The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-26, Page 8rim HITROINTEXPOSITOR
I have ninoved to the store
one door south of the Billiard
tO0111 and am now in a better
position than ever to supply
your wants in the furniture
Now is the time to bring in those
pieces which are beginning to show
signs a wear. Satisfaction guaran-
.fikeimit vier tr lur •
U winter
Opposite Scott's Shoe store, Seaforth.
Agent fot Stone 4 Wellington
Janaes Watson!
, Successor to W. N. Wateon
tiskieral Fire, Life and Accident insui-
same Agent. Real Estate and
- Loan Agent. Initurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates.
Dealer m New Raymond, White and
New Horne Sewing Machines anti
National Cream Separators1
es, full supply of sewing machine
ne.edleseattachments, or- and re-
pairs always in stock.
Old Friendships
Strengthen old friend-.
ships ,with a new port-
rait—the gift that ex-
acts 7'0th/tn4 in return,
yet has a value that
can only be estimated
in kindly_ thoughtful-
ness. Make an ap;
pointthient to -day
. Fell's Studio
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Ontario's best practical training
school. We have thorough course
and ex.perienced instructors in each
our three departments, Commer-
cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Our
graduates succeed and you s ouldeget
our large, free catalogue. Write 'for
it at once. D. A. McLACHLAN
• Logs and
Heading Bolts
We, the undersigned are prepared
to play the highestcash price for logs '
and heading bolts delivered at the
Seaforth sawmill. 0
Basswood heading bolts to be cut
20 and 40 inches long.
Soft elm, soft roaple and beech logs
to be cut 11, 13 ancl 16 feet.
Hard maple 12 feet All other logs
to be cut IO. 12, 14 and 16 feet.
Special attention paid to custom
For particulars apply at the office of
the Seaforth
Ament Bros.
Seafortli Ont.
Look At It
We have placed in our south
Nvirkiow an exhibit of rubber
in the raw state, consisting of
plantation rubber, yards and
yard .i.• of washed and unwashed
para and several other speci-
merii. of raw rubber, and also
the semi-manufa ctured article.
Come and see this interesting
cliso!:).- for yourself.
And Then
step inside and take fa, look at our
footwear, with th.e possibiIites
they eater for style, ease, service
and individuality. They will a,p.
peal to the fancy- of everydiscrimin
ating person. Don't forget us for
for sett cases, trunks, club bags,
etc_ A full line always in stock.
Herne of Good Shoes
The Re& Crose-Th ladies of the
Red arose Society desir us to acknow-
ledge for them the fon vying contribu-
tions to the fund e of. the Society -:
Yomeg Peoples' Missio \-ry Society_ of
Egrnoedville $6.2e, M1lltary Euchre $147,
Danc-e after etilitery Euehre $8, - Mrs.
Craig Siete( Dr, es H. Ross $2: The;
lefties also -desire us t express 'their
thanks to the Colleglat Institute and
Separate School Boards iand to ,Mr. Box
for the ,irs.e of the ta.b es which they
kindly loaned. 1
Fraternal -LA very ple4iant pociel ev-
ening 'iwires %Pent in tee , edge room of 3
Fidelity Lodge„ Independent Order of
Odtifellows on tWednesday last, when
about twenty members ',Orem 'Clinton
Lodge paid Fidelity a fraternal visit.
After rotate.° week, the ;third degree
was 'exiinplifiee ay tee teitcal lodge on •
several candidates in a Manner that
brought forth thigh eeonie'e from the
visiting- brethren. This wasfollowed by
a .few. addr•estes -.anti a .tasty luncheon,
eater which ja, *wet thee Was spent in
social intercourse, when the visitors,
left for their hoines much -delighted
withthe ievening they had spent with
the Seaforth•brethreer • i
for nearly forty year. His hadat was
late to West Lth'the tCemetery at dWroe-
eter, and 'w'a followed to the •grave
by a large 1 course of frigid's, Rev.
Mr; Weelee aueted a sheet service
it the beast, talwart in bcfdy, lege
of beret, of impeachable integrity
.and excellent j dgmene Mr. Miller left
the impress o his character on the
community, wiz ell, he helped to eound
and with whodevelopment he was
so tlosely ass late& His partner. in
life, 'whose (mali n name was Margaret
Moffatt . and to Whom he was united
.55 years ago, s rvivea hina,a,lso a family
of three eons-- ichard, aohn and av-
id, all occupyin ;farms* nearby .- and
three daughters, Mrs. ,s, soon, Mr. L.
