HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-12-25, Page 8- Now is the time to have that group pic- ture made. Yor the convenience- of those who cannot come any other time our studio wilt be ope a Xmas Day from 9 Veto& tilt 4. Fen's Studio Seaforth 'Special Bargains for Xmas 50 Pictures 4.... Half Price $9,50 Kitchell Cupboards - 'for.. — -......$3.65. $4. 25 Parlor Tables for. . . $1.45 75c Kitchen Chairs for. .25c Bay your _Furniture Here and Save Money , Upholstering and Repairing done at right prices RG. Winter -Seaforth . Ontario jam.es Watson, bISTRICT MATTERS eachers and Students.—Or the in ny • chotil 1W/chez% antudents hornee for he Claristinas holidayswe notice the (glowing: Miss 0. Gillespie, N. e hick, Mary BahltIrk, Norma U8,1; rl, Thompson, M. ,Horan, Marlon Wa.i.- Hinchie ,Earl Bell, Mtses Laidlaw, -Mae. Baliantyne, M. Horton, Seekt, at Thornton Blau, Delia Gil- lespie, Marelon, John Bretton,' El- wyn Itiver.s, Genevieve Jones, B f3Sie Grieve, ;Rae Govenlock, Gretta Ro, B. B. Archibald, Thempson, Model School Examinations. -- The following' ahe the name O of Ruroa teachers , training at 1 the Model Schools who have been successful in qualifying for *rated third clam certiriceatee ; Bridget V' Ca,r- het, Mary F. Carbet, Oia.ra L. Copp, Annie La. Draper, Mita. iEt. Durst, beet rO. Henry, 'Austin. K. Howit, ,Veva 11. Lobb, Waiter M. Nelson, of CH ton; George B. Casa, Dungannon; elves a Mc- Kenziei Biafielde Annie M. !Munro, Wroxeter; *Evelyn J. M. Ryan, j Sett - ford; Lyle. M.isparling, Oran rook; John MI Swartz, Goderich; attIc C Turner, Searceeth; district, certi Icate, Dora 1Watson, Brussels; - Successbr to W. N. Watson general Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. Real Estate and, Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effected at the lowest rates. Wafer in New Raymond, White and New Home Sewing Machines and National Cream Separators. .afull supply of sewing machine needles, attachments, 011 and re- pairs always in stock. ultv go gou guntottp vf gavb ttt ;iW tigs itaz 01.1 mite Itg2 gnu briaatxt uf. titter ina OVVt- tiego atta tiTut ati- ottrr gm Of Oat* gmb prommit li tot beguail • , .1. F. DALY il Jeweler and Optician, Issuer Marriage Licenses Seaforth - of 'Addttional our .Irport ,of the prize wimilags at the Pr Steck \Pair at auelpb, glveirt la's we inadvertently- omitted the ing Thomas MeMiclutetafe Son, iet, repeated their 0110008S a years, their Lead Ronald 'within plaice land Glenrae second in th Stallion clwse. International' was ed oecond tn. the, tero-year-old. in the threeeyear-old fillies Beauty ;won second ,place. Watts, of Barloole, Bullett, al firet lekr his colt and second 'yearling filly in the county .corn Both these colts were the get rae. Mr. John Nicteem- of B, Perin, Tuckeremith, was award tfa-t isteers. Christmae Entertainment. ---, Though Tuesday (night was coal and torm3; lit tlid net prevent a large niiiJner or parents, friends and echeaars of the Preabaterian Sabbath 1.5.hhorn, orn at- tending their Christmas entert inmente 'The .program consisted of ca tations, dril le, 'dialogues, and v irstrumentak eelections. Ali ta, from the little ones the, scholars wild oo in a .most plea creditabie manner, that gave ofelime and work for the en es well tae thobe who so cerefu ly train- ed them. After. the p prize was given. to the pupil class In the Sunday" Sch.00l, the highest marks or ,the Mr. Larkin aoted as &alma proceeele amounted to twent Christmas Gifts in Footwear What mere useful or sensible present could 'you, -give to any member et the tanailY than good footwear. Whether it ae a 'pair of strong'serviceable boots for tether or a dainty 'pair o elippers tor rnadamoieede, we have the very best laou _could p'ossilety desire. The following are a few. suggestions: For .Men inott ,week !low - ft Bul- mer firet aged ward- s and Spring Robert c. won lie his etition. Glen- veside Id first N EX OSITOR vhswpance.asna......peseenhartavAsesoo, beautifu :Watch and bracelet, a gift from 'tithe C. M. in,. A. 