HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-03-05, Page 1_ a t 1. n raw silk raists, su m 6oc a yard0 new raised n and white yard. h silks are ,n4 fashion - ration than - and black beautiful t material - d. with our • ways j1.14.1y- At present we bought prices and 9oc to $2 are so ex- t we have 2.00 a 5 t o your coa,ts. aay need der list ead. 11 we -will ill the Ler way. ials and 411M.141•11, ORTY-TONYII Y AR R tO LE -AMBER 2,464 ,1. , GRpo 1,,o1THINQ SE FORTH. FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1916 SPRING HATS Hati for Smart Dressers ELEGANCE of style, exquisite finish, and. wear resisting qualities are conspicuous features of every olthausen Hat Sold with the iron- clad guarantee of "money back if not satisfied". Your dealer has them' at $2_50 and up. Colors—Brown, Black, Blue, Green and Grey. Spring Suits and Top Coats A fine and well assorted stock of new Spring top coats and fine fancy colored suits, made by the best makers of men's clothes in Canada. Special style cuts for' Tall Men Short Men Fat Men Lean Men All at popular price, ready to wear or make to your special measure. ,S10•00 t° Si'5•00 I For Ready -to -Wear • gte-- F ROM ONTARIO'S CAPITAL Toronto, March, 2nd, 1915. Two interesting cases were dispos- ed of in the PriminaltAssizes here be- fore Mi. Justice Mulock during the ipast ween. Perhaps the most sen- sational; was that of Carrie Daviesethe eighteen -year-old girl wtho shot her employer, Charles A. Massey, •on the 8th of February. She was being tried for murder. The plea set up by the de- fense w . that the shooting was done in or self efenod and while the girl was in a c dition of mind from fear to render 4er not responsible for. her ac- e girl had. come out from En.g- years ago,,,ahd had been em - the Massey home ever since. When the tragedy oecured Mrs, Massey had been from home and in her ab- senco ,ItIseerns the deceased had at- tempted to take andue liberties with •the igirl, ;which she resisted, and which ins*ed tri her mind (such a -fear as to render her irresponsible for her ac- tions. On the • fatal night when the sbooting iwas done as soon as the girl saw her employer coming home, she secared a revolver, which was in the hose and as Mr. Massey attempted to enter his [ residence she met bim at .the ddor and fired two ahots at him, one of whichreedited in almost instant death. The jury at the trial seemed to take the View of the defence and 8:tter a brief consideration broaght In a rver- diet of Not Gailty. The court room was packed •vvith epectators at the time and when the verdict was announced a very unusual scene occured, The whole audience rose and cheered and the demonetration could not be check- ed. by the police for several minutes, This showed very clearly that the ver- dict was in accord with public senti- ment. The Chief Justice in discharging the girl said: Perhate,s the jury have • taken' a, view of the ease that was not in strict canforrnity with the ralee. They found that When you killed alet. Massey you lost self-control of your- self and at that moment' had no murd- erous intent. You have lead a strict • bringing Up and the influence of your .parents upon you has fallen upon good groand. i You have had the highest regard for morality and hpnor. Those qualities caused you to take a strong view of the things which Mr. Mas- sey did, eo from the ,very highest mo- tives you. did a thing which you will regret all your life. times. land tw ployed ORILIOL•11 -etc& • ' The -second case wag that against Mr. and Mr. Erhil Nerlich, • They were charged With having committed ;an in, dictable affease in having assisted gn alien eneirey to leave Canada. The case against Mrs. Nerlich was - dismissed. but Mr. Nerlich was found, guilty. Ner- Itch is al German. Ie(ha been a resi- dent of Toronto for over twenty yearee He was a prominent merchant there and had made a fortune. He had a I was rather unfortunate at this time fee then worth forty :cents is new just as the young ,Ernten had assumed ivotth twenty-five. Drygoods are cone the reeponsibilities of office and this 1.siderably cheaper." was his first or maiden effort as an 1 officer of the Crown. • Canada W 8 * 6 , —Dr. D. J. Mincidne of Berlin, one i elusion of Mr. Burrellts Address "God ! —Mr. Lancelot hethery, one of tie of the best known thirty-second de- Save the King" and "The Star Spangle , pioneer residents of East- Wawanosh, I died at his home on the 5th conceselon ed Banner" were played. A. war highway, extending amass On- tario, has been proposed before a meet- ing of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. Tile /suggestion is that a model road be constructed from. Wind - or to itiontreal at an approximate cost of $8,00D per mile. 