HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-22, Page 541••••••• tt 9 new rubbers rwEAR that s tubbers good invest. feet dry and ibers: 45 and a pair, boys heel. rubbers k to preVeot [s, _ 75 and So a pair'. We zareentee. No i HOTEL esasseieeeseeseatease mposed on you, • advancement to impart such -of untold value oplish .your ahn. e nor laborIn ry showing that work, and thus of the whole ept this tol- e sincerity of Ile we unitedly r a large mesa future. Signed s. of S. S. No. taken entirely a pathetic and nk1ng most sin - heir much ap- ift, also thank- fr mapy kind - hero. , o Council was a and la turn Ad officers ea- ppointment wag matey meethrg, 1.1cants for the ommiseioner of - y depoeiting s from Alensall aeares the road good sleighing now moved ie village Po - seats for an- aoard have an - their proposed g echool.-The - for this dis- t recently and ard to - "clean .ker, the hotel - factories and oked after_ "..- kges and eleven )1. Hay Town- ee month. The year were: le,rrlages 16.- ing of the Hay; Lal Fire Ins -Lir- -place at the 4onday, /arm - Milan, Liberal Iron. was the ant last week, d son, of Olin - nil Saturda.y Ks will be er- the spring- 3ent are very. rn of former :s those that d to live tem- o- friends. As .4 been some - bile line be- eeph i:_e among Summer. Ti,v ?ech one mak- se buyers are p at the pre- fer general paying good' harvest was :nproved ma - crop. - Mr. of, the Baby - marriage of hiree. to Mr. - The young in the north - .,r41 a large port lai- n,: iAingof Wing officers F. Hess; • ; Seer, tary, R. Kalb - les will be r'herch Every • following. ight o'clock will be had aed the sfol- de language. ltalled a afc- 1. of Mr. W. L - A large Evangelical of it week "Rolved ,i Greater did their a decided in On the af- L SeibErt and e A. Melt& be negative. 1 e nations, Envelopes Ularies, lades of this for the or sale ?forth JANUARY 22, 19 Londeasboro Notess-Don't lforget the men's ban- ouet, Wednesday eveaing, January the 27th, the Wotrien's Missionary Society is providing the good things to at and we hope there will be a itorid egowd,. All are welcome. There Will he speak-. ers ifrom Toronto and London, -Mr. 8111 has been looking at severed houses in, the village and we hope he will purchase one here. -Mrs, .J. Shoe - brook is -spending this week with her mother, /Mrs. Webb, of Seeeforth.,-Mr. X14 Robertson is still very low *Mrs - Noon of the West, whohas been -visite ing her sister here, Mrs. Braithwaite,. Is this week, visiting her brother in Ooder1ch.-177. Bell has returned .after spending a 1month with friends- in .De-' ttolt. -Miss 'LlicKenzie and Miss Car - `ter, of Ponstance, spent Sunday at the J. horn eof Mae. Bell • i• •••••••••••••••••mm•Nmmma Heniall ,Corn -Three ears just errand whole and ground. al."0 bran and shorts. Highest prioes paid tor all of, grain, el...quire for peicee. D. Urquhart. phone 27, IS 2457x4 e, Dr, Hardie, deriteete each Tueetley and Priday,*.in Hensel. eaob Weeletteday and Thursday in Zurich, , High class work. Phone No. 5„ Bengali. 24544f* Failed to Conneet.-For some unex- plained reason our usual budget of In- n teeesting 'local items has failed to reach ,us this week •before going to prise. No doubt, the fault is with the malls and not with our very efficient and faith- ful correspondent. A Gooa Letter. --A very interesting letter by 'tense Sardine, formerly of this • place, written troth India, will be found on the t2nd page of =this issue. }Liss Smillie's many friends will be pleased to hear tfrom her (and learn that her- self and .her brother, Rev. Mr. Smillie, have reached the field of their future labors in India safely. The Expositor will be very pleased to ,hear from ,Miss Smillie in a similar manner frequently. Her letters will be alike pleasing to us and to our readers. *.-"- I One of the youngest captains on the lakes this year will be Hugh David- son, of Goderich, who will be in charge of the steamer Meadferd. He has sailed on this vessel for a• couplle of years as butte, and. on receiving a captain's papers, has been notified by the own- ers of the Rae that he will replace hrs chief, who is also advanced to a better position. Captain tiavidson, lacks. a year or two of :25. 1 -William Downing, a native of Bay- field, died in Wionipeg, la.steweek at ithe age of,51ears. Mr. Downing swent. to Winnipeg, &rem Bayfield, in 1881, and entered the service of the .C,P.R. as brakeman; one year later he was promoted to the position of (freight conductor, and in 1884 he was made 'Conductor of a passenger train, his principal run being between the Cities of Fort "William and Win- nipeg. He was one of the leaders of the conductor's order, and on several occasions was elected to represent his division at international . conventions - For twelve years he wa.S member of the coinraittee of adjustinent in dis- putes between the conductors and the railroad officials. For the past five years he had been proprietor of the Ori- ental Hotel, in Winnipeg, and *took an active interest in the municipal ,and public , affairs of •that city. Be'was a -prominent Mason and Oddfellow. He , Is survived by his widow and -Sive children. MARKETS Seaforth. Jan. 21st 1915 e'vreas (Standardt.