The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-05, Page 8.1 have r-zioved to the tore one dbor SOuth of the Billiard - room and am now in a better • position tnan ever to supply your wants pho. Now 'is tb. pieces whie signs of teed. •`+ re] 41 3„ Id- . I'd' • •1: • 4 • the furniture ring o bring 'in those sibeginning to show Satisfaction guaran- inter Opposite S ett's Shoe store, Seaforth. Janaes atson, Successor t4, W. N. Watson Oeneral Fire, I Ate and. Accident Insur- ance Agent, Real, Estate and Loan 4gen4. Insurance on all kinds oPr o eitY effected at the lowest a Deakin m ew jyinond, White and •New H me ewfng Machine a and ,Metdon Or Separators. es. full suijpiy of sewing machine needle, attachments, oft and re- pairs wava in stock. gfoih Picture ..Mo her hot bephotograph- •ed, but --mother (thinks only of ilier children when she th* ks of photographs. Pe haps she will need per- suadinge-, perhaps will call ;it vanity, but her pictures will prove still a beauty, will be greater, demand than those quaint pictures a younger stays. • Ide,ke an appointment for her. Felfs Studio Seaforth J.F.DAL Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTE • ONT Wanted! Logs and Heading Bolts We, the undersigned are prepared to pay the highest cash price for logs and heading bolts delivered at the Seaforth sawmill.• Basswood. heading bolts to be cut 20 and 40 inches long. Soft elm, soft raa,ple and beech logs to be cut 11, 13 and. 16 feet. Hard maple 12 feet All other logs to be cut 10, le, 11 and 16 feet. Special attention paid to custom sawing. For particulars apply at the office- of the Seaforth sawmili Arnent Bros. Seaforth Ont. 2457.9 Notice Tax Sale, Town of Seaforth. Notice i& hereby given that the list of "lands for sale forarrears of taxes has been prepared and copies thereof may be had in my office and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette dates of pub- lication Nov. 28, Decem- ber 5th, 12th and 19th, 194 and that ir. default of payment of the taxes the lands will 1/£ 901(1 for taxes. JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer Town of Seaforth Dated at Seatorth, this 20th day of Nov., 1914. 2450-13 One Quarter Off Nothing is better for cold winter weather than •good, comfortable felt footwear. As long as your feet are warm you can keep Pretty comfortable. Felt footwear is the warmest you can get and when you can get it at such reasonable prices as We offer, yott should take advantage of the, opportimity while it is here. Our prices are ridiculously low on all our felt goods. Come and see for yourself. Otte Quarter off on ail felt Footwear. The tiotne of Good Shoes H. R. SCOTT ..1-11erne of Good Shoes PROD* 51 • SEAFORTH • I Sea - thus served the offices along the, a. ute. It speaks little for the postoffiee do - paid by Saturday, February 13th, or will be24p6olard days .wi thou t their mail m a ttergal in other halide for collection. • uron otiifor DISTRIk4 MATTERS eminmmseemomiftiOV ,,. !A. ;Good, Essay. -At the anneal meet- ing of the Dominion Surveyors' Asso- ciation held at Ottawa last week, Mr. W. 0, 1Murdie, of ,the !Geodetie Survey, Ottawa, tread. a paper on "Stereophoto- grammetery as Applied to Surveying." Of thia paper the Ottawa Citizen seys : It was a highly' scientific treetise en an interesting phase of survey work. It was 'illustrated, by a lgoed series of diagrams and photographs and elicited a discussion in which useful informa- tion was brought out. Mr. Maras 18 a MeXillop boy, (being a (son iof efl.Q11, Murdie, Clerk of that township. . Soldiersf-Letters.-Arrangements ave - been made whereby the ordinary .rate of two cents per ounce appliCable. to, all letters sent from Canada to the United Kingdoin, will aply to letters addressed to • British and Caeedian troops on the tontinent. The rate on ordina,ry letters -from Canada far the continent is five cents for the Piot ounce, and three cents for each „sub- sequent ounce, so that this extension of the two cent an 'orante 'rate to letters addressed to ou soldiers on the eon - ie tinent, 'Is a :dad d reduction in . favor a porrespondenc going to the soldiers, • Egmondville School Report. - The following is the order of Merit standing of the pupils of the Egreond- ville School as determined by written examinations: Senior Fourth. -H. Jef- feison, C. Colbert, E. Shade, E. Biown. Junior Fourth.. -M. Weiland, LA.: Shade. *L. Kruse, P. Strong. Senior Third. - R. Weiland, ad. Hart, O. Barber, R. Ireland, M. Kruse. Junior Third -M. Hills, *R. Simpson, M. Shade, M: Ire- land, M. (Hudson, N. Ireland, J. Hart, E. Shade, B. eta,kins. Junior Second. - N. Dupee, Hoggarth, V. IHudson.. Piret.