The Huron Expositor, 1915-01-01, Page 66 immomme..0.1.111ISCEN•me.4111elmallms. see' HE WAS DYING suifered Terribly Until She Took " Fruit-a4ives" ST. JEAN DE MAX114,. JAN. 27t11. 1914. "After suffering for a long time with Dyspepsia, I have been Cured by "rruit-a-tives". I suffeeed so much that 1 would not dare eat foie I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I received samples of "Fruit-a-tives I did not wish to try them for I had -- little confidence in them but, seeing' my husband's anxiety, r decided to do so and at once 1 felt relief. Then. I sent for three boxes and I kept improv- ing until I was cured. ,White sick, I lost several pounds, but after taking "Fruit-a-tives ", I quickly regained what I had lost. Now I eat, sleep and digest well -i n a word, I am completely cured, thanks to "Fruit-a-tivest . - MADAM M. CRARBONNEAU. "Fruit -a -fives)* is the greatest stomach tonic in the world and will. alwayscureIndigestion, SourStomach, "Ileartburn", Dyspepsia and other Stomach Troubles, soc. a box, 6 for ite.eo, trial site, ese. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful -Get a 25 taint bottle of Danderine. A Pathetic Incident Tne Canadian Northern Rahway plat- form 'gat tne Union station at Winni- peg, ea,ns the Tree Press was the scene of one of tne tprettieSt sights thetlhas been witnessed la Winnipeg fee really a long ;year: Ft toild (better tnanc,words of ithe stuff the "rank and file of the present Candien overseas contingent is made of, Aiid now the big hearty. tnat beat :ender the khaki coats of the lads -eanti are offering 'their .setvices for their king moil their• Empire. It has been the habit for the past few Weeks for tne spoilers vrho are now training to march along Colony street vt ca certain nour 'every meaning. Wtth unfeeling regularitya dainty tittle Teri ems toibe found outside -Jeer gate eta tne boys marched past, and she w alla wave to them ,'with a einy handkerchief. Day atter day, cold or ,evelt, was See tobe seen at her post, The little maid was always there. Grad uany line tee:, strong men in uniform commenced to took for ner, an,d as they passed tne house there ;would be arae . ing of ,enoutders; ,a quickening of step, and au eyes would 'turn to tne lelL Tne dttie lady never eailed to be there' and never failed to Enneer the buys in ner baby voice And. wave her tiny heed- kercnief. The "seeiter mans'? werepart of her tittle life. It touched the lads so much :that one fine day the tittle Canadian Barbera Fretenie Was pte- sented witn a greet, ))ig, blue-eyed dole But tnis was not the end, for the • c'ne.a.winter was likely to prove too men for the tittle tot, antt so she had to return to ner home in Califotrala; and `last evening wnen she got abroad tne big C.N.R. train .at the Union:lista- tion 500" !soldiers in uniform, ad ;tier friends, were itnere to' see her off. And' • ‘tne little Barbara Feefehte went a- way from Winnipeg -witti the •rin,ging . of 'eendiers' cneers in her little eels, tne proudest tittle woman that ever , found ner. 'way into kthe west end l: out of lt again. Manitoba and Northwest Notes ,1.1,1•••6•41.. IS YOUR BLOODRKII? if you caro for heavy hair that glis- --;People in CalgarY complain that the tens with beauty and is radiant with cost of operating the citre twenty-two life; has 'an incomparable Softness and automobiles or ten months has been is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. 42;000, or out 81,000 per oar. The Just one application doubles the auitomoblie expense eccoent of a eita it beauty of your hair, beeldes it-imme- .often a meet interesting documeet. diately dissolres every particle of -la a Are deetroeing rthe etailate3 of dandruff. You can. not have nice et W. Lew,* FortBisuge,i near 'Willa - heavy, healthy hair if you, have Peg, two ho -ges andi 80 chickenin tne •-• dandruff. This destructive scurf robs building were suffocated, and ,one cuta the hair of its lustre, its strength and ter, two delivery rigs and one buggY its very life, and if not overcome it were. 