HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-08, Page 51914
ds of
eavy ordera
rahr have; the
hoots and
ence whether
irs, felt -lined
sins, over-
at this store
- other store
ry instance.
rt.00k i5-ated
'; elkskin mac-
e- ; guaranteed
iave felt boots
$1.00 and
tn moccasins at
See.00 a pair;
eoc, Seec and
vely the best
Lit stYlee-twee
seven and
er terra ad vot-
rL MeNaughtan
r --est ..visiting their-
ps and Cases, and
' time In Hensall
Mee. R. Cud -
• all -their sone
g the Christman
ays and had quite
around them, 'ail
exceptien of the
e from home fill -
res. -Mfr. 3.
lir. Wm. Dou-
t.nd formerly
-a few days with
s the past week,
position with the
atty.-Mize Maud
letting at ‘Malton,
her parents. Mr.
dlistin-The next
e Bank Fenner's
e ld next Tuesday -
all, Will vary a
The most inter -
talk by M. Joha
rough the West -
the past summer.
over 5,500 miles
sixty-three days,
McDonell , have
'Where they spent
-and friends. -The
he Soath Huron
will be. held- In
wa horne fro -in
a visit a.ccom-
itidgetown, re -
there -Mr. Robert
ten; spent New
h Mr.Drytscialva
rt Reichert and
were here recent-
ertn parents,
! Buchanan were
week by their
a.c.-Miss Emily
the West on a
relatives and
. meet her again,
!, off Guelph, Is
th his parents,
e- 11 teison.-afre,
ae Man Dorothy,
elle-, and friends
r3y.-Mrs. James
irnsd from Wat-
t; vieiting• her
1.1cLartre arise.
c. Dry edele, spent
!Is in Landon.-
'Teronto, and
1, of. Btrlin, re-
rre-ith thsir par -
W. Ortwein.-
te hes- nturned
eeu.--M.- Helen
ilday-4 with her
4fr. Carrot Caee
etj-lend the
rt: .0.. Mr. and
3-1Len-S Buch.
s n visit- -
e:atieg and curl-
sr. Celgare.,
rattives- and
Buchs.naa. of
th- ir pertnte,
r're-h ee -Mrs.
rae.ctennanied by
evens. Mr. and
and t
Store -di
* Stanley
Dr. 'Hardie, denti.t, each Monday. Tuettday and
Frithee Itt tieuatil, peen edeonesday end Thundadh
in Z tr eh. coenne wine Jene 'try 40, 1915.• nigh
class work. Phone No. 5, Mansell. , 2454-tf
A Christmas Wedding -A very
pretty wedding wall celebrated at the
home of Mr. and "Mrs. Walter Stew-
art, on. Wednesday, December 30th,
-when their eldest daughter, Sarah
Jane, became the bride Of Mr. James
Harvey Turner, a prosperous young
farmer of the Parr Line, Stainley. The
"oride entered tliepa,rlor to the strains
-of Mendelssuhn'S March played by the
bride's sister, Miss Margaret Stewart.
The ceremony was. performed by Rev.
Mr. Johnston. The bride wos hand-
somely gowned in cream silk Crepe
De °Ilene with satin or pearl trim-
mings and carried a, boquet of carna-
tions and wore the bridal veil and or-
-ange blossoms, Congratulations over,
the bridal{ party add guest's to the
number of about forty assembled in
dining r ,can where a sumptuous repast
was sm..; ed. The evening was spent
in music. games -ete. Tne presents
-were both numerous and lbeautiful
testifing to the high esteem in which
the young couple are. held. Mr.- and
Pars, Turner have the good wishes of
a large cir.che of friends.
Erkils.-The first a the noronthly
horse fairs snas held here on Itidaiy,
.lagt. There Nan igood (trowel in
totem and a (number of horses e
offered for sale. -Mrs. Robt. Wight -
rest is crenlined to 'her bed (wIth, la
krippe.--afr. %M. !Begley has returned th
Alberta after a vieit here with his
Talents, lafr. arid Mrs_ Wm. Begley'.
!He will play hockey with pne of the
ra.st Alberta teams, -Miss Lily Carr,
'who (has been: spending Christmas holi-
days at her home here, hal returned to
-Toronto, where she is attendivan iptea-
voness College, and from which she
will ige-aduate next spring. -Mr. 'George
°Tindall of Chatham is visiting friends
In this part. Mr. %Tindall at one time
livid ion the farm now owned'py Mr
Wrie McDowell. It is about thirty years
since he left this section and his old
friends were all -Iglad to see Silm.-Mr.
A. B. Carr received word this week
that a sister-in-law, Mrs..Killough. who
is iwell-known here, had been stricken
with paralysis and Is in a very crit-
ical condition. -Mr. and Mrs. George
Jackson and sod mof Saskatchewan are
visiting ,S,t the .home of (Mr. William
Jackson tend. other 'frien-ds.--::Mr. F.
Haines, who has been the much esteem-
ed manager of the Bank of Hamilton
here for the past year, has been Vans-
fereed to Painaerston. ate, A. 1M. Cat
hew at Palmerston will act 4; man-
ager here.
e •
-On ,WedneedaY" Of last week at
Crotearty rise, one of Hibbert's es-
timable or ang ladies was united in
wedlock lbse Rev. David Ritchie to- Mie
William White, cyf Barn -iota, Mare A.
reception 'was held on their return tram
their wedding trip previous to leav-
'tag for their home in the West.
