The Huron Expositor, 1915-01-01, Page 16944111444444114414444041•44141110114444 • • f t-472, a 6 • OR1-N1N 1 AR WnIGLE NUMBIOR 91.45S • n ei E Greig CI /thing Company FROM ONTARIO'S CAPITAL SEAFORTH, FRIDAY JANUARY 1,1915 • —.—.-- Toronto, 'December 29t110 1914. Toronto Inas been in, 4.the throes ,of -a ;somewhat heated Munkipai election for the past two weeks. The principal in- terest, of course, eentres artitind the election for 'Mayor. It was hoped bY eniany ;that Mayor Hocked 'Would stand for ,another term, and he prebably pallid have done so could he have been elected by acclamation.. But there were other n,spirants who could not 'be side tracked and consequently the present 1• (Onto declined to enter 'the arena, to the rites of the city, as Mr. Hocken made a good Mayor. The two, asspirs as 'are J, O. McCarthy and Tommie, Church,. They make A ;well matched team. They heve ;both been Aidermen and 'mernbees of the Board Of Control. They are both "joiners" and belong to nearly' every secret society of any importance in the eity rand they- ate both hail rename well met and. ;good ,oanvensers. eno it is hard to predict 'on which side ,the.rickie jade may cast her smiles's= election day. There are many 'better men fen the city for the position than either of thern. But good men will not 'submit .. to the annual harrowing A candidate has •US be sub- jected to or the ,srtke of the honors and emoluments attaching to the po. anion. As a result it is not tnfrequente ly mediocrity that comas Ito the front. Mr. McCarthy is A Liberal in politic and Mr, Church A Crmservative. But there is ane thing we cam say snout Toronto, As every person knows, To- ronto 1,s overwhelmingly and hopelesely Tory. ;It 'used to ibe a isaying that Bir Wilfred L a urier alwa ys drew ' the big crowds to Isis meetings but SirRobert Borden drew the voters on election day, But despite this peculiarity of the city, while in the event of a Grit aind it Tory running for any Municipal. posi- tion, 'there may ,be A 'silent unner-cur- rent or politics agitating the watera the hydro headed monster rarely ilares ehow hie head above the ,surface of the stream. It not ,unfrequently occelre that ca Tory paper will eupport a Grit In preference to a norss latnd vice vetsa. So that under these circumstaneee our Municipal elections Are not po bitterly conductedsas they otherwise would be and ;the city gets better Orunicipai ser- vice. , 0* * • - ••• Jan BEING heavily and smaller f men, We are Comp We are offering al prices absolutely r vested *in thig dep, further delay. In fur coat of the di 4.Yr fur collared at on the ,zguiar sel greP4- sale ng and FO Canadran Race° Siberian Dog C' China Beaver C Wombat Coats Furlined Coats Fur collared an FO Beautiful fur • Alaslea Sable Fur jackets Fur collar, qu Black:. wolf, bl Blue fox muff Alaska Sable Brown bear m Fur caps Mink Marmo - and Muffs. All Furs to be cl ary Sale of urs ! verstocked with Fur Coat, Fur:jackets irs of every description for men and wo. lied to make ,a heavy sacrifice in pricts. these splendid garments at slaughter gardless of cost, as so much money is in- rtment and must be realized upon without this event you may purchase a first-class rent furs, a beautiful Fur jacket,fur lined reduction in price of 25 to 40 per cent. mg. Shrewd people Svi!1 apprecicite this ill not be slow to take advantage, MEN' Coats $50 to $75 ats Si2 to S18 ats $18 to $20 $25 to $30 '$15 to $60 curl cloth lined $15 WOMEN ned coats $35 to $55 Collar, Muckrat Lined, • 3010 50 15 (0 20 10 to 15 4t0 ICS. 25 (0 35 25 to 30 3(0 9 5.50 to 8- lted lined Cfc fox muff u'ffs & stoles ffs and stoles Stoles ared, this is your opportunity ev, IS GOOD UNDERWEAR. _ WARM ,UNDERWEAR • These are the days for the warmest and the heaviest 'you can procure. Stanffeid's heavy ribbed pure wool in three weifihts- Green $t..O3 Red $1.25 •Blue 1.50 per garment; urnbull's Ceetee in medium and heavy weight per gar- ... . .. ;,...