The Huron Expositor, 1915-01-01, Page 4_7 T 7 ' Ll � y TAN 4' $1TOR Emil -of Ithe main part of 'the (ler- twEvs Wen -A Rich Bjatc�W the, past piesiding. 'Afte ithe p)rog-thm, the tree + JANUARY location and "Pia d ++ *+,+4 )tow ce VrA spent They Also ttne he'iid a jbod',q1ee d each And ll reci man ftval - �orcero. eelt o. with ends n6ar- Prospect was-. otripind ta w PT Is iman - laeroplahes, and : are aid td ­nt mid he. wd. from, lGodet-16h An Hill., Oar., merchants repolit. ja 'good- ad- 11iiXne,'xVL -,The pqitor was.,Aot I lrade.-9�;19 somany votten n this ccasion, the 1 rdember� S_ K T i W. I'T F S have destroryed, !two f' them and then' would Ae -to;fet home thok night: Th Chris m kAd -Blbii Mass dMt safely back to th4ir 14ase of,,ope�ra-.' Police W9110trate wao elevirionea to,,, visito a dwring (the b6i14y season that of "the. YeanxIs KeWs pre-'� -his loonsent to have hi Yp jto 0oam, all their sentino + fnd he' 0ave him. with,a tediter obe ac -A 9V we tot been�abla plaO& ott tfne� 10 88 tiain alind - f0rwaO& na sister, -pair -of fur *1ving- mttts. 1%ese *evs on take is. .0mortunity Canada , I 3.. 4 5 6 �7 8 .-9 to,0* arlen, whic &9 Accord nglY S ie speindl w) vacitionat muOL Appreciated hy &he irecipi t.'Ai -+ th 6f 10 11 12 13 14 Township.,Counell of Dunw th6 0, ireutal. bome,-Pre 0�msxc'-*f L u- together this *;ftanu�ai Ch.ristmas' gath - Most P_)JoyabIL 9 Ited -hit jda pghttef Mrs. - ift, 17 r8L 20 21 22 2,14 H19 n V Ith. ering Was one of the are.sendine a, carload e durlhe 41he p 40t. eek In -c�mlrfectlon ,wltb. this all ID47 every 0 2q 10 a Including wheat and te*ns to ever -held can- + th lie of our 4 25 2,7 ig 2 P6 se Smith, 19rezation.-Thie 'Red CIroes Socletr- the �B.elglan -Reliet Pund. It ti�* #usi�tor, Xiss -Jinet ust-owers fortheir liberalpat- 1ratur, with 'him X -a Vair4m.wIll hold &,concert- In the toW n Alkenhead waa. burne to- -A jspe�ial -coil"tion was made of, Sask., Tu wore9qri jet, Detroit, 14 visithIg hez -h 11 on thuro4a -mAng.- Januery f4. n&n-, 'tbe 9,,Dh a 00A, Ws. J.' Benoughiand + uring the I y A� NEW DVERTISEMBNTS' ins in,a tire.ombich broke. out n the 'Ntit ethAt Ch hbte, e onag d ear T nearly, cello oo.,Aunda� I&st, .,wh,& traetoriepair shop of �he -Irkterpatio.-nal .$10 W Alie Beiiia A nd ros Job n JA c k - as ralged t6T ns. 113rucefteld -btWIr sonsian Vipit6d an X ultry Show had tt-e I 'tend: to one r to ex The; tgare betwen the -parenthesis 'Harveater'Company. LIstowe! Per s o;n d d 0 14gh, of afte't lbj�eh ad. denotes the page of the air RO,,Wrt Borden was In- W1.nnIr­,,g me t successful 811cw. on e West, 31 Notea.-Rev. -John andesbor Y SL num Michigan, who Is vlailting-At ehe h6me dverVisment is this* week. While -there reviewed Tuesday, Wednesday and Tn'ursday,of- his at paper on which the record on th -Our' loc he h Me are.buying up a and alf our be,,Rt wishes for a found the troops there, ddresed the Cana- er, Mrs. XcQueeA,� I�Ttaehed week. Nearly five hundred entries fw"es for tlie at, -Mr. Overeoats—qtcmart Bro.—S ongrt-gation In M diali Club and the Women is CaiiadfaA ere 'IshoWn -and -the quality of the Alexa4er SmIth was vlActed: by sev-. ost ppy an Specia Alt JrAul W Goods -18 ithe -Presbyerlan, Chdrch on ig d prosperous Club, kyn Can-adalo part- 4* the war'. birds was excellent. eral df 1 his � s.01118 and� a daulthteir dur- eig ql, 6 -flax U0. —1 -A In umber o s are P"reous&- Yea ro--W. G, Will -_4 'Toranto bavy, -Early. Tuej�day .morning of last Ig th� Past eek�-The-,Mlsses Amy visiting in� the Rielgllb'Or-110d. ;�Lmong k Brantford spen t Pigs to�r G, Grieve -5 'Year? alrd, wxs iurned to deata, d Qr6tta Edward -Claflagnan,' 9 f. We9ternei: and, �A wee , tire rigin;ated :W �t - ,an Lammid of .6 vis- Fa;m for U tie f urniac them, -Oft, .. WbCs�rtney, wlio I an(, gall tand his daugh m %and otte4L the. elast and West ith . their parents.. - Th- Fo tent -R. S. Har% --s ter roo 'her isisters, -Hus W� Scott an Charlotte, twere iseverly I;ijulred n end pf itne ain tbuildig of the iband. ne1w to,*n building W' formally open- nesday AveAh ssrs, Peter! and Ro- Auction Sales-li ter, ss TenaBalrd, -at-wCreittors.-ProuclfootK!'Ior4n&Proudfoot-5 ford, tthe dan-4age'toal C. rt Iffiven by local talent. The + r, L& I n d fire 'Which, destrvyW Iffie farmhouse in some IneW (Grand Trunk i o rat- e 04 VX 1by i% isple- bert Baird ja which the Halls- lived, 24..Iniles s,6oth li c a. e! ad ists Blank Book,- —71op songook L�,tore-g - -Tne'one�,MIIL h 6apactou�,_r'an4,hafidsome hall as all rsidini ;near -Naosejaw'. We trust WhaVa the p ther-4rei16 Studo-5 'CollInVwood. �?Yfr. Hall is 84 y on t a dailar toN i they w�ll ienJay- 'the , winter lo our lattAr "t h aid tand his iecovery -is doubtful. ralzed by itile cowity f Perth, for the Packed a audience and AgdcUltuml SoQiely-2 mist. -Mr. Petr1e, held a vaale -,of farm roe ed amounted to $1S5.