The Huron Expositor, 1915-01-01, Page 5910
,y 0
pat -
't services wilt beheld
March. EverYorte 13
ias far as possible,.
nd attend these ser-
ning of spiritUallife.
n as Mentz, aecompan-
iter, Miss ,Margaret,
"this .week attending
old friend in, the
ony Betel, who pas -
eightieth year. -Mrs.
Iter, from Michigan,
re with the former -6.
Anderson. - Miss
, of Clinton, was a
dster, Mk s MargerY,
ley. and Mrs. Rich-
trnas turkey with
:ock. Ur. William
orth or the village,
eachers of St.
hooI one evening re-
nd &tr.% Cooper are
It goes without say -
present spent a most
itle Students who are
istmas holidays are:
'gin Ress and Nitts
L Smith, 3firanda A.
-,Cortnick. P. Rowald
Srs. Sohn Geiger and
;Ichigarn are 'visiting
rrs. F. Hess. st., vrbo
with her daUghter,
Goderich, for some
.-Mr. H. Slemon at
the West' thk cj
ater.-Ntr. and Mrs.
;a opened a temper-
„Ite.-Communion ser -
;d at the Evangelical,
.7 last. which were
S. R. Knechtel,
r. Knechttl preanhed
Ifons-The largeeroas
the Roman Catholic
blown off during the
Tonday of last week.
of the 14th conces-
mas with relatives in
:le Either has retutn-
,Inover.-David Oescit -
Is visiting with his
Mrs. .1, Oesch. sr-
.sion.-Miss Elizabeth.
1-Ityrook, of Lon.
the holidays here. --
of the Members
club h:ld la==t
dt_ti to rnahe a small
t the II( licit of the
reKinnon. J. Preeter
appointEd to ar-
or. nr-xt
[1,-, town line. near
[y bitt.F=n by a •dog on
ha3 since b:..fel Mica.
:ay towrAilp old boy,
e from Saskatchewan.
a:sp.:Ennis farm:n` out
tirQrop this season.
travailed he did
3. =
- wedding took
Lutheran Church;
_1st weck. nten Misz•
r of Nfr, and Mrs.
united ir marriage
1-zius. The ccr-_Trnany
Rev. W. C. 3,,f1ller.
us acted as brides- -
Id. Prier:, supported
IL=s MyrtLThiI, ot
he -wedding march.,
was survcd at the -
In 019 spring they
he Bronson. Line.
The fellowing are
ialten from the fl -
the Township of
I Receipts. $39.861, -
ads and brideges.
Health, 1104.90;
S'Alaries, $792.15;
Jing, 1202.06; Mb-
; Lumber, $27.74;
unty rate, 14,934.-
tn. *109.02; South
Craven n465.70;
t *2,533.65; &how
[The cash on hand
2,36, and the un-
-. to *1.102,34.
e simple di
a gallon Of
r and stiMUla-
ngfan callers
oM overwork
equals. Get
JANUARY 1 1915
Pirth Reins
-A live gtock judging and short
course convbAtion, under the auspice
4rt the South Perth Parrner'e institute,
Will be held at the market square in
At. Marys, on Thursday and Flieldscee,
'anuary 7th antl sth. 'Following Is the
13mgraln: TbA6134etY.--:Ait a.30 p. m.,
judging of beef cattle, amid at 8.80 p.m.,
,Judging of dairy cattle, ise Pref. Geo.
E. Day, D. TA. iC., Guelph; at 8 p.m.,
a public meeting will be heid, addresses
Ito be given by Trot, Geo. E. and
10, F. Bailey, assistant deputy minister
le agriculture for Ontario', Pood music
twlIl 'be turniehed at the meeting. Fri -
lay -At '1.30 p.m., judging of heary
horses ?by Dr. G. B. Reid of C4eoitge-
ltoWn. If weather conditions are favor -
toile, 'a large crowd from the cou.ntry-
nide 'is expected.
-Tne death of Mr. George Tomp-
kins, in Listowee on Tuesday in nis
Vera year, after a :reeidence in Lista-
w1 'and vicinity for over half a cen-
tuiy, makes trio first brets.k in a, family
eignteen, the mother and eixteer.
childrenahough scattered far 'and -wide,
asi being alive and well, Mr. Tnomp-
lair* was truiy a -pioneer Of tnis sed-
tiolL and auXfered, witn his brave wife,
the hardships of the tarty life of this
collars* in trie bush. With Sirs:Tome-
kine, then a young snother ot eighteen
emilmere, Its two chialren; team of
oxen raid siteign, he made his Way with
•Wfficuity .to a farm ;which he pur-
chased On the Boundary West, about an
mile ;and a hair from Liatowel, which
ie cleareitiee timber arid on, which
he resided for thirty-eight years prior
to moving to Listowee where he has
lived retired of recent years.
Hallett .
Our Council -The nominations pass -
sed over very _quietiy this year and
peaceful counsels prevailed. There
'were several nominated but the last
'hour found all the old 001113Cil re-elect•
-ed as follows ; JohraFingland, reeve;
'W. J. Miller, Matthew Armstrong,
James Watt and Thomas Neilands,
. flibbert
' School Reporan-The ninewing is the
-report of the School in Seetion No. 4,
Etibbeet, for the month of' December,
'The names are in Zrder of merit: 'Sr.