-R. Colbert, W. Hart. Primer. - E. Jefferson, Miller,: R. Ireland, L. Doupee, J11. Aberhart. • - Those kmerked * missed .one or inorb examinations. • 5 FEBRUARY . torn 'off and, the kbaggage ear and 't , pres. , -which eaine next WAS cut the length of ithe oar, the tere biting frain- seL ed }and !shoved over ae if t had ben a Piece of cardboard. On „ edieesdasr a new .tranICwits laid sp as to 'Clear the derailed engine ands tin) wreeldng train Pulled •the ‘staralinge'engine and ex- preee. ear back to .Stratford, but the line MAWS not eetirely cleared for traffic, pntil Wednestay night. Presentat1ons-4n interesting part of the program' at the regular .meeting of the Women's Missionary =Auxiliary of the Prebyterian Church on Tuesday ev- ening last, was the presentation to Mrs. (Alex. Wilson of a certificate of Ilfe 'membership in the Women's Mis- sionary Soelety of the Presbyterian Churdh. in Canade. -Mrs. Wilson was for Many years an active member of the Fiereign Missionary iteuxilleay and as phe expects to leave eafortli, per- ina,nently, fin the near future, the mm - be of the Auxiliary wish.ed. In this auty to give expression to their ap- preciation of her long connection with the 'Society and willing serviees in the different departinente of Missionary work. As. Mrs, Wilson was also a • member of the Women's Home Mis- sionary 'Society, it seerned very fitting she !should be presented with the first life membership certificate glveri by Seaforth Auxiliary since the amalgama- tion of the two sonieties. ' • !Golden Wedding. s- Mr. and Iligrs. Thomas Stephens of the Queen's cele- brated 'the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at their home here on Battu- day- last, when they *ere the recipi- ents of a shower of congratulations and good wishes. '13esides these they were presented with a purse of gold by _the 'faintly, several gold 'souvenir spoons and gold moth -ted umbrellas and many other tokens of affection from relatives and friends. Mr.' and Mrs. Stephens were married in London, on January SOth, 1865, coming . direct to Seaforth, than a village of some .300 of a population, and here they have spent the whole of their married life, a record that few married couples ever have the ;privilege of enjoying. Mr. Stephens Is unusually strong and ro- bust toe his age, and shows very few signs of the passing of the years, and Make a point of remem- bering-iyour friends on this occasion. The de- ; signs azo. new and novel • this year and are sure. to please you. Valentines, novelties, hearts, post cprds. Thompson's Bibokstore Seaforth" Window shades and picture' frames • a made to order. the well deserved honor which has been conferred 'npon you by the military • authorities of this country. We sac - knowledge that it has been justly earn- -ed not only by the col -mendable zeal .dieplayed by ,you as an officer of the Militia for a great many years, but as :well for the skill and ability 'which has enabled you to work your way from the cranks to the position which you now so deservedly occupy and which Position we feel assured you will fill with credit to yourself and advantage to the • force which yoli command. We further desire to express our ap- . predation of you: as a eitizen and bust - 1 ness trnan during the many years you have been so tprominent and useful a resident of our town. We trust that . when your military labors are ended and should you be spared to retire from the heriorable service to which you. are now abOtit to devote yourself, that you will .return to us again as a citizen of Seaforth, ,and we aan as- sure 'you that you will always receive the -warmest and -most hearty welcome from vs, your former townsmen. Wishing