The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-05, Page 6-7' Fin 34i OR HURO 13RUARY tau a the 06 t Ir Incident a rat every rat" A WIL ruelvA& his cation ib Of Albert^, W11 vrA.zbly� Op" -Me e edu A 84*yrt the ch- I yaik R 'It did no 7 fame and �next- teather as� Win. - v no says: . h U �A IQ equAlitation ave and t, to 4or ho"C -*-a -oil of Con, 61 r1fi it _�' r at lace berm of e towe cavil armant rot bubty Of NI more It Prom Vx- 46061 worked, on the farm, lum, later ation for the o x mel P1 Lail �-Othiers who a qk *no, rlk* 14 4 South of n- allies' request for an rakri ticed 'I oke were tater to bri4W Qnditions there, ColUmbla, ��ox- Councillor M--MuirarA has beep 0. - Bever, Dr. Olson, *rInr, i6te-, until 1,854 when he came tual Life-fAsi atioit Company is A that the vllieslave it-yer Od -stiff' Itish aDr. Al. A0 J JdAes' 4rolt Kirkton, Went -to ithe PoUn of Ataria. "'Xiectid Baby* to ai��,.arffli t Huron In"Jul oa y as been -couillUi hich h 04109 UqyAor without DouP ithat 4r, jtL AV years Age4 The "Wheat am" .1 a of of . thi Gerina4. n -the elm In MOT# W stilLreprasen bw several V00 *f Star A or irunning -a dIz. from Uaborne, z?x-Reeve Journey wais ma& by Rideau Canal and woundpd--who- are. Councillor J.. Goodsalve Ans nys all Routley; ifrom Winchelsea, Mr,- NWA I Lake... Oatariq, Jq XaMilton" th ence by- � f4ij �Clty� Bank. 0"ition, he r4aly- 1ouxe. tAkIAC4& long t1ine'th-tecoir becauso urande, Coms bou" in Star city wbo, Is also -trustee, bas ibee Blanchard, ex -Reeve aller Gow� -eta t a a school -j.—" 1 #4- -m� 1^ nn f4ka �Vfiwlai 9 -from ge o, the Finger Post—wh re Oba. Loan Companym.. tippointed, 4, �J. ua-` found no I "J fined 4100 for selling of b&t-t)eJ -somfe for four-,— lamr and'ex- tortb'now- stands and' arrived, at -the -dfr ommissloP 'of the M 7),lut r Iltue without Alkys, n, Councilloi 0�6veph el Wonald ky- 11,% 4 unlock D. Bones-, f Obiernment lor at a 1ceme Jobn romWoodharn,'Jas XacDonaI4 was fined site a! Cranbrorbk'on July.ilth, 1854,. coue in 18W U00, Jd.-the, Amerikart Hoe plital B;t of, 94 ek J& a'" w1i6---saved his master's life, L. Routley'; Irom GrAnton, J. ClzPwor- rather, �nother and family followed In. QtJU J. P. lKoinber Masonic Order -Adietbridgei aw&j� 1t,-Wa4- a $250 f�or -a lmilar offense, and Torj Fomd Frtdt4oives Ro�ynes r w" fted 41QD for Impers nd. iilv -;dd," to: him The Lhy, Dr.- ILang and R. Radellf feL; frow October ipf tAAt year. Mr. Leckie help-. 1or gw ihouse, 19 by -14, but Mr. onat- A - and vondered 141rot the entire In Only IWP f&lthfiLi antinal � Is being' treated -with llussUda i.'C. Facey. ed clear th6 Brat thlrty,. aer" of,ble 9 table. - lei, hAd it 0oved an . -upkaers. Thcy� It happened, in this father's ifarm, L 2 -and 0%, conees- -09, occupled the hd�se. In 6 Awnibers, of the WInnipeg.pat- every kindness. Ots 2 'Tait distance. Obap to ftellotf ally Only one W1nd0W-P&Ue WaO r.1 Asso6latlon.obave Inaugurated r,- brouglit Profits of PotvAq Growing Sion a2 of Grey.. n"30 way: Lk young Zouave. office Township aw i f roshbv' for Wh at 01let. For Wash- dur lie built the first store 'in Cran- ough� Carjot After was most djol &ora Africa'with him,,, an,, 'on br*ea,alth = eensible way of aiding the un. his -1 a sandy loam �ertlllzed into *e kv &.11derclothing it is us"Q41164, I -him to ng the fi�ll and ,Winter :with -fteen the uainess. First In- -brook and,v(ent Into b ell TOUte.' e ploy -ed of that -C Rao: THIS.- ailimal'if6liowed. the fi crossed rn They have CleAuses and 4mrifles.: & - pur- io,a4s f good anyar y 5tri, —.AW-Kdf1b1aI, olft ealffiled to PrZ- tinibar Ing oj.tha Belgian frontier. Tb's mast-, A manure, and voice oUggpdg was dated F,?bruar chased he on a considerable unded and -let, I 18,6.4. Oe- remained there in general a tore tract of 0overment -land about for" -worked -in the spriag$ 00 er-wasaerlously Wo Y-�-' thoroughly - 6ver an# Victoria being Manitoba anicl Northwes -Ing on the field. The Ao9 -discovere& bus&ig of potatoes w6re 'grown on -one business for eight years, and 'was also th Wal B6 m4do &-iGret ea for -divorces from intles East of W1111peg, established a . a, GrP Supadntendent of Sunday 001. in. the young - �dfloer; and set about, Jm-. a, Pokmaster tinder the kppointmt)nt uf --Private E. Claik, S6u es, r- tta United State$ has just been made carnp, on -it and-�send all ithe fable bed- ore in 1914,. the. large at yield of po!