HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-30, Page 6level with the light. You blow g ntiy. "bank, all eight."-Cleveintid Lender
The light is extinemisbed at the first
puff without any sof the desparate ef-
fort which yonr rrienn,put forth.
- if you ponder u moment you will
reafize why you succeeded, and why
your friend fatted. His breath on en-
tering the tun or funnel spreed itt all,
iiirevtifinS; 11hd the'llny cnrrint of air
• One View of Marriage.
Every man who marrivei fike
doge who weds the Adriette -en. lie
knows net what he mdy fitel therein ,
treasure, pearlsmounters. nontenen
storiesn-Etelnrich nettle.
en, .
The bit Of cheese
baked Into these nein)
blecuite produce:8 al
"flavor that is as enjoy%
able as it is unique.1
-FOr ptOuip luncheons
and al fresco teas
nothing could be better.!
It contains many,
licious biscuit surprises ---1
and it's yours for 10c. (stamps;
or coin) and your grocer's
ell. Package Guarantea.
4 t.
Jr tine'Ibo• -04 Serie' redueed a,shes under the,
1 Beigittee's-Itteree
1 Peace the 'etre% Belgians botlxitlecl ,ve.aze, a tfte Whole Populace ,
have noted - as breeders of draft whe. were1P5WIerle$0 to flit`lie 'Oho.
hos. Tnis .faxne is !riot only a mai. -Dr. P. Q elitioGoe, .Vho i adhleyed. '
• ern ' duratioa, for writers, of, the first nlooh notoriety, ae few year Ago when
century commented ,apon the Belgian -3 bie wife% Oriole, A. tiOlteeselleed a tee
ae neing good, judges and breeders of tee shot at a' man riding ewith MoGee
horses, and It is assumed, teat . tlengarre, Ont., has been Committed
:Wester nett of the Reiman cavalry -Wes fee trial, at Vanconver, changed with
comprised of Belgian -hoetes. Sta modo. Perforneng - 04 - illeirale oPeration on
in favor were they, the supply ,wee not Phila. Marton, an' Anetriansworneel.wah
equal to the demand vitae- eeeoo by . whom he had been living -in lirenoteuvee.
er atiosa. For sixteen e.enturlee tee - •
--4 disits-trous fire" oectire'cle 141 Vil"'
industry -progressed, end neacte with cent, Minn., when tile tiOM2, 0; -Mr. Sao.
-as3 1011Ch W6,3 .'burned to the ;groend. Air.
other ,Aaitiorls continued until tee
,ee oun peweee ooloomot mote get-eseeo leynele who was blind, was fatally.
.anti "tileilattra?... WAS relegated to agoo, , burned.His wife slat heirer abie to
.. culterea -peesults. help ltdere out qalekly enotegh, went tor
• The .fizie,i araft,:aoise society of ' assistenta.teeid to give the alarm. Nies.
1304'11=i-1 --weer oeganized la • 1886; and t lerath is -'s-onle*Irit burned and is %IA"
Ile. brae& bas areete been promoted by I e-er the care of a doctor.' .
the tgovernment. In 1004 elven volatiles ---,Five local inption toesiewe will in.
Cif their anal beak contakeed records snlereitted in 'Ses,katehewen at the time
of 3.2s30 stallions and 21,161 mares, 1 "of the emit- menicipal elections ln De-
em pe ether beeted is Le • excess 'of re„e... canter. The plaesS froen -.wallah pati-
: Istered mares over stallionsso pro.1 tions for a -vdte have .been xeceived are
..tiv*Istanced, tile reverse neually. being* tae the "•village- a-, Preecnyille, -the rural
condition e.speolany in America. -The mathicipality of PreectiviIle, the eillage`
. Goverement rAES ;given. -considerable at- of Sturgis, the eared anuelcipe e Qf
'‘ tentiom to the ,develoement and extene flute &rake and..-ths rural rnenicipadity
I sten of tree induntriie and In no coutil- of Dinwenr0e.
I try a its size is the inspection so --While cruSaing wheat with a goes
l'complete or imhursezrents so liberal. tile outfit on his fa.tiher,s 'faten In the
--.Shows are fostered, and tap irgest ntermonite reserve, four and a-- half ,
1 horse. snow ra Europe, ot one .breed, is Miles south of Menden, Manitoba, 1.SSLIC _
i 11614:1 Att:111.anY at Bri&ie15. On,ene °ca. iGertzen, the 1.1 .year :old son. of Jacob
feasia nearly 8)0 entries, representing Pertzere, was tastantly -killed- whennis.
h264 stabies, were forward.Many of -the arm caught in tine belt and the was
,ood one come from the Provinces pi. drawn under the fly -wheel, a the ms.