M. -Carmel Morris, ,Katie Connolly,
Margaret Doyle, Joe Coyne. Sr. III,-
Wfay, Doyle, !Angus Kennedy, Frank
'Coyne. Jr. M. -Agnes Cella
Ignrrls, Bert Bairry, IMarY Coyne, Joe
= Burke, Johnie Williams, George Clanhe,
Second -Geraldine O'Connor, weary
Milan, Florence Coyne, Jos. Coyne, Al.
- Williams. Part II -Alice O'Reilly and
Jimmie Morris equal,Marearet
Part 1 -Anna Atkinson, Michael- Doyle
and (Jimmie Kennedy equial. Absent for
examinations, 'Willie (McMillan, George
Eddie Connolly, Dorothy Ken.
Inedy, Sylvester Williams. -M. 3._ Cur-
tin, 'Teacher. s.,
Notes. -Mr. .d. t. Ilieleragearf,
chairman of this district of "the CaT,R.
operators,lettSatuadayafer Toron-
to to attend a meeting of the chair-
men. -At present there are a a-urnber
of the children In this locality afflicted
'with measles, but not many in; the v11-
lage.-At the Methodist Christmas tree
two unexpected gifts were presented:
the Adult Bible Class igiving .their
teacher a leather upholstered ;rocking
'chair, and the officers and teachers
presenting the superintendent, alla C.
R. Beese, with a gold headed umbrella.
s-Locan merchants report that they did
a splendid holiday trade Sand are well
pleaeed. Rough weather or -a day or
la two interfered with ,business, but later
it came with such a rush that the
storekeepers were kept busy satisfying
Notes. The wintry weather still
CoeititME S • Some times a coarse De-
cember is followed by a mild January
-Mr and Mrs. Thomas Ross of Man-
toba are back on a visit. Both form-
erly lived on the Leedbury line. -The
mail c trx iers are having a cold time of
it. After all. it is only for the after-
noon:and‘hey are dAng nicely so Tar.
-Mr. ucti yrs. W. Davidson spent
Christm)igswith the latter's parents in
Brussels. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith
spent Christmas with their son, who
resides on the Lockhart farm, near
Seaforth .- Mr. J. J. Irvine intends
giving one fourth of the preCeeds-from
his gravel pit this coming year to the
Red Cross fund. In case the war is,
over before next winter, the money,'
will be. given to Goderich hospital. -
We hope to see our esteemed Reeve,
Mr. Govenlock, elevated to the War-
denship of -Huron this coming year.
.Airnable and easily approached and
an all round good fenew, he will fill
the Warden's chair with grace and
dignity. -
We extend to all our friencie n Bayfield and sur-
romiding country hest wisher; for a happy and bright
New Year and thaek len for your patronage dur-
ing 1914, and trust thstamong your New Year *res-
olutions you will remember our • Pay as You Buy"
plan ried see what you can save by dealing with us
during 1915. The greatest hit drance to pro:petite-
in our country Is credit, just 1 hink it over. There
has been much &aid and written regarding the hieh
wise of living, el Oft ht3 nmeh to do with it. The
solution to a large extent reefs ith the consumer
who De- debling n the Pay as Ye u Buy" pan les-
sens hia eOf t cf living materially. Give this plana
trial and see Le A. Edward». - 2455.1
Christi/1.1s Wedding. - A pretty
wedding was solemnized at high noon '
on Christmas Day, at the new resi-
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cleave
of the villege, when their only daugh-
ter, Edith, o as united in marriage to
Mr. Janali Gingrich. of Newbury,
Mich. The knot was tied by, Rev . Mr..
Searle of Toronto, only die immed-
iate friends baing present. After the
ceremony all sat down to a sumptu-
ous supper, after which the happy
couple left on the evening train from
Brucefield for I London and Toronto
for a trip, and intend returning here
before leaving for their home in New-
bury, Mich. The bride's wedding
dress was of copenhagen blue silk and
-her travelling dress was Retain:sr 'made
blue serge. We all join in wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Gingrich a long and happy
-married life.
Breezes. -R McMurray and Alex.
Aiken were in Toronto over Christ-
mas .-Theinas Sanderson arrived this
week from the west for a visit. -Mr.
Samuel Eagleson, of Dakota, is visit-
ing his parents. - Arao g the Xmas
visitors were: Mr. and erS. Branden-
burg and Mrs. Newton, etroit ;
'Roy Edward, Berlin; T.
Brandon, Wingliam ; Harold Pollock,
Ford King. lames Cameron, Rev. Mr.'
Searle, Alice Tippet, Toronto; W.
'Cameron, Norman Cameron, Detroit;
Hilda King„'Uoderich.-Mr. Outhber-
tson, who has been assisting in the
Sterling Bankleft for Sehringville
last week. -We are always .pleased th
welcome new residerits to Bayilekt.
.Mr. Cleave moyed Last week from his
farm 013 the Saneble Line to his new
home on Louise stryiet.---7MreEd. Stur-
geon has moved to Mrs. Rosie house
OU Main street and David Sturgeon to
Mrs.CampbeIrs, both from Port Stan-
ley. -Miss Jean Harrison of Goderich,
is the guest of Miss L. Kluge -Mr. R.
White, pastor of the Methodist church
is holidaying at his home near Chat-
hans,-Mr. McLaren, of Port Elgin, .is
the guest of Mrs. W. ',Sterling thie
week. -Mrs. James Ferguson is holi-
daying at Beigrave.e-Mrs Green spent
Christmas with her. daughter, Mrs.
