HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-12, Page 5Lf , * ! ; I I I I . � L �:� , , !� 10 : - a I I . .; .. . .1 . � I . . - . . � I . . . � - _-� - I I ­­­ __ ____ _k� ­ ­__ 4W.T %A-—.0,40 .__i_-* --R--- , ­.�- --.­,r--_-:__.__J _-.Jr ---- -- "� - AA". AUW,4�%&, , U%r- J %FIA - 7V A" .,VGVA %WAA 'A41 - P ", . I 11� I � - I I ter sve­ fALr since the Mochade, has been declzr- I the folloWl0ig - fla4ftef ,shirt, - A— DaIrs, ,if, iy , letters mem., blulit. We - la;n4e$ . _'R I , . � � � , � ' `�:--- lzl� , COW ,_ - � . - I I , I � - " I ' , ' ' , I - , [ : - '� I 1, i � T I tbe mat I S N1 T W i F x S, 1i­_'�­'___7_'"­ I . � Go"ralumt, tn*Ae , - .. � - - , I . _ - _' it_.��_ I - , 1 I I 1. . I I - � - . . — — _� - 118t - 1 " ­� �,, 1. - ,pair ,,of *08ttets, 1 - 400elx."Pu 'the- �40ntlna& -b�, , - .11, * � I , P 41 � "I . . �,, . - , -1i Of ,FMivar*, fIf0e.1 sockv, �.004# . fow. ,days , ,,, � - � ,, , I I . _. i . 1 � — _. What ierfous f or the Doctor.' Sir ed� mi the ,_� , . : - " 1,� .-,-I � .� ... 11 . - � . . - � �� . . . -.4 I . week - -hief The, . Perr s- never even got, a I - I I ' i � � , � , � - ' cap --I :0101A, )-)alt,: 2. - hondke,fo _,z', � ago. ' �,_ � __ : fred, - therefore. one 0ay laot British - ships,have ibeA, -.4unk, but f bur era, � I , 0. . �, � I i .... I 2 .6 ' - p4 : - - I , _* , .�i, - .- . . ' I - r I � . . I M I t t 3 4 ,5- -- I . I .. - � . brought the matter to -the attention thousand air hundr and nlnet6ri . 1, ioi�el, I washcloth, eake soap,,4 arfigil-,ck -'U's ,,an.jt A j, Ve f(voled ;_ -� . - , I ed . . , ur..-Joui e '- - I , - 11 L - -4 1 � ­ , � � I _. � q-, - 11 . , ,W . I I . . , . I a . # , 4 � . . . - ... w �� '7 � 9 9, to 11 I 1 p1te and tabWo. , - C01111) tely., -we . arld 1X0*_._ some- � 1. I I - I . ­ . I I- I I I , -A, 2 13 of Parliament once.imore -and ask.ed'the have arrived �aNly. Ay that the blo�k- , 1�1 �, I I them J4-_ - ­ - - lues . , - .... �".­ L , , - . I I., � L , . .- �j,� I 1+ r, 5 - 20 Government to ,appoint a, ,special Com- ado h" ,not ous. Seven of �The February zr6tIftk-,of'WL Make .,whe're Ih Prance abQut:_fourte�h nifies � ' � . � . . . . . I �, ag - T .. . - I'll 've I i � - I . � I - I I I . I . . , , L , 2*% 24 A A5 - I , . -1 " ,. I � 21 22 , - the Ger'rnad' ! Womeh's Institute took place at the be 0 1 � . �f i-� - , 26 27 mission to enquire -in-to It 06 that Dr-, 18trmarr,Lllse�� 'bin(IL, fhe� f IrIni' lln4, And.'caA: bear I ' ' L , - I - . � 2's . � . r�ng e of M�l_ 'SL !J,A. M - oppor i . , Qosop, Theito was � -gu' -4 � / . .. ", � , I . - 1. I froy6d and -sunk i the British du' 1.h4m , : the ,big ri jutip 'Arstliicit:�y . 1, . I t could be given an Wn t to ., I - �.; 6 _.A The Ger-. . -1 k �- � 11yy . . L � - I "�, - ... - L - [ -, . i, � 7 1 la .. i - - . . L t' R baefore the Commies] . - I , an Izt6resting ,progranyt I fV1 ", I . I ., ., , . 1. . :.,� - . ! .X .1 -C 2S 29 jO . . ,d Short I . .-M in S I 1. . ng . . . e drI*gVL from, the lown where : I I :�� � . � it- ' -I . L � ­ . -, I . . _11 4 � I - , I - I I ... a. . .. ., ' d , .1 app"ri .. I nd the owe fte. ( and* YOT, tnwng wer - . I . � __ - - _ %i , . � . 3'f " - .... ..' L defendkig bift's4f .,This ' -he heL � th- Dur*g,71he past_�Weok the. o pleasant, social';, . w We are billeted a .m6ntl� Pr so ago. -A . . L ­ . � - I . . - I ­.. __ --_. . � ,sdt t I -parations . time i was. 4fter ar v, L s . . I - ,�-"� I ---- , -, �"'� , "" , - , .: IV i , , , I� f 11 I I - - I I , , � - - - . , I Va ,_ !I, I - - - P L I 1, / i I . � I I 1-41 I I � . suited In a,-, geauftke' In the,.Dardinelles,,fb Oe Allied fle ts. epJoyed, The Institute - ree � selit usual -th�y AL-Iled the clitirch. T e stee- I . . I - I ...LLL "' ­="� . " , � I . L efitly L . L 0 . 11 , . . ,I - ex on fire and re L. �y � 1h � � .1 .1 - - i I f � L � , , I - � . . L . I I IMW ADVERTISEMr-NTS L t, their third, contribution to ther Red - f . old scrimmage in.wkieh MEMY Of the of Britain and Franiqe,.have attrae ed S I I �. plb 'in rubitsd and*a' aiptIque aftar is 4 � . , n . i�!- '" , L OL 'The next meeting .was - . 'L I . 1,ticlans on. both sides: more Interest than the o erations 6n cross .10 o6inpletely sm"Vi#d. I- am feeling,fins ? . . . I I I. I I I 0 , old,, seasoned pol , .p Ly. L . L �JL , L I -orfung Shoes - t S,Parke, I , . L i 1� I I .9 . I . held.,,at the.- bome-Vf i a; - lox. &i�d a . - � . - ew Spring Goodi--Ste-A,art WOF,-6 fairly fev,olled for several hours# 16md land. ,The work -here 40 Orogrebsthg Or A quite hea thy. If 1. jLm;uot de-, . " 11 I ng-ftlsh Jtd- . . m , I , . I . - I . - . . I . ; nooma -Greiz clothing, Cc --.I until atter midnight. .The Conservatives f avorably. Several, of ,th Tur h Make, on -Xonday, March. 8th .. when I tafiled t� 'Stay -h'e ' to keip-b��ks I : I - I 11 - I e kis I Is re I -1 I . I Advance dhowhvir-& ReTavish 8 . . - L L . I it . -tt " a Grit, a parr - the second4onation of 61pthing ', will be with the -boys in* thetr4nelies I . . I I .. �, 4 I . . ,n' ba . � � �.. - 1 Dr. ShQr , , �ot TL 2N , �� Lailies, Footwear -H. R. 14cott-8 - . . , . guarding the istralts baye te( ,�r - I -:for the . I . I I . I _ , � � , � � - � I , " 1, I . � - . L 4 Soo - bggia. and we are. ready,.'to Supply YOU 1, J , ,� �, -Thowpsote A -Book storc-8 before long. We know'skothing definite. , f ., �, Wallpaper tiziarL. and many idther bAd things while ed to pieces �ffby the guns of the Britt h Belgians Wag packed. SpriLg work Will L' a ­ . ii, . I � I ' � I - I , . � j'_p�',� I ftoot of Quaaty­-�Cxsh Shoe Store -8 � I . The Clinton New 'Era of Jast week 'Now mother, don't worry,for me, leave with the best valu n ave givo.,n ntic* 4-1 !-�, ��� i", I the Liberals d6fended him& The, War and Froneh,' and -they hiire as yet r4t es i wirking sh,pes we h ' i, 10A 'Patiog Supt,owe 0ourb-11 L. Doyle --5 L With C L L � -1 . I . � k t � F, � For sme­iw. 41coat.-S Truce. was en�lrily lorg6tten for the omparatively slight. oppositi6n. says': 136801te other attractions The it, 14U to -Him who knows bes - heavv leathers -due to thQL E' - - I . . L t. Your an. L we. 101a�ced i � I . adva�ce in .ail uropean w4r) , 4 - . - t other discus- 'But tbey-LhA40 yet .rn*.h to o bef dFe . a' l6i"ring son. -EDWIN CO'PELAND. - . * - K 1---L,i " 1� Oil aperg-G:A. 811jo-S - a d ,�,y un:g jjlb� . . . i� '.7. . I Ime being. Like mos . , 0 . . iral Clo.got laway 'with - . re and - you : , llf,,-�',- V, ;, PA hydo-Alex Wilson -4 I *1 ord r.4 last fall at the old pie�qes. The shoes are he V, ;rmalde I- I heavy .e I 1_1 � 1. I � ` sions. of a like,!nature, how -ever, it did they open-- the Darde"nelh'is' foi traffic good startlist 'Thursday i6vening, tb I . !,A I " - t 11 � - . ­� , , !, I) 106INt-8 I . ii lt�ed Being -D. Ur(lubart-4 not have any practical result except and ,gain possession of the Turklih President- Will L-McVywau In the chair. � I . � reap the benefit. Our shoes are built to stand the hardest kind of wear-, ; � F I- � . ftyfield _. - I . . '! �' I House for Sale -J. ltanki4-5 - � _ . . . - 4_, J � I bers capital, However, that Is the ,goal and After Lthe regular, business was done, . they. ary all solid -leather of superior qual - �­ J : ' . I that It enabled a good.many mem L - ity, , no L Shoe$ are. allowed * to '� I , �T Ited Croig-fi Breezes. -Several dances have been - ,�. t ;:' both sides 'to got rid of a aot of they will gain it In due- course. It* Is Mf. Thomas ,,ldeblillaii, the Liberal cain- . � :,', 1, � ;,-- ii L ' loiLni;* W,e -do not " . 