HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-23, Page 6N F_ 7 - 015- 6C A A14 0 )TOBER IT T 0.81TOM (MON, X -P, met 'Mika F Tl� -Ey _RF -ED' 0 THE 6 X FIRST Tif WIE ,WELL, MATCH ag, the 4a:Y f�* dofts of, Oth Filid to vol" TueAaF The Ki a!U i'ask Wit the first! Frara Oilbe'rt PI&Inff an In 311m1w Or 19,10, bol 41-00�1_ Like Old J06 Dear, V. free --if you hai 4�. -Xi%ey thw 140" Wero. FO Pt Mints- -why; or Grint 04=19"141 P ��j oranothor let;- cdayontlan ot the Yoting rbuble. After you V6NO I we *am* "It seem SequO ­*ey aT6—rget stiange- thal The. - _nt Nit Z filt4r 1m b1c, Luthera, -see how 064 jenerd]l Gn gallbapt plains I sho Id Or Uer it A C ter s �Allladice Pk- the RgUAMV -q - ' t, - _.. I -,- 11 -_ - - Syl like car �t y6tW. dealer's. -of- the vfg UWA Tt -oj-- ie �= - Qh have mame(T each other." odd' to..wrte but, r Vs Lul should V a! Cn Ite* vo,�r Lhe W lost tio0al parksi y busy, 41% situat .3%lare and -dry auznm,,z, no xalm-A since ,Was, tran telebraUd' *6 sev=est very a my - d are 21 - May �M-,tq the mlddl,& of 'I olegidid, proguesa. oant12% to 1= R _1d cf e WWI �,IAIL t h� �rp_ �o L ot L I ',They fire w' -L1 -4 ItWD Or three lighf i -QX0PA1Z1VUon Was watury forvue gre6t grovel- thra &St --yi4e2o -Wred 6.nd: th M only Of t, ihe�W ated—as welt mated as d be mown aq-6 udont's' � b - twig ers. People hare tell ne this'has b0io �0,4 in era may, , 6,�ao st �su,,ame-r in chison!s horses na tife; d�le the Plaki's �V-. of _�bbL�q -we SequOIR them. XGtwlthstxading� the Y, P. ymke thence UY way, 4!68rd- of 0 s-1 don't know. anYthifig about Mur reaehed'fr " VM11at Thq�. Arought, it. ja astonisbiag how m.x. k Rev. horses,". said# Mis. ftudh V011 V1 'but I' abi I th_z� crops row and nat -d. ladem-;,�'Vjce_pres1ftiri ftv, is big" t1lbnce forty Wiles. b^tago_or� PlIVA8 S, 0.1,0.. D� K know tbaf'Uf. ftmseY d in., the Healed The thresing will wlad -up,.In ith 'tq -$terrat RIN S the jo,,.h of October," iszhilike, He and bands couveyanft trict about Ae sey Is alwityS a k, and 'is. 'Uen�ral Grant Nationo owe and indoleXt, all KWHOYS ap, M.� Voelker, t wor 00 ' I I _. park. is t&;ftji,-L;, (yit *ill according to �the �CmTjnjtteO -of 33tUdentst -W =odL CU �t I r - from SJ*WV S or ON ec% s�o G A &_v4rae 2o �vbushels turifor into the bai owr AuG. 26th - eat now 1913- -straw. Whea d, Rev. I vbe, Haul cin be 13 reached t -V411 what'l SR7, tage-,or- priVate biscuit of Most a o9 -fro- 85 'or tbTaP AjUt bears Out automobile, 4 an Toronto"' elected i thenfie V. 'About two years ago, fol Ind my barle y aO blAhsls hels wir Pc"M' -whole dele -vor, on t - � -de �oelker, MI. UVO`*-;S, 0- taMe fja n a.VeLrjr bad state. illy Kid- �Vs yQars; Rev. M. ar," said,her husba convey W try a health plain.' In remote, alld lftrk.1199W. 100 tl� the _P d light as a feather. I 11eys were not doingy. -their work'and I It the crops ars. exce2tianall' I odd, c0:11 Berlin, twG Yeaxsj; W, ml was all run do, ition. I felt lit $1derin tho drukht aind th s Proves kes Ili thQ" pal vn in coud foid. elected for 1�one period of IDY life � 1)�Mi* L -knew you ime,, The st At-, test -t b t1le need of soniF ood rpmedy. d Goqcluslvely that _,!kh-e power of Free Mas th andUdl, fffir- id trout 110hifi& bOitt"' they offerdd a:'Prtze At e the tune d fford SoteD 'it is sure &her�' timei -tives' spien4ld'- farm rig district, se4ing that pairl, ad p a verEvie L _P -told �iheZe by* ur# hastratd by �tory for the best ihatched condltlpns j re som ea Eldney 1119�' The Water$ a' T effect under so vhfavorabw j(y with a Upsonle and. batlil be a sUccessm it tur4l horses. There we k� decided to'try them. Theii 0! !Zen of b U to crops are h6 t. to 4' I found more tlxan saiisfactory. so Iguod, while in, spgn sa-,ys �y &f his and t drl T its ;orests OC6414 a. otal. fall- large 'ihe crop� are dtlft a ties 'brought in, SO th t eve e 41dest, tallest stud V4009 I HE of the'Ve9t, n bej,�-M_g bwNo� t' Aesill, by tb. Theit action was mild and the result citizens frcr, e' old Joe M60hisOn -came ", . world� Agido wb a tt6ew. to-" laugheu inbiq AMUR1 all that could b-- e�xpected.' arv..ain traop�.'Thls grov of bitt Coll of water kis OUV r�oAtest ng a great hT - r handsome, f SiaarcitY ordlihig to W Irec ta driving- RIO tbb giant SeqJ1J UTe. 