HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-22, Page 8January. Sale' of Furniture, beds springs &mattreses Upholstering and Repairing done at a right price 6. Winter • TheLead ing Furniture Dealer Seaforth . . . Ontario James atson Successor to N. Watson general Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. Rettl Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effected at the lowest, rates. Dealer in New Raymond, White arid New Horne Sewing Ma,chirtes a4tt , National Cream Separators. te. full supply of sewing machine needles, attachments, oil and xe- pairs alwases in stoek. othcits Picture .-Mother shoe I d be photograph- ed, but --mother (thinks only of her children when she thinke of photographs. - Perhaps She will need ,pere suadingsesperhap.s will call it -.vanity, Mit her pictures will prove still a beauty, will be in greater demand than thoee quaint pictures of younger clays. Make an appointment for her. Felf4 Studio Seaforth won spagfor DISTRIliT 'MATTERS Free Lecture.—Dr. McNally, District Medical Officer a Health, wUl give two addresses .illustrated by moving pictures in the town hall, Seaforth, on Today, January -26th, at 830 ILID4 forEhildren,„ seed at 8 Wm., for adults and•children. rflaere will be no charge and all will be made welcome.. J.11 DAL 1 A Statement. --4 desire to •pablicly state thet the conductor of the Choral Society offered to give one concert in aid of the Red Cross, land that ow- ing to a misun.derstanding the pro- ceeds of the first concert were voted to the Red Cross Soeiety. The Red 'Cross Society have never asked the support of the Choral Society in any way.—Frenes Colson, Pres., C.R.C.S. Red Crosse -The ladies,. of t1e Red Cross Spciety desire us to ackno edge tor then the following cash contribu- tions to the Fund:- Cantata, $18.25 s • Young People's Society of Egmondville Church, 411,12; Sale of hoine-made cooldng, 16555; New Year's dance, $32.50; Kippen dance, .$30; Donation, $60.00; Srnalll sums, 43,76. • Jeweler dud Optician. issuer Marriage Licenses WA -FORTH - ON T •••••••••••••••••••••••44. Another year haspas- sed and looking back • • at what we have ac- • • complished it pleases us to express our ap- preciation to those: whose courtesies and patronage aided us in our progress. * • • • We are thankful fOr the many favours rendered us and extand to you our sin- ; cere wishes for a joyous and •• • prosperous New Year. • • S• proat guintgan • * • Seaforth * • 4++4 ++ to -day that Migjor IL J. *awe, of the 83rd Regiment, Of Huron County, which has its (headquarters at -Ointon, is to be.giventhe appointment of second in command with the rank et senior mai:. or in the 33rd Battalions -Which vvill be mobilized 'Shortly leen training for the third contingent. Lieut. -Col. Alex. Wilson, of Seaforth, commanding of- ficer of the 83rd Regiment, will have the command. Major A. V. Becher, M. D., 'who saw aptly° Servicewith' the Sixth Field Battery in thesSoutia Afri- can Ware has been appointed Medical officer of the 83rd- Regiment. Hie brother, Lieutenant Colonel Camp- bell 'Becher, commanding officer of the 7th Regiment, Landon, is now (Witi. the first contingent in ngland. Major -McCrinurton is junior major; Phase E.Dowd.ing, manager of Molsons Bank, Clinton, has been appointed. paymaster. From Salisbury.—Mr. johirlicLen- nan, of Seaforth, has just received a letter from this son, iAlexander, at Sal- isbery Plains. Be desires his father to express this thanks to the Red Cross Society for their ldndness in sentlink him a -parcel at Christmas, also to thank the Ifriends who sent -Christmas gifts to ,the boyaswho are in trenhig: Alexnays he has enjoyed soldiering except for the mud. They expect to be Vtoving about the end of the mouth. The Late Mrs. Snowden. — We ars.