HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-11-13, Page 2j
-0VB 13.1 j-914
HE HURON— B ... ....... cu
-1 ! ! ! !�!!! I I . (�L h -.p 6 po j hd
a 4n. Ito escape thr, 8, 'POW t V
a day. Two other i0`Jr$9
fire.. Our Awn gunz, in �terrlble atillerY t
fr 4-40 a�n4 $42.50 res, RE
seemad to be eak,
(,S9Ptemttsr 7th.) the ly- 0' 6
In, -611nrthoms tile b19112 -St -�Ylce
aL'A This rrbc�
-dne_ are iai�
lyfor tile
IDAY 1911 bova u as
�rted jn -dam
V R 1; calf L0Td XfOrl, Im-0c
%rtWlery seem, Sala _ & 1� :Oro
to our OUT 'her WellingtRn.,
t�.Ujbje to djsjc�dS6 . t Ifrd Went -to JDha Br
attack. f rom Opt. RX I - �
We- f"r,- rA
An - j�& .9200, wid T-1je Unfted- Statidik ions' -d -on,
a7rtIUery*Aie n left. It Is a I Loud
tiCAA faith Me
adowvale) for
inada The Mults, Of tiks At4 tlee ca Ia. E - �1
higz D-jk.D People Have
troops owuWiug the ort-- Htm—
C t $115. 1 e Milking 9h ilreds of
got cut of -,thi!
-,;,rere tb!re
TlWteA jg-te;tes last week was
toward nine ",clock And were horn
halt Barrijigton W(Wd. was cky en01M 'Ittp q Only Hid0,
SteV f&red t6jo�jgy. We dam. The
V-jjj givez Jmported In Found "Fruit -&-&OS
t OWM- --itO- 9.1 t
a b ad to John Mecallmn, of, -$hE
that thwDemoc.-A w need for tor. *125 for ten �months-
or ttle
(��eptembpx': 9th.). We �have Wen In h�orn$y jqba. jEller, J
anadl. 4501 V t1liggs =ke` the war �,WOrth -Vfnl1e' I day 're1 7earling,
or U still control both the -jknati. A -id the coi-
Wh4t, 1.
S The then, is CaAWdals hy�nedlatO th.6 trer-ches�four das now &nd -the the rich 'TTE
RepMentative -y vlrtu Lqaa,LAdyI READ THIS Lt dUty? It stands clear as the roorniris le& Anigutta, M., for 0 111 useln is ally J�old their own the anpire -e n1y klead ;bodi
weeable if there w-0 es 0.
"Over 25 this t' Ct senate, 'but rest after long. Ma,'MheB W4,;�d be a- to Gs di 6d went C
'' Ith. resent sun- above th rA4�1e jr1m. She 'Lambeth, for $1
-,k Lbyallty,
their huga makyrItY In the st&ndj-to4aj-- for, Liberty, u dtice, s dI&
Bdn thatlie 9K . o. a-
-h t nd'4f J al ent
KeCPS flre a1r nigo of ;nen Ana. `W
IfOUZ3 is Wduced to 0, naeow margin., of am61W nations las j=ongr Iten, And a bull calf dropped 4n not pester .s terribly superinterident -of
d. nU. with, c
either coul Or WO -2 not been Can&4, sta V10 BmPlrs for' -The 9�:Vat b&ttl8 di'd nOt Ome tO--J' M' Weston
d Tells maw He 1-ured Himxelf',�
an hia, party hav
-Rpuhcap.G have ri,-,.. these� It is no 4cntgei 'A question pt -a but today ($*.enber jotfi�) we could suffer- To u t-�d, lbet the' -the 7reich 1prth- ead 4 9ma In
the raother see, hulf �g Mjjj l
ift PM any.districts ,vrest- c6lony IgIvIng suPPDrt to lan "have Igone enched. TheY !Bay
-cilkur, d. W ja'jimst t jery strouly :enr I onerf 4
-hem in '1910 4-01 1912,. k7he qestioli 'of. iCRARAs tshAll forceis df the enerniy Oro 4a.jrwt
tA from t
be with the .'free, hation who be- ted fear nothing. oct,,; x6t. 191,
president has been endoised, b�jt stand n $5. D
of ,us but 0VXRCoURT-,R0AD
ng n.- on our rJ.gbt
govexament by -free choice, Jug-
med, py� Ite �'people. 11eve In A heavy battlq i's 01
ndt been aloctil
eterrAl 'p;remb army
rV&t100,-h0n0r 4as 74AM It seepis that tha
It . la not
L j;nusual for ithe Party In ini scientist, the other dy. e th6ugbt of jlw.0 t
thd.,twlth her Ion to gat V#; it An emtn that the M
power to lqp�e ,Vq0 i . I
ajs in a bad osit Ost voti- Joni tiwei lliikv
-gave his-topitilon
�j I term a
leat 9., i
the e Ise WrI 9
Iiia zar fighf fh4ge thf,19% Mu�t' Ire on PV.1s or break through derful d" -'y ot recent
7 your
t Buk.' J'Ust Wrl utkiwt dgternine '- I
t of Z11m -
a nattionts phar" e. #ad ur d niost ve
and. Roosevelt 1:! ibi
er I'l-epeat that 4t telock. fodwy D-49 a single thin layer from j'ey c -,In btly. W1, w) - -,without diminishin, M two 0 As soa K th3 prestige of tthe Its place In. hl�toify. nk I re -
You want the' best 0104 f aiding tho
Vou�need a stbve- e 'hoped is o� 104ver a woest-ion 10 jwe -were ordeired to leave W trenc -buk is applied to woujitl or ially in m%y
of Zam ;e of Republican party. to
pr ais I bave styeu lot of (>r-ey -m hont
torn e14, No is moth4lan-d'- in a ight for',Aptionaltpr insured agAst t1je, na-tn sat' fied -c4i, t j %elf In th it Would 'be to Attack a sore, such Injury 4IVr
es, of 250 history will reps& . t We thought Uit-
hav taken
ADA. that
furnish you wjA a '0 190 of
half as go 3d Boy , -C-A N Empire 'existence. 'CanaAlx Is herself a, 13ut. It seegis-Me are pi-, Not one specie I 1hav ( , proof. hus prove blood' anygop
s furnishes inatance. President W410a d am
ours y corpS '. have n found- thfiezam.Buk 0
VT e
ous as their (fir nation, with a d sense *f -InAtlon� J)ack Two French. -4rxr, juicrob= d Is nvolv 'does not kill 1DIcised tote -you
art, hlmsslf a modl prssident and n prvj - , 1 9 Ines. Awa . bee for . i = zured. oat and woo pepple of (the Unite hood. Qaaials tit ed in -pierced our ywe,went with- - - : -- not
'the.bast �rule theY this n (Lgaln, as soon &'CULt Or to e but flie
ev I ery. s out 4tbno o leg lik Mi, -t
Nal at neater The Alberta. andi'Derby his, e91iiks the as 'Zam-B le4t my
In tinct a tbolfg)l Ale- Priced, fro ave enjoyed e 0 ap $tates. h, is,
-heaters ap IiiWilds Anil pell'APS stall
Ileaters are great Workers '4�utck hava �4 foT A ,generation., But the of her r�a twith yorY stryed villatges wher there.1 pliedto-a sore, or I cau do any -
the vi-narti soreness .
