The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-12, Page 8ihave ratnoved to the store
one door south of the Billiard
room and am now in a better
position than ever ,to supply
your wants in the furniture
Now is the time to bring in those
pieces which are hettinning to, show
signs of Wear. Satisfaotion guaran-
G Winter
wierwee ap
Opposite Scott's Shoe stores Seaferth.
James Watson,
Successor to W, N. Watson
tienersa Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance Agent. Real Ustate and
Loan Agent Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates.
*yogi or
Red Crosse -The following addition-
al cootributione have been made to the
loeal. branch of the Red Cross -Society :
Mrs, friberhert, $1.25aafiss Trott, 1-$1.00;
Daniel McGregor, $1.00; Seaforth Ag-
grIcultural Society, $5.00; friend,
$1.001 Ohoval Society, $13.20S "Cfnioe
Sunday School *Leadbury, $7.45; dance
committee, $17.50; Cluff 1 & Sons,
410; Miss Stephens, $5; thles. %Andrew
Herderson: 41.10.
Hockey Special. -For the benefit of
the public, it should be explained that
Seafo th is still decidedly in the hockey
scram le. •Although 'put out of the O.
H. Intermediate running by Wise -
ton, they still rreinain the Northern
Lea e Senior Aeries arid; on Wednes-
day, ebruary 17th,. the Seaforth peo-
ple will ,see them pitted against Sar-
hda's fast septette. The border town
defeated Stratford, ,London, Ingersoll
and Woodstock, but will find an equal
ir.atch in Seaforth. These teams are
evenly balanced in weight and Speed
and -will produce the _ real thriller of
the -season on Wedneiday, night.
Dealer m New Raymond-, White and
New Home Sewrng Machinesand
National Cream Separators.
full supply of sewing 111114hillO I
needles, attachments or and ze
pairs always in stock:
Mother's Picture
Mother shot be pliottigraph-
ed, but—mother zthinks only
of her children when she
think a of photographs.
Perhaps she will need per-
suading --perhaps will call it
vanity, but her pictures will
prove still a beauty, will be in
greater demand than' those
quaint pictures of younger
Make an appointment for her.
Fell's Studio
jeweler and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Logs and
Heading Bolts
We, the undersigned are prepared
to pay the highest cash price for logs
and heading bolts delivered at the
Seaforth sawmill.
Basswood heading bolts to be cut
20 -and 40 inches long.
Soft elm, soft maple and beech logs
to be cut 11, 13 and. 16 feet.
Hard mapie_12 feet All other logs
to be cut 10, 12, 11 and 16 feet.
Special attention paid to custom
For particulars apply at the office of
the Seaforth
Ament Bros.
Seaforth Ont.
Tax Sale, Town of Seaforth.
Notice is hereby given that the list of hinds for
sale forarrears of taxes has been prepared and
copies thereof may be bad fumy ofilce and that the
list is being published In the
Ontario Gazette dates of pub-
lication Nov. 28, Decem-
ber sth, i2th and igth. 1914
and that in default of payment of the taxes the
lands will be sola for taxes.
.101IN A. WILSON, Treasurer
Town of Seaforth
Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of Noir., 1914,
One Quarter
Nothing is better for cold
winter weather than good,
comfortable felt footwear.
As long as your feet are -warm you
can keep Pretty comfortable. Felt
• footwear is the warmest you can
get and when you can 'get it
at such reasonable prices as we
offer, you should take advantage of
the opportunity while it is here.
Our prices are ridiculously low
- on all our felt:Toods. Come and
see for yourself. "f
One attarter off on
• alt gett Footwear,.
The Eictne of Good Shoes
Horne of Good Shoes
The Town .Counc11.—A special 'meet-
ing of ,th Council WaS held in the
Candi ch her on Tuesday evening,
all th
Tuckersmith, John in aare.I.Tiont, Mrs.
Onetzineyer and Mrs. R. Deveraus,
Seaforth Tile funeral services 'Were
held in St. Ames Church, Monday fore-
-noon and the tremains were Interred in
St. '301thee Cemetery.
