HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-12, Page 64
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MARCH 121 .1915
We have` Net reeshiad Our large new Omsk of wa,
A. W. E. Hemphill, Drug et.. P
wpm of the, latest deers. Call genet sAbele
.Noteas-ilfrat =dames ateCtfiq entertain-
ed the Mesibere theLadies' Alel et
tbe 'Methodist: Chorch at her home on
"TtUsitley last, prior tee her removal to..
Se ,aiforth. *Milt Very Pleasant
Cluff 'Davidson, vrho
-spent the winter with his mother,. kIrs.
ht. Davidson, of the leondon Moak re-
turned to his home near Swift Carrent,
'Saskatchewan, on ,lionslip
1 ' Thursday, illarch, Utile 191.6.
ir'soi veva (StAnotatek).(aew).... ee. 1 15 so it'el 15
Otter pat besahel(new), ..e., 48 ta 48
i eel, per bushel a --------1 50 to 1 50
devilry, per bushel.. - -..... -66 to 79
'13 an per ton- . - . . Sl8 DO to 28 00
essona, per son- .. a-- a .. . .... so oo to so oo.
yttusas per 100 Sae. Me e.e. r... • e- . • . • 9*. 3 75 to 4 .26
Hotta -No. 1. loose . - ..... ...... - '24 to ee
team oer Semen.. .............-..... 19 to tiY,
Ptty ••••,- e e e • .. e • . . • i.e. .4 SOD • A • I... • fa 11 00 ka 15 00
c"otatoes, per hag 80 to 30
Beans,.• • „ . • ..... * 69 to 75
Thursday, March, Mir 1915.
. • . .. .• • • ..
BestrilS • • • . ..... • • • • 6 le •
Barky -70 to 75
Toronto florae Market -
Following are quotations at local' ex-
changes :-Ileavy draughts, young. and
sound, 1,900 to 1500 lbs. and up, .$175
to 42441; lfght draughts, young „and
sound, 1,250 to (1,360 As., --$140 to 4160e
light delieeries, young and sound, $95
to 4'149; drivers, $129 to $1$11; *firm
chunks, $140 to $190; serviceably sound,
$70 to $140; good ,workers, $201a114.
. Poultry Markets
Lawless, farch, 9.-Diessede Rataila--
Xpring- chickens, • pair, $1.00 to 4/.54 ;
ducks, per pair, 41.25 to 42.00; chick-
ens, per lb., 15c to 1.7cf Turkeys, per lb.
Xle to Mc; geese, Per lb., 14c kr c.
• Toronto, March, -9.-Live.-Chickens.
Ile itO 12c; :fowl, 10c to 11c; • dneks;
. 10c to 12c; turkeys, 13e to 15c. Dressed.:
-Chiekens,"15c to 18C; fdwl, laeto 15e;
ducks, 15c to 17c; turkeys,- 19c- to 22e„
Dairy Markets
Montreal, March, 9.-Cheese.-F1neSt
westerns„ 17 1-4 to 17 1-2c "-finest east -
erns, 17 to C1.7 11-4c.4.13utter. - 'Choicest
creamery, 35c t seconds, 34e.
London; March, 9.-B1tter.-Rolls, 113.
35e; fancy, lb., 35c; er6cks, lb., 83c:
11,ggs.--Yer doz., 27 to ,t28e; per bas-
ket, doz., 27e; Honey, strained, 10 Ins..
41.40 to $1.50. .
Toronto, March 9. -Butter: -There ls
a good demand for butter, but sapplies
are restricted. Prices are firm. Choke
dairy, 27 to '28c; ,inferior, 21 to 23e;
creamery prInts, gs 1-2 to 35c; 'do.,
solids. 81. to 32c; farmer's separator,
27 to 28c. Eggs. -New -laid, rald to 30e;
storage, 28 to 25c. ,Cheese. -The mar-
ket continues firm at`118, td 13 I -4c ,for
large, and at 18 to i8 1-2e for twi,ns.
Honey. -Buckwheat, 7 1-2e a pound,
in tins; 're to 7 3-4c in barrels; strain-
ed clover honey, 12 1-2c a pound, in 60 -
lb tins; 13c in tins; comb honey,
No. 1 43 per dozen; No. 2, $2.40 per
dozen. , ,
Grain. Etc.
Toronto, March, 9.-F1our.-14aniloba
first patents, quoted at $7,70, in jute
bags; second patents, $7.20; strong
bakers', $7.00. Ontario wN.eat flour. 90.
cent. pa.tents. quoted at :$5.90/ to $6.00,
seaboard, ared at $6.05 ,to $6.15, Toren -
to (height. Wheat. -Manitoba No. 1
Northern quoted at S1,57 1-2; No. 2
at j$1.5 -k 1-2. and No. 3 at $1.52. On-
tario wheat, No. 2, nominal. at $1.85 te
$1.38, at outside points. Oats. -Ontario
quoted" at 59, to 61e, outside, and. at
62 to- 63 1-2e„on. track, Toronto. Westa
arn Canada, No. 2, quoted. at 09a and
No. 3 at 66e. Barley. -The market is
dull. with offerings small. Good malt-
ing grades, 81 to 1S6e, outside. Rye. -
The market is dull at $1,22, outside.
,Peas. -The market is quiet, with No.
2 lquoted at :a1.00 to $2.05, outside.
Corn. -No. 3 new American quoted it
81 to 81 1-2c, ,a,11 rail, Toronto freight.