- sorry to note the death of Mrs, Newton • Snowden of this town which octured on Saturday last. ;sirs, Snowden had not enjoyed good health tor some time • and her demise was not unexpected. She ivas a lady who was tmuch respect- ed by all who knew her and greatly beloved in her own family home. She was 69 years of age. Her maiden ename was (Annie Matheson, She had resided, in Seatorth, a_ great many. years. The sympathy• of Many will be extended to the bereaved husband and friends --e-- A. Good Record.--ktr. Peter ,Daley, of S firth Made• a good record yrith on Pumps & pump Repairing If am prepared to turnis all kinds of Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. • ihe Price is Eight Also all kindsof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terries, etc. apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St, East, or at residence, North Main Street 3. F Weis Seaforth Heekey.--Seaforth teams have had a 11)Qst successful week M the hockey arena. On Friday night the Intermedi- ate -team journeyed. to St. Marys an .defeated Mein 6 to' Cotter a hard and fast gable, the scorei at the end of the last period being k to. 4. On ,Monday night the Juniors played the first game In die INOrthero. League On Mitchell ice, and came out victoriouedtbY a score of 9.0,8, On Tueadayeagening the second interniedlater game Was -played onthe locall ice' between Hamburg and See - forth, before a crowded- house of ;spec- tators. Hamburg are a husky and spee- dy seven, good stick handlers and very fast 'skaters and at times seemed to• have a ,little on the home team. How- ever by a number of flashes of the kind of (hockey .our boys know how o play they held the strangers in the third period when the score was a tie, and they scored two goals just before the bell rang. It was a great game all the way and Seaforth 'did well to get away With it. The final score was 'I to 6. iThe following was the Seaforth (line up: oa1, R. lifeGeoch; point, ,D. Reid; cover point, 3. Sills; forwards, T. Dick, O. Dick, B. I3est, and L, Hoffman. , URON EXPOSATOR ards . Tally Cards Auction Bridge core pads undred Score Pads ches Seals pson s Bookstore Seatorth shades' and picture frames made to order. . • • ii L an; was appointed Seeretary-Trea- ure . t wa salso decided to hold a eed a stock show in Hensel, the On: a last year, the seed show to ,bo hell on; March 4th and sthe stock show on ea h 80th. Liberal prizes will :be. at red at both these shows and' a IGovern nerd Judge will be secured for the seid show.' Committees were ap- pointe to look after the arrangements tor b h these shews. With' favorable weath r there is no doubt - but both these :shows. will he a success. dispaSed paeans entered the Jew - 431z1 stTj °re 14114 3' IP' Daly inn Mu"' The Store'that saves 'letting .soirie eight' or ten dollars that Y°11" m°11eY all' the day nilelet and ritled'the cash register, bad been: lett in for change. No Jew- time. You May see -! • • 'The Choral Society .doneert, -- The Choral Society were greeted by a large and aPpreelative audience at their ini- tial concert on :Wednesday evening last. The expeetation.s of the most sanguine must have been rnore than relizede The entertainfnent was one the superior of which is not trequently given outside the large Cities, There kwas not a dul minter on .the program, and perhaps one 'of the most pleasing features we, that Mast a the program was by loc his hens at the Mitchell 'Poultry Show talent, thus ehowing that Seaforth h last week. an Gold.en Laced 'Wyandote musical talent of rare 'merit, and th tes he took first, second 'Arid third for Mr Nixon, the.musical director, ,„ h for pullett and first for hest collection. and bring it out. The choruses by .so 'the skill and knowledge to cultiv cocks, first and second for (hens, first In -Silver Laced Wyandottes he took second for cock, „second for hen and. •'first, second and third for cockerels and third for pullet and .three specials. This