HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-29, Page 3DOMINIO
axai SUMO a. ovum ate, Pasianati. w D. kimmiwt vies•PARtaaltad"$'.
C. A. BOGERT, Genertti Managsa•.
This Bank Offers` ers
acone, and satisfactory banking a.m.
Sidi Notes collected on fpaiprat'Ige terms, end advance, made
on such notes at reasonable rays.
The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository
for your money. Interest at mat rates is paid on deposits of
one' liar cad upwards.
Cine dollar opens an account in the Savings Department.
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Bravery Rewarded. -- Miss Florence
'Murray, of Stratford, has been award-
ed a bronze medal by the Carnegie
Fund Commission. Miss Murray, aged
12, a school girl, saved J. Ballantyne
Thompson, aged six years, from drown-
ing at Avonton, Ont., March 14, 1912.
The boy had ,gone to ,the extreme edge
of a cake of ice whish overhung the
water of the ,Avon River, and, the ice
hroke under him. He feIl into water
five feet deep, and came to the 'surface
four feet from the bank. Miss Mur-
ray ran to the edge of the lee, and,
although she could not swim, jumped
into the water -beside Thompson. who
had,.gore down and come up the sec-
ond time. ,She put one arm around him
and usedthe other arm to paddle to-
ward the bank, her clothing keeping
herfrom going under the (Crater. ;Other
children formed a chain o n the bank
and- by ,their- aid Miss Mu ray and ,the
Thompson boy were pulled to :the bank
and lifted out, both recovering from
their experience) ; , , 1
The ;Holman Boys. --We very heartily
indorse the !following from the Clinton
News Record of last week and we
Might -say we would like ,to see many
other !fit young men emulating the ex-
ample set by the Holman boyo: Mr.
rteorge W. Holman, of Egmondville.
has two sons, both of ,whom have en-
listed 'In the third contingent, the elder
nen, 'Wilmot, in the Mounted, Rifles at
Tian Head, Sask., and the younger,
ordon in the infantry at London.
e Bell Engine Company, of Seaforth,
ncl employees presented Gordon with
a handsome gold signet ring and as-
sured shim ;that his position in the er-
ecting shop would be kept for hen,
Each of -the .boys enlisted without the
knowledge; of the other's intentlone. Mr.
dolman is one of the ,best _ known
teachers in the county and for years
has been secretary of the East 'Huron
Teachers Association. What a thorough
British subject he is is shown by the
fact that though the enlistment of
both his .boys is a heavy .toll upon his
small, -family, he, feels proud of the
patriotic spirit they have displayed.
'lnth r
The Literary Society.- Oa Monday
evening, ,the Winthrop Literary Society
held their first meeting in Calder's
Hall for organization purposes. The
following officers were elected : .'resi-
dent, A. G. Calder; Vice President,
1A, Cuthill; S::cretary, Mise Bullard;
Treasurer, Miss Hearn - Committees
were also appointed to prepare pro-
grammes for evening meetings. The
next Meeting will be held in the form
of an "At Holme" in Calder's Hall on
Monday evening, February 1st at 8 o --
clock, when an admission fee of ten
cents will be charged which will en-
title eash to a membership for the
season. A good program is also being
The Orangemen. -' Winthrop Orange
Lodge hive elected the following of-
ficers for the current year: Louis
Hoegy, W.M. ; Noble Forbes, D. M.;
John Scarlett, Chaplain; Richard John
Pethick, R. S.; John Bullard, F. S.;
Wm. Treawartha, Treas.; Fred Scar-
lett, D C.; Harry ,Kent, 1st Lecturer :
Lorne Elliott, 2nd Lecturer; James H.
Campbell, •1st CCommittman. After the
election a short address was given by
each officer followed by' a hearty
lunch. gill went home satisfied that
they had chosen a capable. and con-
sentous set of officers and that- the
affairs of the lodge would be well ad -
Minis teee d.
(Too Late, for Last 'weeks)
The ,Agricultural Society. -The an-
nual 'meting of the Bayfield Agricul-
tural Society was held at the Town
Hall on Wednesday afternoon, when
a very satisfactory report was given
and the following officers were -,ap-
pointed for 1915: President, Robert
Snowden; 1st vice-president, 3. W.