Beans. -The market is steady at $3.0a
to $3_16 for prime, and $3.15 to $.3.2Z.N
for hand-picked. t,ylillfeed.-Car lots, per
ton. bran, $27; shorts, $29; Imiddlings,
$34; good feed flour, $39‘ to $43. °n1 -
ons -Canadian, 75 -pound bags,
Spanish, crate, $4.25. Potatoes.-On-
tfarips, 70e per bag. out of store, 60c
In car lots; New Brunswicks, 75c per
bag, lailt of store, 65c in car lots.
Baled Hay and Straw. -Local merch-
ants are now buying on track_ Toronto.
at the follo-wing prices: No. 1 baled
hay, $17.50 to $18; do., No. 2. $15.50 to
$16; do., No. 3, ":A11.50 te $12.,50; Baled
straw, $8 to 48.50.
Live Stock Markets.
.goutreal, March, 9. -The tone of the
market was stronger and aims show
an advance of 15c to 25c per cwt. There
-was also an increased demand for sup-
plies from both packers ahd butchers
owing to the fact that they allowed
their stock of dressed beef to run down
to a law level, consequently this also
tended to add strength to. the situation.
Trade, however; was more active Than
a it has been for the past few weeks.
Sales of a few full loads of really
choice steers were made at $7,65 to
$7.75, and picked stock brought $7.75
$8, but the bulk of trading was done
in the lower grades with sales of full
loads of good steer a at $7.15. to $7.25
and ME (bairn at $6 to $6.50 per cwt.
Butchers' cattle, choice, $7.65 to $8;
do.. medium, $6.25 to $6.75; do., com-
Iron, $5 to- $5.75; canners, $3.'15 to
$4.50; butchers' cattle, choice cows,
46.40 to- $6.75; do., medium, $5.40 to
*6; de. bulls, $5.75 to $6.75; milkers,
choice. each, $70 to $75; do. common
and medium. each, $60 to $65; spring-
ers, e'50 to $55; sheep, ewes, $5.75 to
'$6; rucks and culls., •$5.25 to '$5.50;
lambs, $9; bags, off cars: $8.50; calves
$5 to S15. .
Ueion Stack Yards, Toronto, March
Se -Receipts of live stock :at the Union
Stock Yards yesterday were 101 car
loads-, comprising 2200 cattle, 519; hogs
ass sheep and lambs. 91 calves and 9
horses. The quality of the fat cattle
was fair to good, not many choice be-
ing arnortg them. There was a good
steady trade at the prices paid on Mon-
day, a week ago, for all but cows,
which zold at lower values. For a
straight load of cattle $7.85 was the
highest price we heard of, and few
eaktie sold over $7.50. One lot of four
eefre quality steer, 1500 lbs. each, were
euld by Corbaft, Hall and Coughlin at
$9.15. the top value 'paid. ,Stockers and-
fe d: rs sold at unchanged values. There
wee a fair :supply ,of milkers and
sprite gere offered, for vrbich there
Seemed to be a fair demand at- steady
values. Veal calves being scarce, only
91 n eale, prices for them remaine
ateady and firm. Sheep and lambs, of
which the run was. light, also sold -at
Tirfki• Prk,911, Frogs: Only, et -limited
number Niters on sale, feir which firth
vAlues more pal& thitcjtere qattles-
• Melee heavy steers, $710 to $1,6,ad
One (extra choice lot Of 4 at tRAA;
good to choice, $7.25 to $7.50; good,
ST to $7,25; .ineditnii, $11.00 to $6.85;
common, 46.25 to .46,60; choice cows
at 46.25 to 4V.50; •'good. Cow's, $5.7R to
$4; medium Liam, 4625 $500; .eitn-
ners and cutters, $4 to $4.50; choice
bulls. at $5.25 to $5,75. Stockers and
Feeders. --Feeders, 750. to IOW lbs.,. at
46.25 to 46.40; medium steers, same
weight, 46 to 46:25; stockers, $5$0 to
$6. IMIlkers and Springers. -Moderate
receipts of milkers and springers met
a fair demand at steady prices ranging
from 450 to 480, and lin odd one now
aid again at 485 and 480, the .bulk. .of
sales being made between $60 and _475.
Calven.-7-Cho1ce veal calves sold
at 419' to nit good at $8 to 4459;
medium at $7.50 to $8; commEin at $6
to 47; eastern rough calves at 4.4.50 to ,
$5.50. Sheep and Lambs. -Sheep, ewes.
sold at $6 to r$7.50;( rams, $5 to 45.50;
taints, 48.50 to $9.4.0. Wogs. -Selects
weighed off .cars, $8.16 .to tt8.25; Se-
lects fed and watered, 47.80.
Buff*, March, 8. ---Cattle.-- !Market,
15c to 25c higher; prime 'native steers,
to fair to good. 117:1q. to
MI.25; plain and co. 4 .50(to $1.76;
Canadian st „SOO to 4,450 lbs., 48
.to $8.25 • ce 1,190 to- 1,440 lbs., no25
to $7.7 • choice to Prime handy giteers,
natly $7:7i to .$8.25.; fair to goad,
$7.25 t $7.75; light common,' $6.50 to
47; S,earlings, $8.25 to 0475; Prhoc
fat heifers, $7.50 to $7.75;,, good hutch.-
ering heifers, 47. to $7.50; likht
$'8.25 to $0.75„; best fat cows, $440 to
47; good butchering COW421 40 to $6.26;
cutters; 44.50 to 45; oa:rfnerse $3.75 to
$f„.25; best bulls, $0,25 to $6.75; light
bulls, $5 to 46. Eogs.-garicet actiie
and higher; heavy. 47.15 eta $7.25; mix-
ed and Yorkers, 47.50 to $7.00; pigs,
$7.40 to $7.50. Sheep. -• Active; :top
lambs, 49.75 to $4,99 ; yearlixigs,.$8 to
$91s wethers, $7.75 tb ,$8';'' ewes, $7.25.
to 47.50. Cabie.s.-Stiong; • tops, $12;
tgr to gOOd; $9:50 to 10.69; grassers,
$4 to $6.