'also destroyed by the , flames. produces a feeerishness and itching of 1 -Figures compiled by sthe beard of the scalp; the hair roots famish, trade end responsible individuals in the loosen and die; then the hair falls out towns on the south lines of the D.P.R. fast Surely get a 25:oent bottle of give the number of acres ready fort Kuowiton's Danderine from any drug spring seeding at 397;400 acres. This store ,aud just try it. . . includes summer fatiowed And faltplow- '. ed eand. 1 -Ermine gorses, more commonle known as Blackfoot Old Women, heal chief of the lower blood indiane re- serve for the past a years, died . it the (advanced (age .of 47 years. lie iWaS one otz ;the three surviving chiefs who signed the treaty of Blacktoot Crossiee, in 1877 and NY'rEtS an exceptionally in- telligent and progressive man. • I -During two daes lest week thirteen carloads of British mail, .arrived- at Winnipeg, for !that city And points fur- ther west, this beteg the fttat • Mag- azine and parcels post mai to arrive in 'Winnipeg for two week's. The mall is stated 'to :have been delayed at Liver- pool on account of Jailor troutie,s pro- moted by the seamen's strike. -A. J. W. Greig, teandidete for the mayerelity of Moose Jaw at the res cent municipal elections, ta,nguisbes la the - city jail. Ile was unable to put UD $4,000 bail fixed by Acting ,Magi- strate Spotton after a preliminary hear- ing on' la charge of fraud in cennectioi with a hotel deal at As.sinibola. The - ease Was remitted to. the supreme court. -A sad accident •occured near Mc - ole Nutt, Sask., las Philip Walters and S wife, 'accomp,anied by Miss Faustman, Everywhere were driving home. The horse took — fright and ran away, overtenning the The Tut Latta Crig and throwing au three out. Mts. ner o. nt Wafters •was instantly Jailed, her neck Toronto -0. injured, and. Mies Feustman was in - being brciken. Mr. Waiters ihed a foot I jtired in the templei.Watters and wire are 'Of German parentage. Deceased War Nevis Was (About sixty . I ---Job.n Bausch.auseh, farmer of Brunked, years ;of ,ag.e. , Manitoba, died ,suddenly at the resi- dence .of Mrs. Walker, in Winnipeg. •is . Mr. Bausch had come. to Winnipeg to Affected. Her make cluesenas purchases, and ;was a _.....-e. , a guest 'of Mrs. :Weeker, who was ‘a (sii- . ter (of his first (wife. Shortly aftet 11 Many people who have been reading o'clock Mr. Bausch complained of pain in his ;stomach and his conditicin be - the terrible war news from day to day, came so serious that- a idoctor wee sure: - especially those wlaO have -relatives at moned. The doctor en examination pro - that it is impossible for them to sleep.. nounced. Mr. Illausch dead. was 43 y'ears of age, ,and. he ie. ear - 'eta Bausch the seat of war, have. become so nervotis • The nerves have become unstrung and 1 viy_ed by a widow land eten children. d. August Van Horenbeck, the well - the heart perhaps affecte - known contractor of $t Bonleace, Van., Milburn's Heart 'and Nerve Piiis will left fer Belgium iast week. Ile -goes build up the unstrung nervous system to try and help his father and his and strengthen the weak heart. 1 sister. is father was taken a prisoner Miss Hildia. Dicaire; Martintown, by .the Germans at Antwerp. Then af- , Ont., writes: "In August, 1014, I was ter a ;white released ; .he then escaped out of school for my health. I was visit- , 'to legend, and then to Ileiland, where' hag friends in London, and heard of the be is new. Hie alster is still at Ant - war. It made me so nervous that 1 werp and in very' straitened ciecim, could not sleep, but after using Mil- eitances. One of his 'brothers was kin - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills I improved ed at ;Antwerp. Five more of his broth • greatly, and could take my school againens( are fighting on. the firing Ana I have recommended 'them to many of I August Van Perenbeck, evho is wen to my friends.", do, and who succeeded weft in St. Boni- Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are face, goes ;there ;with, the intention of 50c per box, 3 boxes for $1.25 at all ! atieviating their suffering's and. 'settle.); price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, th_em (once more on Jtheir feet; ' Edwin J. Saunders, for eight • dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of Toronto, Ont. I months bartenxler At the Manitou ho. 1 tel, cominitted isuicile on Monday morn- ! ing at the home f some friends .in I3US•INESS , gimouur at this house and did, so on Sunday A jayvee 1 Waterous, Sask. He' occasionally ziept - SHORTHAND turned ,,, it 11 - .o'cleek ''. et; m. and night. ',An, occepant of the house. re - Subjects taught by exxt, instructors found•"aaunders lying on the fioer with at the 'ids head blown off, a elite lying on his blaitereeeSitneall stick was beside the 1 gun and: sugigests it suse in forctng i the -trigger Mate the .accused.heal the Y. 14. C. A. BLDG., I muzzlc of the:gun in his mouth. The LONDON, ONT. 1 gen has been taken berethe deceased Students assisted