HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-15, Page 8girst Choral Concert • In Cardno's Opera House . on Wed. Ev'g. Jan. 20 A chorus of 60 voices under the leaderdhip of Mr. R. W. Nixon and assisted by Mr. B an nah, reader of London Admission 25 anti 35 cents a , Plan of hall at W. T. Hays' • Drug Store, or - Saturday • - noon, January f6t11 5 •••:, ' 4 C5,...1 • • .1 ' ' . • • niftildifeileshossilldsme Ammetrimataasainatananeales January Sale of Furniture,beds springs &Inattreses Upholstering and Repairing done at I a right price . R. G. Winter TheLeading Furniture Dealer Seaforth • . • Ontario James TV atson Sueeessor to W. N. Watson General trire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. •Real Esnate and Loan Agent. Intettrance on an, kinds of property effedted at the loweit rates. a " Dealer in New Raymond, White and New Home Sewing Machines and National Cream Separators. ea full supply of sewing machine needles, attachments, oU and re- pairs always in stock. What's the Matter Tpith Father FIE'S ALRIGH2 _ But he really ought to have his picture taken—he hasn't had te photogrph since that funny looking one in that cut- awayoat that he Was married ID. Yes, Mother say& twasta, good one of him as he leoked then, but really, for the sake of the family1 there should be one of hina as he looks now. elfs Studio Seaforth J.F.DALY Jewelei. and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SELFORTII - ONT ••••••••••••••••••••••••• * , • • Another year haspas- 4•• • . : sed and looking back 1 • . -atiwhat we have ac- : : complished it pleases • • • • us to express - our ap- : • • preciation to those. I: : whose' courtesies and : • • patronage aided us in : : our progress. • • * • 4' We are thankful fat...the • ••• n. many favours rendered us • and extand to you our sin- ; 42 cere wishes for a joyous and • ' - prosperous New Year. • 4t; 4 1 Sproat ginnigan •I .. * . Seaforth • . s ._ **••••+••••••••••••••••.* iron Pumps & pump Repairing arn prepared to tariffs all kinds of ForOe and Litt Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc.. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Staticheons and Cattle Basins., • / / 8 rtoe is tg t Also all kinaisof pump repairingdone- on short notice. 'For terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St, East, or at residence, North nee Main Street J. F. Welsh Seaforth _ FRIDAY ANJJ SATURDAY SPECIALS :4 k Here are two exceptional bar- gains which you should take advantage of. At., this price they will not last long so come early, Men's Fine Styles at.. . Ladies' Fine pat» ent leather shoes C $3.50 $2.69 uron xpegior DISTRICT IjIATTIIIIS • '• T-4 .• District Meeting. — At the annual meetirg of ..the district of Hullett, of the Loyal Orange Association. on Tues- day last in their hall, -Winthrop, -the election and installation of officers were as •ftolows: Master of ,District, W. 11. Southgate; Dephty of District, D. E. Alaggie; Chaplain, John Scarlet; Rec Secty 3 Bullar, Fin. Secty„ J. Montgomery; Treas. Thos. Rands. first tLecturer, H Rei ; second Lec- turer, C. Turner, Diree or of :OereMon- les, tM. Watson. It as 'the largest and best ,ever held. In the district. Choral SociefY Ent ert inment. The initial -concert of the Choral Society will be given lo Cardn 's Opera House, Seaforth, on Wednesda evening, Janu- ary Oth. iThe choruses of .sixty 'voicee will be , assisted by 1 eg talent and Mr. Beet Hannah o London, Elocu- tionist and Reade. r. Hannah has an enciable eeputation arid It will sbe a "pleasure to, hear him. This ts one ot „the- most notable musi al and, literary events of the season aid the merits of "the entertaininent, to say nothing of the laudable object, e ould bring Out an overflow house. Th proeeeds are to be given in aid of the Red Cross. Annual Meetings.—T e annual meet- ing of ithe members o the South Hur- on Agricultural Society will be *held at ;Henson, on Tuesday next, the 19th inst. The- annual meeting of 'the Sea - forth Society at Seatrth, on Thurs- nlay, Jattuary 21.st. e annual meet- ing of the Exeter S ciety at Exeter, on January 15;' of he Bayfield So- ciety at Bayfield, o January 20th; of the East Huron S ciety, at Brussels, on January 20th. The annual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company win he held in the town hall,- Seaforth, on Feb. 5th, at 2 tpon. The Wind Insurance Company in the new Town :11a11,Hen.