1sai izin, weasrnarat
of the b‘iit.4. meeting ttWissr• nEa
l_1Dta'eAley wiliX°0-,1silair
reproSent tat siaP4M4q eelaQQ1 girl. c
men'e Missionary Elociety in the lecture
roomof ;the Me hodist Church, Tues-
day afternoon, was largely attended
and inuch tenjoyetl. Mrs. H. Lirens pre-
sided. Mrs Barker 'gave a Bible read-
irg on Psalm 24, after eiv-hich litirs.
(Rev° S. 3. Ailin, of 'Clinton, We've
very helpful advice arising, but of her
exertelcin missionary workrsn
A.• Mce ac ay, ,President of the Presby-
b. M. t.
terlari ;Auxiliary, gar° a aright,. com-
prehensive .address toucliing on Wo -
meets ork for women, an Many lands,
emphas zing the ;needs of1 the foreign-
ers Oanada :and how they could ,be
met Miss Courtice, of iClinton, a re-
turr d linIssionaey from Japan, was Insr
troduc d and etioke briefly on the ef-
floleac of pi -slyer in the work. Tho
soolful xnusicallnumbers by gilesdames
Bright Willis and Bright and Rev.
Mr. Berker were uplifting. _A social
half hour ended this delightful meet-
ing. • „
-The monthly miselonary meeting ot•
the E,pworth League on 1Tuesday even-
ing was addressed by Miss Courtice,
who 'gave a vivid word -picture of the
home life of the women and girls of .
pan. She ,toldi of the elevating, far-
reaching effects Of .the Weston schools
of. the Vfomen's Missionary Society,
and passed. The usual grant of $300 . snesesseese--"'l
ras ren to tthe Fire (Brigade math
ighty-F our ;Years Young.-- a oh As.
re.tate of 41..00 iler 'Member en their Brodie, Sr., of Seaforth, celebrated Ms
888sment. *grant of $16, (*Mt given to eighty-fffth .birtliday on Sunday last.
the lilidreriss Aid Society of Huron... Mr. Brodie, 'although so far advanced
The citizen's band was given a grant Ili years, is •Istill as bright and active as
of 4-800, '$200 being the :usual grant ananyemen of sixty. He enjoys excellent
new instruments. The amount to be hinealtbitti (uttedtarirtasketosa
f ,,ilfeacatisvean heevienrterdlesdt.
and 4100 .additional to assist in buying
paid to them in $100 Instalments on it is a very cold: day %indeed when
lifarch 1st, .lune 1st and (September he can be induced to wear, an overcoat
1st. The sum of $1,000 was placed to when he comes -down town.. (He is a
,the Credit or the poblic school board, gardener by occupation and every sum -
After passing, accounts to the amount 'ineabesides cultivating his own garden,
of ($397.65, the council adjourned to which was always a motliel of neatness
meet. "at :the cali of the /mayorand abounded with fruits and vege-
• • tables, Ire (found time arid strength to
coinahlentary..:-.The :*-zgentlemen Ire- devote to his neighbors. One of his
barred be in the following despatch sons, Mr. John Brodie,' of fllaylord,
from alliverton, fOnt, is: ta former Mc- Michigan, who' liad been 'here for sev-
Killop boy .and, .he still has many a eral days ice= specially to epend the
friends1.zi tit* vieinity„ who will be somewhat eventful occasion with, his
pleased to learn of ;his well -doing. He father. Mr. Brodie left on Thursday
is & brother of Mr. W. H.- Robinson, for 1+3rtand .Rapids, Michigan, rwhere he
Inspector for the London Life Insur- represents his County tat the Republican
ance .Company, also a native of Mc-, State Convention. On Monday evening
Frillop. The despatch is as follows : ,The there *was a family reunion at -the
congregation of Burn's , Presbyterian holm of Mrand airs. Charles Brodie,
Church, Milverton, in recognition of the jr. at which ,aU the Members of the
tireless services of their pastor, BA a faintly in .towri *Nen present and. It IS
Cottage prayer -meting ,in the home of needless to :Say thfit ea most enjoyable
William Cuthbertson, Elmo Township, tline rvas spent byca,11 present And. the
presented :Reve-TI. 3. ,and /Arsnolo- eighty7fiveryear-0ld youth was among
on with -.a well-filled purse. Mrand the brightest and most happy Of the
have toiled': untiringly- for the wel are. join The Expositor tin wishing him
Mrs. Robinson for Ate tpast four litre partyr
. {M. `Brodie's many friends *will*
of their %people and. in that time there many More days of bealth ,and strength
have beeri Added /122 members,And the to enj y 'life arid gladden the lives of
membershi.p Increased from .175 to F54. his fa4itiy and ,friends.