(new)., . 1 25 ea 1 25 ate, pr bushel(new) 47 eci 47 Pies,per. bushel . - ... 1 00 to 1 041 faarley, per buebel., - 60 to 60 Bran per ton.......-.. ... 117 00 to 27 00 Saone, per ton.. . .e.„,_ 2°9 00 to 29 00 Monte per 100 lbs... .-s .... 3-00 to 375 Butter No. 1, loose........ 22 to 24 Rees oer Scieen.. 29 to 30 7:44Y - - • • • o • 12 00 to 13 00 Potatoes, per bag, 45 to 45 Bean Market Toronto, Jan., 19. -Primes, bushel, 42.75 to 42.90; H. P,, ter bushel, 62.00 to $3. • Detroit, Jan., 19. -Beans, immediate, prompt and January shipment, $2.80; F., 290; May, $2.95; Limas, 11-2c to 8c per pound. . Poultry Markets Lcindon, Jan., 19. -Alive, Wholesale - Old fowl, pert lb„ 8 to 9e; ,young chick- - ens, .9 to 10c; ducks, 10c• geese, 9c; turkeys, 15c. Dressed, Wholesale. -- JOhickens, per lb., 12 to 1.4c; turkeys. 17 to •20c; geese, -11 to 13c; ducks, 11 13c. Dressed, Retail, -Spring chickens, pair, 41.00 to $1.50e ducks, per pair, 141425 to $2; chickens, per lb., to Ire; turkeys, per lb„ 20 to " 22e; geese, per lb., .14 to 15c. Toronto, -Jan., 19. -Chickens, dressed, 13 to 15c; ducks, dressed, 14 to 16c; fowl, 10 to 11c; (geese, 14 to 15c; tur- keys, dressed, .18 to 20c. t_ sete-- Grain, EV:1i Toronto, Jan., 19. -Flour -Manitoba first patents quoted at *1.30, in jute bags; second patents, $6,80; strong bakers', *6.50; Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent patents, quoted at -$5.65 to $5.'15, seaboard. Wheat -Manitoba No. 1 Northern quoted at $1.49; No. 2 at $4.46, and No, 3 at *1.42; Ontario wheat, No. 2, $1.30 to $1.32 at ,outside points. Oats. -Ontario quoted at 53c, ° outsid2, and at 56c, on track, Toronto. Western :Canada No. 2 quoted at 64 1-2c, and No. 3 at 61 1-2c. Barley - Market is quiet, with malting grades at k68 to -70c, outside. Rye -The market Is quiet at *1.07 to $1.09, outside. Peas -The (market is quiet, with No. 2 quoted at $1.75 to *1.85, outside. Corn 1 --Ne- 3 .neW, fAmerican quoted at 81c all rail, Toronto freight. Millfeed.- Car lots, per ton, bran, $25 to $26; shorts, - n7 to 423; middlings, $32 to $34; good feed flour, $38 to $42. Onions-Cana- allan, 75 -pound bags, $1.40; Spanish, crate, $45. Potatoes- Ontarios, 65c per bag. out of istore, 55e in car lots; -New Brunswicas, 75c a bag, in store, 65c, car Iota. Baled Hay and Straw. - Local merchants are now buying on track. Toronto, at. :t.'ne following prices: o. i baled hay, *16 to -$16.50; do. No. a, 413.50 to $14; do. No. 3, $11, to 412; Baled straw, $8,60. '. Dairy IVEs,rkets Montreal, Jan., 19. - Cheese, finest westerns, 16 1-8 to 16 1-4c; do. .east - erns, 15 1-8 to 16c. Butter -Choicest ereainery, 30 to 30 1-2c; seconds, 28 1-2 to t29 1-2c. Eggs -Fresh, 43 to 4e; selected, 32c; No. 1 stock, 28c; No. 2 stock, 26c; Toronto, Jan,, 19. -Butter -The offer - trigs of butter are moderate, with de- mand fair. Prices are unchanged. Choice dairy, 24 to 25; inferior, 20 to 21c; creamery prints, 31 to 32c; dosolid, g9 r. BOX 431; CO. ENIBALMERS AND . FUNERAL D11EOPORS 11:C; Bli?X & W.S. GORIVII.0EY 4i:s1ders:of Government Diploma • and. License I V4 ARGE,S MODERATE Night Calls - Day Calls Phone I07. • Phone 50 seeems to 30c; farmers' separator, 26 to 27c. Eggs -New -laid, in cartoons, sq to 38c; selects, 31 to 32c: storage, 29 to 30c. Honeya-33uckwheat, 7 ,1-2e a( pound, In tins; -7c in barrels; strained elover honey,. 1.20 a pound in 60-1h tins; 13c in 10,113. line; 18c in 5-1bthis; comb honey, No. 1, 0.75 'per dozen; extra $2.25 to $2.50 per dozen; o. , 42 to $2.25k .per dozen. ' . London, Jah., 19. -Butter per b, 8 to 80c; !fancy, 26 to 30c • dairy, 26 to 30e; crocks, 0, to 29c. Eggs..Per doz., 40 to',45c ; per .basket, 28 to 40c; store Iota per des., 33 to ec. Honey -Strained, 101b, 4140, to $1.- 154t. , 1 Live Stook Markets . . Union Stock Yards, Toronto, 19. -Trade opened up very slow, so s that only ow cattle had passed o the scale at 11 a.m. In -the aftern business Was a little more .brIsk, ye the buyers and sellers got nearer gether, both making concessions, bu no thne during the day; wae there active Irade, and at the close of market there were over 700 cattle unsold. '!Prices ;were reported to be to 1.50 per ewt., lower hi the bulk sales, and in some instances 25e, pecially for heavy, cows. Probably th would be about three carloads of tho heavy- steers and heifers out of 2600 cattle on sale that brought Clorbett, Hall and Coughlin sold load okf steers, 1365 lbs., brought in W. Bruce 'of St. Marys, at 48; Du & Levack sok nine eatttle, 1840 I at $8; Rine and Whaley three .eat 1300 lbs„ at 48, and one sveighihg 1 lbs., at 48.25, which, was kthe eop pr reported. StOckers and -feeders were ported as selling at steady valu Milkers, and 'springers, as well as v calves, were reported at steady valu Sheep were selling at steady valu but the lainbs, with -the exception of very 'few, were lower iin 'value, as ,t th quality of e bulk of those on s was not good. Hogs were sold at decline of -25 cents per .cwt., with o or two exceptions, when a few lig hogs for butchers' purposes -sold f 10 cents niore. Butchers''Cattle.