- salle on Friday,' January 29th, "at 1.30 • P.re. The agricultural meetings should. 'coinrnence at 1 clock. It is -desirable that all these ineetings should' be largely attended. • Belgian Relief.—The ladies of the lo- cal Belgium Relief Committee -desire us to acknowledge for them the fol- • lowing cash contributions to the fund: SubsOrietions, 59.50;$New Year's dance, *32; Methodist League, $5 ; Class tn Methodist Sunday School, $3.35; Eg- mondville Sunday School, $8; Box in Post Office, 5.38; Box in 'Dominion Bank, Box Box in Public ;Library, 60 celits, making a total 'of- $120:24., Mrs. J. B. Thompson, the Treasurer, has farwarded $100 to the parent com- mittee in Montreal. The- ladies have al- so a large consignment of clothing and other comforts which they intend to .forward this week. -Any who 'desire to contribute to this laudable object at any time, can give their contributions to the local Treasurer, Mrs. tJ. B. • Thompson, wbo will be glad no Ireceive and acknowledge them and have them forwarded to the main committee, • installation of Officers.—At the re- gular meeting of Fidelity Lodge, In- dependent Order of Oddfellows, on Wednesday evening, the following of- ficers were instglad by District De- puty .Grand Master McKay, and staff of Hensall J.P.G.; Charles Clark; N. G, Frank Weila•nd; V.G., W. J. Wil- liams; R.S., .F. Harburn; W. H. Golding; TreaSurer, John Thompson; Wan, J. B. Thd pson; Con., R. Nel- son; R.S.N.G., Ro ant McKenzie; L.S. N.G.. H. al. Sco t; R.S.V.G„ Fred Twiss; L.S.N.G., ,A. McGavin; Chan, James Beattie; .R S.S_ John Quail; L, S.S., PoWhiteley ; I.G., Ed. 'Mole; 0.G., Robert Th ceremony of 4nstal- lotion was perfor ed in a higly effici- ent and credits, e manner, and was much appreciated by the members pre- sent. At the co elusion of the work In the lodge ro m, a ,tasty luncheon was served and pleasant hour spent In eong and sod 1 intercourse. They Never orgetra-Huronites, rio matter where the ,world their lot • may be cast, nev r forget the old Coun- ty but always r tain a ctiVarm 'place -in :their affections or the old home Coun- tyeeln a letter. ecently received from 10. !William J. ord, of Loomis, Wash- ington' R. 5., e says: "While away • almostthirty years from the old. peun- ty, it is yet a bright tspot in my memory. ;Old horne, old school. days ,and old associa.tionsl are still deal to me. I notice one bbr one, the older ones that I have kneiwn are passing away." Mr. tFord is .a native of the anwnship of fruck,ersinith, and will be remember- • ed 'by some tof our older readers. ;He ta-ught school _;Vviien a young man in *hat was thenirled the White School House, East of , ensall. His old ,friends will be pleased f to hear about etim and 'Us learn that while he has ,prospered • in the new, hone, he stillthas a kindly feeling for the friends and scenes- of his earlier days. . 1, The McKIllop Insurance C011ipany.— The thirty-ninth annual meeting of tht McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany has t.been fixed for tFriday, Feb- ruary 15th, .in the town hall, -Seaforth, at two o'clock, p.m. The ii,nnual re- port of the Directors and anuditors, which thas been prepared, shows the Company to have had a very pros- perous year, The losses, while quite 1 Ed. up from Seaforth and Will from nurnerduni were not heavy and the 1 Dungannon. . The reunion was much Cornpany; after paying all losses and enloyed by all."—Mr. ott .1: 14.-oss. ot expense, will have a liberal surplus Wiesharn, brother of Dr. H. 11-1. R033, t on the .ye rs' operations and Iclose ,the was- in town last week. He came down. year wItle a total surplus or rest fund to see .his mother, who is not enjoy - of $4,061, which is sufficient for all ing good health. — Mr. T. Ward, of purposes, hut none too much for (safe- Wetaskiwin, Sask., is visiting his moth- • ty. During the year the company ac- , er :and sister in Egmondville -and oth- cepted 512 applications, covering insur- er friends in this vicinity. Mr. Ward ance to -the amount of 4$1,013,440. The is one ,of the Huranites who has ,pres- result of the years' operations and the opered in the West, and although times high standing of the company, -shows * are somewlaat dull just now he has that the business has been conducted_ bright hopes for the future.