-A very sad death occured at Wing
ham, on Saturday night. STS. aran
'Amey, widow of George Jamey, died
In ithe (General Hospital, afttir ees
of about two Months. She and
her Ptsband and ehild, Winifred, ceene.
to this country from England, about
three years Ago, .when Mr. Amey took
'up farm wcirk (arid alsositvorked {fol.' a
tire as (a- section 'ha:nd lotn: the -0,T.R.
rre became ill and. died soon after. -AU.
!Miley Obtained la situation .as tcook for
the (hospital, :vvhich she held until about
two ehonths ego, when '''She was taken
ill. She underwent a slight operation,
but {she never recovered, cancer being
the cause of, her illness and ideath.
Mrs. (Amey had much 'trouble, losing.
h er husband en October *21, 1912 ana
her gather, in England, on January 19,
1913. She (else lot all her furnish-
ing, (which was consumed by :fire 11IS
friend's !house, where it N';;;as stored.
F. 'Bailey, of Sauth Street, took the
remains to his residence, and adopted
the (little girl for his own, as we 3
the mother's whito
0 •.******•••••••••••••1>•••
-• •
-• A
. Correction .
. .
• Reperts have been circulated •:
4; in the territory adjacent to '
4 •
• Seatorth that our mills were #
I closing clown permanently.
We •
take this opportunity of •
• announcing that our manufac- •
• tuning department will be dos- •
• ed for one month to make some 4i
* necessary repairs. In the •
• meantime we are prepared. at #
• all times to do chopping and •
• crushing as usual. ' We me *
st olso buying grain and are pre- •
• pared to pay the highest price •
, for same, •
• •
• •
• 2450 1 LTD. ite
• •
Seaforth. Jan. 7th 1915
J 1, rem, r etareta n in (n ew) . . 1 10 to 9 1 1.0
pr heal hem) 4.1 to 43
T. es, per bneien .. ..... . ..... ., 1 00 to 1 00
it tatty, per ',matte., ...„..- 60 to 60
Stan per ton , 26 00 to 26 00
dame, per ton, 28 00 to 28 00
.inlour, per 100 lin. , 3 00 to 3 76
!latter No. 1. loose. ..... .-....-Oa to 24
31 to 33
1 iy ... ..... ...... .... 12 00 to 18 00
haetatoee, per hag 45 to 45
01{48 107,4 .. • . •
Bean Market
Toronto. 'Jen., Firlmes,
nu.sie 2.50 to 82.70; hand-picked per
basher $2.75 to $2.85.
JJ trot Jan., 5. -Beans. -Immediate
prompt and January shipments, 82.75;
February, --.2.85; May, 82.90\ s'
Poultry Markets
Toronto, ,n,in„ 5.-Lies.-Ch1cken3, 11c
to ,13c; foSn, 10c to 11c; ducks-, 10c
to,(1.2c; reess, 10c to 12n; turkeys, -14c
to 15c. Ine serd.-Chicicens, 14c to 16c;
fowl, .10s to lir; ducks, .lec to , 12c;
geese, 102 to 12c; turkeys, 14c 'to 15c.
London-, Jan„ 5. -Dressed. Sprine.,
chickens p.n. pair, 81.00 to $1.50; ducks
per .par, *_.1.25 to $2.00; thickens, per
lb., oes, to 14c; \turkeys, per lb., 20c tto
22c; fret re pr lb., .130 kto 15e. /
Comm! rcial horse trade is seaeone
ably dui!. In -the United' States, but a
larger volume IA trade on that account
is expect d during Janua,ry, says the
Breed e s !Gazette. Current business Is
mathiy cn British army accotnit, which
is absorbing about 150 head daily, cav-
alry hcrses selling at $135 and ;stock
suited to artillery purposes at $175.
The few work chunks moving axe real-
izing. $150 to $185, With bccaSional
sales aroand or about $200., The It-
alian ,ordeig whiclf was taking' clot ,of
W. T. BOX & co
Holders:lof Government Diploma,.
and License -
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 107 _ Phone 50
cheap Tiding homes recently has been
filled. Winter weather is expected to
revive lotal demanti: and Inquiry is al-
ready coming &one dealers who handle
larm atotk, indicatiagesa earlier opene
tre that trade than usual. le.ftee
January dealers express tontidence
that pricee will -Nvork
Dairy Marketd
gontreal, thattl., (5. -"Meese, finest
;westerns, 15 (34 to 16c; finest east -
erns, 15 1.-2 to s15 5-8c. Butter, choic-
est feteareuery, 29 to 29' 1-2c; seconds.
28 it 28 1-2c. ellIggs, treah, 56 to 60c;
selected 31 'to 32e; No. 1 (stock, 38
to 129e; .to. 2kstock,' 125 to 26c.
Toronto, (Jan., 5. -Butter. --There is
demand for the best grades
of butter, and rtices are firm. Choice
dairy, 23 to 24e; inferior, 120 to 21c;
creamery prints, 29 to (Pc; do., ,soLtds,
28 to 294. F,a.rmers' sepatator, 26 to 21e.
Eggs. -New -laid, selects, dozen, 36 to
38e, storage, 28 to .30c. Honey. -Buck-
wheat, '7 1-2c a. pound, in tins; ,7c In'
barrels; stiained ctover honey, 12c a
pound in 60 -lb tins; .13c in 10 -no tins;
130 in 6 -lb tins; comb honey, No. 1
$2.15 per dozen; eaetra, 42,25 to $2.50
Per dozen; No. 2, 82. to 82.25 per dozen.