Brown tand errs. m. te. fribson. ,
Change in Ow eretilp.-An important
'business change took place -this week
„Whew Mr, J. iJacavlsh, who has man-
aged the fbusiness of the E. McFall' CO,
Lor the 'Peet fcw. years, purchased the
• business and will hereafter conduct it
in this own triune. eIrr. McFael reeled
frorn active raan gernent a the Com -
parry several years,ago on account of
ill health Cando though not confined to
his bed ne incapacitated in any Way,
he felt that it Would be a relief to
have no business eare of any kind rest-
ing upon 'hiin...areedlesa to say the re-,
sponsibility of even ti, successful busi-
.eess such as the E. Menu' Co., has
always .beeny was the cause of Berne
Mental land physical (strain on the part
of its owner and ate. Mertaulo there-,
fore, decided, to aritireay &loose of his
interest in it. eir. fcLavLsh has resided
in Seaeonth tor a l�ng aline and Is ,well
' knoirn by meat 'oT our readers, who
will be pleased to know that he has
purchased the business as the ,ohangt
of ownership dioes not under these
circumstances, make any phange in the
management. Mx. Ta shes' . 'many
frienda both .In town and country- will
extend congratuiatio on his accession
to such, an Old, 'pop lar ,and prosperous
business and all wil .unite In wishing
him continued suc . The many
friendle of Mr. McF.a. I will also Jain In
the hope that ibis re irernent from • the
leareS of tbusiness m y result in much
Improvement to tde ealtli.
, oye, ear, nose and
e Queen's Rotel, Sea -
each month from 11
f you want a new fur
an, ladies tailor. He
es on easy terms. II.
239 -
Dr. Ileiliman Osteorathi Physician is at the
Commercial Hotel every Tuesday and Friday from a
to 12.30. See Professional Card page 7. 24464f .
A.'Convention all -- The President
anti Secretary of the Huron County
Brandi of the Dominion lAniance eave
issued the eoilowirig pall: A ;convention
of the Huron Comity 13.ranch of the r)o-
minion 1-.A.11Iance will be held in the
Presb,yterian 'Church, Clinton," On Thurs-
day, March 18th, cornroencingat' 10.30
arn. ere athe aiquoir laws of the county
will oniethe ast (day of May, 'pass from
under Provincial to Federal Legisla-
tion, matters of vital troppriance, ef-
fecting the sobriety of the coenty, will
have to be (considered. Let ms have the
1,9„rgest, best representative end entlm-
elastic ogivention ever held hi •Huron
County. Let every church end congre-
gation see to it that they are repree
milted -ray two or more delegates. Please
give this (matter your prompt and ear-_
nest attention.
• Death of !William MeNat.-Word was
received( here' tan Monday last of tee
very sudden death on that 'morning
at Drayton, of 1tr. William ercNab, eld-
eet won lot ,Mr. and Mrs. John; MeNab,
of Seaforth. Mr. MoNab had ` been a
resident Of 'Drayton for several years.
He 'left tie hoMe on Monday orning
Apparently in the enjoyment of ils usu-
al .good health. While engaged In work
at this place of business he was Sudden-
ly seized with tweet failure and died
In a few rninutes. Mr. arcNab Was bet
tween fifty and sixty yeara lof age;
He twas an industrioue, well -do g an
and this oudden death was it severe
shock to this (aged, parents and r :latives
here. •Ifra. MeNab and Mr. John. 'efeNab
of -Dungannon, a younger broth r, left
inammedletely for Drayton. The remal,ne
. will be hiterred in that place eo-day,
Friday-, -
The Seed Show. -We again remind
our readers of the Seed. Show to be
held at tHeneala under the auepices of
the South Huron Agricultural.Society
on Thursday a next week. Now i that
such herculean efforts to increase the
products' of the aoll (are necessary, one
;of the arhost 'important elements in that
direction is igoodi clean seed. Theta is
no way in which this can be tseenred
better than by tompetitioe. This le the
only Seed Show held in the County, the
Society are offering liberal "razes and
there tshould ae; large exhibit of all
ldnds of seed grtains. Parties desiring
good seed, .also, should find this s OW
an excellent place to see ,what is g ing
said to (secure ;the very best. We ex ...c
a good. allow and a large attenda ce
of spectators and seed purchasers at
the Hewett Show an Thursday n xt.