'Ironstone, of Gorrie..-Mrs. Ferguson,
,school teacher is visiting in Wingham
and Belgrave.-Mr. Norman Cameron
of Grand Rapids, visited under the
Parental rootafter an absence of seven
Seaforth. Dec:30th 1914
a vilest, (Stanctara),(new)... 1 11) to $ 1 10
ate, per bushel(psw) 43 to , 48
P.m, per babel.. 100 to 1 00
ii‘rley, per bushel.. ••• t• • 60 ee 60
Bean per ton ...... . 26 00 to 26 00
8aorts, per ton 28 00 to 28 00
RIonr, per 100 Ilia.. ., 3 00 to 3 75
leader No. 1, loose. 23 to 03
tgs„ier e8 to 30
1 ty ..... . 12 00 to 13 00
."otatoe-e, per bag 45 to 45
Bean Market
. Toronto, Dec„ 29.-Bearti, - Primes,
bushel, $.2.60 to„ $2.75; -hand ipicked per
bashel, $2.75 Its) $2.85. le•
Detroit, Dee. 29.-Beana-Inimediate
and prompt aliipment, $2.55; January,
$2.60; Pebruary, $2.70 n allay, $2,75; Lis
Moss, 7 1--20 t!to 12c per mound. rz
"- 'Poultry Markets
London, Dec. 29th -Alive, wholesale -
Old fonn„Ite, ,6c oto 7c; Young chickens,
lb., -7 9.-2c to 9c; ducks, per lb., ,i1c.
to 9e; ,ge.ese, per -lb, 7c to 7C; turkeys,
per lb, 122 to 14e. Dre-zsed, wholesale-
Chickeee, 10 .12c;. turkeys, 17 to
19c; geese, 11 to 14; ducks,' 11 to
12c. -Dressed, tetali-Spring chickees,
.per 'pair, $1 tos$1.50; ducks, per 'pair.
•$1.25nto $2; chickens, per lb., 12 to
140 ; 'turkeys, per lb., 18 to .20c; geese,
per 'lb., IS tor 114c.k •
Toronto Dec. 29 -Dressed - Sp/Mg
chickens, 113 to 15c; r fowl, 10 -to 12b;
ducks, spring, per lb., 14 , (to Ifice
turkeys, 18 to 19c; geese, 14 to 15c.
Live -Hens, per lb., 10 to 11c; ducks,
spring, '12 '10 13c; geese, 11. to 12c.
Dairy Markets
Montreal, Dec. 29th. -Cheese, finest
westerns, '15 3-4c to .15 7-8cr 'do (finest
easterna 15 1-2 to 15 5 -Sc. Butter, _non
cent creamers-, 28 1-2 to 29:c; 'seconds,
27 to 98 Cents. Eggs, fresh, -55 to
60c; selected, 32c; No, :1 :stock, 28e. to
29e; No. 2 Lstock, (25c to 26c.
' London, Dec, 29th-Reta11 prices:
Butter rolls, Eb. 30 .to 31c; butter,
fancy, ibe 30 to 2c;(gbutter, creamers,
1.b., 30 to 82e; .butter, crocks, lb., 29
to $0e; !eggs, per doz., 40 to .42c; ,eggs,
per basket, ,40 14,8a; egge, store lots,
per, doz., 33 to 350; honey, strained,
10 lbs., $1.40 to ;$1.50. ,
Toronto, Dec. 29th -Butter -Trane 12
-quiet and prices firm. Choice grades
M comparatively light offer. . Choice
dairy, .23 to 24c; inferior, 20 to 21c;
creamery prints, 29 to 0o;(3do., solids,
28 to 29e. Farmers' Sepanator, 26 to 27c.
Eggs. -New -laid, selects, dozen,, 35 to
38e, storage, 28 to 80e. Roney. --Buck-
wheat, 1 1-2c a pound, in tins; .7c irt
barreLs; strained croveil Micey, 12c a
pound in 60-11 tine; 13c in 10-ra tins;
130 in 5 -lb tins ; comb honey, No. 1
$2.75 per dozen; extra, $2.25 to $2.56
per dozen ; No. 2, ,$2 to $2.25 per dozen.
, Grain, Etc.
Toronto, Dec.,' 29. -Flour- Manitoba
first patents quoted- rat $6.60, in jute
bags; second patents, $6.10; strong
bakers', $5.90; Ontario wheat (Mono 90
per cent. patents, quoted at $4.75 to
*CR, seaboard. Wheat -Manitoba No.
1 Northern quoted at -$1.30 1-2; No. '2
at $1,27 1-2, and No. 3 at $1.23 1-2.
Ontario wheateNo. 2 quoted at $1.12 to
$1.14 set outside points. Oats. -Ontario
quoted at 49 to 50c, outside, and at 52
to 53c on track, .Taronto. Western
Caalltda, No: 22quOteci at 61c, and No.
3 at 58 1-2c. iBarley.-Market 15 quiet.
with malting grades at t64 to 68c,roue-
side. Peas, -The market is quiet. with
Vo. 2 ,quoted at .11.55 to $1.65, Noutsidtt.
Orn -No 3 new American quoted an...
76e, all rail, Toronto freight. Miilfeed,
-Car its, per ton, bran, *25 to $26;
shorts, *27 to *28; middlings,, *30 to
02; good feed flour, $31 !to $40e0nions.