Amnia' Meeting.—The •annual meetng
of the amehrbere of the ,11/1.eXillop &tut al
Fire %,nsurance Company was held in
the Commercial Hotel on Friday 1st.
We have already given ,tha figures of
the annual report detailing the fin n-
cial condition of the company, which is
moat favorable and was quite _sat s -
,factory to .the Members who attend d
the tannual meeting. The retiring
rectors this year were from Tucker
smith, and were (all re-elected, Mess
3, B. ,McLean, Uf alc-Ewen And
McGregor. /These gentlemen desired
be 'relieved but were +prevailed on tko
continue their services. Mr. J. B. f
Lean was re-elected President and M11
T. E. kH,ayti, Secretary -Treasurer. Wit
these veteran ;and experienced hand
at the .helm' and supported ay .a goo
Board of Directors .this old and favor
ite coMpauy Is assured. another pros
pet0115 year.
Annual aleeting.-The annual meeting
of the members of the First Presbyter -
Ian Church was held on. Monday hven-
ing last. There .was a good attendance
and much manifested in the
proceedings. The various reports show.;
ed the congregation to be doing good
and successful work along the several
lines of .Christian effort undertaken. The
present membership of the congregation
Is given at 410. During the year, ,21
new enembere were added, 13 certifi-
cates of .demission were granted and
19 in -ambers were removed. by death.
The total contributions for all pur-
poses amounted to $5,116. Tw
his :as di-
vided as follows; General fund $3,3811;
Schemes of church, $836; Women,'s
Missionary Socv, $321; ,Sunday
School, $282; tBible Class, $13; fLadies'
:kid, •0212; MWsion Bands, $70. The
year was closed with a balance of $691,
In the treasury and ,a. substantial sum
was set aside for the liquidation ef
the church debt. Most of the former
officer:: were re-elected.
Obituaries. -We are again tailed an
this 'week (to oecord the death of two
more ofthe old xesidentsrof Seaforth.
On tFriday last IMrs. John'.Tumer„Sr„
passed. peacefully away at her home
in the North Ward, She had been ill
only for few weeks and'during that
time had been tenderly ministered to
by her daughters, Mrs. (Dr.) /reland,
of Harristme and Mrs. H. Beattie, Of
Iffinripeg, •both :of whom .were at her
side when the end came. Mrs. Turner
had +resided in Seaforth for a great
many years having come there 'With her
husband from tVarna. 1114r. Turner 'died
some five years ago. kThe deceased wee
a consistent member of and constant
attendant at the Presbyterfan Church
and took a ,leap interest in all that
pertained, to the welfare . of that con-
gregation. She had, reached the age ,ht
73 years, but until her %last illness she
was remarkably well tperserved for her
• age. The rerhains (were laid to est in
Baird's Cemetery . .On Sunday. Mrs.
Turner is survived by one brother, Mr.
David Bell, Of Brucefield, and pen sis-
ters, Kra Johnston, of Iroquois and
Mrs. Bouke of Calgary.
• -Mr. Michael +McGrath, another old,
well-known and highly reepected resi-
dent of Seaforth, died very suddenly
on Saturday. Mr. McGrath partook of
a hearty :supper Friday ,night ,and re-
tired at his usual hour apparently in
the best of health. He took ill, however,
during the night and passed away
early Saturday Maiming'. He was 81
years • of age. Mr. McGrath was a -na-
tive of Ireland. He game to Canada
when quite young, first settling in
Markham, and came to ,Huron about
fifty years ago Settling on a farm in
McKillop. He retired from farming and
came to Seaforth to reside about .,21
years ago. He was an industrious, well
doing mare ,gelet and tunassuming and
enjoyed the respect and confidence of
en who (knew him. He is survived by
two sons and two daughters, Teter in
13itUARY 12, 1915,
Hand Bags, .Letter Oases
tlifiliStO Bolls, Card Cases
Bill _Folds,
These are all, made of
gentarte leather and the
prices are right. •
notitpsores Bookstore
Window shadis and picture frames
madeeto order.