1 LOC. and Namur, new eamoue names.° Chine. H3 was terribly maegled, tae
but all Belgloin sands forth asr en- left arm and leg broken and the skull
1 hibits to fah5.ihiew,- . -: - - split open. . ' ' •
-1 I The BelgIall draftneorSe is of 'the -Sohn Bolan, of of Macklin, has been
most cAmelaet term, having ene maxi- selected aS 'the Illberal -candidate for
; mum weight for_ is :dirrenseons. The the Dominion ;constituency of "Battle-
-legs are -free frOrn long hair, but are ford, nleteatieg Rs IL Earl, pettleforde
emanates 'ea. little' slMht . to ,support a Champaign, Battlef;d ; R. Sa Ger-
the .Weidint of the horse. Mane' good- don, -Maidstone, and , innintg • on the
in.dividuals come forWard at exhinitione secendiballot with a yote lof /3 to -Mr.
a on this continent, eapetially at Calcago, flharopaign's 61, Mr. Belem is a earieher
where good line -u-3 appear. Tiny were and comes from Prince Edward Island,
first .Introdeced to AnierIca• el 1856, but . nes ineen 'in the--- ;west for ,some
.but malee are cl-tiefiY brougat over. years: • - e,
It was r.eported that lest year 28,e -Strawberries in Octatsee is Oee of
100 horses were expeeted. ftom Belgium, the latest trIernabs et Manitoba. O. 3..
'try it is hard. to foretell Waat the has seer the
but since the deva.station of teett coun-
future of that loore.e will be. The breed
..................... Will, no doubt, remain intact, but ex -
„Del ottii "Fruit Laxative" eareeieeete enntetitntS from Belgium :will be . veke
- tender little -Stomach, Ilia . much curtailed for years to coer.e. •
and bowels.
Usei "Folk-lr Vi
ivelth The
Best et tallies
It teeing, Oree., June rith. 1913.,
d' I have been using Trint-a-tives"
as a family remedy for Inaily years. •
They are the best -medicine I have
ever Ufa,- 'Pltruit4stive8" do tue.the
most gotideethey never gripe and their -
action iirpleasant.
"I have used them, for, Indigestion
and Constipation with the bedresults,
and I heartily recommend them to
anyone similarly afflicted.
ly andlgive-Plarnit-istives" billeredit
for all this. A nicer pill a man
came* take." '
.ThectiCrmonsdenurnd for"Pruit-a-
tives" is steadily Increasing, duet° the
fact that this wonderful fruit nieflicine
gives prompt relief in all cases of
Indigestion. 'Constipation, Sour
Stomach, ,Rheumatism, Chronic,
language. -Argonaut.
Lithurtnianimmigrantsnnd tn0Se Xr01/1 I
*leathern Italy 'half of them, read. no
One Letter
0 is a Village a France, fit the eom.
, Mune o mortrae, at a distance of fin
teen kiloineterg* from Argentin, itself
at a distance of thirty-iive kilometers -
from Alencon, Nordin' Initttlet
has at Wet accouuts 'twenty-three in.
habitants find the proud memory ot
the extinct Marquiseete of 0, which
dates back to tile crusades: The last
margins, superintendent of:this &Mace},
of Henri 111„ lived a spendthrift and
died a pauper. Auother instance-- of
single letter •geography Y...tbe
of the' sea which penetrates the Nethere
• A Weedeeful Parrot.
Tle. thirs. record let rrot_ ovnied
by Boi4th Alfred itotifsehild, and he;
• paid for it a record stune She- sings
with. ei'feet (mite dumber ef
In a v,oice like a banjo's Mang. She
speaks '200 AVOTTIS Of German. cati
thieutore the
".. snL1:tand snd
her, f u title Is "Laura from Afric,
. •
Breathe eVeii and Keep Well.
To, Mettle well heipe to keep- well.
To live longer and better mo kn
fathit to take some breathing exercies
eztch day. Am eon 'WO re: Lila Ord41111.
111)7 you use only one tenth of your
lung space't- It tiny wonder that
aenges is1111,: rPtzril ratury trate_ Ill*
(vett:erten 80 (witty
Barsagar, of E . _ en Headaches, and Neuralgia, and . all
Free Press a. cluster of wKidney and Bladder Trouble.s.
foemed berriee, nearly' tlia, vi""7" b0c a box, °for $2.50, trial size 25c. e
in his iearden
Sold by alldealers or sent on receipt of
Look at the tongue, motheeif
coated, your dittle one's stomach: liver
and bowels need cleansing at 1 oacet
-.Vhen peevish, crost', listless,' Oesn't
- Iierep, eat or act naturally, or is- ever
. LSI, stomach. sour, breath bad has
sore throat, diarrhcea, full of col, ere
a teaspoonful of "California Sytup ol.
