The Huron Expositor, 1915-01-22, Page 3we were a
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pro`: ction a-
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I ' a-tr.Ynish-
L ,r plates built
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with an eye
roin capture
F 11 :t pre. erves,
mans- also se -
can fine which
oIdt_r carries.
iotitiert it fre-
Fe found a di --
t d. ad to very
At any rate it
firet glance,
d that a large
-we re Fhar ming
ti.kl_d" into
€.glislt had dug
occupied then•:,
rue large round
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,g line was then
bind `chis
ted to the land
vi ab r. so .that
d by the firo
ainet what wie
d tr.r,c:t. Fre-
tt evere infan-
.g brake forth
then advanced
only to find
sand was- prac-
and that near-
• n fired down
iglieh, infantry
tree -tops and,
a.cbin guns.
our opponents
w to use As a
night. but use
only when it is-
sm The English
• ver, in their
nava gone over
tic. `of the ar
.11 known, con -
rt al n
shell fire. After
tied the village
Jail. a continu-
g for hours
streets._ so that
nain there. Af-
eelacre. we were..
a 'continuous:
nachine _ guns,
'au- victims, but
troops from.
And this -vas
ley are but the
La Grippe
✓ dic4.1 writer:
n crippled in
t attack of la.
r F.. Est- over
during convalm
ct.•ri=t1 syrup-
tn. head --
;f t. iris= pats
--:( it v.`::aken-
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a _'ondition
=iiy for a tonic
Fink Pills
P pt.d to met
[ y • and c rrici
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health tothat
Howard D.
N.13., says.:
ut c -`. tan I
51)v ;vhieh left
dean. in each
sis Pines: Pill.;
�..�= ,gain
_:uti=n of for -
Dr. William-'
th- troubl_
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JANUARY 221 1915
lilt IMMUND 11. 0611#1, pini ifstestrt wax 4,411SIDItti%
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
Farmers/ Salle Notes Collected
• It is more convenient to have the Dominion Sank collect your
&Is Notes, than is 4ry •to de so yourself.
' :hen you .''haver a sale. have the Notes msde payable at the
Dominion lank, and-depoalltham hors for collection. -
duoh celtsotions era made on most favorable terms.
in ties S'J1►vielgs Department; deposits of one dollar and cowards
ars rersoivsd, se witch Interest is added at courant rake. .
is a fixed price per load for the ice,
the owner of the lake Supplying it in
squares 10_ by- 32 inches, :of even thick-.
cess, - so that a good ' apply can be
stored away, in a small place. •Herr,
it is where Mt'. Foster's invention --the
1 e sawing machine—shows its labor-
saving value. The sawing machine is
placed on- .a• frame with gunners simi-
lar to that of an ordinary road sleigh;``
having on ` top a gasoline 'engine and.
a circular saw. The 'saw;is secured in:
a movable frame, so that it can be low-
ered or- raised at will tti'f the operator.
The sleigh,. is drawn along 'the ice by
a rope cable. :After the first. , cut is
knade a -gauge is -inserted In the gutter
n*adn, by tthe saw, . so that the squares
of los „ will - be of: even width. The.
whole surface 1s gone over one way for
we& and then crossed for -length, 1
The squares are separate,, 'by -hand. ;
In the .use of the machine, - labor is !°`
economized and the uniform size of 4'
the squares mak it easy to stare away.
Mr. ,Poster is :Making, drawings ,and
' specifications- of the. device and intende
i having it patented. • .