%V. T. BOX o'St, CO,
• Holders of Government Diploma.
and License
Misfit Calls Day Calls
Phone 107 Phone 50
. . •
1.• 2
Undertakers and Embalmers :•
• •
Store Phone -67 •
• ' •
W. J. Walker
Night Phone -1.8
,TOWNSEND-In 'Nehemiah, on March lst, to Mr
and Mrs. Amos Townsend .a Bon.
SPEN0Ett-In Seskatoon, Sask., on February 2fith,
to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Spencer, (nee Albin%
Richarneon of Stanley), a daughter.
CANN-In Exeter, on February 26th, to Mrs. Syl-
venue J. V. Cann, a daughter.
&ITC Cromarty, on February 19th, to Rev.
and Mrs. Ritchie, '‘ son.
Marriages. -
LEADHAll-MAKINS-In Exeter, on Mara Prd. by
Rev. D. W. Collins, Mr. E. S. Leatiham, of Port
Rowan, to Miss Kai hlyn Making, of Exeter.
TREADWELL-SCOTT-At the Manse, London, by
. Rev. IV. J. Knox, on February 24th, Mr. Fred
Treadwell, of London, to Miss blargaret Scott,
farmerly of Brussels.
NEVINS-CULBERT-At Goderich, on Meech 3rd,
by Rev. W. IC. Hager, B.A. William Robert
• Nevins, to Miss Melinda Culbert, both of We-
wanosh township.
STANLAKE-In Hay, on March let, Sarah Wilson.
wits of Oredic Stanlake, aged 55 years and 6
FOLEY-In Goderich. on March 2nd, Maud Currel,
beloven wife of Robert Foley.
ADDISON-In Ooderieh, on February 20, Rebecca
Frances, widow of the lace James Mdison.
McCORVIE-In Goderich, on Mareh 31d, Duncan
MeCcevie, aged 78 year?.
WHITE -In Exeter, on March 2n1, Margaret A
White, relict of the late John White, eig9ed 86
years and 3 months.
COATES-In Oraebrook, Grey township, John
Coates, aged '80 years.
SUTHERLAND -In Constance on MArch 10th,James
FranklinSatherlend, aged 31 years, 9 months
and 18 da:fe.
• S. T. Holmes i
• Funeral Dir ctor and •
a Licensed E balmer
• Undertaking parlOrs in Oddfel- es,
: lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
• dence Godench at., opp
• Dr. &loft's.
• Flowers furnished on
• short notice.
: Phone Night. or Day 119.
On Tuesday, March 23rd, on the Mill Road, Tuck-
eratnith, a mile and a quarter east of Brucefield.
Farm stock aud implements, etc. James McGee,
Prcprietor ; Thos: Brown, Auctionee_.
On Thursday, arch 18th, at 1 o'clook p: m., on
Lot 27, Conces ion 1, McKilloo, adjoining the
town of Seaforth. Farm Stock and implements.
A. Doods, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, March lfith, at 1 -p.m., on Lot 17,1, Con-
cession 3, Hibbert. Farm stock, implementer 'end
household furniture, William McLellan, Proerietor
Thos. Brown, Augtioneer.
On Saturday, March 13, on Lot 10, C ncession 6,
McKillop, school building and contents. Wm.
Moylan, Secretary; J. Arnold, Auctioneer.
On Saturday, Mara 20, at 1 o'c;ock p.m., at the
livery barn, Main st., Seaforrh. Liveey stook and
effects. W. a. Byrne, Proprietor ; T. Brown,
Auctioneer. •
Card of Thanks
The undersigned desires to express his sincere
thanks to the Fire Brigade and the people who rend.
ered such valuable aesista.nce on the occasion of the
fire in his furniture store, on the evening of March
1st. He also desires to thank Mr. James Watson,
Insurance agent, for the very prompt ani sidebar'
tory manner in whia he secured the adjustment of
his insurance. He further hopes to see all his old
customers and many new ones In his new shop in
Campbell's block, Alain st., Seaforth.
M. 0, WINTER, Furniture Dealer
24.65x1 end Reparrer,
11 -Thomas Brown has been Instructed by Win.
McLellan, town by public anetion, on Lot117, Con.
t3esidon 4, township of Ribbert, on Tuesday, March
letir, eta o'clock. Itorseli..-One draft. horse Tieing
four, one good workiog horse, One mare in foal ris•
ingeour. 1 aged mare, e driving horse rioting 0, 1
-driving bores rising three. eattle-4 cow in calf.
two heifers rising 2 years old, 2 fat heifers, 1 calf, 8
steers rising 8. • Hoga-4..brood sow with six pigs, 1
• brcod sow,1 York hog, 18 pigs from 25 pounds up to
160. 1aap1ements-1 Masey.lierris binder with
truck nearly new, 1 Massey Harris mower nearly
-new, 13 disc, drill just ueedilast Ramon, cultivator,
-manure spreader, horse rake, wagon, 2 buggies, cut-
ter, one 2.furrow plow,! walking plews, four se Won
harrow, hay raok, pig rack, eat Weighs, gravel box,
fanning mill, hay fork car and 200 feet of rope,
water trough Ilned, cement trough, sugar ketch),
2 eats working harriers, 1 set single harnese, shovels,
forks, crowbar, whifiletress, , one 10 horse ;power,
Clinton make, in good shape, i'tone boat, wheel-
barrow, grindstone and a lot of other articles.