11 a - oto -6 Cd1 ' - enter our stock- that i�e cannot -guarantee. - Another p P K �T . I I �� k " ' Riding, It � O.A,O. ow,* --A. G. builffie-5 political bile . 1. 00yL .1didate for the South ' __ - L eet -D. Votheringhain which had been botheriAg said that - Italy.ds -an the ver * en . gava an held this winter. One on Tuesday night - I.- the t lines, -.of, " all tha t - ' � � g8 Of r u ­ ­ - ' as - I - confine. o r buying to abyone firin,'but solect the?bes � � " _ - the -Was qu . ,� �L�, . F - Spring !.,&o* -6 - several weeks. But ' tering the conflict. -But this hai b n ekeellent address an'tbe topics of Ite largely attended. -The La . . I . -1 , t. %s i� Ji - them for. � - dles' Aid of i8t. Undiews -,Church have I -better sel- __ i � - � ' I i - ,�. ; 11 i! 1; . moomfox--quwauge & Stollery-1 * Alamot arrele to the appointment said so often', . that it - As not'safe Ao da� in naillir�ent.' which *was'.supoll. - . I - . leading factories. This enables ns to give you a bi ger. and -.L'- ; . 9 I � . . . . -'.� - - For sak-11084 Durice-a 1WL4&4LA-- . - � . . : - 1� . r - f ii_ '�_ le mention r 9 on � �i �..�- - _' . , . � -,r , Card of Think" of a Comm, Issi6n of. investigation � and count much on that'until It � actually mented, by short,,. witty. addit9ses by j3pen fortunate In securing e v. Mr. oction. � .a 4w of ou special values for thi seas . MeWs ,, - � ' . . i Z_' Fite, Sal, -,-R. ffinter-'s . takes place' Should Italy' do -so, It would M' ' ' , D. -L. Macph�r F6theiingham, 'of Goderkli, jo'gl�e afi . - I i �!, �. fi �F� . they, will not do so. They can .abuse . s son and � I � working s4oes in hea.vy cdw-hidL-, all solid leather, for $2 a 1palr.� Men!s I - '119 I _gtrugg* R. E. Manninig. After the addresses, .address, at .their St. PatrIck`s*socIai,i . � � _�!,. � -5 Abe tutni bdint Ofth� * , � .. _1 11 � 1 �Y- I . "_6olized -(wii�rprod) solesi for ,, k ! , ,� , Auction Wes Dr. Shortt, sheltered by the privileges miric 5 -1 . - House oleaning-J. RooPer-5 su�)ect "By -Products. ,of. the Way." A, 'working shoei i ni,Canadian,kip, w vis Y, - "' � t -1 ut if Ahe Doctor were as sey,&ral 6f the smaller powers woulo - -cigars: were passed around and .Part- . I I , ith i I . I � I -1 Hensel Deoeutare*--4 , I of parliament b v , i 4 i_-, I . � oon follow fiet exam�le. .. 'ard,�i. 90011 program. �of Music, - singUl ltc.,. � f'�! - it &me of ' g, e $2-.5,6 a pair', Men's workin shoes in Urus calf leather thkt .., *11 not ' I �. .i Farm for Sale -6 allowed to etate,his case before a0ec- 6 . ,. n�rs were chosen. for a, g c - -9 V.- - �, .1 . ' I . . .11 . -1 C * 0 . � . . . ­ , 4, I __ _. � . .. I . I . � I fatriotle, $ovgs,­Be!xtfle Br a.—S , ,. it, and no doubt ' � . I - .� . . for a� hour or' ,so. ' . . . . *will also,,,i3o�,-Oveq. 1"no S&W *;,iM be 'hardv�,for� $3 -a pair. :F M-eii's work sho6s. in pebble leather w.ith toe- . . i., - i . � - I . . z " -1 I -for MI -S 191 commission he M191 . - iing I � it 1! � nome � : - L I I - .- I I i, ,j I . on . N 1' z - � — would, say more than would be pleasant :hol, of "the. 6th c * - Tue.94ay evening, March. 16th, In the , ;�, � d. -.11 11 , , — _... . . �. Huron'Notes � :.; -,qrs. James Nic � I - . -dies-" cap and lwpt prObf soks for $,3 a �air, Sam, e skee in tan PNL'n leather , I I � ' i - . � 11,11 11 - � � s of the 'Governlne-It cession of Morris, died on . Satwday, basement of the -churcb:."1be,,La - _ 4 , 9 R 1j, . q - - 5! fl.- p a; - - I ? , ,� 1i; - fdr $3.,;a ' en s working ' � -, � :for ,some member - rich,' -Jett February - 127th; . at . the " early age of 0 usi pre:. Af a shoes 'in Engrish kip leather, paran .,; i ?A. - well as some members of Parliament, - -Mr. Fred Davis, of Gode . aild of Trilifty. .0hiirch,are t , r.. _ � . � . I � . _ R M i . I I fl." -- ��J �,;i, pawor as - -week for his big farm at I a. 36 years -and 3 nianths'. Sh� lea - n - te -3.5o a pair. . . ,. I I !&= -Govern- last rrican Yes he'r pathig' f6r 'ih6ir a "pual bazaar ana ed r. ateroroof for. $ 1 4 � . I - I it . an 9x - o much and the � I .. . . - - .114 . ..Re knows to'. - 'social z� i i � I 11 . . 8t�, be held i�, the town hall, , , � N - � IA! ; . h ­to Alberta, accompanied by, his brothe�,- h _4 - 11 � I Aeal'too muc _ , usband� a daughtQr; Florpheo. 13 years .. -1 . - �� . . inent -know a 19004 , I - I . 92-i 1% � �A . Alirll: :h. -Mr. aad!Xrs. Peter Xer' a . I ,_ . - ; r, ­ - &I. Dr. Norval. , - � 1 � of a(gie, and a babY son tPree weeks ry .. I � I I -.� 0 .. I * . I - �A ;# . 11 - � - - . . I U, ' - SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Mar., 12, 18175, 5give him � pportunity to sqixe � .. � . . I . . , - - . .1 , - � Provost, Alberta, are -vipiting r6latives . I - ..; _- - ufts. but . - ld. Deceased s mlilden name -was Alice ' ' I � . �. I � 14 -1 � 11 ',�, � I �. Shortt, Zo -doubt,' has his f a" -The special twe to lbe levied by thb� 0 - .... . I . I � -Mrs....Cowle returned this week - I �_ .. I r�, ��i — . I � e . I UT "! , I - � � 11 .c(ne'df th,eT:best'ev1d0n,0es of his fid 1*� 'Ontirlo G6vernment on Municipal a�_ Frances Douglas, whose gfrlhood was ,here. .. . I ; 'I I . - I I - -i .� I Ich.-Miss Ches- � I 11 .. t i � . r. - 11 - I ::, - � I, ..0' -spen n a. .visit.tG Goder . 11 I I __�� *il . . , d fairness In the.position whic sessments, according to the Clerk t io�n �.he adjoining f arm to the fror. . .F1 :-f - The -Dominfon Parliairsent - ity a,,n I I # I ! , -� . I . is the fact that he bar!,. Cl�yljqn, Will &mo,,Ant to h - e at Sea-' I *-. - ` - , . ­ I & -_ . �,! , -$684 -to ffiit (me on wh1ch she died, being the third ney, W. a has'speut tome t1m . . 4 t ",5 he occupies I L , F - I : I . .. . � R.� X ­ L1. � - ­ __ _1it - ii � � - Although our Dominion law makers . . '., ­ . . 'John D urned' thlq',week.- cK&Y., L. I -A 1 3 "t'. I L -had - trouble -with both parties I . I town. , I I . . I I I � daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. 1, (YU19C forth,, ret . . �,, . � I were U. Balley'aifid ,Dr. § . , .. . I- * 'rited1fifteen ygars ago m1th attended the - , �i. 4 .: v I have now teen In session for ovet a Wthen - the Liberals in , poWer m las.'She Was ma � . . . . . I'll ; ; " ' I ", � �� I �,. - - trouble with 111m, and ___�Iqessrs.. O'Neil :161k Co 'Painy, latel� ,aFjt Oct er to her pow ner. t1mira-S-eal orth. ho�ciey .mktch Monday 0 . � .. - -­ � _.- I __ . I . 4 . -----t;�- 1�r. _`� � - "' MOR , � - � ,� '.` � � t !,� I � �It � month, th4y have nbt.as yet a. great they h-aA lotskof of Brucefleld, have Purchased the groc� . _�b bereft part , . I 1-00-00- 1. . - '. N _ , v, . I . � , " tp� I T n s that the 'Anaemit, was* thf,.',cause . bf .her* death., evenIq.g.::-W,.e are pleased Ita,state Mat . . I . , � , J� a -By', 'The - � . 