HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-30, Page 3rhIr Sh- Leh eta bao itLely oter [LT,- a pat .0i13:sup- °err( )ER 30 OmMUUEMON•okkfuld.01**.fliiainft-*IsmOus.,......prayous.u. .08ITOR, _ UNO L OLR M P PUUHT WEL 'MEWS. vantnestit'' 0. A BOGERT, General M1i�r. •601.1000111001 This Bank Offers Farmers ec�rnpktn4 eatisfactery banking serv1ce'. e atNotes collected o fatiorable terms, and advances Triads on such notes etreasonatile rates. The SavingsDeprtment Is a safe.ahdoonvseient depository or your mohey. Interest at ourreat rates is paldeon depositi of one dollar- and upwards. One. dollar opens an account in the Savings 9epartment. SEAFORTH B ANCH A, E. COLSON, Manage'. . --42.1mersiam. ww---ememinisoismstowsionwilmilft 11111111111111101.1111.11.0rommenimillir iftb., to the Foidwich cemetery woe: or vary' largely 'attended. Bides a be- ' rea*I. husband she leavel to nrcesra their loss her par:en-La, Mr. and Mrs John Pattereon, two brothers, Albeat and johrt, reedding Ho -wick, and two sisters, Mrs. Ilirrn. Bean, of Durham. DISTRICT 11.A.TTERS Opportunity- tor- Seed. Growers at iGuslph Fair. ---The Provincial Winter Fair „which is ,Ike.hi at guelph early in December each yaw! has many exc'ellenc educational features, one of th3, MOS valuable being the seed Dar• ing the past few years this" departh latent has ,grovea rapidly and. the inter- est taken ta it has constantly Increas- ed. Its vahke has Leen recognized by the management And this year Increas- ed space has been allotted, More alai- • Ses have been provided and the- prize list has harm incres,sed by about tare hundred dollar. Tais offers exceia lent cpeartanity far all farmers who have cread seed for sale to advertiec it and ccareate foe' prizes. Thescewr send cr:ditat le entries representing /urger lots held fie.r sale will *nave a good chanee disease of taeir, seed to advantage. District Meeting. -The Fall meeting - of the Goderica district of the Metho- dist churchowas held in Wesiey church, Clinten, on Tuesday of last week. There was a large. attendance of tae mintsters. and laynren of the District roresent. Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich, was In the enair and Rev. George Jew - Rt. of Bly-th, ached as financial sec: zetarie The morning session was oc- capied with consideraticaa of the vehelenarr. Sanday sehool, Educational and aferal Reform work a Causch and arrangentents were made for, the holding enissiaaary and educational .anrtivereari-s In the various 'caurches of the Dh=tr:et. toe time and. &ante - times to -lag lilt ta local arrangernerkt. The an:emcee-a session ban wita short erre-eon. by the Rev. J. Hurt - ter, of Deagazmon, after which Me. W. ala*Hellyar. town gave an excelleat address C.T1 Flaaneee." This Teas followed by a censfereace on the halrit-tai veer's. ot the churches, In the ccearsa of whida :alone were tan -Me -eel for thereaslag the efficieney of tree ChurciLEf.,11" cially in the work of ev- angersirk. The 'net meeting will be neld in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, in May. Those Tewers.-A good deal of cart. taeity has be -n exelted in many parts bY the ereetten at -certain points in. this and .adjoin.ing coantrlas of high tow ers. the enction of which has been. preceded be- a survey of the district aa. party of surveyors. One at these owers has h -en erected in Morrla, one Hullett end another irk Hibeert, near Cromarty andaother pieces. The secret of the zrect:on a these towers will bt. disclosed by the follovring infarmatione For scicat:fic parposes the Department of the Irkterlar, at Ottawa, has erected a number of theaa towers throaghote: the pherinera The tower in reality cone- -stet o,f twe trineds, one I -aside the other. The in-ner one is shety feet high and c -a the to of it is a small plat- form oa whleek the observer's 1:1S -t7 I- ntents rest, The caster tripod is 66 feet high is erreerd by a platfotm eupport, in g 4 lif,g11 oaadkpolitrar faCeLY1Prie lamp, 'A little lower dawn is a platform for the observer. Between the two tripods there is el.