• -•
presence of a -small company, the
Ei.lefft8 1111011.1ding ,the relatives of the
families and .a few close friends. Tilt
bride wore a gown of white ductless
satin with toverdress of crepe ;de chine
and a bridelvell„ and carried, a shower
bouquet and also wore the groom's
gift, a (pair of 'pearl'herrings. She was
„attended by one bridesmaid,. her sis-
ter, iMils kOlive Miler, who was prettilY
frocked in pale yellow brecaded alik
and carried a bouquet of carnations
and ferns. She wore the groornIs gift,
a pair of pearl and ,amethyst earrings.
The wedding ;march was played by the
gratilfila sister, Mis. IL 3.1Perrin. 'After
the Cerernealy a reception was held and
• boffet .supper served. The bride's
table was centred with the wedding
eake and Arranged with streamers of
pink and white ribbon. Mrs. * (hillier,
Mother a the bride Wes wearing a
)iecoining gown ,Of biack sequined net
over black silk, and Mrs. Inman, mother
of the .groona wore a oress of waive
silk orepe. .The couple were inad,e the
recipients of numerous beautiful pre-
sents. After .the recelption Mr. and Mrs.
rumen left ,on tlis Midnight loat for a
short trip, land op, their 'return will [re-
side in 'the :Royal Mansions. /he bride
went away in a smart euit of black
silk velvet, with which she Wore a nin-
on blouse and hat of white plush edged
with ,fur.
Local Briefses-Miss Stewart, of Min-
ton 'West, is .1,the (guest of Mitt Hazel
Wiitter.--Miss Edith Neelin, SuPerin-
tendant a the Fergus .}104Pital, is hero
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs,. O.
G. Neelln —Mr 0 ititktnson, -of Detr.olt,
WeE here over Sunday with Mrs 4M.
Chesney and other friends -Mr 011-
bert .MOMichael, Of Hullett, left an afon-
•day on a trip to the Western Coast.
He expects- to be tgone two ,Monthseand
will vieit(his nephew; Mr. Van. :Sloan.
In orictoriee B C, .nd mill (take In the
W orld's Pair at Seattief—Mrs. Johns-
ton .and son of Irucknow, were the
gaests of Mr end Mrs: John ?McNay;
• Tuckersinith,' this week.—Miss Lil-
lian JOIuaston„ of ogodierich, ,as the
Zuest Of "Mrs, NMI= •Weatcott this
Dr. FOrster fof Stratford, .cye, ear, nose and 0118013( ftleside of iMiss Sto-
Will be, pleased to learn that she is
throat spoialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Sea. 'tie, wfho Itn :the hoapital ;atClinton,
forth, on 3rd Wednesday of each month from 11
recovering rapIdly-After her recent op -
to 8, ' Jaseph acconnt-
Furs Rinodelled-Ladies if you want a new for eration.-4AT.
Be ant in the Sink .of Coinnierce2 here.
bring the old one to if, Horan, ladies tailor.
makes any kind.
For Sale—Several vood houses on easy terms.' H.
Edge, Seaforth. - ' ' 2829 -
Dr. Belieman, Oste att , Physician is at the
Connnerei 1 Rotel I, eve Tu sday and Friday from 8
to 12.80. Eee Profess' nal Card page 7. 24464f -
MarrlagetLizenses 1nied by Sayauge and ,Stollery
Jewellers, Etc" fieafort . 2277 -ti
1 .
Flour -We have just inloaded a car of Manitoba
and 'Mr. T. ,lAtkins of -the 'saran, insti-
tution left eirenanday. for Landoll to
join the volnriteee contingent :there.