'for her !recent successful examination, having Wen' the Collegiate Institute Schafarship far this. - year. Interesting serldresees -weft given by Rev. F. P. yiritite, St. Coiumnan; Rev. Dr. ,Northgravee and. Rev, P, Cor. corah, Paetor of at. Jatnee Church. prowned.—A, [sad Accident occured in Toted°, Friday, December 181h. Jame McCann a formOr resident of Seaforth, Dress Shoes, E leen ng Pumps, Rub- bers, House Slippers, -Hockey Shoes Moccasins 'end Oversiaoes. ' For Women. Evening Shoes, Dressi Shoes, Walk- ing Shoes, Bedroom Stippers, House Slippers, iVfoocasins, Hockey Shoes and Overshoe, For Boys an Youths • Hockey Shoes, Schoo Shoes, Dress, Shoes, House Slippers, Moccasins and Rubber Bot- ts. Was idWeetied In the liver_ while taking . a,Whont t how Xrero his 'Work, dentiy Mr. (MeCann dtd-not know the sewer 'entered the rivet" at thispoint,. unilerinining Ofld :weakening the ice, Which gave way as 'ha advanced on tit. As he brolte throtegh lie caned for heee, Which ws heard bY re'refiral, eta,.‘21-etaii, messenger for the Lake Shore Railroad Company, teolif, John Stapleton, form- erly of Doblerf; The young man reached Mr. McCann as he was sinking .but WAS Unable to beep him and immeelle.te- ey gave the warm, In a very short time the body .,was reccniered, but lire vta-e eatinct, Thefunerai was .heed froni Pearleks Church one Tuesdo.Y1 , inter- ment at calvary cemetery. Mr ',XeCiniti leaves a wIdoW, two' on and two daughters to mourn his ,ss The fp:m- iry '11,i,ve the sympathyof a large Or - me lof frieneis.. 1 .e The 'Neiw Barracks.—The new Salve - tion 'Army Bariracks in Seaforth, wee formerly 'opened on Sunday at The local. officers were 'assisted by Majoe CreightOn, or Virtento, Brigadier Staff 0e.ptain "White, of London, tend othera. The bareeteks is a comfbetreete and COMITIOdiOtIS - building, erected on the Site (of the !old one, (In eaddition to ,the assembly room there is a large base- ment land officers' quarters at the rear. Tie cost was about $2,500 and We under- -Stand the -whole has been paid or se that 'there Win he no debt on ..the mew ;building. 'There was a good attendance on Saturday evening and imt all the meetings on Sunday. The . principal meeting, however, was on •Sundiay af- ternoon. The haii .was tilled to its Celia - City and the meeting was one of mach intereot. Mr. James ,Beattie presided and the various churches in teWre were wen repreeented, while Revels Messts. Brown, 'Larkin .and Barker occueled se -ate on the Platform and extended car gratulatione to the officials and members hot the Army ,on the good iwark in which they are eng,aged -and. the evident prosperity, they !enjoy. The addresses of the officers we're earnest s, !reel- and exquent and were listened to Alta • 1 cal and woe attention and keen . &predation Ing part,by the audience. Altogether the ArmY advance are to be congratulated ,on the success Ing and of the proceedings in connection with evidence he formai opening of '.'their new hare formere Election a . Officers.