got Perth
�of her. na1lo I -e up.* We lhad -�Mhlqg �eat uji- 1,skin disease, it stops is all gone am
life o hates to $1600 toxetts are gisinst Wilson pind thrdb to- pick tO by children are. the friends I have
$7,50 big in
232 ataP&I
stable and opposes the !its t the ideals,, the ten �Wjock �Jugt a "rset, ndthell That is W �kjtjdof-WiDtk-
e Gerxn= KaLsern
E x-tra heavy they _-.wleld -even a more �-nlghtY oer 1gAt �jlock Ia -the mara- Of Za..Buk. They eAkeothing for 1-8 moptbs) Whi iii,
COAL RODS' Canada, methods for 0
and In the -,,U - . 91 nothing tiW e -of �� the ti
bottom nited $tates than t iing Aft they A t
pails, jisidii junkertt;an Is no- the science W-kUC
s wou I with his PT *Wut �
the Dzmocrat is that +Zaim-Brak- -stops their
will It Is PrVbOle bbve f&jg know P
t and muss
s(ides. in one piece, so AeBperatelY,c Zy (Sapt6aWr 14th.) we
�jrear. OU lf havB been, Atronger had Mr., Wilson gntendini Tod shoul n" flqrget -,t
Mother ever
i 'In' stucki M1. pain,
lbeen n the field as'a g%ndldate, and
t he' fi 0 a ri. 0 not break it t if Lkfid how is 00as da to PI) if her ob- wirselves in, 9�nd 'isema gRheum onger tile dreaded
Afism I Coun
w fd ur .1ches nof
-it 10 -atagather likely'that his. grq,- 119a
are 'Aga�in, as soon as Zam-Biik is ap-
.'bottomed as done -well, W ha, e te nothing All day; -We f
I qteps into I tidn as -9 nation. glalnst n, ail day tin Rheumatism
ihods, crj�isl Our 4�oyeniment h �,V a P Jsesse it 013ke was ificura
d A pl! wound or to a, diseased --no 104er one 0
ed to 'a
a of ef-. 14 -StIM4
70C y jQorj4,Tes-r has given a spiendid ex *.ffer atrociously tr0M,.'han;Ker- -all Frut a,;
�60 to b5c sante rj%pm the tump Md ' uld.1hive 666a 41bitto It- dyess basproved
Oter,, . pails, of Xjeai4r'aAvjantage in -man -diseases
galvanized art, the cells benenth tbeskin!s sur
od value. ew4lp- thirt; the QnVs A -awn In, W.- P roAe
f n rain c
districts. Ra Is.none mobilizing, gver
Is are so stimulated that ne j6 jnjLrVejjOuS Mo
30 to SiOnEl - 1, t
thp, 4es lete t despatch Iii
5- t6 75 far
Pec 1� 7
Enland We CaWt-; )eave ;the 'trenches face
erie M n -and transporting to. raTits, Vj t ot van m4-. e TI ly formed. This sciaticaj
d for Vjrsalng�A potV
to be eommen& -v.m bealthy tissue is Ack sbores brtwe6n -400,0010 -arid 4,0,000. n
shower,of shroprief- at once dignIfled ana pariotic. -Wecsrasa Of, the lealthy tissue froin sU such- disea4s 11htch arise ftoxtL
jn�the z4ort ace ve raach, bowe1q, ally I
Cold. weat S P ,bf tw
ests o moifth th4 enrnY's Zlins. ow is Za;4ja-jBukg secret of hmling. some derangemeat of a 0
I 5�
her u is. B -It naliy, this
The tariff 1slie
to of,con. no - 6 . n r firet rbpaZt-for 5ev-
itts 45 and' 14- is� to t I's not, I epeat Iwo had Gj -wed.ls worked up
efedited with the resilt,
0 to Lined rVe tissue thiis- lot kidneys& Wn*
6 tingents, one tvo, or -,,three. Ratfie, COUSL-ting of rice, NVIth a
Bucksaw ATICIal eg"'es- oral days rface: and literally casts. OR ves 3 pair for c be regretted that a tin t!, -little I and brejad Land's morsel e� to the su
Cotton 1;1 rrrjst Canada, twith calm, 1dellbera ",eat
1 Wsashing tfichines...* $8*50. i4y K 4101 ibediseaed tissae,abo i4pruit-a-tives" is toald by all dealeM
a., occasioned by ;other caj shou make tresolve that water on ve is is the
Food 0 oppers *5 tol s like 1� 4dr-OP'O W fell"ed. the enactment-. �f th-a cli&-eYed P-Irpcy-9% bacon. Ift Ma hy-Zam-Buk cures are perman'lent., jlt 50c...jL box, 6 for -$i.50) t i
ed to- (this eoli t " �tpj-jd on receipt 91 -
-or sen POS
Galvanized tubs.. 60C 5C wBard thnes AlwaY9 tlkt to her ho . ron. Only the
....... 7q under"od she is clomxnitt 07- tren . eb- other day Mr. Mar -43h of' 25c- hnitedi Ottawa�-
�b'blt, s sets.. , led the 4nent of.the jday. Then The French have occ�jp
Roasting pans45c to $1.25 %, - .. 1.1 laot rnan'arVd her last dollar, not f Q11ed Vriceb
hrt'the gDverr ;nlles 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal y Vrait-i-tives L
the the -EMPIre's BBka all e ).ty
me, !�u t for R We left Ithre upon the Z�)an- Buk Co. and told them.