1A. 11 '­ - � - show /for their mo J11st -for the same r4BaSO ery stock and business of. S. J "'Young' s. Xk,bol- was lield In high.. esteem A. Alex. LUke,i'1srbco4iiId9 from .hl.- � , - . . . ''. -1 * M0 - - ,� �1 . .,M `11 I - L= deat to . - . -, bft � -1 � . f . � arvatives are Dow having trouble e � . . ., . I 1� . Cons . fn Gaderich� and are noW runniarth . recent. 1112ma. ! " " �- I .4 . ., . _. . . 4 1� " i . � . � I � . Len& I . 4 Bildget debate has not yet been closed :as he is now .by a w0le circIC'64fr .. . . �F _* I . 1. , . - I i_ �: !-�; I - _. With him. But' treading business. 9 .. I . . .. '' - . I . 11 . .� � - - - I J,; . , , fe Liberals n . I . ­ . ...... 4f I I I 1ELEPH0104 11 OPPOSITI OOMMEROIAL HOTIL I � ., �Jf_ . -� i if and Is likely to continue fc?r the re- - on tife other 1.1ows corns, the -On Tuesday of last,, week, while -Th6 punganno Vomen)s Institute - . . 1,10lien � . . I .11 'i - I - I - . .. - I � , - - - I ". � ,�. � 1 � I � , I . . - - - ;�� 1 I Lr�� I is flilinrg a -tIg%jl4Jce in' tho social life - .. - . �, _. � . .� � I I , . 2� H. Id the Conservatives . �. . . - . . � .. I I - I;- IN . mainder of the week, with occasional drfend him. Shou Mr. !Walter Motfat, at tha ,2nd conces- r. HaHle, dentist, each Taes*sy aml ` I I - ' � I I _ I ii� � e LID- -last regular I V� . ome, "dsitini her - Par- on � I the bill td' ",4:g all baelt'i - t, . . , , I I., . 1, . - - . i ,tha t. community. The e fin't"Act i � r 'and tb J. Oon of Stanley, . was chopping' In. thei, 0 11'� each Weea"y and Tw!uroa* 4 - *Osks; Is hVine , � t 7 discussions on other. subjects sand- be removed f rom- Powe ' . .a ' work. Phone . . -tt . i - . g do High c' , - 16 td leave diors 'ion a, ,-A V a "Ji � " i 1i - orals come back .an - the tables will be woods,,he accidently cut- his foot, th�i meetin sl�jto'bkd viiatheiind�worsq NO. $1, Hehall. - -ftlik . ents. M!r; Aebinhoiii ,W,ho , ging, scale . *95 d ' ick lot the I I . t, F 11 � �i� withed'in, between." The Government ughty Doft r wilk, cut rcqulrft�g to be stitched. . I roads, s -largely. � ittended and amosi . . I . wl the 3rd vohUjigm ' fty � resum ed'.b3r A.' B1 - _ � H I � � .� .1 reversed and th! do .0 I . I W1% I . . ' Foinnars, Attention -The %rr;er41ol4 .. "' ___e. -,*pent Suild Oppod- I 114 - . _f I ;' ]1'P,- MbL-'I ti-,. 'Tffie ftea,li�r -quidd :fre I : I .1 arva- , ;-JA large cro I" " k he ho' � InteresLing. meeting wis efijd�,ed. 'Mrs. again.to1he.fronfin there wingotplo, a With.1116 wife e "� have now- taken eyery &-y In the'week ha iiiWowl h ;T.'7 ely from � i . , � . ve for h1i defenders. the Corse - w� attended t rs0t, 1 ' - fqrm implements., -for using them Is at. Smith Is In f,,uCm, vbiEgi her _fAther, I St � ft,ftl 1A, . ? '. The timirt � . n ,; � ix 11 for Governm cat -business, which looks .tives while the strictures for his con- fair'at Brussels, on Thuradaylof lastT Georg6 Petman ga�e ta excellent pap- moot herb, bn.thit now is the tivne to get them into Dr. E,OSS44k��, . defe=4 ,.6f I -he liiib6lor.a �_ � ` ' . f rom the other side. '# Side qf,Llfe,1-','an1 hA1*sb,-VAto-8 _a d- r , _. -W. Or-. while- Leader Sfia�v' &iiited a state"' � . i ill week. Several outside, buyers ;;ere sun it a a a i I as 71f they lateuded;,clearing the decks duct will come - pre- � e r ati "The � - y ivold ooiftslotfand, wista of ti&e if, . , 9 I I � . ' � Vj - ' . . � I � t gave ' the bupy season; A -large, stoock of 9,h � lln�s of plow da ' nter4lned the mont of - r -1tha � I ad � the sent *and there W48 a lively- exchange 1 Miss:-.Waly our . - , i GGveriimi�it '16membe t i if _i I �� �1- , it was the Llberals'*ho passe MCC I a splendid. - ;:18ttlor twe W. oK'Mun y'ItilghVe 6 � r � qhd repitis. - Ali . i's . ; ;1 for- an early prorogation. $fr. Borden tlie�'Lis,Utute,,can do for . . . lines df%. -v teachers, cifficers' and,oraheatea'-of 1he *bachblors'gUffered In h6i1tk fr= eat- . J_ :, � I . Civil Service Act placing the Inside I o6d-work'repsir- - I 0 . of ,antmals at good prices. S6me of -I 4alk ion whq.t Y-ruironsand4u es.giviii.th6bestof atte�x% jf6thodis - " � I ?V t 'Cli(irch, when' over thirty Ing, store brea,d -with too Inu&'alurp 14 � 1,4 - has not yet Introduced hl, -t bill f6r Civil service, that Is all tle Dominion I't ; tire gIrls and'tho'kii-Is for �,the -Insf1, tion'at thi-' oldt'irel a Is sMid. " Thoinaw Nelft � I f . hem twere for 'army purposes. R � P I T � � �_! e hundred million dGIlar. war -loan, employees In Ottawa, some.four thous- -Xr. John LUnsley,'Of -Lower Wing- tute. Both of fhes'a ladles,'Were listened . . I _.. � . g4ft-4 w�re!present:aiid alt'report a 1. m6ATen-; -InJt.,'b,y poffitn.g tot -'his' own persongo,. - . , I - �� U - tk . I I of .- � . � o tb much pleasure as. well a' . 1. ��:, . ­ � Joy,able tlr�e.-'The ladies 'of the - -Red appearance, wWbh.*h,e claimed hadbeen � I R !, I ham, - former license - commissioner for t W1 - � ­ 11 Pro- - Not6s.-,ffii.' ' r'-'in-d--'doii (of Vic � � I 'I , � �j � - . � - ' fit. frw,d sclos b� jUrs. .(Rev.')' Gomm I � . rto- Huron, and for many years 'tOZIa, were - st week visiting at the ,. I 1 7 1 � Commissimi Instead,of in the con- No postel ; . r Cross League met jb1-%t1f6 'town hall on altogether built- up bythaiuse of bak� , Ibid fthat will -hot likely come . until , and In number, under the contre . 'i T . I � the _ la �_ . . � if the Budget debate is closed. With. uch� Monday afternoon l&9t to sew and plan erg' br"dz � Jnss� Lllllkai lkCilh, Inone I I . . . � tral of the Government as formerly. County Engineer, though 'some Year.3 viere listered to'w'Ith m ' 'enjoyment., home of her o1stir, Mrs. j. 'McDonald of . -, . I . , i 11 I - - for *the carryins #A of the . goord �work. of the inost. forcafuliapdeches of the"de- ! 7 f- these two,'matters out of the way, Dr. Shortt w" appointed ChaIrman,of, oyer eighty, is iiecovering from, a - * serl. The young.lady members aie-planninG thV'2nd of Stainlej.-Miny, WIU xegret ­ . li -I i R _e .. . . 111ness of -Aiss st, * , -Air. William. Venus �ias engaged with bate, - warthly" di3fe,ftdea bafteler& S;na 14 � : q , there ls7 ,not likely to,be much, other the commlssfon' by the Liberal Gov-: lous op, ration. . for 9, tea and iprokram, Ao be. entliel$ tid - learn of ihe , - :f I � . I I .1. I - 11 1i , -his Polltichl __41i.. W. P. Yanstane, ,of Wingharn,, their -own work. . t � . . Air. T. fit4dock av murier,on,the Hen- ' i llli I . . . �� ut it was not - I � -olir vilragi, *1jo fo I c ted mmy r usfifixis e,aftple I � legislation for Farliament to wrestle --ernment. B Meteaft,; of r *!some I - . L a -of em - I � _: - teswii, leanings th - his posiLlon has sold - . Route !X Were I �, 1 1 his far -aall Ruraf -0. �2, and^to convey bi�xnt-men, w1io AdWeted to thft . I at .secured him m On the Bluevale road � of " wceks has been under 'the dott a' care.. ; , -1 .. I . � -Another of the old residents I kll --- Z I , - or . � .N � 4 with. The passing of the,estima- ble part to jMr. Win. Field and Wk ]A' J.. Hill - It Js the Oidpe,,of her' friends'thRt he � the malls lbetweerk;',the stat-lon �artd, post- 40- - The 'Ofinister of Edu- . � 11. .11 . . I . as. he. had inever takea any art Huron,- has been - -called Tibe. , I . i - gathered to her Path . ,F . 