to positions. College from tits case awl :loaded bY a bullet in seesion front Sept. 1st Catalogue from a ibox of eheas in the house. free. Enter any brae. J.W. Westervelt 3. W.Westervelt, Jr. 14140101Mortar4 Accountant ' ie Iflessitindeel i Feeling kind of seedy, nervous and irritable? Cheer Up! TURNER'S FAMOUS INVALID PORT sit you on your feet again. "Buy it for Purity's sake' 1 Poor Blood is the indirect cause of mu winter sickness—it allows chills, invites colds and sickness. NOURISHMENT alone makes blood - not drugs or liquors -and the nourish- ing food in Scott's Emulsion charges summer blood with winter richness and increases the red corpusclies. Its Cod Liver Oil warms the body, fortifies the fungi, and alleviates rheumatic erndencies. 'YOUR DRUGGIST HAS IT. 14-45 SHUN SUBSTITUTES. t4 OH.SUCH A HEADACHE! kvlitVig `111r 3%7 No, Nearii iiiieryoct7;;;4a-78 ripping, teatingheadaches at times. Disordered stom- ath-sluggish liver does it. Cheer up- I -here* the real relief - Chain b ar lain's • Stomach and Liver Tablets. TheY put the stomach -and bowels right. All &Waist& 25e.. or by maiLfrom .0 9 Charakorlaie Medicine_ Co., Toronto C HAM ?ARLAN S . TABLETS Wonderful Horse Winnings (Writter. for The Expositor) -.Peter Phe /Great, four luau; 2.07 1-4 is the most valuable horse in the world. The fallowing article presented here - :with, is ;so one sided se to make it appear as if there is -something wrong. But, Peter ,The Great ,h,ad the might- iest 'years in the history of . racing. The writer does not recall the get of any' one istaltion, winning seventy-five thousand !dollars, except those of Peter The Great himseif. The best six of the family won samost one hundred thous- and doitars, ;while the other eixty- hildren Cry FOR FLfICREWS ASTORIA et. r three sons and daughters i,von twentee eight thou.sand eignt hundred and nine- ty-four debars. No known 'horse hes ever. ,before !had sbety-nine sons and daughtere tout racing in one year. Alt told the family :won money tivo h uti:" dred and two and. a half times. The other sire, laithoegh .not within gun- shot of the leader have winnings about the stene as Other eyears. The nearest one to Peter ,The Great is 114 B. iwhose" family only won thirty-one thousand damns. 'McKinney stands No. 17 re the list of large money, winning sires, `-'with -fifteen. thousand three hundred seed Leven dollars Ito his family's credit. Todd ;stands e8 in the list of money WinnIng 'sires, hie. get having won 111 - ten itlieusand tw hit:dared' lend twen- ty-seven -dowels title past season:While the getof re.rote :WW1 three thoUsand, tive hundred and fifty donars. These sire,s aft ewe 4tatilans by them in this armlets% Non Parole; by Itarehe ; Teddy direct, by Todd; Mr. Templeton, by Peter. The preat; fled ,McKinney, joy Mcleinney. . The above statements are made with- out fear of contradiction. George E. Troyer, glue Green. .. • ••• . ENGINEERING FEATS. aggiloa•aiormasecos :lever Tricks With Which Entsrgen- - cies Have Been Met. Engineering is filled with so many tricks to meet emergencies filet most of them pass unnoticed, but two have recently attracted the attention of en- gineers because of their real oddity. One was a seheme. for stopping a blitzing leak in a big bigh pressure gas main in San Francisco.. Some miknown menewho wanted to make trouble set 3ff tilhemical preparation on the gas main; with the result that in a few seconds a hole had been melted in the main, the gas poured out and a great dame shot twenty-five feet in the air. It was then after midnight, and it was very inadvisable to shut the big main off. so it was decided to make an at- tempt to stop the leak without shutting off thegas. An oil well trick was used. An iron pipe six inchealn diameter and tvehtnty feet long was etood on end beside the gas main and then by careful manipu- iation placed directly over the leak. This sent the leaking gas shooting through the pipe attd flaming out at the Lop twenty feet in the air. Some gas leaked out at the bottom of the pipe, but this was easily Stopped, so the only flame was that at the top of the pipe. Ropes had been attached to the pipe, apd finally at a given -signal the ropes were yanked and the pipe was thrown many feet away from the gas main. The Pipe ca-rried the flame with it. The leaking gas then shot directly into the air from the main, but as there was no flame near it did not burn. It was then a . comparatively simple task to plug the hble until permanent repairs could be made. The other scheme was to get to the top of a high chimney without using scaffolding or other expensive methods. The chimney rose two hundred feet be - gide a Missouri power plant, and it was proposed to attach a sign running up and down its.side. 4 little parachute with a stout cord attached was pusbed into the chimney at the bottom, the flue gases carried it to the top and then out into the air. It fell on one side, dragging the cord after it. Then by means of the cord a rope was pass- ed up outside of the chimney and down the inside and the chimney top was eccessible.