The exhibits will b' judged be a ;peen -
tical tseedinan, supplied by the Ontario
Departiment of ,(Agriculture, who WIll
rick only rib 'the [judging, but w.U1 give
an interesting address, illustrating. tie
nierits ,of the Idifferent samples judged.
The Late John R. Millen -We made
brief 'reference east -week Ito • the death
Of (Me( Sohn an Miller of the rrownsnip
of 'Morris, and for over half a cen-
tury a leading man in ERTOP, affair,
The fallowing additional ,particulars
will be of thterest : An outstanding
feature tint the tranks of the pioneers of
Huron County was removed after a
short ;illness ey death on the 17thr
inste, tof Mr oom (.R. ;Miller of Morris
bank, at the age of 84 years and 5,
months. ,Mr. 4Miller was the •eldest son'
of the late Richard Miller, and wae\
born at 7ans. in Berwickshire, Scot-
land in 1830. ale emigrated to Newt
York State in 1851.. and remained in k
the Gennesee Valley for &beet twi)
years.. In Noveinber, 1853, with seven
other relatives and friends he -joined
the stream of settlement then setting
in to the newly,surveyed bush lands in
Hurcin County: The party chase loca-
tions ton the town !line between Morris
and Turnberry Townships. Mr. •Miller.
settling (on .lots a5 and 56 in the first
concession of Morris, on the banks of
the river Maitland. It may be worth
while to mention the- names of the
Other members of this pioneer band.
They were William _Miller. (brother),
Margaret Miller, (sister), and Robert
Moffatt, her husband-, George Moffatt,
brother of Robert, John Messer, Chris-
• topher Hamilton and',Iviiss" Hamilton.
afterwards Mrs. George Moffatt. The
men all took upland( in the same neigh-
borhood, and were the first settlers
on the town line. All, both 'Men and
women, have now entered into
their -rest , some of them Many years
ago. In the following year. 1854, Mr.
Miller's father and, mother and their
five 'remaining sons joined the little
settlement ,and, in the task of trans-
forming the forest into fertile farms.
Of the seven Miller brothers and two
daughters there 4s 'fairly one survivor --
Robert of Toronto. 'John R. Miller was
a Oen imuch public spirit, and:yras
an early Member of the TownshiP Coun-
cil of Morris, first being councilor and
afterwards for ten years eleputr-reeve.
In 1858 ;he :was Inspeotor of the gravel
roads :then being constructed in the
County- of Huron and subsequently
acted M tee eerie capacity for the
County of Bruce. or twenty 'ears he
was inspector under the liquor ,license
act for East Huron, and for •a long
time acted as president of the Blue -
vale cheese company. He was a director
of the no*Ick Farmers Mutual Fire
Insurance Company from its inception,
and for many •years its president. be-
ing re-elected to that position a few
days 'before 'his death. In politics rerr
Miller -was a Liberal.: and in religion
a Presbyterian. (serving as a ruling eld-
er in elle Yrroxeter Preseyterian Church
• Dr. Forster' of Strati or
throat specialist, will he at t
forth, on 3rd Wednesday o
to 3,
Furs Rtmodslled— Ladies
bring the old one to IL Ho
makes any kind.
For Sale—Several rood ho
Edge, Seatorth.
Marriage Liaenses issued by Savauge and Stollery
Jewellers. Eta., Seaforth, • 227741
Caution—The public are herb Y cautioned that 1
will not hereafter be respond)) 6 for any debts con-
tracted in tny name Without my written order an d
consent. Nelson E. Sanders. 1eKft1op. 2460x4
For Sale -11 storey frame ho se and lot on Goder.
Joh at, opposite the Presbyter an church laWn, Sea -
forth. William Ballantyne.
Viranted-415.000 on first mod age on a good 160
acre Urfa in Hibbert, Apply at. Expositor ollioe,
Seatortn. • ' 2462
0Ow and Pigs for Sale—A gooit Durham cow with
calf at foot. Also some choice ige six w.eloi old.
