HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-12-11, Page 6SITO DECEMBER 11. • 444.040 -eceeSeetlettallet?Sallit!Ilt '11-4.41Z RINS PPE BISCUIT Each biscuit bears a picture of patriotic terest, such as- Catticl- tan Soldiers and troopS Of the other allied armies, Union jack, British Bulldog, etc.— I0 varieties in all. , Their delicious flavor and golden crispness will give you new respect for the baker. Every bisCUit guaran- teed, at your grocer'S. it. S. Maul & COMPANY, lanitel Logan - 'Canada 2S- BAD BLOOD fs The,:Cause of Boils and Pimples. The Christmas EhiP Iles Spread. her snowy *Inge, And curly heads lie eat to•night 1 • In nestle and in cot, ! For little folks are proud to share, • , ' And none will be forgot. The Chrigninis Ship, The Christmas Ship, That golden ship ab sea, With pennons blue and minors trrte, „ Ali fashioned bytuch loving thought And piloted by prayer, , While homeleeti children dreain at night Of what laer °awes beer. The Ohristmasfildp, The Christmas Ship, Twould make the hardest heart -expand And, as the stockings hang:* rows. : Beside theiblazing fire, Bright serambini.will element eve • • And grant eaeleohild's desire. The Christmas Ship, The Ohrhtrnas Ship, To dry these eltildrensstearie In.that sad lend where li,ttlo ones Rave grtwit like aged men, - So weighted down with woe, out la i -The Christ -child comes again. fie's Captain of Ito Christinte Ship, 'And Santa's at the prow, As merrily it speeds siong, Ferlove has !doled in eorrow's eyes, ohi d hands have bridges the main, The deadly din 01 battle dies, - ..f For Christ has oome again. 1 Seaforth. Ont. a ISAR 1. GRAHAM IL 'Volta* Front Mexico_ ' Mr. kWilliam B. kIleue, son of the date *Hera/tie Hale, and brother of Mr, 0,B. Vale of Clinton le .spending- the Oiliest - roes holidayetinie iin Canada and is at present the- guest Of'• his brother in tervieheog Mr. Bole -end has received wine interesting information,frott hen respecting that countey of mixed poli- tics land many revolutione. • Mr:'Otale hoe (been nine years in „the Republic of 'Mexico, seven years . in ;Mexico City and ehe past two yeara at the tport 'of Vera Cruz, (where the is manager of the telephone exchange.Mr, Hale epeake Swinish, 'which is the lan- guage of the *country, quite fluentiy and has travelled .,an over Mexico. Ile was for three years In the -em.ploy of the Mexican Government, ea iseoond of- ficer 'of. the htederal Telegraph, under President Peelle°. Diaz and was ene of-ehe very ife*w *foreigners- retained be the late Pregident egadero when he euc- ceeded Diaz, atter his successful invo- I eirefHale woes in Vera Cita when the Americans took possession Alt that eity on [April 21et east ead oft on Novem- ber 12thea few daye before the Ameri- can helves were withdrawn. At that time acting President Carranza was, moving 'towards . Vero .Ciuz with his troo_ps to Aswiailt giving bettle to General Vella,. Who with a larger army, .veits adeancing on the cepital; ;which was ently decided not to interfere any fur- ther in Mexico, oelr. Hale believes that peace twill be .reached- in thee country. only latter one ''S‘t the 'conteeding lead- ers has succeeded in defeating the for- ces of all opponents. • ; lutien against President litterta,, but he appears to have antegonized General Villa, one of his subordinates, end it is idoubtful, , in Mr. Hale's (opinion; if -Aacording to Mr. Bale life in Mexico, whatever it may lack, CAnnot be lack- ing in interest. ele has himself oin gredre town when it was attacked 'be- •^0, revo lutiona,ry force. The fighting is done foe the most part In the streets, the attacking party endeevering to gale ,possession of the city square and ehe civic buading-el in 'which case they are nonsidered the victors.iIf the defenders Mil repulse the Attack and keep pas session of the city they are, for the Mast of the buildings are of heavy stone with shuttered "meadows and when .a fight ds on the inhabitants go into- their houses, barricade themselves in "as