Nab, : then a bush lot. ;Upon" ,this 100 �. -
s+res the' elaced live• and died, in W:blto ,
1„.fir. Bishop. married Miss' ,Za
Walsh, who, aces Congregational, seting.—The annual
ee4 him by . eight Congregational meeting sof” Duff's
years. YT e - children are Peter- J.•,..A:n. Church in this village, was ,held on
ram, of ttrey, and Joseph, of ilffialle
iston, IT , .: Mrs. Martin, 1'iarriston Tuesday of last we There was a
lair's, Bagg, He;�pler; Las, Holmes, to I- ` good attendance and Much interest, was • •
New Time Fable.—A new time table :lace; and Miss Eliza, at Thome, Ozal sop taken in the.proceedings,. The reports ® ' } 4
caurie Into force .on the, Sand. Truni from the..various departments of church •
Railway on Sunday last. There are no - W. deceased' g hearty- yQet of ,this notice work were very encouraging and show • . ' 0 � ,:
was a strong, .man, 'Who knew�° , t 4'44'4 �,i,
material changes in this district, -buf tittle of sickness until. a dewy, . that: a .progressive Work is being dome
e correct time table will be found in ago. Two brothers, William, of ,Komi- ong all lines, The congregation is 4, Y'
another column. It was -stated' that :r composed of 100 families and 250 mem-
k0, and James, of Grey ;town ,hip sur- •
change was comtemplated in t.z{g vive Mrs. ,erect a sister, hers, 24 having been] added to the roll • l .. as
Si) by canceling the train
- ' .passed a t •_ f �! .�� ;_
going way many years ago. Mr. !Bishop wasduring the year, and 14 removed. There • %
Hast from Seaforth, at 5,30 and sub- one of the pioneers of this township are 165 in the Sabath School, 30 in • I ',VTI
stituting et ;with one going East about and enjoyed the. respect and ;esteem of the fAdult Bible Class; 88 :ln the =Youngsis:o _ �)%
tone o'clock. Na such change, however, -a wide circle of friends, many of whom People's Guild, 0,24 hi the ' Gomen's Mis- • � -'
has been made, the authorities 'having preceded him to the Land Beyond, , sionary Society, 36 in the }fission Band • "'
evidently decided to leave well enough and 100 in the Lad es' Aid, The report 4,, . �'
alone. We .have now a very satisfac- showed the receipts for the year to t-
tory train and mail service on this Blake be $1,330' for general church f •
road and could not in reason ask for purposes
Notes.—Mr, and Mrs. George Arm_ and after all liabilities were defray -I •
much better. The only improvement ,we strong have moved to their home on ed there 'remained' a balance oT $33 •
could 'suggest, would be a service that the :Goshen Line, --Mr. and Mrs. •M. with which to commence the new year. 1 •
would =give Seaforth and stations East. Denomme entertained a number of their The congregation had contributed for. •
a. better connection with Hensen, Ex- friends a few evenings ago,—Mr, John. Missions 1$304 and in addition 'the Sab- •
Z'eter and stations South on the London, Keys is able to be around again after bath School raised ; $38, the Young Peo-•
Huron and Bruce branch. Now, people his recent illness,—Mr. and Mrs. 44. ple's Guild $37, the Women's Mission- •y
cannot get from Seaforth to Hensail Freckleton treated a number of their ; ary 'Society $133- and thes
and return; a distance of twelve�miles,(sion Band e
friends to a fowl supper one evening F35. ,The total.contributions for R•iis-
without remaining -over night by the last week,—The monthly meeting of the sions amounted to' the very creditable •
way. If in some way `it could be ar- Women's Missionary Societty was held sum of 4568 in addition to which a 1 i
ranged that passengers could get from in. the church on Wednesday of last bale of clothing valued at ,$27 was sent
Seaforth to Hensall, Exeter and other week, with a good attendance despite to an Indian School and 410 to the *
stations on that line. and return and the unfavorable weather. -Mr, and Mrs. Deaconess Home, 'Toronto. The Ladies' •
• vice versa. on the same .day, it would Wm. Douglas entertained a .number sof `Aid also did good work paying $250 •
be a tvery great additional convenience their friends an Wednesday evening church indebtness and making church
•to the people interested.. • f in ,honor of their ;niece and nephew.— improvements at a cost of x+30. The
Worthy and energetic pastor is to be •
C ongrat4lated on the happy and pros-.
perous Iondition of the congregation
knd the, good work being done. The •
fiellewin;g are the managers for the 1 •
current' yeas • Silas Johnston, Jamey •
Houston. A. Sholdice, Ed. Bryans, Wm. •
McCall, A.- (McCallum, R. Coutts, Jas. •
Lawson and Robert Reid. R, ,H. Per- •
ge son; and Andrew Johnston, . Auditors. •
arise •Sznille is-Treastrer. ••
••••••••••••44•••••*•••*•••••••••••••••••••••••000sI• : o••••••••4•••••••••••f,4t
tewart Bros. Mail 0 Phone orders Carefully Filled f Siewart Bros.
• Miss ;Annie Armstrong of Saskatoon,
The Weather Insurance Company.-- Sask,, has come homefor a ,visit ,with
The ninth annual meeting of the mem- her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
hers of the Huron Weather Insurance ! Armstrong.—Mr. W. H. Talbot ha,
threshed over 15,000 bushels of beans
this season with his bean thresher.—
The Women's ;Institute of Zurich, .'vis-
,ted ;the- `omen's Institute of Blake,
bn•tesday oflast week, and all had a
very enjoyable and profitable time.