-Choi :heavy steers sold at *7.75 ,to 48; ehoi butehers' at ,*7.25 to 47.50; good at , to 47.25; medium at $6.60 to 46.9 choice cows, at .46.25 to $6,50; go COWS at .$5.75 to *6; medium at $5. to 45.60; ,canners at( *3.75 to 44; bul at $5,25 to $6.25. Stockers and Fee or-set:Feeders were qucited at 46 *6.40, and stockers at- $5 cto $5.7 Milkers and Springers. -There was fair supply of milkers and springer which sold at steady prices, rangin from 450 to 485. Veal -Calves. -Th calf market Was, steady. Clhoice vea sold at $10 to $10.50, good at 148 t $9.-,50; medium at *7 to '$8; comrno at 4R to $6.50.. Sheep and Lambs. Choke light Iambs weighing about 8 to 185 lbs. sold steadily at 148.75 t $9;25; heavy lambs at $7.25 to 47.75 ight ewes, .at *5.75 to ,$6; heavy ewe at 44 to $4.50; culls at 42.50 ,to Hogs. -Selects fed and watered sol at $7.50; $7.75 weighed off cars, an $1.15 if.o.b. cars at country points. Buffalo, Jan./ 19. -Cattle -The Mar ket opened steady at ten tents higher losed weak with the advance all lost c,thoice to.,prii-ne steers, 48.50 to 48..85; air to good, $7.75; to $8.25; plain, $7.2 o 48.50; choice heavy butcher steers 8 to ($8,25; &air to good, 47.50 to $7,75 est handy, 41.75 to $8; common t ood, '46.25 to $7.50; yearlings, $7,7 o 48.75; prime heifers, $7,25 to 47.50 est butcher heifers, 47 to $7.35; corn mon to good, *6 to $6,75; best fa ows, 46.25 to 46.65; good butche ows, *5.50 to e46; medium to good 4,75 to 45.50; cutters, $4.25 th $4,50 anners, $3.75 to 44; best bulls, $4.7 ot45.25. .Hoge. -Market 15 cents high r. 47.10 to $7.25; medium, 47. 5 to 47.30; yorkers, $7.25 to $7,40; igs, 47.25 to $7.35. Sheep. -Lambs, 15 o 125 cents lower. Sheep steady. Top Tubs, 48 -to $8.15 e yearlings, $6.50 to 7; wethers, 46 to $6.25; .ewes, ;$5 to 5,50. tCalves.-Steady. Tops, 411.50 to 12; 'fair tto good, 49.50 to $11; gras- ers, '$4 to 45.50. Montreal, Jan. 19. -At the Montreal tock lards lowing to the weakness in e Toronto market and•the decline in rices of -[50c per pwt., locally a weak - feeling developed; in the market and ices ruled ,26c per 'cwt. lower. Trade as slow, butcheis and packers having rried over a fair supply from last eek. IA. few small lots of picked choice eers sold at 48, and full loads at .75, but the bulk ot the trading that as done was In cattle ranging in ices from *6.25 to $7,25 per cwt. here were some American buyers on e anarket who picked a !few -loads ,of Ir butchers' cattle for shipment to banye There was no change in sheep d flambs, prices being steady with a Ir .dernand, and supplies ample to fill 1 requirements, and sales of Ontario nibs were made at *7.75 to $8, and ebec at 47.25 to( $7.50 per cwt. Live gs were in poor demand, and prices clined 10c to 25c per cwt. Demand oh Packers was fair, and sales of ected lots were made at $8.30, 46.30, and stags at 44.15 per ,cwt. an., low ver oon hen to- t at an the left ,1.0e of es - ere Ice, the 48. one by nn bs., tie, 520 ice re - es. eal es. es, a he ale -5 ne ht or ce cee 47 0; od 25 is to 0. 5. a s, is 3. 1 .t -c 1 th er pr ea ev- st 47 pr th fa (Al an f a al la (1 114()1 de fr sel at weighed off cars. Butchers' cattle, choice, 47.75 ,to $8; (do., -medium, $6.25 to '*1.25; do. coynmon, $U to '*6; can- ners, $4 to $4.75; butchers' cattle, choice cows. 46.50 to $6.75; do. me- dium, 45.50 to $6.25; do. +bulls, 45 to 47; milkers, choice, each, $75 to $80; do. common and medium, ,each, $65 to '*10; springers, 455 to $60; sheep, ewes, $4.75 to 45; bucks and culls, 44,25 to $4.50; lambs, 47.25 to 48; hogs, off cars, $8.80; calves, $5 to $15: • 5 5 5, ;sows ilf=731;II:=•• nsammollellut 't•• • 40. •• •;• • •••••••• ••••• • I WALKER edc WHITELEY • Undertakers and Embalmers • • • • W. J. Walker * Tgight Phone -18 • st Store Phone -67 • • *****************#444414 *4 I ommalwass ,xlmensweast, THE HURON EXPOSITOR Births MoKAY-In Seaforth, en January SO,th, to Mr. and 'Mrs, W. 1) edeleay (nee Iva Dodds), a on. • Moltillop, on January 21ets to Mr. and., Mi,'. Robert J. Riohleot son. 'THOMSON-In Mitchel on ticoarcher lObb, to 3 and J elHosele Ttiorapeon, a on. MaottATEI-At Godeidele, on Jannatenth, to Mir. - and Mrs. S. R. Med.-lath, of Goderich toWeelliP, a daughter. 