you every success in your new and Important sphere of labor, and praying that the protection of `the Ale• mighty may surround you where -ver your future. lot may be cast and as- swu all) e yco;.cilsetlhydtaiswueragfeurtyurewactacrheer 'As Others See Theme -This Ise -What until the (past year, the same could b 9 fond la. ,Iwe wish -you for the present a 1 the Gixlerich Signal says about . our have -beep said of Mrs. Stephens. We ond and affectionate farewell. . hockey boys and The Signal should are glad. to know, however, that *elle Seaforth. Signed on 'behalf of the pitizens of know as Mr. Robertson. the Editor, is recovering froth her serious illness I attended all the matches haerinee the of ,the `past- summer. and is again- re- , , GoderiCh team in charge: "Seaforth gaining her wanted. health. The -con- ' .............,—.4.—. gratulatione of the citizens generalli, has -the district .cham ionship nailed down and Goderich wi hes the* well and their many friends partkularly, 'Local Briefs. -Mr. James Ireland, of in their contest; with other district will -be. extended. to Mr, and airs. Step- Morris, and. his daughter, were in winners. They are fast and clever play- hens On 'this their fiftieth anniversary this vicinity laet week, calling on old ers, and a fine gentlemanly lot -df men, and, vie hope of all is that they may .friends. They spent a night iwith Mr. too, and they deserve the siecess they be spared to eaeh other and to their William '1W1b3on, in Hullett, and called have had. The nave 'rot lost a game faintly and las citizens for many mo. re ,eornarneeirtsh.,Mowhnok we rtehgerleMtiltleRkoaardn, Tisunckot- y\st years to come. this season; bu eof qeurse Gederich enjoying -good health. -Mr. Patrick Ry - will try. to -make a reoc =in the record .• an, of Logan, near Dublin, paid his This will be the last cheddled - game throat specialist, will be at the Dr. Foretell of Stratford, oye, ear, nose and , Queen's Hotel, Sea. forty-fifth subscription to The Expos - when •they play here riday eVening. of the season in God rich, and there ttoort, on 3rd Wedneaday of each month from. 11 itor on Saturday. Mr. an was one �f :WILLIAM AMENT, Mayor. • should ba a big turnou to ,gee a lively Furs Remodelled -Ladies If you want a new fur the earliest residents of Seaforth, be - ng employed, with the late Thomas game." The break in the reebed was •bring the old one to II, Horan. ladies tailor.Be not linade 'on Friday n ht ,:the Sea- makes any kind. 245741 Downey in assisting to build the North - forth .team 'came out ten to one. We For Sale -Several rood houses on easy terms. Ir, ern pravel Road. He. has worked his are proud fof our boys as players and Edge' Seaforth. 2329- way up throughallthese years until Dr. Heileman, Osteorathic Physician is at the still more proud of t eir gentlemanly Commerol 1 Hotel every Tuesday and Friday from conduct on the ice. to 12.30. Ike Professional Card page 7. 2446-tf - Marriage Lbenses issued by Savauge and Steiner); No alails.-Seaforth Wee_ ,williout a Jewellers, Ete., Seaforth. 227741 • fi Flour: --We have just_unloaded a car of Manitoba mail from any direct' n irom Monday uor, Five Roses and Harvest Queen. Try a hag or night until Thursday and even Mon- 4sciv_, the prir.. is right and the flour will please you day nights' mail did not reaca , here and prove to you we handle the best, Cardno Bros. Seaferth. • 2460-2 until Wednesday aft rnoon, altho h lig ustomers having Natimal Portland cement bap It was only two -and -a helf milee avvay.cvireturn KWIC not later than February 10th, if The reason for this was the we eked. musta aerye stir8whe, stopagtedtitchr.edit for same. The Big ITard-- 240-1 train East o Seaforth and he e rise- / Caution -The public are hereby cautioned thit 1 talent blocki g of the road: Bu tbe d th ;ill nodt hereafter be reagonrile for andeldits coriti- on aoad froni Stratford to Gpa dch come t. Nelson E. Sariders,..Mcliillop. 2460x4 , t bee so good for trove ' for Money Wanted -To borrow for a term of years ordinary highways are goo e ur- watch in my name wit ou my written or er an has no 83000 on a fir.4 ele.