> oennection. On the ,grourui directly `4A1 E. the platform 'Wale b the cbeerver's kastrament rests, is a ce- ment pillar fear feet under ground .and as nearly abehe orlf.ch. is suppose -d to remain fc: all time.. it will have an. -cripticry placed. by the engineer in. cha.rge so that tire exact point vy-here the tower sahad. can be easily ,ascer- tanked If !desired. after the tosaer.hes- disappeared. These. towers are being -erected all over tll 3 *provInva, at dis- tances of from twenty to one hundred miles, and ari ,accerding to thc nature of the groaad from. thirty-five to a hundred and sixty-six feet high. T're. ground. req-eired fa: each tower la ant hundred and Etty feet sqaare which Is rented for a -period of tea olears and at the exte:ratioa of that time the tripods ge to the -owner ot tne land The .observatlans are made at Titeht. the obs.irver with ins instrurneats be- teg Iccated ea one tower and hie Ilgac keeptsre ork the three -or fcrar other toW- hrs nea.reet bhp*. 'WHEN BABY IS ILL unavunows.m. When the. raby is ill or ,out of sorts give nim Bahy's* Own Tablets, They are the ideal rned:cine far little onesi and never fail to. relieve constipation and indiaasticn; cure colds, allay simple fevers and promote healthful sleep. Coa- teriaing tbam Mrs. F. Wurker, Inger- soil. Ont.. say's; "I have -used Baby's Own Tabhts, for eight years land can highly reccmmend them to all mothere for babyheod and citildheod ailments." The. tablete are sold by mede dead ere. et- by mail at 25 cedts r ;from The Dr. Williams 'Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ona : flo wick A Sad 11.--reavernedt.-A sad death cc - cared in oa October 5th., 1914, In the nerera of Emma lqinnetfe,Pah:, terson. b leved wife a Mr. Ind. Jamie e Sen. The (1.:Caa.S.3Li was bora on May .17. 1874, aed ,livc.d with her parents on .the second conceselon of Hamrick, until her marriage which took .piace on Oc- tober 3rd,. 1936. She ant:VI-ter husband tor* up rte'..dence ea titi fourth. con- cession. of lletvick,•MOV144 to the sec- ond concees:on twa years ago, where she lived until her death. She was a member of the Methodist church and was ever ready to do the Master's will.* She was oyf a very- 1 Ind had affection- ate diseosition, though she never ea - \toyed very roblist health. Her euffer.- tog. whieh was latenee. was born with Christian fortitude uatil the last: The fancre,1 which took ?lace an Ootober and Mrs. A. E.. Cooner; of Howlek, Sta,ffa •:• - Saoessful Anniversa.ry Servieesp-On SundayaOctober 18th, Anniversary Ser- vices were held in the Methodist church, The weather, the attendance, the in-; tereat and attention were all that. cola I be desired. At the evening service etanding room in the. church was at a mendkve and a large :number rernalaed at -the doors and windrews.eRev. A,, Mc - of London, preached ewo • shipe and or severaleyears titer - ed there. Taree years ago they chased the. farm of Mr. Thomas -Stin- son -on the.''Saufble, Ste:n.107,-40. -inave contioned. to -reside there ever singe. She itorts'll,%;WhInian orinsistent. tion clearicter , ands was a .member of the Methodist ohurch„ Her husband* .8,:u i” a family . of.: six;' -taut •ris and two here, sUrVIVe, the -Yam* est beling Under -two years of age..Tha funerar took ;niece. 