HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-26, Page 5- -­ - - �­___- � � __ -1 I ___ . ­_ � I - I - I I - V�'­-.F11F"1-__­ - , ___ - - I , �_, i ... . ­ 11-11 . . --' -I I., �� ­ __� . � - _1_17�WM�_ - _MW`V`_�­ -1 I—- - ­ 1". - - ­ T_ - - _ _ I . ! ­ ­ - - --11--.1- _1-11 _­ - I -1 . ­_ 1- . ­­ - �_ - , - -_ -_1 - - , - �_ �� � - ____ - -_ ­__ - --- � - � -- -- � ­ - . I I - 0 . ., I - , P . - I , � � . � - � . I � I , I � . . . I I . I I - I . I . - I I . . � I ; . � � � - - ­ I I � - I - I � - . � - I . � I - I I I . . I . � I � . - I I . I � - I �i � f I T ` 0 I : � � . I . : . . I . . I I 1 . , ,_ I- . � �, � � I �i . . . I . I 11 I . I -, I I � I - - I � I I I I -, - - I - - -, - �� , . � - 11 ., . I I . - - . � . . . I I - � : � . I . . - � � . I - . I . I � . . I ;, .- . - I I � � I - I � - I - ­ - I I. - � . - ., , -, - I , I , . I . � I ­ " � � I . � , , , � , _- �- .. - - . _ . . - . i . , , , � � I . ... . � . - , � - 1- � I . I i I I I I � � 4 I , . - � . . . . I - B, . . . I I ­ - - __ ___ - __1 ­­ - I . .- - . - . - � -1 - . � .. ­ ­ - . .. . � .- - �;a-� - ;w _____­ _____ I ,� � � % . . . I z� -I" "D _; 1-1 j-% 7 ii. I �� ' -W- 0; ' _i , , . sif z� '. I es Interesting election next Morlday to to 900u, VU10 41-2.9; UAFaL 'u"i'll"111 W` � 1i good spri6ger. .. A Y on Lot W, ��1111111 " I � 1A 1�;�i . ubllo auction an the - IgWA HALF _ ,,,,f ^ - A.4.1 -1 . AM - .. I ... I .1 _1-1_ ...#-, M 92. - la" , JV Concession 2, TubliCefamith, $ .� " Aw $7! Ivearlings, $1.76 to ', - � -Is bAd MoKil "a 12 A U Is - I, .� - ,� . . J ,;�ne vacanc , Air, 1wo munkapal coun- hm ftt heffe"; 47 to $y.60; good ` - I 16 W., 0 Brueelleld. I . . 24#5.tf , VC -0a %04L V � I I ... t --- "I .. � - 4D Caused by thq death of Reeve Xur- Pr ( - I ,on Saturday, April Ord, 19, � 2 Volook P.111.,� the . IVI IVI Ed .M %.,O� .n I . . . . . butcherinr helfers"," SCRAO $7., light .-, school house on Section Me!" 4 Terms of Sale �D ULIA FOR SAUrr-For ado, two Shorthorn bulls - � I � . - � � . I ; I'll I *bk. Jolm Joynt, an ik-reeve, and J. but '25 - best Terms of sale inRde known owil ty of salevor on -up- - � - � � - � ! - I , _., I ,chering -heifer-", $6.76 to ,$6 plication to the Secretary. ADAM DICKSON, tiec. " *under I year. Apply on Lot 2 Concession 1.4, New Milkers, Springers and Grassers - . ., - � � ' ' - .1 - . . . . . � .... I .- I -I& Anderson, .ex -3L ,r. P., wer� notnin- $6.0 Ito( 47; good butchering - retray; 'Itios. Brown, Auctione, r. 24666-8 G" r townshio or rAdren R. & Re. 2, Brugaels. . I SIR EDMUND WALKER, QV.0.,LT_ D. D.CJ, Preadent - , � 1� I - gW on 36:1day and 06th: will otand ftt COWS, � I -,— � ARZHIBALD HISLOP. M7-2 I — � ALEXANDE o ters*.' $4.6,0 Io . I � eral Mazwew . ­ got electlaixf. . Both are very popular; 9 . ' - � . . I At No rmandie Hotel Stables, Clinton, I . � I � . i 8 . � � both are able men; they are I riends, $ 60 ; best bulls, $60 to $7; good killing UOTIONSAIII&OF HORSE� AND CATTLE- 0eed Oats for gale-Theandersigned. has for.sale on Thursday,. March 25th - . . I I . bulls, ,$6.76 to �$6.ro; light bill1s, -$�75 A Mr. Bert Allen has Instructed Thomas Brown, 0 at his farm, North Road, MoKulop, two miles - ' - . , � � - � but w tch; � I -uhlio auction, on ILAo 6� Concession 13, Morthofgeafortb. About -ioD baqhblsof- BANNER . at one cVoak p.m. I . Wo . , I - 16C l0w0r. to oellby Public I CAPITA J . I There will be Jots of f tin and 9 d to $5.26. !Rogs��Rarket � Hullett, on Monday March I o'dibHok p.m. the, OATS clean and suitable for seed.at 75o: per bushel. Terms -Six montho'credit or six per cent. per an. . .L.,$1 51000,000 REOVE FUND, 1 3150 1 . 3L o(L Ain 9 � . � � I . . - ad 'ork- followin -2 d ge 3 years old, 2 JO -2 � � - - �� I luck to ,the, ,Whiner. A will not bi ny.. Rehvy, f730 to $7,50; mix & a. y if,, Horses Mf HqGOVENLOO9,.Se.forth. .2467 num off for cub. . 41 1 1 1 1 � . � I � � h er's, $7.66 to $7.76; PIP 07,50 to $7,60; dr%ttfll coming2yeArs. aeq--n-5 fresh cows, 4 1 1 1 . Geo. Holland, T. G uudry� I ' � I I 2b discredit to, either to be beatten � cows to calve about time of 1 4 'stock Steers, 9 VDARIPOSTR-For sale a oarof fence posts and I . � ( � zig. Market ,25c to v Steers, & yearling ii 6 spring calves. Proprietor 2466-2 Auctioneer I � . � I _kvft� . , : - I I , Sheep, --Market Strd, two year old C aquantityof good clean Aw5rican Banner BANKING BY 1VIA,IL - . " f - ) , ( I . 3,11.25 to '$11.35; The whole will be sold without reserve. Tems-10 . - I . - . . I 2000MEMMEMEMENEEk 36c higher; top lambs, oats suitable for seen. *Apply on Lot 26, Concession I . I . - . ... *yeirlings, $9.75 to $10.5;.WpAthers, $9,- in onth's credit on approved joint note a discount 10, McKillop, or R. R. No. 4, Walto.n.- McFARLANS . I . I - .. 11 . . 1 71, 1 MARKETS . '$C25 . - , ot 6y. per annum off for cash. BERTIUEN. Prop BljoS. . 2466x4 Accounts MaY be opened at every branch of The Canadian Ba* I , � 1 , I &Vies Q . , 111�� . : I . 15 Ito 49t26; ', , $7.75 t later; Thai. Brovm,. Auctionee�.. 2467xI I - . Fairm Property fir . . i . . i ­ . . SEAFOR-TH MARKETS :Mmtreal, March 23.. The demand . . � 11 - rVEAMIERWANTED-Teacher wanted for S.S. Of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive -the sar* ; _� . . ra Was g00d,_ owing th the , ' JL 110 U, Hay townuhip holding a first or second aftentioii as is given to allother d6partments of the Banies I I -1 . from packe . . . . SALE MILOR CO�S-_& 0ALVES-Hr. NorQ certificate. Salary $000, duties to cemrifence careful �. .... 'IT61 'sz qoj-.w 'S'6PffJnq1 ster trade, and UOTION I Sale - -h of the E� A Thomas Brown has been i0structed by Mr, H * April 19,1915. Apolications received up to March -1 - . "I'll, . !Iwar approac 1,�all,..Vneu(Stsnciam).(n,s�v)...-.. 12$zOS 1 25 but , - � business. Money may be deposited or w�iihdrawn in this w v as - 11 I el. 1_._U�l . 50 w 60 & fairly actIv& trade 1was �done, It. Ooll)ert, to sell by pu blic auction on Lot 12, con- 01 nV.V_TA10T?JQTTRV.RTT_Q S -Tre- R R No I . . I aN — "I'll, 1 400, V417 VA�wj ...... _- -­ . 1 50 there was -no jftpoeltlou on'the patt of cession 3, Mill�Road, Tuakeramith, one mile South . A _.T .1 I . . I 'Phe executors of Jameb McQuaid, late of the � I . Pan, per bushel .. - _,.. _­ 1 50 to . Dashwood. 24650 tow - ,Satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. - * s2t . 1 -70 r I.. An6y& .