-Saturday Evening Post. DEVILED SHIRTS. •••••••••••••.••••• with Win at tiltetime vointiteerea to go and buy Mee, only to find that none of the sleepahad in stock a garment stun- ciently large to encircle the novelist's eenereus girth of neck and chest. At last, when on the point of relin- quishing his search. Dumas' friend eame upon a shop where a shirt called "the hercuies" was advertised. The tuime struck him as being one of good onten, acid he entered. But alas, they had. nothing' approaching the size re- quired. Unless,' indeed, their customer would care to take one made to order 'of a very. corpulent QUartier Latin student. by. whom it bad been left on *their hands: lAlthough covered wIth little red devils careering about in red flames, it was a ease of Hebson's choice, so the Shirt was purchased and taken home to flume, who, doubtless entering into the humor of the situa- tion, resolved to wear it at the recep- tion. "You would hardly believe WI he said afterward, "but my costume -was an immense success, and I really think I have started a fashion of deilled shirts for evening wear." -London Tit - Bits. SitZdIEMONIMINIIINEIMEMIENNIMUI MIESE11111101111.11061nelliallina,11116111, RitigMIRCOIMIIIIIIIINgOkUMWNIMINNnMR talk teuree, . 011.11111111111111111RE eiglea n ANIJART 1 1915 WIERMINIINIIIIIMINIMM,BONANNORSIO ae-e ross an did Funds kick of the Mule., A 'wise man, in his own estimation, announces that a mule kicks because It doesn't know any better. This will greatly 'surprise many students of eon- ' temporaneous mule life. If ever there was an animal with low cunning ex- pressed. In its eye and its twitching nostril, that animal is the mule. Its ability to place a kick "here it will give the greatest offense to its victim is something marvelouh.- ClevelancV • Plain Dealer. • The Spanish Flag. The red and yellow of the %Amish flag is said to he derived from this oc- currence: -In 1378 Charles the Bold dipped his fingers in 'the blood of Geof- frey, count of Barcelona, and drew - them Oown the count's golden shield in • token of bis appreciation of the latter's bravery.. The shield, so marked. be- came the arms of Barcelona, which- be- came part of Aragon, and -its arms. were taken by that kingdom. 1 , When Dumas Really Thought He Had. Started a New Fashion, Alexandre Dumas, the famous't French romancist, was as recklessly extravagant as be was abnormally stout; and more than once found him- self in awkward straits. Indeed, he was, often enough without the com- monest necessities, even of dress, as when anxious to attend an ambas- sador's reception he discovered he was without a single clean shirt among his linen. A friend who chanced to be AIME lf You Wish to Be Well You Must Keep the Bowels Regular. If the bowels do not move regularly they will, sooner or later, become con- stipated, and constipation is productive of more ill health than almost any other trouble. • The sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, and unless the liiter is kept active you nuey rest assured that headaches, jaundice, Iteartbut-n, piles, floating specks before the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of this, one of the most important organs of .the body. . Keep the liver active and. working peoPerly by the use of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. Mrs. Elijah A. Ayer, Va.wcett Hill, N.B., writes: "I was troubled, with constipation for many years, and about three years age my husband wanted me to try Milburn's LaxalLiver Pills, as they had cured him. I got a vial and took them, and lsseire tinse I had taken three vials.I wee cured. I always keep them on hand, and when I need a mild laxative tekeene." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed directon.recelpt of price by The T.MilbUru Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Winding Clocks. Be careful about winding decks. Wind them always at the same time and never wind them too tOst... Find out -just how many full turns of the • key it. takes to wind the clock to the proper point and always step with that number of turns. Roquefort Sheep. The milk (Asa single Roquefort sheep will in a year provide' from thirty to forty pounds of cheese. In that die triet of France there are about 8.000 sheep devoted to the cheese industry. A Born Orator. "Senator Wombat is considerable of an orator 1 take it?" "Oh, yes. He wakes eloquent ie bar. towing a- match.'- Pi ttsim rgh Pose „ REMARKABLE INSECTS. • Faculty of Smell Is the Most Highly • Developed. - The most valuable faculty poesesi- ed by insects is their sense of smell. Most insects her very poorly, and ants in particular are absolutely deaf. With all their batteries of eyes bulg-, • ing in every direction these creatureit de not seem to enjoy very- good' eye- , sight. Some of the flying insects cannot see well enough to avoid ob- stacles which to them should took as big as a barn. But when it comes to the sense of • smell the insect world is far ahead of "any animal. Fabre, the great French entomologist, confined some female butterflies in a steelcagefar from the natural haunts of the ins !wets. To his surprise males of the !species came from miles away and lit on :he screen. He then 'confined the females in hermetically -sealed jars and placed them' near pieces frequented by tlse males. Not one paid any attention, though the females were 'visible through the glass. To make sure .that the sense of vieoll was the guiding force, Prof. Fabre brought out some bits of paper • and twigs on which the females had rested. Males soon appeared, and, Ignoring the females in. their- glass Jars, circled. about the twigs and paper. • If a strange ant of the same specien is placed ix an ant -hill he is violent/» ly ejected. Every insect he meets recognizes him instantly as an in., truder and helps in the ejection. . If a small mouse dies in a field certain Undertaker insects known as sylphs and itecrophero will journey from distances of more, ti,an a mile • to -lay eggs in the body. The bo -use -fly' acts golely on the sense of mnell, In his flying abed he Is perpetually trying to head. in the slirection of each breath of food. odor he meets, and dodges and turns with each eddy of air until he locates the source of the smell. Mosmittoes find you in the -dark rather more easily than in theday. They smell their, victims outside the house. Their sense of emelt' leads them to windows, doors, or chimneys. In theygo, and soon 'you hear their song abqut your 'nears. A Bed of Bayonets. A. most rema.kable feat wasperi formed before the rajah of Manipur bY a Mussulmen, one of a company of acrebats, who reclined at full length upon the points of seven hay- onets axed in the orthodox method ID as many muskets. Four of the • performer's assistants lifted, him up • on, to his bed of spikes, *here 110 i carefully adjusted himself and *dies tributed his weight so that the hay- onet points did not pierce 100 flesh, Th 3 back of his head rested on one. - point, his shoulder blades on two others, hie elbows on two more, while 1 the hollows behind his knees waged the remaining two. The acrobat de- clared after it -was all over Ihat be haefelt as comfortable as if lying on a bed. The Dogs of.Tur• key„ In the 'matter of' iiidiess to api. Male it is said that tho Mtirk camel be surpassed. Thus at Stsunboul,ths Wandering !dog*, are_.traiwith great geliitinesS,, and't*td,1$11WIes_ tome into the world they lealreel vita their mother at tlifikle`of OR 'ach NE W1F_iibscriber received for THE URON EXPOSITOR for one year at the reg- ular subscription price of One Dollar, we will devote flirty CENTS, or one-half of the amount to be given n I to the Red 'Cross or Belgian Relief Funds as the individual subscriber Amy designate. iThis offer holds good from now till February 1st, 1915. By "NEW " Subscribers we mean those who are nolnow subscribersato The Expositor. Subscriptions will be received on the abovet terms only when they are to be addressed to somei post office in the Counties of Huron and Perth. ' The subscription price must on all occasions ac- company the order. The safest way to send money is by Express or Post Office Order. A full year's subscription will be given in every instance. Parties sending in lists of names can have the papers sent to different offices, so long as the offices are within the, counties of Huron and Perth. A full and accurate account of the moneys re- ceived and dispersed will be given at the close o the period, February lst, 1915. By this plan you can