'I I of the BeIVIA4, 6ht; thi3fo orm J� acc harnessed -with rioly. , . -1y V11neys resumed tlieir n il a wirit -AGE am drie � lip, and' execution. lal� and tauY PACK le, � the creeks -1 )jred up-11or pIjjg iMaoses. ot: mbving horse f�rest6, or- pine, Ar, fel iction. after r had taken upwards of a tro4b & aA be� crooked robts gras elis are y I�Etd t took two it delight YOU. are very low. Drilied 'Ar Uttle beast Ula sem a117 Ir. becRMO' Wny dozen boxes,'and I regained my �ld ue 'gleaming WhItO Ore �Ud thus digiij,16110 trees t-" 2QA -i. the steps to the big fellow's one. actory sources of a whi. are, Mau:� ghrUbI6 wild'1OWN1114 the, only' satisf _t - eBen -the d Iscoverer Of the famous Oliver -There. time vitality.' Today, I:aiu enjoying - Ifles"a pr t RMS, Wr delicious, fancy A ficient watr� consequently _ an�i of p onle . sIgin. Mhe Getan te.- ed P_ A box 0 had". e A Mas "ThaVO It 0401Y Ma Of so beiUM Cain the best health I have ever rator igav pekb d mosses bi send I have o be si):nk,,'b fore Ing -the f IrIAT. mines bt.PotqsL ferns at) iscuits grocer's B. A. X)E�LLY aese W�il off Icer co-nmand, You bavia a so. read perhaps VjtU som6od slioUted. a" er, Solicitor, COMPIR. Whftg f.rbliqldu ps) and your ior ter Vts ka or a, Ill belong to the craft. or stam �ativ will 646S o d 0160 er a& -Fy, He, Sollell to p6r agree othe-n Masua 1ELnJ Itching -fingers, of prospectors beautiful, ,Ong, bird are(- anOtIl -a-tives is the greatest br t mgtched OffiW In 4 recognized a .. The bes up.nUgge ltself this ta do J( ,d " e xidneyRemeay in the -world. lt acts &=mer fallow has prove Mason to; of gold w4th.a -thousand jy&bl9 feature of the Park& ordeX-ed the PIr in the. countyl 0110's'willItu" to S. htfldl compsoyUmitek. Auk� on the bowels and dkin as well as on b- a salvatIOR to t e farners rinb*� donars,.euch or opeal , veins of quartz four of tjj,� gkoves certain U*00 0. ,,year to' leave the ranks. Thl ng! - work- an! totheels,wilUn! he in CANADA -i, - shot th -threab While - Dom: nd thereby soothes and ever this was do- cltlzel. how!' all ro Ith., heavy. -911 the thein have been u6mled, the kidnes, of the 1>1a�ns. Wher he Louvla',' his life. T within hange. should P "-EtL c 11 Idst year pro;)3rlY tho wha t yielded groves- they hiV8 Pot" ures any Kidney sorene s. over, .,refused, "Y1.1 a yellow metal. ther I li dealers well, in man'.y casast.the -yiel iw ini of th Ing" 0 th4 I � r as over �ty n Fruit. -a-tives" is sold by Zems.are no more igull -ores of, gold and was discovered 30 busheis,P�3r acire.'-This d,�Y- sj'almer to, k1ll.A-hen1 phiall, YOU know thaV I erm9m tree 1K ":W ry enera a if 0--& Wolverton# 4W41 at5oc. box, 6 for $2 5o, trial size 25C. if yora are liroling -r precious. or, use- THE OLD YORK ROADO liunter W Nag t method of otf iedr silver or of -any othe by James furraltdre, F, 7 �rls or will be sent on receipt of .rice �y ha� driven farmeTs to th 1, tt be killed also. The 1870, time Fruiva tives limited, Ottawa. -It co d h seed. d -the. -release of:,themz fai. metal are not o bq found In el thereupom ordeTb trappo, on AU& 1,. -ot wtdcfi pultivation, and the First Groat Ing down to� clo�er and jl�rcjhiy- our body's back Yard' Out must, 09 sought Bulk in 1711, It War enamod the tree, in honor of t4eOeX81 -------- t entire partY. parts Of the had served The -SherMM- muder WhOm-118 V. REOL M_ rar kint X favored American HighWay 11ers will Ir -O&P, major �0, P. Tmpleta, of fOr� In certal od western method -of poor cultivatio.al -er;2W years ago tmft tAx,�.y Medical CorP.§,- left Va10BXtIeT' W#X SomethlUg,OV - durfn 06- war. :ThO (;elferal '61M and -unsystemidtic crop ota Ion 1� f as� -he Of f titree weeks fLjo for klia1ftnt with the But- has Your Intelligent curiosity ever was built the first 9"Rt, �AIVOdMM tj86 was ed by U* fier 6t the veal - the .,old 'r-ork W1 Had a Wea k Near dM id Euron our aVr. wif P_ and ores came way# 13stker,, Who was S, mem g out. As it Y it dontingent. his Aeet, seefor led you to Inquire how 0086 high' bJ]adelpbl& 1�e& near ft* tm in A1P dow� to VRICartle-, to be where tbeY RrG and powher tween New ty wbilph Cam learDng, and not a Y to ers - &r went York and P Q;�jd pTo.),T cultiva to aRiy good-bye to d what T mixed fk g Of this. famoug a lielght Of that irom brandwi, Man else?, Have yon..evet wondere hia construction jaff.' This tr" '901 tion, of the sail is, their re-nedk fa.. Aiturday afxLe;:- ?]a- that - lea tbo Of t1liftyn -jqotary 1--blW the depating 'Plhyai�'fan makes a gold.nugget? In 1711 Was an.,ex-8011 and "M diameter crop falliures. 