�Aock, of Seaforth, an Saturday, Marchl 27th, at 1:30 o'clock I nship of McKillop, deceased, offer for sile the I � I - ... I z - (Nrley, per bushel.. - - - - ... ... . ,o 75 1. buyers to pay f a6y& I for ,%in, sharp, tile following property. V milch cows, � following two valuable farniti: First-Lov 21, Conces- I . . . . � I I Rtm per ton ....... I ..* .. .... I .." 27 00 to 277 00 c -The . I I I I I I I I as in former yearsi.A fpwld�ds of ex� alvea rising I year and I -�suokin�* caIt.. This () A. 0. No. 772, OATS undersigned has sion% township of MeRillop. IGO acres,, contains a � I I I .d#zorvkp#rtm_..____......_ 20 00 to 29 00 tra choice steers were �sdld at 1�,. bu� -stock is all In prime condition. Also a manure abbut 50 bushels of the above Variety of seed p,00d house with 12 rooms, furna-3e and hot water . � � . � ... Float, par 200 lbs.. - - -d ....... 3 I 75 to 4 25 new. oats, grown from. hand picked college bred seed, on UX80 Stone � I 1 26 to 27 the bulk of trade -w as Abne In ord- spreadei'and a DeLavAl cream separator nftrl .., heating, t)ath and toilet complete, barn I I I Batter No. 1, 100". -.*...* ­ 0_�_ the, . Po§ltiiely no reserve as the proprietor b,w T ad cleanland. 2J bushels sown produced 91 bushe18-of foundatiorl and stall room for 12 horses, driving shed Seaforth Branch. � i ' I-- . . I I ftgo ,xArdozeu_ ..-.. v.*o___ 16 to 17 oats. Cleaned ready for seed. Price 81.26 per bushel . � I JUY, ­..........'... ............. 12 00 to 15 00 Ine,ry Choice steers from the Above 119- his ism. Tems-6 mouths! credit on furnishing m d water for barn and stable, W. 0. T. MORSON - - - Mane ,-, rotstoes, per bag . 30 to 30 I ure dow,il -to ,$7.75, Whily many loads of approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cantoff A. G. SMILLIE, Se%fortb, phone 108. 1 4, 2465-3 small'sprif"rereak which never runs dry, about ten - . ger :� I - 2 60 to :2 716 I � i ,to f6r cash. H. R. COLBERT,'Propkictur; Thomas � acres of hardwood bush. Second-Lot20 Gonces- - I . I - . . Be"s ................. -........- gobid steers chiwnvd ,hands M $7.21 , � . I � I - . � I I . - I I Brown, Auctioneer. � 2496-2 ESIDENCS FOIL SALK - A comfortaWe ., frame aiou 2, McKIllop, across the road from, the above --- - I - a ft* extra choice, heavy ! '0 I , It re � I . 1 $7.50, Wnd . I - sidence near the High Schoot. Goo&cellar farm, 100 acres, new frame house six rooms, gnorl I - HENSALL MARKETS high as 1 $7.25 per him- - hard and soft water, a first class stable and h4lf an cellar, 2 barns each 36x56, one with stoue foundation . � . � . ! I - Thursday, Aarch 25, 1915. bulls sold as I UCMON SALE OF FARM STOuK-Mr. Thom&s acre of ground. House heated by furnace. Ohe%p and stabling under, a spring with good flow ofwater I . I � I . -1 I . fea- . - . . . i u nportant ABrown haa been instruoteo by Mr. Alex Jamie- for quick sale. Terms easy. Apply GEORGE all the year around. Thcsi�two farms are both well I - . I I � , Wheat ................ Sl"O ,iture of the trade W" th� Aecidedly so., to gsIl by'public auction on Lot 28, Huron Road TURNBULL, Senforth. - 246i-tf drained and well fenced and'in-ilrat class state of I I . 11 1� - i I . Oats ................... 55 to 57 Strang feeling WhiCh deVeldipp,d in the Tuckersnilth, on Friday, April,2nd, 1915, at 2 o'clock . - ____ - cultivation, conveniently situated, only 'I) miles from I � I I ­ � . . I . . . . - � Peas .............. ....... I 1 60 market for hags, und t ricesi compared p ...... sharp, the following.propOrty: Horees-1 draft - . the town of Seaforto and amongthe most choice and . � � . , . .... I . I ..... 1:... ... * OT, 13 00 9 ?ne old In f,pal to Lord Oswald, I draft ORSES AND HOGS FOR SALF-The under* desirable -farms 1u. the county of Huron.' Arrange- . I I : Beans it, - mare n4 1H alirned has a number of young horses two and I I � I a wpek ago, sh w an adVanCG AT ment8 can be made for full pia3mion at anytinte. . $ � 70 to'- ,' 75 with - filly ris 4 yearai I draft gelding rising :thme. 1 three years � old, and also a number of�' hop for For further particulars apply to tho F,xeutor-Q, Mrs. � � - � , . Of W itd 60c per hun,dre4 poun;h. A draft colt ,8 months old, I aged, driving mare. Sale, on Lot ", �Ooncesslon 13, McKillop. Pholle JOHANNAH McQUA1% Box 71 Seaforth- JOSEPH . - I Shorts $30 00 -4 good cows, two, to cal�e in April, one In No. 14, � I � �� . � I I . fairly active, trade wop . dMe, as the Cattle on 166, McKillop, R.R. No. 4,1- Walton* McQUAID, R.R. No. 5, Seaforth, or wPR6,UDFOGT ' . 0 - ?� 'CoMpetition for suppli's was keener June and one in September, 3 steers two years old, WILLIAM SCOTT. 2463-tf , KILGORAX & PROUDFOOT, Seaforth, Solicitors I I I � - 1 heifer 2 YeRrO old, 2 Spring � calves. 2 calves 6 - . I . - . : - . I I I -1 Poultry Markets than usual, and eales of selected lots months old. Pigs- I brood sow with 11 pigs three . IF. for Sxecators. . 2466.4 . i I "I'll - I'll I � . I 11 I Toronto, March 23.-Dressed.-Chlck- weeks old. All of which will be sold without res- . . . . - 1. � . �� . . I � -were made st $8.15 to $'A; F,6w& at erve owing to the proprietoes . Ill health.- Terms- ' IN EG11-fnNDVILb7R . . I - I 11 . ... . ens, 1b.. 20 td 72c ; f&Wl. 4b., ,17 to 20c ; ' 6.75 to $1, and istagS ,A $4.86 to, $4�60 8 months' credit on furnishing approved join t notes ESTRABLE PROPPIRTY - �� . I � rheirs 1b 26 to 4 DFOR SALE - Containing two acres, of well I— .t. I �� A­^Lmd 1% I Q +ry I Ac - +" .3 _419 . .t.A.&.t;.. 14 . I I � 11 I ." � . # % I ., pet hundred ,pDund.S, cm eighe %o"� . w A diS unt of 6 per cent per aiinura ou 1gr casu. . cultivated land. On the property is altuate'd a good . I .. . :: I.. 28c; geese, 1b., j10 40 18C. Live—Chick- Five ca.rs of northwes: hogs were re- ALEX JAMIESON, Prnprietdr; Thomas Biown, lence,plenty . I I � . I 11 11 . . I � I I � Auctioneer. . � 2467 -td 1J story frame house with every conven .1. ;I; � . I I I � � .: A . � ducks, lb44 13 Lt9 15c; geese, lb., 13 to down . _____ is a large Stable, pig pan aild ben house all In first. + + . . - I --- I - I - b7r\e, $8.65 per hundred pounds, I . of liardand soft water and an excellent cellar. There " NOTICE! *41.* enB4 1b., 16)tcf age; hens, t$., 13 to 16c; ceived lb a '.Packer, 7h1ch, cost. laid . I - . 6 , UCTION SALE OF HORS 8, GRASS CATTLE, class repair. Also all kinds fruit. No better loca- + . - . l Irk- . I . " , I The PrOSPects are tha4prices may -Dos- 1�� g and dry - W ve Sold + . 