HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-19, Page 1FACTION, PRONE 2a , the new String styles than to learn "what's 4eter and summer 19t5,. ery, special dis- r apparel, big Ws,silk mater - etc. 've the pretties that you have • dress making apartments w materials and the new Drders are being booked rom all Vietv 'beautiful gowns we -exceeding low prices. I graceful lines, but also- I ar ambition is to turn out . - never seen, and we are ts made by Us to you style at moderate price1 distinctive appearance 0 ent to themostcasual ob Two, three and fou !nally, and you! suit re he New Dress Suitings, cquaint yourself with wha Lnd what is best to bay. )r ay soon as you can, and r oods. We want to show are a marked blues, odean or ,evii,are in very - are listed this feature of th Sea greens and high favor for. season among Crere chinces, crepe fantasie* :ortibe weaves, broche effects* ak suiting, crepe taffeta, coVer $2.50 a yard, Iii=iMISM•11.011111M.•1111111•11111•11•• 1 1 1 - that we wish to 1 of makes that } Lvery standpoint uarantee to the effect that tc,s or changes color in any 'nee of sud, rain or sea will 4uestion. Past experience 1 Serge is absoluteiy good not spot, cockle boating, shooting, bunt.' fishing. walking, in fact es. It is certainly- good fo 35 a yard. rav sh Jr to Fau I CO ITH uality reigns, • EGGS WANT id for Both ,e ........eeg••••=0•101••••G .0.11........01011.111•011.1•• r. • - ,ORTY-NINTH YEAR WHOLE NUMBER 2,466 • • snowiimarrlowiromommillillielsousk SEAFORTIL FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 191i GRFto. 'Com: Spring Apparel E FROM OET,ARIO'S CAPITAL , • + + Toronto, 'Ilkfirch, .6th., 1915. The Ontario Legislatm-e did another 4.)c* + + + + + + **+ + 41 + + position, tn * few appreciative remarks t expressed the entire atiproval of the Opposition of the resolution. As it well + lamed Sir James Malley died a poor: + enieta Prender Ilearst 'said in intro:. *1-, A:1URE meant the Springtime'ai a time to change Rai- L''Trent!. We've Made splendid preparation tor the new rider devoted' himself- With the same' + + ducheg the resolutiMe, had, the latePre- ofe season and everything ..fairly blooms in Spring freshness.atotiagidd'IastY-haendatitstire to°uthricis. Pal;4'attess-' 1 p We've !earche markets for the best of clothes, hats-, of the country be could - have left his' '.independent' and toggery- for iV.k, loys and 'ChildreP's Wear. - We've.; poarmuolianandh ftahse-il;rorti'siand.-aroluits, been.in-constant 1.1 the most noted ,niatinficitirers' very, -Slight 66Innowledialevenanh . • a • graceful act last week in voting un- animouely for a resolution submitted. by the Wender authorizing the grant-. Ins of ita. (annuity of $2,000 per year to , the widow of the late Sir James Whit - n4. Mr. Rowell, the'leader of the op - of every line.For been coming to us aline\ What We've -1 on the part fief the * phis of the Pre- 4** '-- new Sprang wearables : have'4. - . Tinhe at services well ad disinterested -4 + „and -we now want ou to See -4.iendered on the part -of npublit man. ++ 40+ . . 4+. 4+. + + °I 0s. • A -.red for Spring. i A; Gic" r =Oat now 'hefore the nd. which vfin undaub- s • Come just for the purpose of g.A:ting posted on what'sJew' We've inany things to interest•you. Look, ask questions a- bout.styles. Ask prices and ask "for/ any information' you desire. Special for Cool Days Balmacaan Top Coat tedly „become. law, pitovideS for a very substantialincrease in the Provincial' Itemise, for titotor Users. The -new Act provides that cominenicing this, year the fee fpr ali chessee at motor vehicles, not including motor cycles; will be • �r lanother Words the fee will be ten , dollars instead of five. The fees on all 'clasps of automobiles and Motet tricks 'will be nbe same The small car 'will pay -as much an the larger one. •It is said this is agreeable teethe Motor Clubs and will he More acceptable to them than a, graded scale Would be, Tine new law 'will 'also contain