—At meeting bof Cotut Sherwood,, Order Of Foresters, igeafort lowing members were electe 'for 'the hisrtent !year: W. Chief Ranger; ,3. T. .Feu, Ranger; Ed naler, Tree -stater; Et, L. Box, Secretary; g). Freseli','It'enior War - !A, Stehle, Junior Warden; Senior! Beedie, George Reeves; Junior Beedie, A. Daley; -Court Physician, -Dr. 3.0. Scott, 'Mr. Jona Finch, ',who, had fitted the !position ea:Cornet Secretary for the past thirty-two -years positively decline ed're-electioen Mr. 'Finch has iperforraed the duties of this position with great ti.delity end it was with much regret !the lebent 'ha4 to ;dispense with his. services, !taut they Tecognized the ilea- oonableness 10f his desire to retire and they ',showed their :appreciatioq of his long and faithful. tservice. - . Egmondville Schaal. ,--- eAlthough the day (was every atormyethe closing exer- cises at the Public School on 'Tuesday afternoon were a enccess. The children did -welt, and A program or recitations, addressesend musical selections, and last lbu;t not least, a good lunch and supply -of candies added much to the'' afternoon's soctal enjoyme a The fol- lowing is the standing in order of mer- it of the pupils nef the sc poi for the term. ending 'December Via Those- in First Clase No. 2, Second, Jemlor Third,. Senior Third, and Junior rourth, in all 23, have been. promoted f'cirie class and will at (the beginning of the New Wear take up the additional ;work lor their new alasses : Jr. IV.—C. Colbert, E. Shade, B. Jefferson, B. 'Brown. Sjr. III, —M. Weiland, L. Kruse, CA.. Shade. P. Strang. Jr. iri.—R. 'Weiland, R. Ire- land, 'M. 1Hart, M. II -Cruse. IL-14. Hills, R. Simpson, M. Budson, Me -Ireland, N. Ireland; M. Snade, 3. Bart,E. Shade, R. Makins. Part II -,---R. Boggarth, N. Dupee, V. Hudson. First, No. 2.—R. Colbert, W. Fart. First, No. 1. --II. Jef- .ferson, (G; Miller; F. , Aberhatt, '' L. Dupee.- • "The Bogus School Inspector." — On. Friday evening lasa -the pupils of T. James Separate School presented a very pleasing entertainment In the School. Eau which was beautifully decorated by Mr. John Broderick, late.s. O'Connell -acted as accompanist in !her. "usual ex- ceilent manner. The first! part of the programme was a comic ;operetta "The Bogus School Inspector. 'Colonel Fig. Inspector of. Schools, was personated by Master Jack Neville, Who made- a mos -t creditable ,Government Official. Master Clifford Freeman -was the in- spector's Valet iand the "Bogus in.spect- OT" as he tn.-Aorta& the •inspection of a school when his master, who had missed his train, failed eto appear. The ready wit :ot the .Valet While conduct- ing a school examination, ceased n3ucn merriment. Clifford is pronounced a success. Miss Dorothy O'Connell, Whose ability un the stage is 'wed known. made a perfect teacher iand her polo was very pleasing. Master John Meade/ was the Truant Officer and did his part welt in nringing to school Mater P. Duggan, whose comic song explainel his 'difficulties. The bright choruses,oil the pupils and little Edmund Daly's' cute solo "Pm to -be Santa. Ciaus" were londty appta,udecl. Pari two of the pro- gramme "Our 1G-taduatese was cieeeney introduced eey Bliss M. 'Eckert.. In this were shown thel•difficulties our young people meet :with in life. 1/11,s8 Edeabetn Keating, who- distinguished hersee last year as tta "Miriam" in. "No Room in: the Inn" was equally successfu. In :the role dt 'Pleasure." Master Edmund Keating represented "Money" and clear- ir depicted the anuremente et riches. Miss Anna Atkinson as "Re ilgio as 'training," Master John Curtin es The Church and: Miss Marcella atacDona.d. as "Oar CoUntry" portaayed the safe- guards that :Surround -our youth, bring- ing them tilrictory;' represented- , by Mies Grace McNamara. At the close of the 'entertainment Mr. 1.5t. Broderick Pie(sAn.tPd. MNS.,t9etelea Igeville :wttli a For Misses and Children Sating Shoes, Street Boots, Dress ahoes, House Slippets, Moccasins end Rubber BOP tS. . - See our full line of iiefants footwear Club Bags, Suit Cases and Travelling Goods We have a very complete stock of Olub Bags, Suit tOases, Trunks, Fit- tings,etc., ranging in price from $4 up We also carry a line of Special Fit- tings for travelling goods which we sell separately.vIt will pay you to call and. see our stock. Special attention tsiven to mail and Telephone Orders. If R. SCOTT ,ottr..,„kf Good Shoes plioNE ° SEAFORTH ogram In each ho had r. Rev, and -the dollars. . recent ;A.nelent , the ta- to office . Hoag, Chief racks land. we hope this success is an augury eof ithe good work. :that 'wile in the future fbe accomplished end of which -the barracks will be the con- tributing centre. , 11.1•Menno............ease.M10311111MMII '•••••. erietreena treffeeVe; ittigH Akk VCR /AMR I( 4 XPIA6. TlwnTson's Bookstore Seaforth Window shades and picture made to order. frames chine rivals .going veret !stalely at the time or the result would have been wore serieus.—Rev. I W Collins left hot 'Week f -or London; where he will take a nsupplementary -course in 'the Military: 18choci1, to obtain his captains certificate . He intends to join the next contingent. • McKillop Notes —Mise L. Eckart, of Toronto is vieiting with her parents.—Master Jos. Ecka,rt and .0u' Misses Eckart ca,rled 'an friends in Dublie and St . • Coluinhan, !this week,—Bfr. W. Manley and Mr. G. Holland Were off on a plea, sure trip ;this week„ , bale of ;1112 cows on Monday, and had his leg brok-en. This wilt lay hina up for !some time.—In 'spite Of the storm and cold the closing exercises at the Kindergarten on Tuenday morning were weit lattetded by the friends of thee children. The latter, las usual, were happy in !the work land play of the Chtietmem season and .gave a mornins of real enjcyyrnent to those "Present Mr. W. A. Orich, as on former. occa- sions, brought his treat of oranges and catndlos. Neediess to aay, the Kindar- garten children are very appreciative of this ,kindly-aet.—Mr. Raymond Car- penter, of _Quebec, la home for the. Christmas holidayse—Despite the stor- my 'Weather and the -drifted conditiun Dr. Forster of Stratford, aye, es.z., 13068 and throat specialist, will be at the Queen's Motel, Sea, forth, on 3rd Wednesday of each month from 11 to 8, • We extend to one and all the Season's greetings. Beattie's 540-15 andpo amt.& 24544 Harness and Set Scales for Sale—Good set double driving harness,' solid nickel mounting, almost new. Ab3o eat brass to soles, 7 pound brass weights in gooi order. W. Govenlook, North Main street, Seaforth. 2454x2 Farmers—New etock just arrived of up-to.date McLaughlin cutters. The quality of this line is well knowa. Also single harness, bison robes, wringers, washers, pulper knives, grinder plates, etc. on hand A De Laval cream separator for Christmas would make a very abeeptable, profitable and lasting gift. A. M. Campbell, Dominion bank building, Seaforth. 2452x1 For Sale—Several rood houses on easy terms. II. Edge, Seafortb. 2820, Dr. Heileman, Osteopathic Physician is at the Clornmercial Hotel every Tuesday arid Friday tram 8 to 12 BO. See Professional Card page 7. 2440-tf Marriage LI enses issued by Savauge and Stolisry Jewellers, Etc., Seaforth. 2277-tt FarMers—Call and get prices on ,Fairbanks -Morse l‘ died° in Canada" gasoline engines. Alth'.ugh the price is tower the quality is the same. They are chosen by the government and railways in Can- ada for their Simple construction„ low operating cesb and freedom irons expensive repairs. A. M. 0=041, Dominion bank building, Seaforth. 