Household fundturelPeortension table, 5 bedsteads, 1
.dozen chairs cook stove, parlor (stove, couch, dishes,
:lamps, kitchen, table, copper boiler. Terms -All
sum of 85 and under, cath; over thatiNamount 8
'months credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. A'eliercount of 6 par cent off for melt on
credit amounts. No-reeerve as the farm is rented.
WILLIAM MoLELLAN, Proprietor; Thos. Brown,
Auctioneer. • 24134 -td
ke STOCK AND 111PLEMENTS--Mr, Themes
Brown has been instructed by Me. Adam Dodds, to
-sell by publics auction, on Lots 27, Concession 1,
'MoKillop, adjoieingehe town of Seaforth, on Thurs.
;day, Idarole18th. 19M, at 1 (Moak pan., sharp, • the
following property. Horses - 1 mete ten years
old inrfoal to,Spote one ream rising five years hid,
el mare rising 3 years old, 2 geldinge rising:2 3 eirs
roolt 9 months old. Cattle -1 cow due to (Wee in
April, 2 cows nine to calve in May, 5 fresh cows, 6
.steers weight between' 11 and V cwt., a heefsring
• heifers 9young ',fettle fkon110 to 16 montlisold, 6 young
. calves. Plge-1 sow dile to litter about let of April,
7 pigs abbat 4 Months old, about, 100 hens. 'mole -
merits -1 binder, mower, hay rake, hay tedderjseed
cultivator, disc, roller, mentre spreader, Cook.
(lett eittgle riding 'plow, walking .plow, diamond
harrows 4 sections, 'muffler, wagon, gravel box, pair
bobsleighs, hay esok. buggy, 2 caters, road' cart,
pig orate, stone 'boat, root -pulper, Melotte cream
separator, set single harness, sot double harness,
ser plow harness, 2 robes, fanning mill, feed cart,•
set weigh scatter 2000 pounds, cross cut saw, •stet
eaw-log bunke. Daisy churn, 2 ten -quart oretim cans,
pails, whittletrees, neckyakes, ()bairn, forks, wire
stretehers rope and pulleys and other -articles. So
resesVe as the proprietor has eola his farm. No
outside stock sold at this sale.'" Terms -Ail acme of
.85 and undee-cash; over that amount 8enonts credit
will. be riven on furnishing approved joint notes. • 4
cents on the dollar off for cash eredib •arimunts.
. ADAM DODDS, Proprietor ; Thomas -Brown
Auctioneer. .2A64 -td
1-1. STOCK ei./f11 IMPLEMENTS -James Jones
• leas received instructions from Mrs. Ellen J. Dow,
Administratrix of the late John Drew, to Sett by
• publas auetion on lecke, Conceesion'Ide townehip-of
"fibbed, on Tuesday, Match 23rd; the following:
The farm is said to contain 100 acres, more or less,
being composed of Lot 4 (Concession 10, tovinship of
Ribbert. On the premises are One seixl brink
dwelling, hank barns, driving shed, two good wells,
- well termed and underdrained and all m a good state
of cultivation, with Use exception of 7 acres bush.
The whole of the fann is seeded with timothy and
clover. Terme of land nuidesknown on day of sale.
Stock -1 heavy draft horse rising 6 3 ears nld, 1
draft horse rising 4 years old, 1 good reliable family
driving horse 9 years olJ, 2 cows due to calve about
time of see, 8. steers rising two years old, 5 heifers
rising 2 -Years oidd3 calveeel, brood sow with titter
at foot, 4 store bogs, reboot 80 hene. Implements-
BinderemOwer, Deering horserake, roller, Perrin
• riding plow, 1 walking plows, Bonnier, Frost& Wood
seed drill; diso, 3 horse cultivator, fanning mill with
bagger, Chatham wagon, set trucks, set bobsleighs
cutter, 2 etcL tughlin top buggies, 1 new, set single
• harness, '2 sets double hareem, large watering
trough, potash kettle, sugar kettle, milk can, large
ron pot, 2 creamery cans, churn, hox stove, bed-
. teed, kitchen chairs, buckets, palls, pans, leeks,
• spades, shovels, hoes, chains, robe, crowbars, lad-
ders, grain hags, horse blankets, quantity 3 inch
tile, grain rack, pig rack, sling•ropes and oar,
quantity of hay, quantity of oat straw, (identity
clean seed oats, quantity cedar poste, quantity
lumber, quantity seed wheat. Terms -All auras of
810 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months
credit will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 3 per cent off for cash on credit amounts.
Wheat and cats cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Positive.
no reserve. Mrs, ELLEN J. DOW, Administratrix
UNE -Mr. Themes Brown has been instructed by
Mr. James McGee, to sell by public auction on Lot
32, Concession 2 1 mile east of Brintefield, township
of Tuckersinithe_ on Tueedey, Much sard, at 1
o'clock. sharp, Mil following. Horsee-1 horse els,
ing5 years, 1 mare rifling 4 years, 1 mare rising 8
years, 1 gelding riting two years, 1 heavy draft mare
rising 6 years 1 driving mare rising 8 years, Cattle
1 row due to calve time of sale, I cow due to calve
middle of April. I cow due to calve last of May, 1
youngheifer milking, in calf, 1 good milking cow to
calve n fall, 1 cow due to calve 1st of May, 1 CLIV
due to calve last of May, 8 heifers rleing 2, yeare, 4
eteers rising 2 years, 4 yearlings, 1 thoroughtwea
Durham bull rising 3 years. 3 Collie pups 3 months
old. 7 York pigs 10 weeks old, also a large number
of hens. Implements -1 massey-Harrls binder nearly
new, Woodstock cultivator, McCormick rake, Frost
& Wood mower, Frost & Wood seed drill nearly new
12 hoe, I Kemp manure spreader, 1 three drum rot -
ler, set diamond harrows 3 sectioee, 1 furrow riding
plow, Fleury walking plow, edilkinson walking
p,Jough, 2 -furrow gang plow, muffler, single drill
rhangold and turnip sower nearly new, grass seeder,
wagon truck, Bain wagon with rack, set of bob-
sleighs, 1 uggy, cutter, Clinton fanning mill, root
pulper, set of scales capacity 2000 pounds, extension
ladder 30 foot, set double harness; pair wind
cellars, set of single harness, Massey -Hargis cream
separator, Massey-Marrie disc harrows, forks, shov-
els, sbws, tools, abio a few houeShold articles and
other things too numerous to mention, Tetms-All
sums of 1110 and udder, cash; over that amount 9
months credit on furnishing approved joint -notes.