They are betlar-• splendid young exam,
13birelOally'. and An every ,other a way, The
hank: very generously grant ,them six
mOnths' leave �f absence on full pay
The aany friends of the young men
will join The Expositor in wishing
1104r, Five Roses and El rvest ueen, Try a bag or
two, the price is right aid the our Will please you theta 'every. success and ta safe • return
and prove to you we handle the best, Cardno Bros.
Seaforth. 246" Council -held a, ;meeting tat the . mer -
when tpeace isedeelared,--The McKillop
Caution -The public are hereby cautioned nod i 0%1 Hate', Seaforth, on Monday last. --
wilt not hereafter be resPonsible for any debts con- miss Gilleopie ' Who is ta. imeriber of the
treated in NelrnE
Y name wiuerst my written order and ay,. 'Public -
ri n'cliool Staff, spent Satur-
day and Sunday here with her parents,
oonsent. son . Ban th, McEillop. 24130x4
'- For Sae -1 i storey fra • e house and lot on Goder- t
ich st., opposite the Pres yterian church lawn, Sea- Mr. and Kra. ,Ja.mes kaillespie. - lefr.
For Sale—A quantity •f American Banner seed M.,o,v_edj: to they farm .lin H-allett. Mr.
Oats. These o la are -•-ranteed clean: 75 1 cents Melville was wrought up .on a farm,.
forth. William BEJIanty e.
24604f Lawrence Melville and Serially have re -
per bushel. Cash must • eoompany order. tut has .been a highly respected resi-
lilurcloca, Brueefield. 9466U de.nt Of Sea,forth, for many years and
A Choir leaderlwanted for 81 to Joseph Andrew's Presbyter2 . We 'Moe his return to the lancli will
Ian churchBly. -
fiecretary-Treasurer. 2461prove alike pleasant 'and profitable to
. -th. v y Silr,
li gre e McLaugh)in,-. family cut- hirn.—Dr. Ireland, of illarriston„ an old
Farmers -One hig
i good ' as Tuckeremith and Seaforth boy was cal -
ter almost wgain, also a fear new McL
sold at reduced prices. C
Campbell, Doniidionank
• work, love
Orion, Box 326,1Sedorth.
new. at a great and sethemAbar.
li e . . 31, . ling on old friends in this vicinity
this week. The ;doctor .wes here attend-
uilding2eebiie eaten, will be
good girl to eo4ill
house Ing the funen
se ' g of his mother-in-law,
1 once to m.o. w. A. the klate MreJohn Turner.—As will be
. o
mar seen by ,an .announcement in another
column, the annual yrieeting of the
sharebolders of the Robert 1301 En,gine
Hockey.--Wiarton Put Seaforth °At and Thresher Company, called for next'
f the running in the ;second round of Wednesday the 17th inst., has been
he Intermediate 0. 2-i. k.A.. championship postponed until Wednesday the 24th
.6td0117e, aevsecoor fero;
et..• Ve uary. 1All interested should bear
{ ....stli.1_a44 ,In mind. --The engineer land fi T-
WU the fastestay ever seen ori I `WtICT Were injured in the wreck
on the Grand Trunk are still at the
It "
; Commercial Hotel and under medical
ere on Moeday tag
0 to 3. Despite the
he losers' standpoint,
leanest :ganie of ho-
e looal rink. Wiar p great
am,. they have the -Weight and tbey
, ,L,
, esee. The engineer, who was eo severe -
°is ,istill in a precarious eon-
, and the lastest 1 .ainae 1 ly easedied,
gItirmirtew I
wa0yr beutita, •but ove illwiYs
all theyardition, but the firerna,n is expected t
onderfully .fast altat rs and as sure . be aufficiently recovered shortly to per -
their skates as a ordinary team mit of his removal to his home, -The
uld be. on their feet while their ex.- gate credelpts at the' hockey meter', be-
hitition of combination
ve s a "'marvel and
via° mei it. ,Seafo
m, probably the bes
y fought every eninu
the better team
od score woe 4 to
o 0 and the third
ing all thehre but ,
od, The eeferee coul
'b -u
and team work
slight to every
th have a good
she has ever
the .west, ,and
e .of the game,
on. The Bret
0, the 'second
to 3,Wiarton
rie :in the first
,or would not
ska e. The game ,was a tended`by the
tar 'est crowd (the rink I : s ever held,
In fact the building: wasitaxed beyond
cap ity, at least at ,far rat seeing *the
e was concerned,' alm st every town
and village in the countr being repre-
sented. w,hile tae conntr people were
out for miles Around. , ' iarton are a
clea 0 gentlemanly teem -of 'players,
wholunderstand hockey and know how
to play at and we hope they will win
out in the finals, which they
ey give -every
peomrse of doin . The gate receipts
aniod ted to *225. !Tche en t fgame will
be on Wednesday evening next, when
Sarnia play here In a (Nor hern League
mi- iiial fixture.