W. Reid; '2nd vice, Dr. Woods. Direct-
ors, R. McMurray, G. C. Copeland, L.
Anderson, J. McClure, W. J. Stinson,
G. Cooper. John McKinley, J. Stewart,
H. Talbot, S. Huston, J. ;Mossop, B.
R. Higgins, D. McNaughton, M. ,Woods.
Secretary. A. E. Erwin; 'Treas., .F.
Breezes.. -lir. John Stalker, of Pains-
. ville, Ohio, is visiting at Mr. Jif. Du -
pees'. -Mr. Mills, student of Huron Col-
lege, London, preached in Trinity.
Church last Sunday evening. --The new
Rector of 'Trinity Church. Rev. Mr.
Rickard, is expected to move, here,
Thur; day this week, and conduct ser-
vice Sunday evening at 7 p.m. -The
'ommitte€thaving charge; of the Patrio-
tic concert. are busy preparing the
prograin and promise something good.
about the rnlddle of F: bruary.-Mrs.
Baker, Mrs_ Welsh, Mr. Percy and John
B1ggart, of Toronto. ars' here en ac-
count of the s--1o's 'Mecca of their
mother Mrs. John Eiggart.-Mies Rev -
elle, of the Bend, is the guest of Miss
..:Pollarel,-lir, Robert Delgaty, who
bas served for a number of ;years on
the Board of Directors of the iAgeicul-
aural Socl ty. resigned. this ear. -At
the annual meeting of the -Cefneter5
-Company, the following officers were
appointed for 1915: President, James
Thomson ; 'ice -President, Jas. Camp-
bell; Sec.-Treas., A. E. Erwin. Direct-
ors, John Middleton, John McNaughton,
T. 3,'Marke. Robert Hanley, T: Brown-
ett, John McDonald. Sexton, Richard
Elliott. -Mr. Richard Hanley, who has
been connected with the Agricultural
Society, as Director, for the past thir-
ty-six years, and has for many years
been first vice-president. resigned on
.'Wednesday, and in recognition of hip
faithful ,services was anade a life-mep -
;Agricultural Society. - The fortieth
annual meeting of the Hay Agricultural E •.
Society was held; its the town hail there
on Wednesday of 'last week. The re-
ports of the Directors and (Auditors
showed the Society to be in good shape
-financially and -`otherwise. The new
year is commenced with a surplus of
$35 in the treasury, . after defraying
all liabilities and a memberships of 73.4
The following Officers and Directors i
were appointed : John Pfaff, President ;
C. Eilber,s 1st Vice: W. P. Caldwell, 2nd •
Vice; -3. Haberer and Wendel Smith, •
Auditors; D. S. Faust, Sec, -Treasurer:
Directors, -John Decker, - sr., L. H. ;Ra- •
der, A. Re%hest, James Green, H. Neeb, . •
C. iWalper, N. B. Battler, Henry Brid-
ges and c'. Deichert, Messrs John !Pfaff • .
and Peter Deichert were appointed as •
delegates to the Provincial Association •
of Shows and Exhibitions to be held in
Toronto, on the 2nd and 3rd of; Feb-
ruary. This Society .grows . in strength
and usefulness as it increases in years.
It 'has capacious and conveniently situ-
ated show grounds on which,is erected
a speeding track' and a (large and ,com,-
modious show Ibuilding and offices and
everything complete -and has nbt a dol-
lar of debt. The officers and,rectors
are'determined to put up 'a theter and
more 'attractive show list than ever .be-
fore and we are sure their efforts
will be appreciated and well seconded
by the people and that the show of •
1915 will be the very best yet.
i --
Notes. -Mr. L. fMorenz of this village
is now in .the military carp at London,.
having joined the secnnevolunteer con-
tinge.nt.-air. Arnold Stephan, of Wal-
ton, spent a !fewdays with friends
here recently. -Mr. Jonas Hartleib has
sold, a lot to 'Mr. tWm. IGossman.-The
Bible ,Picture Show in Zimmer's Hall
have closed, up and gone to !Grana
Bend. The meetings were interesting
and 'well attended. -Mrs. A. bfarrlott,,
who has ,been suffering for some time
from a fslion on one of her fingers,
has .had the. affected member amputat-
ed rand .13 now recovering nicely. -The
K.10. T. M. have elected the following
officers for the current year : E. M.