well as possibie, put up thele shutters and stay inside until ' 'the fighting 'ceases. The defenders of the rity fire from behind closed windows or from the fiat reefs of the build Ingo ,Whether the city is taketnar the invedere have -been driven off as soo,n as tthe fight .is over business is re licywever, this state of contin.ual war fare is aaving its detrimental effect .upen the coutry as Mr. Hale Says a very great many of Americans have left -during the (peat four years.'Many have idispos.ed of their interests there and many inure, especially those en- gaged in mining in the interior, have abandoned their claims .finding it ims possible to continue operatioes owing to the unsettled etate of the country. Silver mining, oil, a.gricuiture and the cultivation of the tropical filets are the chief industries anit owing ta the fact that the railroads have in many caset on „any of 'these lines af industry. Mr. Hale thinks that since the Americans have withdrawn matters ,wf11 not be Asked his opinlon as to whether Mex- ico 'would ever become a free demo- cracy such ae the United. States. eh.. Bale said thae. unlit the (peopie became educated such ea. thing wee out (of the question, and while they have a sys- tem cf educati.on the oft recurring revo- lutions make it very difficult to carry on (anything of the kind. to Any Acme of perfection. A ygry large majority of the people are entirely illiterate and ei.r. Hale eays it wheld take two or 'three generatioas teeeducate them tie to the (paint 'where they° could intel- 'Unless -affairs take a (decided turn for elle Worse it is Mi. Hale's intention to oeturn to 'Mexico in the eourse of - When boils or pimples start to, break out on your face or body you may rest assured that the blood. is in an impure state,. and that before you can get rid of. them it will be necessary for You to purify it by using a good medicine that wilt drive all the impuritiei out of the Burdcek Blood Bitters is a blood puri- fying remedy. One that has been on the. mash:et for the past forty years. Ode that is blown from one end of the country to the other as the best blood purifier in existenee. It cures bells, pimples and ail other diseases arising front bad. blood. BOILS CURED. Mr. Andrew E. Collier, River Glade, N.B., was troubled with boils for years, in fact, did not know- what it 'was to be rid of them, until he used Burdock Blood Bitters. It cured him. PIMPLES CURED. lhfr. Otto Boyce, Yarker, Ont., had kis face anceneck breakout with pimples. He tried several kinds of medicine with out success. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters -banished them. B.B.13. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont • SUCCESS Awaits those with special training. Become an expert and en -a -nand top wages. Take our B)uk-keeping or Stenography Course and our employ- ment department will do the rest Thorough arid individual tuition for all_ Write to -day for free catalogue. DOMINI011 COSINESS COLLEGE J. V. Mitchell, 11.A., Principal 44-0 'De Old Fashioned Purging and Griping Action of Pills is Now Done Away With. Laxa-Liver Pills gently unlock the secretions, clear away all waste and effete matter from the system, and give tone and vitality to the whole intestival tract. They do this by acting directly on the liver, and making the bile pass through the bowels instead of allowing it to get into the blood, and thus causing'consti- an• d eller troubles. writes: "Having been teoubled for years with constipation, and trying many different remedies which did me no good whatever, was asked to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I have found them most beneficial, for they are indeed splendid pate 'and I can gladly recom- mend them, to ail people who suffer from • Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a .vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all druggists or dealers, or =elect direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Every Woman is interested att