" a \
. Mar led in ,Vancouver. -The follow
ing aarr1age notice whic we ' take
froin Vancouver Daily Province, Will
be tcd interest to ** ',good 'many .of our
reader. The parents of the bride were
farmer well-knowe residents of Sea -
forth, and ther'bride With her ;Mather,
visited in this vicloity a Ooutple of sum-
mers eget. ,We quote: A. wedding of
interest was celeb ted on Lhe evening
of kJanuary 15th, t the hrne of Mr.
and 'Mrs. L S. Miller, Vanco ver, when
their daughter, Winifred Beatrice, was
married to ,Mr. Chatfield R. lnman, son
of Mr. a.mal 'Mrs, W. 11.. Inman of this
city. The house was tastefudecorat-
ed with Rimers and greenery•for the
ceremony, which MEE performed in the
t ' 1 •
iteare ee„,
tween Seaforth and, Wiartot, in the
Palace rank cin iltionday night, amount-
ed to $225. The receipts for the last
three matches here amounted to $500.
This would neern to indloate that there
is still (plenty of ,money in circulation
In this district -Mr. Myles from Sar-
nia, is the newlacconntant at the Bank
Sarnia vs
• palace Rink, Seaforth
Sarnia defeated itratford 4 to
3 Seaforth deafeated Stratford
7 to 6. The game on Wednes-
day is the last in the semi-
• finals of the Northern League.
We must win or this will be
the last game of hockey here
this winter. EI erybody come
Admission 25c.
Band in attendance.
To •
of Gallialereal SS successor to Mr. al,
llteXtlieri 4fid 'Mr. Bothwell from Ex-
eter,' (takes Ithe place .of Wr„.-aA.titins.--;.,
Captain Spooner, of Toronto, .will vis-
it Seaforth' Saturday, Sunday and Mon-
day, February.; 13,- a45 and 15th. On:
Sunday afternoon at 8 aNina_he willade-
liver a lecture entitled, , "The -,A.riny,
It't Work . and. ivlission." On --Monday
evening he will relate his "experience
of the Empress of Ireland disaster, at
he is one of the survivors.—Our readers
stuaild bear in Mind ;the Patriotism and
Production meeting in the town hall,
,Seaforth, . , this. *FridayAfteinoon arid
everting' at S And ,7;36. o'clock.-itt ,a,
_special meeting' of the TuckersrnIth
Council held an Seaforth On Saturday
_last, it was !decided torpresent -each of
the Muckersrnith boys who have enlist-
ed :With the third volunteer- contingent
and are now in ILondon„.,with• a .wrist
Watch. The toys thus favored are.
Messrs. Coker, Richardson, Holman;
Barber, Bruner, Grisbrook' and Hill.—
The ladies of the local Red ',gross As-
sociation recently received' a very nice
letter fron Mr. Percy Rolph, thanking
them on behalf of himself and the
other brave boys from Beafortlif* the
London Military vamp for the woollen
stockings and other comforts ,sont them
by the ladies. He- eays •the %Woollen
60010 are Stiel a.. comfort to all of
that The socks pa:added by the 'mil
itary authorities. are mixed with cotton
and with usage become so hard As to
be very' uncoYnfortable -with the amount
Of Imaaching and twalidng they have :to
do. -Mr. It. EL Creswell left (last week
for the -South and expects to open4.
the 'rest of the .wheter in New Orleans
and Cialifornia.-akti. Charles Holbein of
town is becoining quite a boted hog
feeder. On iSePtember lith las,le pur-
chased a ifivd-tweeks' old (pig_ifrogii"M.r.