is a record not easilyhourpassed from one flock. Mr. -Robert Murdie was also an exhibitor at Mitchell,' and took several prizes. He also eexhibited tat Goderich,„ The Goderich list, however, has not yet been published. The School Board. --The first meet- ing ofr4Vest-tle Sehool Board was held o etnesda,y evening last. All the members were present. Mr. Harry , Jeffrey was -elected chairman for the, current year. Mr. John Rankin, who; has been the very efficient secretary - treasurer for. the past ten years, was reappointed. All the committees of last year were reappointed. Mr. William ;Gillespie was reappointed Truant Of- ficer. *The Board 'have detertnined to rigidly enforce the truancy Act hence- forward and the officer has been. in- structed to prosecute all parents who do not comply with the law in this re- spect unless they can give suffielea- reasons for_theiLlallHe_ to do so. a The Egmondville Church, — The Eg-s mondville Presbyterian con gre ga tion have just closed another very success- ful year, financially and othervvise un- der the pastorate of Rev: Mr. Argo.. The Financial statement shows that the year was commenced with a sur- plus of e$227.83 and closed with a bale ance ot 4194.31. The contributions for church support amounted to $1,463.56; 'Schemes of church, $716.81; Women's Missionary Society, $205.46; Young People's Missionary and Social Union, $28.17; Sabbath Sheol, $62.64; Mis- sion Band, $9:23: Ladies' Aid, $61.35; Bible Society, $62.77. The total con- tributions of. the congregation for the year thus amounted to $2.599', ,which testifies to the Christian liberality- of the congregation in, the most liberal s port of -all branclies of the church's ork' South Huron Farmer's Institute. — The regular meetings of ,the ',South Hu n Farmer's Institute will be held as if Dowse Zurich on January 22nd ats o' lock p.m., and at Hensall at 7.30 pdn, (At Brucefield on January .23rd at- a daughter a -the late 2 p.m and at Varna ,at 7.30 P.m. At of IfIcKillop. Later he re Elirnville, In Usborne, on Janua,ry' 25th taanlly to Eureka, ,Califo at d pen. and at Ex.eter at 4,30 p.m. wife with -a taanily of • At Dashwood on January 26th .At 2 three girls survive him, pdre and at Grand Bend tat '1.30. Each the sympathy off their 4). of these meetingn will be (addressed. by 3. W. Clarke of Cainsville, ,and C. 13. Smith of, Smithdale, Ont., also by Mrs. M. L. Woclard,. of Toronto, who will address the Ladies' Institutes at the above points in the afternoons, and the general meetings in the evenings. These are the only meetings that will be held in the ridings this season and they sh,ould all be largely Attended. HUM AND SAJU DAY SPECIALS Here are tw,c xceptional gains WhiCh!ydiiU should ta advantage of. At this pri they will not last long come early. Men sFinA Sh-kes .. . 1 te •sixty voices were excellently rende ed 'and were much appreciated by the u- dience while the 'solos by Miss Pat er- son, :Miss atorson, Miss Gelb, Mr. W. T. Hays, ief Seaforth, and Mr. iGe rge White of Lon.don, were or the u ual ans. , of lea- ia,no UT. tiful nd .a coin t the will assist e he - house ening. ing of from high order by these talented music The readings, also by Mr. Hanna London, were one of die pleasing tures of the entertainment, A. duett by Miss Isabel Scott an Nixon was rewarded by a bea bouquet of roses to Miss Scott sealed envelope containing a gol to ddr. Nixon. We understand th nexteentertainment by the eocie be for their own benefit and to Mein in defraying.expenses and • speak' for thein even a larger than they had on 'Wednesday e 'Their 'generosity, to say not their ;musical ability, merits the +public. -^ Dr. ,Forster of Stratford, cye, ear, throat'specialisf, will be at the Queen's I forth; on 8rd Wednesday of each mont tv8, ' Accounts Past Due —Br quiring the use of N aanount of funds this month, I would respectfully request a settlement of all -accounts due, to. be set- tlet this month -either by cash or note. G. A. Sills, Hardware m ez chan t, Seaforth. 