HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-12, Page 4lace on
Ird, un:_
stor Of
W.- 3
60"Ane �,of* th* earlidr education. Mrs. 00+000.0 a$* 0 a-
griq Abr Bg-
UV -sided there witil: 1968.' whqn her *FM,-ftllv, Fit" Stewart Bra&
father died. Wn opeurfko", W.#1
00 hap
PME �but "Idom III that Afts. UeNichora
an FIR
mother, the U#, OfarlstU IS te- AV a r t,
-ION lived to Sep five- gI*er*4tj*�As-. of her
-0� A. 8000�KRTt-�'Qert*ril Manager, family,, narnelyt-4er, daU ej; now
3ohn Knight, r Londoh;, grAiadauhgter, 0
Vrs. Alfred. OkUwald r., gr,'at -gian&
Firm daughter, Urp __WAl*,
Jno.. soll great
otes Coflocted. Mr.
N #
great &6A Loi6U, WI)QnLald.
to h�V*Ah' "o -w Wk"rt.. wap A 1 -ft -0 in
0 , tnibn Ba*"O"
to try to do so, yourself. thlrtoen'cif . iL;
also W&,
Wh6ft YQV hsv* A We. have the Now made psysWe at dail�tor. I . s the� mother of thlr-
teen 611di-.4m.
Dominion Rank, and -deposit thom, h9re t9r coileagon. 0 0
SUA cofteaft'*=' am
ader im most favorable,-ternw, Lift-udy- 8W 9RV - - - - -
t�*_ " ! r r e Ar _..dL.91L.j_ g E D
f reShbVt fir".
tk wash.,
'In Theft*RP DoWtanorkt. depmits of one' d9llar andvpw.w*'- 14 ' _
4 . , � It " � I
4 IS a4d#d., Ing ' ", , - � 1% .
into a& awrent rafte.
an racelVA4 *a wNch
Cleanses a". q"rjf ar-i�.eti very ay
SEAFORTH OMNCH': F.. �?Ls(m* Namager. -
The Women's T�stitute. he last
Of , 'T
Meeting the 'Wonien's Ingtitute was
R ver was a season when we felt more confidence*
4, 'will attended and.was, b9th linteresting
and 1njSt:eU9tiVe. 'r.heger E ne- in our new
maetings secm
to grow In interest &Lnd tfii laMe"s ol
rMENN& 6 goods. Every de ar- tmen t in our two big stores seems to have excell-
-Me 44 ve 14 e O'Connor, MchaF-I thp trj t
e seen, iA ine a P
cl d�,toi ppreclat-
'Owllywiii, Plii�iz ca -ni, joe Vayne- -th�ra r4ore au -4 -as- tlrj�e ff(ios, on. 40
yj ill not only be consulting your own best intere
more ed itself. Y6u WJ:L
Xbirrl�, SAVI!iftri `Aii intermatIng'. pa -A�y I Cul-
.0er on Sidi atiyely -what is ally -new.
I Frakk Pee wh-e. n you.COM6 here, but yqu will learn author
'11, Al* 0%enly, J&
et: t
Ua re
took, "0 _' I , ctians� were rep-
pl%_F Ws Dcc� nt
Vote oil'
Jiftn* eAlpAro." ptt* Rig. Feeney
ie, Rr'-wry 1.1&W.T. layff-k We,
: I I "t *00 11traw.- seta to Ene 1"a Uross
Joe, Burke, G0ig*- coynat. -Plorewt" I " - - %
st month. !t
T-7116'GUelph 36ek- a�w'.L_V w. e'j#V_ -CqMk;-9&rg,%jjt-WllUAinA 'j I immie -hf6r-
Sh I- purpose, ee*itr an*th�r bale tb r
tkbxsm. J. Curtin,
enth aanual suction Bale of recistare4 r1a,, Ann& A C
stock under the &WOLfts., *!�-, Ule ft- elphl. -:1ft"r. Sqbeipl Work.�A successful
Fat Stock (Xu�i, and, the 0 De- -11astit 'te was hold in
r" Sch6of' u In
Partment at. -!4FLeulture Vrag Wd in tlio'��thddibf bhurch- kere the last Fri- Coisets
th* 3%jr-j*11 ,
'WngT *00001 R�*Ppk—Tft.- folle,*Inf, Is- tbe
d4y iii PArui Tbe- Uatitute wV
V47y 'it , , -- ,
et Gu--Iph* wedxwil4jr, �.'t 7W a O"r v�.