11 I , A MILCH COWS A!il) HO STEIN� HEIFERS-' tion in the village, being hi h . ill + - . I - . i Lcoidan, ,Karch 2S.—Dressed.—Spring little bighbr In the near I James Jones has rezeived instructions from S. 0. cheap to an early buyer. Apply or a4dress ALEX. + * amADE IN CANADA* . I 11 .. .. 00 - sibly 0 6, . was hilliecon, to sell by public aued n on Lot 0-5, Con GORDON, Box -51, Seaforth. 4ZIN: 2466x4 + I + . , � . A6hVqk,.r . I : : I - . chickens, pair, $1. to .$1.50; duck.,, -i sheapl.wnd lamb's ces. I ou � . .4 I I I . Z. future. Trade 1, t 0 ion 8, township of Fullarton, i �n Friday, April 2nd, - . Please call and settle. + I - per. pair, $1.25 -to $2.00; ,phickens, per very quiet, un accoun%af the wery I 8 Via" T 0 - I I � iM- 1915, the following: I heavy di af t, mare rishig five pIVERSIDE POU1jT(tYJ'.FARH, Bruisse;s, Ont. $ . 'Soo] I . � � � AW In 14-- '19 +­ 0� 11., 9A .+f% - A 14 1 113. 0 1 I,- A ff- ill ;; 0 Ill f*_ - f I "t A � 41-11, nur InIA accou t by X' Ir...0 11 - � LAY De Lae 1"t sleep and on � 7 %, j 4",J�. F .1 n years o n oa , .v . . .L4 .,..- � I we are o r nz or am a . ap n1s, a ng � � I Ited supplies con- - () W — ' , all M 1 beavv draft colt r I ising !,year did, I Pecheron colt eyrgs f rom four hundred pens, selected from a Rook . + I . TectlOn Mrs. French found � r 22c ; geese, per db.j 14 to a5c. . ca,ni�equence the undertone o� the sIr - rising 1�year old, 16 -high gradi i Durham o iwa w + cash or approved + - � %#",L ILILAS I - I - . Ith of 600 birds,'consisting of R.C.R.T. Reds, (Bushman- + . I 11 . I I .0 � kat is very firm, bilt I prices ishow no calves at side or due to calve a ionly, 10 high grade Pierce a" d Lesber Tompkins strains, Amerlda's two . ; � dtal Spar -k had fled. Mrs. Up,. � �� n note before April 5th. ++ . - . � . I Bean Mawket hange. AJOwfspring lambs Holatf5fn cows inilking now or% ill calve shortly, 10 greatest laying Borains"of Reds.) -White Wyandottes . I - � . Passed away as quieUy and I important c � ing 2 years old doe +o Regal strain mated with such cockerels--ai McLeod . + . frke $590 � I - i : . . - - I ; ft� a,13tead,y , high grad HoIstei,n I �` I We know aU parties + ,I � a -s If falling asleep and made � Toronto, March .23.-13�-.ans. - The were offered, which mP-L w c i - I .. , ; J . n - feeiing unwell, . $10 �eaclij)'as to size I %Iva in A ril and Is 4 heifeeg rising 2 years Old Bras of Stoney creek, froni their famotis prize win . I � - - 7 s of even - - market is ateady at ,$3.151 to $3.20 for demand, at $7 td , I n calf, .3 fat heifer, 2 heifers 2 yeArs ninglaying:11ans. JBarred Rocks O.&.C. strain bred ' - , � . b . . . . . . 110. .. - - arrow cows�rj * owing us will see this ++ � . � I I zed was born In the vicinrl-i primes and $3.25 to $3.30 for hand- amd -quality. JL ,goodLtrhde, Wks done In old not in calf, 3 heifers and 3 steers I,' year. Fold, 2 from tkeir heaviest trap nested stook.=S.C.Anoon. + . 1+ No advance in the price -of the '.'Made -in I � . , � s *ere not in Sows with litters. The above cattle are a choice lot as the town or city bird that livea on less, stands .& I r . picke . -&Ives, -but, aB the offering , I . notice and to ignore it, + . . 'o, 74 years ago, Jews, ,Lbr,ft d. c - Canada!' Ford vjillbe made because of � I _ . . I N - requireinents,- ,' the tone and well bred. The cowti are in fmIf to a thor6ugh. o;ufinement and most persistant ]&yers of any class. + . + . . . . 1 4r, ler maiden name, was FlIZEL � ! Detroit, March 23.-Deans.-Immedi- excess of the , � bred bull. Sale at I 0'004 sharp. Terms -i3 Mammoth Pekin ducUs, bred from American stock � IffarTawiff. Wealsloyal i ; . - � Wag- 93teUd'Yq I! � . I months' credit on furnishing a�proved joint notes. that averaged,05 eggs each in 6 months and m=make will incur -'for you the + . . the additional 7J o . � i _.., � . . I -*- She ca,rae with her pare_nts . ate. 'and March shipments, $2.9-5; May, of -the market . f� . �' + Canadians will g-�-adly absorb whate'ver iu- - �� I �� - � � , . , wks, weighing from 5 to , ,+ . - 11 77.1 -1 � � . � I 1 3y. off for cub. Po - eserve. S. 0. MILL. the finest quality -of green d 11 " - She was � � $3.15 per bushel, shippling points. Li- I � . � , whe_u JUIte youngf . : I � SON, Proprietor; James joneff,� Auctioneer. Z467.2 8 counds fit 10 ,Lveeks. Price of eggs up to Au I - + displeasure ofthe + creased dutk we are forced to pay on, such I � I ri I . I I � � — - . E�_. . - + -not b I � ? o ma,s7.-7 142C tO .8c tj*r 1b. ­ � , - C : 20tbl St.00 per 1b; 50 eggs or over 6o a piece; after I as can e obtained at home. � � ! � I 1, � � I + undersigned. + raw materials - "I � : . � , � � April 12�o,nhcrjo avy e. Duck eggs 10c ger off. Cor- + The Ford is rnanuf"tured in Ce.nada-not . I : . - in PlEfq ' 10( . � �Mll,: la the, Year 1860- They 0 � . I I a " I In reference to y a a and + - I � ft farm in the T07rn,.z1iJp, ot ­ I Toront Seed Market LEARING SALE OF FAR4 STOCK� AND IM- re6pon assembled in Canada. . I I - .r %ere is Money In poultry even at . . -_: 1 . . � es has received In- broode + . I . .-. . � , ch Was then ,colld bush, - � � a strutitions from the undersign�d to sell by public -the high ____ 4e'ed. 155 matured pullets prodneed + 0 � + . . ' . .. I . ad whic - � Prices quoted to count ry merchant -A � W. T. B fix, & �,� co C t ,P rt of a in- * J . J. Holland ' The Ford Runabout is $540 : the. Town car ; . . I I . � ; 1. auction, on Lot 1, Concession i, township of McKil- me %96.00 In eggs in wo months. :4 9 De 0 + 1+ . I . Pluck, pemrverence and good 11 dian -Govern- I .� PSON. $846; the Obu let $960; the SedqAS11-50-afl �� I . I I . I lop, on Thursday, April let, 1016; tha following: 1 bar, lanuiry aaA Februxry. ROBERT THOM St. Coltimban + � i, - � at they auctepded In convert- � ment tested, per cwt. -Red clover, No. standard ored diiving mare, 3 6ewly calved cows, 3 . I 24Mx5 I I Lo.b.Vorl, Ont. Ford bu ers � I . , EMBALMERS � AND' . . . .+ � 7 �� 11 - I -No.;, $19, to 4V,_ - o : '0�est f arm 10tcl One or ,the . . 1, $21 to $23,,' do.,. FUNERAL DiRECTORS . cows suppospd to be in calf, 4 f; rrow cows, 11 otters , --++,+-h.,.-1 . -in our profits if we sell 3000 cars 11 - � I k++++++++++.+.+++ -.