gain the breed Iwje protninent in
ign own zake an4 ars' he 170- nrOlil
ti ELI _hind .1i s Fimall city In ruins
the sake �pf her ina r twenty-five ye
Go Ae %Sill New i,;�k! aInd Ohio camPa s epmbw th--.Lt for -,-)ve tb-e IaIW4"
tee, Oanad�-
the Denwerats., B -j t �he bAA ldeal$. And when -or iToday' the Freacb had been a martyr to eczema. flis�
A - ssex
aLl cleaxly cbnoelved It as her ob -toward haA-PaBE 'six 'bnds were at one tbne so covered
aLints, M -Na, noffatUs Ranges, rass�p on,
Sole Agents for Lowe Bros jtepulle
ia Steel fact It hat
Eastlake. Steel Shingles, Paroid Pea4y ng, Canad n -to throw her endra national e it re,-,Dpened the hiallih tIre,,,wbi6h con-
oint party has �.�come i�ack.'Ifflhe. 1%lephant" eJ with. sores- that he hadto sleep in
oilers, J"Hot P d the The resourc--.s In this conflict, the tinued very late in the 'night. at itbe 1T, es. prtour ye,.Irs ag Z i fn,�Buk was
e Pease Furnaces an oNallywc 0
Woven Wire� Fenc, has
I ., ate of a 4het,ever ",bull xro6sel' - PartY then- bccotmes a v:ery slim, ple On y tten mTrites, Just j, r
ew Idea Furnaces mirbeks - of the ntrodoced. 0 him, and M- a feW $eb
to leave us no - 2 -ed hl4j. To-day-OVer
Electric SupplVes. N t admInIstratio -eponse
n. It
have, With few- exceptions, surrende:` lY, ne auM di and we montbs it, cui
of, wa-, 1f It is clearly ILmdersto6d ith,at evelry a, jdog4s life, 6re j � ng tbree ye-irs after his cure6f
'hti i
ed without even the
dan Is * pledged to this man.
'fit r withiii five years -7
f it Canadian r sball soon bi 9: ck, javer he had for twenty'
IMFORT10T NOTICES. and -.they will f* , heieaf te t., let �hs C-orvetrnment we laave ar haq had no -,trace of
sv'ff E the party.11-aes; &6lding-by the decision war, then IfIrs Today (StaptetdW still cumd and
Ps for the tre any return of tli�e eczema. take th-nmedlite ste ml- I into the f lr;--t e
of -the maJwritY of 'thi jp�rty' as x deret "'the s sell. Z tnf-Bu at 50
on 6 1* t. which All druggist
lar TrImarles. Even
Lot 1, conces,81
AM Fou sale on e4 in porl nerit, not f 2o,000',but %of 100,00 *r before js, a battialln old bay,*, convenient w CON'SUV12-710M A CHANCE Press n - 260,000 Canaians available for active has sffered great Ilostes. TwaT 11 box, or we will send free, trial I if jyALT0 - CREAM
4., uunet Containing 100 aorm. Meoidtire Roosevelt will have to co `!L -e Ana e 103,
reasonable. For
tom�a. Terms i Then frmn these enrolled man you send this advertis melit all ivIc.
snd Poe ervice. th�a atillary opened a vii)Ient
apply to W.,111jam hit wo-ild not!bs §vrp:r-1sIn9 S Ul- . 11 parbloulars ttirbg sidL. let con!tIngents ba elected simply rain ge)- Ad -
0 old on Your System. to ee him and Mr. Taft -91 institats 11
Post office. -M& lor 1mmedi- eA jjpori jpur. llines. stamp (to pkiv.retnfn posta
To -Get a Fa4. the Shells nt to � the front dress Zuni- 13' i Co., Toronto.
&W training land se &-I we 'W�re abug�ad to lle-closelY to.9jr
b side as idel Wt 1atel
Y. the equipped and
li%,Fe a
spectively, j, -i, the as soon as they can. able to leale l,them for
:j PIG3 F()R-' and Omnecticrit, e trench -es j n -whieh
First Sign of a Cold -needed.
fitba4 and as they ma Mao We, az.�,e ll reArly f&niishe4.
-o offer ior mle chec�A th'a 1 y be
obolce bunch of pigg t - some eRepAM!cfm convmtlon. mRRIN'
ForaTy You' I I the !Past
f the be3t fatten Tonfess �tuat , Tcday 11 Trhe 01clen - DaY8.
�assl�ad st, 'brc Septmer 80th.) the eVlislt I
Viumed and some ready to wean, 0 'd. For inquires B y Using tli Important fact Is ithat am no .1
be prod,113's However, 33UMtf I mt can at en, ocked
crowes tb ton ty th long, swaying line. of 4n French gli h ALT.0-CREAM
will hve a ai
Me. Wilson *01ne M Clinton, or Lot 23 conieto
ONATUAN E. RUGILL, WOODYS in cngres until March 4th.,, vid a Aly effibrace oil -the rench fron- 0 ',constant iulLh. In d@a 0,u�r c=pany; their f lZe IS 6
2487 tf ous of ipossi�ble, jd1saster; Inkerestinig Sketches of The the Cana
tier, is orni SANDWICH
th7�twe hhve no (time %o fire euMlves.
majority that shold be sufflcie--ItPro�c- Farly Days of Seaforth and VI.-.;
p yoU 11ANrE a trm for sale or exe a ably for all p�arposse durbig!!,the hse daring, raids of, Garman sjbm4r- We are silll,conflned.to 'the 10 't .
hinga go IWAY, tPIME SYRUP,- InIt1t. Talcen From the'. -Files A delic' us -oddly-
It e serv-
any kind ins a;.- js,j,gV. stive of arkger In A and it Is- two,�days 'since we -w�'r
'arm or property of L,
laxger or smaller of his term. of The Expositor, exthmnged or e�qld, one of thq many good bargains, to direction where we tha-iilit we -vvpXe -!rlce -ani cof fee shapedbiscuit, vn-th the
-chan,_,e for lsin%ll ed aneagre rations f bride TW.'