003114.1dM-I1l Stephen, on Januery 10th, to Mr.. and Mrs, Oectar Cornish, a eon. • PENIIALE-1n Exeter, One January 8th, tO Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale, a deughter. ItOWOLIPPE -In Exeter, on January eth, to Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Roweliffe jr., a on. BELL -In Osborne, On Jen -nary Oth, to Mr. and Mr• s Thomas Bell, a daughter. KENNEDY --In Tuckeremitie en the 19th 'net, to Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Bennedy, a daughter. MART-Itt Seaforth, on Tannaly 113th, to Mr. and Mr, W. Haire, a daughter. .67,Immersellagfilpotootemisames 11(s.rrisatel. wtram-viNoBITT-At Dashwood, o January MT by Bev. P. Graupnee, Mr. Leonard Wurm, o Zurich, to Miss Tillie Vincent of Dashwood. LE0KY-114.RRIS-In WrOxetere on January 4th, at the bome of the bride's. mether, Mrs. Georee Bork> by Rey. T. M. Wesley, Itr, Raymond - Leaky, of liersohleis to Miss Milly Harris, DOBAI. ROUTLEDGEL-In Egniondville, On January 17th, SaraliSpropt, wife of Charles Routledge, aged 64 reale ' • . FERGUSON-In Moirdllop on January 14thDon 'd Ferguson, ekleet son of the late Archibald Per- e guson aged 82 yeare. CAULE-elln Clinton, on January 81h, Ann Cooper, 'wife of Mr. Samuel Castle sr; aged:70 years. SPARLING-At Clinton, on Jinustry lith, Joseph' HeSparling, eged sa yea re. LYNETT-In Winghtun, on January llth, Harold, Weit von of Mr.gand Mr. Edward Lynett, *gee 7 r - years. ANDISON-In Howl*, cm Jantiary 9th, Mrs. Wm. Andisoft, of Leamington, formerly of -Gehl°, aged 46 year and 4 months. SNOWDEN-In Egmondeille, on January 16th, Annie Matheson, wife of Newton 0. Snowden, ,aged 69 years. KYLE -At Wilkie Sask., on January let h, Mrs. e. John Kyle, formerly of Egenondville, aged 60 yeare and 10 menthe. • se••••••*•••;**********••• • S. r.affolmes ••••••••••••MNSMINOMmol,••••••••••••••••=..MMOO. • . Funeral Director and ' Licensed Embalmer - 1 ' Undertakingiliarlors in 0 ciao' S ws abruti I Bros.n9i)essit... I e . 0 dence Goderich st., cpp , Flosvers furnished Dr. Scott's. on " short notice. Phone Night or Day 119. 1 ••••••••••••••••••o••••••• SALE REGISTER, On Monday, February let at 8 p. in.on Let 17, Concession 11, McKillop, 100 cords long and short hardwood. Also some building timber eu. table for girts and posts. Alex ET. Ross, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown. Auctioneer. • 2458x1 On Friday, Jan 29, at 1 o'clock p.m.. on nerth i lot , Ooncessjon 18, Mullett. Fenn nook and imple. ments. Nelson Niohelson, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, January 28rd, at 1.80 P'.m., at the Queen s hotel, Staforth. Forty head of choice °Attie, cows, steers and calves. George }Tolland, Proprietor: T. Brown, Acctioneert On Wednesday, February 3rd, at 1 o'clock p m., on Lot 24, Caneession 2, Stanley, Farm stock and implements. Alex -Sparks, Proprietor ; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES A DOTION SALE GP FORTY HEAD OF CHOICE 11 CATTLE -Mr. George Holland, of Holinesville has instructed the undereigned to sell by publio audio°, at the Queen's Hotel, Seat nth, on:Saturday, January 23rd, at 1.80 p.m., the following titmice 2 new 'MIA etowe, 2 CIOWS dne is January, 1 cow due in February, 7 young cows due Maroh and April, 3 young cows milking now. 20 steersand heifers from 600 peunds to 800 pounds weight, 7 young calves. This stock is all Durham and of good quality a d will be sold on the following terms. Terms -Four months' oredit on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 Per cent per annum off for oath. Guarantee -Any cow eepreeented to be in calf and proving notto be by March 1st, ;can be returned, notes or cash will be refunded. GEORGE HOL- LAND, Proprietor'; Th ea Brown, Auc tioneer. 2458 -td ,k_UOTION SALE OF FARM STOOK AND IMPLE. MENTS--Mr. Nelson Niohelson has instructed Mr. Thomas grown, to sell by public auction, on north halt lot No. 1, Concession 18, Mullett:, on Fri. day, January 29th,1915, at 1 o'block, the following: Here ---I heavy draft mare in foal, 1 general pur- pose mare in fool, 1 general purpoee horse rising 8 years, 1 yearling filly general purpose. Cattle- Twocows in calf, four @teem ,rising two years old, one heifer rising two years old • Hogs -1 brood sow, 9 sinall pigs, seventy hens. Implements -One -Frost & Wood binder 6 foot cut. tnewer, rake, lifassey•Herris hay loader nearly new, wagon, truck wagon, pair bobsleighs, hay rack; box Ewe stock rack, manure spreader, seed drill, land roller, :Froet & Wood Crown gang plow; tvo single plows and s.tt of harrows, cultivator, Frost & Wood disk, one 41 h. p. Monarch gasoline engine new, one 6 inch %loner& grinder new, cutting box, unifier, fenning mill, set scales 2500 Pounds, incubator and brooder, root pulper fence weaving machine, oitone boat, grind stone, sickle grinder, a quantity of luinber and plank. Capital cream