-++++n will, sDare - i L fortable homosteads, in that I . : 3 years old (weight, about 13001ba. each) 30 head � ... - ; so; do. No. 3, $18�* alsike, No. 1, $19.50 1 .. . f 'between Augusb 1, 1914 and August 1, lft�- 1 Of beautiful homes. Selling . . cousl8tIng of steers anrl htifers�,(short keepera) year.: � 1, � � I . � I I to $*A.S#,; do.. No. ,2, $17.50 'to $18.50; H.C. ]BOX & W.S.:GORIMLEY ling, .nd 2 year olds, 34 Atore hogs, 10 four months Notice ' � . . I � �n Ribbert they bought anoth- do. No. 3, $16; timothy, No. 1, ,$11 to n� ' ., old a, d 24 Fix month@ old, I brOol sow clue to litter I I , I Holders of Govern ent Diploma. . All Ford cars on exhibition at 11, - � � � 4 II Tuckel"SmIth, axid removed - ' last of April, about 60 hens, I pair ducks, 20 rabbits 4 � ;; .. � I I I - $11.60; No. 0. $9.50 to .$,9.75; No. 3, . and License � Collie pups. 1 farni wagon, I Massey-Hartiwbind. I ; _Z_ �1 I i Y-ffnSh1_0 In IR94. Some years 49.755. I . - i I - J. F. Daly s Garage,,- Main st., . � . - I - I - I . er 7 foot out, 2 scuffiers, one, 12 -tool. rake, 2 walking - Horse and - W" F F ' 0 ' [H � H - C - I de, I - . ol C , 1,1 . I- � s theY retired from the more, � C,HARGES MOPER-ATE . plows nearly new, I set-harrows,'I pulper, 1 Massey The party who broke in and took the hides f r oin � . Seaforth,Ont. � I � .. I lea Of life and came . i I � 4 I . I I . I to Kippen, I Dairy Markets Hards cream oteparator capac-Ity 500 lbs., *1 steel my sl%ughter house is hereby notified to,return the . . I � �V lived until ,Hl� t I Toronto, March 23. -Butter. - The Night Calls I Da Calls land roller, I disc h rro%i� I cultivator, I wheelbar. same in four daj 9, otherwise a warrant will be Issued . 1 7 . . -1 , I I I . P Pg ) a � , � - . J ipshall's I 4 0 5 di -c drill nearly pew, I Clinton fan- the undersigned has .! � % Phone 1 ne 50 row new, I I for thearreat of said party as � I � � t . 07 . . ning mill, 50 bushelsof seed peas. Saleatto'clock traced the guilty party. � I � ..- __ . I _; � I . It two Years ago. The deceas- market is qulot, with Wferings not -up __ . � � Cattle Show I. _* =� sharp Terms-�-All sunis of $16 and under, cash ; I � I ived by_a famil-v Of tWC, Sona . - to requirements. Prices are firm. Choice - 207-3 ARTHUR ROUTLEDGE, Egpondville . . .1 � a � . - � da I - over the t amount�6 months' credit will be givenon i �, . I 11 � ughters, Frank 'of Tuck- dairy, 27 to Me; inferior, 21 -to 28c; . � - furnishing approved joint noteli. Adiscountof 3y. - � I �, I � - : I I- I I nd Chark-s of SaskatCheWan, . . creamery prints, - 35 ,to( .35) 1-2c -, do., so- ' � off tor cash on credit aniout,ts, No reserve as the i . i , SEAFORTH : 1. . I � � i, � , . Birtb proprietor has given up the Wood'a farnai ALEX I - L . I I '9?bS1e_V French of Tucker- � lids-, 32 to 33c; farmers' separator: g7 . . I Lq, - I \ Mrs. DARLING, Proprietor; J=4 ]ones, Anobioneer House for S �le , - .- ; I - . L tov age. Eggis.-Receipts Are large' and SMYTH-At Hensall, on'Maroli 5th, to Mr. and . - o I I I Mrs. David-iWren and� 'Mrs. P . . . 2467 Tuesday, April 8th. `15 66. - . . )oper of Tu skatche- L 11 � to 20c per dozen, In W. R. amyth,of British Columbia. a son. . ' I - . - I I 1� I I __ . - I . I . gaslia, SA I . ,prices dull at , MARSHALL -In HensAll. on 14 arch 17, th, to Mr and 1--j"ARING SALE OF FARBI STOCK, IMPLF, A good hame house, seven rooniq and good stable ___ - . - � . .1 � ._1 I I I Thomas- '2100re, of Tucker. I case lots. Cheese. - The market con- Mrs- F-j,hlaraball, a son. )tace for a Under the auspices I of the Seaforth Agriculthral =Memo"" . -1 � bratulier and jifrs. Chamber- tinues firm it 18 1-4c for Oarge, and at SCHROEDER-In Stephent on March IItb, to Mr. k_j MENTS AND FURNITURE -James Jones has and a quarter of au acre of land. Fine 1 � . . and Mrs, Daniel SchroEdet, a daughter. received- instructions from Mrs.! Caroline Holmes, to retired farmer. Just outside the corporation. S00iEtY. I 01 . � 'I Inton, and,.Mrs. Thos. Pa�art � 18 1-2e for twlae. Hohey.-Buckwheat sell by public auction on Lot 14'Concesslaii 4, town- Apply to _. . ]ELORSES - I . I � . -At Bronson line, Hay on March 11th, to You * - I are, SiSters. Mrs. Upshall was 7 142c .a poivid, In tins; 7c to 7 3-i� SARARAS 6s, a danzhte r. Fbip of L -gan, 2J wiles north -. I hell, on Tues- 246b.tf 7 JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth - � , . � . Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Sarars, . 1, - - I years a devoted member an,ci � I on March 17tb, day, March 30th, 1915, the folio ng: 1 general ­ - - Clydesdale I I . La barrels,; strained clover honey, 12 FARWELL-Ab Gos6eu Line, I� purplose horse 10 ye-xrs old, I h mare - 8 . � , I Atendant of St. Andrew',S J -2c a pound in 60 -lb. tins,1 13c in 10 -lb. to Mr. and Mrs 18111. a daug,liter. years old In foal to Dunraven, 1� vy ddra't I let 2nd 3rd 4th ire 'Sale; Photo ' h ,, . Pince Farwe eavy raft gelding Stallion, aged $8 96 $4 $2 F - � . gliap . -1 Ippen- She w&4 mi . tins; 14c in 64b. tins; comb-i4oney, No. - I . - I I rising 3years old got by Marcell A in, 1 heavy on Stallion. foaled 1912 1 . I , - I ­ - I I - � I I Uch In7 cc%n- ­ � Dissoluti ' of 'Putnership I . draft filly risinj I year old got by a& a horse and r, Stallion, foaled 1913 1 . ; her Bible and pos - 1, $3 per dovm, No. 2, -*.2.40 per dozen. . Varrindes 11 - , . . I - 'I sessed ja . has 3 imported crosses in her, 1 w due to calve in Stallion, toblei 1914 0 1 The simple gift - *at , � I . cow Notice is hereby given' that -the partnership here- � I _ , .11 tt degree all -the essentlal 01viontreal, 'March 23. -Cheese -Finest MCLE&N-PATTERSON-11n Harriaton, on Match June I oow-due to calve about time of Sale, I tolore subsisting between us. theandersigned under Sweepstake Clydesdale �7 Badge . 1_-�­ -. loth, at the home of the bride's, pixents, Mr. Ing 2 . of Furniture & 1 lends th e- touch. -'ef - �� westerns, 17 1-4 to 17 1-2c ;�'flnest east- � tf good citizeilship. Her home . . P giving a lot of milk but. not in calf, 2 steers rie the firm name of Walker & Whiteley, as Furniture , � Ll I . ' I I - - and'Mrs. J.ohii Patterson, Miss Mabel Patterdon, years old, 2 calves riging 1 ye,ar old, 60 Mos. -1 - Shire - "' beds. - friendship without the � ' , I 1 n9dGm 'and her family her erns, 16 3-,4 tcf 47c. Butter. - CholcesL to Mr. Williain McLean, of �Wroxeter. Hampshire sow duA to jitter May 6tht I Tamworth Dealers and Undartakers. at the town of Seaforth, Stallion, any age . 4 2 - . March 17th, in the County of Huron, has this day been lissolved " � reigned in patience, gentlp-- * I . Crea ,34! 