2454x1 Money Found—Found on Main at., Seaforth, on Saturday, December 19th, a Sum of money. Owner can have the same by provinr, property at the Ex, positor and payin; tor this advertisement, 2451-1. • ' Local Briefs.—Mr. Thomas Baker, a res,pected -resident of Mitchell, -for over thirty-five liyea,r,s, and -who died there oln,Tuesday of last week was the fath- er.sof gas. J. -.B. Knight of eesaforth.— Tbe earliegiate Institute nct Public.. and getpiarate Schools closed. on Tues- day land twill re -open, lion Ithe first Mon- day in ,Jaataary.—Mr, and Mrs. John Hinchley, jo tratford, are !spending the holidays here with their brothers and other friends.—Mr. Thomas Ross af Morden, Manitoba, and a 'old boy, was in !town east week. Mr. and Mis. Ross 'are 'spending the - holl- edayis with friends around the 'old home and in Brussels, Mrs. Rosa was former- ly Miss Coates and her parents now.ae- side In Brussels,—Mr. Mathew Thomp- tion,1.1of Feuiesali, Wee in town a few days ago. Mr. Thompson ,has just re- turned from Scotland, where he had spent •Ithe summer. ale says there is leso exeitement and talk abott the war th Scotland than in iCanada—The nom- • 'nations for conriclilors ond public School ltruistees take peace in the town hall Monday evening.—Mr. and itvfxs. Roes :Jackson of Tisdale,' are spending the holidays here with Mr. land lairs. James Scott. Mro. Ross :was .formerly Miss Shortreed.—Mrs, aouthgate ;wilt receive on Tuboday, December 39th, for her daughter -In-law, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, jr, land her daughter, Mrs. R. it.k. Milson, and hereafter -will ',re- ceive the second ,Monday in the month. —Mrs. M. Beattie, who has been here since 'August, yeah her 'parents, Mr. and Mr,s.. Wiliia,m Johns ton,- - ler I last week ' for Stratford, on her way to her home in Greenwood; British Co- iumbia.—Rev. F. R. Larkin -win. have for his (subject next Sunday motning, "The Most Important Thing in the Worid," Evening ,subject, "Christianity a Religion for the Sinfule"—The annuat curling match between president and Tice -president -wii't be payed at the rink on Christmas morning. Play com- mences at nine o'clock and an members and those intending to join the _oda, are invited to be present. It is not neceasttry for new members to- provide themseivee with curling stones.—Mrs 3. Broadfoot land Miss May are spending the holidays at Bamiltere— Misp Ileien Larkin, of Toronto is spending the, holidays with her -par- ento at the manse.—Miss Cowan, of the Dundas Co:lag-tete Institute staff, and the Misses Alargaret and Mary Cowan. of Toronto, ard spending Christmas at the parental home here,—Mrs. Kehoe ree,eived a (telegram on Tuesday more - big, from 'Toledo, announcing the -dea Lb of her son-in-law, Mr. James McCann, Who was 18, former resident of Searottin Mr. Wm. ehoe lett Abe same day for Toledo, to attend the fun.ersa.-4Ir. and Mrs. Ernest Sperling and family ate spending -the heddayswith his brother In Cleveland.—mrs. 3. jCharlesworth, of Egmondviiie, lis spending: Christmas with her son in Detroit.—Mr.` Thomas reige, Jr. '94 memitop, eves, lacked by Wal ton ‘:Anniversary.—The anniversay ser- vices ort Duff's Presbyterian Church. WaitOn., were a fine •auccess. The day was fine 'and large icongregaitiong were present. .Rev. Or, Shearer delivere4 ear- quent, and powerful sermons and the choir, 'gave a fine service of praise. The ,ajering amounted to 4289. 1 parr* • -Itlaike Vq•oinenfs Xftstitufe.