021 Skinday aftef- noon :and Was very iangely attended, zot. #6uly -by the, friends and*.hkeighL bore here, but by many relatives . and friends from her. old atone at Greetet war. ,( t - The Late Mrs. Wood. -In OUT notes last Week we made brief reference to the death Of -Mis. Frank wA. Who'd', fat Brandon, 'Manitoba The deceased 'aatt- Inerar friends in this vicinity and Mr. Wood Was at native- of the ad:kilning township. Tele folloWing-wihieh we take from the Brand= News of,Ootober atn, W111 be read withmelancholy interest by Many here. The News saYs : Mrs: salmire Rameay, wife of Prank Ae Wood-, principal of the Wheat citr broil, MO college. passed. •a -way this rooraing shortly before six o'clock sit la.er home 623 12-th street, staying had scarcely, a pretnonition of • the cornfag . of tne great reaper. Mrs. Woad had been ill only a few hours and once tne attacla of apoplexy overcome her she' lapsed 1• into unconsciousness In which state she .stay -ed for a few hours until the finale slhannana. relieved. her. The lane 1 expected/less of her -clealta was A Shock to rilaby friends while ',..ler immediate family is overcome :with- its sad- and sudden - bereavement. lire. Wood, who- -Wee 42 years of age is survived by two children and her husband, and last evening -a. happy evening wag spent at home and the. 'Children were entertain excellent sermons aohica were antehae- i ed with i&atea2in Watch their another ortclated, The floral decorations wet- -1 was .the _le hag spirit. She was in ex - under the direction of the Ladles' ,J I cellent healtt and hopeful spirits when Society and revealed .artistio talent she retired for .-the eight and it was whida elieted much 'praise. The mash. not until some hours after ,midnigh; Vas -ander the direotion of Illis..George that tee Stroke of apoPlexy which prova Wilson, at Crornarty, the orgaaist of ed fatal, seized upon her. A. doctor the church. Her talent and radmini, tra. was suramoted end thouga -he rerrain- doe abilities were revealed in the aorta ed . at her bedside and exercised all zonnel of choir and. their excellent ren- poisible efforts, -there was no help for &ring of imitable :muele for the oces.,- the stricken .woman Who -passed away sion. The Cong-regatiork listened wita about -a et:tarter to seven this Morniflg. unconcealed admiration and are loud Last Winter .irirs. Wood suffered from ilk their plaudits for their services. As Mgt blood pressure vehlch affected. her i financial success no fault ...can be eyesight andtoughthere had been no • found. The Trustee Board asked for perceptible lingering results from that one hundred *dalla.rs. On being cotinted attack.it is presumed that this led Ito the rhturns Bono -anted to one (hundred th-e bursting of a blood' vessel that twaa., and two• dollars. -t- ' , .. fe the final Shock. .Mrs. Wood -had. 'lived. ill IITIRId011, for four years and with her husband had beert a •resident of Nirinnipeg ten years preceding that, ee- ' mke was a tmerriber of the Enda Pres- layterian :church andenot only lived' a 'CleriLtian and charitable life, but pers for Ed many geod actions that carre froni a.kindly 'Spirit. She was la,twork`r er f r the Missionary, 'LadieshAid, iand othal societies Onmected with the Knox ohtrch and ther, services ccreld always be depended apon -when any tvetthy cites.. was *presented to her. Sta. ley,' aged 13 is the Son vales survives her and :Annie:Is the year0 old daughter. Walton Notes. -Mr.. Jolm Itcpoaald is haviag a new dry kiln. erected at •his mill widen- -will igive Itim additional facili- ties for his extensive business.- Com- munion services were held in Duff'. Chnrch last Sabbath and were largely attended,-Illss Della Harris, who was operated on for appendicitis a fort - slight ago, is recovering quickly and will soon be around again .we are -glad to state -he Anniversary Servicesin the Methodist Church last Sabbath, were largely attended and interesting throughout. 