1-2c; ,secands, 30' to SMITH -DARLING -At Hensall, on an, due to litter bilay,14th, 6 pigs 6 months, old. I - bV mutual consent. All debts owing to the said . whiteiron embarrassment of an . � 1crime and nobly fulfilled her 33 1-2c. �Eggs.-Fresh, ,22 to 23c, William Smith, of Innerkip, to Miss Lizzie, Dar, Massey -Harris binder, I Massey- arris drill. I Mas � : % . Partnership are to be paid to R. S. Hays. Sollelt;or, � Percheron .- - . . . i I I or 2 gets 1 4 2i e - linz. late of Ex"ter. ! cey-Ha,ris hay rake, IMcCorn!I1 Stallion, any age t . I Ile Seafortb, and all claims against the said Partnership I . rWlfe� =d-lnother. She bound I I London, &C-rch 28. -Butter. _-Rolls� lb BORLAND-DUNCAN-At tno Presbytbrian manse, of teeth, I Fleury plow, I gang ple, set 3'section ; obligation —_ Y o u r - - I I 36c; ftney, lb... 36c;' 1)3- Rev. Colin Pletcher, on Wed I %h,7L1,!t vat are to be pr -sen ted to. the said R. S. Hays, by whom , . : her hi�sband and childrp_n 35 too cracks, lb,,. Thames Rwd, . - barrows, land roller, souffier, d sc ht�i row, root pul- ; I � � . Tide will be 4eLtled. . Hackney o(yraph. - 11 I nasday, March 10th, MISS Edna Duncan, dauwh- per new, cutting box, Clinton fan nillilwheelbarrow, the sa commencing on Saturday, phot g . . 1 4 2 li ; that the, -stress of tinne can � 33 to 34c; ][�ggs.---�Per doz., 20 to 21c; Mr. ith box and spring seat , ,'set trucks, gmvel Hays W. J. WALKER Stallion, any age . . . - I . ter of Mr. -and Mrg. Johu buncan jr., to wagon w Witness: R. S. I- rALMER WHITELEY � - , , j r and her me m-ory � per basket, &%., 21c; T4oney, strained., �1 . - . f March 13th. , i - will xe- I . Charles Borlandd ' . � box, top buggy, cutter, set b6balelghs, pig rack, 1 2407 8 Roadsters 4P 11(11,^ _ lle hearts of her children, q I 10 l�bs., -$1.401 (to $1,50. � I . .t. .- , . hay rack, set termi harness. set single harneas new, Datel at Seal orth, Out., this Oth day of March, Standard bred trottiug stallion in I Fell's St -di... c I ,at as enduring 'as time and � �� ,.- � � . I& 20 rods woven wire fence, 6n feet of piping, 16 grain 1915. I - harnees 6 3 .2 Agent fot Stone & Wellington - . . I . � j a I I . . Grain. ]Etc. I at � ags, 12 -foot ladder, - harness ,closet, I matchless � Standard bred pacing stallion ' I - . � I � us th&-i gold. Treasure range, glass cupboard, parlor table, 4 mat- I -_ - , * I I �. . � I De h� , " Seaferth � � D0wNEy__4n Seaforth, on Maroh'22nd, Mrs in harness 6 3 2 Nursery Stc,ck-, I I- I - Toronto, Alarch 23. -Wheat. -- Mani- Stephen Downey, in her 78 1 th year. tresses, 4 sets bed springs, 8 day clock new, 6 dining .� I - I - ir- D. H,W, Who has been. � � rch 16th, Rachael room 0111drs, 25 yards carpet, � all the dishes and . . - . .1 . .D -In Grey townshIP, 011�Ms,l I . #�'oba No. -A Northern quoted at .$1.60 LAIP kitchen utensils and a hod of other articles. Sale I Heavy Drauglit . - �_, � I can -tile business for several - L2 at $1.58 1-2, ta,nd Ncr, 3 at . Spence, rellet of the late J mes' Lal 48 at I o'clock. Terms -All sums of $10,00 and under, neag. don. No. I value 8125 6 . I . - I � years and 2 month9. � " 2 " 7 don. 3 2 I . 41-2; No. ' I S 'ring Show Team In bar 3 , . I � ;ald his store and stock to I . cash; over that amount 7 months will oe giVen on P - - Biood mare in foal " ! . �t . $1,56. Ontario wheat, Nol, 2 nominat FLANNERY-In Toronto, on March 14th, Edward furnishing appr I oved joint notes. 3% off for cash on No's 14, 15 - � � I , � BrOWnlee, who takes� o - I at $1.J2, to '$1.45, at autside points,% Flannery, aged 46 yearla. I W. credit amounts, .Positively ro reserve as the farm - -OF- I I Fiily or gelding foaled in 1912 1 t U, � - � s - � I � y I - KNIGHT -In Ilderbon, on March 11th, George $6 3 2 �. � � first of A ril. Mr. ]Mai R. G.Wit (b E P - . oats.-ClAtarlo quated at 60 to 61c, out rly of Exeter, ageA,02 years and is sold and Po8sespion to be given April lat. Mrs : donation No. 3, value N I Knight. forme '�: Filly oi gelding, foaled in 1913 � � : ade , '8' a, a, competency for a . side, znd. ,at ,63 to, 64c on track. Toron- S mouths. i I CAROLINE HOLMES, Proprietress;. James Jone . f I � , is retiring from business ha I - to'. We5tern Canada,,No. 2 quoted� at KIBLEI�,-At Berlin, on Mar?h 13th, Frederick . Auctioneer. . 24M.2 H ri,d Caftle Ist: donation No. 4, value * . - .1/ �. . I � I Kibler In his'60th year The' Annual Spring Show, under the auspices of the Filly or gelding foaled inI914, Opposite Crieh Bros. Seaforth , �� i I I ke a -well e�Lrned rest. .NLIr. - 70 142c, and Va. - 3 at 68 1-2c. Barley. donation No. 5, value 8.61 3 2 . 'i I I a I S Welt k116 I wn to the peo,ple "I - HoLmEa--4n -Lower Winiham, on March 16th UOTIONSALEOF FARM PTOCK AND IMPLE, South Huron Agricultural society, of stallions, bar- . Furniture and Upholetering ... ., -The market is dull, -Vith offerings Mary Ann Holmes, relior, Pr the . -late . Josepli A MENTS -Mr. P. S. Phillips. auctioneer, has ness and halter horses. bulls and cows, will be held . 0 Agricultural . . I i aitY and will no dcubt sus- I sroall. Good malting gra.des, 8-4 to ;86c, Holmes, aged 90 years. , , ieceivvd instructions from, Mr. Francis Blatchford in the � . . . . - Plitation of this wellknowr,t � -in Vancouver, B.C.,; on March 4th, John to Bell by public Auction on Lot 33, Concession 3, VILLAGE OF HENSALL Team in harness, donation No.6, value $20 5 3 — , � , I at GREGG­ 2 . � ,eat, , oiftside. Rye. -The market is dull J. Gregg, formerly of Gorrie. Usborne. J mile South of North Baund3ry on . I Brood mare in foal - " Ac 7, " 7 3 - I - I I 1 - -211r_ Aiex Monteith 11 .$1.20 to $1.25, outside. Peas. -The mar -InToronto, on March 10th, Mrs. John Tueadqy, March Both commencing at I o'clock, Fill,,L or gelding foaled in 1912 . � � . . clek tt car Of first quality - LABIONLY I Wednesday, March 31st, 1915 11 . I I - ket ,is quiet, with No. I quot- Lsmouly, agO,92 years. I . sharp, the following effects Horsee-I ag4lcultural . . . donation No. 8 vslue)'. $10 -3 2 I . . I i delivered at the st,ttlon PILLMAN-At Windsor. ou FOrpary 27tb, Elsie mare 7 years old supposed to be in foal to King Prize List : Filly or gelding foaled in 1913 � r i I . I . � , I - I man, formerly Thomas, I agricultural mare 9 years supposed to be donb,tion No. 9. value $5 i I � I . - I Horses ; , * - � 'Ortn ers: I ed at $1,90 to $2.,04, out -side. McDonald, wife of Mr. Frank Pil 3 2 19511 , a k W& . � .,tern Onta-rio.