HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-19, Page 6TOe Canadian Wheat,Suppl. f'couliting on Thdae T&O have bpan fambe 'Prices, for whefat -and flour. in Ffily E Canada diirtng the coining spring and ummer y are n lik6l'. fo Ilye their ex- -ka Important cen- Pect.�tlons r"lized. un� of,w,heat -and flour ous of the iaiboi USES THEIM A it in Qiaada at the �jezeint time has been' ma;d?. by th 'tme�tf Trade and e De par under the �directicm of 'Sir And Old, GeoTge Faster. The.�result of the cen- "Fruft-a-tiffi KeepS YoUng isus shows that 11af ter all Camada's 'food I 113 W pplies and seed requirements up to su harvesting are atteinded tcr, the Do- ml:nion will have �far'ze port ov-ertwen- ty-eight million bush� s. The statistics rt fth collccted by the Dep rtment of Tradc and Commerce show I at,there was Li stock-= Februar�,(8v 79,-Ab,�93 bushels as follows: In �elevator a;nd flour mill\s,' 37,004,717; In transit on cars, 12,571,- 876; In farmer5' �ha;nds, .29',554,000 - To- t79.-IS(YE93 k Seed requirements f.or thb,next crop rie, estimated at 19,250,000.tushels ' d food faquirementa until fal--thre�shrn& at 25,000.000, maqng t.a �'totjal - oL 4,- vao. Qw, 6bur lmpo�o i�df whea from Foruary 8 to ­Un�h 2 have,been 36,- 37.0-busltels exparts.6f Wheat ,;.aa -d flour durInAll'azam'e.-period. have, been.. 6,741,990. Thls� leaves a tot4l for-, qi.port aft --r loold'ag4fter, -411 our homa, v e, In the pre-' Of = 'y larger scale thaal It haa ever before been requirement$ of N474,978 bdshels. IJVruitra-tivesll ar the oii ill e P n ouh -Day--in Hfirto C ty aaniqfactured, to my way -king. of thi 'will. .t"Ide on. lot 22, 'Cessiorl -,2,. Fullerton,. nthe groom's, —At the Saskatchewan 'Pravincial Seed Fafr held iu'*Sa;%katoon, January f 'hWt0d Cold a 0$ ,�Wwk.'­caraplet,Ay, no -,griping whatever, and! ;Dne is �plv' new'liiatls4 which ha;d Just been. com- T p7U14 P OF HAY AND fie Cintraded ordinary person at, a rUe. My wife , - -, I plet,4 afid finished, LAGE GR.ZURICH.' 'SEVERE -iWasamar tyrio Coiisti��Won.* W,� tried 0 BRONCHIAL TROUBLE. t rnar in: a Nutshell quis *,beat said . brought, the wheat satisf9ttioni, �Peift--lafg� s t1ths of 'Three little words you �.Etefi see �'(Wrl er� by Vii�d' Ness Sr.*, Ift'thi 3310uey -until-we, -happengd. ot* Fruit- Are ardcles—&4' 'or n,; and:- the. zurfbh 116r Id Ithf,-ir- a"tivst vannot to-w..zuucfi in R noun's the name of anything'— ftn arl a rki m n the district. Th� Farn) Crops rop, ome globe support-. t Is' a. hands ' 11-1 feel that I would J)e doing you and favor. nt1iiied for As school,'or garden, hoop or swing. �kdjectives itell the 4nd, f- noun— (con Pr Las Week�) 'village, --your great remedy, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a gross injustice if I did not about twri vears and'*i` -A:6�6t�use ,1As � great, small,' -white or, ZukIch Is the, �r#i'clpal With- wTie and let you know the wonderful gpt In tj�t6 coin -Ines o -Townhip of!'Hay. �Ahe � 2 two feet furlinches high. This trophy results that I have obtained from its use.. it is located in the ctntro �Ie�r head, her I -ace, your 4,r my n ig%mild, -no i4tregs cl; Their aLfti6, and th e Towns Ip h a;nd Is T a.,,par oularly hard and, soft water, a first ellass t -table in4half a4 at -*11. Ilia-verecommended*thenito sn'7art, terprising:"Ifttle t6i �f Pbout Of course, this is a c cold, ommon oc- Insmy other people, nd-'otlx" -*hole -600 inhabit'a4tq. -Th6 firse"-settlers In use. limffy s We=?�­ th's lomlity-V'b re 'Mostly G . errnans�. but." v e, In the pre-' Of = 'y larger scale thaal It haa ever before been As ", e. Result UaSOTANT VOTIOM,. st x, and =Tuer operated oia; 'will. .t"Ide on. lot 22, 'Cessiorl -,2,. Fullerton,. nthe groom's, —At the Saskatchewan 'Pravincial Seed Fafr held iu'*Sa;%katoon, January f 'hWt0d Cold a 0$ OR ULE—A Apply on TAt ngisrili Fconcession. gMel,'ersm WA% MAY* new'liiatls4 which ha;d Just been. com- 1-2th to aftfi, Jaines, Taylor,- of, Foam fie Cintraded Brimefleld. plet,4 afid finished, Lake, 89,;9katchowan, -scored Uie high- pst percelaage fo"r his exhibit of blar� 'SEVERE Af ZED OATS—The undersigned has about 200 bush S 0 BRONCHIAL TROUBLE. els of clean Bannerseed oats for sale. Price 75 rnar in: a Nutshell quis *,beat said . brought, the wheat cnts per bsbel. D� POTHERIN011AM, Brubefield 'Three little words you �.Etefi see ebampimship trophy to Poam Lake. Phone 9 cii IS2. 2465.2 T-11 Are ardcles—&4' 'or n,; and:- the. t In eit h1o'banor was given by the Mr. W., T. Allen, Halifax, N.S writes: "Y "'NoArs T"t AND METHODS— R noun's the name of anything'— ftn arl a rki m n the district. Th� Farn) Crops rop, ome globe support-. t Is' a. hands ' 11-1 feel that I would J)e doing you and Extraordinary rpivalist. Quarcer million Blc converts. Thr orders. illng book. Everybody As school,'or garden, hoop or swing. �kdjectives itell the 4nd, f- noun— ed by a, isheaf f wheat and surmount- --your great remedy, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a gross injustice if I did not Make six to ten 0 1r daily. Six ple book free on proise to canvas. BIBLE HOUITE, Brantford. ,1As � great, small,' -white or, ed by a igure bf Britannia, the Who" sta, nding on a ubstantial pedestal wTie and let you know the wonderful 24624 brown, Insteadof nouns tiae pronouns stand-!!