty to seventy-fivewill b -
place Will 1,) employed at this ak. - I'. John numbero wametd,rietronedfrse whom the brethren
nees and novelty novelty (rule the slay in suits Stobieonarket settles, searorth. , 246e3 • (now, last Monday, is a brother of Mr.
Wonderful Values Mark Our
Easter Offering of New
and colts, completely disposing of the un- Our lanoelensioydese a winner, has coaster brake, Id. R. -Jo-ynt, of Seaforth, anca Ur. Geo.
adorned tailor-maded The charm
Spring was felt on entering the millin-
ery departments and also in Miss John- .
of roller °hue, mudguards, kir of bode, pump etc. Best
value on the market, see it before buying, I It
Da!y, Seatotth.
Hear "The A rri'al of th Briti h F ces in 1.
24678:0 McGee and family have removed to
mere, town Land now occupy the comfortable
; Ja,ynt, of Hensall.-Mr , and efr' s. Jas. :.(11;elat1,1c.land 13$1,ells
bee indeed btehrashet panst,seeanstoca reit
ctiiTtei tnet itphee OIn wdhdifoehilowis stoish•eaSovo3s-
ston's unique parlor, where flowers on our Columbia Z*rafonolae. Beasttie Br08.i Beef cab. :-residence recently vacated by Mr. Spar -
=mess I ling. -A. report was in circulation a few eted and weeexpect there will be euite
bloomed and adorned the elegant and ' se ' days ago that ,eir. Wf. .H. Keeler, pi a large number of aspirants for mem-
up-to-date hate. The wide brimmed Local Briefs -Mr Thomas Feeney
Hibbert, and formerly of Seaforth, wa,s ,bership in the near future. The local.
sailor is the leadiag feature of Easter shas removed from Hibbert to the John .
dead, the result of injuries received Lodge is in splendid standing both as
Millinery and the Shepherdess stsdes, O'Sullivan farm on the third concession .
by a kick from a horse. We are glad to membership, equipment end finances
with brim drooping back and front, are of McKillop, which he recently pur-
, to be able to say thereport was blear- I '
and has been established here nearne
very becoming and popular and are de- chased from =Mr. D. Shanahan of
rect. Mr. Reeler, we understand is In forty years.
velopsel in crepe, maline and trimmed Seaforth. - Axrangernents are being
a ,'-somewhat,critical condition =but is Briefs. -The Hensall Spring Show was
with flowers and tulle bows. These are made for a real hard times' dance to
, still living. -Mr. Archibald Ilislop, exs a great success and from a report in
aneo represented in black tagel straw be held in Cardnp'a Hail on Tuesday
-, , M.P.P., for East Huron and the Liberal another column will be found the listand the new barayard straw, milan evening, April 6th, The event promise
, candidate for the Dominion was in of prizes awarded for both cattle and
and chip. These make charming pie- heaps of fun, as all who attend must ap-
town on Wednesday. Mr. Ilislop looks horses of which there was a fine show-
ture hats, while the many chic little pear in appropriate costumeadeliss Lillie. •
Ifes if he were on the war ,path. - ing and the large crowd present evinc-
turbans and long narrow torpedo efe of Toronto, was last Week the guest pE .
Miss Ada Govenlock is here from Spar- ed much interest in all the different
[cots, outlined with flat petalled flow- her cousin, Mies Agnes Hewes, of the
tar spending the Easter -holidays aaaer 'classes, the Hensall Band adding much
ers are very good. Many flowers, arc Huron Road, East. -Mrs. J. C. Greig
used for trimming while the long, many home. -Miss Jean Carswell, of Toronto to [the ieterest of the occasion by -a
5pent al few days this week in Gode-
{ University, is speeding the holidays number lef- fine selections, and Hensall
looped bows of wide ribbon recall tho rich, with her mother, Mrs. Acheson. -
with her parents, at the manse, in leic- will endeavor to make their shows from
hats of long fago. The new shades are
, Ittr. .7. R. McNals, of Dungannon, was •
Itillop.-Mr. Fred Gales is laid up with year to year more and more successful.
Sand, Putty, Belgian Blue, Regimental.
in town last week. -Mrs. Thomas 1510 an attack of pneumonia. -Miss Minnie
Blue, Military Red and Russian Green
Quade ereturned on Friday from her
and add a bit of color to the ever popu- Best, of Toronto, formerly of Seaferth,
visit to Geand Forks, Dakota, where
lar and reliable black, navy blue, tus- and daughter of Mrs. Frank Best, leaves
['or daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, re -
can and black and white. in a couple of weeks for the Old Coun-
- . - sides. -Mrs. McQuade had a most en -
try', where she will do her part at
joyable evaelt. - elm. Joseph Somers,
' A Prosperous Congregation, - -We. of Strafford, spent Sunday here, nursing the wounded soldiersMiss
. -
eon Larkin is home for the holidays.
condense the following report from The coree un to visit her ,sister, Mrs. -logg,
-.Mr. William, elorrow is tspehaing the
Gazette, Olds, Alberta, oi the opening who is not in good health at present.
his . Mr.
proceedings of the enlarged and inn- -Mr. 'William McLellan, who recently holidays here with mother -
proved church buildin.g of St. Andrew's rented his farm in Ilibbert, has come to Ed. Jackson, who had spent the winter
congregation in Olds. This is the eon- Seaforth to live. He has taken up his .wromaretasaasiscaskrudaumwso,... -.......4,..-.4 .......s...