‘-s improved one hundred acre years at this time of the year and paneled the accumulated mail .:re tter For Sae -1 i stcrey frame house and lot on24:11e,t, farm. Apply at the Expositor office, Seaforth. the postal authorities. should haiie des - at Stratford by private eonveyane and partment that people shou e partnership. alt accounts owIng said firm must be forth. William Ballantyne. !oh et., opposite the Presbyterian church lawn, Sea - The firm of Sperling & Wright having dissolved 24004f f cr ply the rved lecause -a train happens to get of track. We were much better forty years ago. Proposed History of ;Huron. ,-da The Huron Old Boys' ,Association, of1 To- ronto, is desirous of corrip1l1ng,1 for publication ' and. future refereheii2 e an Historical and Biographical Sketi d of Huron 'County, In order to get a.' ne- cessary information and make the work as complete as possible, the Association will have • to depend upon vo1uijtary assistance from persons resident] in various ;parts of the connty, and- t kes this mea,ns of asking eo-operetie . If anyone can supply any information re- lating to the early isettlement of t eir own locality, either historical or la - graphical, pioneer experience or ot, er-. wise, or an give the names of er- sons who will do so, the AssocIatlIon will appreciate it very much. Ph tos of old settlers or persons of promine ce (duly inscribed° for identifitation), - ill be acceptable. All correspondence re t- ing hereto should be addressed to o- • bert Holmes, 472,Palmerston Bouleva d, Toronto. , e . A Railway Smash -On Monday nigiht the Toronto and Buffalo tradrawn by two engines and when ai3o t e two an& a half miles East of Seaforth, the front engine left the rails a d turned. crosswise on the track. Bo engines were ?disabled and the bagga a car was badly smashed but the talo passenger coaches aemained on tale track andedelde from the shock .none f the passengers were injured. Mr. RO._8 of Stratford the engineer on the filet engine, was badly scalded by esca ing steam and his fireman was als hurt. Sleighs were immediately sen down from :town and the 'injured mei and the pasSengers were taken to th Commercial Hotel, where they were al comfortably provided for and the In- jured men received medical attention. On Fruesd,a,y when the wreckage a,par- ates was on its .way to clear the track, the engine left the track abouti half a mile West of Dublin, so that 1 traffic was completely euspended on Tuesday and until Wednesday night. The mishaps were caused by ice and the depth of frozen snow on the track, This is the worst accident that hae occured on this line for many years. The night was intensely cold and stor- my and the -passengers' had -a some- what unpleasant ride from the wrecked train to town, but all were thankful that they escaped so fortunately. ; -Since the above was in type we have had an opportunity of viewing the wreck. a.nd that the engineer and fireman of the front engine were taken out of the cab alive Is nothing short of ',a `miracle. The _front engine jumped the track on one eide and its tender or the other. The second engine in passing the ditched one turned it completely 'vound and left it lying on the eideeof the :track, but in the pas- sing the boiler on dhe live engine was ripped open, the eie of the tender - • • • • • - • f -vr. 44. .4 - For Sale—A quantity of American Banner seed oats. These o.ts are guaranteed clean. 75 cents per bushel. Cash must accompany order. J. R. Murdoca, Br ucefleid. • 2460 bt Presentation to Col. Wilson On Friday evening last as Colonel Waleon was entering Cardno's Hall to attend the Bachelors' and Benedicts' Dance given in aid of the Red Cross, be was halted at the -doer by the HJ1110 ;Guard in full marching order and hea.dede by j.Xajyor Arnent. The Guard presented arm half of the c sented the ',Col ary address =an F. H. Leithn and the aseerh mandatory and though the Cdlo ly by asurprise and the Mayor in be- izens of Seaforth, pre- nel with a coinpliment- a purse of gold. ,Rev. lso addressed the Col. led citizens in a corn - patriotic strain. Al - el was taken complete - y the assault, he soon rallied his lore s and in a brief but feeling and appropriate address thank- ed, the