1. r � - . I -1 �. .� A. - e the, Principal busim 9 I*th i'ersl. ltebecoi� Praocts, .widow of the Illness will. be,�Gf a short diii-It . Ion.- , o,f.f lee. I i i i , - An at- - I,n politics up Itp tha.f time. 'Re W�s a has sold the portion (ot his farm 110 -3 , , ff b ..ss requ � - _;-jh�. William H,, Bmder; -of Zur- catloft, ;&. L- PoSliff spoke In d6fe.,, ril U 1, , - . . . ., � L. tention. Should this a be the L.Professor of ,Political , L t 0 L Mr; 'R 4 T. 'late James Addlion" 9f -Goderich, -died Mrs, Alex. ; Sprott, who for. gome - ,timie , 'haa ,*Ith4he, iMod wAl of. Iffiassrs -]Bill, 'and ' 11I, � 'ff 1� � Economy Ich, .1 - 't In . ,of � . I . . " - cxf -the the Minister oi For - L _ ! t 'Is - � - *Thoms .: , � *Drake A -lid, Oark. related. f rom Mr. W-- -J�- �.Ao -and Mines made swifter fine ora- . i � : -i f �case; prorogation., can easlly.�e -reach- Queen's' University -in Kingston. He ls on. - . . on Sunday, PebritaiY 27th; M the hom6 has-!been,vith JAYAds in T6ronto, has - . , . . . . 'i; I ;-T, � . - . ' I- . - - 11 ,, I , e re n6w,alike Independent of both political - - -31r. George H Ball, r,f Apbukii, met lot her ,son-in4EL*j Mr. R.. J..,�.AcG(aw: return4. Mrs. Sproat Is -,M�t, �tjj�ijil �' Perkifts We new coramdreial Hotel for tlan combining 'Poetry-, -sentiment an 41 � -1 � _ .* I I , " 6 - Statistics In SUPPGrt" -Of eatly' - T,nar.-I L. � , [7" d by Easter. The indications now a - -_ � . 9 I partics. Like the Auditor General he is with a painful accident while felling She waq.' 84L years j -6f, I age. .&1r, - A405011 k6o.4. fiea1t4._,V'r. X r, %, ' a ehortt . rm Ao commence with., and. . I -aq?( L .-'.-,John 1)�ltz . . [�.- -limb I sho. and we ,. � � took. pots�Issl -re *,ill ,not be another se' - a itm%, One of thq Is caught his -died, about 14 0years agw P ' r�, t1sitor- -.With Mr. Sam.-D61tz - -e N_ -'-;j,-,'; � that the . ssion oth inear on the .11rA.-of this week Ilages. ,Bgto,re the vote �,W,a% t 11 - i, ; � " A appointed for life or during good be I . I I � s aken. tb � .. I - . 1� -Parllameak if the - d -can �not be removed except toot -and caused him to fall, breaking 1her hu -� Zurich. last week. -Mi. lieiweller aliq and tomes well recommended. - Mr. ; -1 � F, ,� !_- . �� ­ of this o#ernmeht h tour ap were reside;,its bf. Gode ' . I 11 .0 ;,r, t, sba,xid . Opposltion� insisted -on rec,e'1yJ11g an ­ , I � f .4 ffl , swers . ry. n1ee- to S,Veral cluestla.15. they had asj�-.i,d , I 'TA 10 69 at. the, ankle. This will lay, 'Goderich for ovet- half a ,century.' -F .�n' Oeetge ..Tr .ji d4ilw-galle i j� � , . - .btt. h�s a ' . J , - ity vote y both hoiises of his I or Ri�W' Visiting In Lon- I .. � T - - ,-g �U ean avoid' It. Wis Is the:'fourth gos- QnJA major ealey, Frend wi - . � � I , - . ' I � . � . : I - 11 ' se ho is him (o(ff work for some -time. . f,Whi- Sinclair il[ls- -w- - ..be busily. � ,4 ,-;- Sion ly another session .Up, -- tand Ill soon . . could be 'Parli . . I several years she was an, invaiid and do- -ly� fitted , - and on ,i la,st wceki-�,,Xi.- the provious night. Li,reply to, Miss � - � ­ - . t q q � � engaged in securing the .shadow tre I . - U_ I -anyw�,y without special - d position to speak as -A gas6lin6 -stove ovefflowed and suf fered .at. fine team 'of ,young heavy . . ing ff- emtia pace protec- 4.. � . held . legisia in a very , goo gioatly at times- .buf she boif,. pos6d of , Scott, ask i.? i � I . - �Z.i , 1. " '4 - I ,none can say him, nay. takthg fire'nearly caused 0 .,serious con- -it ;with esweet, patl ' , ,� � the osubst�nce fajdes.,�,70ur- contract,ors, tio , i i - hinks and ence and'Chrlstlaii draft horses to" aii American buyer. Th -L - - - I ff il ,tion, and In the dAys of the L�lberal he t I . 1. I n Was to. be provii1ed to 33luevale ,� * - ;I -L, 4 ­ ' ' ju * :. prlie h carper -torsi and. masons are figuring on Sunday nights, as there w ny I V's I I.- -he . Government nevet took thr, in the meantinid Dr.. Shortt will pursue flapation Tuesday morning'ini the res- resignation, and welcomed, the In - � i , I party t ,, , as not ,Veen,,learned but' the � � f or -a very busy seas . ere so Ina . - i his vs and will .taflr4nt of.James Thomas, in the Ko- ivons which and preparing 1U ;Z 1P risk- of - running a fifth -session, as it the even tenor of wa. call4b�r-to. rest..She. was quality wis go0A. sinclair. Brothers W11 lgl�'Is on-, the, streets 4fter thurch it I I - � . - i4 . _1 I I F , �'� 'I lbrings It sq %ear the end of the I ffave,Tthe country a igood m any thous- Loan block, Goderich, Only the prompt p.46interR.and. paper han ­ . � , - .,�rnderly and lovingly cargil for, �,nd make nianjAmpu'ritant deals 'With hor- while our ' fer,E was no longer safe for a young -man �T� I � �f i4i - er . m, o buc- ands a dollars yearly � her c ' a .i r..vnd Mrs. Jas, ,,are no 11 . i A by.prevAtIng action of the propfietor put it out be- hildrqn 'a ear.�M­ w �orklng over time. -The Odd- .f6, be out without an escort, the At- � 11 -1, - r il 3 , lt - , I .3 I ,ad� pthei relatives her ses during _ - iU [ �,!� -'a ,� , ting the fellows of, Hen�sall ,Lodge are' already t , 1', , " ppointments to the Govern- fore the f1r.elmen arrived. -ly cherished. Reid of Loqdbn, have been Re i 'Arch, Messer. - said . ,, � � , Career , In" dIfficulties by hold- useless a . I I oeni6ry, will ever be isweet orney-General, , them E0 - "i a - I Iii �' making preparatiaiis for 'their "At � V-' - - - �-d ,suth devices'as - Departments at Ottawa. I ­41INd r*aW&Y t*o*k P14ce In Wing. 1,,-­Wbgham has been having a special ar o t e ,good Samirlt ,P ­ , --1 I Ing up supplies an ment � p t f h thikt there wa-p no %-6ed of running " - .. ,�t 11'11 . I at at the � , I A. ENEMMWWM� am of Mr. rother, Mr. Thomas -& . ' hall on the tountr extra"'expense of .0 : � -, :; � that. - It Is quite 'Pogsible that the . . . ham, on Friday, whenthe tei 4udit of the town, accounts by a profes- home of their .b Rome,", to' b6 bel -in the town _V into th", . , , - - � #�4 I __ij. kfulvey.- of.,Turnberry, became unman- �Ional auditor from Hamilton. A.meet- W�orkman during. his Illness.. We.. are 3 enlarging the police force; If the -other, I � . I I I ,3� � " present Go rnml�nt -will Also -desire to . ' '- the evening of iWedneiday the 24th and ­ ; �., . The Legislature I are&�010 ' a -a li on the -g men, would go � straight b()m,c 'A - 1. �� . avoid ail _ payers -was held In the ple which proinises to, �be �x hiost Interest- youn- i I 1� I ultied - of this nature, and - ' I . -and bfake away. - The cutter " of the ride " , ased to note Iffr. Workm . . . I � I 1, -ere has not bee e apt Filday !night to hear mend. --Kr,. and -, from ehurch'the way he : . .� - 9 ' ' ' - i � i I rie� � - - g Mr. and I rs. Muly t' - h 11 I 'Mrs. Wesle , HarveS . the wo d �r� r, a anything. upset, throwin Ing. eventa: Quite an Interesting hoe p � I that can omly Lbe *done, by cutting the Th I . y . ?w.n a , . . . did y ul ,yt , but':no serious Injury was sustain- the auditors!' p6tt on.'the special add- 'wore -this week vW1,tt ' ' I y key match was hQd an the rink here - jll . 