The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-12, Page 2WaIWIWII:111133 anuatir 29 to. Fthua Not tobe undersold we are paling on this competition sale.. Our long experience in catering tel. the public's re- quirements in this locality gives you the benefit of picking from a stock always clean and fresh just what you regiure 20 per cent discount on Hardware, Tinware1 and ,Graniteware. 15 per cent discount on &wires & Ranges po.t Cash Only e SEA:FORTH, IilitIDAT, Feb, 1112th, 1915„ Canada's Jonrnalistaie,_ More than a hundred working Jour - Pallets ot Toronto, attended the, lunch.. on 'in connection with the election of Officers for the Press Club., As one looked ,arotand the tables the compar- ative youth of many of the reporters was (manifest. In the bees ere bap- py. evidences' of. brightness, Iteeroaese and, 'energye - To la 1Toronto jaorna,list, ioweyer who lbegen Allis work here thir Y years ago, eomparisons were sugges ed. The reporteze and writers of th t . time Were ,ort the average at least t n years older than those who now se nstitute the etaffs of Toronto ne papees. Moreover, there are ten Univers ty -gra- duates in local journalism, wheis thee? was :one; On or 30 .years ago:. .Now :Univereity .graduates or stud- ents genetite teatleast one -hal of the staffs of newspapers in Teron o. The change has come about ince se we have found that the University gradu- ate or student is llltely to be a bet- ter reporter or editorial writer than the neWspaper worker who has not had 'that edvaptage, If from the Universi- ties we ocoasiana,IlY get 'poer rePorters and poor writers, they would b poor- er still If they had not gon to Univeraity. I ' The above 'interesting item 1 from the 03reakfast Table motes of the To- ronto (News. There ts no al,oubt bot that . a ;University edecation is a great-assis- tame to a newapaper Editor or 'Report- er. But there-. is a good deal, 'more' than that !required, to [make a success- ful newspaper men. We venture to "say th'et eitniiir' time apent in the practi- cal work of a good, -evell-regulated newepa.per office by an observing man who has the newspaper iiistinct would be Of vastlr greater service, It is a rare thing that:a man who depends on his University education ac his train. capital makes success of p acti- cal journalism no matter how manly -at- . ed a welter he may be, 'while there are bendreds in Canada, who had4 nev- er (seer( the inside of a Universit but *honied as their only eapital, t e ex- perience and practical skill and now- ; ledge gained in a printing office, who have (made good Editors' and etnicess- , • ful news,paper publishers. -Get the Uni- versity ;education if you can, b t if you want to succeed get the era ticar ' knowledge and experience as well. And . of• the two the latter is by fa the Most ;essential for success. Everything in General Hardware and builders supplies 20 per cent off Lanterns New short glass at 60 Sandy's Choice cross- copper cut saw 52.80 1 bottom $1 Canada steel \ ranges; 20 inch oven 547.10 Everything in Tinware & GaniteW 20 per cent off Stable Supplies Special Manure fork' 4 prong.: . I • 50c Stable broome.,..600 Stable shovels.. Bon Chef cast iron - are ranges 18 inch _ oven $25.50 Electrical goods Special electric iron $2.75 Tungsten bulb 28c 25 and 40 watt Dairy pails, hand '1 made. Special price 60c ° wall board - Galvanized pails 2 15c per 20c and 26c square foot Special in G. A. Silis,. Seaforth Sole Agents for Lowe Bps. Paints, Chi -Name', Moffat's Ranges, Eastlake Steel Shingles, Paroid Ready Roofing, Canadian Steel Woven Wire Fence, Pease Furnaces and Boilers, "Hot Point Electric Supplies. New Idea Furnaces. ASTHMA. COUGHS WHOOPRIG COUGH SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHMS CATARRH COLDS Est 1873 m• A simple, sure and effective -treatment avoid- ing drugs. Used. with Success for 35 ysars. The air carrying the antiseptic Vapor, inhaled with every breath, makes breathing casy, soothes thosorethroat, Iand stops the cough, assuring restfulnights. Cresolenals invaluable to mothers with young children and a bean to 1 sufferers fron3 