HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-11-13, Page 3TEMBER 10,194
Melt MA, PsEsultegt, W. D.
af C. A. BOGERTI General
in a Savings Account in The Doncinicin
safely protented, and earn interest aahest c
Wheu payments are made, particulars of
be noted on the cheque issued, which tu tur
or voucher when cancelled by the bank. s
Such funds are
rout rates.
oh transaction may
becomes a receipt
Stall:on Ertrobnent,—.According-to the
*tficial returns there :were enrolled in
the Provinee ot Ontario In the year
1913, three thousand two handred and.4-75 phmes,
one es-tali:ens. Of th,Fse.1,313 were Ciydes, -41rel'at,
208 percheron. sbires, 21 expenditur.
232 Standard bred, 72 linnekneyee s Phac'n4 Assc
Thorobrecls and 1,11& earades. Of these az Palen, •
only 820 had been officially inspeated, et 4-=3/8 a.
or about one quarter of the number Salkeld, A
enrolled. There were 142 enrolled rreen tion has •8
thc cont of Ruron. Infathes.e 66 Were miles ot
eaadesdalea, 9 Persheronsr 10 Shires* expanditur
14 Standee:el bred, 2 Packneys and. 41 Telephone
grades:. There weiT 21 officially an- miles of pal
spectid Iluron. From Perth Cottaty neiate,- of •ali,
there were 102 enrolled and 18 ,"3,282; MC!' illop *Municipal Telephone
saint inepzeted. The enrolled horses we:el Systent ha e 303 phones, 180 relies- of
classed as follows Clydesdale . $5, polea 180 Aes of circuit, receipts of
Percheron 4. Shire 1, ,tntandard bred 7; n4,.150 and litri experiditure $4,550;
Kiackney 2, Grade 21. Middlesex County
had the largest number enrolled, 158,
York County coming secreted with 118
and Huron third with 142. Simcoe Coal-
ty had 77 Clydes, York 72, We-Dinar:la
Hurern 66, and Perth '.65..aluron
the largnet nember of Shire horses and
Essex the 1,?rgest nurnaer of ,Percherons-
20. Hastings ConntY had the largest
number of grades 59 • and Satcoe ,the
second laageet number, 52,
. -
of pleas, miles ,of circuit, receipts
of 48,731 a .an exaenditure:rof /$7,983;
Bruesels, orris and prey Miniciaal
Teleplinne Yet,eni has 799" phones, 180
miles of p -
o 487 miles ;of circuit, ,re-
ceipte of ,e4 111 arid an expenditere of
$5,944; rich Township Municipal
System In if 207 !phenee, • 130 miles of
poles, 190 nes of eircult, receipts oC
$'1,921.1. analka.n. expenditure of $1,9,39;i
Goderich al Telephone Company haa
14 miles etf pales, 480 '1r
ecelpts of $22,832 and .an
r 22,820; Mocreville
tier': has 10 phones, 5 milee
Miles- of airceit, receipts
an expenditere of $367,
rew'a Telephone Associa-
henes, 2 miles of poles, 2.
It. receipts nif ,V60 And An
f $6(); Blyth Municipal
atm.. has 444 phones, 1'62
s, 254 Irilee :of circhit, re -
00 and An expenditure or
tem has 64
55 Miles
and an -ex
tires be s
alone, or p
5,434 phone
inhles ef
• Married at Moose Jaw.—The. grobm
Mentioned in the following marriage
notice, winch we. take from- a recent
alcos.a Jaw paper. is a *Tuekersmith
old bay, a on of air. and Mrs. john
McKenzie cf the Mill" Road. was a.
October re
.aa,nla y.
merit ::•Fif
Lillie Nigh
net •Taylor
Municipal Telephone aye -
phones, 212 piles -let, poles,
circuit, *receipts of $13,836
ditere of t$13,•263. It will
• Ih.at in Theron County
etically Heron there ,were
in !use hn181.3, ueing 1832
n and with la capital ex -
$8321290. '
Stanley .
'it.—The following is tbe
rt for •school section No.