'Numerous' motor leagues ' and ressodations whidh have considered the question have approved a it. The highway, if built; will be known as a w,ar road, and will take the place of sach monuments as might. otherwise be erected at various .pointe as memorials of the great straggle now waging in Europe, The cost Would. be defrayed by private subscription and by municipal contributions. It has been suggested that the various. towns and cities through which or through whose districts the road .would pass should pay for the construction within those districts, leaving the cost cif those sec- tions of the highway in less thickly settled districts to be paid for by pri- vate subscription. There is airea,dy an old and fairly good highway from Kingston west- ward,. passing through Tomato and MoLEAI BROS. Publishers $1.00 & Yanan ,Aavalece . • predation of the British erriPire .at the •and Welland. I -le leaves a widowg two linking of the Atlantic and the 'Pacific. sisters and four brothers. Mr. Beattin aad the happy results which may be ran the, livery stable in Brussels:. ter expected from the mingling of the wet... some etar, and moved away. fifteen ers of the two oceans." At the con- ort sixteen years ago. gree Masons in the. province, died on Saturday morning, after a year's ill- ness. He was a native of Shakespeare and has practiced his profession ]3er- lir, Be was 57 years of age. —The British America elevator at Aberdeen, Saskatchewan, was destroy - fed by fire abort a.m., on February 24th. ,The 'elevator contain.ed aboat 20,- 000 busbels .of wheat and 1,000- bushels of seed path and. all are a total loss; The books, safe and office egaipment of the municipality were stored in the office and are lost, with the exception of the (books,/ —A stranien coincidence occured in the deaths. of James Dinning, aged 82, ele Windsor, formerly of Kincardine, who died on February 22nd, and Dun- e -an Matheson, aged 70, formerly of the • gth concession of Kincardine, who also died on the 2gred. inst., .at Portland, 1 of that Township on the. 18th of Feb- • .1 ruary. lie took up his faam in treat Huron Notes . Wawanosh In 1867. and resided on it —Easter Sunday is the date fixed for until his death. He was 86 years ef the formal opening of the neve Melville ' age. He had been a member of glee Chfirch building in Brussele. 1 Orange Order for over fifty years and, —The masgaerade patriotic ball held : was a charthr member of the Belgetane . In Brussels last Friday bvening net- 'Lodge. ' ted $50 for the Red Crass Fund. —The 'VS/Ingham Times of last Week —Mr. g. N. Cantine of St Joseph, save) *Mr, L. Kennedy, who has 'far purchased three standard -bred. horses some yeirs been engagedniteethe roe at aosale in New York, last week. I taneant business in Wirigliam, last —Mr. D. F. Haenlink, of Goderich, 1 week sold his business to Mr. Wamalegg . has shipped 1759 barrels of dried ap- I of London. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy iand pies to,R-oterdam, via Portland, during i family have been good citizens of 'Wing - the past few weeks. . - I ham, and numerous friends will ba very .sorry if they decide to leave the • —Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Carter, of Moose Jaw, &take who had been spending the I tmle * ---''' • winter with friends in Wroxeter and A. pleasant event, took place at on Wednesday of last eek vicinity, left last week for their West- IWInghain. at the. residence of Mr. and Mrs. art - ern hoine. . wright, -vehen their daughter, Mande, —Mr. Reuben Cudmore, of Toronto was united in marriage to George eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Roland. • Michigan, lag. Both bodies arrived»'Jacques, a. rosperous youug busdness the fame train and were burried. in. ,i Cudinorn, of Hensall, was inarrIed in Toro to on Wednesday of last . week. man of the town, the ceremony being Kincardine Cemetery, on the same day. performed by theBev.D. Perrin af the to Miss Florence McDowell of that city Tlie two men had been life-long friends. —Dr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Wroxeter, Presbyterian Church. The previouS ev- ening Mr. Jacques was InespitablY Mee left that