Asthma. Send .ito postal for clescrintive booklet SOLD BY DRUGGISTS 'APO -eRgs0LENE CO. Leeallarltliles13laz.Montr' Iron Pumps 61, pump Repairing iam prepared to furnis all kinds of Force and Litt Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. lbe Price is Right Also all kindsof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St„ East, or at residence, North Main Street J. F. Welsh, Seaforth 10 CENT "CASOARETS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and jBowels--They Work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged ' boweli, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to unteld misery -indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, niental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret t� -night will a . patod bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by ,morning. They work -while you sleep -a, 10 -cent box from your druggist"will keep you feel- ing good for months, IWarNotes .. While no definite announcemen has Leen (made, it is understood tha the third Canadian contingent willbe roab- ilized a+ the military camp at Ma era- ! on- e- a e. .It is stated on re, able % authority that huts will be erected on the common used for the militaryi camp m each a -miler, near the town, andthat •all training will be done there so fer as the tldrd cent ngent in cone rned. , - ............ f The case of the Western Imperial -Trost Company versus the Nicola ILand' • Company was indefinitely idjourned in the Supreme Court, in Vancouver, when it was shown that not only h d the defendants gone 'to war, but ti e de- fendant's counael, in London, h:d all enlisted sand, gone to the 'trent, dosing :their offices. The chief defenda :s are Colonel :Morgan and Manor Georg Fitz- gerald, ,both with the Britisb f ree in , - greeenana.......eenienawee...........mnamen. 'Million "dollars' erth of horses. When the war closes a good driving or rid- ing horse may be as great a luxury' as a god aottendbile. en.................m. The Canadiau Red Cress . * ' One of the finest houses in England, ' Cliveden House which is situated on the banks '�f the Thames, has beerl handed .over to the Canadian Red Crass tSociety by 'Major W. 1W.. Astor, M.Pe and structural ,alterations are now being Made in order that this palatial residence may be used as a " hoepital which bears the name of the Duchess 'of Connaeklit. Taplow Lodge, Which (stands in its; own _grounds at the entrance to the Main drive, has been handed over by .the tenants to Major Astor, an4 the, afficer commanding and. his ataff 4re now quartered there. Owing tt the fact that the bones coo- t/D.1110,g Christmas presents did not tar - rive from Canada in time to(be-dtstri- bu,ted on Christm4 Day, a large as- sortment of pipes, tobaece, and cigar- ettes were Celected fon the stores and. handed( out to the 04 olt men' under the personal supervision of Oaptain Blake. LadrEvelyn Farquhar has extended her thanks to Colonel Hodgetts, corn- rniesioner of the Canadian Red 'Cross In (England, wile, sent 400 mufflers to be :distributed ainong the members Of the PrincesenPatricia's Canadian Inglit Inta try. . , ;1 At nncombee Alberta, the ;women are wor ing preparing comforts for the men_ lat the front and for those of our Canadian soldiers who ,will soon take their plane in the battle line. Quantities of (both_ goods: and money are being forwarded through the Lapin:labs branch et the Red Cress Society,' and tlie farm- ers of the district have subscribed Suf- ficient (money to purchase -a CU load of flour which is now an Its way to Mon- treal; 4consigned to the Belgian consul. Miss -Vivian Tremaine, nursing sitter, 1 as.c. .who is at S linbury Plate, haS reCently written 41,s follows:--"Pletti tell :any of the ilea peeple who send Re di Cross things .that they will •never know ,what a„.Igessing the things :they made are. Sops of themhave been issued -to- us, And enerything is" useful and _just what is 'needed.