264 feet -a aod Bad Shak' and �nergeUe it: tbir a Mrs. died at 9 1-0 OUT &Igaty a�aj 1. took a trip posdbjy� you- -think that gold 'Colonists I 1001ntff five feet. of f evell, O&COSTM. Mrs. D pjt�l, Tro-,16, rtMn tyPhold the �,&tjantje seaboard - to B"O jilst itily ng -aro-uvid Tirden other metals gro* some*hat as ftTdtB along BUJOU19 visiti, Prora"' ent 'Young dmjjar made where there w6re 37 ae� Xoney to lend 1. a' or Temple tO dimates tha no VMM PECTATIOIN OF UFE MwAtbba, ;-id WhItew, Dd- n ask. A - &,ndon and when the wo;- do. - in soils and'i t Are -L4 B1 __ .6 � - EX the oat Oft theo L Nerves for Yea 'W- met ith- f cr_" ser. Suited o em. Welt - ere jer routes� For the In of jeACh. Virden ytl� enlisted Lorin byoe ut Pro -311 Headaclift $*Or StO S' For Sick erly of the Go. -6-a Lhl'iel anle d two -ear -old jilat 'jdii4 and tW#-WM bulk bycibWeted",comp aa truth. In Th ice W -broad. Ills wife n considerabl y '-a One May count upon. LIVIhs and SOW810-They, �Y_celleie.n�, alugsish ver THRL eautif,-il hames ex sejj�e, Sur. MW jad Were cal1edjdrnjDIk41X Or toll 44r. all have L 1,ghter, Nlargla:ret, followed rik-d to: the word 4sgrowi.p 1%, in 0 daA I no AnY Given Age. work while YOU 81"P - farms. Mr. -Ande;--agda, -W Is mairle '. here. a", oolts. roau . rennsylvanla, Oonnwdcut Okras 11eart and Nerv�, 0p and SIPP-1-4 prisingiy applicable twouch dep tics have bpeA CalCUIRtA' -ate VJ n In i to one of the Stephm. gir s,. "had 1',00� I More In the !Xersey had many roadFA qf *blek cradr� ()Ui1'her'way-h(x �.Mrs. Templeto r 4mra h, hor gat ther6 18 a gr6ftt� (ISK Create tium the 10169 der cultivatioa. -9 q0ps 'a a few days Vilt with acres W tended to speCnd -RTy colle& ed well, in fact ia !gensr, I the 'I) would Imag kind. give -the: exact ervectatton, Of life flot Furre A01 -mals tie-ated. call Matter than YQU Miserable Hea& PHIS cured wlm� glue. and d, TOA06,,- -13ad TA'Std, brother, science fought more'f The. atat macaftmized: road In, tbb IOUs asek tion, sallow Sldn and 1o6ked fairly -'well. aound' ViTtlea. ' e local lirtich of on -no ofibject hais en gnd -women at val aches -cc�me from. A torlAd 11ier '"4 -to and c1large-8 ho is secretary of th. country, was � constructed in I= b4.� m Mr. H. Percy Turner, Marie foseph, on this of the Origin filidally R& d We vlslt s' Assddcla� battles royal than ty tables 9M 0 ed J a Daw#�I­ the. -Manufacturer These mortall Special L-� have had a weak hci�i White�wo 'Butt I "I ivat'ahe of metallic ores. I think that there am - twqen 1wadelphla, iLud UnWwtsr- IN clogged bowels, Vb1ch Cause IM a- fGil-refly ;of Drysdale, ja es Stites In stonia&. to become filled with undl- r bad, shakY nerves for years, a tion. A few daYs aft -Or er OX said to be; 4�doo mUej cepted by the various tho dence oil Goderieh ist Will Ddytna-,q.fo-rmer1y__0.L Ack 'ra-nit I r a hd wA;s , goologifits who.. would rather find 18U thwe wer8 U4 e tried ahnost everything, but nolr_ L contracted typhoid leve SOM United Rates, and from -them, t11* gested food, Whiqh Sours ARd fermeut% They -were all well a�ndd a 0'0 '�d tD,Grace Hqsp�tal, but i&l1 efforts to outhisf secret to, the vcTj bottom than of charterm turnplkeg ti INTOVr EIUV CoMpal3lefil 4computo thell like garbage iu a, -swill barrel- ThAVA did me any good till I was advWd Insurance During thO tsxt F. UATLBUR 'he try Mir Heart and.Xerve_.Pi" Ing. well, There Is a go deal of scru discoter the richest 106 that thO ribs land. and NeW York. untold miSeTY In& Durn!r her ife e unavlllhg. ratts of Insuram�ce. TheY W t irst steP to o n of White sve HoAor it they.,could gases bad kad how'one b#X 1=-d ad�acent to th3 t aute.-nobiles do twenty: years th6 government "pefid- was surprised 'to f I,,- -There are taow -26 00 breath, YeHOW, zp. I of the earth contain. -'as thO most caistullY gathend - gestion, fou wood. Land - -culatores, are elped me, so ftried two, inore -and ain pred in the Province of d9liarl: In colb curate' -everyWhg that a;ad re91st both that would be perfectlO14 and WO ed manY Million$ 0011W, and h� 41epriving th ine-mase in the ftures can make them. skin, mental fears, completely. cured. You may use It,, herelb y -19 itructing great highways, but UM p-- auseating. 