The MW wamat atnoot successf�i �Sei X&M.AA. FF in 44,0z the District. fte
'or 4�
though tie prim reallized%,f 4�: putk.— A20K Albw Corset styles go hand. in hand
I a 'A'Wore pres
tie -Aid not cme quite, up t* -,-f'#
yffiornt, S. X'em-yViont�iM - W1 -to all;—Th*_!p�#ster with
dress fashion. Cromp-
%h�&r, W
1. R. C `"re- e
,Team. P4ftY bigh-elaSeL anftnals 1"a I I N't U-ttir afteliAzact &Ait ffi&
ton?s S -e h
All over the province wogm p*o#, a .—X A. _Uve w-k*k in F iy pring models ar ap-
or,,L. IL HyAo. Jutior
JIA� *h0al", by
ae V17. � - �:
imle,, and the attend r, H. W. Rathwell, j :R.- ODIUM. QU.- -A.,, Staffa-. rooviows'. with the new. dress
a _V,; E. DO !9t
coaaiAerod extremely .9064, takinr evi,
e tu Are P.--yW06r, V- lt-- Meay*lfttl "Tbe Elpmentary- afton&ry Divis- fashictis. There is no style
,ry,th e, tons _ N*; J.
Int I The b* La QL _j;,.,0jj,V,0 or
09n. ove I sue_
organizef. xijCwark. r7". ixursl
bluk- _,;'g . " - .$'p latiott, in Crompton cor-
_4 *Ad some ejeegm. POP v i
re it'" L'Mo itije
"Oppa !4
-a0vir, rull'arton.
T the adult dow-tirl sets, Every corsetis guaran-
Mad 14!,
un 1AZT. Ai R
t C. .0.
4i- p=_*r *11 'Cct Ito, liadh' �,cesimw in 1. workVr 0 fashi - nabl 'and
W --fiLtock 4FjjM, Q.. .40ktalL teed shap-C 0
4CO jj. the t
to jje' au"Asi I -Werr�-. y
Vm,# -ter whi the com rally, a- fit. com fortab-le.
pur Om -t [or _FQ;4j.th,
pmes. -Tho. highest! pries fk� round the Sftd*y
3 sale for % 8 1 4'x�)f Iola- *iiktik. j"i4r Aftor, ad rnn"
wao -by 4r. Oscar X lo A P"t, A F", X-1 Jou nt PRICE 50c to $3,50
pp, Of A hwell, Thir- Sft*u Rev. A. X. boi�m- spoXe.oa "Irpe Rellg#,
Wp Zurich- for -a rejalLbull Lue,110, Rooter. ftcoa4 ParL-1 , 99
,,Var - I 1 1000 % Little Chilil, andifter. W
e it
yW eld,nam collynte Amtric
Zt N474-�, It lo:4 -Tinp, tylWt,,of "J�bal, H, Mllsa_w on.-;:. -,reflt� �.f Invest.
ment in. -the, Sund&,v SohiW,S DuF'A(F
'Wim bre.d by X. F.' *'Q4 Gl� Ailld,�
tOtk'Ue& &.bo6i. Re"ft.--Vebruary report is pr e mujij. A Va rLitcheu Aprons
t 'ry. 4&W- .10-fich Z
is 'y w
44,4W and the. axerage price w* 2, basod 1* �& 'wzlttejL test an4i,'only the sei-y'ed-by, the lo,4ies of Matti, the
t9ut I$I#V. ;ift, X -le Q�f those pupils obtalulng,'farty w
pp tp he cQn- r9mes altera J;jJ - tim
zpa,tr4ted *a his 49 . young jadt,6 of Mrs. Light and dark blues, greys,
ente-rX*- "I* his per cftt. a0pear: 0*nppaitlon',
msay friends will hope th*t he may lGeogrAphy `300 Stator Vourth.--4dna black. and white stripes. A
'have the, beat otirQod. lupk with. his Reid 224, BlifTA;;htbild',220� Doll%,Mc-
I Joe -e a
fine bull which NVill -not only' J�nlor Third. ,Pear altater i gul r c o v e r all kitchen
be siervice- aAytn, I� *naar,-
alblo, In improving his own herd bui e* -f Our Fire Apparatus, �it the W-4.
r A. Augh Riiin 177, Charlie MeGavlh . apron.