Apply to W. M. Sproat, tile yst',R . R. No, 4; Sea
forth P.O. orphone 2462.2
. ,
FOR sALE--Twelee roomed frame house, good
cellar, hard and soft water, good stable and
hen hentse,-two, acres of land. no repairs needed.
Good property for retired forme . Situated west of
Egmoildvd.e church. Apply t Henry Grishroolr.
Or aoho Attain. Settierth;
' • 2462 4
Fob Lost—A gold fob with onogram, lost; be.
tween McFaut's store and Dal 's grocery store'
Ruder leave at MoFaul'a store- 2463-1,
Three Good Houses for Sale— comfortable cot-
tage and a two storey frame hous both on Goderkth
at Also a frame house and lot n ar the Collegiate'
Institute. Any of therm will be so d for a reasonal$e
sum in order to'cleir up the C1opp estate. Apply to
lilra. Westoott, John St, two. doo west of 'airiottis
shoe store, Seafoth. 2463x3
Plano Bargain—One upright M • n & nisch piano
in maghogany. Ten year guarantee. Sale. Price
$93. Peolea Music store, Seaforth. 1 24133x1 •
For Sale—A covered delivery wagon,
suitable for
bread or dairy, alio a small deliver wagon. Apply
to Thos. Daly, Box 567, Seaforth. I 246341
Remember This --The Junior E worth League
will give an interesting two hour e itertainment hi
the leature room of the Methodist hutch, Tuesday
evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Of the fifteen
nturtbers on the program "The ight Bearers,"
"Made in Canada," "Choosing ountriee," and
"Miss Canada 'At Homs' are ver pleasing. Be.
sween parts 1 and 2 there will he n interval for,
friendly intercourse. The Omission will be21o6r3Oxy1 a
House and Blacksmith Shop For Sal —In Seaforth,
a good comfortable house, newly minted and in
good repair, bkeksmith shop close y. Both will
be sold cheap, either separately or • ogether. A.
ply to E: A. Spading, Seaforth. • 24634
Hand Bag Lost—Lost between card ng mill and
Winthrop, bl4ok leather hand stitch 1, containing
two email purses, some small change i one and two
02 bills in the other. Also pair of gl itie3 in case,
pair black gloves, handkerchiefs. co b and small
articles. • Finder leave at Seaforth pot office and
receive reward. 2363-1
'Residence for Sale—A, good briekl residence in
Seaforth, with driving house. Be sur to see this
one before you buy. B. E. Coates, Sea orth.
FOR SALE—That desirable and comfortable
brick cIttage, between • the wool1e4 mill and
Ei: mond vi Ile Presbyterian el nroh. containing
eight rooms, n good repairs convenient location.
low taxes. Apply on the preirises or to Miss IL I.
GRAHAM, Main Street, Seaforth. ,1 240:1-tf
Local Briefs. -The eare Brl
called out to the Collegiate
building Monday. forenoon la,
peper had got down a reg
becoming ignited caused a smo
occasioned the alarm. As •soo
cause of the trouble was as
things were p000n put to right
64311011S 'injury of any account
; -Miss Lizzie Kruse, of Egmon
1.e.1.d op with inflanratory rheu
;but hopes are entertained Of a
'for .the (better eoore-Mr. J. L.
has been elected Peesident o th
rich Public Library Boar& Mr.
Ian w,al .a tearing member of
forth Library Board for many
and his tripe, experlepee and 1
attainments will be of service
Goderich institution. -Three to s of
• Eatoncatalogues came to the EE press
Office there one alas last week f s r 'ells-
tribution. The express charges an ount-
ed to over forty dollars. Our ..eople
hould patronize their own deal rs in
tbeir [oven ,county and (thus /help hem -
selves as 'welt as their neighbor and
not =send their -rioney away to k help
,build 'up Toronto and make multi-mil-
lienairee .of air. aolm C. Eaton an
emaciates. - Mr. Charles Holbel
turned on Saturday froin a ale
outirg to Niagara Falls and Buf
which the titook ..with his ,grandson.