A discount of 6% per aneurn off for cash on credit
amounts. JAMES McGEE, Proprietor; Thomas
Brown, Auctioneer. 2465-2
EFFKOTS-Mr. Thomas Brown has received
instructions from W. J. Byrne, to eeli by public
auction, on Saturday, March 20, 1915, at hie livery
barn, Main st., Seaforth. at 1 o'clock,. sharp, phe,
following. Horses -Floss, Week mare, gerea years
old, sound, a good quiet driver, Bell, bay mare 8
yews Old, Teptcy, sore! mare 10 years old, Millie, bay
mare 9 yetis old, Dick, bay horse 10 years old, Nell,
bay mare 8 years old, Sid, brown horse 8 years old
Minnie, bay mare 6 years old, Kate, bay mare 5
years old, Bill, black hem 6 yeare old, 1 gelaing 1
years old 1400 pounds. Equipment -1 pneumatic
tired buggy, 6 steel tired top buggies, 1 open buggy
steel tired, 1 Commercial. buggy, 1 Mikado buggy
good as new, 1 two florae d carriage, 1 three seated
carriage goal as new, 1 double seated Brougham's -
rubber tires, good as new, 1 heavy spring wagon.
1 carryall wagon, with top complete, 6 Portland cut-
ters all he good order, 3 square box cutters. 1 two
seated Weigh jump seat, one three seated pleasure
sleigh nrand new, 1 trunk and carryall sleigh, 1 set
of double carriage harness silver mounted, 1 double
set of light drivinz herneareI•double set of Carryal
harness with britchen, 4 sets single rubber niounted
harness, 6 sets of single harness, I black Galaway
robe new, 1 pure white robe, 2 black bear skin rebee.
4 Saskatchewan robes, 4 back robes for cutters, 8
tweed imp, 10 dusters, several rubber rugs, 8 strings
cf bells, 3 strings of chimes, I hay carrier complete
with fork, rope and pulleys, cutter poles, buggy
poles, office furniture, and all other artieled found
around an up-to-date livery barn, Everything will
be sold without reserve as the proprietor is retiring
from the livery business. Sale will be completed be-
fore eveninrtraine going east and west. Terms of
Sale -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that
amount 7 months credit on approved joint notes.
A discount of 6 per sent per annum allowed for cash
on credit atnounts. W. J. BYRNE, Proprietor;
Thomas Brown, Auetioneer. 2465.1
SRED OATS -The undersigned has about 200 bush
els of clean Banner Reed oats for sale. Price 75
cents per bushel. D. FOTHERINGHAM, Brucefield
Phone 9 cn 132. 2465.2
AGENTS -The World's GreatestrWar, including
Canaria's part, profusely illustrated with act-
ual battle scenes, record seller. Mike seven' dol.
lars duly, sample book free on promise to canvas.J.
LINSO TT, COMPANY, Brantford. - 2462-4
rytEACIIER WANTED -Teacher wantrd for S. 8.
No. 12, Hay township holding a first or second
Normal certificate. Wary 8600, duties to cemmence
Apr1112, 1915. Ap rlications received up to March
31. BENJAMINSURERUS, Secy.Treas., R R. No. 1,
Dashw od.•• 2465x3
A. C. No. 72, OATS -The undersigned has
• about 50 bushels of the above variety of. seed
oats, grown from hand picked college bred seed, on
clean land. 24bushelssown produced 91 bushed; of
• oats. Cleaned ready for seed. Pritte 81.25 per bushel
A. G. SISILLIE, Seaforth, phone 108. • 2465-3
M FOR SALE -For sale on Lot 1, Concession
4, Mullet. Containing- 100acres, convenient to
ol and Post Office. Terms reasonable. For
ha her particulars apply to William McMichael,
eaforth Poet Office. ;2365.tt
FABM FOR SALE -Spend id farm consisting of 100
acres of land, in excellent condition. Fences,
drains and buildings are ia good order. Convenient
to church, school anti market. Being lot 33, conces,
sion13. Usborne, three miles from Hensel!. For terms
and conditions apply to FRANCIS BLATCHFORD
R.R. No. 1, Hensall, Ont,
246b,tf '
riOR SALE -,-A. good springer. -Apply on 141a se,
X Concession 2, Tuckeremith. WM, ELCOAT,
Rrucefield. „ 2466.tf
13 Extraordinary revivalists Quarter million '
o itiverte, Thrilling book. Everybody orders.
Make six to ten dollars dilly.' Sample book free on
dromise to canvas. BIBLE HOUSE, Brantford.
ESIDENCE FOR SALE -- AecOmfortable frame
IL residence neartheHigh &hoot. Good cellar
_hard and -soft water, a iliet ohm stable and half an
Sore of ground, House heated by furnace. 'Cheap
Mr quiok 'sale. Terme esiy., Apply GEORGE
TURNBULL, Eleaforth, 2464-11
E --The under-
linSiened linuTFR
er3yoSuAniag horses two and
three years old, and also a number of hogs for
tale, on Lot 29, clencessfon 13, McKillop. Pito re
No. 14, on 166, Mohillop, Relt. No, 4, Walton.