- They linannot Make too many handkerchiefs, 'night ehirts, pyjamas, bands, eth. We are taking groat 'care of them; they are valuable, I can tell you." , Untrion,gt the things that are specially needed at the present time are knee caps, and information is to the mak- ing :of these articles tan be obtained by applying to the headquarters of the Canadian Red Cross Society, 77 King street east Toronto. • ,.!'"Igialagarr7°IeREIUMMI ' The ;Shorthorn Men • 1 At the meeting of the Dominion Shorthorn Bitteders held at week In Toronto, theie was a fairly large at- tendance of embers who represented all provinces Jof Canada. There are new 2,258 blember. of the 'association, an In- creaselof 20g1 tener the year 1913. c ' . -The mornij g was taken op by the It discussion o railrbad rates and the afternoon is salon wept on until half p6ast five, e veral important .motions being made. Mr, Robert Miller suggest- ed a change in ,the rule with %regard to the recordin of Shorthorns .wherein it says "that li ancestors must trace \ to animals ,rec rded in the 140th volume," The euggested change to .read the 50th or (preceding:. volumes. This proposal brought !forth a good deal of argument and the matter was _riot ,decided on. Mr. Miller (spoke against the breaking up of the 'Shorthorn breed, Into two:di- visions, one for beef animals and an- other for ipilkers. - Professo4 Day ef the ,O.A.C. tprotest- ed :agains the ruling out from regis- tration' o a cow that was the full sister of qne registered, merely because the one as born at a latter date than • .that of. he publication of a certain herd boo 4 .A, Mott n yeas made by the president, Mr. Has y Smith, Hay, Ont., that no applicati n for registration be conrider- ed wher the size of the animal offered for .ent y was 'less than .eight menthe old at he time a service, or ;the dam laza thtn nine months- old, Mr. Smith's eecond ;motion was to the effect that the elebtion of directors to the board of the association -should be ,based ,on the amount of bona fide membership fees paid by each province. A -committee, consisting 'of Messrs. John Graham; Harry Smith,. Peter White, Hon. Suth- erland, and Robert Miller, was appoint- ed' to get this motion into such :Shape that it could, be considered later, al-. thcagie a vote on the sense of (the eetin,g, proposed by Mr. Peter White, tsiboon. wm ed a „ajority in :favor of the •mo- - - The 4stiggestion of the Board of ;Dir- ectors that a grant of one hundred dollars lbe made to the Red Cross Fund wag' moved and carried unanimously. The .officers for ;1915 are : President, J. Om.•Gfardhouse, Weston; First Vice- Presid,ent, W. A. Dryden, Brooklin; Second Vice -President, J. F.. Mitchell, Burlington; Directors, Wm. Smith, .1, A. McClary„ Robert Amos, 3. G. Barron, and jams Kyle, very omen ,Flanders. Is interested an. should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. 13es: -Most coidruggistansvetale-IttlyntAskel-nnsoeyev C. P. R. time Table 1 Guelph and Goderioh Bran& TO TORONTO 0' aich Lv. 7.05 a m 2.00 p m Auburn " 7.30 " . 2.25 4 Blyth .. 7.40 " 2.85 ' is 7.52 " 2.47 ' Walton- Milverten .. .. .... " f Linwood jet ., I 8.45 ' 3.40 " Shrive. . 9.05 " 4.00 " Bindpli 9.33 " 4.33 " Guelph Jet " 4 10.15 " - 5.05 " oronto Ar. 10.20 " 6.45 • FROM TORONTO Toronto Lv,, 7.203. m. 4.30 n 2ualph, JetAr 9.40 " 6.10 ' , 3rielph . " 10.20" 6.6C snare.. 059 11.23 " ); ..2 Unwed M..... .... It Milverton. "11.42 " 1.02 " Walton. " .. 12.16 8.36 . Blyth , 12.28 " ' 3.48 • .1 1 00 p. m. 9,25 " goderich........ orkmnections at Linwood for Liertowe1, Con eotions'at Caelph Jetwith main line for Galt ;feedstock, London, Detre; nd Chicago an al - rnediat.e lines, Grand T runk Railway System. Railway Time Table. • rains leave Serstorth aa follov;s 10.45 a m For Olinton GoclerIch Winghara end Kincardine. 1.20 p es For Clinton and Goderksh • 518 put For Clinton, Wingham and Hines I dine. 1.03 p m For Clinton and Goderieh. 7 61 a in For Stratford, ' Guelph, Toronto Orlilia, North Bay and Pointe west 13e1levil1e and Peterbord'and points east. p m For 8tratfor6 Guel b, Toro tc• treat ond pOtnts east. li 82 p in For Stratford Guelph and Toronto LONDON 111URON ea. BRVCE. NORTH. London, depers Centralia, Exeter. Hem -malt, • 4 s .... a . Nippon. ,.. .... „ • ... Brucetilld Clinton, Londesieero, Blyth, ....... „...