village • last week to take up tabled, at Millar's Cafe by ids friends residence la Toronto. Daring their reSie and was presented With a solid oak dence in. Wroxeter, th.ey made inany roelter. friends, :who regret their departare. —Captain Dowding, paymaster 4 the —Mr. an Mrs. Archibald Clark, of 33rd Battalion, who left this PAU It as Walton,. announce the engagement of manager of the Merchants Boa their daughter, Agnes K., to Armour Clinton, to go on active service, w D. Dundas, both, of gicKillon mart- moved to St Joseph's Hospital, at age ta eake place in March. - —Rev. A. C: tWishart, pastor of St. Paula' Presbyterian Church, Calgary, and formerly of Brussels, was married t Banff.. on February 10th, to Miss —D. McPherson, of Aldhoro. Middle- kno-wn as the Kingston road, but the sex County, took two sticks of oak new 'proposal would probably mean an timber to the railway a few days ago, altogether new highway and,, of course, that netted Min $115, One stick was 50 ' feet long, 22 inches aquare 'at one end a much longer one. , grid 19 at the other. The other stick In the meantime, the Ontario gov- rnment is already taking action toward was slightly shorter and. srnaller.Their. be contraction of a ,permanent high- destination is Quebec, where they will be utilized in shipbuilding. It is almost ay to connect the cities of Toronto nd Hamilton. This road will be built impossible to find timbers, suitable for • y a commission which will have power thiswork. a expropriate the lands necessary for —John Irwin, one of the most pro- be road. itself, ,as well as for gravel minent farmers of Tilbury East Town - its etc from which to draw suPplies. . t 4 ,f ship, Kent County, died very sudden - "or the construction and maintenance, ly at his home on the Middle road, f the highw,ay. The goad will be built on ;Wednesday of last week, at the y the commission in co-operation with age of 57 years. He had been in good he several municipalities through health until Monday, when pneumonia ich it will pass, these trunicipall- set in, ceasing, his death. Mr. Idwin les being authorized to do the neces-, was very active in municipal affairs, ary financing by the gssue of twenty - ear debentures,. The cammission will e empowerai to regalate traffic and a exercise control in varioas other •ays, notably in regard ea the term& apon wleich new railways Man be built across the highway; The intention is to make an early 'start anon this road, This road like the proposed Montreal - [Windsor road will be largely for auto- mobile use: •• e e 0 , The Ontario government is coming to the rescue of settlers Who are with- out seed grain. There are said to be a large weather of tsuch settlers in the far -northern and northwestern parts of Ontario, men who pave followed. the new railveays into the wilderness, and have been clearing lands for farming. As' the lands, in .many instances, are only partly cleared and no crop has large business and has a beautiful been raised on them, the settlers, are home in the city. His offences was in dependent., upon outside supplies. 'War having given a German officer, who conditions have left these men without was in Toronto assistance to the a- the means to buy the grain for seed mount of ten dollars to enable bim to ing. As already explained, the govern - i return to Germany to join his regiment ment is helping them 'to market the there.17ghen the parties were arrested . Pulpwood cut frcim their lands. and , . i the conk whicli teen once of it and not h the s werecams more char they was for aleleo Mir Gent The the tars. at re.* on - don, on Monday, Suffering trait &Alight attack of la grippe. tahhough the !cap- tain's condition was not serlaus, I 'was deemed advisable to remove him t the hospital. that he may receive better ;ate Irene*P rter )3reckenbridge, of Calgary. tention than is possible in 'the roy- -Mr. and Mrh. Robert Colclough, of ised barrack buildings at the fair Clinton, anntunce the engagement of Winghana on Friday night, yeas up. ',grounds. their daughter, Maggie Edna. to Geo. A sleighload af nineteen peopie, on Leslie Hanley, son of Mr. .and Mrs. — their way to a prayer (fleeting a,t the '- Robert Hanley, Goderieh Township, the home of Mrs. Sinclair Phippen, in gator- marriage to take place during March. for several years having been reeve (it —The aseessment of the town of was warden of the County of Kent, commission of three members instead Wingharn will this year he done by a Tilbury East Township, and in 1913, Swan River, Man., went oat hunting of, bee one assessor as is -usual. The commission is composed of Mayor Ir- -J. Hoey, a homesteader living near aback, he saw his charn come out of vin—em, tgirr.rol).. Holmes and Albert Fleming. waives. 