—The Blake 'woe men'OetInstitute Is sending a box of clething to- the .poor Of Belgtum, and aroui4 the glad to ir-eceive clothing from anyone 'wishing to• help the Belgians'. Parcels 'mar (he left gt Blake store ro glve Ite artee member It.f. the Institute. The x w1li be packed Satarday, Janu- ary' 2nd, 1915, at 12.8Q p.m., at Blake. Ilensa.11 Dr. Hardie, dentist, molt • Monday, Tuesdax and Fr.day, in Hensall, each Wednesday and Thu-1*(10 In Zurich, commencing January 4th, 1015. High class Work.' Phone No. 5, Hensall. 24544f We extend ta our many, frfrends every wish for a Merry Christmas. We areln a position , to supply any gifts Which yoti may have overlooked in the rush., fdoDoneli, Jeweler & Optician 2454-1. An EnjOyabie Time.—The children of Carmel Church nday School ;were en t :- Of he reads during thSu e peat week tertained in the school room of the merchants, one end an have done a church on Monday evening, It was apiendid- Christmas trade. Good goods, , reitilly an At-Ileme for the :whole cone a big 'selection and reeonatie prices giegation, for the parents, and friends will bring purchasers even if they have of the children alt turned !out to show to cilmb through snow drifts. — 'Sea- the interest taken in the school. A - forth meat -stores contained a, magnif- very esociableitime was spent; tea was Went array a ohristrnas meats and terved, and there averh .games fist the roma. To took -in *.alt these stores one children. There was also a good pro - could scarcely believe that meats are scarce and dear.—Principaa NaYICr: or gram, one -of the interesting features being an address by Mrs who the Public School and family, left on . Smith, is nonorary President of the aleGregor Wednesday to epetid the hoddays with Circle, 'explaining the work ear the Or - friends !near tA.ufteurn.—Mr. T. E. Goa- 1 cle in adeninietering to the reeds of! eanock, of St. Catherine's, is spending the Poor in T-oronto. ,The Circle sincr'. the holidays at the pa,rentai home a . it ewes organized, has been igrea,tly in - i Murray, civii engineer of Re,gine, is i Toronto, also The White Shield Club. 'tereated ia the St. Christopher Rouse, Reeve Geve,niock, in Meriliop.—Mr. E. epending Christmas -with his mother 1 Ail the Ciaristrnaie presents -made bY' here.—St. Jamesepante school thosed I the Circle were on exhibition .and made for 'the holidays on Tuesday east, 'Be- i a very fine IditaPlaY. There were IthittY fere the closing each pupil was !given a, I quiets and comforters for the Metheth• generous supply sof candy, by the Pas- 1 White Shield Club, a Chrietmtes treat 44 . • tor, Rev. Father Corcorat,—Mr, Bert I box f,or the children of St. Christophet, Speare spent Christmas with his par- candles and cookies made by the Circle eats here —Mr andira'Ws°Wan, girls and,. their friends, A box of twen- of Toronto, are visiting at the home of s Mrs. ovvirein% mother, (Mrs. Fisher. '- . I. ! ty pareeifor ,the Iteeette Home and .—Mrs. John W,arwick is - spending Christmas ;with her daughter, altse Bales, in Toronto.—Miss Hope ,Chess- wright, new York, 'is the (guest of Miss Gs. -- M race Stepheniss Marion Brown, ef the !General Flespital, Toron- to, ts the guest (of her -parents-lat the Rectory.—Mrs. James A. Troyer', is spending the holidays with her daugh- ter, in (Toronto.—Mr. Rufus .Wintere of about one hundred clothes pin dolls for the Attie children. As .mrs. Smith ex- plained, the Circle girls nvere ablytas- asted by the Ladies' Missionary So - and; indeed, ail the ladies of the congregation. The McGregor 'Circle wish to thank the corigreaation of Car.. mei !Church very ;much for their as- eleta,nce. Much credit is due the officers of the !society, and Mrs. Zmith, v.rito tea such an intereenn the work. The Nelson, is visiting bis parents, woilters quilted a number:a the quilts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winter, North ltbrtt were tsent In 7 Main Street.