The old norilth,
Monoresoichole-3 h0cl,will A coldi if n will sooneror later invfnaF6l3..6:). far th war !has lNom latwiis. )
tly confiderst- e _U mada with rainwater. Ct
noperty. susiness strii: Seatofth, 'Anigust, :11th., 1893 deli Out tang0f��tc
or town I Blyt&j T. G Cmnada!s Duty w -b-it after all what s-'gulfles the followed the gains and ad- A
H. WHEMyt ell, 1winas have A petitlan signed by over ne h�.i�a
XIJ dave�lop-lnto §oTr.e sort of lung troubli!, lost g)f a fe1w �h-jndred tlintisand men -men ere t6#e 3*1.
wilk and a rich ain
-qsoa, baiewmre- Charl3s W. aordon, (Ralph Qonno7�) 41e to our suffering.'ManY f.th
ion ed d"jly-' qualified rat?paye:r� of, Eg- tty
I so W2 would advii-,e yott that on -the first. By er eight, million that There is no for, pessi-niam 'on to fGarm-any &j t of h axe so cramped wlth 1rheilm%tis mondville, was presanted, to the License gh you get rid of it
concession 8, To— s.
gn of a cold 0: con
AMR FOR SALE -Lot 13, Lbe pirt �f a n r. sulldlrs, nat to gpeafc �of the unalled W, -t. Of the
Britistai In tbiii jw,�* �e axe, ob-iWed to liff .them ;,Ou Comxrlssloners at their areetinx 1%14
i0o acre,,;,. mostlY under culti. mj�jt-ItLtdas aVallable out of het; si%tY- At your 000.
Ing unrne:liately. Vor thi4 prrpose we know
ship of StallOv hollse with wood and drl%** The �ojtcaane Is assured-we'shall win, e?
-11ilions of p--oplel --And e have this week, �asklng that a license ta
ration, good stow all att�r f Today (October 4th.) e have, 6aten
1. sptang water of notiing- b than Dr.. Wood's completely. The -gage of the German granted to the hael In EgrnondAlle.
-bank brr
shods attached. Also by -The possibill- th6 ratio e�� THE PERr1N AMA- L017
fr z1alt Yet Ito har f rn, Tut* again and fig *,were �WTe 9
the y ii. Farm suitame either a No Pine yritp. -This. preparation Kaiser n of his Pr-jostan Junkertanit Vie license -iwa:s granted. r PACKAGE
ear roun 0"]KET- . may ties ot 'ffislam, as,,an an-ti-BrItish force 3 6possL61e for As
oderat.-. ApflY-tl) JO ems; but � it seem
Ter.ni3 m h,,;rl-,d in the teeth of -Christian, civiliz-
has b2en on the market for the past
ation, has bsn tsken'jip, andhe figibL axe faldt 4t Is true, 1 -but they re as to satisfy w.3r hVug3r.
i9eafort, is. a box of defictous� b1se-pit-
twenty-five yekm, -And those who have d. Then'therb Is Italy. This mornin (Octor M.), happlI7
-Lot 26, 001riceWou 6, MOM110P ill igo on :,inti -1 Democarcy, Liberty Yet �,THVXPIOTO Messrs. R. Pickard and -$ton hava sur.prises. Sind Mo. (vein _or
the I
Ann FOI*t� SALE used it Mve nothin- but
on the Graiiel Ro%d, 2 triles ani a biLlf u a_w among th3 ..nations W111 tri-: A- s- d,,de n igTe6t disaster oi
or`h words of praise . n dthe ine ior
jt does niat r in bit ithe emPe-st blows ur for j e cacy. ttle, which Is by pa Means v. and,,makes -us feel -cu:' on F 9' -chased a lot -with 1thiYky foot -fr b� stamps) and yo
ofseaforth. 0 e hundred acres* all cleared but ffi ",;mph. But those �heery ho, ba, tside- from th north.
woutencedandin a good stato forta. n. r,
about two aorp Mrs. IT; N. Gill, 'Pruro, s: lof War, rAXanc.1 arf4i f &taj 'the more. -They say, tje- aga ion th6 ain street, . Exete pe` name for it.
writ, 'foresaa a peedy Mend to this strifo, th-e h -anger all ecting a Mad -
of cultivation. Atic
)ut thirty acres in grass. G90d which they Intend er bells
finae house, two good bar.nrh. with stone at. fflng Last I developed: an Pon e plenty bf PrOASIOUS fn the any
1913 and* who -p�-c joyous jaunt unter rad our fleet, ',An i nf ogpen c0TP,.-; &r D. S* Perri -A & Colip
-old; and it hung� I
failing water. RU -41 on to me -for so rdly bin�tlon f en shing cal-Mitt8s, a I 'Of Ia to Igat thein -to as 1-11' LIMTED
u&1pineath. Plenty of never awful q den Liden for the Allies, eaft ha the question
The Clinton OrganFactry was b%- A
one. Atroodbeariog' hicl, tah. Delivery sud gum] T0lePh long, L was afraid it would turn into the In wa, Fr�&h ArtIlleTy,
11 � aidel' as fiamless hinatics, for wWch lie within jP0.4sibilities r. th-a f aca e,
-bard. 1.'wotild go to bed nights ek the hu e of -kes
-ore FAsy terms Of payment. Apply on the be reg W �d to the SMind -on Thursday n- I gifil t LONDON 'ANADk
Seatorth in one. �We sweeps the last, ;wi- h ll the mahill ry, t
address. JON McMILLAN, consu harmless they are not. The sooner 1qati- ;mIght change constantly andna
1044f. -ocic
for the
;a stern our . horl 'What thnt. It It 'hi�possible, except under. 0. and c get an sleep at all ada retalizes that this war Mon. . co ver of
c ould not y life I sat and to1bls.
hokig feeling iu. my hroat and lugs, I$ elilgh.