- :HimseEF oOntarto 'derers, formerly a resident of Belmont. '41 I fier�enl Toronto TV& How HK* C the iMeDoald—Siccotte Qo*srnmentlor by the. proVirneial 9,0 st, of rit- leit. unemployed askin ter aldto Nork medjately ito � lick his master's Woundsi 'tatoes in* the 1�rovlftce re hi wife and tw'o undoubted ned frw� a' last ifOur- years of- that period. Erected Manitoba, WhG of Chroz& Rheu=m*&t&Wm A Suffer. The, -AoctorEf say this IY N far .as cAn be scertal the, ish 10olumbia. Officials are cautioned in he cornp. Upwards of .1000 men can for iiearly - lcompAj4on' tore In Brussels, (then Affileyvills,), children survive, died from wounUo In agAirkst.,giving licehmen to -d . per- be see ' odated In this ca mp a lad, Als. Ufa. They' were ithere results of the:Acre Profit. divorce Gin nd there ifta for Yeats. t% o days befor-a the dog's cries atw in-ihe- different countri) In 1862, and started busliiess thert tsttl% mono where -the diyoice has.been ob- ar now between ,one hundred -and twia —The old colonists of the Mennonite. taln6d In,, the United Statiat ad general 's.tore and open to yosing men'who -altend May 1st, a863. It wa or 'to -liundped steadily -At Work In it. SoM0, 'Vovi1RcouRT RoAD, Oct., icst. 1913. tracted theAWbU)anc0 men to the spot idayal care. the winter couise In agriculture t and As also bought grain and produce. reserve, inear Morden, Manitoba, ship- -r 'United i3tates. of them, more experlenced woodmeM tkt L'Ab�aville eAfter a few pu PM Is coming it om the P - - : jimd A Sold'out business In 1816 and In 1877 ped e, carload�cd flour to th,6 relief �Jblt -r -.day, . - the officer was sent to Paris But as on by the 1)1,%trldt Represwitatives, Thle The sa:ine lordlor ivrob th'i marrying ,a a jearning -PA bIgb' as 44 9, lftdhange of' c same men -ve I Campbell Lamont. got the At -was lmwaslble tb ha th� 4�i 4.0. crop. was grown by Bank of Montreal to of the BelgianiS., '.The bour, -was ground In: Britisl�'COlu-mbij ouplas where -Wliere ao a )Aouth ago, tr-e ie Wilbu or * long time I have ihought of -at. -their,iewn .1n,,ther­vI11a4re- oc anch *s �anager ail -ICau- wtxe trampin Ig OIX Al erin a nd jL- vial,, 4 wrifingy,011 ire aidl�g what I t too, soine eople there offered to look of AStrathroy, Middlesex A *as 'the J on,0,4g. sli "atle'sud the. other. a g about WinnIpec looldag Ar*brk and both diold ndhugry.,&t at -ter hiin. 'The animal, left-'behln;a In cp6t 'of $32.62. Piguring the Potatoes and continued -while they, lasted, a RdWFArt. most remarkMe curt eff ected by your I or dealti would'not eat, and - finally' -fit .140 cents par bushel, the net rofit bout itw6 yers. He then started �urlv­ F. Allen, who was serIOUSIT - � 1�- , tfiat -time tbb were, entirely depend. remedy 4.11tzuitra-tives I ':..I suffered from this Way,, —The largezt ifine vii4er the game pnee by rev ne Is L -$'i61.78 an acre. In fhe sairne nelgh�- at,- banking; continuing for about a ne Toroato, -in my hands. )ne . dA when some more wounded 'were 'bel' 'bur d:by"her.clothlng catching fi Rhiamatism ally ght ito Paris;; the, hospital authorl- 'borhood, on the same kind of soil, year. Mhen e sold out thi OntarIQ aucournbed to her Injuries -Y 4ait I&M Of British coiumbiz,,eyer bn-3osed ant n 41arity, they being unable to brou u fral -Individual has juat secure � wo;k I hmie spenz, tag lot.,of mon!�y without nat &* jsinglb on sedo, ut of the war, -11, week, An s, UL Diu- 61 Bank and was� hianag r for them. unt went, to tM o y was 40n.' tle�'.declded- to make an exception in Archie Limon had 490 bushels, forty to.., her home The anen aTd -all 46d 1h, av'L'Aaken "ViIIA. th6. been charged, against.%&. 1Kd1-nne5, dog was allowed pounds on an acr&, 'at a, cost of $28.. thej,.olcksed In 1892. He phin. The b d -i 'i6-tO 8 ak, he -have been living In tfif,'bV4� -Uvesill for z8 -mobths-now, and am this case. and Of Quesnel, who happens to na, h to Paris. 116 noW -live:51n 86 leaving a et profif of 416T;Ao� North West in March, 1892, and re- in Brighton, ,Ont,; I� charge of or food -that hey got- 14� pf the best atd plew ta tell you that I am cured. tc! cOms A ,pays a each till another, Allan MeN wejtt e Toronto In May, 1984, to take brother, Edwxrd.. A iformer 49ame wardeii , forAhat dis All the enlarg"e,mint ha"s, not' lift my m,Uch 1�xur axic visit ell had .471 bu- 0 V to. bis e Shels, 10 poj�ncjk; at A cost of $4o..,$Or,. the' 804farship, -of -the 06trat FrIs A" After *altlfig for"& tict.- McInnes recently-. _hunting -well suited to their needxr. 'Th bl hAnds -and- perhaps never will, -but the da of Lt- Cray- and., hough alit of -wasos; illed four. bunk house alid, the eating house, both leaving a net. profit of. 141.97. These to: stole 4rom so Or4ix aonths. - Chan6d. �-. from that the residiance oij. He was -fined 4260 each. constructed ot logs and abo k,"n 0110161A hd :f" s ll eand I can do any T11) 3 419pres -sh( the Bu mour, in Winnipe COW Va work. t: I A PPA2ANT d -it alt w1thout v )w the possible yield reau P& Industries' and collected M since May, 1911 11 - li6und BED MEDICINE � i - - ba-cl, K-Ifftb 404oat 'eacii, are being- umed altogether able, Cal. and compiled -the, 4jrst tables the ow w soil'is suit ne)r- w4aj ni)tifled by the Police :B WK6 U s -charged at resent, but