'While at a distance from his the - house. For a joke he crouched saek., ami As.onlineecf hmtre.1, eionfdlefacroosee. 5vJaptw: chum, mistaking hinnfor a wolie, fired Knechtel, of McKillop, was married on down and howled like kit wolf. His at. hien with a gfauser, hitting him in the 10th of February to Miss Kathleen the thigh, shatteriag the bone Be was McGinn of Moose Jaw. gill*. Knechtel taken at once to Swan River boepital, e,ngagede in the rubber goods business where his leg was -amputated. He was In the Western Province. raunorabnline gt.o resist the double shock of injury and operation, and died next . soath end of Lake Huron, are three icebarga at least 36 (feet in height. —Stranded on Corsica Island, at the —.A movement is on foo in Moose for Lake Harm, and tthe bergs are the ' C" This is sagnething out of the ordinary an'become a farmer by cultivating all le fifty yes largest that have 'been aeen in the lake Jaw, Sask., -to make eYery city -bred acant Iota. The executive a the board ''' rs. of trade is now g•etting into to•uch with ' —The Village of Blyth is now with; all 'owners of yacant property asking out a bakery. Mr. Hollyman, who had that 'permission lee geanted to allow been conducting bu• siness there, having the iv.acame lots to be used by citizens closed up on acco•unt of the hIgh price fer the 'purpose of growing garden pro- of flour ,ar d train the feet that a num- duce. A mass meeting of ratepayers ber of other business places in town is Texpected to be held ehortly with a view .to the launching of the Vacant —me, Henry Huffman, a pioneer resi- sell bread made by outside establish- . eying an extensive correspoode ' rieulture, through its, technical office merits , at the age .of 98 years. He ,was a, ehowed that the a,ceased had ,matter of seed. The department of ag- dent of Howick, died on February 16th, Lot. Garden ,Aasociation of Moose Jaw. eritble correspondence was found . now more help s o ard the pros and cons of the scheme; eiv_ic.bodles. • native of Germany, but has resided are now being discussed by severe. he financial statement presented near Orange Hill, in Howick, for over was of a suspicious character ,peed grain, which will be sold to the 1.--- half a century. He was quite active ith friends in Germany and some ers, get' together a supply of good aye been thought much of, showeg money advanced by the government. phone Company held in Mohtreal last week, showed he gross emu and well until within a few weeks of t Ithough at another time migh I settlers. The latter will pay for it with at the mows' meeting of the Bell Tek - 1 t i t 1 his death. strongly; with Germany. This diet on their lands. They , . , as tgs° —Retire M-aVittie the oldest son of ances, perhaps influenced the jurt. terest until the repayment of the prin- with *8,850,441B in ins. The ne andr -Mrs' eaget gieVittle, o u e s, d ' f H 11 tt died mpathies of Nerlieh and his wife and will give the government a • lien will also pay in- have been , b $9 699 026 83 .compared ' than the real offence which was cipal. These loans will not be made an_ ings were $212,61.7 in 1914,in the hospital in Toronto, on un eiy e against them. At any rate. less the government is satisfied in each totalled $210 83'1 last ear againet oaroi$niee of 18,st week, after an operation. 'N le MeVillie even 49 years of age, had been 21507 in 1913. The surplus • - t t case that sach aid is deserved and nee- - - d. • e a conductor on the Canadian acific occ inte wo As not the • esth I set EVERY Man tisat we measure for a Suit or Overcoat makes e fa avorable impression—. $20.00 to $30.00 , far as clothing can do it, and if 'a man will live Made to Special Measure up to... ISIT CISPTHES ICVCJI‹ MR CPS..1.1r177_,,EN LIMITELt - Le can pass muster anywhere Sommanammarodmaimulimion Balance of all Fur Coats at i Cleariui Prices Mack Fur Coats Fui Collared Coats • $10.00 to $14.0 $9.00 to $12.0 Gre clothing Co'y. SEAFOR.Til lp f un him ga y, . not .pronoanced as the Counsel essary; All grains, hay, clover and eased was given permission tb some potato seed will re handled in ilagainst the decision to a higher this way. and the Chief Justice delayed . accused was admitted to bail 'n remainder being carried to surplus nce until 'the appeal is settle Mr. 11/Lerner's Speeoh um Of one hundred thousand dojt- During the debate in the House of account, which now amounts to one The position which the Nerlica e Conn:noels on Manday la,st, on. a resolu- million dollars. Mac - pied in the city hed to great r ford, affirming that the Government tion moved by Mr. Cockshut, of Brant- —Itir. Robert 'Melvin, Euclid Avenue, est being taken in the case th n should take charge of all food tuffs Toronto, Ontario traveler for the Mac- rlich has plenty of money it le in Canada. Mr. J. mitten Plabliehing Company, received enlikely the case can be kept in South Huron, was heard from. Mr. Mrs. Black, of Edinburgh, in which J. delerner, M.P„ for a letter on Saturday from his sister, Ici otherwise have been the resu t. ceurts until the end of the w r. Merner evidently spoke in reply to Mr. she speaks of a letter received from n,' it will - not he so difficult to Cockshut, a member on his own side. a lady friend wive is being held prise le. His e napmeecehriesporretf:erred, to as follows in oner witb a nuinber of other English women In Berlin. Mrs. Blank writes: t 'dna treatment, being due ta heavier _interest Railway for over twenty years home was in North Bay. $503,732 in 1913, the difference in charges and. new dividends, The a- —After thirty-five years of working mount of $118,665 was carried to re- at machinery without a mishap, Mr. serve which now totals $9,874,469,the aeorge Lemp, of Auburn, had an acci- dent last week, his hand taming in eontact with the buzz planer in his factory, the second finger being re- moved and the third finger badly lac- erated, Ervin Willertt son-in-law of Mr. Casper 'Weber, of the Goshen Line South Hay, has rented the 100 -acre farm of Mr. 1William Mulholland, of the 4th concession of Hay,, for a term of three years, Mr. Wilbert has also pur- chased the stock and implements from Mr. ?triathlon/tad and *gets possession II int d his MrMerner and Mr. ;Martin rose sine - g, trite cheerful, and Her letter wasq dealt chiefly with he ni he Legislatare has now got et - tied idown to business. The Budge spOeeh has been delivered and is now beling discussed. Whether or not the PO 1 tie amendments ha.s nt 'transpired at this writing, The 13 d et was a surprise to most people. the condition of the farmer. He i The specie,' taxes were not expected would be better employed "getting af- td take the form they did. However, ter those fellows" with whom he VMS 121 the morey is wisely a,nd economic- associated. How woald he eike a reso- ly expended no one will seriously oh • Litton -stopping the ehipping of ploughs at to the method the Government to the other side? Woaid he think that ie taken to raise it. The form of equally patriotic? The high cost of-liv- eels,' or direct tax they have adopt- ing, Mr. Merrier maintained, was not Is probably as fair and unobjection- due to the farmer, 'but to high rents be as could have been adopted. and speeulations. "If people want style f The new Treasurer, Mr. McGarry', .in they've .got to pay for it," said he in ie Budget speech went considerably advocating a return to simpler modes ut of his way to make a savage at- of living. k on the Insurance companies and t The Toronto Mali says: "Wild is t`gir. s brought down upon his head the Coekshut trying to get at, the farm- ispleasure of those connected. with ers?" asked Mr. Merrier, pf South Hur- t ese companies. It seems that the an, Mr. Merrier thought Mr. 'Cockshutt a cial tax levied on the life Insurance lir3.,d not lost much sleep over the fum- e inoanies last year by the then Pro- er when the latter had, been getting ✓ Tidal treasurer, Mr. Lucas, has been low prices for his wheat or his butter ✓ sisted by the companies and has not or eggs. If there were unduly high et been paid. The companies contend- prices, Mr. Merner thought the middle - at the tax is ultra vires of the pow- man might in many case,s be blamed, as was 'proved by the fact, that meats 0 sition- wit ove ultaneously to reply, but the Conser- vative member caught the Speaker's eye. He protested against Mr. Caelcshut "getting' after the farmer." That gen- tleman, he declared, had never "lost much sleep- n n " 1 I teresting himself In a 11 el 4. rs of the Legislature a,nd are appeal - ng against it in the courts. This seems were now so dear, whereas cattle arm o have raised the ire of Mr. McGarry hogs were low Mr. Merner stated, that nd hence his tirade against the cone- 35 years ago the cost of living in Can- , antes and his acousation of disloyal- ada. had been higher than It was to- ty against the officers. However, it is day. /quite evident the Companies are quite The Toronto World says: Mr. Merner within their rights in resisting Inc (Conservative, Soath Huron) also went taX if they do not consider it right after Mr. Cockshutt's proposition ham- / or legal and they naturally 'resent the mer and tongs. (He geld the farmer Treasurer's remarks.