„ ...... Belgm e, Winghem, .. BOOTH W‘ingliam, depart .. BP,Igrave, . . . . . . . .. 6 50 3 44 iassenger 83a 440 543 944 554 1 . 955 605 i . `/0 01 611 ,I 1009 619 10 25 685 e 11 18 . 652 1 ' . 11 27 700 • 11 40 718 . 11 50 725 Passenger 685 880 Ube cannot sup* the MARYELaocept ao other, but send stamp for illustrated book -sealed. It gives full fie- nlars and directions Laivab1s to ladles. WUIDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor. Qui. Gemmel Agents fcc Cana daspatch from Hamburg la. way. of Berlin, [Germany, says that a 1 Brit- ish colonists. in that. city, h the exception for the time "being' of the Australians, have been areest d and transported to Bezhieben. whe e they are to be interned in the co centre - tion camp along with other British civilians., Something like 60 `C nadians are in this new draft :of prise ers. The arre.st pf British Colonists in ermanv Drab:ably will be continued. °Ionian y, when Englishmen. were interned, •ut now they are t'to be gathered up, and sent to concentration camps. BUSINESS AND &vete originally left at liber • SHORTHAND - Subjects taught by eltpm-1.- instructors at the azdieke • le M. C. A. BLDG.. WI ' . NDOM T ON. ` Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Ptibeipal Chartered Accountant • lo Vice -Principal YOU SHOUL BE AFRAID OF A COUGH OR COLD. Coughs and colds do not call for a inute recital of symptoms as they are well known to everyone, but their dangers are not so well known. All the most serious affections of the throat, the lunge and the bronchial tubes are, in the be- ginning, but coughs and colds ' . • . Many people when they 6,ontract-. aslight cold do not pay any attention to it, thinking perhaps that it will pass /away in a day or two. The upshot is /that -before they Istow it, it has settled on their lungs. . Too much stress'eanaot be laid on the faet that on the first sign of a cough or cold it must be gotten rid of itnmediately, as failure to do this may cause years of suffering from serious lung trouble. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will cure the cough or cold and Prove a preventative from all throat and lung troubles. such as bronchitis, pneumonia and conSUmption. • Mrs. B. E. Druce, Brighton, Ont., writes: "I am sending you My testi- t mony of our D d' Norway Pine Syrop, telling, you wizat it did for my little girl. The doctor had given her up as she was, as we thought, going into a decline with the cough she had. • I was told by a lady friend to try " Dr. Wood's" and when she had taken two bottles she was on her feet again, and four bottles The Prices of Horses t Scar. The great demand fetam reat Brn. tain, France, Belgium • and Italy for Canadian cavelry and artil erg horsce will, according to the De rtmeat of' Agriculture, at Ottawa, pr ctically ab- sorb 'ell the available supplies of light horses in Canada' :luting the coming • year. (High prices for ' ho es of nearly all kieds, with the ,possible exception of heavy draft, horses, re .predicted In Canada for years to c me.- - Already iSorne thirty th wand horses .have been ;purchased; in anada for war purposes. The iBrftish War Office has purchased in Canada, re than 03' n thousand out bf the fifty thouseol 'horses •securen on this side of the ;At- lantk since the ' outbr ak of the war., The Canadian, Govern ent burchasee aisbut eseven ousand horses for the first 00 tinge t and a other ten thane - and are now being ght for the sec- ond and • ir 3contin.g nts. The French and &tali n overnm ts are also look - Ing for h ses from Canada. A To- ronto firm as recen ly offered a- con: - tract for f ve thousand horses to be 'purchase for the Italian Government. The (dens, from all quarters for hor- ses tor purposes Is increasing. •-• It ,is finated than the total num- ber of o ses now enaged in the war Is one en lion. The estimated average cavalry horse on active ser- vice Is even days. Of the artillery horse it s .80 days. For army purposes., In the neat twelve months, therefore, more than twelve . million horses will life of th be required. %. than estimate (prepared by the Depart- inent of :Agriculture of the availab1e. apply in Canada „shows that there are a out terty-six thousand* horses suit- e., le for cavalry or artillery purpose s. f these' two thousand are in the Mar- i ime Provinces, eight thousand in Que- ec, twelve thousand in, Ontario, four thonsand Manito'ba, eeven thousanci Alberta, and one thousand in British In ewer', twelve thousand in conservative estimate places the total number of horses owned by the allies at forty-eight inillione, and by the einerny at 8.700;000. Of these, ol. course, only a synall proportion- Would e available lfor war purposes. The sup- ply in riermitny and Austria, is already. pretty well exhausted, and .those coun- tries have 'not the resources qf tha ; United atates and other neutral coun- tries to 'draw upon. It is probable that before the year closes the farmers of Canada will have :sold for war purposee' six or seven d her." myth, . ..... 7 04 3 56 cure deeii.c;ro 8 10 7 13 4 4k 4 28 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrudis the, : ••• Nil maa ak 4 89 best cure for coughs and cold. It is 4 47 put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine I se trees the trade mark; the price, 25e 'and 8 5450e; manufactured 9 2! The Irt5 I • only by ZMilbUrn Co, Limited, oronto_ Ont. 1 4 y 40-4 827 8 35 .. . . 841 Wei-444.44-ieR, A • South Huron Conservatives A. ;meeting of the Liberal Conserva- tives of South Huron as constituted for Dominion purposes was .held at Clin- ton ,onSaturday, January 30th. The following report we take from the Clin- ton News Record: ; :Every municipality was well 'repre- sented. .1Mr. Henry Horton, of Tucker,- n smith, president of the old South Hur- on Association, presided. Terse and to the point he is qne of he best of chairmen. s -worked: herd ,for rural mail :deity- ery.: _And 1 aizn,Pleased to tell you -that by treason of his bread vision and great business - ability his advice is freely availed, of by the Government. Mr T Jterner IM P., said la part: We deplore the awful war which now ,r -aging in Europe,' but our duty nleare It is to help the Motherland bet all means in our power. We cannot all go to ,the front but we can *all be 'useful hi some yvasr. ,We can for instance, assist those dependant upon our soldiers who are fighting our (bat- tles, It Is' our duty as Canadians ,to loyally stand by the good bin Union leek, which' means liberty and free- dom the world over. 1 Mr. itiarrY- Eilber, M.L.A., said in part: (Lest anyone ehotild 'suppose that I had been overlooked I want to tell you !plainly today that the Government of this Province has offered me all sorts of positions, but, erefererleg to ba plain Harry Eliber, I :declined •thern all. X sin not seeking office, bet am con- tent to eerve the people ii9ong whom. 1 have- lived all my daye. We all de- plore the. death of geed gir James Wehtthey, 'but in the Honn,Mr. Hearst :we %aye a man who is well quanta to4ollow. in his footsteps. It is our premier's intention during the coming sebsion to visit narions- parts of the Province, so that the people may get to know him better, His sterling qualities will command hlin to the electorate la Onbarice ' t Mr. t.W. H. iEbb, Reeve of Goderich township, (said his municipality could bairelied upon, when the contest corn- oo,1 to roll up 'art old-time "Majority. I Mr. a* J. Richardson, ;Clerk of Stan- ley, ;discussed, Provincial andi Dominion affairs in a brief but ,eloquent and telling- .address.. • Aimong those who 'addressed the ineetin.g were: Dr. Thompson and? D. Cantelon, 'Clinton; Messrs, Carling antl-- Taylor, Exeter; ,G. W. Holman, Eg- roondyille :John Sherritt, Stephen; Wm. Consitt; 51(ay. , LA aeries of resolutions, prepared by etc ammittee,- Was adopted. The officers .of the former organization were .re- elected; as follows :-President, Henry Horton, of Nippon"; Secretary, N. D. Creech, of Exeter, and Treasurer, T. B. 