Pie names Aare In order of
—Ruby Taylor; , Foto:the-
Third—Caralin.e Lawrsbn,
Gee, and Fern and Gar-
Vcrial; Sr. SeCeid—anarjorie
graduate :cf ithe Seeforth Collegiate-, Goode and Wilhie Parker; „Jr.Second—
Clifford Cl Anther Peck and anetet
Institute and for a time taught ,schogi
but later learned telegraph eoperating McGee. Se i d Parta-IlaroldTaylor,
at which h -s, became yerY expert. Foe Exier Nighaand Alma, ‘Rathwell. PIr4
the 'past three years he has been 4n Part.—Joh ''MaGee and ,Gorion
Banff, Pr:tish Celumbia, where he holds ----R. IieBeUt teacher.
a reepensible peeltien in connection with
the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr, Ale -
Kenzie has many former friends in
this vicinity, who, will unite with The
ExPositor in -wishing himself and his
&heel R ort;—The following Is the,
report of tpe acliool in Piection No. 4,
glatertefore the month of October. The
bride much happiness in their new•sre- i names are 'n ordet of •Irnerit. 1,ne. rfe-
lationg. The following is the notice- a- Mafgaret- oyle, Joe Coyne, ,oramei
bole referred to: A quiet aut verY 1.,licaris, Kar i ConnollY. Sr-M.—Frank
pretty wedding n -as solemnized at the Coyne, Wil le . McMillan, Mary Doyle,
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Angus Kenjaedy. Jr, ara_aareate Wile
Bowman, Moose Jaw, on September na, Hams, Agne O'Reilly, Mary Coyne, Pe-
nn -8. p.m. 'when Mr. Aldtid ,NIcKenzie, lia Morris, Joe Burk, (Bert eine:try, 'Gea.
operator at Banff. claimed nor aisbrfde •Coyne. 11.4[Geralcline O'Clormor, Mary
Miss Aveline Laws, daughter et gr. alcalillarea Jae Coyne, Florence Coyne,
and Mrs. Ae E, ,Laws, formerly of Michael Wililarns. Pt. 11.—Jim:rie Mar-
St&Yner. The ceremony was performed ris, Sylvester Williams, Alice O'Reilly,
by- the Rev. Mr. Wilson af .St Andrew' Margaret Williams. Pt. I.—Anna Atkin -
Presbyterian Church, Mose Jaw, under son, Michael Doyle, Jimmie Kennedy.
an arch of white tinsel and weddieig Absent for examinations, Dorothy Ken -
bells from Which confetti Sell, In thc nedY, Eddie Connolly.—M, J. Curtin.
presence of only the Immediate rleans teacher.
„ ••• e k :
of the bride and .groom.,The bride pile: -
was given away by her hrother-inelawe
Mr. W. Bowman, was attired in an
elegant costume of white duchess satin
with everslip of shadow lace trimmel
with pearls and wore es Juliet cap And
veil and carried a marnoth. boquet ot
white ca.rnations, roses, lilies and mai-
den has:r f::rns. The only orna-
ments • the. bride wore • were a
teter leaf clevert net with 'pearls
and diamonds .with necklace to match,
the ,gifts at the 'gram. They were at-
tended by nurse Rainey, Graduate of
Cealingwoed 'Respite/ and Mr„Ilecter
alight both etMoose Jaw, while Miss
• Tuckerentith
School Report.—The .fellewing Is the
report of the pupils ;of the school In•
Section Nu.' 5; Tuckersmith : Form
Laura Chesney. Farm Dr.--Maingaret
Taman,- John Data, Reginald Stronsg,
Kate Deng, Alvint-Letherland. 'Form III.
—Jean Wallace, Vilma Chesney,- Jan
Dol, Claire inproat. Farm II, nix. •
Jack Arehibald, (4) Harvey Letherland.
Jr., Willie: 'Patrick, Glen Taman, Rata
eArchileald. Form I.. Sr. (a).—May Wale •
lac e Felevin Chesney. (b) Poro-thy
ke. Primer, (a). — Viola Letherland,
(b) Isabel iArchibard, Violet Tynclaii,
E. Beyde prt sided at the piano-. The Mildred Wallace, Frank Sproat, Elva
en:Tuna's gift to the bridesmaid . and Taman and 31411 Riley absent. Preseat
pianist were bracelets set with rubies-, every -day and nat slate, Jean Wallace,
and. to the best man gold. cuff links. Mea- Wallace, Mildred Wallace, Violet
'Atter the ceremony' all sat down to .