-Ahap­ 0. Pope & Son -5 -The German "-d4ustrl8:n P Isoners PVtriotle Belief Society Fund, *iiicome the P from stock and Implements on- TaesOaylast. (" k ey who Were isent from fflolonto',to work aAgetfter propett y hoider4. Non pry event toak place In gt'Paulls church cautlon-x G. MeNhollRe7-3 The Christmas -tree entertainrfpeai. on S y, morning last, when Miss upon the ew Governmnt experimental proPartV` bolder , d th r in 13a tu Oaw�4 br 8*— 1, Spain. -8 lare thow� 'at K L pUg_ an,& ly-m- 1 lIzabethL jdapghter of Mr. and y evening was a st s of I inental a 10raoces farm �Dn the Transeart Wednesda iccessful For Sale --L. G. VvEg-nond—S In:,Perth, wiff ezqpe the Lost kala6, will one. A goodly crowd assembled —Post Office -a the 'heat di�s. in -tit Complala� Hi le.ynolds, ras united. In, assessment. I Our PIAII�F. A. Edward. ­4 The first idetachment.-oof 110 priso'ne:rs '11ai t(y children, who dre the pTogram Ac- Cowi for Turnhwl -3 -Dr. Ramay Rankin, t hockey marr 7!� Th4omas Gleason RcRb- reached Cochrne -tiday, nd Quitted themselves splendidly. Much 'Post Offica Boxes -4 four.'(! fame,,aind Isn.of Dr. 1. P.: R* ifisoni Toronto,' formerly of ax)kln, I credit was due to the -public school the -temperature D tdegtees below zerq. P., Mor 0tratto-rd, hiaa volunteered ha I d T he tweddinig was a -Rev. )�Toali (Detweller,'whe, died imt Xor ctive.1gervice Inity, capacity, am d GUITe Ion he immildiate relative teachers, avfr. 9;(YAon land Miss 'Camp- AM A bell,, also to the other young ladiej -week at his residence; In 'Toronto, Was win Probably. Wo to -thb troat'withthe �Z, 'the __ e- being pres�iit, owing' to a -wall-kAo-wn XVnuDnIt iN wo, worked h'ayd to make the entet - 11 OPPOITE C019ME AL ROTE e - clftgMan. third contingent. Rahkin played ��Ith Ole iract t t the (grbom Inends leaving TI�LF�PHONX L tainment a suceess.�L'­Mr. Alex. Sparks, Mr. Detweller was otilained at Poe. cgill 'in the It olleglide hcke� withl the aiexf contIngent for the Egin In 1874, :where lbe remaied of Otanlet has sold a firm t_o`LMr AYE' league last twInter. frqpnt. Th bride -Jwa�§ well `a�id f aVo twelve- Dutring, the -.!next seve4`1_ _Frlen�is W. 15unde.rcock, of Blyth, tDi J-5,800, Th� -OBeftne, 'Rhly 1k bPre haviinig, .-li 4 She -Waa arch. "AFQRT-1-1, FRIDAY, Jah- 191 -al- teen Years h organized sevieal mls- �ublisher'of JThe'lStratfoid Beacon, met cept -few � year. life new'iowner taXes possession Ing slons throtigh�utt'h6 3�rovince. Me. Dot-. axle e a j�illtn-er In Tora'a-o iandoaoderleh. 1V, Mr. Sparks 1wnd amily jw;e, e kind 6f' ------------ - vening, last week And preseAted ano, Mrs welleit Is urvived yL ton -r eblidr ev- people. that will be missed In. any melgb- The War Situation en. him adbinson left llowing week -the servIces will be held Ith 9 purse tbt $550 t land ran ad� elitation. t Miss Melen KellY, the very f --WoTdL has been received - of the 1 dress Of appreciation, the L occasiow �6e- ening tfor Toromto. Their many, friends borhood., They are ight. good'eitizeAs. efficient teacher, rom paments and pa- In ithe Methodist Churcb.. Everyone I L Wish Ity, Is Those of -us who were expectig A death on Christmas pornInig,of 'Leve Wm. n, -6f Toronto UnIvere -5 114 t 'hexr, .,a ve d %-d pa -4, "16, 1 as far as:PossibI6 he sixtieth aniversary of the r happy married life urge short war JaMes Classwall, retired Presbyterian May et hme �or vacation. -Wm. McQueen, Of Pilo. are 11kel3r to "be sadly lS leade ofMr.-OBeira's pape!r,'The Be- and" that Mr. Robinson, i r�nlster, lately of Winnipeg. The death C(yn. , . New York Is Air T"ding.- A yery pret- all dther appointed. When war was declarad home frorr, the war so, at his Apfile — ss 'A 'Christmas ee br a occured t the home iof his daughter, Marie, I ty.,wadding was � solemnized lat "'Rose- vice s or the A e ,Gf Wanv thought In -4 -Wilson, chief of Listowel' fire Petrie. of ult is-wil ",the home ;of W isn4 �ft. Jacob Notes. -Mr. Thomas ents, oinpan- t #lost 'two Urs E. M. 'Bigelow, of Vancomr, The spending the- �holldays at home. -Rev. ace department, bas ;retulltned from id- his iug4tr, Miss Margar* Terryberry, Tuckeramith' when their led bi months -Would settle matters. It Is now hate --Rev. James C�-Ssweli retired from.' e6r, Wnere Gromarty H. Wbod aid family, spent Christmas t laulth�*ItY of the coun- thlyd, 'daughter, X.1 "-, wap . united to 'we at 49trtatford this week otteQb* nea the rdinistry about five -.,,years ago, af., CIIL at he lrome t A1!r.--W*idV 'Pageats, COM_ rly !five Months Since hostiitle - "he purchased I&n up-to-date Notes. n Wednesday.. the 28rd e- iarriage, to Ov. Douglas Relmes of the ifuneral of n old trie4d In 04 commenced and- th,-re JSL a ter 'a 'pastorate extending oez, forty- 1p Londom,-3tessr Dunea 4and al - s yet ;nq binaltion hose And chemical wagon, also cember, th marr-tage tok place at the Yar-9-(He was In hls-seventy-fifthyW, colm Alkenhead And vilte are visitin' Omber, 'by Rev. W. 'Aillin of Clinton. , perso"n of W. Antbcin7. Ewtel, who Im. Wh' 'Bed A 1118 ;Big Signs. of any let up On either side.. .:and double set of , narnen. A isirmle anse P of M. William ytil The, brWewao given away by lier fAth- th, Vear._-J&s. -Thomas Cann, the laot'of lthe -six v at the. �old 1home.