should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. Best druggist wt.., IT he cannot supoly the MARVEL accept ao other, but send stamp -for illustrated book—seale,L. It gives full WINDSOR sUPPLY CO., - Windsor. Ont. General Agents far C SOUR, ACID SiOMA,CHS, EtASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests WO grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time iti In flee minutes all stom. nclr distress will go. No indigestion, hoartbarn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headaehe. speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quiekeet Stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put ad end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fr011a any drug store. YOU realize ie. -fve rainutelhow needless it is to. suf- fee from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless etomach ' doctor in the world. • " eV; November 2est, 1914. nic al elections is drawing neat, I 'de- sire to oali -.the attention of those in- terested in obtaining the municipal franchiee for married :women to one af. the beet ,plans /or the securing of the deeired results, end ;to suggest taction in the various municipalities through -- out' the Province. In Ontario the determining of who 'shall Vaud who (shah not (vote at rtmel- Legislature. -About thirty Years ago widows and opinsters were graated the franclase, but it is still withheld from married women. In sixteen States of the Union, he [Australia, and New Zealand, equal suf- frage prevolls. British .C.../Iumbia, 'Al- berta .and Manitoba, married women I vote at. municipal elections. Why not in Ontario? Wherein lies the justice of exclud- big the wifehood and motherhood of ,our Province from participation in mu- nicipal government (except 'by Paying gr '-xee) that sohdtnily affects the home Welp is A" Noh 1 and *the .price paid The -Cottucile of mane netinielpalities days eictrei,. time nos been allowed Or fever Abe giaating of e•his right. For the completion of the fleet .order. years 'the City Council Of Teri:rate, and --ator being druide in tlie optiene tether places have memorialized the 4310V-,- village Of Menteteet, being diserderlY he' eminent to *SS 131,10h A measure, Early the "Areas, and going -to Er5idneis bait this 'yelar (letter wits sent sout teethe -gale overthrOWing, the tables and 'break - towns, 'villages. and, rueel municipeal- Werehfined by 'Magistrate Davis, of ties oi Ontatio, ,reqUestirig that they Mitchell op, Saturday: .alichael efurraYet Should pass resolutions da tevor of en- 410 13,t0t114 Jordan, 41o; Franol:s Jordant, largfrig the existiag municipal fratn- 45; &motel. Curtin', $5;- Utiles jordaa, chhe as...ho Winds married ,wornel .$f); illet7216,elan, 410; Themes Keelan, tax payers. Seventerftiter muakipalities- .$10; Xthiltel .cortin; f5; John Gurtih. replied to this, „saying that -thee Were $5, hnd Wm. Kenny, e10. Ke,rtny was .sending suet'. reeolution to the Gov- put on the !Indian list, !bete lah North filets record is *fair *proof that if a case were 03. • . • few' interested men or women .would —There passed from this. life on Wed - get together_ and petitiee ,their variotis teaday meeting, Novell:ter-4th; -A 'high - municipal councils to 'held A referee- Iy esteemed. resident of elibbere, in the dum en'thie (question *hey, would meet person of Mrs.. :John. Hastings, at tbe. -with general success.' ' advanced age.of 85 years and ?months. %rem the Toronto Women Suffrage •been ftelly impaired, tett she hid beea Agesoclation waited 'open the 'Toronto confined hiller bed for only a few days. City (Council aad %requested them to Wen. Haetingei maiden name twee Oath, submit the qUeetion to a vote -a the electorate at the next municipal elec- tion. The Mayor, Controllers and rnem- bere 'the *Council. were 'unanimous in Women's Chrietian Temperance Union, The eTrades land Labor Council, and other lbodiesi supported !the - 'Throat). campaign; and their cosopera.tion woo of 0.3,71; in fa,vor of, votes for marriee be