1� J ,tt j, the Ontario out � re ­ � never be molested. The Minister of ti -7 - - -rri one session short. Besides this, tacul r natu-:e tr nspiring in ng at the home of 1 i�., , . - . . ' ' t?, , � .� t _� � the GoverAnient will naturally desire ad.-; -­, .- � . F � I It. M large number were- present �,n)d Mr. Harvey's -sister qrs. Hugh Me- on Manda� �venlng last between the Agriculture dr -_w. attention to the -pro- , , � � ot � - 1_1 � � S - Legislature. Thet debate on -the Ristig " . I , 1, ' i - "? -i 10ee ion over before the War I . I - - I . I -Ar Nathaniel,.S ' - fa - --the. auditor .,and.;, Mw -Diarmid, In *4forth. . V I I :i .;-. I to, get the A - - " - " u!i4ercock an& , 19 - n.�Councfl had'& ,. . . -.Ars. 'Cudmore, Thames goad players and our livine. _1Xre8.SIV-e P011C. Aelf his �'_Departtnent, - ., . i�, -1 - 'V I P. spee re team, resulting in a scorie in favor of - 1:- -�F ji ' expenditure, with its,many contract,;. hWbeen closed. Several good ches' lky lot 14ullett, moved to their new lively � ti ans*eirll�k - ihe questions pro- of 1�xeter has ret4rned home 'after a which,would be more full - -, s, me . . - A4 ; u R - lot 24, hYdbe- 12nd concession.. 'of p67tihded by'tho, rliteba�yers. Among the Oleasa vi Hensall of i 5 to ,,2. -Mr. �_%l r, ,y announced i�_ pposi- farm, , nt "sit with h' Ilton. Ortweln� in a ,s6rles of-1publib. meetings to open �i,,,�� � � � -. fi� A I and compliciatioi1g, can b6 looked Into w6re made on Q)oth sides. The� 0 - i . . er daughters h6r'e, ' I I ", ,,I P'l I- Staln-ley, on Wednesday of last week.- q estions a0ed was: VDid yov fifid Mrs. T. (Wo has added] quite a,q attractive electric , i�� d ,examined by the prying eyes of - tion however, failed to move an am- . aiv ey �- In Bluevale on the following We4dp,e-q, 1, 11 ifirt rkman and 111rs. 14 ' 1 �­ .; I I I I 5 , L � . . _�� sign on tfie "'Blue Front,"' serving - . . � . � I H the Opposition. There has been enou Mr. Sundercock purchased the farm ; i� jqoitr Laveptig'ations any suspicion of We are pleased ito,',note that Mrs, Ro. lal, day z, - - .. . p� Ight, when the -subjects of D-ie- li , 1z ir gh endment'and for ,the first time In sev- f rom Mr. Alex - Sparks, .Whor has moved ver,ongdoinj on the'part of'town offt advertisnitnt, as well 'ILs he I '? V � , ,1 i 1;, revealed already -through. the boot and z� � . cLean, trIct lAgricultural Representatives, Ag - 11 ... � H I , , ' ,� i I 1 ; - � 11 1?' other contracts to -show what we er I now improvin - q� al years, the motion for the adop- An -the m6antli-ne tD,131ake. ' Ing to Illuminate our �street nlc�ly. - ricultural Education in the Public I " " cals?" And the a,uwer was emphatic- who, have been 111, .-are 9. I 4� . ­� Ji I . Our milliners hre'all making great pre- Schools, etc., would be discussed bj, ' ­ I V -may'. expect lattr -6n. It will, Mate- tion of the. address was passed without -,Kr..A,..T:I. Musgrove, A.M. P., P., for ally '.�No.11, The *cause of Sny irregu-. Mrs� Elgle Is *pble to go driving. - I J . �Ii' i - , I L il., f fWest-, Nuro ddressed the students -umber of eggs being q, and .Cxpert speakers, At lle- ,- I � � I 10e, 'be thealdestre of the Governmeat a. division. The Legislature has- been � latilty In accounts was accounted for by Judging by the,h parations for the Spring Openings the iclose of the , - - - - P 1 _Z' in 'the Cc ,� , and Finance Club of the antiquate'd system of.*bookkeeping deliveied at our village stores, we I - �E =�era ' it goes without saying' tbat Hensall bate a cablegram was .brGu,ght In b '­� .! to get the elections over before the � f I I .- fairly busy :with private legislation of , � � - that the hens of this part _y a ; 11 . . the Unive a Toronto on the On- would say leads all villages with three good.es- messen, ' :: i T, -1 .r bouso clearing commences, so that . , I and the auditor recommended an en- - , -i " . . ger . for the Premier which he ­� - � �ep ,� wa . . . � '� � i I i , various kinds and also In considerinfi; ra,rio budgi ,yGne evening 1,%st week, In tliely new sys.tem. " ; : . have. settled down "to solid work for tablishments. , read to the ouse, ouiellig that tha v !, �,' N the Clay,ernment will either be - firm, ly I '. � I . R , 'alm - I 4 r i, ji �V, �t fixed In"pow-er �for -another five years, and discussing the estimates of the de- W clear an able manner he outlined -4LISS Agnes Duncanson, .of Toronto, another season and If prices keep up, I Oanad I I - : I P _­ I � - _ __ - . laii troops, many froril� -11.urdn . il . ­ - . . - H . �_h ��' or the- house cleaning will be lef t partmenLs for the current year. . . Bluevale '. the means and ways by which Ontkrio and 'formerly of 'the 14th "concession no doubt, t4eY will continue doing their ��z " Coulity, Were covering themselves -*vJt1,_ ' i, , [' ' "I 1 - the present OpDosition should they secure- ., , � ­�. �` � to d Its revenue. - of �Grey, wes married to Mr. J. A Mor- duty for their owners. -Many- from ­� _ The Government has not yet Intro- thli Our School � Another forward step Ln glory with the aid,bf. shirts and i3ock-5 , , - i�­ iL �,- ' -Burk 1111mes, the four-year-old son ro�, of Brantford, at,Toronto, on 'Feb- ,part attended Mr. Ro6ert Drownleels. the progre '_ - -6 Wor -ale. '. _. 1 -, �� ?�, tome Into power, Taking all things Z!kJ T S *1; I - . duced Its temperance legislation nor . ss of the Pluevale School he from th nen of I ev .he .me - . J. I I,- �r' of Dr. and Mrs. Solmes, of Sas sale In Tickersmith, last Friday. Mr- to be Utunched this Orlday af ter.loon, $age Premier irXing,: ,& stir - .7 I lnto�_ account, therefore, it is almost katoon, ruary 28rd. On the following morning ;_, . has any InklinsIbeen given as to what -drew from 11.0 � A _� � and ioirmely of Clinton. and who, th� young 6ouple came to Brussels, by Brownlee had a good s9le. Cows sold "_ P '� morally sertailn that there will be a . I �, be. The Government has, Khr-ch 12th, when the part-ats, friends ring patriotic address In -,*hIch bewas f 11 i- 7 likely tteo. � 7; � _,� I �t_As. while play1fig an the Jeet-on the Sask- *a�*i and a recep h4gh -as t,$98, so- it dosn't look as .. � ._11 I t. Aissolution and a, general election be- h­6`V9yer, come out flat-footed in -oppo- I .' tion was held that as ratepayers, and all other3 Inte restea ably seconded by ,the �beader -of the:Op- - , - th ugh the prices of cows were com- I . 1", � .� i , I atehewan River at - Sas 0 . 4 . fore 'the snow (flies Ift ktho fall of katoon, broxe evining 'at the home of the' bride's i.%( g am r,rquestr,d to attend.ai meeting in; position and the House joined Inpheers' f.�_ sition,jo extending ,the municipal fran- I through - and was 'drowAed, was a. paients, when about eighty. guests as- . Doi of the ' J - � �i-_ ' . Ing, down any.