-------- serlo�;s business ij0 tht It -will grow monplace of -Wax tha battl" are loit 'the trenches. Rvn'er
At the residence of the ft�rtdels moth- B&LB-Being Lot 7, 0,
of and sometimes 'I v�ould cough till in desperation. as :the long Vear y 'before they are foight. - Let Canada
VIARM FOR ;t jiullett., containing. 10D acres . . ter horXIbly-fro the cold also. er,-1jn McKillop, near Seafb�lth, on k -z
wotild turn. black. in the face. A friend
- too late. Re&ets An ngei Townebip dra,-g their -teTrIble length wake before It 6 no i,- to k2ep P19; 15hoice land, on the premises are a large baoli ba and told me of your months 11rit. l6th; y tRev. Mr. Bugl4n,. or tb Scott,
lerneat1b, -with cement floors throjigh -winter and perhaps through cha;p, and however, itter, areinavail- thj�jk I an muc-h l&gzr
with stablinz un, th furnace in the gain the log - f Blyth,' Mr. Thoma 13oldsxri white
thrdughcut. Xpw brick house wi reniedy Dr. Wood'sWorway Pine Syrup. Let C��a,,da prepare, eagerly, j;WI t
Sjmme o wintia
nced an(! under drainod, will be, sold
owner wii3bes to give up farming. I got� a bottle of it, and after I had taken batter it iwill the. r orth, to Margai7et nn.
of eaf
Well fe ly, si;rely* prepaTe oday, that In the
remonable as the daz�gbter of the late John Thmp
premiseft or it I c6uld see a great change: for thebetter, of the desperate A 0
Fo further information a0ply on the Let -is make nomistake., No stiden last deadly- crisis .3000 MEDI
jddvw Beatorth F. 0., WEIIVIN J. CL&PM so I. got another, and when I had taken I
rage, no f1l".)ke of diplomacy, no &.Is- f Ight she may be able to throw'. he
the* tw,() bottles my colIgh was all gone Ay ambition le,&PIng t the Weight of her yong might. upon the FOR THE B.�my. At Clinton ion August l6th., y
tria's gree
Mr. igte�wart, W1. zFiamuel Chesney, -:Of'
and i have- nevlir had an Eittack of.it since, chance of the war -offered -by the, help to
ALB -For sale 100 ROM Of choice .. ill, Wick wavering line o battle And
A -Ru FctR I and that is now a -year ago. Tuckersmith, to M]Bs �Luainda Robln-
hl f Hibbert, bEiT19,1-06 28,, ard efeat.
laud in the Towns 1P o 1 d ct of a m%dj%ervIan stide t-nQt h rl t enemy b kw in
onthepremisesatre a -brick Mime, FL� Pine �Yrttp is put son, dazightef of Mr. Tt!cbapd Roign-
43onmasion. 9. Dr. Wood's Norvr. these things nor things. like these have The final touch may be Qajiadals. There Baby's,Oven Tablats are tht very best
drive Fhed, bank barn wich stabling, hen house and
m i.3 well fenced and Up I a- yellow wi, apper; three pine trees cw-isad tGermany to Plun hysteria, but theTe Is. medlcin�. a mother can -give her little Son, 'of Acatorth. pigpen underneath. The far & into this J§ no plae, for
sores of hard,woA the trade mark, and price, 256 and 50C. war. Niever did -a nation maTe deliber- plac,for h oiitingejht O�rinj to'the contlnved.droFught ituderdrained, and there are 10 aste. Not % c 1bu t the st6mach, re -
ones. They sweeten V
an& a, s- `been a t -
bush. Rural. Diail and Telepkone Conneetfon. I is manufactured. only by The T. ately take % 13-irpoised and long planned tjis whole h&tibn will f,,jlfill C d I lack of Pasture there 1�as
V aPPlY to ADFAAMRSILLFRY g-ilat, the bowels, break rAp colds, pro -
For further varLicula 9 24212-tt, urn Co., Timlted, Toronto,, Out. step. 1�ar forty, yea�rs Germany has obitigation; and not hen'the cry tcomes, ter f emine in town. This week he
-mote healthful aleep�hi fact they cure
0, Affa, Oat. res hv 07
cherich-ed ambitions, has fecl.-jponphil- foT h-10 but now sh6ulcl prepara- all the nj�,nor ills of little ones. The st been 6iffeving 18c. f .0.
v I bu tter.
FARM F,3R SALE--Be!Lg Lot 111 GonceWOn 17, asophies, *has exteneled her comerce., tion be Im. da. mother aray feel absolutely sAfe In ;gl -ate t10
Grey township, coubl%luiDg 100 acres inore or has trillt up her industries, has es- With a: clear conscience land, a %stead- s3afortws �of Lxa n has b Be.
�ew, on the pre ear tw fix -r -ad at 25 mills pr
sses, has -perfected f ast hi t , e caft Inv -aka -,the 01od �Aot -over A I 4R Causq of - Md.$ beb3r,
-n %vith stone ataulini, dfiving house- 10'The'
mises is a large two storey briO In them. to her'childrenter theY Fre I -dollar. house, bank ba) j0Mgjn tablished her fortre guaranteed by 9 nment anal'st to
611 comparativily n.ewp the fa'im is a Every W her slege gjns,- has built her navy. of batties, Vit ths God of 'Otghte'ous- all Inj*ious
pig pen, etc.. a uld kuow -be strictlY free from
of culraTion, Is InbirestiA 2z" sbo Beaforth, Aj,Fr.!3t, 25th., IS9 1.
rm LAeing in a, xood state the j#anderfUl has. constructed her 'aerlal fleet, has nags and, Tiuth to our '011 y When boils Or p4lmples start to break
v ald,. but 1
about dr, gs. The, Tablets are sold by modl-
(gall cleared except 4 acres of harawond busb,it IS Mr. dam, Rays 108 purehased t&s
Iles s 4WIlled,her. (Aght after we ba,(,e Moe our full pTepara-
MUM Wbillig SPraY hoaraed her gold, ha cii� dealeri� oi by ail At .25 cents a out on -your face 6r body yo may =St,
ilaoAiell fenced and is s1tUKtPd m It
well drained
where therc ifj a kood market, school Te naw Vagimat SyAnge. Bea God's ood and our livery stock and -b-ui§jr,z!ss f Mr. T.