I Tyndall. Number on ralls(26.,.A.verage :22.
a dainty -wadding ,breakfast, the aloese I —Helen .1/1.. Kelly, teacher. '
being btaetifeny decorated with flow- ,
ers, smilax and ferns. -:., Mr„ and I
Mrs. ..licKenzie left on. the anidee Staffs,
night train amid showers eif con- The Departed.—Mrs. Thomas Muir, 0,13,
iletti, and (good -.,wishes for .A tbree old and very highly respected -resident
!weeks honeymoon to Lake Louise, B. at one - tbaie, •ot this vallage, died at
C„ and Seattle, the 'bride travelling in the home 6f her daeghter, MrsJohn
a slit of navy blue ladies Cloth with Bain, in apeaaegan, mica., on .octaber
hat to match and on their retnerr will 22nd. Deceased emigrated :with ner late
lresband to Ribbert nearly sixty razza
take up their residence ,in Banff. The
bride recenied many costly i presents ago and knew something of the thard-
showing* the esteem in which the bride ships of -,pioneer life. [A: (few ;years ago
and groan were held. „ 4 she and her heeband retired andewent
to Jive in Detroit, where be husband
died: She afterwerd went to live with
her only surviving child. - Mrs. , Bain:
Deceased was' 86 years of age. ,
—A very Sudden death took ;place
in our village on Saturday, Octoben
31st., when Mrs. W, Campbell nesse-el to
the Great Beyond, in her este. • year.
Ever since her hustand.died last April
lived alone; ger ,daughter,
, of Toronto, was (paying
visit asnd on \coming:down.
nine in the norriing -found
lying dead On ihe_ floor.
• Municipal Telephonee.—The following
statistics, concerning the workings and
standing et the •different . Telephone
Cernpanies. barea,beuts, -which we take
from the repeat of the Ontario- Rail-
way and alun'cipal Board for 1513, will
be of interest to the :people of this
county. .,',The report (gives the follow-
ing figuias concerning the various Com-
panies: McKillop, Logan and Hibbert
Co. has eto phone's on. 'the system;
121 miles of piss; a66 trcilea of circeit,
and the rsonipts far the year. were
s8.051 with expenditures of ,
Telolesworth Independent t 'Telephone
Company has 70 phones, 22 rrilee sof.
poles and as miles ef acircuit with re-
ceipts of '928 and expenditure lof „*.921;
'orth Huron Telephone Company las
433 phones, 134 miles bf bales 366 ;miles
ot circuit, receipts of .$15,958 asn.d ex-
panditures at *14.157; Springba,nk Tele -
hone Company has 111 phones, 33miles.
of poles. 79 rniki.-1 of-airceit, receipts a
*1,311 and expenditures of e$896; St.
Marys, Kiraton and Eastern Telephone
o In anY hes 670 -pollee, 200.7 °ernes sof
India, and spoke trom Personal expert-
ence ,ot, the sa4 conditionunder which
the ;women of India Ilee. Par, ,Patterson
i a fluxeret and convincing speaker aeol
her address rnade a deep impreseion.
At the close of, thenmeeting Th. Pat-
terSon, (former15r ICss Maggie Norris)
of Stafta.) met mailer of her forreer
schoolmates as she "le egradate of
Mitchell High School, ,
Pelpit and Choir Exchange.—On. San
day evening, November 1st., Rev, Dr,
MacRae and the chair of Knox Ch -arch
in town exchanged With 'Rev.' S. aft-
- Lean and the choir lof Knox Cherch,
!St. Maeys, it is needless to ,say that
the )elithhtil b011,gregati011 were delight-
ed :with the visitoae. The charch „was
filled to the doors and the choir !loft
could Sca,reely accomodate the large
choir. Mr. McLean !gave An Able and
patriotic sermon from the -text Esther
iv, 14, making special application nf the
dbty urged upon Esther .to the condi-
tions in _the 13r1tish,Empire nonday, .The
choir of thirty voices under the leaier-
hp Mr. H. Tuck led the service of
Song with marked seccese.,MisA Sparkei
preelded efficiently at the *organ-- And
displayed fine mastery of her Inaba.-
ment. Durbin' the service the ahotraeang
two enthems very artistically, revealing
excellent training -and the ,good. quali-
ties of massed -voices. Afteraithe bene-
diction visitors , from other . churches
augmented tile large congregation and
a short- program of ',anthems -sand soloe.