'Carling, of Exeter. These' with the following rnenicipal chairmen will com- pose the Executive Committee: RobeJ. Wilson,Seaforth; Peter Cantelon, Hen - sell; O. W., Taylor, Exeter, Dr. Woods, Hayfield; John Scarlett, Mc10110P; Har- ry Horton, Otickersmith; Simon Hunt- er, Usborne; John. Sherritt, Stephen; Wrn. iConsitt, Hay; John. MeNaughton, Stan'. y; Jahn Middleton, Goderich Township; Wm Rlnn, Hullett; Cantelon, (Clinton. SIODMINIIIIIMPOITES 4 Perth Iteins -Mr. :V. E. Orsborn, formerly pastor of the Listowel Baptist Church, has enlisted with the third contingent. -Four ;nundred and seventy -five -men have one frein Perth County to help fight the battles of the Empire, includ- ing a dozen officers in all three con- tingents. • -Mrs. John Robinson died at the home of 'her nephew, Mr. John Robin- son, lot 8, eencession 6, Fullerton, on Thursday Of last week, at the age or eighty years. -At the Perth County Council last week, Reeve Scott, of Elma, was elect- ed, .Warden„ Janes Jones, auditor and F. 11, Thompson, K. C., High School Trustee for Mitchell. • -A former respected resident of Hib- bert, 'died in Winnipeg, on January .20th, in the person of Mrs. William' Aikenst The remains were interred In Woodland Cemetery, Mitchell. -Mr. John Dawson,, died at his borne in Mitchell, on Friday, January 02nd, after. a • long illness nom- the effects of a eta -eke of paralysis. He was 71 .years of age and for the past ten year. had 'resided in Mitchell. -Jaanes More, an old and respected pioneer resident of Fulla,rton Town- ship, passed away in Motherwell on Friday, January 22nd, aged 86 years. Mr. (Moore was the firstpostmaster at Motherwell and was township assessor and collector for a number of years. -The marriage took place at the home of Mr. and errs. !Archie 'McCurdy on January 18th, of their daughter, Miss Nancy Ethel Jane, to Sifr. W. .1. Nay, son of Mr. John !Kay, of Htbbert. They will reside on the groom's farm on the 12th concession of Hibbert. Lost Her Husband and Two Brothers Her trusband and twol4rothers hav- ing! sneen killed In the war, 'four ether brothers having gone to Mite firing line, arid her only other brother training with the London Territorials before going to the trenches. Mrs. Stewart G. Holliday Ieft Montreal for St.John, from where she will return to her Old hone 0 :England. 'With her ,was little Peter, her three-year-old, fatherless boy. She ;said, as she took the train, than ene had ta nurse's certificate and would leave little "Pete" with her par- ents.and,„ join one et the -English he& pitals as aenurse if she could. * Mrs. 'Holliday and her (husband have been in Canada for nine and eleven years respectinely. He was in the real estate sbusiness when the war broke mit, and was one of the first to go to the front, having left Canada on August '2nd. 'Three weeks ago, , Mrs. Holliday IsaW in the official list! that her husband had been killed on the battle nine, and later she received fur- ther word confirming his' 'death, and giving particulars. Of- the death of her two brothers, (Aubrey sand 'Frank Chat- teris, J.she knows only that they have been killed. Her hairs is lo Chelsea and she expects definite word when she reaches there, ,• The extent of 'the worna,h's loss and the :brave Way she bore it, enlisted Abe arrkcial attention of the officials of the Montreal branch of the Patriotic .Fund. Her every !attention Nir.lis the little f 1 by vet ease. / nm 60 • :but as good i mann nee all but years'; r lam married Iand have a daughter,- axed though I ,rub along ;comfortably as an author , and journalist X have not contrived S IP ne to save a penny. $Suppose X went. I. mut sell up my home and pack My wife and daughter into a cheap room soinewhere, because the pay I should get from the army vtould not meet the rent of my house, nor keep ,imy people in comfort. . Moreover, I have niy .inother nearing 80 partly dependent on( ene., thave met many 'placed, much ail( 5 ean-tied by the leg, feeling a - sheltie& not to go, and .yet how is it to be donee So 1 -can only ,do what jite'aasliehodeotinZ, nd n sc-hjec)diunleaenlifysieelielfur J.