The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-19, Page 311 A Y 20,, 19
*most. , M.I PRECIIVENT. W. b. litATMEWS.
O . A. BOGERT, General Manager.
"and both soldiers arta-
well used. 'wet and
t stand all Itinde -of I.
tere,sttag to talk with -
ore off these cruisers
ill their experiences ot
iad trials and suffer
La go through in tie
heir fights ;with the
te Continuoth danger
ta the hidden mines,
;! seem to mind it. I
a couple of French
battleehip, Condee,
:here at thepresent.
very good English,
they can give a far
:the bittlea 'than ay
had „the privilege of
half a the war news
rrittert by a reporter
-aa it is strictly pro-
. marines are very
rd to the outcome of
hough they are tick -
an -se k -ashore ,and have
enteen with us they
;tare eanaidus to meet
r) timehenever we
marine Officer, he
'edges the salute by
as, I guess is their
titer dear I guess I
have said enoana
iinay seay yeti need
name for I am wale
fa, at least- as long
;hut would not care
and if God eo wills
at sea or in battle
be done ea Be ,most
est an4 vrill protect
t, and 'which 1 arn
• i
the market.
the best record
eorumg, years-
'aest artists and
'4stve a record
other make_
tuperiority that
it the biggest
pacific claims,
iat acquainted
. for eo cents
,ch Side
OU can
b coaducted at every,Branch of the Bank where depoliitS of $1.00
and Upwards are received and interest at current fates added.
It is s. safe and convenierkt depository for yoer money.
the tenth eoncestion. Hullett. Mr. 1
Aacialth was married to Martha Rap-
son, ,who 'passedaway seven years ago.
'He is survived by one -son, Mi. Rate -rt
,. Asitilth, land one daughter, Ivirs.. How
son both of ',Auburn., also two broth-
ers, "Williain and, Alfred,* and two ss -
ten, Mrs. Leach, ...the Siete and Ma's.
Pierce, of Morris, ,The ,deceased,, for
Many ,yeaas previous to Ma ,death, was
a, consistent nrember of the Baptist
ChuraheS, large slumber assembled at
the ,church on Wednesday afternoon,
to pay their haat respects to .the de-
ceased, where the 'memorial service was
conducted by Rev, Mr. Faerful. The
bereaved friends have the Sympathy
- a 1 their many friends.,
1 i 6
' Lifebuoy Seen is delightfully re-
freshing for bath or toilet. For wash-
ing underclothing it is , anequalled.
Cleanses and ..ertirifies
he Late Mae. MeConnella-We men -
Wined briefly het week the death of
ataie „McConnell. The following Addi-
tional particulars will be of „interest to
many friends of that lady; among
eaders: On February 6th at 6
nem. Mary Fleming MeConnell„
beloved .wife of the late Rev.
es A. 'McConnell. formerly Preshea
n minister at Bayfield, died at
2. Hamilton avenue, Pittsburg, Pa,
11 whiz ooera.tion. he was a na-
, of Cameron. Mississippi, bora in
atJ February ertl, She was much be-
lieved and esteemed by all who knew
her. She was an earnest Christian. She
leaves three atolls and two daughters
to inourn the (lose of 'a loving .and de-
votdmother, John 111., Mary F., !Annie
L.. of !Pittsburg. Dr. Robert W.. of
Mexico and !Alex. D.. of Varna. later -
meat Wass made, in Bayfield Cemetery,
on Wednesday of last week.,
Ta-easeee Meeting. -A good meeting
Of the Brotherhood Threshermen was
held at aem-sall on February 9th. (.The
meeting was called to order by .Presi-
Thirsk and the thinntes of the last,
'meeting and report of the Secretary-
Treaeurer were read and approved.
Matter s et interest Jar threshermen
'were dimussed and plans were made
for better ihandling a association work
this year. Officers were elected and
'delegates were appointed to.attend !the
rrOirindaiameeting toe held at 'Lon -
'don on aferch 24th arid Nth. One of
the principal objecte cif this .meeting i5.