- � 2 two feet furlinches high. This trophy results that I have obtained from its use.. ESIDENCE FOA SAbIC — A conifotabL- fiume 4M� residence near the Hizh School— Good Pellar �Ie�r head, her I -ace, your 4,r my 'is donated bygBulman Bros., Winnipeg, I'Last spring I happened to contract a hard and, soft water, a first ellass t -table in4half a4 ad was wonbyR H. Thompsoyi. Francis, In 1909; John �iowden, Qtl� Of course, this is a c cold, ommon oc- House heated by furnace. Cheao for 4.ulck sale-. Terms easy. Apply GRO1tQK .Verbs tell off -something to be 'done— curence� and r did not take any particu� TURXBTJLL, Seaforth. 246,1-tt TO e1t, Count, iSlng, laugh, jump,' or 4 Appelle, 1910; Thomas P. Conlin,Aloosc lar notice of it at the time. However, it i run, Jaw, 19JI; �1�aul Gerlach, Allan, 1912y' I - did not break- up as quic My as colds AND HO HRSE G9 FOR SALE—The under- thigs, Ekre done, the aidverbs the Angus Mackay Se -ed Parm company, I generally did with Aue,'so after two Weeks, - S;rgd bas"a number of ypung, horses two and three years 'old, nd also a nuinberof hogs fo.- All Irldla,-n I4ed11113, and by Cutler' Bros. and no sign of 'Improvement, I beghn, sale; on Lot 29 Orneealon13,31CRI op. e R rhor, Ill, or Well. Rouleau, 414. It Ilnust be won threc to i get alapned, and went to my local No- 14. on 166, McKillop, R.R. Xo. 4, Waltotin. Caniuncffl�ns' Join the words t tim6s by an fxhlbitor. bef ore becomin-, 4 an who -fi o d that I me had WILLIAM SCOTT. R 12463-L gother� his, proerty., ted severe br�n trouble as a V­NARM VA 11 LotU,��iDondesslon'S,-116wa- Fahmlip fAs men ap� W nd or we�ather. en, w iestdt of neglectig my cold. He pre- of Stanlev. 100 acrer, -mostly unuder cultal. The propositibn -'stands before News Notes scribed some -mddk1Ae1dr. me, wki ch -1 took for about two,,weeks without any vation, goodstone house -,with -N�ood,-znd B&Asittached, Alsolinalrbarm Springwa r AMR VTi tnotrn­ras 2 of,or -through the door.. The Interjection shows surprise --Jgrs Pelen Lee, a widow woman* sign f,, improvement. I was gelWng 'iHscohraged -by thyearround. Farm suitable. either for orgrain. Teiinsm-oderdte: Apply to oHrIn1w. - IAL�U�hr,bow 1prAty,,ph how w Ab y ybats of a�g% f ell d 6,wn - h e r pretty much then, but OlfENL; BrbO6i6l0 ifi .The wbole--4are. called nlne­�arts 0� I I - f el4r,, steps In W&Pa;nee, -a ndk-broke her reck. She -was dead wheLn up.- one day. a frieud happened -to be in to w1kID"Uw-as relatW my trouble,. and he I'advised ARM -FOR SAL11-1ot 6, Concession 9. Tucker-, not F sipeechs Wb ldh picked —Mount "Forest; whose p9pulation is me to'tr' Dr. Wood's Norway _y — smitti, contMning 100 acres, abontseven acres' is I under bush. The farm Is well fenced and drAlued peaking teexk ha5 contrij 1 Pine Syrup, s aying that he had obtained' And Ina good state of cultivation. thersiareouther bute& *aver-, KOH,- to 'the -Red, 1press ry. beneficial results from its use in il�r I �Ibo`k his hdvice premises a good frarve housei bank barn, pig house nenhomfirivehouee find twp,good vF611% For, T. In, T e. en Da irs. and -Belgian RiAls —:Pun)ng February . the,* tGranto C, liy and procured seVeral bottles fkd& iny 'drug- gist. ace6rdini t6direc- berms a14 . particulars ppply an the premises or ad. dreE61MSQ� JOHN 4�q Interest' Ing �Sketches Missim -Boaril, gstrib&6d ";g5§.�'- aritteles of . �iothi�g' x-n'd -4439( In'. food, coal, agd. -Af&x:fiddng1f1 tions, -for 'about two days, ,:decided improvement, and from' t at -VARAt FOR SAL tz-Being t;l; 7. '�)olicesslon 1, 6T .The Early, Dvs Pf, Seafoxfh and _vi-' I other articles -among the �Itrit'o-dy OA'', the city. The large Amdiiht of destittition :,day on I began to, getbetter, and in �en A: Towiishipf Hullett, contaiiiiiii AD saresf abice land a the premises are a large bank barn Z�ifi�qn ,cl it the F�I�s -was the' rie�Lrlt-f iihembloyindnt. da)is A q 1 con-. sider this an excillent showing forl1rour with underneath, with cement floor& ghoub.. . throu Wewbrickhous ftbfurnaceln the -v wi or. 'h � ch affherdn 0 X new 1; ur wag "dedl- - -ine ran -higlily r6coznTni�nd if to oellar. Well fenced and WiAirdialn6d, will be sold reasonable 'as fbi olWner V sh -give farming, -fib 4. a-ted'in 139rllh� on - Sunday last" The anyone afflicted usl was. T'Shallalw-Ays 10 Por f urther information apply on. the vremlses -or v ddess Siatort -h P. O., MELVIN J. new -,church ls.ib�ncr *of the handsonibs' put in a -go d, *arii for -it v&enever the' In oTuc' o and p ca clous In the rovince. It is In- opportunity offers itself.so 2463-tt lvfx. OL h, ,brother of.the, a bri, e, teind-e.d. to, pe le and ill OP - w You-cari- -Procure Dr.