-Ar.,W.,� . - : .. -i� � t ILS16. (As an additional evidence, and � 'arid xpplause. The ' Pg � I I' - � . chise to marrWd,women. -A bill for. this ' I the schoolhouse from three to'four ol- �Tliame�-It Wag , . M i,, ?,,.,� -1: ­ perhaps Ahe most potent, Is thefact ­ . - grand-san- of Mr. and Mrsi W. Docherty sembl6d and spent the evening In rnusle, Soo, is spending a few days at his � � I 1, � ?�, purpose was introduced by Mr. Elliott clock,lz or formerly porogued by Lieuteiiant-Gov- i ­ . . 7 ' * th . . - datelng, and social chat. The! bride 'Mr. 'DoIg purpoaezr - I . r �T - i I at tons of campaign literature have of 'Oltnton'. family home here. 1 #-- .ft 1�� . , of ,bfiddlesex, and was supported by Jects of agriculture -and rrver, who read with Imires Z� gaidening, i�'. V.1, . I, � _� � been sent ,out from the Conservative -Silas Jackson, of Moose Jaw, and looked charming in a beautiful, dresi-3 tzYlng his hand.at farmingt#uring . sive effect � t� � � - i �1 - -,-� i'� keadquarters In ' during the the opposition. But. 'Mr. Lucas in be- James Duncan, of Pasqua, Sask., arriv- of '09%dow lace over white silk, her coming sea:sqn land Is, getting thl th ' e - whIch are to be Introduced Into the- his -review _1 of the JeWslation vassed� 11 - . Ottawa - , n ­ � _ , . � Y I � , alf of the Government spoke strongly ' ed at Brussels, on Monday of last weak trayelling dress being of black silk 913 work ,bf the school this sprint. The durIA9 the session. and when , I . i-_1 I.A i past few weeks,. ajid,the woTk is still h - Wich hi shape for the working of the lan,4 ob ect of this m .. he had . . � .� � , . - . �__ r '. I . against It'a;nd askedthis supporters to I i ovement In the rural. been escorted from the cliaraber ,the I il I ., to be present at the funeral of'tbe late black sealet coat and hat. T on his fine 'farm 'in Tuckersmith.-Mr. Achools Is not to' �nake practical im- *st - t tl' � 1. ,t going on. . vote It down, which they accordingly., James . � he wedding far anding mern'bers heartily United In ; ; f. !i .Tf the poMlcal war truce. which has � Duncan, along witli,their broth, presents wereboth numerous and beau- -Alex. McKenzie, the,busy haknes6 m - , 11 ' ,l - 4- L �,� . Ak �'. � e nal Anthem.,, Ulter, � - I t. -i lead- did with protiptness and -despatch. -I-- eis 'of khe* school children but Is an singing th N. -A ,---. � , tic, ,the , . , , ed between the party ers, �ahn Harry .aad WWI. The two U.&I showing the esteem in wrilch the er of the Mlla,gi� is oyer crowded with eff t I - , been arrang I I , r , I � % ,*1 � .. 1, . Qrt to change the pohit of view in Close Of the Parliament a-tine-prograin �-, � --- 7 , r ' the r 4c 19 held. The groom's gift to th Work and Is trying to keep his many rural education by placing more Im- Was, g-17,on whe,n tho, Literary I -,-? er". UUantatned,. the session will not . latter'alscy make their homes i-.� b I e, 4 1. 1;. �_� . ­ . . . -11 -West. . I � � .14 . 11 . �_It !i The duly-pralongued.,,.ThIs peaceful way The War Situation. bilde W a beawtlful-�;et of black fox piltrons In good hurnor'during the bussy, portance an the value of country lif� had the unxisual. ple - = - " t- .. . - . ,1 , L��,� - . . , L' season. . asure - of I I— , " _ of doding business Is exceedingly irk- Last week Mr. E. g. �Wise, of God- - furs. Mr. and Mrs. jMorrow have taken . . . . ard giving the school a more direct a )i -a ,e be n � — . - two talentedi rnlisiclaiji-s wh v - e ,_1 � . I Ir. �. _ There is really -little or no chwoge to i erlch Township, delivered to Mr. Win. '- up .their residence - in --Brantford. I I tafluence than it has ever -had In ihe vl:si,tijig in this , I , � 'il F , " some to many - _ I- �i� 11 an both sides of the , I -�_* 1�, - .note ki the war situation during the Collins, of Hensall district, Sfr,�% Georg - I i _. A V� House T. he old'L a eafsoned hard shell I - 13iticefield,, a fine two-year- --�X quiet wedding took place at! the , 1, �� . . � : - , - . past in adding to, the progress, happl,- Thompson, of Brussels, and Nljij_as- �111,1_ �, . .1� ", Parliamentarian revels in- a row oc- past week. In f act the official d . old kheVier and. to Mr. Sainuel'­Walker' hom6 of the bride's father, Archibald Hensall Debentnres-S4 00". 20 Y,ear,!;Z1 de'ienb- neis mad satisfaction of $the. district b e It U 0 _1 L-1 *5' -.,�. � � I . 9 'y dr d iNkCa , -of Toro _t . 51r,s. Thomp- . F2 PL ures for sale. A. Murdoch Clerk, Hensall. 2465..9 11_1* !- �1� �-�- caslonally. There is nothing which ate -hes from the several fightin _- of :�urich*,' a six-mon-ths-gld bull balf. Ker�,,Xor'rls, when his -elder daughter : which It Is supported.: The - N - . tt �, . - ' ted In matri- methods by son played severalplano m4miters, wb�icli I ­ I Seed Beane -A choice lot of selected white beans � � � � r I, ,,," ;4 - stirs his blood, warm, a his heart �Lnd ex- These � are from one pf the best breed ALary Katherine, was unt " . tric-ts have �be,en very meagre andab.Q L I - F ,F�� r, . . on hand, price for the boming week, ga.to & i)ushel. which the work 'will be Introduced 1.1 were recelvad vIth great'&ppiguse..) - 1; 1 I - Plan a I . , _Uss ,­ d his mind- like a ecr*nmage of the Ing and milking strains lbf Mr. Wise's money to James 0. Knox, a prosperous . � _ E� . ID. U, qnh wi, rrensail, the local school will ,be full-r-explalned McCall, who is R.Puplleof Dr Edwaril . -L ti- 4 i- . I L the only way !outsiders have of* lea�i . 2463xl � i -, �, 1- �' -real, Doneybrook Fair order.4t Is the I 'L . herd ana should prove profitable to yo"g farmer of Tuxford, Sask., Rev. Ubrn-i ust arn tied 4 care - at %he meeting an Friday afternoon' Broome, Is. a P, ,g 4 ��, �, ,- .�,n - I . I , a �L 4 - � that hostl4ties are still -In active ' their new owneirs. 4 kiln in er whose equal har, t;_ _. ll. broat'hL of 'hia life politically. Witi"Qu;t Ing . 'A. , -4. Boyle, of �Ielgrave, officiating. dtled corn. Seenw Your kiiof4orw 1h"0W04rtn\tf'or hen and it Is especially important that the seldom bLen -heard in. Blueyale, a.11,,a -1. ;: - i, . . - . I ' - Is by ,the casualty lists which i - -T�e American Road Machine Com- The,'brid-- wore a gown of ivory- ,silk Millo; Hensall. 1�15'24 - 6thers and moth , ers of the school... sang" -Caller Rerrin,19 4tftilosoph "And P, I ,,, th-is occasional verbal battle he becomes progress . : fted. P. Urquh%rt, oatmeal 12 �r if . � ' torpid, dull, dejected and finally dies. i . �� � I I pany of Goderich, have completed their crep6-de-chene and lace. She were the Dr. Hardie. dentl 4 tf, I y 0 � 1; I appear with daily regularity. In both I eath Tuawlay and PrIday at children should attend and their ceo- several other songs in -'a -way that Ae- I i I _�, . . � . dantract with the Dominion Govern- regulation. vall a 4ensall, each Wednosday and Thursday in Zurich. 1,; . It wa,s no doubt a knowledge ot 11 caffied a* *shower 7 1 1 . , � I ' . the Eastern a;nd Western war zoner, - nd operation is necessary In carrying out � . , I � 11 this characteristic an jthe� part of so me flicu class work, Pfione.1o. 5, Ilenn1l. 2454.tf apprecl ti 11 I roses and. -maiden hair I � . . ment for the mamufacture �f -one hun- I boqu6t of -creeam t lighted her heUrers. The - - a on 1, �"-. � ..? e . of .the audience for the enteftainment . ,;,� I -each side seemo to,be holding its own --dred ,Wagons for the .use fof Brief s. -Mr. John McEwan, son of Our Marliament.