rem waltoo, -mnst co lent. It deanso* million, soldiers, has fired her young tio; and if `bY bo -i f rom The Dr. Wllll=z' Me. , assured -that the Mpod is in an imPure
For further t
burchea, 0. P. It. station etc. Sky Satanic men shwild not be 'needed ; he loss is Welsh. 14S has lso u
men with hist ' for the ut
y to or addrep, M Company, *Brockville, Ont.
cartloulars ap ra. DORA 3leFAD- kWelslils x4esitlece and- sti�i;.�'. tate, -and tbaf before-you.can-get rid
1glory f war with one-pu.rpase- and smal, but if the.dayphould �coxne kwben i tilem it will Ij-e mecessary for you- to
I EA, Brusse P. 0. Mr. Christopher Dais, Jr.. Qf �14j 11
L. U Vail
nly the ons pi:irpose only -that she might war. tb�ere wa� desperate need, foZ bur men of M t�
If be cannot su I ef!e Sale delivered in Seaforth, sixty-six h ail purify it by usint trigood medi6ne 41
The Agcultural Coll
MAPRVEt-2 tnoot r, in a 6upreme effort aftea-I..#,world power were tound utiready, 'hot evea a liat ti
f r I trate and Me vvill rive all the inl-�urities out f 'tl er
eoR &ALB -Lot 10, Concession i, Stanle. butsiand 1P, 131 Ves fu I le. h brell R of bef . steers, three. of which ti ed S St
h of incidental to rwhtcl� is -.the crushink of Dod aoft;ld 1�elp us then. The whic The auction sale- lot -pure W-1
onemile and a quarter sout tif,
r To whip, h2loaork the scal:�,s t 5,900 o -4t d.-. ie rec, iv- y
acrP8, 5 n iin i Q I
Btruceffeld, on the London R iad, one hondred Fianas to the poiltion .'Of -PrtUgal a- ma:y 40od forb.d, stock held at -the .04tarto Bdrdock 13100 is a blood pun--'
d Bitters
ift Dsoft SUPPLY Cd., ed T4,200 for 'the lot. .
niq)4y olearedand ten acres of good bush, well A ;ropaan nations, the absorp- MARLES W. CORDO on Ottober 29th., wa8 largelY
General ng the M N.. 0611Dge reemedy. One fhat hs been on the sbov�
ed and well drained, good brick house and trood Vrgn, ser, Out. - I
c4ing underneath. Three never Lion -of, small countries like Belgiam, attended, the stock old was widely
tai.na with stone etal Wlnntp2g, Oct.. 11tb., 1914. arket for the pastjorty years. -One! L good oruhard with over -a hundred Rolland 'and Danmark, and the texter- distributed and' fair pTices.,were real- seafoTth, lotteinber, Ist,, 1893, tla-L is lmcvmjr0M
failing wells, f, one- endf the eountry,
aft, Ood driving abed, pig pen Mcssrs. Win. Rinn, 3obA Clarke, 1. bt.
trees wit -h gooli fr -ritain. Te 1 ir
-n-Ana-tin of hated B ft2d. The greatest Interest ceAte to the ot�er s the best blood purifier
Andim Pmentbouse. Termm to 3uit purchaser. MeMillsu and �Gllb?rt jge),ficbel ett
'n ed,
a -tf
-any stakes her Life on The Battlefield the -Alking S66rthorns offe and
oux 0twooK Brucellold. 1J&on this"Issue Germ It vares bc*s, pimples, -and
-jrope may be -Ger- Seaforth station thi ek for I-
e3EIstence, . that E Sare -,dis a. story �qf a \(lewman. private while s Were fairly high on siome tdb3 to pr4rchss steers foT ship all otherlseases'arising from bad blood.
and .9, Wor Id. Elinpire g stablish- lstan�
U FOR SALFFor sale Lot 2, CID. 4, man z -,d who was to-ind dead In P, trench, not of -the 1�tock, a nurlber of extra good
n�OGD PAR 100 acie& Thera are on ed greater than 'the wocid has ever ut . from Gtarva- bargaln� were secured by the purcbe. to this cor.ntry for -fae I BOILS CURED. Co I M
XX, Hullett, containing dead from wo-.jnds, b
1 Se�,f orth ali vicinity ;=e f I -g. Mr. Andrew V,, Collier, River Glade,
Jbe pre-nise a good brick boase, kitchen and wood
cellar and hard an rl always keep a -eon, ith colonies on every Pea, IYLIlt tion. 'The story, In tlie,lform. of a Ualb. One f the recently impoT� e
&%ed with good d soft Wate Charnberlain's -4 highly -scienced brute torce that Vp to the last milidng Shiytharn 1bulls was leasqd iby their due quota Df 'Asitors o the W.B., was trotibled -with boils for yes,
There is %Iso a. good frame barn 50 X 64 -with stop.e upo, jwirnal, kept apparently
d Liver Tablets a new 'de t - I WQrldrs FaIr In Chllcago..�Mn ase in fact; did not'know *hat it was to be:
rneath and anotber knows. m, law bnji* �that of i'might pnd kets. -W-�ctlon. This Is Par Ure ong
founiation and stabling uude The littlefolk day, was fo,,jn.d In th isoldier's poc 'who 1ef t id of t�pm until he used Burdock Blood".
barn 34 x o4 not raised on foundation and implement Christ"lan virt-j'es as eon- 11 000T
kO often need a raild and derides the It begIns.with the advance ot the Cr6wn this rv.)ntry �r oae which imight we
It cured him..