conclusive itlitt tee • extent ot this pian. throughout the Province would be poseing tile- 'necessary lee -elation. lees letter is to 'suggest" that bediee of Women ore .otheiepersons -interested in the municipalities ithroughoet the Province shoeld adopt •the some. plan, that ir( alrnoot every case 'where the queStion is put oto a vote the electors 0; course further 'Work by'. thOSe al. lie meetings, -issuing --pamphlets, ' etc.. would help, and such -work would be If - atiy .hody of man or women or any- Individual is desirous of- further intone -Won And will (write to ene I oveit mornieg of last Week, did damage be pleased to isend. litenettire and his- rougnly estimated at $2,014, 'Ito , the tory of the reiterendum campaiga in property of Messrs. Oliver 84*Ellis, .e,.. -One Ping ie certain. You would have planing mill ond stabie were levelled one live issue during the election time and the northerly ,section of „their -large old toe the .tsble but a 1 fe:w ...moments and ehis ie 'worth A good deal. coal and wood sheds was destroyed.' When the lad. toddled oiler to it, and. At theelast Toronto municipal.' eiec- The origin of ehe bleze is ps mysteri- applAng his mouth to the spout, sucked tion, "The 'Municipal 'Vote for Married ous as usual, there being no Aire on UP' some (of -titbit honing hot fluid into Women" was. tone Of the most ths- wouTd- launch this refere.nelum welled -be ;well repaid by the 'intere,st they satisfta.ction of bringing lout the. great- eit numher of tivomen voters that ever regletered at the polls. i Yours for justice, 4Mi.A.R,GARBT GORDON crime Maters. She •wias born. at Sligee Ireland, in 1829. Some -years later, she ' to theelsame olkate last year. en ad- -moved with her parents to Hibbert. ditiehe 800 teahheee. Beelkses Parbeen in, 109 (she *came' the Wife of Mr. issued and 2Vor 80 non-resident hunt- John,Restinge. Her remits were laid ters' licenses. Farmers in large:num- bers are among the applicants., Rev. :rattier White, paitor of Oft. CO- os,taatisontr,aangtekfpwrtaaigke- termine 'the price to be paid by thc Barght, an- Austrian, land that he ?wa jR, E. Lticintosn,,J. Butters and c. on' tie 3irely 7nruifieg, from Brien: den. On being closely aueetioned township Fullerton- Ito Messrs. Thomas Stendeaven, whose lots abut the Chief iftlieet he odinitted that for the right 'Of way for a new road ta Permian. and that ;his name le to reach Chicago. Re stated that he on the townpath • along the River Thames' from Alkotherwill, toSt. Marys. aiong &the river, h,atfe glade knOwn 'Wale a Pens= reeervist. :was rbarg- their award. They leek as a.basis Of ed. with, vagrancy in -the police coutt, claim $60 per acre, and Ea OAS WAS 94- and 'the 'Pollee liksked thae the case be deka the cost Of fencing ,along one side, remanded for $t few days. The police vista awards an stfacif teaae rwere :as tot. will try to ascertain if he is natural- lOws : 'C. Bolton,' tot 25, area affected ized and ttif 'not, and he tannot give ,a 1,015 acres, f150. 'R. E. 'McIntosh, lots good account of himself, he will be - 26 ;and- 27; area affected 8,129. acres, turned over (to the inilitary author1- $322.10, iribn Btitters, ildt 28, area at-, ties and, Oent to the detention camp at 'Voted, 2,068 acres, 4233.06. Thorne' s - Brandon, This is the first perion to Standeaven, lot 29, ,area affected 2,062 be arrested here and -held on 'suspicion be paid by fthe Tovnishipe less the ar- —Edward Creek, a foureyear-old boy,. bitration fee which is to be paid ,by whose exa,rents live at Murray Park, the council but retaihed from the par-- p, may elle as .the reetilt burne ties. The cost of arbitration to be :which he received. when ,he sucked a. retainetrerom the ipaetiee ion the basis motellifil of boiling hot tea from the oe tee number of rods or fencing. teapot, ythich had. been left Standing. —Fire before daybreak Tuesday on !the ',table ;et 'his home. The accideht occured fust before supper time, when the boy was left ,playing in the dining room