'A �Cascavo the Uedlbal AssocWt t -good 're of Ontario. not orget that knowledge At ten. Olk id to others' the beenefit of� aad 0 in Onta*(Y Is U'Ust years, of. age 1h6 bxPftfttt I 110irlDle lettex as an at suff � iget back of ars �6WM je of 1W7 and the -bufldln. Of. r&U- life is 4&72 yeam. When one. ban to -Went VUI give your Cow ODIIEST,�_ land prices. 13ut whan Ou o- jkUhrmh heart or nerve troubies." �rlscynwltt canals pat an end to that Of -bowels a -tlLorough cleansing all DOM or five miles, t shown 'b Y c - total of Untit about 4QD y"r9l R96 everyio�i wayfi and -Milburn's Heart and Ner"_ Pills e from the tawn. four reached thO a98'Of twenty tbe. OU OUt 7b� Titgu.res ter 1913, La -q W04" straighten Morning. Them 1)entt. hgs a bettr a alra;"Ilce. o' as who thou bmuch Of, 'the 90 provefit and theid cou!atry ght aDoutlt,at all believed' speciffieforallrundlowumenandwom. F.�C. De - d ki b0ta�l are much IM 10 -cent b=- apeciAltY. Of f oubled with thew heart or nerves. We had � a Sing visit f kom tc ar 6 were own& work while YOU SleeP­% 29 000 this y."r,' which that veln�i of preclouri Ore were dig- Wagbington, Star- an -expectation of 42.2D YAM druggist Will U901PQ 10—* R -CUL -fain etreiti Ills son, Gondo4, -of Tre e- --I � - from you Ylilbura�% Heart and Nerve Pills are gaty, and pf j2;500'gvt­,robIles, tributed under the-'nsuence Of the go of twenty -11 thS, ft attl thO. A iug good AW mol"Of jej, he hotel i ;0 cents per box, or 8 boxes for $1. 5 Manit0ba, h-1 July. F? o , B OUP. e-veifty-five Par PAIIA.Few Toron- -pittueteL At that timi astrology hold, GuriHIs1Dr1ukIn'jg and the �t all -dealers or mailed direct on '-tailoring' busine t that trvne average has lmprqvee in tiat town a, d over si t hi -n. sinbe tOMI"s age ttLware otthe fac the place of soence. tlw_ tif price by Ttie T. Milbmm Co., looks well. I 11ad tro .,Wad oper-ated in ithat Itcan be done and willsavo his fut.6 Still some flArty nine yeam cars are 01�ded Asdoa, a Germ r.WOMa Voronto, Ont. q Lr or �fh,6 days �191 Finally Geotge an 1901. We spent fov, city t&R�n of tile I print] ure . -His Work -His Life For the nOrMal Mat 0 gether verY P169,su'rab tbLe world, Theire ate years Averw logist, who lived About the U410 figme, f4' lengtfi of Uft ly. I ge can 0 ovar minera �nb and oleveresu are those 013 oOften ow whom W. kelglqterea as GWR Its dutab%, it Is 4 dis. is sixty-tive years; A Person 00D POSMONS as wall as ever, A 18 '. just c idntries ot ed An *To- when- the gold and sown of 6,000 cars a deink &Iaimse fadens r. Tem, a vety cl� were. making Spain me tem- fib for'the'lofi7,med'abommobse�OuPtbiLtterrlbl6 memnond _-tr� aMbitious.as eve r61, to, W1110 -to a recent and Peru lkle! their promises aud years old may COUnt, according to U104 11 ki h, or ge er f akA , all I111tD!9 fO Lqu, e.avin h V 0 tj t atm%kesinon forgot. R 01M.D IS OR t � of cars porary mistress -equal to, the numb it -Mo years mom Ir YOU �te g, er of theOrldp hit upon tables, on thirty lly he PeM is near and. dew to them. life. Five O the f Ap kingdom of -1,4ungary, a theory which came h owned in �substftnee verr Aleura is gnamntaed to g1ve satlahwtton Or money �.e Excall M -t RUW M_ for oil ocr, rxam� Alseaxez of men SuTar re d h-o:.,t '0 As each milestone Iq passed ti Trild ne-r exaars a;nd se He taught that wajer, refunded. it re'moyetj the craving, soot ServicV. charteftd 4 and a igreia1e� number than is OW-ne d didates in C in Gch case. -near tbe-truth. t brighten& Thus -at the age AcoountancrimdUa-Uriculatiact, at in 'British: South Africa aWedV-1. Switz- nerves, buUds up. the systain and renders drink pec 16r peae bWOM. ,distastef 1; Alcur .1 W 1 o�ur Manitoba J ly as is But- trating Into Itbe eart.h and. a canbe had at oar sore, $I .0D forty, t.he propped is And examinsiti6na. U tin. perbox. AlouraNd.lis enter auyUm. Cwtalogaeon Fhyi�,, ade, P 1 d -in - he, erland jj0lIv4,,i# or Buli�x�&. It' Ivg heated, took u scattered m, erals' tuboleas aud adarie" I dividu Look Mother! if tongue Is CIO a atirrhig CTIUS th3t there a�re thtte n stly. AleuraNO.12,18 the nine ears more,,and At fONY-fivit UMN 4 W,&t. 14 in solution and afterwar deposited t twdsy. 