They metat the home of Mrs. Douglas:
St. Joseph
Breezes. _-. {Another move is being
made to "upbuild thi village. se The
large brick :block erected some years
ago is undergoing changes and many
other improvements throughout the vil-
lage are being made. The 'north end of
the big block is being converted into a
summer hotel and a Iarge general store
is being ,stocked for the accommodation
for the year 1914, but we have paid of visitors .and for ,the farmers of the
,our note for $2,000 held by the bank, neighborhood. A factory for the pro
at December 31st, ' 1913, and closed the duction of a patented heating aparatus
year 1914, with a neat ::balance of and other household necessities has
A1.009.98, cash on hand. The number been equipped and will soon commence
of new policies issued during ,the year operations. A large piece of ground be -
was '?33. covering insurance to the a- tween the hotel and 'the lake is being ,
mount of .;835,170. The total number parked and beautified. The present
of policies in force December •31st, 1911 manager says St: Joseph:, Will yet be a
was 2452. ecverng insurance to .the desirable summer -resort for city peo-
amount of 2 657,205.00. Nine hundred ple, who desire healthful surroundings
.and forty-one policies expired or were in a• cultivated community.—The fish -
cancelled during the year. covering ,in- erman are preparing for the winter's
'durance to the- amount of 4958,785.The work and a greater effort than ever
Premium Notes held by the Company will be exerted to supply the demand
amount to $116,003.00, and the assessed for fresh herring.—St. Peter's Church
residue on said notes is $92,016.60. at this place has been repaired, paint-
ed and decorated, and is now one of
.k MOTHER'S ANXIETY the finest finished edifigns in Western
Ontario. The steeple has been beauti-
lost mothers are anxious when their fied with aluminum and the large cross
little ones are teething, for ;at this at the top is finished in pure gold
ti e the baby's stomach gets disorder- leaf, giving that part of the church
e and there is a grave danger of con- a rich and elegant appearance., The gold
✓ lsions. This anxiety can be lessened leaf for the cross cost f$50 and the
iso ever. if the mother keeps a supply alter carpet cost $225. A new driving,'
of Baby's Own Tablets in the house shed is being built for the aceornmoda-;'
and gives an occasional dose to her tion of the patrons of the church that
tee hing baby. The Tablets are the very will cost, when finished, in the neige-
best medicine In the world during the borhood of $700. Father Rondot, who
teething time, They regulate the - bo- has been here but a ;short time, de1s
welds sweeten the stomach, promote , serves great credit for his business
healthful sleep and make teething pain- activity in raising funds to accomplish
less. They are sold by,medicine dealers a work so much needed in the Frendh
or by mail - at 25 cents a box from settlement. j
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
vilile, Ont.- Zurich -
_ :(Received too Late for Last ,Week
A Runaway.—A, lively runaway took
place on the Zurich Road, Wednesday
Mutual Company will be 'held ;in Hen -
sail, on Friday, January 29Th, at 1.30
p.rn. The !Auditor's and Director's Re-
ports have be -1n issumd to 'members.
We are pleased to learn from these
that the company has had a very
prosperous year. It has fully overcome
the shaking up it got foe- the great
wind storm of two years ago. The fact
that it stood this great strain on its
resources so well speaksvolumes for
the soundness of the company 'and the
admirable manner nner in which it is being
Managed by the Directors and Officers.
We quate froin the Directors report
During - the year we have i adjus' ed
ninety-five chimes at :a cost of :1,666.-
03. 'We have not only paid all claims
and obligations against the Cotn.pany
t The Council,—At the inaugural meet-
ing of the Hay Township Council at last. As Mr. William Battler, of ithe
which all the members were present, Babylon Line; was passing tltrc}tigh
,the following officials were re -appoint -
the village his horse, attached to a
ed- at the salaries named: P. Hess, sr., cutter, took fright and started c n a
clerk, salary :•175, and $3 for every brisk run. Thedriver, when the auunimal
(Police Village aitd every qrain assess -
Pent. 'Treasurer. Thomas Johnston, sal- had gained 'considerable momentum,
$125, and $1.50 for every Police he
him -up short, but, as thf'ou�'h