—Miss Verda Best is home from Iran eediended. trip to the West.— Mr. Jain Scott, and Miss Isabel are Peil.ding the holidays with the for - tiler's kin in ICingsville.—Mr. .e.:114 Mrs. Itileorge Smaller's, of Toronto,are visit- ing their, many friends here.—Mt', and Nava. L. G. Kruse and Nix, and g-ts. Lawson. Are spending Christmas with the parents, Mr. kand Mrs. Wm. Slater. -The Christmas entertainment given ii)r- the pupils pf 0t. Thotna.s Church Sunday School, Was very suo- cessful. and there !was la :good program rendered. Each- child. present 'received • a 'gift from the loaded -(Yhristmas Tree and ail Were delighted avith the eyen- ings' entertainment.—Mr. Frank Smith of Port Colborne, is visiting his par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. 'R. Smith.—Mr. Milton 'Oheen,ey, ef. Toronto, is spend.. Christmas iat his home here. — Mr. Pinkney and children, 'of Stratford, are spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. land Mrs: IR. L. Clark.—The rural mail delivery men have had hard roads Ito 'travel during 'the past week. On Tuesday they were:unable to nego- tiate the snow drifts and Wednesday Nes 'not much better. They earn their ?Wiley this kind .of weather.—Mr. Btsi- isell McIntosh passed away ,at the home ot Mr. Robert 'McMillan Ion Wednesday, Be had (been a!severe pufferer frer many Months and 'despite the best medical tskill the ravages of ,the disease coin not be stayed; He wA a bright- ex- emplary, Promising 'young roan and his !death is la severe bereavement to hie mother and frientia—Mr. Ed.- Eivetialt is here from Regina, spending the holi- days with ,bis arents, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Everett. A • Exeter Noltes.--Mrs. -John Miners met with a.n unfortunate fall at her home on Saturday iast, dislocating her ehouldev. Iand afro. !Milo Onell have -moved in from the farm !and ate now comfort- ably Settled in their home on ?Andrew street.—Mr. Rdbett Pickard and family have returned home erten spending the summer in the 'west. — Mrs. Wesley Stone arrived here test 'Week from the west to Spend the winter. She was ac- companied by her brother, ilermanKer- nich., ;who iseent the summer .in the west.—Mr.,‘Dazi Woods has sold the olerTreble farm on the London Road, just oouth of' the 'village, to Mr. John Deli.—The five-year-old daughter of eat. eted Mrs. Herbert Waiters, met with a painful accident one day last week. She was iplayhig about the house when she tell and fractUred her a,rm,—While- pulping -roots ia few days Av. Kr. Joseph Biew,den met avIth ia painful AC- oftlerrt, hie hand catching in the knives Which cut his fingers S'obaelly -that a number of stitches were creqiiired to close the 'wound. Fortunately the ma - Wishing You All A Merry Christmas ) and a Happy New Year • Druggist Opp. i/o-si—Offic? Phone ioo Briefs. Tu.esday evening last Mrs. W. 131. Fleggarth very pieasantiy entertained. her Sabbath Pelee' class of girls, and, quite unexpeetedly to 'Mrs. Hoggarth, the girie took adventage of the occasion to present her :with -some very nice sliver speons as an evidence a 'their 'appreciation for her able ser- vices as teacher.—The committee in charge of the Concert to be held itt the new town hall lem the occasion of its opening on the !evening of Wednes- day, 30th are n3aking every preesx- stint for la is,piendid concert and it will he tweil for ail to keep the elate. in mind.