4k fcr,fr�e AleurA U an eneeft 80MIN101,813 IS CQUESE i7 lopwizu, 1011canse little towels Gavernxlrit being r ')r in Ontari am Of twew_&A mor -4 SINE mrs In use "7' r L �jjmea a A men Y ne"ge Bru�m 'tuT g t co 13 tt T c h Had It cks. tsfy tr'pal r V ON, D rugglA Seaforth. rb_-uv.491IE forala Syrup of Floe." trajority very..mu! le ed. dt them as ores In- cavities In the ro booklet. AX W, years. Corca the eatire Russian E:r'plre, An beed far the foreign vote Wh ch as ifi called the -1, V. lftdidL B.A., Pr1ndp4 45-�Q jaervoti-s isam' W Tbe min6ral solutions �he By, the A W-aeth yen tho ezoefte4i di twice as nanY -ard throat, sult r I Ca the Nor ern It earth's "Juices." Zears, and -in at', o. about tWentY,=8 t easy after 91 of Manitoba, the G ove ent Mothers can res A- couple- of hnndred years. laier the Wanted a Little Pra* HIM86if- fitty-fifth year it to nearly .�ijht�Q 9 akL till j� of Figs, bee -aa 6 In -have been d'efeated bY x ig od work,a-0j, JoNvin" a disastrous firen a vre& 0-�Califorrnla Sy­rUP e - Engish; Gefmhu geologist Weiner set forth a mom manpf filrw nay look foxx 0�. few hours all the cloigged-up w��tet --rajority. Te vote ot t The Terrors, men -a d women gath er" OtY, "Iny to btle and fermenting food 94;Ltly, spe&khlg largelypad h-� Ited in favo: famous Under the ruins. SOMO of00 ward with'soMe Conlldene&' to took at the name of the "Neptunist the tld# Ina Of fic-0 and rosiasx 0-n B mover, out oof the bowels, and you Of a change In -the Gcve�nment. lwblcu More years of lh% ad AM ve of Indigestion eeing,.tLat a wall lie" So tUt at . seventy years the pro$ I The Northern teadbfj from Neptune the god of the Se% tile". s topj)ft". h well, playful hild again 10f tile- :1110th9d, Vke earth they Nvere standing Was XV X ck children needn% be Werner�s is ilghtyear& On having sue SHOT!""11AND' L coax d to war in 6onventlea Idea was that as out of the way. and 119A Phanze No. 46. 00,rC- w ther ar, Di�SNI>PF, MRN THE BLOOD jp�' SUbjMtS taUght -b.V 6qX�rt:jjjZ�CtOM *e:'. �tr cooled down from the priwevel nebula er 21 and 25th. Th b L AIP�, V liaste to get -take this harmloss fruit lax f t e:,� ly passed the eightieth. year there ipw atthe h' be- P1 0 e - '()w1Y'es(!aPed being crUS , ar excellent, a large, numb RBD out of wfil it was formed It was en -P hedL ex, .3 I&h d& an pectation of about IMe- YARM_ Wilions, of mothers keep it -an obuny Brabison, 6 availed th&.,nselves of thial privelega of a good er they, action 6� NID PURE Veloped to a uniVersal hot ocean, hold xchange. CaUS know its h� near the wall that he E Etomach i -e conve fir' "t day was so could 's prd Ing in,solution all kinds of minerals, -ott, gra& m6pt liver and bov 'ne ex eVDted to a sahooi �Ir.. T, em - 8% 'Wbhid d sure. was d ken'iea that laxtives r riot escape with 010 Oth Of Great Prim *f Phyz_lcl and that %*hen. the rocky crust wa foj �Dls a door. In the The lion had been te"ed and "r druggist' foil a 6"en b6t- ililbits .-representing Wrlt�hg, Cbmosl- ffig about, he made Y IL C. A. BLW- Ask YOL icfi ticyn, DrawIng and -P Intl Map draw- era -,tic pLrjKatIv,es grovide a ahoft cut 6rmed.tbe Water Jeaking down into AniiArbor, and nlic_ to - �tho CuTe f Indigestion Is largely W11111, burst through It and came OUt.04 WNIDOW, ONM, OoronQr for the Ca tie of "California Isyrupf Figs," by IManusl trairilm t ff la, Sewing, It deposited Its metallic contentsi by ded conditioned kqqper=t11 )onplble: for the 1prevale;nce of dys- other side sare and OVIdentlY.Tfai quit cout-ainz directiois- for babies, chilliren � sppn� Students - iisted t9 College School, g&rdanig, X'g�iuRe iEbtudy, pxpe:, 'rest a r� cbemleal - precipitation In veins tile bis patletce was ew Pf I ages and for grOW11-ups. 17)�Aa and Gtbgsr,,sto­.rAch idof hiseXplott. Women*1101ftad m session m, Ut. pec ara go foldLqg and plasiticene, ere qLa'Very prou lodes Wherever th circumstances w ere raged beast leftPed UPOIL the fellow'� to.th ch lndlgetloin,dalLs for �,nore: ithan,a'make.� Enter any C. tty Medical shigh type and bro.P, sfi tit their eyes and Shrieked when. theY, him down and fetched Wid free. sijift. Yo�ir sltamach.heed_�- tolle it can favorable., Anocked 'gathered 'round &Wwa J. W. westavelk Jr. like of Phy�sloian - a pralse and kldly com from. the sdw his danger now' jjot abzor'b Inourishaiht fP0n1-' the fOOd- 'But i� hundred years ago the Nep- such a: blow on the head that big SkUH Fft4W uNdAMMUnt VI-q1tors. The forenbuni was 'devoted :&ti- to Youi; -ad swept every- him in great.,joy'and erlid Out: wag crushed like an egguhdlL ',w , ingth A&Pralse': heaven, Johnny Brabloon, H, H to judging- bhe --exhibits a#d the reading oij eat. 