---!Wsg Taylor of Du�- ab&t Son - of . J&n., and MISS onl -nd w fhe wagan �- ied, hirty, feet '6f "lad Mott ecomingly gow'red Vraser )an4 f�M The, canage still oes s Av.. Jobn '. Cann, is dead Carr - of OVarnio, luth, Is the (guest - of her sister, Mrs. er, 'a 05 chign, I and Ohould ashrt in making the daughter john ;of the My Hope township.. e'was 6 y h1te pft crepe -trimiapd with shad !�pexit -Christmas here with Me ed Itbree and severity. Vighti-rig, is r John :JSnder.�-The Tuckermitli Nom- In w 'H eas or loca 411irtment more efficient. equeession, Hibbert.- Mr. William. Kay, tinUOUS in the sky'.�on. the land age. All the brothers passedL the three- inatiou was held dw. t5tojiday In Walk- Ow "lace, swaWs down aind - French 'mofher, -gr. Jobn' Anderson. ;,under -Mr. John ;Waish, proprietor, of the brother of the �.brlde, afid 13flas E. e- kn&s. Anotei distinct feature of -the Barbara. WK-eever, of mal n attendn The ridal f hand -er's Rall. There - will be -no, election wAs score )and ten limit. Lewis 9. 'q4pn. Ford 1garae, 6ftenen, b" Locreased his Curdy ce. L. f _ Oidddlns' -the- Iground -and under the wars of ex -Reeve of Hope town,5hip, is -a son. this. Addisdn, tofideS -66" was� a, �berfths -o visitor wItti*-he *later, -Wss' th& Seas. $Uch A vwar was 'never kno ho -spent 'bis whole life In room by -addlAg itne'atore inext his coxip -went itp, Niagra for 'A sko V le biore, -19 the Wuest or her,h'r0tft4r JOB.,. m�kde �,oit - I -ace And hand embroidered Deceased over -Chlsltmas.-Rev. nd Mrs. Rich. preeen'ttremlse-9. Tne wait separatinr ..tr1p land I& terla few weeks' dUyllwith tulle 'yell. They, were attended t�y tv 'with Amunity twhere he"died,, is sur- Foote, of iWW;Js`ejaw5 _the ardson liad -Christmas turiwy In the 1h ��GTY,Crf 'the -world. Thera the cor Ihe two istores,has beezi ta n filinds he: e, will' leave for Ramiota, Addisom L-Safid VW here theY W111L d down. The office IS beln6y removed L to' -Mv. Henry e been ;corigparativel little hand to ha. vived -also by his w1re la d -three dat4if-i- ke . a r^tI of our village, lef t -for the vi4l' bride's 9Wter, iss: �Drene, of T triends In 'Wood with the second coningent. -, Colonel lweartng - 10mon color a silk wltb Cooper, to the north of the vinage* corner and'- as soon aj (will delvex! Alec- Q In- many of the severeq-t and ;trai _0� I Exeter, fin overOms, and the s(riom's broth- �entertajzn boseja, e& the,,fe*�-,hera t Tuxford,­alto, Kyf.-bl w, has igone -S -Ar+ -George Lunke, a Greek ed 31t e w ven-. 049 : the -eather ermfts a front entraoce ture urtma;rty Church on ithe e er, -%*. Stanley- Rolmes, of mQst de�%dly conflict--;, Ith ospital, at London; ii Ottaw. drewi $Abblath Och;ydl -one evenlito re - e conteding Is in Victoria I WaS out. He is -a, brother-in-law ok -Alex� for cars, Will be Cmade. Mr. has Ing: of Thursday, Jianuary 17th. The armies iWre 1not in sight, of each rIttoal condition -with both feet fro- n Thompson, of jgtanley.­N�11 Yellowleei; =SO RODY %1olmes, slifter Of the igrOOM, eently. As -Mr. -and Arrs. Cooper -an oth- a c had In-stafted all he Machinery ineces- proceeds of this lectutre wIli Se devoted ard AaffinY, of Bowmanvite, are Arlsit: plaTd 'the edding inarch and duir- Ideal tntertainers, 'it 90�ij'Vltbout o the purpha.se of m9it er but were ma-RY miles part. The say - n erial for R eid, and It Is ithought Lunker Ing, ed everyone pres entipent a most zen The Teet Avill',have- to b8VaMPUtat- sary'for�,a -upto-date.ishop. In In, o.ur vIllage.-Died' in. Brucefteld, ing1the. stgning nt th register W 149 tbak -Mrs. John hiflip, jr., of theSout,1. Cross purp6ses.-A ChUstmas tiee and ble time,* lghtlAg Is done between he arjqlllery survivej With two companlonB Lui -be Allg. Terryberri, uncle f ithpbride, force;s.`The big Suns jhr k�r i Ward' partalnmOnt ftmed the . closing -e on December .29th, Chrlohna Dalla% �enioy�; X_ aw shells and on Christmas fNight attempted ito -walk Mitcha, had the misfortune to el wife of Walter sane very acceptably ilThe Cron!, At - No. 6. :,A'-latnge* num Projectiles, trom seven to I fa4Aown ithe c0lar pteps* at her h6m� rcises �"h,�IrDeOl RIB from London to St. Marys,- his feet- I ter -a kAaInty lunchea., the bridal cou- z ten miles. The n �And s rof the -on $wturday last anA susta:laed a'frac- ber bt e friend gear consisting tt -6.20 gu�n men are dire d bY areoplanes iot?onl.thin socks ndi ple, left ion the. train len iroute fo, Ntes -Some -�)t the itmaents -who are; cte carpet slippers. tur6 Pt ffn6 collar bone. 'The' 14.4y baz-' PUP48 (w t -ce, and isp;6ks n in a endaA- Exeter Woronta, laier to settle�ion theig"OorW§� ft;xne for the- Mristmas 'holidays t land throw theirhels Into, the trenches number -of houses have q).eea quar- o irecAdTlection f 1ripptnw, but feels hig-141Y e management. of the teXch- Death ot John Northeatt.-W. Joha farm lni�azr Cornbev, - Among themany Alvin igarArus, Elgin Iless and W" of the enemy. The satisfied 4fnAt she -was overcome with erO,' Miss o .