$2.00 to $2.50 Fleece lined per garment • • • ••••••• 111 • • 0 • • /•••''S • • • • 50c Heavy Klondike Sox... •.• • •••• ....-...25c to 40c Women's Coats Good Tweeds in Fancy checks and diagonals .55.50 to 57.50 Girls' Coats........ . . 3.50. to; 4.75 1.50 2.50 to 4.50 • Coat Sweaters.,...,..,........, Greig Clothing Co'y SLAV) TO PRODUCE TAKEN AT nGHEsr PRICES. •I :".-;'• • The .German 'scare at Toronto Univer- say' has out subsided. At least w.e do snot hear much 'about it now. Two of the objectionable Professor have been disposed or and the third, Pro- fessor Mueller, has made_ application for Naturanzatioo. Oils tapplication hoe not yet been ;granted, but it Likely will be. ;Tne appilontion was opposed before the „rage and Prefeesor Mueller was examined.. Be ,eaid he had no &sirs! to see the British ;defeated, „that he iS definitely and determinedly opposed to war and in his -opinion it would be an unfortunate 'thing even for Germ,eny waif an ;for the whole world. should Kaleerism prevail in the present str He said the reason he had not applied for Naturalization papers sooner was that he was (not sure of remain- ing ireCeineda,He Is an ordained Clergy- rran of ethe Luthesean Church. He came from Germany to the United 'States eome twewe ;years ego to take A oiosi- Um! in one of the Univereitleo there, Later on he :was induced Ito come to Canada and became the pastor ef .a email congregation in this country. While thus engaged, be was offered and accepted n Professorship in 'Toron- to University. But has recently had offers ,of pastorat work in the Uni- ted States and had 'some idea of ac- cepting 'that ;es he prefers it in some .respects to his University wells. Ele statement made on oath should cer- tainiy, satisfy any reasonable person In iso tar ae ,he Is concerned. It is probable the trouble occured largely on -account of some indiscreet statements made 'by the Professor in la controversy In Which he became invowed labolit the ;time (the war broke out. So it le ,not likely we will hear much more about the German Proresceonship business at the triversity, But it Is probable that the whole conduct of the sUniversity will receive an ;airing innthe Legisla- ture during the next Ise...ninon'. . * * Two Million lettere, post cards and parcess were tsbrted by the Post-efficc otAff and delivered between Wednesday and midnight Christmas Eve. General Superintendent Roes 'stated -that dur- ing his forty 'years of eervice thi3 was Itbe heaviest man .ever received at Christmas time. Beside the mail from Canada; and the United States there were also 600 sacks received them England. * * * * Christmas passed off very quietly in -Toronto and (nothing of .1a, serious na- •'ture took place. The police 'report that their ;services were very little in de- mand, and ovIth the exception' of at- tending to a few cases of frost bite, anbutance 'work was of little- consequ- ence. Even the number .of `-kirunk.s" ar- rested was, below the average, which fact -may be - ittributed to the clos- ing of ,an botel ,bare. Inspector 'Geddes !states that Christmas Day ;was one of the quietest he ever remembered, and added :,thet the cosine of the hotel bare on All holidays 'would have a good moral effect upon the city. If the clos- ing of bars on- holidays would ;have a gtod morao effect, ;would not the clos- ing of them on every day tape a -Much better moral effect') - Greater recognition was given the oe- ngioue aspect of the Christmas festive', in Toronto than has beenthe clestom for many ye,ais. Sanitig seivices were heed in most of the churches and large congregetions attended, especially at the Anglican neon. Roman Catholic Churches. For the first time for over a decade High Mess was sung in ail the Catholic Churches in the