separator, wheel- berrow, setof team harness. f mks, chains and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention, also a quantity f corn and about three hundred bushele`of mangolds. Terms -All sums of 86.03 and under cash ; 9 month's credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or 4 per cent off for math on credit amounts. Corn and roots eish. NELSON'ellOHELSON, Peep. rietor, R.R. No. .elilyth; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 24884 ' A UOTION SALE' OF FARM STOOK AND IM - 11., PLENIF,NTS-Thos. Brown has received in- struotions from Mr. Alex Sparks to sell by pnblic auctiote on Lot 24, Concession 2 township of Stanley. eon Wednesday, February 3r0, 1915, at1 o'clock, the ()Bowing: Hor2ee-1 brood mare 3 years old sup- posed'to be in foal to Shethin Stamp, 1 driving horee 12 years old quiet and reliable, 1 gelding rising 3 year old, span of iltlies rising 2 peen old, 1 sucking colt. Cattle --Four milking cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising 3 years old supposed to be in calf, 2 steere rising 3 years old, I fat heifer 2 'ears old, 8 heifers rising 2 yeare old, 2 steersrising 2 year oln, 4 calves, 1 brood sow to litter in March, 4 fat hogs, about 75 hens. Implements -Massey•Harris binder 6 foot cut nearly new, Deering mower, elcOormick hay rake: reversible disc harrow, broadcaet seeder, drill, set diamond harrows, gang plow, double fur- row plow, walking plow, ecruffler, set double hex - nese, 2 lumber wagons, 2 bob -sleighs. set log bunks, stock rack, hey rack, wagon box, gravel box, crit- ter nearly new, top buggy, democree dart; fuming mill, barley fork, set weigh scales 140 pounds, wheelbarrow, ear with rope and sling ropes, 40 rods woven ire, 28 foot extension ladder, 10 foot gal- vanize water tank, grindstone, 3 sugar. kettles. Melotte cream separator, Daisy churn, new coal heater, forks, shovels, bags, pulleys and a number of other art Mee too numerous to mention. Terms All sums 01 56 and under, cash, 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. 4 cents on the dollar off for cash. All must, be sold, as the proprietor bail dis- posed of his farm. ALEX SPARKS, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, 2458x2 IMPROTANT NOTICES. • eeel I-10FOE SIXTY DAYS EASY WoRK. Write for 41). contract. BRADLEY-GARRETSON, :Brantford 24584 2 A DAY SALARY for intelligent married or single women for work around home or liberal remunereration for spare time. Mrs. DAVIDSON, Brantford. • 2458-4. ARM FOR SALE -For sale on Lot 1, Conceseion 4, Mullet. Containing 100 acres, convenient to ool and Post Office. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply to William MeMichael, cif orth; Pose Office. t 236541 , AGENTS -"The World's Greatest War" inciudiiiir Canada's part, profusely illustrated withactual battles scenes, record seller, make seven dollars daily, sample book free on promise to canvas. L1NSCOTT Company, Brantford. 2458-4 -DILLY SUNDAY'S 11E§SAGE AND METHODS..... Extraordinary revivalist, quarter million con- verts, thrilling book, everybody orders, make six to ten dollars daily, sample book free on promise to can vase, BIBLE HOUSE, Brantford. 2458:4 Tu -ANTED --A reliable man to represent ns at VY Seaforth, (and in the counties, of !Enron and Perth) and sell our hardy Canadian grown stock. A good position for the right man. Write for par- ticulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fonthill Nur- series, Toronto. 2467-5 -vela FOR SERVICE -The underaigned has for E service on Lot 27, Cloncesion 17, MoKillop, a thoroughbred Tamworthf hog. ;, He was bred by D. Douglas & son, and wes the grand champion at Toronto and Ottawa Ex Mons in 1914. Terms SI et time of service. 3- G. 4RIEVE it Son, R. R. No. 4, -Walton. 245541 • IMPORTANT NOTICE& ARK FOR SALE -Lot 18, Conetessiorr 8, To 7/11• ship of Stanley. 100 aoree, mostly wider oulti. ation, good stenohouse with wood and driving sheds at-eat:Med. .Also hank barn. Spring water all Ow year round... Ferri suitable either for ,graziag or grain. .Terinsenoderate. Andy to JOHN KED 011.EN Brucciliele 2421•tf LURK FOR SALE, -Lot Concession 9, Tucker - /le smith, containing 10) acres, about seven -Acres Mader bush. The farnede well fenced and diained end in I, geed stete of cultivation. There are on the peseejees a ewe frame hone, bank.barn, pig -house, libit house drive house -and two good well& For iermaid pa ciliary apply on the prern13es or ad; bees . JOHN MeOLOY, Egmondville e 28664f _WARM FOR SALE --Being Lee 7, ii tie TOwnehip of Mullett, containing 100 aoree globe land, on the oreadise are e1 ere) -et ee bt with ete,blIng °underneath, wit4- (13 n ti throughout. New brittle n rime with f trete i la th Nita& Well fenced and un ler drained, will be sold reasonable as the owner wishes to give up.iarming. For further information apply on the premises or eddrees Seaforth P. O., MELVIN J. "CLARK. 