-Amon visitors ho V-0 diphtheria, In. Palmer- _9.the died -at We home on Thurs- handsome gifts received iwasia finept- Flora Hess, IT d& se shells arc'throvn afffined. Ifor ;Northcott v _in i6m1tn _Zr=L a.dlzzy spett as z:ha was abotrt to.enter reLtukned to, spend ftlatmas at their 10_-t ithe rate --of -several a �nlqte. When 'ton. A chilld, Isabella Wilson, succum"a- day, Pecineber 17th,, gt th a?e' of 75 ano -from the orodna. 'Their many Brown _klbe�rt I&Clormlck . Rawajd ed 'to 'the disease on Christmas Daly i't-e -ceflar. Medle.al..&Id was -soon -on old home were: Marg.aret Wilson, years tand 5 months. ` He had �not been triends join In Vvisbing ft. and Lilnb pp.-Vrz e enemy re supposed. -r J�i� eiger ;aad thq ranks of A :.er. Kle and 'the followIngta her mothel, hand, And -ithough sufferl::lg; from S'e- Of HIckson;J 0oliss Lottle of Mlchfgai), are 'AsIfIng y irs. good .1'eaIth for -*Some months when, Holmes a long4and,happy- warrledlit#- 4on 1P vere bruises Itogether with,the of Alvins- e wellshell-ed. out,_the lnfawr� re fr acure, Detroit, eKay In rchlbaldilsqn, dted'�of the �am'eds'_ Kay, bo -Xis hi Was stricken ith paralysis. -A llt Notes. S Essiie e of Toigia ton mes � I., Who chi ordered to ease. IThe tamily cam:e from �olfth_ Ithe patlent Is_Ao4 9 bleely. Inesple, of Toronto a home :of relatives, F. Hess, sr nNyvO forward. ThIs Is when %*a. Allen, -Miss � Lottle two ,weeks ga he suffered -another to, PPent lChrlstln SDAY at the has been visiting with her Ash-pe'Mer, versify; wp. The Supday James Parish, whose death Unt the hand to hand fighting In the old aAliPtOn A fe* months occuretl last wee; --Rice,,�, Mrs. Quance and som of Exeter. stroke, hich, ;!esuited In his. death. her. father, Ut. John 1F. %hr$, Dissett, In Gode -for! some 4&,hools In Palmerston arq also bek4.,,-, in �fftcell, was born Ae calng to'qanada from Engla;nd, in Charles aKaY' frokn Totbnt(IF Medical tImb -has returned. -W. U.-_$1emon oT'- Style -takes: place. The lass or life, how-' in Ribber t Of ty-'s" -fan years iagcy, nere also�'K_r '14 s. 3gco6 Weltiman., son a. IsJ6, isettling Inei closed. Arst In Darlta�gi�n town- Clollege, and.his wlfe,-.bpent Christmas rived home from he resided f Niagara Fallis.-Xlbs Jes- bp West thiv.,w ever, Is none the less va account 'of -��,bie Andrew, he ten -Year-old un! I nineteen years later, _.�diul Pter o placa at 4,tl�e Nome of 11r, McXaylp thls� long diatan6e ftghfing, but m wnen h niuved- a Mteheit.- Twelity- Ste hunt , PC Vancouver, who. Is sAlp, then in JAay, frpm which to spend tho, Winter.-*, "a Ws. uch Sian. -of -and Mrs.. W. .0. Ajn4ew he- -mairled. 'Wry stud n n 'Tor&nto, Is visiti: mper� of Lucknow, was itbe.victim of nine yfarspir4y- ng 'her he !ret6d to, Exeter aevente�n - �'Wm. Schenck havOl opened te greater. The bursting of a 'shellfre- an iae- �ez -i s. Bri zed t of -��jei�s 7111e, ag�. D�ceaed 9 married th -Imes xa,y, Principal a mi nli6og Achoft-, se at Blako.-Commijnlol; Ber- to wnom relat .-It tton And two liati eldent by -which he, lost -four fingerz and also Mr. 011yer McKay 5 q 'hdren, Itwo Tsons and two d ters, xt- SaItcoats, and la faffi 'PE-nt the -Tices were held At the R angencal quetly -killa and mimcles whole co born to ur' dh Aly of Aie- purvive. Also a vi Iti g of his left hand. He and a in L Wot4er '�'Xorthcott; of 'Ray. om -6 umber Are �s _; -Mr'. Roger holidays At the parental I e t &r. 11 - d augntets, *who, with his ife s4rvive )1) her, tile4s.. PanIP-45 of sodiera in :the tranches -and 1 7 u as Otacey 'and. of er lads lhav skates shai- Re W Church �on $,unday Jazt, wTiaeb were of oth er, Ing and Ibbs. John F. he Nom - on the, Aghing Ite; and the wound.s pe, ftn. Deee�i�d`s �f4rllng I quatles, were -Wgs Nett% ;Ftdb�rtson Is holidaying as im Methodist -in religion a -la 4 7-T conducted by R. :,Knechtel, P.19., ned and were About fte machine as Lib r I In 1ghiy Knechiel. prza,%ed appreciated' by nose Who,' knew him *Ithifriendo In B 'Politics ond was very h lhation. at Brucefleld, assed.over ve.,r,y of - are much more severe th-in. those iaa& owmain4flle.-4r. *1 Berlin. Renr! 'hl,,e -of :years, It as runnimig'. Robble, In some way, dinig -New' Years spectW. Those ,-vt �the, fam quietly. We understaud that thei old i�vo excellent sermoxis.-The large cro, by 1fle ball or bayonet. It is he 9dt his hand too . near the mae betd. He na#7een In p000r, health 'for a liam � Wilson, Is spen rea Ily. who 55 couple Mrith' hi survive a�re.- John f Dakota, Nelson Council and AeV� Are- �ut I W accla- bult stidas ablefo, be A] u!ghter, Mrs. iRowe, 6. on the tdwar W t4e !1om an 4jathoine testimony of many sugeoins in the and "In gnt Instwilt the four ingers ),tion and HicloWn army hospitals that. compgtr,.tively few were sn&Ppe-A,_off About -the middle ub'Dult, and..Was Alwayis oneerAil of Stratford, Mrs-. R. Tellow-of Us, ml Church here, "_bl6w.n off durlqg the borne, land thel git tome. of the twounds -ire made by bullets nappY,'and as held in the I highest ct last joints. f wind ot&fm Ion �Mnday sident john Mallett, -of the hippen.i Pre �-Pete 21setbach -of the .114th conces- Or Iba710nets, but mo3tof them by shell. -T.t Is expected that -Chrles Pinner, bY'a' Awknew.hlm iExetdr, Band, Wave a"raWt supper to The tLat James $fflier.