Wm. Reid, sof Manna, ',which when kil-
led on a/annary 27th, weighed :260 lbs...
* pretty lair weight or a fivit, MantlisZ
old hog.—Mr.. Charles Little, of X.C.-
KlUop, left on Tuesday last for To-
ronto, where the expeets tto.spend eetew
days' holidays, land 'will also !purchase
some 'cattle lif the. can tget Anything to
suithifn an the market 4.n exalting
'.gaine df hockey was -played on the
rink on Saturday linorning lastwhen
a- team of first . form tof Collegiate
.giris played ia picked teal]. The score
hvfais a toil.—Nrs. Charles 'Layton had
Ithe misfortune ,to fall on the ice on
Tuesday and 'fractured her arm.—Mr,
Hugh McDiermid, of _Goderkli Street,
has teen confined to thii residence for
several allays bYari attack of bronchial
pleurlay.-Doctors McKay and 33urorws'
were both laid up with bad colds for
soine'tdays this week tiut (,bottli are now
recoveriag. It is a ibad ',lookout Ifor
other people when the doctors get sick.
.--Mrs. John Pinlaystm Swire a' -social
tea in aid of the Ladies? Aid of the
Preabyterien Church at her pretty
home on John Street on :Tuesday after-
notin ;bat. There .were about seventy
ladies present They took their sewing
and 'knitting Andhad a best enjoy-
able afternoon. -Word has been receiv-
ed here ithat Rol Cook who -is with
the third contingent volunteers, at Lon-
don, is kconfinet\in; the hospital by 411-
neess-We have wee-dived:a Moot inter-
esting letter from Ma' John VanEg-
mOnd, who is (with the Canadian sol-
diers in tBeriandb.. It will appear next
week -Miss Norma' Bartrey, who Is
now teaching in 13earnsville, has been
engaged- by:theft hlic Scbool Trustees
as substitute for - Ise •Sleetlis who has
been granted leave of absence until
the edmmer hOlidtayse on 'account Of ill
health. Miss Hartrey 'assumes her Pew'
position on ,the first of Marca.--aThe
Millinsts are gill 'in ',Toronto 'this week
looldrig up pretty ,hats and the very
latest fashions for their customers.-
The, Mr( Barkeriwill. have for his
morning' subject alert Sunday, "Loved,
Loosed, Liftea,,". the first in 1.: ser-
ies on. The Seven Overcomes of Revela-
tionall the evening a arouag ;:iben's
service Will be 'conducted. The address
will be based on '"Is the Young Man
Absolern Safe7" %The young men's choir
will be assisted. by Sfr. (Will. :frays:—
There will be %no fiell. moon ',this Feb-
ruary. 1Astronoiners state that this* is
the 'first time that this has occur.ed
since 11.86,6. They also state that such
a phenethenon as a February without
a full moon only occurs about three
or tour ttlines ire a tentury./The ;lunar
month is a little more than 29 days
so the inert full moon after January
31 -will be March I, ,Since!February'has
tonly 128 tdays. : The year 1866, when
the last ,:phenoirienon of this 'nature
occured, was a peace year, following
the 1American •civil war. -Mr. Percy
Taylor of .Toronto, was in town this
week visiting his mother aid aunt,
Mrs. Taylor .and Miss Campbell of
North Main Street. The ladies of the
Red Cross and Patriotic %Association in-
tend having a military euchre party
in (lard:no% Bali on Monday ening
next at which, there* will, no doubt,
be a large attendance. -The Toronto
Buffalo Express on Tuesday !night, due
here at 10.40 did not rget to the sta-
tion till four aein. Wednesday. Work-
men were engaged placing the wreck-
ed engine, east eid town, nn the.. track
and the passenger car tould not get
by until the avork was -Completed. SThe,
passengers were brought up by livery
rigs. With the exception of .this all
the trains have been running on time
during the past week. -Messrs. Cluff
St 15ons got hurt (large consignment of
British Columbia shingles this week. -
The totally friendof Mr, John Dodds
*Di regret to learn that axe is still
confined, to his residence. -Miss Ruby
Bristow of town, went to Toronto on
Thursday on an extended visit with
relatives •and -friends there. -Mrs. Nel-
sari Hays is here from ;pew .York visit-
• ing her parents Mr. and Ilifrs. A. M.