�ahould also be a benefit to the Otock 1", Sjuaj Holmes 129. Ssi�dor Second,— Meeting Of the Council a com-
�of the malrAborhood. John Jeffrer,169 (V Ille Barwick 156-. municadon was received fiom!the Can- FRICIE 50c
Mabel Oav�4*ell 154', Belle Thamer 185, adlan Ire Underwriters Association as
follows -, "The Inspector f6und se
Harry Rinn 127. Part Two.—Recitatlop veral,
Fruit Growers' Meeting.—The annual 10.—Aana Stewart 95, Jo.,not Clark 94. matters (in which he has com -ented
Tnei�tttg of the Huron Fruit Growers' m
tAssoclatlon was held on jWednezday of ,Uertlo Tharner 97, Melissa Holmes 87 nfavorably and. I 'might dr&w your
last week, March 3rd, at the Secretary's Edith Holmes 7S, Gordo.1 McG New Style ds
avin 69: particular attention to the fact that Thg Dress Goo, 'Store is
the auxiliary gas engine again took
oiffice in Goderich, with a -,good atten- Wilbert Holmes 81. Senior Primep. — a lmag time to start. When inspected
darce. The presidmt, gave a -short ad- Spelling *100. — Tommy,06mtible 83,
Marguerite Balfour.79; Lindsay Stew- before neafly halt an hour elapsed be -
dress and a very satisfactory state- fore It was running snd (on this occa- Furni-Wng
mment of the year's usiness. The
b fln- axt 68, Enrolled 84, Avorage 25.—Kc- Sion the time lost was fiftele-n minutes, "th New ods
ancial statement was read and approv- z1ah E. Brown. Teacher. Brig" wi Wo
therefore that the Inspeptorlp, recum-�
ed, '�%nf the officers were given ireat f
mendation that the engine should be
praise �or the success achieved durin.- Bay run at.jeast ance, a- Week and; kept In The new shirts, ties) hosi4�rv,
r t . I Al
the past year. The following officers School Ri*ort.—The following Is the proper order will be carried out. The etc.. are herd in broad and sat- 'I'he dress goods department is attracting unusual in-
-were elected for Lhe7 ensuing year : standing of the pupils In School Section Inspector, points out also that thn byd-
President, J. W. Salkeld; vice-president No. 10, -Hay, for,,the month of Febru- rants require thorougl� overhauling and isfying variety, You are al-
terest &ese days. Wome�.who ap, mrart and
J� D. Orr; directors, g. *K, Revell, D_ ary: Junior Fourth. --George Ingram s erw 9 service for f1re pro- preciate 's
a a wat ork ways sure ot -something new
:C, lGalbraith, IT- Hill, R. Andrews; 699. Senior Third.—Lucy Dougall, 783, tection would be of no value if the
-treas., D. F. Hamlink; aud- Albert Shirray 689, Ruby Ingram 677, exclusive fabrics find a world of pleasure in inspecting
secretary hydrants could not be readily wied. I alid stylish at this store..
Itors, George Gould, and G. W. An- blarerce Munn 667, Helen Elder 460
% , . trust that you will see that aTrange� Furnishings that bear the the new d timings The colors of
drews. A very Interesting discussion Junior Second.—May1niram 534t Jeart menb� are made for keeping- them, In # �ess goods" and trir
took place us to the be, --t methods of' Elder 376. Part Two.—Clarfield- Brod- -future, In better condition. The chemi- * stamp of honest quality and
,cultivation, spraying, arid care of or- crick WS,Grace Chapman 381.Part One. cal Atinguisher, of which 'you have * J new vogue are
good taste at a little lower
,chards, Them ware a number Gf fruit —John Ingram 251.—W. E. �Iogg�rth,
two, the Inspector found 4o'be useless
-growers present outside the Ass0cia- Teacher. and I hope the recommendation made * price. Navy Blue Battleship Grey Green
tibn, wha, at the Telose of the meetIng, School Report.—The'following Is the in regird to these will also have at- *
added their names to the list as 'new o ool S ti No.' 12. Hay,
report f S ec on tention. Belgian Blue' Tan Sa. n d
le M of February: Senior
members. For the'r apples last season for U th The Departed.—Mrs. Credic Stanlake *
'Issociation. realized I- s Flaxman Shirts
memb-are, of the Fourth.—F cy Schoch 244, Daniel Mll of the London Road North passed a- * (iress Glove Black & White Purple Putty
about $1.15 a barrel net (not including ler 216, H -e y Schilbe 137. J'unior way on Konday of this week af ter be -
the pribe of the�,,barrej), ThU3 was 40c Faurth.—LornePfile 266, Norruan Gas- JW
Ing Ill � only a (touple of days. She was Fownes dress gloves have a There is no better value to be
or 51)c better than the net prices re- cho 2r U3, -Alfred The popular cloths are covert cloths, wool poplins
56, TheodoTe Steinbach 55 years and 6 !Manths,� old and is sur- world wide reputation for per tound anywhere than in Flax -
growers. outsId-1 nlo'r Third.—ROSPII& * I -
celved by Individual Welftngar 197. Se vived by her sorrowing hu t feet fit and good wear. nian-guaranteed work sh;rts.