-,W6d&-s:Nbrway �Fth -by R -v- haw -of 'Ethe 111sa qo�§t ovpp �,-6'q;POO 4'' 'Cochrar� Pine Syrup from any -dmggist Aealer� -or on sArE�--F-6)Fswe I& Aerris *f tho7ft- Ir n th e To wnshi 0 q t 1 libb e rt, b c in g TA u 2 'n9. a' to" d'aUgh ,ter of -the. lato —Thd t own of lr�*,ew On larlo, mu-st Bi xil�aklngra'p'id�prokiess- ,Price, .2Zc- and 50c-1 Th . # � � e.`%, IS anufactured in only by The T. Milbuiy' C.On3esslo bri On the firemiefs,are.a, 'T.1k ousm drive 00, bank barxi with stabling, heq house slid O" � ­ John 11a:nnah, Ions' �tare UM9 rnadq. for-, the Co.. Vmited,, Tar&ut6ii-Out- i. -undstneath. well.16ne" pig h on& Y f1i 5 is �a X;.L V lineb., Rural 3M And, �Tele I_phone, Oorl eatfou. J. the pioneer ead 1dWid7ei the vll- a -a' t e g4me ere 6d Tuesday -.9 f ive�rodrh4d sdhool'liulr4big ra e- cost e Lri ndly, o1 Time,whohavebeext cured-hyi �EjFn#- "A, 0111t. A" 7th, am -8th.,,.At he herne, ofig the mo�t up-to-date In N rth- sic - or a, w h en posed! as W..,.qffCDougajl IThe, St�Afortih rinli:6 sidered e- c6ur la�ge site- was-Freddkick Knell, a Swi Uternoan and,,wwere defiiatea "by three of- $35,000. The ,school 'will be, it Is c tiveal" are proud and. h to.tell a who, setfled, andot 11, c6neession ` 11. Y" r. and shots 0011- Initheuprem, &se Two blacksmithp, 11amea K S�ALF,-L�r -10, Coticesslon iling, f riend 660 Nit won- tespectively AUrs. Dkaiel Domm,, Llsto'Wei, Alex. eilt4 Optarlor. It.. till -have all modero -all derfia tablets iniab 'it jul r. And rs. tftson� -44YOT0449,#nd E, .0. Coleman, conveniences, and7*111 be stea�i-heated, Tuokerimith.- The farm contains 100 - 4em, 662- �ftu cgs. pd�e:r Delchert and- Fkederick, Axt, we�re -Mrs, 'Dom.m.'s parents, of 07atario *01 clearp.d. and in a gobd state of. oultivation"'lilree !rep br..fifteem-- years ago the site of- ,I�rs, as. Was -the., fif4eth s 90c. a box, 6 for,$2.50; trial site the.*, earliest , et' 0-dtim Arhald- celebrated s roei, A. YoTbes,­ J:;,. S. ne�er failing Ivells. -,viindnDl I at harp. Gdci;l Iiiiiiik , .rn Ox.&R the. mabber oi w1slia, In N.'i,3Kicha6l, a lunatic barn 5Ox&S. pig house, If& h3tWe - and'AdFive &M. irdme house with furvao.e. Av�acre- And JL sale wadela this mhatter -esda-y­ afternoon, a y =,extm.gooi orchard. Thisholoo far�n Is :a er', �Ienry Greb. Atal-ldea-lerotesentonrecei�tofp a ca.p.enter,mlch-­ apiiversary of their rnarAage, the.'kg8d R-dbertq,�Ii&4oh ;Xjek, skipi the t6lwn was Ue,nr--' 1>Y Fruit-a-tivii Ititlifled, -0 tbiwa. �resanted Nvith a pursa ot oung to tl�e �;i�4 ddii in iii Ilk el ell dupid.. baing On tW9 i n .' Purbtiant to an order lot e AJ, f Gie within imiles of JSeafortb, on the Xip� k" -A. F.Zimmerman, tailer. their,family: "of , , ' -e carpeter afid ft4ring.date-th Vrddo.3LofFebrurryA�D.,19116 of Egrnon-dyjI16, 110"U' sd' df Comffid.n"S. tbi* 6ther night, en oad th6e Will be"s,ild with the approval 44)3iroard L mS. abfdrth dia; a -Vg kk"on ple NRY F Major-General, the 'Raa. Sam Hughes. -Doyle, Esquire, Local Xastef of 03-19'eddr der- so* and post -mast- 4h %iii of s logs, ouls BEL ORYTE� Eginondville.- t10irederi k -ne 1, th st-offIce harheAn Bro6kIin,' OnV- -'Ioii unaay, - 'a -en 4,� fel Othe -slelgh-- Passing !§ta,,tdd thmt %4h Government had, paid er was c X_ I e )?G- !chi �by Tnowas Bro vu, Anotilizicer, 10 a A111"frdirl, $ fo�tfi ��Od vicinity;. er ises -ine 501-4AORU FIRA FOR SALE -Five, w4 three- bei,p g 251, with'a . tri-wedk- FeVruia'ry. 28th, at"thp �iije�'bf 'ftf ty�.;h P �0(� h6i!�-In tliin'g if"ieve ly., -ut thv -ollowing sums for -land 'and -at tbe hour of 2 b'clockp. in., on Friday. the-26t.h d jiud plemises In JL quarter iniles f w, n the 4f Brussels, 7 ar o ran year,% ss -of -several months Mr'- Ja, ­Sridh .-of- ffi *eon- sek. trAnsport, of Ahe Zrst Xaadiin one pircef, #1z.*Lot No. 34, in the 666 06ricessionf.' from Blyth and 3 f roni -1�el�rave Thiare is -a never who attend the pap�l ly mail to' `Bayffeld. Xr� Knell als j.,--af ter awilln I . ihe of March, 1016, the following lapds m a ',grist, and, saw' mill, :thi&t being the duaration. Deceased resided in Lbga-n' "drew a� -load �lie township of MoKillap, containing.7.0 acres, leas failingupply of water. Bink peditimary- force.:,'To. the Canadian b-.xrn 4042. fralue IIfirst . grist. mW in the 'townshl.D. .�one Aere-at thouarthwesT, corner thereof,.,' house ulth ma yc��irs, ago, and-lvai'a brother of logs distance of 11 miles over Oome PE[pifl M5,600;. tor ihe d Railway, an, On the ealdlauds are 10 acres of hard wood bush It is welt%idspted for both stock -slid -The first public 'ton, a d -steep hills�-whibh weighed�an the"Iscal- c L use was kept �by Air. Robert Goforth, Qf Fullar n didn Northern $309,000, and acre of,orebard, a spring creekand a. well fifinfeb- half 'mili froin soh6ol znd thrie7�uarfeii Ira saw Henry. Spildan, , a .51�Qemaker. who Icom- txessts. Jseph E. and Jan�-48 Goforth, es at Seafartil, '13.,qOO. -pounds. tolhe Gra,nd-Trb7nk,Raf1ivay- $14i,000., ARYS-MON0. 