city with the exception of St. illichrters Cathedral et •midnight, and every edifice as crowded • with worshippers and hun- dreds were unable to ge.in admissions The theme of the majority of preachers was "Peace On Earth And Qood Whl `Toward Men,", and they exhorted their hearers to pay ea:meetly that peace might soon be restored to tie word and that the whole human family might be united in the bonds of brotherhood. * • 11 eity of Toronto is eornost paci- fied. The great -row ntioned up by Gen - The Huron Expositor wishes itsN many readers A Happy and Prosperous New Year. er.ai Sam Intignes, minister of militia. when he publicly censured General Lee- eard foe conducting an unexpected test mobilization of troops in Toronto, is I nearly over. -(Gialt‘t effetts have been .put forward to that tend. Vederel mln- jeters have been dropping ins fro/xi tittle to time with ervothing words arid ass serancess that nit's only Sam's way." Premier 'Borden has ;been here, telling' - o1 (the igood work none by General , nam -in *ening. the rsoldiers 'off 'to the front (Then conies the promotion :of General Le,saard be inspector genetal of the militia, n,Eastern Canada, with headquarters in Toronto, Finally there has ,been anther mobilization. 2.000 • rren being assernbled tn, Queen's park within half Lan hour after being_ picked up by 'minor cars At the Exhibition grounds. There NILS no i)surptise About this 'mobilization, and in panic, but To- ronto people still esseert that there was no panic the other time, either. 4 I , • The HydrinEleetrie power commission of 0.ota.r10 le idoing spree more cutting of-re/tee, near cer no -war. Only ;A iyear ago the commission -but its rates on the basis of the yearn profits, and still the municipalities. usiog the government's power have been ende to nhow a sur- plus. •The investment of these munt. cipalities totals up to $11,000,000 and they ;have been lanle to Show net earn, tags of ,$1,000,000 on the reduced %rates trade operative a .year ago. This money goes back to the consumers in the form ore= additional redectioe, which will amount, it is estimated, to from twelve: to fifteen per cent. The reduction varies from ten all the way up to twenty - rive per cent., but the average, it is thought, -will be twelve or fifteen, as stated. The effect of these reductions 11 ovi lbe felt even outei e the circle of • the provincial hydro -electric system, in- asmuch as private companies, operating in various municipalities in competition with the provincial system, will have to. meet the new rates,* or epproach them, in order to seetain tb.ein custom-. SAS, . Sir 'Adam Beck in enoouneingethe cut. in rates also conveys some good news for those using electric power for other domestic purposes then, lighting. For- merly the power used in heaters, 11-0116 , weepers, etc., was not sold oport what *LS called a 'normal bosie1 many'places there are separate Oates and separate meters for .these services, but the pro- vincial commission nes deckled to make things easier for its customers. The ordinary slate „will be changed on a baend of 40 kilowatt hours for houses of 1;000 feet flour area, but for all con- sumPtion in exness of 10, in stbis dclass of neupe, a rate f just one leaf will be charged. The charge is graded ac- cording to the floor area above 1,00.0 .A11 this is cheering stleW8 for Ontaelo people, many of whom Are getting few windfalls these days. It is something in the toe or the Christmas stocking, •with Sir •Aelarn Beck ia the role of Sento Claus. * se * The sudden !death -Of Illebert Jaffrey creates still another Ontario vacancy In the Canadian' Senate, bringing the toter up to elx. Five were men closely identified with Ontario Liberalism, the list being Sir Geo. Ross, former orentier of Ontarle, the Honorable William Gib- son 'of Beamsville, the Honorable Geo. A. ;Cox of