Canadian, 75 -pound bag, $1.25;
Spanish, crate, *4. Potatoes.-Ontarlos,
70 per bag, oUt of store, 65c in eat
lots; New Brunswicks. 76c per bag, out
of store, 60c in car lots, Dealeis are
paying as follows for car lot :deliveries
on track here. --Straw Is quoted at *7.-
50 to $8 a ton, in oar lots, on- ttrack
here. Hay. -No. 1 new hay is quoted at
*16.50 ite 117 on itrack he; gin. 2 gt
$15 'to $15.50, and No. 3 at $13 to
Live Stock Markets,
Buffalo, Dec., 29. -Cattle -Market 26c
to 35c higher; choice to prime shipping
steers, *9 to *9.50; fair to (good, 18.-
50 Ito *8.85; plain, $7.75 to *8,25;
choice heavy butcher steers, *8.50 to
*8.75; crair to good, $8 to $8.25; best
handy steers,. *8.25 to *8,75; common
to good, *7.25 to *8; yearlings *8 to
*9; prime heifers, *7.75 to $8; best
handy 'butcher heifers, 4;7.25 to
common to igood„$6; to $7; best .heavy
cows, $6.50 to *7; good autchering
cews, *535 to.*6.26; (medium to 'good,
$4.75 to $5.50; cutters, $4.50 to $5;
canners, $4 'to $4.25; (best heavy hulls,
*7110 *7.60; saus,a,ge bulls, $5.50 to $6 ;
light bulls, $4.75 to S5.25. Hogs. -Mar-
ket 25c higher, Heavy, $1.25; medium,
*7.25 'to $7.30; Yorkers, k$7.25 to $7,35;
pigs, $7.40 to $7.60, Sheep. - Market
E tromg, Top lambs, $8.85 fi.o $9; yearl-
ings, $6,50 to $7.75 wethers, $6 to
*6.50; ewes, $4.75 to $5.75, Calves -
Streinsg, tops, 110,50; fair (to good, *8.-
50 to *9.50; grassers, $4 to $4.60.
Montreal, Dec., 29. -At the ItIOntreal
Stock Yards, west end market, prices
were slightly lower owing .to the fact
that butchers bought sparingly as they
carried covet ,considerable s took from
the 'holidays. Packers, bought freely of
°canning stock and 43 fair trade was
Wone in this line .at steady prices. with
sales of rows at 14 to $4.25y, andn3ulls
at '$4.75 to *5 -per cwt. The excitement
which prevailed in the, market for
lambs laSt week on accotint of the keen
competition between local buyers haS
abated consnlerably, and in conseque-
enee the market today Was quieter
with an eiasier undertone and prices
declined 25c per cwt. There wa some
demand for small lots and sales of On-
tario stock were made rat $8 'to 18.25;
and Quebec at $7,50. to $7.75per evit.
Sheep were unchanged with dernaind
1:1ogs were firmer, there being
good demand for supplies, which were
,Inna,11 and nalen i4.. seteeted lots were
'Wade tat 48,74ows: at 46 and stats at
41 per imirdreds priimds weighed off
dare: tA few loads of northwest hogs
were on the market, and sold pAn$7.70
per eWt., eempar.ed .with ttok$7.50
last Week. 'Pollowing gin the average
quotations : Butchers' cattle, choice,
(i9 4710.; Q. inSIYAlli. ILO to
W. T. BOX * CO.
Holders:of Governifient Diploma
- and License '
-Night Calls I Day Calls
Phone 107 Phone 50
$7; do. common, 14(it 16; canners, $4
to $5; [butchers' cattle, phoice cows
$6.25 Ito .$6.50; do. Medium, $5.50 to
$6; ,do Ibulis, $5.25, to 46.60; milkers,
choice, each, -$70 to $75; do. common
and imesliarn, each, /60 tto $65; spring-
ers, $50 to $55, Sheep, ewes, $5 to
$6.25; bucks and culls, $4.50 to $4.75,
Lambs, '$1.50 to $8.25. \Hogs, folo., *8,
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, -Dec.,
29. -Only eildteen carloads of cattle
were on offer and comprised for the
most .:part canners. Swift's and Guruns
between them bought almost every-
thing that seas !going and there was no
real market, the usually busy men
spending the morning talking over the
holiday experiences. at is unlikely there
:will -be. any real {business transacted
at the :Yards until after this week
Is out. What few butcher cattle there
were (sold ,f'rom $0.15 to $7.15, canners
frorn$ • 4.00 to $4.15, and bulls, which
were a linitte-d number from $5.50 to
$6.75, The sheep and iamb offerings
were represented "bee twenty-one head
and eold }at last week's prices. Calves
numbered only 27 all told, aind it :Was
only lack of, quality that prohibited the
usual $10 nseing paid or 'the test. Over
400 head of hones arrived during the
week end but only 38 were on the open
market and these sold steadily on the
unchanged $7.25 fed mid awatered basis.
wjtL Canadlie bn-ight 125 canners, 44
to 44.15. Chintis Limited bought one
ichal lgtt butchers', 46.50 to $7; bulls,
45.75. to $6.75; 70 'canners end cutters
$4 to $4,10.
Have you ever heard of Listowel
Business College? If you have not
it must be our - fault, now we
are . going to introduce ourselves
to the readers ot iThe Expositor.