-The clos * -9 session: 'so graciously given Was voleed by -A- .- : t, I � .- ...% _ of his old- and, trusted soldiers and , . the third 'fern.i iWes Janet Kerr, sister of-tho � � I s ­ 4 their loonging, for something doing that I and -doing little more. Positions and Canadian contingent. The whole JIV bride, was maid of honor. -After the Mr. John UcEwen. who haa been I,-1 Iti � . 71 ­ . .. of the,Mock Parliament wis a "errat XcEw6n &-ad J. W.� ,'King, ?4 4 Induced Sir Wilfred Laurier to throw � I wagons were shipped in the knockdown . the West for,a, inumber at the close i, I trenches wil be,kalned one' day by onii ing ceremony the bridal couple Of months, re- Improvement on its predecessors , In of the program. Next W.ednes4,a Ill t � I *, little bona-.4n,toi the ring a few dayt J condition and occuWed 12 freight cars' sat down t' turned hame this week' V Sh ,I: I sgo�, the grabbing for which brought' ode to be �ost tfie following day. to godng by the V.T. It. direct to Halifax' I o a dainty wedding break -e by his sister, Miss a:ccompanled smoothness of procedure, showtngthe Rev. Crawford Tate will, gi?je an .ad- �_ � fast.jTlie happy Couple Jeft on the at � Ctiris, - � I - tina- 'Who 1121a 'benefits of- the Parliamentary training dress on "'Historic Laiidmarks of the . I il -that both parties -The old MAllough Hotel building in I terndon train .for- points East amf i been visiting her sister In Saskat he- received by the members. The debate Niagara pVnifisula ,) , � . lback memories of the good old timea i the other side, so. T C i I . - . . before war true � 'Dungannon, which was burned down ' showers of con6ttl and trice, the bride wan.-,4fessrs. Drake amd Clark bavo . . . - as were In vogue. eeern to, be simply marking time until - . f 1'. I , - . . !", - . 1: ]Dr. Adam Shortt, ,who Is Chairman of favorable weather conditions- open In recently will not ibe -rebuilt. It was built ,' travelling Li a na.jy,blue suit with �hat Withdrawn. from tho purchim -of the I ' - . 7 " I -_ - I I -_ - ­ ' Ii- . i vil Service 06m, mission, In an ad- *­ ; . . din 1872 by t1le late ,WIlliam Mallougl ' ti� -match and a ,set of Persian lamb new � Commercial Hotel, O*Ing to 'cer- . ' . -_ I ,: � " the C1 . I - I ' - ­ "T recently delivered at some local . - - - `.M . r diess . . .h om. Kr. and'Mrs. 1� r the$ - 1-1 be ,,something decisive doing. In the In the olden days beforp the #dv�nt of , Knox; left for their future home in the Were . -As We are * Idehyde for the , the spring wht-n there will, certainly 'and has been in the family ever since, ' furs, t e gift o(f the pro tain conditions arising for which 1- or literary function, in . Ottawa spoke � in 'no way responsible. Forma i ,- N e so many railways the hotel &d a thriv-' West;'on JkUrch 1$t. writing wedding . ­ . on the advantages to, the State of hav- -. meantime Britain continues t6pour men bellsare merrily r1rg_ smnmm�� 1� , - I I . r, , Ing the Civil Service entirely removed ' * Ing business and wis t J)opular hostl- I --Mr.and,Mrs.C. J,, Wallls,.,of Clinton, Ing 6id Particulars' of which will be � . ;r_1 * I f ? fro m- political control. To Illustrate a , land munitions Into France evidently In lery with the travelling public. i entertaiued the members of the given liext I I I f;, t ,Wesley w6bk.-A , number of the I I I 1� � � point he mentioned that s -ince the pre- ' readiness fcrr the big push when the -The 14ouse of Refuge Comittee ' Church Choir and a few friends, at faimers in this Section have i - - r a tapped - . I : , � sent Gow-rnment came into power'there , time comes. made theIr'regular quarterly Inspection ' t�helr 1-horm on Friday evening. When their. ,trees and are looking forward I Farrnine, Co 1. . I - . I il ! '. bad been, about two thousands dismis- 1 Most of the first Canadian 6-ontingent of ,the House of Refuge .one day last the - practised their Sunday to a , , mmuiNoty Z,i good maso-ii for MbIlasses and I � I . : . choir had � '� � Z., , I eals in the �outslde Civil Service which , are now located in- Fr week. They found 89 inmates being music: the leader, Mr. -T.kE. East, cat- maple sugar, and all that Is wanted �. ,I . t JJs -not krader the c--introl of the Com- , -, I ance and many cared for, and. everything both Inside led ' now Is strung siunshine. a I . . i, r . of them have been in active service . oit Mr. Karl 'Wilkin, who read an fid frost at . i .�, mission and there :ftad, been ten thous- - and outside the building 'so well man- address to Mr nights.--Xr. E. Ranniewas In Toronto. - I . , i 1� . and f rGrn all accounts have acquitted - W. Moffat, congratulat- Plen-tyof the Pureq FuU Str n9th article, I . ' I . � - � . sn4 new appointments. In other words themselves even In the most - trying cir- . aged and -handlid that not the slighest Jlng him, o1h hls approaching marriage last week, `combining business withl - - , e I . . - - I � . eight thousand persons had been ap- * suggestion of a chanp seemed called and ek..pressing good wishes and ask pleasure.--Mlss C. V. Smith was also ! . already bottl-d, and flow n salre, in I ,; cumstances with the courage, stbadl.. � -. I V C 0 � In the Queen -0ty attending the ; . . i I � � pointed to, positians vacated by - two ! ress sad bravery of the professional for. Indeed Manager,Xut�h keeps things Ing him t.0 accept the accompanying -Xillih- I � � . � I F . ery Openings and in i , � � tho0and. This statament was put f orth Tommie. Their casualties, thus far, going so well that -he seems made for gift, 'a very handsome cake plate* of * Ramilton, -'visit- , 1. � . his Job, 'and Jong jnay he continue . plerce4 silver. Mrs. East ,made the pre- I Ing' relatives. -As we Mentioned in last Half Pound and- One Pound Sizes, ,-�k+ , : through the press and was quoted In have been comparatively light. A. few there�n. I I . � - CL t. . i sen ,A- . I .- ", ; - Parliament as an, evidence of extrav&9- have been kille"d, several w6lunded and -At the last regular meeting of the th weeks' Issue the Jadies of the Patriotic � ' I P �� tation. Mr. Moffat replied suitably I :.� �11 I 4i a t. anking his 'friencls for 'their kind League have arranged for that splen. :� , Non-` D C, nee on the part of, the Govqrnmen quite a nu m differ- . .. Alex..Wi S rill! - ­ �: . 1 did drama, "The Romestead F M,19 , . C:). more Y� i, St. Helens Women's Institute, at which w , I I 14Gn. Robert Rogers, the Minister of ent f6rms of idisease. But on the who, ords' and the beautiful gift. On Lhe . ar - � . I T I 1� 'e there wer0_ .thirty-six ladies present, follow ,, I p� � Public', Works, denied - the accuracy of . they have fared remarkabl 1, ing Tuesday evening Mr. _qoffat I which Is being given by a local com- ' . I � � y well so far goods were packed for the szoldieris con- was piesen . any of, young people and which h " I . �' �tement, pronouncing it false, and the casualties have. been light when as __ %-. __ I * the st , ted with a cabinet of silver . � _ I . . _"4_.,%,.,_. .,-.,--. f- I I Sisting of 88 shirts '47 -pairs of socks, by the' employees of the Dodherty Org-; taken ea well wherever given, I ' misleading and dishonest.'Dr. ShorLt, -, - . 