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, nndigestedli food
and Sour bile gently moves ouelof Its
little, bowels 'without griping, aeld you
have a well,,,playftil child againt Ask
• your druggist for a 50 -cent bane of
"California Syrup Of rigs," whio. con.
talus full directions for bable i chil-
dren of ali ages and for grown ma*.
‘...A.wallir 01654 A:1th .sne, trainin
tiectome no etpert and c nall
lgeL Tlke cr,rr
f...lcooxrnr4ly Conrse and or croproP•
A4aent depa-traent tl ram.
Thorongh and individual talt!o41
era ell.• •tI1
• Writ; to-dai for £m catalog -Id?
J. V. Miteholl, 11.A.. Principal 44-
+teas taught by expert inen'ructors
. at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Stude.nts assisted to popitions., College
in session.. -.from Sept. est. Citalogue
free- Enany time.
4I.W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Prrecieal Chartered Adeettntaat
19 Vice- pal
A Goderich Boy in Old Lon
The frelowbeg Is -an extract ro
ietter-from Mr R. Cartie of: 3-
rich. He 'is at present at the great
carnet en Salisbury. Pietas, with the
National Y. M. 14 A. TAB
I arrived here ties morning, bsing
sent bY the deal of my college. He
Is gfeatly Interested In the Y. Itt.'ct, A.
at thee came 'here, having been here.
till. College opened. Ile fe*.it that at I
.was connected with the Canadian Y.
A A. 1 ahould be present when the
.Canadiam, troops arrived, was ,In dem-
don last night and found it very in,-
teresting. The _city -was almost in 41ark-
Pees, all the electric lights, of which
tthe City was so prank being torned
off. The ordinary Street lamps are „
painted black half way down and from
various highways in the city search
.fights play ell night wetchlung for Gar-
tman, airships. I -stood for ilinalf arathoun
on the Waterloo bridge ever the.-
Thames watoling the immense aearch-
;lights op. the roof of the admiralty
building. It certainly was
sight; It Seemed rather incongrucras to
•tgo from there, and see •the croevde
flocking into the theatres. Ilowevet,
• there " is very little danger from
ships.- ,
•Salisbury is a beaetiful place and it
is a wonderful Sight to see thousands
of men on this huge plain. Every
braeach of the service is reeereseated,
even' to the flying corps manoeovering
overhead, 'The Canadians are expected
tornOrrow and will remain here -U. e-
• ll
ter Christmas: We have just , been
evatchMg• a itroop of regula.rs e.ntrain
for the front. They talk a great deal
about the seldiers singing and cheer -
eat as the,T went to the front but
'those fellows never said a word. They
were army veterans and know what
-is before 1tbem .
•Every body adinired an Irish tepee
from Dublin. atrapping- .fellows, with
heads erect tend hands clenched; and
locating, as they say in Ireland, as
they were "spelling tor a fight.' They
had tneir battle cry-- on their banner-
Faugh-a-Ballagn (Get out of troy way),
a.aid a retired iarmy officer, who tad
seen service in every quarter of the
!globe, remarked: "There go toe best
figbter in tee world, and the most
merelful in victory" and ,ona involen-
• .•tarily squared one's own. shoelders and
felt very proud of .good Irish ancestry.
England has every rigat to be proud
of her fine troops and Iney ..are looking
forward to the. coming of toe Cann,
I diens. -I know several ,of the men fram
ii. ond-ato and there will surely be srtme
our head
are from
plucked from the yifleS
on Oettiber lttle aloe the 'first Of July
Mr. Bara,ger has neva been entirely
without .rige strawberries, and thereare
abundance of green berries et good
size still On his vines that will ripen
ff favorable :weather continues. -
-So aout.e Is the demand for her-
ineies enekera at. the peeeent time in
England that experts le the various
departments of the•harness maidng are
being advertised for in Winnipeg, and
a notice offering- bridle cuttere tees'
poexele per week, ridirig saddle mak-
ers .six tr)cands 13er week, and harness
Makers- eight pence per heAir, a ,shilling
-per hone crier time and e ten fnreent.
libeinu:s, is diepleYed in the free ern-
taoyment bureae of .the city. name
/her ef ineee. hare already; responded
'-•--Overeonre by 'natural as ferres es-
gfrom a leak en •the furnace,
Mr .-- gad Mrs. ..fte :aaligliesivIclana. their
eton-inelave, 'Ae Dundan, lied a nate
reeve Scape from -death "at their theme
In Calgary.- efts. Dalgliesh was ever-
COTC), firet. Hier husband. believing her
to sinnply in a .annocin, paelled her ne
.7tair5 ; while his son-inelaw telephoned
for ye physician. The- son-in-letve was
overoome as soon as he lead finished
. telephoning, and -When the doctor ar-
rived he found the whole family 'over-
come. All are recovering.