Ohile his (mother made the final nreparations dor supper. The teapet, filled with boiling water, had been plig- to mercy. Judge Galt fully agreed with the :verdict, odd ,said he fahed „to pee - how the *jure could httve readied any —A most' disastrous fire *calved at I the 'Recnelaffil Dairy neer McLeod, Al- berta, [where the etockpery affd the ewhole of eke buisdlng and _.contents, blowing at Oiler -time and ,a eargetherd a valuable Holstein cethet were only insetted in „the nick of time.f.The Origin Covered by ineuetance. opened: on •December det. ,Tatis fee this 'the biggeet tegegame hurtles' „season the number. of ,licereses esSued exceeds by nuire than 800 -the number issued • President, Canadian, Suffrage Aesocia- Perth lien's —11e, S. J. itephenscia, co; Listowel, donated ten per cent; of his icesh. sales on SalfurdAy laet to the local .WoMenh Patrietic society. —In Listowee. on Saturday, November 2iith,4 Isabelita, Treinain, ;widow of. the tete Thomas aleynard, died in 'tee 34eh year. f —A NOvember weddin.g was solemniz- ber 126th, when 'Miss Annie Si Whitt, and 'Mr. Jahn M. Albert, both of .St. 'Marys, ever eunited in marria,ge. Stet, hos been appointed prinelpal of the Mitten Righ School at a salary of —Miss Mina Antton, Westove Peek and Dr. W. McKay, -of Nevi York Cite, formerly of St. Marys, were -quietly married at ,Westover Park, Wednesday of last week, by Rev. Runal Dean Tay - lot 19, concession 14, townie, to Marley White, St. Marye, who has sold his farm, lot 19, concession 19, Man - shard, to Samuel Atkineon, who has sold his farm, the south half lot 12, South boundary Blanshard, to George D. Wood, •of Emerson, Manitoba. —0e Saturday last 'Mr. Albert Goeb of Machete received an ,agreeabie s r - prise. ik letter was rent him from To- ronto, containling $50, and a couple of lines saying that the amount was to cover an 'old debt of many years etand- ing, hut no name was attached. Mr. !Goebel is at ea, /ass to knoier wee sent —The marriage took place at the hoine !of Mr. rend Mrs. Josiah Watson, Mitchell, on November 28th, when eeeir eldest -daughter, ‘Edna irene, became the bride Of Mr. Chaeles E. Johnson, of London. The cerematly was iperformbd circuit, in the presence of. about two dozen .of -the let:mediate relatives. —Mr. Don. Campbell has arrived with hie femily from thlannaford, North De- bits,. ge purchased from Mr. 'Fred Hanson, the Heal farm, on the Mit- chell road, Puharton., on which are perhaps the finest buildings of any farm In the County of Pertheeir. Camp- bell dead heavily tharougnbred stock before coming here, and was con- sidered one of .the best farmers in Da- • -Mr. (1-1. V. Pickering, sef.A., at pre- sent on the staff of sthe University Schools, of Torcmto, le to ,suceeed Mr. J. 41.1\McCutchen as English master ,at the Stratford Normal School. 'This has been ,announcedkby the Minister of Edu- the University of Toronto,. in English moderns and 'history and spent two years in Oaluiribla University. - New. York,. in his n. courkse, in which for tWo succeeding years he oarried oft scholarehips. Mr. Pickering becomes one of the Staff df the Stratford *Normal School after the Chiestmes holidays. ' —An order of enother fifteen hunh! died Seveater „coats for the ,Cantallian contingent hes oome to. kite Perfeet- Knit Mills, Ltd., of Listowel.. and for the next few weeks the employees will be kept on pie hustle !turning lout these goods. Yard is now being received re- gularly from Peterborough. Afready a large number of iweaters have been. turned out .on the fleet order. They are made of heavy, pure root and ahould prove a very wtarm article of clothing for the soldier. The evonIrman- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1A the 'prerbisese „Insurance iscaeriate cover half the loss. Included An the loss Stock and a lialf car of cement. For- tunately the wind twee favorable er the firemen ,would have beea to have prevented the names from eonsuming the southerly section.Of the sheds which contained 400 