Owing , to the fact that we do as
we say and that our gradu-
ates succeed, the Listowel Business
College has nearly doubled twice in
attendance a,ndgra,duates in the past
four years. This is the the first time
we have ever published an advertise-
ment in this paper, and as yop intend
taking up special, studies to better
your poeition, we offer you. now your
opportuni ty . To every reader of this
aper wh
the open i
on Mond
a choice
months c
or Four
registers in our classes and
studennasf the L. B. C. for
ig of the New Years Term
y, January 4th, we will give
of the following: Three
urSe in any department i$20
onths course in any depart-
ment $25. 'This offer is only for ad-
vertising purposes and will only be
held operji for two weeks fromalate of
this pap4r, and is only good to resi-
dents of ost Office districts, anywhere
in Ontar o except those mentioned be-
low viz : Listowel, Atwood. Donegal,
Newry. Ethel,' Milverton, Britton,
Newton, Millbank, Hesson, Moorefield
Palmers on, Harrison, Clifford, Ford-
wich, G rrie, Ayton, Drew, Alsfeldt,
Gowans own, Wallace, ,Trowbridge,
Molesw rth, Hentfryn, Kurtzville,
Rothsa ,Burns and Freebern. Edwin
G. Matt ews, Principal. 2455.2
•••• •••i•••••••••••••••••
• •
i ALKER • 8c I
i •
2 II derlakers andErnbalmers :
• •
• •
• W. j. Walker •
• Night Phone -18 •
• . •
ao. Store Phone -67
• ;
• •
=MEG -
RILEY-In Hullett, ofi December 22nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Riley, a son.
WHEELER -In Grey township, on December 22nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Benson Wheeler; a danghter.
BALKWILL-In Bnyfield, on December 271h, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. Balkeill, a daughter.
HUGILL-In Mullett, on Dec. 281h, to Mr. and Mrs.
James Hugill, a daughter'.
LANE -In McKillop. on December 25th, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Lane, a daughter.
O'RMLLY-In McKillop, on December 23rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. O'Reilly, a son.
REID-JOHNSTON-At the home of the bride's
mother, Stanley, on December 23rd, by Rev.
Mr. Johnston, Aggle, daughter of Mrs. S. John.
ston,-to John Reid, all of Stanley.
KEDDY-PAYNTER-At the home rf the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. RoberePaynter, i,:o
Seek., on December 10th, Miss Ila, to Mr. H. E.
Keddy. of Mellort, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Keddy, of Usborne.
DEVINE-ENGELAND-At the Pres nyterian manse
, Grand Bend, by the Rev. Mr. derriere, on Dec-
ember 15th, Miss Emma Lovina, eldese
deughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Henry- Engeland, of
Stephen, to Mr. W eDavit e. -
LOWP-Ie Grey township, on December 17th, Annie
l'twson, beloved wife of Wm. Lowe, in her 33rd
y ar.
HIO S -In Usborne, on December 23rd, Elizabeth
TL Hick% relict of the !nee Robert Hicks, aged
yeare and 8 months.
BROWN -In Clinton, an December 22nd, Mre. Har.
r ett Brown, aged 08 years.
P3 S -In Clinton, on December 181h, George
otts, aged 72 years.
WAR EN -In Goderich, on December 16th, Alien
. Warren, aged 90 years.
• •••••!•••••••*••••••••••
S T Holmes
• ,.
• Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
'Undertakingparlors in 0 ddfel I
lows building opposite
. Stewart Bros. Resi-
dence Goderich at., opp
Dr, Scott's.
Flowers furnished on
short notice.
IPhone Night or Day 119.
• . •
• • • • • • • • • • ia • • • ••• • le • • • • • •
Butter rappers
Fait:mem or Dairymen requiring But-
ter Wrappers as provided tor. by the
‘4.tlfrtinUltura1 regulations, can have
th ;4airie so* the °shortest notice at
E ,Eatr.OXTOR OFFICE, Seaforth.
Joneeharl received inetructions from Mr. Fred Iran.
son tp sell by nubilenotion on " Ingleside Finn."
Lot 24, Co
south of
the follow
YeaTS old
heavy draft msre rising 5 yesre old and registered
and supposed to be In foal to Earl of Olay, 1 heave'
drat mare rising 4 years old and registered supposed
to be in foal to Royal Ronal, 1 heavy draft aired
mare misters& eked sus:Ipso to be in foal to Earl
of Clay,I heavy draft4jIly riming 3 years old and
registered, 1 heavy draft lilly 2 years old and regls.
tared, i heavy draft gelding rising 8 years old got by
Red Michael, 2 heavy draft fillies i ising 1 year old
andregifitered, 1 good driving horse 9 years old,
sound and reliable.. Cattle --1 thoroughbred Short-
harn cow ti years old supposed to be in calf, 1 thoro.
bred Shorthorn cow 3 years old eupposecl to be in
Atli 2 thoroughbred Shorthorn heiPers riling 1 ear
old, 2 grade oolVe due to calve a'iout Lima of sale,2
grade cows due to calve in spring, 1 Polled Angus
bull rieing 2.years old and register( cl, 2 Polled Ate.
gus Cows registered and supposed to be in off, I
Polled•Angus heifer registerea and due to ealve
about time of sale, 3 Polled Angus heifers rising 1
year old, 2 Polled Angtte cows supposed to be in uf.lf
not registered, 10 fat eteere and 4 fat heifers av, rag
lug about 11C0 pounds each, 2 fat feNws 6 steers and
4 heifers rising 2 year* old. 6 spring calves. Implies
rnen les-Masssy-ffarris binder 4311., cut onlv,36 pores
(new), Massey- Harris diee drill, McCormick mower
in good repair 6 ft. out, McCormick horse rake 10
feet wide, steel land roller, Idetesey-Harris cultivator
new with two sets of points and 3 -horse whiffietreee,
dim harrow, set iron herrowe, Clinton fanning mill,
Adams wagon new with box and spring male truck '
wagon, set of bobsleighs, large sleigh box, MeLeugh-
lin cutter, MoLanhlin rubber then= buggy, Mc.