aband hree #
the Association. As the Associaetion de- Schilbe 190, Anfiie Schilbe 178, 'ldorle� boys and'one girl. worsteds, serges, shepherd checksi venetilans
velops a still better mafket ban, be se- Witmer 154, J591 Gascho 69. Junior —On Friday, February 26th, Mr. Sim- Price $1. 00 Price $1. 00 etc.
,cured,with the 19X92r qua:nti tY Of aP- ThLrd.—Iva Livinggood 172, Gordon
on Campbell of' Exeter, passed �, away +
-ples handled. Co-operation is the sal- Witmer 138, Orville Steinbach 181,Wlb- at the age of 75 years aad two days. *
vatLon .jaf the kople-grawi-'19 business- an Pfile 117, Lillian Surarus 105, Oscar He �had been a resident of Exeter 'Lol, * Men's N. ew -Sults
Fleischmer 92, Herbert Hartman 72. about sIx years moving to town from Imff
South Perth Conservatives.—The an- ju-.1jor Second.—Ada Witmer 252, Ver- the Thames Road. In 1851, the deceas- Made to Measure Suits
-nual meeting of the South Perth Con- -ion Scho(tz 251, Frank Badour 241, Al- ed, with his paxents, moved from the
servative Association was held in the vin Walters 226, Lorne Fleischauer 183, For §prin
Town Hall, jNfitchell, an Friday, Feb-�* County of Lannark and settle& on the ices
ruary 20th. The president" Mr- John Theresa Meld.Lnger 149, Jermaine'�Yfasse Thames Road, near Farquhar. Being a 6 for Men at Eas y rr
87. Senior Part Two.—Bernice Schoch
strong, active and affibitious young
Rudolph,'of Logan, was absentthrough 116. Junior Part Two.—Albert Fletsch- man he took -an adtive part in making It I's not to early to think of the
-illness and Mr. Rudolph jarmuth pre- auer 170, Gertle Schl1be 137, Nellie Meld- the wilderness that then was Into the
e el- I Menw'e are readv. Ready with the finest showing new spring suit. We have dozens
sided. the following officers Inger 81, Edwin Gaecho 72. Part On(.' beautiful country that we pow,see. He
.ected for 1915: Pre�ident, F. Richard C.—Lillian Rase 166, Lillian Rader156. Married giss Elizabeth Turnbull, who of new Spring suitings you ever saw. Beautiful of new suits here in 'every size. Z,
son, St. Marys; First Vice-Pres-ldent, Lambert Witmer 155, Elizabeth Badour predeceased him In the year 1878,leav-
R_ Jarmuth, Logan; Sccond Vice-Prest- new arev and brown worsteds, attractive navy and I A Is
103, Susie Wafters 92. Part One B 23. ghters, Mxs. John Ste-vmrt, Suits that will sat; fy you to a
!Yfftchell; Secre- ?ing two dau
dent, Dr. Armstrong, of the North Boundary of Usborne, and Ito spring weight, Iancy mixtures in
taiy, B. F, Lancaster, St. Marys; Trea- Geitie Schilbe 126, Idella Schoch 123. blaCk se'rges, nicety.
surer. T. S. Ford, ItAitchell; Executive— Erwin Schi�lbe 121i Part one A.�-Gor- Mrs. David Hackney, of Regina, Sask. handsome Scotch Bannockburn cloths, in all the
don Miller 96, Edgar Masse 57. Number Later he was married to Miss Agpes
,gessre. J. Dempsey, Stratford; 0. Rar- Sparks.'Teacher. Pringle and to this union very latest and newest ideas. We can fit you.