D. 'McCormick mho is mail clerk on
BuffeloeCtoderich route. We at
last 'week that the net probeeds Of
Military Euchre !party held under -
auspices of the local branch of the
Cross Society. arnounted 'to $125.
are pleased to gb e informed that
were .considerably under the mark
the proceeds amounted to nearly $16
Mes. .(Dr,) lAitcheson is here ifeom
tonenle..Michigan. She was called it
by the serious illness of her sist
Yrs. D. arearegon-Mr. LA.•G Smi
has retired from the local agency
the Massey -Harris Company here a
is 'succeeded by Mr. Robert Henders
who "will, (no doubt, prove success
hi that line of business. Mr. $mhl1Le
found that his position of Manager aid
Secretary -Treasurer of the Wind'
&trance Company alescribed all his spa e
tarie.-Miss B. eforson and her frien
Mies Patterson leave on Saturday to
ade were
t. Some
ter and
e which
as the
and no
'vine, is
Mora(God -
e pea --
o thc
re -
r -
Good station'ery costs little
more than the ordinay kind
and the quality and appear-
ance are vastly i:lifferent. We
make a specialty of good lin-
en finish paper at
10c and 15c .per quire
and envelopes
lot and 15c per. package
Correspondence cards 25c
per box
Seaforth •
Window shades and picture frames
made to oraer.
New York. Both. ladles will be much
missed -in musical and social rircies.-
Arr. and Mrs, SiAlex.tDavidson ,will cele-
brate the Diamond (Anniversary of their
malr'riage 'early in March. They are both
Still quite active and enjoyihg ;fairly
good 'health. Indeed Mr. Davidean has
nee hem eo well for some time as „.lie
hue teen (during the past winter. -Mr.
and Mee. atievetan McTavish, of Toren -
to, spent eundiry with Mr. and Mrs.
E, atcre„ul arra `with err. John Mc-
Taarish.-Mie E. Sparlhig, who has been
,in tompany with Mr. .James Wright In
the Setafortli Garage and machinery
business for Ithe past year intends re-
moving to KinCardhie, where .he has
secured suitable premises In which to
carry ton a shriller. brisinetis there. All
will regret the reinoval of Mrand ilfrs.
Sperling from Seaforth, The Kincardine
people win atedt:hiro not only a first-
class Mechanic but a 'good and useful
citizen meeting of ;the 'Directors of
the Smith Huron Farmer's Institute
win be heldaat Perlders Hotel, arensale
on Saturday at two o'clock.--Piencipa
ra. .,Rogens iref the Londbn
'addressed the 'London Canadian Club
On Thursdiey Evening one Popular 1,41 s-
conception of Education." -Mr. Joseph
Eckert son tof (Mr. ,Con. Eckert, North
MaireStreet, had: the misfortune to e t
his foot very badly on Thursday df
last week, while 'Shopping woo& Ile
is getting along favorably but will be
laid up eor a while. -While entering
the heck &or' of (his store on Moaday.
Mr L iD. 'Bergh slipped and sprained
his ankle so severely tha,the has been
add, exp since. --Mr. Hicks, 'of tGoderich,
IS there ins charge of the 'business of Col.
Witiore Mreffeicks is. a thoroughly cora-
'patent 'druggist and a good
Man lantlf we have trio doubt, but under
his Management this Old and popular
business theuse will (continue to receive
its due Orate of pubilc patronage. -Mr.
1,1(4. Murdbch, Reeve. of ,Lucknow, who
_died ter sifddenly Monday' last, was
well-known in Seaforth, especially A-
hrens' the lbewlera and:curlers and his
many :friend :re evilleunite with The Ex-
positor in expres.sions of regret and
in lextending ympathy to the bereaved
relatives aridtriends.-Miss a Everett
hateacdentedearposition at and has left
for Oarapbbilford,, near TAndsay.-Mr.
!Willard 'Enka is visithig his mother,
Mrs \1 rJeniott.-Yirs. Thomas Atcht-
sere.b'f iArtwright, is visiting her bro-
ther, erh. J. NetWeeshe-Miss Glades
Hopper, or Norvaph, is visiting with
ner parente.r-Miss Cantelon, of Clin-
ton, was the guest of Miss Alva (Graves
or '52eurdy.-Mre. .L. T. DeLacey is
visiting friends in Toronto, this week.