-Althreegh in desperate cireimstan-
ces the enherent honesty of a young
uld not be
'ad when he
• for et1,050
‘of thie
fn -
it awaiting
Cure Sick Headache, Coriatipation,
• Biliousness Sour Stornnon, Bad
• Breath -Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad Four li er, dome from my horre town.
Elea or bowels; how emu&
acheshow miserable yon i
ennetipaticnt, indigestion, h
anti sluggish bowels -you aeways get
relief with CascarasfrjA-py twee. been committed for trial on a charge
diately cleanse and regulatOthe stora- of ha.ving committed an illegal opera -
the con-
ach, remove the sew, ferme ting food, ticIn• .
and foul gases; take the ' gess. bile -A live fax was captured in a trench
from the liver and carry o
near the river bank on Betevows aye,
stipated waste matter aid -poison nue in Winnipeg, a few' days 2.40:-11
from the intestines and hi:meta. A is believed to Ilene been Chased' Into
/0 -cent box from your dretggist will the city- -by 'dogs, ,
-Three trainloads of horses, the gift
keep your liver and bowels clean; I
stomach sweet and head r clear for of the provincial government to the
months. Theywork whilei ou sleep, mai! erffice, left Saskatchewan, Jest
• Manitoba. and Northwest Notes
-Dr. s. • E Moore, of Regina, hae
week for the 'east and will be gentit-
cross as quickly as possible.
• Grand 1 runk "var a V exchange en Oak River district, Mani -
;•I -There is marked activity in lann
. System,
eallway Time -Table.
• Trains leavc Seatorth aa follows:
1145 m For Clinton Goderich
/.20p nr • For Clinton and Code
8 18 t.to For Clinton, Wingha
`toba. Ge•orge McIntosh sold his farm
to Henry Argue for *19,000 and. sev-
• eral other importatit daais have neen
made. A. -big move is being taken to
Scotelunan, lerinneesg,
overcome b -y temntation,
foond -a Inegetiable checi
on the street, this young
the dheque to la F. (Rola
..nostrial B.Irea.U, IV -0 .has
the owner. The y Lag Scotchmaneein
cioestion has been in extremely hard
.circurnstances, wadi desolte eindoubted
ability as ,a boolt'leeper, the iioeet of
references and willingness to work,
has been -una,ble settereernploement.
His wife has been 111, and hes _just
,.cierne frem the hospital. Soece of the
'members of the Patriotic correnittee
have extended aid, but the man wants
work, and is willing to -acce•ot. any-
thing eitote in the city pr in the coun-
try, -Onch a man enould not be .ailowed
to saner, , /.'
Winehet. ortd B&W a large ,area next -spring.
-Maurice Ingeveid. liveryman. .at,T11-
h ley, east of Brooks, Alberta, -was ane
and Mona
dine. of the Antwerp garrison, according to
I .-tap m For Clinton S -id Goiter ch. letters received in Tilley. 'His tate since
7 51 a m For Stratford, Ou [ph, Tarot) 0 Antware tell is 'unknonne He retetned
Belleville and Peter rif and polo 1,1 tO fight 1,pr 10,..e nat
n[re land. of Belelern
oriiiik North Bay a F Pat° ''''. t 1 • -
• months g)
p Par Stratton; Guelph, itorontc Mon. r•
Several a .
traal. and panda east ' SeVert lr-three br8gleh?.8 of the. Can-
e?, e ra For Stratford Guelph
lad Toronr o
- ineenu t PAssenger
London-, depal G.... ....... 4 .. 8 41 4 50
Steal -41a* . 0 3 i , 5 43
Exam . .... . . , .... . ........ 0 44 6.54
Ilent4119 54 6 (.6
itippt.n,, t. .... .. . ..... . . .... 10 G 611 ..
Ellwood, to 0 8 19
Clinton,10 2i: ii 85
Londet.noro, 11 IF79 0 65
Blyth, 11 7 oo
ReIgrave 11 4.1) ' 7 18
Wingliarn, ar 1 5.., e........ . . 11 ss .. 7 2.5.
8013T11 • Passenger
Wingtarn, depart ..... 6 3 33.
IRalgTaVi,, 6 al 344
AlYtti. . .. .... ..,..., ..... 7 .: 3 56
140nd..abCIN . 7 I 4. 0.
-COW.% .... ... ...... .. . .. 7 tt 18
Brae, doe .. „ ,, . , ... ... a .., 4 80
Rippe, . ...... .. . a, . ...,., 8 I 47
Beane .... -. ........ _. s .1 4 St
6' GE
1)1P4& , 0 (iti 6 15
8 44
London. arrive... .
alien Patriotic fund have been organ-
ized in Saskatchewan, in cities, town
and villages and 2`13 others are in pro-
cess of organization. These are In ad-
dition to the Patridtic bodies at Moose
• Jaw and Prince Albert, which were
organized before the provincial fend
was forined.