—Mr. W. by the Directors and Officers with • McWhinney of Dungannon was 'This due care and_ prudence. week visiting at the -home of Mr. and • _ • e Mrs, Ed. Mole in Seaforth and with Married in the West.—The bride men- Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Docherty, Egmond- tion.ed in the following Paragraph. ville.—The Tuckersmith Council met in which we take from The Gazette of the town hall, Seaforth, on Monday for Rivers, Manitoba, of December 31st, is organization. All- the officials of las€ well known in Seaforth and Brucefield, year, were re-elected.—A dance in old and her many friends hereabouts will of the Red dross Fund under ' the • „ _ • • .• • • - „ - • • e • TITE HURON Wilson, and ,toolt their places iiender a beautiful arch formed of evergreens, bedecked With flowers and bells. Tho bridesinaid was Mtge Bertha O'Brien, of Brandon, the groom being support- ed by his brother, Alfred, The ,two little nieces of the bride, Alice and Mallory, looked very dainty, the first named as ring bearer, and (Mariory as flower -girl, striving with flowers the path of the bride. the bride leaked charrning :a.beautiful gown of twilit') silk crepe, with overdress of embrold- ered chiffon triinmed with rhinestones and pearls, and carried a shower bou- quet of white roses. The bridesmaid wore a ,gown of embroidered --marqui- sette, and carried a, bouquet of ,pinIc carnations. The ceremeny concluded andtcongratulations extended, the com- pany repaired to the ;lining' room, where a splendid weddigg dinner was served to which all d,id juStice, the members of the bride's Bible class act- ing 'as waitresses. The rest of vthe ev- ening was given up to nansietand Social pleasure. „The guests, numbering about fluty, were mostly relatives, 'many com- ing froin Brandon. andt district. The XPOSITOlt Fwarfied Pictut*es at - 25 cents Oach We have a number of framed. pictures, regular • 30, 35 and 40 celit which we ar.e earing out. They coin in dif- ferent subjects a d styles • 25. cents e ch. • res Bookstore Sealoith Window shades and picture fraMes • made to order. Her -many friends will hope for a suc- cessful, operation and. a speedy recov- groom's present to the bridesmaid was , a pearl broocNtto the best mart a _stick ',,ery.—Miss Annie Kruse of Egroond- viile, left on Saturday for a few ;weeks' Pin. The presents were numerous and 1$roved the esteem in which the couple -deft with relativeGalt.—Miss fire held. Mr. and Mrs. Wareham left ?tiveladawhoremnece,thoisf:.wPaglerftero,n aa. viit tro- dui the train amid': hoWers -Of rice, tasfetti and good wislies from a large her mo Mrs Ames Lawrence, and good-natured crowd. They will MeKillop, and othein, friends. — Mr. visit Regina, Moose Jaw, Drinlywater i William Mulcahy, who had been to return to Rivers in about three esPra'llaanidrIgsistilteersilic'n1t.dtajwsa,NYlietflit honis'.14Wuet114 and other western points, and expect Wed - weeks to make—their home. - l'NneasidiyaiY infosrpecatoolruthZurs,t5h'Oehio. —Dr Me - Board of Pro ,Incial Health, willgive an inturrata *Married in Dakota.—We take the fol - ed lecture for the t eft of the c R- hea t h lowing from a Pembina paper. It will dren. and; a public lecture 4n. the -town spend the winter.