IToronto, sand 'the Honorable Robert Jaffmy of Toronto. The Bonet- suble • Donald • (McMillan of Alexandria, wbose .newth occured some 'weeks ego, and ,Hononable Senator Kiekhoffer Brandon, who has since departed, were both Conservatives, and ini .this case: the filling of the vacancy ...makes no change in ;the political complexion of the eel -tete. The five Liberals, however, will be replaced by As merry Conner - valves sand the Liberal power 'in. the upper house will be reduced pr000rs tionately. There is much speculatioh In the province as to who the six new senators from „Ontario liwill be, but nbc Ontario ministers, whoewill decide the • selections, are maintaining an oyster - like secrecy-. There are, of &melee, a large number of good Ontario Tories who consider themselves peculiarly well qtialifien to fill these 'tvacancies, • but any (guess As to the six winners in ethe f -ace is 'As rood as Another. ?Much depends upon the proba)bilitlee of A general election, it beteg the habit of governments to- utilise isenatorships in the house-cleaning oend •partial party reorganization which usually proceeds a general election. The position: Of Sen. ator is about one of the rrost com- fortable And most desirable In the gift of the igoveriarnent. It is 8, sinecure for .11re and etill keeps the Old stager in the ; ctive political swim. Nunicipal Nominations_ SEAFORTH. — OldeCouncil, Water, Light and "Sewer Commissioners and School Trustees all elected- bylaccla- m*rajtUitYn. CKERgieT11.—Reeve and Council all re-elected Pees Occiamation. EnnE.TER.—Reeven-Mr. Taylor, John Scent,- Wm. Ileaman and W. Beaver. Councillors—Moses Amy, Joseph Har - • Dr. Roelsoton and M. snaders GIANT()N.—vor iyea.ror.T: ellack- sOn, D. Cantelon. Reeve—J. Taylor, J. Lt. Ford. Councilors—Wallis, Paisley, Weimer Sheppard; Elliott, Fitzsim- MOW; .,:tiaS014, Copper, Miller. Commis- sioners — 'S. J. Andrews, D. .Cantelon, Thompson; " GODERIeH.—Mayor — B. C. Mun nings, A. Reid, and EL B. Wigle. Reeve --Robert 'Elliott, W. F. Clark. For -Deputy Reeve—C. A.. anoint, J. T,. Liithwaite. For Council—J. B. McGlin.. ton, B. C. linunningte Frank -Elliott,-Ed R. Wilde, J. J. Mosier, A.. 3. Pelt- ' ridge, 3. A wnson, Wluiam Proad- foot, Jr:, ,Lotr Doherty, Frank ) Sault - dere Waster Land Light COM . M 135„011 1•10•11•11M•111•1160•16 41111••••••• Help the "Red Cross" and "Belgian Relief" Funds For each NEW.eUbscriber receiv- ed for THE HURON EXPOSITOR for elle year at /the regular sub- scription price or One Dollar, we will devote Fifty Gents or one-half of the amount to be given to the Red Cross or Belgian Relief fund, as the individusi subscriber may designate. This otter boles good from now till*February 1st, 1915. By NEW Subscribers we mean those who are not now subscribers to The Expesitor. . Subscriptions will be received on the above terms only when they are to be addressed to some post office it the counties of Huron or Pertlt. The subscription price must on all occasions accompany the order. The safest way to send money is by Express or Post Office older, A full years subscription will be given in every instance. Parties sending in Inns of names can have the papers sent to (lifter- ent offices, so long as the offices afe within the counties of Huron or Perth. • A full and accurate account of the moneys received and dispersed, will be given at the close of the period, February ist, 1915. By this plan you can receive a regular weekly visit for one year of one of the best local papers in Ontario and at the same time aid the above laudable objects aneall for ONE DOLLAR. • McLean Brothers The 'Huron:Expositor' Seaforth W. T. Murne•y, (acenarrovtioni. "School Board—Dr, G,allow, Pa -snobs, 11, E. Rodents, B. 11. Cutt (acciamatiorns GX1A3C—Mayor—A. J. ,Irwire D. McDonald, George Spotton. Reeve —3. N.MeXibbon, S. Mitchell, W. Isbister, Conncilors—A. Crawford, W. Patterson, O.,C. Mama, J. Underovoed, David.son, J. .Anderscer 11,13e11 • V. Vannormon, 1. Binkley, 3. 