-1,oeanarill branch of a national guard, made u old crocks beyond the army age. I you 'saw these fellows drilling with al their bearte, in the locel' schoolroom' you would know what nonsense it when some people talk of our slack- ness. Then told 1 1ajn full of the etories of men nearly as old as myself who have thrown things to the winds and enlisted, ;giving their ages as 135 'o &b to fret in. There are many friends of iny.ieven who have abandoned excellent positions, so keen were they to go. Near here is a small tradesman who wont off at the beginning. He left his wife to manage (his shop, and -I ould not (Mike out What ).iademoved him to' go., 'When he was at hoine 'on leave met him and ead a talk. A eery Tette- exit, peaceful Idnd of man'but when I it questioned him as to wat sent TAM off he .said awkwardly, 'Oh; well do younthink I :Want to risk seeing my kids baying to be brought up under this daihned Kaiser' That 'was his rea- SOU. an old friend of mine (46 and sinsle) abandoned a rnusicttl career- ivris a dine.bass singer and was just making headway, after a very hard struggle, and enlisted as a 84-yestr-oldr he bad spent more than he eould afford itt studying - under De Reske in Paris years ago and, during the Mons retreat the notion the,t the =French were going to be crushed was intolerable to him, and he heA, to go. t- "Then ithere is this that 1.touched Lino very, much. Out in Buckinghamshire is an old ,gentleman of nearly 7fina man of private .means -far too old to be ac- eepted as a private or to obtain le eommission, but he could not rest lea- ing OM The colonel of some new troops In training on the common near his houseis an old friend of ins and he went to hfin and insisted on being take en into the regirnent. He used to ne gnat on caravan :holidays whe-n he did all his owe cooking, and nothingwould dissuade him -so the eolonel bad to take ;him in as one of the regiment' cooks, and there be is in his apron - cooking for those chaps out on the co/lemon and, keen to go to the front and gook for Ithein there. Not a ghteet of a chance of any honor or eglory for ehirn, but ,he is not nut for that. s, Knowing of tbese things and of scores of good fellows who have gone more than willingly trona officers, shops and -- all 'planner of work, I am hurt and angry when X read the twaddle of of eogie of these sensational journalists who rnay the ?people are slack and not doing their duty. I never knew till now 'what idealists men could be and what a lovable and admirable thing hurnan nature is. am a little( astameeT of nayself, and X 'know verywell that If Utilise began to go wrong with elst there is „scarcely 11, two -legged mare in theuntry who won't be keea to nece rifice cverytbing to go out and 40 bit I'm afraid this %sounds boastful, thilia I Ain really not boasting -1 have gone around with my eyes and ears open,(Semil knewLit is the plain truthttt Many women with itifigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansin inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and Sa0Vii complexions -as. well as m dreadful 'madames and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates .Which Nature _cannot remove withoutassistmee. The be, • CHAMBER A N, AB remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, ''gently -cleanse the Stomach and bowels and tont the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and esunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medic:me Convanys Toronto EL), een, New Columbia Reco 4 For .February • On Sale Today 7 Death ee»,regrei Dr. Det� Wchtgal VA'S' Prids lend. *reed re, ti3r f the For Jias been 1 twas a mai inent lend Itroillrlled 1413.11-1/1183.1. I 10. firei Proseritatl 53. Wall d MethO e ssurprie, 11ver pr n: anniyea ° rinibbezs Sided over of eitinself.a. iar pastor r soknowledell ✓ irt VMS a the Methad.le land Nits, "W Vial good this localit$e Clinton rintenderit tole teeportei there were bite _great; tga, 'With g 102891 to Verger. Woe 'Hydro owe Otos, cost-:toi ol tigalloaist .f139-, *rhea nction. le,07/0-tx Pit) ittOra Ithe cofrei ut eat a 'The awk taieting of et Xreland- 4 lama Allron.". 