'Rev. Mr, Laekland, of Wroxeter, a former pastor, preached to large congregations both foreaeon and evening. -Miss Jennie Salters, of Morris, and Mr. E. Clark a this village, were Wetly marrle-d in Landon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Shanablean, cousins of the bride, on the 18rh. inst. The young couple are now ccgofortably located itt Walton. -Miss Bessie McDanald, •the' teacher of our schoerme.t :with an hart - fortunate and epainfel accident a few days ago. She wasbeech-nutting in f th.e Shaldice bush on Saturday and fail from a tree breaking one of her arrro and bruising her skull near he- fore- head. altss McDonald Is getting as wall as could be expected -.and her many friends will hope fo-r her speedY recovery. Miss Elliott of Brussels, is taking charge of the school until Mies McDiynald is able to resume .her duties. Credit -on Notes. -Messrs. John Keys and Taos Dinney have removed to Exeter. -Mr. John Finkbeiner na,d the misfortune to fall'a tow days ego and teeak his arm. Mr. and Mrs. 0- Brown and family, re-' cently, motored to Berlin, and,Brisige- oart, Waterloo County.-eA coltectioa in a.14 of the Canada, Conference Mission FAA emanating to the liberal surn o -f g250 was taken in the Evangelical churca Sunday -before last. -Mrs. Fred Anderson and children and Mrs. Hugef Girvin. of East Waw,anoehe W.: -to have been in Alberta for some tight, are aris- liars Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eller for a few weeks. -Mr. ,and. -Mrs. Robert. Es- sery,have replayed from tilde' fine faro - South ,of Cale • village, to London,avhere they will in future reside. 'Mr. a -al Mrs. Essery and faintly will be much' missed tn this vicinity, but /1.1.1 will -sm- ite In wishing them ,muelt happinase In their -rteW city home and If the London people, do not use them right they can always depend en a warm welcome if they retarn to Creditoa.-The contribu-'- tIons from this °district to the Belgian Relief cars loaded at Centralia were very igenerous.-Many were surptised and shocked upon learningof the suet - den death of Mrs. Wrri. Iledden. nf Creditor' East, whichtook plitbe Thurs- day, the 15.th. txst.4 at the age Of 59 years., Although in not the best of health for eomettrne her condition was. not considere4 dangereus emtil a few days previous to her demise: -The de- ceased was highly reepected by ail. Her remains were interred in the Exeter cemeter y. - Bayfieid The Departed. -An .old resident of Ba,s-f:eld, ?eased away on October leth„ in Egnioadville, near Seaforth,dn :tee nereon of Mrs. Arthur Keegan, Tne de- ceased lady, whose maiden name was Jane MoGuire,, was bora in ,CountY Arenagia,--knal, in 1831, and came to tit's, country wita her family when. still a, child, first settling at Raysville, Waterloo -County. Ia 1856 she was un- ited in -marriage to Mr. Airthos Kee.gan, and. they Immediatelar moved to Bay- e.e.s hare Eine continued tO make her :florrie until a few years ago 'when • K ippon. The Late Mrs. Dinsdale,-Qn Fritlay. October 16tlei an Old and 1ngl4y res- et -ed resident of this vicinity* was called from the activities ofetnis life. Mrs. ,Thomas Dinsdale tdied at tne homestead farm on lite town.-lin,Stan- ley, now accepted. by „her sol, Robert. -Mrs, Dinsdale had reached the ripe age of 87 years. She end nerdhus- hand, cams Lc; Haroafrom yorkshire. England, over 0 years ago; and, Sete tled on the 'farm on which, they con- t'enued to 'reside for the remainder of .their lives. They landed here with fivo- dollars as ift capital but toe industrr and hcnest thrift they accumulated a conelderabIe portion of this world's. wealth, as can now be seen in (the, Sine farms occupied by their sans. The late Mrs. ansdale was of a ,quiet. unassum- ing clispcsition., loving and helpful as a wife and mother. "Iler children rise .uPt'and call her blessed."- The funeral to therilensall Union Cemetery' on the following Monday was well _attended. She leaves to Mourn ter loss two so -as., John and 'Robert, and one daughter, Mrs. G. ct, Patty, of 'Heniall. Help For The. Suffering. -"Now bideth faitn, hOpe, love, thes's.