3, 'Can- ningnam, T. King, W. A. Currie, S Bennett. School Trostees (elected), ward 1, N. E. Isard, nward 2, W. Aa Camp- bell, ward 3, A. a Lloyd, ward 4, L Bisbee. Dr. Irwin. has been , el - noted mayor of Wingham by 'acclama- tion. Only Oix councillors qualified And these heve also been declared elect- ed as follows: L. P. Binkley, D. Bed. W.A. Currie, Paterson, W. R. Van Norman, A. 144Cfrawford. There twill be in election to' decided the reeve - ship, , 11ULLETT.—The Reeve and all the Councilors re-elected bY accsamation; - UPORNE.—The Council tor this year have all been elected by acclamation. Mr. Wed Elleoington takes tbe place of Mr. Samuel Routley sas Reeve and - the Councilors are Wm. Coates, tAtthur Thomas Brock And. John Dun- can. BRUELS.—The Council of last year was re-elected by acclamation except that David Walker takes the place of R. LA. Pryne. The nchool Trustees were also re-elected. - • GREY,—The old Council ail re-elect en. MORRAS.—Old council nit re-elect- ed. TnT.RNBERRY.—The sold 'Council all re-elected. . ; BAYFIELD.—Reeve — J. Thompson. Councilors.—E. Murner,Oneorne Westoo, E. , Ward, and Charles Penner. e InAY.—The Councikirs, School True- teee and police Trustees of Zurich, were 'all re-elected by acclamation: STA'NLEY.—The fold council ,ah re- elected by acclamatio•re except that Mr. Jahn McKinley was elected- Reeve in place ,of Mr. Wm. Glenn, who resigned and Mr. George Hanley iler-as elected to • the 'Council to fill Mr. McKinlerniPlaeo, HIBBERT.—The Reeve and Connell - ors were all elected iby acclaniation as follows: A. kniquhaun, Reeve and J. Morris, Jai -nes Johnston, John Kay and Thomas Mahaffey, Councilors. Messrs. Kay land- Mahaffey are new men in the Council. OfeKILLOP.—The council was elect- ed by :acclamation. Mr. 3:- M. Goven- lock was re-elected Reeve. Mr. Coo. Ec- kert and iMir Rot. ;Archibald dropped out and were pucceeded by Mfr. John Govenlock, sr., and Otr. George Hearne. The Council this year wit be composed of J. 01.13oiren1ock, Reeve, and F. (Mc- Quade, S. Regele And John, Govenlock and G. nlear,ne. COLBORNEe—Norninatione an don Colborne Township are: .Reeve, Sam Bissett and 3. N. Kernighans Council- ors. -1V. ,Young, James Chisholm, Jesse Snyder. Gordon Young, Hugh Hill, Isaac 'Hetherington. • , GODERICH TOWNnHIP. — The old Council were re-elected by acclamation. Reeve—Wm. Lea. Council. — Albert Lindsay', .3. W. Teo, fGeor,ge Holland, Georoe Hudie. BLY111.—Iteeve.n-Dr. Milne, Council - y, James Shns; Trustees, ,.. • Dr. ors.—J. Carters J. Cur, B. Sloan, 11. Sarne ancTaggart, Jae .Simseand A• Pop - lestone. ' - STEPHEN.--Reeve.—W. Sandere, W. R, Elliott. Deputy.—johei Love, Woo, Yearly.- Coun.c11--Alex. Neeb# Thonati Miehand Finloneirlan; Oen - Kellerman MA David :VOA 4BNE1&T#14,—Iteeve ()wen tieiger; , Tbornaselludistirs, Gs 0,rity,,S. Sronllacoiobe, 3. W. Or eta, R. Bon- . thron, Pavid Nichol and 'James Priest. - Councilors. — George Hodson, e Alex.. 'Smith, W. E. Pfaff, George Penick, 11 Mellon James Moore and Jamee Priest. II u ro: Notes —Mrs. (Dr.) nlodgeon and little son Edwin, of Central Butte, ;Sask., are borne to spend the =winter at the paren- tal nome of Mr. And ielass. Jaines Mahar- i'y', Clinton. —Mies Olintle Dean and liiSS Mar, e garet nuriley of Kingsbeldge, nsnfleld i townsnipolleft last week for Wintipeg, wnere ;they Will remain for the win- -ter months, ' —.A. new departue In the programa ol the Wingharn ;Public School clantes at their .. clasIng exercises Was the taking 'of a collection at the doors for the Belgian Relief Fund. Innithis manner a. large sum was realized. •(—Dr, Mime, Reeve sof Blyth, present- ed each member of the council and each town official witn a- Chrkstmes ;turkey ;and et non of bon -bons or