24$3-2' Piano for sale, also a.3 roller clothes mangle, dir- ea lever. Apply Alex Wilson„Seaforbh, 208 1 - Furs ItemodPIled--Ladies if you want a, new for bring the old one to II, Horan, ladies tailor. Ile makes any kind. 21157-tf For Sale—Several rood loases on easy terms. II. Seaforth. 2829. . Dr. Heileman, Osteopithic Physician is at tlre Commercial Hotel every Tuesday and Friday 'ram 8 to 12 30. See Professional Card page 7, . 2440 -Lf Marriage Liainses tuned by Savauge and Stollery Jewellers, Etc., Seaforth. • 2277 -ti Caution—The undersigned will .no respomible hereafter for any deb: s contracted i his name with- out his written order or consent. .1. G. folcMicheel. 455x4 nounted. Also erty, Apply at . 2858-1 nose and otel, Sea - 1 from' 11 Vor Sale—A set of harnesq, 6iIver about $1500 to loan- on farm pro Expositor office. Money to Loan—About $2000 p ivate funds, to loan on fi:st mortgage- en' farm pr pIrty. Applyat Exp.ositor Seaforth. 24684 Lo al Briets.—Mr. Gardiner; of Wal n, passed thraiigh town on Sat- Urdely, on his way thome .after ,attend- ing 'the funeral of his brother, Mrd Robhrt Gardiner, of ITsborne. Afr.'aser- din r spent last summer on his large n at Cluney, Alberta, in company Mr. John Robb of this town.— E. 'W. Murray,. s*ho was spending, far wi tit' holidays here with:his mother, lett Saturday for his home in Regina. . Murray is a Civil Ehgineer and the • s a very good position _with. the • skatcheiwan Government as Provincial oa.d superintendent. He speads the • rnmer in -the country and the winter the -eity,--Mr. and Mrs. William . Died in Eureka.—Word here, recently' otakiee. cleat trick Barrey, atter a v ness, age 69 years. He of (Mrs. J. J. Shine, of Richard Barrey, of Hul years ago he married Ca was received of Mr. Pa- ry short 111 - as a brother' eaforth, and 'ett. About 37 erino Roach, dwarii Roach seved withehis nia, where his ree boys and and .who have merous friends in these parts. The fu eral .was held ,on the pith of Decembel, from hies late. residence in Eureka, t St. Bernard's Catholic Church. The ervices at the church were coridecte by the Bev. Father Hogan, and a large corta,ge es- corted the body to its last -resting place tn Bucksport ,Cernetery. The pall- bearers, were Robert Duffey, Peter De- laney M. es urphy74' Frank Long, M. No young farmer can spend an after- . Norton and. J. MeNaughton, all Perth noon more profitably than by attend- and Huron old, boys.—R. I. P. 'Ing these meetings. 0 . South -Huron Agricultin-al Society.— Recruiting.—Recruiting for the third The annual meeting, of the members of the South Huren Agriculturall Society was held in Hensall, on Tuesday last. There was a lair attendance. Mr. 0, JANUARY 22. 915 dry hail been missed,' The thieves gat greater values adver- - .bY breaking* a windew in the rear tised ; but you post - of the garage and then got through another windolie into the Jewelry store. tiVelY will be unable The residence of hers. case waa to get more or :your also . John McIntyre of Hensall spent &cou- ple of days in town this week calling /on' old friends.—Mrs, McLeod of Lucan is visiting hits. (Dr.) Hodens, The, superintendent of supplies at the head ,office of the Red Cross at Toronto Writes to the local bhanch here as followe : Respecting cholera belts, by all means send ferirard_the woven belts of diffarent sties. They are far more satiefactory than. the hand knitted, and ,the flannel are not acceptable to the me'n.—Invitations have been, issued for the Bachelors' and Benedicter dance in aid ot the Red iCross and'Ilegian Re- lief Funds, in Ce,rdno's hall, on Friday evening, January 29th. The music will be _furnished,. by the Ernest Cortese orchestra of Landon. The gallery will he open to spedtatiors And, a goal- inal. admission fee charged in aid of the funds, and will inelude supper.