was given by tne chair. Mai. Suther-
land and Mrs. Roy arig very sweetly
arid Miss Young won much praise ,ten
her syMpathetic rendering a "A Per-
fect Day," The recital niased rwith the
seal:ail-la an evening "Vesper." "
• Hensel I
• (Intended 10r last week.)
Pawl SeiPper.—A fowl supper was ae-
eently held 'under the auspices of ,the
Aid of the Methadist Church,
The supper was A *ONE. ,ae aserel the
ladies fully- sustained their reptation
as good caterers, and beuntiful pro-
viders. The porfgram was very interes-tr'
ing and varied. A.ddresses ,by the REV.
Mr. Miller and Rev. 11 .Brown, nf ,Zere
ich, and the Rev. Mr. -Smith, of Hen-
sall. Readings by the Misses Short,
Ellis and Carina quartettes. .solos and
cfioruses by the choir, which as Ls al,
acquitted themselves well. Rev, Mr,
hicks, pastor of the cliarch, made a
most excellen.t chairman, and also toole
part in the program, and last,. bet mot
least was the part taken by Master
Sammie'Rannie in the wayeof ;in
good style that popular song "It's a
long Way to Tipperary." ,The,proceeds
amoanted to $140. k
Briefs.—Mrs. T. Neelands very plea-
santly intertained la number 'of friends
in the interests of the Belgience Relief
Fead.—Mrs. W. Felton, nf Toronto,
Is spnnding a cauple of weeks OT so
with Mr. Fulton's parents 4n Hensall.—
Dr. F. A. Sellery, of Toronto, and
formerly of our village, spent a few
daas during the past :week with his
rela,tives and friends In Hensell and
vicinity.—Mr. A. Kaiser, an old gen.
sail boy and who holds ,a [good sposition
With a large firm ias travelling a-
gent, was in the village this . week
ending a ay or go at the parental
.home.—Mr. Hildrebrant has
,purchased M
from Mr. A. urdock, the.
Idw-elling recently occupied by Mr., S.
Williams an Queen Street, and has
moved into the sa,mes—Dr. Cawthorpe
of Tavisbeek, accompanied by. Mrs. Caw-
- thorpe were in the nIlIa;ge on 'Sabbath
.last visiting Mrs. T. Pick, are. Caw -e
• thorpe'e mother.—Mr. Robert C, Tay-
lor, 'ot Stratford,. visited at the home
of Mr. neobert Banthron the 'first part
of thi week, --Mr. Wesley Caldwell,
• Youngest ion of Mr. W. T. Caldwell,
of the 'inownship of Hay, who,has aerov-
ed himself, a goalost4aent and who Is
a bright, active yo-ang man With good
prospects, has wit'a commendable piner
enlieted and left h3re during ithe 'past'
week for trebling* before going to ,the
front.—The Rebekahs of Hensall Lodge
of the Independent Order- of Odgellows
an•d the ladles ;generally of gensail
and vicinity are -working hard in the..
way of cutting out ;and anaking alp. gar-
ments for the Beigluan Relief Fund
arid will b epleased to receive dona-
tions of bath new and „good second.
hand clothing.—Mr. George Case and
daughter, of Toronto; wee in the vil-
lage Gil Sabbath last.—We regret to
state that are. Craig contimies quite
ill.—afroielin. Bell has nented hie fanm,
a little over a anile twest of our village,
but will continue to reside an it,—The
farmers a,nd. (gardeners have been mak-
1g good use of sthis tweek in ttlie way
o f 1111 -Shing rip =outside work, and. our
oriel dealers are deliver:rig large quanti-
ties of coal in view of the advancing
ritera--The relatives and friends of
Mts. Manus, sr.. will ne pleased To!