cigars. Ineednes to nay the !genial Actor -was re-elected iby a -collimation on Monday. —Mrs. George Harris, Wroxeter, Ont., -annorinces the engegement of her daughter, Mildred, to Afr. A, Raymond Lecky of Hersahei, Sask„ the marriage to take place the 'first week ein Janu- ary. :—Mr. And ',Mrs. Matt Sneppar'% and their feur children, have !returned -from Griffin, Sask., And purpose spending couple of menthe in the old home Iti Goderien 'Township. It istwelve yeare since limy went to the prairie county and tnie Is their first" visit back. 1 —Mr. Donald W. Patterson, son or Kr. 'Donald Petterson, of Auburn, nae just Ibeen admitted to Us bar and re- ceived nis gown at Calgary, Alberti. , Tne court officials, barristers and stu- dents 'gave ia, banquet ire nanor of the, , event. - I —Miss Frafices Stribles, daugnter of d. R. ,and ,1;fre, atibbs, Calgary, ferrxi- erly pf Brossele, spent tne holidays with friends in ithaf town. She is at- tending ;the 'University in Toronto, and came to visit her grandparentsnW. and Mrs. jewitt, and otner old friends'. -. 1 —G. In. Elliott, of .Gonericli, visited Wingham, a ;few days Ago, to make arrangements for the, securing of homes for a nu.mber of .needy chiknonewhich have come under control of the Counto organization of the Children's „Aid so- ciety, of which Mr. Elliott is county' aneirt, . 1 —One day Lonnie ,Leslie jeake, the 14-s ' year-onl son of Isaac ?Lake, of Grey,' wen onsliting his father in hauling gravel .glOrMS a field, 'ne was jolted I off land thronvn between the wheels, ' A. reaO 'wheel nessed over his lett leg near tne body And although the limb was very badly bruised, Altera was nc broke .nnones. , —Mr. 'George Potts, a resident of Canton, for over nalf 13. cettiney, died in Clinton, on February 18tn. He' Wen 72 Iyears of ;age. Ile is survivedney lins -wife, two ;sots and item deolenters. He has been failing In health for some time pest, a ;year or /none, but 'Vas confined to his bed- but six weeks previously. •Tr.e immediate cause of death was lies,rt 'trouble., . —Two little girls of Goderiche about ten to -ears of pee, Verna and Leona. Snelgrove, (have learned two 'dollare by .selling pit Yielders' send have handed t:ne !amount over to the Loom. Relief •Fund. The Local. Relief Committee at their meeting accorded these . little heroines ore ppeenl vote of thanks. —Tne Goderich Cahalan Club has made Arrangemente for gar ;address by President ' Falconer of Toronto Uni- versity en January ' 4th. A. moonda.y. luncheon !will lbe given by the -Club Sat :vrnIch President Falconer will deliver .an odolreesto the members of the Clubs In line eve og a public meeting will be 'mid at wnich President Falconer has consented to ;deriver anopeldress. —Mr. iMalcolin Fraser, 'a well-known resident Of the 2nd Concession of Grey Township, sbas purcenned the comfort- able brick -residence, in Brussels, from Cs (R. Bennett, ,payiug the sum ef $2,- 650 tr'or it. Tne purchaser Is ;retiring from farming and ne and s. Fitaser WM !take possession next Spring-. M.r. Bennett's reason ,for selling was tne fact treat his farms in the *West were demanding Ins living there, hence hie re_movnael. T 'death occured at the hieme of ner non Mr. -11. 1. Pingel, of Clinton, on Tuesday of last week, on Mrs. Bar - deft Brown in her sixty-eighth year. ' Tne deceased had only been a resident of *Clinton for a. few montne, coining there from Blieth, and had been no ap. parent good' heath until a few days previous Ito her demise, Which was the result of An 'attack ef. paralysis. - —Mr's. William Law, of stne 3rd eon - cession of Prey, passed Away very un- expeetedly on Tuesday a last week twin babies were born, ;gm and daugn- ter, and tnemother pawned away short- ly after. liner maiden name was onsmie PaTbrOcSi, land ;she was 'married to her bereft nueband seventeen' years ago, fine is