— Private William Henry Phillips of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, died on January 20th at No. I Canadian Gen- eral Hospital, Netheravon, England, from bronch-prieumonia. Mr. Phillips was a - brother of Miss Lillian Phillips, Seaforth, and visited his sister here last winter.—The gate receipts at the hockey Match on Tuesday evening it- inoianted to $150. This would indicate .that there- is some money still cir- culatingein town. r ; ; , Death of Mrs. Charles Routledge.— It was with sad surprise, on tIonday last, the people of Eginondville and vic- inity, learned of the sudden death of Mrs Charles Routledge which occured • broken1 to and ransacked —Mr. money than here— 1 loore .and son and daughter, of Grand on Sabbath evening about eleven o'- rairie (Alberta, were visiting Mr. and clock. She had retired to rest about rs. James Scott, in town this week. ey intend returning to their West- rri halite about' the &St- of February. —Miss 1Gerievie Jones underwent an op- eration for apheadicitis on Tueeday. The operation Was very - successfully performed by Dr. *Wishart, of London, assisthd by Drs. Scott land McKay. Miss Jones' many friends Will hope, for her a speedy and complete recovery. --Miss Josie Kale entertained some of her young. friends at her home in Mc- Killop, on - Monday . evening last —Miss Helen Beattio underwent an operation for appendicitis, 14 Toronto, on -Wed- nesday of last week. She stood the op- eration well and late reports say she is making ,favorable. Progress. — Rev. Mr. (Mitchell, of Landon, will conduct the services hi. the Pre-sbyterian Chtu'cli next Sabbath, both forenoon and even- tng.—The ice harvest has now set in and Mr. J. W., Beattie and others are having their ice houses filled, —Miss Grera Brown leaves here this week to visit friends in Montreal —The La- dies' 'Aid of the . Presbyterian 'Church have made for and presented to tlec Belgian: Relief Fund fourteen quilts.— Rev. :Mr. Barker will have for his eub- . ject next Sabbath morning,. "Peter's Deliverance," acts, 12, 10. Rev. Mr. • Argo -will occapy the pulpit in the tev- ening,.. subject, "The Unknown Fu- ture" 3 oshua, 3, 4.—At the annual meeting of the South Huron 'Agricul- tural Society held in Hensel, on Tues- day last, Mr, M. Y. McLean declined reeappointmeht as •Secretary-Treasiirer after thirty-three years of continuous service, and during all these years there never was a year that there was ,not a balance to the credit •of the society at the end of the year after all lia- bilities had been provided for.— The snow of this week has greatly improv- ed the sleighing.—The funeral of Mrs, 'Charles Routledge, which has been de- layed to 'permit her sons from the West to reach here, will take place to -day, Friday, at t2.3O to the Maitlandbank. -Cemetery.—Word was received here this week of the death of Mrs. John Kyle, formerly of Egmondville. The death occured at her home in 'Wilkie, Sask. on -Saturday. She had not en- joyed' good health for some time. Mrs. Kyle was the mother of MrsoGeo. Hill, Egmondville. The remains are expected here for interinent. The deceased. lady had many- friends in this vicinity who will deeply- regret to learn of lger death. The funeral takes place today, Frida,y, at three o'clock p.m., from the tonne 'of Mr, Hills to Egniondville cemetery. —Miss Lillian Twiss, who underwent an operation in London, this meek, in- stead of 'Stratford, as stated- in last weeks' issue, :is, we are glad to learn, „progressing as 'favorably is coulld be expected. --Lieutenant H. C. MoMordie, who was home to London, attending the funeral of his father, sthe llate Robert edcatordie, has returned to Win- nipeg, to rejoin his . regiment of 'the second contingent.