-Mrs. (Rea) Larkin spent some days
with Mrs. (Bev.) Hamilton, in CoderIch,
last week..; --Many of our readers, will
regret tto learn hf the !death, in Toron-
to, he. Tuesday, of Miss Mary Ryan,
sister of the late Mrs. John Killoran.
The ire -Mains were brought here for in-
terment in tit. James' Cemetery, on
Thursday, the services taking place in
St James" Church. •e- The special
rervices in St. !James' Church this week
were largely * attended and were of
deep interest to those who participated
in theme -Rev. (George Sewitt of Blyth,
will (occupy (the pulpit In the Methodist
Church next Sabbath. -The rein.s and
thaw of tbis *week have almost spoiled
the sleighing and the country roads
are .not pleasant to drive on. iThe
Junior Epworth 'League of the Metho-
dist .Chureh will give an interesting
entertainment on Tuesday evening next.
-The Thankoffering fmeeting ,of the
Seaforth 'Auxiliary of the Wornen's Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyterian
Church 'will be held Tuesday next at
three o'clock. (The meeting Will be ad-
dressed by Miss -WW1*, a returned
Missionary! from Korea and the ladies
of other congregations are cordially in-
vited. -The many erten& -of M. J. 5,
!Welsh 'will cregret to learn that he es
still seriously ill and that his condi-
tion shows little signs of improvement.
-Miss Fleurscheutz had the misfortune
toe tall on the slippery walk at ber
hon'ie in Egmondville, on Monday, and
fracture her right ,ar,m at the writ.
-Miss Thompson has returned, from
Stratford, and is the gueet of the eels-
ees Cresswell. -Miss Wanda .Prueter, of
Mitchell, was the guest last week at-
FitanCiS rtiVinter.—Miss 1M. Forsyth, •
who has (spent the winter at the manse
here, with Rev. land Mrs. Larkin, leaves
for ler bane In Prince .Edward sland, •
on Saturday. -The annual meeting of
the shareholders of the Robert Bell En-
gine and ,Threisher Company, was held
in the 'Company's office in .Seaforth, on
Wednesday afternoon. The financial
and other reports were adopted and
the officene and *diredterstof east year .
were all •re-elected.7."''" 'We are pleased
to learn that edr. 'Fred Beattie, .son et
Mr. and, Krs. James I3eattie of this
town, kaautwho is manager( of a eienk in
Manitoba, is (receverin.g .nicely from .the
serious operation which he underwent
!recently and hopes Aoon to be fully
restored to health. Their daughter, Mrs.
Alla,n Bend, pf Winnipeg„who .was al-
so Ill, as improving. Mrs. Beattie, who
has been tn the West for the past
(six weeks is expected home shortly.
-Mr. Joseph (littler iwas here from Du-
luth, this week, calling on old
-Mr. end (His. ;Wurt. aillespie of Sea-
forth,announce the engagement of their
daughter, Della g., to Mr. Harold H.
Best, Of tategina„ the marriage to take
pla.ce -early in eterch.-The first Fancy
Dress 'Skating Carnival for this season
is Ito be held, in the Palace rink this
Friday 'evening. !The t,and wJil 'be pre -
present. A splendid list of prizes is
aeing offered and the votaries of this
exhiliorating and healthful exercise will
have a 'good time. -Mr. Thomas Laid-
law. Of 03.1yth, was .here this -week cal -
t4lttriendto st-4altM.f4m3Diellitkarlhagly course.
•Mr. Fred Weir is Ide substitute in Aber -
hart's Drug .store. - The anniversary
services in connection ;with Eggiondville 4
Church, will be held On Smedley next
and will be conducted .by *Rime. F C.
Harper 'of gleam,at. the -erhyar b,oure
forennen and evening.We have rio
doubt, but many will -ayell, themselves
of -thie opportunity of heart* thle tale
exited 'young clergyintuz. TheTe will be
special • mile by Iflut choir, desisted by
-Mr. W. T. Xfays,-of Seaforth, and a
epeCise collection tieing asked. -Miss
Annie Easterbrook, who has been vis-
Itina there At the home of Mes. Wilhlam
Westeott's for eeveralweeks, returned
to iher =boa* an (Exeter the past week.