'To jgh�e ne tunIst theory, which b en ran th6' it may PerfO -so that thing before it in the minds of m thank iftear "Tha means the'ehd of You, YOM QuitDo'sing and sirkging cont6-9tS. Inj the aftennoon. W1thDilt Pal' -'k Or dls- the down �on ur knees and -the Mayor Of oerk Df digestion science, met Its Waterloo -at majesty," aniggered the jackal In thid an'address of wel-come bk W Viii; ISS, YO M -.1st enrich the blood. Thlii y wed by addresses by Mr.- tre hands of Hut6n, the Scottish geoIO- en'". END 13TONACH TWMA, follo ethDd for sold he, "and I W11% bUt next cage' nt, 0f.,.Ed­,aca_ is the t6ntc� m. mbe, Superintenq "It would, old night prowler. It. L our N eNveo, ad gist with his "Plutonle theory'(from f 'this kI t i j yy us In me,, BOWr- GASES OR D'VSPEPKA AMY '*1 11 Depart,-vetal cbkoiges by Mr. -weak stwnachs. 'Tin, cases wasw n ane 0 pMS g_rA4Ua Pluto, the god of the Internal re Were a mere man�'. replied, the lion; %.andren 'Fletcher, Deputy Minister of Dr. Will.i8,-.ns, Pink, Pills 'for - Pale gions). youth's mpaldoll. I dicitie kaom- Hutton's Idea was thatAhe materials licking.a. bloody paw, "'but you forge; Hasilml, Its- PeVe are he.� bes .-ne he addfesse.3 were ex with strong Cathartics- ge jappr r dose makes aeW, rich 'bloo& whi6fi fill -the m6taIlIC Veins Were melt' that 1 cost $5,000." "Papisle Diapeptin" makes Sick* Sdut�- Chambe vedito by a very la e6itive Eve Y r1ain's Tablets, are tL a&rengthens the st(n - ed by;heat and 'forcibly, Injected Into The iurvivipg keepers cameo soothed Gassy Stomach* surely feel- fine most effective in regula- audlence,. Several chor-.i es weTe w4lcb Inot qynl y Of Z strangeat diseases to Seafarth. I Sto ach but.bulids up very part.ji the the clefts and fissures of the strata One the costly crea w ur -in five m1nutm­' fing mach troubles and c e"d by; the Daughin. .. chool childre. coultnon ealts an re amd largely,add W-611. Xtare is &',I from below. Illustration of agarl. . It IS fresh. beef aDd, hastIlY rekOVed tho 1, stlipation for the little folk--O'e ed to tle co_rnfort'i wnd body as a!n do: Mrs. 1. N; dkn'own as kubts n northern UP= and In'S. SMAll. 'kat this 'the cag" 0 o* bed' meand.,qa pleasure Of the af tern -69. w The "NeptunIstV' and 'TlutonlgtW' body of their comrade -from tablet g ing t D,.jTln� the mys "For thre� wbs trontle 'but just ate I souring on sunny face n the mo second daS� of th,� econyentiDn the"As- BrOW11, DowvIlle, N.B.,�'a 1ad a hard, fight,, with the latter hold- trict On the Franco -S New York PQSL If *hat, you a rr Xas a sufferett V4 -n chronic ta tyI elsewherA Its -symptoms stomach or lies like a lump'of A7130TY soclation- divided itslf Ino thiree, sec- el nknown Plbasant to take, they never If theory u your Druggists 'he following program was digestin. all the till er hand, until their -falysis. of certain Mull, lead, refusing to digest,- or YOU belch - 25c. a bottle. en L was of compromise are a sudden pa )od, an d: had. Wum'ed- a.:U& Wits as Food. dealcra or�by mail. give,,i.wnd d1scussed: R�pld and antal yet edvid take very little A and Vertigo. Ths gaa iand ructate sour, undigested 1034 -Of vision n twiVat I [did take wAs followied by great with water again playlbg the cles A Judicios uqe ot nuts has cured & Aritibi-rele in se4nlor jrade by Mf last gbout ten m1wited and foodj-'or have a feeling of dizzineso, C"herj&jn MaiCine Co�!� 1 ne trela.;- distress 'amd Inausea. My sleep at night prijelpal role. . The American geolb- cases of indigestion -by rellevl� -on and.P-ert- Ileodersa of Gil�ert.Pjalns, TI: nue from May to Xovembec� r+ -9 thS hartburn, fullness, nausea, bid taste rangiemeats for &ad 1 Often ftad- profuse gist, Van '66 of* cOnt! Toronto Histoiy, Mr. DilgAtY` was broken, I Meer, to th eonstipatiou'which was the eause. Bra- In mouth and -storafth-hftdache tion Euad dates In sitffocathig feeling e author of in the autamn. Yon by 4mlltng' up P ery Gilbert Plal;as; CurretNt ieventS In 9Va4 ',night aweats., The the -latest theories, According to which coy always oming Ing and plue kernels particularly are can -get blessed -relief In flv� mlaute& nxie,0auphin Plain w*h often followed, extiag ater (condenged-atmosplierk Nothing Is knOwnp. about its. I causet Expasitor Ofj Mr. McKi� neteople w rich in natur4l OIL which gives warmth' Put an end to stomach -twuble forevef seven, by y .1-heaft to palpitate V101ehtly� h9s' though Dr, P, U MuchiLud describes by -ate, and. Miss. A. ioftnston� eause