—Mr. George T. Turnbull is in Essex, this week look- hsg up some good cows and will ,be home with a lot of good .ones on Sat- urday next.—Two rinks sfrorn the Sea- t orth eluting Club went to Stratford on Tuesday, to . play in Croup 14, of the Ontario tankard 'primaries. In the first match with the Stratford 'club Seadorth had eight up, but in the second igeme with the Stratford This- tles they were down pix shots. The Seaforth players were John. Dodds, S. Ctidmore, W. E. Kerslake, W..IA.rnent, salip; C. SteVart, G. E. Henderson, R. ..$.1Hays, John Beattie, skip.—MiSs Anna Hudson and Master- Wm. Hudson of Marlette, Michigan, are -visiting' their aunt, Mrs, James Troyer, and other friends in this vicinity.—Mrs. James Troyer, who ha,s been in Toronto for a couple of weeks, has ret rned . home. ) —Miss Mildred Jones of 111. rlin • was -here for a -few days this week with her sister, Miss Genevieve Jones, who is iii—ediss Broadfoot, f Hamilton, is visiting at her home here.—Some 9,30, slept awhile., then awoke with great pain. In her heart. The doctor was called but before he reached her bedside ,he was gone. Soine five years -ago Mrs. Routledge Was very ill, as the result of a serious accident, but rallied, and for some time enjoyed fairly good health, being able With her husband, to visit her Bons and daugh- ters in North Dakota and Manitoba, two years ago. During the last few months heart disease began to trouble her, but she was still able to go a- round her home andattendto her du, - ties till the very last. Mrs. Routledge was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Gesprge Sproat, of the 3rd concession ofi Tuckersmith, and was born on the old homestead, now oc- cupied by Mr. Wide Black. She was In her 65th year and 'spent all her, life In Tuckeismith, and at the time of her marriage, nettled with her husband on hit 126, concession 4, where they re- sided until three years' ago, they mov- ed to Etonondeille. Mrs. Routledge was a :quiet, unassuming woman, much. res.- pected by all Who knew her, and deep-- ly loved by her family and friends. No one raver called on her for assist- ance but it was given freely and hear- tily, and in her own neghborhood was often called on in time of sickness and distress and °never -refused the help even at the cost of much discomfort to herself. The care ,of a large family of eleven children, more than filling heart and hand at ,home, during those pioneer days of forty-five years ago. when the trials of . life pressed more 'heavily than now. It can truly. be said of her, "She Stretched out her Hand to the Poor; .Yea, she Reached Forth her Hands to the Needy." Of -her child- ren, ten survive, one daughter, Annie, died about nineteen years ago. -The sons are john of Calgary, Alberta; peorge and Roy of Lan.dsford, North Dakota, arid Arthur at home.. — the daughters, Mrs. Robert McGonigle of Tuckersnsith; Mrs. Samuel Landsbor- ough, of Park River, North Dakota; Mrs. dames Grieve and Mrs. James McGuire, of Hannah, North Dakota; Mrs. Charles Dolmage, of gfc- Igillop, and Miss Laura at 'home. These truly, mourn the loss of a;'loving Chrie,- tian. mother, who bravely set a good example before them, and taught them the dear of God. The heartfelt em- • pathy of' alt Mr. Routledge's old neigh- bors and friends is extended to him- self and family, and to the relatives, in this their hour of bereavement and sorrow,—COM, . volunteer contingent tor the 33 Balta.- - lion is now in progress at 'Clinton Major Rance of Clinton, is. actiug as Recruiting Officer and he is being as- bar- IGeiger presided. The repprts of the ke ce so Ladies' Fine pat.. ent leather shoes S3.50 sisted by apir. 