a ' VislOrl making ehaffeurs liable for ee: • spdneibility in the case of accident', without, Clowever, lessening the respon- sibility o2 the Owner of the car. Under This is the most popular slip-on Lighall tne ,blame, the existing, law the Owner must take weight overcoat for Spring days, Made strang effort was made by the Op- . kirNlight grey tweeds, and alsd brown and position in -the Legislature to have a • portion of this tax go to the municipal - and green brown lig-hu weight tweeds. ',ties. It seetns Only. fair that it should, Very swagger in character, popular with as it is ie local municipalities who f al lyears. have to bear. Vele expense of keeping - men oup the roads p,nd there is no vehicle so destructive to the roads as the auto- mobile. But the Govarnment were In- exorable Don this point, They insist an gobbling the whole revenue. The fact is the Government went Money and they must have it. They are actually at tneir wits end to devise means to raise the wind which wilhenot too much annoy the people •aad they ,are prepared to seize every soarce r$ reasonable taxa- tion What can bp deelsed in order to; fill up the immense hole whiCh.has been made between the nedelpts and the out flow from the Provincial treasure,. So that the municipalities will hereafter rot only hap ito ,provide. for theta own welts and means, butthey No1. be shut off from additional searces of additienz al taxation and will have in addition to provide the Goveinment special tax We have opened an extra fine range of whichle to be levied. under the.Budgel. these, new styles. The new cuts are But theake People cannot expect to havi their cand eat it too. If they vastly different different.to back seasons and tolow their Parliamentary represeatanivee be dressed this spring will mean the get -'to indulge in tno many frillsThere they must expect Ace pay the cost. is no ting away from Vast season and former other way of wetting the money except season styles. Smartness is expressed all from the people. • ' RONTO: over the new garmeuts. --PRICES- $i0.00;1$15.90 to $20.00 Swell New Sprin Suits for nen "own& -....• I, htenntlektn EROS. IniehlIshith . . $1.-Ote • "i;ea. - it AtIVRTICia ., 4+++++++++++++++++++++++ Aelete9+4.444444.4444.444-4:4+++++ time. Mr. Knight is survived by Me el.44+444,444,44444,-e++,44.4.4.+414 widow, who was ;former -1Y Wish Eliza* neee beth Atchison, of Exeter, five &ugh- . +4. ers and one son, in addition to two t.t ! brothers and one Sister. The remains ea,Tee were brought to Exeter for interment 1.1.+ te on Saturday. -A Patriotic coneert given in James Street Chureh, here, Fri - e 4..T. day evening, was not as largay at - t.4. tended as some of those on former tic- + easions. The address by Rev, n. 'Collins was very much appreciated.The instrumentals by Mr. Richard Phillpoe were enjoyed, also the solos rendered by Miss Nina Carling. A pleasing fea- ture of the lila/Fein was the presents. - then ofa milittrewrist watch to Tri - vete Mellott., by Reeve Taylor an_ -half of the citizens. --Wililar - Statbam has repelled word that h brother is in a Toronto Noing.tal. Hee is being treated. for .stompah trouble. Doctors* oPerated and found' dancer VI tj,w..trou*e. He is Very Iow t . Zurich. ros. nin - *L" ' an PRICES. RAINCOATS....., $10.00 515.00 r $20.00 2.00 3.00 10 4.00 10.00 12.00 lo 15.00 4010 tenneem EASTERN BRAND CAPS Prices 50c 75c 51.00 to '$1.50 You men who love outdoors ought to know our caps. There's so many kinds of weather when a hat doesn't belong -and a snug fitting, warm and good looking caps just exactly the thing. 