learn that ehe is considerably ;better
and able to be pp ,a,gaM.—Shipping is
MI- brisk at the G. T. R. and ;business
generally. Is pretty good .in bur nillage,
decea,sed ha
Mrs. Sla,nne
her a ebort
etaire abont
her mother
She had. been dead only a ,ehert time
when found. Heart failure was. the
cause of death. Deceased was ,born near
Caledonia, Ont., And caMe .to ithis
ever fortY yearseago. iseven
ren eurvive to, mourn. /her loss. They
are: William of London; •Minnie p.crd
Mrs. Slanker, of Toronto; „Mrs. [Dennis,
eouireeesse; Celia, of Winnipeg;
Mrs. Molnar -re of Calgary and Leonard,
of Ed:Moreton; The farnily were all pre-
sent at the funeral except the last (two
named. Interment -took place eat -Staffa.
' I
poles. 500 miles of circuit, receipts Mitchell
256 and exptures Wrox- • .
At 000d By-laws—At a _re.cent meet-
eter Reral Telephone Cennpany has 292 iting faf the Mitchell ,Town ,Coencli, the
phones. 66 miles of poles, 126 exiles ,of
• clerk was irestrected to prepare ga
d- law by -
eireeit, receipts of e4,81
ituree of a4,652; Crediton Telephone
tAssoelatien has 112 phdnes, ,10 miles
of pales, 100 miles ief 'circuit, $1,324 as
receipts and $900 as expenditures;
'Meant Carmel and Centralia Telephone
Assccia.tion has 23 phones, 11 miles of
poles. 13miles of circuit, receipts of
$256 and an expenniture,of $232, Riad-
man Private Line, Exeter, has 40
phones, 22 miles of poles, 22 ;riles of!
' creuit, receipts of $480 and an ex-
nditare of a220- Ray Munici)al Telen
iii the' limners or operat-
tors iof traction engines , from running
over the. macadam streets in the town.
and when crossing bridges with con-
crete covers that they use three -inch
planks nct be provided ;by !the town and
placed along the sides of the 'bridge.
!About India.—On Wednesday evening
of last week, Dr. Margarrat Pattereon,
�i Toronto, -Secretary of the Canadian
ileuxiliaxy.Of the Women's ,Medical °al-
lege in India, addressed a large Audi -
In Knox Church O1 lbehalf 4af rats -
....•••••••••••••••••00.444 ***********************oo +************************** ***********wo,
iewart Bros
Mail & Phone Orders Carefully Med
Men's High Grade Suits
at Ordinary Prices
We claim to give you better
value for your clothing money
—because of the tremendous
quantity We handle, giving us
access to the: largest manu-
• facturer, thereby procuring
not only the best variety but
the very newest patterns.
• These are bought for cash.
That is valy we offer you
• Hierh-Gratle Clothing for the
• b
o• price of ordinary suits.
• Beautiful shades of brown,
• navy, -blue, dark grey, black
and Scotch heather ° mixed are
here in all the new patterns
t and styles They are here
W. in such quantities that you're
• -
What The War is Doind
. Mr. Peter ialoArther. the prolific ,and
versatile writer of Eekfred inone ot
his weekly .letters- points out that: A-
mong the ;mealy curious te-ffects D1 the
War none is mote noticeable than. .the
revival of knitaing among the women
of the country.. The miller ,wristbands
and. cholera belts has started the need-
leS1 clicking In the cities and towne
as well as on [the farms, It ‘see,rris like
cad times to have pallers come to the
house and. "Bring their ncnitting" with
them. We can all re,member ;When few
of the lolder 'wornen„at ,least, were *vex.
Withwt-their knitting materials. When-
eier they at dawn tor aest or to 'talk
to a visitor they. ;would take sap „their
knittirug, and some ofthem were so
expert that they mild knit in nheidark
or „without even lcyoking at their nee-
dles. Scarfs, stocking's, mitts, and 'un-
derclothes were made by theiai basy
needles, and it mast' be !admitted that!
their products were far su.perior to
anything that twe can beY (toedaY. But
kriitting maahines -end knitting factor-
ies pet ,an end to all, eaathouigh el 'can-
not help Iwondering 11loaitting, Will not
Stay with iuki after ;the war is ;Oven.