tons of coal and a, lerge quahtity of' stove wood, cali but escaped slightly siege& It er.apped the halter and hustled' our]. when 'Mr. Meer hurridier threw Open the stable doors. — --Morrison. Armstrong, arrested* last 'week iv County Constable, lefeCartilY, at Sibringvilie, end todged in jail. at Stretford, kon a charge of .eagrency, ap- peared before Justice of the Peace Beat - 'tie Monday morning. A ccnstable from Mount Forest identified Arrintrong as the 'man who lied been working the farmers in That- vicinity prior to his capture ety Constable McCa,rthy, The and returned with the offker to Mount Armstrong, went to the farmers with their stock and treade many other ex- cuses, always in case oe a proposed pui-rhase, managing to get A meal or a bed. ten etne of the towns he bought 2,900 acres, while in another 1,800 acres. and asothe prices he offered were so advontalgeous -to the farmers they hushed up their end of the transaction and overe ten bend in, efOutat Forest to sign op tlie larticies on the dates „see when .much to. their chagrirr 'the "weal- thy" purchaser was absent. Manitoba, and Northwest Notes wood, Manitoba, had the firet match —The Ladies' Curling tut, of Elm - for this season on Saturday last.. - —At a krneeting of the hted Cross So- ciety', in Regina, it was reported that $1,100 has been sent to Toronto, end that $1.900 is (cn hand. There are 175 members. —The will of hhe late Hon. Colin g. Campbeli, cf Winnipeg, disposes de an estate totalling e248,000, lactusive of $110,0(10 life insurance, eta going to his —Tbree hundred and thirty-eight homesteads were filed upon during No- vemher just 'past in the Winnipeg ,dis- trice This is almost 100 more than.the nuMber entered in Novembee, 1913, the entries during that month numbering —A very' pretty wedding ceremony was solemnized ot the home of pr. Lat- ta, .of Ferndale, 'near Moo.somin, Sask., when their 'youngeet daughter, Vera John, Laecock officatted. The happy couple win. reeide ;at the home ,of ehe bride's parents. . —The death oecured on Sunday, N'o- vember 29th, at the eamily residence, in "Wennipeg, of Clara Christina, be - toyed ,wife of Ila,rold J. 'Russel', and youngest idaughter of Mr, land' Mrs. John Stepler, formerly of . Morden, 'Manitoba, The deceased had , 'many friends in Winolpeg, and the west and her depatture from this life at 27 years of age is igretatly deplored. She leaves' --Tne death of 'William F. Crosbie, one of the few reinaining pioneers. a 'the hianitou dietrict, (took place at the fa,mily residence in ''Otanitou, Manitoba, if Dumfriest_ Scotland, in 1845, came to kOptario ip 4810 and (to Meniteba, in 1819, settling first at Emerioh; And later removhur to leanitou, where for some time he meats 'in the agricultural implement business.. • t. . old time, resident, of Winnipeg, 'attempt- ed suicide by ethooting himself with a revolver in ' hiS _of flee. His wife who at the office land found her husband tying' on the floor unsonecieue. The b:ali entered the temple and although it felted to hause instant tdea,th, it is net 'probable .the patient- will recover. Green was found,gulity, at Brandon., of the murder of Thomas Rill, p.t Hartneg, 'hefay leth last, and sentenced to ng an ,February 251th. The. jury evas ca 7e reinutee, and, brought in .a. her - his modth. His 'cries of pain And an. gaol quickly:brOught Ns mother to his side, but she (was unable, to do ,much to allevia,te the pain. The: boy. was taken to the General 'Hospital, in Winnipeg, Where, upon 'examination, it was fotend that the wee .meit, severely scalded on the mouth and throat. His conditioa is SOWS Notes %. —Empty eacke which .originally con- tained flour, the gift of gonadal, to the telothei Country in war tiMe, are Oa, to ',be selling ln the Kild. 4and tor its high 'es .five shildngs each,. as me- mentoes. . —The Council of -the ToWnshfp of Waterloo, fWaterioo County,- has en- dorsed the proPosal. of the ratepayers cOntribute -$250 .every month to the canadian P,aerititic