_Twenty-one men have volLn.teered
for active service froro the 401113 de-
fame guard, at Entevan, Sask., and it
• is expected there will be about 11 ty
as seen as recruiting commences fot
the second contingent. With fifteen al-
ready with the first contingent in Eng-
land, it is prebable Estevan will send
• one hanetredmen to the war.
-Trying to bun his way •oet of a
• woeden lechouse at Tare.e HIi1s, Alber-
ta. into -whide, be had been threst for
being druek. but twentyleminutes. be-
fore, Fred McGillivray„a blackimith-of
that town, was roastedi alive, 'nis pris-
price by yruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Newspaper issues ?Often Suppressed
by the Austrian Censers.
"By order of the toyai.nress court'
this issue of your paper' is hereby
confiscated for printing lieWS Whigh
..the, court eonsideneshould not be Mena
pubLie.a A policeman, with a 'sword
dangling at hie side and holding In his
hand an °Metal' document with an
posing seal on it, enteri the managing
editor's room and delivers the decree.
It is the famous A.nstrlan press cell-
sorhip ,and cenflscittionsmachine, call-
ed for 'short gm "confiscation appara-
tus," at week: '3. Down helove, the big
presses ertratinuidering along on the
last., few thousand:copies of a big cite
eulatlen. It is 3 '0'60_0in the mem-
Ing-too late to "make, over" by tear- -
lug out the Offending :article or news
item, putting ;something. else in Its
place and reprintlng the entire edition.
From the nuraerouS roesns which
Make up the editorial Sanctunt. there
rolls oee."Dolinerwetterr'.. and . "Ver-
damintl" after another. The managing _
edit'or orders a small sheet,' not much
larger -than a handbill, hastily printed,
that -will tell the suhscriners. wby they
will not receivetheir paper that morn -
Possible Definition..
' Why do they call in wyers* wipers
hria't'sr• .
elleerniee ey the time thi*y get
If Yttu Winft
A -Perfect Talk
If :not sold in your neighborh„ !write •
• • hrtItipli •-With 1110111 noir vlivii1S are
I a 111 more A 111P1s11.1111.
Freud end deveit ere in 8hur-
ry,. 'raki, time for all thiegs.- itran)tliue
tat the Sea at all. EaMon tgaek per,
lah if A the salt water cornea near
them; It is- only an insatiablesty,
Petite which eende him to -the ocean -
The food,he gets there in' sites. Tian-
tilaes develeps not 01113'Saine: but tat
- as --w.e11,- 0,110 )0Pags. on a . satiety
.WhIch4 every season; sickens.
,agehiet eating at aile He runse0:pete
the itilaneresortse- for the. sitene rest-.
sor: that the Jaded dyspeptics go to
the sea to try the effect of a -change;
and to.rest." ee , -
In fact the salmon hemp, in: the
early sununer sucli a perfect distaste
to food that for some ,months they
test entirely and eat notting. Pretty
eearlY all the wild. thlugS. of the.
woods' as well as et the waters 'have
elinilar habits! of '7abstinence, 'some
eking' no food front:, autumn . to
elirtag.' -So . the church mar..lhare
teen going back to natate when she
prescribed seasons of fasting' for her
PeePte. -
it is as t Pnoltent -that Sandy pic-
tured the salmon going into, retreat
In fresh veaWs, that he may rid hira,
eat of s the, fatty effects �Z' ovemes.
delecece. ' -
It Is to Get a Change of Scene, Oc-
cupation and.Diet That the IFInny
Denizens of the Deep Take to the
• Riven -They Have s'a Profound'
• Distaste for "'tied When They
Leave the Beiny.
Salmon fishermen will not lose
muck sympathy over the complaints
of the net men at their lack' of suc-
cess the first part of the season._
As a matter Of feet, until the really
warm _weather set tei the salmon were
ing. •
- This is IL scene which has taken
plate frequently tn Viennese newspte
per offices lately. One afternoon re-
cently the editions of five evening pa-
pers were confiscated. Probably no eds.
'tore in the world eon tell as many Itt.
teresting stories, of news that, never.
reached their readers ail the Viennese.
From • an American viewpoint of a
free press the Austrian press laws,
. press censorship and "confiscation ap.
pavans" is about the most abinvd and
_antiquhted - institution in existence. -
Apparently it was created largely for
thepurpose of keeping the truth from
the public.