4flbeal insr abunddnt water, a 1j'storey toile hbuse.ivitb-S, church. -A n binccd tlf� trades Pf landlord fLn4 cob- of. 4tc 'ell roomfia good condition a d a baVw'56x38,- Therl Alberta, or oyi the i)lace -to Rbwm X154STED Q1qfrk,.pf CaAristanpe,,welgh- --David &k6od*, a well-knWn� com- are 80 -es of fall �loughjng done on the pxawisee., R. R. N6. 4Brfigsels. -The marriage took pl ce o- �F b ed a air Uf 1p. prep,' ed . f meicial fravellei of Bel -lin,' died The property Nv 11 be offered for safe subliet to a ip catt ar or very Toronto, receive not -6nly siipe'Vior ,bie, fbT afterwaros, se a n e lhis!-Oss edu'c a4iOD" but 'USS;rsitguce to ded'an a, 4 -aim wdit -6f. Ddshwood, and shipment ii reserved bid- *h h h been t (�f the hom of ffr. Wdllayn Ma�y the'Other.,day, Which sAddenly at- his home 11n. -that town oir ic - as fixed, by he said t; I .. - ­ - -. -2 Master. Q0:P :F0RSAL'E-ForB&1e Lpt Isecure choice 06iffib�s �dbseiquenfly, malv6d 'to i-kTichliga11, U S. ope "these Friday Re had made a trip Terqu ofpale io% of the purchake. m py., to be of Wes� LIN, its d t4e we Wood U aXn J60 Doi-hud-s to, -write for cataloguei�:W. J.BLIOTT, by the coun- were s 6-er$ !btoxig 't f r6m d parb -01 L6b % 00iie's�s'lon 1A, MaKill, ea Zufich'Wa& Incorporated cond* daught-dryi Miss Ma(g&rlet, -u Pal in d"ht the time of Eale and the aliuce in as SQutherh G elph and Bramptoa the., prevIous day. 784 Yonge stre"a, Tbronto.- se , I ­ ttiniiij 316 a-cres.' There Are ow tfi ty �&oulicli, an Decearbei 4 1896, a, a united �. In - marriAge to. IPA ganA6V--, to �be 164 heie.' Mr:wUmes Ue.was -in his,;f1ft- 'd year, a:nd e pre, ex a� y-secon SO days ttiereafter. In all other respects the tetma andconditious Df modUa brick- housi with hard * a6d iWb � water. Police Village, - and the public - bfarb Ro St. j- rys;- llincblef,,�,df5�the "me place. also li�s, 'a he. county of- Durham. There Is also a good barn WxI26, with Ito4e foun- Sig') Of-- f4a IThVceremelTy was ws (b&,n - In, t the Eale will �e the stnding co lous of the. nditi hive since � bee rguided � by three Polic,-; pe4ormeaby the Rev. 'Mr; 11annahson steer tfilutl- This 'reme Court at Ontaiio. SUP- dation and sGabling -underneath, drivi gilied A fe resided in Blyth �a:nd ckniaw be,- n so 49 Trustees� - *hi? tre.'elected by the rate- in -the presear, steer Is old. or ­gdin� to B�erlhatwentjjears igo Fartber pardoWars may babad fro'ni William- orrabefofidatimp pen -and hen'havuse; uH of the immedlitexela-. e a gbo I bearing or- U SM PEA S S A IN D p�.,yers annually. The work the Trustees ]3rydond,-Clintou,,0ni., Solicitor for,Vendoic. is wife, two sons, chiid and' --illn tives and friends. Lik, -; ii'sifrV4ved: by hi twon6verfa gwells --The.1 li won fkNYD -ha*e done Ws td Construct 'miles - of three daughters a�ndAV6.4brothe'rs. An- B. L. DOYLE,, Locol Master undeid rained and *,ell lenced lithj' M nain.h tate 'ORTET perinaneinf, side -Walks, ,looking after. -Roland, the little 1two-year-lold"gg'n -­Se&T6 Akch !2nd., 18921�, Dated at GoJericb, tbla 9th -d&jr of Match 191-5 culthlatioh with 10 aQres-bf haLtdivood I It is ak f iiathr'biatriek, 'Robert �died- unex- well situatedon. the Nortligravil road -qonth 01, IN(r. id 1,N,1rs;..N6rmaza Gibson, o The fowxf of Seaforth Is 'offering -1�ects taught. bf exp t- iristructors 'Ugl�tihg d Protection 7 again§t a fires. pectely,;twa weeks' ag6 In, Watford, Listowel, es of Walton O. P. 9. staiion, ,als telephone sad 6,%pe(l a,6ath by a raw , the The (siae-*alks- have Jall-been iiaid for f -OT "1� � t10 vlectric 'light Plant, com- an. 1, nidildelivery. Thlsisai%oloe iari:a 'alid turday of list wbelz,, Will IN.- out 'of Vaera,Dfundi,'no- frontA'ge tax �ow margin an- Sa mercial ��adid 4treet lighting.,at present For Jurther -pard on. reaso*ble terni.s. CUTS= when he gained *h��tcess to a b6& bf: 0119 operated by the t*n. hpren,3se.9 �.r aiftiress. IV* X.Diiaysamw �ur -- I . I Mr, Jam. 0 ond -n Wait th, Spr� 'cn a4id*ho, Deben es were ever ought apply O In drid Hose a Arbgigar'4drawer' of th see _g a liberal qua-ritity-of'them. lt.was-ne- _n cowces sion, f McKillop, ab.9ut, three. Y N. C. A. BLDG_ (Copt next week) Wh Fiduir Wjjs S6ar". d rom cesary to, use he :,stomach:; pump an ilif6iih,'-met witA" a- pain- e s e ful accdent on Mura4 f6f4fit *eeg.. at one time--At,'-was f ��red the doi !he si&areity of' boiar drdve the'oi, Cleanin.o AUCTMN S&L Students assisted to positidd& C , ' -1 - - y' Perth Items, would prove f a�tl, ut he Is,pyw ready- eou 1e quinpuuary to s0m� rerhn -session frota, Sent. Ist. Cmt&log-ue tiusli nd when _It t e ty 'DXhNMTRATRlX $ALE OP PAR14YARK t I -six manths,since there- recotrimendadolis -iij it A 'free- Entera=y e' tht butt the 9,1%*.: AlUlaint les Ifflalmost heke- Y. 01A will prob" 1-�L -tTOOK AX0 d 4 Was�a Are W d6wn le &;--on �ft, _*s'an has received justrtibblong,from- Mr& Men J. arys. h n 6fticers w6fe"beggLid, to l -Oe up" Ouddil' Dow, arn 1; I . # ly me6d at least buie, yooP3 re- *Wollen P4111s o�i -Fri- 09an, McIntosh's 6ot, bruising and-Ack 00s an e,.t veli b_v i -& W-Westerveft, ' 4- f -The,Wtchell a th )ft= Wits 4nnoq '01'ow' g he 41feheil' t Administratrix of th'Wate Jobfi Do*j- - to alp ybhe Wed6a an UtA %ax7n bi 9f r ' ng.