. Campbell.—Mr. Herman ipeare, a Staf-
fa„ who ,was attending the Collegiate
!Institute here, %is laid up at ids home
with a severe attack of inflammatory
rheuinatism.-Mre. Holmes of Clinton,
who has been with her daughter, in
Toronto, for isormerancutths, is pow vis-
iting with her sister, (Mrs. James Archi-
• bald.—Mr. Smith of Montreal, ishipped a
aarload of yery fine heavy horses from
Seaforth on Thursdiy.
Notes. -The many friends of Mr.
Michael Johnston are sorry to,hear
tha,t he is io a eerious conditiobut.
hope he ,will soon 40 around againaa.
Mr 11. Eckert. was at ib.11ipston,
atiebding the funeral of his eon*,
Mr. Con. Buckley. -Mise Vera ••Eekart,
who has theen with her aunt, Mrsejlolitt
McMann, for the past ;three weeks, bee
returned home.
T u c LEO run ith
West End tlrotes.-Illiss Jean Hill, of
Bewail, visited with her friend, Miss
Rose Tepper last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Whitmore entertained a few of
the young people at their home On
Wed,nesday evening. -Mr. Frank Lay-
ton has purchased a team ,o'f young
horees from Mr. ,Arehittaldi of Seaforth.
—Miss Dora Staples is visiting*. and
Mrs. Fred tPepper rat present. 1' •ie
ean to You
Every womaA in town can flmd many
bargains here -to interest her. Thrifty
women are saving- money here every
day. low cando likewise
33-f p. -c. to 50 p. c.
off our regular ex-
tremely low prices
1 4 -
• • • • • .1 • • • • • • • • • •
Save this big discount on Ladies' and
Children's Apparel
FPe now
'announce the
Last; and Final
Reduction on,
• Women's and
Furs' Suds
Coats Skirts-
• and other items
Expert alterations made
without charge on any
garment that requires it
Nev• Spring Goods are
here. Big shipments
are on the way.
need more room for
them, therefore these
prices for quick clear-
ance of winter goods
adios' -Suits,.-_ Coatio:
One-• Third to One, -Half off regular pric
515.00 GARMENTS NOW $ -7.50 TO $10.0
$20.00 id $10.00 TO $13.0
$25.00 $12.50 TO $15.00
Remember this offer includes every garment put in stock
this season
Extraordinary Dre
..GOOds: Pricesi
31 a sp
browii, gre
of thdesbtielit:e
mats tailo
.3$ Fancy
• vest in a
most all St
To appreciate what uncommon values
these are you must see the goods..
Imported double 'fold dress goods, including check
plaids, and popular plain shades. Sale price...
ell Ike 100 *0 .Aft* 0.0 • • it*•411*••• s ••• • • • •***41,4,•• • • •*los**.
Boys, Tji
Boys' 0
2. Imported Dress Goods, including Face Cloths, Habit
Cloths, Tweeds and. Ser es, valued up- to. 6oc,
- sale price...
3. Imported Whipcord, Se...ges, Diagonals, -4weeds, Stripa
Taffeta, and Scotch Cheviots. Sale price 5
•Of1 119, tie asief. eta ••. • ••****”..41*•*•• vas sivswolatIts4*•••
4. Imported Two.tone cheviots, Priestley's,) black
navy serge with white stripe,honeycomb weave, py
Scotch Cheviots and Tweedsit value to I.25,s.p.
dvance Showing of Bea,u
Spring and Summer
Wash Fabrics. I 0 0
New Spring Prints, .Micslins, Crepes, Rep s, Fi
ilaxons, Seed Toile, lioneycomb, Lace ttot
Pebble Mite, Bo e Stripe, Pekin Stripe, eto.
Price .106‘tkto 50e a Yard.
We have received first spring shipments of themost
beautiful patterns and weaves you will have the op-
pot:tunity to choose from.
Soon our counters and shelves will have an abundance of
those exclusive fabrics that herald the Approach of a
new season and appeal to the best dressed ladies.