4. If you have thought that there wasn't any such thing as style to a cap - guess again! There's style and "class" in every Eastern Brand Cap. You ceTtainly ought to see one -and when you see it, and try it on, you'll buy it. * * In this' connection I lilay mention that a somewhat enlightening .dIscus- SiOn occured in the 'Legislature the ether day respecting the new residence which the Government are constructing for the Lieutenant-Governor.This is a verit- able castle. When comtneted hand ,fur- ished it will cost the Provinee over a' million dollars and will be such that na occupant can alford to maintain it On his salary. The result will be fillet only independently wealthy Men can occupy the position or the Provinca must provide a much larger salary for the Governor. The latter will most like- ly be the final result. It is said that Sir James Whitney was mainly respon- sible for this folly. He got it into his head that in cider to fittingly silo -w- its appreciation of Royalty and British connection, the rich and prominent Pro- .vince of Ontario Ishould have a mag- nificient caatle modeled after old world inetitutions of that kind in which to house Royalty's representative'. This all the more surprising as Sir James was himself a man of very plain tastee and plain living and seemed to have more or less a contempt for osteatati- ous show. But it is said that all me -n, no matter how level headed in other ref spects, are apt to have a hobby and get a hee in their bonnets at some stage in their Xves. And, no doubt this was the bee whieh -affected Sir Jamee And atew his colleagues :have to carry out what he nas begun and the Pro- vince must suffer for the late Premiefe Bee. The matter came upon an item In supply for ,$200,000 to chrry on the work in con-nection with the building. Mr. Hearst asked Mr. Rowell, who was objecting to the expenditure, what he would (to with the building if nee did not finish it? Mr. Rowell very Aptly replied that he would scrap the whole thing and conetruct another building suitable to the requirements of the Pro- vinee on a decent site. This advice, how- ever, will not be accepted. The -building will be continued ,and wili be finished no matter what the cost. It wen brought out in the discussion .that garage for the housing 6f the Lieuten- aet-Goveraor's auto had been construc- t.' d at a cost of $10,000, the system for the ventilating of the building hae been in -stalled at a cost of $50,000, the electric fixtures cost $13,000, the fur- niture so far $30,000 and decoratione $12,000. There are also three superbly fitted up billiard rooms, one on each flat end elevators all through the house to prevent the necessity of climbing stair. These are simply samples and are given as examples of the expendi- Lure 'throughout and the gorgeousnese of the place. • • * *i Ontario has the best supply of nickel of any cbuntry in the world. There has recently been a good deal of discus- WHighest Prices for Butter and Eggs Greig . Clothing Co'y. SEAFORTH Vt. Turned Back. - The followingedee-.- + + patch under the heading of Zurich, ap-- + + neared in the .Loadon Free,Rrese ot Saturday,' germ% 12th: on vreanistia4t,. ++ last ,Kr. William Madinger, a. resident e*tand property (miler of this village, an- . companied by his wife' and two child- ren, started for a trip to a taint In •t.-te Northern Mietrigan, where Mrs. Made._ lager was caned -to the bedside orhet + • briiiiier; -who very *blettghe 4 return tieleta ,froni Rensall to Piert- ,Theron, but 11111/1 arriving at the latter - + city they were enet by Government of- fleials and returned to the Canadian 4-.4. aide. Much indignation is felt here- by,. *+ telie friends of Mr. Madinger at tha;te tion of the United States officials1.- Ne ' reoson:was assigned fon the-act`WItein- harlf tolltlii'iYtheir came ra ileeba,71a ere° wHaTrseatilurbrineed: The Late John Jacobiee-On March 18, just as thestmewne rising, aleath claim- ed at dtheit-Mctineeiri 'the person of M. J. Jacobi, of the Sauhle Line. e11 -was indeed a great 'surprise to eVerrone, When the news went out, he was de ' Jawing been sick only about,two wealts pneumonia. very thinghtliat 4n. dical skill could, do was done foahJj t + end came and "relieved him a -all 4- a. but he gradually grew worse 411,-* .T. ferings. He Itives fiehlnd treentne foss and Cherloh his Mempree ,nlece, :who Was left _in tilt care mother and hineself some fourteen ,y9-mr ago, alao four -brothers. 