11"7 . we consider the number employed, 8 T)illows j6 , I and Is . ; I -1 ­ ,�, - . 1. � a soine white; koods. The box was val 4ri R6(InlesdAY of last week to xls-� i and literary program will ' . " . � be s,�Lid had failed to mention the num- while the health ,orf the regiments o, I - pairs of 'wristlets and an Company. ,ffr. Moffat Was married ! so highly spoken -of. A fine musical i ber of resignations -as many of those the ued 11 . r I whole has (.been good. Four thous- .:at $68. also be given , 1� 25. 'Th"ks are hue to the wo- I . 11. � who were giv,E�n as dismissed had actu- arid of the seband contingent have been men WE ' 'gable. ;Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and - In connection therewith, and the citi.. in Fancy Goods '�� Writing 1� I. � ally rps!Knea, However, the point still landed in England. within* the past. suppli . o, m646 ' kindly helped with the ' Mrs.- James Dunford, of Clinton. The 1 zens' - band are to be prelse. t ,I fu, . Envelopes� . ­ n n 11 Reduction SaIePads and Papers, 1-. . . , . il es, and,n6w that 1*11h'as been de- bride was also presented with a kit- ' force. As the ,.proc�eds are for such il - Papeteriesy Note', 130oksg 'Books of m -any kinds, - Wall , . . - , 11 . remained that a great many more ap- vveek. ,The passage 'was -made safely,- . - �' 0ointmats had been �made than th6re .. cided to make quilts they.q,re aziked to chen shower by her young lady friends :�-worthy cause and as the admission . I � 1i and Wkthout unusual incident. . continue'tile4o, d, work. . I on,rthe� eve of her marriage. - has been made at twenty-five cents � . i� A were dismissah5 and rQsIgnations, so For several day s klittle was heard of" 0 Papers, etc., s I-, -Sin�,e Chilstm as the ,,Women's Pat- I - . till going 'on - E� �;,, that after all Dr. Shortt was only tech- the German' submarine blockade in the I Ift. Edward C3peland, who Is wi'Lur, ' and :no reserved seats, putting all on � . I I � i - i i - ,., � n4cally wrong. Howeler. this was e- triotle ;Society, of, ClIn'ton,- have con- the -first C ' .. � . I I � - � . 4L auadian Volunteer Contin- � an even plane, the town hall will no I �5� , waters surrounding the Coasts of Gre tributed 219 . . 0 au V - - 21ough to permit the !Conservatives to .. pairs of socks, 139 pairs !gpiit, 4ow in France, wild. -who is a , doubt, be crowded this Friday ev'en- I , � I - . , . DriLain. But on 'Tuesday last the Ger� of wristlets, 82 scarfs, 46 Balaclava- (Wlagbam bDy, writes to -his mother ing.-I-Ir. Frank Case, )of Exeter, has ., I - .� I I �ave a big crow to pick with the Doe- man submarine -brigade seems La have caps 2 ida�- caP�, 18 cholera belts, 57 11n. that, town under date of -*'Vebruary taken a position ,with UT., T. J. Berry ... '* W_ 01; 0.1.0 I - . h, , , ___ - I .. li:wur 19 H . tor, who they atignIatised as a- Grit spurt and without warning (Is1wr'el day shirts, 130 flannelette nig'ALi- 13th as, follows: bear Mother. -Jus tsix- In his large (sale, vad exchange stab S. � . S1, - - � 1'� - � - .- � .- . I smd accused him -of using his positior. torpedoed three British coa-44ting ves- ! Al the Civil Service , Corn-. t,p shirts, 36 pyjama , 105 flannel I , le VA - '-' *is Chairman ot L , s . I C 11 1, ,Is, . sb1its months! to -day since we enlisted at ' Mrs.Robluson, nee Miss Francis Rey- . � � L . , I � , , � sinking -each .one and causing a 49 bed, swks. Eleven who have en sL- ,W(ngb4m. The letter we write now _' Dmggistl and BOdkseller . 1- . 17i A*_.4 � . I . I I ]i nol � I , , Z, , - I . & , who has - beon In Toronto, for I - I I SEAFORTm ­ �,, � I . . - . I . � L I . I . . .� . . I ; - . I I . 1 4 - . . . . . . . ffimhl . I I . L . . I I � - � . . I - we 410vi 11-97616 . I � I . - X Me% - - 9 ." I _,�; ., - I L. 1.� . . . - the i 44-0 . I Z �, ; ­ I - . . I - , L I t t_10 * 'a . . I I . t � , - ., � I k - . � . ,'T NY I . i . owtv* waftrfl � -, � I � IV , I . . af terr.04 , I Xpent a 47 --!-, I __ 7 I . A .3)4,4 ; I -f L I 1 'Iwned � .- . I � I ssawd � , � , I - . 7. . . ; i � . , - A . �; i A - I �, � i � I . f � _7 3 y - I - ,.- _t , __ -44 - I L - .- a 161411 Us"! 1 Me, :Pft - 0 ., � - . 1� - - PAM, fer 1 ` - __i I , it . f4fley, Pei irl ift per i A , - : �f '- f . Aaaki, ,pe I ..% Ptftt*Var; - � . A I - Rhour IT01 . 4 I I . i � � R,T,;gff ,r,v J -:1, I . . I 41 - - R Vy - - - �. Omjom 1 . __�_ ; Bet"'J64'. V i,. I I - - -1 . L� � -1 � . L� . i . . I � - . I � : i : z . � . � I . S . .I- . i Wheat . � -1 1-J , X00S - I I . ,*; - L, -11 � I Pe".. wir . - .1 � 4 , . ­ Peens_v, I . I . � . . -, - . I 13arley,,,.. I � . -.1 TA ­ . . . L I .1 - . . I P0110V I L 11 lahaliges. . , �, - I It . sound, I 1. , 11 -1 - to, *2401 . I g t -i ,� . sound, 3 � " � :1 . . light deli 1 1 . I ,J,(4.-- . to I 4 .� J. i It . ­ . chunk-$,! i .: I 47-0 to A _1 , I .� - r? ". . $ - ; . - . m, I . : . . - I - . , - - . �'11, . N . . � I Londa � - ; gpring 4 . _.1 , i _­ I . dutiml, t - _' L _* - . 41 - - - iew, _por: . V , , - I I V& . -04 - . �. � I - - - - - Irliront I I � , , �i -, , - W it�, - %. - , I I - .. I - SO to a, .1., - . . ­ �, .. Chicke . 4ducks, 11. S ­ � 4 . - U � �.# . i I . . . - t X(M-61A - .. - . western$ L , v­ I . � 7 i � - I , erne, I; .: I . . ,creamr.p. I , _: . -, , L=a" . - � .. - . .. Ilse; tm�l -1 'Aggs�'_';�F; I :_ . A, L - � I . ket, d6zw � - . , , 1 4:440 10 I - .. I q _001ront, . . I - � . "a good il . .are rerAl I I ­ � __ , .11 � . . &,try, I . - . ereamer� . - 401144, st I , 1 .27 to ft � - I . . storage, .. . . " � � � . ket tonO - . . larg Im - � ep I � . . 110MY4__-� . I I I J I . . n tins * ]I I I : � i � ed elover L . " ,lb Uns - ' _. ft, I �s ' 11 � dozen. . Torehu first pab bao; so bakere, �1, -� " J , t. DR I ten 1A - seaboardl - to 411t1911 "I WortherA. I - at *ukf 1 , V tRrio �,�& I - . I I - $1.88, -at -1 - ' is; quoWd , I ___ LL ft- tw, 43 �� , . , __ � ", I � --- L . - Qtr. IDa" , .. i Wi&. S A�_� - "I &A Vat) L . _. . I - 1"_ iwradq � . � � - - T.1he mar] Ileas.­11 __ ­ 1 2 kuof 2d, �Corn.-% .- 11 to,12. . - Beans. --4 - to U.3 -i -J � � , ter hafta - ton, tralli I , I , 134; 900 1. � ons4-Cat. � 1 - - L I . , L 1ps i's - t L � !41L IN ad h � � �_ - " 4&r*, 14 , . ­ . I i In car 10 I bag, --bi ..... . B-aled Tl-� � ants. Are. . L � - ut Ahe .f I bay, $11.1 *1-,6-; ,do., �. -1 --- - I Straw, $1 a I - - � I � � . - L L X-Ontrel � 11 -market V --- I ��: an advayl , - �Was also - i , plies frin . owing to, I their Stu W to a lo.% t.onde 'a ft 'Trade, hi It bas- bi -sales lot, -ebolce ist �; *7,76, aal I ., - .18, but t, I . . the 10: in . Joi4s of 1 .1 i #md medj I 'Butchers' I AQ.. Yneidl 4 . . won, $6, , - .. .44.60.. bl� !$GAO to . - 16; 40. I . - � . �cholce, e4 . and medJ L - ers, $50 1 1 ; . I I I S 6 ; 1W c U, . lambs, *� 1$5- to slit I Union I . I *19.: -Receli I . - iid& Y -a loaft, CO , I . ' 1-64 sheep *horses. 17 - - was f air i - tftg amoP . 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