-The f . Corn. -No. .3 new American quoted At of Beaforth. i In foal to King Thomas, I agricultural filly rising 4 . L Filly or gelding foaled in 1914 � . ' _ a 111121to 11 . 11 _Wflij I I I I L - . rcr their hired nien for th I 1 $10 3 22 ; � n ,e 81 1-2c, all Tail, Toronto freight. M1111 MILLER -On the 21st Inst., t 46 Contral Ave., yearri, I agricultural Rily rialng 3 years old, 2 agri- donation No. 16i value - . LSOn, Mr. WM. Fergi.1sola � 1, . inie Gibson, bel ved wife of Ro , , Clydesdale or Shire Stallion $2 L , . I k I Toronto, Ai bert cutiltral filllea,risingS years, I agricultural qold'm'g a 86 $4 . 0 ,� -1-!% � 0 . � . 1110ruas Kvle2 Thomas Butts . fted.-Car lot§, per ton, bran, $26 ',to Miller. aged 73years. . . I- I . rising .3 ytare old, all the ahove colts were sireA by Stallion foaled in1912and,bblor' General Purpose ' Easter Exciirsi011s � Gasoline, E'Aginaz . ��hii Moff �t, Be�,t ,-qoir Wi,t], $27; shorts, SrM.to, -',1,0'; Tn1dd,11ngs,,'$33 CALDER -On Friday, March !10th, at Innnisfail, KinK Thomas, I driving mare rising 6 years old. Stallion foaled in 1913 or later . I 4st 2nd . - I � WOU-7 u rp .* t, -- j ... Hon Nn 11 value 4 1 . I I - I I I .E`1gi6, George Hanley Wi,th , � � to $�34; gqod 1;eed our, ;P65 ito ,T)op-i . - Alberta. James Caider, formerly,of Cran broo1%,. Cat e-6 cows supposed to oe in call W unoroured Belgian or I ere .... ­ . . . . . Ozions.-Canadian, 75-pDund bags $1.40 aged 81 years bulls, I new calvea cow, 2'farrow cows, fat, I fat Stallion foaled in 191.9, or before - - 6 4 Special '_ "UcHeatb, Fred Davidson . McGEE-In Wineisor, M9,rch 21�t, William MoOlin. steer risi -g 3 years, 3 steers rising 2 years. 2 heifers Stallion foisled in 1911 and later G6.d,Sledal, donated by Dr. Harburn, best filly or . Ft. with.Mr. Jas, B INIcLean . . . I I Spanl,qh crate. $4.25. Potatoes, -Ontarlos took McGee, nephew of the, late James McGee, risising 2 years, 6 calves rising I year old, 1 bull . Cat,riage and Roadster I I I . 60c per bag, - out of stors; .65c in car College St., Toronto. Interment at Clinton. . calf. Hbgs-1 brood sow due to fatrow In April, 9 L gelding, any age, in heavy draft, agricultural and �, I .. f -qr. I � . 0 � McKay with T Ja.111e.s 1- .� � tore; MILLEP-In Seaforth, on March 24th, Martha Todd, pigs 3 months old. Poultry-4bout 100 White Leg. Standard bred aged-=rriage stallion general purpose classes. L . - � 'M �Se -armers 11jLve got . I � - - lots; New Brunswicks, 65c, bag, In s. widow of 1 . ' � the late Isaac Mi, let, aged 81 years hornsaud Plymouth Rack hens. Tuiplements-1 15.3 and over * I - - 'an �__ 1_ - . . - J_� - : 60c car lots. Baled Hay and Straw. Frost _& Wood binder tix fook cub. one Standard bred roadster stallion I Roadsters e d1he men have got . . . 9 . I . � . e aw, . I Dealers are paying as follows for car inower 6 foot out nearly new, 1 hay rake.lFroat& 16.2 andunder 15,3 , 6 3 - Roadster horse in harness !E -I& under $5 don.No]2 "_ Ing attended � ' .. 1_� I — Harness Horses (jarriaee h A& go V3 'Cl'�" I I 'lot deliveries on track here: -Straw, Is Wood cultivator neariv new, 1 Frost & Wood disc orse in harness over 15.3 5 It fate lArst, Upsbalk harrow, I drill, I scuffler, rol!er, set diamond hat- '9 -3 &under 5 " " 17 07fTt�l t'�, ,l - I - , . quoted at $8 to $8.50 a ton In car - ###### �w 1W � � w 17 0####*### Heavy draft team . 6 4 _ Roadster team in harness 15 If M, Mrs. -Vin- rows, 2 Frost & Wood ganz plows, 2 walking plows, draft brood mare in foal 6 4 . 2 Carriage team in harness over 16.3 5 " " 116 L "Gift RC*arnPt( -No. I new * � Heavy " . ,,-1'0TR.',tVtV and Mrs. GhaM4- lots an track here. Hay. ,truck wagon, high wagon, open buggy, covered raft or agricultural yeld . � I bay Is quoted at $17.60 to .$1.8; No. 2 buggy, democrat wagen, cutter, puf,X, set of Heavy d 3 2 1 Special (nton._?_V1lL- Mitnv friends -- 1 2000 It). scales nearly new, pair bobaleighs, pig rack mare or gelding I _ at �$15.150 to $16, and No. 3 at $12,50 # -14 , n-% ;- mill extension laddArnew lontr ladder . Troyer, Uilisgreen, � R P Bell - of_ -Q, -9 ,1- : R T n A14 Z . � Three year old heavy draft gelding or $10 cash donated by George , All ,sizes I 11 � . -o h. p., fron', if to .3 - . Latest impro�ed. 1, Will'ijet � I �� . I -�, ! - I _�. � C either gasoli6e or kerosene.'!� f � � i I 11 Send for circtilar and prices. I � I i - i � i - __ �__ __ _. I . . , , 1, I he Pwbert I Bell In-Onf __ - . . . . 5 t . 9 3 ed I - - * � UIL � I 0 0 1 filly foaled in 1912 . 2 for the beist ree animals Eired bya su%nuallu . - - I af the painf ul accid- to $13.50. ( ,I I # bag truck, De Laval separator, bout 2 dozen Frain , . i - � .e consider- Liniiw . 'a _�'n � * I I bags, 2 set heavy team harness, 2 sets of single Two year old heavy draft gelding or trotting smIlion, under two years old, a- 4Thi-esher Vo., I � -'h�l o'li Ur. Bell inet- this * . filly foaled in 1913 . . 3 2 ed, nioney divided. . Retarn tickets will be. issued be- ' � i - # light, harness, pair of teadi blankets, set chimes, 6 I ? �f�7r , 1 4-9 the fracture af his* leg. Live Stock Markets. 0 Funeral Dire4or and _ ravel; box, Agricultural team . , tween all. stations in Canada east of So th, Oat , - I cross-out.saw. grindstone, wagon box, g Agricultural m%re in foal � Cattle . 1here hoper for a spei3dy re- � U-�aon Stock Y.4i�ds, Tormito, March # Licensed EmbalralDr I hay rack nearly new, a quantity of m'ingolda and Three year old agricultural geldink or . Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port I � . . . I'll, ( Delaware potatoes. All vVill positively be sold as Shortborns Huron. Mich., Bl. -Wk Rock, Nia a i . . �ps. �Cllutten Of Dunlop was 0 ' t � he proprietor has sold his fa,m. Terms bf Sale- filly foaled in 1912 3 2 3rd I , ,Sitint� With her sist(P.,r Mrs. �� I - 28. -There were few chaice steera and Undertaking, arlors in Oddf el- Two year old agricultural gelding or . I Ist 2nd 6 �,- Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Vr I - ­ . -learly as # Fat steer, cub. All sums of $10 and under, cash; - heifers on sale,, not i Za )uIlSing -lop osite Jill), foaled in 1913 2 2 Bull, 0. years old or. over V $t . Brucefibld Sawmill id other friends . —Mr. J. � . I . lows I over that amount 12 months credit will be an Bull, 2 years 5 - 3 1 - "I , I 6 ' - I : a week ago. Nhere was a steady, �rade, 4 Stewart Bros .1 ' Tsi- Z of Carriage team 4 2 5 3 i . �Ilvas his w ek- viqitino' his � on furnishing approved joint notes.