eurvived by four. Sons and A daugnter. Isirs. Low -was In her, 33'id year. —Tne following goodswereforward- ed to Red °roes office, Toronto, from Brussels: 123 ;bed inirts, 21 pairs socks, , 6 &intones, 9 pairs wristlets, 10 scarfs, ' 3 day enhsts, 1.0 long nightshirts, 11 'suits pajamas, 3 dozen nandkerchiefs, -; 22. ,suits underwear, 6 wenn rags, 1 • bathe robe And al. piillow,s. The fol - 'lowing were received from ;the local branch On the Worrie„n's Institute s 4 . . scarfs, 115 poirs socks; .12 pairs wo s - , lets land one don mending kits. I—Following are some particulars con- cerning Morris Township ;gleaned from 'tne 'smitten Financial Statement - pre -- pared by Treamodu -Saw and Reeve Shortreed:—Totallieceipts, $50,415. En- Scjiezinoodkisur, ei9,11.0e Draainagend Bra, dg*Ies0;8611,5De701 1 hentures, *9,367, : Stationery and print; ingied,11$:$ idlags; Sa;.7114es .E.,,LondanlAlliviovvidal:enes:5$03;;- 1109; Board. of nleenth, -,f126"; Sheep kil- i interest, $16; Coupons, $64; ene,rity,- 11gEatunty, rate, 126/..; Miscellianeous,_ 1 I.—Mr. 4ind litfrs. J. C. Cott; onf rGode- I rinse were nefore ltifiegistoate- Kalb- or I tnat town teat week, to ninsiver _ Ito !i.inargen of vioestion "of the' law res- pecting contagitetes idisemes• The de- , Andante' on, it appears,- too ix , the ' measles early In stoe month ma it wSte charged' mg proper precautions Were . _ - oLBAN BROS. Publishers $1.00 a, 'Teter in Advance eli•Saiitresr riot observed. Mr, Cutt continuing to attend to nts duties .as janitor of the n,entrai &noel. and Mrs. •Cutt going up -- town. Tney were each fined ind and costa —Tne Brussels Curling Club has been organized ;for Inn season iwith the fon loWing officers: Bon. President, J. Leckie; President, D. C. Ross; Vice- Presidonto.A..nOraenni ; AertatSjy-Tren- suren:S. T. Plum; Managing Commit- tee, Above officers and A. C. Dames.Dr. , Bryans and B. 3, MeLaucrilin. Canvas- Ising 'Committee, Jonn lealleoltnne and Cleve Beeker. Fee .for new members is placed at n2.00 and for. eld,stembere $3.00. (A. lively- season loth for member - snip and curling is ianticipated. —Warden Qinteson -of Clinton nen handie,d this Beason about ,21,000 bar- rels of apples, 92 --carloads of watch pressed ;Uzi:ugh Clinton. The ..thiprnents waregated .about as follows to the places named: ,Winnipen, 2912 barrels; otner -western pointe, 5,323 barrens; Nortnern Ontario points, 1,076 barrels; Eastern points, Mt -arena, etc., 4,191 barrels, and Inc onnainder in all di- rectione. If the Warden nets fifty cents (per barrel on 'bis output he will be iabie to sport la Ping natnand nh.lnY ,enoes next ,year zhcond ne ;again no favored ;Mtn the Wardenship. —The rive-year:old daughter- of nfr, W. Drusionood, Was „saved from perhaps seriou einjury in Wingham on Tues- day, by the prompt action of Wm. Caslick in a runaway ;accident en Jo- sephine Street, in that town. The two were being driven by Mrs Caslick, vvhen, es - the horse ibecanne unmanageable and dashed down the street. Mr. Caslick taw the danger and, picking up the little giro tossed her into a, snesvleaole. Immediately after ithe cutter was over- turned: and both menthroWn heavily out. The men escaped uninjured, and the little one was ;also unhurt. —Mr. D. „Karen, recently a xesident of the Township of Grenedled nery Bud- niertly in Yorktot, Sat*. Be was -living alone in A house in, that town. A neignbor balled to eee him on leuel- nets ;and found him :sitting in a chair - dead, Staving passed away during the nignt. fhf.r. iMarsh had .been. ailing -tor the past ,month and it was evident that during Inc night he tiled taken, ill :and , had succumbed before being -able to summon assistance. Deceased was 72 years Of Age and noel resided. in York- . ton :since last Unrest. He has beeneern- ployed As a teamster by tne town. , —Tne renewing Is a isbotemett of the finances