on ro were ad-
ris, tMunro, C. C- Rock, Brodhagen; ded,(two, sons and two daughters -kr- Navy, brown and mixtures are
R. Freernan, Shakespeare, and George Morris thur -on the old homestead and Ed- PRICE $20 to $25 very strong for Spring. They, are
Wilson, I-libbert. The president of the The Council.—At the laist hieeting of ward ,on the north. boundary of Us -
different local organizations al3o act
'%Jr. Jno. Morri.- Council, Procter waq appointed borne, Afr§.- .(Dr.) Ramsay and 1.�Uss cut in the new designs and have i_�
uponthe EX---'Cutive Corn-mittee. , lector of taXes for this year at a Veraj purse, both of Ramilton. in re-
t ad- Co'l
iBennewles, M. P. J., ,give a shor salary of $125. -.A_ petition was receiv- ligion jift. Campbell was aPresbyterlan every qualification of the perfect
dress in which he referred to the largz ed from -kir. 0. ,Kk Taylor and Mrs. V.. and M Politics a Liberal. "ae was' a
st, to the Women's Spring Suits suit. All sizes 33 to 48 -
majority given hh-n in June la, A. Taylor asking to have lots 11 and man who never refused to take an ac- *
proposed legislition Of the Hearst Gov- 12, concession 1, taken "out of School tive part in anything that pertained to *
ment, gave some reasons why the
ern- Section No. 1. and. placed in Union See- the welfare of the country. A Xind and
not satisfactory, Made to Aie'asiire PRICE
provincial budget was ticyn No. 12. The petition was entertain- loving parent and a ' oat obliging *
e rumor *instructed to
and dealed. tif s which he said -and� the clerk -was nqlghbor, he was esteemed by all, and *
a to
-were being circulated with regax rotitj all parties concerned to appear his Many acts of kindness will be long $7.00 to $17.00
of the,'Germans.
vour measure for vour new
the, disloyalty of s0me at next Council me�etjag at 2 o'clock remembered by the people of the neigh -
A gra. nt of $2o was made for Children s
borhood. Begides his widow iand family
& Linoleums
Aid SocietY Of the County on motion
he is survived by two misters in the
There is nothi ng missing in'
suit now. i�pring season
the complete stock ofrugs and
by Councillor Fraser and Laldlaw.The
linoleums. matter wh4
floor you wish to cover, from
truce wais SuDpbsed to be, on now but
the kitchen the pa:rlor,, you
township of Ilibbert.
will 4 nd . b ere an Rrray of pg
new fabrics are here, the ndw style
terns and colors so attractive -
motian of Councillors Johnston
in desi gn and so reas=0,bk in
price that the choosirig"be-
-paring to take advantage 'iof th-e OPPor-
comes a real pleasure. Wt.
quietly $fargaret A." Imiller, relict of the
will be pRased to show YO.'U,,
plates are on i�,xhibition and our. staff
tunities whieb would bra 6ffered when
the auditors' salaries were pild. An
pecial Laces dc
Hundreds of ards :)f white
y t
and ecru lace. All widths.
Dr. St-ele fol'owed and spo�ce of thr
A gra. nt of $2o was made for Children s
borhood. Begides his widow iand family
Easter The
Opposl�jon which the Borde� Govern-
Aid SocietY Of the County on motion
he is survived by two misters in the
Strong,honest- rug ed work
suit now. i�pring season
me -at ;,apt Iri the Senate.. Ile said, a
by Councillor Fraser and Laldlaw.The
wes t, and one brother James of the
0 has opened up iin livd,ly style.. All the
truce wais SuDpbsed to be, on now but
auditors presented their report and,011
an d.
township of Ilibbert.
new fabrics are here, the ndw style
'he thought that Can ada should pre-
motian of Councillors Johnston
—On March 2nd there passed away
Deacon Shirts 75c
-paring to take advantage 'iof th-e OPPor-
Laidlaw the report was adopted aAd
quietly $fargaret A." Imiller, relict of the
. . . . . . . . . .
plates are on i�,xhibition and our. staff
tunities whieb would bra 6ffered when
the auditors' salaries were pild. An
late John White, founder of the Exeter
- .;
Rt of expert men tailors are prepared to
the presant depression had a-
application from the Trustees of School
Times. Mrs. V.hite wAs b6rn In New-
e sale he bad yet to meet a
way. 14'
Section No. 10 to raise $2j)00 on '
tonstewart, County, Tyrone, Ireland, on
give you perfect fit and true styles.