getting a, large fifty -cent case of bral 10a.mpositlarn2 tce,would'be- apor)! Vene6ateg deep into the6art �eeps the.Algestive system clear,aud Nature Study, Miss W. JGhn4 'At ttres Tay haads agd In the PreSsO Medicalda microbe -ld crug4- and,,� with steadily' increasing does much to*ard Inaking the ,kin' Pape's Diapepsin from auy- drugstore.' -y work., Miss R. .00, co�ye, tijo color clay aad I Ou up�,. minerat matter found in the cerebro Spinal fluld lmd You -realize In five minutes how need--' Lleensed toin', p&upIAa; Bus 'letely prostr erature, takes, suffering from t4e iclear and healthy. Weight for weight Onger, Robltn; Agrlcult�v& In th-- !-IiA be bor-n-P -who f ln�aljy Into so ution. $preadl as it gL,,ts the milk of: persons less It 14' to outer. from Indigestion,- R-ron an,(I ng, L, caxe, c'!f a 1good ddtor I nuts contain actually tar m �_-hoai Mr. X. W. Gdrdo'R. Ore Protold dyspepsia or aviy stomach diso Excellent I jap- rder. arger open. dlseas�e. The nRM8 kubleagarl b -,ml d- ates can b discussion follow6d eaqh of thase to- tai me the trouble was incurable w than bread. They are� a safe food for Irs the. quidkest, -strest stomach doc- deeper, the water reAhc# I anese and means "drop head!' dency towar Phone 2 cn 23 D, and was. (N.1th-uslastically -entered Uiat. the most I c6ixl hope, for was Ingo in -the rocky crast, in W*11- It all who have a ten d any tor In the 6r1d. It's wnderful. Vr plesi the Expo--itor -TMOXY GLOSSY EULM "' f. I as ba. these Rtait with decreasing �emPerature -into by mway ef t etrporary elle ha teqpcheis. The 4&lec- t ends form of rheumadsin, and they'are also FREVFRO V A; A; -Liln yeair, t es -At' ft k�nA advised L -r, tD-UY im of off Icers for ens and pr6S91 re-: concluelvS. boneficial Incases of Mental strain and a esa er_v 'Grarid Irun'k Railway ea, In favor of Mr. J. ID 11 "Pr dent. 'WilliaMS'l There it deposits the ores, lwhosema- Two Pullman- porte1% representing *ieneral 6,y 9 nd e-Peglident, R. ti Le pills Ily fortwu Months *he. ty and �J. 'S ander- different railroads met olf du Try Itl Hair gets soft; D6Lgaty, Vic It- bas c'ollected'ln lis w. -B. a 11 W beautiful -Get a 25 cant b6ttV erson, Secretary, all O� 'GflVeEt PlAhlz. ' W.as� U progressed t&m! friendly gosato to beat- By* I - I Tettirn f. the troxible 4nd caffled along In 901011 Net- Doift9s. Huron and Fe; qf Danderine. since -Imd� Ino Ing4 Your ibul_-nble ser-lbe, But tIj* is not the last word, and In- �d argument Their uakrel centered "His wife made a -fool-6t hhm."' 'Railway Tithe Table au -1 therA You. caA-tx6t these pills thr0iy9h'-aLvi1V' a,:partlil � about hich, one worked for the better tle value ot farm - leave swort as 400we Delgai Y, dealer =-didlap, or-ISY'iAall &t 50 redont years'oere bag been What reason have you for� sayl.= 91 If yea care for heavy hair tiat figures. nd -ulmu - me 'in -a Talts'a 4x 6r six1boxes -for $2.50 frio!& rjadti6j, toward tbg Platonist theory. road. Their claims, 8 arg' thfatr, 10.45 a M For0linton Voderich Wintbamsed th X111bert P14 -41s. 'tens with-beautir and Is radimint IcIne Cbmpa�ay stand furlous� At lost Aw voil The Med Besides'& great deal seems to depend ments came fa "I haVe his own word for It." 1.20 0 M Wrbii!, I; life; has an incOm-Parable softi Less and -the tall, Olin porter settled the dispute cir Mnton sad Vodeflofi News Noltes pon the nature of the ore whose ort. "Get odtll' 518pm For OUnton, VnngUra imd 11am is fluffy and Itistrous, try I)�hderine. oiders left -in EI& dine. SerViss with the IS 1118 I.0 p m FbiMton and Goderieb, a' ended bX i ust one applIcation doubles, tho -,Sunday, October the fif - zin to in 'question. -Garrett P se classic Words- "Go on, ulg "I have.' He says that all, s . ent bY h; we kills mW people den you fel- tbeauty- of yotir-hair, besides It imme- t6eth aniversary of --ft. New Ydrk Journali ga owes to hfswitel--Houston POSL 7 5L &�.M For StmtW, Guelpb, Tomto Id -lately dissol-es every, particle of Great Britain to, the labs tote.-A_rgonaUL BeU;W; .;�a Piterbow sn4 pdoW -C. P. RA y ly that IS h w� e tep r _L October ',which decl 9 co- MET 'dandruff. You, can not ha've -nice ll$' _1894, ed final R1 N IF Might Have Helpe& He KnOW.' heavy, healthy hair it you have the Bor W.