2834f PARAI FOR -SA.LE-_-Por sale 100 acres -of choice ele land in the Township of Hibbert, being Loo 28, Coneeesien 9. On the premiserare a brick house, drive ehed, bank barn with .stsblingehen bouee and • pig pen underneabh. The farm is well fenced and underdrained, and there are 10 acres of hardwood bash. Rural Mall and Telephone Clonnectfon. For further partioulare apply to ADELINE SELLERY effa, Oet. 2422-tf ammemssal. CelfORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE - Two choice Shorthorn bull calves nearly 12 emonthe old, both bred in the welt knOwn herd of A. G. Smillie, of Tuokersinith, One is from a cow of heavy milk- ing attain, whioh holds a record of performance cer. tleeete. The other is bred from a thick and fleshy cession 8, L. R. Taokersmita. FRANK BEAM beef te pe. both- are good. individuals and 2:5n8y.e3ne wanting a good bull should see them: Lot 5, Con - Hewn& ; 1'50 ACRE FARS! FOR SALE -Five 'and three - .I. quarter miles he'll the village of Brussels, 7 from .Blyele and 8 from Belgrave. There is a never • felling eupply of water. Bank barn 40x7e, frame house with oonerete cellar, rural mail and telephone It is well adapted feir both- stook and grain, mes- hed mile from wheel and three-quaeters from. ehurdh. Apply to FRED ARM8fRONG, Gilbert, Aibiarta„ or -on the obee to EDWIN ARMSTRONG, R. R. No. effluent& , 2455-11 meiAltif FOR SALE -The undersigned offers for Jy rude a fine l'Arrasof 96ores. situated of tyrnile south of Dryspirle on the 'eke Road'east. The farm Is well fenced and underdrained: with tile. It has a good young orchard and has '45 aeres fall ploughed and the remainder seeded tie grmits. There is a goods frame house with kitchen and woodshed. attached and a lareis bank barn with stone stabling and cem- ene flooring all through also good hen houee. end pig house. There is a gcod spring well at the house and a large well at the barn. Mao a spring well at - the track of the barn. For further particulars apply at the farm to Mrs. GEORGE POLLOCK, R. E. No, 2, Zurich or WM. POLLOCK, R. It. No. 1, 'Varna. (loon FARM FOR SALE -For Sale Lot 25 and k..T part of Lot 24, Concession 14, MoKiliop, con. taining 130 acres; Yhere are on the. premises a naodern brick house with hard and • soft aster: There is Mao a -good barn 60x126, with stone loun- dation and stabling underneath, driving shed, 30x40 on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all in good repair. There Is also a good bearing or- chard'and two never failing wells. The farm is well underdrained and well fenced and in a high state of cultivation with 10 acres of hardWood bush. It ie well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of Walton 0. P. R. station,- also telephone and rural mail delivery. Tbis is a choice farm and will. be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply on the preniises or addreers. W. J. DICKSON Walten. 2458-1 (100D FARM FOR SALE -For gale Lot 2, tetn. 4. kJF Hullett, containing 100 acres. There are on the premlees a good brick house, kitchen and wood with good cellar and hard and soft wateri . There is also a good frame barn 50 x 64 'with stone foundation and stabling underneath and another barn 34 x 54 not raised on foundation and implement shed all in good repair. There is also tigood:bearing orenard and two. good never failing well& The faros a well underdramed and well fenced and in a high state of cultivation veith five acres of bush. The brm is well situated, Smiles from Seaforth near the boundary betweon Hulled and MoKillop with tele.' phone and rural mail delivery. Terms reasonable, For furtherparticulars app.y on the premises or ad- drese WM WILSON, Seaforth, Ont., R. P. D. No, 1. 2415xtf Teacher Wanted Applications will be received up to the 301h day of January for a duly qualified lady teacher, for the first book rocnnfor the Seaforth public school, duties to commence on the firsb of Feeruary, if possible. Please:state salary and enclose testanonials to the undereigned. 2457.3 JOHN RANKLN, Secretary School Board Butter Wrappbrs Format* or Daieyrnen requiring But- ter Wrappers es plovided for by the Om agricultural regulatioris, tan have She same on the shortest notice at THE EXPOSITOR .OFFICE. Seaforth, 'Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Debora° and Hiletert MutualFire Insurance Co. will be held en the Public Hall, Farquhar on Monday, February 1st, 1915 The business will consist of reeeiging the Director's annual report and the Auditors report, the election of two directors and two auditors add any other businees that may be of interest to the Company.. The -Directors whose term of office expiree, but who are elegible for re•eleotion are those of Thomas Ryan and William Brock. Policy holders are re. queeted to attend. 