WILLIAM SOOT., 2468-11
WARM FOR SALE -Lot 13, Coneession 8, Town-
, A: ship 6? Stanley. 100 acres, mostly under, .oulti-
vatlon, good Anne house, with wood and driving
sheds attached., Aleo bank barn. Spring water all
the year round. Parra suitable either for grazing
or grain. Termm
s oderate. Applyto JOHN liET-
CHEN, Brucefillelc 2421-tf
MIAMI FOR SALE. -Lot 6, Concession 9, Tacker-
!: smith, containing 100 acres, about seven acres
under bush. The farm is well fenced and drained
and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the
premises e good frame house,bank barn, pig house,
aen house, drive house and two good wells. For
berms and partiouLers Apply on the premises or ad.
-dress MRS. JOHN McCIAY, Egmondville P.O.• •
thailootassmirammem ummuds.....••••••••10666•60m1600•111
WARM FOR BALE-.13eing -Lot-7, Concession 1,
Township of litillett, containing 106 stored of
choice land. on the premises are a large bank barn
with stabling uniterneathe with cement. fl00113
hroughont. lifew brick-Jun.16e with furnace in the
•, llar. • Well fenced and under drained, sold
reheonable as the owner wishes tp give uplarming.
For further information epply ondthe prentisee or.
addr•ess *Mortis P. .eds, .)ll,ELVIN J. CLARK.
•• ' 42463-tf.
WARM FOR SALE -For sale 100 acres of choice
1: laud in the Township of Hibbert, being Lot 28,
Ooneeselen.9. On:the-premises are -a briok house,
drive shed, bankbarn with. stabeingeheh honse end
pig pen underneath. The farm le' well fended and
undeetlreined, there are -10 mores of hardwood
bush. Rural and 'Telephone 'Connection.
For hirther partioulars apply to ADELINE SILLERY
tufa Ont.• '" -24.22-11
wAli,e1 FOR SALE -Lot 1ii Oonecesion 6, -L.R.S.,
T,uokersmith. The farm contains 100 acres, all
'cleared and In a good state of cultivation. Three
neer failinewells,"Windmill 'at' been. Goad hank
barn 60:88, pig horeves-hen 'Image and drive ahed.
A geed frame house, with furnace. An aore and a
halteof extra geol" orahard: ',Alit 'choice faern is
!within 3 miles ••of Seaforth;'on the Kippen
HENRY. l('ORSY.TEI, Egmendville. : 2.4624f
1 59 ',4011,ElFARn FOR SALE-Plye and three-
qnarter Miles; ercen.the, .yilligeso of 'Breese's, 7
from Biyth and 3 frohilkilgrave. 'There is re never
failing eupply °twee:see leenkeharn 40x72;. tissue
house withoonorete cellar, rural radii and telephone'
11 is Well adapted for both 'stook and grain' one
half mile from school and Wee-quartersfrom
church. Apply to FRED ARMSTRONG, Gilbert,
Alberta, or,orethe..olace to EDWIN ARMSTRONG,
R. R. No.'413iusse1s, 2465 -ft.
• seat
001) .FXRM FOR SALE -For Sale Lot 25 end/
pareof Lot 24; Core:union 14, MoKillop, atm.'
taining 130 aoresj There are -on ,the drremiees•
modern Neck house With hard and eoft. water -
There is also a good, berm 60x126 with stone fotin-
datiori and'eta'ulitig underneath, driving shed 30140'
on stone foundation, pig- pen and henhouse, all
en good repair. ' There is also a gee 1 bearing or-
chard end two never failine wells. The farm ie well
underdrained and well fenced and in a high (date of
cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It kr
well situated on the North gravel road. 1 mile south
of Walton C. P. ft. station, also telephone and rural
mail delivery. This is a choice farce and will be
sold on reareerable term. For (Luther particulars
apply on the premises or :address.. W. J. DICKSON
Walton. 2458-tf
For Sale
• s
An eight roomed briek house aril four lots. The
house has a slate root and just ten minutes walk to
town, has a good cellar and hard eud soft water on
the premises. Apply to
House for Sale
Onsalia• i,
A good frame house, seven roonorand gcod stable
and a quarter of m sore cf land. sFine place for a
retired farmer. Juet outside' the corporation.
e465-tf JOHNSANKIN, Seaforth
Auction Sale
• School Building and Contents
There will be offered for sale by pieblic auction on
the premises, Lot • 10, Concession MoKiliop, on
Sat urday, March 13th, at 2 o'clock pan.. sharp, the
following property. The brick school house, 28x38,
for SA No. 5, with desks, ehairs, blackboards, maps
boles, globes charts and apt:wane for fifth class
work, stove, pipes„ etc. Tne fifth class ma-
terial is almost new. Positively no reserve. Terms
On building 6 months credit on furnishing approved
joint notes- The balance of articles to be caeh.
WILLIAM MOYLAN, Secretary S.S. No. 5; John
Arnola, Auctioneer, 2465-1
Pigs! Pigs!
I have for sale seven thoroughbred Tamworth
sows, also three grade York sows of goad qnelity
and grand mothers raising large litter
n e of theae sows has 10 fine youngsters
at foot, now. Any person wanting anything.
In this lineshould see me before buying elsewhere.
These yonng Tiimworth sows are out of the well
known herdic of H. German, of St. GeorgeeOnt.„ and
Oharies Oursey, of Morriston, Ontario. These
sows are hred to choice 'hogs and any one wanting
good stuff should not miss this chance. The prices
are only what most peeple ask for mongrels. Also
O choice young boar of breeding age. Drop a line or
come and see hese good pigs. Phone 6 on 138,
J. E. ITUGILL, Seaforth.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron,
in the matter of the Estate of William Morrison,
of, the town of Seaforth, deceased.