%r was to take place. The- "We were traveHng, all day In We 21 P M. For StratfoM"illpb, Tormft K(m. cti atum. fr'o.m. the 3�ath Africani R�- MrS7-0h, Jackl Dolly told me the M a - t"a land po$qte tsA Guelph ind daudruff. This degtru ve squrf rabs: "What . Iq the difference betWeeU teeth ot the gale."'. 82PM For Stmtford Welph "d Torouti It the hair of its lustre, Its stre*gth and'. p-blic was ,,presented fifteiga years 0�go most exciting Secret and madem earning. MOUeY'f' ."l-Ity you didn!t tkave a dentloW.4 Mr. making. moneY and Varied heorles -as to How -the to tell. aAlvlug soull fts very,lifer, a -ad if tot ovelcome it - Frlday,_to 0onyngbam Urean. His Us swear'never ......... �i nroduces a feverishness and Itchiag'of jesty's agent- at Pretoria. Two days t to asked the youth. *�W hat for?" LIONDON HURN 4& BAUCA.' he ultkn- res the scalp; the hair- roots- famish, later G' Drjta�n t the offici now.--40reveland- Leader. NORT Are Forined. "�well, hum uP- wl'h" It. I'm 'a ,gometbnes the difference Is a tril) wilo draw the teetb:11 on, lthj� first Im- to the peultentlary for counterfeiting,' "London ..... $42 4to hair falls out atum and war w MV loosen and d -then the UiEn -fast. Surely get a 25 -cent Pottle ot portant ongagement being t7ae Baittle-Or answered the homer' grown Pb1lVS0- ............... a at 543 Eteter. 9 44 A 04 K-DowltoVs Danderine from duy drug Dundee which was foughL oiri October 2a NATUR HIDES TREE S E G R E T. Axiom In. Economics- pher. ........ 955 ....... e -hundred �Lnd $100 -REWARD -s-100 ;� 1I. K rNuelia jet.. store and ifust try iL -A delegation .As a rule., the money a man doesn't B.4veftn'. en t6 leun 10 09 The rea&rs of thia paper uIll be plea"d Inclal. Govern - fifty Waited an the Prov that there is at leut one dreaddd-dimm tbut sdence Mto,, ........ ....... 1025 636 saTe, by r4maining a ba belor would bi All 14is Faolt. Crt of Alberta In. the- L69fslaive As- Science liar For Centuries Tried to more than enougb to support it,wire vv umbrella to- hm be, ble to oure in &U fts.stttge�,- an& that is Urtde9bcmo,­ ............... 1118 a 51 Mr. Flubdub-1 lost Hall!s Chtarrh Cure is the only m &t.Eajn(ymt(y-j, a few days Catauh; se:rbly'roor From Harp Cago News.- Blyth . ....... .......... 1127 7 OD Wrest but Geologists and ten chIldren.-Chi hars' Just like em nownwrn to the medleM fr4ternity., nel'il -jet- day. Mrs. Flubdub..-T a' petition, sIgned bY a oonsgtuttonal dimme, requires a oftaWm. for' a and Mineralogists Ara as Yet Unable man, you, John. Henr. . I told you. wben wingmm, anive ............. I;L bo 726 Upof Y = tmtment. HWXs Cht&rh Care to taken* in. ......... 23.000 qualified OectoTs as is uld know he total prhlbltl6a of Lhe tQ Aa�ee Upon the Process.& without fv_dtistr� is guft­john you left the holise this mOiMlD9 to terastly, acting directlyupon the blood arid, anueous SOUTH pawager Unwood JeL ........ about the wom erful -f Ote Upon- r.ire surram ofbe systein, thw*by destroying the foun- Wingbab)� dbpart ....... RUVEL Whir 9 SPraY liquor' traf f Ir, in the P--oyince. 9114-j LL take one of tile bol'iOWOd ones.-Ileek' &tjonbf the diseom, and givingthb patient at"Ugth wjatoiL .......... . T U It U %dL The T%0WV2giU4 Bea iritroduced tile. You )aa re read of that legendary In- by building up the conatifution an(! aedsting u%ture Blyth, ................... 4104 856 . .......... $teveZ8 of in doing its work. The pr ....... Ask d ht seve per dian. who while ebasint game on a y de'leation. Re state mprietors bAve so rauch Londeaboro, 718 401, --wed*. NoRival Th4 Way. bith in its eumtive powers tkat they vffeifte Huu� 7 29 is an re uIred had been ob-� Bolivian'' mountain side seized a blish - 28 4139 cent. wrore th q I)e (coldly)- dyed Doftra for any case that It Wilato unre. 8=4 .1 rival' S on 6 no ........... -835 4V �pjlned of tlTa elect�s' s1giiatures to Prevebt, hkaself. from falling, and, an �or Ust of testimonW& another pers Childr-eil C-T'y No; I cann6t tbink 0* Addres8 F. J.0HFNHY & CO�, Toledo, 0. . . ........ -4RVE -nstor petition. It the meptsure Is ........... 841 i NARVEF =1-riflustrat 4 tbis rra the bush being pulled loose from Its PA send -e to udifference&_Bw &1d lee Ue- invalua j�o, UdIm. -pills for conSUPWION deteated In he 110u&P- it will hm FOR FLETCHER I regard with Such I bv pr Eketer . ...... a st 505 I scanty hold on the =1110. 40, PaW IN' Tfike ILI-re =ly- 444,1A f-^ H�A electorate In the ton TtanscrlDt-, I : Lit; I 0UU.& WODSOR SUPrLy CO-- iprw,a. a; a44 the WQW. 026 Y Oil AL"