2458-2 W. A. TURNBULL, Secy-Treas, Important Meeting An organization meeting of the Conservatives of the new riding of Souph Huron as consituted for Dom- inion purposes, will be held in the town hall, Clinton, on Suturday, Jan- garp 30th, 1915, meeting to be called at 1 p.m. shaera A full attendance from all parts of the riding desired. HENRY HORTON R. CREECH President Secretary • Complete a Course in the Toronto, Orth., and the remits will prove to you the wisdom of graduat- ing from this famous school, Catal- mriie free. Enter any time. W. J. LIOTT, 734 Yonge street, Toronto. • Caws for Sale .11.00.•=••••••..•••••• A number of good cows for sale, ceraing in -soon. Also some thorough- bred Durhams. A new lot of good ones will be in on Satierclay, January 23rd. Call and see them, it will be worth while. All personally selected, George T. Turnbull 2456-tf Seaforth Farmers" Institute Meetings for South Huron The regular meetings of the South Iluron Farmers Institute will be held as 'follows ; January 22nd, Zurich 2 p.m., liensall 7:30 p.m.; January 23rd -,Brueefield 2 p.m, Varna 7:30 p.m,; January 25th, Elimville 2 p.m. Exeter 7:30 p.m.; January 261h, Dashwood 2 Grand Bend f:30 pan. To B. addressed by J. W. °lark,painaville, Ontario, 0. B. Smith, Smithville, Ontario, Mrs. M. L. Woolard, Toronto. The meetinge advertised above will be the only meetings held this year, thus every farmer and terrain's son should avaiethernaelves of this oppor- tunity of attending one or more of these valuable sessions. Mrs. M. E. Woelari, at all- afternoon ses- sions, will address a Ladies' meeting only. AT,Etr BUCTIANAN, President 2458-1 A. IL DOUPE, Secretary RP. Annual Meeting The Annual treating of the Huron Weather Maur - arm Mutual Oce. e ill he held in the new town hall in the village of Hensel!, on Friday, January 29th, 1015, at 1.30p. in. te.'he business of the mooting -will be to eeelve the annual raped of the directors and auditors, to npuoiet three pew directors and two auditors and say other badness that may be con- sidered for the good and welfare of the Company. The directors who retire are Messrs, D. Pothering - ham, M. Geiger and Henry Rau, ell of whom are. eligible for re-election. • M. GEIGER, President A. G. SMILLIE, Secretary Dated at Zurich, January 12th, 1915. 2457-2 CREAM WANTED We have our y now in -full operation, aridly n your petron- age. Wo are ed to pay you cp--.7pwitnaraert the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and testreach can of cream carefully and give you statement of, the same. We also supply can free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop us a card for particulars The Seaforth Creamery Seaforth Ont. kiinual Meeting McKiliop Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. .g••••••=ge..... The Ant nal Sleeting of the members of theMolita lop Fire Insurance Companywill beeheld ill the town hall, at the toun rf Seaforth, on Friday, Feb- ruary 5th, 1,915, at 2 (Moak p. m. The business Will be th receive the Annul Statement, the Audit- ors and Directors reports, the electing of the Dir- ectors and other businesa that would be considered for24t5le.3good of the Company. The retiring direct- ors are: J. 13 -McLean, Malcolm McEwen and D. F. MeGregor, who are elegible for re-election, THOS. E. HAYS, Secretery Notice Tax Sale, Town of Seaforth ••••••••••••••••.•••• Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and copies thereof may be had in my office and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette dates of pub- lication Nov. 28, Decem- ber 5th, Tzth and i9th, 1914 and that in default of payment Of the taxes the lands will be sold for taxes. . JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer Town of Seaforth Wed at &deal), this 20th 'day of Nov,, 2419510.4.13 Notice to Creditors MINIMMIIII•111111111•Mill the Estate of James W. Lawrence, late of the Township of MoKillop, in the County of Huron, Fanner, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons havimgany claims against James W. Laverencee who died on the 6th day of September, 1914,at the said Township of MoKillop, are required on or before the- 3r6 day of February. 1915, to send by post or deliver to -Mrs. Sarah Jane Lawrence, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth, one of thelexecutors of the bast will*? mid deeessed, or to the undereigned solioltoreefull pertioulars of their claims duly verified, and that after the:said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the tweets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the olairas of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the Assets or any pare thereof, to any person of whose claim they shall not have received notice. PROUDFOCIT, HALLORAN & PROUDFOOT, Seaforth, Solicitors for said Executors. , Dated this 5th day of January 1915. 