receive a regular weekly visit, for one year of one of the West local papers in Ontario, and at the same time aid the above laudable objects, and all for ONE DOLLAR e Huron ExpOsito McLean Bros., Publishers Seaforth, Ontario street in improvised xennexe man, out of old boxes lined with straw ang bite of carpet And frequently wheet . a young Turk happens to be flush money he goes to the nearest bake shop and buys a quantity of b -Which he distributes among the of the quarter, who testify the gratitude by jumping up at him wl m sddy pawsand sniffing muzzles. Handet 141 South Africa. It can hardly be expected that "post impressionism" will be coup fined to pictures in, the future. * friend of palm writea me from -Seidl Africa that some genius out WO has dbne "Hamlet" in the Taal and quotes the following example which seems to me extremely post impres- sionistic. Here it is: Hamlet-Wie is. u? -Ghost-Ik is enn spook. . Hamlet-Wies spook tau? Ghost-lk is yu papa's spook. Cold Feet. Miring a marriage ceremony im Scotlae d recently the bridegroom looked extremely wretched, and he got so fidgety, standing aret on one foot and then on the other, that the, "best man" decided he would ind Out what the trouble was. "What's up -i Jack?" he whispered, "Hee ye lost the ring?" • • "No," answered the unhappy one, with a woful look, "the ring's safe enough, but, man, I've lost ma en- thusiesm." alinintoom, A Comparlse "Why is a clock like a pretty and vain young lady?"-, . *- 4 iT fon to see any resemblance. „ Why?" "Because it is all face and figure, has no head to cpeak'of, is hard to stop,when once it is wound up and has a striking way of calling atten- tion. to itself every hour ef the day" -London Tit -Bits. . To Ferment. "You know' Elsie, that 'ferment' means `to Work,' said the' teacher,: "Now you may Write a sentence on the blackboard containing the word 'ferment.' After a moment's thought Elsie wrote as follows: "In summer I love to ferment among the fiosvers in our garden," • •Caught ifer. "I beg yinir' pardon, ma'am, for calling you to the door." "What's the trouble?" "Why, the lady next door told me ) You would buy a jar of our beautify.. hg cream because you needed it. llut I see you don't. Good day, ma'am." "Wait one moment, please. I'll take one anyway." His Mistake. "Look here," yelled the customer, "didn't you tell me it would be safe for .me to carry those six dozen eggs home in my suit ease?" did," replied the produce man. "Weil, look fit this mentor yelled the tustomer. - "Every dingbatted. one 'of them Is.busted." "Well," replied the produce man, "you must hate forgotten to bard ball them."--..cinclunati Enquirer, Doing Good. Ere that does good to another man does also good to himself, not only in consequence, but in every net of doing for the conscience of well doing Is ample reward. -Seneca. Emerald isle. It was Dr. W. Drennan who, on se- men of ite verdure. first veiled ire- -land the Emerald Isle in the poem. t "Erin." Love labor, for if thee deer fee Want - It for food thou lent ler euesies- Penn. 10 OFICEPOASOARETS" IT BILIOUS OR 0011,11 For Sick Headache, Sour Stoma/fit' Sluggish Liver and Boweis-Th.) ,work while you, sleep. . Purred Tongue, Bad Taste, Incilti* tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches . come from a torpid liver it clogged bowels, which cause Youz stomach to become filled with undi. gested food, which sours and fermente like garbage in. a awill barrel. There the first step to untold misery-fadt• gestilen, foul gases, had breath, yellOW, skin, mental fears, everything that 12,, horrible and nauseating. A easeareli to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough. Cleansing and. straighten you :out by inonibut* The work while you sleep --a 10 -cent -IAA from your druggist will MIS ra flak Int good for nlonths, e. er, win kidn and and 1 Que. sore ' get he I go nowi De 3 bo' dirccl burn 014 rnove a lio rause+ stoma and o O' :Ask tieof • mita of all Barr Ndtar Sea, Barri Farms' Kan s — - PRO Note dian Barri etc. Mo day of &r Cc ed Dentiet dence* of D. Hono eaty CO Abe Mb Veterini all Donn ern. prl cr .Rotel, dere lei 044tientil Viffice, J25R • geed arg des diseaseei aniline ard thr (Vintner and Fr Office: - east eif Pharie of Slur 3. College Ann Ar Coroner Universi Ity Medi lege of P Grad Flieuity lege of tario; Clineal thahnle UnhierSi Bagland Bank, calls an. street, S Licens of Mao. rangem hY cant -The Exi ate and Lice of ILr sale Phone or the crate of Iluro farmer the vai Piacea adze ilatiefacr orders JO attended