It Is the Intention of in r8 mouthal profit where.. th published by the Ontailo, Government d FOR LITTLE OTNES. epartmerit, 2 a few 4ays ago, that the lkenses ter bi be W* -11 a . to IL -A. AUGH tivation ;thorough, ellmatical �ohditibns d almost all -of the Me o to In ralro ideal, -And variety of potatoes adapted in 1plainphlet tform �and did.'some work article ha been -found. This. JeXtra, W. Id prison- ancl itch theIr teate adjacaht to. their beea..mtol- toot la.,blii of 41,050 or atzi In -the Airicultuial anch also. Xq.a�n&'�iother ted to- to hb locality. repor Look I - Ing 'eir supplies f rorn the e b6th la a qmt ifor, aft months. Us Is f work, b th Akimmatsm, is no longer t)ke dreaded In figuring the cost, renC of land 'March, 1886 �n 'en a year af tiiK war *IrIY W`aaI 4mated,; gag4d ith the Preehol idlbdming house by a detective w)i hel -Baby's Own Tablets are a good was - � Car�pany, a t�h, anA.fts' V#4d: the fise!� d Aspot votiabliphed there as t disme it' once,was. , R timated at $6.00 _per &as, ma- Loan and Gavingi as' In- en aud dicine for little iones. They are guar- es ter and tremained with them until' 'walfi -ie�arclilni -the',premisis. 'Blderi jA Biandgm,- gorernment need them. They are all being puld t 10, cent no, I?",er one of the -likinurable to n u pe, a 8 per load, -,man labor. Spec 9 Nken Ji autseA!tby a gorn ent naly t be I " u 44s, veinount purchasing offic won piece -work rates. Thef -get: $I,Ixr 7ruit- gh —Tbfr 4sat diseases ai-tivee' has proved at 15 * cents -per. hour, ,horse labor at jp4ey ,wound up their business throu , h epured, oft Jon a er for. Xanl- absolutely ree from the opiates � gh d -f 'Per corAloramarse -and JAck-pinend tloop, eal the -seedlat 15 amalgamation -w th ther Companyo, Ili, c Mrs. - Aedve, wHe. of'. Charles Itoevc, toba, Capt. Dr. its marvellous powers . over - Rheu lok- AM narcotics found In so-calledt "soothing" 10 'cents par hour, 'qnd, In 1800 wh#n Mr. Leckie returned, . to of Rlm Parin, in the Rillington diatrict, veterinary a -Ad istaf Were at Virden 16-ticets Oar eordi for poplar. The jolder 11 fact, cents r act thr, atism, 6ciatica, Lumbago—i er bushel. The, ual 'time was mixtures. They cannot, possl�l� doL Brussele, Ah and. has lived here near. #fter *66k' tan., &: Ife.* days. &M. and;. had m, large And and better seaaned'woodsmen tac- over all such diseases which arise from he o11, cultivatlon,�, Ohba a harm"they always do good. kept of preparing t s, MO&. - Reeve was - one 0 kle ithe tar6arac and pine but the ama- -ch, bowels, -planting and diggIrIg. the - potato3s, and a wA§ Deputy Reeve of sGicy, lfte� f - -1h e asmortment of heroes - broucht In to SOM darsittgement of stoma haed tat poplar. litt roin; L A0 In all were. pure r hands Work Up from the mother as -.given -them to her If, -early settlers, having come to that Air,- me. t: f e0110 kidn4sr skin. spraying for bugs -and blight The vairi- One Yeart andi Reeve of Grey for eight Ise ones he willP uae no other L me lolne. continuous years. ' -nd paid conside Ing. It1s the. Intention that ill of.thewood ation In cost -of production co'mes In b.� trict with Zer husband, frorn ManC4911-. ftli-vrlees were . r =d sour Concerning 4bem Mrs. Jos�. Des Were, Pint anfinals taken. Several � gu 4s to- be the property of the `W1=1. Tzuit-a-iivee 1: is sold by al I dealers Ae;eyeof Brussels after Incor- ter in ithe year 1883. Mrs. Rcfeve,. 1*3110 the classes of by ff6d 'beasts We at Soc. a box, 6 f . or $2.5o, trial size, y the dIfferenep id time of cultivation, her 18thL 'irlotle fund, which Is financIng St. Alphonse. Que., says " "Bab -poration In 1872 till 1880, and War "W" in year, to sUrvived re um'ed down owing 1mve a--* amount of manure applied, alsd.w'heth- 'peg ia Tablets saved iny little one's lif !When den of the County -df Huron, In 1876 her hupband,! and a large- ifikintly. - - Ite.not being In condition, ind many , t3ae -camp, this ifund having 2.". or sent `p6at&id an rsieift of er -the potatoes were planted by- ma- e Wks suffering from worms and �Contested- North' Huron In Dominion 11�. H,A:961, jw I known me ef d th ulk 1niqebyFrWt-a­tivfAIoimited, Ottawa. chtnery ior iby hand. Where the PI if& ri�; ir use i OrIcem offered for ecl 4A0fi90 � for - the purpose. The b ant- wbuldnot be tbo4t thein.11 a Tab- election of 1874, against a former ad- Winnipeg barrister, diedat him, home th �jv. AFAces -rav- of ithe wood will 'b(a kept In 'tho- bus'h Ulna full . Wjbottef class -a used the planting was done for 'horse I lets, are sold by medicine de.a o' or er was midority iof 603 And was defe ThuisdA k hIch satis- du verse ated In hat city on y of last wee . til'1176m &40 to $19 rIng the coming ounfter and neXt dmu of cents a box fro" The less than one-quarter what Lt cost by by 3,6 votes. -411 ity �nall at 25 Jaf ters