Fund. during the period 'of . war, . and will Also con- tribette $1;500 worth Of flour to the Bel- . glen Relief Fund, the flour • to be roanu;. factured by the millers of the ti?fwnship.. IF._ Twiss, ehead vie Household Science Department' of the Galt Collegiate' Inetitutee has beea :of- fered add has (accepted the posltion struction for the Province of Seskat- chewer'. She had taught at the Galt school ior the past seven years, aed has had considerable success both with day and evening classes. —About 9 !o'clock fiames were noticed en the large fr,arne storage house in Reeristoni belonging tit the Guatee 5i000 • birds were !being fed' prier ite being killed for export. The buildine' woe entirelY eeensumed ;and but few of the fowls *ere saved, nearly ale being smothered, ,or learned to death. Quite young business man of Ottawa, was heat iweek sentenced- bY the Police Mag- istrate of, that cety,• to three months in/geol, with to $200 fine added, for is the emoted conviction since the police week ago, the first ode having incurred 'only at 'Zile. deismoad left the City AA !week, but was arrested in elfontreal. ex-Jela'yor Stephen, of Nova 'Was ithe firet intimation he Mid !that -hie 'son, Major Stephen, hod been emended at the front "Hospital Roulogne reporte Major c. M. Steps hen prOgressing "favorably, November a0. -N111 ProbeheY be sent home in three- weeke." The deattatch es signed by the secretary of the War Office. Major Stephen a :graduate • of the (Royal. Military College -at -Kingston. - —The Canadian [Militia Department will require aboele*6,000_.ho'rees for the second contingent Alt rhese are to. be Purchaeed in Canada' 'within_ the tiext two months. There ,are to be tweoty- seven- squadrons eit,cavalry, each with • Otrength. of itho hundred, and this will require .abetit 6;000 'mounts. They wilt be fpurchased throughout the coun- try ;by the same system as was foh: lowed, when ithe, .artillery horses weee bought. 'The supply promises to be tufty equal to the -requirements. wash, One' of the pioneers of Ja,rvi.A Mose, and a; member of one of the die• d' Friday, after a lingering ness. covering. a/period of !twenty years. A. _daughter ofe.the lake Joha Smith who Settled in the Township of Wai pole, about 1884; she ,was born sixty years Ago, and -Was untted in- Marri- has he -tided in Jarvis continuously since that time. She leavesOseside her huse band, two sans and- one daughter. tion -teethe Lutheran. Central Canada -Synod eetaie held in Waterloo, in 1St, hat week; with eletegates present loom many parts of Ontario. Officers elected were: 'President, Mr. St. Iver, Unione vibe; vice-president, Mr. Wenein. Per- lin; German secretary, Rev. Peine, New Hamburg; English secretary, 'Mr. Joh- annes, Hamilton; treasuere, Wm. Con- rad, Waterloo; literature committee, !Messrs. IVOgtt, Otterbein,';and Prof. •Lhfite; organization., committee, **Messrs:. —▪ When Son. Biank Cochrane, Minis- ter of 'Railways and Canais, Went through his Irian *a few .daya ago, he discovered aone letter with .$250 encloe- There was ni3 eXplanation And MO name. All thAt Vas enclosed was BAP Of Taper the word "Restitution" written Across it. 'What Mr. Cochrane is (trying to figure out is how the conscience -smitten man who has re- turned' $250 ever owed or beat the ways and Canals Department oot this amouht. It As ten years since the Government charged* fees on the Wel- lazd Alma'. 