- of toes am�- amp e Oy confli ves to maore IorA 4 towmilliv-Of ors hope they will t�4 ' The IST d ,-q­baY4,ipe -his �Iiig'therl�se igrge sele'etibn of all th -is a4vd �4; 9pul J.W 1blit oavad* v an m or -1V anner; He,hii'3 ed �+thaf p" '--- sed 'to iget,. "t 79 uke-princiva � 6ther �& r-- der, �! �-w a;;�red Accountant wpe e -d by t ted' rid.fresheii�d e da -y 1P 1 nl� 6rt last recelied b nd I lartoi oliftry g It f.4 eq. Ourful m ex. ttradrive N6fil"0i kiiw for under*etir. A: elnew fhs', wie rnar-; 'Goebel;' pfeside-iit, George Graham; -p e at. ve1eqta0l&"Rniid- boiisehold brejjd� -11069e! frbln� and �"Ther6i we el6t birt r1agb -'and four &&t1j§. in St; ys, patterns to Hiblieft. Ow- the A A*$ Marl vice-presideff; Fred Hodga;- secretary- 'IS Re'� flh�­ loot.. V n an 06 itod Yrkk ddring Febrimiry. de of. Tie. One-qtmftern loaf -***A partly mi weiban-offer you an zbMi two4o , wells, 1E welifericedauduhaerdn' -nd:9jq: Butter wirapPlers treasurer,. &I, (weadger-p- exftutive, W.' Mr. . 1, Ader,'fun old reside. room decoatin atz zaodergte --iAother oroer�for underwe'a for weeL was recommended as tWvw- V*2 IL. Edwards, X.Cromford; J. W,. Bayep, 6i Seaf orthhrzibdi inVW of Calgary,; e- of curtvaplon,'with the. tion -4f. fnireii !;;X� a cost, or a higlier.jr1ce, as you V mura floWance per faead, and t e loaf the soldiers has been received. by the GeOrge-.Diegpl, rvhiilim.. tlmquw� znd pref e -r-, But we suggest au Terms Of Uud wadli 1LTIOWA 400-d&Y �af Ails. 43t 0 FArmere or Dair requ ulp, tR. Vur- 'claseV- in a4leter wj� -Interesting clover. 4�el, J, -B. 'Th on,kP pnen alig Rut -f Mitchell lWoollen 'Mill. Compatny, from- list of ps �W 0 sho�ula be'pqt on the table. for each to -rv1ded- to om S4&w oil, document. It'le the subscription ter Wrappers as p delais ftwk-I beaYY dn'ft jwme rld -5 )vars r by' the th Dominion Government. J6h,ii,,.qurr'ay and Russel Clark. the-. first 14,ar rhey Cricket Club, ad belp dmft horse risinz 4years old, I good relistile W agr an b a ve licultural ri9u1&Uaas,'c . jdmself so that there M gbt PU I be. wh4in -,hoiise clean"ing tim4�- drivinghorse Ryeare-dj; 2 iiOVF6ftit03=We,&boit -a shortest notice at has sold his (one hu'adred-acre farm to of t natug two YA!� Jimes Woodley,"of FWlar daites. back�da..about­186%, The, u eal n6 waste. Rich peoOW were M -g to coin -be- -,Same on th PP es. Until notice o --Mr. J. H, DGre, ho -has been age -at ed Is made to,ithe, JUtizens of Uarparhey, do without iOPS and gmyles, to take TEE EXPOSITOR OFFICE. Sea he Grand Trunk In Mitchell, f or the we will furnish ]�&per an&hag riolng'2 Yeals did.-go'eAves I&`br4;od,*6w­vfth litter Iforth. Mr. Andrew Hart, of .Carlingford. The past forty 34ars, as r4ds19ned-hIs'_po- t p1ra- only the prime'" samo in ny room up � tQ, size st loot, 4 sWre 'hogsiabodi 30 hen@. --imlemsubt- Prices price pad was. about $8 090. Blade;, mower, Deering horsenimi roner. for it tha ime had as CUts &2d leave the.rftt sition.' The c6rnpwiy 'will tion. an d �fti*er dreamed -that SeafartX for the po iii�A see, r1din valkinS,p1aw#.e*.-,xffl hav6 diffi- or. The poor sh6uld be taught er,,J�nnt& -John Flvicher dii�d in Blanshard on lots dr 1,0001 ......... $2.50 W*d cultY in �securing zhofhe had sek6us". Jntntions. The names on to M lie. S samp]16s, or drop postal. to' Z-4 U11. diso - t horse eulti i!j r man who wid ow box Vator, butift mul :1 eth -1. ;5 It ig In lots 0 $00 ......... on Muesday, -.114arch �2ad, �,at f.the age of. the list are': -Angus ih&biarmid, Ifenry a oup and rite puddtag. O"tii�m ArAgan, i*t ttuoks, . ........... $ prove as fficient and trustworthy as 355 and we will ubinitsawpl& baggek,, iw -bob4t 71: years. The remains were laid to, rice b eing. a nevK food whi(!h until. jklyer, - alugh MeDiarmid, Adolph then for y, exitter, 2 -MoL-Anglihn,op buggies, loewi seb iii U ifr. DoTe was. Me was courteous and ur selection. rest (t:n St.,ffarys, harneisi 2 setm,40able- barDen, large Ws"Mar M,eyer Fra;nk .,.%Aeyer, uaugk potaiih' kettle� k obliging, ana -the business men- of the Meyer had been little used.-Lobdon Chron. ettlo -Xr.'Sa-m Mulholland 'has purchm- Mug can, lime town had f ull confidenge in him. am-&- -'e-lins6thurn, box stove, la 'ro r" "SYRUP OF FIGRY ed Vhta ea-st h His Fred Crick ndrew Govenlock,- H00 -alf 'of lot four, It.the Xt&nJ0kf -an-9. td" r#,.bu0k4tg, p&Us, forlm. TO CONSTIPAMD OEM fourth concessian of Logan, fromir remaining it In the "� - h I. Ilehry Biall Nell Currie, T.'T. Colieffian, years *111 -be spen Anadaw� - , orowb&M swag, sha hoes, cWW4 robe, ove ock, James WiMmo,jr., Ai- �orae blanketa, quantity 31n& John fulh6lland, th rice being za., Master Painter & becoriter s iftw house he has erected for himself 'W- C- G' yen, saine, si e p 2,800. 