Notice is hereby given in pursuence of the Stat.,
ute in than behalf that all persons having any claims
or demands tigamst the estate of the late William
Morrison, who died on or ab c ut the 16th day, of
March A. D., 1914, at tbe town of Setiforth, in the
county of Huron, are required to send postpaid, or
deliver to the undersigned, Executor of the last
Will and Testament of the Paid William Morrison,
their names addresses and full particulars in writing
of their claims and a statement of their account
and the nature of the securities it any, held by.
thenseduly verified by affidavit. And take notice
that after the 22nd day of March A. D. 1915, the
Executor will proceed- to distribute the asseteof
the eaid deceased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have had notice, and that the said
Exemitors will not be responsible for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person, of whose claim
they shall not then have received notice. ALEX-
ANDER KERR, for the Executors, Walton p .o.,
R. R No. 2
Dated at the town of Seaforth, this 25th day of
February A.D. 1915. _ • 2161-3
Inthe Supreme Court
of ,Ontario
In the matter of William N. MeMichael, a lunatic
Ptirsuant to an order for sale nide in this matter
anchhearing date the 23rd doe of Februrry A.D., 1915,
there will he sold with the approval of Bernard Louis
Doyie, Esquire, Local Master of thiourt at Goder-
ich,lby Thomas Bro ern, Auctioneer, at the premises
at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., on Friday, the 26th day
of March, 1915, tho following la -els and premises in
one4parcel, vis .atot No. 34, in the 6th Ooncession of
the township of McKillop, containing 160 acme, less
one acre at the northwest corner thereof.
On the said lands are 10 acres of hardwood hush
aere of orchard, a spring creek and a well furnish-
Ingabundant water, a 1/- storey stone house with 8
rooinein good condition and a barn 56x36. Thtre
are 30 acres of fall ploughing done on the premises.
,The property wol be offered for sale sueject to a
reserved bid which has been fixed by the said
Terme of sale 10% of the purchase money to be
paidin cash at the time of rale and the balance in
30 days thereafter.,
In all other respects the terms and conditions of
the eale will lie the stending• canditions of the Sup.
reme Court of Ontario.
Further particular s raay he had from William
Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for Vendor.
B. L. DOYLE, Limit Master
Dated at Galeria, this 9111 day of March, 1915
2165 3
Spring Show
Horses an d Cattle
The Annual Sprlvg Show, under the auspices of the
Sieuth Huron Agricultural Society, ef stallions, har-
nets and halter home. bulls and cows, will be held
in the,
Wednesday, March 31st, 1915
Prize List :
Clydeal'inle or Shire Etellion
Stallion foiled in 1912 and before .86 84 62
Stallion fooled in 1913 ar later 6 4
13eiglan or Percheron
Stallion foaled in 1012 or before
Stallion foeled in 1913 and later
Carriage and Roadeter
Standard _heed aged oarriage etallion
15.3 and over 5 3 2
Standard bred roadster ;taltion
10.2 aed under 15,3 6 3 2
Hareem Hems
Heavy draft team. • • - 4 2
Heavy draft brood mare in foal 6 =4
Heavy draft or Agricultural 3,•eld
mato or gelr'ing 3
• Three year old heavy draft geldiug or
filly foaled in 1912 3
Two year old heavy draft gelding or
filly foaled in 1913 • 3
Agricultural team e• a
Agricultural mete in foal 5 3
• Three year old agricultural gelding or
filly foaled in 191e 3 2
Two year old agtioultural gelding or
filly foaled in 1913 2 2
Carriage team - • • . 4' 2
• • SingleCarriaze horse " • 4 '2
• Roadster tea.n 4, " _
Smule roadeter • 4 2
No horse dr horses to be shown in more than One
class except for sweepstake prize, without con-
eent oz Dire•etors. .
•Special Prizes
C. S. Hudson, carriage 'maker, 84.00 wheel barrow
for the•best farmere single oriving oubnii.'
A. Worm, harness maker, 65.00 rug for the best
heavy harnessed team'
A. &Mon, Seed Merchant, 200 lbs. nit for the best
bull unaer. 1 year old any breed.'
A.- W. E. Hemphill, druggist, one pail, Coltimbian •
Stock Food, valued at. 5300, for the beet import,.
' ed erood mare any age. • • •
T. W. Widmer, grocer, eine ;Thee valued at $3,
for the -beet agriculuural brood mare any age...
P. Wiggins, resturant, onedrox cilgaipc valued ate$3,
for tars besesingledrleing
G. E.- Eroeireblaokamith, set ot eehifilettrees, valued
• at 64.00, for the hest groomed horse in age' class.
Milton W. OreweineUentiall, adult of Walkeir overalls
and sniook for the best heavy draft team. '
• • • • . . • • . '
Aged MI • - •. 84:
Bull calved after September 1, 1913 • 6 - 4-
°Ow oe heifer over two years. old • 3 ,
Heifereundet twq years old 3
Aged hull • - * • 4
Bultealved After Septetieber 1, 1913 6 4
Cow or heifer overttetes years- old " •3 2
Heifer under two years , : • 3 2
A Sweepstake hedge will he given in each of the
cattle elosimeande else'for " the bedt pure hred
female. • • a. ••; •
Butcher steer or heifer (grade) • 3 '
All exhibitors must heconnemembers of •1 ho So-
ciety by psyingi5I to the &dreary. Entries ,can
be made with theSeoretary, at the Commercial ho-
tel, until 1 ,o'ciook on the day of the show. • The de-
cision of the Judges to les Meal in all cases. Arrange
meats will be'rnade 80 navedmple 'addomodationfor
all horses. • •,
K. M. McLean Owen Geiger
Seaforth, Secretary Hensall, President
• 2465-3
Winthrop Creamery.