long- ne�s, aged '68. ltbr. Hatel factory to thboa who sold, fa *111 ba,mblppped. to Winnipeg. fiand,the variation being from 68 cents' Dr.,-WIlliamis, Med!elne Co., Br vIlle, per acre planting by machlue to $2,30' 01anting "byhand, and.from 46.00 dig- ging L ithL t'hp OnWio!x best praCtle -w machine t: 'ZVI o 1$12.00 -plo.W- 0 -b6 frOm the ep"e r.tnW by Considerable reveRULO Will Belgi"s In the Wen. Ing out the� tubers and picking them the acbo6L We have thoroukq?Lhh L S #01aus tenants of the buildlu up. This shows- that where several e. -ience 11 rs i A movement wh1eh -will gre re- t -ear 13fanchei were opened at rovt� rf"oek Aftt�; 11don Rat Duritie -the y of our me... Ileye the suffering amon i the, unerp, acres,of potatoes are grown, machinery Tlul " :-D MINIO'N BANK A In Toi-buto Lat You& ... Commer- 9 e . auit Hayden streets pa; W, Sh, a im, olegraphy. Our.-ployed In Belgium Is now tind for. lanting and, -digging saves ex- XiCauf and St. trick streets. trilon Oat, Sh, r wav Atp.-anates succee, �n you should get In 'connection with the boomin of the - pauses. k. iThe following Wisterii- Branchas were close an -ii bus d, in I "I Ir -r large, free cat% tie. Write for flax Industry in tho west i The variety which gave these lai, e secured and the ProsPects did nt. Justify their farther nt"=06.. ou h .9 y. -a potato wbich Haule-v, n PrO66a&nza o it at once. D. cLACREAN, Is being promulgated by -a Bell yleldg Is 'the Doole Sa-sk.; Claresholrn,, Alta,.-; GrauvOlie Street Bmndh Vahcj�)U- Ter PH seems particularly 'adapted to the lo, III Braneh, Moose Jaw th Cal South H Hillhurft priest who recently left for Urope� En woute be spentseveral days I in- cality around Strathroy., It is -a flit, THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL Riverside Br"Ch, Calgary. Femwood Branch, Vie-toria. -Alk In, accordance with Section .5.6 of tlie W zr)s I aking up the maatte Rd, potatoe� iwith shallow cyps, a Bank Act' L =d folloVdng nipeg. r Itb the, r0u] their aPointment at - the I t Annual iGenMl Meeting a- �Conjplete MUTING OV THE SHAREHOLDERS audit Canadian -Northern Railway. Western stout stalk, when growing and a pur- of the,afairs of tbe -made Uk -your And Bank was itors, X"Bra. G. NERVES WERE MD. I Canada cdfers special O' bortu4ities 't rleblossoin. he custom Is to plant Un Clarkson and R. . DiLlWorth, whose c p ertIAMU is attaiched to this a - beea rows about 88 inches apart, and the Statement now submitted. the flat Industry, which h THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUA-L - GlHiNbRAL MEETING OF RaWs WoM Tr#mM@ So. Sho Could Not brought ito a jetate of high taAdard: tubers/. 12 Inches &part in he row.. In addition te usual inspections of all the Branches of the B=k THE SHAREHOLMRS OF THE DOMMON B-ANK was hield at have been made dur the t j'! - -- - . Ing welve months under xeview, and the -system has-�glven the most sai arr pgW to Rad. 8 ThISL he Banking House Lof,the Institution, Toronto, on Wednesday 27th Elead Office Ca-sh -Ce Shelet of the- L SIS I)s- eta 4 Ndd in . Belgium, but owing to the War I ISf , actory 'yields. January, 1915. InVeStrnentS. and Balan t now at a ;standstill, The m king of Cember were irrifted by a o6mamitt-e of your J)Ireetorz. d linen hikil been a large and i#iportan Among those -present were notice I ;0. B. 0SLUR, President nald (Epsom), Sir Ed- Toronto, 27th Uanilary, 1915, become shaky the De Industry d,n the little country, thA hae C. W. Smith, William Davies, A. R. MacDo en the: nerves rna,&A so i:h6iblc a phovdng ftiJ,the pre-; affiess Cannot Re Cured mund B.- Osler, A. W. Austin, Robert, Ross, (Lindsay), E. IT. Osler it was. moved b -v Sir Edmund B. Osler. M.P. I (C whole td become uns sent -war. A large number o�, i women 64 b_v Air. system seems trung by local applications, ae they cannot reaeh he dis. bourg, L C. A. Bogert, A. Pepler, C. H. B dwards, H. Ft. Playtner, W. D4 MattbewA an& RESOLVED, That th Re are, or were employed in thb� manu- eased portion of the ear. . Thero Is Way to AITAn McPherson (Longford Mills, E. A. 13egg, A. PD. Gibson, W. it. -Port- bo �tdopted. and a general feeling of coUapse,. O=M1, throWn cure deafness, and only -one The retiring�' Auditors, Messrjs� Geoffrey T. Clarkson ;nd Robert faeture of linen ar -etc. mom) A they are! that In by constitutional reinedleL 18rock, W. V.,Matthews, C. C. Van Norifian, H. R. Van Norman, Wal- J. Dilworth. Nvero reappointed -Auditors for th' as the heart works in sympathy with the Deafness is caused by an inflaamd condition, of the ter J. Barr, R. J. Christie, L James Carruthers, Hon. Thos. Crawford, a current -vear, out *bf wcA. �n -order to orginize the -of ex s itimeous lining, of the Eustmahlan Tube. When ths Richard Brown Charles Walker. 