Laughlin top buggy, root pulper, turnip drill Massey -
Harris walkingplow nearly new No. 7, Paris plow
No. 21, hay and stock rack combined, root scutil or,
De Laval cream separator, lawn mower, Eet of
double harness brass mounted, set of double farm
harness, 2 sets single harnees golden mounted.
Furniture -Happy thougilt coal heater nearly new,
new,large cupboard, glass oupb rd, large churn, intik
can, 30 yards of velvet carp lounge, tea set of
dishes, several lamps and pi 'was and other articles
too numerous to mention. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp.
Terme. Al) sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that
amount 9 months' credit will he,given on furnishing
approved joint notes. 4% off tor cash on credit
amounts. This stile will abut sharp at 12 o'clock
and intending purchasers shculd be on hand. Pos.
'Lively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm
and is retiring. FRED HANSON, Proprietor;
Jaines Jones, Auctioneer. 2455. td
EXPORT -OIL. • - .
will have a number of those well- OF COMMERCE -
bred cows of good milking strairocom-
ing in soon. Also some thoroughbreds
in Seaforth at the livery on Saturday,
January 9.nd. Terms -cash or bank-
able paper.:
George T. Turnbull
tieeelon 3, toWnship of Fullerton, a miles
Mullen, on Wednesday Jaisuary lath, 1015,
1Ioeseil-1 heavy draft mare rising 0
upposed to be in foal * to Royal Ronal 1
AV -ANTED -A caretaker for 8, S. NO.' 2, Tucker
Y1' smith. Dutiee to commence Tannery
Apply to Jame fi McLean+ Secy-Treas., Kippen.
OARM FOR SALE -For sale on Lot 1, gonoettslon
L' 4, nutlet, Containing 100 acres, convenient -to
afthool and Post Office. . Terms reasonable. For
further particulars apply to William
Worth Poet Office. g3054f
vtiSTRA1* STEER -Strayed onto the °premise' of
11the undersigned. Lot 26,10oncession 10; Hib-
bert, a year old steer, red and white in color. The
owner can have the same on proving property and
paying charges.. T. R. WORDEN, R. R. No. 1,
Cromarty. 2451x4
im-OTICE-The undersigned will keep an Let 17,
ell Concession 11, McKillop, a tharoughbred,Ifork-
shire hog, exceptionally well bred, mar tly purch-
ased front W. E. Featheretone & son. Terms 411,00.
JOHN NOLAN, Seaforth, Phone 14 on 144. 2403x4
PIG FOR SERVICE -The -undegerned has for
service on Lot 27, Conceslon 17, Meltilliep, a
thoroughbred Tamworth hog. He was bred by
D. Douglas & sun, and wee the grand champion at
Toronto and Ottawa Exhibitions in e01.4. Terthe ill
at time of service. J- G. GRIEVE & Son, R. R. No.
4, Walton.
MAMWORTLI PIG -The undersigned has for ser -
j vice o hie farm, Huron Road west, Tuckerstnith
a thorough Tamworth hog from imported stock -
Terms -91 pa able at time of service with the priv.
ilege of returning if necessary. Also- for -sale three
young Tamworth boars. J. E. MCGILL, Phone 6 on
138, Clinton. . 2402-4
0 ICIARM FOR SALE -Lot 13, Concession 3, Town-
ie ship of Stanley. 100 armee, mostly under culti-
vation, good stone house with wood and driving
sheds attached. Also bank barn. Spring water all
bite year round. Farm suitable either for grazing
oregrain. Tennitoderate. Apply to JOHN KET-
OREN, Bruceffiel
FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 6, Ooncefon 9, Tucker -
smith, containing 100 acres, abut seven acres
ander bush. The farm is well fenoed and drained
ind in a good state of cultivation. There are on the
premises a.good frame boomibank barn, pig house,
an house, drive houee and two good wells. For
terms and pa milers apply on the premisee or ad-
dress MRS, JOHN MKILOY, Egmondville P.O.
FARM FOR SALE -Being Lot 7, -Concession
Township of Hullitt, containing 100 aeres
ohoice land, on the premises are a large bank be
with stabling underneath, With cement floc,
throughout. New brick house with furnace in tio
"Mier. Well fenced and under drained, will be sold
reasonable as the owner Wishes to give up farming.
For further information apply . on the premises or
address Seaforth P. 0., MELVIN J. CLARK.
VARM FOR SALE -For sale 100 acres of choice
laud in the Township of Hibbert, bring Los 28,
Conaession 9. On the premises are a brick house,
drive shed, bank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen underneath. The farm le well fenced and
underdrained, and there are 10 acres of hardwood
bush. Rural Mail and Telephone Connection.