6afe catbartie and they do
&bed 9.11 in good repair There, is also a good bearing 3 lganyiel Bennett R
4, tem�ptfi)le Land uttely unworthy -of the PrinceA army -upoa the Malrne after be f allowed 1�;p in - connectlorn� with some.
id never falling. wells, -The farm I -
orettard 9�nd two goc appreciate . Chamberlain a bra
t breedt4 stock 4n tile O-jn. Charter W. J. Q �eZney ;and 117, anq PIMPLtS CURED.
a well unierdralned andwoll fenced and In a high instead:of nauseousoilsLand su paxman. the 'battle of Charlerio land ithe attle of the �es
n with five acries of bush. The . �0 - -61the try. One hundred and twenty-five �dol. Mrs. - Jhn 19eattle.
stsbe of Cultivatio inixtures. For stomach For this enterprise the Kaiser I)elieves o Dong -way. It covers the battle a _4 daring Mr. Otto Boyce, Vaker, Ont., had
iv well sitnated. ,miles fyont Seaforth near the ppoint- OTAM *
sand conatipation. give onejustbefore Alarne an4 the greAte'r pa.rtkpf the team - e le , e f th 9-24
farm ulietLand ItcKltlop with tele. himself God anoInted -and God,la laxs was aid for th as 0 IS burglaxy waox It d,tbe,
boundary bet-weon 11 his face od nezk bra -out with pimples.
to bled. All drussistis, 26c, or send to dairy Sher' -horn I)II11 for ten months.. 'Rher ni -f
and ruml mail dell,v- ry, Terms reasonattle. tand.the haughty r ght In the store o W M1
edVMBERLAIN MEDICINF. CO., TOIXONT ed. Wi -Aisne. He tried sl�veral kindds f medicine
0 h2 thieves ejite
i a,,opy on the, premigeff or ad.; h him today. align on the,
oriturther rticulars aristocracy -of Brussta and 4ill ,the ,*ar yesterday was a &� -of njoicIng. 'One -of ths' tt:�st bar�galns f the sal.-:,. Neal-. at Walton. T out satvess. Two bottles of BurAock
WM. 00,� -forth, way Blood Bitters b..-,,hed tlmn.
rM R.,P,.D. No. 1.
d RAI V cellar wiridow ja
access .4 the
caste Oerm Out first rmy-hs pushed haek th ,was 13trnbrae Sultan, thefUT-ye
any, jind. bshind them, �ar-old thro'lSh nd
I "united In a mad land deluded enthu- Farich, deafeated a dlvl--Ion of Ba-glish' Sr j�arl? fulta bull t the head of tile of a trap door mAde anufactured only by The
if 11 - . store, where they ca-.rled- B.B�B. is m 2 -0o - e went 'to A. F. 4: G. -, I t.
siag, -stand jas 'yet therlertnan people Ah igat K)tf Milurn,Co. imied, Toronto, -On
cavalry 'and Is before es of ft�ar llee herd. 14
FARM FOU SALE -For Sale Lot 11, Concession 7,. aithg the- heavy thur�,aeer is. In. Russia -our troops have- taken Eden Mills, !or *235. S-- I Itli-
Ktppen Road, Tuck4rsinibh, �oqtainlng 100 to a &brea, so ares eto%red all of which b in first-class VjctoTy foi the- Allies, the-ef ore.. 150.000. prisoers. The Ji6y wovid. have or t !'-doubt one f th begt breedingg. which pa-s-sied ovie: the town on 'rhurs-
-ellAderdrAlnod and ell.
state of,caltivation,
d&Y1 M(3=149, lightnmi; EftHck '33
greater it we 1heA bad.something n this covntr and It Is a
means the dethroneAent of the Kaiser been 6 bulls I Y)
the balance of the Sm In good hardu 9 4
fenced IF CENT "CASCARETS, g6 Wilson's large stabieilln the e, t enA SoUki ACM STOMACHS -61
hard. On the -military brood, th-e�jannibilation to sat. 0-jr divis6n leaves for-MA-TsOD' wonder that Voll brceders -let him
and�hl timber. The ) are two area of oic a -,tire at so low a figure. If re attentio and came T,-ry near plokee are two A. AND BOWELS of 1he �war c&s.te s nashing �of St. A4mand nd here"We in _I night
'relood banic bains on stone foundationit a�he * i - - . Q-ASES -OP. MbbM&TJOK
06 x Go and i C4ie. o -,her is 40 x 56 feet; TOR LIVE .- I who- attends -to Mr. Wjl�qonj§ Khor�e3
Mai-, w j
4 rt �of this to b, irlao
cue b%rn is
4190 �large pig house: Thcr4ig Mao a COW frme the war mathl Nothfnxpho vouac lbetOT8, crosslag xthe, ere paid to older V and not so a . re two goixl welb, one at the hotise Will be accepted As victor f tomb I o ;g::et rat oris there,, uch to the yfoufLger -Aaff, the attle and who was etandIngki a ^.r way
F,jbY any Ea' Ot 1
,ouse. Tbev rrow.. We hop ch !Ipaws t)1aPjPP* 81 Wl d1gests- 3000
rn. of tlie b. at farras -noi.3gh,, to when the bolt. off i e eav
V. OPP - stry 'would benef Itted
�.Od one at the If, This Is oie 0`� the allied nations. Nothing less tbAn We f inaily st ed. iong c breeAing Indt Or -airs food., ndit g all -stomach
he, Constipat 44
In Tuokerstulth. it is slwared on the:)Kippin road, ire..� Sick Headae this '-�vditild ba worth fighting for. t aike bite. t dill noit 'take� long 'to thembY. There ee some real bargn!� trv,,,gh and entered KnIght's ody at
miles aotith or- Senforth, t -Vo I-Ailes from 'churoh '811 lousn Stomqch, Bad Mi-giry in five- M-ilrk-utes.'
se, . Sour Bur, what does this Zlean? lit means eat what they jgve.us; Stpnly gave us in -Ybrkshlre� Pigs, in ths . differetat th-sho*j1d'er, pass -d dDwn his Ide and
*ud one and a quarter miles from school. � Posses. )3reath—Candy Cathartic. tore the �sboe - off h IS -foot. - HI che t.
mion giver, atanv titne. For fuirther particulars ap. thaCt-hO lCalserwill hurl Into the 'last a sharparr edge on iouT aPPetlte. Then breeds of --.heep,' In lRolstela cattll Time It! In fte nalnu
ts all stom..