11L W, Hutebinson' -,,of the Shareholders were tendered to the p E. ;.W. Hamber, The thanks Went nerves. Ind�stry 4n the west of Can da, the tube In intiamed yofi have a rumbling soutid' or im. _res VIce-President a�fid D J. G. Ranisey, Xian. R Ramsey,'Cawthra Mulock, C. E. Lee, VArey irectors for their services - diirhig the year; and perfect hearing, and when lb is eotirely closed deaf. lArs. Win. Weaver Shallow Lake, I prLest who has the ma-tte*r in 4iad Is to' Martin, K.C., Charles B. Powell, L. H' Badwin, Edward Galley, James to the General Nana-er, d -th6 other Officers ;of the Bank for the O%t I I 'efficient V an I touch ness Is the remilt, and unless the Irtiflaulmadon call r pay a visit to Belgium and e 11 he takeii out and this tube restored - to its normal Baillie - John L F' Kavanagh,� Andr�;v Semple, James' Mathews, iWil- erf0rriance f their Ospective duties,- writes.: "I 44o�� ' r E. red for a year, -Y I -heart 'and nerves, with three diffejej�t. with he large manufacture and will conditim, hearIng isill be destroyed forever. Nine liam: ii�i�lsh, . C. Eaton, William S. Kerman, Peter Macdonald, X. The followink g�entleznen wellre dly elected Directr-g for jUle doctors, but they did not seem th:.kno make every edeaxor to'inSest thern cases out V ten are caused by cmt�rr. which is 19ockin,,Fra,nk..H. Macdonald ;Rev.' -'T. W. Paterson, J. E. Finkle', IT. B. uing Year: * IkOssrs A. W.- AuStin, W. R. Brook, Ja en- w not*nipg bub ao infLamed oondition of the mucous ? - C01leA Ha)rry L. Stark, Albert Nordheimer, J. K. Niven, Will -lam R. Jj In iths In Westerr surfaces. I.Ch le, ms ca.Truther,,�,- what was the matter with me. My dstry in 1.! Canada. Hodgins, on Ross, W. J. Fleury, A. C. Paull Capt, Du'dley rl,. Jessopp, W. C. 11ar- A� 'W- 11amber, 11. W. Hubabinson, and Sir Edmund n -d nerves got so- bad -at last that r could We will give One llundiea Dollary for any ame of W�d r'st J'� C- Eat Foy, K -C., M.L.A., W.. D. Mat -wimals It, Thousemils of women are thrown out Wanto I E. u XP. ! 'Id viell deafness (oausod byea dw Burns, William Mulocic, Jr., W. L.- B. Osler. of employment and.. these co tarrik) t1fab cannot be cured vey, Graham Campbell, D not hold a -paper in =y hands o read, Matthews, Hon. J. ., Foy, XC., M.L.A.,-- George N. It by HaVs Catarrh.Qire. Send for eirculais,1ree. n Idis C. nd there 'At a subsequent meeting of the Director, Sir X;dmund B. Aence an f iffie way they trembled. I ga emigrate -to Western Canada a --ey V, e up 0 Osler, doctoring thinidug I could not get better. find -tbs,. very work watting.for theni F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. Ta,,Ylor (Lindsay), H. T. Eageri, Frank Arnoldij K.Q, Hoyn . D 11n. J. NP.,, Vas elected President and Mr. W. D. Matthe e L their Sold by druxists, price 76e. Merntyre, Alex. C, Morris, F.. L. Patton, F. S. Wilson <Picton), H. fok the ensulni term. Ws, VIce-President A lady living. a few doors from me ad- - to hich- they -have been us all should ..'the Take Hall's Fandly rills for constipation. Crewe, A. Monro �nsed me to try aL box of MIburn!s - Heart.. 11yes. (it to expect-�d- that Grier, Y -Ci, F. E. Dingle, Thomas Long, Edwin Roach, Dr. Charles O'Rell1y, F. L. Fowke (Oshawa), Aeraillus Bald- mad Nerve Pills, so to plea overnent froM Belgium be affected InL' se her I did, rf I win, Dr. R. M. Baternan, V.: H -.*'E. 'Ffutcheson, ames Scott, F. . CYE:NIEIRAU -S rArrE;A4]ENrr ng so, Another of Huron's -Grand Harris .(Hamilton), J. ig and I arn'thankful to -day or doi any 4arge proportloas. a lage� number B. )Bed, R. S. McLaughlin (0shawa) A: E. 31 lbec, # imbee, 1914. bale ex to will also.take advant- Ferrie, W. 6lbson Cassels, 346seph Walms1ey, X. S. Bogert (Mont- at's C0111" for, I am strong.. and doing 1�yl own work Of per Old'Men.. LIABILITIES. the $fedlei wiffiout help."' age'of the new country. rea,l), Stephen kkoxon, D,.Ifenderson, X.C., Leighton McCarthyi Two qmInts on, the Canadian N4'rth- The Brussels Post �of last week pub- G. H. Mutz, George McDonald, 37ohn M. Baldwin, Thomas Arm- Ca Ital Stock paid In �Re ...... VeterJL Milburres Heart and Nerve Pills am ern,have been under consideration, both lishes a likeness 'ot Mr. John Leckle, strong, XD., A. J. Harrington, L. A. 11arnilton, A. H Campbell, erve FVnd a 000110".00 Ile ....... 7j000ADoo. oo All Domest BG cents per box, 3 boxes for.