'The- feneeil was held Tuesday' afternoon and *eel largely ' attended' by friends* fzaiir far and", hear, who .carne to nay: their late tribute of respects to one whom .they clued .alwayes call true triendi. He was -laid tot ret - betide his =niter, Vile., was buried just three, Weeks •asee In the- I3-1,01180/1;Li/ta,Cemeterr.7 • • • 4A,ccidents.-Mr. John ,Albreeht: itne the *Misfortune to met With; A- eaters accident one- 3.ay "last week. Re *ate. issitting hit -brother-iti-leAve Vele lend, are' el tt-Ifeiflabee•leit Line -in cut4 ting corn with ithe..4ask4e'engine and cutting to34 whenA *1000-orthe knife broke loose and hitting- 10,„ Albrecht + in the face rtet, an ‘utlit-gasla.-airOVE 11 cheek. Several stitches were require to'close the ,wound. t -While returning to his ,home near St. Joseph from Zurich last Saturday 4.4;4. afternoon, the colt whin. W. Daniel + + ' Smith was -• driving- shied- atesoneething ' milk the road opposite Air., JaCtitt Meld, 4.44' Ingo's farm, and upset the vehicle, 44,1 preclpating the oecupanti to the froz- en road. .The little nice of Sir. Smith **4.1.„ escaped d unhurt, but he was not so for- + + tunate'as he lit on his head in th• . 1+ fall and was eteinued. Howe'Ver he sap recovered and we are pleased, ta state is suffering no 0.11 effects from the are cident. The horse was captured at the Exeter home of Mr. Smith. • Death of Kr. Kibler. -Much and. sin- cere regret was felt here on Saturday Died in Port -Perry.-The Rev. Alex- last on learning of the very etulden ander Richard, who was well knownindeath of IVIr. Fred Kibler on that merle- wEaxesateralnel vicinity, died In Port Perry, ' ing in Berlin. ,!fr. Kibler was for many recently, raotthetrof heagMer.c4Da7v41417eRaircshallrde, dents and most enterprising husines years one of the most respected reale of Stephen, and a 'cousin of Mrs. WV- men of Zuelch. It seems that Mr. Ki lstirmyedSo elholidissbtniornein. islitrey forhaabier was 011 his way to Ids place in the business on Saturday morning. when he suddenly dropped an the street and death ensued in a few minutes,Deatal was caused by the rupture of a hloodj vessel in the head. He had been seri.° ousiy in for several weeks wan a few days previously. Before leaving hone he stated that he felt unusually we He was in his 60th year and before aiming to Berlin, four years ago, wo, a resident of Listowel and Brampto rle was 13, prOJTItherit bowler and win ner of numerous trophies. Deceased survived by a widow and grown --up. family. Mr. Kibler was born in Stepliett; Township, Huron County. 60 years '404 At the age of 20 he harried on a shoal; busbies§ In Dashwood for- five yearse later removing to Zurich, where he toin-,4 .ducted a etore for 11 years. lie alsei was a Member of the Williams Shoel.' Company at Brampton for some year. Notes. -Messrs. John and Albert Re ler and Joseph Wild were visiting wlti friends in St. Clements recently. ee elessis. F. Hess, Sr., Heldman and J. E. Rickbell have disposed of the ZuricM flax mill and the farm adjoining the - village, which they have run for thet past twenty years. The flax mill, barml and and were purchaeed by Mr. Arne old Heldman, who will continue thil business while the fifty acre farm wee purchased by Mr.- Egbert Hdrnam both sone of Mr. Alhert Heldman, el the village. - Mr. Simon Geiger, ,c4 Michigan, is visiting his parents, taxiOkt; d Mrs. Aekleiger -Messrs. L. wehe-,, and Charles Meyers have purchased. ,tj cement block machine and intend goj Ing into the manufacture of cemeni blocks. -The Zurich punlle f eheol chila ren have collected $26 for the Belgiae Relief Fund, which leas beea forwa ed to the headquarters in elontrea Mi, W. E Turnbull has purchaeed acres of the Canada COMPatly'S swam, land an the town line between Hat and Stanley. The price Paid was #1,:e0.1 -rThe auction sale season is now An attendance at theSs Bales r "the fact that horses have taken a the only demand. being for first roadsters. _Mich cows and young bring high figures, while pigs an are in no great demand. --The shipment of hogs from this po1- the largest of tne"ehe eaten. T l'aladropette to en ilne20 r.cwa}Sts1.43a7."