. •
Notes. -The. Wornents Patritoic So-
ciety 'heldf an exhibition of .their Wort
in the town leaillIon Wednesday after-
reon. The result of their labor Is e
gredit to them. Tea was* served and
a 'good ou,m was realized from the eon-
tribution box. The goods were packed
that evening and ;sent Thursday to
headquarters. -The patriotic concert,
which wee Ito have taken 'place on Tues-
day eveningowate postponed, on account
of the reed cweather.-Mrs. J. Smith
of lelyth, repent 'a few days 'last week
at the borne of Mt. W. Brigham. ',-
There will be a lecture =delivered in the
Meted:11ot Church on Friday evening.
Mrarelyille has returned from 46 We-
lt With eaten& in Brussels -.Mr and
Mne. S. tAdabs visited in. altilorrhi over
Sunday. -Mr. W. Bell has returned
froen la= TIC& lin 'Brussels.
The Telephone Ernbroglio, te- At last
the great question of the advisability
of the Blyth Rural Telephone Company
purchaeing the Bell Telephone Com -
pates interests in eelyte has been set-
tled for the present at least. There have
been two' meetings* of the subscribers
: to try. and -Come ao an amicable settle-
' meet oif the question, but each time
i the subscribers Toted against the pro -
.As a lastresort the council-
lors, who are back of the rural rine,
held a. 'special =Meeting and met two: of
.the +head of the Bell Company, and
wide the -Purchase for the sum of f400,
the interests to be transferred by
March ast Now lit is reported that the
dissatisfied "subscribers have interview-
ed a lawyer, vtith, the result that
an injunction may be laid' against the
dale, and, (there are prospects of a long
legal war and beavy expenses. This
Would be unfortunate as a lot of (money
• Would be wasted and none would bene-
fit but Ube tamers. St is helped better
counsels will prevail aruf 'that all will
peaceably sub's -nit to Majority rule. It
wiul Way a soca deal rbetterthan law.
t West End 'Notes, .Hilie, Metheson,
- who mitlet, went ran operation for appen-
dicitis lit the Clinton hospital, is now
recovering. -Pletcher -Townsend Is vis-
iting 'relatives In Toronto, this week. -
Christie - O'Brien has purchased a fine
dirtying 'colt tfroFn gr. John Armstrong,
of the third coneession. G. W.
Mitt is the possessor of a fine &aught
feel vitich arrived a fewweeks ago.
-Mrfie. libilathesen disposed of a. gen-
eral purpose horse recently.
A Pleasant- Evening. --A very pleasant
evening 'Was -tepent at the, beautiful
Ircen- of Mt.; rentIVre. John ElgIe,Ath
concession of Tuckersmithr on Priaay-
evening of bet week, when .about 80
of the frieade tend neighbors were in-
vited b to epend the evening. Cards
ard dancing wereindulgedin until the
wee ternill hours, a the morning,when
jall went holm ,feeling that they all
had ,enjetred a. very :pleasant eveninge could not be otherwise under
the warm hospitality Ofsuch enter-
tainers as Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Elgie.
ThelCouncileeThe 'Council (Met in 'the
council ob,amber, Seaforth, on Satur-
day [testi all aireanem'bere present The
!Auditoria report was tread and adopted
and ttevo hundred opies 'ordered eir bo
prirtecte The ,following grants were
made to pring shows: South Huron
Agriculture Society, 416; Seaforth, $25
and Clinton, 1$15. The following changes.
were ,made, in tee pathrnasters: No. 14,
James McGregor f* No as, William Lane.
The mune poundkeepers were appointed
as lent year ;with the addition of Thos.
Caldwill. 'After tpassing accounts= to =the
amount of $1.,39,2, the (Cowl' ad)ourn-
ed to meet :on March 27th, at tme ce-
clock p.m,
Lind Sales. -On Tuesday' an. Order
was inade at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
directing, a eale of the lands of iWilliam
N. 'Mcalichael iamteale 'peoceedhigs will
follow in due course. The Iproperties
will likely be bfferedby public auction
some time in March. The lands referred
to are 'Lot t84 ein the 6th concession of
MeKillop. ••
Fuherale-The funeral of Miss Mar-
tha 'Matilda Storey, who died at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Storey, (5th toncession of Mc -
killer), Ion .Sundlay, was held on Tues-
day -to MaitIaed. Bank Cemetery. Miss
story (Wee 26 years of age and had
been a 0evare isufferer from Inflamma-
tory rheumatism for eome years. -The
funeral 'of the latetreits. James Coates
' formerly of MeKillopewho died at Brus-
sels, on Saturda,y, was held on Mondare
interment being in Maitland Bank
Cemetery. '
• Death of Another Pioneer. -We re-
gret 'bein'g called upon to record. the
death of another of the worthy pis -
nem of eicKillop. Mr. Alexander Me -
'Gregor tired at his home on the eth
concession of McKillop on Wednesday.