—Mr. H. Edge las been ' confined to his residence this week through ilinesa,,—A sndsw;-shoeing party was very hospitably entertained at the of bliss Ruby Bristow on :Wednesday evening' last. .A.I1 report a nada enJoYable time, and confident that she makes a most worthy . hostess. Death of 'Mr. Robert McMordiet—An- „other of the honored pioneers of Huron has been removed by death. Mr, Robert MeMordie 'died at his home in 'London, ,early Wednesday morning. He had reached the age of 16 years. He had not enjoyed good health for 'several months, suffering from. a gradual breaking up of a once tstrong constitu- tion. M-eet MeMordie for many 'years occupied a prominent position in Hur- on County as a leading Agriculturist He took ;an active and leading part In all,,illovements calculated to advance the welfare of his fellow 'farmers, be- ing actively connected with Agricul- tural Societies, Farmer's Institutes and an such .enterprises. He wafqe; man of good „ability and ,was Well versed in public questions and WAS a fluent, easy public speaker. Be resided on :the Lon- don Road, first in Tuckersmith, and, afterwards in Hay Townships nearly all his life Until he -sold his beautiful/ homestead farm south of Kippen, few years ago and removed to London. He belonged to the,Presbyterineeehurch and was a 4.41beral in politics although of a very independent _hilt!. ofhtnind. He 414.,his bwrn thinking arid acted acalirdiriAi, .1n priktate lite he was a most genalt hospitable 'gentleman and had many .warlt Wends. He is sur- vived by', a' widow and -a grown up famlly -teens and daughters. The funeral ' taloa place on Saturdai tat Henson, on the arrlital anorming train from London; at 9..55. 'The a.e- mains willthe taken to tHensall Union Cernetery. , •, ; - JANUARY 15. 915 .04.:+4.444,4414.4,, ni• 1 . + a +÷ . . . , +.. , ii. XCEP TION4L VALUES for yow + + money is: what /you get here now. .t. • ' .Rxtraordinarik low _prices on all 'wear- ing I.! ing apparel. Our entire stock of Ladiei I I -Misses' and Children's _Ready-to-wear I - • :- Garments at big price reductions. Conze : and get a Bargaftn. Quality same as ever. t. .•,, de. Prices are lower than ever. • be of interest to -many of our read- hall, on the 26th . inst., net. 3 and g . ,-.....-., ........„.„- . +. .e.. ers, the groom being a native of this o'clock p. M.—Mayor .Ament is having + 4 1, - County and. a son of Mr. Peter Mc- his yards filled up again with legs 4-- 4. * Ewen, formerly of McKillop : 4 quiet for summer cutting —At the town • ., - - 4. wedding took place at the home of Mr, council meeting on Monday the stand- 4- . . . - r- 9 * and Mrs. tA: R. Harvey 'of Pembina, on ing Committees for last year were all , . ta T re-apiointed for the present year as •, Stalifse • - . 4 4, Wednesday, December , 30th, when their . t • eldest daughter, Enda., was married to were also the town -officials tat the Noten—Ma, Willia:m Jeffrey is slow- „1: -•-• , Mr. James McEwen. of Cavalier, N.D. „ foidner, salaries. --:- Mrs. R. H. Peck ly recovering from a severe attack of 4- et The ceremony was performed by thc was in ,Varna, this week, visiting -her blood polsoning.—Mrs. lef. L. Woelard, • 4- _groo'rn; the bridal party standing 1111- sorry to learn is quite 111.—Mrt James Institute at the_ horae of Mrs. Be de -4- -te Rev. John McEwen, brother of the uncle, Mr. Wm. Clark, • whO we are of Toronto, will a,aaress the 'Women's a • der an arch of ivy, pink and white Wright, Of point Edward, an da Sea- Drake, on Satarclay, January 16th, at 4 two o'clock, p.m. 1 the 'ladies -of_ the • -te coinmuntiy are Inv ted to attend... + * . 4. carnations, and, a variety of ferns. The forite, was in town this 'week, calling on old friends. Mr. Wright has been Spending the holidays with -his broth- er Mr. Charles Wright, in "Tucker.. lilies • shower bouquet of •white roses and - smith, Mr. Wm. Murdoch, in Sgrnond- lilies of the valley. The only ornam- vine, and other Meas.—Mrs: Alex. ents worn being a string of pearls and McCartney, of fhfoose Jaw, in here visit - e pearltereseent. After the congratu- ing her brother, Mr. John Beattie.— lations following the ceremony, which Mrs. George Buggin . has gone to took place at twelve o'clock, a seven ` Markdale, to visit her daughter, Mrs. course .direner was served:, covers being James Beattie laid for fifteen, decorations being pine, 0. W. Rutledge.—Mrs. has gone .to 3717'innipeg, to visit a few roses and snsilato The guests were - weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. 'McEwen of Cavalier, para r Who, we are sorry to tarn is not hay - ants of the groom; Rev. John MeEweri, Ing good health.—Mr. G. M. ,Elliott, of ,Hoiner, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thex- the Children's ,Aid Societyrwas th town ton, and ‚Mrs Frank Chapman, of Win- . on Tuesday looking after/the interests nipeg; Mrs. Chisholm, and Rey. 