- The general ine- was only getting a fair return even pression is that Mr. gfcGarry has act- With the present high prices. As a mat- ed indiscreetly. He is A new man at ter of lent they were not so high be - the business and his early elevation cause cattle a,nd swine were compare has, evidently given ,him a touch of atively cheap. The so-called high cost .the disease known as "Illg Head," of living, he thought, .was largely im- while his Irish gift of freedom of aginary. "I ain a imerchant as well as speech has led him to extremes. How- a farmer," he continaed, "I have been ever, as the Insarance companies are be'hind the counter for thirty-seven. quite able to take care of theneselvee years. Thirty-five years ago I got a the incidence will have no public sig- dollar for six pounds of sugar, and to-- rificance and the somewhat 'bungle- day a dollar will nay twelve pounds. atis a:ad wordy Treasurer will leer n Tea, I then sold for Seventy-five cents discretion by, experience., Bat the break set, the sleigh Skidding on the. aide of the read,, and tie/lowing oat the en- tire party and seriously injuring se -Ye ' era!, two being now i.mder medico, care. Mrs. Case,mone received a bad p over . her right eye, necessitating 'ten titoh.- ese also a face cat; Mrs, John Stono is novel in the; herepital and may halite suffered internal injuries; Jahr ley had a finger badly" airaine Mooney had his head bruised, k Broadnven, a knee badly beirte —Patrick O'Toole, otberwise as Threeld A. McDonald, n ty 'before Judge Doyle, at last week, to a charge a ot,, a watch, ring's and several 'ar clothing from Mr. Da.4- Lochalsh, Ashfield, and. ;veheg er ed for sentence uatil WW1 give Crown 'Attorney Setif* scouted, opportunity to 4u1e ptivimis record. O'Toole eig gdaSDattaidts employ, and took. of the absence of his e Mrs. McDonald from hotttt to them. He got awaw as far as where be was arrested, ' • —The second annual -Doliv p er the auspices of the Buda Aescciation was held In Vin Wednesday of last week. etg- of prizes for stock, was . te and the merchants ' and blasirte of the town offered special Ind= to their customers. Despite roads the day was 4 success points of view. There Was _ crawd' of people in town a d *- estimated that about $9,000 was left in :own. Several a ses yeere purchased at plices from $160 and upwards. Man trought in, however, were nal the owners could not accept t. offered. —Another old warrior left the tow', of 'Whighain, to fight the Ge ens, li the persori of Jack Taylor, ko Imi . seen service in the Smith atifr an istoet and carries the marks .i of woe While on stout duty he Was under coinmand a Lord Methane geld ' Carrington, where he had three ?I or ehot from under him, two b buil the other by shrapnel. iThe latter c ed the wounds, the scars of whie bears to -day. He returned leo eitid a the war, and left Wingtain about two years his wife and • children. Mr. wife, who still resides in in although not in the hest of heal greed to her husband once more g , into active zervice,, she and the other women prisoners —Mr. John Barrett, of Blyth, who is were receiving from the Germans. iv- over eighty years of age, had the lige- thin in. her letter contra,d1cted the fortune to fall heavily upon the lee I the yard of hie home on Saturday statements made in the papers. As go" knovt, I am a vollector of stamps, and thaeght that as this was a time of war, the German stamp would be of Interest. I therefore removed the stamp. Underneath it WBA written; 'We are Starving.' " --Catherine Anthony, aged two and one-half years, dattgliter of Clarence Anthony, of the Township of Oxford, near Brockville, was burned to death in a fire which glestrayed the Anthony dwelling. Mrs. Anthony went ton a vis- it to a neighbor, leaving three ishildren, James, aged five; Catherine and Mary, a -babe of one 'year. iMTS. Anthony had. almost reached her