/"-dol puts the cured eggs in the, .Beautifut-*Millinoiw . . . *: Ihe most' in,teresting .display of ,entirely new shapes we have, o'er shpwn. , Gowns ond Suits display wonderfully varied ill lines, fabrics and colors -prices from $10 to $25 New pring Coats Presenting many new and exclusive tures in Women's Goats of both silk and c • Silks,. Dress Goods Li the new weaves and colors -and, of course, that means th,e most. lavish. in .the county. oth Laces and Embroideries • Lovely new designs in Laces and .Em,- broideries-ea the newest effects. • - Everything .for the Spring Toilette +.1. +•* New waists,, new Gloves, Bilk Hosiery, 41,8-0 Petticads Dress Cotton* ,dife(!kwear, tegligees, Lingerie,. "(and Bags, new Corsets, t4 new Ribbons and Iriingnings. • e Sure to Come to Stewart Bros. Opening Days -Everybody Welcome Stewart Bros. + +++ 4 + + + + + de+ de + + 11111111. mita ++++++++++++++++++.*+++++, 14.++++++++++++++++++4.e.e.+41+ ++++++++++,++++++++++++++eh +++++++++++++++++++++++++ legislature has been Ulacussing the or less the •idebt should not involve question, apropos of- demand that. more than $100 per head, and in each all expetts of niekelimitte be prohibit - case the sum total is to be exclusive of -sinking funds on hand. Provisions are included to make the Ontario Railway Board the arbitrator ,lost of the refining is dope in New where exceptions are desired, and eve Jersey, at the plant of the Internatioa- ery municipal asseesor Must make an 'al Nickel Company. The nickel men coh- annual census. for tithe, local clerk. Pay - tend that this is the .cheapest way *merit of principal on debentures in an - and that only jel that way has the On- nual instalments is also advocated. tario nickel industry been able to reach Its present position. They say that, as It is, [Wiper ecent. of the cost of pro- duction is epent in Ontario. They say also that if they were compelled to refine in Ontario, the cost of produc- tion would go eup and the cost of the product would. go •up, which would re- move the advantage new held by the Ontario industry over the nickel Indus- ther countries A. statement ed. The nickel companies have told. the government that such a prohibition vvOuld seriously crippple if, ind.eed, it would not absolutely kill the india„etry. don as to the best methods of con- serving this valuable mineral deposit. it seems now that the whole question of nickel production in Ontario is to be investigated by a government commis- sion, which will have •authority to ex- amine into every phase af the industry from the tiine the ore _is taken from tries of o by the minister of mines was made to the legislature the other day that the mines had been working night and dae at the call of the British government for several months, producing nickel for arm§ requirements. • • * • It will be Tegainst the law in a few days to swear by, telephone in Ontario. If the damsel at the exchange gives you the wrong connection four times in succession and you lose your temper and make uee of language -which can be constructed ; as insulting or blas- phemous, You Will be fined $25 out of your. savings or sent to jail for 80 days. The rule now Is that if you swear at the operator you may lose your 'phone and In one pr two municipalities of the province •there are by-laws subjecting you to further difficulties, mostly fin- ancial. I. B. Lucas, attorney general thhalts there should be a general law which will reach the man who uses Im- proper language in telephoning, -wheth- er he on \expressing his opinion of the operator or eonversing with a creditor or otherwise. If he.swears at. a third party he is eup against it just as hard. The new law will be peiSsed by the