For further particulars apply to ADELINE SILLERY
affa, Ont. 2422-tt
pIG FOR SElt VIOE-The undersigned will keep
for service, on Lot 26, Concession 2. Hullett,
a thoroughbred Yorkshire hog. He is exception-
ally well tired, being bred front the well known
stock of D. 0. Plate and son, Mtligrove, Ontario and
recently purehased from Mr. H. M. Hamilton, of
Tuckersmith. Terms, el at time of Service, with
the -privilege of returning if neceesary. THOMAS
LIVINGSTONE, R. B. No. 2, Seaforth. 2461x4
-uaSTRAY HEIFPR-Strayed from the premises of
.12) the undersigned, Lot 1, Coneeesion 2, Tuck-
ersmith, about the 41h of December, a 10 months
old heifer, dark color and white feet. Any, infor-
mation leading to the recuvery of this animal will
he greatly appreciated and anyone found harboring
the same will be prodecuted. Phone 11 on 92, Hen -
sail central, or address ROBERT STEWART, R. R.
No. 1, Hansen. 2453-tf
g 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -Five and three-
quarter miles f mei the village of Brussels, 7
froin Blyth and a from Belgtave, There is a never
failing supply of water. Befit barn 40x72, frame
house with concrete -cellar, rural mail and telephone
It is well adapted for both stock and grain, ate -
half mile from sohocil and three-quarters from
church. Apply to FRED e ARMSTRONG, Gilbert,
Alberca or on the place to EDWIN ARMSTRONG,
R. R. do. 4Brussels. 2455-11
FARM ..POR SALE -Lot 10, Conceseton 1, Stanley -
Township, one mils and a quarter south or
Brucefielcl, on the London Read, one hundred acres,
ninety cleared and ten acres of good bush, well
fended and well drained, good brick house and good
eons with stone stabling underneath. Three never
failing wells, a good orchard with over a hundred
trees with good fruit, good driving shed, pig pen
and reeplement house, Terms to suit purchaser.
JOHN MURDOCK Brumfield. 13159-tf
/11_00D FARM -FOR SALE -For sale Lot 2, Con. 4,
Hullett, containing 100 acres. There are on
ehe premises it good brick home, kitchen and wood
shed with good cellar and hard and soft watere
These is also a good frame barn 56 x 64 with stone
foundation and stabling underneath and another
barn 34 x 64 not raised on foundation and implement
shed all in good repair, There is also a good.bearing
canard and two good never failing wells. The farm
s web underdreened and well fenced and in aehigh
state of cultivation N.-1th five acres of bush. The
farm in well situated, e miles from Seaforth near the
.bounditry betweon Ifuliett and McKillop with tele-
phone and rural mail delivery. Terms reasonable.
For further particulars app.y on the premises or ad-
dress WM. WILSON, Seaforth, Ont., R. F. D. No. 1.
C. Pope 0. Son
are making a specialty
in Smoke Stacks, any
size and lengths, also
Steel Tanks.
' •
Before ordering write tis .for. our
AlVkinds of Boiler Work, and Gen-
eral Repairing.
.s . •
, •
Machinists, atc.
Machine Shop - - BRUSSELS
Valuable farm in Tucketsmith.
For Sale
In orderto close np the estate of the late Robert
Matters, deceased, the Executors of his will offer
fursale hH farall,.beine' Lot 3e, and the west half
of lot 3L, 0 incesema 0, Lonion ttoed Survey, Tuck-
ereenieh._The lands are woll improved and in good
. condition and may he viewed at any Lime.
For terms and conditions apply .on the premises
Lot 82 '
MRS. R1311117 eta sa es
&Wort e P. 0. 14 14. No
Winter Term OpensiJanuary 4
Decide now to enter . the famous
Toronto, Ontario. This schi,o1 stands
without a superior in Canada. Vrite
for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT,
734 Yonge street, Toronto..
In accordance with a, resolution passed by the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of -the Town
of Seaforth, under.Ry-law No. 111, for 1912, of the
town of Seaforth; and amendments thereto: I hereby
declare that no dog shall be allowed to run at large
In the Town of Seaforth, from Saturday. the 191h
day of December, 1914, until April let, 1915. •
The owner or harborer, Of any dog fourutrubning at
large in contravention of this proclamation le
liable to the penalty bf above mentioned By.Law.
Dated at Seafarth this 16th day of December A. D.
Clerk Meyer
W. D. BRIGHT, & $op..
sta EDMUND WALKER, C.V.04,Liata,IICIa, President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, GeneralManager RHIN MAD. Ass'a General
1111.1•MI•01•••••••••••••••111 NM.
CAPITAL $15,000,000
RESERVE MHO $13I 500I1300
Accounts may be opened at every 'branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank.
W.O. T. moRSO8Neafor_th Branch.
Manager -
How About That
New Suit ?
Our stock of Winter Suitings is now.
, complete and comprises the very newest
designs -checks, broken stripes, hair line
effects -worsteds' and serges, cheviots and
tweeds. Particular men will favor the
exclusive style of our garments. Smart
-close-fitting modeis for young men, CCM-
servative.older men's models. You will
-feel at perfect ease in one of our suits and
have the satisfaction a man always exper-
iences in, new and becoming clothes. In-
spection Invited.
South iluron
Agricultural $.ociety.
The Annual Meeting of the members of. the South
Huron Agricultural Soeiety will be held In
The New Commercial hotel, Hensall
Tuesday, January 19t1, 1915, at
1 o'clock, p. m.