iGuard, the Mayor andathe clt- lzens for the kindly sentiments expres- sed in the address and for their gift. As the ;sentiment of the donors are, probably; More aceurately expressed in the address thari we could interpret thein we publash ate 'Institute Boa Wilson with a it below. The Collegi- d also presented Coi. rist watch. Col. Wilson is a native of Seaforth. He has resided here all his life and foe, a ,quarter of la century or (over he has been one of Ithe leading business then 'of the town i and in addition has devoted much]• a his time to military, athletic and edueational affairs. He was lone df the Main -stays of the vol- unteer forces ihereit he has been Secre- tary of the C011egiate Institute Board for a great many *ears and- Was an ac- tive and entlinsiaatic member of the ' Curling and •BOwliag Clubs. He will be much missed in niany ways in town. Col. Wilsonlbelangs to a military family, His -t o brothers, the late Charles 'and Jahn G. Wilson were for years eprominent members of the vol- unteer force, the farmer retiring from the 'service with the rank of Major, and the latter withethe rank of ,Lieu- tenant-Colonel. Majer Wilson also ac- companied the NirooWesley military ex- pedition to the Northwest Territories to quell the first Re 1 Rebellion, where the 'served for over a return .of the expedit s the address as re nd which speaks year or, until the on. The following Id by the Mayor, r itself: o Lieutenant Colo el WilSon, , - Commandin.g the 3rd Regiment, I Third Over -Seas tontlngent, 1 Canadian Volunteers. 1 In behalf of the cidzens of Seaforth, 11 beg you to accept this purse of 'gold, of for its intrinsic Valuetut pimply a an expression of out sincere appreci- Baton od you as a cit*en and .mIlltary officer, on the eve of your departure t enter active service; In the interests o your country and theh British Empire. We (further desire tho say that we your fellow, citizen feel proud. of, 8.. years' pastorstte here,' has accepted a. unenitrious call from the:Official Board, ,of 'the Memorial Methodist Church, Lens den, Ito beeeine' pastor of, that church after.Jima next, The 1..onders people have spade no'intatake in 'selecting -Mr, Barker. -a, good e3deacher sand an earneet, enthusiastic and indefatigable worker. -We are pleaeed to. notice that our toriner townsman, Mr.'. Wm. Pren- dergast, of Toronto, is still workirig upwards in 'his profession, He -has Ire - _ teittly bad conferred on him the degree of Baeheler of Pedagogy. We emigre - Wats our nid, friend on this additional professiQnar ham= and we have no doubt b1.1t he win yet attain even high- er honors-, in his chosen profession. - The annual- congregational meeting of 'the Seaforth Presbyterian Church was called 1 for Monday evening Jest, bet as enan.y were not fable to get out on account of the Very inclement weather, it 'wee deemed advisable toadjourn the ineetiog until [next Monday evening. - The Hydro-Eleetric lights were cutting up elidos, playing hide -and -go -seek on - Monday eight The treuble was "down the line." the cause being ice on the wires and high winds. As misery loves company, it was come consolation to know as We sat in the .dark, that every other town along the line from Niagara to Goderich wrid similarly situated. However, we have not much cause ifor complaint as it is over a year since we bad !similar trouble before, and even the Hydro-Ekctric cannot provide, a- gainst the freaks of nature. -All la- dies who thave Red Cross work out will please send eatne in by Thursday, Feb- ruary:lithe-The Bachelors' and Bene - diets' dance on Friday evening was a, wry pleasant' and successful affair. The musk was of the best and all seemed to enjoy- themselves. The sum Of 435 was presented to the Cross. Thia Makes 1100 the net proceeds pf the two dances which have been devot- ed, to that worthy object. -Another old and !respected resident of this vicinity in the'person of Mr„ Jacob Schmidt, of Egfilondville, died on Sunday night haying reached, the good - oldage of 83 years., We hopeeto make fuller ref- erence Ito this worthy man next aweek, He ailed at the residence of his son-in- law, &he J. G. Docherty, and the fun- eral took place from there to the Matt - landbank cemetery on Wednesday, - Mr. John R, aforran, . of Grandview, Manitoba, le here visiting his uncle Mr. J. S. Welsh and faintly. ,-- Hiss Courtice, a returned ',Missionary from Japan, will address the Epworth League of the Methodist Church,- on Tuesday eveniag next All are cordially invited to bear her. -Miss Jessie Stable,' who 'returned from Souris, an., on Mon- day of last week, underwent an opera- tion in ,the Clinton hospital for appen- dicitis. We are pleased to learn that the operation ..was successful and we hope for a.