Lc eta la maintaining haarriony among
the ,tbresitermentAddresses were giv-
es- by aepresentatives ea the aarious
manufacturing firms, first f Joseph
Cashman of the George White ege •Sons,
London, who knows so well how to
arouse the boys. Next was John Grit -
fen of MacDonald 'Threshm
er Copany,
Stx-atfor& whose airesence is always a
treat. Next taine W.A. Bailey, repie-
Muting Sawyer -Massey, Ilamilton,who
'gave a very enjoyable talk, toilehing on
good. roads, law pertaining to thresher -
nen in acme parts of Ontario.They also
had a"nhort address Cram L. McKenzie
of Prese J t .0ase ,firrn, and 'tab& from
Mr. Cook, the Sa-wyeroMassey agent,
mtd a dew 'short speeches from the
local threshermen. A. good afternoon
'RAZ Spent -00M.
Robert Love. -Ws understand that Mr.
Cleave Cochrane has sold his farm to
Mr. William Coneitt of the .Parr Line.
a -Remember the entertainment in Kip -
pert, ors (the 123rd.of Fehreary, whish is
to be !given in the hall. The 'proceeds
arc to' (go to the iPatriotic Fund. -Miss
Ada and. air, Percy Gram spent Sun-
day at the 'home .of Mr. and Mrs
Robert Love. -Me. and Mrs. Robert Lu-
ker, who have recently return.edfrom
the west and isettled in their ne-whorne
have been visiting their friends in tble
eicertity..-Mr. and Mre. We Carlyle 'ene
tertained a few of their friends last
Thursday evening and all report a very
enjoyable time.
A Wonderful Old Lady, -Mrs. Irvine,
.other of Mr. 11. J. Irvinea axe -Knipp;
who ig iso welt known 'to Expositor
readers relebrated her Kith birthday
on Wednesday, February 3rd. She lives
With her son. 'Air. M. F. "Irvine, Reeve
a Blancha.rd. (Perth County, and is the
oldest resident a the township. having
resided there continueusly for 16 years.
Mrs. Irvine was born in,e Donegal .coun-
ty, Ireland, and with her parents came
to Canada when nine years of age:
The .family first settled la Kingston
end then in 'Toronto, where they spent
about five years before taking up a
home, in :Blenehard on Lot 17, cores -
son 10. Mrs. rtrine was just fourteen
years of age when she ) came to the
township and has resided continuously
for seventy-six years on the 4th line,
'with the exceptioa of a ,short time on
corcession ten. where she lived when
first coining there. Her htiehaetd, the
late ThoMas Irvine, tlied tave.tay-one
years ago lain October. There were
twelve childrca bare to Mr. and Mrs:
Irvine. six. eons And six daughters. It
is seldoin indeed that in so large a
family all its members are spared to
Manb.00d and twomenhoOd, but in Mrs.
Irvine's family this is tb.e case, Mrs.
Irvine is in the enjoyment of splen-
did health arid retains all her facul-
ties. Her kiadly dispositian and genial
Manner have won for her the esteem
et the whole community andiber (num-
erous .friends unite in extending con-
gratulations on the occasion of the
celebration of her 9th birthday a,nni-
aersary atid thope trial she "may live to
celebrate • moini anniversaries of this
happy event.
The Counc11.-At a 'recent 'meeting of
the lisborne Council, at which all ,the
members were -pregent, the auditars re-
port was proseated by Mr. H. Strang,
who compline :Itd the treasurer and
clerk on the quality and accuracy a
their work. The report wa-s adopted
end ordered to b3 priated for
distribution. A by-law confirming the
anPaintsnent of and. fixing sai.
arias was 'paesed, signed. and sealed.
Wm. v1ooth w3.9 again appointed to
Manage the -grader at $4.65 per day for
.hirriseIf and one gaod tearn.. A. -few ac-
counts -were eassed and oder e issued
in pat -Meat. Celan:II adjourned to meet
P.aiurday„ Menai 6th at o'clock.
;g Greats
(Too Laai for Last Wei)
Mrs, Alex. -Betchard„ Conn., Ontario-,
writes :-"My daughter has used Baby's
Own Tablets dor her baby and, thinks
there iseaothing ta equal 'them *for ,11t -
tie ones. All Mothers, who have used.
the rfabletse aay the same thing. .They
'creak up uolds, regulate the bowels and
stomach and keep the little-bnes heal-
thy and happy. They are eold by rnedi-
eine .dealers or by email 'at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medieinc,
Brotkville, Ont.