„ three: lent he greatest of it'nese is lave," We are conscious Canada, since our thirty-taree thousand men have wil- lingly gone to make sacrifice or the . empire in what we deem a just- oaese, of a:finer spirit of comrade.shIP -every- where, a closer brotnerthood,. a ',greater love for others-, Me/Toyer,- tne duty of benevolence, one of the math features of Christianity, is being recognized to a great degree. People in Canada to- day are feeling tor -the .sufferings of others as. never beore, and are .glad of the oppertanity to minister, Agencies of lave -each as tne "Red Cross society" are at work.eTheobject of :tale society Is the succor of tae sick and woanded defenders of the empire -the giving Oa alt the coneforts.possible to the maimed and mutilated ovictims. A -number of ahe ladies itt Kippen and community have united in suck a benevolent organ- lzation, and Ore busy making different articles vviiica might be useful and ser- vioeable. Recagniliag the urgent need of money for this .good werk, Ana la- dies are making a. house to nouse can- vas of the wnole community for tfuads; ' Death nits already alai -Med s, ereat many in.thie war. Starde day "deata" will come for -each one Z us.gyrnert.Ue comes, oureeckmfort will not he in the thought of that which we have selfish- ly* kept or self, but Jt the-Ala:tot ,cd that mentioh moved by a kind lead lovhig heart, we nave done for aotberi." "No drop but serves the slowly lifting No eleaV but has an. errand to sonke -tide; ' flower; - No smallest star but _sheds- same 'help- • ful ray, . _ . And man by man, 'each 'aelping all the rest,, ' t Make the -firm hulavark of tne coun- try's power; , 'There is no better way." The citizens of Kippen and the sur - she went to reside E,grnon v e. 17, suffering soldiers at the front. "New tonere' took place frardner late iksi- abideth Jetta, hope, love, -these three dance to the Catholic Church, Seaforth, bye`, -but the rgraites. t of these is lore."- where the services wee condaeted ,_•• Rei. P. C'orcoran,. afterwards the in- 00271. terms:let was rnacli in St. Colurrhan • $1.007---eREWARD-Wha ' 'oa cemetery. A faf four our survive Charles Keegan, Alpena, Mida.e Raba Port Francis, Isabella of •Seaforth, -and 'Mr. Frank •Keegan, .a respected citizen of Bayfield. Her husband died forty- four years ago. 1/4 Jaaeph Foster •of the Sauble Stanley,: was called to her long - home 071 Friday, October 16ba, after • but a- short filmes: .Mrs. Foster, w„ao was the only daughter of Mr.- John Brown, was barn in MaKillop. in 1873, het -mother being It sister of MT. Thos. Stinson. in 1894,she. was married to Dirt Ppai,tert p,reAvr,ay, ateAp. towns , The readers of this paper -will be pleased to learn that there is at least One dreaded diseasethat science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh'. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the 9nly positive n cure now knowto the medieal fraternity. . Catarrh being a cOnstitutional diAease, requires a constitu- tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh (Jure istaken in- ternaily, actiog.directly upon the blood and Jaucous surfaCes of `the system, thereby destroying' the fowl- 11ation of the disease, and giving the patierkt strength ‘)13.: bui'ding up the Constitution and assliting nature doing its work. '- The proprietors have so inuch faith .in ILS curative powers that they offer One Hun- dred •Dollars for any case that it fails to Cure. Send for list of teatimnnials., . A,dd i te 14. J.011F2.1EY it .00., Toledo, O. Bold by dru biste, price 75o. Take Mai anglyfilis tor constipation. Wit '•41;1 -0,0*Sitkik,g,eltiwraitr 0444444.....4.4404044400..... • •-• • •• • •• • •• ••• ***** eie • ********************4.40440“,-**4-.41;4444044*44************ • Stewart res. ne & PhoOrders Carefully Filled I B Wagaisdia.amorkumurmmummogoW......1. Stewart Bros. oats for n who Want e Best $7.00 to $25.00 Hundreds of -stylish coats have come and gone from our Ready - to - wear department this season, The showing. just now is simply grand,doz- ens and dozens of beatiful new coats are here in every size. There are so many new designs this season cats that are so at- tractive and stylish that they appeal to you at first sight. Browns, tans, sky, rose, navy and black in curl cloths, new rotigh finish tweeds and broadcloths. j All exclusive designs including:cape 'coat& various cuts. , Stylish liner for Stree and Dress :At Easy Prices „.