4day, .the fohi ed County -ennoelc; *ins, .14=24 Vinland Lai Sistear, Wash -iTressil tain,-•i tut snd Uossio, 11_ iiklhert Kcal be liel4 Ontail6 'of the War Weelititions . nereek azid e eyehole wend natation E overnmeot kneed reduc' to lAgricolte tion ems ,te Iiiiinister *Ive that m iwout&be ice shortage of TressItry 2.r Aenutulle to ourning resoltation the repreeee the lie/alp, -)3,04- on the, traits to L United. as e licers ; were ereaer. IPresid • filet vice -.pi Durham; ltr. lane, OtterV LOckle E. R. Agne kinsone Eml gomerse rtonn011Y) of Ma *rook; AS Meage n, ef ssley; 1.gamilten of Steelton; New 5e1skne The 931gli voc wrough district last er !says: Tii %Sonatas' Ple phone and province -5.41 tore they NV ing Order. -Xte tele conuniseloi ZyAein wa Both north 'wires were office 'coif ',Meng tbe pole 'for tI broken -of fore ,r,epalr teleehone l'epairS 011 W M thaw the telegr almost elle flight bloc Dossed tb rot till 'W Jim .eleare iweee almost ten -froth.' 85 C No Records offer the same value -none' wear so long v s the lemons Columbia Double Disc Records. They are the best --UP--- Rcecordson the market today. The name Columbia standsito-day-for the best records on the market. And that in every detail Ii a Columbia record you have, the best record it is possible to get at any price. You have the finest recording, years ahead of any other. You have many of the biggest and best artists and bands, most of them exclusive- And in 'Columbia you have a record - which will unfailingly WEAR. TWICE AS 1.9NG as any other make - no matter what you pay. It is those combined points of superiority that have made`Columbia supreme to -day --the best records and the biggest value (only 85 cents). Nootherrecords dare make such specific claims, because no other records can prove them. If you are- not acquainted with Columbia Records get the demonstration double disc for "lo cents (r5 cents extra for postage). Feb'y Records on Sale Today blue- yed, rosy-cheeked, curly-haired boy, who does not yet know what war means, nor realize that his daddie will ever marne bank.. / Mr. Da,vid Blair, •member for Peel. gave an address 'touching on the 'vital n points at 1813 , the d f ths Another passenier on the train which left Montreal was Mrs. George Sales, of Rosemount, who has received . word hat her. husband. Is sick at Sallebury lain. She is hastening to Ms.bedside, ot knowing just the nature of the disease which has caused him to be sent to the hospital. Sales Went to alisbury with the 'Heavy Artillery. ennenewasenessee Becruiting in England The following are extracts from a etter recently weitten to a friend in anada by A. St. John Admix. the neigh writer, in which a striking ie - Borden (Government to aid by large s grants, Good Roads and Agriculture but which were defeated by the Liber- al majority in the Senate. He • also showed that the -Borden Government had': tried to give a measure of relief I to ,the depositors of the unfortunate ,0 Faranerls Bank, but that when the: pill went to the Senate It met with' t t violent 'death. Referring to tdr. Merrier I he. !said' in part: "There is not e, 'mem.' in ber ntpaaarnent who is more active s itt looking after the interests of his o constituency than is dr. 'Kerner of o South Huron, Ile did hie utmost to urn Ss drawn eof how England is els- lig 'to the duty laid upon her in the atter et recruiting: "Don't believe a Ingle, one of the stories you may ,hear • f any holding back on the part of ur, men in the matter of recruiting. be inien who say this know nothing obtain compensation for the Farmer's o Beek 'depositors and I know that he o f the business. To give you tin idea f 'why some hem to hesitate, take • e All Double Disc Records -a Selection on Each Side Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for Soldiers BY the Originator, Al. Jolson , lip Top Tipperary Mary .85 When yon Wore a 114 lip Ihe Ball:Room (Funnier than "Cohen on the Phone") .8 When )oz 're a Long, Long Way iron?, Home ;85 .Arrival of British iroopi im irance Q85 This as a splextdid descriptive record. Se Sure to hear it. New Dance Records Itidu'ding latest Fox Trots, One Steps Tangos, Maxixes, etc. Columbia Records made in Canada Fitany standard machine. You can get Columbia Gratonolas and Records from RD H Peck, Seaforth.