School ReportenThe following is the
repeat of the pupils In the School in
Section No. 6, for the ,month of Janu-
ary : Senior Fourth. -Edgar Alien 10,
per cent., Willie Broadfoot 64 per cent.,
Junior Fourth. -Howard johns 76 per
cent.. Pearl Crich 69 per centGrace
liatadsboroagh 66 per cent. Senior
Third. -Malcolm ',Armstrong 67 per cent.
Jack White 66 per cent. Junior Third. -
Willie Landsborough (60 per cent. en.
Craze -Walker, %Teacher.
School Report.--eThe fallowing is the
report of the Separate School No. 4,
Ilibbert, for the month of January.
The names are inteerder of merit: Seen.
lor Fourthe-Margaret Doyle and Car-
mel Norris equal. Katie Connolly, Joe
Coyne. Senior Third. -Mary Doyle, Wil-
lie McMillan, Frank Coyne, Angue Ken-
nedy, tGeorge Miller. Junior T,hIrd.--
'Agnes O'Reilly, della (Morris, Mary
Coyne, Jonnie Williams, Joe Burke,
George -Coyne, Edward Connolle,
Bert Barry. .Second. --Geraldine O'Con-
nor, Mary lifcMillan, Michael Williams,
Florence Coyne, 'Joe ',Coyne. Part Two.
-Jimmie Morris, Sylvester Williams,
Alice O'Reilly, - Margaret Williams.
Part One. -Anna .AtIdnson, Michael
Doyle. Jimmie ,Kennedy. Neither late
nor tabsent.-Katie Connolly, Joe 'Coyne;
Willie McMillan, Celia Morris, George
Coyne, Geraldine O'Ccinnor, Mary Mc-
Millan, Florence Coyne, iJinimie Morris.
-M. J. teurtin, Preacher. • -
(Intended for last week.)
A Good .Sermon. -On Sabbath Inora-
ing, February 1th, the, Rev, ;Ea F MaL.
Smith, B. IA.., gave a aplendid practi-
cal, sermon in the text. "He That .Be-
lieveth Shall Not Make Haste," drawing
heir( the text that over haste, except
aorne good work that enquired to be
speedily done, „showed weakness and
that aociwas characterized hi being
deliberate and slow to take " action,
waiting with sgreat patience and long
suffering on the impenitent _because
He is wise, strong''' and has the re-
sources of the Universe at his control,.
••*•••••••••••• t•••4•••••••••11.••••••••••••••••••••••CO* •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••
Mali -8‘ Phone Orders Carefully Filled Stewart Bros I
: Stewart Bros.
and knows the end. from the beginning .
and banpily illustrating the thought •
that seven men like the great 'Kitchener :
could (afford to iinait 'Fund be deliberate ea
as they had; confidence in themselves, e
their resources and the cause for which :
they (stood, ,and that they ,did not need 4,
In feverish haste to do deeds that 1 •
ehocked the world, or have recourse :
to 'abs, ' that would not Stand criticism i
for one minute. He then dwelt upon
our relations one to another, and our
judgments (one of another, and hoW
far the very best of us cotme from mea-
suring anything like up to the Divine
standard of Christ and his. teachings
and how ,slaar. 'we should be at arria-
ing at !hasty or unkind aonclusions of
eaele other, emphasizin.g the fact that
in the best of us (there is so much
that is notegoode and ,how :even in the
wciast 1 of us there is so tnauch that is
good ea in every, manthere is the God
imparted Divine epark, and how this
consideration should sober us and keep
us from behiehasty in our judgments
or conderrmatioas. The eermon through-
out was .kindly and ably eleliveiled and
attentively listened to.