-We made ch P th9r. T Luckno a;n so far to rea the band bans and lady friends brief ref erence last 1;wek ito the -Aieti-i Deroit,�_Jfts r , and ishrpnel.. One can, hardly 'the nl Another Poneer De arts. r o slon,`spl�mt ChkIstmaswith relatives Pi that hterrible afgughter'of "nen 'the firing line fa Franc�, -,will V- of the. oldest nd most hioly respected Rexle, 131-1be h S ettan- ay, Tawns4lp, was cal- �anov Oesd i. home Heins til, one evening 1wt eek. 'It was eld' Of Ut. James >111ler, An 141 and highly ed, home from R er.-Davba such as as been in 'progress. since soon s Ithe result of a wound received resld�nts of 31 the War conimenced and the waste Dr. ilardie, dentist, each Monday, Tuesday an the Central Vdtel and 'kil had- a: very zespected resident of this village, 4nd Of H.0;wel-l. In action. 'He has written, tellin of the Fridai, inEC�nsaii, I led Awtay by deeth on Wednesday. De, Xask., Is visiting with his .9 eauh.Wedileq�jay and Thursday enjoyable time. -Mr. sand rs. lfi-ed o -A6 'of the Pioneers of Ruvor- Count- OeSC112 -.ST41 Outpouring lot- money, to say opthing hrilling- experiences -through -which in Zu cembbr * 23r -d in the pvrz.o4 of - Jobr. Y. par4ents, I%&. he 11" 00-nmellebig Tanuary 41h, .1915. High The asl� - 1i '4. of the deatruction of property -and z . Phonex&'5, Hensall ODates. have xett%rned1-,tro. their we M-11ei passed peacefuli has passed, and intimated ,'that he k 03elgdr at th radvanced 9"ge of 84 -years. _y away. at of "the 14th cancessl6n. -Miss Elizabeth disorganization of co mmerce, could be.. ding trip and are comfurtably is�ettled his home here on Tuesday, Dece PAYP be Is Post Office Soxrenr.�lae January lab, The #ecease had -been -&L pbrok.healtfi mber c will. kely ent home 1to, recuperate.. inadvance., All in arrears w ble In Rannle and -Miss Ela �ffeyro k, f Lon - 11 ease -in their new hine '1�ee._Xv.,wnd 210t having iattained the good Age f d-cyn continued ifor any lengthened period. He has been.guhfhe front cuntinu XYLY up in for the* past couple, of -years, the In- re spendin the oHdayB_ here.�__ ously dvance. Agenu f r all daily P M'r was a zafve. peratloas have been very since early- In- October nd will have J, .0 and ""'ek, paperF. flrmi�le f told age being the cause. elson r5heere and daughter, s. L. .88 Deceased. of 'At at meeting ..,Gf - the G.- Suth �rla nd. 5 Ive of Germany bat e spen& 245 -1 embers much Impefded' in the Belglan aod- some thrilling experiences to ralate. ebedsed a ia'nat McLellen ot Fort William, jar .$Cdtland, but came to, this cou4rY of the' bowling . club... held lar"t BrIefs.-The nczn!natIcfj ing the halldays with relatives In the hen quilte'a y, i Tt was dec[ded. f to Tnake a smalt Franch iarena during the past week by mee oung ma n,. e iss Kitchener, a lece of ting OR had 6een a 'esldent of the Towrs',hip unfavorable weather. The tmosphere Monday LVeU1019 as largely attendi&d, village. Rr. Jos. �B dtm, son of. tallor'-ItY tride, -and ,,work4ed -at nd of the has J Pkeeterl lbeen Intensely cold and there has late "Sir Walter Kitchener, -of Bermda, 'number were m"ftested. A large Lord Kitchener, a i a daqghter'of the and much lnter�4 y the gepter p9Xt Of his life. assessmeat to meet the 'ideficit a m n ebspected and'esteemed W. and I*s. Joseph awden, former- field, Tor several years, after*' 1wh16h. pad -t year, Dr. been a -dense fog. hwngtn*g over t4e nominated but In the -last for h many good qualities Re- Is sur- ly at lExetei, -is (-among the ciandidates he 'hioved o, Kippen, where �he hasire- mpde a brief a:ddress to jhs a*nd 'P. Lammt w6e appointed to or- -land three VlctOtla 'a4alyis tht' 06un y 0, r s cilors ere re-elect- vived for election in North Battleford. 'He Sided, for -many land- hIch. m, p�de it diff Icult t oT­eithe 1:ttfle. at their Chrlstmas dinn6T., in- the daghtr§ ce§ed ;�s� a raffge tor lot for iywx_t Iseasan.-Ur- side to carry� on military operation�. 1e4 but Ithere is'itcy ba three -cornered has just completed a 'four arfezznoa� man of Strong character, an hadmn- W. barracks In Moht-real, And p acinc: -I rs M chi Flnkbekier, Stephen -YC- FinaY, of Ithe -town 1111%, noar Ch resento tiit for Ithe 1�eeveship, the canidats rq the schol board, and will be. 'an efficl- tal graisp. above the' average. lie. ali- Rawever, the eve, uner theso -Lieutenant-Col6neiurm, the commmid- D ker, Sebawaing, Mich.-,, Uri �everely bitten!by a dog on unfavoriable conditions have.1b beAng Thomas Hadson, J. W. -Ortwela, j( ent effiber of the council.-4fr.. Jotr.nj a'ps to6k a e -brindle 6.nd F. ar 1gr a interest In the work ri en mo -k- fig offle. r, with an English ih oe t MaY -boWnship old A although bull dog', ".)Squid-ge," which had een c ease ;wia s I vIng at the time of -1.19 buy, sidera ss an SinAllacombe. The -gchool Ra�r,. with: whom de- r ts he 419 11PAS since beein- killed.' ing cons ble progre PAW ha -.3 sutf lelittly ecovered tobe of Ithe Presbyterian Ch ch -in 11 1 - Trustees were elected by acclamation deathiand sGqs lIvk1X at continaally met by- 'the Cmast stern ra- -able to,rettirn to fbis home h(�re 'from bracheo, aind s a theologla. had few Lieut. 