destination, when, on looking back, she discovered • the place on fire. Before eihe coald return the entire dwelhng was a mass of flames, and several neighbors had ar- rived. on the scene. James and the baby were safe oataide, but sister Catherine had been left a prey to the flames. The boy's story to his mother was that they heard something fall upstairs and later fire and smoke oame through the ceiling: He carried the baby 1tcs safety, but Catherine refused 'ted follow. --Canada's pavilion at the Panalsa- Pacific exposition, at San Francisco, morning, injuring himself severely. Neighbors assisted him into the house and.. a phoician was summoned. HU thigh was quite badly bruised but for- tunately rko bones were broken. —Mr. Nathan Jahns, of Zelina, Sask., spent a few' boutsin Blyth, one day last week, while on his way to visit his nephew, Mr. ".W. F. Vanstone, of Wihgham. Mr. Johns is ex -Reeve of Colborne' Township, arid has beep in the 'West five years arid speaks in glowing teams of the present and. fu- ture outlook of his adopted province. —Mr. Thomas Jackson, an old. a nu respected resident of Amberley, Ash- field Township, died at the hoine of - Mrs. James Courtney last week. He was a native of County K.ilkenney, Ire- land, and came to. Ashfield, in 1870. He „w‘as a pfoeninent Orangeman and high -up in the Order and his funeral was u.nder the auspices of Amberley Lodge. —Mr. Robert Jones, of Clinton, and formerly, of Seaforth, who has had the old Ontario Street blacksmith shop un- der lease the 'past two or three years, hag decided upon a change of stand and has rented a portiou of what was for years known as the Kennedy live California, was forma, y pe d t the public on Friday last, after dedicationery, next the Wesley church shed. ceremordes. The Dominion was repre- —James Duncan, a well-known resi- sented by Hon.- Martin Burrell, Cana- dent of Brussels, and vicinity, passed diem minitster of agriculture. Xn his ad- away at his home in tnat village on dress, Mr. Burrell read the following Friday Jost. He had been in failing dispatch from Right Hon. Lewis Hare health for several months. Mr Duncan court, British secretary of state for was a farrier on the Sth line of Morris colonial affairs, conveying a message TOWIlSti, for a great Many years, re- frain Ming George, in which it was tiring at three years Ago. He was stated: "The. King feels that there is in his 79th year. is survived by his - no doubt that this great undertaking wife aied groWn-up family. will be attended with great success —13aiguel Beattie, proprietor of the and prove worthy of the vast accom- Mallelort House, St. Catherine, wad plishment which it celebrates. His Ma- tottad dead in bed Tuesday morning of josty rejoices to think that his Do- Last Week. Be was born in Teickersmith rrintert of Canada is taking part in this atout fifty years ago. ine had conduct - ti thtne testifying to the at- ed hotels in Brussow Toronto, Barrie • and is now worth forty cents, and co e POOR, COPY 1 • —Walter Stewart, one of 1 est -known and highly cste . d zens, passed away le Theersdag ev He h,ad been ill and gradual -1; slnki throughout the fail and w1iter. ._ for some time recovery wars not ended. Though he was '69 ye irs . Mr, Stewart had grown up in Luc and vicinity, his parents ha among the earlyt settlers of ' (Iss Bruce. His father was ane 'the to engage in the building h n 1 these parts, and Walter, talai g Up i : same line, continued in the busint until ids death. Of Scotch afloat Mr. Stewart was a Liberal and a strong • supporter of , byterian 'Church. He took a k est In loost sports and will ' missed froin the curling rin for many -winters he took . u prat In the contests.' Be is s tir twp.nona and one daugh —The Blyth 'telephone ,sys Is - doing the long-distance wo Well CiOinpany, and as 4,, town of Clhaton had added 0 . WOWS to their already 'large 114,1, sabscribers. The Blyth Company ; - a large member of subscriber In lett Township, quite close t -o he of Clinton, and. the board oft age! -- been trying for some time , - connection with these people, ha Telephone Company refased to connection tenth the railway given an order regarding it. er has now been passed, and ments 333ade for the comes wade at Slyth. At Tresent, 'distance rate Is 15, tents, h likely td be reduced, egit the of such a connection mut - Is still handicapped bydrriat le ter -oonnection with ' Volhornit Alp, and efforts are teing ._ hay?, them secured. - -