London., Pane A. -Retail Butter. -
Rolls, 'per ro.; ,2g, to 32c; fancy pe lb.,
28 to 32c; dairy per lb., 27 to32c;
cradles, per lb., 129( to 30c. Eggs, Per
doz., 48 to 45e; 'ens, per basket, 38
'to 40c; egg's, per doz. isteire lots, 33 to
16c, (Hkeney, (strained, 10 lb, $1...40 to
Grain, Eto.
Toronto, Oan., Sianitoaa,
first patents quieted 'fat $6.60, in jute
bags; second patents, $6.10; • Stew -1g
ba.kerer (S6.90; „Ontario .wheat tlour„00
per cent. patents, quoted at $4.85 to
$4.05, (seaboard. Wheat. -,Manitoba No.
Northsrn (quoted t $1.36; Na. ;, 2 at
$1..3,3, and (No. 3 at $1,29, Ontaria
wheat, pica -2 quoted rat 41.13 to '81.15,
at ptrtside points. Oran-Ontarior quot-
ed tat 49 to 50, outside, and at 62
to p3c on track, Toronto. Western Cp.,n-
Ada o. 2 (quoted ,'at 62 S -2c and \I\Tp.
3 at §9c. Elarley.-Market is qUiet, with
malting (grades at 64 to 68c, outelde.
Rynt-The market ie. du" at 98c to
81.00, efutelde. Peas. -The market is
quiet3 Svith igio. 2 iiuoted at 81.55 to
$1.65, tautside., 'Corn. -No. 3 new Am-
erican quoted at 78c, all (rail, Toronto
firelight. aillfeeds-Can JOTS per ton,
bran 0-25 to 826; -shorts, $27 to $128;
030 .to $32; !good feed flohr,
831,0 840. Onions. -Canadian, 75 -pound
bags, 01440; Spanish, !crate, $4. Po-
tatoes '-Onearlos +$1.40 nee ba,g, out
tetore, hue iri tax lots; new (Bruns.
tvvicke, S5c per bag, out of stSre, 65c
In car lots. Baled Hay hand- Straw. -
Dealerre paying as 'follows for car.
lot deliveries ion track here:-StrIalw Is
quoted at s$1.50 to 88 a ton, Li car
lots, on track here. Hay. -N. 1 new
hay (1.8quoted816.50 to $17, nil
track there; ,No. 2 at 815 to .81.5.50
and No. 3 at. $13 to $13.50. ,
Live Stock Markets.
Buffale, -(Jan„ - Market
slow ; (25 to 35 cents lower; choice- to
prime eteetrs, $8.75 -to 89.25; fair to
good, 11;8.25 to 88.50; plain, $7.75 to
88.25; ehoice .heavy butcher steers, $8.
25 ito ;88.54; fair f.a tealod, 87.75 to .88;
beat bandy steers, 88.25 to 88.50; com
mon ..to good, 41.25 to 88; yearling's, $E
to 9; prime heavy heifers, $7.75 to :$8
hest bandy butcher 'heifers, $1.25 to
81.50; xommon to good, 86 to. $7;
best thea.vy fat cows, $6.50. -to $7; sgead
butcher caws, .e5.75 to 86.25; medium
to good, $4.75 to $5.50: cutters, $4.50
to 05; canners, 84 to 84.25; best bulls,
8' ito $7,25; good butcher bulls, $6.25
to ($6.75; (sausage bulls, $5.50 'Ito 86;
light 1lbuIJs, 84.75 to 45.25. Hog4-Mar-
ket steady; heavy, -87.35 to $7.40;
yorkers, ($7.50- to $7,60; pigs, 87.60 to
87.75. Sheep. -Lambs, 25 cents lower;
sheep steady;otop lambs, $8.50! to- 88.-
75; Tair to gond, e8 to 88.50; 'year-
lings, 46.50 to $7.5Q; wethers, 86 to
6.25; le -Wes, 84.75 to $5.50, Calves. -
Steady; tops, $12.50; fair to '!goact,
$10.50 the 811.50; grassers, 14 nu $5.50,
Mantrea.1, (Jen., 5. -Butchers' cattle,
choice, i(87.15 to 88; ro., (medium, $6,60
to ‘87.50-; do., common, $5.25 to $6;
canners, '84 to S5; butchers' cattle,
choice caws, s$6.50 to 86.70; da., me -
J$5.75 to 86.25; do„ ibulls, $550
to ,.$'l; milkers, choice, each, 870 la
$75; doe common and mddium, each,
860 ita '865; springers, 1$60 to 'S455.
Sheep, -ewes,,e5 to 85.25; bucks and
culls, t$4.50 to 84.75; lam s, 87.50 to
8_25. fElogs, uff cars, 8845 to 8%50,
Calve,s, ,85 to 815.-
Toronto„1an., 5. -The market for cat-
tle (was !strong and actiVe and for a
few textra choice et little higher v,aiue
was paid. All offerings were ceeaned
up (before the noon hot* ,,aJt. the quo-
tations given below. The best reteirn
was8.25, which Rice and. Whaley re;
ceived (from Harris &Abattoir fort a lead,
which averaged 1,250 'pounds apiece.
it {required real good' quality to retell
this price but there were other loads
of (promislog arfaterial which cashed lin
at from ,87.60 18. For good (handy -
weight (animals, the ,average 'run was
from 47.50 to 47:75. Fat cows were a,
fair demand, -and for anything that
showed a promise ,of (giving the killer
a fair (return, the hnarket was strong,
a eausnber of anirnels of the class mak-
up sto 86.50. For stockers there was a
fair (enquiry, end there seras a larger
turnover than Tor many weeks past,
the prices ruling from '85 ta 86.50.