Notes. -Mrs. Miles inemintam„:of Still --
fa, was spencling a few days with
her nieces, the Misses McConnell, of
Dubten.-Mr. Will Norrisi accompanied
by hie .aunt from Edmonton; are vis-
iting relatives and (friends in this vic-
inity. -Mr. George Butson hae rented
Miss A. lierren's house in the village
and twil1 tniove into it ,,shortly. Net wel-
coi-ne Mr. and 'Mrs, Batson 'to the vil.
lage 'and hope they may dong 'be !spar-
edto enjoy their retirment from farrn-
ing.-Two important social events took
place on Wednesday of this Week in
this ,neighborhoo& elre marriage of "An-
nie Mildred, eldest daughter of evfr. and
Mrs. Uolen eild.11er, Ito !Mr. 'John _Bei-
lantyne„Thames Road,. llabo,rne, and
Miss . E. 'Woods,' eldest daughter of
Mr. and !Mrs. W. Woods, ',01 the lth
coneession, to .Mr. Edgar Butson,' eld-
dest (Pon iotiMn. and. Mrs. ,IGeorge tBut-
son. 'All ,aneehighly respected 'residents
of this neighborhood and have the best
wishes of a. host of friends here for
a long tand happy wedded eite.
Now is the time to take speeial care
of the complexion if you wish it to
look well the rest of the year. The
February end March winds have a
etrong tendency to bring out freckles
that Inay stay all summer nniesa re-
moved, Now IS the time touse °thine
-double strength.
This prescription for the removal of
freckles Wake written by a prominent
-physician and is ustially so successful
that it is sold by druggiStsunderguar-
antee to refund the money ifit fails.
Get an ounce of othine -- double
strength, and even a few applications
shculd show awonderfullimnrovement,
some Of the smaller freckles even van-
ishing entirely. "
On avisite-Mr. and Mrs. Patterson
and daughter, Katie, Of Bre-wcepeth,
Sask., are visiting at the home of Hugel
Oamp'bell, .ninth concession, of HuIlett.
It is 'thirty-five years since Mr. Patter-
son Jett this neighborhood, and be has
great pleasure in ' visiting among his
old friends and recalling old times.
They also.' 4isited in. Wroxeter and vic-
inity, where they report having had a
fine time. that being airs„ Patterson's
former ,home. Mr. Patterson is one of
the fortunate 'people, who have gone
out troin 'old, ithitario and 'prospered in
the west. :
School Report. -The following is' the.
reacat of School Section No. 1, Hullett,
for ,Samiary : Senior Fourth. -- Allan
Farnham, Arnold. Jamieson, Fletcher
C4ibb1ngs, Iviabel ,Livingstone, Jose:sh-
ine Livingston. Junior Fourth, -Mary
Gibbings, Pearl (Mann, Nara, Mann, Alta
Glazier, Floreace Jamieson, Myrtle
Glazier, Eva Glazier. Junior Third. -
Greta Mann, Cecil Farnham, Nona Dale,
Rayrnand Jarniesan, Percy Tasker. Sen-
ior Dele, Charlie Mann,
Willie Livingsten, Leelic Tasker. Jun-
ior Second. -Isabel Glazier. SenlorFirst.
-Ross McGregor, Jo HugUl, L uolla
Glazier, Etta Wright. iSenior Primer. -
Ernie Dale. Intermediate Prim:in-Wil-
lie Wright. Junioe Primen-Catieleen
Liatngston, 'Wilfred Glazier, (Frank
Fowler, Walter,. Dale, Don -aid Dela) all
equal, Gordon Menfichael.-A. R. Far -
ham. Teacher.
Mr Asquith, -One of the
Goderich _Township
The Departed. -Much regret Was felt
avhen it became known on Sunday even-
ing that (Mrs. John R. !Middleton, of
Goderich township, had passed' into the
Gnat Beyond. The odeceased :was a
daughter af the late Thomas N. Hatter
af Stephen township, [arid was married
to her In.ow bereaved huteleand six years
ago. She leaves 'besides her husband,
four 010.1 0111de:ern one a 'babe gof but
two weeks. She 'is also servived by
five sisters and two brothers: Mrs.
JeFries al'ase f*Killop, Mrs. E. Cook
and Mrs. Roy Brothers of Stratford,
Mrs. John Gilinartin Of Grimsby, Ws.