'car WilHain Collie died -in Pope, L&J1tkJYJOrA=Y, qWWtAtY of. O& and famUy. drew Xltic�p, Gearge SpY-oat, Hiram tile, 9ftin no IPig Stick, ant ropes and trelet Sptague, Wrn. Sin a. I t 4%raw, quanclu He felt It would be extmvaggtit to 'JDeficiaus "Fruit Laxattva" can't harno ail, Ch 19e'afotth rles N. Scott,, �Jj I In a Mat) fo, 'Manitoba, on Monday of last week. -4fr, 'W,. Flatge, a lawyer fromSal- r 'a fiftie lob. iki M quantfty,wsir Posts. qu"tity M."McDlitrrnld, William Xcqyxron; Wil tender UtHe Stomach, liver- The eceased, was a form eM, the, capital of 'the State of Oregon, owpniL jig V er resdent 40RUFMY oeed wbeat, Tornis-All sam 11a:rh Ca'm�Wl; &ihn'McCall6ugh Joh $10 slid under,,, ft$h; Oyer that and bowol& i Amount L7 monthLe c(f Fullartch. made a flying visit to Dr. 'Hurlburt n t6ok the m6zisurem creft 'gut 1)6 z1vta an f=14hing approved -joint tidd, Wm. -Grajaste, p. SparliAg, Samuel eats very acca tite- n, notes. 3 "r. ent 4ff for ftshon creolo Amounim. Brine, wa Oak arm een him, XEN J. DOWj Adminotft-trix f huy. the glass. WhiSt Ig OjtS ftleat t eel p,)6tive- --Xr. Jai�es Woodley, of Fullato and 4arrAly of Mttohell last week.. It l and Went to the hard re a gann-ah, Adam McDou�K411, J.P. mother, It: has oad his one hundred acre J0 :the first time they, h4d Iimk at the to4gue, P. Ross, Charles Switzer, Richard Rila Lo -as to LOWS DO Vtwrve, X EL thoikgh e has been a. san-ln-Uw. lot S, S. T,(1R,j'tcN Hxj Andrew Stew-' ec kated, your little oxie's stomach, livep Wm. 24W 4 IMcDougall, Robert Govenlock, Wil, "Quite a simple job." he explidneq, to -irk the nelgh- ten years. M married Ibliss url- b6w�14- need cleansing at -once, 'art, of Caflingford, Price Alice H burk, D. A.,Jwhexv,she as'teaching in �Iam Fo.,Wler, Dr. hlk ad Thomas the storekeeper. In fact, -a child COW borhood of $8,000. When Pe6vfsb,. cross, liatless, does]&. Numan do tile. thlug In a few. ini- L d Bmswood -Catherine IffeCalltim, widow of the. Portland, Oribgon,. ten years alro nute&" ags an LBAZWGAUOUONBAIXOP.-F.ARMSTOOKIK- and, slee, eat or act. Aatarally, or Is, feveti, & solva ROIUS-WoLp rujwn- ,011:11i, t I late "Mlliam Wright, L died lan_ had ,never met her' Xamily before., He An hour later- be presen C. ftv Uhl stomadl reath bad,. hag In B Iffanito'ba and Nofthwest- Notes tInce USE-MrftiaslaroWn b" bfta speel ted "Dielt H e'ad �p ineWOW by - Ing Mr. shard, on Jklanday, -March Ist, at he bad �been to,Washington �brt legal busi- more at the st the proprietim Bolts, ime, XeGoe, to se'111 b_* -public auL-tjon ft 001; WOL throat, diarrhce4, cold, giva --JA serious fire broke out in the ore this ?WAy tround �6n his 00DONdan 'qaspobnful of IICE� a Syrup of age of eighty-seven years. Inte of which greeted him cheerfully with of -T 2, - I M116 ftat of Britoefield, taimship was made In St.lfiiys pemetery. WAnted" ookerudi -haday, March 23rd, at I way - home. I Hotel, Stettler, which did sev-- the query*. th. an T and In a fe 1y -ard; ]Pgs,* O'616ek.'shiirp, the tdil b - i As- w hGUrg -all. the foul, eral thousand dollars' 'W;orth of dam- O*tug-,� -HOTS06-1 on I -*Ir. Herb Ave�y, sda. cif Mr. and -14irriet Clark, widow 6f thL late -Sarae stm I suppose, ag, 5 yea", I 1OR": Sof John Ch,�Lrlets Ready t E, _to YLe qqustlpated waste food passed away Saturday, age to the -building Wd contents. The Avery, of Mitchell,, left on hange, kelding-ffiong two-Ytors, I beavmfozar-re aud and oour bile gently moves out of Its M $12 Saturday for Alberta, where ke in- March fth,'-at-her. I guests were all got out and the fire -years, I driiiingmays -rising 8 y,�&rL ate residence.,. in St. Cattle . -1 little bowels without griping, and YOU . . I - I L'd- tOlWyj tj brigade was quicklvilon the scene and, W nls-Offtite,lcow due to-calre a6 Well, PLIAyfig londs to take up, a -homestead. He will Marys, aged 82 years, 9 months and middle vf -Apr14 10o due t6 .aAlve 1"t of -May, I eV11 again. Ask locate Sudden E�'d'. Ele, Lo after vigorous work �succeeded In s�av- I 119 Inar* of Ed ont n. a an Invalid ga, cut 8 m 0 for 3-anox hoiter luilkin cow t* � & iriesilf, i good MokiaL Your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of about three.years. For five or Oftion of the bx Whar's Red Ffleer'4sked Four Fin. Ing a P Wm. Stuart, mother of %essrs, six days Ilding. feet. fit for Staves $14 ciklVe in fXIL't COW'dUe to "'Ve ISt Of .f"W "nWorida gyrup of Figs." wbjch arly a- million bushels of seed Qer Hgan tn the hot ditexa-ealve bit ofVay 8hoiferstlang I year#. i S. R. Stuart- and, iWilliam Stuxkt, of the before her dedth he had been unco4­ -Ne el. bar at U Can:' YOM. Yj�;jrll tWns full directions for babies, chii- "The late �Mrs- ieady was born-, oats are stored In freight cars In he "I baven't en Up no 'Mitchell and New 11amburg Flou sclous. se Red Facenround for Mm 'L Feet long,. fif r Mill Iga OgS9 12 Durham bull rlv1njr.3ye*0. z;Ulfepapsaraondw dren Of all ages and for grown-ux)s. Ig: CompaAly-, has 'knitte& elghte6n in London Township, but early In Iffe C. P. yards, at Ca ry, rep- some dme�*' OK 7 York p10 10 -weeics bid also a laree nuirbtr fdr hodp� Ofen& lmplaiiiezitii�-T Itarrig bluder n paArs of socks for the soldiers'. Mrs. took up residence in [West -Nissbuil. In resenting purchases of the D' OttkinlOn A genera no*. Wwdvtock , vutar, 1� I Infigh wen"t OO... "Ormtcrake, Thew Fro" Stewart Is In 'her- 8A�h year.