'S. AL - of the Society,—The Trustees of School Kelley. The bridal couple left on the SectionoNo.19, Tuckersniith,. are adver- train for the 1Twin Cities, Chicago, and tising for a care -taker and Tor woode other eastern points. The bride's going Mr. Isaac Moore., the •Secretary, will away gown -was of green 'bedford cord, receive applications 'until the 19th inst. trimmed. with jet. The popularity ar. —Rev. Mr. Barker will have for his bride was shown by the large. sobject Sunday morning, "The Light number of beautiful, _costly and use- . . r of the World.” 'The evening • theme ful presents. . • • will be "The Guest of the Best."— Mrs. Harry Edwards and Mrs al. Mar- in. Forr of Stratford; eye, ear, nose and Best."— throat sp, ialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, sae tin, of Goderich, spent a few days. here forth, on 8rd Wednesday of each month from 11 to 8, - this week, the guests of Mrs. T. tO. eert next Wednesdcy evening. Help the Red Cross by attending the Cho2ra45/7.clon. 1 13eeCtentt.—thMe133g:le:ytrtoler Parson, who Evelyn no schacs-, pounce, for sale. .Apply on lot 27, Huron /toad, Clinton.—In the recent election returns Hogs fOr Sale—About 15 licr, weighing about 80 - Xan, has returned to her home near Tuekersmith. Jopn Dale Jr. we notice that Dr Thomas McQuade bring the old one to 11, Horan, ladies tailor. He ' "'''''' makes any kind. . Furs II:kmodelied—Ladite if you want a new fur 24574f city of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. Dr. l'°°' been elected an alderman 'for the McQuadeal eKl ll o p 00 pf o yt h, a at Edge, Setiforth. For Sale—Several rood houses on easy term283.29!L • . 'McQuade30t iero f is ouannellolloar Dr. Heileman, Osteorathic Physician ili at the •township and a graduate of the Sea- Clommercial Hotel every Tuesday and Friday mom 8 forth Collegiate -Institute.—At its meet - to 12 30, See Professional Card page 7. ' 2446-0 Ing on 'Monday last- the McKillop Court - Marriage Li2enses issued by Sa.vauge and Stollery • Jewellers, Eta., Seaforth. 227741 ell generously granted $100 to tthe Bel- gian Relief .Fund,and 4511 eto the Red Caution—The undersigned will not be responsible hereafter for any debts contracted in his nameCr088.—Mr.—W1ribT1 leaves here n' th•ee 25th TO' tassuine his military , duties in , out his written otter or conserxt. J. G. McMicheel. .. -• 455x1 bride looked charming in a dress of satin cha,rmeuse with. lace oeerdress, trlrned with seed pearls, and carried connection with the third contingent.1 Mr. Bert Hannah, of London, will be the reader COL Wilsma will have charge of hoot at choral concert next Wednesday evening. His worth hearing. seloctions are both humorcius and pafbe2t4iota.alud linnitary divisions and his headquart-, . tors in he meantime will be London) nt Mr. am. , ennettOnotelVitifin The Curlers.—Three rinks of curlers was in town on Thursday, and visited were in St. Marys on .Friday last play - his sister, Mrs. Jameison, Huron Road, ing -for the Elgin trophy, but were West. Mrs. tlamelson's friends will be defeated by the club of , that town bOr sorry , to know. she is ;not enjoying the one shot. at 'was a bard Igame to lose - best of health.—Mrs. Parker, of De- as they .were tied until 'the last stone, troit, is ,the guest -of Mr. and. Mrs. R. De - when W. ,Andrews, the veteran skip, S. Hays.—Word. received. from Sans - made e perfect draw to the tea to bury and Bermuda is to tthe effect schre the winning shot. that the boya all received their par- -On Monday night John Beattie's cels on Christmas Day In good shape. rink was called upon to splay .the first Wheat is now $1.15.—Mrs. F. .Case game of the season in ,defence of the and ddiss -Case left en Monday after - Glenn Trophy, which they won hast noon ,for Toronto, where they • will winter,. when London came here to have a try for it. The heavy ice did aminneensde not seem :to effect ,the „home boys any as they started in early no pile up .score land kept ,sat -it ;until they had • the visitors ,23 to a/. The last three ends were not -played as London de- cided the task of carrying home the trophy was a hopeless one. The follow- ing were the rinks: London—F. Ash - plant, J. Griffith, Dr. 3. A. Wright, J. Trebelcock, skip. Seaforth—G. Beth- une, W. E. 