German.. r
;B'dO a e bAdly ach- ditress- --%vin g,&. No hidigesti
vstes or address I 4ealy fight ever BOM6-, we went toward:,the
WAI and MAMIEW left cho,ilde' ani lef t
r r the pran� Marne, Sevi4en beef steers ano heifers sold
prorgietors, E- . mondville P� 0. 2.17ett every German 6ack detach -lent e f -13 cen
1100TT, n s of the French Thev -on 'foot -for the high jori -s burned. Ills left foot Onp�
sfitp t, :nde Ia *ere �souraess 0
and 69unjand eve- y n r belching of etx
jjj� , a f It
![NIO 6ddg how bad your liver,, stoM- parlyzed or some t re
�0,erman alar; fw, while it -is trds I t u's coine to -the very edge of tho per pound. Thor 'were choice. isly
AUABT V, FARU FOR SALB�The a4minis- 'gas, �AP-id, Or elluctations of ndiggested. Vb
much Your head
Vt;�VZ oi �he estate of the late Hugb U. Gordon -1 ch or bowels; how that -Germany will survive this WX-, stream; our dvnce guaTd wa,3- even grade dairy heifers ranged in 'prie - e food;,, no dizziness,, bloathi,g, toul
APhes,' how miserable you are from, the alser aild his feaste of war Wdr- partly aros,�, the �br-.dga 'whe. -30 $61 -each, 12 averwgig $53..
1 9 offiet- fur sale Lot nuinlier fourteen (t4),,;n the fiix1h a 'their from $ Cure His Brinktug bregt'l� or Uaadahe.
I 1P of NICK1110P. This 6n, indijestion, biliousitess shippers ill not. They will ba wiped artillery operied fire,, -it seemed to -.-a 8 30. I�can be doneandwill hi fut-
bnstipa1i I Save is
farm consfits 0 one hundred (lot,) acres ef olEaec s. get- 11,11 PVe PaP&5-DiaPeP8iU Is 'noted for Its,
(fith) couce4siqn of the town.sli ay ure-Mis Work
aned the 194 f or a, Yo--kshlre speed in reg -al g.
-lean li,nd good st2m Ind sluggisfi bowels—you a out of, existene, and they know It- that -it up tes o hell The highest price r" t and improvejaian lands 11t a L 'StoMajeh e -did fv',hriing 41elicif with. Cage ts. They imme- desperatte characte�-Df ithis. the time. We ewild not dvnc,,, sow was $30; 26 headjEworagIng near.
Of oulrNation ind is situated in a SPI n are
t our best and cleeresttre tbas on whom It Is the sur0st, quick ztomach rem-,
tt, conve-tientto matkcts, jV110016 and churches ulate the. 5 om- *d We hd no orders to jrettre. We ly 'M� eath. Two Beerkhires sold or
distri conflict. The e is no trum, in can �).e..
�ely cle%nse aud rg an edY-Iu the whole world Und be
on tha"p erdises are ere, v - 'I
abed a eomrortaWe.f tame he drink digemt fA-tens lbs cluWhss. t U a dis. -sides It,
rem e the sour, fermenting food peifte -is possi-Igs, Two.sets pf prin- nj he cara- 12 and $13 respectively, A11 :,of -these. eine. for the lafhTnel S' bolumb 8�ts up't terril)!e Is harmless.
No c(yjld.o y -stand and wtch ,
with kitchan and wood- lit an end to stomaell,
dwelling hous -take the excers bile n - e t ips-FuZce 1gs were ymng. Five Lincoln ewes craving Illat M%ke$
foul gases; a: h gr 105 Won forgok th r' 0MISea and trOlable forever b getting
abed attaehe.1, spleadid frame barn 59-x70, w d . ciplas ae lack d I d ag around the brIdg here dur
oats itd water in Off the con- t Will 'of a I h t i n r nd de r W theth
fl barn -,rry ns -:rlle. WA& succeeded -in Sav- brought $16 each; 4 Cot, w Id ewc.s -a] i a a es a I a large
stabliog underne: �i rom. the liver and ca as an empire ulld6r were tel Alcuri iti gLnai*n teed to fifty -cont
Ave i0aftctio in or money Mlse of Pape's apepsin
tipate(t -%yaste ' matter . "d - poison La free pao,ple, Justice as an interna- 14 the tla3; and�,our comOkAftdeT, X-ld $13 oxford iewes $X each; refunded, It iremov-es-the cmving, sootb the frOM.
aiso a good pig pen and hai hat,
ued.' Thetltlil-isPer- any drug store. you realize jr,
tenced-amt 400,7 welt 06 drai el A tional arbiter AS b to. retire,'It- was 5 &uth.,dow
lian will be given for the purPose Of OM f1je intestines and bow -9. against t a Swotrd then, were ordeTed n ees $13, and 2 Ramp. plerve bul. i up the stain AqdL re aders 15rink fiVe MjnUteS 11OW Veedless, I
feet and po8sa full p6oseagic 'had at otir ire, . '11, woric and 'box froti your 'druggist Will' tly a detea lie indigestion, t js to suf-
�a* mou -cent Of the mighty, international Honor as n6t exac t, the bfflcers say. I shire e.wds $19� -.each. 'Id Alcura can (jyS epBla or
"ng -neo*ary fa per box. -Alcum No. -114 taitejer� ikudodorli er fro
For -further p3,Moultinrapply to eep bot -on rather tthan #s .9, ly tireint. Th6' attle n 14olsteins, 'A. Bar'62r. f iG-ielpi, a, b6 pven secretly. AI& ass and au
ME. I B%aT QT.BSON -YQUr liver and wels, clean, 'an eternal d�lig&tl Oil a uvallo.i2 is the -volun. 13tornach t
Aprfllst. 1.
MoGBEGOK or no I -VB- the qujckest�
In rary cnvenionce. i Thes 4a Ask f z: ffee A]
A4minstrat-ora, or to R. K. HAYS- seafor�hjlt, and head elbak- ere tempo and lasted, nearlyall n1ht. Igot a
.4�he a. baryoin In Boutsje Rattler at ory treatment. TrV it to
,!r toMaell' Swept surest aftd most harmles;5 -ble,,snd the W, nt lurw, -d -Ia, is itWo.�ear-o J)ij 11, out boakleC- ALBX NVIIAONI tat, &,Afort
They work WhjjQ you sleep, th, -Make paace impossi se 2� hot e!rp ab id Drur.
,vm %r X80, I
In dOctOr 'I" the World.