—Mies Marie...Carlin, who has been vtsiting in the West tfor a number of months, returned home on Tuesday ev- ening and repute jR. spieridid, visit -with relatives land friends in the West, but finds the climate here ta gorid deal milder than ;when ishe left there.—Mr. Edward DIgnari, ,accompanied by biz twif-e and tS`On, are home on 4:t visit from Sa,skaitchewan,and Intend spending the :winter months with their many rem-, tiyes land friends.—skating is now the order of the day; and the rink is *thee, well poltronized.—Mrs. Shirray and the Misses gairray left here this week foe Teacart°, where they intend- epending Part of ;the winter with' Mr.S. Cooke, Mrs. Shirrare 1daughter,--44r. and Mrs ,George (Case returned (recently from "Detroit, where they had been spending some weeks avIth relatives.—Mrs. Robt. MeA.rthur and daughter, Mao. Douglass and little grand -daughter, were in Don - don the first of the week,—Mr. Peter Melville returned from :the West last week.—Our Public School teachers were ali given presents (by their papiis ,as evidence of their appreciation or their Iserviees, and in this collection we note the following from the Clinton News -Record refereing to mt. W. E. Riyggarth, lot this village: "Mr. WeE.. 1-inlegarth, eseistant At the -public school during the Model term, returned: to his home 'fait Bensall on Tuesday, but pro* vious to his departure, the scholars pre -anted him with an ddress and a pair of midta•ry hair btushes. Mr. Tihoggarth is regoded las a very ef- ficient teacher."—MLs Dorothy lalcDon-• nen, who is attending the Iligh School at Parkhill, le home spending vacation. —Our Public 'Schools have awed' for the Christmas holidays and teacher:F. and 'children are rejoicing in a vaca- tican—Mr. James Ragan received word -this week of the death of hieebrother- in-law,. Mr, alyle-s liteKtanon, of Nevada, Mr. 'McKinnon. in company With his wire, was here last summmer on a visit to his relatives, and leaving here to visit relatives 19 Lucknow. was unfo-r-. tunate enough to -be bitten by a mad dog, and as scion as he couid there: after, be. ief take the treatment for such caaes, and after remaining some twenty-one days in course or treatment he returned to his borne in Nevada, A few ideas ago be was ttaken eeriousiy illnese- developed in- to hydrophobia, from which, we re- gret ito warn, he died. We believe that the remains ,are to be !brought here for interment in the family plot. The relatives a Mr. McKinnon leave the heart felt sympathy of the tommunitY. contest for the large land very betualtui doli offered W Mr. Ortwein for the one having the largeStevate at the ,end of -the fcontest. on Tuesday evening. the. Attle !daughter of Mr. Charles Parquhat. or Inear Bilis Green, was the winner, having a ma- jority of over 30,01i0 votes over the ayS next highest, -which was Mr. Din.nie's 1t"�'sL'� `�"�'�'�'�"�'i" �"�ii tittle girl, and Dr. Malloy s little girl Seaforth earning a very close 'third. The interest ul created by this contest 'WAS something wonderfand the lists were pubilele. ed. 'weekly iof the standing of a large /1st ict Ames. The story of Christ of human sacrifice. -Christmas is the cha ity. Sacrifice iand hand in hand in t willingness of all at Christmas' time. tunity to make others at 'hand. Play well Merry Christmas Everybody 0461 ta.'110 f Ogstiviat 411001 OW I Oft Li 0 There's Some One You've Over-- , looked and ifs -n too late ye1 —SUGGESTION— Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Untbrellas, men Waist Lengths, Dress Lengths Home Furnishi Furs, Neckwear, Shawls, Scarfs, Fte, Withbest wishes for your happin1ess and pros pertty throagiout the„ next year, again we say At'erry Lijtn e.