'and It is ;possible. this $250 Deafness Cannot 156 Cured by local applications, se they cannot teach the dis- eased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused ky en inflamed condition ed the mueoui lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is lulled:led you have a rumbling sound or im. perfect hearing. and when iL is entirely closed deaf. nese is the result, and unless the inflammation ean be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are mused by catarrh, which is nothing bub an inflamed condition of the mueous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for eirculars,'„free. Sold by drutegists, price 75e. Take well's Family Pills for constipation. THf 1111011 STREAM OF Wiles nerves Pure Blood h Absolutety Neceisary To Health These Wonderful Ta Made of Fruit Juices, Are Beat Of All Tonics To: - Purify And Enrich The Blood. Pureerich blood can flow only la els* body. Now:, a clean body is ist4. in which the wasteirinatter is regularly' and naturally eliminated from the system. The lelood caunot be pure when the skin action is weak, when the stomacifdoes not dikest the freed ' progerly, when the bowels do notmove regularly, when the kidneys are strained or overworked. • . Pure blOod is the result of perfect I health' and harmony of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneysand skin. v "Pruit-a-tives", by their wonderful action a all these organs, keeps the whole system is clean as Nature 1st - tended our bodieSto be clean. , rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and truth, the 'stream of life. "'Fruit -a -three is sold by aji dealers 'or sent postiald on receipt of prit.-•e by .Lisnited, Ottawa. SINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expe,:t instmctors SG cent; p'er bolt 34 eit -druggists 13r__ Coe Limited. Term 10 CENT -4 FOR Tarn: sick Head satiouirteset so! lqh odds how b Saw or bowels; h constipation,- Ind and -sluggish hoW. relief -wall sok, renhehe the 11 gases: 4 watte keel) Your liver Students assisted to positions. C.,olleze in, session from Sept. 1st. c.4t4ogue ; free. Enter anytime. 1w. Weatenreit LW. Viestervelt,It. 19 we -Principal GIVE "SYRUP OP -FIGS" TO CONSTIPAITLD CHILD Delicious urruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels., Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need clbansing -at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doestt sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fevers ish, stomSch sour, breath bad; hal sore throat, diarrhcea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "Califorhia Syrup of Figs," and a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigefted rood and sour bile gently moves' out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a. 50 -cent bottle of "California Sytup Figs," which con- tains full dirtctions for babies, chil- dren of all ages and for growieuns. eneleMis Good Roads for Telephone Tar TrIlE good roads movement has not been confined to the highways. The .1 Telephone System _has covered the province with "good roads" fer telephone talk, reaching nearly every nook and corner. When, as at the pregent time, there is talk of hard times and poor business, these telephone geo&roads. should not be overlooked. they are proving to be a big factor in getting business back to normal. Are you using them? The long distance telephone, by mating out travelling expense, saving time and labor and enabling you' to keep in touch with rapidly changing markets, and' trade conditions, can' .keep things moving at greatly reduced cost and prove a real right arm to your busioess. Prove it Figure' out how you can apply the- long distance telephone to your business. Hundreds of bisinesg Men are doing it with „great success. Every Bell Telephone ts a Long Distance Station glephone Co. .o 1 r, Solid Welt Bank, SOO Mahar, Soli Ifdtary Public. -C Walker's furnftu raster, sate mud etreet, See PriOUDFOOA iiistare etc. Menai to le -dart -attach wee. JOHN St gradnel liege: All sentinels treaeed.] d charm le Y Goderi of *Dr. EttOtt's F. HARI Honor Rey Co tife -Medical Veterinary Co all -Domestic eret Hotel, Main et ders left at the ateiention. Nig office C. 425 Riehrtean Specialist ..T.- ary diseases 0 Osteopathic Speciallet diseases, rhe arid nervoue ard throat. Commercial FrIdayA Office an east of the Phozie of !Huron. College a Coroner for Ity Medical lege of nays Greattate 'Itiolty of lege of Phys tarlo; pass Sc Melnik Mderereity England. 0 Rank, Seof Street, Sea Licensed of Huron a Tim Exposi ate_ and s Licensed Kmon sale datea or the Ex orate and