'Kerslake, W. fBethune rand 3. Beattie, skip. - Local Briefs—Mrs. Taylor, of North Main street, while corning out of church on Sanday evening last, had the. mis- fortune to fall and fracture her arm. We ,are •glad to learn that she 13 pro- gressing favorably.—Miss Haryey, of Pense, Saskatchewan, is the guest of her eousin, Miss Kate fMcDiarmidt Goderkh street.—An Auburn. corres- pondent says: "With one exception ih.e family of Mr. and Mrs. John Mole spent the big holiday , with 'them, 'Mrs. Will Sparks coming down frorn Elgin, • unite with The Expositor 1i wishing Look placc e of Mr. ss Pearl Woodley, Sister of the latter was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Ha ry :Ware- ham. Both of the contracting parties are well and favorably known in Riv- era and neighborhood. Rev. Wl W11- her mdch, future happiness Come'and see the samples in happy and interesting event our windows & be convinced. on Christmas Day at the ho and Mrs. J. O'Brien, when i auspices of the Benedicts and Bach- elors, will be held in Cardno's Opsra House on Friday; evening, the 29th inst. The music will he iby Cortese Bros., of London.—Mr. Geo !McKay of Toron- to, is renewing Old. acquaintances in town and vicinitte—The Ladies' Atid of the Presbyterian Church will serve their regular monthly ten cent tea in • the basement of the church on Tues- . 1. 1 J son performed the ceremony. Punctu- day afternoon from four to six o'clock. Home of Good Shoes ally at o'clock the bridal tarty en- Everyone welcome —Miss Lillian Twiss PHONE 51 SEAFORTH tered the eiarlor to the strai s of the is in .stratford Hospital this week un - wedding mrch, played. by Miss Cora 'darning an operation for appendicitis. . - • • • --••• • • • MS, 11•11111=111.1111110,..11 O. 11, A. Intermediate New Hamburg vs. Seaforth Tuesday, %lin. 1 -9th Game called at 8 p.m. sharp New .Hamberg have a strong team and are out to win. Can they do it Come and see a fast game, • Admission 25, Ladies and Children 15c C. ABERRART SMITH. President . Secretary ' Ma' p ') The Council.—The tCouncil net in Calder's Hall, Winthrop, on Monday, for organization purposes. All the meth- bers were present. The following dif- firers were appointed .for the current year: M. Murdie, Clerk, salary, Ifni(); George ;Holland, 'Treasurer,. 4125; Wm. .Evans, ;Assessor, $100; Jas. Kerr and John Shannon were appointed Auditors. Dr. Burrows, Seaforth was appointed Medical Health Officer and lasers. S. J. Shannon and John Murray with the Reeve and Clerk as Board of Health. The next meeting of the. Council will be held at the Commercial Hotel, 'Sea - forth, on Monday February 8th, r- • . - , Hensall Oorn -Three cars just arrived whole and ground, also bran and shorts. Highest prices paid for all of grain, ehquire for prices. D. Urquhart, phone 27, gentian. ' 2457x4 , D. Haidie, dentist, each Titsday and Friday, in Hensaill, each Wednesday and Thursday in Zurich, High class work. Phone No. 5, Hensel 2454-tf Briefs.—With continued fairly good sleighing business is quite brisk in our village, and all kinds of storm products are corning freely into market ' and meet with ready demand and :good prices.—The Misses Johnston of Wit - ,low -Hail Farm, very pleasantly tenter-. tabled a nuinber of their friends on -Tuesday evening.—Miss ataggle Stura • geon is ;quite ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Habkirk, suffer- ing fret a stroke. Miss.fDora Sherritt, Professional Nurse, is waiting upon her.—The many relatives And - friends of Mr. Williain Gilchrist, of Tacoma, Wash., , and formerly of this Allege, will regret to learn of t his recent death 'which oceured from the effects of poison and which his ystem be- came affected from his treatment ,as a veterinary surgeon of a Etpceased horse. It 11appea s that the poison set 4 up a most seve oase -of infIarnation of the veins ,of his) lent 'Vvhich led to his death. The deceased was well and fav- orably known here • as a young man and his Fife and family have much sympathy in the loss of a kind hus- band and father.