- . 4farys rnment for farmers In the dried- 1=00NAmow O" &-WOW -and drill nosily now SS b3i. Xemp 'Ing Assizes held lived there ever zince. Rer hus out areas. These will be'shipped ou SbOtguu SIMPSOil Shook bb lb6ad and Ba wood He adi tig, N. r, -At, the Perth Spr band Pre- t to '"nure tpraaftr - .1 three drum rol. nepded 1;vjcdornsjturrowT.MJhWTr (30 said.- er. set r1ous places where they are alkft' plow, deceased her twenty-four years last va "P160,,Red 20 in rIn Strutford, lat 'week, the widow of the late LA. 'K ov 'Janwy. on orders from the Dominion authori- cheo lopg $2050 W1.1on, an emp1qYee nlght4 rode Wio -On Thursday afternoon, garch 4th, ties at (Winnip6g. 1 K ell; *1Y ne*. saim 40der. BLAIN thlO, G. T. R. sbops in Stratford, who' iother petqR!eV mi.0116wak-ou Witt #S&I Wt of wb� Uk Say. tendon was killed by a yard engine some time a Pfttty *edcUn-g took place the -The Public Schoo stuioc h1i. ti *1 I�UVYJ fttUM �OHAURA ago, was awarded.a ve 43 Worden v,, have teduced the ischool estimates Cdntwn Ar IftDoll Board of Moose' ehd In t#*' wlWo jaict ro� $j,S0,3 halne of Mr. and I.Km. Th6 We have -a complet I- r II -year by th amount of over "EveiryboAj� di figii e as ort, 'urose Farm," an the Huro. 44 Ot -24t, damages. Road' 16i this, ot& -A committee of two intles wpat W,%Wtchell, whe iilft, XA*Y-*H&Tr14 YI-Zurmois -ho the Patriotle So n ave made Itan en of Cafiag the $20,000. To do tbls'e' �n.. M ad Ir they h W,*'** 11W PAM clety, In Wtchefl, have edcu"red thd ot- eldest daughter, Dwqthy, s united arten Per -AWtcut -on all salaries and elp" are 'Blanikets Jute L1 q ed 1� mfirr!a-ke 6 Ar. dordawTa MU Pa7 Usy 86,� IL ed Germain ischola' �Pr6fessor R*Ieth'. the services at three Tema -All r, uer, ��on ,Aqd dWpense with bil swifflai I010"And uoor, cash; cin (the ind IsUpervis -0 so ` '6 - Stay -on Sur k 0 igr 411A Okra. WrA. Vuer, of Fullar- teachertp,yAz: That inpai a. � f dorf, of *oodstock ollege, to give a or of musici W� too over #At mount 9 -preved joint Xk6tm talk on the prg nt great. Eur gown of -crepe � sa inanival- train- A d1WouvtoZ6Y.Xr,&nnuw ca far cash Am mmi-k an twore ope at won t P ell db chene, with pearl trimmitngs and IAV� domestic spience pmed 137-.&e ftet &at tteau"W"S. op- mWeaU, Proprietor; Thom" �struggle, In the, (fawin hall, Mitch th off) rangi pe ton, ;1�he bride assil9tant xei� iW W J�ill:11� ater orl wood Store in p Friday evening, March 126th. The school Rvenge of Ift-deaths mi Yeir in lklj�t rice frorn $I,5,0 tO $3 each shadow -lace and the marrlag6 -took $80 and Ubraitan $600. Brown, Aucdonser. place under a horseshoe arch of slill-' eArAditure f I 7 Sylvester 'Salisbury, Jr., hao or thg',year Is still estim- Ian& It 16 Mdt.6 � xiiloft Ail wool blankets in fancy la�r and carnations. The a..3 ated- at 416,* 111 "nits �Purehased the old Lutheran church ceremony w I Dear Friends: i -1 LRARISG SALE OF =vz my w0OK than In eb&lm, as tt. AND perf, e Cooke, D.D.,. superL cecks and quares, $2 If $5 building in that town, for whIch he m d by the Rev. J.W. Baird, as W. -ohm affeaft YFN80r8-.Xr. Thomas Brown haa reodyed Instructi0iis 1160i AV. J. Byrat. to sell by s other gbnds ih" thou 6at *o&m u I �pad 4160. It 'is his Inteltion to move% tolvdeht otf city missions and church rturn my sincere thanks to. auction, on Saturday, Mairch 20, 1915. At ble h Winnipeg, -has,'Ac- the =UvaNew York Worl& barno main at., A k 4hao each. Kersey blankets, Wit the bulldinz'cone block east on a lot �-i elisidd w6rk In aftfogth. -at I I a a 00 17, al"hose who so promptly respond- � fQ1l0W1nR.. Rorsft-'Floss, block mt�rp surcin, les, $2, 2.50. which he recently purchased, an� con- SOUIF� ACM STOMACHS. epted -wi.InAtation to the pasto�at6 evea ean 9 1P ed to my notici of the I 't two ,Did. sound 4'good quief driver, Yert It into a dweling housq. of the Methodist chfirch In Virden, for al-� - ell, b%y mara s PracAleal Advic& Yews old, Fphy� i�rel viare !0 St VIASES OR WDICIESMN ars old, Willie, bay -As ordered by the rovincial board weeks. Many came and paid th ir mare 9 y"rx old. Dick bay horse toeg" bid. the next conference term. Dr. Cook Mr. 3feek1y-.,0= neigbboes am is - - 1. I I well, e ROM%ev of heilth, the ratepayers of 'Stratord, Eaoh !Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 has'filled a-kumber of Import ays tbMb1Ug Uty bov. acc .0 bay mare 8 yewrs old, Aid, brOVM borse 8 Years old a;nt past- gaV� o nts. There are still accounts What Abm Minnie, bay mart 6 yet",01 voted -e r oriite , and th4 Methodist board Is to I do aboUt7 it? LjwyeL -,on th nain isevMr'by-law, re- gral"i�'fodd, ending all 8tomach s e 4. Aste hay mare -'s Canada's bes be coi*ratulatd !n securing such Lejeb bta on my boc�ks., and thos indebted yeare -old, Bill, black horn 6 years n1d, I Zelaing -4 production u to 'one In faof misery In five minutes. a years old It(* PoundjL Eq ment-I pneumatic how to fight. T�m will kindly caill at once and settle, the proposed $72,000 main e church. tired bog tabuggy n Cub -Bear se*er, to udiniz- Saskafchewa disfifiguished member of th 6 st"I tired top uggles. 1.4*- Boston Transcidpt as I must have money.-' F Steltim 100mmercifif buggy. I Mikado bvkgy Dr."Cooke was Gin- of -the first gradu- run continuous from one 6nd of- the Time It! In -live minutes all stow. VerY good as new, I two mate d Great West, Arctic, and Bishop ates� 01 fWeSley earrlage,'l three seaud city (to the othere ach dis06ss will No Indigestion, olege, Wirmipeg. little helps to pay big bills. narriag goW w JUW.. I double mted Bron Wnon, Robes;.at very reasonable prices. ribber Kood'Asevi -The- largest rea estate deal clos- smysplinir M sourness or, belching of I aiiir at *X Ith too complete 6 Portland out- X r and rs. William 4�larter of 5t. heartbu ftoloroalty. gas, aC 0 t f LOving -Bride-.Wftl you promise me teks all In 90A o-9der, .8 square W cutters. I two announce the engagement Id, br eru. ta Ions 0 undigested. years past, Jnv or several I bave a large, well selected Y ed n Raymond, �Ibqrta, f Of 'their third daughter, 'Hazel E food, no di omething seated fleigh jump ateut; one three -mATed pleasu" a. ch erl- zzlne8s, blo ting foul like thiLt I sha rel= In our home? botft aad.welli bought stock wbi sl�jh brand now, I trunk and waids innea- riitts and Gloves $12$,000,, which was w-ned by a carryall -to Mr. Robert 'A. Rae, so� of breath or he4dache. Drid, e;MM-Yeo, If you W11. pt!bMt" ables me to continue . -good values " silver mounted, I double of oublecarriage harne MTr. William Rae q polis Ay-ridicate, far*.thiel 0. K. farm, -lo- setof light driving hArnesm, I doxiblevet of Oarryal f St. Marys, the wed- Pape's -Dia PSIn Is noted for its me th you wM ijot 16rnL-Bj1d=r9 tO you. Special values in tea�si, harness with brit6en, 4sets altiglia rubber woufited We have a COMplete aSsort- ding to take plai rmted'!south Gf the town of . at ce. quietly during the speed Im rokulating Upsbt- stomachs. Raymond. flour is down, a few 1�egS rof No. d Boys' M month It Is the surest, quickeitt %0 O. K. Ison of -the finest farms ment of Men's' a Amerleam harness, (; UtS Of sineblU& n itts 4tomach rem-. in I robe "w, I Pure wbite robe., 2 black bear sVn Tobas Interesting ia�ent took place at edy. In the wh lake hereing to clear at $4, See 4 Saskatchewan yabi* t back rld and besidels It. 740 acres, well -s' Gloves and Gauntlets -A ole wo, Soilthern 'Alberta. It conists of 2,- tweed rugs, 10 dlister robe& loi cuttem 8 the h6me df Mr )aad 'i.,&S. Thomas is harmless. Put an.end to uplied with water. It Anotent Eyeglasses. our cleari S ,strinp StomiLch ng of socks and rubbers, of bell�, 3 str1nii a. sereralrabber rtigs Of chimes, I bay cxrrfir oomplebwe 'Worden, of the Ist [!Concesslon of Lo- i trftbli6 forever Is understood that the new company "Indeed, r the Ancf�nts d1d have eye. rnitts, glovesp, sweaterst caps with f6rk, rolm*nd pulleys catter pole by. getting a large gan, on Thursday, March Ath, when ' flfty�ent Intends to operate the farm on a far 'glasselin a the case of Pape's Djapepain and pa, bitigy M. -Br Wd poh% b(fil" totif ture, and 111 other *nldle� found around an up-to-dzittfivej+ b%rn. tv.eqWng ill Vwe extftme. be sold wItboutrmrve as -the -proprietor Is retiring OPPOsite, Commercial Hotel' oAr. George Gotdon Tuer of' Ful- flvenAnut OW needless It IS to jaf o derlock their (daughter Dorothy was married from a1lY difig'store. Iz in geho0l&L � "MY bb- many other useful artides. You real e.. tory says."The Roinays­ IL ly fond f spectad' ted be- lartan. They will reside 4ou the iroom,o ter froift 4"' on ­ilysp ew York I am, Yours Respectfully f rom, the hvery buiifteaL rwe, wm be comple 64 i epsim or a" fore'evegigg%ri at SEAFORTH farm south of 91tchell. Chi P03L lolngsast-*nd swt. Terms of stomach dt Sale -A � sums ot 10 and ulidei, tpeb; Over tW .der. IV, rn , S th ess Trunks Valisas An vnt Io� unusual interest took Surest F#R FLETCHER'S 'caw klonday, -Varch A7d%=nt;ef 6 per cent per &riauin Milowed for place on Sunday'ad &Ctor lu tbe on "Pro"aloint now& I am. .6n area :Wdodbts. W.- J. BYRIZZ, Pioprilettor'. C As -irORIA gn" wotas ue 'he music of the G, K. Hoff. d World,-Fabqr, (an Miomas Bwwni Auctioneer.