gregation of which Rev. D. K. Orant, residence with his sisters, the Misses
formerly pastor of Willis Church, Olin- McLellan. Mr. 'McLellan enis not been liktrAvAr Wallnaners
ton is now (the popular pastor. The enjoying good health -recently, but ws IN V VII _._
Professor Elliott mentioned in the re- hope his well-earned rest from the more
pcirt is an old Seaforth boy, a son of pressing cares of (life will son restore
the late William Elliott for many yeats him. -Mies Alva Graves of The Exposit -
'the faithful and efficient Clerk and or staff spent last Sunday and Monday
Treasurer of Seaforth. The report pro- at the hem° of her sister in Bayfield.--
ceeds: Last Sunday was a red-letter . Mrs. John Dorsey, Mho has been visit -
day in the history of, St. Andrews. at :the home of tier parents. Mr. and
With the re -opening and dedication of Mrs. M. 'Williams, left this week or
the newly -enlarged edifice a new stage he rhome in Duluth -MIs G Brown
wee reached in the course of Presby- has returned from her visit to Mons-
ferianisra in Olds. For the first time [real. -We are sorry to learn that ;Miss
In its- history the congregation found N. Gillespie, daughter of Ithe and Mrs.,J.
thernselvee comfortably and suitably Gillespie, who has been ill for several
houeed in a well-appointed, cornmodi- months is not improving as her friends
ICMS, furnace heated building. Needless would like. -Police Magistrate Ilolmc-
to state they appreciated to the fullstead has been confined to his home
the changed conditions of public war-. or several days by- a severe attack of
ship. The auditorium now presents an la grippe, but ewe hope to gee him a -
attractive appearance, with its enlarg- round again mon . as• usual -Mr. Wm.
ed proportions, its fine platform, its Nash, of Earpurhey, who has been con -
tasteful decorations. The color -scheme 'fined to his home by illness nearly all
on which the decorations were planned winter, is now ,sufficiently recovered
has been happily executed. The ceilings to be around again. -Old Jack frost has
have been done in cream, the walls given us one of his parting nips (during
in yellow tan, the windows and mould- the past week. Saturday night and Sun -
Inge in white, the wainscottings in day were quite cold - with a -strong
We have an excellent collec-
tion of fine Wall papers. They
ha e e been selected with an eye
to their artistic meek aud will
appeal both for beauty and
Beautiful., rich plain effects
with cut out borders and. panel
.decoration e; ales crown effects.
The Prices are Lowest
Bring the size of your room
and secure !some of the bar-
gains in our room lets of last
year's stock.
James ,Graves
Window shades & curtain poles, Whi.
* enarrfel, and brass extenSionereeds.
Uri), Waists. and Dresses,
Double Eaton Coats
er Co and Cuffs
are new features an with many other.
lovely styles will be shown in the
Staid Fashion Sheet
A copy. awaits you at our Standard
Pattern Counter-
For your special attention
we mention our splendid
showing of coats at $15.
Many are equal to the 'val-
ues you ould expect to
sell for $zo oo
Each. suit in this collec-
tion was elected with a
careful taste and judg-
tient that i sure to bring
you‘ satisfaction.- Pi -ices -
to $25.00
IMO. 1111111111•1110111MMONiONP
An exhibit of new wash,
dresses that will offer you a. .
selection pleasing both ,.-, in
value and in .styie. Each
dress -is fro excellent qua
ity cloth aid is as carefully
made as y u would make it
yourself. hese prices* tell
but a -part of this story.
House the ses-..$1 to $3
Street Dre ses $3- to $15
We've to
beauty of
for spring.
peat ourse
vite. you t
our displ
Prices 50
you infore of the *
cur dress goods
We, will not re-'
yes but we do in-
come and see
y for yourself.
to $2.50 a yd
Our Millinery Goes Out
Direction -
Every -
-Our villagers were much shocked to
learn of the eudd.en death of ilefr. John
Hawkins, of the London Road, a few
miles south of our village, and who
was so well and favorably known in
the village. -We are pleased to report
at .date of writing that Kr. George
Jayne (who is so seriously ill, is a lit-
tle easier but is still in 0., very criti-
cal state but we trust that with the
best of medical encill and trained nurs-
ing and with comparative youth on his
side, he may regain his wonthd
strength. -Mrs. James F. Sparks, ac-
companied by her daughter Miss eatable,
spent Saturday last with Miss Belle
Sparks in Brantford. We regret to
atate that Mr. Alex. McPherson. one
of 'our oldest =and most teepected resi-
dents and business men, has .been very
seriously ill during the past week, but
we pre pleased to learn at tate of
writing that he is a little improved -
,Mr, William Welsh, of Toronto, and
formerly of liens all, has been in the
village the past week visiting his many
'relatives and friends. -- The Millinery -
Openings held -here last week werevers
largely attended, the displays niece ad-
mired -and great taste was shown ein
the stera-ngemente. ,The demand for
houses to purchase and rent continues
and we expect to see number of. new
ones erected this summer. -Our busi-
nese men report the spring trade to be
very good, and are looking forward to
a ,good years' business throughout.-
efes.11.1. C. Yaeger in "here from the
(West visiting her parents, fifr. and leIrs.
Walter Hobltirk.
Our Hats are Admired EV
Great ,Sho:; o
tlar Pricedr
Is a
Of Beauty
I Trimmed
2.50 to
. of
Attractiveness and beauty at a very low pri e merits your
attention tol our offerings.
Eggs Wanted
Butter Wanted
5he E. Meiii:CO