1-1 ' are h�ame fromSwka:t-,,,h erbert. eWELfi. -n -the Germans, 'have gaied and I )are 0. ,A. aCa,�donell, gs leg lsuperlors,�butslde the aninistry. A m sista, ce lb�y the, G�oderlch gospltal.,W. 0,d: groun which was ,broken, is mending nicely of 'sterling wor -his r�,91 -an Ed, --wno is A Kitchener, now with Michigan. peroug and David Dew�Mr. A., Horsley. and b IS dding.-The *home of cl and now have possession o ment at Ithe front, C, r tma 'We th, he was ZTeatry treq- there, rep&tS 4 fair, c -'rpp, this season. athy Mr. and ttr rices prevalle, .4fla �family have -t1-,e heart felL symp . round pe&ed. me (was married his wi-. several Important points formerly held -Whwt Is probably the .-greatest cat- lga*von Vincent was the �Qs I bet ot the comrhu�nity in the -death of -the by the -German forces and they have Itle 'ideal ever Gansunnmated in America late Mrs; scene of l9a.-ant vent on Wednes M'ss E- ShaPtOn AP -d Or- 3- A. Amy. dow who survives him being a mis&. beitter �than In 1913. QW Ibeen able to, hold *hat 'they gained. Uotrsley; ho had been '30 day, PecembeA 16t -h, whan heir eldest of IStephen, were t :Forest, last week Johnston. 'The funeral took place to was put thrQugh­this,past week, when Marrla4e.-A Pretty edding, t6ok In an -other week t the prezent rate Seriously III goir ength of time alill daqghter,'Mat, was United in mg,:rri- attending! the -141neral of %the late �Urs. Ross Cemetery, Bk-a'ce Yule �and Bowe, of Clalgary, putchas. %v -ho b ;ield. Place In St. Peteri Lutheran -Chure ore Illness with. suoh.,marl�-, age to. Ux. 00t d Dillev, of $road Thomas -Marshall, a formei- resident, - The -Christmas Entbrtainme!nts.-Th of progress thb Germans 'stould V3 ed' 120 ead of e8horthoxn cattle, com 'on Wednesda�Y f last Week. where -Miss d. Chritlan.ifalh and d nTownj�hlp.-Mlss Fainnrew entertainment held Ia. the Iretho t 3glk,�a Theil �[ei er P 'ress tehould e made In driving 'These cattle',re who Was iso highly respected fot her fq�r driven oit of 11rance jan-d considerable prising Ithe 14. �L. Emmert h d at.0a patience,, s acres,,,S!ask. he ceremony was pe'- dis 1-daughtr ot Mr, and of Stel�,e rag! present the med, �by Re ., Granzebach In the- pre- bf Wales, V.D., land Mis Prior', of Church 'on Wednesday evening -of -last And. Theil was unitd L-ji m many ex arrage them back Xrom t4e 111ranco--B"elglan cream ot live -O' i cellent q4alitie.-Mr. Tbomas v1sitlirg, with.w. week under the auspices or the Sunday to 1&.� lie tock Of all America, and s6nc -of abo fifty iguetts -while the nr Cameran wx�s In Gorigletown,. lately, an. Ms. John Thrite Y The ceremony he !frontler. The liraermas, howeveT hAve Include.­(Ilnsford, Marquis, jthe cham weddIng march was played by M -r3. r iand other re.1- $chool � was a 1goard saccess' and the W -as performed by Rev. W� strong enkremchments visitin Y.- carrstructed - In plan bull -of America, and Win -9 his sbn, J ohn Camefon, ivho, 13enr * Z4hroy4er. 'The groom -,was supot atives and friends n� this icinit children, who the Prq9-Ta-tn, Tass �joulsa . Claglus Y. nI Jig railway agent lthere.---4fr. and m horse belonging- to. 14r. T. 13 ket'-- aat�d as brides_ many strategleal points in Begi arni and champion in 1914. A..s PL A did IthIr arbs w,611. There wa a laft- . rs. ported y his 11brothen Wilfred Diller, P maid. .And tl.f And. 3:r c ithre-year-old ted Renry Super It. fwIll require time 9nd patience Lo 13ti0ch twetre visited by a num of Brda4 Livery, Oropped dead on the Lend i�;nd'appreclwtlVe audience and the pro- -the 64`r001n, while Mes yrtle The two Years lago th s nin-tal was bought acres land the Vilde as as- dislad-ge them from these as ithey seem for $7jooD. ber or their sons and daqghters at tho sisted by her'Isister, gat'y Ellen, The Road, South, ­,while, being driven to ce�& amounted t.o thirty dollars. Rev. gtratfer.d pAyed the wedding m 1W Christmas hoidaYs.-The,lfisses Beek, Sould and ron disposed at all hazads;to prevent the town.-Riss vlary jo- Mr. Brown cted. as chairman: erart Of London, "d. formerly eph Stacey of Usborne were quiefly Evangelistic SerAces invasion of TrussIan, sell. -Danlel FenWIck, Aged 63, vet bride Was hpandsomely ttired in a A 'wedding up�er wis served ovt the jeweler and watchmaker of St. Cath- Of 0 dr VII dr�ss of KlQstilatln ;and twar a'beau- -The Methodl,-.r ne Vt the,bride. In the c-pring 'the latee )art -visiting hera ]this week. ried at the James,Btreet Methodist -and Presby -t on -erlan Ch hes ILi Kipp3ir, twill reside, on th -Mr, 'tiful bou t f mar B. In the Eastern arena the RIssI&ns eripes, left �6n a 'NlagarA_�St. Ci:th;eE- q E e ron-1130'al ere tat L on Parsonage on Wednesday eveninj are laniting to hold urc emrts havia ines and Toronto Railway electric ChJr W don, similarly attfred. The Evamtgelistic iger_- 11a;y FIMtees. The fall(ywinlg land 19rs. 11. L41rnold carnations, while the are AoIng better. The G, tM brIdesm:aId ew ar I 11 �r - viceis during the earl Part O 3aniiay. 