Milkers (alio were ,a 'trifle more active
at ete,a.dy rates. In the section of lembs
heep and calves, the offerings were
for the most part of the common varie-
ty, but the market lield strongly here
to !the advance of last meek, when
packers showed an inclination to pick
up (what was igolag on limited runs.
The beet lambs fraa.de up .to $8.35, And
sheep ,to 86. ,Foliewing are the general
quotations : 1Butchers' Cattle. (--
eteers sold at $8 to 4,8.25, but only
one load at latter price, sold "Thy Rice
and tWhaley, and !only one ktoad at IS
eold by Dunn and Lev,ack; good to
ehoice .steers and heifers, 87.50 eta $7.-
75; :medium *to good, at $6 to $7,25;
good cows, 45.75 to $6.50; medhun
cows, 44.50 to185.25 ; ca.nners, -83.75 to
*4.50; bulls, $4.50 to 86.75, and one
or two tat 47: Stockers and Feeders. -
Very \little is doing on the stocker and
feeder market and the highest price
being paid for good steers is about 86
_ . _
1 to 6.25; etocke.r , $4.50 to 85.50 Milk -
era' teed SPringere,-Prices 'aged from
$50 to 1„.$85, Fred Armstrong .harinig
bought 16 at-the.se valties. Veal Calves.
-The run !ter calve. was Right end
prices (remained seedy at $4.15 ito 80. -
Sheep and Leenha-Receipts were light.
BMW 001d from $5 to t$7; Iran% at $4
to 04.50; culls, 132,50 to,$3*. iamb
good ',regality, rat e.75 to t$8.36; heaviT
lambs, 1$7 to $7.50; culls at $6. Hogs,
-4Se1ected hogS were quoted At $7,50
fed 4and ;watered atel 87.75, weighed oft
e ars, tend 87.15 feabbecars. Paddy Bros.
being iln ineed torte tfew choice butcher
hogs, 1bought 125, and paid $8, 'weighed
;off oari8. , ° 1
, - 1
Stratford-Businees College re-oPens
for the Winter term on Mon-
dayVanuary 4th. This school has
„Commercial, Shorthand aud Tel-
egraphy departments. Its courses are
superior to those of other schools and
our readere who are interested in
Business College work should write
the College for its free catalogue.
W. j. Waiker
Night Plio c-18
Store Pho e-67
DELANEY-In McKillop, on eoember 23rd, to Mr.
and Mss. John Delaney,,a daughter. .
JOHNSTON-In McKillop, on January 4th, to Mr.
and Mrs. James Johnsteet, a daughter.
FOREST -In Tuokenmith, -on December 18th, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Forestj a son. -
McBRIDE-In Stanley township, on Decenaber'22nd
to Mr. and tdre. Robert *Bride, a son.
00I10 -In Mullett, on December 21s1, to Mr. and
His. Good, a daughter. •
DAER-In =Huila% on -December 22nd, to Mrs.
RohertDaer, a daughter. :
BEDFORD-ln Goderich, on December 28rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Bedford, a daughter.
'SMITH -At S. Joseph, on December 21st, to Mr.
and Mrs, Claymn Smith, a son. . -
RILEY-In McKtilop, on December 26th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Riley, a daughter,
JORDAN -In Dublin, on January 3rd, to M. and
Mrs. James Jordan, a deughter. 4„„o . _ ,
LEGG-McGAVIN-At the Reatory, In Seaforth, on
December 26th. by Rev. EL Brown, Miss Emily
MeGavin, daughter of Mr. John McGavin, of
Seafoeth. to Mr. R. Leeg, of Goderieg.
ember 29th, at the hem° of bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wan. Sorimgeouri by Rev. Dr. McGil-
livray, Susie -Beattie tiorimgeour, to Robert
Hai vey Arehibald, B. A., son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Archibald, Seaforth.
TWINER-STEWART-At the residence nf the
bride's invents. in 'Verna, on December 30th, by
Rev. Mr. Johnson, Jennie, daughter of Bia., and
Mrs. Waiter Stewart, to Hatvey Turner, 'son of
Mrs. James Turner, Stanley,
GINGERICH-CLEAVE-In Bayfield, on December
25th, by Rev. Mr. Searle. Edith Jean, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cleave, to Jonah Ginger.
ich, Newberry, MI shigan,
STIWTHERS-COOPER-1n Clinton, on December
SOth, hy Rev. Dr. Raittleilee, Edna V., youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Cooper, to Be Gor-
- dofonait ttr.uthers, M. B., son of Mr. 14.0, Struthers
PAULEY-DAVIDSON-On December 29th, at the
residence of the bride's sister, Clinton, by Rev,
S. J. Alin. Margaret A. Davidson, to Mr. Lewis
Paniey, of Rowden, Hastings county.
HIELEMAN-EDIVARDS-At the honie of the
bride, Goderieh, on December 264h, by Rev.
George E. Ross., B. A., B. D., George John
Heilemann, an Ellzabett dente, daughter of
of Mrs. Peter Edwards, Goderich.