If people find out how, Much better
'hom,e4tn1tted goods are tnan the ue-
tork products they may, net be inclined -
to go back to the eustota eef buying
their supplies. It is also possible that
thee -economy foreed by the war man-
brhig. (back to the armee many of the
industries that Were once familleea
Phone Syatem has 388 Ph011eS, 3,05 Piles' stores in India. She s,pent ten years 1n1
We .ffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of 0a,tarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure,
F. J. CHENEY& 00., Toledl, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon
• orable in all business transact:ions and flnanoUlly
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Toledo, Ohio
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and inuccits surfaces of the
system. -Testimonials sent tree, Price fit cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.1
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.]
sure �f getting a becoming
style- a true fit a guaranteed
High Grade Suit at a pleasing
$7.50 to $15
Make Your Hand-
• a e Christmas
• Presents /Now
We are wonderfully prepared
With stamped lunch cloths,
dresser or sideboard runners,
centre, pieces tray cloths
towels, gill div case's all
stamped" and ready to work
in the newest designs. "
N w Overcoats
ter Tears
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Made to 'Measure •
While buying your clothing here hes al7
ways meant •a saving, it has also been ac-
companied with the very ,inaxi.inurn of
satisfaction. We have an organization of
skilled workmen who can build you a
suit from our Old Country' _ Tweeds and
Warsieds that will fit yee,'keep its shape
and wear well to.
Price $19 to $25
• Good -Hosiery
For thp Whole•Vamily
IF here was any !better hosier); Made than the kind
we are showing we would have them. Hosiery is
a department that receives special attention here and
because it receives that special attention you can buy
better hose here wit- less money. No matter who in
the family needs-hose,..corne here, we will Show you
that it pays to buy here every time.
Prices 25c to 50c
Women's Coats This
A, Matter of Material
• As Well As Style.
NEVER before were there as
• many entirely new materials
41 in Women's coats as there are this
• • and the delightful charming 2'6
• influence exercised by the materials
• over the style and fashion makes
• it very necesary that you should
buy your new coat where ycu know
the store keeps pace exith the style
Butter and
Eggs Wanted
!Trade Prices
,t oft......01.1&44.44±48Lt~kfkitit.:*****4040.
There never was a seitson when
we followed the trend of Fashion
closer than this season. Every
week brings us .new styles and
every shipment seems to bring us
prettier coats.
Call and see these superbly cut
coats, made of the season's. most
fashionable fabrics.
$12.5O to $40
Y ur-will wonder at the var
iety; • of styles and ecLorings
th t are being shown this
• Never in the overcoat history
has there been so manyke
de1ihtfu1 new styles.
The rich atitumn shades of •-44t.
bro n, grey and Scotch mix- tt
tyres and the heavy luxurious -
tweeds are cut with the new
shawl and convertible col ars
with or4withont the half belt
at the back.
There is a gloripu§
tion of the neatest, warmest,
most sensible overcoats:- you
ever saw and the prices are *
as pleasing as the coats.
$7 to
Good fUnder e
Our stock this season is ,
marvel of , completeness,
every size, every price, every
ev eight is here and no matter
what priee you pay you:get
the greatest possible, *due.
Sweater • COO
For Men, Women. and Chil4ren
A sweater coat has almost become a necessity.-
1-1, Those who have worn them know the conveni-
ence and comfort they gave. If you have never worn
one, make up your mind now to get one. Call
in and look over the big variety ehere. New colors,
new combinaticns, new weaves, new collars, all
sizes, all weights and all prices,
Price 50c to $5
When Buying Furs
• The Reliability of the
Store is all Important
We guarantee ever) fur we sell.
We buy only from the oldest es-
tablished and most reputable
Fur House.
Because .
For years we have sold high
quality furs that have given tin- -
interrupted satisfaction. -
Because )
We never deal in or handle so-
called "seconds" or blemished
. We buy for spot cash
That is Why -
„ When you buy fiirs liere yeti
choose from the, vecy best mak-
ers' best makes. Get furs that
are thoroughly dependable and
you are sure the price is ri