—The friends of Miss Edith White will be interested to learn that she has been visiting her cousin, Miss Gladys Brandt, of 'Vernon, B. C., and that ,she intends Making her fu- ture hoine in Vancouver. Both Miss White and Miss Brandt were • former Hensall girls with a -very large circle of friends, .who will unite with your correspondent in wishing them all hap- piness and prosperity.—The annual Con- gregationel meeting of Carmel Presby- terian Church will be held ion Wednes- day evening, January 20th, when re- ports from all the organizations of the church will be read, including the Trea- surer's report. This meeting will -be looked forward to with very much dn- terest.—We learn at date of writing that Mr. William Adchardeon of this village, one la the oldest in' en 'here, if not the yery oldest, is quite ill from the breaking down of a ,once particu- larly strong constitution..—Mr. Hugh J. McDonald of this village has sold his fine dwelling on King Street, a lit- tle west of Carmel Church, to Mr. Wm. Fee of this village. We have not yet learned what Mr. McDonald intends doing in the way of rebuilding or pur- ,chasing, but an he is one of our ,good citizens, and an enterprising live stock buyer, we trust he may continue to reside here.—Mr. James E. Sparks Arid wife, of Sarnie, have been spending the past week or two with the former'e mother.—In the matter of school chan- ges and new teachers, we learn that Ur.' W. .E. Hoggarth is now teaching at School Section No. 10, a couple of miles south west of , our village, while Miss Mabel Sparks has secured. a school on the fourteenth concession of Hay, at 'quite a - nice advance ,on that of her foriner school.—A social gathering under the auspices of the Henseli town hall. amusement committee, is to he held in the new town hall this Friday evening. Dancing and cards announc- ed. Proceeds in aid of ;furnishings. for the i-tew hall and .a large attendance is expected.—Miss Edith McEwen, who is the second highest teacher but .of e, staff of fourteen, in one of the prin- cipal -schools of Orillia, andwho has given excellent satisfaction, is home at present on account of illness,. but hopes soon .to be able to resume her .duties.—Mr. Wm. McKay, District Dep- uty Grand Master of the Oddfellows, for South Huron and suite, are instal- ling officers at the different lodges, and we deem are doing 'their twork in a 'manner that evokes high enconiums. —Miss Nellie Carmichael, who holds a good position as stenographer, in Stratford, was home recently spending •a- few days with her mother here.— Additional ,Hensall items win be found on the 3rd page. . ' * • 1+ Blow hot or cold, rain or snow, we plan t� **make THE .McFAUL STORE al- : ways attractive to you in midwinter that tyou will be a fregnent visitor. Winter t :4•,‘ Goods, the things you wed 1,,ight now, 1, have been reinafked at attractive prices. Furs \ - Have you any thought whatever of buying an 4: article of fur this *winter ? If you have, by all means * &tine and learn about the special values we have. tinderwear Irwr 4. Wouldn't you rather spend a few dollars for good ; warm underwear right now than to give'a ,lot of money 7,f, to your friend, the doctor ? Get good underwear. Get it. here, because good underwear is the kind we sell. Blankets •*.4: • There's comfort aad to spare in a pair of our Five .1. Dollar Blankets. Let's exchange. The blankets are t regular $6 value, but at present we wilJ take a fire dol- lar bill for them. Special values also in the cheaper 1: and better grade blankets. •;1 • Comforters Nearly every bed needs extra corr,s how. We have t excellent value -in both the low-priced and higher grade •comforters, according to the need • of the customer. + Extra special values $1.35 to $6,75. 4.• Golf Coats • There's more comfort in a Sweater Coat in mid -win- • ter than in keeping the price in your pocket -book or- $ in the bank. Of ciourse, when you buy, buy here. t. • Prices 75e to $3 5o.z Regular values $1.23 to $5•50. edd 8EATOR111.--, ONL i 4-5 r.4• ' W01.11 Black i Farlin Fur c Meh'i Rem co m Merl the the Bete' the origi 11 store kno wher quen been days Dies, Very smemsmosur assuommown