In Austria boas, pictures, illustrat
ed catalogues, price lists. bandbills, ad-
vertisethents and adr.ertising literature,
newspapers. periodicals and publica.
tions which appear. ocCaslonally, sloe
• -end signboards. pesters -in fact, everys
thing that COIIVCYS <Meaning to the
mind by means of type, pictures or
• symbols is subject to censorship. Until
recently even pri-vate calling or "visit-
ing" cards were subjeceeo censorship.
The minter had to lay a proof of a
card before the "press court" before he
eauld deliver the order. .=•
•-Any district or superior coiirt may
constitute itself ti "press court" to pap
upon and order the toellscatiOn of any
newspaper in tie jurlsdiction.-Vienna
Cor. New York Tribune.
To every woman belongs the right
to enjoy a healthy, 'active, happy life,
-yet mine out of ten suffer,often in
silenee, from splitting headaches, tor-
t% rnin.g backaches, violent heart eal-
pitation ar sans other of the 'many
evils that follows anaemia, or blood'iesnes.
That is why one sees Ber many 'wo-
men :with pale, thin cheeks, dull -Tes
and ,droeplag figures -sure signs tha-t
the blood. is out of order. All suffer:,
int Vie(ragl 134hottld win the TigtVt to be
well be refreshing their weary bodies
;with tthe we*, rich blood. of health
that promptly transformei them into
healthy, attractine WfX11311. Thera is. no
other medicine caa sippl7 this new,
rich blood so speedily and so surely
as Dr, 17rilliams" Pink Pills for Pale
Peoele. Throegh *tills medicine thous-
ands of tired, wafering women have
found naw 'health. and Strength.: Mrs.
James Drosti Ohlaseeen, ILB., %aye :"Illor
eearekl dlid (not know What it *49.4 .
be 'entirely free from, headadhe or hack -
ache. My.bands were cold ,and clammy
all the It 'was diffinult for -me
to !get erne work deter ,andeto walk even
'bort distance Would leave me com-
pletely worrt out. My life was one of
conetant worry andel rtieblieght I would
never be better. I was dottoring all
• till time but vtithere t a bit of 'benefit;
and finally the doctor stepped
-me medicine as ha sald ;ha .could not'
help me. Do you wonder ;that I, was
lin -despair..My mother urged me to
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but I
said "what's the, use, medloine earret
help nla.," However, sny 'husband ot
six boxes of the pills, and to please
him I began Ito take them. By the
te.ne'd. had fierighed theirn I nadoebtede
ly hid improved -and there was the
agile of returning healtih in my cheeks
and hands. My ':husband thoeght the
imprevesrent se greet that be -got an-
other half dozen boxes, and before
these were .corriplated I was ezioYing
soch !goad !health; (as I ,3-ead not had, in
-.years. in. fact, 1 was a well woman,
and haie setea enjoyed thee best ef
health, 1 snIcerely feel that I owe ens'
life to Dr. -Williams' Pnik Pirs, and
shall' always recoils:mend -.their to all
sick- nneple."
You can get these nIlls at any rnedf-
eine dealers, 'or they will he seat .be'
mail, potpaid at 51 cents se box"' or
six boxL'a tor 2.50- by writing ,The Dr.
W1lllar7 Medicine Co., Brockville, 6-.nt.
• • A
Archsearns nathe *Authorized Version,
• In the real authorized version ot
1011, King James' Bible, area good
many 11,rei.1111$X138 which.- the- pedatere
have since modernized, such as "onght
Mine. hundred pence," "yer" for "ere,"
"biles" for "boils." "Pet" for "fetched.",
"gin" for "grin? (a trap), "me" for
"more"- and "all to" should, be one
word et -Judges '53""41ll to'brake his
head," where; however, the printers
• have resisted the temptation to substi-
tute "bionic." In Psalm cxlv, 3. "Great
Is the Lord and marvelous, worthy
to be praised." there should be no coma
Ina after "marvelone,"*which•le an ad-
verb quallfyint eetroethy." "This' eor,
rection has been made in recent pray-
er books, -London Saturday Review.
content_te remain in salt water. June
had anout gone before the snow dis-
appeared from near the 'head waters
of . the -best rivers, tonsequently not
many Oh went inland until the end
- of the molith-the- best of the run
coining on after the, holiday season.
set In . •
-As the largest fish are usually the
first comers, this Is important, yel
it would be Imprudent to claim that
the fish, will be any the better this
year because their annufal trip to the
country has been delayed. In fact,
as anglere well know, ithappens at
times that salmon fresh run from
the 'sea are in very inferior condition
when they have started late in the
season upon their trip,
.Still, as a rule, the lish are in sue]]
splendid order when they leave the
sea that one wonders why they found'
. It necessary to go to fresh water as
all. _
. Until it is remembered that fat is
really a disease,' and, in many tam
Indicates need of change of scene,
occupation, -or diet. -
"Come along, come along o' me,
and I'll petty soon show 'e why the
salmon run out of tb.e wee broolue
and rivers into the salt water. "Yes,'
1111 show "e just I wull."