HIGGINS-WHEELER-At the Methodist, parson.
age, Belgrave, I. W. Kilpesrloe. B. A.,
on December 24th-, Mr. Neleon A. Higgins, to
Mies. Violet Selena Wheeler, of-blorris township
IIE WOOD-CLEMEN -At the manse, Thames
o a el, on Deoeir ber 23rd, h y Rev.
Fletcher, Mr, Wesley Heywood, to Miss Minnie
Clemensboth of Usborne.
ELLIOTT-JACOBS-At the manse, Thames Road,
en December 254h, by Rev. Fletcher, Ur. Sam
Elliot, of Exeter, to Mies Clara Jacobs, of
BROWN -HARE -In Londesboro, on December
28th, by Rev. Mr. Keine, James ThOMMEI Brown,
of Londesboro, to Miss Mi'dred Ruth Hare, of
Oxford Centre-
JARROTT-McBETH-At the home of the bride's
perents, in Stailley, by Re. Hall Woods, of
Brueefield, on December 304h, Mr. James Jarott
of Hay, to Margaret Mable, daughter of Ur. and
bine Alexander McBeatb,
BOX-BECKETT-In Strathroy, at the home of he
bride's parents, on De -ember 30th, byRev. J. 11
McLachlan, 13.-A., Miss Carrie Becket, to Mr.
H. C. Box, SOD of Mr. W. T. Box of Seaforth.
DAWSON-McLAREN-At the Thames Road manse
on December 3let. by Rev. 0. Fletcher, Mr. Ir-
vine Daweon, of Kirkton, to Miss Bessie, daugh-
ter of John A. McLaren, of. Hibbert.
McBETH-In Brueefield, on December 294h, 'Chile
ina Dallas wife of Walter MsBeth, aged 87 years
VIDEAN-In Godevich, on December 264h, Thomas
James Videan, aged 73 years, and 10 months.
NICHOLSON-In Wroxeter, on December 23rd,
George Nicholson, aged 83 years and 7 months.
READMAN-In Morris, 'on December 30th, Annie
McKenna, relict of the late George W. Read
man, iti her 701h year.
PARKER -In Logan, on December 26th, Thomas
Parker, aged 68 years.
RAWLEY-In fljnbert, on December 27th, Michael
Rawley, aged 94 years end 9 month..
BDDKIN-In Staffa, on December 294h, James Bet
kin, and 09 years.
CAMERON -In Logan, on December 304h, Mary E.
beloved wife of Merles Cameron, aged 41:yeers
and 4 months.
PROUTY-In Exeter, on December 81st, Chester
Prouty, aged 89 years, 7 months and '27 days.
S. T. Holmes 1
: Funeral Director and •
e Licensed Enibahner
'. '
iUndertaking parlors in 0 ddfel lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
1 • - deuce Goderich et., cpp
Dr. Scott's.
Flowers -furnished on
et, short ,notice.
IPhone Night or Day 119.
• •
Cows for Sale
A number of good cows for sale,
coming in soon. Also some thorough-
bred Durhams.
George T. Turnbull
2456-tf Seaforth
Bayfield Agricultural Society
The annual meeting of the members
of the Bayfield Agricultural Society
will be held in the Town Rail, on
WednEsda,y, January 20th, 1915,1at one
o'clock, p. m., for the" purpose of re-
ceiving the annual reports, electing
officers and direttore and the transac-
tion of other business.
2456-2 A. E. ERWIN, Sec
Have you ever heard of Listovvel
Besiness Ool age? If you have not
it mita be our fault, now We
are going to introduce ' ourselves
to the rea et s. ot !The Expositor,
Owing to to the fa b that we do as
we say and ° that our gradue
ates succeed, the Listowel Business
College has nearly doubled twice in
attendance and graduates in the past
four years. This is the the first time
we have ever published an advertise -
ent in this paper, and as as yen intend
&king , p special studies to better
our position, we offer you now your
pportunity. To every reader of this
i aper who registers in our classes and
i econies a st dent, of the th B. 0. for i
he opening of the New Years Term
• n Monday, 3anuar.4th, we will give
choice of the f llowing : Three
months course in any department $20
or Four mon hs course in any depart-
ment 5325: This offer is only for ad- i
vertising purposes , and will only be f,
held open for two Weeks from date of
thie_paper, and is on y good to resi- 1
dents of PostOffice districts anywhere
in Ontario except thnse mentioned be-
low viz : Listowel, Atwood. Donegal,
Newry, tEthel, Milverton, B.itton, -I
-Newton, Mill ban k, Hessoii. Moorefield
,Palmerston, .(larrison, Clifford, Ford-
wich, Gorrie, Ayton, Drew, Alsfeldt,
Gowanstown, Wallace, Trowbridge,
Molesworth, HenfrYri, Surtzville,
Rothsay, Burns and rreebern, Edwin
G. Matthews, thincipal. ' 2455 2
ARM n'OR SALE --For sale
fehool and Post 0 ea, Te
4, Mullet. Olaining 1
further ptrtioulars apply to
eaforth Post Office.'
1T0170E-The un ersigned
.1.11 Concession 11, MoKillop,
shirehoge exception Ily
ased from W. E. Fe theestone
JOHN:NOLAN; Seaforth, -Pho
• . '
service on Lot 2 , Con
thoroughbred Tanew rth hog.
D. Douglas at son, a d wee the
Toronto and Ottawa Exhibitio
at time of service. - Gt. GRI
4, Weird)),
on Lot 1, Conceesion
acres, convenient to
ins reasonable. For
William McMichael,
yill keep 'on Lot 17,
a thorough ored York.
red, recer pureh.
& son. Terms 81.00..
e 14 on 144. 2453x4
ndereigned .has for
!eh 17,- MoKilion, a
He was bred by
grand champion at
sin 191.4.. Ternie $1
YE & Son, R. Re No.
L ARM t:AL Lot 13,
a' ship of Stanley. 100 aoree,
vation, geed stone house wit
shreds *ached. Altio bank ba
the year round. Farra suitab
or grain. Terms mdderate.
CHEN. Brucefilele
onoession 3, -Town-
mostly under cal--
° wood and driving
h.Spring water all
e either for grazing
pply to JOHN KET-
FM P014 SALE. -Lot 6,
smith, containing 100 aor
tinder bush. The farm is well
and in a good state of oultivati
premises a good frateh house, b
on homedrive houise and t
benne and particulars apply o
onceesion 9, Tucker-
, about seven acres
weed end drained
a. Thereat.° on the
nk barn, pig house,
. goad welb. For
the premises or ad.
mondville P.O.
Township al H
ihoice land., on the o
neith stablihn untie
th roughout. NPW DZ
aellar. Well fenced
reasonable as the ow
For further informati
address Seatorth P
nett, con
e.n1183 ar
ck nnuse
nd under
er wish
n apply
ot 7, ()minim
aining 100 scree'
A ',hes gtlit
ith cantle II»
ith f tralee th
rained, Will be sold
to give up farming.
n the premises or
11: laud in the Tow ship of II
Odneession 9. On th premises
drive shed, bank barn with sta
pig pen underneath? The farm
underdrained, and th re are 10
bush. Rural Mall nd Tele
For further partioulan apply to
Esta, Ont.
00 acres of choice
lifted, being Los 28,
are a brick house,
ling, hen house and
is well fenced and
acres of hardwood
hone Connectfon.
'1 quarter miles fro it the vill
from Blyth and 8 from Belgrave
, failing eupply of water. %Ilk
house with concrete cellar, rural
Itis well adapted for 'both4qL
halt mile from school and
church. Apply to FRED AR
Alteene or on the place to ED
14. 14. No. 4Brussels.
-Five and three.
go of Brussels, 7
There is a never
arn 40x72, frame
mail and telephone
and grain, one -
tree quarters _from
TRONO, Gilbert,
GOOD FARM FOR SALE-Fo sale Lot 2, C9D. 4,
Mullett, containing- 100 ac es. There are on
the premises a good brick hoase, kitchen and wood
tiled with good cellar and ha d and soft waterI
Theta is also a good frame barn 5 x 64 with stone
foundation and stabling undern th and another
barn 84 x 54 not raised on founda ion and implement
shed all in good repalr.j There is lima good bearing
orchard and two good 4ever failin wells. The farm
e well underdrained a rl well feneed- and-' in a high
state of cultivation th five agree of bush. The
term is well situated, .inailehfroni Seaforth near the
boundary between Hul ett and MiiKillop with tele.
phone and rural mail eliv.iy. Terms reasonable.
For further particulars ipp.y on the premises or ad-
dress WM WILSON, Srforth, Ont., It. F. D. No. 1.
, . 2415xt f
AND IIORSES-James .Ione has rveived in-
tithe:Ale et from Mr. Wire E. McLa eh, to sell by pub-
lic auction on Lot 17, Concession 13, township of
Ilibbert, 1.4 miles touth of, Orem rty, on Tuesday,
January 19:13, 1915, th followin : 1 general pur-
pose filly, 2 years old, 1 ercheron filly rising 2 years
1 bioodtolt rising 2 ydnrs got by S. Collins' Stan-
dard Bred horse andout of a w II bhed- mare, 1.
dritrer 4 years old qiiiet and relian e for family use.
Thorcrighbred Shorthnrn Cattle- cow with heifer
calf at foot, 1 cow ne ale calved, 3 i eifers.3 years old
due to caive in Maroh.and April, 7 'Jeffers ris1ng"2
years old, 6 heifer calbes rising 1 1 ear old, 2 bulls 20.
months old 4 bulls between 10 an 11- months old 1
giving a large
rising 2 years old
1 Aberdeen Pol.
Grade 0et4le-2
.posed to be in
t 1.2 tedurio°v°k
181 i ap
ively no reserve
bout twc months
ts the. money to
or; James Jones
2450 -td
Holstein heifer rising 8 years 61
quantity of milk, 1 Holetein helfe
supposed to be in calf, 4 fat steers
led- Angus bull 16 months old.
cows nevhy calved, 1 gracie eow su
calf, due to calve in summer. Sal
Terms -9 months credit on fur
joint notes. 5Y, se for ash. Posi
as the proprietor was bi4rned out
ago and had no 'neuron e and wan
rebuild. W. E; McLAREN, Pieyrie
Jones has received tnstr
son to roll by public au
Lot 24, Coneestion 3, township -of
south of Mitchell, on Wedneettay J
the following, Horses -1 heavy d
years old supposed to be in foal t
heavy draft mare rising yelre ol and rogistereJ
and supposed to be in foe' to Earl of Clay, 1 heavy
draft mare rising 4 yearhold and re ;stared supposed
to be in foal to Royal Ronal, 1 eavy draft aged
mare registered ttad eupPosect to b in foal to Earl
of Clay, I heavy draft flint rising years old and
registered, 1 heavy draft filly 2 ye es cid and regis-
tered, I heavy draft geld ng rising 3 years 9Id got by
Red Michael, 2 heavy draft fillies iing 1 year old
and registered, 1 good riving h rse 9 years old,
sound and reliable.. ttle-1 th roughhred Short-
hern cow 0 years old au posed tole in calf, 1 there -
bred Shorthorn cow 3 y Are old ppoeed to be in
calf 2 thoroughbred Shorthorn hei ere rising 1 year
old, 2 grade cows clue calve atm t tinreof sale,2
grade cows due to calvein spring, 1 Polled Angus
bull rising 2 years old nd registe ed, 2 polled An-
gus cows registered and suppoe to be in calf, 1
Polled-Angue heifer re 'stereo a id due to calve
about time of gale, 8 Polled Angu heifers rising 1
year old, 5 Polled Amen cows sup •owe] to be in calf
not registered, 10 fat st ere and * at heifers averag-
ing about 11e0 pout& rich, 2 fat • ws 6 etears and
4 heifers Asian 2 years Id. 6 spri g calves. Imple-
menta-fdaseseaMarris binder 6 ft out only 35 acres
(new), Masseye Hanle disc drill, oCormick mower
in good repair 6 ft. tut, McOormi ir tone lake 10
feet wide, steel kind roller, MAW -Morels cultivator
new with two vets of points and 3- one whiffietrees,
dian harrow, set iron harrows Oil ton fanning mila
Mame wagon new with box and pring seat, truck
wagon, see of bobsleighs' large slei h box, Mcleaugh.
lin.outter, ,MoLaughlin rubber t rea buggy, Mc
Laughlin top buggy, molt puiper, t rnipdrii• Meese -
Harris walkieg plow nearly new N.. 7, Parte plea'
No. 21, hay and stock rack combil el, root scuffier.
De Laval cream separator, Isw mower, tet of
double harnesit brass mounted, se of dou'ale farm
harness, 2 sets singlet harness tolden mounted.
Furniture -Happy thought coal h .ater nearly new,
large cupboard; glass cupboard, 1 re churn, milk
can, 30 yarde of velvet carpet, lo nge, tea set of
dishes, several lamps an pictures nd other articles
too numerous to inenthi • Sale a 12 o'clock sharp.
Tere.' All sums of $10 and wide, cash ; over tbat
amount 9 months' eredi will be gi en on furnishing
approved joint notes. 1%, off for caeh on credit
amounts. This sale will etort rp at 12 o'clock
and intending purchase should e on hard. Pos-
itively no reserve as the roprietor has sold hie farm
and is retiring. FR D HANS N.', Proprietor r
James Jonee, Auctionee 2455-40
D FUR ITUftE - James
Mona fr in Mr. Fred Han.
tion "Ingleside Fenn "
ullarron. 14 miles
nuary 13th, 1915,
aft mare rising 6
Royal Ronal, 1
, nieneeneeneneeeen
Seaforth Agricultural Society
The Annual Wahl of the ateaforth Aericultural
Society will be heldat the Library building, on
Thundae, January '21st al 1 o'clock I). in.
J. F. DALY, President
2456.3 M. BRODERICK, Secretary
flutter Wipppers
Farmers or Dairymen requiring But-
ter Wrappers ,as provided for by the
new _agricultural regulations, can have
the same on the shortest notice at
Card of Thanks
I desire to return my 'sincere thanks to the
Mohhilop for the he trty support they
have given ma -during the three years I have -had the
honor of serving them in Me °coned and
also for their promises .of continued euppost had I
again been a caudidate. Wishing you all a year of
peace and prosperity, I am
2E64 Yours Truly
Complete a. Course in. the
Toronto, Ont., and the iretults will
prove to you the wisdom 'of graduat-
ing from this famous schnot ?Catal-
ogue free. Enter any time. W. J.
ELLIOTT, 734 Yonge street, Toronto.
Valuable farm in Tuokersmith
-For Salo
In order to close up the estate of the late -Robert
Charters, decemied,the Executors Of his will offsr
foreale his farms, being Lot 81, and the ieese half
01 106 31, Concession 6, London Road Survey, Meek-
erstnith. The lands are well improved and in good
condition and may be viewed it any time.
For terms and conditions apply on the premises
Lot 32
R.R. No. 4, Seaforth,
South fruron
Agricultural Society.
The Annual Meeting of the members of the South
Huron Agricultural Society will be held in
The New Commercial hotel, Hensell
Tuesday, January Nth, 1915, at
1 o'clock, p;m.
For the purpose of receiving the Directors and
Auditors annual reports, the election of Directors
fot the current year and the transaction of other
business. A meeting of the Directors will be held at
11 o'clock, a. m„ on tbe same day and in the same
0. GEIGER, President
2455.2 M. Y. McLean, Secretary
Notice to Creditors
In the eetate of Thomas McFadzean, the younger,
late of the township of Grey, in the county of
Huron. Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hiereby glean that ell persons haying any
claims against Thomas Moradzean, the younger,
who died on the 17th aay of April, 1909, at the
township of Grey, in the county of Huron, are here.
by requiredon or before the 2Ist day of January,
1915, to rend by post or deliver to Mrs. Dora McFad-
zean, Brustels, Adminietratrix, or to the undersigned
solicitors,. particulars of tneir* ol a 1 ms. a n
that after the said late mentioned date
the mid Admistratrix wid proceed to dietri.
bute the assets of the mid decertied among the per-
sons entitled therelo, having regard • (rely to the
claims of which she shall then have had melee, and
that the said Executrix will not be liable for the sold
assets or any part thereof, to any.person whose ch fin
she hall not then have received notice. PROUD -
FOOT KILLORANdrPROUDFOOT, Seaforth, 8.1 citor
for Adminetratrix.
Dated the 284h day of December 1914. 2455-2
Tax Sale, Town of Seaforth.
Notice is -hereby given that the list of lands for
tole for arrears of taxes has been prepared and
copies there A may be had in my &flee and that the
list is being. published in the.
Ontario Gazette dates of pub-
lication . Nov. 28, Decem-
ber 5th, i2th and 19th. 1914
and that in default of payment of the taxes the
Ian -Js will be sold for taxes.
JOHN A. WILSON; Treasurer
Town of Seaforth
Dated at Seaforth, this 2060 day of Nov., 1914.
C. Pape 0. Son
are making -a -specialty:
in Smoke Stacks, any
size and lengths, also
Steel Tanks..
Before ordering write us for our
All kinds of Boiler Work and Gen-
eral Repairing,
Pope & Son
Machinists, Etc.
Machine Shop - BRUSSELS
Iron Pumps & p
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRri, Assn Genera Manatee
__CAPITAL, $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND, $131500,000
$10, -$20, $50 or $100
payable at their face value in the principal countries of the world, are sold
for a small commission by all branches of the Bank.
Easily negotiated anywhere and self -identifying, they are almost
indispensable to the traveller.. The holder is protected in the event oi
loss of the cheques, as a separate letter. of identification is issued with
them, _ There is no safer or more convenient method of carrying- money
when travelling.
Seaforth Branch.
W. O. T. MORSON Seaforth
How About That
New Suit?
• nety
Our stoa of Winter Suitings is, now
complete and comprises the very newest
designs -checks' .broken strii)es, hair line
effects -worsts and serges, cheviots and
tweeds. Particular men will favor the
exclusive style -of our garments. Smart
close -fitting models for young men, con-
servative older men's models. You will
feel at perfect ease in one of our suits 'and
have the satisfaction a man always exper-
iences in new and becoming clothes. In-
spection Invited.
W. D. BRIGHT & Son
Mr. Landlord:
If you want to rent your prop-
erty quickly and profitably, you
must keep it well painted and
attractively papered. I'd be
glad to, suggest how you can
increase the income from your
real estate holdings by a small
investment in paint and wall-
John Hooper
Painter, Paper Banger, etc. ,
John street Seaforth
. • Lister Engines 1.
I ,
4- Our gasoline engine was in-
: spected by a great many cid-
• er customers last fall, also by
4. severatleadinglocal engineers
and practically all pronounced
the LISTER the best engine
ever seen.
John Elder 45, Sons
44+++++;:•••44 -6* -04+++++++++
Gasoline E n gin e s
for Sale
We have one second-hand gasoline
engine just overhauled for sale
cheap. In the new lines we have
four, three, two and one cycle en-
gines, all working to perfection.
We are also prepared to do all
kinds cf repairs on gas or steam
engines and grain crushers. Rolls
re -cut. Prices right.
Wilson Block - Seafbrth
I am prepared to turnis 11 kinds of,
Force and Litt Pumps a d all sizes.
Piping, Pipe Fittings, tc. Galvan-
ized Steel Tanks and ater troughs
Staneheons and cattl Basins.
ThePriaeis Bight
Also all kindsof pu
on short notice.
apply at Pump
St” East, or at
Main Street
p repaiiingdone
For terms, etc.,
actory, Goderich
residence, North
Gasoline Engines
All sizes from i to 3o h. p.
Latest improved. Will use
either gasoline or kerosene.
Send for circular and prices.
.24e Robert Belt Frtgine
4» Thresher to., Limited
J. F sh Seaforthl
Seafotth, Oat.
Cream Watite-d
We have our Creamery now
in full operation,and we want
your patronage. We are pre-
paredto pay you the highest
prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, weigh,
sample and test each can of
cream carefully aid give you
statement of the same, We
also supply CANS free of ;-
charge, and give S7ou an hon-
est butiness deak. Call _in
and 'see us or drop us a card
for particulars.
Seaforth Organism
Seatorth Ont,
Double Track all the Way
Toronto -Chicago •
Toronto -Montreal
Unexcelled Train Service -
-Highest'Class of Equipment
Winter Tours to California
Florida and Sunny South
gest Trains -Choice of Routes
Low fares now in effect
Por full particilars consult G. T. R.
ticket agents or write. C. E. Horning,
D. P. A., Toronto.
W, Somerville Tcwn Ages'T
W. Plant... : *Depot A:lent
Union Statesn, Toronto, Ont
We have a complet assort-
ment, of Canadian M ad e
Blankets,- Jute Lined, 5-a
Sty -on -Surcing:es (the kind
that won't pill off) ranging
in price from 81,5o to $3 each
All wool blankets in tancy
checks and squares, S2 to $5
each. Kersey blankets, with
surcingles, $2, $2:So.
Canada's best production, in-
cluding Saskatchewan Cub Bear,
Great West, Arctic, and Bishop
Robes, at very reasonable prices.
rlitts and Gloves
We have a complete assort-
ment of Men's and Boys' Mitts,
Gloves and Gatintlets.
M. Broderick
Opposite Commercial:Total
Harness /Trunks Valissz.