of Grey townenip for the cur- rent year: Receipts, Taxes *44,483; Sebool Grants, $1,186; Oficelleeneoun, $17,357,inti1dng n total off $63,026. Ex- penditure, Sentries, Allowances, ete„ $1,080; Stationery, printing, setc.41.69; legal Costs, 429.50; Charity, 4308; Board of Healtn, $291; County rate, $5,857; *Anterest, UFA; Sateen killed by dogs, *9; Telesineries, $3,940; BOAS and 'bridges, *2,265 o Grayel, 4578 nMunie ccliPpaall, d$T410,111268'5;4DenelPan;t1SDeberes, nnttlirter%s,17-$111,--- - 621;'Serv0l8 n10,665.; Ifiecelle,neenns!. $2,- S 117; Total Expenditure, 442.748, lera R. credit tralance er 419;t78. • ' • —Mr. George S. Bates, one of the inide.st continuous residents, of Godn- rien, idled last week. 2nr. 'Bates was born in tne year 1835 and with the exception of -a few months -opeet at - Detroit, had lived there centinuoatlY ever ;since. In the year 1861 he married Pass McLeod, of Goderich, of which union" there were eight chlidreo, all of twhom, with the wino*, survive. The deceased had been engaged In the coop- erage business for many years And pr.actleaily all the coopers In town were present at the funereo al a testimon'Y to the kindly rear -4 in -which their feilow-worker was held, i n•-- . -. —Trio 'anniversary tervices InDOR- neetiOX1 'Mtn Duffs Clitroh, Walton, on Sundny, December 20tn, conciliated by. Rev. Mr. ,Snearer, .of Toronto, were largely attended' and roost enjoyable and profitable. The offering was most liberal, amounting to 4280. Tne church choir' added much to the enosseure of ' ;the occasion by their, excellent music. , —lone W. a>. Eray has sold his 100 - acre forth on 4tn6 15th concession, of p re y, no gr. Bugn -McKay, son of Mr. James McKay and woo has recently - returted front the West and think's the old name township is still ;good enongli ' for him :to locate in. The pence pond was 144,400. Be gets _ possession in a couple of weeks. —Mrs. Carrie, Cambria Road, Gode- ?Leh, has received a very interesting Lizette; taXvrrearn, rbraerneseo,c .nReylEllhext, id,a,Arteciat r ived - there k t few days before and his setter Is dated Decent/leer nth. He is &await) for an Eigoish regiment And has charge of one of the Y. M. C. A -cernps.Be say: "We .are quartered evith;the 'or - Veers here in a large college nebicb has been -fitted up. The cams are- peincipally made up of 'wounded and sick nert Who have been brougtrt. from ;the sfront to recuperate. We bAve a ' short iservice and singing every even- ing, and itbe mem crowd .around. The British owner it a splendid fellow and the ,British officers are -thorough gen- tlemen. You never hear -e, wand of eons- piain•t. We expect.to move on to Rouen next -week. There In a much iarger. camp nhere. The weather In tbe .nortif of France As r ;write Is sortething Ake , our late September weather at homer —The Wingham checker players lied a !mat time 'net week during the pro- ;gress 'of their checker tolitnamente ThaemitIo3e.wA urrnament, ,wascratevtgl, indtehheamiCopunio Chamber. -prayer of the Dominion of Canada, Met - the noted polyera- of Wiroonamto teet their eltin and mettle. The .entertinnis meat wawlieid on 'the afternoons and s eveningtent.Thursday azd Friday. The ehembereinas- rainy won filled, and the, old professionals, the ameteurt and thel e _..143-ectatharn drrnnsotmjaenoigersti°1; gtztiee'gntimSen:;- - and sa few draws out out of about one hundredand1ifi5r. The most interest. -wingtortiteirlrie71001.4:Aen;o:ivii!oh_alevity t„i e .tria th,v; de7,600fhp raw:sit tbill.: a r , mht une tgame=,3v,es::2:3.1 niayers engineered one Side ef !the board, !Crawford the Others: The was inne olzta-wo and.•Wirt 44 Aks,vir, -- ford.-7The most senniderfue inert of la ,pfaury xagirlOkae W "erne_achthesYlde,gynovtlgot*Ilre%orti . round the board., now kneewfserelegeCA kocp track of the -men And Win Snide was, not miraculous. , 4 a 7. 1,