• Many an angler will recognize the
speaker from this little sample 01
his delightful obiter dicta. ° Ile is a
Well-knowli guide on the Grand Rivet,
of Gaspe, !and a thoroughly well-in-
formed authority on fishing. •
• AS he spoke lie led . the way to a
large ice house where lay numbers
of the finest of the salmon caught
by' the deep sea fishermen, kept there
until the summer marketing season,
At least one -of these, a strikingly
beautiful malfish of 30 lbs., had
not yet been opened. It was, indeed,
a surprise to one faMiliar'with s -al -
mon. killed ill fresh.. water, whieh
never contain any evidence ef theft
taking food. There Was one seven-
- inch haddock and four or five -large
herrings in the paunch cif the open-
ed fish.
• "More'n what ye would eat in a
day, lane' it? Sic a fish aer that would
eat his weight eery two days, if he
• had his wish. Where would he be
ge4ing am digt, think ye, in- a bit
stream, olein a big river. either?"
"How full must the sea be of fish
and fish food -when- conntleset then -
sands of such greedy Ahin.geelive and
grow fat • in it?" mused his .greye
-"Ab. weel,: the salinont$ no' sie
bile an to tak chances of being. left -
hiingry. 'there, ye . see. He .tgoes
straight away for the first drove of
herrings or •haddocks, or even Cap-
lin, if nothing, Vetter i thereabouts,
and just lives with the crowd, an
well as on 'em. No getting away
from the bonny big chaps,lor they
can swim some, I tell 'e. -
"The boats get 'em in the nets
when they are after tb.e other AO
ye Iles; that's ' how all theile got
caught last' winter and. spring."
"But I was always told that In
the sea the sainion fed on crabs, or
crawfish, or things of the shell fam-
ilies, which accounts for their color,"
zaid the other.
• "Eh, man, but that's main fuleish-
• ness," was the reply. "Why a -sal-
The; keen -sighted observer further
reeiarked that ealt wafer was cer-
later. , Salmon are not naturally Fairbanks, its near -Alaskan neighbot„
eel,. dvielletse and after a few are, next. to Hammerfest, in blorveleers ,
months ,Ieeomes se clogged with the farthest north gities in the werld.
., . ,sainxtlelmtehenaillvtietstlialuil cootnitilLuty4,31;eueitattup.tiA
brine, and -parched with thirst, that
they Jr et have to run back for their e. , e„.. -...e.„ _
• "Certainly; that's natural . wee tenances as electrie lights, daily news -
native. ei tee. . ,
doenna' a' - times crave for h; drink . PaPere and 131Pe organs
free the old well head, or the -wee
bit'spring e under the big stenet"
Tbe- sentimental sweetrose cf the
idea WO.13 impreseive and led' to an
attempt, at mutual entisfaction, with
the - beet .available% suestitiete for
childhood's netivo fluid':
- 7:*
wi digpersed pwarn -and nownwents
so that, surffergelteriefeled. the cenbr
of the Plane! at thet5titUner ne current
of air ever reachedlt,
YOu, on the antiltraria 110111 the %Val
wall of tho-flinatel On a level adth
flame. The current 'ef air shale& bz
your breathe on reaching the edge
it1 the wall; streatneir Onward in the
directien given It bar the restridnittif
.wair and on reaching tile flame snuffed -
it out. -Boston eisattriettn.
The' Rabbit°, Danger Signal.
So longas it eitisatill tiles
rabbit is almost indintitiguishable
fieldof- bracken, stubble or dr grass,
but as soon: as it,begins to run toWate
Ito buero* the:white nateh ein Its tail .
.betraxs It. which,
at (list seems like a failure of adapt*
tion, bap Ito special function -It acts;
as a danger signal lb the young rabbit
and shows -them the way by wh
they can escape from lbe climate
dangere-aLondon Mall.
Furthest Nort
Ube to produce- thirst sooner or Davison, the Yukon caPital. and
Imrniorant* and Literacy.
Scandinavialis lead the world in point
of liteeacy. Among every twenty Get-
tuanniumegrants Ater fourteen years
old is found oue Il1ite1ate. -Of trawl -
grants from other nations it Is claim-
Stewing Out a Light Through it is
Easy if You Knew Wow.
TO blow,tmt a ottadie, using a funnel
to blow- through,. zeems a ridicnIoualy
easy thing to do. Hut ask any Mend
aof yours to try it and see ,what hap-
pens.- Ten to one he will try to blow
through the nap so as to force his
breath througb. thenarrowneck of the
funnel. As this 18 not an easy .thing
to do he will flatten mouth and nose
in bis endeaVorsa-while trying to fore*
his face into the small cup. Then he
will reverse the funnel and blow into
the peck, and when be does ,not eue-
Ceed in extinguishing the light be wili
blow harder and Wilde' and filially
he -will admit that he is beaten.