• coinplete., recovery. -Owing to the estorin and bad track on Tuesday only , one train got through on the London, Huron and Bruce, but the track was cleared by Wednesday and all trains were running as. usual.- • Many of our .readeas will regret to -learn a the death of Dr. ,David ',Ham - mill, a native of Hullette and a one- time .well-known school teacher of this vicinity, which accureci. at -his home in. he now has a comfortable homestead and as in affluent circumstances. He Is- Detroit, on. -the 22nd of January.-The recent etorm was generel all over t still bale and hearty and-inthe ordin- Province and trains were blocked on a ary course of 'events .should have many 1. years of usefulness yet before him. - Mrs. :A. D. Sutherland and children re- turned home on, Friday after a visit cyf!so;ry-le menths with friends hi Ed - Montan land Fort Saskatchewan. She was accoinpanied by Miss Tufford, who - has been in the West for .eeveral years, the roads. Our line was lopen for traf- fic on Wednesday night. -On accoun of not receiving any mail here froof any ;direction from Monday until ThurS= day mornifige a good deal or our coun- try Correspondence and other interest- •ing new.did not come to hand entil too late for insertion this week. -Mr.., -Mr. J.J, Kehoe, Postmaster at Froud, R. (El. Winter has moved his stock of- Sask., was here visiting his mother and other friends. Mr, Kehoe also visit - d, friends in Toledo, Ohio, afount,Cleme ens ,and: Port -Huron, Michigan and in Goderich. tit is twelve years since -Mr. do well.-Seaforth have been drawn a- Kehoe was in Seaferth, and he sees gainst Wiarton, in the second- round many -changes, especially among the, of ;the, 0. H. At ehainpionship, and play people. -The tfollowing are the officers 'the first gaine there to -night, -Friday, of the Citizens' Band fed* \the current the returning game being played in year: Honorary President, George A. Seaforth' on Monday night next. --Mr. Sills; Honorary Vice. President, Mayor John Dodds has been confined to his furniture to the Store enext to the Billiard Room, opposite John Street. Mr. Winter is an enterprising young mer-. -chant with good experience, and should Ament ; President, Charles Stew- art; Vice -President, Charles Aberhart; Secretary, ' A. E. Forbes; Trea- surer, J., •F. Daley-; Managing Commit- tee, (AaF. Cluff, M. McPhee andt.E. L. Box. 'Mr. A. 11. Close is the leader. The band is in good shape and is et age and machine shop, has been dls- useful and agreeable institution • in salved, and the business will be car - town. -Mr. and Mrs. Roy WlIlis, ried, on by Mr. James Wright. Mr. Dungannon, spent Sunday with friends Wright lid a thoroughly competent me - Thank and. the patrons of the firm may Test assured that they will be equally well served by hfm. home this week with a severe attack of la grippe. -Mr. Frank Chid, :who Is taking a course for Captaincy in the London Arrnortes, was home over Sun- day. -We notice that the firm of Spar - ling and Wright, of the Seaforth gar - In town. -air. William Wilson has sold his farm on the 4th concession of Hul- lett, to Mr. afcBrine, of Auburn, for $11000. The purchaser has got one of the best farms in the County. ,Mr. Wil- son Intends coming to Seaforth to re- side. -The weather man has been .giv., ing *Us 'great variety during the past tweek. Friday there was a blizzard, Saturday the thermometer registered 15 below zero and on Sunday night there was rain, but the bear did not see h1s shadovr when he emerged frcin his !den on Candlemas day. -The sub- ject at the morning service in the °Methodist Church next Sunday