For the purpose of receiving the Directors and
Auditors annualreports, the election of Directors
tot the current yearrand the transaction of other
business. A meeting of the Directors tvillbe held at
11 .o'olook, it; m., on the same day and in the same
0. GEIGER, President
2455.2 M. Y. McLean, -Secretary
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Thomas McFadzean, the younger,
late of the township of Grey, in the county of
Huron. Farmer, deceased,
Notice is hereby given that all persons having any
claims against Thomas McFadzean, the younger,
who -died on the 171h day of April, 1909, at the
townehip of Grey, in the county of Huron, are here,
by required on or before the 21st day of January,
19, to send by post or deliver to Mrs. Dora McFad-
zean, Brusselo, Administratrix, or to the undersigned
solicitors, particulars of taeir al aim s it n d
that after the said last mentioned date
the said Adruistratrix wii prooeel to distri-
bute the assets -of the eaid demaeed among the per.
sons entitled therm, *eying regard only to the
claims of which she shall then have had notiee, and
that the said Oxecutrix will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof, to any person whose cleim
'ehe,shall not then have received notice. PROUD -
f or Adminstratrix.
Dated the 281h day of December 1914. 2ef5-2
Tax Sale, Town of Seaforth.
Notice is hereby given that the list of /ands for
sale for arrears of taxes has bee i prepared and
copies thereof -may be had in my office and that the
list is belt; published in the
Ontario Gazette dates of pub-
lication Nov. 28, Decem-
ber 5th, i2th and i9th. 1914
and tnat in default of payment of the taxes the
lands will be sold for taxes.
JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer
Town of Seaforth
Dated at Seaforth, this 201h day of Nov., 1014.
Another year has pas- i
sed and looking bick :
at what we haveoc- • •
complished it- pleases ••
. *
us to express our op- •
preciation to those •
whose courtesies and •
patronage aided us in *
our progress. *
We are thankful for the.
many favour's rendered us
and exta,nd to you our sin-
cere wishes for a joyous and
prosperous New Year.
SprOat ginnigan
• Seaforth •
Iron Pumps & pump
I am prepared to turns all kinds of
Force and Lift Pumps and all. sizes
Piping, Pipe Fittings etc. Galvan-
ized Steel 'Tanks and Fittings,
Stancheons and Cattle Basins,
Ihe Price is qiight
Also all kindsof pump rekti:FitypdcTe
on short notice'.1 **is; etc.;
apply at Jump Factdiy,; Ginierich-
Sto ESt, aC, -miaow*, North
mita:Street n- '
J. F. Welsh Seaforth
Mr. Landlord: , Cream Wanted
If you want to rent your prbp-
.erty quickly and profitably, you
must keep it well painted and
attractively papered. Fa be
glad to suggest how you can
increase the Income from your
real estate holdings by a small
investment in paint and wall-
John Hooper
Painter, Paper Hanger, etc.
John street Seaforth
Lister Engines
Our gasoline engine was in- t
spected by a great many cid-
er customers last fall, also by 1 Seaforth
* several leadinglocal engineers +
at and practically all pronounced- I
+ the LISTER the best engine +
aver seen.
We have ouk Creamery now
in full operation,and we want
your patronage. - We are pre-
pared to pay you the highest
prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, weigh,
sample and test. each can of
cream carefully and give you
statement of the same. We
,also supply CANS free of
'charge, and give you an bon -
est business deal. Call in
and see us or drop us a card
for particulars.
Seaforth Creamer
John, Elder & Sons
Gasoline E n gi n e s
for Sale
We have one second-hand gasoline
engine just overhauled for sale
cheap. In the new lines we have
four, three, two and one cycle en-
gines, all working to perfection.
We are also prepared to do all
kinds of repairs on gas or steam
engines and grain crusihers. Rolls
re -cut. Prices right.
Wilson Block Seaforth
Christmas and
New Year Fares -
Dec.124-25, good
for return until
Dec. 26; also
Dec. 31, 1914,
and Jan 1915
valid for return -
until Jan. 2, 1915
Fare & one-third
Dec. 22-23-24-25
good for return
until Dec, 28; also
Dec.30 st 31 1914,
and. Jan. 1, 1915
valid for return .
until Jan. 4, 1915
Above reduced fares apply between.
all stritione in Canaria east of Port
Arthur and to Detroit and Port Hur-
on, Mich , Buffalo, Black Rock,
a Ni-
ara Falls and Suspension Bridge,
• Y.
Tickets now on sale it G.7E:R. ticket
W. Somerville. Tcwn. Agent:
W. Plant. • • • • • Depot Agziat
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A,,
Union Station, Tbrotito, Ont,
We have a compAete assort-
ment, of Canadian -M ade
Blankets -Jute Lined, 5-a
Stay -on Surcingles (the kind
that won't pull off)- ranging
in price from $1.50 to $3 each
IAll wool, blankets in fancy
checks and squares, $2 to $5
each. Kersey blankets, with
surcingl_es, $2, $2,5o,t
Gasoline Engines
All sizes fromi to 3o b. p.
Latest improved. Will use
either gasoline or kerosene.
Send for circular and _prices.
ihe Bobert .geti )gine
ihresher Go, Limited
Sictfort4, Ont.
Canada's best production, in-
cluding Saskatchewan Cub Bear,
Great West, Arctic,_ mut Bishop
Robes, at very reasonable prices.
lints and -Gloves
We have a complete, - ass
thereof Men's
'G1ove.1 and Gauntlets.
Harness Trunks Valisse,