'Thomas E. Benton. The Directors and Auditors showed that following. Is a list of those who have - there is a small balance' in the Trea- volunteered up to date: Norman. Bo-, sure, after -paying all !prizes and other h.anan, Seaforth; Homer A. Cantelon, expenses, also that both the seed show Clinton; Orrin E. Cartwright, Clinton; and the stock show h Wm. M. Ede, Clinton; Thomas .Griee ceseful. The followin brook, Seaforth ; Maurice E. Gray, rectors were elected G derich ; Edward G. Graells, 'Clinton; year: Owen Geiger, d been very suc- officers and die tor the current ensall, President; Henry Groves, Nifingham ; Gordon Hoe.. -Wm, Derry, Brucefie d, lst Vice .Presie tnan, Seaforth; Joeeph A, Leonard dent.; :H. - Soldan, II nsall; 2nd ViC6 Wingham; Thomas W. Morgan, Clin- President. Directors. John Murdoch., ton; tOecil K. Moores, Clinton; H.Hare Hensall; E. Christi risoe, C. McDonald. Cranbrook; .Alex. McLaren, Tuckersmi, 2 A. McLeod, -Walton; John B. Nesbitt, Stephen; (Alex. Smit S OJ Clinton; Harry Seymour, Goderich ; Fred Smallacombe, John . Sm h, ng a ; -ig and Ed. Wurrn, Zu Thomas, Wingham; Alfred J: Taylor, Hensall; Alex. Must Wingham; John Theil, Blyth; Wm. B. 0. Stsilllie, Seaforth Como and see the samples in Utting, Wingliam; Frederick M. Wil- McKay, Kippen; J. . son. Wingham; Chas. F. Wood,-Winge Killop. The follow' our windows & be convinced; barn; John Kennedy, Percy Moore, Tho/ Honorary Directors: Garton, Whitechurch; L. Barbour, 'eter; T. J. Berry, Seaforth, Geo, Hibben, Lucknow; -Geo. Hay; Thomas Kyle Bruner, Seaforth; .Richard Walton, Intosh, Brucefield; Clinton; Roy Cook, Seaforth; J. H. seph; Thoinas Mu O'Neil, 'Brucefield; Thos. Barnes, Mc- Bell, Jr., Hen.sall. Kiliop; 3. a Cooper, Hullett; H. TwY- and -C. McDonell, ford, E. Mason, D. Huller, Clinton: pointed Auditoria A —A despatch from London, dated new, Board of Dir January 18th, Says: It was stated here Close of the anima H. R. SCOTT Horne of Good Shoes PHONE 81 I SEAFORTH n't-&--47:1-;.7.:"•:c:.•••••-.1,- • Exeter; Robert ; W. D. Sanders, 1, Dr. Malloy and ensall; P. Lamont Ick; Wm, 'White, rd, Brucefield; A. J. Hood and R. M. Govenlock, Me- g were appointed Al. Maodonell, Elx- ensall; H. Smith, Kipper"; Dr. ,Me - N. Ca.ntin, St. Jo- doch and Robert essrs. H. Arnold Hensall, were Ap- the meeting of the ctors held at the meeting. Keith M. •cFaurs Seaforth Phone 22: If you need goods In a hurry and cant con- veniently come to town — don't wait -- tell us your wants by phone or mail. We will fill them and send them tO you, transportation har- ges prepaid— Stote.-- For d Valu Junior Northern League Mitchell vs Seaforth Palace Rink, Seaforbh Thursday, Jan. 28 Seaforth. defeated Mitchell 9 to 8 in Mitchell. As the loss of' this game would put Mitohell out of the running they are coming prepared to win. Turh out and cheer the Juniors to victory. Admission Gentlemen 25a Ladies -Se chldren.15c Skating after game, • game called8 o'clock p.m. A.b erh ar t R. Smith President • Secretary eseeseenseseseneense —•:••••••••an. Hibbert The Council' —The Hibbert Council met as per statute. All the members were present rand assumed the obliga- tions of offlee. Tile officers of last year were all' re -appointed at 'the same salaries, and the appointments were confirmed by by-law. After _passing a number of accounts for township im- provements the d:louncil adjourned until February 16, at one o'clock... I , Good Value The keystone ofsuccess in _The keystone in January or in July,and every day in the yeartis good value. We use this term insincere : description of the offerings in our store. Persons ere not at any time misled by us by make-believe goodtvalues,' and that is why they appreciate our way of doingibusiness. During 194 the McFaul Store reached perhaps its greatest record of efficiency as a good value store.DFor 1915 we expect to excel the record of last year. We are endeavoring to achieve this with our present good value offerings. If at any flimt:. you find us falling short of our ideals tell us so. We want you to always get best value here. Staffa At-Horne,—The anrnial iAt-Home of - the Staffa Women's Institute will be held in the township hair on Wednes- day evening, January 27th, Tea will be served from ex to eight o'clock, after which a good program Will be given consisting of home and outside talent. ITlie 'proceeds are to go In .21a of the Red Crass Society. Such a wor- thy cause, we hope, evil he well pat- ronized. 