Robert Besterd of McGillvra..y, and Wil-
liain Haider of Stephen township and
Charles Header lef McGillvray. The late
Mrs. eaiddieton was only twenty-eight
years a age, her life thaeing. been net
saff_lbefore it had well begun, and, much
eiinpatby is Telt for the husband, the
little children and ,other members of
her -family, who 'deeply feel the .break
In the theta. The remains were inter-
red in (Bayfield Cemetery. Many friends',
expressed their .synmathy by sending
flowers, and there were a great pro-
fusion of beautiful. floral designs. A-
mong ;them 'was a Wreath sent by sev-
eral Members of the Model Class to
which Mrs. Middleton belonged, who
are now resident in Clinton.
-Mr. David Ferguson, one of the
pioneere a Huron County, died at the
hom eof this daughter, . Mr.' David
Churchill, a4th concession of Goderich
township an Monday, „February- 7th.
Mr. ,Fergusoa twas ;69 ,years of ,age. He
was a (native ,-,of Scotland and ',came to
this country with 'his parents when
still a child., The tarnily settled in
Tuckersmith township, inear the Red
Tavern, and bere. lifra Ferguson grew
to linanhood. (On his Marriage he moved
over to aleiCillop, where he lived for
a few, yearsfahan to Hullett, (where he
took up a., farin on the 2nd conces--
sion a,rid axn. (which heigontinued .to re-
side for over forty years. Mrs. Fer-
guson died about thirteen years ago
and tor the past six years, during
which Mine his liea.ith has been gradu-
ally feeling, Mr, Ferguson has tesid-
at with his daughter,: ,where he died.
He is !survived by two sons and two
dau gofers J eines of the 16th of a ode -
rich township, John on the homestead
.in ,Hullett, airs. Thomas Noble ad East
Wa.wanosh and Mrs. ,Churchill. Two
brothers and 'five aisters also 'eurvive;
'Montgomery Ferguson of Strathclaer, 1
Man., who came east this winter to. I
visit his (brother and Was here when I
he • passed away, William Fergu sop. of
Idaho, Mrs. (Kernaghan, of Atwood,
Mrs. J. afeNikeighton, Tuckerernith, Mrs.
jas. 'Morrison, Staffa, andildrs:Grieves
Dokota. The teernains ,were laid, to ran
In Constance iCernetery. ;
Catarrh Cannot Be CAred
with LOOAL ekPPLICATIONS, as they cannot re
the seat a the disease. Catarrh is a blood or c
i:ioies.-Miee Margaret' Stewart, of
Varra. has bi n visitin.g the home of
her eieter. I-Iaevey Turner. -Mr.
and alrs. 'A:id:sew Love very pleasantly
ertcrtained numoer cif the young
r ds 011E, 71.iF-7,ht "r,•CE tiy.-Sirs. C. .A.
arrott has r -tarned lionee after spend-
ing the 'past week. the gueet of Mr.
ard Mae. William Glenn. near Lumley.
-1i$ rAllivt Warkenan has returned
Inane latter. a ve, eke visit in Loadon.-
IA. number nf old friends of the late Mr.).
!William RI: eardeea. attended his fun-
eral Nionday. esfr. Richardson was
it having
Witb. the isk*.c i*.t.ihgt
Fashion has bestowed her P Wiest A Gorgeous Showing of New Spring
Dress silks and high-class trimming
colors and patterns on Wash Fabrics
"yop, will probab!y enjoy this
Spring Showing of Wash
Goods, more than any you have
ever seen, The new.weaves, pat-
terns and colorings are so fascina-
ting that every cutoiner is loud in
her praises of these beautiful goods
This is no o' ditiary display -every
known wash material that is made
s., to be found here in all the most
attractive patterns. and wanted
Prices Always
Lower Here
Flamm Shirts
For Men
• There is no work shirt made
to compare with the Flaxman
They are made in England of
• the best linen and cotton mix,
t ture. Extra roomy,and body
• and sleeves extra length. The
• , .
• tor is guaranteed. Sizes
14t3 19.
stitutional disease, and in order to aura it you m
take internal remtdies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is ea
ken internally, and acts directly on the blood d
Price $1
WHERE perhaps will you •
find such practical demonsta. •
tion of the delightful possibiEties
in color effects and weaves as in
the new Dress GcodS and silks.
You will st2nd in admiration to
to gaze at this display unfoldm„,
as is does the story of the very
latest ideas for the coming Spring I
and Summer. There is a big var- •
iety, of3cloths to choose from and
the trimmings will far urpass in I
- •
variety and newness, anything we
have ever shown. ••
THE New :Linder/bins for Spring are
_HERE.- There is a very pleasing
array of color com,binattons in tight
and dark shades. - The rb. ew floral' and
block patterns are particularly worthy
ofmention. • One, two, three an,d /our
yards wide. Ash to see linoleum's
that last.
'Men's Odd Pants
IF your suit, needs an odd pair of pants to _help
it finish out the season - we have 'exactly
what you need. Made in tweed, worsted or serges
in brown; grey stripes, or blue, in neat patterns.
Well cut and well made, good pockets and guar-
anteed good fitters. All sizes 34 to 44.
$1.50 to $3.00
mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh 'lure • n a 4.
le athree beat ! *
pioneer residents of Hullett in the per medicine. It was prescribed, by .o is fat a q aal •' -
san of Mr. George Asquith, passed to physicians in thie country for years, nand°
his reward at the horne iof ihissedaugh- prpseription. It is composed of the best niers . :
known, combined with the best blood purifier ,act- .
' 1-1 son in Auburn, on ingdireetly on the mucous surfaces.. -The erfeet .
- uces •
nd for •
Deatit 0x
well knowa en this comm , ter, Mrs. . .
one from this vicinity to Reagan, same 1 Tuesday morning, February 2nd. The coMbination of the two ingred ents 8 1! pr
years ago. -Mr. and Mrs.. ;William 'Jar- deceased, alto in leis 15th yeaa, such wonrleriuj results in furling CaltolVrha.t
testimonials ree
rott entertained a few of their friends , was et, native of York -shire, England,
lone evenin13,st week-MrRobert coming to this eountry with his par- 1
F. 3. °BENET 4 CO Toie
. . "
g . .
Spackmare of Ba.yfield, is spending a ents when very 'young and settled for Sold by drutmistsprice 75e
Take Hairs Pamily Pills for anistipation.
few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tiine in Courhiching, later moving to
• CC** *********•••••••••••
Extra good wei ht fleecy
flannelette. Sev n quarter
size. -Pink or blue border.
Regular value r.o, special
Si 29
50c to $1.50
Made of good tweed and
worsteds, lined with cotton
or fiannellette. Full size
and :well made in colors to
match any coat.
Price 50c to $1.50
° Dried Appies
Butter and
Eggs W antid
1The New Spring Suitings
for Men's Made -to -Measure
Suits are Here.
=asesossas smms
1 Last Reduction on Furs
This store is the Seaforth
headquarters for Peabodys'
Good Overalls" Peabodys'
Overalls are best by test -ask
your neighbor, he will tell
you that it pays to buy Pea -
Price $1.25
For Men or Women
THERE never will be a. time again when furs
will be reduced as low as we will have them
during the coming two weeks. Ever i fur coat or
small fur will be cut to the last cent. You -will
never buy them at such savings.
see them.
Come in and
Special Items
$r Men's Undeswear 69c •
35c Boys' Underwear 23c
soc Men's Mitts 39c I
75c. Men's Mitts 59c
soc Men's Caps 39c •
59c I
We have fortunately received, early delivery of our
new worsteas, tweeds and serges for spring. And
what a handsome lot
they are ,fresh and new
ready to be made to
your measjire into a
stylish, true fitting
suit. A suit that will
give 3 ou that w e 1 I
dressed appearance for
$18 10. $24
May We Take
Your Measure
wart i r
75c Men's Caps
soc Boys' qaps
59c Knitted Caps
Rubber Collars •
25c •
There's ore comfort,better
appear nce and longer wear
in Kan ,-Krack collars.
• PRICE -25e •
Dried "ink
,Butter anti
Eggs Witnt
*CC* ••••••••••*.**** * *
- - -