In blowing through the neck of the
funnel be hos directed the funnel di-
rectly at the light, so that the tiame l0.
exactly opposite to tbe place where the
_Bea or tunnel joins the cup. You, on
taking the funnel from him, incline the
Nutlet se that Rs upper edge is pn a
Not Like PO».
The vicar -Pm. surprised 81
Miggs,... Why, look at tun. 1 enn.'reo
Into the town -without -coming lett* in-
toxicated. Miggs-Yesh, zur. But 01
be ,so populate -Le= ndTelegraph,
"Why are you prejudiced - ngatese
self? Yent never OW a game."
."No; but I once bearti-plirt Of one:
PrOuPerity „doth best discoret
butadvemity doth best discever virtella
' . •
Like 'a Mental Moving Pt -elite*.
Bakere-People Who blue be 'n apt*
drowning say thatlit an luentut
the. event! 01 their emit lives ttre prize
sented to. their mentai itufter
don't believe it. ilunler--Why
*Barker -If it were true they wounin
allow themselves to be resciteit-f.ifea
The nttrietion.
'You say you are in lote'with ss
el sure- im."
"But I caul see anything attntenre.
about bee• '
"Neither Call I see IL Rut tra 111`e-
• a a
ed there.- is found an Illiterate among 1 M013. would be °templed to death be -
every twenty-three Mitch; thieteeelghl fore he'd fill lelensel' wP ale wee
Irish, fifty-two Welsh, fifty-nine Bo- 1 culch as that. It's something .big
hemians. sevnnteasatten Finnish, 10C I he's wanting and. came d'ye see? It's
English and 143 Scetth§h; but the pro- a fat fish -oil -as gives the eolor.r
portion' among these who come from I "If they are so well fed - in the
areendehevin. is one tie in 250. In ti
io e I sea, why do they everleave and, go
up the rivers?"
erieeeeeeeeaaemeeeeeeeeeee 1 The old man locked the iceho
• I door, and, taking nut his
FOR -FEETCKERts I • Of course the salmon is a
Childtem Chi mere& to the following effecter
water fish, made for Avers and lakes.
1::; A 5 T 0 Fre A 1Pnr the first vear heeettnIdn'tbeeattjee
- _
irintrIVing •
. ..••• .....
'4 <
hy Brown didn't get the
job he was sure of gettin
Employer -"Do you carry any in‘eurancer'
Brow d -"Pardon me, sir, but I do not see how that can
affect the matter we are discussing!"
EmPiroYer-"Well, perhaps not, but I do. The man who doet,
not think enough about his own and his familes
interests to insure ie, a reliable company, would
hardly be liable to think enough about mine to
warrant me employing !dna',
The above conversation is not imaginary. It took place in
the office of a big corporation. And it is repiorted verbatim
Most men know they should carry insurance. Apart front'
:their plain duty to themselves and families, they now that
insurance is a good business propositiore-eThey realize that it
is an evidence of the farsightedness which tells ,$n the business
But -many otherwise shrewd men, when taking out !astir.
ante, do not exhibit the sagacity Brown's prospective employer
was looking for -They. fail to insure in a reliable company.
• if you're thinking about insurance, ine
vestigate the policies of The London Life• -
This reliable Company is paying Profits Ttt
excess of estimates.
Write for -information.
The London Life
Insurance Company
, ' •
llinchley, raI Age
asify• egoing to i
the storiaach -will folio.
of tbts, one ni the taos
proper -if by the use
Liveif Pilis.
Elijah A. A.
' a for ma*
ee yeara ago royit
. try leahlon's Taxa
had cured him. 1
them, and by the
hand, and when
I take one." -
• Milburn% 't
,na -
vat 5 !vials for
nealled direct on eeee
.rheter, *elicitor,
Notary Public, OM
taey Peeeic. ero
lkertic of Com
ete e to len.
each week.
,}lonor gradnate
sr -0;41k-ge.
Animals treatesI,
ea to and thettgereen
Dentistry a sPecialt
*nee on Govlerich
of Or.: Scott's offiee
•stfd ner
Serel throat can
1 Hate
.70, la:ut
tkett, grad
College a Phyeiel
Ann 4Arbary and nie
Ooroner for the Co
. tfacleay, -hoe
listivemity, and go
ty liedleal College
lege of Physicians a
nate of ten
• of 'Medici
es grades%
11101 of
• Y College
P. R.
thelph and
* ha,
a • . 11.*A. A • IA*
. * • **WV*
. • ..****