A Meeting of the patrons of the Winthron"cream-
ery will be held in ()alders Hall, Winthrop, on Mon -
'day, March 15th, at 2 &Mock p.m., for the
transaction of buelness. All interestedhre tequest-
ed to attend.
SCARLETT, Preeldent
2464-2 A. A. OUTHILL, Secretary
Spring House
Is almost here. You will prob-
ably need at least one morn -re-
painted and freshened up With
attractive wall paper.We have
a large selection of all thernew
patterns to choose from and
we can offer you an attractive
room decoration ale% moderate
cost, or a higher price, as you
prefer. But we suggest an
early order to avoid delays
when house • cleaning time
comes. Until further notice
we will furnish paper and hang .
same in any room up to size
12x14x9 for $4.25. Call and see
sainples, or drop postal to box
355 and we willsubmit samples
for your selection.
John Hooper
Master Painter & Decorator
John street Seaforth
New Blacksmith
Shop in Dublin
Isaac A. Hannah , for several years
in the shop of R. and F. Devereux.
Seaforth. also in several first class
shops in Stratford, has opened a shop
Blacksmithing in all its branches will
be carried on, horse -shoeing a special-
ty. Repairs of all kinds promptly at -
t. nded to. • Give me a trial.
Isaac A. Hannah
N. B. -Terms; Settlement every four
monthsi. 2462x4
Logs and
Heading Bolts
We, the undersigned are prepared
to pay the highest casit price for logs
and heading bolts delivered at the
Seaforthr sawmill.
Basswood. heading bolts to be cut
20 and 40 inches long.
Soft elm, soft maple and beech logs
to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet.
Hard maple 12 feet All other logs
to be cut 10, 12, 11 and 16 feet.
Special attention paid to custom
For particulars apply at the office of
the Seaforth sawmi/l.
Ament Bros.
Seaford). Ont.
lii/R EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,LL.D., Preiddest
ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOgN AIRD. Annie General 14i' -
CAPITAL $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking busin'ess, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. srs
Seaforth Brarch
Inf.. 0. T. MORSON -
Prices ,ot other Ford cars Are
Two --passenger Runabout $540*
Two;:ciassenger Coupelet $856
Five -passenger SedanSt I so: *Alt
*tais fully equi'pPed inctudin,er-el;
ectric headlight.' Prices F. Q.B.
Ford, Ont. Buyers of all -Ford
cars will share in our profits if
-wesell 3o, o90 cars between Aug-
ust 1, 1914 and August i, 1915
All Ford cars on exhibition at*
F.Paly's Gar
Seaforth, Ont.
ogs!, Logs!
ogs an -7-4 Basswood
iteadi*g Bolts
SoftElm 1 $12 to $16
Elm Logs, cUt 8, Ix, 13 16
feet. fit for saves . $14 The Seaforth Creamery "
Elm Logs, 12 feet. long, fit
for hoops $16
Basswood Heading, No. t,
20 inches 1 ug $2.50
John McDonald
VValton Saw Mills
We have our Creamery now in fult
operation, and we want your patron-
age. Wa are _prepared to pay. you
the higheat prices for your cremes, pa
you every two weeks, weigh, sample
and test, each can of cream Aral' *
and give you statement of the same.
We also supply can free of charge,
and give.you an honest busines_s daal.
Call in and see us ordrop us a card for
Gasoline Engines
All sizes from 10,, to 30 h. p.
Latest improveq. Will use
either gasoline 1 or kerosene.
Send for circular and prices.
The Robert Fnline
4Thre3her C Limited
Seafor It, Ont
Beechwood Store
Dear Friends :
I return my sincere thanks to
all those who so premptly respond-
ed to my notice - olr the last two
weeks. Many cam and paid their
accounts. There a e still accounts
on my books, and those indebted
will kindly call at ohce and settle,
as I must have money. Every
little helps to pay bik bills.
! have a large!, -well selected
and well bought stock which en-
ables me to continne good values
to you. Special iralUes in teas, :
flour is down, a few kegs of No. I
lake herring to clear at $4. See o
our clearing of socks and rubbers, ;
mitts, gloves, sweaters, caps, and
many Other useful ahicles. •
I am, Yours Respectfully •
Double Track all the Way
Toronto -Chicago
Unexcelled Train Service
Highest Class of Equipment
Winter Tours to California
Flori di CI:.d Sunny South
Fast Trains -1. hoice of Routes
• Low fares now in effect
For full particulars consult G. T. IL
ticket agents or write. -O. E. Horning,
D. P. A., Toronto.
W. Somerville. ... Tcwn Agent
W. Plant. . . Depot Agctit
Union Station, Toronto. Ont
Brucefield Sawmill
• Wanted
G. K. olland
LOGS. All kinds at the Alk
highest cash prices. •
isfaction guaranteed. +
CHOPPING. Finest of ;
work done.
ROLLING, the only way I
for horses. _
For Sale
LUMBER, all kitids for i
all purposes. •
COAL, the coal that sat-
isfies. 4
fresh carload just arrived. I
• FERTILIZERS, best by ,
test. The proper way to .;.
increase your production.
and patriotism. ..
CEDAR POSTS, home- •
grown highland cedar. :
I solicit and by fair, square •
dealings shall endeavor worth- :
ily to merit your most liberal :
patronage. • - •
J. B. Mus tardi
• Phone 11 on 145 •
•••t• .A.4",14" e