$1.25. at ood flax Reeve H. S. Osler, K.C., J, Harry Paterso;i, E. -C.,Burton (Port Perry),,J. s of that'vllUge, and gives the -284,816, 1;9 pr%ell n a dri4gists or dealers, or mailed direct foll 'Gordon Jones, H. Gordo" - MacKenzie, W. Wallace Jones, F. C. Divlden� country. lowing Interesting articulars of lils NO- IL29,. PaYz�bla. 2nd anuary 19 a pet Snider, W. 0 cil Lee, N. �vo Per cent.,. payable 2nd Jan., 1915 on receipt of price by The� T. Milbum - Already ithere Is a �-nlll at Sose-town, long, active and 'useful, career, which W. Tovioll, H. E. Smallplece,.N. F. -Davidson; Bonus, T' Me., John Firstbrook, J.. J. Cook, John J. ])Ixor FQrmer Dividend 119,99,2.00 U41 .. Ca., Limit6d. Torono. out. R. M. Gray, W. H. and the Gravelburg district f 8 consId- will beread -with'Interest by Mr. Leek- 725.75 Aer leit id Knowlton, H. S. Harwood, P. D.' Brown. Thos. H. Wood A. R.. Boo- 4te;wti ered yery fine for f ax growing. le's many -friends throughout the coua- -well, K.C., Samuel J effrey (Port Perry), . Williarn CrZcker, - 101 - C. Total Llabill *See. lo Orm "'CASCARETS" try: Jones, F. H. Gooch, 3. 0. Ruchanan,.Jno. Leckie, W. C. Crowther, -ties to the Sharsholde Sir Henry M. Pellatt,.O.V.0 Xet� -5,013 Pew men h4e resided longer 4n. thle, W. H. Edwards. Bal, S In Circulation .............. VUS -44 POP. LIVER A" BOW= Booming St. Mar oLneeL .......... 4,1-43,040-.00 - locality, &re av wall known or filave It was moved by Mr. W, -�R. Brock,, seconded by Mr. A. W. Austin, Dep, it due to Dominion Government .1,552,861.96 'At an ontuslastle meeting of rep- filled in as- many years In public ae- that Sir Di dmund B. Osler, M.P., do take the chair, and, thaf' Mr. a not bearing tnterst.$ 8,697,303.89 resentajtives� from St. Marys,:and-- Ex- tivitles as C, A. Bogert do act as Secretary. De sita bearing riterest hm- the subject of this'sketci,, I rest acer ,05 Ribb Cure Sick Heiadache, Constipation, pter and Intervening municipalities was The Post, thinks it should prove an . Boswell, KC., W. Gibson Cassels were ap- ued to Kt�... 0,169,02-86 On Peel Biliousness, Sour Stomciah, Bad held In DKIrkton, Wednesday of last Incentive to many a young. man to pointed scrutineers, all -er. Banks In 314,220..67 1B I Breath- --Gandy Cathartic. week. Resolutions were passed approv- apply himself. by earnestness, fidelity The Secretary m�Ld the Repor' I la11=due to 6th ALr:,y t of Me Directors to the Share�old- ftle to Danks and 33ankin era and submitted the Annual Statement of,the affairs of the JBauk, 0nd(," ts In the United Kingdom and DR. J a ydro-radial to perve, the-dl�- g Corres- ing,ctf. and making use of opportunities to at- n 'Which is as follows: trict and also a hydro-radlal connect 7 tain a 41fet of o3ervice auch a's Mr. Leek' TO THE SHAREHOLDERS� oreign countries .............. Bill Payable 088,12,6-19 ars. tters of Credit ........ No odds how bad vou liver, stom. Ing London and Stratford, passing Is even long past the allotted of The Directors beg to present the following statemen Ace Ptances under Le 91-600.00 " ach or bowels; how much your head through St.-Karys. The representatives three iscore and ten ye t ofthe re 465,t7s.so aso­ expres.sed a desire to be served Without any ispecial advantages ?,vlr. suit of the business of the Bank for the Year ended 3�st December, Lia ilities 'lot included in the fore oing... 9- aches, how miserable you are from f914: 66,872.096.21 gonstipa-tion, indigestion, biliousness with power, the' spirit of the meeting 'Leckie imad ,his way hrough life9by Balance of Profit and Loss A:ccount, 31st Decembier, 1918-..$ . 647,688.32 otal Liabilitleg 'to --the Publi andl�sluggish bowels—you always get indicating that the territory would Indomitable perseverance, untiring In- Net profifs for theyear -after decluctin- all charges and ;80,07,109.65 aT4 tbr*10 relief With L Cascarets provide a great number of consumere dustry, a thoroughnesm' that charact- maki g full Provision for bad and Soubtful debts 9250364.94 ASETS. They Imme- n of light and power. To this,effect%the erised all his work, and 9, geniality Premium received on new Capital stock .............. GOI A:Od- Silver 'Coin and Fri& diately cleanse andregulate the stom- 188,655-20 Do 1011 1,604,941.79 board pf ipower commissioners of St. GoxlernmeA1 Notes Ve e 1hat vontinues to this day to make ... aeh, remo th sour, fermenting food -ing a total .46 g No ee of othei* Of .......... and toul 0 exc' Marys " ested o urge the On- Pnd -keep, a numberless- retinue'of w Mak ...... .............. $1,761,708.. Banks .......... ases; takeL th esa bile arm Cheques on other 558,713.37 tario Eydro- Electric Power Commls- friends and. -well 'wishers. -Hb has bea- Which bas been disposed of as follo;;;� Banks. ....... from the liver and carry off the con- Dividends (quarterly) at Twelve per Cent .... $715.2' Balances due j3y BanIcs and 13, e 44-67 Corre- stipated waste matter and sion Lo abeure -the data, trequir"d. a.t the ten out Osler's theory and is not rsup- 13onus, Two- per cent ................... Pondents 61s6where than poison I .... 119,992.00 east of th, earliest anoment and ifurnish esfimates erseded by eftnada .... from the Intestines and bowels, A many In the etention of -1,644,034.25 IS is a 10-cent'L box from your druggist will upon the post of power to the different his rfaculties. Kuch;" of th ttribut- Total distribution to Shareholders of 15,343,475.14 municipalities as distributed from the able to the fact that he decided never. F6,urteen Per cent. for the year..