Canadian of German extraction In
tures (to def ra:y the cost 0 f a schoof
November 29th, 1829, afid _camt to Am-
South Perth, �,Vho, was not a true Brit-
house to be erected during 1,915,. the
erica in 1846, living in Philadelphia un -
PRICIE —$22 to $28
ish subject but at,the. end of the war
debentures to be issued on December
til her Marriage In 'April 1850, after-
W; X.
he knsw th-at tb2re would bp f ewer
��th, j -915, Ito bear In te ress t at 5 per
wards coming to Canada and moving
r. use they would r
Germans bec eali
cent. (and -to cover
period of fifteen.
to Exeter in 1873, the year the Times
aen. freFA f:-om bondage.
that tb,�y ha(I N
'vpr for South Es-
years, On motion b� Councillors Laid-
was ac
paper was founded. Mrs, Whltq-,wa
U�ln Street Methodist
Mr. 01, W11c -X. �V.
law and Fraser the application
member of
,sex, said that in -Canada, a of
had been devised under
cepted and the cterk instructed to pre -
After sundry
Church and a devout Christian from
life and as' s'he advanced to old
pare a by-law. passing
which th-rr! v9 .9 My above
peoplo's rAlls, and he b-?11,�,ved that each
accou nts, the Council adjournedtomeet
Afarch 15th.
age her devotion deepened -and her life
wa-s a benediction to her family. She
in Spring 'Coats
political party In turq sbould govern
again on
The First Dorm—I'vir s. John McNichol,
possessed a high sense of honor and
the Dorn—ion. RP qtat-d 'that this year
of Roblin, I'Xan., who has been visiting
Integrity, a love for ithe Word and the
m. nt Is about . $48.000,000
-the Gov(�rm
with friends.,and, relatives in this Vic -
1:1ouse of God. loyalty (to her own
There is no room for description here.
sho'rt of fun('s necr-ssarY to carry on
the Pf.ceczsary wo-k of the Government
inity spent Sunday last at the home
mate. Mr.. W-pl. Ja,k-
church and self-sacrificing to her fam-
Ity. For some years the deceased had
We just wish to whisper don't buy till
-and hr-nce- hp _%dd1H-an,,' _tfx�Ltfon. Re-
of an old school
n a
so,-,, in r-lyth, -and on Njo d Y left for
been in failing health and during the
you see our new coats,, We have coats
marksfrorn some local sNakers brought
London to visit her,,eldest sister before
past . seven months has been confined
here that delight
the convention to a close.
-,4eturning Wt-st. Mrs. _�JcNlichol, whoic
to. her bed by -.helplessness but this
will you.
Men s Work
Strong,honest- rug ed work
clothes is a hobby of this
store. You are- always sure
of your moneys worth in
-olid wear.
Peabody*s Overalls_, $1.25
Big "B" Overalls $r.00
Flaxnian Shirts $1.00
Deacon Shirts 75c
Penman!s Sox joc to 21�C
Smocks 50c tO$1.25
was Christina, Stewart, was' borne. to the end with marked
Hibbert. maiden name
lived with her parents, Xr. and --Mrs. cheerfulness and Christian fortitude.
School Report.—The following is the Me -to -lot 2U, 0
Richard Stewart, who ca She ever manifested a kin ly c nsid-
repart 'of Sctpsrate School No. 4. Hlb- concession 8. 11vtorris, in the year 1954, eration for others and possessed thL Dried Apple.4 Dried 4ples *j
bert. for th- month of February. The having come from Glasgow, Scotland, love which views human.actions in the,
a,TrIQ<- are in order of merit: Senior '_�JcNtichol holds tbe,hbnor most favorable light. Bereft 4 her hus-'
n , —Ma:,Pgaret Doyle, Carmel Mor- in 1845. krr.S. Butter and ew ros, Butter and
Fourth. of being the first white cChild born hi band and two sons --within a few
ris. and Katie Cannally, equal.. Joi; I �Iorris Township. She left here in IS113. months she bore the heavy �rlal, with
Coyne. S-nior Third.—Angus Xannedy, ior the West: where', -_16 has.s.ince re- Christian fortitude. There remains to Eggs Wanted Eam WantM
willie M&Mlllan. Mary Dayle, Frank sided. On Sunday� %.fr. John Armour, mourn her loss two sons, Will" J of
,Coy,qe. Junior Third.—Cf lia Morris, Ag- was invited to -.qr. J4cksonls home to the Department of the Interior, Ott'a,wa, SEAFORTH
rc-s O'Reilly. Mary Co-yne. Johnnie Wil- spend a few h6urs, he having been the J. J. at Outlook, Sask., and two daugh-
'Coyne, Eddle teacher in No. 9, Morris, to which' both ters, Matilda J. and,.Vargaret VWick-
Ham.,. Jo�- Burke, C;.,.eorge,
.1oDnolly. 11�--m Barry. Second. Mary, Jackson and -Mrs, McNichol owe wire at home.