legislature this sessiora (Among the many b• Legislature Is one intro W. D. McPherson, of Is a considerable inter alities, which points Is before the uced by Mr. ronto, Which t to municipe right direc- tion and will likely bebome law. This ; bill will apply to all= the cities and towns in Ontario. It will limit the bor- rowing power of immicipalities on a per ca,pita. basis, Po that in places with a population of not less than 10.000, the aggregate debenture debt •would not ex- ceed $208 per (head, (and in those with not less than 2000, the debt would not the ground until it is refined. The , exceed $150, In. Vaces with 2;000 people J POOR COPY Corning Corning On March 18th and until 27th inclusive we have arranged to have the well and favorably known optical specialist Mr. Finley Grahain at our store. Durin he, ten daysdemonstration Mr. Graham. will exAmine your eyes free of of all charge whatever, using ° the well known. Shad' Te which is adraittedly 1th best sar est and most comfortable test that can be used.; It simply means lookingento the eye (with. the aid of a -Retmescope) seeing the defect and then remedying it with glasses. Miring the ten days free examinations to all will be given by Mr. Grahalh.' This is an opportunity that occurs but very seldom and we earnestly re- commend Mr. Graham to any who may be suffering from defective 'vision. Even if you have onlY a slight suspicion that your eyes may be troubling you, come in and have them examined any way. It costs you nothing. - - Savauge & Stollery Opticans and Jewellers, Seaforth We will he open evening free:ft March iOth, on. Appointments will be booked by phone message for any day or hour with Mr. Graham. Phone 194 forty-two years. Ilet was here last' sum- mer and visited Many of Ms friends in Exeter and vicinity, all of whom will 'regret to learn of his death. Reart failure was the cause of death. Death of Mrs. Gidley.-One of Ex- eter's oldest residents passed away on Sunday last in the person of Jane MerrIfield, wife of Richard Gidley, of William street, Mrs. Gidley was born In Cornwall, England, in 1225, and came to Canada when a young girl. She' melded in Port Hope until aftet her marriage and then came to Exeter. She would have eelebrated her 90th birthday on the 25th of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Gidley would have cele- brated their golden wedding in a few months. She Is survived by her bus - band, Richard Gidley, and two step- children, Mr p.' Bison, of town, and S. 11. Eisen, of Blith. The remains were interred. in the Exeter Cemetery on Tuesday. - Notes. -Master 13.arry Kuntz had the misfortune to have two teeth knocked out on Saturday last -while playing hockey. -Mr. S. Martin has purchased a new Overland auta.-Miss Tillie White met with. an unfortunate fall one day lest week which fractured several of her ribe.--Miss May (Aemstrong has re- turned to Lucknow, to re -open her mil- linery parlors. -Kathleen, the little daughter of Mr. -and Mrse Frank Case, fell on the sidewalk last Friday and In, the fall fractured her collar bone. - The family of the late Richard Davis, who reside here, have been notified that through the death of an aunt in England, they will horne into an estate of some thotisands of dollars, Mr. Ar- thur S. Davis will alsoshare in the good fortune. -The books are being moved from the old ,library into the new buildiag, and the %town clerk who , will also have his office in the new; • library is moving thereine-Mr. A. J. : Snell, et Lansing, ;telichigan, was in town this week. -Miss 'Mary Tom has returned home -after spending s.everal - months in California. -Mr. Frank R i , Ford and family have returned to their 4 home in the West after spending nee ' Wiraer With relatives here. -Much re- 1 gret wan felt here on Friday, on learn - 4, Ing of the dearth of Sir. George Knight, : stationmaster at Ilderton. Mr. Knight Was an Exeter boy, li, late father be - 1 Ing Ptidionmaster at Exeter for a long Waits-