- $835,236.67 Dominion and Provincial Gov ke6p your liver bowels clean; ernr4ent Se- to Contribution* to Officers' Pension Fu wn of St. Marys. - clear for to grov� old. Xlei. has a large degree of nd ..... : 25,000.00 curities, not exceeding market 409i,287.29 D1, stomach,,sw,,ee,t nd h d, Contribution to Canadian Patriotic Fund Canadian Milnicipal 7: e W L lie There ere about 200 at the,'meetlng vigor toaay and has enjoyed a larger .... 25000.00 Securities, and British, mentba. ork While you sleep. and the crepresentition. Aro Contribution to C rn eac-h mu- measure of good health than falls to anadian Red Cross Society.. 2' Forelg!n, and C010nial Public Securitle ,500.00 a. nicipality was large. There w Contribution to Belgian Relief Fund ......... 1,000.00 other than Canidian, 01 ere 19 the lot',Qf -mankind generally. market value.. . ... ; ..... not exceedink from Oranton, 12 from Exeter, 20 from He Probably knows more people and 554,088.32 Ann -ArboT Railway and other Donds, I ebenture ;888,736.67 St. -Marys,and others from t Coroner ft he geography and history of this Pre- Transferred to Reserve Fun.d -Premium on Stocks, not exceeding market value- 4,896��37.10 lanchard., Diddulph, Riasseldale, Eal� 'vince . and the Western Prbvinces bet- ..................... 188,655.20 Call and Short (not P-Xceeding thlirty days) lngyille, Winchelsea -Andei University! oodham, - ter than .99, �nen but f ievery 100,knd T-0anS In Canada on:Bond,�s, Deb I son, Lennox, Kirk" n and farmer' ��d Stocks entures, Ity -gedleal, LO a from Is -well posted on"duirent events, par- all over the district. ** " ­ ....... ... ticularly as It relates 'to ffinancial situ- $ 684,316.59 exteeding thirtY days) loge of pv Written off Bank Premises ................. ;100,000.00 elsewbere than in ganada.. A Dr. Copelar�d, Mayor of Sit. Marys, on ation, In which he hai.fiad it wide R16serve, for Possible depreciation in value of being plected -to the chair, loutilined the and varied experience. Assets ...................... .............. 300,000.00 Other:' 32,640.00 $27,312,110.19S D� -advantages of the proiects!f6 the farm- During the past- eight years he Was Current Loans and Discounts in Can- Ult, ers and, the municipalities. Patriotism Itbeienergetto President of East 1lu 400,000,,00 Oth ada (less rebate of interest) ........... 47,196,777.26 V .01 ron erl Current Loans and - Discounts else- and -proauctimi' were Ilve J Issues with' Agricultural Society; Balance lof Profft and Loss carried for 284,316.5 wl�ere than in Is& of � aerved, on the ward Canada �-less rebee of n- the farmers now, and no] two things PUblic Library oard,; was Ch ............. terest),.... . . . . . . taria; Aw Rliman ....... 8 re U - - - - - - Are your hdads chapped, woulaend to assist in th' a di otions of he Sulldf�g Committee of the new Custom RESERVE FUND. Liabilities of ers of iCracked or sore ? solving th6 December, 1913 ...... $6,811,344.80 C�edit, as per.contra. L tbalinle H Have you Melville church, in -the past year; ha4 Transferred fro *;&, 465,673.8-0 morehan power, o aid 1; Balance at credit of account, 31st a "'Cold labor roblem and makel-possible in- m Profit and Loss Account ............. Real 10state other than E era 188,655.20 eks" Which open and cond-uo'led- agisierial Courts.and at- S 20,24S.23 bleed WhenL the skin 1.9 drawn teneive farming, and - radi tended to ynany other phases of bus!- Overdue Debts (estimated lokig provided for) 114,60U.0 aby mean Brig tight? of -which the hiarket wou $7,000�000.00 Dank Premises, at not morethan cost, less Dank,.Se� Have you a cold sore, nesg In - connection with the County an�ounta written off frost, bite, or chilbiaius, which to their' very doors. I ......... 6,051,778.65 aasvo Council and, -otherwise. U. B. OBLER, President T>epostt witb the Minister of Vinano-e forli;� street, al Manag2r. of the Cii-ulation Fund ...... 20�900.00 to go a -bout your duties? if so; St. Marys' power commisolion-, outlined Investmont of his money In ifness e 1�eal ERtate, sold ...... s3' Za,iij Port your Directors ma4e reference to the 18,872.11 at times Makes it agony for you Chairman 0. E. Richirdson, of r the . Mr. Leckie has been foremost In 'the C. A. BOGEAT, Gener - P _R�k will give you relief bu I Alioretrg 16s9et0s]l the success achieved with public general financial and G 0 h not included 1W the foregoing.. blocks, nd a ide ti I properties In lommercial depression then ekigtlng, which on- 799.36 and will he -al the frost-darnagicd ed, power In he Stone To*n.,It was an dition was much inte' Brussels; is ne of the largest tax- nsified through the outbreak of the war in 53,144,999.67 :skin. opportune ime'to considbar power f6i, Europe in July las payers In the place and ever ready In t, necessitating the -e)�ercise Of unusual care in ad- the d1stricts represented. a ministraing the affairs of the Bank. It aa -.