9, P_ L cidir� taken f roa the 'a- inot &de - any further advances to- Chrisirnasve, to spend Christmas' cal' d-urIng the as tweek.-Mrs. 'R. ceremony overl tM a last N�eeik y- Rev. Mr. KcAlitstr. 4 Ward Waxsaw-, A point ttiey greatly his family lat XlEkgara Falls. . When a BoTithron. md idauhter, Flossie, have sumptuous . elld tea, After whicr nunYber of the; Immedite -relatives A These Services 1will be Jed bytthe Rev� nano 9, bag whre. they hao d friends of the cotracting Dr. F. I(J. - Oaken 'Alatement of the Towship -01 voat retUrned from iDeftrott, they enjoyi ves soclaljy� Th6 'Of. Toronto, They.wili �&VfOr 1914. Tdta14teceJpts,'V w - been on.a y1sit,_1 aealre. to acqalxe. In other places also short distance asE of -Thorald the PO' i-emse the Russians have made gains. Here er went off and iFe' Mr. j. MillSoln. has. bridp Was Ig1pnorou,!-ly fremembere& In s hWe aftef the commence In 'the terlin, Church 69; 'Expexiditure, road and brtdegea, also climatic conditions have made w'a'r- restless, sta� mwlck, becoming during the iPaSt 'week, ibeen v1shed by the 'way of.m1ing glfts,, The young ceremony-, where a jdalnty weddlog tea On Saftalth'Iftornimg, January srd,whep,: A 196124, '133eard of Health, sets ted to alk ito the Falls. .41-04,90; one of his ons from Detroit. -The. couple have Was served. %*. And Mrs. tace will hf, sacrament of the Lords Suppar irare difficult and the storms have Friday M01Xn1ng hi,3 body was founA best *Ishes'of their y ma ios along the c4ar track Abouit a mile M;o-n er ona much interfered with Ahe opera VaA Rev. Mr. Ilicksi <YZ his village has -.the :rriends, ke thii home on. -the. Rl� conces- will be- observed. Any memb -of any afzt, ry f both armles. sympathy t 11s congregation as el! Sion of Usborne. Christla 4ud Printing, *202.06; Mo - here the car 1�ad een stalled. 146 n. Church Is Invited to Partake cellaneous, $49t.35- Lumber, #27; I s the community 4n tgeeral, In tho There are persistent 1rumaTs or Bul, ucumbed to exhaustion caused- In this acred Tlta. The Rev. Iyr. Oatn Charity, $14.6io -arna ; Cou garla. and Roum 'by death Of hts mother, f near Centralia, ill preach �the ty rate, $4,084, ania nd Greece also climbing through, the deep snow. . I Tuckersmit)i sermon.' Then In. 'the ev-- 8.5 who Passed away last week afterqulte Dr. Hardie, dentist., ca-jh Monday, TuAQday and Dr. H-trJie . ; Niarih oundary, 4109.02; Auath ning the Al -Iles, but ias y.et thare is � -A W. tMartin a-well-knowA temper- dentist, each' - nday, Tuesday -and jol D enlTlg at seven eclock, -union services Mo a long Jand serious Illn BOUndar, $272.86; ter, '�oronto ad just con afla AV. Will lbe hpld Iii nothing definite or official ',to that,ef- ance speaker, of - a ss. -.V, Friday, inHenall, ea h Wedneedky and Thured Friday, in ffeuml), each Wednesday and Thursday oam G 4-6 -t If he Mtruggle is nat close clu-ded an a4dres in the interests of work. Phone .5,Hensal chaswork. PhoneNo.5,11en r X.S. wm aoinniencl g Jar�uiry 4th, 1915,. igh in Zurich, cowinencing January 4th, 1-915. High Then unlon services Will d6a held t h n Zur'ch, -Methodist hur h L 'and biterest, - $2 Na.65; Schoo.- feet. EtA thfb* and, Miss Arma.Mad,go sa]. 2454-!f -lat .Week hasbent the Christmas holidays with rel- evening itl 9phe Sea t a meeting In Howard Park &-hool, g in he presby-terlap, Chur before sprig, of which there is now F. S. iSence, candidate' for rointrollex Notes. -MV. Ist r Watid of thl-;: School Report. --The following is the enin except SaturdaY ev- I nd in atives land.;friendr, in, Teronto.� 1.=k Is $18.36, nd he, Un. little Prospect. It would inot be at al 6fr- N11fage bias (bee appointed a Cb-unty xeP&t Of the School. In -,qectlon No. 6 ch. The I e e ted t X mOlInt t $1, to. surprisine It these powers- as well as Tuesday evening, gnd as walking and- M!ra. John T. W(rv[r1 of 'Toron 611 d a nes a 102.$4. w Wastable T tiridAy Tuckersmirth, for DPcember -. Jack Whi -CeN Italy will become Involved. visited, [their many xelativos and frlp-;ndf 1fethadit . 9 te down the lsle when he collapsed znd' school hdid theirIchristmas tree ent-i- 42, -Edgar llan 71 *us A's -ye in,Rensaii lalnd vicinity during 'the Willie Broa4�foat. IOU t 'Zo tar s is ko�n them 'died ten minutes later of cereb-Tal hem- Past tainment �'ow "'dAy evening of last 10i Willie DandeOboro:69, Paarl Wee 'Brin It has ben repeatedly rumored hat f weakness few day' k,- when 11therl wa �,a nou -Arm- are Ine, :qanaan -troos -at the - front. oir-hage. He haA sha-vyn no 'Symptoms Wek.-,N1fr_ and ffxs. lGeorge Reynolds, C1r1ch ha t is and -Wher o �Iamllt e to ^et Iduring his speech, ut ev on,'spent 3 heke rc-t '9 -900d tur t. 68, kloWar4 Johns 68, Malcolm the Princess TatrIclas have been sent Inced ai tion w cently %vtth Mr. Reynolds par of happy' chilOrep with their tarents strolng 64, Praze Landeaboro, 158.