Brokenshire is Commander and Henry
Willert is the Record 'Keeper. The Tent
is in a good condition financially. The
assessments have all been met and a
nice little balance,' is hi the treasure.-
A few ,days ago some boys were ,nkat=
ing on :the creek rat Mr. Moore's farm
and 'went - into the 'house over the cis-
tern and while there one of their .num-
ber, little Clifford Link, fell through a
hole into the cistern, Immediately the
boys !got( a -rope and set It .down in an
effort to draw him out but were unable
sto 'do ,so. Be clung to one of 'the
braces In the cistern until they went
for help which was full ,a mile away.
On arriving on the .scene Mr. Wm.
Stade :with ,a 'snap's strength and .wis-
dom, drew Clifford to the top and the'
boys . took him home somewhat cold
but ,otherwise none the worse for his
thrilling :experience, -Mr. Joseph Sch-
roeder has .bought another twenty-five
acres af land from Mr. Henry Roeder.
The land adjoins Mr. Schroeder, who
now owns two hundred acres. r' ;
Hensall ,
(Too Late ,for Last Week.)
Briefs, -Mr. Grant Caldwell is here
from the West yisiting his , father,
relatives and friends. - The, Misses
Johnston of Willow Hall, recently en-
tertained a number of their girl friends.
-Miss Foster of near Varna, has rs•
turned from visiting` ,Miss Hattie Mc-
Queen. -Miss Coward, of Usborne, has
been 'spending a week with her cousin,
Miss Ethel Fulton.-?fr. Fred Smalla-
combe of this village, who is one of
our, formost poultry fanciers and ex-
hibitors, attended the Poultry Exhibi-
tion at Goderich, last week, and out
of an 'exhibit of 13 ,birds, captured five
firsts, one second, two fourths and
special prizes, the latter being for the
best exhibit of game fowl., -On Tuesday
evening last airs. Thomas Hemphill very
pleasantly entertained a large number
of her lady friends. -Mr." Alex. Yuill
of 'Medicine Hat, is home visiting his
father and sister and intends remain-
ing a couple of months; -Our Council
ar d villagiers generally. appreciated
very much .the splendid patronage they
gave in the matter of the social event
of the opening of (our new Town iHa1l
on Friday evening and the proceeds
of .which amounted to U68 to go to-
wards the furnishing .pf the hall. -
Mr. ,Wm. McKay, District Deputy Grand
Master of the Independent Order of
Forresters' Lodge of South Huron,
an 3 Suite, Messrs. Charles Jinks, ,Wm.
Dougtell, Alfred Clark, John Glennn,
and Edward 'McQueen are still visiting
the neighboring lodges and installing
the new officers and are greatly
praised for the excellent manner in
which they are doing their work. They
in turn v speak highly of the kindly
manner in which they have been re-
ceived and entertained by Exeter,. Sea-
forth and Clinton Lodges. -Quite a
large number of our villagers attend-
ed 'the funeral of !the late Mr. Robert
McMordie, of London, who was well
and favorably known in Hens -all and
vicinity, on Saturday forenoon last. The
remains were 'brought from London by
the morning Express for interment in
the Ilensail Union Cemetery. The fun-
eral service was conducted by the
Revds. Smith of this village, and
Fletcher of Thaines Road, and the pall-
bearers were old time friends of the
deceased -residing in our village. Mrs.
McMordie and family have 'the sym-
pathy of the community in the loss of
a loving husband and kind father. -
We are pleased to learn that arrange-
ments are now being made for the
holding .of a good Spring, Seed and,
Stock Show here.
s a
- Regular 40.00 to 60.00 Coats
s ;
These 'Cots are lined throughout body and sleeves with genuine
• muskrat lining with good sable collars in black, blue or brown
broadclotM shell. -Sizes-•36, 38 and 40,
t Sale Price $2495 •
♦•t►•• ►•••••••••••••r•4♦: ••••••••••••••••.s •4.44 ,; ****f•••►a •••••s. ** + e* *** +*• •e•*♦: