HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-01-08, Page 1, �q- I 10 - 1, - - I �!�n R � Iwo- � -1 � Dail � � . � 77,�� OF - 'dt� 0 , f ; � ;� OU -11 : - ; � I : Ona'��e, � - � �17* 011.r � � � t Z : � . � - :, ;/,I.. at- , i � � � .. , ,.� . * ;�& hajp- f . � � , " le -0 , of i , - " V IS " I - 1, I ` � . - i- 4. W = , , � , I ; ! . . . . . . 11 ��7 1 , I , . I I . . I �, . - - - -1 , � -, -- I � �,-, - ­,Zt - � . -- ­ . 1 , �, � - � ,., - , :-�.- �� . m , , - ,-;�,� . .1 I . I � 7 T! .-I,--- - W "K ­­ .. t " - I -- , - : ­ ­ � , � ­ - 1, V 17 � � , : =7-77771- 4 1 � . . -- - .. . I � I � . . , - , � I . I I . I . i ­ - 7'' 1 - - -, - : - � I , - , - - � .. � � , , , - � , Z , , � - - I . - . .- I - I � ­ - -: I � � I - - - - -- I I � ----- -111-0 � . - I - . . .1 . - I . , 7,� � I - , � , , .1 - . - - � . � I I . I - . - . .1 � , � 11 � - . � � - . - �, . � . . - I . � �, I I , I � .. . - I . � I . I I -1 � I I I - I -t 9 . I , . I �,� I - � . . � � . . . - ­ - � � . � . . I . , I ­ � - , . - I I � - - I . , . I . . . - �, I . �. I � .. � � �:. . I I �. . . . ­ 1. � I � . . ­ I . . - I � ­ I I � I I - . . I : . - - � . I . lb . . . I ; I : - � I . . . .. I I - 11 .. � . � I I , � � I � I . z . � I I ? � . � . . . . � , . . , .1 . I �. I . - I � I. . I- � � � . . I I . . � I . I � . I ­ - , - . .� I P� - J1 � I . . I . I k � I -1 . I , . � I . . I . I I . � - " � I . � � I I I ;. - I . . - I �'- . . - . I � . . - . - : � I . . I � i I I . . ­ � - — ­ - - ----- -, I � I . . , .. ­ -- - r .� - I ; � - - I I - . "I I : I . . % - � � i .. . I --- � - ­ - I . . . � � - — ­- � :­ ; , ­ � ­­ I I I I � 11 . . . � I . . I I - .1 . - . � I - . I il�. � - . . � . . � I . I . I I i . I I I - . - I I . � I . � � . I I I i . � . -1 I j - . - . . . � . . . � U; . . , — . I � - I . . - � . I . . . � , . - � ./ ,� I I . , . I : 1. . 1, � . I -i . I . I. � �, . . I . . I � , ­ I - . � � . I . . . I � . I I . . � . � � - 1�. . - : ­': . ­ � I � . I - F , � . . . . . # a I * . � I . - I . � . — I . .. . . , I - . . ; , I I I � . : I I . . 11 I . . . � . - � I � I . . . 11 - - - � � .. I � I � . I . . : � I ,:, : . I I - - , I I � 11 - � .- . I I . I r-, . . . � I ; - � i , I I I - � - . I � � ` - - I �W:tr I*- I -r,-''� � ::. I I ti . il I I . I I -- ,� I . ir 111 ", I ; 11 i , . .. . . � I I . 'I-5- - - � ".,. . � ..: - . I � . I . I - I !, I I P 1 � " � I - . . I . 1, I � 11 � . I I I : . % , I - . . - - . I ... # . � . � I 11 . I .1 11 , . . . . ; . I . . I � "I . .. . . . ­,, � %% . I ­ . . -- . - . ­ ( � . � . . I . � � � , - ? I � J I . � � . , � .. � - : �� � ,, .. I - , . . � . � * .. ) - ... 1 - - T � - � . , -- 1. . � , ., . I 1. . I , . . I . . - . . � .. e - � " I � . ... ��� . .7 � . . . . - ,, , .. . ­ '... ­ . � - . - - . .. . . I . . . . . I � , . . . 0 . . � - I , . - ; I - . I . I . � . . � . �.� � I . . - I � .. I � . I . � I . ;; �- . . I . I � � 11 .­ �. 1. I � .. � - .., . . I I , . � . I � I - . � I ­ ., I -­­ . � - . . -� - . . - . � � - I .. � . . - I . : . I I . . ,� . . � I .- . - - I . . - . . . I I . .1 � �1 �. . . . , � � . - . ',/ . � I . � . .� I I . . . I � " I ­ � " . I . . . - . . � � � . 11 � � I � � � I --- - - - I : I � - --- .. I . � . . . I I I limill . -1 - ­ .1 I � - - � - � . -- . . I . '. I ­ . ­ i I .. I . -1 XeL-15" 131ROZ. Pubusitto ; , I � � 1: . ., . - q - .1. . - I . I 1, I . . � . . : - . � I . I . . � . � - . � � I . .1 I 11 I . � .1915 1 I I . -4* -i . . I I I I SEAFO * .. � - - -'AY-': JANU - I . . .. I . . � I - I - � I . - rORTY-NINTH TXAR :, 11 - . I . . . I .. I I - T I " 9 1 AIRY 84 . . . 4. $1.Ao � a yeiv.r in !k -;�n I � . . . ­ - ... . I � R -Ble -- -. ,-. I I � . - - � . I . I WROLE NVMBICR 2Jk5a I I I � - ­ - - . I I - I -- I . - NOME"= .- ­ I � � . - I I . . - . . . . - 4. : I -- - -- ffA0MV-1"NMMWM-- - . I � . I . . � - . - . . . -,., ­�� - -1 4 1 � — � U� ; I . '. . . P, it I - - I J - o . . - . . 11 ' i 4, ' , - . . * - 4 . q - — I ) ,jig u n ed a e y %I . I � . . � SrT --18,nd ,, . IL . - I . I . kut�Ie the ollfiral' machine. At.this meeting several,�d the interest- Jy1cDorol 126, LR. Elliott i26, 1. Davidson afternoon, The f r Idh e t1i I - .� - '16 0 � 0 : , FROM 01WAR10"SCAVITAL. lee . I ­. - U.- the 4nmatea Wlitb. ttbe, assistance of , I ,� I . . ., - Lo er edmatepayers presenteA,aAa,rigely'sign- 26, [a. G.alplfi' .25, A. Erwin ,'23, ite I I .� I - - ;rhe wiork th4t a" , be done- U'ld � i - i ; . . ,�f .1 --T— ..., I . 5. 1 the dlrecdon� ut thi *�.Goyerninents is ed (petiflan e,sking,the council to,10 Torns 123, 3:)r Woro,ds ,;?,2 , I . Rouatt .2l,' -assistant ana-troin, Sira. Parflt-L �Tbe i . I . pan , _ _ ; . reig Clothilig Compa n'v fToronta, January, 5th., 191 - - ' * . . - I . , 11 - : .. j- - , y under the dl�- E. � .. � I programr. ; . .4p ' 1 said ,street. I Am told`that aothing %parling i2i.' � I n�, twhich hpa,been ,in course ; . - ' - . I I . . � � . -,now #*Ing doirie lai�rel - . i - I - � I -e r -cw eeveral weeks. wA; - . �, i . . � The (good ,1jeople d, Toro!4o celebrit rs., defAnite -was done then,but at a fol- ­AJquIet-J%v*ddin9 to;*Iplaee a,t..tlX- -of 1pr PR ation'f . I I * .. . .... ..*..-. " ... expesnolve ,vommissionel � - . � i ; - . i - I . . I. . . - � d -(New Te'aral Day by electl I . I �i I ag� their %rcct'On of' I '. ­ uncil -meeting Ith y th Wliiigham, on 'igiven t�vlth a vim i I 11 k . I . � e 11 !a -'e 0 0- lowing 00 e passad I e Wthodist parson.W, Y 1eartiness amd was 11 I � - * .4 I - . . . 11 � .� I . . . - ily tenjoyed mot an � . I : . I � I � inunI61pal representatives. There V a a ly by thdse I � . I -1 by-law land authorrized the .clerk to WWednesday ievea)kng, P66mber - 28rd, thorougli - i C f &O ,the V"Black . - . . Ord The (dayls Marla 11 th,s ,W A, :� . - .. � . . A . � the (usual- scurrying, excitement -, j;� cur ,,. advertise feir sealed tenders for the when gr.. John Earle .Aafledge, of the I who lbelonged 0 the HGM'8, -birt Iwas I � - . � ' I I sed I - _ � 1. z old thorse-dr , . . .PU A . I � turmoil ,which :atteads 'these matters. ,well 'by the visitors present.-AIr. Ulahn I i . . � I � 1. Itiscow rs to jafl, Li­Torqnto� are, rchase iof the propearty. We a�re i -g- to*nship tat Morris, -and Miiss Mavy . � A- � - I I . : I Crest cen'tred VeYing I ,of tha Instl­ . q . - Of course the principal Int norantiot the mbar of itend6rs ret- Carton, tat WhItechurcb, were united Torrance, the Inspectox i ... -� I ,i -t, �- , 4 , I. r, .; I - I Itil N. 1-1-P If, - around & Mayoralty. It Is some honor gone. Xore-fer. Last -week the last `�'day .1 ; I I - % I � - 8 the street w In warxi4e. The ,icerenwny was per. tatiop, occupied the chair, -and b.Y Aiss �- ! � I . , - calved. ibut is enly .as - I . � ,� I to. be. Makor of, A city like Toronto, Ot -the 014 T, r,. mAw Ole last of ift, . . �, . I v,ea- t3e s Me 'adtom,6-oile Proclaimed tsold. his naturally brought formed by Rev. 1- W. 91bbert., The pleasing, tactful remarks he helped 4 . � , , . I . . � ­-. - r . i aug"hte. - y'eAr Ae � . quash the by- happy' for their home -neax- much In -making the ocaasloji �6one lopig I . I 0 . Gr at -Sl' . . r � I - , the isecand city 'in ,the Dominion and and Ae new j ' - . I q . I . . � . e I e. .q.3 Vie police ax�,, on a legal act to Couple, lef t I place ,th I I I I I t -1 I � . . attached r a 0 .' - . , e , -j�.d . . Brussels. � m ate s:. 7;& 1 - I I . . � . there, Js a itood, ,tat salary . e, T) I& -boitcom el the council ttolc Pe � I to The remembered 'by .the in - I I - - . . I � . ,;, * tof .the posklon- 68'4well.' As --you. k - PUSsessloo,of two -imotofs, -,'on �ve Ae- , �The Basiness AfeWs (Associatlah, of -the ,conc on rogram,,. 1&. . � I . - . , , now %ow in the 1saild -street, hence the Ab lual of the P I � , I I I -r Arrangem -1 v I . I � I - _ - X 'J. lich is -t 'wl., - '4 Torrance, � I convertible o, an am�,ulaice the pandidates thii i Car ,were ,' of (wb I . cislon (by J,ud,g-e Latchford. Wingbarn, -has made emits fol; y -r� Im -has been 'his. ­cuBtionn In .., I - - A.Iwvf�adi amwmz + P 11 i i IF Q 1 -n lfkkon.�+Jhay mn& Vv Chnirel-, In -caspe of nec ssity., e prisoners 11 I -ff-� Tt,A�� AKIAAIM-n"�s de- -4 UMAII&I +U^ 104'k Q� Q+ 114Q+ ,1 h In- � 1. . � . I : ,. � . . � - . � � . I . � . I I � E � : I i � I r � � , � I ! i i . I i I � p � . - I . I r . . . I I . the Aew Vaulu Aslt3 I & norse farr im 'lux r UAL 'U'll . V, �k- 2 . - �-� - I . - . 14 Oture ha more' oom, iaA . J mates lba;p of, A A - 141 CL VO 11 r McCarthey is la .1,G-rit �aad an qraMV - I c1slion, vbich was' very' simila;r, this �otf each tmonth, beginining on Janjary cogt.actlonery and frd 1. - - � - I . .. an patrols ca -A, ravel ueh faster, than .- I .. � I A . A -Us . 4 1 . � � man iand­,Church Is a Tor y ai: uld 0 cionvinclog( to the ratePaY11TS 13th. The following -priles wl be uf�� -The late 11311za;beth T. Hicks, of - I � � . I ­ . � es, r: and , I, make s�veral sho e . � . I . � Orangeman. Velther of them were . of the talwntshia that the council -mad tered to, fe,rmeis. having hoTses for borne, pear ,811mville, rellat of'the late I . . � . trip's 4n 'the ime t en by a horase.. - . heavy team. ,R_aber..t VleltZ, h A .,. . I I . ed. (an im first iclaas men kfor ,the posi- � - a iserlous mistake In f�pying to cloac' sale: Five dollars, Xor b6t mr o, Aled on December � � � - � �. . ' two .or - , , � I - A 4- 0 . aeL ' - . � . I . Ition. dn Uct unitil the last , ' the istreet in�the f e (of z0`,n3an.Y five diyllarz for .Ibes't general p4trpose 28rd, i(was Iaged 74 'yeag* '3 moriths and 41 - : � . '� I - - .; UR. present s-la,ughter'sale of Furs, gives - titd.0 � protests ,from the lot owners of -Mili teain, five dollars forAhe best alagir; 15- tdayis. She bad basen III for swne r I * ree Jdaye eof the campaign, Churehr- ' h'L, - ,ns of Ontario - ' I public I - - - I - � I of r " in - . S � I . . . -s !)f cane ; - 0 tive buyer a Fur garment, . the best opportunit of was takea ,rather id� a joke 1thah �ml- ..ma Ined -a,n contrbIled by dhe Pro- Street. As the: taxes are already su', ,- , v R,tf It. Inonth er, -amd..'daring the last I I , . Y . . - . I . ' .. I - ­ I o�;I;. Odur of the .six - t - vincdal'Ptyvern eint, ,-4111, next isurnmer I � I . 9 -- in papers suppair of trhel ficlently high,- t* costs 'of these ac- -Goderich 116 11�avrqng trouble with 1L. lew - tweeks juther. cornplications Aevel- . 5 � this season, to get the garment needed at a big saving - * ndependem , -bu�,tcher. and the - . I eid IbleCarthey, the fj�tith, The Telegram be . qlot ;6o - i � - 0 . . tienS will , -appreciated by the water Isupply ta,,gain. The town water ; oped iand the bnd came rapidly. Born In V I t I I . � . � � - � . - . . price. The fur Cupply this' seaaon has apparently- exceeds -d supported Church, ,and the s1vth, Th�, I packer. Plans are ncy v - belmig complet nship, Much more supply Is taken from the lake. The i England phe -came tto U-Eb*rne -,with her . t %, I � ratiepayvxs of the tow . - � - ; . . - . ly fall - bf-all, Was nan committal. - The Main ed (or the -cst Ishm, nil qat the Guelph -caruld. lh,a said reg.94rding this matter dlffri,ul,ty ,.dl water husband' - Yea, � .� . - - t . r as been to g t ithe ­isnd Xamily A minnb?r of -T:; . � � . the demand and consequeutly prices have . absolute en political 1prounivitles would inat allow -4t Prison- (Farm t an, . 1p -to -date 'Wribat- but -this will 9dffIc,* tor give 1your read- .; ure and Tree from isewe ge contam, ' agil land they isettled on a, farm in, I.. � . I . . � . I - � . . , P I - � ' . . � .. � . � to 19uppoft -a Ork f-ofr any office � =4 . teir Ito isla ef. ian, : cutre meat for d to pieces. - I r i�� . era taiproper understand.1viig of Ahe af- inatlo.n..The IntakscrIlbb -beenchaag- VisboTne. X.,ter retiring to E11mville-M,f, � . . I I . . . . %J0 . . - - .. 11 - � ,�sclence: would inot allow it to the'(Prtson iAlbd all at; , , s. The mat- r. 'ThankInw you, Mr. Editor, for ,,e tour ,yeaxs 1;ag Ifte - -� . . I . . I !ts co, . f6l ed 1several times ,and t e pipes ex- 'Hicks died isom , oi s. � : 4 . - , I - for . I - - I . r ppo t Ch I . r 5 . . urch, -so It sung ii�ixtxal g4nd ter ,has Wen under. considd4ation I er % - I . . . ­ _ 'r . � youi val,table space. . ton&d further ,out 'Into the lake rat , which timi ,she had rasided with 1h r I 11 1. a - � I � r . . We Must Turn Our Fur Stock, -which is very large into when ,'It was, pll over It � isEtrid, 'We a tYeiar, and .m ork %on the i b uildinig ,bAa -RATE,PAYER. great ie:ipiwe 1,to -the town Apd' now daughter, ft.s. John 11. Andrew, con- - I -111 . � - . . . . . been ,unide'r way at oluelph for so,me . , I I I . ; . . . . told you ob." But as Is C�requently the ­ . . — another chaaig� estimated, itor :cost x- cession. 8, Uiberne, whcxp- ishe dli�ff. - i I r I : . .. I r . . , 1� . � � m * 4 *. I . . . . cash and in many garments -it is a case of prices cut Jn two. Wbem, UTM � - i . bout ,1$38,000, A being agItAlted. ' She (is survivedibY one rdaughtcr anil . � -1 � . ; I � r . I r ca e the :unexpected happened. Under,,the present s dteyn of Pure . has- . Huron Notes � . . : . ; � - r � : - -On-coan coats yo: save $ cheaper coats the -,lballot-3 ,were counted at ,might ft -An dmport�d ,Clydesdale mare be- ;two rsons, it.Mrz. AnAlrew, Mr. Alf. Rlicks,. I A , � . . . i 25-00� on all. other � I I rnipat sup tes ot the prison aj�-d . , rt Ricks, of r i . ­ � I , ; ! . was. Ifound Mat Mr. Church had been 49 P1 -Arelfie IffeCallum, -of Rajoiey, gas- longing to, (Mr. Henry jDaine, -of lvlorrlz-. of jUsborne, �and Rev. R,obEt . . i . r � I the same pro,pUrEiqn. - I . � , . elected lb,y.A majoAty ,of 61,469, the asylums there #has ,been (more or less - * holiday visit ,al, While .-,out taking. -exercise Jumped - otff I 'Hbnsall. . * " � I � � . . I r � . .1 . I I - I I art -mv6ldia.ble �vaste bcth irk'. keeping katdheman, ds -,an a �1� . . I I - - i, - A . I I . . . . . largest majority ever recoirded f - a U, .r I ht.s' Imorther's, .Mrs. Gilbert UrCallu,411. a Metallic culvert and -landed in . -Prior tor closing 1o;r the -Christmas - a A, . . I . . - � . . . . � . Mayor In the city. The result i.s s,aid to meats land In. pplies. In cif ,Brwsaals., . .# - -� aitch.8he .was wfable. to -extileate hey'� holidays ithe Tarents and frie,Ads -oT � i- I . . I � I . Ladies' furlined (muskrat)', Alaska sable -collar, black broad- be Idue to, the icircum,stance lthit%while order .to,getr freah n�ewt the Institu-- ^puty Reeve I ' ­ - . ien mip,ded. her ' - vale Public I . � . Car- tions .have thlad .tor idepelldr (a 1grewt4eal � - .- � � . � ny Conservatives supported -Me ano b i the xi-nemb3rs -of -the on Isoild ground inot 'much the Worse I ,tend the elcrZ-- . I D morling and �al I sch,vol (were Invited ,to att I - 'n r . -- Recive' Harding and D, selfibut a h,alf Aozen n the ich)ldrer. of the Blue * S . - 'Ies uytnlg ln� this ) I . Cloth cover, beautifully. made,: no- coat to equal this for dre,s ma ell werefall re- af-,the cold ba e received; the form of a � I r I ? . -they itbe re-gular -Conservative machine VIX (local OaPP.' Howick Nown5hip ,,Co an r tb, sh The mare , Ing lexerclseB which 'took I a ,way thas -not been -ccoinomical In.many . I 1, . . ....'r"..".,..................................,...$35.600 goit Jn Its iwork durInixT Oie last few ,to r eiected by acclama;tlon. . is Ja -yAluable ionerand would have bee'n concert ,and !Christmas Tree. The brlight r r . . . � ; . I cases. -The laA of (,proper -cold .TaVo .i � . . . - . I . . . daya In"tEavor df- iChurch and 'the ar, . -31r. ,j,ame:s Foa-d wias elected Reeve a mg loss t& the proprieto 11ad �any-. � nev. Ischoolroom, which many entered . � . . , facillitles dias ado It i,difficult �'or the Mjn� thing ,47iapp-�. 1k; . for - the, f 4-,$ t � r I I - 1-� ; - deciding to choose . Of .0 ton, on-� Iflonday 4yy a maJoritY ned her.' . . _LlMe,waS the subject Vt . � . Men's'Fur Collared Coat ' heavily' li tied.......'.. $9 to.,$]L5 aAge ionganiLations � 1 r . . !�; i, . , : � . maAagement ( the ImOtitutlons'Ao ptir-, . 48. The.lkfa'Tor tiand-membeirs %of Ahe -Xistir 61ary B. VaMstone"I -of Dw,- I many � . I . � m� . . . I what -,they considered ithe ,least of two . I . . . - I - p,pprovin,g comynents and to AdA I I . r ,� I hase lelther ush dx;. cured- meAts In c, the -fairtunaite wIn-ner of , ,rt, 4,ta a's U.L f � ' , !gave their Tnan support to Charch c � . Council were all electedb,y ,acclamatibn. miller, ,was attractions 1h6re were se G � ' I Fur Muffs....... ....... �­ 0.0 V ... 10 9. .................. ---#---$3e,50-t0.$10 ,evil, , - . . . I - . . . Hal9t, Chris abl� (designs -in cblom I I �1 � I . . - - . , . A � I and- thence [his ele-dood iby so large a quantity. i . I I - - -,Messrs. Ooseph tian the Mnger sewing machine'offered by _d chalks 'on Ahe � I . - r . . . he teotablj ent ,6f a curing ainA 1- r ' I . . . majorItY. ,But -Church hImself ' may T I . Trick and i,Qodfrey Nicholson have bsez Si1r.s. Ti. 13. Tape, tof Goidlerlch,- to tbil blackboard, while a �beautltul Christ- I -1 . - � I Fur Sto.les. " WWAr".1".1- 4i " j " 0 .... So$$".." .......$3.75 to $10.50 prove ia sur&is6 "jand make a ,good, cold storawge ' nt ivt�iouelph .will over7 eleoteA tTru§tees xv; th4 ,Police villag- person kmakin the closest guess of the m ­as (Tree -atood In "one c.,,'r er. . Un r . . �: . 5 n A -e t. : r . I ­ . . . . V .1 I � I . . I � coma .this idifliquity Vile Institution- � � . . � r � . .Z - I ; . . - Mayor. . � . ­ ' -of Prediton, I i�Y acclamation. t numbdr ,ot beanst there ,werelm 11 glaiq-s the Idirection ,of the teacher, ,ML�� CbTs I . - . . - % . a " ' . I - � � '41 0 a 0 will be -supplied frl�;n I a central Point. -The fflrtr�sels Post Is sorry to hear jar 'd1splay ed ln(�the wlndo�%r. The J-adg- �&, ;Ihlesser, the childran entertaLaea - ­ . . I -.1 I . . . � All the handsomeset -fut-garments of the newest desio,nq The German problem at the Univer- -from time toiltime-as �Pejat-ls requVred. quite es said there were'5183 beans In.. , .rr � Ing Pr9gra ML ­ .1. I - : , � . .- Z-5 - . . that iMIGs Derth,a Sharpe has been t b,- ,their Iniests twith a ,cha n � . . - .1 1� . ' attle, par- - 41, . . city �of -Tor n to, - b as be The. iabbattoir ',Will .f.4ndle c P user, -t sq, mro- . - � I . . , ^ � really much below the cost of making. 'I o see these 0 7an. solved for - ill (with pneumonia'. fn- (Toronta. She is jar and 12%kflr!�s Va,vistoine's guess -was of hor , 41iico,-ues, reeltajon r r . '. . r . genuirw chased �-rem farmdrs, ,a darge nurnbax I � - - . I ..- .. k r I . � � ' BrUSS rl:�, - � r . the present. Dr. Tapper resigned sorty'l a Idiaughter of -James *Sharpe, . els. r 5180. Mhe Ig'Vesses ranged 'from 500 to tion.tsongs, etc., including a drill a-aw ' i , I .r � . bar�o,,aihs means, that you will secure some. To miss getting after;Ahe ful§s' o'ecured -and last week of them friam,thetNoxth. .kt1some fu- . A � � . I . . � . r OC : - -James- tBallAntyne, .. of W-roxeter, 1,200,.00,0. losing ,with a fla..4 salute, The chorus i ­ �, - . c � tt � I turelAime -when the _.%tloprnents of -the - . i '. I J . Professor,lBenzinger �sent in rhis resIg- vbdughtaiaitn near Jamez- -Dr. $gtewart; who has Practiced hl -3- i,lt)s ja poqg Way to Tipperary" was ; , in on -this sale means an absolute loss to ainy -intending - . it system in connection with the NhO krecenti. I . I r � I - 5 . . pur � ,arm P . 11 . - .- � � I � . � . . -has been -accepted. Pro- U . dr,aylftg� usi- protAession in Belgralve, . for the y,weil done. . . I . . � . nation.. Which own, ,bas idisposed of,his b Past; especlull � - I ­ ' . I I i chaser. : I . . . provincial dnst]tVticms Is widened' out . I Brix ye � ; . . . I tes-or Mueller has become naturalized . nes§ ,to LeCynrard Bra,Wai who takes pos- , five, pr ars .has decided, to Iretirb , . �. - � . I . . . _ XcKbiiloa; ,-A*r ts Z � I I " . . While Mr. Ross -;4, - . � , . � . r . . I .1 � and '18 g1Q1WrV1 British s4bject. 11t Is a., and fiattle 14m raise tndt only 40or. ses*o-ori [on JanuarY Ist. ' -1 as (his -health has got ,been very good ,volunteer . co;,)-; - � . . I r . I dairylqgj%ps Is-chlefly the case at pre- I a I mv ember of the -second . �': � I . . � . � . . �, - 1. r. ; . - . Queb3c. was In . . � - � : . . ! I I . pity '�he ,Other two could - not liave --Mlessrs. tGeorge and John GIhSaln, Of and udll not IIke1Z,.retu-r,n1;to Belgkave. tingent isla:tivned at Z: � : . r � . . . - sup" ­ r - ­ ! . - - i I � . seen their twxy clea�r to follow Profes- sent, [but, !for birtchering, thes3 I Wlnnlpeg� (soms of 9r. Thomas Gibson,. - - . i � ;, � . . i � I . . o ,r � r : ­ ­ � I I . plies will The secured,"at home." . ii�nd `Nin' -Ste;��ar[ will 'l)'-- 'greatly Brussels land vicinity, em,joying tae holl- � �1 , -�: I . � I I 10 . . � sor Mueller s -example. 'they ja;pa both t,ormerlY lof :%rometer, a:re -in the sec- Missed An the, community �m,dl especl- siting at , home of � -1� . � . r r I his I I � � .- � . I i No pfficial et,alls of the aib.AtoIr dayis tand vL the . ' ' r I- I . . f . � . � . - . . I . . . . � mrath -1 -r I " . 6xcellent r -Instructors in Itheir fespective. - I and leantingent. This will make. eigh� of ally In the blethod.1st church. For over . tXg1l McKinnon,InGras. - . . - - . I r plans thave been gila, but to feed er's armY. thirty Vears resl- e r, Ur s. U � I _11 '. .. - ; � I I � - will be the Tnembers a Brussels Oddle"llow's; I . . i , * ) . . iW branches, land, their depa*ure ;immense T oopulatio In, the pMsons the (Gibson family Inkitch6r. Belg,rave has had a ' I ­ �. �. � � the . - I - � : , osb s . -,� I � r 7 � i a ,oss to the- Unbrersity, [but under the I -ThC [East Wa:wan L ,Councillors- dent tphy., Ician.'JIVIrs. James MtGill ,will. ente(l him wit -b '-an elegaint � :�., - - . r .: . . , - . Ahe, pro- _ I -� . r I i . INTER CAPIQ . � and poyluans � ependeAt upon . I '-r�' .. I XXX .If , circumstances & .Would have *'.'b' A re lall Te -elected biY iacclamatian as irove ,to the -house recently occupied .Lod1go Ores I � � . ; I een a. we wrist (watch. ZIM1. Black It-ade ia� neat - � ­� .. . � I . 141, vince Tor.§,upport it .� ill be neces.sqs , 1 4 . � ..� . . I � � � . . ... r . : . - .1 ., , It . 'greater mistake sto, retain their servides, I 11 ', - follows : goeve -Campbell ,and Council-' by Pr. Stewart. � . a gpeech, fand ,W,alter BroaAf ouit, ,,the new I , I - � I � . - � . I . . to plauffhi�r ifror� ilf Y � to sixty I ea- . 1. Sto--)ehd'use aA4 -An told and much res�tcted resident . � r ,� - �, 1.� I I I � . . , In loppositlon to a ,wide -adverse -public ' A . i'lais lCutrie, Buchanan, . � Ndble tG-rand, made the preSentatiom.. � - 1. . ­ ­ . I . r -1 �5c to $1.50 . . I Of pattle w4ay. '� 1. �: I � , ,� .. I I . : - . . 1. . . . -nent.. President ner iii hit- -ltwln. 0 i 9tevan,' ­ � .1 . - I t , senth r, alcol * f Wroxeter, Jn the pqrson� of George Corporal lUcKinnom enlistedat E � � -. . I I . . I . The abattoir 1,vvIll,.of -couisa, be built rived Nicholson, ,passed Away iat his h6me It , . - . r � I � . . . . letter accepting th3 resignation spokc ' -Ashfleld twill this -y -ear 'be deP - $,ak., (from ' point ,25 -'men have . f - -, -.� r. I � . I . almost lentfrel�, yvith lorlson'Jaibor, and dilesday ,eve-ning of , which . � �- 17' -11 , I � very Inicely'of the retiring Professo,x - . , of, ta peputy Reeve in the County Cou,n- that villa-ge ion We. gone, 19r. XcRinnon left the* West OR - - . 1;- -r. r . i .i I � - . I At and in betwelen the above prices, we offer a -very ]Arg'e will wst in the (inelglibarhood' of $35"- iast Week. ;Ele mas In his 83rd yeax 11 I - ­ r ; ' - - r I . . . ­ I . . and J16- letter wks credttabla alike to cil,the population of the township �av- November. ,3r,d. The large - circle 'bf 11, , � r . . I 000. df tW eq7perlmeAt wmr � .­ V.. � . ' . , �ts a�t as ing,'id I stattAory Vum- and had been -In falling health forsomIz . " � � -- -- I � ­. ; � - range of caps.- of good -Gloth and ve, fine shapt�s, embody- his thead Ond his heart. The coneltid- it:opped below the . friends,laroand the old home hope Rossli � -- .. � ­ .1 � U � I U f ol beneficially las expect'ed* It shoald b-51 . - . - I . timi. ,The funeral took place -to the r 11 ­.. � - - I � I I i . . ling portio of the letter. was as ber. - ' . wbo, Is. a (fine. 4,100king soldier 'boy, ,will . r . . - .. . ! I -, * - I ... ! . - r ing an exceptional combination of ,&ood dressr and warmth, lows:: "This ,unfortunate eveA.t. P,,, -6w-- extended ito Ithe proN nce wid --hould -,Ars. ,Wm.. -Pryne, olf Brussels, fell Wroxeter cemetery, service being ,coa- - r I I � % be ijused Jn keepla.,9 the privately -owned . return .iwithout in, isc,ar aktei -he '110,33 ­ I �, - - � — - A -,of the results- a .1 � �. I" -1 - 1� nor matter how h ature goes. - ever, ts but iDne f. the near ,the Public Llbna-rY in that Vlacc ducted by -Rev. .1r. If. Wesley. 11ri done 1fis iduty for his Xlng��and hlS - -i % . - � abattolris and cold stwia,ge plants ia lb.st Oaturday evening XnA Injured her Nicholson ds isurvived by .-U sister ,and � . q:, r . . � . � . � Z . terrible wg�& into which our ' Country He *,Nv-a;s a .member of BrusseL` a I .1 . . - . . n' ly a mo- . I . I r I �� I ' F'I 1)1:r(' check. Vow, tk,e�y are VActical "is twife havInx died - � � . - -�l : . - has 117e -en fo;rced on 'bahalf of a higher hip, phIch has ed some trouble, several brothers, It Volunteer% Cam any before the 1we'nt wetzt, A - r . r, : . .r . r I I.. ; . . � nopoly (and do juist jallout -as they like. � . P ­ . . . � ­ : � J - A . Men's... ­;.75c $1-00, $1.25 to $1.--5*0 'humanity lamong fhe, mations- ,of the . . since. c�19 .several iyears ago. - � . ­ ­ . . r I- . --atisf ac- This pay The o�e of the witay s of r Solving -14ugh IffeCartney . and Arch, ---M,e- -William Finiley, of the I -Jay and - -Mrs. lGeorge jReadm�a of the Ith - I 1-r .. 1, � - � � a . � � ; � . . ,morld, When we havo,worn a rs died 6`1' Wednes. . . ... � . . � - I I . the Y-1,gh cast I& ilivi pro,Wm, onceission -�of ilderri , I � ­ r I .r ' opa.tfiat a new era-tcr I Donald (are,in Grey '.Township, from Stanley ,tow -11 linel near Biake. -hUA the c . - . I . I � . tarry q)eac-e iwe h P . - � - . I I - - I % I r 4 Boys .................... -509 -75 to 1-0.0 � d4y pf laat ,week. 18he had the misf or- � . . -W � . � I I - - I ; I . . . . civilization Nvlh td-;wn, and .that throug�*.' � . — -i -- � . Tagafth, pask., for a visit with- rel- mis4ortune (to, be severe�v bitten by . a . -%, �e sing Over -tile . .r - . -,-- r . . . .tune to tf 1,1 VhIt -Pa;s , . , I.. �- -.- I I �. . . - I ghl.- a Ideg recently, The K1% � - ; . . e - . f *ativea lan& friends. The latter brou _ jw,as sick, . ­ .1 � I . ; the ,,universities, bomes of pure patriot week tprevionslY .and �,had- . I - I I., � . . The Count, Council . cellar (WAY ;a, - . . . . . - . . X, I a IcAr � ­ . � . i . . - m . X . ; . . -which Piner 11 r . r.. - . A . ; . .. .4 I I . . . I lismi the Ugglit ota culture will stream, . . I I - r � of cattle. 'with 1him. and while ,Mr. Finlay was treatIVIX ihim -bf "I .1� - " �,::, � , . :.� ; . 11 — � - wh!ch,while British, Canadlanaind Pro� : I -Mr. (David iWilson has leased 11r. if bit him 10 ithe ha.rrd, chew1mg it con- r,ome ribs brokQji, one x, I r. I - I . �--==:==:======--------------� The County' -Council of th6 .Count.y ' 0 le,, trateil ther lung causix W- ,death, *Jr-'. �- �. - I.. 3 � . vIncl&I Will 16B colored also with the William pothern's farm on the sixth 511derably, before it was maIde t; ' -, I . . . of H%iron for 11915, will be donipose& Readmiaws.inalden. iname was Aniale-Me.-f � --' . .� . e ­ I I .1 . . � . . . . I . I ,� I concession lof Uo7wick, and ,b,W moved go. -Mr. ,Finley sent for a dodta;r to I I . - . br1ghe5t ddeals tof the twIde 'moral 'and � � ' It , - �� r % - , : � I - . I . I . . - Intellectual �Iworld." - .T .. ­ as follows : . anti) (it. 'Mr. -and Mrs. Sot . hc(rin ha freat ,his 14nd and %the doctor thought Xenna,.@he Was beryl in Tyicrno COUntV .- 1: r , - . . . I .1 � 1-r . .Ashfield -C. Stewart, Reeve - . - I ,,r Ireland, coming to America WhenSeVeli - � � I 1- �, . - . e to- send for a veterina- ., . 1� - - -� . ' I . � ­ - 0 111 0 0 Bay field - Jaynes Thompson � , .Moved -into the village of Fordwl,*a. It ja4visabl � I years of age and was matpried to, Geo. - I I r . . � � -mine the dog. The dog -was then - ,� * . - I �, - - Knitted �Cods ol, ., -President Valconer of tb, Univer- to 4exa l) � . � -- . I ., In the election of its Public Scho Brussels-J6hn Leckie sity of Toronto, odiressed ihe Code- killed. and As beid seit to- London ,W. Aeadman., 41 years �Ag&. He re. . � r r : - I - 'at � ars. . TlWs . - -- - . I - r �� , � Trustees. -ithis year, Tofronto, ma,de a Blyth -Dr. IV. J. A�Iilne � Aeceased her k1a and -a half ye _1 --;-11 � . r I - . I gomewhat�lnew ideparLure In �electtn � ,X an rich 041tadian.Cluil On the Influerree ol. for iftigno-31s. -6affid i r . . - �. % . , Mich., and I . r I �r , I . I � -�r . , I - -At the annua lived (at Ovid Centre2 � 11 �. m . I _ .$1.25 to -$5- -: Clintoh-Jau�es For4 131smark 6ver -tho (Gernian Empire, Rild I lownsblp- meetli)s -7 . . . . I . . , lady Ok the Do,ard. J)r. Cirollne Brown, Colborne-SITnuel Aisselt '- I q : I � , . � a . &r1a11im6u,,_ to, jklok,ris r,hoTtly . after their ma;T- - ;. - . . a ,very'clever lady Ph3�ticlwn of the Exeter -J. W. Tayl r . Igave. a pulblirt lecture on "A Pexverslon in Mrorris, a resolution WAS - - Ispen the biggest Part of, .� �- � ; , I I . . I . . I ". � . � I . P - ly parried, dir"Ung tbia,t, the uld Coun- ria,ge (and � . ' -! 4 . � . , , I I . � I -city .,was elected to represent one dt the Goelerich tov�nship-W. H. Lobb . of Patriotism." . '* iffiere, 'Their chilldren ..uT4- . I , ,aind tb6 their. 'time . � � I . . ,�.tlaj, ell-rDe -returned by acclamation '­ .- - r r � Not for many years will you. leadlng'�wards of the city on the Board Goderich - R. Elli tt, Eeeve; J. 0. -Messrs. George Edighoffer. IgA Pettr and Xisses Kate and . Zl- � .1 �1'. her LaithivtdtOOepti Y.Reeve Weltin and �,Bd.Nadlgier have lb�!en CI- election w;xpenses, am6untlng ito fro),11 GCbTJ'e land r �, I ) . by ta large O over alt the ot , .'. a 'Jall of Slorris Township. 3fW-P- - - I 1. . . _,paj. rity v , village �$76 %bo, $100. be turned. over -to ths. Emm I � � aaplrants' IThis, bowevir -qs -not the Giey - Lii ing8tone Reeve;, ected ,Trustees for the Pollee ' joUnd,fa r ' was - a :. - . I be ableto buy sweater coats , I � -e iand, Patriotic fund. This vor and the Readman (was in her 79th year. but . . 1. i I - . � . . ,a John Bro n. Dep ty Reeve of,pashwood.'Messrs Charles ,Stad ' : . R txi�.� . I first tim� Toronto has conferred � I ill . .*,:- Grayb3il I I various nom rew to CaTX5, Out r.So �Swart..dnd active she wotild pass for .� . I I , I I 1 j. . ' Rensall -T . Nihn W. .�ra,ra nominated, inees wit'lld "�. - - 1� - I � I --y e a r. similar ,hornor �on a lady. Miss Claj,ri . . the ,request gnd ,as x-result,the kCoun--� muth'4YOUIlger- ighe W�ajq a -kind - tge:idall - , --- - - 1. - . J " , � , ;��, I as .cheaply as . this Ray -L.- KM bflie3c4 but withdrew. and the -three above nam- an y frIiend-3 . .1 .. � � , I I .Drett -Martin, Tordhtols lady ,lawyer . L . ed $,were -elected by ,acclamation. ell ftr 1915 -will ,be Reeve Shortreed hospitable.,vom. n and had m, 4 .r . .. 11 1i [ g g�l 1, k� FF . - acc�pie'd -6b Howick -., flar0ing, Reeve;- - - - , -� V V � - , a ,at at the School', Board - i �1 Dem-merl F, Deouty Reeve - - , .-AmGng those In training at .Win- and lCouncilliors W. C. LaIdIaW, D. ,�vha Will regret -her demise, . � I 11 I 1 .1 i Armv demands have cleaned for ts Iral ,,terms ,and-'slie aide (ja FW.'a I - e i � � . - I PE � I I . . , s�ve - � #1 P _ Jobinston,,W. n. Fraser,=A W. Elston. � -There anlqu and am unusual I I , � . Rullett-' � - eg,,for the second caantlng�unt Ve two 4' . : , , I � � I ,. . - �good`Trustfti too. Dr. VrowAa �0 a well- nip We -,wish ttem. a ,successful year. z ;fa .LITS. 1 9 i - " u McKillop-�. M. %venlock rt Houst6h, f6r- - , intly 'gathering at ithe .home of h � I . � " [i - �; ` everything in the way Of- known isuffira.91st, is s,a1,d;1t& b � a. .eoad Jluron �boys, t'Wisha t i . . . - I . T � p � � . Morris -J. Shortre�dl - Army ,Med- -The �lr t ppen meeting of the 33lut- -4gues -(braig 0-f the 7th concession, of I U merly & Clinton, ain the . I r 54, ' r 11 ,v i, P sful medical ?vi s 1) T I � � . � ublic opeaker, a succes Seaforth-J, A. 84e*art 'ps, and Campbell ,MaclMor'die, vale IL terary Society �or­thls seilson, , Orris, ,On .Chrl.stm.a ay. , here,,wP,Te - z r- ; I - ic al IC�r .� . - I � materials. BuLwith our practitioner and ,,will, Inci doufat .make a . Xro. - � I raw .. Stan I ey -3 � MeRithIgy L theld In the Forestier's - Hall oil assembled tat this hospitable home . � . � r . son lof *11V[r. Rdbert MacUordle, formeT'Y was . good Trustee. - , -- . . I ,additlan) to the C Rig% brother, John Mcbemb, ,ber Il. - I - � -W - H. Elliott, Reeve; Jobn -of Lo Wednesday ,evenlinig. In 'r . ; , P r . r It * 1* .* . Stephen dt Rippen, and .1now ndroni' ram' s6yen - jdai.�gllter%r foul! ' . . , . r I . . big full stock, we can.offer ­ AV Love, Deputy Reeve . t ithe NmInation meetinig held In election pt officers a -patriotic prog � srons, three i. I The Wolr'imea's Compem-a la"I I- I -A , Jty h s- I I � � � � . , Tuckei-smith-H, Crich , U n -law, el -c , � I . I 'i I I . I =X he first of J - Wroxeter, the Reeve C. 'Reis and- ico n- was Igiten. Blue*ale and vielin -as daughters-In.-hLw, fours son - 0. Jntoi force on A Am u- . - totZ I . . , rwif .� r Turnberryl J. IVIulvey - ' I ndance of excellent literary 'even 1grand children, making a� . these goods at bargain prices. "' was nassetl 'by the. Leg- Usborne-Fred Ellerington I cillors, D. .Pope, Gea. Lackle, Jno. Doug- a isuperabu, " I- . ary. Mhis law ich ghould be A � - I 1�s land Fred Davey, were ,all re-elected and.,omusical talent wh of thirty-one. Xiz,. Qralg, One 803, 'One ; � . . I . Islature lasVsesslon. It was pre 0 Wa.wanosh, east -J. N. Oamobell Ivated larld ithe-meetings of the Llt- aaughtei, -two isoils-111-law, fa`ur*-TaP.d r ' .1 r , ­ .- I � � a � - I " . - � by- iaccla�natlan. The Trustees N. White. cult i , S . . . . . fair Sir J ames Whifeney by ,S. r W= Waiyan6sh, west -D. B. Marray . Crary ,Society ishould bring it �out. The enpdren and. one great g,6md clAffld . � . ''I - �. � . . Ralph %brealth. Sir William ,had be" Wingbam-S- Mitchell I I T. JA. lGibsun -and R. ii. Ramn were . . in . . . ­ . � � - I erm gociety diad a very successfi4l season ' ' o-Ideceased. ,-V,rs. Qralg had thittU7- . . -year it I ar . working tat It f or q ' I eal - . also re-elected for a two I I . . I � 7 8 an�'11 Wroxeter -Con. Rees ' . ,Mrs.i0ral,91 Is one Of U116 : r '- r r.' Ife, of Tisdale last 1year and we hope for it even : of p L,unfly � . mela Vo 1. EE' $2.00 $3.06 to Q04.50 v1sitIed4,-he United �'tva'te, nd several -, -Ross.,Jackson.And ,w - - 'this year. . -or a eanle to (the. r . I �. �. , . welcorne -Asitors among Tel- greater puccess I pione�rs (of iMi Xis, as 1$hi I r . - . HuropeZ,n countries to oVta n ,Infoxma-.- ' . $ask., qare , ' d helped � � I ]..00 to 2.00 tl,,n. � peiriitton, In That Township Lawsuit . atives gnd old friends in Morria aTie -A very ,happy event took ,place at I t-ownship. dn _Nf-a' h 1861 on � - . . - 3 . 4mll; laws are In re r - - , I ar . � - Thursday, to ihew and cleaT a bom- o that was � - -- I Boys ....... .50 075 the (United Mates and sever 1 countries . %(Egmondville, Jan., 6th., 19,15: locality. Both w,ere tormer resideati, the (parsonage in Belgrave, . 1. . - I . . - n Rev. I. W. Kil- once ja swiamp. Sbe has long been not- Z . � n Wing Mi§s ,CarrIe ;Shorlu- December i24th, Twhe . : ' 'I �cksoj . - � , � across the tAtlatftic. The* - `oject oE It , De.air'Expositor.-Some-of -your read- r5, � jualted -in maxrlage !Ulss Violet ' ed tfor her XIndIY hOsPitanty.. in ad- .. '. - - . 11 is. a son of Pete,r Patrick � i � . I I . is ,to compensate workmen .Int -1 era inlay have -nGticed Ithe So owing _ t�r _ J an . r ditled to -those who, attended the Gilrist. ­ I . . � , factorlez ted aughter of ,Mra (Chas. Wheel- " I . - J.", * . n �'.., ".,�MZ_ -, Selena, A . - r and isucb ,places for acel nts whic' Item in 0ireceift Issue of The,Tdrontu , of the Sth line I - , rs. Craig 11,11s -10RO I r : . I . - -may bef4ll them while en, . ged in their '!P31o1be" , ,,Jones vs. ,'Towniship of TucU.- --The Bruesels Post Of li)st week er,yWotris, to� Nelson, A. R ggins, PrIn mas Ig4thering. 9 - 4. 1 r I � ; I lie School. �:Tbs son -in -la -w land two .grand ,�onsi In ; � ---- . N�r. Arel, ald ,clpal pf Belgravii Pub I - 4 1 � I publishes A T,mtralt of lb I e i u.sual lavocations (and also to make pro hip^ Am, r .1 . - ersmitb.,-Action -to set ,aside a can It of ,blu,e wh .oTd' I r - . . - ifor East bride Wore a I su Lockport, 1N. .Y.; one ,1grand daugl : . -111slop, the Liberal -oandidate . . I 'mIlle nt made 8.t trial to With ,bat itoi matcb­ A spain o-2 1 ra,nd 4 . � . vtslan ror their famIlle ,in case Of veyance, :and mu,tiov. . . � . . Ef -taken when, he,wars � serge her 1busband And three great 9. guf . !I . . � . death jfrom ,rsuch *,accide ,ts. In other qua-Qh ta certain by I W with ,11uron, J)ut It Mra ' X y., airld el r . i I . 2 .. r ' - fosts. I ple to children dn �Uft4A1le,.C,,l,aW.,k Y . i - . grand r _ alle;T, r - I . . _ -IN - good looking white (horses took -the iYoung cou � � - ords It Is -a system og accideat in- illdge-wefit: There W, L be an Oder a PY03r. iArchie is 'not so, r � � 9 W L . . Or Ingham, twDere they took 'the train, "hild.ren In i 9 . . be-acc anted W L 1,117119 ;b,'y I , as , hiat ,,now. - This mq,y .f I - - 130Y S surance, ionly� that !the ftplayers pa,,5-1 upon the mUtIon quashli the - aw for t I y -tk�at he 15 still N am . I ; 4 . � I Meix S arid insured.! AetloA! ijudgeLr b, the fact Id Ishowers of rice and confettl,r 0�-' British (0olumbla. ; ; the (premiums in'stead of the with costs, and In, the � G uelph . I . . . ' I their a�oneymoon trip. ito ama ,- � - is be%gf,­cperateAi bya tpeci bach,610T. i �-On iWednesd week A�a � . . � The Act I all'ment In favor of DlainiftUs deal , sy pf last . . i � k, I 94r�lng Y1 place- . . " , -There ,�vas a tbxF-e cornL-red' con, Alma. (The , oung couple,wUl-reside In - event pf mach local Interest toOk � � Commissloa and an annual levy is made the. conveyances from Ahe defendant r �. � gham this *yiear tdr thip Belgrave. . n Cooper I . �- - . I -tthe �&ianunactureis of "the Pro- efendwnt Jame -s te,Vt In .Wi'n at Oe hom W1111al I I corporation Ito thp d nts were .Mr. Ile- _Warden 10antelom., who Is retiring. 1�1 lClinton. This w., I � Reeveship. The aspiria - ar, the marriage Of : 4 - . Be, V a �as year, and froln . - .1 - I :Over � o a!- t . From ithe f und thus - f armed ,ithr-. jry and -from the latte!.- to. ,his'co- tmunicipal politics for the prenent, her oaqghter, JMiss � Edna Vora, t0, Dr- - ,- of Mrs. . I I , n . 1, behl4icleries -,ure �pald, It Is simply- a detendant Kruse inull iand void, a). Xibbon, Who Was Re ve 1 t 1g. J& nomination speech At Clint,011, I ; - 101 I . � specleg of indirect taxation for thebenc-, directing .-that 'the' registration . thezeof �fessrs. Mitcheil and;lsbester. member- In 111 R. p. iSt-ruthers. of 4Galt. The brlde WA$ - . stated; The County fln;Wne�S are � . � - . . ­ -1 fit pf injured mechanics It doess T10t be "Vacated. Any buildings or obatir ic- of the Counall. Mr. Mite -hell won the igobd ishape. ,There is ,a*&e1Yt'of $113-- �glven la-wsly by her brother, ,ifr- John 1� I I I 1. I - , 226 vates while Isbt3ster I and wore a J c3oopek, ZOV Toronto, ;; I I 'a . To look . stock one would imagrue 'Gat'Oet Wpply - to farm laborers. The. ,.tIonS placed. 14y' ,!the defendat ts upon prlz& obtainitIg 000, -,p3ut to, meet .this there is ."A sInk- A. - cll-arming 1gown of duchess: -1 trim- . at our . 3 and ,AcKfobon 121. - - SAW - I .1 r .0 tax,lis-levied. on the .Manufacturers. But Mill Ist., 1noyth of Queen, al,re to ,�bre 1.9at 12 . Ing.�und of ovek- $100;000' 60 thatl--1 � r vy it -on the pur- removed Xortbwlth. Plaintiffs are to ,--Xr.�, Thmas VIdean died -at Code- 'of debt. One � a 1 I so r . I two 1p, -ars (we wlll.SD-p 1ree ined. (with lace )and Pearls . .led f the season is only beg"I'D-nin 9 � la ge. is - the A' ducts, iso ;that ,the, have their costs of action ,bLnd &L&I, rich Ion Christmas. Day. He was ,74 ' - Sams aind Cam .i - . . . .. chasers of their pro - ,of the 1prdblems the county council will veil land orang,- blos I ' I I . I . *T 'hower bouquet of wMits r ; I —� iGiovernment might just ,at, -well have Stay ,of thirty diays." r Years of tage, .Was bo;rn inz,)tbe tow� � I -Ldeal with Is the flooring,�of a leraceful m- � � e, r Allere, all big life. Mr. i the i. ari * ty. All the^,* swell and swagmer. levied -the tax and collected It them- In �retctrencz ta (the above ideclsl6jr let �rnd jh�d lived have ,to Oily i- . . . . qzr7w - � large number of steel bridges whie'.�l roses (and Illy ot1the valley-��Tlsj� e - I It - i6ce � the pe and save thi� 'me-,miake a, ,few explanations regavd- 11 . . flolly -were . -e, act b'o'wn very �-X.penslve machinery 7 that has.ibeen in - rich, 1ro,T orver thirty -,*years ,as ,11 .0 brid Led tts -tiower ,girl - selves, from, ople- V-1dean Jhad been In, .business, In,.Gode- the Qyullt too Ilight ,for a cementdov- Arm strong; lof Ontaylb, C.allf6rnla, n � * warm u1sters and dress- coats, S only in , g this dls�ute. To begin at the be . MY istrengthem Ithem ,,will rb_ of , th � ; was ,weT ; � � � r .L ering. -ly drc-sscd In white � I I . 11 ariganized - fo� .'the operation of ginniog, that Is when *the laftd Waal and WMin xnerchant, and ,'he I .1 large expenditur-er am � . � � as well as 'quire ja , .as some 4bf She IN&B b-Ec Ing - ; � I the bast Stro und bere, o`wn. d -n the country ixy etty te�*- Brussele 1 -net. lover pink SlIk. and Oat- t I r res, are still tob 6 fo the present Aet. There Is a sold Ifor lots, thorse lots :a-djoiningMill I kn . t b' I r I . . . Ise I—— I ' I -the jhrldges mrill have o e pr ioses, - Thr? Cere- - I I . . - . Board composed --' of three members, St., commanded ia,,very high price, 11 'town. I , I ried a -basket -of .pink ro ; � . . In -the haspital, 1Y-x-ebullU I ny took Place ,beneath a bt-11 40f Call- . . . � � I X - hundre4 dullaws -The 4dea,th occured , regrei twa�g felt on leVninig 1�oi , 4, �. . The president receives a sala�yof $600t I ­,Nluch � . . ing at five And sL - ; I , - - I Wl I Da r, &' � a -(year and Qi per !acire, each ,ac ,aintaining !four : in , ngbam, pn! New YeArt ,the death of �Rev. MWred FaLpst. -Jr ­ - e other ,two, members $4, ira- -- 0 .Ornia rr.lst](-to:n Tbe, roorn 'Was alSo Z . - .11 . ' . e gastings 'after several . Of I .. � . it,, California *m ountain hol- r q - to P15.00 r � I men.� '7.50 '10.00 . 1090 *#,ach and besides Abe e- lots, Ithe plan shot*lng Centre St., ton Edward Nobl a Mativa of Ray tawndhij�, Avd a son decorated 1w I � . . q "t I uffering. Ue was born tabout 22 After a rtcep- - . ' . I tarles land- a regiment of other 40ificial3. -the ,west side and Mill St., on the 1, weeks" �; otgrs. ,A, Faust, of2urich. KTI.Faust- -� � L . . , -he council - .years ' go on i,thelkhomest,ead, dn Tuir'n-� . -only &, imm-011-te 'rel- '. ' . - . I So:that (while Ithe'la.w may be a verS east ,side. Stsmevyears ago it �V am, died at -11,aplerville, Iffinols, on Dec. t1on, �at r 1Wl'iel'. and ,N,lr& . , - (one In its -elf Qhe cost of adwinis- w_ao ' ged, p>y ,. otme of the diltoestdd berry, abcout A mile from Wi,11911 atl*es ,were present, 33r.- - I ur 's I � r lie -of i 'the most promissin;Li rith.- Deceased AIPA Wen Ill for some trip. on P,rl-. . � I .,Lt ion a shat , ; Boys $2.50 $33,50 $4.50 to $8.00 - good thors1e' . q Q . . terlixg �t '(Will absorb'a liberal' pio&-­�. lot pwnera, Ito open 1hat p4rV tof Mill and a tWpo 0 wa- time With, bemorr'hage of ithe stomach Stru . it the �yo.=,g� Tnen -of the .-fttrict ,till he S He was �P, day tnext tb,ey lea,le for .China, where r . tion 0 thetax raised. The Governmen St., y;rhich kill remained cloged, r ,wilieli caused his death. 45igned t& � r . . � I . I .,. L ought it<) ,have assumed Ithe whole work south part of this street having -been zet-zed With Wis fatal illness. . exemplary jand yery promising 'You -'-s6 DT. Strathi-ps has bL,en as� . . r ; � ]or � - I - . . . opened pomp, yea�rs pireviously, on the 1 —The �ollowlng ,are the kaverag',;' ,Missionary 017 I i ... iRf the supervision ,of It and ,saved the m �4id had beem called to themln- MediCai .. � lie bride, � 1� - . � .. he Bayfleld Rifle Associa- Ing , I r . � � - . - . expense pf ,administratluir; by Commis- application Ito the council by ratel)aY - the - Evangelical Church owy a. bYterlan Church of lea I b . . ., Istry (of . I I aS r I . _ . _ , ­ �; . tki. of Dedemlyet. Th who Is a n,ative OL, Cli � 1, , ing I - �r - ; i sion. tBut 413overnment by Commission ers. A�9414 in the 'Year 1911 P, large � tion 'if or the iman , W. He Is 1burvived - by bltz � ; � - . iames ,of those making 20 oat of sj few ,years . ,S.t were. IS a CA � . . 4 , Is [becoming more popular In some quar petition -,w.a,,s present &,4To- ho � a ,of fric,nds tY I— - 4 � : �.Awqft a given; R, Spackman 31, iife, his mother, a sister and and hearty 900d ... . � IV ern- praying to havel �the stTeet. opened and PoOsible -85 arla . (gif Lea girl � ;I - I ters. ,than tthe oild system of Gov ther. Mpe remains ,mqre Interred 17, 111141 .' . . t. r L -tgustard 29, Dr. Smith 29, C � es. irrm all her old ;,and 9-11- inew, ' i tire le Clothing - - Co'y e peo,ple18 representativm used Ias a p.�blic tboroulghfa�e,. This W, V � ,Milwaukee. . tAb, ber tar .&. � � � ­ , r I ment by . when Pollock 128, G Castle -28..G. Green3- .. e,Tt ,took ill' follow bei I . . I . le he.aA,- , lAiNed untit !the fall of 11913 . entertatam , place friends fw �� : , 7 I . t&t ,the present rate Of goinfg tt r � 1190 'Alike,Q 18 L, 'khomSon -23?j, —A iuniquer in China, I I -. � " SEAFO&TH . �'- of Pepartments An this �,Pravincie will I the council called a tneeting'to discuss lade A [A .. , 1 ,21, .W. at ,the j,goase of -Refu;ga on Chrls�P13.s way ihoTne i . - . . y �28, AL. Alacitafflane . - J . . 't ; . , ,have Attle [,to, do( pxit drw� their sala�- the ladvLcabillity at selling the street. R. Bailie I � w I - PRODVCE TAKEN AT HIGHEST FRICIES " I I -- . . . � I k - I . ,. I . . , � . t, - , i . I . . . � � . . � - . . . i � `- I . . I ; � . . . . - -, E I I I - I . . . I I . 4 i � � � . . I . i ­ � - I . . i - : I I . J 5 1 ; - . I I - .) . I I . . I I - - 11 b - �r . - I � . . . I . . �. . � - . . : � . . I - . . - I.., . . � . . � - - - . -. � � r . I - . . . . ! . � . � . r� I . � . . . . I � -1 . I . . . 1. . . . � . - -- * * . . I . ­­. I—, , ­n�- - ­­­ . � I � -,t- - I ­ � -­ � -1 - - ­ . ­ - ­ 1. ,-..--'-----'�.,-'-I--��Lr_,-"--.-,.-.--,;,---.�.---.-.-,�.I.,,i-. ­­V� ­-�­ . I . . 1. . ­ I . � . . - ,,,,­­­­.­,Ji,�­-­1 ­­.-J4W...,6 ­-�. -- ­­11111101110pp- � - - ----I-- - - lirw�., � r r . , . - : . I - . r � I . . , .1 . i I r � . . I - - - . - - r I I r .1 � � N . . . - � - . . i � . . � I . I � I 1. . . . I -, I - I � . I r � - I . . I ­­­-, ­­ r -----.1 .11-- 11 r . . 1.1 . --11. I �l.-----,.---.-��--�-.-.,.".,-� ... -.1------------ —­�- - '..­-1---�= - - ­ - ­— , I I ---- - -- --- - — ----11---- - -I&ii�-�-�-�--,ZZ6;�;��--�------�-rl-------�---�—�-�----.----------�- ­- - ­ I - -