-been our emdavor to Exeter wa� any effort to proinote our best inter- T ­-Acensed Miss 13. Stroisa, of East fully Provide for the requirements of deserving borrowers, partiou- OSLER, President. 10. A. 130GER f Huron I Hans- anxious -for powpr, ind her. present ests.. lvritM "My hands -larlY those engaged in producing and marketing the fo T., General ford, N,S I contract -,w.uld expire in.,December. The members of adstuffs of the his comfortable home eountry,. at 't -fie same time Iftaintainin AUDITORS' REPORT TO HAR g Strong cash reserves and ere so badly 6aPPed I war, un- S.; P. Sa'n(d)ersGn, the third member of are Mrs. Lackle arfd three isons, liquidity'" E -HOLDERS. - b able to put thil-ul in -water. All -two of assets. This policy has been liatisfactorily carried out.i We have The ear compared. the ibove 13alance Sheet ith the books and' the St. Marys coi-nmIsslon, want thor- o whom are tten.ding University and nings were somewht' The Expe., Ird one has been: ibusy in news- smaller than in 1913, but iusttfle'd 9MCOtmts at the Cflief Office 6f The Dominion Bank, and with the c&- from radial' tried Zam- and te' remedlee failed to heal u1itil I' ou9blynto, the advantages that must the th the declaration of the usual dividends and bonus after ainPle provis tyieil returns received from its Bra.nchez, and if- -j ,verance result S. here was no dif- had been made for all ion L� -checking tbe caiab Paper work. acconi4ts of a doubtful chuacter and for possi- WitA this bal-ra cOm-bletely healed erence, In viewpoint on the ble depreciation I d5d verifying the securitiesai the Chief offi�fce and two of the prinolp.-Il matter. ft'tbe . valde of assets. cILecle, who Was eldest son' in :a Branches on December 33L, 1014 we certify that, in our opinion, sub tile sores.'" The Directors feel that you win aPprove of certain unn'sual dis- Balance Sheet exhibijs a, t - Meetings had been he'ld and Tesolutions 2MIlY -of tan children of Robert and burslements that were m- 'rue and correct vleW Lof the Stat -e of the passed -of H-ror- bruises tributions to the Canadian Patriotie, Pund, the Canadian Red Cross UOAS given to' us and as sb eat of LoUr information, the explana- 4&1-c;s Za=-Bak heals cuts, bufu; 'but no xadials as yet. This Margaret Leckid, ade from the profits of the Year, namely, con- Da'nles affairs, according, to 1he b was. born in the c0ld sozc.-t, 44rr-, t b S, own )by the boolis a thei 13ank. slj�jli lurrative business *than any other,'�yet th Phone 2--v Cures ttezem.1, PijC.S. Uand ' was a tract of country offering more Townshipof 3DAI]IbUsfd', Co. of Lanark ociety, and the Belgian Relief Fund, -reported in detail In e State- in addition 'to- the diSCASLIS and iTtluries. Refuse sub- ix .4une !21th,. 1834. His first teacher.. hent. examinations mentioned the cash and, securities at stitntes. At alk druggista It was inadequately served. The eople, �,Qhn Livin - It will be' the bhiiaf Offic and tvvo or the Ex _andstores, g8tone, cousin of the laltP obserVed. that the issue of new Capital St6ck"6f.the� 1�th veritied r�by us during of 1he Principal Brainoh�s -were checked an,l 50;; box. bad been: patienr, and lorig-sutfering of FebruaM 1913, is now tiffly paid the C4%tal A�oobnt stadffig th erate and' up, e yie-ar and found to be JXi accord. with the and it Nvas time to zend a strong depu- i on 31st December,_. '1914, ,-tt $6,000,00, and the Rese books of thi,. Bank. rve Fund at $7,000,000. tation or in sofnothenWay make the. All information and expinations required have been given to u,.3 �*t Huron A Pravinclal commi,Mlon �eel the need ae * A notable elsl'�dnt in the history pf the Dank -bas taken Place 8111ce and all transactions of the Dank hidb ha-va come under our notie. the Shareholders last met in'the comPletion of the xLew' Head Office have, Lu our OPWon, been within the powers of a B thoze present did. Childroil Cry Building,4 which Was occli;ied In November las th an -I., t. The results obtain- +to value Enct-neer Castor, iof the OntarIG Hy- FOR FLETCHER'S ed'may be considered highly &ttis-factory. AG. T. CLARY -SON dro-flectrie Commission, said the an- Allowace bas been made Rise" me- ' AAw goW� wk-so"K R., E for the'natural growth of the Banlei business, and eery facility bas of Clarkson$' Gordon & Diiwo-thl c.A- Sri! 11r., LI -EF R. .T. DILWORTH gineersould, Advise the best route for -customers; flfrthermore, Toronto, January 19th, 19u. 0 A "rO R I ben Provided `f6r the convenience of its ordier* iet t I'a ,e 0 M ti IM osrt Vnr C%� a Af�t 'by, lif no a ro Ir L OW~