- ,Every day is -a busy day in the millinery department, * every day -sees dozens and dozens of enthusiastic and • delighted patrons of this popr u1ardepartment,selectingfri2m the most complete stock of -- becoming millinery we have. ever shown. There is a style • nd beauty to these- new fall ( * at ,. ,-* - lasts that is very captivating. 2 Then the prices too are spec- ially s attractive. We pay special pttention to elderly women's and misses' styles. - * There is also a very complete 4,t' showing of original styles for childreb„ Good •Warm Underwear for Men and Boys All Wool, sofc''warm, comfortable fitting, well made thoroughly honest yarn, underwear that will give: you the very pest possible values for your money. Stanfield . . Watsons.....0....•$1.00 Penmans..•••••• 51.00 B oys......... . Tiger brand .. .75c Fleece Lined Penman's best soft wool fleecing with strong*oceri back, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Men's. 50c to 75. Boy's .35c School Hose Heavy ribbed! Clackworsted hose, good substantial yarn. zA real good school hose. sizes 7 to io.. Price...... 25c Fast black Worsted hose , double ribbed pure wool.. All sizes,' . 33c Fine black ribbed cashmere „soft fine yarn, 'fast black cot- ton. All sizes.- Price 00c Men's Overcoats Big, Warm, Stylish We Certainly have some very beauti: ful overcoats toeshow you this season .and best of all the prices aeesuCh.that .you Will gladly pay. Browns,_ greys, blues, blacks, hewher mixtures arid tweed effects in all the richness of their attractive colorings. Made a with shawl or convertible collars • well lined Ikith heavy twill lining, • a • all sizes for men and bciys. Price Boys' $3 to , $10 • Men's $5 to $17 Butter and II !Eggs Wanted Highest !Trade Prices • Perfect Fitting Warm Women's Underwear There isnot a good maker of under -wear tha, weknow of that is not represented in our big stock.. No matter what 'quality or .weight you require !you will. find it here, With a price ticket attached to it that gives you a hard cash . advan- tage by buying here. Penmans, T,urnbul Watson, Stanfields are all iepresented in two piece or combinations., - Pribes from 25c $3.15. 0111011, Sweater Coats for the whole family , The -sweater coat is a nelces- sity not a luxury. There is no article of wearing a.pp:arel that gives you as much real, protection as .a substantial sweater coat. There is a big - variety of weaves and colors here for every body. Al! sizes, for men women or children. Price $1 to $7 Work Shir Good Material, Full Sat If you want wprk shirts that are rugged in their,materia4, strongly built and guaranteed fast colors,, Come here. Black, black and White, tan,. -khaki, blue, grey and oxford olorings. All good roomy *full size shirts, that will giv'e perfect satisfaction., , Price , .. ... ............ 50c to $1 New Fall Suits Men and Boys We are ready with he larges' stock of new fall suits we have ever had Hundreds of suits are here in all their newiless and attractive style. Beauti- ful cloths made into handsome perfect fitting, Shape keeping suits; browns e - blues, greys and blacks in stripes checks and mixtures, every garment made with theutmost care. The linings, canvas, haircloth, etc., are all of the highest standard. We guaran- , tee every suit to give perfedt satisfac- tion or your money back Price Boys 82. Men's $5 t - r SEAF *ittitt..*•40.40.40...ttmitts.k.