2457-3 Gasolinp' Engines for Sale We have one second-hand gasoline engine just overhauled for sale cheap. In the new lines we have four, three, two and one cycle en- gmes, all working to perfection. We are also prepared to do all kinds of repairs on gas or steam engines and grain crushers. Rolls re -cut. Prices right. SEAFORTH GARAGE •NEMINaNa SPARLING & WRIGHT Wilson Blool • Seafortb 1 . . Our gasoline engine was in- spected by a great many cid- + er customers last fall, also by + several leadinglocal engineers iand practically all pronounced e• the LISTER the bestengine * ever seen. , John Elder 60 Sons AGENTS ' HENSALL ONTARIO t •+++++++•++++++++++++++++ Wanted! Logs and Heading Bolts We, the undersigned are prepared sto pay the highest cash price for logs and heading bolts delivered at the Seaforth sawmill, Basswood heading bolts to be cut 20 and 40 inches long. Soft ,ehn, soft maple and beech logs to be cut 10, 13 and 16 feet. Hard maple -12 feet All other logs to be cut 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet. Special attention paid to custom sawing. - - For particulars apply at the office of the Seaforth sawmill.. Amen': Bros. Seafortb Ont. 2157.9 5 An* THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMVRCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0..LL.D.„ D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN A1RD„ AsaFt 4Geneted Masaegit CAPITAL, $15,000,000 - HUME FUND; $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed .on all deposits of $t antl upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts rtiay be.opened in the narnes of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. Seaforth Branch, W. 0. T. MORSON Minager . :;4,1rjgg-Trilf • • z.F74,14-w: a•auttfui Hair Goods Display !The Doreuwend Company, of Toronto, Ltd., Canada's premier hairgoods h 'use, announce their visit to . The CommOrcial Hotel, Seaforth, Thursday, February 4th when there will be shown an exclusive sample stock of quality hair goods • for ladies in ewitches, braids, transformations pompadours, wavelets, etc, An invitation is extended to every lady to ; call and inspect these goods. THE DOREN WEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE is an absolute necesstO• to every man who is bald. It will protect your health and make you appeaaasears younger. Indectectable featherweight hygenie. Be sure you see them on day of visit. A demonstration places you under no obligation whatever. Remember the date THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th. How About New Suit? That Our stock of Winter Suitings .is now complete and comprises the very newest designs -checks, broken stripe's, hair line effects -worsteds and serges, cheviots and tweeds. Particular men will favor the exclusive style of our garments. Smart close -fitting models for young men, con- servative older men's models. You will -feel at perfect ease in one of our suits and have the satisfaction a man always exper- iences in new and becoming clothes, In- spection Invited. Gasoline Engintes All 'Sizes, from I/ to 36 h. IN Latest improved. , Will use either gasoline or kerosene. Send for circular and prices. !:lhe Robert BeII 'ngine Thresher Co., Limited Seaforth, Ont. Mr. Landlord: If you want to rent your prop- erty quickly and profitably, you must keep it well painted and attractively papered. I'd be glad to) suggest how you can increase the .income from your real estate holdings by a small investment in paint and wall- paper. John Hooper Painter, Paper Hanger, 'etc. John street Seaforth C. Pope 0, Son are making a specialty in Smoke Stacks, any size -and lengths, also, Steel Tanks. Before ordering write us for our quotations. All kinds of Boiler Work and Gen- eral Repairing. AUTO REPAIRS Pope eic Son Machinists, Etc. Machine Shop • - BRUSSELS 2455x4 • GRANO TRUNK SYSTM Double Track all the Way Toronto -Chicago - .Toronto -Montreal Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment Winter Tours to California Florida and Sunny South Fast Trains -Choice of Routes Low fares now m effect For full particulars consult G. T. R. ticket agents or write, 0. E -Horning, D. P. A.-, Toronto. W. Somerville....... Tcwn Agent W. .. .Depot Agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont., . 11.1FORSE I I BLANKETS We have a complete assert!, ment of Canadian IU aide Blankets - jute Lined, 5.4 Stay -on Surcingles (the kind that won't pull off) ranging in price from $1,5o to $3e4 wool blankets in. /alley P checks and squares, $2 tO , each. Kersey blankets, with surcingles, $2, $2.50. ROBES Canada's best production, 111-. cluding Saskatchewan Cub Bear, Great West, *Arctic, and Robes, at very reasonable fifths and, Gloves We have a complete assort- ment of Men's and Boys' Mitts, Gloves and Gauntlets M. B rode ri Opposite Oosenesreial Rotel SEAFORTH Harness Trunks VeiiSSIS