-G-racia ta h,_-ci, in �the m ids t �f ents. -:-- and friends. A pketty progt' bet( to France, but any -,such reports have his peroration, the chairman of the Mks Edith MeEiwan, f Orlllla, is vis. hm, mcLa- Walkerq 'teacher. bur 'not been confirmed. It need not be meeting notified hin iting her molthr during the school holl Y by the cb.Ildr4n,- Was given . befwe. The Tqwnshlp V1naincez.-:_The folio, n that he Ixad ex- da the $1fts -were distrIbuted and all -�Pent lz�g fare 1901,M16 of- he Alex, Wilmns Gi.n dreE gurprisng to any oe.it Ithe Canadians hauste the Itime allotted eto him. yis.-bir. And j_k*s. B. jgto-bbs, former a happy je' pgrticulars con- . . I W I veninw,--4 -tinan ger Cdrdia residents jot gensall, bd !nqw f g. let we�dLng took cer'ning if lie _3eS of 'the township. did not igo, 'to the front until the -The hose that.was once wned lGeotge, '111veire the- jrUeSIt t Place Olt the home ibf Mrs, Samuel John- -which we itake fron the-. Financial b1u( a4a i9pring. It rno laaks s It Kitchener am -d occupied by ithe late E 8 'this week of A.' 9tcon of he Baby on Lint, Wednesday Statemett: TQt.al'ReceIpts,',t$88,449.43; and his coadjutors had decided ito'play donald, mayor f Toronto, Mae— Mr and Mr. Aeyn 25C olds._,N-1r. aind Mras as sod. per Do Geoirge Walker, and Mr. 14axnt Smal_ tr Miss Aggle came the brie of 170-79- Drains, $4,471.45; 39aArd Of a Wialting iga-me., They will only do a [few Aays.ago for $30,00F. I)t is altu- evening of laet w k, when her daqgl,,. Expenditures, Roa�ds vj)i4d Brldps,- $6,- lb little enough to 'keep Ithe German In check atid o;t the morth-east corner of Lang, lac0n& IsPe`-It 0hrifitthas holidays ith.: W. 'John Iteld-,o ffh Parr 11ne, The' uty Rate, $4,947. - and well eagaged until favor&ble. wea- ley and Broadview avenu ' relatives land. :friends here. -Mr. - and ceremony, ljealti, $111.15; ipau InW, es, with a - as P�erlformed -by Rev. Mr. 25; Debentures, $1,580.77; AKE it home an ther In Ithspring, when they �wlli fro�dage of 144 feet o Mrs. Bell, of, Rarylliton, were among. jnzw�ton, , I d pre n BrooAview a've-_ the -holiday, visitors trom a� distanc. congre m nisteP iof th�'Tresbyteriaan 006.35; Loans wid Notes, $9,000"Mis- rection pare accordifig to the simple di - throw In an immomse mass of troops hue 4and .221 feet n Langley avenue. ne sy-foung people s Pn the bottle and y cellaneolas $8,377.3T. Total 6x�endlture ou will have - --a gallon -or -and drive all opposition before tthem, The house has !nott -been or -Mr. andro. stush J. McDonald were .gatton, Va , I dupled for have fthe best wlsb'es of a 'large tircie $02,719,05. an,�- �reeable wholes M -j be� By that time the Allied forces w1l, ha*a sorpe time and is I In London, last wea,-ffr. 9avin Moir, Ng 41 1 0 verage as &bout thirty -1 Ir-, of Quebec, is of (friends Xor a happy married 5life,-. Christmas EAtertainmoi. tag as wine, I . ala able and sfimula_ � - j..� spending holidya wILh - Though ' - _P , t bur ample resQ*ces In both men and mu- Old. A contains eighteen rooms. iy, 116 aUnUal-ChriArhas entdrfalument in yet withOut alco 01 n1film% sog lheY "Wil. bA- in splendid Garfunkel was the purchaser. his . brother, �W. .. 'Andrew K Mbnday night December 21st, wAs 0 .. h JU-st- the thing for Caller or an connection , ith the umqe_1! or t(, s to do the 'best work. By t)X&L rerstli" -friends In this vicinity. Probyt6ria-n - eold &Ad 0�;iipy,, 4& b U up fro shape And pick Y6 -On'Tuesday of ast Th thne- Idoo, the jgermns -must bo -e14 -Vr. 0-eprae .0. -Petty, who. hat carzi a, movt enjoyAble tfine 1being spent. The Seetion 6. A, W igRtAeyed At &ho6l' or sitrain ere are Tnany i ttationsbut few Church was eld 4n � Tuesday evenizzig, I)RrentS imdchildrlb m that'all gone feeling, frolfi k week, a ;drunk- da 'the Tuckeroz�I�hp he in exhausted, ;deipj�j� their gT,,-%t_resour- here for equals. GA en (Xnan itried Ao lboard 'a ;novImV.,traI' gathering this ea t ok �fi,`moteAlrati splendid- prMram "&_�'Chlqtmas rom iiiMe, lalld.who, ..a couple of Years 4, lif tree at -tne istaion in teheli, whemt he 1-6 W_ ".'I, pe:rl�ps, 11, hoe form of con- ILVAld th4DIM. 33fth ischolar taking- h13 There gregatl6ijii gatberl�g And supper was part in a umt credit ell between tn Platform and. rails able Uve beezr no naval engage- f SAWOLA his buslness.it6..Mk, 2nents dilrbW 1th past week. A very He W piircbAsed it,- ba-&-, -served first JA th as quickly -seized by Mr" R. ty' Oaus arrived itiout tgn O!clftk ind Pw dauring bRke .,,wa:nts by de irote. the becaslon. �f e iea�emareitntidw"ahlabLhtiwMe.' distributed son, expres ageyrt, h =d skilfully, executed aerO- Tnomp d sthe Presents to dadh child, by w pulle fuce excuralo British nim. to safety. In. the condition in -which on" work dn, h 4-t the cone on of th6 eM per all 'the, tree beft Jo"' Inear Jftffa�-�_fjr 'with Jim urlep. ;ep 6 ch iwhe "tussell ;R. SPrcWt, of ' Neaf�rtlj, and alredU jDrth� ae ob- 'Ae WaS, the conductor very PrOPOrly 1kott, or Toronto, s proam on As .,to, he refu�ssed it, him on the train k4nd pent Christ= e' WAS itid. bY th(-- Alch&tia'a�,ChrLstmap stocking to eac e- ge h fiI6 att fWlth thelrpaXentq here. -0 Wren and past, i ubi 'fhi� even 0 rd fir