- A discou carriage horse 4 2 Ru% -1 year old Tickets and farther particulars at # . e - ,, I but .1me, tolo ,swif.t, ,,at about ,'the same 0 4y. per annum will be allowed off for cash on credit Single - I * . � lex Jamie ' � � dence Goderii;�, St., OPP . Polled Angus Grand Trunk ticket oM � . suni-of the Tlur- I 0 Proprietor - Roadster team 1 4 2 . pes. SWanted I .. . I � I � I I amounts. FRANCIS BLATORFORD1 I � o haa been ser.ioUsly 111. - . values as last ,w8ek for fat . -cattle. 0 Dr. Scott's. I I - � B, S. Phil1lips, Auctioneer. 2466.,9, ' Sin,zle roadster 4 2 Bull, 3 years old or over 4 2 - . I 0 'LOGS. All kinds at the ' I 11 arnby of Luc -'an was this __ ---- � Cholce- feeders, 800 to 900 lbs.,� were # I . No horse or horses to be shown bi more than one , Jerseys W. Somervilleo. .. ._ Tcwn Agen� # I � � - stake prize, without eon- - 0 � I i - _ . . .as ,the., 0 — class except for sweep 'I i . Flowe I � . - , I . I N1 r,,; . � W. Ivigon - sent ot Directors. .-istex� 1 good pra'perty to thavej, rs f urni4l4eci on � Bull cash peices.. ." 1, I . W. Plant ............. Depot Agizat # - . ��iends. ... � firm prices. .ffDkers a4id springers were : short notice.. I � . . Herefords 0 1 . . * CUSTOM St"MING. ,,,q�at- . ' . L I . -Mr.Pred Richax- I .. . .� LEARING OUT AUCT 0 SALE OF FARIT Bull 4 1 . . # . . . . I I � Special Prizes . . I . is in traini � hi demand at ateady values, but few . Holstein C. F_ RORNING D. R Xt . 11 . I I STOCK, IMPLEMENrS AND HOUSEHOLD ' . I tt Londoix � ..... . : Phone Night or Day 119. y * - isfaction - uaranteed. . � - 4nle for a liegxv� dw good to choice were (y.1 sale. Veal calves, # , FURNITURE -Mr. Thomas Brown has been instruct- 0. S. Hudson, carriage maker, $4.00 wheel barrow Bull 2 'Station, Toronto, Oat # b. ' i ' st )Df . .� .Vvs thi,,7 ....... � being riDne too plentiful, -sold at firm # .. I 10 ed by Mr. Samuel Cluff, to sell by publicauction on for the bpat farmers' single arivin- outfit. I � Union � # CHOPPING. F ne �of . ; h(4)iT1z'_') WISOOri ,get to the ; I 'O Lot i, Concession 8, H. R. S,, Tuckeramith, on Tues- A. Wurm, harness maker, $5.00 ru�g4or the best, DonationE I . 24-67-2 # � I : � . I -there weV f ew of choice 0 day, March 3C o wing . + . .. . f . . . : prices, but � 4)o"+###41P Ith, at I o'clock Sharp, the .foil I heavy harnessed team No. I -A, suit of clothes, made -to -measure of the - work done. I I : - "I quailty offered. .Sheer) -and lambs, be- #*#*####*#6**## +# propert y: Horses --1 heavy draft horse rising seven A, Scrutkn, Seed merchant, 200 lbs. salt for the best famous Prozress Brand, donaLed by otewart Brosz, . * � I _:,=_:'�,_=__­_.t _. _­_--�_= - - h to supply the I years o , 1 bull under I year old any breed. - 1 $,-1500 - ROLLING,, the only way I ----- - � - ­­- heavy draft mare rising Ave years, I # ­ ,y Nva - I im-, 1�carce, not enoug 01btlilers, value . I are risiiig four yrars, 1 driving horse A. W. E. Hemphill, druggist, one pail Columbia intural wo�l under. - 4 -for horses. �1111 .. , -_ i � -- I � ___J_ six yearp old quiet and ge driving mare ris. Stock Food, valued at $3,00, for the best import- wear, donm;�ed by'J. A. Mactaviih (saw2essor to the - - � , Air deinand, fyrlccs were very. firm. Hogs agricultural rn n Nb. 2 -Two suits Penman's -_ , - I __ - � I I AF AF � . "Ile, 1 -3 cows due to $7.00 # , - . I .,'�N I" sold 4,t lower valws than on Friday SA14 FL�9XSTER. ingl5years by NVil.der Lee. 01411 ad !3rood mare any age. B Mcri aul Co�) value .1 � * For Sale .. � - . � n Aggust. 1 cow T. W. Parliner, - groce'r, one pipe valued at $3, * . � " 11 ,4 _" Ultdof , � laz;'L. Butchers' Cattle. -Choice loads of I � calve in April, I cow due to callve 1 No. 3 -Pair gentlenien's',fine shoes, donated by .v, I Jersey heifer in � * LUMBER, :all kinds fe,or , I . I - age. 1-1. Scott,value � I I � z � CattlL, $7,25 to $7.50, a-nd one load at On Monday, March 29th, 19��ti, at 2 o'clock p. w., due to calve in June, I fresh eo for the best agriculuural brood mare an3 . . el').00 Last Week for , * , . V . - calf, 5 heifeys two years old, 2 steers rising three P.- Wiggins, resturant,- one box cigars. valued at $3, N �scarf pin I * all purposes. � L, L on t,ot 8, Concession 1, Stanle�, 31 milps south-west No. 4-Gentleinen's grold (diamond set) � I � . . �� $7.75; good at 67 �,o �-7.25; .Xedium at of Brucefield. Fftrm itock a implempnts. Alfred years old, 4-steen rising 12 years old, I heifer and 2 for tune best sin( gle driving out&. and holderand cuff links, donated by J`_.� F� Daly, . . � � . L sueers oneyear old, 2 calves fopr months old. Pigs 0. E, Brock, blaulismith, set of whiffietrees, valued I * LEHIGH � V A L LT Y `& - I 1 $6.60 to $6.86; common at -1-4.26 to .',',6,- Sutton, Propriet � - E. Bois nberry, Auctioneer. . Jeweler, "lue .M50 * - V �, . or, I t . I . 2407.xl and Poultry -1 brood sow and 1.1 pigs 2 months old; at $1.00, for the best groomed horse in any class. N,o 5-Solidleatherbuit ease, Subscribers + COAL, thp coal that sat- - . ; ! : 50; chalce cows: 2�t $6,25 to S6.60; good � . donated by Cluff T . I . . . _e boale to . On Saturdav, Ap.il 3rd, a12 1) m on thB promises, al)o1it 100 Leghorn pullets, 3 ducks and a drake. Milton W. Ortwein, Hensall, a suit of 8V alker overalls 6- 1P.T lu I . t, � .1, - I cow�. .$6.75 to �.56; ,111rLdlum Cows. -$5.25 - �o. 4, school b Implements-Ilassey-Harris binder 6 foot cut MOW. '8011 a e -1 - 86.0) I # , , : ., * 11 miles east of Grive's bridgel. , uild- I and smock fir the beat heavy draft teani, No. 6-17 Jeweladjusted Reginal.Vatch, gold filled . # isfies . � I to l.',5.60; .caaners -and cutters, $4 to it*�q MaKillop, will be sold by put).'ic auction. 'Adarn er 6 fo3t cut new I McCormick 13 -hoe seed drill new, � . case, donated by Somauke & Stollery, Jewelers, - . # - - ' . e. Seaforth, � . $4,60-1, choice bulls at $6 to �,L'-6.50; COM- Dioksozii- Secretary; Tho,j. Bro$vn, Auctioneer. AloCormick,land roller three.barrel. new, Ofoot steel Ck.ttle value - $ZG OU - We wish to announce I + CANADA CEME,NT, a 1� . I ed drill 10 hoe, Windsor disc bar. . . On Tuesday, rylarch 3q, at I o'clock p,m., on Lot hay rake, JNoxon se _N,o. 7-200 lbs Wave Crest floar, donated by Sea- . I I � ShorthornR fresh carload just arFived. � cultivator, setdiamond barrows, Paris walking * . . I �, perffitile odors for - I 1,0oa bulls at ,$5 to $6. Stockers and 33, Ooncession 3, Usbarne. #arrn stock and imple. row, $6 84 f 0 rth Milling Co. value !S1.00 Ahat the Membership lists * I.r_I - , I . Ft,vr1(-rz,.