will be "We Would See Jesus," • and In the evening "Voices From Calvary." The Sacrament will be administered at the close of the evening service. -Mrs. John G. alerray, who has been here visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Hammett, return- ed to( her home In Preston, this tweek. t -Miss Jean Ross, of Clinton, was vis- iting with Miss Everett and • other friends this week. -Rev. F. H. Larkin •will have for hissubject next Sunday morning, "What is Life Foil" Evening Sutject, "Does This War 'Prove Chris- tianity' to be a •Failurerr-Rede A. W. Barker, ,B.D., who te cloging a four HOCKEY 0.11. A. Intermediate Second Rouud Wiarton vs Seaforth Palace Rink, Seaforth Monday, Feb, 8th Last winter Wiarton played. in the final game for the Championship of Ontario, and are considered one of the 'fastest teams in the game this year. .Goals count on the round. Come and see the best hockey of the season. Game Calledsat8 e'clock .ABERHART , 11. SMITH: ' President Secretary es.••••••. • - Manley Notes. -Mrs. Wm, Manley, spent a few days last week at the home of her parents near Seaforth.-Mr. Thomas McKay is busy drawing wood to air. J. -M. Govenlock's tile yard and- beat dhe record. when he delivered eighty cords .eight days. 'Tom is nt.'% hustler. -Mr. land lairs. Allan McMann, of Ed- monton, called on old friends here thi3 week. -Mr. Wni. Manley has engaged Thornton Brothers for cutting wood and they are now drawing it, aut the -heavy storing have left the -roads in poor shape. -Mr. Con. Eckert was here on business this week. -Mr. Henry Be,nneweis has been a sufferer from quinsey, but We hope to see hiin a- round again sooe. • Blyth The Patriotic Concert. -The eontinua- tion blase of Blyth Public School held a very !successful concert in industry Hall on. Friday evening. 'The .first part of the program was taken up with choruses, duets, .drills,, reciations and a tableaux, "The May Pole," which was splendidly put on. The • second part consisted of a two -act play, entitled, "Power In- the Eyes," which everybody enjoyed. The success of the concert is, due to %Mrs. Jaime Barr and OW His - sett, who have spent a great deal ef • time in teaching the performers. 'The receipts amounted to over $100, which Is to be •applied, to the Red Cross fund. Fraternal. -At a special. meeting of Blyth OdfellowS' Lodge, Thursday ev- ening, the following district officers of the order, W. MakICay, District De- pute Grand Master: W. Dougall, D.D.G. 'marshal; ie. Clark, De).G. warden; J. plenn, D.D.G. secretary; C. Jireleas, D.G, tree:serer, of Hensel!, were here, and installed the following officers: N.G., 1G. E. McTaggart; V,G , Thomas Wallace; R.S., A. W. Aobinson; F.S„ John Pats; treasurer, D. Allison; war., S. A. Poplestone; cone, W. H. Lyon; 0. G„ slarnes Cloakey; -I.G.. Wm. Hig- ley; R.S.N.G., John Weymouth; L.S. N.G., IW. Moore; R.S.V,G, James Cutt; John Knox; 5.5.5, W. Knox; chap., la Gardiner. This work was per- formed exceptionally well. District De- puty elacICEty gave an exceptionally fine address on the work of the order. Some of the others present also made short speeches. The degree team of the town lodge exemplified The third degree. The evening throughout was most - pleasantly and profitably spent,. • - -. • - - • * rance of - Lathes' Ready -to wear clipparel THE very chance you have been waiting for to get the, garment you want at a mere fraction of its real worth. We have cut the prices to cost and less to effect a -complete clearance of ever, Suits Coat and Dress in our stock, These prices mean mone3r saved to you ---=even if you don't need the goods till next winter liddies' •Suits Coats 1 and Furs 1-3 to 1-2 Price 5 $15 Garments Now $7.50 to $10.0Q 16 L 6 $10 to $13.50 $12.50 to $15 NOW'is tite Time to Buy An advance showing ot very beautiful Spring 1915 Wash Fabrics waits your inspec- tion. Cone and see the new effects. I. See our Friday and Saturdaly Specials in the Dress Goods 1 Department SEAF I _ • sale, .duri: one tunii our-, -ed ti the mag For mak Oda Sale 25 0 sale. 5 c Sale 45. P pria regu 90h1• out, 25. pr= Too prio too ~ular 75 sizes Ioo regu 125 pricl Too priC4 150 prio 75 Sal - 10 pric4 io sale