Mr. MeGiegor had been failing since
last fall, but \wits able to go about un-
til wIthin a, few weeks of his death.
He Kid not ',suffer from any particular
disease but 'seemed to gra,duelly give
way 'before the weight of years. .11e
was 85 years a months of age. Mr..
MeGregor was the gecond son of the
late 'Archibald eleGregor, who died a
few ONTO t a gO eat the age rof re wears.
He eves a native of Perthshire, Scot-
land, and with his parents, brothers
land 'sisters, caine to Canada in 1851,
and they settled in McKillop, the fath-
er arid came brothers taking nia land
'coritiguous to each other, the subject
-of 'this sketch ;then taking up the farm
which he continued to own until his
+User. There were four. brothers and
three sisters and Of this family wily
one brother now Survives, Mr. Archi-
bald ardaregor of Norfolk City, Vir-
ginia. The other brothers were Donald
and 'Duncan .and the eisters, ,Mrs. Ro-
bert Calder, xif McSillop, Ws. James
Brooks of 'Michigan, 'land Rags Janet
McGregor. 'The :deceased is survived by
three sons and one daughter, all 'at
hoale, his • wife and two sons having'
predeceased 'him. Mr. [McGregor was a
quiet, *unassuming man, Whom to know
was to xespect And esteem. He was
honest and 'towable in all his deal-
ings twith his fellow men rand in atria*
dealings 1st:eight to elo els he would be
done by. He (was a Presbyterian itt
religion andlein ipouttes a 'Liberal The
remains will be laid to rest in the
Maitlandbank Cetnetery to -day, Friday,'
at two o'clock, r , •
Your Faith in This
tore and Its Goods a
we will See to it that p
will never have cause t
regret having done so.
Coin, see and
try on some of
ourladies' new
-spring coats. „
We've an early
shipment of
Ladies' Ne w
Spring suits .
We mention below several items
that should interest you just now,
aild we desire especially to .
call .Our attention to the
dependability of t hese
goods. They will satisfy
Beautiful New "Goods
Values that will keep icissori busy
lussore Poplins ----A silk mixed wash fabric in raw silk
shade, .Nothing stands better for separate waists, sum
mer coats and suits. Two specials 4sc and 6oc a yard.
Honeycomb Ohecks--SMall neat checks, in new raised .
Weave effects, in new blue and white, new tan and white
and black and *hite, 40 inches wide at soc a yard.
Nei!, Babuta Silks — These serviceable wash silks are
much in evidence in the better qualifies, and fashion-
able wornen are giving them more consideration than
they ever received in years. In white, ivory and black
at.soc to,$1.25 a yard.
New Dress Goods—Everybody who appreciates beautiful
weaves aed color tones from which to select material -
for their new spring gowns will be delighted with our.
advancc showing, 25c to $2:o0a yard.
Black/ /midi Wide Silks — This store is a ways justly
proud of the value it gives in black silks. At present
the stockis bigger than usual, because we bought
heavily tcit protect ourselves against higher prices and
you will eet the benefit. Width 36" to 4o". 90c to $2
a yard..
Serge Dress Goods and 8witirtes—Serges are so ex-
tremely popular that we mention the fact that we have
values unsurpassed in a price range from 45c TO $2.00 a
E will make in first-class style, to your
special measure, _ any suits, coats.
dresses, waists and skirts, that you may need
at most reasonable prices. Our order lis
is filling rapidly—speak for time ahead. 11
you live out of town write us, and we wil
hold a place for you. Don't wait till the
heavy rush of spring sewing is under way.
You can se the new Spring materials .an
styles now at the dress goods counters;
• s 0.1 somilinlir
,Successor to
he E, McFaul CO