-ChaiC0 stcers. 800 to� 900 �bs_ nientsr i;ancls Blatchford Proprietor; B, S. , low, large gang plow, twin gang.,plow, two-ftirrow Azed bull No.8-Silver medal, donated by -Bank of Com- * B U F F �LO BRANP _.L X-�I. I i . gliver riding plow, large cuttin- box with horse- Bull calved rLfter September 1, 19t3 �. 6 4 0.00 - I I . ' Phillips, Auctioneer;. . 0 . inerce, value .$I 'tor the Seaforth Ho�ticult- * FERTILI ERS, best I I � $6.25 to $6.50 ; steer -q, 600 to 700 lbs,:. I , complete, Clinton fanning' Cow or heifer over two years old I a ,2 yton' I -, .. � le tor at $6 ,to $6.25;w �stockersq, $5.25 On Alonday, March 20th, op Lot 10, Concession power, 3ack apd all r . 2 NO. - 9 - Plush rug, donated by 0. 1A I # �7 by I I to $5.75. Ill, -scuffier. rubber tired buggy nearly new, top Heifer under two years old 3 . � $5.00 Uwr - V *^ . - U . . 4 I 1 13, Hullett. Extensive; sale of horses and catti-a. - value . . ural Society will close t test. Th proper way. to � I Milkers and -Springers. - A moderate Bert Allan, Prop.; T, Brown, �Auctioneer. buggy, lumber wagon light Nvagon, new hay rack. ' - No. 10 -Silver cup, donated by J. J. Merner M.P. . . - � � et a On Saturgay, March 27th, �tl:30 o'clook, .on Lot root pulper, set of bobsleighs, gravel box and I Aberdeen Angus � $10.00 * increase 11 ur ryroducAmm - . uppl� I ' April, ist. Af . Or .5 V of Milkers ,and , springers m � wheelbarrow, buv , South Huron, value I I coat donatea �y J. a. ter.that date # �n , 12, Concession 3, Mill Road,* Tuckersmith. Milch spring seat, 21adders, 995 pole. I I I 11 fair demand at $50 Ito $0,each, Veal set weigh Scales 2.000 capacity, set he% teamhar. Aged bull 9 4 No. 11-Englisb.waterproo $12,00 1 and patri tism. �� .# ..� .. I cows and calves., H. R. Colbert, Proprietor; Thos. V Bull calved after September 1, 1913 6 4 Grelg & Co., Clothiers, value it will be impossible for us + . I . . . $10 Brown. Auctioneer. � � ne, set SiDgeTie harness Cow or heifer over two years old 3 1 2 N,o. 12-10 pounds tea donated by ' CEDAR 'OSTS home- + � Calve s.-Cbolce veal calves sol -i at ness, set light driving harne �proat&Sproat, + . . I I y I . I- . � � I pair new team collars and 4 other collars in good . � $4.00 to accept subscriptions. *- I . � # . I � I - . I , . I to $11.50; good at $8 to 06.50; Medium" On Tuesday, March 30th, oti Lob 1, Concession 8,, shape, 3 oat boxes, grindstone, sickle grinder, 3 oak Heifer urider two years 3 2 value . highland cedar. # . w I . at $7.50� to., $8; common at r$%.6 to $7 - .R,S., Tuolkersoilth. Furib stock, implemenbs A Swee stake badge will be given in each ' of the No, u-Witeelbarrow donated by Dan Shanahan. . # growA , : . V barrels, meat tub, 56 feet ste�.) trackwith car and ' $4.50 , *1 solicit and br f z � . d household furniture. arnuel Oluff,Prop.; T. ly, sses and also for the best pure bred value ea,itern rough calves at $4 to t$E. Shee a" I pulleye. a number of femce slats, lawn mower, about cattle c o No. 14 --get of wbiffletrees, donated by Dav r- I � air, square � # 1), Brown, Auctioneer, , , ; I M in ebonv hat 11 . . 1 40 grain bap, a mow of out tt4w, ft- Laval cream female. . eaux's, blacksmiths, Value . 84.00 1 Join Now . . I # I I I I and Lambs.-Sheep,light e�wes.,,,sGld at . 0 dearings sball endeavor worth- + � � I separator, chains, forks, shovels hoes and numer- Butcher Steer or heifer (grade) 3 2 . Stewart. black- , I . - I , ... .brushes,and ebony - � . $6.50 to $7.75; ,heavy' ewes and rams, . I ous other small articles. Household Famiture- . No. Ifi-,Neckyoke. donated by J $2.00 1 ily to meeit yo � r mo,; . I Smith. valuq U -4 _JibeM 41 1 $5.25 to $6.76 ; lambs .i,sdid at aroln $A,- 1 Sideboard 0 bedsteaft, I extension table, $ kitbh. All exhibitors must become, inembers of the so- No. 16 -Handsaw, donated by George A. Sills, ' . * . I , � I . TENDERS , tables, W;�a cook stove, a n aftibet of kitchen eb&tn ciety by p tying $Ito the Secretary. Bntnes can I ­ Seaforth Horticultural ' patronage. # ; - . 50 to $10.50, accordia- to weight and value n60 * - : 0 - _T__ some not fence whe. 41so a qmhtity. of g000 cleAn be made with the Sectetary, at the Oommercial bo- I7_4Gro0erk% donated by Vchard Smith, 1 1-17 - ' . � I quality. Rogs.-Selects, weighed off : , — timothy seed, and a quantIv of clean Banner oats The do 1410. 1 004W Socie,,., I . - 11 . I I . tel unW I o'clock on the day of the abow. . - value � 1� - 1 �9.35, fed and Tend2ra for 6he erection Of 1 a brick school house No reserve as the 'proprietor US -sold big I a I . * I % cars, sold at 48.01Y, .'. for ked. cialon 61 the Judges to be fing ii &H ciow. Arrang be obtained Um the Secretary. . I - I'll . I I - � �' , .and I , for Section No. 4, MaRtIlop, vAll be received by the farni. All sums of 810AD and under, cash; over ments *ill be made to nave.amplb accomodation fof Prize IASW MY . J 0 Bar ­ I- . - . I - watered, 'and IS8 f.o.b. qars . . I I I I " , -11 4 11 . � undersigned up to 12 o'clock none on Saturday, April that amount 7 months credit on AtroWn approv. - . � I I . - . A. F. Cluff 40has. Stewar Phone 11 on -140 � - � I ­ � , I �. . B uf falo-, 23.-Cat�e. ,, � & EL11 barges, . . J McDowen - . K. Brodenek . . Secretary I 11 -1 ��._ 't� ,� I - thfareh --Market 3rd -19A. Lowest or any tender not necessarily sc- ed foh�t noter A discount of 3 omts on t a -dollar I ­ . President - UCEFIEL I I . I -.1 i � 11 . - .. . d. Plans and qtcliloations ean be seen at the off for eash- on credit smodrito. O�ts and ,- timothy K A', McLean - - Owen.Geiger - . . . I . - I I . T�eretary's house lot 22, Concession 7, MoKillop. SAMUEL CtjUFP,, Prvprl I # i - ! - 25 )c to 60C higher. N0,Gwnadians on sale., i firesident - ­' , Secretary.. DR . - , - 7 , - Choice to prime native steers, $8.50 to 2460.3 . � APAK VOKSON, . seed cash. ecor;'Thoman . �P,164h, KeLretary Hensall, President A , E. 0019on ____ - VP - - - .- ----I- 0*10A~ ; I � - . . . Secretary, Brown, Auctioneer. W6.2 24 W7_01- Treasam &­_ - L4WV_.1VVM�__1_ � � . #-"* I � x� � SEAVORT11 . - . . 48,111 ; C4* ,ko �CWd, $7.7% to ,".�25. . . I . , ` - � � I . - I . .; plain � I I - " I I . - . . I . - I I -.- . I __ _1 . . . � I . I - . � I - - � I I ,., * J I . - . - I I . � . . I - - !_ � - 4 i . I - . . ,. � , I I - I ; I - , . � � � � - .. . I- i I . - - I - Mb'bb