1Come ,and bring your friends. 'Blake A Good Meeting.—The Blake Women's Institute held a very successful meet- ing at the home Of 'Mrs. 11. E. Doug- las on January 12th. Miss ILang, a Deaconess of London, gave an address on her• work which WfLS very interest- ing. at the e.,lose tea Was served, and a social time enjoyed -1)y all. The In- stitute wish to thank .all those not members, who gave clothing and two quilts efor Belgian Relief. The boxes which have been sent -to Toronto, were yalued at one hundred and fourteen dollars and fifty-eight cents. The next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. 4. A. Manson, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary Sth, at 2.30 o'clock. All women are welcome. ^••*"'"'"*"."*"...OViiikitt. ood Value Winter Appare For Women and Girls Suits $in to $20 Coats $5 to $15 Skirts $2,50 to $6.50 You Won't find better values anywhere—we doubt if you:can equal anywhere- our 'good value garment offerings duing this month. Don't be satisfied -with what you simply read above goods and their prices. Come to the store and see for yourself. Good Value This is a most opportune chalice to secure extra value In a stylish set of furs. Our, price inducements this month Furs are way out of (he ordinary‘ They are eitceedingly loWa, By all means buy furs now. Carpets and Rugs Gloves Would you buy a carpet or rug in mid -winter if tho value was unusual NO Then come' to the McF-auI -- Store and inspect our offerings., There is alrays some floor in. the house that would look much better with a new covering.: We will be pleased to show You how attractive our values are. Good gloves must look well, fit well, wear well. McFauls gloves do. Much care must be exercised in glove buying to protect the interests of customers. We exercise that care in our buying . , Underwear Good value in uoderwear. consists of durabia ventilation and warmth, retaining without oye Weight of fabric. We select underwear comican. ing these features, and right now you can get from us the very underwear suited to your needs, Bayfield Ladies' aid.—The Ladies' Aid of St. Thomas Church intend. holding a social tbe basement of the church on Wed- nesday evening, January 27th, The doors will be open, at 7.30 and the early part of the evening _will be spent in games and a social time, followed by the pregraen which will consist of etc.,' Daso a lecture by Rev. J. tFairfull, of Clinton,- on "Fighting Mchines and how to Handle Them." This will no doubt prove a very Inter- esting address, as It is a timely sub- ject and as Mr. Fairfull is well posted on 'his subject, having been Connected for several years with the manufacture of guns, etc., in England. At the close of the program, lunch will be served, and an unusually pleasant evening is expected, . s , e , , Spring Wash Goods .We will begin to --show spring wash gooas early.They have begun to arrive and will be displayed in big assortments before long and will interest you. The New "Silhouette Hoop and Balloon Skirts Turkish and Gored Skirts; Plincess. Moyen-Age and Empire Dresses;. Military Effects in Coats, Capes and Dresses; The New Standing Collar Many Styles; The New Leg -o' -Mutton Sleeve axe the latest upto-clate features, and together with. many other beautiful styles will be shown ie. the STANDARD FA's 1A0 for Spring With each copy you get a.r.y Standard Patter i FREE 20 CFNTS AT TI -11:". PKITRIIN COUNTER I derta attet cow; G 18, th VO is NV4 Til coiu1! the t But 1 iducti the tetmi quid -ed or price, efferi ours,: